#Trump infected with nCoV
viggorosneswriter · 4 years
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Trump again threatened to make China 'pay the price' for Covid-19
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edwardristfavorite · 4 years
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Trump again threatened to make China 'pay the price' for Covid-19
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vanessawheelerblog · 4 years
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Trump again threatened to make China 'pay the price' for Covid-19
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news24fresh · 4 years
Donald Trump says U.S. schools must reopen in fall amid pandemic
Donald Trump says U.S. schools must reopen in fall amid pandemic
President Donald Trump said on Monday that U.S. schools must open in the fall – a decision over which he has limited power – as governors struggle with a nationwide rise in coronavirus infections and states reverse and pause attempts to reopen.
Also read: U.S. coronavirus cases rise by nearly 50,000 in biggest one-day spike
Schools are largely under the jurisdiction of state and local…
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theliberaltony · 3 years
via Politics – FiveThirtyEight
This is the latest edition of our column that excavates the origins of public figures’ factually dubious comments. We explain what their claims are referring to, the evidence (or lack thereof) behind them and where they sprang from in the first place.
Who said what …
On July 19, Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia tweeted the following: “The controversial #COVID19 vaccines should not be forced on our military for a virus that is not dangerous for non-obese people and those under 65. With 6,000 vax related deaths and many concerning side effects reported, the vax should be a choice not a mandate for everyone.” Because her post contained several false statements, Twitter labelled it “misleading” and issued a 12-hour ban on her account for violating the service’s COVID-19 misleading information policy. Greene’s claims that there have been 6,000 “vax related” deaths and that COVID-19 is “not dangerous” for people who aren’t obese or over 65 are both inaccurate. Among the more than 163 million people who have gotten the COVID-19 vaccine in the U.S., 6,207 deaths1 have been reported according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, but there is no evidence those were “vax related deaths.” And while obesity and old age are risk factors for COVID-19, they are not the only ones, and the disease is still dangerous for people without those risk factors.
Some background …
Since the earliest days of the pandemic, researchers have been studying which kinds of comorbidities can make someone more likely to have a severe case of COVID-19 that could lead to hospitalization or death. After a year and a half, it’s clear obesity or old age does make someone more susceptible. But so do lots of other conditions. The CDC lists 17 categories, including cancer, pregnancy and chronic lung diseases. But otherwise healthy people can also become seriously ill from COVID-19, not to mention die from it. To claim that the novel coronavirus is “not dangerous” for anyone who isn’t obese or over 65 is wildly inaccurate. And focusing on obesity as though it were the only risk factor for severe COVID-19 is a trend among right-wing communities that combines two parallel threads in online subcultures: the anti-vax community’s belief that a healthy lifestyle and one’s natural immune system are as effective as vaccination in preventing disease and the right-wing troll culture’s long fixation on fat shaming. 
In a press conference about the Twitter ban, Greene tried to clarify her statement, saying she “was talking about the highest amount of deaths, the highest risk factor” and that “78 percent of people that were hospitalized and died were obese.” That stat is based on a CDC study from March, but it comes with some caveats. First, this figure includes people who are considered  obese and people who are considered overweight. Second, 73.6 percent of Americans age 20 or over are considered overweight or obese, according to the CDC. While the numbers for people with obesity are still higher among COVID-19 patients who were hospitalized, needed a ventilator, or died, the stat Greene cited is a bit like surveying COVID-19 cases at a sorority house and finding that 100 percent of the hospitalizations occurred among women. And that’s not even taking into account that the measurement used to diagnose obesity — the body mass index — is flawed, at best. 
