#Twist Cater
xx-lemon-drop-xx · 2 days
How would NRC (only 18+ characters) react to their fem s/o texting them "Come here, I'm horny"?
I'm so sorry these are so short. Your girls getting a bit burnt out as of late for some reason. Anyways, I hope you like them <33
Warnings: MDNI, fem reader, suggestive but not really smutty, mentions of boners.
Request: Yes.
Words: 1,130.
Trey Clover
Trey was working on frosting a cake with Riddle when he received the text from you. And thankfully Riddle was short because he damn near choked at the message. A blunt, “Come. I'm horny." Was all you had sent.
However, catering to your needs, he let Riddle know something important had come up and he had to go tend to a leak in your roof. Riddle of course sensing the urgency had nodded with a simple; “Go, I can manage the frosting." Trey felt no remorse for fibbing to his friend and dorm leader, and went off to find you at Ramshackle.
Entering the broken down household he smiled gingerly over at you. "You needed me, peach? Go and lay back on the bed. I'll take care of you."
Cater Diamond
Cater was at the Light Music club when you texted him, and just in case it was urgent or some spicy drama from magicam had checked his phone right away. It was spicy, just in a way he hadn't thought it'd be. His face slowly flushed a red, gaining the attention of Kalim, who had asked if he was okay.
Cater cleared his throat, nodding. “Uh… Yes! Ah haha, I'm okay! Sorry, I just got distracted there for a minute.” While Kalim was none the wiser, the old fae on the other hand, was.
After he finished the club Cater quickly made his way to your dorm, shoving open your door he crawled over you, leaning down to press a searing kiss against you. “Hahh.. Babydoll, you can't just text me like that out of the blue!”
Leona Kingscholar
You really think this man was anywhere but napping?
He was less than amused to stir awake from his phone going off, alerting him of a text message. And for a moment he wasn't going to even answer it, rather he'd just roll over and go back to bed but something prompted him to pick up that phone and boy was he glad he did.
A smirk formed across his face and he texted back a simple “Omw" before rolling out of bed, hair messy and clothes disheveled before making his way to your dorm. He was there in record time, falling across your bed and grasping your hips to make you straddle him. Yeah, some pussy was definitely better than sleeping.
“Feeling like a whore? Then sit on this cock and take it like a good girl."
Vil Schoenheit
He was at a photoshoot when you texted him. He'd frowned slightly at your blunt order but underneath was particularly amused. His little potato needed him?
"You're going to have to wait, lovely. Photoshoot is almost over.” He could almost feel the way your lips puckered into a pout on the other side of the phone as he got back into position for another photo after his short break. Thirty minutes later he was leaving the photoshoot.
And fifty minutes later he was coming into your dorm room, sliding off his shoes and over coat before leaning over you on the bed, pressing a light kiss to your forehead. “I'm sorry for being so long. Let me make it up to you, potato.” He dragged your hand up his leg onto the crotch of his pants, before moving to straddle you.
Rook Hunt
Was enjoying nature up in a tree when his phone buzzed in his pocket. On pulling it out and seeing your text message, you received back a slur of French, with a few heart Emojis after them. “English, Rook." His lips quirked at your sass. “On my way as we speak, Mon amour." He texted back, pocketing his phone before climbing down the tree.
Fast on his feet and in the area, Rook arrived at Ramshackle within five minutes. He hung his coat on the coat wrack and took off his shoes before padding up to your room.
“My petite amour, I have arrived.” He cupped your face, pressing light kisses against your chin and jaw. "Do tell me which part of me you crave first, Mon lapin.”
Idia Shroud
Thankfully Idia was in his room like always when he received your text. Instant red face. (And instant Idia jr peaking up but we don't talk about that) Almost thought you were tweaking or had text the wrong person, despite being your lover. However after getting his shit together he texts you back.
“Can you come here? I.. Might be in a predicament where I am unable to leave my room for a while."
When you came to his dorm instead of the other way around he had a pillow over his lap and his face and hair were both a light red in color. Grasping onto the pillow you pulled it off and crawled onto his bed after shutting and locking his door. Idia’s hands found purchase on your hips, pulling you down to straddle him. “Eheheh.. You have no idea how long I've waited for this." He grinned against your throat, before biting down on your shoulder to leave a hickey.
Malleus Draconia
Remains stone faced despite the very obvious tent rising in his trousers. If his tail were to be out it would've been wagging in slight excitement. Out of everyone, you might just be the only person to be able to boss around and command the prince of briar valley.
“You wish to mate with me? I will be over immediately, child of man." It takes him a moment to answer you. Not because he didn't see the message but because he still doesn't know how to use a phone that well still. Please be patient, he is very happy.
Appears outside your dorm as soon as he texts you back, eagerly knocking on your door in a beckon for you to let him in. As soon as you open the door he is grabbing you by the hips, guiding you against him. “My dearest peony, do feel free to seek me out everytime you have these feelings. I will be more than obliged to assist you.”
Lilia Vanrogue
Doesn't even answer your message. He was in history and then all of a sudden he was floating upside down in front of you. An amused look was on his face though despite the little grin his eyes were foggy with lust.
“Oh my what do we have here? Couldn't even keep your hands out of your panties in the short time it took me to get here? Fufufu~ let's have a look now, hmm?"
Lilia eagerly slots himself between your legs like he's always belonged there, nibbling and nipping at your legs as he makes his way up. “You taste exquisite, and I haven't even gotten to the main course yet.”
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So malleus almost killed cater interesting
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Cater: * is dieing*
Malleus: oh dear that can't be good
20 notes · View notes
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Title: First of Many
Part 1 of my Cray-Cray for Cater series! Part 2 here!
Pairings: Cater Diamond x Twisted Wonderland Male OC (Mirai Yuhara)
“Mirai,” Cater called from the middle of the room, “Let’s go on a date! Just you and me.”
Mirai wondered if this was Cater being Cater or was he actually being serious, he really didn’t know. Mirai knew Cater tended to be overly nice, talkative, and friendly, and he knew that Cater would do anything for a pic for his Magicam, so as for right now, he would play along. But Mirai couldn’t deny the little hope he had gotten when he asked that question, the blonde having a huge crush on the Heartslabyul third year.
cw: Light angst, but mostly fluff. Mentions of loss, but not detailed. 
Reblogs are appreciated, just use my custom tag, #TheMaladaptiveWriter12, if you do!  ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡
Cross posted from my Ao3: TheMaladaptiveWriter12
Mirai, Deuce, Ace, and Grim were borderline late for Magic History, and leave it to Ace and Grim to start duking it out in the courtyard before class, resulting Mirai and Deuce trying to break it up, but that went out the window when Deuce went all Ex-Delinquent mode, joining the fray. Mirai was tempted to leave the three of them, and let them fight it out, but alas, Mirai was only half a student, and he needed Grim. They really didn’t have time for this. 
“Guys, come on,” Mirai whined, “we really don’t have time for this.”
“Not until I teach this mangy cat a lesson,” Ace growled.
“Teach me?! Ha! Don’t make me laugh,” Grim shouted snarkily. “It’s gonna be the Great Grim who’s teaching ya a lesson!”
Mirai sighed. “Deuce?” 
“I’m not losing to the likes of them,” Deuce grit out, cracking his knuckles.
Mirai groaned. It was always something with these three. 
The three began yelling loudly at each other before a familiar voice rang out, “Mind telling me why you three are fighting in the courtyard, little pups?”
Ace, Deuce, and Grim jumped away from each other, freezing.
Professor Crewel waltzed over, smacking the pointer he always carried against his palm threateningly. 
Mirai did not want to get on Professor Crewel’s bad side, not when Professor Crewel already had taken a liking to the Magicless Prefect.
“He started it,” the three yelled accusingly, pointing at each other.
“Bad boy,” Professor Crewel scolded, whipping the pointer, “I’ve expected no less from Ace and Grim, a little less of Deuce, but certainly not you, Little Papillon.”
“I’m sorry, Professor Crewel,” Mirai apologized, hanging his head.
At least the other three had the nerve to look embarrassed.
“You three can start your punishment by cleaning the cauldrons after classes,” Professor Crewel said, pointing to Ace, Deuce, and Grim, “You-”
“Wait, why do I have to clean?!” Grim shouted, “Ace is the one-”
“Who do you think you’re talking to?” Professor Crewel seethed, red leather gloves squeaking as he gripped his pointer stick hard.
Grim squeaked, scampering to hide behind Mirai.
“Ace and Deuce, Cauldron Duty,” Professor Crewel said. 
Deuce and Ace sighed. 
“Grim, you have Cauldron Duty, and you are to sweep the floors for a week.” 
Grim grumbled quietly, but didn’t say anything. Professor Crewel then turned to Mirai.
“I’ll let you off with a warning, Little Papillon. Don’t let me see you mixed up with something like this again,” Professor Crewel said with finality.
“Yes sir. Sorry sir,” Mirai said with a slight nod of his head.
“Good boy. Now get to class before Trein marks you pups as late,” Professor Crewel commanded, turning and walking off.
“Teacher’s pet,” Ace grumbled.
“Mind running that by me again, Ace?” Mirai grumbled, having enough of Ace for the evening.
Mirai loved Ace dearly, him being a good friend, but he really couldn’t take the redhead when he started causing trouble. 
“N-Nothing,” Ace stuttered in fear, backing away from Mirai. Ace knew Mirai could pack a punch when he wanted to.
“Guys! Class,” Deuce yelled. 
“Shoot,” they all hissed.
The four students ran, well Grim road on Mirai’s shoulder, to Professor Trein’s Magic History class, trying to make it before the bell rang.
“If we’re late, Ima have your heads,” Mirai panted.
“Someone’s been hanging around Riddle too much,” Ace muttered accusingly. 
“Ace,” Mirai threatened. 
“Guys, enough,” Deuce sighed.
