#Tutor for Kasumi
lys-lilac · 1 year
[JP] RMD VIP event: Delusional. ~Our Fetish. Thanks for the meal~
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So, Voltage released a new VIP event on occasion of RMD's 5th anniversary. What the heck is that cute chibi MC and these 6 men jlhsklkdsjllkl
And these delusional stories descriptions WHAT IS THIS T^T
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"Before performing a risky heart surgery, Kasumi is forced to choose between the dream of pregnancy of the patient and her own life. You find yourself pondering over what choices you would make if this were your surgery. At that time, something you said to him, imagining a future with Kasumi, moved his heart…"
"Takado tells a couple who had been planning for their retirement that their dreams may not come true in the future. One night, as he was having complicated feelings as a doctor, he found you collapsed in the living room…!? Takado, still more anxious than ever, runs for tomorrow with you!"
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hurpdurpburps · 2 months
Kozakura and Toriko
SPOILER WARNING: major spoilers up to Vol 8 of the novels, screenshots of the manga-exclusive Kozakura POV Special Chapter 10 and two passing mentions of minor character development in Vol 9 of the novel (currently only in Japanese).
Vol 10 of the English manga was released yesterday, and re-reading the Kozakura POV Special Chapter at the end reminded me why it was actually my favourite of all the ones published so far, and why I am so enamoured with Kozakura as a character.
I know that a lot of the fandom is amused by the idea of Sorawo having a harem (and it's true - Miyazawa straight up confirms Runa's crush in Vol 9 and has regularly insinuated at Kozakura's feelings throughout the volumes), but I think not nearly enough people talk about Kozakura's dynamic with Toriko, or how the story unfolds from her perspective as literally the "only grown-up in the room" before Migiwa's introduction.
So this post is gonna talk about that.
There are multiple times where the story depicts Kozakura favouring Sorawo over Toriko, such as in when she asked Sorawo to accompany her back home because she was scared, or when she decided to call only Sorawo to go over to her house to collect the free hot springs tickets. A lot of people chalk it up to Kozakura liking Sorawo, but if anything I think this behaviour is more of a manifestation of the lack of guilt towards her, compared to the boatload she has towards Toriko.
In the novels, we as readers feel the disgust and dread from Sorawo's POV as someone retroactively discovering that her friend was a victim of grooming.
But what about Kozakura? If you think about the OP character chart from a bird's eye view, she wasn't a victim - nor exactly an innocent bystander. If anything, she'd be an accessory to a predator, being a late-20s/early-30s adult witnessing her similar-aged coworker rope in who was a literal teenager at the time to traversing and exploring a creepy af alternate reality, and doing absolutely fuck all about it.
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Miyazawa made a deliberate decision here, to write in no uncertain terms, that Kozakura was conscious of what Satsuki was doing to Toriko, or the impropriety lurking beneath the dynamics of their "tutor-student" relationship. Kozakura saw it coming - his writing leaves no room for other interpretations - and she let it happen.
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And how does she cope with this guilt? Kozakura could've avoided Toriko's attempts at reaching out after Satsuki's disappearance. It would've been easy I think, for Kozakura to simply break off all contact. A simple "our mutual friend is gone so bye" would've sufficed to send Toriko packing for good. Toriko is an abysmally shy girl - and unlike Sorawo, Kozakura knew that side of her from the start. Kozakura is clearly not afraid or incapable of conveying her displeasure, but nonetheless makes the conscious, harder decision to make Toriko feel comfortable enough to stick around.
Kozakura unexpectedly grows more accustomed to taking care of Toriko, plus her new sidekick Sorawo, over time. So much so that by the time Vol 6 rolls around, she pretty much gives up her house and lets our dynamic duo do what they want. By extension, I think her guilt over not doing anything to help Toriko in the past was a driving factor behind her decision to take in Kasumi. In a sense, it's a do-over, and now she's right there from the start to make sure the train doesn't derail. I'm happy to reveal that her efforts have paid off - Kasumi's communication abilities have greatly improved in Vol 9. Now the kid says hi, eats ice cream on the couch obediently when ordered to do so, and quotes entire Wikipedia pages psychically or whatever.
The complicated vortex of envy, jealousy and guilt doesn't stop Kozakura from trying to do right by Toriko, but that doesn't mean it's easy to face her either. Coupled with Sorawo's many similarities to her missing crush (emotional erh, robustness, vague physical resemblance, bravery regarding all things Otherside) and the lack of a complicated interpersonal history, it's no wonder why Kozakura intuitively prefers talking to our protagonist than the poor Bird Girl she allowed to be manipulated. And I don't think she's very conscious of this inclination herself.
Personally, I prefer this interpretation of Kozakura's behaviour, rather than the more popular everyone-likes-Sorawo take (not that it's not valid, unsupported, or fun). Also, this is my all-vibes no-evidence theory, but Kozakura totally seems to me like someone who'd only be into older women, not younger...
But that's probably just me projecting. I relate to Kozakura's position quite a bit, as a late-20s woman who leads a team of mostly early-20s younger women fresh out of university, like a naggy mother hen.
Many stories depict difficult situations from the eyes of a victim, survivor, or even perpetrator, but not enough explore the guilt of someone who acknowledges that she could've stopped a bad thing from happening, in my opinion. And she forces herself to atone by proactively keeping an eye for these girls. While maintaining that superior holier-than-thou attitude towards her kids lol. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh I love Miyzawa's takes so much.
This is a 5am, caffeine-fueled ramble. It's not particularly insightful or profound, but I have a lot of energy right now and decided to pen down these surging thoughts.
And yeah - buy the manga! The Kozakura POV shorts add such a rich dimension to these already-deeply introspective novels, and personally I think it really highlights Miyazawa's hyperawareness of complicated, problematic interpersonal dynamics.
PS. I wonder how many volumes we have to reach before finally knowing Kozakura's first name lol.
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drewlyyours · 1 year
Rating Nancy Drew Game Moms for Mother’s Day:
Every mom starts out 5/10 for being mom
(Warning: these are just my opinions and I’m a silly lil guy so)
(Oh and spoilers I guess)
Kate Drew (Nancy’s mom)
-3 hid things from her family because she was a spy and she dies for it :(
+5 teaches her daughter about how loved she is and about the beauty of music and poetry and helping others
Camille Hurley (doll mom)
-5 didn’t have kids
Ethel Bossiny (Jane’s tutor while her mother is gone)
-5 never breeded
+7 breeds chaos consistently
-5 or teaching Jane to be in a cult
+5 for upholding family tradition!
-2 scary as all hell
+4 helps teach Jane life skills and academics while her parents are gone
-3 look where that got her
Linda Penvellyn (Jane’s step-mom)
-5 Jane has only been in her life like a couple months and hates her
+8 stays even when her husband is not around and she is depleting mentally and physically due to the strain and literal curse this child is putting on her
Renee Penvellyn (Jane’s mom)
+5 Jane’s favorite mom
+2 opera singer!
-1 hard divorce :(
-4 literally isn’t around and this affects child quite badly
Mrs. Petrov (Linda’s mom)
+5 literally gets a detective to go investigate why her daughter wasn’t feeling well
-2 doesn’t go herself
+2 would probably fight the entire Penvellyn family (including Mrs. Drake) for her and that’s goals
Mrs. Drake (plant mom)
+3 loves her plants more than people
+2 won awards for best plants
-1 feeds people to her plants
+1 feeds her plants people
Marion Aborn (“fill-in” mom for Emily)
-10 not a mom
+10 fills in when Emily’s mom died
-10 basically a literal kidnapper and thief
+1 makes pie
Ezra Wickford (Dexter’s adoptive… dadmom)
-5 not mom
+10 invented chocolate milk
-4 dexter’s daddy issues
+2 the scrapbook
Kasumi Shimizu (Yumi and Miwako’s mom)
+5 literally the glue that held their family together
-2 died
Whomever mothered Lori Girard
-5 clearly did bad
Jing-Jing Ling (my mom)
+5 makes fresh-baked cookies every day made of love
Charleena Purcell (mother of all romance novels)
+5 changed Fatima’s life forever
-3 bad at fan interactions
+1 has an illustrious air about her which is the perfect condition for romance novels
Miles the Magnificent Memory Machine (Joy’s Robot Thing)
-10 is a consciousless robot
+2 made with love and the purpose of distributing love and advice to Joy
+10 even bad memories have a place in a good life
+2 the one consistent thing in Joy’s life even when it may annoy her
+1 I will cry
Rita Hallowell (cat mom)
+5 for literally being the most iconic duo
-2 Usher becomes a legend for constantly wandering aimlessly at Waverly likely seeking his mother after her death
Hannah Gruen (Nancy’s housekeeper)
+5 caring for Nancy when her mother died and being wonderful always
Emily Griffen (dog mom)
+2 probably got dogs from the pound and fed them when no one else would
Sally McDonald (dog mom)
+2 takes dogs in even when already stressed in life
+1 keeps all of them
+2 has a lots of land for them to play and be friends and have good doggie lives
Rosalie Thornton (Clara’s mother)
-3 won’t freaking tell her kid who her father is and then dies
-2 look where that got her!
Clara Thornton (Jessalyn’s mother)
+1 this point is from Charlotte cause I feel like she would think the guilt this woman carries about that is punishment enough
+3 literally loves her daughter so much truly
-3 lies consistently to her daughter
+2 she has trauma and her family history is kinda disgusting and has been disgusting to her… I kinda get it
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keybladeselkie · 7 months
Baldur’s Gate Next Gen
It’s late and this game is invading my headspace like pests. In a fun way.
I am a nerd when it comes to the next generation/ancestry shenanigans when it comes to video games and story telling for me. The sims and or farm sims I blame horribly with love for the way I act and write. Now this doesn’t mean I have beaten the whole game of it but imagination is huge in the world of dungeons and dragons and I kinda wanna share some today. The next generation will be 18+ and of age to go out to adventuring.
Zephyr Ancunin-Wrenhope-
-Son of my beast master ranger shifter, Tasara Wrenhope and Astarion.
-This gremlin is feral like his mother and inherited most of his mannerisms and behavior to her. The other half that his father gifted was his heightened senses and masterful skills in sleight of hand and stealth.
-Zephyr’s genetics have more elf than shifter or vampire, so he is neither a shifter nor a dhampir.
-Loves the night time and takes plenty of siestas during the day. The hunt becomes more fun and thrilling when lurking in the darkness.
-He do bite so be careful.
-Class wise he most likely be a ranger or rogue like his parents though an argument could be made for a Druid.
Kasumi Ravengard
-Daughter of Wyll Ravengard and my cleric/sorceror tav, Aria Yoake.
-Devil blood was easily passed down with this lass, being born a tiefling.
