#Turned off reblogs on purpose
kulay-ng-banaag · 1 year
Guys, please
Stop tagging vents and personal fanlore opinions as "critical" and/or "discourse." It's ridiculous to be onion-skinned in the face of other people's reactions when you deliberately mark your post/s as an open invitation to commentaries, reasonable or not.
Differentiate trauma-dumping from critical analysis. Your emotions justify your beliefs in cutting off what harms you, but it does not make you immune from making logical fallacies.
Understand that at least some people just want to criticize where your logic is flawed. It does not mean they invalidate your emotions, and neither should you do the same in making your counterarguments. (People who do otherwise are nasty.)
Refrain from making expounded arguments on someone else's opinions that might not even be about you.
Start asking friends, mutuals, and even your own followers for recommended content to support instead of stressing over content that you don't like.
If making callouts is too much and you'd rather attempt to initiate a rational and public conversation, get straight to the point on why XYZ's take/s of [insert country/ies] ended up sour. If you can't bear to name these creators, then at least don't hold back on showing their work. Do that instead of inventing arbitrary examples so irrationally unlikely to occur, or constantly vagueing about how "many people" create racist or misinformed characterizations. All that does is sow distrust and not media literacy.
Find a volunteer group/club/NGO/youth organization/charity/etc. to channel your rage against statism/capitalism/imperialism into, instead of the fandom.
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liquidstar · 9 months
Can you not edit asks anymore wtf??
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hellsvestibule · 11 months
Someone said my Musashi had “tgirl swag” and it made me joy bc when I was younger people would be really rude about my intentional choice to draw some women w broader shoulders or whatever it’s like girl I do it on purpose, some women have broad shoulders or stronger features I like to vary it up!! and for a while no one’s said anything abt it in a negative way and it makes me hap
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heartbeetz · 1 month
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I love telling the truth
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emoangel44 · 2 months
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sonknuxadow · 1 year
ive seen a lot of posts lately that are like. "op turned off reblogs on this post i wanted to share so im screenshotting it and reposting it !" and am i the only one who thinks thats kinda weird. like if someone turned reblogs off on their post theyre turned off for a reason? i know some people probably wouldnt care if that happened to them but i would be pretty annoyed if somebody did that to me
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mayordea · 1 year
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rin is my biggest supporter in these trying times.
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autistic-fuckwad · 7 months
at this point i am genuinely not going to be subtle with it: if you genuinely believe trans men and transmascs experience no or little to no oppression OR experience privilege by being a trans man please take the next exit on ramp 7 to Get The Fuck Off My Blog <3
tags because i know you some damn terf is gonna run in here pretending to be a trans ally and start screaming that i hate trans women so you are now forced to read them in the main post body
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theygender · 9 months
If I reblog anything weird please feel free to alert me, I'm currently sick and on medications that make me drowsy/confused so some things are not fully processing for me when I read them
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becquerel · 2 years
when i say i hate inversion theory i mean mostly the class inversion part. not enough evidence in comic or otherwise to say any character "becomes a different class" they can ghost an aspect sure like thats a big part of how characters come into their true aspect but the class thing is too nebulous to say which classes correspond to which other ones outside of lord/muse and prince & bard/[feminine active creation class] & sylph. and even then the active creation class to sylph's passive is hard to pin down but its definitely either maid or witch. personally i lean witch but thematically the class being named "maid" as the ultimate non-master creation class to oppose a "prince" is just so much juicier
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rihansu00 · 1 year
I keep seeing people asking why didn't Hendo find a non-Saudi club. And there was realistically no way that was going to happen.
Maybe if FSG had been willing to let him go for free or a low fee and started the process earlier, he could have found a European or North American club. But they wanted a hefty transfer fee, so no other club besides a Saudi club could afford a transfer fee in the 10-20 mil range plus room on their wage bill for a 33-year-old midfielder.
He could have retired early, he could have stayed and sat on the bench, but professional athletes' brains are not like normal people's brains, and so I think both of those were probably just as untenable as getting shuffled out the door and called a money-grubbing hypocrite.
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livvyofthelake · 2 years
LOVE how allie was like hey will i think you’re the reincarnation of king arthur and your step brother is evil and trying to kill you (source: dude just trust me). and he was like yeah this girl has been known to be weird about the king arthur stuff she must be really into metaphors huh. they’re both sooo stupid actually. and i love them sooo much <3
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xivu-arath · 1 year
I have such... mixed? can I even call it "mixed" feelings on tears of the kingdom? I've read and agreed with a lot of critical analyses of its themes and plot points. how the story is actively weakened by being tied down to botw as a sequel. the veneration of the past, which also works on a meta level due to it bringing back more of the 3d formula of previous titles. Everything About Zelda, including how her eventual sacrifice undermines pretty much everything else in the past. the way the sheikah get sidelined for zonai stuff!
but also: this game feels made for me. I love the dragon stuff! I love the zonai, including the vague weirdness about why we only have two of them. revisiting the entire map is a joy for me. I loved the 3d formula when everyone else was heartily complaining about skyward sword's structure, so having the overall freedom of botw mechanics and dedicated temples to go through? the dream. the weird and contradictory new aspects to the world like the depths and the bargainers are so intriguing, and I am also Very Basic and enjoy fighting very cool-looking evil
I do have more personal qualms, like how the added mobility options mean the importance of horses is really downgraded. I wish there was more stuff in the sky. the storytelling is very clunky at best, and because there's so much Stuff it feels like npcs in general have a smaller range of interactions and distinctions (I am the kind of person who follows travelers around to find out when their dialogue changes and what they say when it's raining,,,). I'd like the sage stuff to feel more... varied? (and that it's tied to ~ancestral power~ is silly but. unsurprising)
I really do love it! I think that love is less... simple than my feelings for botw, but also when it comes to zelda games I am just extremely easy to please
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dirtbra1n · 1 year
okay so you’re all gonna do me a favor right. you’re gonna read this fan-translation of the first part of The Case Files of Jeweler Richard Vol. 2 Case 4. and if you like me even a little you’ll read to the seventh part of The Case Files of Jeweler Richard Vol. 2 Case 4. and then you can do whatever the hell you want after. but I NEED you all to understand the levels on which this chapter fucking RUINS ME even if you know nothing about anything else at play here. Okay. thanks
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tvmblrsillyman · 1 year
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midnights-in-love · 2 years
"I don't want to look like I just got screwed in my car"
"Well, you kinda do..."
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