“Don’t think I haven’t forgotten about you, Deuce,” Mirai heaved, “You were supposed to help mediate, and you jumped in as well.”
“Sorry, Mirai.”
“You are forgiven.”
“Hey! How come you’re not mad at him?!” Ace shouted.
“Maybe because he apologized? Maybe because he didn’t start the fight in the first place?!” Mirai shouted out of breath.
The door to Professor Trein’s class was coming into view, and with the final push, the four freshmen sprinted for the door. Just as they reached the threshold, Ace tripped, pushing Deuce, who was in front of him, and tripping Mirai, who was taking up the rear. They all shouted, tumbling into the classroom, falling like dominoes on top of each other, and not a second later, the bell rang. The class rang out with laughter.
“Get off,” Deuce groaned. 
“Not until Mirai moves,” Ace grunted.
“You tripped me,” Mirai argued back.
“Cutting it kinda close aren’t you?” Processor Trien asked, a scolding look on his face. Lucis meowed.
“Sorry, Professor Trein,” Mirai apologized from the floor.
“Don’t let it happen again. Now get up and take your seats.”
The four scrambled to get up, pushing, shoving, and elbowing each other as they rushed to their seats in the top row, taking out their supplies for the class.
Class was as it always was, Professor Trein droning on about the histories of magic and their origins from different lands, and Lucis meowing along as if he was adding important information. It wasn’t bad per se, but when you knew nothing at all, not even basic knowledge of the world you were in, it tended to be very difficult for Mirai. So Mirai did the best he could, jotting down everything that seemed useful or important. And at least Mirai could rely on Deuce with his notes actually being organized, and push come to shove, which was more often than not, Mirai had Jack, Sebek, and Epel, who were just as willing to help.
Ace and Grim dozed more than once, and with Mirai and Deuce on the ends, and Grim and Ace in the middle, the two had to elbow the two awake more than once, which earned them a couple of sharp glares and angry grumbles. Mirai didn’t care, he really didn’t need any more trouble than what they already caused today.
“Remember your assignment for today, I will not accept any late work,” Professor Trein said sternly. 
The bell rang signaling that that class was over, and multiple students groaned in relief.
“You are dismissed.”
Ace groaned as he stretched his arms over his head, standing from his seat, “I could use a nap.”
“Same,” Grim sighed.
“Like you two just didn’t sleep the majority of class,” Mirai scoffed, rolling his eyes.
“We have Cauldron Duty, remember?” Deuce reminded the two.
Grim and Ace groaned. 
Mirai rolled his eyes, “Maybe you should’ve thought about that before you three decided to-”
There was a loud bang as Professor Trein’s door flew open, slamming against the back wall, startling everyone in the room, including Lucis who crawled frantically into his owner's arms, hissing at the noise. Professor Trein glared at whoever caused the noise. It was Cater.
“Mirai,” Cater called from the middle of the room, “Let’s go on a date! Just you and me.”
Mirai was speechless, face going cherry red. 
“Huh?!” Grim yelled.
“Don’t mind him, he’s always like this,” Ace said dismissively. 
“Diamond,” Professor Trein scolded, “Even if my class has ended, I will not tolerate you making a disturbance in my classroom!”
“Oopsies! Sorry Professor,” Cater apologized with a wink, not sounding one bit sorry.
Professor Trein just sighed, going back to whatever he was doing on his desk.
Mirai wondered if this was Cater being Cater or was he actually being serious, he really didn’t know. Mirai knew Cater tended to be overly nice, talkative, and friendly, and he knew that Cater would do anything for a pic for his Magicam, so as for right now, he would play along. But Mirai couldn’t deny the little hope he had gotten when he asked that question, the blonde having a huge crush on the Heartslabyul third year.
“You serious?” Mirai asked.
“Totally srs,” Cater chirped.
“Uh, like right now?” 
“Mn hm,” Cater nodded enthusiastically, leaning forward on his hands against the bottom row of desks.
“I mean, I guess I don't have anything to do after this.”
“Awesome,” Cater cheered, running up to the top row to grab Mirai by the hand, and pull him down the stairs. At least Mirai was still in the right mind to grab his things before they left.
“W-Wait! Cater,” Mirai called, as he was pulled across the classroom, and out the door. 
Cater laughed happily as he raced down the campus halls as Mirai struggled to keep up. They got all kinds of looks as they ran hand in hand, weaving through the sea of students being let out for the day. Students shouted and yelled, as Cater pushed his way through, laughing wildly. They ran through the main building, down the stairs and through the courtyard. Mirai was near wheezing as he tried desperately to catch his breath.
“C-Cater,” Mirai stuttered, “Slow d-down. I can’t keep up.”
“Oopsies. Sorry, Hon,” Cater apologized, slowing to a leisurely walking pace.
“I-It’s okay,” Mirai reassured, gasping for air.
“You sure?”
Cater continued to hold Mirai’s smaller hand in his larger one, as they walked across the courtyard, and around the main building. Students stared for a second, but other than that, they ignored them as they passed. Mirai wondered what Cater’s real intention was for this. It wasn’t like he didn’t like, or trust Cater, but he knew Cater was a man of niceties, and tended to sweet talk his way in and or out of things. 
“Mark for your thoughts?” Cater asked as they walked back inside, but this time, from a different door.
“Ah, um, it’s nothing important,” Mirai said, silently trying to figure out why they were back inside. Maybe Cater forgot something?
“Everything about you is important.” Cater smiled.
“I, I, no, I-”
Cater cackled at Mirai’s stammering, “Totes adorbs, but really, if you need someone to listen, Cay-Cay will lend you an ear, ‘kay?”
Mirai closed his mouth, pressing his lips together, nodding as his face warmed a bit. 
He didn’t expect the flirting at all, Cater’s sweet words putting a flush on his face. Mirai had his fair share of sleazy, slimy people, men and women, trying to use sweet words to get things they wanted, and normally Mirai was good at keeping a straight face, but for some reason, it seemed he couldn’t do that with Cater. 
They continued their walk, and Mirai had no clue where they were going, but he tried to guess in his head, not wanting to spoil Cater’s surprise. They walked through the long corridors of the school, turning corners, going up and down stairs, and the more they walked, the less people Mirai began to see. 
“I’ve never been to this side of the school,” Mirai stated absentmindedly. 
“This is where some of the more advanced classes are, like summoning and stuff,” Cater supplied. 
Cater hummed a cute little tune as they walked, swinging their interlocked hands. They walked across the second story exterior hallway, the evening sun was warm on their skin. Mirai looked up at Cater, and Mirai wouldn’t lie, he was good looking, and the golden afternoon, the golden glow made his very being look pretty. The light made his orange hair look like a deep spun gold, wavy strands glittering in the light, his skin looked like warm honey, even his green eyes were tinged with gold, the little fleckles sparking in the light. He really was pretty. Seeming to notice the staring, Cater looked down at Mirai and smiled. Mirai whipped his head away from Cater, looking at the path ahead.
The two made their way down another flight of stairs, and soon they were back on the first floor. Mirai hadn’t been to this side of the school either. Just where were they going? Mirai wondered if Cater was just messing with him, or maybe he just wanted to take a walk, and even so, all he had to do was ask normally.
Students dressed in their club uniforms exited a classroom, chatting happily, laughing and joking with each other. As they walked by, Mirai caught the eye of one of the students, the guy stopped what he was doing and looked between Mirai and Cater, then he glared hard at Mirai, whispering to his buddies. Mirai was a grumpy person, but he was also an anxious person. Sometimes that grumpiness would turn his embarrassment into foolish angered confidence, and with that, Mirai flipped the students off with a sneer. The three didn’t look happy at that. 
“You think you’re so big and bad, don’t you?” The tallest one asked.
“Meh,” Mirai shrugged, “Gotta problem with that?”
Cater stopped and looked between Mirai and the students. Mirai let go of Cater’s hand.
“Yeah I do actually,” the one in the middle, the Beastman said.
Mirai stared at him threateningly, sizing the guy up. Yeah Mirai was shorter, but that didn’t mean he would back down from a fight.
“You don't scare me,” the guy on the left sneered, “So you can cut the little bad boy act.”
“I could say the same about you,” Mirai said impatiently.
The Beastman in the middle growled, sneering, “You think you're so high and mighty, don’t you? You get a freebie into one of the top schools on the Island of sages, gain the likes from a couple of third years, Housewardens, and Professors, and now you think you run the world. I wonder when they will realize how worthless you really are?”
“Yeah, I mean, it was quite easy, but I’m wondering how you even got here,” Mirai muttered nonchalantly. “You don’t seem too bright.”
Suddenly the Beastman grabbed Mirai by the front of his shirt, hoisting him up so that he was up close and personal with him.
“Hey,” Cater shouted, reaching for Mirai only to be held up by the other two.
“You better watch it, Prefect. You have no idea what I’m capable of,” the Beastman sneered.
“I know what you’re not capable of,” Mirai coughed, leaning his head back, “brushing your teeth.”
The guy's face grew a bright red, his teeth gritting in rage. Suddenly his hand was balling up into a fist and his arm was recoiling back. “I will make sure no one finds your worthless body, you hear me?! Nobody!”
“What’s going on out here?”
Professor Crewel peeked his head out from around the corner accusingly and everyone went still. Professor Crewel looked at Mirai and Cater, who were being held up, Mirai literally, by the students. Mirai caught Professor Crewel’s gaze, Mirai pouted with a sigh, hoping that Crewel didn’t take this as him fighting. Again.
“You pups,” Crewel yelled at his students, smacking his pointer against his gloved palm, “come here, now!”
The shorter one gaped like a fish, “But he-”
“It wasn’t a question! Now!”
The students stood their ground. Mirai continued to look at the three defiantly. The guy in the middle scoffed, dropping Mirai to the ground, and pushed past Cater, shoulder checking him in the process.
