#Tumblr ate the rest of my tags rude.
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(OOC: Update + Apology—Long Post)
So I've been pretty much non-existent for the past 4 months or so BUT I can explain!
Basically what happened is that I emigrated to not just a different country, but a different continent on literally the other side of the world from where I grew up. And I left behind all my friends and family at home, meaning I came here alone and I'm still alone and probably will be alone for as long as I remain in this new country. So for the past few months I've been dealing with moving and settling down and making plans to secure my future in this new country—heck, just making sure I can have a future in this new country. I'm more or less settled into my new life now (except for the planning for the future part) but before that I kind of forgot about Melody for a while 🫥
So anyway the guilt ate away at my subconscious and Melody's voice came to me in a dream and berated me for abandoning her, so I woke up and quickly came to check on my baby. And I realise, to my utter mortification and horror, that I never paused my Tumblr queue, so all the half-baked ideas, the rough drafts, the tentative-but-not-in-chronological-order character development, had been posting itself while I was away 🫠. So if during the past 5 months you saw my blog degenerate into a bigger and bigger mess and wondered "What the heck is going on"—it's not you, it's me. Right now I'm just trying to salvage what I can of my blog (and my dignity) and reorganise everything I originally planned for Melody (tbh I forgot half of it but I'm sure the memories are in here somewhere, I just have to clean out the dust and oil the gears first).
Honestly I have no idea how many people follow(ed) Melody's story, I might as well be posting into the void for all I know. But like so many of the other RPers on this blog I started because I was bored and had some ideas in my head that wouldn't leave me alone, and over time I became attached to my OC and her story (perhaps unhealthily so). That's part of the reason why I decided not to just delete my blog and make my absence permanent. Because working on this self-indulgent project used to make me happy, and because I still have some ideas I want to share with whoever might be lurking around. Another reason is because of the community that welcomed me and that I personally watched grow. Even when this blog was at its 'most active' I probably didn't interact with other RPers as much as I should/could have (again, it's not you, it's me) but what little interaction we did have I truly did enjoy as we built and connected our own stories and characters while also interpreting the DC ones. I don't think I've said this before, and I don't think I'll ever say it enough, but really, thank you all for being willing to indulge me and play with me. This has been a lovely space to be in, and you guys combined are like 80% of the reason ❤️❤️❤️❤️
@florence-wayne-official @kit-the-nonbinary-wayne @that-one-gotham-kid @amira-wayne-al-ghul @warren-wayne-kyle @teagrayson + anyone I missed, knowing the rate at which this community grows there's bound to be at least one person I didn't tag (it's not a snub—again, not you, it's me and my bad memory—please don't be offended 🥺)
((idk if tagging everyone is proper etiquette after my prolonged absence, I was just going to say 'you know who you are' at first and leave it at that but I'm not sure if you guys actually know who you are 😅 so if I'm breaking some kind of unspoken Tumblr code of etiquette I apologise again))
(((I didn't mean for that above note to sound as rude as it did)))
ANYWAYS if you've read past the wall of text above to make it down here congratulations and thank you, I'll be doing my best to clean up/revise my blog and my OC and her story in the coming weeks and hopefully get some sort of continuity back on track :) I'm also trying to figure out what happened in the rest of the RP community in my absence so if I reply to a three-month-old post now: once again, it's not you, it's me, and there's totally no obligation to engage with.
Can't wait to hang out with the Batfamily again ☺️ plus all my RP siblings, half-siblings, future siblings, stepsiblings, undead siblings etc XD
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TEE!!!! i am coming directly into your askbox to scream about the latest rb! gojo fic! aND LIKE!!! the knowledge that you had posted it literally got me outta bed this morning and i read it on my phone with one hand as i was getting ready and the fic!! it beat me up!!! cut me bit by bit until i was only a pile on the ground!! dadjo is terrible for forcing them (or at least trying) to break up!! preying on the class difference and reader's insecurity over it!! honestly, if anything he should be impressed because reader is a very smart cookie and a hard worker. iirc they were working two jobs at one point??? VERY IMPRESSIVE. dadjo can't even do one job right smh.
he was soaked to the bone. yes. good. nothing like a sopping wet man on your doorstep. LMAOOO but. augh. when reader mentioned how his dad was involved gojo got so mad that i thought he was actually going to storm off (and then come back again) but luckily he didn't.
when he was yelling and demanding to know why reader broke up with him, i kind of thought of that piece where he convinces them to stay until morning and they finally make it official— when he's demanding to know why reader won't consider a relationship and he's almost yelling and reader tells him not to yell at them… and then here, the narration mentions how he never yells and like, i don't know if that was intentional or not, but if it was… well, he's commited so much about the reader to memory that it would make sense he'd remember something like that.
and then there's this line: they’re bright and kind and deeper than the ocean. but unlike the ocean, they’re not scary to fall into, to lose yourself in no matter how far you are from shore. that one made me think of the sunglasses piece because the same comparison is made in the narration— how gojo's eyes are like the depths of the ocean, but in that fic/drabble, they're something scary. and like. it's a very cool writing thing and it makes me wanna scream LMAOOO.
ANYWAY I'M SO GLAD THEY DIDN'T STAY BROKEN UP FOR LONG AND THAT DADJO GETS HIS. reader definitely should have talked to gojo, but they can make it up to him by remaining by his side for the rest of their life hehe. dadjo should just accept reader because like, at this rate, some disowning is going to happen and the gojo family will have no heir (either satoru disowns the family or they disown him) but he'll be okay because he has his brains and reader (or the grandparents will get involved and give dadjo what he deserves!!!)
this is probably way longer than the 30 tags that stupid tumblr ate, but honestly speaking, i absolutely love the rich boy! gojo au so much. so so so so much and i'm so glad that you've been kind enough to share it with us all! (low key i want to know more about the pre-relationship times… but i want to know it ALLLLLL)
NIKU CRIES SOOOO HARD 🥹 i have to be so honest with you—i don’t even rmr the “don’t yell” part in the old fic ndkajdjd BUT the metaphors ab his eyes was revisited yes !! i think ur making me look like a more purposeful and skilled writer than i actually am fjsjfjf i wish i was that good at tying old things in. that would be the dream.
BUT HIS DAD WAS SO RUDE. it’s the way i wrote him and he still hurt my feelings 😭 he should respect reader bc they FOR REAL are hustling out here in this rough economy LMAO. but honestly reader is like. my new crush LMAO idk if i wanna be them or be w them
but gojo being a wet little soggy mess made me envision him as like. a soaked catjo hehe i love catjo he’s my fav ever i wanna buy a plushie of him but they’re like 40 dollars 😭😭😭 and i’m too cheap to spend 40 on a plushie LMAO
omg but also. i feel like writing an angry gojo was new for once u know ?? bc he’s always been soooo patient w reader and always let them doubt him and their relationship and was so precious and sweet ab reassuring them that sometimes i rly sit there and think like. damn this boy rly been thru it 😭 he was head over heels from the start and he rly had to fight his way into their life SOBS so i was like for once we’re gonna get a not perfectly sweet and patient gojo. tonight he’s gonna be an angry and emotional wreck SOBS. it was fun tho writing him that was. it was cathartic in a way.
but reader should have sooo talked to him sobsob. i think honestly that gojo wouldn’t have really been kicked from the company / inheritance bc then who would get it you know ?? i think dadjo was more trying to prey on readers innocence / insecurities and make them feel like they were powerless and had no choice but to do what he says and hope he’d get away w it EXCEPT SATORU IS ONE DETERMINED BOY LMAOOOO so he definitely underestimated his own sons stubbornness fjsmfjsj
i’m glad they got back together tho. i say that like i didn’t plan for them to from the start 💀 but to be so honest with u at one point i was kinda stuck on how i’d make them meet and talk and how the whole resolution would even happen. i think it was a bit rushed but i was tired and i was like eh. ppl will get the idea. BUT IM GLAD THEYRE TOGETHER BC I WOULD DIE IF THEY WERENT
and poor suguru ��� my man ain’t do nothing justice for him he got that insta remove 😔 i forgot to make reader follow him back LOLLLL
BUT I ADORE U SM NIKU UR COMMENTS AND TAGS ON RB! GOJO ARE HALF OF WHY WRITING IT IS SO FUN IN THE FIRST PLACE i am so beyond grateful for u reading it and supporting it especially bc that one gojo fic u write is genuinely one of my fav gojo works ever. i admire ur writing sm it means sooooo much that someone so talented reads and interacts w my works like this 🥹 hugs u sooo tightly 🥹
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i think we're done with epilogue too?? i don't disagree with anything important and have nothing to add, so unless you still want to discuss extra points i say we're done with the epilogue :D
@disaster-fruit I’m sorry, I’m starting a new post, I don’t care that it might be short but I’m tired of that endless threat. SO EPILOGUE.
Keep reading
#wait tumblr ate my tags#OXI COME BACK TUMBLR ATE MY TAGS#nice tumblr (: so funny haha (: (:#anyway i was reacting to the urge ass smut description because those are all ways lovely and welcome ♥️#huge*#y’all know me I love when we get to the naughty part of an AU#now I must spent the rest of my days imagining Martin’s dirty talk on their first time#also maybe his dirty talk starts to rub off on lulu who also becomes more shameless in his dirty talk#not that he wasn’t before but yk even more#and faithful my bottom martin agenda I also now imagine that after the rocky start martin becomes addicted to dick pretty fast#also I think I talked about the stallions because RUDE of lulu not to keep them both why be a lawyer if you can’t afford such BASIC necessi#ties as a couple of horses#I hope Martin’s parents don’t find out about it they’ll want to take martin back from this arduous life#maybe they can pay for them idk with some of that gold they just got as gifts#enchanted au#brarg brainstorming
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Just What I Need

Summary; Working in a coffee shop you meet all sorts of people, but one customer in particular is always friendly, a local Detective from the nearby precinct. When one night he orders through a delivery service rather than in store, you get more than a tip when you make the delivery.
Fandom; Nomis (Night Hunter) Movie, Henry Cavill
Pairing: Detective Walter Marshall x Female Reader (no race or size specified)
Trope: Coffee Shop Meet Cute
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Flirting, Masturbation (male), Oral Sex (female recieving), unprotected sex, Vaginal Sex, Snowstorms.
I do not operate a tag list but instead please pop over and follow @angryschnauzerwrites and put that blog onto notifications, then you’ll get an alert every time i post a new story. My Masterlist got too long and tumblr ate it, so all my past stories can also be found on my AO3, link HERE
A/N: I am considering expanding this story, depending if people like it and want me to? Let me know! <3
Just What I Need
Running the steam through the coffee machine you wiped the nozzle and smiled, there were just fifteen minutes until closing and the coffee shop you worked at was all but abandoned. Just your manager in the back counting the cash takings, and you were getting ready to box up the remaining muffins and cookies for the homeless shelter volunteer to collect dead on closing time.
You didn’t mind working the late shift, in fact you preferred it over the early shift opening up at 7am. The 7am crowd were grumpy, rude and always in a rush. The 7pm customers were tired, quiet, and always thankful for whatever caffeinated delights you provided them with.
The bell over the door rang as it opened and you looked up over the cups that were stacked on top of the machine, smiling at you saw the weary familiar face coming towards you;
“Good Evening Detective” you smiled as the beast of a man stood at the counter. His face softened as he saw you, his shoulders dropping a little as he relaxed.
“Hey… Sorry I’m in so late… you’re still open, right?”
You glanced at the clock;
“Another ten minutes. What can i get you?”
You watched as he cast his gaze up to the handwritten chalkboard menu’s above the counter;
“You got any Chilli left?”
“Sure, a couple of pots in the fridge. Want me to warm it up?”
He paused for a moment, as if trying to process the most technical question through his tired mind;
“No… yes… urghhh…” he took a deep breath; “Yeah… if you wouldn’t mind. I’m so fuckin’ tired i think I’d burn my apartment down if i tried to use the stove”
“Sure thing” you said with a smile as you got to work.
You made small talk as you prepared his order, pulling out the sides and condiments that came with the Chilli meal;
“Hey, you want a free muffin?”
“I’m not really into sweet things this late at night… what flavours you got?”
“How about an Apple Cinnamon? It’ll last overnight and still be fresh enough for breakfast”
The Detective smiled and nodded, pulling his wallet out as you finished bagging his order and rang it through for him, paying before you handed the bag to him;
“Have a good evening Detective”
As he turned he smiled at you;
“Call me Walter”
Three days later and you were on the late shift again. Again it was quiet, just the soft sound of tyres driving through slushy snow outside the only noise since around 6pm as just a couple of customers nursed steaming mugs of coffee from their window seats. You saw the big silver truck pull up in the space outside the coffeeshop and smiled, there was only one customer that drove a truck that huge and if you were being honest with yourself you were developing quite a crush on the curly haired Detective.
The moment he walked through the door you were smiling at him;
“Detective” you greeted him happily
“Didn’t i say to call me Walter last time i was here?”
“I like Detective, has a nice authority ring to it” you said with a wink; “What can i get you tonight?”
He paused for a moment, and as you reached for a notepad to jot down his order you missed the slight eyebrow raise and smirk at what you’d said before he cleared his throat;
“What have you got that i can eat in my office without facing the wrath of my Lieutenant for making the department stink?” he said with a grin as he leaned on the counter.
“I got Mozzarella and Pesto Subs? Tuna Melt?”
“Tuna is a no. The case isn’t going well, no fish. Gimme two Mozzarella Subs, and the largest black coffee you do”
“Sure thing. I’ll put a fresh pot on and get those sub’s on the press”
As you started to prepare his order his phone rang, and you couldn’t help but to listen in;
“... i’ll be like five minutes, i ain’t eaten all day… yeah ok… i’ll grab a box…”
He hung up and nodded to the cakes;
“Can i get a dozen muffins to go too? Got some grunts that are jealous that i got to escape the paperwork…”
“Sure thing”
Loading a box you picked what you knew were the best flavours and the freshest bakes;
“You know, we’re on Uber Eats. As much as its nice to see a friendly face, we can deliver to the Precinct”
“I… I have no idea what that is…”
“Its a food delivery app. Here, give me your phone…”
He unlocked it and set it down and rested his elbows on the counter as he watched;
“You go to the app store and just download it. Put in your location and it’ll bring up nearby eateries and you can search for us. It has all the standard menu on. Save your card details or link it to paypal, and its super easy, it even keeps you updated when the order is being prepared or its out for delivery”
He smiled as you pushed the phone back to him, locking the screen and pushing it back into his tight jeans;
“That’s all well and good, but then i wouldn’t get a chance to see my favourite coffee shop girl now, would i?”
You leaned forward and grinned, keeping your voice low;
“Order between 6.45 and 7pm and i snag the deliveries and do them on my way home”
Walter pushed the key into the lock, opening the door to his apartment and groaning as his body ached from tiredness. He should be elated, they caught the killer, the evidence was logged and couldn’t be disputed… and yet he was tired to his core. He’d been at his desk for longer than he’d been home, and when the Lieutenant had finally ordered him to go him a little after 5pm, it had still taken him the better part of an hour to finish up and leave the building.
Shutting the door behind him he felt his stomach rumble. He didn’t even need to look in the fridge to know it was completely empty, devoid of anything even vaguely edible. Checking his phone he saw that it was a little after 6.30pm and a thought fired across his mind, a smile forming. Fifteen minutes later he’d added far more to his online basket than he ever would have done in store, but for the first time he was able to see exactly what the creations were whereas in the store it was just a big pile of weird looking cakes and bakes. By 6.50pm he’d entered his card details and completed the order, the little update screen stating delivery would be by 7.30pm, just enough time to grab a shower, after all if it was you that would deliver, he should probably shower for the first time in 72 hours having rushed out of the apartment three mornings in a row due to new leads in the case.
The shower was far too enjoyable to rush, and after he’d washed his hair he started on his body, soaping over his chest and stomach before he paid extra attention to his dick. The anticipation of just the possibility of seeing you had him hard in seconds, and resting his head back against the tiled wall he quickly worked his hand over himself. He got lost in the moment, his mind taking him to places it shouldn’t, imagining his hand was yours, thinking about that time he saw you wearing over the over the knee knit socks and a skirt, how your ass was the perfect roundness, how your lips would look stretched around his dick… he came with a groan, thick white ropes falling to the shower floor as every ounce of stress left his body, his body shuddering when he was finally spent.
He was halfway through drying himself when he heard a knock at the door to his apartment, he eyes going wide when he saw it was 7.20pm;
He’d gotten carried away in the shower, and now he had to quickly rush to wrap a towel around his waist as a second knock came just as he reached the door, taking a deep breath before opening it and seeing you standing on the doorstep shivering in your padded coat, holding two takeout bags;
“Hey! Come in, come in, Jeez its freezing out there…”
Stepping into the apartment you couldn’t help but to look him up and down, attempting to hide your reaction as you could clearly see the distinct outline of something rather large bulging against the fabric of the fluffy white towel;
“Hey D-d-detective… Y-y-yeah it’s d-d-dropping fast out t-t-there… radio s-s-said it was g-g-gonna be a wind chill of minus t-t-twenty nine by eight o’clock… what a n-n-night to have my b-b-bike, huh?” You carefully dropped the two bags onto his coffee table as you spoke.
“You cycled here? On that pedal bike that is always chained up outside the coffee shop?” he asked incredulously, immediately forgetting his current state of undress. Shutting the door he immediately wrapped his arms around you, pulling you to his chest; “You’re gonna stay here until you’re warmed up, i’m gonna make you a hot coffee and to warm you up from the inside too...”
“I ain’t gonna complain to that” you mumbled, your face pressed to his chest as you suddenly melted against him, warming your cheek against his firm muscles before turning your head to warm the other one and he let out a little gasp as your cold hands pressed against his sides.
“I also said for you to call me Walter…” he said quietly.
