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keybladeselkie · 3 months ago
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Continuing on with the project I mentioned before,
This little guy is kinda a mix of inspiration of stuffed pets I had. One around the time my partner and I started dating, he gave me a shadow plush from kh because he knew I loved the series. The other was a Dalmatian doll that was a lil bro to my first stuffed animal I showed first, Dipper.
This is Dot Doodle, Dipper’s little brother and the youngest of the party traveling along. Think Tails with Sonic but with a mix of Bubbles from Powerpuff Girls and Bingo from Bluey. He clings to his big brother and idolizes him greatly and wants to be brave and strong like him. But until then he has to work out his own ways and face his fears head on.
Loves to draw and doodle and be around his brother anywhere he goes. Since he’s young he does have the fears of most scary things like the darkness or monsters. Thankfully with Dipper’s help and a magic flashlight and his trusty sketch book he can try to fend for himself. With his magical abilities, he can make any of his doodles come to life to help out in battle whether giving buffs to his allies or summon friends and give debuffs to fend off any monsters.
He also loves Mac and cheese with crackers crushed in them and yummy gummy treats!
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keybladeselkie · 4 months ago
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I’ve been doing some digging around some old stuff from my childhood and have been on a creative kick as of late. I’ve mainly been on Bluesky posting these but not giving a lot of story due to character limits.
This little guy is inspired by my first build a bear friend I made in third grade and one of my best friends even to this day. Yes it may seem silly to refer to him as a best friend but he helped out a lot when I was younger with going to sleep and feeling safe.
In this setting I’m creating there is a whole world inspired by my childhood events, my memories, my traumas, you name it. This is Dipper Doodle, a Dalmatian plushie who wears a blanket like a superhero cape. He is the one of the main characters of this story and the team leader of sorts. He loves peanut butter and loves superheroes stories. It’s his sole goal to protect others and be there to comfort and protect. He has a soothing lullaby singing voice that soothes anyone in distress and calms them down.
Something wrong is going on in his world and his Buddy(a character heavily inspired by me) is acting strange.
I will be posting more of these characters soon and am eager to share.
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keybladeselkie · 1 year ago
With the new update for both Stardew Valley and patch day for final fantasy 14, I wanted to start a new file with the new farm layout of the meadow field farm. With that I am using my avatar in another universe.
Getting to know Aria Yoake, Stardew AU.
-She inherited this farm from her Sofu (Grandpa) and left her city job from being an officer worker. Suffering heavy burnouts and passing out in the middle of work. Both her parents worried that she’d work herself to death.
-Since she has moved to the small town of Pelican, she has tried to take in the scenery and relax with fresh air.
-Is diagnosed with anxiety and depression.
-Her chickens were gifts, Chi and Mai from her grandmother and help comfort her. Her dog, Mamoru, is an emotional support dog and was a gift from her parents.
-She moved out to the farm when she was twenty nine and has been there for a while now.
-Loves fishing and collecting shells and finds Willy’s company familiar to her father’s.
-Enjoys the library and gushes over novels and archeology with Gunther and Penny.
-She tolerates Lewis though questions his motives sometimes.
-Heavily diligent with the community and deliveries.
-Enjoys tea and any fish dishes except eel or squid.
-When she’s not working on the farm, she volunteers at the doctor’s office or the library often.
-Crushing on Harvey though too shy and awkward to say anything. And vice versa XD.
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keybladeselkie · 1 year ago
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I swear this gal has been invading my brain along with the quote from a song by MARINA, Savages. Maybe because it hits too close to reality, “I’m not afraid of god, I am afraid of man.”
Aria quoting this as she watches humanity itself both good and bad. Comforting her friends that have been hurt and wronged in their lives and seeing injustice practiced so often that it is looked away without a second thought. So quickly outcasted and accused for crimes she didn’t commit, burdens that she has offered to shoulder, and tears that she cried for many.