-Her father tutored her in swordplay and always made sure to make time out of his day to spar or spend time with her.
-Gale meanwhile became a godfather/uncle and personal tutor to young Kasumi. Bonding together over their love of books and having Tara rest on the girl’s lap while Gale teaches.
-Kasumi inherited a thirst for adventure and excitement due to her parents’ stores of their adventures and vowed to train every day in order to become strong and wise enough to travel the world.
-Class wise, she’d be a sorceress and possibly a fighter. Both Wyll and Aria would strongly advise her not to make deals with any devils due to past experience.
Willow Wrenhope.
-Daughter of Tasara and Halsin.
-Halsin, Tasara, and Astarion are in a polycule relationship and live within the forest where Tasara grew up.
-Halsin does travel back home on occasions to visit his family and make time for his partners and children.
-Willow inherited more of the shifter gene from her mother and shares a similar feral instinct like her half brother.
-Willow would often be seen climbing trees and or bonding with animals, she does find some time to spend with Zephyr. Playing wrestling and sparring which brings their mother to a nostalgic moment.
-Willow adores her uncle, Sabrin and idolizes his magical abilities and sharp shooting.
-Class wise, girl would definitely be a druid like her papa with maybe a level in ranger or barbarian.
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fatherfigurefusion · 2 years
im interested lol, do you have anything else for opposite sekai niigo?
More on the AU beneath the cut.
(Not gonna lie, I originally thought of Airhead!Mafuyu during my making of a Popipa as Niigo AU, with Kasumi taking a Mafuyu-esque role. But that's another story.)
While given time to mull this over, I've gotten a brand-new epiphany:
Opposite!Niigo being a lot like Ensemble Star's Ryuuseitai, taking Kanade's whole "saving-people-with-music" thing into a more physical direction.
(As for a name, I was thinking "1 PM Junkyard", since they always meet up at 1 PM at an abandoned junkyard they use as a makeshift "film studio" of sorts.)
Group roles:
Kanade is the director and composer (and group leader).
Mafuyu is the scriptwriter (hence the notable surreal-ness of their shows).
Ena is the props and costume designer.
Mizuki is the fight (and dance) choreographer.
They would probably cover upbeat songs with positive lyrics, much like a mix between MMJ and WxS, with more of a pop-rock influence.
I'd imagine that, instead of her sweater paws, Opposite!Kanade would always tie her jackets over her shoulders, like a superhero cape. I imagine that Kanade would call themself "K, The Caped Composer". They would also have overwhelming mom/dad-friend energy (a lot like a more confident Honami), much like Chiaki Morisawa with his dad energy.
Thanks to this, I'm now imagining Opposite!Kanade playing basketball with Regular!An and Regular!Haruka.
Because he regularly doesn't watch where he's going (read: disassociation), Opposite!Mafuyu is very clumsy and is covered head-to-toe in colorful bandages (placed there by Kanade).
The KanaMafu is simply "mature and morosexual mom friend" meets "clumsy and childish doofus".
The MafuEna dyamic is basically "agent of chaos (Ena) and biggest enabler (Mafuyu)", with them regularly having to be babysat by Kanade and Mizuki.
Kanade and Mizuki's dynamic is this weird mix between "gym bros" and "team mom and dad", regularly fighting each other to blow off steam and stopping Mafuyu and Ena from doing anything stupid.
The MizuEna dynamic is more-or-less swapped, with loud, prideful and egotistical art genius Opposite!Ena regularly getting on the nerves of stubborn tsundere delinquent Opposite!Mizuki.
Out of the four of them, Opposite!Kanade is really the only person with good test scores (Opposite!Mizuki regularly cuts classes and is a chronic detentionnaire, Ena has a subpar knowledge when it comes to any non-art matters, and Mafuyu is simply Mafuyu), so it's regularly up to her to tutor the rest of her group.
(If I come up with ways to swap the other bands, I could do more. So far, I have EmoHauntedHouse!WxS and ClassicalMusic!VBS.)
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the-lampost-ghost · 10 months
Culinary Chronicles of the Court Flower | Light Novel | Volume 1
Name: Culinary Chronicles of the Court Flower Type: Light Novel Creators: Miri Mikawa (Story), Kasumi Nagi (Art), afm (Translator) Genre: East Asian Historical, Cooking Tags: Cooking, Reverse Harem
To celebrate my first post on the blog, I decided to write a review about the light novel I am currently reading. I have a class of cold water near me, though it has been raining over the last few days the weather has become somewhat warm. I have not yet switched on the AC, but the fan is running at full speed. As I read on my laptop, I have a few thoughts about this book.
I was looking for a nice East Asian historical light novel - having recently read My Happy Marriage and The Apothecary Diaries, so I was eager to experience the intrigue of palace politics and learn more about emperors and kings, and consorts. And I was not disappointed at all!
So what is the light novel Culinary Chronicles of the Court Flower about?
The light novel follows the story of Setsu Rimi, a princess from the land of Wakoku. While she served as the Umashi-no-Miya, she was sent as a tribute to Konkoku, a powerful foreign empire as their new Emperor ascended his throne. As a foreign princess and having basically done nothing but cook for her god, Rimi has no clue about Konkaku's customs, and importantly, food. With just her pot of kaorizuke will Rimi be able to win the hearts of the people in the palace? This is somewhat the understanding I have of the story so far. 
Let's discuss the main character.
The main character, Setsu Rimi is wonderfully carefree and kind-hearted. Although she seems to be smart enough to sustain herself in a completely foreign land, she is somewhat of an air-head. She is obsessed with food, and her chatter with Shusei has been very interesting to observe. Most of the situations and trouble she gets into are because of external circumstances - misunderstanding because of the language, cultural differences, and the fact that no one thought of hiring a tutor to help her assimilate into the Rear Palace. Her reactions seem to be natural, and her carefree attitude is backed by a solid backstory from her childhood. We haven't yet seen her personal involvement with the male character cast, and she gets dragged into politics as the story goes on. Overall, although her character is pretty common in reverse harem light novels, I am eager to see how she develops!
How is the male (also known as the bishounen)cast?
There are four important men in the cast and needless to say, they are all beautiful. 
As a tribute, the person who technically owns, Rimi is the Emperor himself, Shohi. Shohi seems to be a cold-hearted and sadistic person. Though he ascended to the throne at such a young age, he was smart and beautiful and his heart is made of ice. The Emperor also cannot seem to taste food. 
On the other hand, the one Rimi has interacted with the most, is Shusei. Both of them share food & cuisinology as deep interests. He is smart and though intelligent chooses to involve himself in studying food sciences to the point where he is known as the Loveless Scholar. He is the kind of person who wants to use any chance he gets to conduct experiments and learn more about food.
Then we have Master Hakurei, a 'supposed' eunuch from the Rear Palace, who is very high in the hierarchy. Because of Rimi's kind-heartedness, he has saved her life and ensured she was not worse off in the Rear Palace drama. He is said to be intensely beautiful and has taken a certain liking to Rimi. However, he seems somewhat forceful and his liking towards Rimi doesn't seem to be without ulterior motives.
Finally, we have Shin Jotetsu. While there isn't really much interaction between Rimi and Jotetsu in the first book, he seems to be the strong, rough fellow you often see in the reverse harem genre.
Overall Impression?
I liked the premise of Culinary Chronicles of the Court Flower, and I enjoyed the pleasant writing in the light novel. I had not expected it to have a reverse harem when I started reading, but I appreciate that the romance is slow-paced and the men haven't fallen for the main character without reason. I also loved how the main character was insightful and down-to-earth. It seemed to be a slightly refreshing take on the typical reverse harem heroine. Although I was feeling intimidated by the male cast, I have come to enjoy them and their bonds with each other. The first book seems to focus on establishing the characters in their roles and does so successfully. 
As a side note, I also enjoyed the descriptions of how the main character interacted with a different culture too. 
By the time I finished writing this post, I'd finished my glass of water and enjoyed a nice lunch of rice and sambhar. The light novel talks highly about flavors in stock and I wondered if I would be able to even taste it as I come from a place where spices and combination flavourings are the norm. Maybe I should stop by a Japanese restaurant soon!
0 notes
taperwolf · 2 years
Love Live SIFAS, Season 5, Chapter 48: Rina Wants to Experience with Mia
Rina and Kasumi decide to do the Other Programs Experience in the International Studies program, and go to Mia for some extra help with English beforehand. Mia is a little skeptical, until Rina explains why she wants to learn English.
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(Mia tutors them a little, but also emphasizes how in simple conversational situations like the ones likely to come up in the class, body language/gestures are also important. Afterwards, Rina reports back about the applicability of that advice.)
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bridgetotheskyyy · 3 years
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Truth or Dare
This fic is for @konoblog-simps August 2021 Server Collab: College AU! My first collab! Very proud and I hope y'all like it!
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pairing(s): Nanami Kento x Reader | with shades of Megumi Fushiguro x Reader |
wc: 7k
warnings: 18+ content, graphic sex, student/teacher relationship, age gap
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“True or dare?”
“I don’t know … truth.”
It was your fault, really, for thinking that an evening with Nobara could ever be tame.
Because the girls pounced and only later would you realize it had been the plan all along —
An ambush.
“Are you dating Professor Nanami?”
You nearly choked on your piece of popcorn.
“Nobara, you promised!” Kasumi shrieked, flustered.
Ah, Kasumi. You’re only true friend.
Nobara’s chuckle was so dark. “So what?”
Your eyes bulged as you lurched over, coughing. But Nobara was unfazed, the face she wore just as curious as ever.
“I — wha — what?”
Nobara chesired, her smile one of victory. Checkmate.
“You heard me, (Y/n),” she said, leaning forward. “Don’t even pretend to choke to get out of telling us —“
“I’m not — pretending —“
“So is it true?”
You recovered with a gulp of water. When you put it aside, eyes watering from your near-death, the girls — Nobara, Maki, Mai, Kasumi — were all laser-focused on you. The tv remained on the menu of some random streaming service, unmoved and forgotten. Mai held the remote. Kasumi had saved your popcorn but it, too, lay ignored.
And you knew you wouldn’t be able to get out of it.
You fixed Nobara with a defeated glare. “Why do you gotta be so evil?”
“Is it true?”
This was the whole point of the slumber party, after all: not to celebrate the last night you all would spend as college students — that was merely a cover-up — but to get you to dish on your relationship with Nanami. But how had they found out? You hadn’t heard any rumors — which … didn’t mean they weren’t around, being spread from ear to ear, text to text. The idea of a student shacking up with a teacher at Jujutsu University was not a story worthy of anyone’s attention; for months, there had been rumors about Professor Gojo’s … escapades. You all had thought it would turn out to be Kasumi who had become the apple of his eye, but it turned out to be some sophomore none of you even knew.
