#Tumblr Poet
sweatermuppet · 2 months
Tumblr media
from lineage, with one question by silas denver melvin, published in issue 2 of The Garlic Press
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beaujuniperbooks · 2 months
I'm putting together a couple of anthology books for publication.
So far, I have finished "Made with Love" and I'm working on "Malfunctions".
Made with Love is a collection of love poems.
Malfunctions is a collection of mental health and chronic illness poems.
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Thy Fire - A Sanders Sides FanPoem
Thy fire swirls and shifts
On the edge of eyes, of hearts
The snake, a cobra so mighty
Watching from shadows
Scales glittering gold
The corvid, darkest wings
Has fallen prey
To its own anger
The kraken, a horror in the lake
The ferns, hiding in darkness
They cackle as the fire
A dragon, ferocious and cunning
Claims himself a prince
But his anger wallows
As he's left without his twin heart
A flower, confused
Burns away
Burns too bright for others
And wastes into nothing
As no one burns light for it
A spider, the shadows that hide the cobra
Skitters and cries
Guilt weighs heavy in its eyes
A frog croaks warnings and terrors
Rules too strict
For any plant to breathe
They try to ease it up
But trials turn into error
As the flower wilts and the spider recoils
The dragon misses the kraken
Scorned by the cobra
Bitten by the frog
And no longer the flower's hero prince
All the animals and creatures
Know the fire's coming
And none can hide the angry flames
From their flower
The flower shall burn bright again
And give itself rest
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The Truth Set You Free
Everybody wants to know But what they don’t know Is that they already Know One day You will be forced to confess it I will be forced to confess it We will be forced to confess it The whole world will know The rest of it So now you know When you look at me You see you Not me Something you want to be But not so free Until you know and you see The truth set you free
By Minister Peacefulpoet (word witch) 9/18/24
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hersurvival · 5 months
poetry makes me sad thats why I read it
it helps me heal
The poetry I found on tumblr as a teen made me feel so seen and validated.
I was at a very low point (for a very long time) and as I have grown and healed (or at least begun to process what has happened) I decided it was time for me to contribute. To be the tumblr poet for the next generation.
If sad poetry helps you heal, read as much of it as you can! One day, hopefully you'll move on to lighter poetry that makes you happy ♡
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theaddictspoetry · 2 years
What will you do when the party ends? When the drugs run out, and you're all in your head? At 3 AM with nothing and no body left, All cause of some fun, some escape we didn't realize would end.
-addiction took everything from me, but never again.
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kairos-thehumanpoet · 7 months
it's like the
ache of a
lost limb,
to see you and
not hold you.
~kairos 💛
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doll-poetry · 2 months
Hey my loves♡
Goodmorning|Good Afternoon
I'm doing way better than I have been in the past couple of days & week{that's just for right now & today though🤣}
I didn't forget about my Poetry Picks when I had the poll to ask you guys if yall wanted to share & email yall poems to me📲 or if yall wanted a night of Poetry🌹
Wish I had explained the choices a bit but it was decided a night of Poetry🌹so the next step & question is how do yall want to go about it?
•have only me share my Poetry/Poems on a live{or something}
•have yall join a Poets get together virtually
LETS TALK|please let me know what yall thinking 🎀
I'll make this into a post as well on my Community Tab|be sure to Like, Comment, Share, Subscribe, shop my story in Poetic form, & follow my socials🌸⬇️
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unfoldedpaperclip · 5 months
Untitled #043024
I'm luck, I am fleeting
I'm fun, I'm deceiving
I am silence so loud
It almost hurts how I surround
I am vast and always taking
I drag on, I'm always raking
I'm here moon, I'm here sun
I here forever with nowhere to run
I want some love, I'd like a kiss
I'm always here, to never miss
I'm wet with tears, yet oh so warm
And all my fears have begun to swarm
You cannot calm me
Only I can
I am the Sea
No match for man
I'll lure you in just hoping you'll fix me
But once you jump in, I'm not very convincing
I'm only pretending to let you see
The same way the water can be clear blue or murky green
I'm stuck on the surface seeing emptiness, just sky
No access to the deep below, or maybe I just don't try
It feels like a simple punishment to breathe lonely air
But it feels like a condemnation to breathe water
You get love, in abundance, to give, that seems fair
My mother's love was only taught to her daughter
My salty water entangled with floods, storms, and tsunamis
The lives I've crossed begging for mercy
Now, me, the Sea, stuck on the surface
Calling for the sand to meet me above, when it's always been beneath me
Now my mercy's flavor is being spread thin, I'm too strong for the tongue
My love's notes are selflessness, resentment, and yearning
Gone are the days when I was filled with freshness
Allowed to ebb and flow and dream and think
Now I face the responsibility of helping while feeling helpless
Of being so deep, it's impossible for you to sink
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akitachan0422 · 3 months
The Girl Made of Stone
There is a girl here, made of stone.