She has played hero in settings where she is needed when she herself doesn’t believe she is one. Shes only mortal.
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keybladeselkie · 1 year ago
Pokemon Dnd Themed Voice Headcanons.
I know it’s been ages since I’ve tackled this project but writers block for that has been kicking me in the ass. Thankfully with small bursts of writing thanks to Baldur’s gate for inspiration , I’ve decided before I post chapter two share my thoughts on what the cast of the first series would be.
Without further ado, here are my own thoughts and headcanons(yes of my own creation).
Starting with the main character, Hiro Fukuda I think would share the same voice as Tails from the Sonic series. Though not as tech savvy, Hiro is very adventurous and crafty enough to survive in the wilds with his camping gear. He also shares an older brother/young brother relationship with his partner Pokemon, Smaug as the series goes on.
Smaug the charizard I feel like he’d shared his voice with Halsin. Warm and wise and very protective of his trainer and team mates.
Naga the Gyarados I feel and fear she’d share her voice with Cherri Bomb from Hasbin Hotel. Chaotic and aggressive.
Illithid the hypno I have a couple ideas because he is kinda a tormented warlock with voices in his head. Ansem the Wise with a distorted twist when he has his episodes.
Faeleaf the vileplume, Fluttershy from MLP. Closed off, shy, skittish, and nature oriented. Fits like a glove.
Hano the hitmonchan, just Master Oogway. Calm, disciplined, a bit silly at times to lighten the mood when times are difficult.
And last but not least, Hiro’s rival, Lu. Raven from Teen Titans.
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keybladeselkie · 1 year ago
since the old version of this post was flagged for 'adult content'...
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reblog this post if your account is a trans safe space or owned by a trans person!
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along with that, reblog if your account is a trans non-binary spectrum safe space or owned by someone on the trans enby spectrum!
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keybladeselkie · 1 year ago
Baldur’s Gate Next Gen
It’s late and this game is invading my headspace like pests. In a fun way.
I am a nerd when it comes to the next generation/ancestry shenanigans when it comes to video games and story telling for me. The sims and or farm sims I blame horribly with love for the way I act and write. Now this doesn’t mean I have beaten the whole game of it but imagination is huge in the world of dungeons and dragons and I kinda wanna share some today. The next generation will be 18+ and of age to go out to adventuring.
Zephyr Ancunin-Wrenhope-
-Son of my beast master ranger shifter, Tasara Wrenhope and Astarion.
-This gremlin is feral like his mother and inherited most of his mannerisms and behavior to her. The other half that his father gifted was his heightened senses and masterful skills in sleight of hand and stealth.
-Zephyr’s genetics have more elf than shifter or vampire, so he is neither a shifter nor a dhampir.
-Loves the night time and takes plenty of siestas during the day. The hunt becomes more fun and thrilling when lurking in the darkness.
-He do bite so be careful.
-Class wise he most likely be a ranger or rogue like his parents though an argument could be made for a Druid.
Kasumi Ravengard
-Daughter of Wyll Ravengard and my cleric/sorceror tav, Aria Yoake.
-Devil blood was easily passed down with this lass, being born a tiefling.
-Her father tutored her in swordplay and always made sure to make time out of his day to spar or spend time with her.
-Gale meanwhile became a godfather/uncle and personal tutor to young Kasumi. Bonding together over their love of books and having Tara rest on the girl’s lap while Gale teaches.
-Kasumi inherited a thirst for adventure and excitement due to her parents’ stores of their adventures and vowed to train every day in order to become strong and wise enough to travel the world.
-Class wise, she’d be a sorceress and possibly a fighter. Both Wyll and Aria would strongly advise her not to make deals with any devils due to past experience.
Willow Wrenhope.
-Daughter of Tasara and Halsin.
-Halsin, Tasara, and Astarion are in a polycule relationship and live within the forest where Tasara grew up.
-Halsin does travel back home on occasions to visit his family and make time for his partners and children.