Cater scoffed angrily, sticking out his hand, “Come on,”
Mirai took it, pulling himself up to brush off his clothes. Mirai looked back at Crewel, and Crewel smirked at Mirai, winking as they passed. Mirar pouted petulant, face heating up a bit. Unfortunately for Mirai and Crewel both, Mirai had all but gushed about his crush on Cater to his Professor, and maybe a little too much. Mirai guessed it was payback for all the Fridays he talked the poor man’s ear off.
Not long after, they made it to the back of the main building. Mirai didn’t even know this even existed. It was a vast area surrounded by trees, and further up, there was a small path, leading further in surrounded by an iron archway and overgrown wisteria and ivy. 
“Whoa,” Mirai breathed in awe.
“Yeah,” Cater chuckled. “I had the same reaction when I found this spot. Talk about #Picturesque.”
Entering the woods, the evening sun shone golden through the vibrant green trees. Mirai took in the nature around him, admiring it all. The little woodland creatures around them scampered about. Little blue birds flew overhead, twittering and singing, chipmunks scurried in the brush, and squirrels climbed into the trees, waiting for the pair to pass. Little white wildflowers dotted the ground, and in the trees, big vibrant red apples hung from their branches, looking tantalizingly delicious. 
“We’re here,” Cater cheered.
Cater pulled back a branch, Mirai looked ahead and was taken aback. There was a clearing, not a big one, but big enough for it to be noticeable. The same tiny white wildflowers from earlier littered the ground, and scattered around were these golden orchids, glowing in the evening light. In the middle was a large twisted Apple Tree, covered in hanging lanterns, and underneath was a big red gingham picnic blanket. Atop the blanket was a large picnic basket with two rocks sitting on the top. It was like it was all in its own little world.
“We pretty much only use this place when Starsending comes around, which is a shame, talk about #NRCHiddenGem,” Cater said, taking Mirai’s hand again, leading him to the blanket.
Reaching the blanket, Cater toed off his shoes, and Mirai did the same. With a guiding hand, Cater sat Mirai on one side of the blanket, then walked around to the other side and sat down scooting close to the Ramshackle Prefect.
“Do you like it?” Cater asked, removing the rocks, unpacking the basket.
Mirai nodded enthusiastically, “It’s really nice.”
“Good. I’m glad.”
Cater started with the plates first, then the silverware wrapped in a triple pocket folded napkin, each eating utensil in its own pocket.
“These are cute,” Mirai commented, picking up the sage green cloth napkin gently. 
“Thanks! I actually folded them,” Cater chirped. “Someone’s gotta make sure the napkins for the Unbirthday Parties are #PicturePerfect.”
“That’s cool! Do you think you could teach me sometime?” 
Cater laughed, “‘Course. Cay-Cay’s got you covered.”
Cater unpacked the basket once more, pulling out a clear plastic liter bottle and two glass cups. 
“I didn’t want to spill the sparkling lemonade, so I stuck it in a bottle,” Cater snickered. “LMAO, if Riddle saw this, he’d totally have my head.”
“It’s fine,” Mirai snickered.
“So we have some vegetable chicken wraps, lettuce, tomato, egg, and guacamole sandwiches, salad, and fruit salad,” Cater listed, unwrapping and placing everything on the blanket.
“Looks good,” Mirai muttered, distracted by the wide selection of food.
“Totally does.”
Cater untwisted the cap off the bottle and poured the sparkling lemonade into the two cups, placing the cups on two coasters, and then closed it back.
“Okay! Let’s ea-, Oh wait,” Cater said, fishing his phone from his pocket, “Gotta get a pic first.” 
Cater snapped a couple of pics of the layout, the area, then Cater reached over and threw an arm around Mirai’s shoulders, pulling him close.
“Say cheese,” Cater said, taking it before Mirai could even say anything.
Cater pulled his arm back and looked down at the picture.
“Aw! Don’t we look cute?” Cater crooned, turning the phone towards Mirai.
In the picture, Cater was smiling up to his eyes, full of teeth, and Mirai looked surprised, face flushed red, the color highlighting his green eyes and many freckles. It wasn’t a bad picture but Mirai didn’t know how to feel about it.
“Look at you, so cute,” Cater gushed.
Mirai turned away from Cater, hiding his flush.
“Okay, okay,” Cater soothed, “Let’s eat.”
Mirai served himself some of the vegetable chicken wraps, and some salad, and Cater grabbed a sandwich, a wrap, and some fruit salad.
“Here. The dressing,” Cater said, passing over three different types of dressing. One ranch, the other Italian, and the last a caesar style of dressing. Mirai took the ranch.
Cater took one of the tomato sandwiches, and a vegetable wrap, then carefully, Cater unrolled his wrap, picking out the julienned carrot pieces. Cater noticed the staring and flushed, turning his head, playing with his bangs.
“I-I don’t like carrots if they aren’t cooked,” Cater stammered.
Mirai grabbed one of the tomato sandwiches and pulled out the thick slice of tomato, placed it onto his plate, put it back together and took a big bite of it. Cater realized what Mirai had conveyed and laughed, rerolling and biting into his own food. 
“Did you make this?” Mirai asked after he finished his sandwich, moving on to his salad. 
“Well I had some help from Ace, Deuce, and Trey, but yeah. I wanted to try and make everything myself.”
“It’s good,” Mirai praised, smiling. 
It was Cater’s turn to flush, “TYSM.”
They ate in relative silence, enjoying each other's company. The setting sun was getting lower, tinging the skies in dark oranges, reds, and yellows. It was still fairly warm, the cooling breeze giving a preview of what the night temperature would be. Out of nowhere, Cater asked Mirai if he had ever made a flower crown, which Mirai declined. That spurred Cater on to gather as many white flowers he could, and dumped them on the blanket.
“Tell me about yourself,” Cater said, tossing a grape into the air and catching it in his mouth as he weaved his crown.
Mirai giggled at his antics, braiding his just like Cater showed him to, “Like what?”
Cater brandished a grape to Mirai, before tossing it at him. Mirai threw himself backwards, back hitting the ground to catch the fruit in his mouth. Cater laughed as Mirai made a little noise in triumph.
“Anything you feel like sharing,” Cater continued.
“Uh,” Mirai started, a little stumped, “I don't know. I’m not that interesting, really.”
“Yes you are,” Cater disagreed. 
“Uh, what is there to know? Uh, I’m seventeen, I’m five foot six, I’m Japanese American, I need glasses, but don’t wear them, uh, I’m partially blind in my left eye, and I’m missing my left arm.”
Cater looked surprised. 
Mirai chuckled.
“Uh,” Cater started, “your, your Japanese American? What’s that mean?”
Mirai chuckled. “Just like you're from the Shaftlands, well, back home, we label ourselves with where we are from. My mother was American, but my Father was Japanese, so I use both labels.”
“Alright, your turn.”
“I’m eighteen, I’m five foot seven, I’m from the Shaftlands, I’m right handed, my best subject is Astrology, and I’m in the Pop Music Club.”
“Cool,” Mirai smiled.
“Got any hobbies?” Cater started, going back to his weaving.
“I like to play video games, and if sleeping counts, then I like sleeping. Um, then there’s cooking, and cleaning,” Mirai answered, “Oh, and I like to read.”
“Cool, although kinda I pegged you to be the sporty type.”
Mirai laughed, “Bruh, where?”
Cater laughed, “For me, hobbies wise, I like posting on Magicam, a little bit of photography here and there, then there’s my guitar, and I like skateboarding when I can.”
“Really?! Skateboarding?!” Mirai gasped, “And you can play guitar?! Will you teach me?!”
“LOL, sure. Just name your day, and Cay-Cay’s there.”
Mirai cheered happily.
“Your turn.”
“Okay, um,” Mirai paused, thinking, “what’s your favorite food?”
“Ramen. The spicier the better.”
Mirai gasped, “Wait! You guys have ramen here?! Oh please, wherever you get it from, take me with you. I haven’t had ramen since I got here!”
“You like ramen?” Cater laughed.
“Yes I love it. And to answer my question, my favorite dessert food is cheesecake, and apple pie, and my favorite food definitely has to be pot stickers.”
“Noted. Um, do you have any siblings?”
“If you count my cousins, then no.”
Mirai looked away solemnly, putting down his half finished crown, and lifted his prosthetic arm, “I lost my mother when I was young, so I lived with my aunt. Didn’t get along with her family too well.”
“I’m sorry. T-This probably wasn’t the best idea,” Cater said apologetically.
“No, it’s fine, you’re fine. I can’t mourn forever,” Mirai sighed, “But yeah, there’s three of them, and I didn’t get along with either of them. Your turn.”
“I have, I have two older sisters.”
“Oh, that’s cute,” Mirai laughed, “What’s that like?”
“What? Having two older sisters, or having a sibling?”
“Either one you want to answer.”
“It’s okay on good days, but days when they wanted to go shopping? #TheWorst. More often than not, I was their bag boy.”
Mirai chuckled. 
“Okay, next question,” Cater chirped, “Favorite color.”
“Blue,” Mirai answered.
“Mine has to be Orange, although, Blue and Red aren't bad either.”
“Um, how about genre of music?”
“Can’t go wrong with cheesy pop songs,” Cater winked.
Mirai laughed. “Mine definitely is Rock and Metal.”
“Really?” Cater asked, surprised.
“Yep. Something to blast on max volume and scream your heart out to? I’m game.”
Cater laughed.
Cater eventually got up to get more flowers, and so did Mirai. Mirai wandered a bit, looking for a pop of color, preferably blue to compliment Cater’s hair. When Mirai found some, he rejoiced, bringing them back to the blanket. Cater stayed where he was crouched in front of a bush.
“Cater?” Mirai called, “What are you doing over there?”
“One second,” Cater called back.
Mirai laughed, going back to his crown.