What was salacious about all this was that this was Professor Nanami.
“It’s …” You trailed, eyes shifty. Finally, you sighed. “It’s kinda true.”
Kasumi squealed. Nobara crossed her arms, smile satisfied while Maki smirked at you, resting her chin on her knuckles. And Mai’s smile was too coquettish for you to keep eye contact with her.
“What?” Maki raised an eyebrow. “So, Megumi was just a cover-up then?”
Oh, god, Megumi.
Shoot, Megumi. It was a silly half-truth — you knew he crushed on you, but when you looked at him, all you could see was your childhood friend, your confidante. In the back of your mind, you had hoped that Megumi would stifle any rumors if they existed. That the rest of the university would see you with the cutest boy on campus and just assume.
“What?” You spat as Nobara burst out laughing. “No!”
“I fucking knew it,” Nobara said. “Men — they’re all the same. I don’t care how buttoned-up Professor Nanami is, it doesn’t change a single thing!”
“So you’re not really dating Megumi?” was Kasumi’s question.
“When’d you even start dating?” was Mai’s.
“What’s he like in bed?” was Nobara’s.
“I second that,” Maki chuckled.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” You cut the air with your hands. “Slow down — all of you! How’d you even find this out?”
Nobara was the one with shifty eyes now. She sucked in her cheek, pursed her lips.
“… Yuji.”
You dropped your coca-cola can with a huge thud. “What the fuck? Yuji?!”
“Just the other day he gave me a ride,” Nobara started, shrugging. “He was all like, ‘yo, what’s (Y/n) doing coming outside of Professor Nanami's apartment. And just the other day I saw her having lunch with him. I guess he must be a good tutor or something because I don’t think he’s taking on any other students.’ He’s so dense, that boy. And you hadn’t said anything about being tutored by him — so it could only mean one thing.”
“You’ve been dropping it low for Kento,” Maki said.
The girls — save Kasumi, who only reddened to a tomato color — burst out laughing, Nobara almost knocking over the bowl of popcorn that Kasumi, once again, saved from tipping over.
“Oh, god,” You said. “Okay, look — stop fucking laughing — I can explain, okay? I can!”
“All right, then, (Y/n),” Nobara said. “Explain.”
You rolled your eyes, preparing yourself as the girls leaned in.
“It … it was a couple months ago.”
“I love you.”
At first, you were sure the words had been yanked from a fever dream of yours, some fourth dimension — because that was the only explanation for them.
That, or Megumi was being honest.
“What … did you just say?” You blinked.
Megumi’s eyes read yours, probably searching for some indication of your true feelings in them. You revealed none, because he repeated himself in a soft, shuddering breath:
“I love you, (Y/n).”
You said nothing because you could say nothing. You leaned on the building’s railing, looking out past the roof. You had gotten Megumi’s note, to meet you here as the sun fell. Now, the dying sun, nestled by thick clouds, warmed your bewildered face and highlighted the anticipation in Megumi’s.
“I … I … Megumi …”
Megumi’s hand came to hold your face and you felt him close in. Goodness, he was beautiful, you swam in the dark of his eyes as he closed the distance between you. His other hand rested on your wrist, giving it a soft squeeze.
He was beautiful, but …
You didn’t move as Megumi’s lips met your stilled ones. You felt him kiss you, felt him wait for you to respond, to melt into his touch so he could do the same, but you remained stiff, closed. You couldn’t bring yourself to pull away or lean in; you, who was still frozen in time from the moment his confession left him.
He pulled away, and there was a pause, pregnant and painful.
Megumi’s face fell, the only light available leaving his eyes. “(Y/n), I …”
“I’m sorry, Megumi, I …” You began, moving away from the railing. “I can’t — I — I don’t reciprocate, I’m sorry.”
You didn’t stop when he called out to you, pushing the door open and fleeing down the row upon row of stairs. It felt maddening, Wonderland-esque, riding down the series of steps as Megumi’s face fell in your mind, the flavor of his lips still on yours. You were sure any moment the staircase would give underneath you, leaving you tunneling down into darkness.
But somehow you made it past the stairs of Megumi’s apartment and onto the street.
A soft sob left you as you were left in the cold night air. The streets out of the complex were bustling, but surprisingly not as they should have been; you were grateful for it — there were not as many out tonight to witness your humiliation, your endless confusion.
Just how long had Megumi felt this way for you? You knew other people thought you had feelings for one another, even an item — but Megumi himself? You thought you had him figured out. That he rolled his eyes at the idle gossip and continued to love you, platonically, from afar …
You’d been wrong. So wrong. What else had you been wrong about?
Megumi had meant to be your way home, but now? You resigned yourself to walk, asking yourself how could it possibly get worse?
Always the question to ask: the sky darkened. You felt the tip of a raindrop hit your nose.
“No!” You moaned, your misery compounding. You removed your jacket, cloaking it over your body.
You began to run, getting soaked as the rain began to pour on you. You slowed down, submitting to both the rain and the agony of what the day had been. You were truly crying now, for Megumi and yourself. How would you save your friendship? What you wouldn’t give to sink into your bed now …
You heard the soft purr of an engine and looked behind you: a car.
The car was pure black and sheen, light bouncing off the hood perfectly as it pulled up at your side. Anxiety flared up in you again. Oh no …
You inched away from the car, cautious. But a familiar face, obscured by the tinted windows …
The window rolled down and your heartbeat paced even faster. You waited.
The window came down. Blond hair slicked back. A fine cream suit. Glasses.
You had never seen him like this, outside his cliché professor button-ups, his average attire. You had to squint — then you reeled back, eyes wide.
“Profesor Nanami?”
“Miss (L/n) …” was his answer. Even though the dark of his glasses, you could tell he was looking over you, inquisitive but still quiet.
“Wha—“ You stammered, adjusting the jacket over your head. “What are you doing out?”
“I believe that question should be reserved for me to you, Miss (L/n),” was Professor Nanami's answer, but there was, surprisingly, no edge to it. His brows furrowed with, you imagined wildly, with concern. “What are you doing out here in the rain?”
“I —“ You felt your face burn. You had no words, still possessed from the shock of seeing him outside of his classroom. It was becoming comical, the rain; surely god had sent yet another deluge just mock you.
“Nevermind that now,” Professor Nanami changed his mind, reaching over, opening the passenger seat for you. “Get in.”
“I don’t think —“
“Don’t be silly; you’re drenched. Inside, that’s not a request.”
You didn’t object a second time; you had no reason to. Your jacket was becoming a poor substitute for an umbrella — or a roof — and you were tired, in more ways than one. You moved from the sidewalk, crunching into the car, spine bent, with a grunt. You set yourself in, thanking whatever god that had attempted to drown you that his seats were leather and not suede.
Professor Nanami said nothing. With not even a look your way he began to pull away from the sidewalk back to the main streets. If not for the streetlights, you would’ve thought the world had been plunged into darkness. The car’s lights from the engine flared in your face, creating tiny stars dazzled in your eyes.
“You can turn the radio on,” he said gently. “And then you can tell me where to drop you off.”
“Um, no, that’s … that’s okay,” You said. But it wasn’t okay; you weren’t okay with the way the silence droned on, how seen you felt. You felt as though the street’s lights careened to spotlight you, a pitiful dear in the midst of them. You began to think of maybe taking that back, reaching for the radio’s dial when —
“Forgive me; it’s not really my business,” Professor Nanami said, “nor is it much of a mystery; I’m sure you were just out for a night at the town. It is a Saturday, after all …”
Then, you realized: mercy. Professor Nanami had arrived before Megumi had chased after you. You would’ve had no clue what to do with yourself, had he seen that.
“No,” You said, your chuckle weak. “I shouldn’t have asked, either. I was just — just surprised to see you.”
“I imagine so,” Professor Nanami said, pausing the car at a stoplight.
You turned your head to him just in time to see the edges of his lips curl, as though he had found something passively funny. You were so unfamiliar with his smile that you simply blinked, believing, again, it another quirk of your imagination.
“It’s all right,” he said. “I don’t mind answering your question: I was out on a date tonight, one of my first in a while.”
You blinked again, several times. Whaaaaat? You were stunned for a second.
Your silence gave him incentive for him to go on. “It didn’t go as well as I’d hoped. She … wasn’t what I thought she was going to be.”
Ahh, so a bad online date, then.
Feeling a little braver, you asked: “What do you mean?”
Professor Nanami was quiet, worrying you. The light flashed green and the car sprung into gear again, the motion jolting you back in your seat. Oh no, I went too far. You prepared an apology when:
“She made herself sound so open, so accepting,” Professor Nanami went on. “She was actually quite selfish … And she some … opinions.”
You looked at him. It was finished, clearly, and this time you didn’t want him to elaborate. You were miserable, but you didn’t want his company in it.
Although there was a part of you — a small part, a very small part — enjoying this. This human Professor Nanami who went on bad dates and suffered disappointment and picked up desperate girls in their time of need.
Oh, you thought. You had a hard time coming to terms with it all — where you were, in Professor Nanami's car, hearing him going on about girl trouble. But you also had never expected this. The idea of having such personal common ground with Nanami. How could you? You felt oddly close to him at that moment, as though the two of you had been doing this for ages, like old friends.
“But nevermind that,” Professor Nanami said. “It’s over and I do not dwell on things like this. It changes nothing. Let’s address the main issue: where were you headed?”
You didn’t answer. You couldn’t tell him, the events of the night brought a burning heat to your cheeks. What were you meant to say? My best friend just told me he loved me and kissed me. I wasn’t going anywhere but away. But then you considered — he had just shared his disappointments with you, were you really so sure he would judge you? The urge to conceal what the evening had become came and went, came and went again, flowing and surging away at regular intervals.
Then you relented to the logic of the situation. If he judges me, he’s not who I thought he was.
“I … wasn’t,” You admitted. “Headed anywhere, that is; I … I had to reject someone, too, tonight …”
“Hmm,” Professor Nanami said. “I see.”
A second. Then another.
“But … thank you,” You said and told him where you lived.
A few moments passed in silence. Nanami didn’t ask who it was and you didn’t tell — Megumi didn’t deserve to be the subject of such idle gossip.
“I’m sure it will be all right,” Professor Nanami said. “No one plans love, after all.”
You looked at him, surprised. Who was this Professor Nanami? You recalled the hard ass, the exasperated professor you’d come to recognize. Who was this man?
He pulled up at your address, and you opened the car door.
“If you need anything, just ask.”
You just looked at him, hand on the door. Flattery, completely unlike the kind that you were waiting to feel when Megumi kissed you, flooded your senses as you searched Professor Nanami's face with your eyes. He was always an incredibly handsome man to you, but now it seemed as though every beautiful feature of his face blared into high definition, highlighted by the car’s neon lights.
