#twist rook
xx-lemon-drop-xx · 2 days
How would NRC (only 18+ characters) react to their fem s/o texting them "Come here, I'm horny"?
I'm so sorry these are so short. Your girls getting a bit burnt out as of late for some reason. Anyways, I hope you like them <33
Warnings: MDNI, fem reader, suggestive but not really smutty, mentions of boners.
Request: Yes.
Words: 1,130.
Trey Clover
Trey was working on frosting a cake with Riddle when he received the text from you. And thankfully Riddle was short because he damn near choked at the message. A blunt, “Come. I'm horny." Was all you had sent.
However, catering to your needs, he let Riddle know something important had come up and he had to go tend to a leak in your roof. Riddle of course sensing the urgency had nodded with a simple; “Go, I can manage the frosting." Trey felt no remorse for fibbing to his friend and dorm leader, and went off to find you at Ramshackle.
Entering the broken down household he smiled gingerly over at you. "You needed me, peach? Go and lay back on the bed. I'll take care of you."
Cater Diamond
Cater was at the Light Music club when you texted him, and just in case it was urgent or some spicy drama from magicam had checked his phone right away. It was spicy, just in a way he hadn't thought it'd be. His face slowly flushed a red, gaining the attention of Kalim, who had asked if he was okay.
Cater cleared his throat, nodding. “Uh… Yes! Ah haha, I'm okay! Sorry, I just got distracted there for a minute.” While Kalim was none the wiser, the old fae on the other hand, was.
After he finished the club Cater quickly made his way to your dorm, shoving open your door he crawled over you, leaning down to press a searing kiss against you. “Hahh.. Babydoll, you can't just text me like that out of the blue!”
Leona Kingscholar
You really think this man was anywhere but napping?
He was less than amused to stir awake from his phone going off, alerting him of a text message. And for a moment he wasn't going to even answer it, rather he'd just roll over and go back to bed but something prompted him to pick up that phone and boy was he glad he did.
A smirk formed across his face and he texted back a simple “Omw" before rolling out of bed, hair messy and clothes disheveled before making his way to your dorm. He was there in record time, falling across your bed and grasping your hips to make you straddle him. Yeah, some pussy was definitely better than sleeping.
“Feeling like a whore? Then sit on this cock and take it like a good girl."
Vil Schoenheit
He was at a photoshoot when you texted him. He'd frowned slightly at your blunt order but underneath was particularly amused. His little potato needed him?
"You're going to have to wait, lovely. Photoshoot is almost over.” He could almost feel the way your lips puckered into a pout on the other side of the phone as he got back into position for another photo after his short break. Thirty minutes later he was leaving the photoshoot.
And fifty minutes later he was coming into your dorm room, sliding off his shoes and over coat before leaning over you on the bed, pressing a light kiss to your forehead. “I'm sorry for being so long. Let me make it up to you, potato.” He dragged your hand up his leg onto the crotch of his pants, before moving to straddle you.
Rook Hunt
Was enjoying nature up in a tree when his phone buzzed in his pocket. On pulling it out and seeing your text message, you received back a slur of French, with a few heart Emojis after them. “English, Rook." His lips quirked at your sass. “On my way as we speak, Mon amour." He texted back, pocketing his phone before climbing down the tree.
Fast on his feet and in the area, Rook arrived at Ramshackle within five minutes. He hung his coat on the coat wrack and took off his shoes before padding up to your room.
“My petite amour, I have arrived.” He cupped your face, pressing light kisses against your chin and jaw. "Do tell me which part of me you crave first, Mon lapin.”
Idia Shroud
Thankfully Idia was in his room like always when he received your text. Instant red face. (And instant Idia jr peaking up but we don't talk about that) Almost thought you were tweaking or had text the wrong person, despite being your lover. However after getting his shit together he texts you back.
“Can you come here? I.. Might be in a predicament where I am unable to leave my room for a while."
When you came to his dorm instead of the other way around he had a pillow over his lap and his face and hair were both a light red in color. Grasping onto the pillow you pulled it off and crawled onto his bed after shutting and locking his door. Idia’s hands found purchase on your hips, pulling you down to straddle him. “Eheheh.. You have no idea how long I've waited for this." He grinned against your throat, before biting down on your shoulder to leave a hickey.
Malleus Draconia
Remains stone faced despite the very obvious tent rising in his trousers. If his tail were to be out it would've been wagging in slight excitement. Out of everyone, you might just be the only person to be able to boss around and command the prince of briar valley.