Mirai was weaving the last row, when there was something being placed on his head, breaking his concentration.
Mirai hummed, the sound coming out like a question, and Cater was staring at Mirai, eyes wide, flush spreading on his cheeks.
“What is it?” Mirai asked, a little embarrassed.
Suddenly a row of white and purple flowers fell into view, tilting on his head.
“It’s a little too big,” Cater laughed.
Mirai snickered, standing brandishing his own crown to Cater.
“For me?” Cater asked, surprised.
“Who else, you little dummy,” Mirai laughed, waving his hand down.
Cater dramatically got down on a knee, tilting his head down, as Mirai snorted a laugh, rolling his eyes as the corny action as he placed the blue and white crown atop his head. 
“How is it?” Cater asked, trying to look up at his head.
Mirai was in awe. It looked really nice on Cater. The bright blue flowers complimenting Cater’s orange hair, and it fit perfectly.
“It’s pretty,” Mirai chirped, admiring his handiwork. “I did a pretty good job for my first time making one.”
Cater grabbed his phone and looked at himself in the camera. He looked surprised at himself. 
“Okay,” Cater said excitedly, “This totes needs a photo op, like asap.”
Cater pulled Mirai into his arms, arm wrapped tightly around his waist, as he positioned his other arm to get the picture, a smile in his voice, “Say cheese!”
After so many pictures that Mirai couldn’t keep count of, the sun was low on the horizon, the sky was growing dark, and fireflies flickered about, little green dots floating in the air. The stars started to cover the sky in its many twinkling lights, and Mr. Moon was waking from his slumber. Cater waved his magic pen and the lanterns hanging from the tree came to life, lighting up the area in a soft golden glow.
“Cool,” Mirai sighed.
Cater laughed.
They had moved to lying on the picnic blanket, Cater lying with a hand holding up his head as he watched Mirai as he tried and failed to make a flower ring.
“I think my fingers are too small,” Mirai huffed, tossing away yet another destroyed flower.
Cater laughed, “What if you just use a single flower and tie it?”
Mirai froze, staring at the flowers in front of him, “Why didn’t I think of that?!” 
Cater cackled as Mirai tired again with renewed vigor.
“I did it! I did it,” Mirai cheered, sticking his hand out to show a single flower, wrapped around his finger.
Cater chuckled, laying his head on the blanket, watching Mirai fondly as he made another.
“Here,” Mirai said, taking Cater’s hand and tied a little white flower around his middle finger. 
“Don’t you think it’s a little too early for marriage?” Cater teased.
“I-I-I, wait, I, that’s-”
“But never the matter, Cay-Cay accepts.”
Cater laughed, lunging for Mirai, rolling both over. Cater was resting above the Prefect, his arms bracketing him in, and Mirai stared up at Cater, eyes wide, face flushed.
“Your crown is crooked,” Cater snickered, reaching down to fix it.
“So is yours,” Mirai mumbled, pouting as he reached up and righted it for him.
Cater chuckled, reaching over to check his phone. “Oh! It’s almost time!” Cater gasped, standing up, pulling Mirai up with him.
“Time for what?” Mirai asked quizzically.
“You’ll see,” Cater sang.
Mirai watched as Cater rushed to and fro, cleaning their things up a bit, moving things here and there. Mirai offered to help, but Cater brushed him off, saying it was fine.
“Now,” Cater said, pointing up, “You know how to climb a tree?” 
“Psh,” Mirai scoffed playfully with a smirk, “What kind of question is that?”
“Cool,” Cater laughed, gesturing for Mirai to go first with a wink. “Just in case Cay-Cay has to save-save.”
 Mirai laughed, shaking his head. Toeing on his shoes, Mirai grabbed onto a low hanging branch, and lifted himself up. He scaled several branches, and looked down for Cater, he was on the branch below looking up at him. He smiled and waved.
“Where to?” Mirai asked.
“The one with the orange ribbon on it,” Cater answered pointing up.
Mirai squinted, looking for the ribbon, and once he found it, he fixed his crown and continued to climb.
When he made it to the branch, he could see why Cater picked it. It was fairly thick and long. There was enough room and it was sturdy enough to hold both of them, there was a branch a little higher behind that one that they could lean back on and still sit comfortably and safely, and just ahead, there was a large opening in the leaves, giving a nice view of the woods and sky. 
“He sure planned this out, didn’t he,” Mirai muttered to himself.
“Hey boo,” Cater sang after a while, his head finally popping into view, the flower crown swaying on his head.
Mirai chuckled as he watched Cater scoot over next to him. 
“So what are we waiting for?” Mirai asked, swinging his feet.
“It wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you, now would it?”
Mirai eyed him skeptically, but didn’t say anything. 
Even with the sounds of the Backwoods, and its woodland lullaby, crickets chirping, owls hooting, and the rustling, it was still quiet up there in the tree. It was peaceful. 
The wind blew a little harder, chilling the air as the leaves rustled in with the movement. Mirai shivered a bit, goosebumps covering his skin.
“You cold?” Cater asked, pulling a big orange throw from seeming nowhere, and draped it over himself. “Come here.”
Mirai slowly shuffled over into Cater’s embrace, taking his end of the blanket, closing it around himself. Cater held on end with his right hand and his other arm wrapped itself around Mirai’s waist. Mirai took the other end, doing the same. Mirai sighed, content. He liked being in Cater’s arms. He was big and warm, and he always had a clean crisp spicy scent to him. It lingered on his clothes, on his skin, and even his hair smelt like it.
“Thanks,” Mirai sighed.
“You’re welcome.”
Mirai closed his eyes, relaxing in Cater’s hold. He always felt safe with Cater, not like in a familial sense, but like every time Cater was near, it made Mirai want to hold on and never let go. Something about him was comforting, like a blanket of sorts, and Mirai didn’t know why.
There was movement beside him, and Mirai cracked open an eye and was met with the most delicious looking piece of cheesecake he had ever seen. Mirai’s words were caught in his throat as Cater held up a fork filled with cheesecake on the end, to Mirai’s lips.
“Want some?” Cater asked, cocking his head to the side with a knowing smile.
Mirai nodded excitedly, opening his mouth for the awaiting cake.
Cater chuckled, feeding the cheesecake topped with fresh strawberries, strawberry syrup and whipped cream.
“Is it good?” Cater asked.
“Yesh, ish goo,” Mirai said, mouth full of cake. Mirai swallowed before continuing, “How’d you know I liked this when I had just told you?”
Cater laughed, “Trey knew that you were the one I was doing this for, and added the cake in the end.”
Mirai laughed, wholeheartedly understanding where Cater was coming from. Trey always made small extra treats for those close to them, and Mirai had been on the receiving end multiple times before.
Cater cut another piece off with the fork, and brought it back to Mirai’s lips.
“Say ah,” Cater whispered fondly.
Mirai’s face flushed red, “A-Ah,”
“You’re so cute.”
Cater cut off another piece, making sure to gather some strawberry syrup and some whipped cream, and held it up to Mirai again.
Mirai opened his mouth, taking another piece.
Cater chuckled, making Mirai look at him skeptically. 
“What?” Mirai asked, eyes narrowed.
“You got a little,” Cater trailed off, whipping a smattering of whipped cream from Mirai’s face. Mirai flushed in embarrassment.
“S-Sorry,” Mirai stuttered.
“You’re fine,” Cater said, waving Mirai off.
Mirai went to take another bite, when something caught his eye. He couldn’t make it out at first, but soon after, dozens, no, hundreds and hundreds of little gold lights filled up the skies.
“Lanterns,” Mirai gasped, almost choking on the forgotten cheesecake in his mouth.
They were beautiful, like little golden fireflies. Mirai loved the stars, but Mirai could say that they put them to shame, just this once.
“Cater! Look,” Mirai called pointing at the sky.
“The town east of here likes to release lanterns for special occasions,” Cater explained, chuckling, “Things like weddings, and the birth of their children all get a lantern. Gold means birth.”
“That’s nice. Back in Japan, I only visited once, but for new years and summer festivals, they light lanterns as well.”
“I guess we’re not so different after all.” 
They sat in silence, watching the lanterns float across the night sky. The things like this, the subtle similarities like this were the things that made Mirai a little homesick. 
A flash startled Mirai, he gasped looking over to Cater who had his phone to his face.
“I couldn’t resist. You looked so cute just now,” Cater gushed. 
Mirai pouted.
“You’re so precious,” Cater whispered.
Mirai pouted again, face flushed as he laid his head on Carer’s shoulder. 
Cater turned back to the sky, snapping pictures left and right. Once Cater was satisfied, he shut off the device and shoved it into his pocket.
Mirai looked back up at the sky, thoughts scrambling in his head. Mirai was confused. Why would Cater go out of his way to do this for him? Yeah they were friends, but not friends like Ace, Deuce, and Grim were. They didn’t hang out everyday or plan sleepovers and study sessions together. He only saw Cater in passing or at lunch. He had never done something like this before, so why now? What was there to gain out of being nice or friends with Mirai, not only was he two years below Cater in grade level, but also just the Magicless Prefect of Ramshackle.
Mirai sighed sitting up.
“What’s up?” Cater asked.
“Why, why are you doing this for me?” Mirai asked, looking up at Cater.
“Why are you doing all of this for me? What is there to gain from doing all of this? You took me to this beautiful spot, made me food, taught me how to make a flower crown, and sat with me to see the lanterns. So why? Believe me when I say I am truly grateful for all of this, but why waste it all on me?”
Cater turned his head to his left to look at Mirai. There was an expression on Cater’s face that Mirai couldn’t read. 
“You think I wanted something from you by doing all of this?” Cater asked, his voice sharp and cold.
Mirai realized that maybe his words may have come off harsh and empty, “N-No, it’s just, It’s just that we're not friends, and maybe there’s someone better you could’ve done this for.”
“We're not friends.” Cater repeated, voice distant.