Pulling your head back you smiled at him;
“Thank you, Walter. You’re the best… though you’re the first delivery i’ve made where i’ve been greeted by someone in just a towel”
“Sorry, let me go put some clothes on…”
You tighten your grip around his waist;
“I wasn’t complaining…”
There was no poignant pause, no longing gazes, his lips met with yours and the kiss was fierce and hungry. He was pushing your coat down your arms and you reluctantly released your hold from his waist to let it drop to the floor, your sweater following soon after. Your lips met again and he was lifting you, wrapping your legs around his waist as his hand rested on your ass beneath your skirt as he walked you through the apartment before dropping you on his bed.
He was pulling your boots off your feet as you scrambled up the bed, your hands reaching for your thigh high socks when he suddenly caught your hands in his;
“Leave those on…”
You paused and grinned, before his lips met yours again and he was on top of you, his hands sliding up your skirt and bunching it around your waist as he pressed a trail of open mouthed kisses down the valley of your breasts and over your stomach, before briefly lifting his head enough to pull your panties down your legs and toss them aside.
As he lowered his mouth to your core his gaze was intense, vivid blue shining through the dim light of his bedroom, his tongue pushing through your soaked petals and parting them as his beard brushed against your skin, heightening all of the sensations. Wrapping his arms around your thighs he pulled you closer to his mouth, his tongue pushing into you and he started to fuck you with it whilst his bearded face tickled your clit. You were squealing and struggling to stay still, needing to anchor yourself on something as your hips bucked and your orgasm started to rapidly approach, your hands finding their way to his still wet hair and your fingers wrapping around the dark curls as he pressed a hand to your stomach to keep you still, growling at your taste on his tongue as he felt you shake as your orgasm took over.
When your body had finally stopped shaking Walter pressed a chaste kiss to the inside of each of your thighs before he sat back on his haunches, licking his lips where he could still taste you on them. Pushing yourself up onto your elbows you grinned at him, your gaze travelling down his thick chest to his stomach, and the trail of hair that led beneath the towel;
“You gonna show me what you’ve got under that towel, Detective?”
“You ready for what i’ve got under this towel darlin’?”
Pushing yourself up to sitting, your legs spread and bent either side of him, you hooked a finger into the towel and tugged, your eyes going wide when you saw his thick meaty cock standing hard and proud between his muscled thighs. Wrapping your hands around it you relished the feel of his silky skin as it moved over the hardness beneath, your mouth against his;
“I need you inside me”
“I… Fuck… this wasn’t planned… i haven’t got any protection…”
“I’m on birth control, I want to feel you bare…”
With a growl he surged forwards, capturing your lips with his own before he pushed you down onto the bed. Holding himself up on one hand he hooked your leg up over his hip, opening you like a winter blossom as he rubbed his dick through your soaked folds, dousing himself with your slick wetness. You whined at the teasing, the way his tip would brush against your hole only to move up to your clit;
“Walter, please… you promised to warm me up from the inside…”
He paused, a smirk on his face;
“You want me to get you a coffee? ‘Cos i can stop…”
“NO, i need your diiiiiiiiii….FUCK!” He’d pushed into you as you were mid sentence, the feeling of his meaty girth splitting your walls wide open overwhelming you and your eyes rolled back in their sockets; “OH MY GOD!”
“You like that Darlin? You feeling warmer now?”
“Please… please fuck me…”
He grinned and shifted his hips, grinding into you;
“Well, as you said please…”
You had been expecting him to pound you into the mattress, you had not been expecting for his technique to start off with sensual rolls of his hips, filling you tenderly and carefully whilst you got used to his size. It was almost overwhelming, completely surrounded as he caged you in with his massive arms, his chest pressed against your own as his hips worked utter magic. He pulled his legs wide apart, shifting to rest on your open hips and he got even deeper. Pressing kisses to your lips and neck he soon had you moaning and begging for release, every push and pull hitting just the right spots and you were almost embarrassingly wet from the arousal but it only added to the sensations.
You could feel yourself coming, the pleasure too much to hold back, and with a long low moan your body betrayed you and succumbed to the orgasm that had been building in the pit of your belly. Walter kept up the same speed of his thrusts but pushed a little harder, a little deeper with each one;
“Can feel you fluttering around me, you gonna cum for me? You look so fucking beautiful all fucked out and wanting, feel so fucking amazing…”
Just as your orgasm was at its peak he tensed and you could feel his cum flooding into you, the twitching of his dick as he filled you with his seed prolonging your high. When you had both finally finished you could feel his weight start to get heavier on top of you, before with a sudden and surprising act of nimble dexterity he rolled the pair of you over so you were laying atop of him, his softening dick slipping out and you felt the trickle of his seed flow out of you. With one massive hand he pulled the duvet across your bodies, and you snuggled up to his chest;
“That was the best tip ever” you giggled; “In fact definitely more than the tip”
At that moment you not only heard but felt his stomach growl, looking up and seeing him grin sheepishly as he spoke;
“I just want you to know this is not how i usually treat food deliveries… do you want something to eat? Or drink?”
Nodding you smiled;
“That'd be nice”
A while later you were cleaned up, Walter having given you one of his massive t-shirts to wear which came to the tops of your thighs. He’d grazed through half the contents of his order as you nibbled on a muffin, having eaten at the coffee shop during a very quiet last hour of your shift. You’d laughed and chatted as the pair of you had eaten on the comfort of Walters couch, before you’d suddenly stopped mid sentence;
“Shit, i left my bike in the lobby… will it be safe there until i go home?”
Walter smiled at you, his hand curling around your thigh;
“Have you heard that weather out there? I’d be surprised if you could even ride it home through three foot of snow…” he paused for a moment; “Stay the night…”
You went to object, decline politely but you caught yourself, why? Why shouldn’t you spend the night? Taking a deep breath you smiled;
“I’d love to”
Part 2 >>>
#walter marshall#walter marshall x reader#walter marshall x you#henry cavill#walter marshall smut#walter marshall fanfiction#walter marshall fanfic
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I posted 198 times in 2022
67 posts created (34%)
131 posts reblogged (66%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 53 of my posts in 2022
#cats the musical - 36 posts
#cats musical - 32 posts
#mungojerrie - 9 posts
#cats mungojerrie - 9 posts
#cats mistoffelees - 7 posts
#crystalball’s jellicle valentine month - 7 posts
#cats demeter - 6 posts
#munkustrap - 6 posts
#demeter - 6 posts
#mr. mistoffelees - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 49 characters
#they picked that name because tanto-pat was taken
My Top Posts in 2022:
Munkustrap drew a line in the dirt with his foot, “Now let's say I'm a cat not in the tribe and I'm entering the junkyard. What do you do?”
Pouncival ran up and pushed him to the other side of the line, “And don't come back!”
Munkustrap patted his head, “You are getting stronger, but no. Tums?”
Tumblebrutus ran up to him, violence in his eyes. Munkustrap dodged him and Tumblebrutus ate dirt.
Munkustrap helped him up, “Alright, let's try the girls.” He looked at Electra, “What do you do?”
Electra walked up to him, crossed her arms, and told him, “Hey, this is the junkyard for the Jellicle tribe. Leave.”
Munkustrap shook his head, “A bit too rude, and not what I'm looking for. But I appreciate that you didn't rush into a fight.”
Etcetera’s turn! Etcetera went to him and asked, “I’m sorry, but you're not allowed here. Can you please leave?”
Munkustrap petted her, “You were close, but not quite there. Alright, Jemima, what do you think you should do?”
Jemima looked at her paws, “I was going to do what she did.”
Munkustrap looked at all the kittens, they were still learning, “Kits, you were supposed to start with asking me what I was here.”
Jemima asked, “Oh, Da- stranger cat, what are you doing in the junkyard?”
Munkustrap got on the kitten's level, “I'm looking to join the tribe. Do you know where the leader of the tribe is?”
“He’s right there.” Pouncival pointed at the tire where Old Deuteronomy was resting. He waved hi to the kittens.
Tumblebrutus asked, “But what do we do if you are dangerous?”
Munkustrap purred, “You know what to do.” All the kittens play-tackled him.
37 notes - Posted June 11, 2022
Mungojerrie: Hey, I need to borrow the brain cell this week.
Rumpleteazer: I thought you already had it.
38 notes - Posted April 6, 2022

48 notes - Posted April 10, 2022
Misto: Tugger is a terrible bore.
Tugger: You married me.
Misto: I did that out of spite.
Tugger: You had my kittens.
Misto: That was a hate fuck.
Tugger: Last night, you kissed me good night for 20 minutes.
Misto: To annoy you!
85 notes - Posted January 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Gen Z is 50% memes, 50% anxiety.
108 notes - Posted May 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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An Iron Box - Perfect Portrait
On the off-chance anyone’s still reading this series, I hope you enjoy this update.
It may be shorter, but it’s a scene between Chishiya and MC/Reader that was in my mind but I never put it into the original fic :)
You can also find it here on AO3.
If you haven’t read the original, you can find it either pinned to my Tumblr or on AO3 here.
Thanks so much for reading. It means the world <3
People were so predictable. Even in a world where you can’t trust anyone, they still look for someone to connect with.
It seemed that saving (name) from that awkward situation at the bar did the trick, as afterwards, she clung to Kuina’s side – and by extension, my own. However, there was a slyness in her eyes whenever she looked at me. A calculating curiosity that revealed her distrust for me.
And yet, it didn’t keep her from seeking me out.
One morning, several days later, I headed downstairs earlier than usual, hoping to enjoy the rare quiet as I ate breakfast.
While the bread from supermarkets was inedible, flour and yeast were perfectly intact, and with the Beach’s over-abundance of electricity, making bread was a favourite pastime for the former-chefs and bakers living here. And so, grabbing two slices of toast from the kitchen, I took a seat at a table in the far corner of what would have been the hotel’s restaurant.
Soon enough, people would filter down from their rooms and the usual circus would begin. But for now, it was silent. Peaceful. I lifted a piece of toast.
‘一緒に朝ご飯食をべないか.’ Do you want to eat breakfast together?
I put the toast down. ‘You’re leaving too big a gap between words. It sounds unnatural.’
Something brushed against my hood as she hovered behind my chair. ‘Teach me to sound natural then.’
‘どうして.’ How come?
Perhaps she would leave soon. If I waited until she disappeared, I might actually be able to enjoy my breakfast in peace.
It’ll be cold by then.
Weighing up the options, I gave in and took a bite of my toast. ‘Because you’ll only learn by speaking it more,’ I said, swallowing. ‘And also because I don’t want to. You should practise on Kuina instead.’
She circled around the table, holding a small bowl of dried fruit in one hand. There was a screech as she pulled out the chair opposite and sat down. I turned away, looking out of the window instead, but in the corner of my eye I could see her watching me, fingers playing with the bowl of fruit. She was still wearing my hoodie.
‘Kuina doesn’t speak English as well as you do.’ She huffed. ‘And if I make a mistake, she doesn’t tell me what’s wrong. I think it’s a Japanese thing. Everyone here is so polite, and nobody wants to correct you if you have bad grammar.’ She paused. ‘But you will.’
So I’m rude enough to correct her, hm?
She wasn’t wrong. But this still wasn’t enough of a reason to make me want to waste my time teaching her a language that she would pick up eventually.
‘You do have terrible grammar,’ I said. ‘You sound like a textbook.’
When she shifted her chair closer, I instinctively leaned away. ‘I know. I probably have a foreigner’s accent too. But I need you to tell me how I can get better.’
She did have an accent, strong yet not unpleasant. And surprisingly, I didn’t mind it. I knew I had an accent whenever I spoke English, but it was only normal. As for not sounding like a cardboard character in a language textbook? Well... she was clever enough to figure it out by herself.
Picking up my second piece of toast, I began to take a bite when a set of fingers wrapped around my forearm.
And there it was again.
That warmth
It was just like in the pharmacy when her knee had touched mine. That same warmth seeped into my skin, humming under the surface. A shiver ran through my body, and I yanked my wrist away, severing all contact.
For the first time this morning, I looked at her fully, seeing the briefest flicker of astonishment in her expression before it relaxed into idle curiosity. If she was surprised by my reaction, she didn’t comment on it.
Instead, she shifted in her seat, chewing uncomfortably on her dried fruit. ‘By the way, you never told me how you learned English? Did you study abroad?’
The question took me back a few years, to those nights spent in my bedroom as a child, pouring over language textbooks. The one-sided conversations with myself, the books I had spent hours picking apart and translating until the early hours of the morning.
‘I was bored as a child, so I taught myself a language.’
Her eyes widened. ‘When you say you were a child...’
‘I was seven when I started learning.’
I was seven when I gave the housekeeper some of my pocket money and asked her to buy me an English language dictionary. And even when she asked my father if it was alright, he didn’t once turn to look.
(Name) shook her head in disbelief, and muttered under her breath, ‘that’s insane.’
By now, we were no longer alone. People were filtering in regularly, filling the tables as they chatted with friends about their recent games. I put my headphones in, hoping that she would take a hint and find someone else to have breakfast with. Only, she remained seated, munching on a dried apricot.
‘Perhaps,’ I said, ‘but if a seven-year-old can do better than you, maybe I made a mistake in bringing you here.’
She pulled a face and boldly took one of my headphones out. ‘Maybe you should convince Hatter to let me leave.’
I glanced down at my earbud twirled between her fingers, before meeting that wide-eyed stare. ‘Maybe I don’t want to.’
Maybe you’re too valuable to let go.
There was a moment of quiet where neither of us looked away. She was close enough that I could see the variation of colours in her eyes, and the slight hint of pink washing over her cheeks. So that’s what she was thinking of. How very amusing.
If she had feelings for me, it would certainly be easier to convince her to go into the royal suite. But then again, she would cling to me in that annoying way.
And I don’t have the patience for that.
Breaking eye contact, I retrieved my headphone from her fingers. ‘Don’t get the wrong idea. You’re useful to have here at the Beach. It would be a shame to let you go.’
‘I’d be more useful if you helped me learn Japanese.’
At this, she turned away. For a long moment, neither of us spoke and I was just starting to enjoy the silence when she mumbled, ‘has it occurred to you that you’re the only one I can actually talk to?’
Ch... that’s a lie.
She had Kuina. The two of them got along rather nicely, and (name) was still blissfully unaware that none of it was real.
Ignoring her comment, I left to take my plate back to the kitchen, but when I re-entered the restaurant area, I noticed that every table was full. That was, except ours. Elbow on the tablecloth, (name’s) hand rested over her mouth, the smallest hint of a frown tugging at the corners. She was staring vacantly at the tiny bowl of half-eaten dried fruit.
‘Has it occurred to you that you’re the only one I can actually talk to?’
Understanding dawned on me. She stuck out like a sore thumb, alone on a table for four.
The other Beach members were avoiding her, probably because they knew only high school English and assumed she wouldn’t be able to speak Japanese. Even when talking to Kuina, I had seen her mixing up the two languages, sometimes struggling to understand small miscommunications.
Her expression reminded me of the Mona Lisa, those trips to the Louvre where I was made to tag along on my parents’ business trips, only to be left in the hands of his uninterested assistant. (Name) wasn’t smiling, but there was something hiding beneath the slight pull of her lips that echoed DaVinci’s painting. It was something uniquely human that I couldn’t seem to read.
It was enigmatic.
But it was also a perfect portrait of isolation. Everyone wants someone to understand them, to be seen for who they really are. And she was no exception.
The thought pulled at me, persistent, but I pushed it well away. If she was isolated, it would come in handy later on. So long as Kuina and I were the only people she could comfortably talk to, she would be more easily swayed into relying on us.
And when I do send her into the Royal Suite, she’ll have no reason not to trust me.
With that thought, I left her there alone in the hotel restaurant.
Later that night, it wasn’t until the clock ticked into the early hours of the morning that the hotel finally fell into a slumber. And it was then that I slipped out into the empty hallways.
The meeting room was lit only by the faint yellow glow of the patio’s outdoor lights. It wasn’t much against the darkness of an empty Tokyo, but it was enough to illuminate the pinboard propped up against the far wall. Names and numbers had been tacked on, all split into groups of four or five in preparation for tomorrow’s games.
My eyes scanned over the board, narrowing down on the one name that stood out in katakana, Niragi’s kanji right beside it.
But it was only when I switched Niragi’s name with my own, that her enigmatic frown appeared behind my eyes once more. That same portrait of isolation that haunted the back of my mind.
#alice in borderland#aib#imawa no kuni no arisu#chishiya#chishiya shuntaro#chishiya x oc#chishiya x reader#chishiya alice in borderland
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the sweetest life (and the loving is easy when you’re with me)
tumblr version:
rating: mature
tags: no warnings, mutual pining, lol slow burn? what slow burn?, I don’t know her, not actually unrequited love
Chapter Three: Strawberry Crème Brûlée p. 2
He had been hesitant to try it. Her strawberry creme brulee.
His appetite had yet to make an appearance and the truth was he was dreading her news, dreading to be told what he already knew to be true, that she was taken, and completely out of his reach.
Yet he couldn’t bear to disappoint her, not when she looked at him so eagerly, so expectantly. So he cracked the rose gold crust, the sound a crystal clear snap of sugar that whetted the appetite and reluctantly dipped his spoon in.
That first spoonful was ambrosia on his tongue. His reluctance to eat was never because he was fearful that it would be anything less than perfection, but even now he feels a fool for resisting something as delicious as this. The strawberry creme melted in the mouth, soft as velvet and sublime. The caramelized crust added a slight burnt bitterness needed to temper all the sweetness. One spoonful wasn't enough and Colin soon found himself devouring the entirety of his creme brulee.
He couldn’t explain it, but something about Penelope’s food comforted him. The way he felt when he ate something she created, it was a warmth that reached his very soul. Before, Colin would have brushed the thought away. He would have gone so far as to claim that eating anything delicious would elicit the same feeling. Now he knew the truth, it was Penelope. She infused so much of herself, of her joy, of her love, that her food was enough to make a person feel cherished and taken care of. With every spoonful of the strawberry creme, he was reminded that she made this for him and he felt so lucky.