There is no denying that obesity is a risk factor for more severe COVID-19 infections. Compared with people with a healthy weight, obese people who contract COVID-19 are 113 percent more likely to be hospitalized, 74 percent more likely to be put in intensive care, and 48 percent more likely to die, according to a meta-analysis published in August in the journal Obesity Reviews. But obesity is not the only, or even necessarily the highest, risk factor for more severe COVID-19 infections. Smokers, for instance, have a 40-50 percent higher risk of severe disease or death from COVID-19 compared with nonsmokers, according to the World Health Organization. People diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease who contract COVID-19 have a 30 percent higher risk of death than people without Parkinson’s, according to a University of Iowa study published in September. And pregnant women who get COVID-19 are 70 percent more likely to die than those who aren’t pregnant, according to the CDC.
But Greene didn’t tweet that people who don’t smoke, aren’t pregnant or don’t have Parkinson’s disease have nothing to fear from COVID-19. She specifically singled out obesity, something many right-wing communities online have done since the start of the pandemic. 
Where the comment came from …
A common refrain in this online community is that the only people at risk for severe COVID-19 infections are those who are considered either overweight or obese. Occasionally, other medical risk factors are mentioned, but there seems to be a particular focus on obesity. On patriots.win, a forum for supporters of former President Donald Trump, there are dozens of posts about obesity being a risk factor for COVID-19, many of which are scrutinizing news reports of deaths to give an armchair diagnosis of the victims. “The vaccine would not have saved her son. He’s obese and looks unhealthy,” said one post sharing a screengrab of a Daily Mail article about an Alabama woman who regretted not having her son, who died of COVID-19, vaccinated. “Vulnerable remain vulnerable even with vaccine,” the post claims.  
After the CDC published its finding that 78 percent of hospitalized COVID-19 patients were considered overweight or obese, this statistic became a frequent (and often misquoted) datapoint in right-wing and anti-vax communities online. In May, Jordan Sather, a QAnon influencer shared a video with his tens of thousands of followers on the messaging app Telegram of New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio promoting vaccinations. Many responded with inaccurate quips about COVID-19 affecting only obese people. “They know that obese was 90% of the reason people were in the hospital for COVID?! I guess they don’t believe in the science,” one follower wrote. “Aren’t 80 percent of all C19 deaths from obese people? Hmmm…” wrote another. 
There’s a long history of right-wing groups fat-shaming people online. To wit: an appreciable contingent of subscribers to the now-banned subreddit r/fatpeoplehate — which existed only to mock and criticize people who are overweight in the most vitriolic terms possible  — moved over to the now-also-banned subreddit r/The_Donald, where Trump supporters posted right-wing memes and discussions. Of course, fat-shaming online is not limited to right-wing trolls. It’s incredibly widespread, and many on the left are just as guilty of it — consider House Speaker Nancy Pelosi publicly fat-shaming Trump on live television, or the droves of internet users who have criticized measures to prioritize obese people for the COVID-19 vaccine, or reward vaccination with free goodies like Krispy Kreme doughnuts. But it does hold a particularly pernicious and prevalent role in right-wing communities online. The fixation on obesity as if it were the only, or most important, risk factor for severe COVID-19 infections is just the latest in right-wing trolls’ longstanding tradition of attacking overweight people online. 
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The world right now seems to be in a very precarious situation. The SARS-COV-2 (nCOV/Covid-19) outbreak has been labelled a pandemic. The NBA has suspended its season after Rudy Gobert of the Utah Jazz tested positive for the virus. As has Juventus player Daniele Rugani. Some sports games are being played without spectators whereas others have been delayed or outright cancelled. Coachella has been postponed and so has the new James Bond film. Donald Trump has issued a severely confusing travel ban or maybe not. The UK is moving past phase 1 and into phase 2 of dealing with the outbreak following an emergency COBRA meeting set to take place later today. Numerous high level officials are being tested and diagnosed. The UK’s health minister, in a shocking twist of irony, has the virus. Schools are being cancelled and millions of people are being quarantined. Stock markets are crashing, tourism is falling, airlines are failing, and we’re standing on the brink of a new world recession. And perhaps most heartbreakingly, actor Tom Hanks has also tested positive for the virus.
If you think all of that sounds scary, then I agree with you. It does sound scary. If you look at the numbers, they also look scary.