-Willow inherited more of the shifter gene from her mother and shares a similar feral instinct like her half brother.
-Willow would often be seen climbing trees and or bonding with animals, she does find some time to spend with Zephyr. Playing wrestling and sparring which brings their mother to a nostalgic moment.
-Willow adores her uncle, Sabrin and idolizes his magical abilities and sharp shooting.
-Class wise, girl would definitely be a druid like her papa with maybe a level in ranger or barbarian.
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keybladeselkie · 1 year ago
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keybladeselkie · 1 year ago
Baldurs Gate 3/Dnd 5e edition.
So while I’m cooking up chapters for my shifter Ranger, I do want to give my avatar Aria some love too. Funny enough I do have a baldurs gate version of her as a tiefling cleric of lathander. A bookworm with a kind heart which can bite her in the ass. Growing up in the Sword Coast in a family of fishermen, her father Akira worked hard to support his daughter’s dreams. One being his eldest becoming a medic. Forward to the young Yoake lass with the necessary education and training and the poor lass getting nabbed by the mindflayers, she developed the mentality of a very tired persona with her heart on her sleeve. This girl is inches away with a cigarette between her fingers and a mug that says “I hate Mondays.”
And being in a chaotic rag tag group of adventurers has its pros and cons. With Laz and Shadowheart at each other’s throats, Astarion pestering about the negotiations of the abuse of the tadpoles true potential of power, and Karlach’s excitable yet destructive outlets(She’s trying.) Then there are those that help to lessen the stress and keep the party grounded. Gale and the tiefling woman exchanging notes and gushing about their favorite novels, Halsin helping with mediation to calm the nerves. And then there’s Wyll whom over the time they have gotten to know each other, both he and Aria found comfort in each other’s presence.
A Moment of Peace.
The air felt more lively as the party freed the tieflings and given them a safe haven for the night. However the young cleric strayed from the festivities to clear her head after the wild week she has been having. Little did she know that she was not alone. Off to the far end of the beach was the Blade of the Frontier, Wyll. He seemed unease with something on his mind. Curiosity getting the better of the woman as she shifts to move towards her companion. “Wyll? Are you quite alright? Not enjoying the party?”
The warlock blinks with a startled look for a moment before showing off an awkward smile. “Ah, Miss Yoake. Forgive me if I disappeared on our guests. It’s just…I fear where their fate will lead next.. These people were cast out of sanctuary to fend for themselves..”
The statement would pierce Aria’s heart with an aching pain. He’s right, the tieflings are not safe without a haven to call home and have to roam these dangerous fields to seek out sanctuary. Anxiety forming like a nasty twister inside as the cleric closed her eyes before speaking again. “True.. But we must have faith in their capabilities and just pray for a safe journey. We have seen how capable they are willing to protect the grove after the first time we met.”
Her words of wisdom and comfort lifted a weight off of the Blade’s chest as he offers a warm smile though his eyes still filled with anxiety. “I suppose that all we can do. We’ve done so much to at least make sure they have an easier passage. For tonight, forget our troubles and relax. Go mingle. I’ll be alright, just need to clear my head and take a moment to breathe.”
The pale tiefling blinks as she leans back to gift her companion a pout. “Are you sure? I’m sure our guests would love to mingle with their hero. But, if you wish for some space I understand.”
That would reward the cleric with a warm chuckle from the man as he shakes his head. “Aye, I’m sure. Carry on with your night, we’ll catch up by the morrow.”
Aria bows her head with a nod as she lifts herself to stand with a soft smile. “Very well, have a lovely evening, Wyll.”
“You as well, Miss Aria.”
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keybladeselkie · 1 year ago
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Getting back into drawing even though yes Ai artists is about. But they can’t scare those who have worked their hearts out into their hobbies and dreams. Keep fighting with your voice loud and proud enough to scare off those who wish to crush or steal your dreams. I believe in you guys.
