#Tw dissection
somerandomdudelmao · 6 months
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Part 1!
..of an episode that reveals that if something looks like a space horror and sounds like a space horror, maybe it is a space horror.
Who would've guessed?~
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stealingyourbones · 2 months
Do you like Danny gets dissected fics? I do, and thinking about those kinds of fics have made me wonder if there are any fics of Danny getting caught by Sulker and getting his pelt removed. Thoughts?
Ooooo interesting.
The main question is like,,, how does Skulker prepare Danny and does he survive the procedure? Is Danny walking around now as a skinless being in indescribable pain, does this make him a full ghost, or does this completely remove him from existence?
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The Kaldur'ahm before the storm (dp x dc)
Kaldur'ahm has seen a lot as a member of the Light, he has had to do a lot, not the least of it being fighting his teammates. Former teammates, he berates himself. Whether or not they will ever trust him again after his stint as a double-agent is still uncertain. In any case, Kaldur'ahm has had to get better at holding back his natural reactions to whatever evil the Light has decided must be done.
But today, it seems is going to be a test of what he can resolve to ignore.
"The specimen is absolutely fascinating," says the man in his stained white coat as he speaks with great enthusiasm.
"What have you learned?" Savage interrupts impatiently.
The Atlantean is only here because his father has been sent on another mission that was considered too delicate to trust his son with. Despite his probing, Kaldur'ahm has not managed to find more information. He had resolved to try and make contact with other members of the Light and he ended up one of the lucky few chosen to shadow the Founder.
Kaldur'ahm does not feel lucky.
"It can regrow organs," the scientist says, as he wipes his glasses, excitedly, leaving yet another green stain on his coat. "We have not yet tested them all, but kidneys, pancreas and even parts of its larger intestines have all grown back in matter of hours."
"This could revolutionize the field of medicine as we know it," the second scientist says, her voice more controlled, but obviously just as excited.
"And we have yet to test if the it will regrow more essential organs, such as the heart or the lungs!"
"Marvellous," Vandal says with a benign smile.
The first scientist nods enthusiastically before gesturing further down the hall, away from the observation station as he continues rambling, sometimes interrupted by his companion.
Kaldur'ahm has been trying not to look through the window, out of fear he would let his horror and revulsion show, but he can't help but look up quickly, and he makes eye contact with the tired, pained green eyes.
It looks like the boy's face is trying to form a snarl, that he's trying to resist, but he is halfway gone already. His skin is so pale he looks transparent, despite the bright green spots painting his face.
Kaldur'ahm cannot look away.
The boy's chest is a mangle of green and flesh and the Atlantean has to stop himself from gagging at the sight.
Someone jostles him as they pass by him to rejoin the figure of Vandal who is getting further and Kaldur'ahm comes back to himself.
There is nothing he can do for the boy. Not yet, he tells himself.
But later, once most of the personnel has gone.
Kaldur'ahm will come back.
And he will get the boy out.
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underforeversgrace · 1 year
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I'd say I'm sorry but it'd be a lie tbh.
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nectardraws · 29 days
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"Thank you for teaching us the insides"
From MAG 34, statement of Dr. Lionel Elliot, regarding a series of events that took place during his class, Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology
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torchickentacos · 25 days
................is it normal for your bio lab class to require you to byofp (bring your own fetal pig)????? Where do they expect me to buy one?????
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athgalla-arts · 2 months
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You never fucking listened anyway Now you realise it's too late We had all the answers you can't find It's the funeral of your mind [x]
Full image below. TW for gore and a head's up for nudity
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avephelis · 1 year
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trophy mounts
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i-wanna-die-like-now · 11 months
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Day 11: insects!
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puppyeared · 1 year
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Book cover sketches
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somerandomdudelmao · 5 months
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Part 7 … :1
The great braincell awakening as I like to call it
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moonsart · 9 months
Omori x DP AU from my previous post
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[TW for dissection and medical imagery under cut]
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chipistotallysane · 2 months
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i lobotomized your ten year old sorry guys
i have not stopped having thoughts about the episode where ben gets kidnapped as grey matter and given to the forever knights to literally dissect. (A Small Problem, S1 Ep11 of the og series)
so my thoughts were: what if he wasn't saved?
what if grandpa max and gwen got there too late, and weren't able to identify the people who took him as the knights- because they left with ben long before they were able to get there.
what if they took an entire month to find him again?
ben would be dissected and put back together again repeatedly, for each alien he has. his omnitrix would be modified, the knights essentially adding modifications to make it easier to test on him. they can't exactly reliably perform a dissection within the time limit the omnitrix has, so they elongate it; about 8 hours. they make it so that they can change the alien species whenever they want to whatever they want (not knowing that this is already a feature, as ben doesn't know yet).