“You wish to mate with me? I will be over immediately, child of man." It takes him a moment to answer you. Not because he didn't see the message but because he still doesn't know how to use a phone that well still. Please be patient, he is very happy.
Appears outside your dorm as soon as he texts you back, eagerly knocking on your door in a beckon for you to let him in. As soon as you open the door he is grabbing you by the hips, guiding you against him. “My dearest peony, do feel free to seek me out everytime you have these feelings. I will be more than obliged to assist you.”
Lilia Vanrogue
Doesn't even answer your message. He was in history and then all of a sudden he was floating upside down in front of you. An amused look was on his face though despite the little grin his eyes were foggy with lust.
“Oh my what do we have here? Couldn't even keep your hands out of your panties in the short time it took me to get here? Fufufu~ let's have a look now, hmm?"
Lilia eagerly slots himself between your legs like he's always belonged there, nibbling and nipping at your legs as he makes his way up. “You taste exquisite, and I haven't even gotten to the main course yet.”
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Double Sided
A.N: My TWST OC Mia during Book 6, when the Prefect, Rook and Epel were lecturing by Vil in the interim.
Twisted Wonderland Masterlist  
Mia said nothing as Vil fairly shredded Rook. She hung her eyes down and winced as Epel tried and failed to defend Rook. But her head snapped up with eyes wide as Vil then laid into her and Epel. Again, Epel tried to say something, but all of it was shot down. Mia didn’t even try as she slowly, her head hung. 
What could she say? She knew a little while ago that Epel and her did not have a defense. She was prepared for the consequences of her actions. 
As long as she could get Grim back, she didn’t care what happened. 
The only thing she could pray now, was that she wasn’t a liability with her magicless status. 
So Mia just kept her mouth shut, making her barely aware of the switch Vil made from Pomiefore Dorm Leader to Vil Schoenheit. 
“When Idia told me you all had come here, I was besides myself with joy! I’ve been holding it in, ever since we met. May I give you all a hug and kiss?” 
Mia’s head snapped up in time for Vil to lean over and kiss her on the cheek too, as well as pulled her in for a brief hug. 
Did she seriously receive a kiss from a world-class supermodel? 
Wait, that wasn’t the issue!!
Mia’s lone hair stood straight to attention as she looked wide-eyed at Vil who was positively glowing at this moment, “Did he just…” 
Epel blinked, “I think he did.” 
Vil chuckled, “Oh come now! Did that warrant such a response?” 
Mia waved his words away, “Immaterial. First you scold us, then you hug and kiss us? Do you know see how this 180 and 360 would throw us for a loop?” 
Mia thought that Vil did his version of an eye roll as he folded his arms, “I had to do my duty. Once that was done, then I could give you my reaction as myself. Surely you can understand that?” 
“Of course we do, Vil!” grinned Rook, “We were just surprised, is all. We are joyous to behold your presence once again, along with our fellow students. Now that we are all back together and working towards this common goal, I feel there is nothing we cannot do!!” 
Epel and Mia gave a smile at this.  
“Shall we continue onward?” 
With a lighter heart, the group descended into Tartarus. 
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pawnyao · 7 months
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Always an angel never a God
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broh3m3 · 7 months
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They got you under pressure, doing overtime 🎶
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jangmi-latte · 15 days
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we're a villain school, of course we got a pocket sized version of our family.
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hibiscuslovecandles · 21 days
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Rook the kinda guy to wake up 3am, notice your bonnet is slipping and fix it
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inkblot-mirror · 2 months
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midostree-art · 2 months
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wriospersonalworm · 2 months
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twst charas side profile hcs 🤞🤞🤞🤞
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poisoned-pearls · 13 days
Masquerade Road Trip 🚌
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Okay but like…. What if instead of using mirrors they had to stuff this whole cast of people into a bus/van
It’d be a little funny
(Also turn up phone brightness to see it better. Or don’t. Idk I don’t control you)
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wellerdanny · 2 months
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Yes thats how it works.
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twst-shenanigans · 2 months
Rook's room... Good lord...
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*but then again, I can't judge him. This is a proud otaku/fanboy room*
Imagine he alternate days on which side to sleep. I bet Sunday is Neige day 😂
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chorige · 2 months
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サバナルーク 急いで描いたら足のベルトのやつ忘れましたね…
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randomfandomtwst · 2 months
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Whoever made this, I want to thank you for living every day. I want to give you hugs as big as the ones you drew above. I love you. ❤❤❤
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mostroloungeofficial · 2 months
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full live2d Savanaclaw Rook, buff Epel, RSA Vil and actor Vil
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yourfbiagen1 · 2 months
Rook hunt core
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