A simple drawing but this character of mine holds a lot of love even if he looks like Rogue from the X-men which there’s a story to that.
A long time ago I was in a group that played a critical role inspired campaign and I brought to the table a Dhampir shadow sorcerer/great old one warlock. His name is Quincy Lebeau.
He is inspired by Rogue mainly because I discovered that dhampirs can feed in different ways aside from flesh and blood. He fed on life force that he would get by physical skin contact. This poor lad was experimented and taken away from his family farm to become a military weapon for the Empire like one Caleb Widowgast. However he was freed by the age of 19 though unaware how he escaped and started the campaign awaken in a dumpster.
And my first interaction as this character was this scared, confused and naive young man who had a thick southern accent.
This kid was a sweetheart farm boy at heart who grew up mostly bedridden and often would get very sick while his parents and six siblings took shifts into taking care of him.
That was until what was revealed to me before the DM of the group had the group imploded with kinda having odd rules how to play the game. Calling it meta and having us roll intelligence just to try to remember recaps, spells, info, anything and scold us for trying to help out one another. So…we all agreed and left.
I currently don’t have him in a party but I do have him somewhere safe in a friend’s setting in my Tuesdays campaign.
Anyroad, enjoy some fun facts and bits about this cutie bean.
1: Never had chocolate until after we stopped by a tavern and was given a chocolate milkshake. It was so wholesome and sweet and I had him actually crying to make it sweeter and a bit sad.
2: He had a companion/familiar by the name of Sliver who was a void worm. At first he was terrified and kept trying to find ways to kill the poor thing only for it to return to Quincy claiming to be harmless. They’re best buddies now and Silver loves to curl up on Quincy’s chest to sleep.
3: We had a vampire doctor of the party hailing from Barovia that like this sweet pacifist who was a mentor/older brother figure to Quincy. It was also discovered that he could touch Quincy just fine without protection like gloves.
4: Quincy…isn’t a normal dhampir. This was found out when he just murdered in front of our kitsune ninja. He’s not a traditional dhampir, he’s an aberration. Another he was killed, his body began to twitch and transform while he as a shadow watched in shock while his body tries to lash about at his party. He rushed back into to fuse into his body again. And thank fuck that hasn’t happened again since.
5: He’s an awkward teen, an adult in the human side being a half elf. But because of his medical conditions he didn’t go out and socialize a lot and thought he wouldn’t live past 13. Pansexual panic ensues and curiosities with expressing himself. He has tried some of his sisters’ dresses when younger and has expressed interest getting a nice sunhat. Thankfully the doctor and our bard hired a nice tailor to craft him a lovely adventuring outfit.
6: He is the youngest out of seven children in his family. Outside of the campaign I created a family tree where he is the grandson of my first fifth edition character. A half elf Druid named Narmo Mellon with the circle of the Blot. All I can say right now is weird shit happened.
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keybladeselkie · 1 year ago
Wyll Ravengard deserves the world (writers that care about him) rb if you agree
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keybladeselkie · 1 year ago
Balder’s Gate/ Dnd 5e
Pack Mates don’t leave Another Behind.
Writers note: Please forgive if any of this is off character. Writing Astarion is tough either way the early game/before the romance option.
Trigger Warnings: Cursing
Astarion was stunned as he witnessed the crazy ranger woman, Tasara who he thought would be all protective and on board with the Druid’s Grove. That was until they met Kagha when the shifter puffed up her chest and screamed in elven, cussing her out and calling the elven woman a dumbass, stone cold bitch. Spooking the tiefling child Kagha had captured for ‘stealing the idol’ to which Tasara chewed her out.
“And yet you fucking decide you’re hot shit when this Halsin guy goes missing and try to run this pack like it’s yours!? Get over yourself! You clearly didn’t bother to go searching for him to decide you’re going to run things your way!” The shifter growled with her emerald eyes growing sharp. “I don’t give a shit if you think you’re trying to protect this grove if that means threatening a pup’s life.”