“I will,” You simply said. “Thanks.”
You got out slowly, closing the car door and without looking back — somehow, a little frightened to look back — retreating to the inside of your apartment.
Professor Nanami waited until you were inside until he drove away, and you watched his car disappear down a corner, wondering if, maybe, you had been in a dream all day.
“I think my heart’s about the give out …” Kasumi said.
“Oh, god,” Mai said between giggles. “Did you two, that night …?”
You rounded on her, truly upset for the first time. “Of course not. Nanami is a gentleman —“
“We really are on a first name basis,” Maki said, helping herself to popcorn stolen from Kasumi. “Oh, Okay.”
“Well, I mean,” You blushed. “Not that night.”
“Oh, good lord,” Kasumi said.
“Shut it,” Maki said. “This is getting good.”
If you need anything, just ask.
It seemed you needed Professor Nanami for everything. One night of his help became many.
Until one night became two months.
You and Professor Nanami — Kento, his name became yours every time you said it, the syllables sounding so heavenly rolled off your tongue — were spending almost all of your time together. You went out to lunch together, watched movies together. You were helping him grade papers, being one of his best students, and at first, you objected but came to accept the work gladly when he insisted. During class hours you were student and teacher, and once those hours ran out you would make it back to his apartment. Sometimes he would drive you — whenever he could, he would arrange to pick you up. When it wasn’t possible, you made it back on your own to spend your afternoons with him.
The wheels of your life had run away from you. You felt almost like Sisyphus, the Greek myth having become familiar to you in your sophomore year. The boulder you’d been instructed with falling away from your eyes and down the hill without being able to intervene.
You became … uncomfortably aware of your crush on Nanami — the crush you’d always harbored, kept close to your heart, and spoke of to no one. And before, there had been no reason to speak on it; this was Professor Nanami, the quiet, stern disciplinarian your classmates were all afraid of.
But now … the crush flared to life, blatantly obvious to you. It startled you. You spoke little of the nature of your relationship with him and Nanami pressed the issue little, going surprisingly quiet whenever you attempted to raise the topic.
I can’t just keep seeing you like this, you wanted to say. It’s not professional.
Yes, Nanami’s silence seemed to say. Yes, you can.
It came to a point where you were sharing evenings — at his apartment. You often occupied his barely-used living room, a quaint little space he’d turned into a mess with his essay papers, notebooks, old soda cans, and stained coffee cups. Things managed to make their way out of his suitcase to clutter the room at the end of the day and he could hardly gather the patience to tidy it again.
All this. How had it gotten here? But sometimes you wondered … what was next?
And would you want it?
Nanami was uncomfortable with people on campus knowing and so were you — you just didn’t know why. It wasn’t like anything was wrong; you were both adults, you in your senior year.
Because it’s just weird, you told yourself.
And you were sure all of your friends would support it if it was what you wanted.
At least Yuji thought so.
“You seem happier,” he said one day, kicking his feet up opposite you on the table you ate on.
“Huh,” was all you said at first. Judging by the ambiguity of his statement, you figured he hadn’t quite put his finger on what was making you so happy. “How so?”
“Dunno. You just do,” Yuji had said with a cute shrug. “Like, lighter, I guess.”
Lighter. Nanami invited himself into your mind and you smiled softly at the sight of him in your mind’s eye.
“I mean,” You shrugged back, playing it cool, “I guess so, if you put it like that.”
“I’m glad,” Yuji said before his eyes widened. “Wait a minute — did you and Megumi finally get together?”
You nearly spit out your drink. “What?”
You hadn’t spoken a full sentence to Megumi since he’d confessed to you at sunset and he hadn’t approached you once to rectify that fact; you weren’t sure if he would ever speak to you again. And given Yuji’s statement, it was clear he hadn’t spoken much to Megumi either; anyone with a brain could see that Megumi was positively gloomy these days, the complete opposite of what he would be if your reception toward him had been positive.
What was worse … Perhaps, he suspected something — maybe not a full something, but a slight something; you would sit in Nanami’s class and feel the heat of Megumi’s stare on your back and wondered if Nanami was being given the same treatment, though there was no way for you to know, not under these conditions.
“Yuji,” You said. “No.”
He squinted at you, smile devilish. “I bet if you did hook up with him you wouldn’t tell anyone~”
You didn’t know what to say to that, and the weight of your true secret kept you silent.
Oh, definitely C —
Nanami’s shoulders began to shake in your peripheral vision. You faced him to see he was laughing, and your heart fluttered; he so rarely laughed.
You smiled at him, straightening yourself against the edge of the couch. “What?”
“You’re nearly as tough as I am,” Nanami explained. “I can see you scores from here. I imagine that last F was Itadori’s?”
You grunted, jiggling your laptop on your lap to shield the screen away from him. “No, for a matter of fact, it’s not.”
Nanami’s laugh waned to a soft rumble in his throat. “Very well.”
His own laptop was situated on the coffee table, which he abandoned to make a cup of the aforementioned. You kept grading, relaxed by the domestic sounds of rustling in the kitchen; the mundane clank of silverware, and the droning of the coffee machine. When he returned, he came your way, and you weren’t ignorant of the glance he gave to your screen.
When he sat down, you waited for it, fingers mindlessly clicking away.
“Fushiguro, is that right?”
Oh no.
“Ye … Yeah.” You said honestly. You couldn’t help it; you’d given him an A. “He did really good on that last essay you gave us on global economies. It’s not a surprise he’s top of the class …”
“Along with you,” Nanami said.
Once again, you choose silence, easing the lid of your laptop closed. The lack of light caused you to blink the darkness away from your eyes.
“… Is it true, then?” Nanami asked. “Are you and Mr. Fushiguro …?”
“No,” You said. “No, we’re not, and we never have been and we —“ you caught yourself, swallowing before you finished, “we probably never will be.”
Nanami paused. “I see. I was only —“
And you laughed, sudden, intrusive mirth that caught you off guard. You put a hand to your chest, felt how foreign the laugh seemed to bubble there. This was insane — you, here, with him. “No, it’s not true, all right? And it never will be. I don’t love Megumi — I don’t and sometimes I wished I did.”
“I …” Nanami trailed. “(Y/n), I —“
“I happen to enjoy spending time with you more,” You went on, your mouth run away from you. “You know, if we’re talking intimacy and all that.”
“(Y/n) …!”
You laughed back, and before you could catch yourself:
“I like you! It’s almost like Megumi was the cover-up for you all along!”
Oh shit.
The silence was deafening, only the gentle hum of the coffee machine as the two of you sat across from each other, unable to look away.
You blinked, lips parted as you stared up at Nanami, whose expression mirrored yours. Oh, god. All the words you had said, now out in the air, and all you wanted to do was to shove them back down your throat.
“I —“ You tried, feeling lost. “I — I didn’t mean —“
“You have no idea how happy I am to hear that,” Nanami blurted.
Another pause; Nanami had, apparently, not meant to say that either because he stood immediately, shielding whatever darting his eyes must have been doing with the sharp turn of his head. He raised from the couch, laptop underneath his armpit.
“That was unbecoming,” Nanami hastened. “I have to go. Good night.”
“Nanam —“
“Feel free to leave anytime.”
In a flash, Nanami was across the room. In another second, a door slammed, and your afternoon with him came to an end.
“Oh my god,” Kasumi cooed. “That’s so sad …”
“Yeah,” Maki said. “Hope you get to the sex soon; I’m gettin’ kinda down.”
You looked to Nobara, whose face was difficult to read as her eyes bared on you.
“Well, (Y/n)?” her tone was soft. “Was there sex?”
You bit your lip, hands in your lap.
“… Yes.”
You would not converse with Nanami for a week after that.
Besides school, you thought of nothing but Nanami, a preoccupation that only grew when you had to sit in his class and watch him ignore you both for the sake of his job and simply to avoid your knowing gaze. You felt yourself going insane with want, insane from lack of his attention. You knew there was so much more he wanted to say but had reserved himself to say nothing.
And it was killing you.
You grazed each other in the halls, were never in the same room together if not his classroom, if you were only for a second and not a second more.
You felt tightropped; you had said too much — and so had Nanami. But it had only been … only been what you had really felt, hadn’t it? You had never been happier than when you were with him. And now? You simply missed him. You shared his classroom but not his company, his space but not his heart.
And not his bed, either. The last of which had come to bother you more than you cared to say.
You waited it out until you were done with exams. You kept a straight profile around your friends but wondered if you’d truly been able to fool them and, besides the occasional side-eye from Megumi, no one said a thing.
Sunday night. Your final exam had been submitted and with that came relief, but a relief that did little to suffice. You craved the relief that would come from communicating with Nanami.
You arrived at Nanami’s apartment before dark, rounding the corner to his door with sweaty palms, anticipation knawing at your heart. Nightmare scenarios ran in the back of your head as you neared the door. What if he didn’t want you here? What if he yelled at you to leave? You’d never heard Nanami raise his voice anywhere — neither in class nor in the snippets of time you had stolen in his personal life. Were you risking it?
“All right,” You said, swallowing your anxiety. Your knuckles floated inches from the door.
Here goes nothing.
You knocked. Waited.
You heard rumbling from the other side and anxiety jumped in your throat, your fight or flight response dizzying you. You felt your leg twitch. Run, run, turn back and go while you still have a —
The door opened, revealing Nanami.
… chance.
You did not go in his office, ever; it felt like the final straw, the final frontier. The ultimate line between you and Nanami as you shared a space.
He was dressed in a button-up, long-sleeved shirt, hair scrambled out of its normal slick-back style. He appeared … tired to you. There was always a tiredness, lay at the edge of Nanami’s being. It lived in everything he did. You’d grown so accustomed to it you hardly noticed now, but this seemed different; you could imagine the dark crescents underneath his eyes, should he ever take off his glasses. It didn’t escape you, the fact that he was wearing them indoors — something he never did when he was home.
He stared at you, expression inscrutable.
Feeling trapped b, you went for levity.
“Wearing shades inside, are we?”
Shut up.
Nanami sighed.
“Is there something you wanted, (Y/n)?”
“Y— yes,” You said, feeling braver by the second; you straightened but despite your best efforts could come nowhere near his height. “I wanted to talk … about the other night.”
Nanami turned his head. You could almost see the scale, the weight of his options measuring up against one another.
Another sigh; Nanami’s hand relaxed on the knob.
“Come in,” Nanami droned.
Yay! You let yourself as Nanami widened the door for you. He closed the door and went ahead of you and, like an excited puppy, you tailed him to his office.
“I almost thought you’d say no to me,” You said, breaking the uneasy silence.
Nanami didn’t turn back to face you, leading you down the corridor to his home office.