Then she went and moaned, and Colin felt a punch of lust hit him fast and without mercy. Penelope’s sweet and innocent appreciation of her own creation had set his whole body aflame. He couldn’t help but imagine her making that sound again, only this time with him being the sole reason for the moan. Her breathy sigh as she finished her spoonful of the creme brulee had Colin hardening so fast, he felt dizzy with want. He glared at the dessert, nothing should elicit those sounds from her except for him. He should be on his knees, worshiping her as he drowned himself at the apex of her thighs. It should be him.
But it won't be.
She was already taken. He was too late, and it was agony. Everything he just imagined would be done by someone else. That fucking bastard would be the one on his knees, and his name would be the one she would shout out. The mere thought doused the fire within him faster than ice water. His fury had him gripping onto the counter. His rage directed at the man who had the audacity to come and grab his girl while he was gone. Yet however much he wanted to pummel him, the majority of his rage was inward. He was so wrong, to assume that nothing would change, that she would always be there waiting for him to come home. It wasn’t as if she was his wife, with a ring as proof that he would always come home to her. Of course she would live her life. Of course she would seek her happiness, for companionship, for love.
He was such a fool.
And now he was paying for it.
It wasn’t long before Penelope noticed that something was wrong and Colin thanked heaven and earth that she wasn’t privy to the mess going inside his head. She looked at him so sweetly, with so much concern in her eyes he felt himself go weak. His eyes closed in contentment with the mere brush of her hand on his forehead.
Why did he have to lose her? Why did he have to be so blind?
She questioned him, wanting the answers he didn’t even know how to share, but he didn't hesitate.
Something in him took over and all that came out is the most important question that would guide him in regards to how he should treat Penelope Featherington.
“Are you happy?” he asked, voice ragged with intensity. Colin’s eyes burned with the need to know exactly how she felt.
Whatever Penelope was expecting, it was obvious from her reaction that this was not it. “What?!”
Colin closed his eyes briefly, gritting his teeth as he gathered the bravery necessary for this inquisition. He opened them and this time he used her grip on his hands to his advantage, bringing them up to rest against his chest. He wondered if she could feel how fast his heart was beating for her.
“Are you happy? With him? ”
The snarl that escaped him would have been embarrassing under normal circumstances but Colin was past caring about pretenses. This might be his one and only chance. Surely however long they'd been seeing each other wasn’t enough to build any foundation... right? And could a month or maybe two, really compare with years?
“Colin? You aren’t making any sense! Who are you talking about?”
Penelope gripped his hands tighter and his brow furrowed at the confusion swirling around in her vibrant blue eyes.
“I saw you with him, yesterday. I just wanted to surprise you, Pen.” Colin huffed as he thought about how that turned out.
“It wasn’t my intention to interrupt any moment, and I left pretty quickly…” seeing the hug had been hard enough, Colin didn’t want to imagine how he would have felt if he had stuck around and seen them kiss. “I just want to make sure that you’re happy Penelope. You deserve everything your heart desires.”
Colin was deathly afraid of her answer. Afraid to have to come to grips with the reality that he really had missed his chance. Yet for Penelope he would learn to deal with it. Her happiness mattered more to him than his.
It didn’t take long for Penelope to connect the dots, he obviously had come to the very wrong conclusion that Phillip was her boyfriend. Seeing as he was the only man to have entered her flat in the past few days, present company excluded. Phillip Crane as her boyfriend. A laughable concept, as if anyone could compare to Colin Bridgerton. He was it for her. He’d had a hold on her heart for so long she couldn't even remember the days when he didn't. Even when she had tried to date in the past, it had never gone past the first few dates. Every date had become a game of comparison. Not tall enough, not funny enough, too rude and too arrogant, the list was never ending and it was never fair. It wasn’t fair to the strangers who’s only real flaw was not being the man she was already in love with and it wasn’t fair to her to attempt to date when she hadn’t given up. She hadn’t allowed herself to kill the hope still flickering in her heart.
So she connected the dots, but it absolutely terrified her, to even attempt to understand why the knowledge of her having a boyfriend wrecked him so. Did she dare to infer that he was jealous? And if he was, was it because he felt he could lose a friend? Or something more? She didn’t know what to think, but she couldn’t let him go thinking for another second that she was dating another man. Not even to tease or torment him. Her heart rejected the thought of being tied to somebody else, even if it was only in his mind.
“Colin, there is no him. Not like that. He’s a friend, and I was letting him taste the sweets I was making for his girlfriend.”
Penelope figured it was a matter of time before he would find out the significance of who the girlfriend was, but Penelope was not about to break her vow of secrecy now.
Penelope gripped his hand tighter. She was scared-- so scared that this was about to blow up in her face but he had given her an opening and she was going to take it. Something inside of her urged her to be bold. He’d just said she deserved everything her heart desired and there had never been a greater desire in her heart than him.
Penelope took a deep breath and looked up at him, she tried to feel comfort in the knowledge that she could feel his heart thrumming in his chest. Surely that wasn’t insignificant. Be daring, be bold.
Oh Colin, please don’t break my heart.
“I couldn’t be bothered with a boyfriend…if it wasn’t you Colin.”
A watery chuckle escaped her. Her eyes threatened to well up with tears. There, I said it. There’s no going back now. Her whole body was strung up tight, the words just floating out there and it felt as if a huge burden had been lifted from her chest, now that she no longer had her longest secret hidden. Her anxiety had her spitting out more words to fill the silence.
“It’s always been you, and I’m sorry if this ruins our friendship but I-”
Colin’s lips were on hers before she could even finish her confession and everything else suddenly ceased to matter except for this moment.
Colin Bridgerton was kissing her.
Colin Bridgerton.
Was kissing.
His hands cupped her face so gently, leaving Penelope dazed. She felt warm, starting in the pit of her belly and spreading, as if his lips on hers were the switch to turning her body alive . She gasped when he nipped at her bottom lip before soothing the sting with his tongue and she moaned when he took that gasp as an invitation to taste her. She allowed herself to taste him back.
It was hard to believe it was real. That moment; it was everything Penelope had ever dreamed of, only better. Because even her imagination wasn’t good enough to imagine the feel of Colin’s slightly chapped lips against hers. She never knew that he would taste faintly of strawberries mixed with something that was uniquely him. She never imagined that he would move his hands from her face down, down, down to her waist. Slowly spreading a trail of fire wherever his fingertips touched. Penelope’s daydreaming was never this vivid, and never this maddening and when he finally moved his mouth to kiss her cheek, before finding the pulse at her throat, Penelope was already a bundle of nerves ready to explode. Her panting breaths the only sign that she was still breathing. Was she dreaming? Colin sucked at her pulse and Penelope’s knees went weak. Not that it mattered, Colin was there to hold her up.
This was better than anything Penelope had ever dreamed of, because it was real.
This was real.
Colin, there is no him.
I couldn’t be bothered with a boyfriend…if it wasn’t you.
It’s always been you.
Each sentence she’d uttered was a bomb bursting into the agonizing fantasy he had begun to build from the moment he walked in on that embrace, and shredding it to pieces. His heart lifted with every second that passed by, the dread that had clung so strongly to his very being, chased away by her declarations. Because that's exactly what they were, Colin wouldn’t pretend otherwise, for some unknown reason, the gods were smiling down at him, despite all his flaws and mistakes, they somehow deemed him worthy enough to be on the receiving end of Penelope Featherington’s love.
He would not waste it. This opportunity, handed to him on a silver platter.
If Penelope deemed him worthy enough to be the champion to carry her heart, he wasn’t going to be the one to let her down.
It was only when she began to mention nonsense about ruining friendships that Colin foolishly realized he had yet to say anything. Words were simply not enough. He had to have her, had to claim her as his.
He couldn’t let her finish, he couldn’t wait a second more. In fact it was rather remarkable that he’d waited this long. He had to taste her now.
So when he held her face in the palms of his hands, and he leaned down to reach her lips, he felt a sense of rightness so strong, he had to smile. His thumbs stroked her cheeks while he teased and licked her soft lips, finally getting the chance to bite at her lower lip the way he had imagined before. She gasped so beautifully and he finally got what he wanted. A taste. She was so sweet, the flavor of strawberry creme she had eaten not that long ago still present. If strawberries weren’t his favorite flavor before, they were now. She was perfect and he felt overwhelmed at the contentment spreading through his entire being. It was at this very moment that he realized that everything he thought he knew about kissing was a lie.What had always been a fun activity, a stepping stone to the next pleasurable act was never so compelling that it felt as if his soul was being branded as hers. He could kiss her forever, and he would still be completely captivated by every little move and sound Penelope made. Every gasp, every moan. It would never be enough, he would always want more.
When the pesky little thing called oxygen was needed for the both of them, Colin was reluctant to stop kissing her, so he moved from her lips to her cheek, a quick brush of his lips before he buried his face in the crook of her neck. He smiled to himself, pleased at how out of breath she was, at how closely pressed her body was to his. He missed hearing her little moans so he went back to sucking at her pulse point, holding onto her tighter as she tilted her head making it more accessible for him to continue. He didn’t know when Penelope had gotten her hands into his hair but all of a sudden he felt a small tug and his head snapped up from the hickey he was leaving behind. His eyes quickly connected with her piercingly blue ones, dilated with pure want.
A dopey smile spread across Colin’s face at the sight.
He’d done that. He had put that look upon her face. He was the reason her lips were swollen, he was the reason she was flushed and panting. Him.
“You are so fucking beautiful Pen.”
Colin leaned his head down so that his forehead could press against hers, simply breathing her in, letting them both calm down.
“You are so beautiful, and you are mine.”
He lifted his head and grabbed her chin with right hand, tilting her head up so that he could stare into her eyes again. He didn’t want a single misunderstanding to occur.
He wouldn’t lie to her, and tell her that he always knew it would be her. He didn’t. A few days ago, this very moment wouldn’t have even crossed his mind, but that was then and this was now.
He was different.
No pretty lies were needed.
“You, Penelope Featherington, are mine.”
Colin brushed his thumb against her still-swollen lips and grinned, pleased to be making his current declaration..
“And I am yours. All yours.”
Maybe it wasn’t love, but Colin already knew he was falling.
It was terrifying, it was exhilarating and best of all, it was real.
Penelope’s hopeful smile grew and grew, and she laughed, as tears of joy started running down her face.
It was real. It was all real.
|| AO3 ||
#Polin Fics#Polin#Colin Bridgerton#Penelope Featherington#Colin x Penelope#Bridgerton Fics#Bridgerton#fic: the sweetest life#boom now we are all caught up!#we'll see when chapter four is up lmao#ale's fics
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This Way: Part 4
*not my gif*
Pairing: Tom Holland x Actress! reader
Word Count: 3580
Warnings: still a crazy ass bih lol. I can’t stop with the drama sorryyy
Summary: Y/n starts noticing how weird Tom is being and decides to confront him.
A/N: I think I’m going to post two days in a row then have one day off, but like a sis is nearing the end of her school year so let’s hope I stick with it haha. Please lmk if you’re enjoying this/ have any constructive criticism. ALSO I need help like ded ass don’t know if I’m stupid or if it’s tumblr’s fault, but when I tag people some of the tags don’t work :/ BUT don’t hesitate to ask to be a part of the tag list :)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
*week and a half before lock down*
You opened the door to the flat exhausted after a long day of filming and walked into the living room to see Tom busy on his laptop. He looked up,
“Oh hi, y/n.” He shut his laptop and stood up, you gave him a strange look.
“Leaving already? Do I smell or something?” You joked and flopped on the couch. Tom has been acting really strange with you after the dinner with his family. Lately he’s been leaving you alone whenever one of the boys got up to leave as well. ‘Was he feeling awkward about being friends?’ you thought to yourself.
“Oh no no you don’t smell. You always smell nice,” He blushed because he said too much, “Just need to work on this script, Harry’s been on my ass about it.” He said and began to walk away before you could reply.
“What? Not even gonna ask how my day was... you know like a friend?” You teased and Tom sighed and squeezed his eyes shut and turned around
“How was your day, y/n?”
“It was long, tiring, and someone was really rude to me on the set.” You sighed and waited for him to sit back down so he could listen, but he never did, “Ok then… how about your day, Tom?” This was starting to get awkward,
“Didn’t really do anything, just ate and worked on the first act of the movie, which still isn’t done so if you’ll excuse me I’m going to my room now.” He said quickly, turning around again walking away.
“How rude. ‘Ya let’s be friends, y/n, it’ll be fun.’” You grumbled and mimicked him in an annoyed voice. Tom heard and felt really bad to pretend he didn’t.
You were now sitting on Harry’s bed watching him edit his short film and eating ice cream, he listened to how your day went,
“And oh my god one of the stunt fighter guys was being a straight up asshole,” You rolled your eyes eating another spoonful of ice cream,
“How so?” Harry asked
“Well I kept messing up this one stunt where I was in heels and we ended up filming it 7 times. I mean I felt bad for wasting time, but that was until the dickhead said, ‘I don’t even know why they casted you, it’s a simple stunt just get this shit down already so we can move on!’” You said in a deep voice mimicking the guy, “I was so embarrassed, but thankfully Ryan stood up for me. Still ruined my day though.”
“What the hell? What kinda asshole-,” He got up from his spot on the bed all riled up, “Who is this guy? I’m gonna end him. Does he even realize how damn hard it is to do a stunt in heels?” You laughed at Harry’s protectiveness, “Tom literally took half a day to film one stunt and he wasn’t in heels!” You shrugged.
“Sit your ass back down. Thanks for trying to protect me, but everything will be fine, I’m strong. It’s business gotta suck it up.” He rolled his eyes and jumped on you with a bear hug. You laughed and tried to push him off of you, but he was too heavy.
“Harry, you bitch, I can’t breathe.”
“I just want to protect my best friend.” He said before letting you go and going back to editing.
“Speaking of Tom, have you noticed that he’s avoiding me?” You asked quickly.
“Huh? I haven’t noticed anything of the sort. I mean you guys are both really busy right now aren’t you?” You nodded and rested your head on Harry’s shoulder,
“I mean I guess, but haven’t you noticed like yesterday when you left the kitchen Tom rushed a bit to leave also?”
“Oh yeah I forgot about that, it was quite strange now that I think about it.”
“Yeah Tom’s been doing that to me ever since we left your parents’ house. And when I got home today I tried to talk to him about my day, because you know I thought he’s my friend, and he just said he really needed to work on the script and left to his room!”
“Hmm, I did tell him to finish the first act by tomorrow, but he’s been working in the living room all day. Said something about his room being more of a distraction. Also it’s not like Tom to leave without hearing someone out. He always listens.” You just sighed,
“I guess he thinks it’s still weird to be friends. I tried, sorry, Harry.”
“Please don’t give up just yet, y/n, maybe he’s just stressed or something. You know I wouldn’t want to pick sides.” You nodded and started to drift off to sleep and felt Harry remove the bowl from your lap.
“Y/n, love, wake up.” you were being shaken by Harry.
“Huh? Oh sorry, did I fall asleep?” You asked groggily and he laughed,
“Yeah and I finished editing the short film!” You jumped up no longer tired anymore.
“Oh my god yay, Harry! Can I see it now pleaseeee?” You jumped up and down on the bed.
“Tomorrow, love, it’s 1 am now and I want to show everyone in the house at the same time.” You pouted and he laughed.
“Fine then be like that. But I’m proud of you.” You hugged him, “Good night, Harry, can’t wait to see the finished product!”
“Night, love.” He chuckled and you walked out with your empty dish.
You pulled out your phone and opened the Instagram app to see that Tom posted something on his story about 30 minutes ago. It was a picture of the script and his foot captioned, “Working on something big, like my big toe.” You giggled a bit and muttered, “Idiot.” The next story post was from Tuwaine, it was a picture you all took together after breakfast when Tom burnt himself. You were laying across the boys’ laps and Tom was happily looking down at your smiling face. It was captioned, “If lock down happens, it’ll be a real party with these people.” You smiled and reposted it to your story.
As soon as you reached the kitchen you saw Tom sitting at the counter and typing away on his laptop.
“Hey, Tom, still working?” Tom jumped at the sound of your voice.
“Jesus, don’t scare me like that. And yes I couldn’t sleep, b-but I think I’m getting tired now.” He was about to close his laptop and leave, but you stopped him.
“Oh my god… I’m just gonna put my dish in the sink and leave.” His frazzled expression turned to a relaxed one and he sat back down typing again, refusing to look at you. You began to walk away then felt the urge to ask,
“Tom, a-are you avoiding me?” It came out quieter than you thought, you felt vulnerable. He stopped typing for a brief moment when you asked.
“No, definitely not. Why’d you think that?” You walked back to the counter and stood across him leaning on the surface.
“I’ve been noticing that you're in a rush to leave the room when we’re alone…” Tom continued to type, but incorrectly because of his nerves.
“Oh, I-I’m sorry, love, didn’t mean for you to think that. I’m just busy is all, I promise.” He said and pointed at the laptop.
“Too busy to hear your friend rant about her day?” You asked and he sighed. His heart dropped when you called yourself his friend.
“I’m afraid so, love. Now why don’t you go sleep don’t you have to film tom-” You cut him off getting tired of the excuses,
“Tom cut the shit, I know you’re avoiding me and I don’t get why.” Tom sighed as you rambled and he put his laptop to the side because he wasn’t getting anything done, “I really appreciate you letting me stay here, but shouldn’t we at least talk a little bit? I mean I was ready to be friends with you for Harry’s sake and then we talked at the dinner and then I was genuinely ready to start off on a new foot. I’ve been trying so hard to reach out to you and you’re literally avoiding me now. Like are you even trying at all? Because I don’t-” Your eyes began to water. Tom got too frustrated and cut you off,
“Y/n I can’t talk about this right now. Please, it’d be better if we discussed this another time.”