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But it’s important now, more than ever, not to panic. Because panic buying is how we start accidentally buying too much toilet paper, for example. That’s not something we need. But getting hand sanitisers and toilet roll from a claw machine might be. As long as the joystick and buttons are wiped down between turns.
The reason this is happening is because there is a lot of misinformation being spread on the internet. And the media are not adhering to the oath they’ve taken to only provide people with the truth. This is not helping anyone and if anything, is only causing further spread of the virus. When I was a journalism student, I took this oath and now I’m going to give you some Coronavirus facts.
Those who are more likely to be infected with Covid-19 and suffer more severe cases are those with preexisting conditions such as diabetes, asthma, COPD, cystic fibrosis, HIV/AIDS, cancer, heart disease, cardiovascular disease or otherwise compromised immune systems as well as those over the age of 70. If none of this applies to you, please still be wary.
Over 80% of all reported cases are mild.
It’s important to practice good hygiene, not touch your face and wash your hands for 20 seconds with soap and water or a high alcohol content hand sanitiser to protect not just yourself, but your parents, grandparents and those around you with preexisting conditions.
Other ways to prevent catching or spreading the virus include coughing or sneezing into a tissue and discarding it, and coughing or sneezing into your elbow.
And an interesting fact, if you joke morbidly like me, that you have the Coronavirus when you have a cold, then you might not be lying because coronaviruses are one of a few different viruses that cause the common cold.
And now for some good Coronavirus news. It’s looking like life is ever so slowly returning to normal in China, where the virus is believed to have peaked and the number of cases is dropping off. South Korea also believe their cases of the virus has peaked. Also, after a nearly two month closure, Shanghai Disneyland is finally beginning to operate again. Just the shops and restaurants for now, but the park is likely not to be too far behind.
If we all do the right things, this could peak soon for the rest of us. But until then, it’s going to get worse before it gets better so please do not panic, but instead be wary. We at YFHA$ will still be right here.
-Mod Rowlf
(Who is reposting this because there is no need at all to mention racism in the comments, come on people)
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emcases · 5 years
There are no simple answers when it comes to Covid-19, aka SARS-CoV-2.  The following is an opinion.
Clinical course
Covid-19 is similar to other coronaviruses.  The lungs are its target.  Patients crash from hypoxia and respiratory failure.  Hypotension and shock are less common.  Cardiogenic shock is a major late complication.  There are reports of co-infection - e.g. patients with the flu and Covid-19.  Elderly patients may have mild symptoms and then crash quickly.  (Source - Wash St ED doc).
I have two major recommendations when it comes to epidemics.  (1) Pay attention to the news.  (2) Assume the logical.  You canNOT rely on the Department of Health or any governmental agency to provide you with up-to-date information.  Official warnings are often delayed, sometimes incorrect, and occasionally falsified (a problem not unique to the Trump administration).
Another critical point during the epidemic is to learn from others.  Worldwide and nationwide, the pandemic is hitting different locations at different times.  Washington State is ahead of New York State, which is ahead of Maine.  Learn from Taiwan.  Learn from Washington St. 
Testing for Covid-19 is like testing for the flu or any other viral epidemic.  There are two reasons for testing - public health and patient care.  Testing matters more for public health reasons than patient care,.  Testing rarely affects patient management since the treatment of viral illnesses, even when severe, is largely supportive.  Testing impacts public health in terms of epidemiology (i.e. hey everyone this flu season will be terrible), containing the spread, and mobilizing (or not mobilizing) resources.
I don’t test patients for the flu unless I’m admitting them (I also test patients out-of-season to detect the beginning of epidemics).  My approach to Covid-19 isn’t much different, except that patients have much more fear.  My ED is flooded by the worried-well and the worried-not-so-sick.  If testing were not a limited resource, virtually everyone should be tested because it would help to contain the epidemic.  It should be mentioned that the sensitivity of Covid-19 testing is unknown.  Coronaviruses are difficult to culture.