Kagha was in shock by this crazy half blooded woman coming in and challenging her decisions before snapping back into reality with a venomous look in her eyes. Telling the party to leave or else she will have to force them to.
Tasara growled once more before turning to look over her shoulders at her worried party members before huffing. “Gladly.” Her words oozing with venom as well before quickly turning to leave. They got their answers from Nettie as well as the toxin much to both Tasara and Astarion’s disagreement on taking it.
As the party begins to leave the gates, the young tiefling girl rushes over along with her parents with a big smile on her face. Showing their gratitude for standing up against the druids. Tasara, not used to compliments let alone thank you awkwardly just shrugs and mumbles a ‘Sure, whatever.’
Later at Camp.
The shifter grumbles and curses as she struggles to sleep even with her honey badger companion resting next to her. Her twin brother still on her mind as she lies on her back wondering about his whereabouts and safety. That soon ended as she hears some movement outside her tent as she swiftly jumps out to see.
A loud yelp of pain would be heard as the shifter woman falls back and holds her head in pain. “Bloody hells!” A familiar voice calls out from outside the tent. Astarion rubbing his forehead from the accidental headbutt.
“Fucking dammit. What do you want?” Tasara growled as her walls automatically rose back up. “If you’re hungry or something go drain a squirrel or that bitch Druid lady.”
A warm chuckle left the spawn’s lips as he shakes his head. “Oh please, a squirrel isn’t a filling and I think that woman has venom for blood. No, I was coming by to…applaud you for your foolish bravery today. Shrieking at that devil woman like a harpy.” He muses with another chuckle. “I was beginning to worry that you would agree with those fools when we were searching for a cure.”
Tasara rolls her eyes with another huff as she shifts her sitting position to get comfortable. “Well the kid only did a petty theft and that shouldn’t be a death sentence. Kids do stupid shit a lot for desperate reasons.” Her voice murmurs in a hushed tone. “Even making a fucking deal with a hag..”
“I mean… I suppose if the hag had a good bargain, I don’t see what the problem is.” Astarion scoffs while waving a dismissive hand. Rewarding him with a scowl from the shifter. “Even trading your own eye to protect your family?”
“Oh dear, did I hit a nerve there?” The spawn teases with a smug grin before getting shoved back. “Fuck you. You’d act differently if you had people care about you.”
Those words pierced through like a hornet’s stinger as Astarion stumbled back. Returning the scowl to Tasara. “Your loss.” He hisses the words between his teeth before walking away. Leaving the shifter alone with her thoughts and protective pet by her side.
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keybladeselkie · 1 year ago
Balder’s Gate 3/DND
Cornered Animal.
Writer’s note: A long time ago my boyfriend and I were playing DnD 5th Edition with friends and we played a pair of feral half elven blooded shifters. He was a warlock while I was a gloomstalker Ranger. They were really fun to play before some issues were had. Moments where I self destructed but that’s a bit personal to explain right now. For now, I wish to tell the tale of mainly my play through of Balder’s Gate 3 inbetween Act 1 and currently charging through Act 2. This is a Tav/Astarion read, just this Tav is very difficult to open up at first.
Trigger Warning: Violence and cursing.