“What the hell? Are you being serious? You were a dick when we broke up, you were a dick when I tried to reach out to you, and now you’re being a dick for putting our so called ‘friendship’ on ho-”
“Y/n, stop! Ok? I get it. You can call me a dick and an asshole whatever you want, but this is all for you! Everything I do is for you or because of you! So just leave me the fuck alone, please.” His voice cracked when he said the last sentence.
“What the hell are you talking about? What are you doing for me?” You stared at him confused.
“I can’t say anything, it’s for the best. Just drop it.” You looked at one another, tears threatening to fall out of Tom’s eyes, you hadn’t noticed you were already crying.
“No. I’m not gonna leave until you tell me what’s going on, Tom. I care for you and I want to be here for you, just tell me what’s going on please.” He looked at you and furrowed his brows making tears stream down his cheeks, it hurt to see you so sad especially since he caused it. He turned around in distress and brushed his hands through his hair before turning back to you. He looked into your eyes and sighed knowing there was no way out of this situation.
“I’ve been avoiding you because I told Allana you’re my ex.”
“Ok and what’s so ba-”
“Let me finish, y/n, please.” You apologized softly.
“I told her not to tell anyone because I didn’t want to break the promise of letting the world know that we dated. A-and she threatened to spill the secret if I didn’t stay away from you. She said if I ever told anyone about what she said or if she ever saw me close to you again she’d expose us right away. I-I didn’t want to jeopardize our friendship because I decided to be honest to my two-faced girlfriend.” All this information hit you like a train.
“Wow, what. a. fucking. Bitch.” You said stunned, Tom scoffed.
“I feel like an idiot for not listening to the boys and not seeing the red flags.” He sat back down and put his head in his hands.
“Hey don’t worry, I didn’t notice anything either. Hell I tried to help her. Maybe we’re too gullible…” What you said didn’t really help so Tom began to sob a bit. You walked over to his side and put a hand on his forearm so that he could look at you. His heart was racing at your touch.
“Look, I know Allana is bat shit crazy, but…” You paused thinking if this was a good thing to tell him, “I uh I don’t think I can have you avoiding me all the time, I want you in my life,” He looked up at you surprised, “a-as a friend.” His heart dropped, was that all you were ever going to see him as? A damn friend?
“Ok, but Allana will tell everyone, and I know how much you care about your privacy.” He said with a stuffy nose, you grabbed a tissue for yourself and Tom.
“I know, but we’ll figure out a way. We were clever enough to hide a 6 month relationship.” You smiled, but you both felt sad when you mentioned your past. He got up and wrapped you in his arms tightly. You swayed back and forth as you felt wet droplets fall on the top of your head, and you soaked Tom’s white t-shirt. You both weren’t crying only because of what just happened, but because you missed one another in a way that words can’t explain. You let out the tears you didn’t cry from when Tom didn’t respond to you and remembered the nights you’d go through old pictures of you and him alone. Tom was crying out all the tears he wanted to let out when he saw that picture of you and Gavin and from the nights that he craved your touch. He tightened his arms around you like it was the last time he’d ever see you.
“Allana might be watching from outside the window, I’m gonna let you go now.” You said and Tom chuckled sadly letting you go, “We’ll talk about what we can do about this situation in the morning or another time.” You smiled kindly at Tom and he nodded. Tom grabbed your hand softly before you could walk away and pulled you close. You gulped because of how close you were to him,
“Thanks for being so kind, sleep well. Goodnight, y/n.” You smiled and replied,
“Thanks for being more kind to me. Goodnight.” You gave him one last hug and walked away feeling relieved while Tom still felt guilty despite what you said. He still felt like he needed to do more.
You woke up at 8 AM feeling a lot happier for some reason. Maybe it was because you cleared things up with Tom last night or because you were going to film a really exciting scene today with some new people.
You walked into the kitchen, “Goodmorning boys!” You said enthusiastically walking up behind where Harry was seated and gave him a hug from behind.
“Ew why’re you happy?” Harry asked, still tired.
“Morning, y/n!!” Tuwaine and Haz said in unison. You grabbed a bowl and poured yourself a bowl of cereal.
“Harry, when are we gonna watch your film, I can’t wait any longer.” You complained.
“Maybe when you come back from set, I want to go back to sleep after I eat.”
“Ugh you’re so lazy.” You joked, “where’s Tom, isn’t he usually up by now?”
Tuwaine looked at the other boys then at you apologetically, “He uh left around 5 this morning.”
“Oh for an early workout or something?” You asked, taking a bite of cereal.
“No,” Tuwaine cleared his throat, “to Berlin, Germany.” You choked on your cereal.
“Wait what, you’re joking I thought he leaves in 3 days.”
“I don’t know exactly why he left, something about needing a few days for himself before filming. Which I understand because he’s been working hard.” Haz said and you furrowed your brows, was it because of what happened last night? Harry noticed your concern.
“Y/n, do you know exactly why he left?” You wanted to tell him, but you couldn’t. If the boys found out what Allana said they’d definitely do something about it and you couldn’t let that happen. You shook your head,
“Nope, I’m just as confused as you are.” You said coolly.
“Are you sure you don’t know what was making Tom stressed?” Harry asked as he pulled up in front of the studio.
“Ya, I’m sure. He’s avoiding me, remember?” It pained you to lie to Harry like that, but you weren’t sure if you were ready to let the world know you and Tom dated. Harry looked like he didn’t believe you, but he let it go.
“Ok then… Text or call when you need me to pick you up.” You thanked him again for dropping you off and walked to the set. You saw Lana and walked with her,
“Hey, babes, did you see the text from Melissa?” You shook your head no. Melissa was in charge of scheduling which scenes would be filmed every day, “She said everyone needed to meet at crafty’s before going to sound stage 32.”
“Really? Why?”
“Not quite sure, but there’s been rumors that filming will be postponed.” Lana said sadly.
“Wait, you’re joking.” She shrugged and shook her head as you guys entered the food tent, everyone already looking disappointed.
“Hi everyone, as many of you know Covid-19 was just announced as a world wide pandemic and we’ve just been shut down from shooting anymore scenes at least for two weeks.” Melissa said everyone groaning, “Yes I know this sucks, but please stay safe and healthy while we’re shut down. If you have a trailer here please make sure you clear all your things out because there will be a cleaning team here in two days to…” You drowned Melissa’s voice out
“Just when I thought this day couldn’t get any worse…” You sighed and dropped your head on Lana’s shoulder and she patted your head.
“Lastly make sure you all stay in the same shape you are in now, so nothing looks different when we resume shooting.” Melissa hopped off the table and everyone began to clear out to get their things. You called Harry telling him the sad news.
“I’m so upset, Harry, today sucks.” He patted your thigh as he made a right turn.
“It’ll be ok, love. I’m sure you will go back to filming in no time and you’ll actually miss having a break.” You just leaned your head on the window wondering if Tom at least made it safely to Berlin, and in that exact moment your phone pinged.
Tom: Hi, y/n, I assume the boys have already told you that I left for Berlin. I just landed. I’m really sorry for not giving a warning, but the space is for the best. I hope you can understand xx
You were upset with everything and everyone at this point and Tom’s text just ruined your mood more. How does he know what’s best for you? Mad and feeling petty you texted back,
You: k.
Tom: Please, trust me, y/n. This will help out our situation.
You: Last time I checked running away from your problems never helps the situation.
You threw your phone back into your purse annoyed.
“Oh shit, what the fuck is she doing here?” Harry asked, displeased. You looked up to see Allana pulling into the driveway just before you and Harry did.
“Great. Just fucking great. Harry, I think I’m gonna scream.”
“I think I will too. Can we just drive around until she’s gone?”
“That would be nice, but I think she already spotted us and won’t leave.” You pointed at her going to sit down on the porch. Harry groaned and pulled into the driveway. As soon as you and Harry stepped out the car she stood up and barked,
“Where the hell is Tom? He hasn’t texted me since yesterday afternoon, today is our 5 month anniversary.” Well that makes things more complicated. Harry looked at you with wide eyes, “What? Why’re you looking at her like that? Did you have something to fucking do with this, y/n?” She said giving you the dirtiest look ever. ‘Bitch I hope it wasn’t because of me.’ You thought. Harry got closer to you in protective mode.
“No no I swear. We were all surprised to see Tom gone this morning.”
“Gone? Where the hell is he?”
“He went to Berlin early. Now if you’ll excuse us we’d like to relax in our home.” Harry said not letting you talk, almost standing in front of you now. You both began to walk past her, but she squeezed your arm tight and yanked you back. You winced in pain.
“You bitch what did you do? Don’t even think about fucking lying to me.” Her eyes burned into your soul.
“Allana, what the fuck you’re crazy! back off!” Harry said, pulling you back behind him, “I suggest you leave now before things get more ugly.” He said in the most intimidating way possible.
“Ok, but the only thing ugly about this is whatever y/n did with Tom. I don’t doubt for a second that you’re a stupid whore. I saw that photo of you laying on him last night, and I’ve seen how you flirt with Tom you sk-”
“Allana that’s enough, go now!” Harry yelled and she looked surprised. She glared at you before stepping back, “Stay the fuck away from Tom he doesn’t need your ugly ass all over him.” “Allana, sweetie, we live in the same house. Quite dumb of you to think we can really stay away from one another.” You laughed darkly as tears of anger welled up in your eyes.
“Ok then, cunt. Go near him, I dare you. You have no idea what I’m capab-”
“Allana, I said fucking leave!” Harry was tired of this shit. Allana scoffed and finally drove away.
Harry turned to you cradling you in his arms as you let tears fall down your face, “I hate today…” you hiccuped, “a lot.”
“I know, I know.” He cooed. You looked up at him, “I know something is up, y/n. You need to tell me why my brother really left so I can help you.” You sighed and nodded.
“Ok let’s get you cleaned up.” He kept you close to his side and you both walked in. Tom was so wrong thinking him leaving would solve anything.
Tag list: @averyfosterthoughts @thollandx @mrsjeffwittek @panicattheeverywherekid @racewife2004 @greatpizzascissorstaco @witchything @wheelertozier @runway-to-my-aid @rafficorn @jessirosebud @peterspideyy @superstarchick @jackiehollanderr @astridcommings @mineymak712 @hollands-osterfield @inhumanwithpowers
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Bonus chapter! (Or part 21, if you want). ‘Bonus chapters’ will be chapters that don’t follow the story of Nico’s recovery, but still tell something interesting about the characters or the world.
In short: Usually, this story is about Nico getting Therapy from Dionysus, but this is a bonus chapter told in Dionysus Point-of-view. It is not about Nico. The rest of the (and the actual) story is on AO3 and FanFiction.net! (And it can also be found in a few of my tags on Tumblr, like writing, fanfiction and Nico di Angelo).
This might be Crazy: Bonus Chapter: Diluted Wine
It was late. Most people in the town were already sleeping while I ran through the streets, to the ever-lit hearth in the centre. I slowed my pace when I saw it. With a sigh, I sat down in front of the fireplace. The soft crackeling soothed my nerves a little.
I took a deep, shaky breath. Just a little while before, the events of the last few days had all come crashing down on me, as if I had just now realised what was going on. Even after a small walk, it was still all spinning in my head. I felt guilt, sadness, happiness, pain, anger, pride and euphoria, all at the same time.
I took another deep breath and got out my flask with diluted wine. I let some of it seep into the fireplace. ‘Honoured Hestia,’ I muttered, ‘please accept my offering. If you have any advice to share, can you do it now?’ A few tears ran down my face, while I stared into the flames, not expecting anything to happen. Most gods had done nothing but ignore me for the past sixteen years. I did not think Hestia would be an exception.
I turned my head away from the hearth. The houses looked quiet and peaceful. I wished that I was in one of those houses, sleeping, like a normal sixteen year old, without mountain-high expectations on my shoulders.
‘Nyssa, it is late, shouldn’t you be trying to get some sleep?’
With a little start, I turned back to the fire. A woman with brown hair and a simple tunic was tending to the flames. When she looked at me, I got the calming sensation that everything was okay, everything would be where it should be.
‘My name is Hestia.’
I bowed my head. ‘Your majesty…’
‘It’s okay.’ She moved her hand through the fire and took out a freshly baked flatbread. ‘Here. You have eaten very little the past few days. You can’t live on wine alone.’ I took the bread from her, but did not take a bite. I had not been very hungry the past few days.
‘So. What brings you here, so far away from home?’
‘The nature spirits took me here. After they tasted… wait, you have already heard of wine?’ It made me stop talking for a second. I had never thought news would travel so fast.
‘Yes, of course I have. Go on, dear.’
‘Eh... Well, the nature spirits are crazy about it.’ I hid my mouth behind my hand for a moment. ‘Literally. They were literally crazy about it.’ I tried to push the thoughts of fights, dances and shouting away. ‘And, anyway, they thought we should share it with the rest of the world. So we went to this town that is the closest town with. Tomorrow… they are planning on bringing me to the king. And…’ I shrugged.
Hestia nodded. ‘Firstly, take a bite. You need to eat.’ I looked at the bread and tore off a small bit. I stuck it in my mouth. ‘It’s delicious.’
Hestia smiled and nodded. ‘Thanks.’ She slowly pushed a strand of hair out of her face, while I ate another small chunk of bread. I slowly grabbed my flask and took a sip.
‘Yet, about your problem. I noticed you are nervous.’
‘Do you, you yourself, want to go to the king?’
I looked at the bread. I tore off another crust, before pushing it away. ‘I… yes. I want to go to the king. If anything, I do feel like other people might want to know about wine. But I am still nervous. The nature spirits all seem to think so highly of it, and of me, it… it just seems impossible.’
‘You offered some of the wine to me.’ I put my hand on my flask. ‘It is diluted, right?’
‘Yes, it is more water than wine. I noticed that people don’t get sick if they drink water with some wine mixed through.’
‘So it cleans up the water. That indeed sounds like something other people want to know about. Something that can make the water better and more accessible, you can certainly help a few people with that.’
‘A few?’
‘At least.’
‘Just a few. That’s fine.’ I smiled, and took another sip. ‘I’ll… I’ll just have to go there tomorrow, no matter how nervous I am.’ The towns’ people never needed to drink it undiluted. They would never have to go crazy. The thoughts did not calm me at all, but Hestia’s presence did make me almost believe them. The goddess pushed the bread towards me again, but I did not immediately touch it.
We sat in silence for some time. I had another question and I guess Hestia sensed it. What I wanted to say might be considered rude. On the other hand, I now had a chance to ask it. Who knew when such a chance would present itself again?
‘What is it like to be a god?’
Hestia smiled at me, like she knew I would ask it. ‘What is it like to be human?’
I even let out a little laugh when she answered with that. ‘Difficult to explain. I get it.’
‘But I don’t think that is all you meant with that question.’
My smile faded away. ‘...no.’
She quietly stared at the fire. If I wanted to say what I wanted to say, I had to do it now. ‘It is just so weird, eh…’
‘Aunt Hestia.’
‘Aunt... Hestia. I mean, many of the gods took a lot of risks to keep me alive when I was a baby. But then I grew from toddler to child, and they were just… gone. They all left and never came back. People told me I was Zeus’s son, made it clear that they had high expectations of me, and then never asked if I wanted any help. Right now, it feels like I am about to fulfill some of those expectations, and there is… almost nobody. Hermes sent me some weird herbs, but I heard nothing from anybody else. The only one who properly talked to me, are you. And… why? Just why? I… I don’t get it. I just don’t get it, Hestia.’
Hestia stayed quiet for a second. ‘Gods are selfish creatures,’ she said slowly. I looked up. ‘When the gods get attached to their kids, and something happens to that child, it will ache for years to come, if not forever. Being hurt for the rest of your life when that life does not come to an end is…’ She shook her head, with a sad look on her face. I wondered if she had to miss someone, and who that person had been. ‘So most gods choose to let their kids live without them. They try to give them a happy life, but they know they can’t be in it.’ She swallowed.
I looked at the bread and tore off a bigger chunk. ‘I… sorry, Hestia.’ I wanted to say I understood, and perhaps I did, but it hurt more than I wanted to admit. It still felt so unfair. Why did the gods have demigod children in the first place, if they knew they could not take care of them?
‘It’s okay, Nyssa. I understand why you asked.’
‘I… I need to thank you for being here for me. That you want to do that, even though...’ I stared at the bread in my hand.
Hestia smiled a sad little smile. ‘The fates weave a strange life for some people, Dionyssa. From what they have shown me, I think you need someone to help you right now. With that I also mean that I need to tell you to eat.’
I put the chunk of bread in my mouth, a little confused that she called me Dionyssa instead of just Nyssa. ‘Yes.’
Hestia looked at me. ‘I’ll see you again some day.’
‘Thanks. Thanks… for everything. The bread, your advice, and the truth.’ She gave me one last smile, before she disappeared.
I stared into the flames. Dionyssa. Dio meant god, Nyssa was the mountain I lived on and which the people quickly began to name me after. So god of mount Nyssa - the implication of that sentence almost made me nauseous. I remembered what the nature spirits had said after tasting wine for the first time. That only a god could make something like this. I flinched. Slowly, I took another swig of water, which was sweet from the wine. The fates weave a strange life for some people. It felt like I would soon find out what they had woven for me.
A/N: while writing this, I thought I could maybe do another bonus chapter in the future, which shows Dionysus perspective on the therapy sessions, or a bonus chapter where he talks to someone else about his experience as a therapist. Good idea?
I think I announced this bonus chapter a while back. Well, here it finally is.
Happy and healthy new year to all of you! Next year, I’ll be back with more Nico! (Obviously I have not forgotten around favorite death child :). A bonus chapter felt like a nice way to close off 2020 ;).
#dionysus#hestia#nico di angelo#trials of apollo#greek mythology#greek gods#pjo#percy jackson#percy jackson and the olympians#zeus#hermes#dionysus pjo#hestia pjo#fanfiction#fanfic#writing#writeblr#therapy#cw therapy#tw therapy#hurt/comfort#tower of nero#this might be crazy
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LORD: Legion of Random Dinos
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Bonus (Part 1) | Bonus (Part 2)
And here is the second part of the bonus!