A big problem that we encounter is that the public is given conflicting information.  On Friday, the public is told that everyone should come to the ED for testing.  On Saturday, the public is told that no one should come for testing.  What is a person to do?
Have you watched “Contagion”?  You should. 
I would clean the ED as often as possible.
Case 1.  
Pro test: A man has to work to feed his family.
Con test: The patient is asymptomatic.  Testing positive would make no difference clinically.  Now that states are banning most people from going to work, testing would not allow most patients to return to work.
Case 2.  
Pro test: We already know DOH screwed this up.  The problem in the beginning of the epidemic is finding a lab that will do the test.  If a new treatment is discovered, it may help the patient.
Con test: There’s no counterpoint here.  The patient should be tested for Covid-19.
Case 3.  Like every other viral epidemic, patients will sit in the common areas of the ED, exposing everyone else to the disease.  The obvious solution is to send the patient home and have a doctor / nurse treat the patient at home, but the U.S. health-care system is not prepared to do this.
Pro test: The patient has all the risk factors for severe illness.
Con test: The patient may be well enough to send home.
Case 4.  You cannot rely on the hospital to protect their health-care workers (HCWs).  As everyone knows, adequate personal protective equipment is not available in many EDs, and yet the hospital expects HCWs to go and take care of patients.  That’s like telling a police officer to go to work without a vest or a side-arm.  It is not safe.  HCWs are complacent with this insanity because we care more for the patients than ourselves.  We’re willing to risk our lives to help others.  The unspoken fear is the likelihood that a HCW will die of an occupational Covid-19 infection.
A big danger of Covid-19 is that it is more contagious than your average virus.  Patients are at greater risk of contracting the disease from HCWs.  What’s a safe time-line?  No one knows.  If you read the CDC’s guideline on HCWs and Covid-19, there’s an obvious paradox (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/healthcare-facilities/hcp-return-work.html).  The stay-away period may be shorter than the 14-day self-quarantine period.
Pro test: You don’t want the HCWs to be infected, be asymptomatic, come to work, and spread the infection.
Con test: HCWs can self-quarantine and follow the watchful waiting approach.
Infected HCWs may need to continue working if many HCWs get hit with the virus.  In some respects, this is already happening.
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25000yearcycle · 4 years
COVID-19 Coronavirus “Fake” Pandemic: Timeline and Analysis
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On January 30th 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) in relation to China’s novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) categorized  as a viral pneumonia.  The virus outbreak was centred in  Wuhan, a city in Eastern China with a population in excess of 11 million.
In the week prior to January 30th decision, the WHO Emergency Committee “expressed divergent views”. There were visible divisions within the Committee. On January 30th, a far-reaching decision was taken without the support of expert opinion at a time when the coronavirus outbreak was limited to Mainland China.
There were 150 confirmed cases outside China, when the decision was taken. 6 in the United States, 3 in Canada, 2 in the UK, etc.
150 confirmed cases over a population of 6.4 billion (World population of 7.8 billion minus China’s 1-4 billion).
What was the risk of being infected? Virtually zero.
The WHO did not act to reassure and inform World public opinion. Quite the opposite: A “Fear Pandemic” rather than a genuine Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC)  was launched.
Outright panic and uncertainty were sustained through a carefully designed media disinformation campaign.
Almost immediately this led to economic dislocations, a crisis in trade and transportation with China affecting major airlines and shipping companies.  A hate campaign against ethnic Chinese in Western countries was launched, followed by the collapse in late February of stock markets, not to mention the crisis in the tourist industry resulting in countless bankruptcies.
The complexity of this crisis and its impacts have to be addressed and carefully analysed.
What we are dealing with is “economic warfare” supported by media disinformation, coupled with the deliberate intent by  the Trump administration to undermine China’s economy. The ongoing economic dislocations are not limited to China.
There are important public health concerns which must be addressed. But what motivated the Director-General of the WHO to act in this way?  Who was behind this historic January 30th decision of the WHO’s Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.