“W-Wait, that didn’t, I didn't mean, I just-” Mirai shut himself up, sighing. “I just didn’t know you thought of me like that.”
There was a heavy silence, the both of them dejected and at loss of what to do now. What once was a serene atmosphere that made Mirai so warm, so happy, was now bitter and cold.
“What if I said I did this because I wanted to impress you?” Cater asked finally, his voice quiet.
“Impress me? Why?” Mirai asked, “I mean our first meeting wasn’t the best, but that’s long been dealt with. I think you’re a nice guy.”
“Is that all I am to you? A nice guy?” 
Mirai didn’t get it. Why did he sound so hurt? Why was he going through such great lengths to impress him? He wasn’t anyone important, so why go through such great lengths. You could merely do a backflip and Mirai would be impressed, there was no need for all this pizazz.
“I mean yeah. You did all this for me, when you didn’t have to. You’ve helped me out before, and you’re very caring,” Mirai said. 
Cater reached forward, running his hand up the side of Mirai’s face, fingers dancing over his cheek to up behind his ear, to where Cater held him on the back of his head, “What if I said I did all of this because I like you?”
“Y-You, you like me?” Mirai asked, befuddled. 
“Yeah, a lot.”
“W-Why, why, why me? I’m not, I’m not, I’m just, I, why me?”
Mirai was so lost, he didn’t know what to say. How could anyone like him? He wasn’t, he wasn’t, anything. He just was Mirai.
“What do you mean why?” Cater asked.
“I’m, I’m not pretty, I’m not special, I can’t use magic, my grades are subpar, and I’m definitely not a good person. So why?” Mirai was rambling, he knew, and he was panicking, finding excuses to justify his own self doubt.
No one fell in love with Mirai, no one. He was the one to fall in love and get his heart broken time and time again. He was the one to crush on anyone who gave him nice words and nice smiles, anyone who treated him like a person, but in the end, it was a sore reminder of how unlovable he really was. No one fell in love with Mirai Yuhara. 
“You are smart, you are strong, you are brave,” Cater said. “You’re nice, you were nice to me despite how I treated you in the beginning. You put up with my anitics, my energy, and you never once told me to leave you alone.”
“But that’s just-” Mirai began but Cater shook his head, a small smile gracing his lips.
“I know, I know I’m not organized or a cook like Trey, or smart like Riddle, and I know I’m no prince,” Cater said, voice soft, “And, and I know a lot of people perceive me as fake, frivolous, but I mean it when I say I like you. So please, please give me a chance, please.”
Mirai was stunned into silence. He didn’t know what to say or do after hearing all that, but he did know for sure that those words were genuine.
“Please give me a chance,” Cater pleaded again.
Mirai crumbled.
“Okay,” Mirai said, bowing his head, scrubbing at his eyes to stop the unshed tears from falling, “Okay.”
Cater pulled Mirai into his arms, holding him tight.
“I-Is it, is it too early to ask to kiss you,” Cater asked hesitantly.
“N-No,” Mirai muttered, his cheeks warming for an entirely different reason.
Mirai looked up at Cater, his eyes were tinged red, cheeks were flushed a deep red, his skin wet with tears, and Cater couldn’t think of anything more prettier than the boy in front of him. Cater carded his fingers through Mirai’s blonde locks, pulling his head up, so he could lean down and kiss him. Mirai whined when their lips met. Cater’s lips were soft and warm, and they tasted like lemonade and cherry chapstick. 
Cater pulled back only to lean back in a second later. It was as if he couldn’t get enough of the Prefect’s lips. Cater pulled at Mirai, trying to pull the Prefect closer to himself, like he was trying to merge their very being together, his thumbs softly caressing the blondes cheeks. That was nowhere near his first kiss, but to Mirai, this one might as well be. It wasn’t chaste, nor was it messy, but the feelings behind it were there, and sometime in all of that, the plate of Cheesecake clattered down through the branches to the ground below. 
They both sighed when they pulled away, Cater pressing his forehead to Mirai’s.
“You taste sweet,” Cater mumbled, pressing his lips to the crown of Mirai’s head, “and surprisingly, I don’t mind the taste.”
“Cater,” Mirai whined, flushing.
Cater chuckled, bringing his face back to Mirai’s, looking him in the eye.
“I like you,” Cater confessed, kissing Mirai’s cheek.
Mirai shied away from the affection, turning his head.
“Don’t hide,” Cater crooned, kissing Mirai’s jaw, to his ear, and down his neck.
“C-Cater,” Mirai gasped.
Cater chuckled, “You’re so cute.”
Mirai glared at Cater, although it didn’t look convincing with the blush staining his cheeks.
Cater laughed, kissing Mirai’s pouty lips, “But you are.”
“Am not,” Mirai shouted, embarrassed, “You, you are!”
Cater looked surprised, “Am I?”
“I’m serious! Your hair and the way you style it is cute, and so is your smile! The way you talk is cute, especially when you're excited about something! And, and your eyes are pretty!”
Cater smiled up to his eyes, all teeth. 
“See,” Mirai yelled accusingly, “That! That right there!”
Cater laughed, holding Mirai's face again, “Your freckles are adorable, and so is your smile. Your eyes are so pretty, and your hair too, it’s so soft and feathery. I love the way you look when you blush, when you get really determined about something, when you get angry, and when you laugh.”
Mirai pouted again.
“I love your little pouty face, and they way your lips poke out when you do,” Cater said lovingly, racking a hand through Mirai’s bangs and the other thumbed at Mirai’s bottom lip.
Mirai’s eyes widened at the action.
“And I love your scars,” Cater whispered, kissing the scars on Mirai's left eye.
Mirai whimpered, grabbing Cater’s arms.
“Can I kiss you again?” Cater asked.
“Like you haven’t stolen a kiss from me already.”
Cater kissed Mirai again, and again, and again, and again. Mirai whined, and Cater sighed contently.
“I like you,” Cater chanted between kisses, “I like you, I like you, I like you.”
“I like you too.” Mirai said, kissing Cater back.
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jangmi-latte · 15 days
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we're a villain school, of course we got a pocket sized version of our family.
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icliangyu · 1 month
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been thinking about vintage style heartslabyul posters......i'm just a sucker for the classic alice in wonderland creatures and references
you can find the prints on my shop in my bio (or follow the link in replies)!
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pestorik · 2 months
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TWST x adventure time: heartslabyul
fionna and cake got me feeling nostalgic so i’m combining it with my other favorite thing rn
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angelsrcute · 3 months
I suck his dick, it's big, it's very-very big! ᝰ.ᐟ✮⋆˙
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◟♡ ˒ ʾʾ — who'd make you cockwarm him while he works, the door unlocked, his dick so close to your g-spot but he wouldn't let you move! hands keeping your waist in place as his dick keeps you all stuffed n warm.
“I'll be done soon, sweetheart, you can wait a little more right? So, be a good girl n stop movin’ so much.”
◟♡ ˒ ʾʾ — who'd praise you for sucking him off so good, tears forming at the corner of your eyes as you try not to gag on his huge dick. Guiding your tongue on his dick, gently holding your hair, shooting thick ropes of cum in your mouth.
“God, your mouth feels so good, my sweets. Keep goin’ alright? looking so pretty f’ me.”
◟♡ ˒ ʾʾ — who'd taunt n insult you while you gag on his dick, roughly grabbing your hair and making you take him fully. Your mascara n lipstick all ruined, eyes rollin’ back when he cums in your mouth. :(
“You look like some cheap whore like this, y'know. I bet you're getting wet from me degrading you, hm? As expected.”
◟♡ ˒ ʾʾ — who'd fuck you in a mating press, his big cock stretching your insides, hitting your womb. Pressin’ his hand on your tummy to feel his dick in you, making you whine. Your tummy already full from how much he cums, you definitely can't go for another round.. + he's gonna fuck you till you need a wheelchair.
“It won't fit? Don't worry, darlin’. Gonna make your cunt remember my dick, don't worry! Even if it does forgets, I'll just fuck ya again.”
◟♡ ˒ ʾʾ — who'd fuck you till your dumb n can only think of him and his dick if you do decide to act all bratty or he'd just tie you up n put a vibrator on your clit and watch as you squirm around trying to get a release, but he turns off the vibrator just when you're gonna cum. :(
"Should've thought before being like that, what did you expect, princess? acting all flirty with that random guy, trying to make me jealous."
◟♡ ˒ ʾʾ — who’re either super experienced from sleeping around or just fucking virgin losers, walkin’ around with that big ass dick in his pants.
— FYODOR, Leona, Dazai, NIKOLAI, Beel, Chuuya, Diavolo, SEBEK, Lucifer, Malleus, MAMMON, Jack, Blade, Neuvillette, Sampo, IDIA, Zhongli, Scara, CHILDE, TOJI, Jing yuan, Gojo, Sukuna, NANAMI, Dr. ratio, Wriothesley, ALHAITHAM, CATER + your favs.
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wriospersonalworm · 2 months
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twst charas side profile hcs 🤞🤞🤞🤞
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deeva-arud · 26 days
I'm diagnosed with Cater Diamond in the brain and there's no cure for it
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fisheem4mmal · 4 months
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Happy 4th Anniversary Twisted Wonderland!
Thank you for 4 years of fun, I've played since it came out and I can't wait for what's in store for the future <3
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spadesncrows · 4 months
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them >>>
I love turning Heartslabyul into an actual zoo
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egophiliac · 4 months
You can’t pick Lilia for this. But who is your other favorite short character in Twst?
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I like the angry little king boy 🌹
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Title: Ruined Plans?
Part 3 of my “Cray-Cray for Cater” series! Part 1 and Part 2 here!
Parings: Cater Diamond x Twisted Wonderland Male OC (Mirai Yuhara)
Mirai and Cater meet up for a date, but with a thunderstorm on their forecast, things take a turn for the worse, but then again, maybe they don't.
cw: heavy kissing in this one, literal sleeping together, light angst.