The writing style kinda changes? I’m not sure. Oh well...
I had a lot of fun writing this. I didn’t include everything that I put in the tags of the original chat (well a reblog of it after it was finished), mostly because I forgot some of it... But it’s okay.
Well, I hope you like this.
(And I’m happy if I never have to use Tumblr on my laptop again...)
Bonus: Endgame, But With Dinos! (Part 2)
"I am inevitable," Thanos said and once again snapped his fingers.
But nothing happened.
Of course not.
Thanos looked at the Infinity Gauntlet confused, and then over to Tony kneeling on the ground, bloody and bruised and with the infinity stones glowing on his hand. Everybody stared, holding their breath. It was like time stood still.
"And I… am… Iron Man," Tony said, sounding exhausted but determined.
It would all end here. Tony would reverse the snap and things would go back to how they used to be. And Thanos would be gone. This was the end.
Before he could do the snap though, Loki appeared next to him and took his hand. Tony looked at him surprised and then watched as one after another took each other's hands, forming a chain. Tony smiled softly.
"You are not alone, love," Loki told him, smiling and gently squeezed his hand. Tony's smile grew. "Also, I told you no self-sacrificing shit," Loki added then.
It caused Peter, who was holding his hand, to chuckle. Tony raised an eyebrow and then chuckled too.
Loki turned his face to Thanos, who stood there looking stunned. "Didn't expect that, huh, you big ugly grape?" he mocked him, causing some of the people to snicker.
"We – are – Avengers!" he added after a pause, sounding just as exhausted but determined as Tony. And proud. He was part of the team he had once fought. He was accepted and appreciated. He had redeemed himself. He was, if he liked it or not, a hero.
Tony grinned at him and then snapped his fingers. The power of the stones ran through all of them. It was like a tingling but it hurt. None of them would go unharmed but they'd live. They'd all live to see another day.
Thanos disintegrated with a shocked expression still plastered on his face. Silence fell over the battlefield and for several long moments nobody said or did anything.
"It's… It's over?" Tony asked breathlessly then and held on tightly to Loki's hand.
"Yes, it is," Loki confirmed and let go of Peter's hand to wrap his arms around Tony and kiss him. "We won," he whispered as he rested their foreheads together.
Everyone was silent. All were letting it sink in that they had won. Against all odds, they had prevailed and won.
Steve held Bucky close to him. He too had suffered from the loss of his partner. But he had gotten him back and he would never let him go again. He understood the emotions Tony and Loki went through very well, and as much as they annoyed him at times, he was happy for both of them. And he was glad that they both were still here, alive and kicking.
Thor smiled seeing his brother show such raw emotion and affection. Loki didn't do that often. The games he and Tony played while with the others were just that, games. Meant to annoy their friends. But Thor knew that in private they weren't like that. Well, at least not the majority of the time. Probably. He couldn't truly know but he just had the feeling that he was right.
He was happy for his brother. The Norns knew that Loki deserved happiness and love, and he had finally found it. Tony and Loki were meant for each other. They were perfect together. They brought out the best in each other and completed each other. More importantly, they understood each other, even without words.
Thor envied Loki a bit for what he had.
Loki couldn't bear losing Tony. Just like Tony couldn't bear losing Loki. They were two halves of a whole. One felt lost without the other. So incomplete. But they hadn't lost each other. They were still here. They were alive. They still had each other and all their dreams. The future was bright and full of love. And mischief.
The moment was rudely interrupted when Captain Marvel—Carol Danvers—did a hero-landing next to them. Loki couldn't resist shooting here a glare. They were having a moment! A very important one at that!
Carol looked at them and crossed her arms. "You know you could've just let me do the snap."
Loki rolled his eyes. "This has more meaning. It's legendary."
"Fair enough," Carol acknowledged.
Loki opened his mouth to say something else, possibly about how she had ruined their moment, but then he spotted something red behind Carol and beamed.
"Goose! Buddy!" he exclaimed and the Flerken came running to him. Loki let go of Tony and picked the cat-look-alike up to cuddle him.
Tony groaned and rolled his eyes. He loved Loki more than anything but it really annoyed him that he had to share him with his pets. More often than not, Loki would forget Tony to spend time with his fluffy companions. Yes, that's right. They had gotten two cats. So Tony had to share his boyfriend with a dragon, a lizard and two cats. They were named Machiavelli and Shakespeare, by the way, because why not? And occasionally, Tony also had to share him with Goose. Of course.
Okay, to be fair, Tony wasn't annoyed for long. Usually just a few brief moments. Because whenever Loki interacted with his pets or Goose, he was fucking adorable. So silly and giddy. And childish, frankly. But Tony loved seeing him like that. It meant he was comfortable.
So, to be honest, Tony didn't really mind that he had to share his boyfriend. He knew that, no matter what, if he needed him, Loki would be right by his side. Just like he had been today.
"How?" Steve suddenly asked, pulling Tony from his thoughts. Steve stared at Loki cuddling Goose with an expression of plain confusion. "Fury lost an eye!"
Carol shrugged and smiled. "Goose loves Loki."
"No surprise there," Tony said, smiling affectionately at his boyfriend cuddling the Flerken (however had he managed to gain the creature's trust?). Really, it was no surprise. Loki was exceptional with all kinds of animals and creatures. The story about the horse wasn't true though; Tony had asked.
Tony put his arms around Loki's waist and rested his head on his shoulder. "Can we go home now?" he asked quietly. "I'm tired."
Loki smiled softly at him but then grinned and abruptly stood up. "But we need to celebrate!" He turned to his brother. "THOR! ASGARDIAN FEAST!" he yelled.
Thor's expression was one of utter delight and yes, even giddiness. Whatever Loki meant by what he had said, it made Thor cheer. "OH YES!"
Tony had no idea what Loki meant by 'Asgardian Feast' but he had the feeling that it probably involved a lot of alcohol.
So, Asgardian Feast was meant literally.
Thor and Loki had turned the common floor of Avengers Tower into a feast hall. No one had been allowed on the common floor for hours until the princes had finished preparing everything.
Tony had never seen Asgard before it had been destroyed but he knew a lot from Loki, who seemed to be sad that Tony would never be able to visit Asgard. Which was probably why the common floor now resembled exactly how Loki had described the feast hall in Asgard's palace. All gold and plants Tony had never seen before decorating the ceiling and walls. Instead of electric light, there were actual candelabra and chandeliers. The flickering light of the candles gave it all a very warm, homely (and medieval) atmosphere.
A large round table was in the middle of the room, decked with various foods, more than anyone could ever eat. Not even all of them would be able to finish this! There were also kegs of what Tony assumed was mead and wine and some "normal" alcohol.
In the middle of the round table a fireplace was set up. It reminded Tony a bit about those French Asterix comics. From what he knew, feasts on Asgard had been held at a long table, not a round one. Loki said he preferred this because it made everyone equal, no one was at the head of the table, no one was better or more important than someone else. Very "King Arthur". He still had a point.
Anyway, Thor and Loki looked very proud and pleased with their work. Loki had assured Tony that he'd have his undivided attention tonight. No dragons or lizards or cats, or Flerkens. Just Tony.
Everyone gathered at the table and it was Loki who opened the feast by holding a short victory speech.
They celebrated for hours. They ate and drank and laughed. All the tension was gone. All the fear. The threat was gone and they could live in peace. They could love and be happy and enjoy the next sunrise. And the next. And the next.
It was well after midnight, the celebration still going and not showing any signs of ending any time soon, when Loki took Tony up to the roof. They looked up to the stars for a long time, Tony safely in Loki's arms. And then Loki retrieved something out of one of his pocket dimensions. Tony knew exactly what it was and there was no hesitation. So he took the golden apple from Loki and ate it. He could feel its effect immediately. He felt more alive, full of energy, younger and like he could climb a mountain with his bare hands.
He smiled up at Loki. This was all he had ever hoped for and more. A life with Loki, millennia of them being together. He could see it. It wasn't just a dream, a fantasy, anymore. It was true now.
They returned to the feast some time later and from the look Thor gave him, Tony knew that the Thunderer was aware of what had transpired on the roof. He got more proof of that when Thor hugged both him and Loki. Usually it would've made Tony's bones crack alarmingly but not this time. Tony grinned.
The celebration carried on for days. There was never really a break. Well, this victory deserved a grant celebration. They had eliminated great evil and had saved the universe. They knew that the peace wouldn't last for them but they didn't worry. They were still here and as long as there was breath in their lungs, they would fight for Earth, for their home, for the ones they loved and held dear.
Because that's what they did. What they'll always do.
Because they were Avengers.
But for now, they could celebrate their victory, spend time with their loved ones and enjoy the peace while it lasted. They could finally take a breath of relief and rest.
Two years later, Tony asked Loki to marry him. They had a double-wedding with Steve and Bucky at Avengers Tower. It was spectacular and the happiest day of their lives.
Tony and Loki decided to move away from New York. They moved to Norway but not New Asgard. Instead they had a large estate somewhere in the middle of nowhere. It was surrounded by dense forests and only a small walk downhill was a lake. It was perfect. Quiet and private.
They still had Gwaine and Scaley the lizard and their two cats and their family was about to grow because Loki was pregnant (yes, he could get pregnant). Forget earlier, this was Tony's happiest day, the birth of his son. They named him Merlin, because why not?
Occasionally, Carol visited and left Goose with them. Tony could see it happening that one day the Flerken wouldn't want to come with Carol anymore when she picked him up. But he also was convinced that Carol wouldn't mind because she knew Goose was in good hands.
Steve had officially retired from the Avengers. He and Bucky had bought a house outside of New York and had adopted a baby girl which they had named Hope. They had also gotten a dog and had named him Rex.
The rest of the Avengers were still active, with some new additions in the form of Peter Parker and some Inhumans.
LORD resided on an inhabited island somewhere in the Caribbean which Loki kept hidden with a spell. Tony thought it would become a new Bermuda Triangle but Loki assured that that wouldn't happen. Only time would tell.
Some dinosaurs still lived at Avengers Tower and helped when needed. Clint was their new commander and he loved it. He missed the old days though, the glory days of DTSWDT and the Mischief Squad. But he also understood why Tony and Loki had moved away, or Steve and Bucky. He was happy for them. They deserved it. He had his family back and was happy as well. His kids loved to play with the dinosaurs. His wife hadn't been okay with it in the beginning but now she didn't mind anymore. Two velociraptors stayed at Clint's farm and served as guard dogs. Well, guard dinos.
Natasha came to Norway as much as possible because she was Merlin's godmother. Also, she and Bruce were dating, but technically nobody knew about that.
Stephen had kept the dinosaur he had made friends with during the battle and had named him Stark. Apparently, the dinosaur was smart, mischievous and very stubborn. And also had taken a liking to coffee.
Thor divided his time between New Asgard and New York. Being a leader was hard work but he had Loki as an advisor. And he actually also listened to what his little brother had to say. It was thanks to Loki that the remaining Asgardians had finally settled in their new home.
They might have scattered but the Avengers were still there when needed. This team was an ideal that lived on. Even if some have moved on, others remained to continue the work. Because the world would always need heroes.
The important thing though is, that they all were happy.
All was well.
#fanfic#crack#nonsense#marvel#the avengers#incorrect avengers#very correct frostiron#frostiron#stucky#steve rogers#tony stark#loki#mcu loki#clint barton#natasha romanoff#jarvis#thor#bucky barnes#bruce banner#stephen strange#thanos#peter parker#captain marvel#carol danvers#goose the flerken#LORD#Legion of Random Dinos#Gwaine the Dragon#DTSWDT#Don't Tell Steve We're Doing This
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Commission for @miramise, whom tumblr will not let me tag. Rude. This story is a sequel to Chapter 137 of the Soulmate Story Collection.
Pairing: MinatoKakashi rated: G Word count: 2214 Summary: Older now, Minato and Kakashi have been meeting in their dreams every night for twenty years. After so long together there's only one thing between them they've never addressed. Minato doesn't want to think about how long it would have taken them to talk about it if not for one perfectly innocent misunderstanding.
Follow the link or read it under the cut!
KO-FI and commission info in the blog header!
Florid Flows The Dream
Minato was waving goodbye to Kushina when he spotted the tuft of silver hair not quite out of sight over the crest of his roof. With a smile he turned and pushed a little chakra in to his jump, bringing him up on to the edge of warm tiles where he could peek over the roof to see the back of Kakashi’s head. He took particular note of the paw prints crisscrossing underneath his feet despite the current lack of any dogs capable of getting up here. It seemed his soulmate had given himself company while he waited.
He opened his mouth to greet the other but Kakashi beat him to it at the last second.
“Did you two have fun on your date?” he asked, voice quiet enough that the wind almost blew it away. Minato cocked his head to one side with a bemused look.
“It wasn’t a date.”
Kakashi shrugged. The motion was perfunctory and when his shoulders fell back in to place Minato could see that he was holding a lot of tension there. In fact, despite the casual way he lounged on the terracotta as though nothing were amiss, every line in his body was tight with a tension Minato couldn’t understand. When they had seen each other earlier that day there had been nothing wrong other than perhaps the lingering headaches they were both suffering from celebrating Kakashi’s twentieth birthday with perhaps too much sake.
Shuffling forward until he was level with the younger man, Minato carefully lowered himself until he had settled on the tiles as well. His roof always had a great view of the sunset but something told him that the scenery was not why Kakashi was hanging around up here.
“Didn’t she ask you out to dinner?”
“Well, kind of. Not really. She asked me to meet her for dinner but that’s not the same thing.” Minato frowned, leaning over until their arms brushed together. “Kakashi, are you okay?”
“I’m fine.” He would have been much more convincing if not for the way his shoulders kept hunching tighter and tighter around himself.
“Are you sure? Because you seem…off. You know you can talk to me, yeah?”
The vague feeling that something might be wrong was proven right a moment later, settling firmly in to worry when Minato saw Kakashi turn away from him for the first time in a very long time. When they were younger there had been a period in Kakashi’s life when it seemed everything was doomed to go wrong, the people he loved dropping around him like flies, and his first instinct had been to pull in to himself in the hope that it would hurt less when he lost Minato too.
It had taken Minato several weeks to get it through the idiot’s thick skull that he wasn’t going anywhere. He wasn’t going to die and he certainly wasn’t going to leave. Not even his duties as the Hokage could keep him busy enough that he forgot to make time for his favorite person. Working their way through those hurts together had brought them closer than ever before and they had been all but attached at the hip ever since.
Seeing Kakashi turn away from him again now stung more than he expected. Unsure what he might have done wrong, it hurt to think Kakashi might not trust him to stick around – especially considering the feelings he had been thinking on more and more lately, feelings he hadn’t quite figured out how to bring up in conversation.
“Maybe I should…go find my own dinner,” Kakashi mumbled finally. “Goodnight, Minato.” He was gone a moment later, hopping down without waiting for a reply.
Finding himself suddenly alone and scratching vigorously at the back of his head with bewilderment, Minato gave some thought to watching the sunset by himself, a lonely thought since they usually sat together around this time and traded gossip about what they had both done that day. He discarded the idea quickly. Without Kakashi here at his side the very notion seemed empty and pointless, the sunset pale and colorless. He was frowning as he dropped down on to the front porch and let himself inside. It looked like tonight was going to be an early night for him, dinner and then bed right after with no staying up to read the book waiting on his nightstand.
He wanted to fall asleep as soon as possible. As much as he knew Kakashi’s patterns and he knew the man always stayed awake for as long as possible when he was upset, unable to fall asleep with his mind twisting itself in to unnecessary knots, that didn’t matter. Minato had always tried to make sure he fell asleep first so he could be there to greet his soulmate in the one place they could both be their whole selves.
Well, the one place where they should have been able to be their whole selves. He himself was guilty of keeping secrets; he was hardly in a position judge if it ever turned out the other man was doing the same.
Sleep came quickly once he laid his head down and calmed his chakra. It was a skill he had picked up from Kakashi, ironically, and they had both used it countless times to catch a bit of shuteye in the middle of long missions when there was little time for rest. It served him well now, sending him down in to familiar darkness within minutes. When his eyes opened again he was standing on the shore of an endless lake with his toes buried in soft white sand that never clung to skin or clothing. This world was what they made of it.
They had made paradise from a warrior’s eye. Even if it were possible for others to enter this world he was sure no civilian could possibly find rest here. This place was tailored to them specifically, empty of the many traumas that came with the shinobi lifestyle and filled instead with the few things that brought them comfort, influenced occasionally by mood or a new desire.
Although he had known that he would have to wait, Minato still found the empty hours that followed nearly unbearable. Just thinking about Kakashi being upset with him for some reason ate at his insides until he couldn’t keep still. Worry sent him wandering along the shore until he turned aside for a change of scenery and ambled through the range of mountains they had lifted so Kakashi could feel the pure air on his face and know that there were no walls around him for miles and miles. Eventually he came to rest in a field of wheat dancing in a gentle wind that never faltered, running his fingers over through the grain and letting the beards tickle his skin. This field had been Minato’s idea, a terrible joke on his partner’s name.
He was still there when Kakashi fell asleep at last to join him here in their private dreamscape. One moment he was alone with his thoughts and the next his other half stood at the edge of the field with a smudge of darkness looming over him, not quite a storm cloud but certainly not a clear blue sky.
“In case you were wondering,” he grumbled when Minato hurried over, “chocolate covered coffee beans are delicious but not enough to keep me awake all night.”
“Please tell me what’s upset you – and don’t say nothing.” With one stern finger he pointed up at the darkness gathered around Kakashi’s head, watching with some exasperation as the younger man waved it away like smoke. It took a few minutes of Minato waiting with both hands on his hips before finally he offered something.
“You went on a date with her.”