this later screws up the omnitrix really bad, causing it to glitch more and more after ben gets rescued. in the middle of a fight the omnitrix will switch aliens unwillingly, or the aliens will mutate with each other for a bit. it's all non-permanent, but sometimes the glitches won't go away for hours. the time limit does help, but also hinders as ben will be forced to be an alien for much longer until he figures out how to go human again.
ben was also treated as less than human by the knights, and he internalizes this. the knights treat him like an animal they just happen to be able to communicate with, as if ben wasn't human but an alien shapeshifting to look human. the knights are human-supremacists (description taken from the ben 10 wiki) so they see aliens as lesser and worse than them. this includes ben. he knows he's human, but only by species. he knows he's a human but not a person.
the knights also put him in a vat of liquid, putting a needle through his skull and into his brain to moniter brain activity while in several alien forms, or just while sleeping. ben is aware of this, of every little sensation but is terrified to move. this causes him to develop a very intense fear of being surrounded by liquid, specifically water. he will refuse to use ripjaws and is terrified of swimming. he can still take showers however, as it's not the same feeling.
that's all i feel like sharing for now :3 if ur interested please send me asks about it!! i am very interested to hear what you have to say :D
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meredithmcclaren · 2 years
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New BLACK CLOAK out today!
Description: A bird's eye view of an autopsy table.  Lying dissected on the table is a mermaid from the comic BLACK CLOAK.  Her organs are being scrutinized by the examiners, several pairs of their gloved hands hovering over the body.  Three are holding scalpels.  The mouth of the mermaid is overly large, modeled after a Sarcastic Fringehead fish.
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nomsfaultau · 9 months
Philza Vivisection
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As per the Collected Covenant, Philza must submit to all experimentation. Upon non compliance, visitation to his children is prohibited.
and close ups!
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Yeah. That man deffo isn’t planning to bite off heads.
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half-deadmagicperson · 7 months
DP Side Hoes Week: Nocturn | Creation
Warnings: Dissection, Referenced Torture, Gore
Summary: Nocturn loves the sound of screams, but then they pass a silent door.
Nocturn sighed. The sound of human’s screams resounded in their brain. It was…delightful. Tonight, Nocturn felt like creating nightmares for the sleeping mortals. The Ancient smiled as they passed the doors of people's minds, creating havoc as they went. They continued down the chain until turning back towards one door.
There was no screaming. There was no crying? Nocturn turned the knob of the door. Cold tile greeted the Ancient along with bright white walls. Splatters of green and red dotted the room. Nocturne's expression fell.
Two figures loomed over a metal table. They worked in silence, picking at whatever was on the table. Nocturn looked around to see organs (?) on a smaller table off to the side.
The Ancient couldn't help but float closer to see what was going on.
On the table, a familiar Halfa was strapped down. His torso was open and on display while the two scientists poked and snipped away at it.
Two dull green eyes made contact with Nocturn. The boy's stare was blank. The Ancient felt…embarrassed? To be here. It reminded them of when they were young.
Cultists used to summon Nocturn to cast enemies into endless sleep. Pariah Dark also tried to harness the power of dreams. They poked and prodded until Nocturn screamed. Nocturn wanted nothing more than for them, and all mortals to suffer.
Nocturn smiled as they watched Pariah squirm and relive the same nightmares over and over. They laughed at the cries of those who broke them.
Now Nocturn stares at the little hero from Amity Park. The light has faded from his eyes. His parents hacked away at his liver.
“Why…why do you not scream?” The boy just looked at them.
“This is your worst nightmare, yet you do nothing?” The boy opened his mouth.
“Because, when I wake up, I know it'll just be the same thing.”
Nocturn stared at the boy in horror. His parents were torturing him. Flashes of pain brought Nocturn back to all the spells used against them. What a cold cruel existence. The wicked trample the innocent, snuff them out like a light.
Yet, even now, the boy on the table lacks resentment. He is exhausted and numb, sure, and yet he does not want to watch the world burn, like Nocturn did centuries ago. Peculiar.
A stubborn kindness, refusing to die. Nocturn almost wishes they could still be that kind. Peculiar indeed.
The dream shifted to a quiet night in an empty field. The stars lit up the sky in a beautiful display. The boy sat down on the dewy grass before turning towards the Ancient.
“Thank you.”
Nocturn gave a nod before exiting the dream. They had been so focused on the creation of nightmares that they forgot the joy of being the Ancient of Dreams.
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