Reblogs are appreciated, just use my custom tag, #TheMaladaptiveWriter12, if you do!  (─‿‿─)♡
Cross posted from my Ao3: TheMaladaptiveWriter12
Sunday rolled around and Cater was bummed that he couldn’t spend the whole day with the Prefect, but duty calls when your Housewarden was on a collaring tangent again. Mirai on the other hand spent the morning working with Sam, and the afternoon cleaning Ramshackle. Mirai didn’t care that just one week of not cleaning would not make the dorm look like it did when he first got there, he just never wanted to see the dorm in that state again.
It was five o'clock when Cater called. They had been texting throughout the day and they decided to meet each other halfway at Main Street. By the time Cater arrived at their meeting place, Mirai was already there. Cater found him cute as always.
“Cater,” Mirai called happily.
“Hey Cutie, miss me?” Cater chuckled, pulling the Ramshackle Prefect into his arms.
“Mn,” Mirai nodded, shoving his face into Cater’s chest and stayed there.
Cater allowed him to stay there, rubbing at Mirai’s back, letting his lover hold him.
“Okay, okay,” Mirai snickered, letting go, then he gasped in surprise, “You bought your guitar? Can I watch you play?”
Cater laughed, “Yes, I bought it so I could play for you.”
“So where are we going?” Mirai asked excitedly. 
“I don’t know,” Cater said thoughtfully, “but as long as it’s with you, I’m fine.”
“Sap,” Mirai chuckled.
Cater laughed. “But it’s true!”
“How about a walk?” Mirai asked thoughtfully.
“A walk?” Cater asked, “That actually sounds nice. We could take pictures along the way.”
The pair made their way through the main building, and into the woods. Mirai loved the woods on campus, they were pretty. Cater swung their hands as they walked, whistling a familiar tune.
“Cater?” Mirai called.
“Yes, hon?”
“Is that tune the Chestnut Tune Trey whistles while making Chestnut Tarts?”
“Oh, you know it too?” Cater laughed, “It’s been stuck in my head since this morning. #Addicting.”
“That accursed tune has haunted me ever since we made those tarts for Riddle,” Mirai sighed. “It’s cursed, it tell ya.”
Cater laughed, “Oh yeah, it’s definitely cursed.”
Mirai looked up at the Apple Trees, admiring the vibrant red fruits hanging from their branches. Ever since Mirai had arrived here in Night Raven College, he wanted to know what they tasted like, the bright red fruit like temptation itself. But he wasn’t sure if he was allowed.
“Want one?” Cater smiled.
Mirai looked up at Cater, eyes wide, “Can I?” 
Cater let go of Mirai’s hand, put down his guitar case, and stood back. Once he got in position, he was sprinting up the tree, kicking off the trunk to grab onto the branch. Mirai could tell he was just showing off, but Mirai found it cute. Just as he got close enough to the apple, Cater reached up and grabbed it with both hands, letting his weight do all the work. The apple snapped from the branch, and Cater landed on the ground. Walking back to Mirai, Cater looked smug and triumphant.
“For you,” Cater smiled, breaking the apple in two with his bare hands.
Mirai flushed. Not only did he find that being an amazing feat, he also found it terribly hot.
“Wh-What?” Cater chuckled nervously.
“I-I, that, that was kinda hot,” Mirai mumbled, hiding his face.
Cater cackled, “What was? Me picking the apple or me breaking it?”
“Y-You breaking, no you-both, all of it.”
Cater laughed, breaking the fruit twice more so it was in quarters, giving Mirai a pointed look all the while.
“St-Stop it,” Mirai whined.
“Okay, okay,” Cater laughed. “I was finished anyways. Here.”
Cater passed the Prefect an apple quarter and held on to the rest. Mirai happily took the fruit, biting into the inside of it as they continued their walk. The apples were sweet and juicy, just how Mirai had expected them to be.
“It’s good,” Mirai said dreamily.
“Are they?” Cater asked.
“You never had any?” 
“Riddle and Vil had said they were really sweet, so I passed.”
“Oh, yeah, they are kinda sweet.”
“Lemme taste.”
Mirai held up the piece of fruit for Cater, and Cater leaned down, but instead of biting into the fruit, he leaned further down and pecked Mirai on the lips.
Cater pulled back and licked his lips and chuckled, “They are sweet.”
Mirai stood there, wide eyed, face burning like the fires of Crewel's cauldrons. Mirai seemed to come back to reality and pouted. Cater laughed, pulling Mirai to him. 
“Aw, don’t pout,” Cater chuckled, his face morphing into something devious as he looked down at Mirai. “Keep it up, and I might have to do it again.”
Mirai made a garbled noise, opening and closing his mouth as he tried to find his words.
Cater cackled, “Okay, okay, hon, I’ll stop teasing. Let’s go.”
Mirai huffed, but took Cater’s hand once more as they continued their walk.
They ended up back at the little clearing that Cater took Mirai to on their first date. Cater led Mirai under the tree, and shook off his blazer which he promptly laid on the ground and gestured for Mirai to sit.
“I am not sitting on your blazer,” Mirai deadpanned.
“If I minded, I wouldn’t have done so.” Cater shot back, a chuckle in his voice.
“Even so, I’m not gonna be the reason your blazer is damp, covered in dirt and grass stains.”
“No, I’d be the reason, since I stuck it down there.”
“What would Riddle say if he saw the state of it?”
“It can be washed.”
“No,” Mirai argued.
“Sit,” Cater demanded playfully.
Cater put down the guitar case and snatched Mirai up, and Mirai shouted. Cater lifted Mirai up, maneuvered him into a sitting position, then eased him onto the ground, sitting him down onto the blazer, with Mirai twisting and wiggling all the while.
“Hey,” Mirai shouted.
“There you go,” Cater sang, sitting on the ground next to him.
Mirai growled at Cater, but didn’t move, and Cater laughed.
Cater pulled out his guitar from its case, plucking at the string, tuning it. 
“What should I play,” Cater mumbled to himself.
“Anything but that chestnut tune,” Mirai deadpanned.
Cater laughed loudly.
Mirai watched him with rapt attention. Mirai always found Cater prettiest when he was focused on something he loved. There was a content smile on his face, and his beautiful green eyes were half lidded, long pretty orange eyelashes glinting in the light.
“You’re pretty,” Mirai sighed quietly. 
“E-Eh?” Cater stuttered at the complement, flushing, “I’m totes not pretty, you are.”
“Don’t sell yourself short,” Mirai huffed, “You really are pretty.”
Cater gave a small smile, his cheeks still cherry red, and went back to tuning his guitar. 
Mirai got up and went to pick some flowers, picking all kinds of colors, and sizes. Having nothing to hold them all in, Mirai held them in the bottom of his shirt like a little pouch. Mirai tottered carefully, giggling as he bought back the flowers.
“What do you have?” Cater sang, a smirk present on his face, eyebrow raised.
“Nothing,” Mirai sang back, turning his body, so that Cater couldn’t see his spoils.
Cater chuckled, and began playing a little tune on his acoustic. It was light, and cheerful. Mirai watched as Cater played, taking in the way Cater smiled as he did. He looked content, and happy, genuinely happy, and not the happy smiles he put on for show. Mirai continued to stare fondly, glad that he was able to witness this side of Cater, his Cater. After a while, Cater changed the song to something mellow, and smooth, something that flowed like water, and Mirai ate his apple pieces as he started crafting his flower crowns. Then Cater switched to a really fast tune, tapping out a beat on the front of the instrument. Cater laughed as Mirai began swaying to the rhythm. 
Cater began humming to a slower tune he started playing, Mirai liked the way it sounded. Cater’s voice was smooth and light, and when he looked up at him, Cater’s eyes were closed with a smile on his face. Mirai giggled, standing on his knees, placing the blue, white, and pink flower crown on his head.
Cater’s eyes opened, and he look at Mirai, laughing, but he never stopped playing, “You like flower crowns don’t you?”
“Had I known it was that easy, I would’ve been making them ages ago,” Mirai chuckled, “But for right now, these crowns are only for you.”
Cater smiled, placing his guitar down in the grass next to him.
“C’mere,” Cater called, reaching for Mirai, “Lemme teach you.”
Mirai scooted over into the space in Cater’s crossed legs, and Cater reached over, placing the acoustic across Mirai’s lap. 
“You’re right handed right?” Cater asked, situating the guitar.
“Mn,” Mirai nodded.
“Okay so…”
Cater taught Mirai the basics of the guitar, telling him what strings were what, and how to hold it, and how to properly play. Mirai understood it, but with how small he was, and his prosthetic arm, it was hard to play more than a couple of chords.
“It’s okay,” Cater said, moving the guitar from their laps, when Mirai huffed and gave up, “you’ll get the hang of it. Although it may be better for you with a pick.”
“I played the drums back at home in my free time,” Mirai shared, “but, then again, I just liked annoying my cousins with how loud I could be.”
Cater laughed, “You were a menace, weren’t you?”
“Maybe,” Mirai sang, “But then again, you are too.”
“Am not,” Cater laughed.
“You totally are,” Mirai shouted, laughing.
“Am not!”
Mirai shouted as Cater pushed him down into the grass below. 
“Cater,” Mirai gasped.
Cater chuckled. Leaning down, Cater whispered, “You’re cute.”
“Am n-”
Mirai’s protests were cut off by Cater’s lips. Mirai sighed into the kiss, closing his eyes.
Cater chuckled, running a hand through Mirai’s bangs, pushing them back, and leaned back down. Mirai ran a hand through the back of Cater’s hair, playing with the thick strands, as he kissed back.
“You taste like apples,” Cater chuckled.
Mirai pouted, poking his lower lip out, and Cater laughed, kissing him again.