That hadn’t been at all what he was expecting. Minato scratched his head. “Who? I haven’t gone on any dates.”
“Kushina,” Kakashi ground out from between his teeth.
“I told you, it wasn’t like that! She wanted to meet me for dinner because she had something important to talk about and she always bribes people with food when she needs help. Honestly I think her stomach runs her head; she seems to think the whole world is as obsessed with ramen as she is.”
Rather than look assured Kakashi only hunched further in to himself. “Oh. So…it wasn’t like…a romantic thing?”
“Not in the slightest. I would never – no.” Minato coughed in to his hand and cursed his stupid mouth for almost spitting out that he would never want anyone else the way he already wanted Kakashi. He knew there was no chance he hadn’t been super obvious about it but he still cringed when he felt a sharp stare boring in to him, a nervous titter escaping as he made a half-hearted attempt to deflect. “Well, glad we got that cleared up! So what did you do today? Did Gai ever find you for that rock throwing contest like he said he would?”
“Wait, go back a second. You would never what? Go out with her? Or go out with anyone? Is she just, like, not your type or something?”
“Um…” Uncomfortable, Minato chewed on his bottom lip and tried to figure out how to respond, searching Kakashi’s face for guidance until it finally hit him. He knew exactly why his soulmate was so upset. “Are you…jealous?”
The way Kakashi reeled back told him everything he needed to know, even without the blush that exploded over top of that ridiculous mask he never went without.
“Oh my god you are jealous!”
“Shut up!”
“But why?”
“Why do you think!? Oh my god, stop being embarrassing or I swear I’ll find a way to wake myself up.”
Minato laughed, feeling lighter than air, and lunged forward before Kakashi could escape to pull him in to a tight embrace. “That wasn’t very clear, sorry. I meant that you have no reason to be jealous. When I said I would never I was trying to say…never with anyone but you.”
He just barely managed to move his head in time to avoid a rapid collision when Kakashi jerked his own up to stare, wide eyed and disbelieving in a way that was somehow both comical and heartbreaking.
“You–? Me? Really?”
“I mean, we are soulmates. Is it so surprising?”
“Well you, uh, never said anything about this before.” Kakashi puffed out one cheek with embarrassment.
Minato lifted his chin to press their foreheads together across that single inch difference in their heights. “Oh, well excuse me. Are you really going to stand there and accuse me of doing the exact same thing you were doing? If you can fall in love and not say anything then so can I.”
He would have tried for a smug look if he weren’t flying so high on the incredible relief of knowing that Kakashi felt the same as him, that his secret didn’t have to stay secret anymore. Between the two of them they had both read enough terrible romances to recognize this moment for what it was and Minato knew damn well that he should be going in for that first big romantic kiss. Too full of emotions, his body twitched until he could stand it no longer and he was moving before he could think better of it.
The sound that slipped out of Kakashi when Minato lifted him off his feet in an over-enthusiastic bear hug was one neither of them had proper words for. It was probably meant to be some sort of protest, words choked off at the sudden movement, not quite a gurgle and too close to articulate to be called a groan. Minato couldn’t help himself; he laughed so hard that him arms loosened and Kakashi got his wish, gently dropping back down on to his own two feet.
“You are terrible at romance, I will have you know,” he accused.
“Well,” Minato cupped his soulmate’s cheek and peeled away that one last barrier between them. “I would hate to leave you with such a terrible misconception. Let’s see if I can change your mind, hm?”
Knowing Kakashi the way he did, Minato was sure that later he would be facing a whole lot of teasing for this, keeping the attention on him so neither of them would have the time to stop and think about how poorly Kakashi himself had also handled the situation. He didn’t mind, really. Not when they both groaned in to their first kiss, too long in coming, hands pulling at clothing to keep them close while the breeze tugged at their hair and set them both giggling over how badly the tickling sensation ruined the moment.
Around them the sky that had darkened to night with Kakashi’s mood now brightened until it was something comparable to high noon. It was appropriate, Minato thought, that their first kiss be here in the place that was only theirs.
He couldn’t wait for morning so he could lay claim again once they woke up, so he could show Kakashi that he would love him in any world – in their dreams, in this life, and in the next.
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Annon-Guy: New Tales of Symphonia Remastered trailer.
Hope you don't take offense, but I like the Voice Acting in DotNW more. Especially with Sheena and Zelos.
P.S. I don't mean to be pushy, but what happened to the other Ask's/Posts I sent.
GKD here!
I saw the JP version of this trailer elsewhere before I saw the ENG version you sent. I think they're making the game look way more boring than it actually is. This is definitely targeted toward older fans that have already played. That said my Gamecube and Wii still work so I probably won't be purchasing this unless they get a DotNW remaster bundle on the market at some point.
I agree that the DotNW voice acting feels more natural, but I can appreciate a certain nostalgia that some folks have hearing the original cast. I don't mind the new cast at all, but I can understand being mad since as far as I remember, some of the original cast weren't even approached about reprising their roles and that's a major faux pas in the industry. It's part of the reason why lots of people are mad about Martinet not playing Mario in the Mario Movie. Even if they wanted to move away from the funky little Italian man stereotype, there's very little reason they couldn't have given Martinet a shot. Especially since he's listed in the movie credits. Wanting to go in a different direction is fine, but it's pretty damn rude to not even try to work with the original cast, except for three of them. So, like, while I like the final product, I do think they stepped on a lot of toes by not even inviting the original cast back for cameo roles and weren't transparent about why some cast members were excluded. I do think the new VA for Zelos does one of the best jobs though. I know it's just one or two lines in this trailer, but the line reading feels flat to me.
Recasting people is always a tetchy subject though, so I understand why there are strong opinions on both sides. Hell, there are people up in arms about the new voice cast in DotNW (not just recast people, but new characters like Emil) because "The new cast has such cartoony, high-pitched voices, it's annoying, they totally wasted JYB and Bailey on the main roles, blah blah." And of course there will always be purists when it comes to translated media. Routinely, yes, the original dubs will almost always be better. But I think DotNW did the best job that it could have with the cast, and I honestly think the final product is worth whatever sacrifices they had to make. Anyway, I'm yammering and not really forming whole thoughts I think.
As for other asks, I don't really every delete anything that I haven't answered, so everything that made it through is in the ask box. Given that Tumblr regularly eats asks, that's small consolation, but I can promise that if you sent it and I haven't answered, there are only 3 options. Either I haven't answered yet (most likely), Tumblr ate it, (medium likelihood) or I did answer it but I dropped it in my drafts instead of in my queue and it got buried in the endless flood of posts I draft. Rest assured that I would never delete an ask on purpose. (Except for those cat spams which I do delete.) So the most likely answer is just that I've been busy and haven't gotten around to answering yet. I will say though: If you sent me something with a video link, Tumblr never lets me answer those directly. I have no idea why. So if you’re not getting notifications about those, it may help if you check that tag I have for you: “#Letters from Annon Guy”
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In which I am suddenly an ill person because they won’t let me sleep.
I think it's extremely likely that I will be okay as soon as I manage to leave in less than two months, I can't be sure, but I feel that because of my age I can probably last that long.
I stopped eating meat in March, that was fine, no problem at all, since I ate a lot of cheeses and chocolate milk, yogurt, and sometimes eggs. I had wanted to do it for years but people make such a big deal out of it, not to me, I never talk to people, but in the sense that, it is known. Why? It is known.
So I didn't even start researching, I always assumed it was so dangerous and that I needed to start once I felt better about my break up and there was no point reading about it yet, so I'd always push the guilt back. It was stupid of me, nothing happens when you ditch meat, I'm glad that I suddenly decided to take the time to read about it.
Since I kept feeling guilty then I also dropped cheese and all of that in September. My guilt was because animals eat others animals, but animals don't know any better and some can't survive without eating meat, but I know better and I can survive without using animals. I had no excuse to keep doing it so it was clearly against my principles.
Now, my diet is obviously not the problem, I researched it for almost a month before changing it. With meat, fish, chicken, all of that, it only took me some hours once I started reading about it, it was obvious that the average healthy person could live without them and have no problems.
But the reason I mention my diet is because even if it's not a problem, I feel like it could be a factor for me deteriorating sooner than most people, since I've always assumed that you can go years with two or so hours of sleep each day before starting to have health issues.
Not because of the food but because I struggle to eat enough calories since most food that has nothing to do with animals doesn't have that many calories and I can't eat a whole jar of peanut butter and things like that either because it would be too much fat.
It’s is fine if you get enough sleep, of course, as long as you eat enough healthy food, unlike anorexic people, they take it too far. And not that it wouldn't make sense for an average person to feel like hell after so much stress and after barely getting any sleep for longer than a month.
So if something happens to me don't blame my diet, the diet itself is fine if you are careful. But yeah I bring it up because it's probably a factor right now. Which reminds me about taking risks, I think it's worth it so I take the risk.
That said, normally it's supposed to be even healthier but to me it's not really about that, so I didn't bother researching whether that was truth or not, since everyone kept saying different things. I only wanted to know if it could be done, to stop hurting animals. I didn't care if it would damage me as long as I could still live a long life.
The only problem is not sleeping and I'm well aware, on top of that they keep making me angry and anxious all the time, the noises. I'm always angry but it feels good, it's a part of who I am, but this anger is the sort that makes me desperate.
I really feel like I would still be alive by February even if I had to stay in this house, under the same circumstances. It's likely that I'll get to leave before January is over, even if ideally I would like to leave right now or before this year ends.
Now, since I'm always so careful, I'm often warning Tumblr in case I drop dead, that's a thing I do. If my arm hurt I would warn Tumblr of my possible death, just in case someone noticed and believed I just left, not that I talk to anyone. Nothing dramatic, I would just write something in the tags, it's fine, it doesn't attract any attention if nothing happens to me, but it's good enough for someone wondering what happened to me if it does. Also because my ex-girlfriend checks on me, since I don't have a social life what I post is the only thing she knows about me.
I wouldn't honestly believe I was dying, it was just in case. But this time, it makes a lot of sense, I know how unhealthy not sleeping is and I feel weak, and my diet. Maybe I just feel so weak because of the lack of sleep and nothing is happening to me yet too, but sometimes my chest and head hurt too and stuff, I'm not entirely sure if that isn't just me being too tired also, since it's likely too soon to be dying already.
I can't know because I've always been healthy so I'm not used to this. I know some people are so unhealthy that they always feel like fainting but they are aware that it's just how awful they feel and that they aren’t dying, they are used to it.
Then I have to run no matter what. Walking isn't enough to sweat that much in this weather, but since I ran this morning and I drenched my sweatshirt, I know I can wait until Sunday to run again and have no problems sweating, for now, since the weather isn't that cold even if it's not hot.
So even if I stayed two whole months more that would only mean having to run 16 times, as long as I survive that, which is sort of what would make my heart work the hardest, I feel like I can survive the rest. That's the problem, if I didn't have to run I would just wait until I leave this place because running is probably a lot, and I'm sure nothing would happen to me, people lose sleep all the time, but I have this stupid thing.
Or if I feel too weak I can try once a week and see if it still works. Since I'm not sure if I'll get to leave soon enough, I don't want to risk it when it comes to sweating yet, so I'll try to do it twice a week for now. It would be annoying to manage to leave and end up having problems sweating for years.
It's not because of you, of course, you don't make me stay awake to write, the actual problem is that my neighbors won't stop, and that I can't leave yet, because they won't stop, ever. That's not changing.
But whenever I'm writing to you and I forget to eat or I’m refusing to fall asleep until I'm done I think of the line "You will be the death of me, you will be the death of me", but not of the whole song, just that one part. And it isn't true, I need to sleep, but if you don't write to me for four days, I still barely sleep, and they make me so stressed I don’t even feel hungry, it's this terrible place.
It makes me laugh that that one line starts sounding inside my head. So I'm falling asleep, and I open my eyes, I don't care, and I think of that line because I find it funny.
I know you like the song, but it's not because of that, it comes to my head because it makes sense, since I need sleep. Right now it's not even 6 PM, though.
My ex-girlfriend said that she used to sing that song back in 2006 or 2007, we were friends but we had this fight that lasted for six months or something, we hadn't been friends for that long so it would have made sense that it was over. I don't know, it's so messed up, that she was right about how deep our relationship was but that she had no way of knowing it, back then she didn't even know that I loved her back, and the song is so specific.
I hate being rude when someone hasn't been rude to me, so knowing that you are aware that I could actually drop dead because of being so exhausted makes me feel a bit better. That you wouldn't think I was being rude and just suddenly stopped, even if it's not that likely that I'll get to die because of this.
At least I hope that it isn't likely. I'm pretty sure I'll be fine until Sunday anyway because I won't run until then. A few hours ago I felt like running just because, but I had already done that this morning, and I'm not stupid, so yeah, no, I'll avoid it unless it's necessary.
I have a lot of anxiety so I don't know if music would work, if it wouldn't make me anxious too, but I've been thinking about it for a while, so I'll probably end up trying it soon if I don’t manage to sleep and I don’t think I’ll. Your dad is probably problematic but I find him interesting because he is so paranoid, that thing about his heartbeat, it's cute. Most grown men would be afraid of ironically showing they are afraid.
But now that I think about it, maybe it's serious, when it comes to your dad, and he wouldn't be paranoid then. I don't normally hear my heartbeat, now I do sometimes but because of the anxiety and the lack of sleep. After sleeping two or three hours, which is the amount of time I’ve been sleeping most days, I wake up with palpitations too.
You didn't need to apologize for being curious. I was just explaining how it made me feel in my other letter, and that it sort of proved to me that it was the right thing for me. And it’s also normal that you forget a lot of things because I’ve written so many words.
I can't know how you felt when that happened with your ex-boyfriend, but just reading about it, even knowing you still loved him, made my body cold, made me so uncomfortable and it felt really wrong, it was clearly abuse, he took advantage of you and it's obvious. I know that if I had a son and he acted like that I would be so ashamed of him, and I wonder what's wrong with people that can't see what he did.
You knew that Victor could suddenly sleep with someone else as soon as your relationship ended for good. That was so true that after your break up he was posting stupid suggestive stuff, like a picture of his bulge and I really doubt it was for you. I know he had the right to, of course, but it was so childish. And you hadn't known Victor for that long either. That's why I can't see it similar to what happened with my ex-girlfriend, which still doesn't make her a bad person. But I wouldn't have been able to try to encourage you that much if I had felt that your situation was similar, it just wasn't.
And then, he had spoken about you like that, I didn't need to know what happened between you in order to push you to do that. I'm well aware that you sometimes behave just like him and worse, but I'm stupid in the sense that I'm condescending when it comes to women, not because I think they are inferior, that's not true, but because being a woman is so much harder. And probably sexist of me, but I think that a man should try to protect a woman if he loves her, and that he shouldn't wish her ill if he suddenly stops loving her or if she wrongs him, out of respect for what he had with her.
But the reason I judge him and I don't judge myself it's what I've said many times already, I never wished her ill no matter how rude and I never claimed I hated her. Those two things are what I found so despicable about it. But I saw enough about him to know he is a good person. I just can't feel sorry about siding with you, since as I've said, I'm extremely against the sort of thing that he was doing, as man. I couldn't put myself in his shoes, precisely because I had been there, and suffered worse, even if it wasn't cheating. That never once made me feel anything like that towards my ex-girlfriend and it made me so angry that he could feel like that.
I can understand why you would judge yourself though, and it's a good thing, that you try to be fair even if I don't think he is entitled to hating you. But it's good that you don't try to entirely blame him for what happened and that you are understanding of him since you would act the same way if you were wronged. I think you deserved whatever sort of support you could get, since you had been a victim too, and you were feeling bad. He was doing a good job trying to make you feel guilty already anyway, not that he was wrong when it came to blaming you of some things, of course, but I wasn't angry at him because of that reason.
A man would never be mediocre for having enough with "just" you, he would be mediocre if he cheated on you.
I don't care about the spacing, after I sent you the one poem that I wrote I read that the spacing is usually random, up to the poet. I care about your poems, send me whatever you want whenever you feel like it. I don't find the ones you write cheesy.
These are my favorite lines "I live here and yet I’m miles away", just because it looks deep, it is, I can relate to it but I would find it deep even if I didn't, it makes me emotional. While reading your poem I felt like crying many times, it's raw, but my neighbors, for a change, so innovative, so talented please release me, wouldn't shut up, so I kept reading it and reading it which is also why I said "many times", I had to read it so many times, and never got to cry since I was so annoyed, I'm still annoyed, they keep talking of course.
I'll read it again when they finally shut up but I will have already posted this. I wrote it in my journal. I would write our letters there too, it's fine, no one will read them, and even if someone did in some years, they would have no clue anyway. But of course that it would take a lot of time and mine keep getting longer and longer. I probably will when you become some ghost.
I also enjoyed the I/I’m at the very start because I often find myself using those words a lot, like right now, the sentence started like that without thinking about it. I feel like a lot of people don't write like this, maybe children do, I can't remember if I do it in Spanish, maybe not but only because you don't have to add the I/I'm to say something about you, you can but you are not forced to.
It's either because I talk about myself so much or because I can’t think of a better way to write about what I'm thinking. Not that it has anything to do with your poem, I've seen that it's normal to use sentences with I/I'm even if I haven't read any poetry.
I find this part really sad even if I personally don't find that situation sad, people being nothing to me. "So many people, so many faces, pretty girls and handsome boys, frolicking, swarming around. But what are they to me?" It's somehow still sad. I don't think the context is the same but it reminds me of the cover by Bastille, when he says "No, I don't want your number. No, I don't wanna give you mine. And no, I don't wanna meet you nowhere. No, don't want none of your time", he is repeating exactly what someone else told him, but I feel that it was with that person's attitude, that they didn't literally say it but he understood and that's how he feels. That part of the song always makes me emotional, and I haven't even been there, but it's still something raw.
