#Twc 3
blinkvlink · 1 year
things i predict will happen in the upcoming books
• the detective will be cage-gassed. (it's physical also i doubt that it's magic so it would work on them)
• Tina/Verda will get kidnapped if they know.
• N will go into the berserk state and hurt detective (im willing to bet my money on that this is book 5 stuff)
• A and M relationship inevitably begins at the end of book 4
• The mayor learns/ already knows the stunt Rebecca has been pulling (Book 4 since Sera has been saying he will have an intense role in book 4)
• Douglas will go rogue if you are hard on him enough
• Aunt big baddie reveal either at the end of book 4 or in the middle of book 5
• book 6 has no direct villain and is more so focused on picking up the pieces of whatever the fuck is gonna happen in book 5
• murphy will come back by attacking the detective if he escaped in the first book
• book 7 is like an endgame event where everyone the detective won over as allies (maa-luse, sin etc) comes back to fight the supernatural rogues.
• rook will make an appearence one way or another.
• rebecca will not die but will get very hurt (book 5)
• F will get kidnapped in book 5 (there is this ask where someone asks sera what would each UB member would tell to past version of themselves about their romance with the detective and F says 'They came for you')
• Drinking the detective's blood thing will happen as a last resort after the LI takes a mortal wound from the aunt big baddie. (book 5)
• If your relationship with bobby is good, A's route will use this factor the most and the detective will have the choice to get closer with Bobby while A foams at the mouth in the background.
• M's crystal is going to be broken by a villain (maybe book 5) and theu will go delulu for a while as they regain their memories.
• Douglas will hurt the mayor bad in an argument they have if he is a supernatura
• If Auntie exists, her name will be either choosable or just the whitest name you can imagine
• ending of the LT (who you will be sticking permanently with will be at the end of book 4 OR towards the end of book 5
•In book 5, LT, A's and M's routes will take a back seat when it comes to angst while F and N's will get worse.
• Alima (the girl thats in love with M) will come up to the detective and be like 'leave them while you can before they hurt you' ORRR 'whats so special about you? why didn't they want me but they want you?' OR BOTH before M shows up and goes 'go the fuck away' and has a fight with her.
• A's love confession will be right before the offical relationship starts. So like they will go 'I LOVE YOU!!!' and then, like maybe a few chapters later or right after it will be offical
this is it for now. i will add as i come up with more.
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wayyhavensfinest · 1 year
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roguescorner · 1 year
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Can't leave these two to do research at all CLEARLY
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withbeautyandrage · 1 year
honestly have no clue what to feel for book 3. were we fed? for sure. was it coherent? yes but no. it was definitely missing smt, but it’s a 900k+ word book and it obviously cannot be perfect.
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you-dumb-simp · 1 year
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aren't we all
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pffpth · 1 year
Usually charlotte is a Smart Person, but just once i decided to give her a stupid impulsive decision with the first set of trappers, and i did not feel disappointed
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You ever see a man get Shockingly Upset by you getting hurt :^)
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siennadraws · 1 year
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My favorite broccoli ❤️
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captiveinwayhaven · 1 year
the shitshow that was my first book 3 playthrough was *chefs kiss*. going from defeating murphy and becoming a liaison to excitedly learning more about the supernatural and successfully negotiating a treaty to getting the shit beat out of you in every. single. fight, barely keeping it together and crying by yourself in your office because people are being kidnapped and being left by adam after he kisses you is just...immaculate...
...poor florence
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wisecrackzach · 1 year
I've always noticed the huge love for M's route and I've never fully gotten it. I am on the ace spectrum so I'm wondering if any other ace people feel put off from M's route as well?
(I do actually love M as a character, especially in a best friend route.)
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Yall are complaining about the plot when this story has always been about the characters. It's a romance, that's the focus. I couldn't give two flying shit about the plot. Just try to enjoy yourself, is that too much to ask.
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blinkvlink · 1 year
you want your detective to have a healthy and happy relationship with an UB member. I want my detective to have an extremely emotional reunion with rook in somewhere between life and death, we are NOT the same
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wayyhavensfinest · 1 year
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givemethatcookie · 1 year
my friendship with Felix got so high the game couldn't handle LMAO
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rinriya · 1 year
Question about Wayhaven Chronicles: Book Three
Can someone tell me the key choices that affect Sin's decision to join the Agency? I can't understand this pattern, because he refuses in Nate's route and Adam's route, but agrees in Mason's. And I'm pretty sure that love interest can't be a matter in this, yes? So please help me understand. Thank you!
Crying for help @wayhavenguide
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wicclan · 1 year
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sorry but my first response to reading this was "kill him!"
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you-dumb-simp · 1 year
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mf got me giggling and kicking my feet and shit in the middle of the night
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