“… Nonsense.”
He creaked the mahogany door open. The room succumbed to creeping darkness and would’ve been swallowed by it, save for the lamp, its soft, orange light emanating over laptop keys and scrambled pages that littered the island of his desk.
Nanami situated himself back in his chair, silent.
“Whatever you need, be quick about it. I’ve got a lot of work to do … unfortunately.”
All the worry you harbored coming over was gone. Replaced, now, by a slight pinch of annoyance. Your eyebrows furrowed as you surveyed him, his fingers dancing over clanking laptop keys.
“So you’re going to be coy about it?” You said.
“I haven’t a clue as to what you’re referring,” Nanami replied.
“Don’t give me that bullshit.”
Nanami’s fingers paused. He removed them from the keys and sat back, reaching a hand up to rub his temple.
“I don’t have time, (Y/n),” he said.
You could hear it in his tone; the overtaxed nature of his voice, as though he’d been mulling over only the most difficult of things all day. But at that moment you cared little.
“You have time for this, Nanami,” You said. “You had a whole two months worth of time.”
“That —“ he cut off his speech, averting his gaze. No,” he countered, beginning to stack papers, “I don’t.”
You slammed your hand on his desk.
“Goddamit, Nanami!” You exclaimed. “Just talk to me! You can’t ignore me forever!”
Nanami was undisturbed by your outburst. “I don’t know what you want to hear. This has gone on for too long —“
“And what exactly is this?” You retorted, eyebrow raised. “What is this, Nanami?”
At last, some progress; Nanami breathed out of his nostrils before looking up at you at last, eyes darkened by his shades.
“Something I can admit has gone too far,” he said. “Like I said, I don’t have to partake in this —“
“But you want to,” Your tone was dangerously low. You couldn’t stop yourself; you gave out a little laugh under your breath. “You’re scared, that’s what this is. That’s all it is. You’re scared that if you talk to me you’ll say the wrong thing; you’ll say what you want to say —“
He stood, cutting you off as his chair rolled away from the desk.
“You want me to talk?” Nanami said, cold fury. “Fine. I can’t bring myself to stop thinking about you. I haven’t been the same since … since this began and I find myself glad of it; my life was miserable before I let you into it. All I can think about now is how I no longer want to be your professor, I …”
Nanami’s snatched the shades from his face, his face falling in his hand. His other hand was flat on the desk to steady him. You were silent, overwhelmed by what Nanami himself was overwhelmed by. You crossed the room slowly until you were behind the desk.
“There’s so much I want to be to you that I can never be as your teacher, I …” Nanami paused, dropping his glasses on the desk, “I don’t know how … this can ever be proper, no matter how much I may want it …”
You reached forward, feeling bold, and caressed his cheek in your palm, forcing him to face you.
“Do you want this to be proper,” you said, “or do you want to be happy?”
You came close. Close, until you were too close and Nanami hadn’t stopped you. Quite the contrary; his hands met your hips, his hot breath tickling your lips.
“I don’t care if its proper,” you whispered, ghosting his lips, “I … I want to be happy.”
And it was amazing how the memory of Megumi’s lips fell away as you introduced your lips to Nanami’s, as though his kiss was a mere imitation of what you imagined and were now shrouded by the reality of Nanami’s.
His hands wasted no time; he embraced you, pulled you tighter to him with an audible moan. You held his face as his hands roamed your body, pressing you into his desk. His hand slipped past your ass, to your thighs. You allowed him to lift you onto the desk as your hands fiddled with the buttons of his shirt, where you could detect the ghost of muscle underneath the fabric.
“(Y/n), I —“ but you refused to let him continue, covering your mouth with his. You had waited so long to feel him and he could apologize only with his tongue, with his hands, making their way pulling up your skirt, acquainting themselves with the elastic of your panties. He pulled them down as he flicked at your tongue with his own.
You pulled his shirt away and felt the hardness of his chest. You nibbled against his tongue and relished in the vibration of his moan. Your hands found their way in his hair as you left his mouth, drawing kisses down his powerful jawline, down to his neck, sucking at his adam’s apple —
“(Y/n), shit —“
Nanami hung his head back as you spoiled him with kisses. Your panties were snagged at the back of your knees and you flung your legs forward so he could shed them from your body, your wet pussy now moistening his desk.
You couldn’t stop. Nanami, Nanami.
“Don’t wait,” You said, feeling feverish from his touch, his hands now adoring your breasts through your shirt, your erect nipples straining against the satin of your bra. Nanami’s erect cock rocked into your inner thigh, forcing you to purr. “Don’t wait, just … just fuck me …”
Nanami pulled down the straps of both your tank top and bra, leaving you disheveled until he reached behind you, undoing the strap to your bra and letting it fall in your lap.
You were too hot to worry if Nanami’s enjoyed the sight of you, your gaze heavy-lidded and trapped to him as he sucked in a breath as you leaned away, allowing him a full view of your tits.
“Fuck me,” You said. “Fuck me, sir.”
He growled.
Nanami undid his fly and you hooked your foot against the back of his knee, waiting with a bitten lip. You were wet — you could feel your thick, swollen lips squeezed against one another — but you were wet enough for this?
But when Nanami’s cock sprung free, long, and deliciously pink, you couldn’t bring yourself to care, excited for the pain of the semi-dry fuck.
He positioned himself and you wrapped your legs around him.
He slipped inside.
Your eyes went wide, head flung back as Nanami squeezed past your fleshy ring with a satisfied groan. Your hands flew to his naked back, nails digging into the flushed skin there as you were met with the pain-pleasure. He moved until all of him was inside you, until his tip tickled your cervix. The fabric of his jeans tickled your labia, and you were sure he would be drenched in your juices by the time this was over —
But there was no time to think about any of that as Nanami wasted no time beginning to thrust. Your juices slicked around his cock, eradicating the masochistic bite his cock had as it sunk into your pussy.
“You,” Nanami gasped at your shoulder as you bit into his own, “are so tight — oh, go — fuck — what am I going to do with you …?”
Oh. This was what you’d been missing all week? All the times you sat with him, wondering how he would feel inside you, wanting him? All that time wasted, you thought, as Nanami began pounding into you. And how long must he have wanted you? How long had he been waiting to bury himself inside of you, hear his name leave your lips in the most sinful of ways?
If you hadn’t been wet enough then, you certainly were now; you wrapped arms around him as he rocked his hips into you, the desk creaking from the harsh effort of his thrusts. You screamed — only before Nanami met you with his lips, forcing his tongue into your mouth with no ceremony to taste your wanton cries.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, felt him lift you from the desk. Your naked tits rubbed up against his chest, the sensitive nubs tickled as you bounced atop him.
Nanami nibbled on your bottom lip and your body sang with it all — you knew wouldn’t last long, not like this.
Nanami showed no sign of stopping, hands resting against your ass, squeezing the meaty skin there. He gasped, his cock kissing your cervix, compounding your pleasure and leaving you uttering a series of helpless gasps.
“Oh — Nanami, yes, fuck, fuckfuckfuck, yes, oh!”
He settled you down again but only to sneak a hand to your clit, where his fingers pleasured the nub, adding to a pleasure you thought impossible to increase.
His hand caught your face, forcing your gaze to him. He said nothing but the message was clear. Let me see you cum. Look at me as I finish you off.
You felt your orgasm rise, your muscles tightening, insides squeezing Nanami for dear life. Your hands lost themselves in his hair as you came, a single, helpless cry fell from your lips and this one Nanami did not conceal. He bit into your neck, riding out your already oversensitive body, your poor nerves sounding at all of the sensations at once.
Your orgasm softened but Nanami’s thrusts had not and just as you were sure you would pass out from the pounding with a groan he left you, releasing streams of cum on the side of his desk, drips of semen landing on your inner thigh. You watched, sucking a lip in your mouth, as Nanami’s cock drained itself, trapped in his fervent fist.
It was finally over. Nanami leaned forward, his breath shuddering his chest as he met your gaze.
“Certainly a long time coming,” he said, cock still in hand. “I admit I should’ve done this sooner …”
Nanami laughed at your breathless quip. “And it won’t be the last time. Now, you will help me clean this up — or you’ll have to find another college professor to seduce. I don’t want a mess.”
You giggled and obliged. Whatever reservations Nanami might have held were surely gone now.
“Holy shit,” Nobara said, looking contemplative. “Right there in the office, huh?”
“Sounds about right,” Mai said.
Maki was, for once, speechless.
Kasumi said nothing, a piece of popcorn falling from her open mouth as she stared at you.
You blushed at her. Of course, you hadn’t shared the raunchiest details of that afternoon with Nanami, rutting endlessly in his office, but you’d shared enough to surely give the girls some things to think about long after this sleepover had ended. It was only common courtesy to Nanami that you keep a lid on the more sordid elements, like how one night had turned into many, how Nanami hadn’t been nearly as exhausted as you had come to believe. But those weren’t for you to tell, so you did little telling.
“Thanks, Nobara,” Maki turned to Nobara. “I went along with all this because I’m messy, but now I’m just jealous.”
“Yeah, talk about a bummer,” Mai pouted, fanning herself with her hand. “Wonder if Professor Gojo still hits up his students … and I’m definitely cute enough —“
“Will you all shut up?” Kasumi exclaimed, red in the face. “She’s not done with her story!”
“Uh, of course she is?” Nobara said. “We figured out they’re fucking. That’s all I’ve gotta know.”
“Weren’t you even listening?” Kasumi said. “She said they were kinda.”
“Hmm … that’s right, you did say that,” Mai said, facing you. “What gives?”
“Yeah,” Maki said. “You still hittin’ it or what?”
“Maki!” Kasumi chastised.
“It’s okay, Kasumi,” You told her. You smiled to yourself. “We’re … not together anymore.”
“What?” the room erupted in unison.
The popcorn, at last, finally made it to the floor, spilling on the carpet as Maki stood up in surprise.
“What do you mean?” Nobara exclaimed.
“You broke up after all that?” Mai said. “You really are insane, you know that?”
Regardless, you kept your smile. “We just came to a point where we realized this just … wasn’t working. We still … you know, every now and again.”
That night, as great as it had been, had done nothing to assuage the intimacy Nanami wanted with you but just couldn’t have; the weight of the secret was too much, and there was no reason to hold up something so heavy.
“Whew,” Maki said.
“Shut up, Maki!” Kasumi said.
“But we’re not together, together,” You clarified.
“Wow …” Nobara said. “She gets to reject Megumi of all people, gets to bang Professor Nanami and keeps banging him, and leaves them both … what a queen.”
“More like court jester,” Mai said. “After all that …”
“Ah, well, I can see why you didn’t tell anyone,” Nobara said. “Anyway, I’m beat.”