Our subsequent  analysis (in the timeline below) reveals that powerful corporate interests linked to Big Pharma, Wall Street and agencies of the US government were instrumental in the WHO’s far-reaching decision.
What is at stake is the alliance of “Big Pharma” and “Big Money”, with the endorsement of the Trump Administration. The decision to launch a fake pandemic under the helm of the WHO on January 30, was taken a week earlier at the Davos World Economic Forum (WEF). The media operation was there to spread outright panic.
(Scroll down to Read our Timeline on how these events unfolded)
But this was not the first time that the WHO decided to act in this way.
Remember the unusual circumstances surrounding the April 2009 H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic.
An atmosphere of fear and intimidation prevailed. The data was manipulated.
Based on incomplete and scanty data, the WHO Director General nonetheless predicted with authority that: “as many as 2 billion people could become infected over the next two years — nearly one-third of the world population.” (World Health Organization as reported by the Western media, July 2009).
It was a multibillion bonanza for Big Pharma supported by the WHO’s Director-General Margaret Chan.
In June 2009, Margaret Chan made the following statement:
“On the basis of … expert assessments of the evidence, the scientific criteria for an influenza pandemic have been met. I have therefore decided to raise the level of influenza pandemic alert from Phase 5 to Phase 6.  The world is now at the start of the 2009 influenza pandemic. … Margaret Chan, Director-General, World Health Organization (WHO), Press Briefing 11 June 2009)
What “expert assessments”?
In a subsequent statement she confirmed that:
“Vaccine makers could produce 4.9 billion pandemic flu shots per year in the best-case scenario”,Margaret Chan, Director-General, World Health Organization (WHO), quoted by Reuters, 21 July 2009)
A  financial windfall for Big Pharma Vaccine Producers including GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, Merck & Co., Sanofi,  Pfizer. et al.
September 2019: The official US-WHO position is that the coronavirus originated in Wuhan, Hubei Province and was first discovered in Late December. This statement is questioned by Chinese and Japanese virologists who claim that the virus originated in the US.
A renowned Taiwanese virologist pointed to evidence that the virus could have originated at an earlier stage, stating : “We must look to September of 2019”.
October 18-27 2019: Wuhan 2019: CISM Sport Military World Games
Coronavirus Epidemic: WHO Declares a “Fake” Global Public Health Emergency
Chinese media intimates (without corroborating evidence) that the coronavirus could have been brought to China “from a foreign source” during the CISM Military World Games.
10,000 soldiers from 109 countries will participate
200 American military personnel participated in this 10 day Event.
October 18, Event 201. Baltimore. Coronavirus nCoV-2019 Simulation and Emergency Preparedness Task Force, John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Health Security.
Big Pharma-Big Money Simulation Exercise sponsored by WEF and Gates Foundation
Simulation Exercise of a coronavirus epidemic which results in 65 million dead. Supported by the World Economic Forum (WEF) representing the interests of Financial institutions, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation representing Big Pharma:
In October 2019, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security hosted a pandemic tabletop exercise called Event 201 with partners, the World Economic Forum and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. …  For the scenario, we modeled a fictional coronavirus pandemic, but we explicitly stated that it was not a prediction.
Instead, the exercise served to highlight preparedness and response challenges that would likely arise in a very severe pandemic. We are not now predicting that the nCoV-2019 outbreak will kill 65 million people.
Although our tabletop exercise included a mock novel coronavirus, the inputs we used for modeling the potential impact of that fictional virus are not similar to nCoV-2019.“We are not now predicting that the nCoV-2019 [which was also used as the name of the simulation] outbreak will kill 65 million people.
.Although our tabletop exercise included a mock novel coronavirus, the inputs we used for modeling the potential impact of that fictional virus are not similar to nCoV-2019.”
Several of the occurrences of the nCoV-2019 exercise coincided with what really happened.
In the Event 201 Simulation of a Coronavirus Pandemic, a 15% collapse of financial markets had been “simulated”.
It was not “predicted” according to the organizers and sponsors of the event.