A loud crack of thunder had Mirai yelping loudly, and Cater sitting up. They both looked up at the skies, eyeing them skeptically, then not even a second later, the skies poured down torrents of rain.
“Rain?!” Cater shouted getting up. 
Cater scrambled, grabbing his guitar and shoving it in its case. Mirai grabbed the blazer from the ground, and pressed himself up against the tree, trying to keep from getting wet. 
“This sucks,” Cater grumbled, pushing wet hair out of his face.
The pair were standing against the tree, its thick leaves slowing the downpour, but not stopping it. Poor Cater had gotten soaked trying to save his Guitar. He was wet from head to toe, water dripping from his clothes.
“Let’s just wait it out,” Mirai suggested.
The rain in fact did not stop, it only seemed to get worse. Thunder roared, lightning stuck in the distance and the wind started to pick up. 
“Okay, this is totes not good,” Cater said wearily, as he took the brunt end of the torrent, shielding Mirai with his body.
“We could run for it?” Mirai suggested, trying to get the two of them, mostly Cater, someplace dry. 
Cater seemed to think for a moment, but when a partially close bolt of lightning struck, Cater’s mind was made.
“Let’s go,” Cater said, grabbing his guitar case, slinging it over his back.
Cater gripped Mirai’s hand tightly as they sprinted through the woods. They were soaking wet, and really couldn’t see a thing in front of them. Mirai tried to keep up the best he could, slipping and sliding through slippery mud puddles and wet grass. Mirai slipped, falling forward, but Cater prevented him from falling on the muddy ground below, pulling him up as quickly as he could. 
“C’mon, c’mon,” Cater huffed, making sure Mirai was on his feet. 
They finally made it to the entrance of the Backwoods when Cater shouted, suddenly falling, and Mirai was being pulled with him. They both ended up covered in thick mud. Their pants were muddy, their shirts were covered in mud, and even Cater’s face was covered in mud. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Cater apologized profusely. 
Mirai snorted, snickering turning into loud laughter. 
“It’s not funny,” Cater whined. 
“Sorry Cater,” Mirai giggled, reaching up to wipe the mud from Cater’s cheeks. 
Cater pouted as Mirai did so, but ended up giggling himself. 
“We look totes fab,” Cater laughed sarcastically, taking out his phone to snap a pic. 
“Oh totally,” Mirai snickered. 
By the time they made it to Ramshackle, Mirai slipped twice more and Cater lost a shoe, stepping in a puddle, he got it back of course, but it was filled with water. So now they were thoroughly soaked to the bone, cold, and tired. And the rain was still pelting them with its assault. At least the majority of the mud was washed away, leaving dark brown streaks behind. And the flower crown was long gone, lost somewhere in their struggles.
Mirai shoved the key in the door, and let Cater in before shutting and locking the door. They stood there looking at each other taking in how ridiculous they both looked, and as if on queue, they burst into laughter. Cater’s shirt was sticking to his lean body, skin showing through, hair that was normally pinned up was hanging down in his face, water dripping from his bangs. Mirai looked like he stepped in the shower with his clothes on, his work uniform was laden with water, it looked heavy as it dripped in rivers from his shirt, and his hair, dirty with mud was plastered to his face.
“What’s so fun-what happened to you?!” Grim yelled as he stared at the two in the entryway. 
“Stuff,” Mirai laughed, “Bad stuff. Could you get us a couple of towels?”
“Why should I?”
“Because you’ll be mopping it if you don’t.”
Grim huffed, “Fine, fine, but you owe me.”
“Why is this relationship transactional to you?” Mirai asked, trying not to drip water on any of his clean floors. 
Grim gruffed again, and left to get the towels. 
“You two have gotten close,” Cater remarked, pushing his bangs back.
“I think so too, but don’t let Grim hear you say that, he gets defensive.”
Grim came back with four towels grumbling as Mirai thanked him.
Mirai and Cater dried their hair and dried themselves off. Mirai used his other towel to soak up the water on the floor. 
“Sorry, Hon,” Cater apologized, gesturing to the floor. 
“You say that like I’m not dripping water on my own floors,” Mirai deadpanned. “But seriously, it’s fine.”
“No, you use your bathroom,” Cater said, shaking his head. “I can use the communal one.”
Once they weren’t dripping water everywhere, Mirai led Cater upstairs to his room.
“You can use my bathroom,” Marai said, digging through his clothes, “I can use the communal one. This should fit you.”
“Nope. You’re using it, and take those off, I’ll put them in the wash.”
Cater sighed but gave in. He took the towel and the clothes from Mirai and entered the bathroom, closing the door behind him. Mirai grabbed some clothes of his own and made his way to the other bathroom. After what felt like hours, Mirai finally got all the mud out of his hair and off his skin, scrubbing his skin red. Mirai exited the bathroom, and made his way back to his room, where Cater was sitting in the green armchair, scrolling on his phone, and when Cater spotted him, he smiled.
Mirai giggled, “You-”
Mirai froze.
Cater chuckled nervously, “W-What’s wrong?”
“Y-You have freckles.”
“O-Oh, yeah, I do.”
Mirai smiled warmly, “They look cute.”
“I could say the same thing about you, Hon,” Cater laughed.
Mirai thought Cater looked cute in his clothes. The oversized shirt fit him, but the lounge pants were a little too short, even if they were long on Mirai, ending a little above his ankles. 
“Do you want our clothes washed together or separately?” Mirai asked, gesturing to the wet clothes. 
“I don’t mind if they’re washed together,” Cater said.
Mirai ran the clothes downstairs to the laundry. Mirai separated Cater’s white shirt from his black slacks and blazer, and his own black button down, and powered it on, measuring out the detergent, and the softener before dumping it in and pressing start. 
Mirai screamed, whipping around to slap whoever was behind him. Cater laughed as he dodged the attack. Mirai pouted after realizing it was only Cater, he almost had the nerve to feel sorry for almost hitting him.
“Cater,” Mirai whined. 
“I’m sorry, boo, but you were so focused,” Cater laughed. “And that slap was way off.”
Mirai huffed, “Oh, trust me when I say you would not want to be slapped by my dominant hand.”
“Yikes! Yeah, that would hurt.”
Mirai was still pouting as put away the laundry detergent and softener.  
“I’m sorry. C’mere,” Cater crooned, opening his arms.
“I’ll give you a hug, just not down here,” Mirai said, turning his way back up the basement stairs. “It’s creepy.”
Cater laughed and followed the Prefect up.
In the kitchen, Mirai let Cater hold him as he heated up some leftover soup, and made some tea. 
“Smells good,” Cater said, nuzzling his face in Mirai’s hair. 
“Thanks,” Mirai chirped. “I’m no cook, but at least I know a good amount of stuff.”
“Same. I know a lot of base level stuff, but like, knowing what goes together, or something more complex? Couldn’t tell ya.”
“I could teach you.”
“You’d teach me?” Cater asked, look at Mirai.
“Sure,” Mirai shrugged, “It wouldn’t be hard at all.”
“You just have to be nasty where our food goes, don’t you?”
Mirai and Cater turned around and Grim was standing on the counter, waiting for his tuna to warm in the microwave.
“And I keep telling you to get your dirty little toe beans off the clean counters,” Mirai laughed. “There’s a stool for a reason.”  
“You stand on the counter too!”
“Correction, when I climb onto the counter, my dirty feet never make contact with it, my knees do.”
“Well my feet aren't dirty!”
Cater laughed.
“You walk on the dirty floor with them, therefore they are dirty.” Mirai shot back.
“You clean every weekend,” Grim defended.
“Yes, but that still doesn’t make it not dirty. If I cleaned the toilet, would you drink out of it?”
Grim gagged, retort on his lips, but the microwave stopped, signaling that his food was done. 
Mirai shook his head, and went back to the soup.
The kettle on the other eye started screaming, and Cater let go to take it off the stove. Mirai served the soup and Cater prepared the tea, and Mirai led them back upstairs. Mirai placed the two bowls on the mantel and got a fire going, and once he was done, Mirai went to wash his hands. When he got back Cater was wrapped up in a blanket sitting in the armchair that was turned towards the fireplace, and the little tea table held the two bowls and their mugs. 
“Come,” Cater called, head peeking from behind the chair. 
Mirai laughed, “No. Ima crush your legs.”
“No you won’t! Come here,” Cater laughed. 
Mirai sighed in defeat and made his way to Cater, crawling into the chair with him. 
“See?” Cater laughed, “Enough room for both of us.”
Mirai sighed, but accepted.
Mirai passed a bowl to Cater before grabbing his own. They ate in a comfortable silence, enjoying each other's warmth. Cater’s phone started blowing up with messages, and then he got a call. Cater laughed, answering his phone.
“Yes Riddle?” Cater answered. 
Mirai laughed when he could hear Riddle’s and many other voices on the other end. Most likely it was Trey, Deuce, and Ace.
“Riddle I’m fine,” Cater sighed, “It’s just a thunderstorm. I’m hanging with Mirai.”
Mirai could hear their voices quiet.
“Here, you're on speaker,” Cater said, tapping his phone. 
“Oi Mirai,” Ace called from the other end, “You okay?”
“Yes Ace, I’m fine,” Mirai laughed. “It’s just a little rain. Ramshackle is fine. We still have heat and power.”
“See?” Cater sang.
“I can worry if I want to,” Ace shot back. 
There sounded like quiet arguing before the other end quieted again.
“I’ll let you go,” Riddle said, “Stay safe and get some sleep, it’s late.”
“Bye Mirai, bye Cater,” Deuce yelled.
“Bye! Don’t have too much fun,” Ace laughed.
“Don’t be too rough with him, Cater,” Trey shouted.
Cater stammered, ending the call, and placed his phone on the table. Mirai laughed as Cater flushed, shoveling soup in his mouth.