*Astarion felt his lips curled as he lurked into the shadows as the party slumbered after making camp. The hunger inside burning made his mouth ache for a meal as he stares down at his target. A strange redhead half elf with odd ears with tuffs of auburn hairs around them. He never met a woman like her before and it definitely made their first introduction memorable.*
*He tried to catch her off guard with a dagger to her throat, trying to convince her to cooperate. Unfortunately she was no easy target as the half elf reels her head back and lunges her forehead forward with a headbutt. Stunning the vampire briefly enough to give her enough time to roll to her feet to escape. It was until that point the tadpoles intervene. The woman who referred herself as Tasara huffed as she agreed to let him tag along since strength in numbers at least where she was taught growing up.*
*Astarion on the other side found this as a challenge as he silently shifts his footing to sneak over to lean down at the redhead’s neck. Ready to feast before his breathing betrayed him as he noticed out of the corner of his eyes the fluffy ears twitched. A warning sign before disaster as the shifter’s eyes snap open and stares sharply at the vampire.*
*”Oh shit.” The pale elf cursed as he leaned back, startled and stunned that he was caught while Tasara glared daggers at him with her piercing emerald eyes. “I can explain.” He tries to explain as he lowers his hands as a motion for Tasara to calm down.*
“I’ll give you ten seconds.” The shifter growls with venom in her words as she raises from her sleeping bag. “That boar was your kill was it?” She snarls, baring her teeth. “Leaving the meat dried up afterwards.”*
“You knew?” The vampire blinks, his walls falling for a brief moment before a scoff. “Look, as much as feasting upon the local fauna is it doesn’t satisfy me.”*
*”And yet you decided without asking to feed on one of your pack mates?” Tasara questioned with her arms folded.
*”Well if that’s how you put it, yes.” There was no shame in Astarion’s voice with a shrug. “Look, I would try the others but Karlach would burn my tongue and lips off. So if I ask politely, may I drink from you would you let me?”*
*The shifter pauses for a moment as she stares once more through the pale elf’s soul. Sharp as a dagger though lovely to gaze upon. How could something so deadly have such beautiful eyes? After a moment she just huffs and hops to her feet before walking over to Astarion.*
*…Right before swinging her arm back and punching him straight in the groin. The man groans in pain as he collapses to his knees and curses with a hiss. “The fuck? Ugh…crazy bitch…” He hisses before crawling backwards into the shadows. Well that was a failed attempt.*
*”Tsk…serves him right, trying to attack something that can bite back.” Tasara grumbles to herself before crawling back into her sleeping bag with a sigh. The image of her twin brother flashing before her eyes as she lulls back to sleep. “I’ll find you Sabrin, I promise…Just hope you’re okay..”*
*To be continued.*
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keybladeselkie · 1 year ago
Reblog if you think asexuality is a legitimate sexuality.
I'm trying to prove something.
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keybladeselkie · 1 year ago
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I’d gathered new year I should try to be more active on here and Twitch. With the new trailer and news of Dawntrail coming out I am excited for, with Beast Master and Picomancer being introduced.
Now mind you, I’m gonna keep my main/WoL as a scholar/Red mage in the lore. But once Dawntrail comes out and I’m able to I will love to try out the brush.
So to show off my excitement and a bit of a birthday gift to myself, I made my main a new outfit for the upcoming expansion.
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keybladeselkie · 1 year ago
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So I’ve been absent for a while thanks to real life and this might be a shot at the dark. But today I wanted to introduce my final fantasy oc/main WoL(or Warrior of Light) as it were.
Aria Yoake(Yoake-Onishi in rp/our free company canon) is a young raen woman who excels at being a scholar (main class mostly). Though she has dabbled into red magicks both in main scenario and our fc events.
The only difference between the two is WoL Aria enjoys adventuring and writing about her journey. An extreme bookworm with a secret drive for thrill seeking. She can hold a grudge and only has held true hatred for a couple of individuals.(Zeno and a certain npc in the weapons quests)
The rp version of her is more tame but dry. Still a kind hearted woman but she is also a tired medic dealing with chaos. Healing magicks she is good with but it can drain her and leave her exhausted. Her aether is also corrupted by the fae after being possessed for a while by a faerie herself named Primrose. Because of that, her red magick is a bit unstable.
Learned to cook and weave from separation from her mother at the age of ten from a storm and had to help raise her baby sister, Luma with her father. Developing a relationship close to Lilo and Nani.
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keybladeselkie · 2 years ago
Pokemon, A DnD journey.