Private sector initiative. Participation of corporate execs, foundations, financial institutions, Banks, Big Pharma, CIA, CDC, No health officials on behalf of national governments or the WHO. The simulation exercise was held on the same day as the opening of the CISM World Militaty Sports Games in Wuhan.
December 31, 2019: First cases of pneumonia detected and reported in Wuhan, Hubei Province. China.
January 1, 2020: Chinese health authorities close the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market after Western media reports that wild animals sold there may have been the source of the virus. This initial assessment was subsequently refuted by Chinese scientists.
January 7, 2020: Chinese authorities “identify a new type of virus” which was isolated  on 7 January. The coronavirus was named 2019-nCoV by the WHO exactly the same name as that adopted in the WEF-Gates-John Hopkins October 18, 2019 simulation exercise.
January 11, 2020 – The Wuhan Municipal Health Commission announces the first death caused by the coronavirus.
January 22, 2020: WHO. Members of the WHO Emergency Committee “expressed divergent views on whether this event constitutes a PHEIC or not”.
January 21-24, 2020: Consultations at the World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland under auspices of  the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) for development of a vaccine program. CEPI is a WEF-Gates partnership. With support from CIPI, Seattle based Moderna will manufacture an mRNA vaccine against 2019-nCoV, “The Vaccine Research Center (VRC) of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of NIH, collaborated with Moderna to design the vaccine.”
Note: The development of a 2019 nCoV vaccine was announced at Davos, 2 weeks after the January 7, 2020 announcement, and barely a  week prior to the official launching of the WHO’s Worldwide Public Health emergency on January 30.  The WEF-Gates-CEPI Vaccine Announcement precedes the WHO Public Health Emergency (PHEIC).
January  30, 2020: Geneva: WHO Director General determines that the outbreak constitutes a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). This decision was taken on the basis of 150 confirmed cases outside China, First case of person to person transmission in US is reported, 6 cases in the US, 3 cases in Canada, 2 in the UK.
The WHO Director General had the backing of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Big Pharma and the World Economic Forum (WEF). There are indications that the decision for the WHO to declare a Global Emergency was taken on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos (January 21-24) overlapping with the Geneva January 22 meeting of the Emergency Committee.
Both WHO’s Director Tedros as well as Bill Gates were present at Davos 2020. Bill Gates announced the Gates Foundation’s $10 billion commitment to vaccines over the next 10 years.
January 30, 2020 The Simulation Exercise Went Live. The same corporate interests and foundations which were involved in the October 18 John Hopkins Simulation Exercise became REAL ACTORS involved in providing their support to the implementation of the WHO Public Health emergency (PHEIC).
January 31, 2020 – One day later following the launch of WHO Global Emergency, The Trump administration announced that it will deny entry to foreign nationals “who have traveled in China in the last 14 days”. This immediately triggers a crisis in air transportation, China-US trade as well as the tourism industry, leading to substantial bankruptcies, not to mention unemployment.
Immediately triggers a campaign against ethnic Chinese throughout the Western World.
Early February: the acronym of the coronavirus was changed from nCoV- 2019 (its name under the October Event 201 John Hopkins Simulation Exercise before it was identified in early January 2020) to COVID-19.
February 28, 2020: A massive WHO vaccination campaign was announced by WHO Director General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus  
Who was behind this campaign: GlaxoSmithKline in partnership with the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI). It is a Gates-WEF partnership, both of which were sponsors of the October 18, “Simulation Exercise”. The campaign to develop vaccines was initiated prior to decision of the WHO to launch a Global Public Health emergency. It was first announced at the WEF meeting at Davos (21-24 January).
Late February 2020. Collapse of the stock markets, surge in the value of the stocks of Big Pharma.
Early March devastating consequences for the tourist industry Worldwide.
February 24:  Moderna Inc supported by CIPI  announced  that it experimental mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, known as mRNA-1273, was ready for human testing.