After they finished their soup and tea, they sat with each other, enjoying the heat. Mirai’s eyes were closing until he felt lips pressing against the crown of his head. 
“Cater,” Mirai muttered.
Cater chuckled, turning Mirai head up so that he could kiss him properly. 
Cater kissed Mirai over and over, innocent kisses becoming something else when Cater turned his head to get a better angel. Cater hummed contently when Mirai whined against his lips. Mirai pulled away from Cater, taking a breath, and Cater continued his loving assault, kissing up the side of Mirai’s face up to the crown of his head.
“Cater,” Mirai called, “w-wait, wait.”
Mirai scooted off of Cater’s lap onto the floor.
“Where are you going?” Cater whined, “Come back.”
“I’m going to put these in the sink,” Mirai laughed. 
“Fine, but let me help wash them.”
“You wash and I put the clothes in the dryer.”
Mirai moved the wet clothes to the dryer and put the whites in the wash. Back upstairs, Cater washed and dried the dishes, and put them back in their respectful places. When Mirai made his way around the dorm, he checked the lounge. Grim was asleep in the rocking chair. Mirai giggled to himself. He always found Grim quite cute, especially when he was asleep. Mirai bookmarked and closed Grim’s book, he then grabbed a little throw pillow, propped up the cat with it and covered him with a throw blanket.
“Night, Grim,” Mirai mumbled, tucking the cat in with a kiss between his ears. 
Mirai smiled to himself and turned around, jumping in surprise at Cater standing in the archway, phone poised, taking pictures of the two.
“#SorryNotSorry, but you two looked so cute,” Cater whispered.
Mirai shook his head fondly, “I’ll forgive you if you send those to me.”
“Of course,” Cater said, shooting Mirai a message before pocketing his phone.
Mirai left a small light on for Grim and left the lounge, and as soon as he turned the corner, he gasped, feet leaving the floor as Cater picked up him, and carried him bridal style upstairs.
“Cater,” Mirai hissed quietly, trying not to wake Grim.
Cater chuckled to himself, shoulders shaking as he climbed the stairs back to Mirai’s room. 
Once Cater made it to the room, Cater unceremoniously tossed Mirai onto his bed with a laugh. Mirai cackles turned into surprised gasps and Cater jumped onto the bed and crawled after him. 
“C-Cater,” Mirai gasped.
Cater laughed, leaning down, bracketing Mirai below him, “I wanna kiss you.”
Cater pressed their lips together, attacking Mirai’s lips in little kisses. He moved from his lips to his cheeks, up to his nose, his eyes, the crown of his head and back down the scar on his left eye. Mirai pressed his lips together, blushing as Cater did so. Cater made his way back at his lips and kissed him twice more, tilting his head and pressing harder into the boy below him. Mirai whimpered, tilting his head up more. 
They kissed, heads tilting, pushing and pulling, breathing becoming ragged. Cater pulled back a little, hands on his lover’s face, as he bit at the Prefect’s bottom lip, chuckling when Mirai whined at the feeling. Cater bit him again, and again, finally letting up, licking at the abused muscle. Mirai whined again, poking his own tongue out to lick at Cater’s. Cater’s breathing stuttered, licking at Mirai tongue, the tip of his poking at Mirai’s, moving up into the Prefect’s mouth, kissing the Prefect with renewed vigor. It was a tad messy. It was wet, tongues sliding against each other, lips red, sore and bruised, and there was the occasional clash of teeth. Cater’s hands were tangled in Mirai’s hair, gripping and pulling, and Mirai’s hands were gripping Cater’s borrowed shirt like a lifeline. Somewhere in the mash of lips, teeth, and tongue, Cater captured Mirai’s tongue, sucking it into his mouth. Mirai moaned loudly at the feeling, hands pulling at Cater’s shirt, back arching deeply, and Cater’s hands flew from Mirai’s hair to his back, hands smoothing at the divot. 
Mirai was gasping, breathing hard, one hand gripping the sheets above him, and the other in Cater’s hair as he moved back and continued his assault on the Prefect’s neck.
“C-Cater,” Mirai gasped, whining, “C-Cater, Cater, Ca-ter.”
Cater didn’t stop. He was nipping and kissing his way along Mirai's chin and collarbones, it wasn’t hard enough to bruise, but enough to feel Cater’s little fang scraping against Mirai’s skin.
“Cater, we have class in the morning,” Mirai breathed.
“Jus’ a bit more,” Cater breathed, finally stopping to look up at Mirai. “I wanna kiss you more.”
“And be dead on our feet tomorrow morning? Absolutely not. Plus I think you’ve had too many.”
Cater looked surprised, a chuckle bubbling from his lips, “You can’t have too many kisses.”
“Mn hm, if you take too many, they lose their value.”
Cater threw his head back and laughed.
“We still could get at least seven hours of sleep,” Mirai reasoned.
Cater looked as if he was debating when the clock overhead stuck ten. Cater looked up at Mirai’s hopeful expression and caved, “Fine, but I want a goodnight kiss.”
Mirai smiled at Cater’s pouting.
Cater scooted off the bed, looking for his phone. Now that he was up, he realized how tired he was. Mirai stood up as well, stretching his arms over his head. Cater messed around on his phone, while Mirai took off his arm. 
“Can I sleep with you?” Cater asked carefully after a while.
Mirai looked at Cater, and Cater was flushed red, the color close to the apples they ate earlier. Mirai found it cute.
“Just sleeping?” Mirai teased, raising an eyebrow, as he pulled back his bangs with a headband.
Cater nodded.
“You can stay Cater, I’m just teasing,” Mirai giggled.
“Um, does that offer still apply if I don’t sleep with a shirt on?” Cater asked meekly.
“As long as I can too.”
Cater laughed, pulling off his shirt and peeled off his socks, flopping onto the bed.
“Here,” Mirai called.
When Cater looked up, Mirai tossed him a phone charger.
“Oh, thank the Seven,” Cater groaned, plugging his phone into the wall by the bedside table, “I have like fifteen percent left. TYSM.”
“You’re welcome.”
They both climbed into bed, Mirai flipped off the lamp above the bed.
“Wait,” Cater shouted, flipping the light back on. “What was that?!”
“What was what?!” Mirai asked, panicking, literally climbing atop Cater, head whipping to and fro.
“On your back! You have a tattoo?!”
“You bastard,” Mirai shouted, smacking Cater on the leg, “I thought something was wrong!”
“Ow! There is something wrong! You never told me you had a tattoo!”
“It never came up!”
“Lemme see! Lemme see!”
Mirai rolled his eyes, still kinda angry about Cater scaring him, and turned around so that he could see it.
“OMG! This is sick, like totally sick,” Cater gushed from behind him.
On Mirai’s back was the spine of a dragon. Black inked bones trailed down the length of his back, and on his shoulder blades were a set of black bone wings.
“Th-Thanks,” Mirai stuttered, flushing under the praise. “I have another on my hip.”
“Ooh! Lemme see!”
Mirai twisted his body and on his right hip were a pair of watercolor Lilies. 
“Can I touch them?” Cater asked carefully.
Cater traced a finger down Mirai’s spine, tracing each individual bone until he reached the bottom. 
“Did it hurt?” Cater asked, tracing the wings.
“Oh yeah. They say bony areas hurt the most.”
“Then why’d you get it?!”
“Cus I wanted it. It looked cool.”
“Which one did you get first?”
“The Lilies.”
“Which one hurt the most?”
“The Dragon.”
Mirai remembers the day he got them done. It was summer break, school had been out for a couple of weeks already, and he practically was never home, not that his Aunt and Uncle cared. Mirai remembers hopping around from friend’s house to friend’s house between work, sleeping on the couch to avoid going home. He remembers one of his friends showing off his new tattoo, it was a small thing, nothing to be impressed about, but he kept bragging about it, how his brother’s friend did it for him, talking about how his mother didn’t know. Now, Mirai doesn’t remember how he even got the number, and how they convinced his friend's brother to hook him up, but he does remember when his cousins threw him under the bus and he does remember his Aunt throwing him out that day. He later went back for his second.
Mirai jumped from his thoughts, “Y-Yeah?”
“You okay?” Cater asked, concern filling his green eyes.
“Yeah, of course.”
There was a moment of silence before Cater spoke up again, “Do they mean anything?”
“The Lilies do,” Mirai smiled, “My mother liked Lilies, her name was Lily, so I got them for her.”
“That’s cute.”
Overhead, the clock chimed three times, telling them it was ten thirty. 
“Oopsies. I kept you up later than what you wanted,” Cater said guiltily.
“It’s okay,” Mirai said, pulling away from Cater to lie down next to him.
Cater lied down and immediately sought out the body beside him, wrapping his arms around his lover, and Mirai wrapped his arm around Cater in return, pressing his face into the warm skin in front of him. 
“You can talk to me, ya’know,” Cater muttered, running a hand down Mirai’s back. “Anytime you need to, I’ll listen.
“Thanks Cater,” Mirai said.
“Good night, Hon,” Cater yawned.
“Night, Cater.” Mirai mumbled sleepily, pressing his lips against the top of his head.
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marigoldendragon · 4 months
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In which Human-Grim has to take care of our NRC-Boys-As-Animals, and has a time of it. This was a lot of fun to do, a lot of the characters already had animal motifs, others where very hard to come up with an animal equivalent. Still not particularly happy with some of my choices, but c’est la vie. Also been a hot minute since I've spent this long on a drawing. Twisted Wonderland has me in an absolute vice grip, consumes most of my waking thoughts, clears my skin, waters my crops ... I'm tired and starting to not make sense. I shall end my inane ramblings here.
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wellerdanny · 4 months
what if...
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Daddy trey and his children, yes you too cater, you too😭♣︎
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r-aindr0p · 5 months
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Man the jury is unhinged on those culinary crucible event
I genuinely thought for a few seconds that Ortho would idk casually nuke the food
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