“I can’t believe you’re tired,” Kasumi deadpanned.
“Hey, I got what I wanted,” Nobara said. “Let’s just enjoy the rest of the night, all right?”
No one argued after that; the thrill of your secret seemed to die away as you gathered around to clean up the spilled popcorn. You finished up a movie, answering impromptu questions the girls had now and again before you all began to settle in for a night’s sleep, your final night as college students.
You were just pulling the covers over yourself when your phone vibrated at your side. You turned over, picked it up, the hidden notification on your lock screen too surreal to be true:
You shielded the phone screen underneath your blanket, flicking your phone open to see the full message:
I’m sorry. Can we talk?
Hesitantly, you answered:
You waited, the three bouncing dots at the edge of the message app’s screen torturing you.
I was never mad at you, Megumi wrote back. And I hope you’re not mad at me.
I’m not, you answered.
I was just so embarrassed. I can’t wait to apologize in person.
Even you had to laugh at that.
Happy last-night-as-a-senior day.
You, too.
You could hear the soft snores Kasumi gave at your side, already fast asleep, and you felt a relaxation come over you. You didn’t care, you were just happy to have Megumi as your friend again, having never really lost him. But still: Nanami was on your mind. And … as happy as you were that it had been Megumi to reach you, your heart had wanted it to be Nanami.
In your peripheral, a new message. You looked.
Also, have you heard the news?
No, you wrote back. What news?
You haven’t heard? Megumi wrote. Professor Nanami quit.
You loved your new job — how could you not? The smell of the bakery’s bread lived under your nose as you performed the most mundane task; ringing up customers, sweeping the floors, organizing the pantry.
It had been three weeks since graduation, the sky full with hats thrown toward the heavens. Three weeks since you had repaired your friendship with Megumi. And three weeks since … Nanami had left Jujutsu University. He had ceased all contact with you and this time you didn’t go looking for him. Honestly, you had come to understand his conflict as your professor, as you shared some of it yourself. You could only what he was doing with his life now — above all … you hoped he was happy, wherever he was.
“Thank you, come again!” You called out as the customer left the store, the doorbells ringing after them.
You returned to work, preoccupied with organizing the pastries behind the glass gallery when the doorbell rang again.
“Sorry, I’ll be right with you!”
“That’s not very polite of you.”
You froze.
“After all, I thought I taught you better manners than that.”
You perked up, raising over the counter. It couldn’t be …
Nanami, looking happier than you’d ever seen him.
“Nanami …” You whispered.
He smiled at you.
“Long time no see, (Y/n).”
“Nanami,” You repeated, still stunned by him. He looked superb, like the night he had picked you up in the rain; hair slicked, dressed in a deep navy suit. The only thing amiss was the glasses; his eyes were softer, wider, on you. “Why … why the hell did you quit?”
Nanami chuckled, held up one finger. “Well, one: I want you, and this is the only way I could have you.”
You blushed. Oh, god, so it was for me all along.
Then another finger.
“And two: work is shit.”
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Study Date
My Navigation is here
Multifandom x gn!s.o.
Warnings: none I think
Fandoms: Jujutsu Kaisen, Bungō Stray Dogs, Haikyū!!, Detective Conan
Characters: Kamo Noritoshi, Fushiguro Megumi, Akutagawa Ryūnosuke, Shimizu Kiyoko, Mōri Ran, Inumaki Toge, Yoshino Junpei, Kugisaki Nobara, Hitoka Yachi, Miwa Kasumi, E. A. Poe, Choso, Zenin Maki, Kunikida Doppo, Nanami Kento, Ieiri Shōko, Getō Suguru, Dazai Osamu, Miya Atsumu, Tanaka Ryūnosuke, Nishinoya Yū, Hinata Shōyō, Kageyama Tobio, Nakahara Chūya
Part 1
Good study partner
Kamo Noritoshi, Fushiguro Megumi, Akutagawa Ryūnosuke
Strict but loving. Big "I love my idiot" energy. They try to be really calm and collected, not getting distracted by your antics, but they are just so fond of you (Akutagawa throwing a bit of Tsundere in the mix though. Just imagine his little blush when you distract him with random kisses 😫)
Shimizu Kiyoko, Mōri Ran
Good old fashioned meeting up to learn. Is it a date? Are you just friends that learn (and occasionally sneak kisses and more romantical affection, holding hands under the table)? Not everyone will be able to tell. It's really sweet and you'll probably end it with baking cookies together.
Inumaki Toge, Yoshino Junpei, Kugisaki Nobara
It's very fun and playful with you somehow being able to still get your stuff done? Like how? You've been laughing and chatting essentially non stop now, how did you manage? You'll also do something different at the end of your session, like watching a movie and cuddling, baking or going outside to do something together. Also: you'll take an insane amount of breaks in between.
Hitoka Yachi, Miwa Kasumi, E. A. Poe
They are so smart, but so shy. Great tutors, especially when you break them out of their shells. Eager to learn from you as well! They are also blushing the entire time. It's so cute when they start rambling mid explanation. When they realise what they are doing, they get so flustered it's adorable. Please cuddle them as thanks.
He is such a simp. A curious simp, wanting to know what you are learning and encouraging you to explain everything to him (which is actually a good learning exercise!), but still a simp. Like "chin resting in his hand watching you explain the topic to him with big eyes" kind of simp
Okay study partner
Zenin Maki, Kunikida Doppo, Nanami Kento, Ieiri Shōko*
They are so strict omg. Do they want to break you? (Maki) Are they your teacher? (Kunikida) Honestly, at some point Shōko might even just leave you hanging because she just does not have the patience, but that really depends on her mood.
Getō Suguru, Ieri Shōko*
Those are the lazy one's. Getō is lounging on your bed half the time. At least he has the decency not to distract you (which Gojō would definitely do). For Shōko it depends on the mood. Especially when she was a student, she would just flat out not do anything. Again, at least she doesn' t distract you.
Dazai Osamu
He will distract you. Drama Queen™ wanting your attention. However! If he knows that your work is really important he will sit next to you and help you stay focused. In these cases he's probably one of the best study partners. He's so smart as well, it's such a blessing (if something really stresses you out he'll force you to take a nap and then either do the work himself or make someone else do it for you, either way making sure you'll get the best result!)
Only on the days before the exam aka Cram Kings
Miya Atsumu, Tanaka Ryūnosuke, Nishinoya Yū, Hinata Shōyō, Kageyama Tobio
Bold of you to assume they even remembered. They are on their knees begging you for help. But good for you, they'd do anything for you, if it means you'll help them. (I mean, Tanaka and Nishinoya would anyways, but you get my point.)
Honorary Mention
Nakahara Chūya
If it is possible, he will just lay his head on your lap while you work to cure his Dazai induced headache. However, just like Dazai he'll help you if needed. He's got money, so he'll get you the best tutors, unless you want him to do it himself. He'll take some free days to just focus on you and your education.
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riverpancakes · 3 years
Direct Second and Third Gens and Their Jobs
Second Gens (Visionaries)
Koto Aizawa: Quirk Analysis Researcher, Biological Scientist
Takayuki Midoriya: Pro Hero Jack Rabbit, Strip Club Owner
Kayo Midoriya: Journalist, News Reporter
Ichirou Midoriya: Politician
Shin'ichi Kaibara: Pro Hero Swifan
Koshiro Tsuburaba: Pro Hero Hexen, Witch
Suiren Kuroiro: Pro Hero Enoki Chan, Agricultural Scientist
Yami Kuroiro: i forgot he existed
Keiichi Tokoyami: Pro Hero Kuutsuki
Ren Tokoyami: Daycare Owner
Yua Kirishima: Professional Soccer Player, Organization Owner
Takumi Bakugou: Pro Hero Emoshin
Mansa Bakugou: :(
Kasumi Tokage: Pro Hero Ice Chipper
Hideo Iida: Stripper
Meiko Iida: Pro Hero Finder
Baako Iida: Daycare worker
Faraji Iida: Daycare worker
Aito Kaminari: Villain
Iku Kaminari: JSL Translator
Hoshi Kaminari: Student (Majoring in Architectural History, Minoring in Photography)
Ayumi Haimawari: Pro Hero Poppy, Professional Dominatrix
Estuko Aoyama: Professional Model, Professional Actress
Michi Sero: Student (Majoring in Forensic Analysis)
Ezume Shiozaki: Bishop
Hanami Amajiki: Pro Hero Stella, Sidekick
Third Gens (Unethereal)
Tadashi Bakugou: Professional Model
Naoki Bakugou: Professional Assassin
Akina Bakugou: Twitch Streamer
Mei Villin (Aito's son): RPG Creator
Kaede Midoriya: Professional Animator
Hatsuko Hoshino (Ayumi's daughter): Adult Film Star, Part-Time Grocer
Ayano Tachibana (Koto's daughter): Pro Hero Pastelette
Hirohito Kaibara-Tsunoda: Part-Time Model
Chieko Shiozaki: Nun, Tutor
i think thats it... if not then ill update ig
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redsamuraiii · 3 years
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You're Not Normal, Either! / Matomo Janai no wa Kimi mo Issho (2021)
Yasuomi Ono (Ryo Narita) is a math prodigy who aspired to be a mathematician as he enjoys playing around with numbers and solving “puzzles” but life happens and he became a math teacher at a private institute instead.
Kasumi Akimoto (Kaya Kiyohara) is his student who notices that her tutor has problem with the ladies despite his good looks and realised that it’s because of his “weirdness” and his inability to have a “normal” conversation.
Kasumi thinks it’s a waste for someone smart like Yasuomi to be single for the rest of his life and decides to be his love advisor, giving him tips, setting up blind dates, dressing him up, recommending places of interest and more.
Yasuomi have no problem being alone all his life but had a sudden realisation that he will end up dying alone in his old age that he decides to change himself and agreed to Kasumi’s offer to make him “normal” like everyone else.
Yasuomi is finally able to woo the woman of his dream, Minako Togawa (Izumi Rika), whom he is able to carry a conversation naturally and feels comfortable with, but finds out that she is marrying Isao Miyamoto (Kotaro Koizumi). 
However, the marriage is not out of love, but a “business” arrangement set by their parents. While Isao has no issue with the arranged marriage, Minako is having second thoughts, especially, after meeting Yasuomi.
Meanwhile, Kasumi realizes that she starts to fall for Yasuomi after spending more time with him and trying to know and understands him. She gets frustrated at herself for being an idiot in not realising it from the start.
So one thing led to the other, leading to a complicated love relationship as Kasumi is also torn between Yasuomi and another man she had been having a crush on as well. It’s a story that explores what it means to be “normal”.
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rikumorimachisgirl · 4 years
Kasumi hc please!! What would he be like if MC was a single mom!