A few years ago I was messing around with concepts to replay Pokemon Firered and wanted to try something different. At the time one of my dnd buddies wanted to doodle something cute for a charmander lying on a pile of gold named Smaug. Then it hit me. I asked for her permission to borrow the name of the charmander and decided a small challenge for myself.
Making a Pokémon team themed around Dnd monsters and classes.
I named the male protagonist, Hiro as a wordplay for Hero and named the rival, Lu or short for Lich.
Then it became a running theme up until Pokemon Sword and Shield came out. I might go back and try again with the latest games if this becomes popular or if I just feel like it.
I even wrote down all of the Pokémon I used on my main teams throughout the games with their names, natures, and personalities with little quirks I added to spice up the story. Even imagined the Pokemon to speak and everything. No, this wasn’t a nuzlocke but it was still a fun challenge for me gameplay wise and story wise.
Here is the first chapter of the Firered play through, enjoy!
Chapter One: A Boy and his Dragon.
Life in Pallet Town was simple and rather bland for the residents of this quaint town. That is unless you were becoming ten and starting to begin your journey as a Pokémon trainer. Young Hiro Fukuda was about to get his starter Pokémon and be on his way to starting his journey. However he wasn’t going to get his starter from the Professor like normal kids, he was going to get his first Pokémon from his family.
Hiro’s father eagerly awaited for the day that his son would carry on the Fukuda legacy and grow up to become a strong trainer just like him. His mother though nervous was supportive of her son’s future and gladly helped Hiro pack up for his journey.
Once everything was settled, Hiro’s parents sat the boy down with a pokeball on the table. The boy beams brightly as he stares at the pokeball with excitement in his eyes as he carefully grabs the ball and presses the button. And then a bright red beam would appear before the family before morphing shapes until the light begins to fade. Revealing a bright orange salamander with a small ember on it’s tail.
“A charmander! Awesome!” The boy cheers as he jumps up to his feet and reaches out to pet the salamander. A faint startled noise escapes the tiny lizard as he reels back a bit before calming down as Hiro begins to softly pet him on the head. “Awww, looks like you two are becoming fast friends already.” Hiro’s mom coos as she takes out a camera.
Hiro’s father chuckles warmly as he watches the adorable scene and shakes his head at his wife. “One picture dear, we shouldn’t keep them from starting their journey.” The father hums before turning to his son. “Any idea what you’re going to name him, Hiro?”
Hiro blinks as he pauses with petting his new buddy before tilting his head in thought. “Hmm…How about…Smaug? Like Smog but better sounding and it has character.”
“Perfect.” Hiro’s father chuckles once more in amusement before they all heard a faint *click* sound. Hiro’s mother beaming with pride as she shakes the Polaroid with reckless abandonment before gently blowing at it. “You can say that again.”
Hiro snickers as he looks to his parents before down to his new companion and smiles brightly. “Ready to get going Smaug?” Smaug with his new name looks up to Hiro eagerly before bobbing his head yes.
“You best be careful out there okay?” His mother pouts as she leans over the coffee table to gift her son a warm hug. “I will, I promise.” Hiro reassures while returning the hug.
“Oh, and tell Lu we said hi. Though I do hope the poor dear is doing well..” Hiro’s mother gives another pout while resting a hand on her cheek. “They haven’t been the same since their parents passed away..”
Hiro dips his head in a somber manner as he looks down to his partner Pokémon. “Yeah…I haven’t seen them in a while. I do hope they’re okay.”
“Well if you see them, tell them that our door is always opened and that they are welcomed to stay for dinner.” Hiro’s father nods, reaching for his glasses and book. “You be safe out there and make us proud.”
As if almost like magic, the boy shakes off the sadness looming over him. “I will, thanks guys! Love you!” He calls out before scooping up Smaug in his arms, dashing out the door.
Eagerly rushing out to begin his journey, young Hiro did not know what fate would await him. What tales to be told?
To be continued.
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