Then I've always have this fixation, I like to stare at random words too, I enjoy that by itself. So, I also appreciated "frolicking, swarming around." I love this one "has seen one too many sunsets." And these "this madness in my eyes", "a man offers me his arm for a walk", "they will all be gone soon, but I will stay" and "and I will see yet another day."
I don't have any questions, I just wonder if this makes you sad, you say that the sooner you resign yourself the better, but I don't know if you do that too well. Other than your ex-boyfriend I have no way of knowing that, and with your ex-boyfriend it’s different because you are obsessed with romantic love and he is the one you have loved the most when it comes to that.
I find most people boring, in the sense that they wouldn't make interesting characters, but I can't be bored of someone as long as they participate, like my mom's boyfriend, I have never been with him for longer than ten minutes, but he is so boring, yet if I had to spend time with him, as long as he wanted to play board games with me or something, I could have a lot of fun with him and never get tired of him.
Because you talked of triggers, I'm not triggered myself, and before I couldn't understand it. But right after our break up, whenever I saw the name of some of the guys, or the name of the one that lied about me, things like that, even random words, expressions that she used in the posts where she talked about the dirty stuff that she was doing, it would remind me of the anger and pain of her sleeping with other men. It eventually went away.
So that's why I can understand people that feel bad when it comes to that, but they have no right to be angry at people for not catering to their needs all the time. There are times when it's impossible because of what I've just said, that sometimes you can be triggered by a name or random word, by an innocent picture too. Or then sometimes people can barely stand their own lives and breathe, to even have to make the effort and try to take care of other people.
It's not crazy that you wouldn't die for romantic love, some people never feel like that. But in your case, I don't think you've ever met anyone worth it, so to me it wouldn't even make sense if a woman like you felt like you could have died for one of them.
This doesn't mean that if there is something like true love and if you meet him you will change your mind, but in my opinion you haven't even been there yet. As much as you loved your ex-boyfriend, he walked away from you and he was obviously unfair to you, and you are smart enough so you somehow and rightly so let what he did to you affect the love that you felt for him, it can't be as strong as it would have been otherwise.
The length it's also obviously fine, I've told you that you can write a sentence or two for no reason too.
0 notes
HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY - your tipsy internet neighbor
if you had a twin i would still choose you
AO3 Link || FFN Link
@thenameismaynard bc this is your fault @kingcobrakai1972 bc you asked me to @shadowcatgirl09 bc I just love you, hey girl @respectable-alcoholic bc you also asked to be tagged in trash fics
To the whole Bonkamily, I love you all, you’re beautiful people. Enjoy your Valentine’s Day fluff, it’s also under the cut if you don’t feel like leaving Tumblr.
Bonkai. Fluff. AH AU. Humor. Mildest angst bc I apparently can’t help myself. Motivated by a conversation gone terribly awry that I had with @thenameismaynard on Tumblr (keenan24 on ffn, I believe). Anyway, the prompt we hijacked was “Person A shuffles nervously around at a party. Person B startles them with a ‘Hello, glad you could make it. I’ll be your designated extrovert for the evening if you could please follow me.’”
I’m not going to tell you the song the title came from - if you don’t know, I’m disappointed in you. Also Funyuns vs Hot Fries/Cheetos is an actual ongoing debate between myself and my SO. I’m team Cheetos and he’s team Funyucks. No beta, all mistakes are mine and I wrote this while fairly tipsy, so there’s probs quite a few.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
“Okay, so…” Kai pauses, considering his words. “Right, so Funyuns. It all starts over a bag of Funyuns.”
“Funyuns?” a disbelieving voice queries.
“That’s what I said,” Kai answers. “Anyway, you know how I teach little kids piano for this after school program? Well, one day, I was just desperately craving Funyuns, so I go mug the vending machine.”
Kai groans, irritated at the stupid snack machine that ate his money again. With a sigh, the tall man looks up and down the hallway before proceeding to kick in the fucktarded money-stealing vendor. It’s an older model, not one of those futuristic ones that locks up tighter than a nun, so eventually the force of his kicks causes his bag of Funyuns and a honey bun to fall into the receptacle. The hungry grad student takes both treats and makes his way back to the music room.
He’s an adult volunteer at Whitmore’s elementary school every Tuesday and Wednesday. It was something he started doing two years ago as an undergrad because it looked good on a resume, but then kept up with because fuck him, he actually liked the way little faces lit up when they realized what their grubby little hands could do. It was cute.
Also, Whitmore elementary had it’s very own teacher bae and no lie, Kai was trying to hit.
Tucking the honey bun in his jacket pocket and opening his Funyuns, Kai takes the long way back to the music room. It was break time for the kiddies, they were all munching on healthy snacks before pick-up, which Kai always used as an opportunity to grab his own junk food. And to pass by Miss Bennett’s classroom.
Bonnie Bennett a.k.a. Kai’s personal hot teacher fantasy and reason number one Kai still volunteered at Augustine-Whitmore Elementary School. She taught third grade science and she had a smile like the sun and hips like a hula dancer and just seeing her made Kai’s day better. She was one of the science tutors for students who needed extra help before testing days, so she had her own room full of brats when he passed by her brightly decorated doorway.
Most of the kids are chatting and eating their apples and crackers, so Bonnie’s attention gets pulled to him when he pauses at her door and boom. There it is. The sun.
Kai grins back and waves her over and Bonnie casts a look around her classroom before coming to greet him. She wrinkles her nose at his chips.
“Funyuns, Kai?” she asks in disbelief. “The vending machine has hot Cheetos with lime and you went for Funyuns?”
“If I wanted to eat sawdust,” Kai replies. “I’d be a carpenter.”
Bonnie scoffs at his snappy comeback and Kai’s smile grows before he very deliberately fishes a big ring out of his bag and bites into it, crunching with a relish. Teacher bae’s face grows disgusted and she looks over her shoulder at her kids before looking back to him.
“Aren’t you supposed to be with Caroline and Nora in the music room, onion breath?”
“They can handle twenty kids on their own,” he states. He leans back on the doorframe. “Speaking of our mutual friend, Caroline, are you going to her party on Friday? It’s off campus, and I know you don’t have a ton of homework to grade on Fridays.”
Bonnie shuffles nervously. “I’m not really a party person. And it’s a college party -”
“A grad student party,” Kai corrects. “And you live with Caroline. You’d be pretty much the same age as everyone else in attendance Bonnie, it’s not like you’d be the odd one out. ‘Sides,” he crunches on the dregs of his chips. “I though Care-bear was one of your besties.”
The science teacher purses her lips at him. “She is. That’s not the point. I’m just...not big on parties.”
The volunteer tutor hides his disappointment by tipping the Funyun bag into his open mouth to catch crumbs. Bonnie sighs in disgust and Kai ends up smirking at her as he bundles up the empty bag and puts it in the trash.
“Tell you what, Ms. Hot-sawdust-with-lime,” his heart races when Bonnie shoves him half-heartedly. “If you decide to come out of your shell, I’ll be your party-buddy okay?”
He starts to walk away, backwards, so he can still see her face as he fake pouts. “You won’t let me down, right Bonster? Be my party-buddy?”
Teacher bae rolls her eyes and smiles. More sunshine for Kai.
“Fine. I’ll see you Friday.”
And just like that, Kai’s Wednesday afternoon was a lot brighter.
“Oh. My. God!” Caroline squeals. “It’s a date.”
“It’s not a date.”
“It sounds like a date,” Nora speaks up, glancing up from her phone long enough to smirk at Bonnie. The shorter girl scowls at her roommates for ganging up on her. They were all sitting around the living room in their PJs with their respective snacks and Caroline’s Netflix queue up since it was her turn to control the big T.V. The blonde was a huge Shondaland fangirl, so they were watching How to Get Away With Murder. It was paused when Caroline demanded for Bonnie to tell her why Kai was all smiles after his snack run and Bonnie looked helplessly at Viola Davis’s unimpressed face.
“Guys, it’s not a date. I was going anyway, Care invited me.”
“Yeah, so you could get laid! And Kai is practically front row of the class, waving his hand around, screaming ‘pick me, pick me, Miss Bennett’ and you’re still insisting it’s not a date.”
“Because it isn’t!”
Two pairs of cornflower colored eyes look at her in disbelief.
“He’s my friend. He’s your friend - you invited him too!”
“Oh my god,” Nora muttered at the same time Caroline sputters. “Bonnie, honey, Kai is our friend, but he’s not yours.”
“Yes, he is!”
“He looks at you like a shark smelling blood in the water!” Caroline bursts, having finished short-circuiting. Nora puts her phone down to nod in solidarity of the blonde.
“He wants to fuck you,” she says plainly and Caroline sweeps her hand at the pretty brunette.
“Thank you! And you need it after the Jeremy mess. Besides, I’ve heard around campus that Kai’s pretty good with the,” she makes a catcall whistle.
Bonnie buries her face in her hands and braces herself for a long night. She should have grabbed some wine to go with her lime hot Cheetos.
Bonnie blanches at the sight of club’s V.I.P. room. It was huge, and per usual for Caroline, who had no sense of limitations when it came to blow-outs, packed with people and free-flowing liquor. It was Caroline’s annual Bloody Valentine party, a sort of weird horror-themed anti-Valentine’s ball - it made no sense for Care to throw it considering her boo’d up status with Klaus Mikaelson, but “it’s tradition, Bonnie!”
The green-eyed beauty leans back against the wall carefully so her roommates wouldn’t yell at her about messing up the hairstyle they did for her. Sipping on her Love Potion drink and watching as writhing bodies got down to Nora’s No Scrubs remix, Bonnie can’t help the flare of disappointment she feels when she’s unable to spot Kai anywhere.
He had to have known she was around - Caroline had stepped up to the mic earlier to play host and introduce Nora as DJ Heartbreaker. So honestly, if the whole party was made aware of her roommates’ arrival half an hour ago, then surely Kai knew she was around.
You’re kidding yourself. He’s probably already drunk and with some girl. You heard Caroline, he has a repu-
“Hello, glad you could make it,” a familiar voice coos in her ear, startling her out of her thoughts. The smell of soap and fresh cologne hits her subtly. “I’ll be your designated extrovert for the evening, if you could please follow me.”
A warm hand wraps around hers and tugs her along to the dance floor and Bonnie inadvertently follows after Kai’s tall form before realization strikes her.
“Kai?” she questions. He glances over his shoulder at her.
“Yeah, party-buddy?”
“Did you just get here?”
“Yeah,” he turns around to face her and pulls her closer, taking her drink and downing the rest in one go. Bonnie is both grateful because she didn’t really like it and appalled because Kai can be so obnoxiously rude sometimes. “Did you miss me?”
The question strikes a nerve and she looks away. “Not really. I just thought you might’ve gotten drunk and forgot we were meeting up.”
“Ouch,” Kai chuckles and draws her in. They start to sway together and Kai’s intense gaze makes Bonnie licks her lips nervously. His stormy eyes narrow in on her mouth at the move and then darken. “I’d never forget about you, Bonster.”
Her heart constricts and she bows her head.
He wants to fuck you.
It’s not like these moments were rare between her and Kai. This...chemistry, this allure, had been there since the first time she’d met the volunteer music tutor two years ago. But back then, she’d been in a long-term relationship with Jeremy and just resisted the pull. She’d been engaged and living together with her fiance, trying to build a future with him - but then of course it fell apart when Jeremy’s ex somehow drifted back into his life and he cheated on Bonnie with her. It had hurt, the disintegration of a relationship she’d held so dear for a while, but after the initial messy dissolution and heartbreak - it didn’t even bother Bonnie like she thinks it should. She’d moved out of their apartment and in with her friends, had pulled herself together and worked her ass off to finish her teacher certification early and now she was employed full-time.
Last month, she saw Jeremy’s announcement on Facebook about Anna’s pregnancy and didn’t even feel an ounce of anger.
But Kai was different. Bonnie wasn’t a coward, but when it came to people and relationships, she wasn’t exactly forthcoming, introverted in the extreme. All of her friends were pretty much the old ones she’s had forever or the new ones who came to her. Kai was of the latter type, always popping up to tease or encourage or piss her off at any given moment, inside and outside of the halls of the elementary they gathered at weekly. His teasing words from earlier hold truth; he was her sort of designated extrovert.
This feeling like electricity, like she could get burned if she got too close, it was always there. And it scared the shit out of her, because if she let Kai happen and he turned out to be another Jeremy...
She wouldn’t be so nonchalant about that. Not if this barely there, unexplored feeling was an indicator.
Suddenly, she’s picked up and twirled around. A huff of laughter is shocked out of her and Kai’s mischievous eyes flash up at her. He lets her down gently, but his arm stays loosely hooked around her waist, his hand just thisclose to grazing her ass. It sends the intrusive thought of what his ringed fingers would feel like squeezing the globes and the spot between her legs clenches.
“There we are. How was your space trip? Did you see the rings of Saturn?”
“No, but I did have tea with a lovely Martian.”
“I’m jealous,” he laughs. He peers down at each other. “You want to get out of here? I mean, I love Caroline and all, but her parties are kind of O-T-T. I’ve got some tea at my place you might like. Some fancy rooibos my sister gave me for our birthday.”
Bonnie swallows and stares up at his face, looking for any signs of deception. She knows it’s not really about the tea. He knows she knows, but he’s willing to pretend if she changes her mind later. He’s giving her a potential escape route. Bonnie nods.
“Yeah, lets go. I’ll text Care later.” Kai grins at her answer and takes her hand again, leading her out of the club. Bonnie can only focus on how well his large hand fits around her small one and the stretch of his shoulders under his denim jacket as she follows him to his car.
It wasn’t a lie. He did have some fancy rooibos tea tucked away in one of his kitchen cabinets, saved for days when Kai was feeling nostalgic for his family back in Portland and so the box was fairly untouched. He’s sure Bonnie would have liked it, but the second he closes his front door, her hungry mouth was on his and Kai forgot his last name was Parker.
His hands migrate to Bonnie’s hips, gripping them through her lace and sheer dress. He’d wanted to rip the barely-there pink and black fabric off and fuck her like his name was Ron Jeremy the second he saw her, but with her lips pressed to his, right now all he wants is more. More of her body on his, more of her sunshine smiles, more of her disgust with Funyuns and gross preference for hot Cheetos with lime, more of her time. Just...more Bonnie filling the spaces in his world.
Greed was probably going to be his downfall.
Hands sliding from her hips to her ass, Kai grips under her thighs and then hauls her up his body. The petite woman’s legs go around his waist, her arms encircle his neck and suddenly all of Kai’s senses are filled by her. He pulls away from her slightly, breathing in her oddly sweet shampoo.
“Yeah?” he breathes, before his mouth clamps around her neck and sucks.
Bonnie’s answer is the sinful moan that leaves her mouth and the tightening of her limbs around his body. Her nails drag down his back, tugging his denim jacket down and Kai shrugs it off with her help. Their mouths reattach. He takes a few steps forward in the dark, towards the general direction of his bedroom, but forgets trying to navigate when Bon sucks his bottom lip between her teeth and his mouth is suddenly damp with the taste of iron.
His already hardened cock strains even more in his jeans and Kai just laughs, pushing her towards the couch because it’s closer and overstuffed and just as soft as his bed anyway. Bonnie’s hair is rucked, her malachite eyes are heavy-lidded and dark, and her lips swollen and painted red by the blood she lured from his mouth her sharp kiss. She sits up, watching hungrily as Kai shucks his shirt and undoes the front of his jeans, giving his dick some relief from the pressure. Her hands reach out for him, pulling him in as her crawls forward, reclining back into the cushions to give him the freedom to invade her space.
Their mouths meet again. Her dress zipper comes undone beneath his fingers. Kai follows the top’s descent down her body with his tongue, leaving cool trails on her skin. Bonnie had forgone a bra that night, so he latches onto a nipple, sucking as much of her breast into his mouth as can fit, gently rubbing the other into a peak before pinching it harshly - it make her gasp and her body arch into his like a bow, both of her hands burying themselves in his hair. He smiles around the breast in his mouth, glancing up at her with mirth dancing in his eyes. Bonnie swats at his head, but Kai only shoves up the hem of her dress so that the whole thing is belted around her hips, leaving her essentially bare. He presses against her briefly, grinding their groins together teasingly.
“Fuck,” Bonnie utters and Kai likes the way the curse sounds on her tongue.
The long-limbed brunette clasps the seat of her panties with his free hand, feeling the damp and twisting the thin, lacy crotch around his three of his fingers. There’s a threat of removal without actually taking them off, leaving Bonnie exposed to him and the cool air of the apartment. Kai can feel the way her core flutters against his hand, makes himself comfortable in the cradle of her hips as she adjusts herself to fit him there.
Meeting her gaze, Kai deliberately slides one then two fingers, slowly into her core, fingerfucking into her leisurely. Teasing. Bonnie whimpers and it sounds like his name. The small fingers in his hair clench.
Finally releasing the brown nipple in his mouth, Kai blows a breath on it, then laughs at Bonnie’s annoyed groan. The hand making a home of her sex picks up speed and then her irritated sighs melts into appreciative moans and her hands pull him back for another kiss. Thumb pressed to her clit, two then three fingers sliding in and out of Bonnie, Kai plays Bonnie’s body for a few minutes until she’s tensing up, wetting his hand her release and then he’s smiling against her lips, nose bumping hers as he eases off on fingering her slightly to not overstimulate.
“Good?” he breathes. Bonnie nods, eyes half-lidded and dazed.
“Mmm,” she hums, sliding her own hand under the band of his underwear. Kai’s dick is rock hard, the picture of an orgasming Bonnie Bennett, the single hottest thing he’s ever seen. Precum has left a damp spot on his boxers and his tip and Bon’s thumb grazes it, smearing it. Her other hand snakes around his back, squeezing his ass before tugging down the band of his his underwear and jeans.
“Off,” she demands simply and Kai nods obligingly, toeing off his shoes and socks and helping her discard his bottoms. He properly sheds her of her own clothes until at last they’re both bare and flush together and then finally, fucking finally, Kai is sliding inside her warmth, inside Bonnie. He does it again and again, so that they both enjoy it.