Hello, Anon! Thank you for trusting me with your request. I really hope I'm able to do this justice and that this is worth the wait.
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He knew that you were a single mom when he scouted you, but still insisted that Matsunaga contact you and offer the residency slot at the EICU.
You showed up on your first day with a shy five-year-old daughter in tow because your babysitter called in sick. While the rest of the doctors gave Kasumi the 'I-told-you-this-was-gonna-be-a-hassle' look, the Chief of Medicine simply shrugged and told you to shadow with Kyogoku and leave your kid with him and the other doctors.
A few hours and three tired doctors later, you found your daughter sitting contentedly beside Dr. Kasumi, scribbling on his prescription pad and telling him a made-up fairy tale while he listened intently.
He allowed you to bring your daughter whenever the babysitter wasn't available, and you were surprised when the Hospital opened a daycare facility for its employees a few months after.
He knew you were a hard worker, and on days when he knew you were a little more tired than usual, he'd offer to drive you and your little one home - often stopping to get take-out food - before dropping you off at your apartment.
Because you tend to overthink inviting him inside, it's usually your little girl who does it for you. Sometimes, he'd decline, but more often than not, he'll nod and tell you both to go up and get settled while he parked his car.
You slowly find yourselves falling into a familiar routine - you'd take turns watching your little girl, taking her to kindergarten and back. On some weekends, you'd visit the zoo or the park and spend some time in his apartment with Kyogoku and the other doctors. Before long, you started having stronger feelings for him. You weren't sure if he felt the same way, so you kept quiet about it.
One day, your little girl came up to him with a letter from her school. "Won't you come with me and mommy? It's our Family day and I want to join the Daddy-daughter race!" You.exe stopped functioning, but Kasumi gazed kindly at the little girl in pigtails, and said, "I will if your mommy thinks I'm good enough to be your dad."
Since then, you became an official couple and he played the role of your daughter's stepdad to a tee - patiently tutoring her in Math and Science when she was having problems, teaching her how to read hard words, and sitting quietly on your daughter's dresser while she puffed his face with beauty powder.
One day, while you were out shopping, he told your daughter he had a little secret to share. The little girl bounded at him excitedly, wanting to hear all about his secret. When Kasumi asked, "how do you feel about becoming my daughter for real?", your little girl cocked her head sideways, not fully understanding what he meant.
After he showed her the small black box that contained a beautiful diamond ring, he asked, "will you allow me to ask your mommy to marry me?" Your little girl threw her arms around him, and nodded. "Of course, you can, Daddy! I can call you that now because you're gonna be my dad, right?"
He had to hold back his tears, and pray for time to move faster so he could pop the question to you sooner. Nothing made him happier than to see you and your little girl smile.
And that evening, after the three of you had dinner, he went down on one knee and asked if he could officially make the two of you his family.
The End.
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shitsumon-abound · 3 years
Eternal Moment spoilers
You know what the most amazing (mostly funny) parts of epi12? (up to ch25 that i’ve read, in no chronological order)
How quickly the plot thickens. it’s really that meme of someone getting pizza only to find the house on fire. Except the theatre is on fire. And the dorm is getting repossessed. 
Citron’s exclamation of ‘I can deploy the military!’
Seriously, Amadate is implied to have background checked everyone and still seem oblivious that he just made enemy of yakuza, gangster, Chikage and also middle eastern royals.
Zen’s restaurant being the secret hideout for first gen
How Kabuto tries to be discreet and even using voice changer but got found out after first talk with Shu.
Banri : *comes to the restaurant* Zen : Are you applying for part time? Banri : Heck noooo (said with the most deadpan voice imaginable) I dunno why this is hilarious for me
Kabuto : Haa? Banri : It’s Settsu Kabuto : Just in time. There’s this show i want you to act in. It’s in 6 months time. Banri : IM NOT JOINING YOU
Yuzo offering Juza a role in a show in six months time. Now im imagining Juza and Banri will ending up in one show and be like that spiderman meme
Citron : (regarding the threat to disband) maybe we can fool them by being Manzai Company Tsuzuru : Yeah, that won’t work... Hisoka : Marshmallow Company... Chikage : The name isn’t the problem here
Reni and Shu providing intel due to them being higher up in theatre world. Zen providing their hideout. Kasumi and Hiro providing support as celeb/reporters. Yuzo freaking out what he can do, and Kasumi suggested he can babysit his triplets.
Hinamori triplets : You’re going to stay here for dinner right?? Kasumi : You can stay forever!
Kasumi’s love for Sakuya and him probably willing to fight Itaru to the race for his adoption papers is adorable
 How everyone spends time after they scatter (Winter and Autumn only since Summer and Spring’s chapters are after break on 25th)
Guy : bartending
Azuma : chilling with sugar mom
Homare : tea party with grandma
Hisoka : channeling the dead (and probably driving Chikage crazy)
Tasuku : solo acting
Tsumugi : tutoring
Azami : boy time with Shifuto
Sakyo : plotting revenge with Azami’s dad
Omi : raising ex-gangster army (again, in Zen’s restaurant)
Taichi : stress relief with kungfu
Juza : working in Yuzo’s troupe
Banri : workshop and being mule to sis
No seriously, Hisoka did channel the dead. He (like everyone else tbh) thought ‘I wanna meet everyone again’ and August appears in his dreams claiming to be his family’s representative and encouraging him to use his December skills for good
We’ll get yelled at together then! August said, even though he’s dead
Cut to Hisoka donning his black hoodie determined to most likely commit felony
I really can’t wait to Chikage’s reaction to this ngl 
Chikage getting a page of Itaru’s book by giving Hisoka terms and condition for staying with him
Kamekichi as Zen’s waiter
Homare being told by grandma to think of good things as they wait for the tea to be brewed (3min) and then grandma says for Homare 2.5min is enough because more and the bad things will also pop up
Homare admitting that he’s terrible in haikus when grandma said his poem was shit. I dunno, the contrast was nice compared to when he’s insisting that everyone just doesn't understand his genius. Then again, grandma also said that Homare makes better poem when he’s with company, so at least they’re in a wavelength regarding that.
The whole sugar relationship vibe Azuma has with Asajo
Kasumi whole fanboying of Sakuya 
Kasumi : How about Tenma-kun? You’re his fan, right? Hiro : Why does it get to that?? I’m not... (proceed to say how Tenma has potential and stuffs)
Spotlight viewers : he’s a fan. def a fan Hiro : IM FUCKING NOT
Baby Sakuya visual!! 
He dreams of his parents and cry in his sleep and Citron says if he gets nightmare again it’d be sleepover party in 101.
Before they part, everyone offers to house Sakuya, including Chikage. Makes it even funnier because Sakuya refused him and instead Hisoka asked to stay with him.
In Hisoka’s own words, Chikage’s look of shock and horror was unforgettable. 
Sakuya’s whole journey to find himself. How many hc got broken here? 
He’s not scholarship student, his aunt paid for his fees in Hana high. He chose not to go to college because to him, he can get experience and everything college can provide from everyone else in MANKAI, and he wanted to work quickly to repay his aunt for the expensive private school fees. 
If you didn’t cry when he introduced himself and asks to be considered family only to be turned down, you’re either a liar or a heartless person
Sakuya’s whole story. He’s tough as nail, but that makes it even more painful to read his parts. He idolized Amadate so much and turns out he destroyed his home
Amadate, to Sakuya : That fire was a good thing. Hyakka troupe’s name soared after the event got to the news. And thanks to it, someone promising ended up interested in theatre Amadate : proceeds to burn the theatre
Banri’s sis : you seem better these days Banri’s sis : it’s disgusting Banri : Why?!
Everyone’s imagination as to what they’d be if they hadn’t joined MANKAI
Guy : still think he’s android
Azuma : still a cuddler with separation anxiety
Homare : still thinks grandma hates him (remember in Mystery he thought grandma thinks he’s useless like his watch)
Hisoka : found and might or might not be killed by Chikage
Tasuku : in God troupe and hating every second of it
Tsumugi : working office job with inferiority complex towards Tasuku
Azami : still a runaway
Sakyo : would be the one destroying the theatre and the guilt towards Yukio will haunt him for life
Omi : depressed and be alone due to his guilt towards Nachi
Taichi : quitting God troupe and theatre entirely because the guilt from his betrayal makes him unable to enjoy acting
Juza : depressed and maybe be a hikkikomori
Banri : still with no motivation towards anything whatsoever
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amachaheadcanons · 3 years
(⊙ω⊙✿) Me likes the way you think!!
Fluffy Headcanon Set of Amacha on Dates
You might wanna be sitting for this...there's a lot...
They study hard for an hour and a half before a well-deserved break, in which Rantaro starts cooking up a storm. Tenko insists on helping since he refused to take her money. "Tenko's sure you just want her to pay a high price! Tch, typical--"
Their first date is accidental. She came over to study/work on a school project/get tutored. Considering one of his father's Japan-based houses is close to a train station, the two decide to go there; it was quieter than the dorms.
It's a quaint traditional home for 1, on the larger side in comparison to typical Japanese apartments. Being a quiet, hideyhole for FatherAmami, it was vacant of maids/butlers. Of course, Rantaro cooks dinner for them.
'So that's why Rantaro took so long "getting study snacks" at the supermarket' Tenko realised. This unexpected thoughtful side of his making her soften inside.
"No need, Chabashira-san. Your thanks will be enjoying the meal I slaved away making just for you~." He teases. Despite attempting to refute and ensure he was aware she didn't mind chipping in some money, he refused with no end. Including the train fare and his precious tutoring time. He didn't want anything from her. Though that didn't stop her from asserting he was hiding ulterior motives, nor internally denying the fact she savoured every denial he made whenever she joked about him trying to get in her panties. She appreciated the constant dismissal, while silly, it reassured her; comforted her.
She starts chopping up veggies both spitefully and with pride. The food smells delicious, he can see it on her face despite her verbal denial. They get caught up in cooking and conversation, studying further never gracing their minds. They were too busy enjoying the other's company. He pleasantly surprised her, thus why she continued to launch questions at him.
She speedily sets the table before he can. A little too excited to eat his food.
Because the house is so old, the lights go out. The fuse box is a pain to figure out on an empty stomach, thus why Rantaro breaks out the fancy candles and they eat by candlelight. It's very romantic, Tenko starts to blush as it reminds her of romance manga. Now thankful for the light shortage since he couldn't grasp the extent of her embarrassment.
They talk for hours. By 9pm they're too tired to even attempt studying, and instead finish the night with a Disney movie and tea and biscuits on the pull-out sofa bed. "How luxurious!!"
Tenko's excitement never looked more beautiful/endearing.
Rantarou's dozes off first, his light snoring made her giggle. He was so dainty. She gently lays the blankets he previously prepared over his sleeping form.