Who will be the one to carve out her
I was raised in the light of sun-dappled trees,
Stalwart pine trees guarded me throughout the year
The glowing moon was my constant companion
Soft moss was my pillow,
The proud dogwood was my shade,
The broken trunks of trees the steps to my castle.
I was a tangle haired child
With grass stained knees
Snack stained clothes
And curious caterpillar eyebrows.
My hopes and dreams touched the skies
And drifted amongst the clouds
The stars were placeholders
Where I’d store my stories.
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beaujuniperbooks · 3 months
I am a soul of many colors
A nonbinary Christian in the church
A mosaic of faith and identity
Navigating the tension with grace
I am the whisper in the pews
The silent prayers of the marginalized
Caught between tradition and truth
Seeking a place at the table
I am the contradiction in scripture
The verses that speak to my heart
Holding onto the love of Christ
While wrestling with exclusion
I am the voice of change within the walls
Pushing for inclusion and understanding
Breaking down the barriers of gender
Embracing all as beloved children
I am the embodiment of faith and queerness
A living testament to love's vastness
Walking the path of acceptance and grace
As a nonbinary Christian in the church.
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A Lost Heart, Unfound: An Original Poem
Have you seen my heart?
Out of reach, in the stars
It exists between atoms
Between planets and asteroids
Between suns and moons
Between intelligence undiscovered
Have you seen my heart?
Beautiful, starstruck, hidden in stardust
The rings around planets seen
The dust left from stars dead
The supernovas of colours loved
The places unreachable and cherished
Have you seen my heart? 
Caught, lost, saddened by Earth
Death of a planet, so full of life
Birth of a star, stories yet to begin
Life of a sun, burning for all but its own
Cries of a moon, forgotten amongst myths lost
Have you seen my heart?
Have you seen it?
Have you?
Home is not Earth
Home is not buildings or rivers or trees
Home is not
Home is
Have you seen my heart?
Or does its promise haunt you?
Blackholes swallow stardust
Of which we are made
Of which hearts chase after
Have you seen my heart?
Lost, lost, lost
Where has it gone?
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We Loose The Day When Governments Play
Birds don’t fly When arrows come down from the sky Children cry Why Mothers sigh The innocent die When governments play and take the light away Let us pray When its thirty three against one and they smoke the sun People will hide The dogs will run This is our future and this isn’t any fun Money is spent That hasn’t been had But lent The earth will shake this off Jesus will look down and say I guess there’s no need for judgment Not even very sunny For those who made all this money Would have been much easier To love your neighbor and your enemy But Government power is a wannabe One day though We will be free From government tyranny You’ll see
By: Minister Peacefulpoet (word witch) 9/15/24
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poetic-distortions · 4 months
You were never in the right You just were always louder But then again brute confidence can convince the lowly doubter And your arrogance was deafening Left my voice diminished— smothered God, this primitive behavior Weren’t you ever even mothered Where’d you get this ego from All this self-proclaimed divinity In spite of your delusion you don’t own all in your proximity Who gave you the right to put your hands on me to put your lips on me to press your crooked dick on me On what authority do you operate to think you can just exonerate yourself after what you did to me to reduce me to a nobody Just another crime, another victim Another case lost to the system Another man Another woman battered
You were never in the right, but it never mattered.
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wordofthevomit · 4 months
127/365: Loosing you is the best karma I have ever had
Pretty lips full of lies,
How can you kiss someone else
Behind my back?
Roving eye-
Such a sly.
How does it feel
to look for me
In every girl you like?
Little knives behind your back,
How does it feel to crucify
Someone you claimed you “loved”?
Wicked games,
Precious life,
I am not an another pawn
In your shitty chess game
You can sacrifice.
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brinaslovelypoems · 2 years
The Choice to Heal
A little doll
Finds herself “fixed” with glue
And poison
And cracks
Fixed not by herself
But by the tools
Left a vacant broken fool
It was only until she tore off her strings
And learned to heal
That she became real.
To be or not to be,
To fix or to heal,
Dolls get fixed,
But humans must heal.
Dolls can be fixed by
Or strings
Or the dollmaker’s guide,
But dollmakers cannot work their magic
On the realness
Of the human mind.
Humans must choose to heal
All on their own;
Into little dolls,
They turn,
And shrink and hide away
This be too vapid
This be too vast,
In darkness they rather stay.
A journey of rusted nails
And battered joints;
One not all will choose;
Because when staring at demons,
Demons stare back,
With ruby eyes and razor teeths
And repressed childhood tunes.
But what they do not know
Is that each one of them can heal,
Each one of them are capable,
Each one of them are real.
To be or not to be,
To heal or to hide,
A choice that does not determine strength,
But a choice for recovery of the mind.
- Sabrina Panico
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