It feels good. It feels right. It feels like coming home.
It’s like maybe one in the morning and after the second time they have sex when the two of them finally get up and drag themselves to Kai’s bed. The next day is Saturday, so neither of them is worried about their respective classes. Kai turns on the T.V. puts on Buffy, but leaves it on a low enough volume so that he can hear Bonnie’s moans as he goes down on her. After her third shuddering orgasm via Kai’s hungry mouth, she pushes him away with a laugh.
“I’m going to die, stop,” she laughs.
“Oh no, not that,” he whispers in mock horror before kissing her again. The science teacher sighs contentedly against his mouth.
Kai smirks as he pulls away, wrapping around her, head on her belly and arms under her back, both of them settling on top of the sheets to cool down. Bonnie’s back is propped up slightly against the pillowed headboard, angling her to better see the T.V. while Kai acts as her human heater.
She gets oddly keyed up the longer they lie there. Kai’s somewhat drowsy, watching Buffy’s misadventures, but Bonnie is really fidgety. The man bites at his teacher bae’s hip half-heartedly.
“Stop wiggling.”
She goes still for a minute, but he can feel the energy building in her body under him. He wonders if she’ll explode if she can’t twitch. He frowns at the thought. He can’t keep her if her guts are splattered all over his wall. Not in the way he wants to at least.
Kai raises his head to look at her.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” She says it too quickly and Kai narrows his eyes at her.
“Bon,” he utters warningly. Don’t lie to me isn’t said, but she hears the implication and sighs.
“This doesn’t have to be awkward,” she tells him. Kai stares at her. She fidgets again and he grabs her hands, stilling her movement and waiting for her to look at him. Bonnie takes a breath and meets his eyes.
“Look, I mean we’re friends, right?” she asks. “I like being your friend. So this can be a one-time thing, you know? Some weekend fun and then we’re friends again. No big deal”
It’s not like Bonnie doesn’t trust Kai. She does. They are friends despite what Caroline and Nora think and wanting to fuck each other - having fucked each other - doesn’t change that. Bonnie doesn’t want it to change that. She likes having Kai in her life and she wants to keep him there, but his reputation as womanizer makes her weary and so instead of finding some way to progress she panics and tries to regress.
His face is inscrutable as he stares at her and Bonnie is painfully aware that not long ago that same handsome mug was buried between her thighs and making her scream his name. But it’s about as readable as a stonewall now and so she fidgets again.
His hands tighten on hers.
“So what, you want to be friends with benefits for the weekend, then on Monday, it’s business as usual?” his words are a little harsh, but he doesn’t sound mad. He doesn’t sound anything and it makes Bonnie nervous because she can’t read him when he shuts off like this, can’t tell if he’s actually upset with her or considering her words.
“If you’d like,” she says quietly. His stormy eyes flick over her face quickly and suddenly he stands up, naked body making her flush in remembrance and slight embarrassment before he’s out of the room. She hears banging in what she thinks is probably the kitchen and she wonders if she should leave. Kai has a mean streak, she’s seen it - maybe she pissed him off to the point of him wanting to look for a sharp kitchen knife. Suddenly she remembers that the CDC put out some statistics stating that one of the top killers of American women is intimate male partners and she blanches.
Before she can convince herself to run for the hills, Kai is back in the room and dropping something slightly weighted in her lap. It’s an orange and green family-sized chip bag with a cheetah mascot on the front. Bonnie looks up at Kai in amazement when he plops down on the bed with her.
“I have like, a whole shelf in my pantry just full those gross ass chips. I get a bag every time I’m at the store,” he explains.
Bonnie stares at him. “But...you hate hot Cheetos with lime.”
“I know right?” he scoffs. “They’re gross. But you love them.”
Something in Bonnie’s chest constricts and she stares at the naked man in front of her. She thinks she might cry. Or laugh. Something. There’s a lot of feeling building up in her chest so she needs to make sure.
“You buy these for me?”
“Why?” she asks softly. Kai smiles and grabs at her hand, entwining their fingers. They slot together well.
“I’m your designated extrovert right? I need my little introvert to have a function.”
Jo stares at him.
“You got together...over your chip preferences?”
“Yup.” Kai pops the ‘p’. His twin raises an eyebrow at him, a sudden mean gleam in her eye.
“So literally, you only have a girlfriend because you’re the only idiot on Earth who doesn’t like lime hot Cheetos.”
“They’re gross!”
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Rules: Answer the questions and tag 20 blogs to get to know them better.
Tagged by: @flaminhotcheet-hoe <3
Nickname: don't really think i have one?? Matthew calls me "dear" and "love" tho so I would count that.
Gender: Cis female (she/her or they/them pronouns are fine w me tho, so I guess non-binary?)
Star sign: virgo
Height: 5'1"
Time: 3:02am
Favorite bands: siousxe and the banshees, the cure, gorillaz, dethklok, st. Vincent, purity ring, panic! at the disco, baby metal, paramore, mystery skulls, black sabbath, queen, the ministry, there's others but I can't remember anymore atm
Favoite solo artists: nicki minaj, kyary pamyu pamyu, marylin manson, utada hikaru, beyonce, voltaire, I'm upset I can't think of anymore rn
Song stuck in my head: I cannot for the life of me remember the title of the song, but it's the "if you like piña coladas" song
Last movie I 👀: in theaters, black panther. At home, coco bc I got it on digital
When did I create my blog: I believe 2011? Or 2012?
What do I post: usually cute or spooky aesthetic stuff, political stuff, meme shit
Last thing I googled: I googled where in your animal crossing new leaf town you could plant hibiscus plants
Do you have any other blogs: no but I have considered getting a pair/ship sideblog to support the art work I like from the ships i like
Do you get asks: no
Why did you choose your URL: for this one I was inspired by welcome to night vale and the "please stop staring into the void, that's very rude" bit they did early on in the podcast. My other url I usually use "DarkDarkRoom" is from the kids book by the same name
Followers: 236
Favorite colors: any shade of purple, dark blues that remind me of the ocean, and baby pink/light soft pinks
Average hours of 💤: somewhere around 8-9, although I still never feel very well rested :/
Lucky number: 11
Instruments: I took violin lessons as a child, but I didn't go very far with it... I still have the violin and I have considered getting it tuned up by a professional so I can play for fun. I also took piano in college, and have a full keyboard, I've been meaning to pick it back up again as well.
What am I wearing: my work clothes :/ I just got home from work and I was so hungry I made some food first and I got on tumblr while I ate and still havent gotten changed yet
How many blankets do I 💤 with: a thin sheet, 1 or 2 fuzzy blankets if its cold, and my comforter. When its really hot tho i only sleep w the thin sheet
Dream Job: writer of my own original published stories
Dream trip: Japan, Scotland, Italy, New Zealand, and Germany
Favorite food: pizza, sushi, donuts, pho, curry, tamales, floutas, tacos, bratwurst, tempura shrimp and tempura veggies, snow crab, any cooked form of a potato, cheeseburgers, cheesecake, many kinds of cheese, milk and white chocolate, rice in general, FRUIT most all fruit, squid/kalimari, teriyaki chicken, honey-baked ham (basically, I love a lot of food, and I am not picky at all. I will try all food at least once. The only food I legit hate is kale)
Nationality: p much white American. I'm Scottish on both sides, Irish on my mom's side, and Mexican on my dad's side. I'm other stuff too but I don't know of how much
Favorite song now: "I'm the best" by nicki minaj, which is one of her much earlier songs
I tag anyone who wants to do this post, which i now is a lazy cop-out for actually tagging ppl but tbh if you want a chance to do this and no one's tagged you, consider this ur tag
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tag time
mel tagged me in a lot thanks bro
aye aye aye thanks to he homegirl @starlightjeongin ily so much melly and you’re an angel <333 eskgetit!!!
also,,, there are like,,,, 4 tags in this so uhhhhh have fun
i dont have a name for this tag
1ST RULE: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
> so um if you read this you are tagged now congrats <
2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true.
APPEARANCE: - I am 5'7 or taller - I wear glasses - I have at least one tattoo - I have at least one piercing - I have blonde hair - I have brown eyes - I have short hair - My abs are at least somewhat defined - I have or had braces
PERSONALITY: - I love meeting new people - People tell me I am funny - Helping others with their problems is a big priority of mine - I enjoy physical challenges - I enjoy mental challenges - I am playfully rude to people I know - I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it - There is something I would change about my personality
ABILITY: - I can sing well - I can play an instrument - I can do over 30 pushups without stopping - I am a fast runner - I can draw well - I have a good memory - I am good at doing maths in my head - I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute - I have beaten at least 2 people arm wrestling - I can make at least 3 recipes from scratch - I know how to throw a proper punch
HOBBIES: - I enjoy sports - I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else - I’m in a orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else - I have learned a new song in the past week - I exercise at least once a week - I have gone for runs at least once a week in warmer months - I have drawn something in the past month - I enjoy writing - Fandoms are my #1 priority - I do some form of Martial arts
EXPERIENCES: - I have had my first kiss - I have had alcohol - I have scored a winning point in a sport - I have watched an entire TV series in one sitting - I have been at an overnight event - I have been in a taxi - I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year - I have beaten a video game in one day - I have visited another country - I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
MY LIFE: - I have one person that I consider to be my Best Friend - I live close to my school/work - My parents are still together - I have at least one sibling - I live in the United States - There is snow where I live right now - I have hung out with a friend in the past month - I have a smart phone - I own at least 15 CDs - I share my room with someone
RELATIONSHIPS: - I am in a Relationship - I have a crush on a celebrity - I have a crush on someone I know - I’ve been in at least 3 relationships - I have never been in a Relationship - I have admitted my feelings to a crush - I get crushes easily - I have had a crush for over a year - I have been in a relationship for over a year - I have had feelings for a friend
RANDOM: - I have break-danced - I know a person named Jamie - I have had a teacher that has a name that is hard to pronounce - I have dyed my hair - I’m listening to a song on repeat right now - I have punched someone in the past week - I know someone who has gone to jail - I have broken a bone - I have eaten a waffle today - I know what I want to do in life - I speak at least two languages - I have made a new friend in the past year
alphabet tag
Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better
> i dont know/remember enough blogs to tag im sorry <
A: age? > 15!!! <
B: birthplace? > californiaaaa <
C: current time? > 4:43 pm <
D: drink you had last? > water bc its good for you <
E: easiest person to talk to? > my irl homie @realmzenith , the most fantastic perosn i have ever met on this site and of whom my soul burns with affection for @starlightjeongin , and my rad friends in my got7 amino groupchat - selena, haru, apple, and emi :) <
F: favorite song? > oh boy i dont have a favorite favorite song bro i guess the first things i can think of is either danzon no. 2 by arturo marquez, martini blue by dpr live, and home run by got7 <
G: grossest memory? > asdf uhh when i went hiking with my pathfinder club and we went through a “long-cut” and went off the trail and we had to walk up this super long river, and then to get out of the river to land we had to walk through these riverbed plants and this gray mud stuff and i had to put on my socks and sneakers and it was disgusting <
H: hogwarts house? > i say that im a hufflepuff, lately i got placed in ravenclaw but i dont agree <
I: in love? > in love with the fact that im old enough to be a little free, in love with my kpop faves, in love with all of my friends who tell me they appreciate me, in love with the idea of being productive, in love with music and daydreaming <
J: jealous of people? > tbh i catch myself being jealous of other people’s artistic abilities, but i turn that into a need to become better/daydream about myself being that good so uhh???? yeah <
K: killed someone? > i was playing overwatch with a friend late last night and one of our comp matches there were these two dudes who played tank, one in particular imma call CTL who was rude to me and the whole team (my mic doesnt work so i couldn’t talk back but he was still a bing bond :( ), a few rounds after we left that one we got placed against the two mean tanks, and me, a mercy main with crappy aim, 1v1ed CTL who was playing mccree and i was HAPPY. we lost but binch i teabagged the heck out of his douchy body <
L: love at first sight or should i walk by again? > walk by again im staring at you either way <
M: middle name? > danielle!! <
N: number of siblings? > i have a younger sister!! <
O: one wish? > tbh to be better at what i want to be better at, like someone please give me like a stat 100 potion or something <
P: person you called last? > last person i called was my friend mikey of whom i was playing overwatch with lmao <
R: reasons to smile? > music!!! art!!! alan menken said that there will be a musical production of hercules in the future!! <
S: song you sang last? > the finale of newsies bc my sister left it playing on the tv as i ate nine (9) quesedillas
T: time you woke up? > techinally 6:30 am bc my dog was scratching my door, then 9, then 11 am <
U: underwear color? > mint blue and gray <
V: vacation destination? > i think i would love to go to the places in europe where composers lived, that or i would love to visit every place my internet friends live :D <
W: worst habit? > probably sleeping until noon, forgetting to do important responsibility things, reading a text message/email and then not responding bc i forgot about reading it
X: x-rays? > i got an x-ray on my right arm when i fractured it in kindergarten, some on my stomach when i ate like three whole mangoes with the skin on them, and some of my teeth before i got my braces <
Y: your favorite food? > thai food, stuff from panera bread, or pretty much warm foods with rice <
Z: zodiac sign? > im a virgo!!! <
✨ Fun Facts Tag ✨
Rules for this are:
Have fun with it!
Tag some of your mutuals
1) Favourite colours:
> green or purple!!! or like whatever im feeling lmao but those are my first choices <
2) Favourite song at the moment:
> asdkfjas;ldfkjsdlkfj bro i cant choose okay im going to shuffle my fav songs playlist adn put the first thing that comes up: damdadi by golden child
3) Last book you read:
> i think its my history textbook lmao finals are this week for me <
4) Last TV show you watched:
> my friend’s younger sister showed me clips from Stranger Things but i never have watch it before, i also watched a few dramas at a friend’s house but idk the names of them lmao
5) Last movie you watched:
> oh golly uhhh i think its enemies in-laws on netflix <
6) If you have a pet whats their name?:
> i have a doggo(?) named tucker <
7) If you have siblings how many?
> i have one younger sister!1! <
8) Favourite thing to do on a weekend:
> i think resting, getting up to date with my million notifications, just scrolling through the internet, or writing <
9) Best tumblr friends:
> on tumblr i have the amazing wonderful fantastic showstopping gravity-defying dabtastical @starlightjeongin aka mel aka melly aka melmel aka infant aka like the coolest and raddest person i have ever meet
10) Favourite thing about yourself:
> idk if this is hard to explain but sometimes i do things people dont expect, like i was using my friend’s neighbor’s airsoft gun and like they were surprised that i have pretty good aim and that just makes me feel really good yknow <
11) Favourite memory:
> back in april 2017, during my band’s new york tour, in our hotel when i asked my friend what she was watching (it was got7′s m/v hard carry)
12) 3 weird habits:
> i turn on all of my nightlights in a specific order, when its dark in my room i like to dance to music and watch myself in the mirror, i tend to randomly scream i think <
13) What would you call your style?:
> i like to wear large clothes, even though im like a medium small bc ahaha i have slight body dysphoria, i also like to wear button-ups from the men’s section that have weird designs, suspenders, and i guess things that make me feel aesthetic and free <
14) Odd talent:
> i can clap with one hand and me fingers bend weirdly <
15) Do you have a tumblr crush?:
> i have a big ol friend crush on my dear friend mel and a lot on the gr8 ppl of the aroha fandom <
the stray kids tag
Rules: answer the questions in a new post, and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better.
I’ve decided that in celebration of Stray Kids pre-debut album I needed to create a tag. The ultimate goal for The Stray Kids Tag is to learn about your Tumblr mutuals, and have fun answering the Stray Kids related questions! Here we go:
1: When did you decide to join the Stray kids fandom?
> lmao i learned about them when it was rumored that jyp was going to have a new boy group, and i followed the updates until the announcement of the webseries/release of hellevator. i didnt want more ppl to remember on my plate until december 30ish when i finally gave in to mel so here i am <
2: What is your favorite episode of Stray Kids?
> im actually going to watch it right after i finish this tag post lmao ive never watched it before but i think ive seen clips??? when the boys were vlogging themselves packing idk if thats part of the webseries but thats cute <
3: Who would you say is your bias in Stray kids?
> I DONT HAVE ONE OKAY I DONT WANT TO TRY TO FIGURE IT OUT YET IM SCARED i legit like,,, dont know a whole lot about each member but i know their names but,,,,,, i think,,,,, before i start truly getting into them myself,,,, is probably seungmin,,,,, i think,,,,,,,, maybe,,,, whoops i just remembered woojin existed uhhhHHHH idk <
4: Who would you say is your bias wrecker in Stray kids?
> (im listening to ailee’s i will go to you like the first snow rn and im so emo while doing this tag) i love all of them!!!! probs chan or changbin or jeongin bc they are so sweet!!! <
5: What line would you want to be apart of in Stray kids?
> idk the team compositions of stray kids so i will get back to you on that one until i watch the series lmao <
6: What is the first song you heard of Stray kids?
> of course hellevator lmao <
7: What is the first song you heard of 3racha?
> FRICK actually i dont know bc melly showed me vids of them performing live but i dont know what the song was :( <
8: What is your favorite song on their pre-debut album?
> legit only have listened to hellevator and grrr so um ill say grrr?? <
9: What is a concept you’d like to see Stray Kids try in the future?
> SUSPENSE!!! idk if that ‘s hard to explain but like something with a story in the background, maybe like a spy concept with a nice orchestration i think they can do it <
10: if you could meet with the members of Stray kids for one day what would you say to them?
> ahhh!!! i dont know they all too too well but i would love to tell them that i feel that they are different from any other kpop group i have ever seen, bc they all seem genuinely happy and they are like the coolest bros and their friendship with each other is something that i could only dream of!! also ive heard that their songs have rad lyrics and they work super hard so i look up to them for that!!!1!!! <
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