Sitting a comfortable distance to finish the movie. A lullaby plays on screen and Tenko is easy prey. She ends up sinking into the bed beside him, the cool autumn air didn't help her sleep-cuddling tendencies, thus making her spoon him for warmth. His sleeping form happily complies and fits in the mould she made.
Both being early risers, Rantarou's embarrassed to be in the situation, but smiles anyway, patting her hair, she instantly stirs, he pretends to be asleep.
When Tenko rubs the sleep from her eyes, she stares at him, their positions exposing she was, in fact, the instigator of such affection. She slowly slides out, utterly embarrassed and completely confused. She gets to work in the kitchen, {even wearing his apron} to surprise him with breakfast in bed. "As thanks" for dinner the night before... He is happily surprised, both at her way of showing gratitude and the feelings making his chest tight at the image of her wearing such domestic accents.
^ Those dinner/study/movie endeavours continue for almost 3 months before he has the guts to invite her to Disneyland, confident she'd love it. She asserts the idea and is all-in after Rantarou confesses the last time he went was with his sisters...he sounded so gloomy whilst reminiscing and she insists they go to restore the happiness it's supposed to invoke!! It'd be a crime otherwise.
He goes all out. He buys them front of the line, year-long passes. They're worth it. This one's the official first date. At least in his head, he tells her it isn't but he wants it to be, and it definitely looks like one.
Tenko is no longer scared or feels threatened around him, not in the slightest. Strangely though, anger stirs inside her chest and makes her lips thin whenever girls fawn/compliment him so boldly.
He waits patiently for Tenko when she's using the bathroom. On her way out, her appreciation is emphasised by a wide grin as he watched her with excited eyes. A stranger crosses their path. Tenko increases her speed, "He better not ditch Tenko for this beautiful and pure ginger fox-- oh how embarrassing that would be!! Not to mention low!"
A girl from school attempts to confess to him, in the happiest, most magical place of all. She's a year younger than them. So pure, kind and sweet. He doesn't have the heart to outright reject her, thus stumbling over his words awkwardly, Tenko can sense he's trying to be gentle.
Tenko smoothly approaches and wraps an arm around his, making him freeze his faltering, "Kasumi-chan. Tenko heard your beautiful speech. You're so brave and sweet and beautiful. Any boy would be lucky to have you, but unfortunately... Rantarou-kun is spoken for." She wants to break it to her as gently as possible, and pretends their dating, as a softer blow. After giving Kasumi the necessary confidence/reassurance, Tenko watches the girl trot back to her friends. A content smile marking her face.
She follows, willingly, paying no mind to the contact whatsoever, excluding the butterflies in her stomach.
With his free hand he pats her head, "Very smooth, Chabashira-san, I'm impressed. I would never have thought you'd-"
"Oh, shoosh avocado!" Avoiding eye contact and hiding her blush. Since their arms were still tangled, Rantaro interlocked their fingers and drags her along, "C'mon, Tiga~"
He showers her in mostly food but of course gifts her something cute she had her eye on.
They have a blast. Afterward, Tenko found herself often speculating when they could go again. Due to his big spending habits she tends to repay her gratitude in free Neo-Aikido training and the rare times she'd make sweets for Himiko, she'd give him a decent portion.
Because Rantaro is so loving and crushing hard but doesn't know how to love her, he often shouts her lunch or packs an extra bento for her. This surprises Tenko.
He's so thoughtful and wonderful she has her suspicions. But still blushes whenever he brings her lunch in public with her friends around.
To combat this, she insists on helping him with his studies and is a great confidence booster whenever she can sense her sparring partner is doubting/self-loathing. Due to their regular training, continuous study sessions, bonding over food and movie nights. They become really good friends.
One day, Tenko can't shake the rejection from Himiko, especially when Himiko happily hugs and is very clingy with Angie and the others. The stinging morphs into a deep cut. Rantaro finds Tenko pushing herself. He's at first impressed. Then majorly concerned after realising she'd been at it for 4 hours straight.
He confronts her, she breaks down in tears. It breaks his heart to see such a loving, devoted girl be treated like this. He knows Tenko would sacrifice everything to see Himiko smile, so instead of taking it up with Himiko...
"You know...we've been making great progress with our school work. This weekend, why don't we go to a theme park, as a reward?"
This marks the third/forth official date since they'd revisited disneyland a few times prior. He takes her on all the rollercoasters, they bond over the adrenaline rush, it's a good distraction. She's like no one he's ever met before, and only falls harder.
Plus, the slow love-story these two would have to build that loyalty, blind-trust and love that's indestructible is a big reason why I love amacha~! Hope it was ok! If not just lemme know and I'll do more future-date things, like further in their relationship haha!
Sorry got a lil' off-topic...BUT it's VERY vital Tenko gets over her dependence on Himiko before anything can really flourish between these two, BUT I love the idea of Rantaro happily pining after Tenko and making sure she's ok, cuz no one else would.
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pleasant-boi · 4 years
OK, so some MAJOR changes in the ShuAkeSumi royalty AU thing I was talking about -
Sumire is the second born princess of generic fantasy Kingdom ™ #2
Kasumi loves and cares about her but she's always pushed to the side over her perfect older sister, the crown princess.
Dancing is the one thing they both enjoy and do together.
Well, was.
Her sister dies in an accident and Sumire is blaming herself for it.
But Kasumi was arranged to go to generic fantasy Kingdom ™ #1 (aka the one Goro's a Prince) for diplomatic ™ reasons basically just a weeks after her death.
Maybe an arranged marriage? Definitely an arranged marriage.
So, because it is important for the peace ™ Sumire takes her sister's place as Kasumi and gets send with a royal advisor and tutor (Maruki)
It is awkward as hell in the beginning.
Goro and Sumire "Kasumi" get along great actually.
Goro doesn't believe he actually likes her. An arranged marriage to someone he didn't even know was something he expected, sure, but he didn't expect Shido to actually let him not only meet them first but to choose someone not completely terrible.
"Kasumi" becomes the one good thing in the palace. Still, he tries to keep some distance because he doesn't want her to find out that he's actually murdering people for his father or Shido to find out he cares about her and use it against him.
Sumire genuinely enjoys spending time with Goro too but because her sister's death is still fresh, she can't help but feel guilty over what happened and taking over her place (and her maybe fiancee) like that.
The fact that Goro seems to be disappearing at random too doesn't help. Sumire begins to wonder if he really can't stand her that much ("of course he doesn't, he would probably like the real Kasumi and she could never live up to be even close-")
Sumire goes out to town a few times with Maruki and some guards but she just wants to be alone for just a little.
So Maruki helps her sneak out alone for a few hours.
She runs into Akira after he helps her out when a random dude on the street starts to get more aggressive with her.
He takes her back to Leblanc and Sumire gets an instant crush.
She's feeling guilty but ends up sneaking out again.
A few times actually.
Until eventually, she and Goro run into each other while both are sneaking out of the castle.
The spiderman meme with Goro and Sumire seeing each other 'in disguise' out in the streets.
Akira sees both of them and runs up to them with a smile.
"Oh I didn't know you too knew each other!"
Que awkward - then not so awkward - triple date
After that they sneak out together a lot to see Akira or just to walk around town.
Maruki knows and covers for them.
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starlight-phantom · 4 years
Shadow Goro Palace AU - Basic Plan
Name: Goro Akechi
Location: All Of Tokyo
Distortion: Kingdom
Role: Prince
Treasure (In Palace): Queen's Crown
Treasure (In Reality): Photo of Goro and Mother
Shadow Goro Design:
-Black prince outfit
-Gold and red ornaments on shoulders and chest
-Navy blue thigh high boots
-White chest plate, helmet and gauntlets
-Gold belt with red accents with his sword sheathed
Layout Of Palace:
The thieves have to travel to landmarks linked to places in the real world that are important to Goro. When there, they fight a boss and gain a mask that represents one of the personalities Goro uses when talking to other people. Whenever they gain a new mask, they see a memory of Goro's.
Location In Reality: TV Studio
Location In Palace: Theatre
Cognitive Being: TV Producer
Cognition's Role: Playwright
Mask: Detective Prince
Memory: Attending a meeting where the TV crew discussed how to market Goro.
Location In Reality: Shibuya Station
Location In Palace: Gallows
Cognitive Being: Wakaba Isshiki
Cognition's Role: Wrongly Accused Criminal
Mask: Reluctant Assassin
Memory: Goro's first contract work for Shido.
Location In Reality: Police Station
Location In Palace: Knights' Barracks
Cognitive Being: Sae Niijima
Cognition's Role: Knight's Captain
Mask: Genuine Detective
Memory: Sae being the first colleague of his to genuinely care about him.
Location In Reality: Jazz Jin Bar
Location In Palace: Tavern
Cognitive Being: Muhen
Cognition's Role: Kindly Tavern Owner
Mask: Tired Student
Memory: Muhen offering to close the bar for a while so he could give a tired Goro a tutoring session.
Location In Reality: Leblanc
Location In Palace: Back Alley Bakery
Cognitive Being: Sojiro Sakura
Cognition's Role: Humble Baker
Mask: Curious Young Man
Memory: Goro entering Leblanc for the first time and feeling right at home.
Location In Reality: Miel Et Crepes
Location In Palace: Upper Class Café
Cognitive Being: Sumire Yoshizawa
Cognition's Role: Young Nobility
Mask: Caring Older Brother
Memory: Goro chatting with 'Kasumi' and worrying about why Sumire is acting like her sister.
Location In Reality: Penguin Sniper
Location In Palace: Secluded Fountain In Garden
Cognitive Being: Ren Amamiya
Cognition's Role: Intriguing Commoner
Mask: Shy Teenager
Memory: A playful billiards competition with Ren. Goro gets flustered by Ren's cheekiness and genuine kindness.
Location In Reality: Goro's Apartment
Location In Palace: Forbidden Woods
Cognitive Being: ???
Cognition's Role: Kingdom's Rumoured Monster
Mask: Lonely Boy
Memory: Goro returning home and being overwhelmed by the silence.
Location In Reality: Interrogation Room
Location In Palace: Prison Cell
Cognitive Being: Lead Detective
Cognition's Role: Cell Guard
Mask: Guilty Conscience
Memory: The incident
Location In Reality: Diet Building
Location In Palace: Castle Dungeon
Cognitive Being: Masayoshi Shido
Cognition's Role: Condemned Sinner
Mask: Vengeful Schemer
Memory: Goro meeting Shido and forming their contract
Location In Reality: Courthouse
Location In Palace: Throne Room
Cognitive Being: Sayaka Akechi
Cognition's Role: Caring Queen
Mask: Loving Son
Memory: Sayaka taking care of young Goro while he's sick
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