Late February – Early March: China: More than 50% of the infected patients recover and are discharged from the hospitals. March 3, a total of 49,856 patients have recovered from COVID-19 and were discharged from hospitals in China.  What this means that the total number of  “confirmed infected cases” in China is 30,448. (Namely 80,304 minus 49856 = 30,448  (80 304 is the total number on confirmed cases in China (WHO data, March 3, 2020). These developments concerning “recovery” are not reported by the Western media
March 5, WHO Director General confirms that outside China there are 2055 cases reported in 33 countries. Around 80% of those cases continue to come from just three countries (South Korea, Iran, Italy).
These figures confirm that we are not facing a global health emergency, that the probability of infection is low. And Based on China’s experience  the treatment for the virus infection is effective.
March 7: USA: The number of “confirmed cases” (infected and recovered) in the United States in early March is of the order of 430, rising to about 6oo (March 8).
Compare that to the figures pertaining to the Influenza B Virus: The CDC estimates for 2019-2020 “at least 15 million virus flu illnesses… 140,000 hospitalizations and 8,200 deaths. (The Hill)
Early March:  IMF and World Bank To the Rescue
The WHO Director General advises member countries that “the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund have both made funds available to stabilize health systems and mitigate the economic consequences of the epidemic”. That is the proposed neoliberal  “solution” to COVID-19. The World Bank has committed $12billion in so-called “aid” which will contribute to building up the external debt of developing countries.
March 7:  China: The Pandemic is Almost Over
Reported new cases in China fall to double digit. 99 cases recorded on March 7.  All of the new cases outside Hubei province are categorized as  “imported infections”(from foreign countries). The reliability of the data remains to be established:
99 newly confirmed cases including 74 in Hubei Province, … The new cases included 24 imported infections — 17 in Gansu Province, three in Beijing, three in Shanghai and one in Guangdong Province.
March 10-11 Italy declares a lockdown, followed by several other countries of the EU.  Deployment of 30,000 US troops in the EU as part of the “Defend Europe 2020” war games directed against Russia.
March 11:  Trump orders the suspension for 30 days of all transatlantic flights from countries of the European Union, with the exception of Britain. Coincides with the collapse of airline stocks and a new wave of financial instability.
March 16: Moderna  mRNA-1273 is tested in several stages with 45 volunteers in Seattle, Washington State. The vaccine program started in early February:
“We don’t know whether this vaccine will induce an immune response, or whether it will be safe. That’s why we’re doing a trial,” Jackson stressed. “It’s not at the stage where it would be possible or prudent to give it to the general population.” (AP, March 16, 2020)
Concluding Remarks
We  are dealing with a complex global crisis with far-reaching economic, social and geopolitical implications.
We have provided factual information as well as analysis in a summarized “common sense” format.
Is is important that COVID-19 be the object of  widespread debate and that the “official interpretations” be forcefully challenged.
We ask our readers to forward this article as well other Global Research articles pertaining to the COVID-19 coronavirus.
The original source of this article is Global Research Copyright ©
Prof Michel Chossudovsky
, Global Research, 2020
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A Pandemic of Misinformation
From his first day in office when he insisted his Inaugural crowd was bigger than Obama’s, President Trump has had difficulty telling the American people the truth. The coronavirus crisis is no different. Let us count some of the times – in chronological order - the president has misinformed, misled or misdirected the American public about the COVID-19 crisis sweeping the world and the USA...
On 1/2/2020
Dr. Robert Redfield, the Director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), is first alerted to a public health event in Wuhan, China.
On 1/9
From Science Daily: The Chinese heath authorities and the World Health Organization announce the discovery of a novel coronavirus, known as 2019-nCoV, which was confirmed as the agent responsible for the pneumonia cases in China. Over the weekend of January 11-12, the Chinese authorities share the full sequence of the coronavirus genome, as detected in samples taken from the first patients.
ABC News:  A “detailed explanation of the (virus sweeping China’s Wuhan region) appeared in the President’s Daily Brief of intelligence matters in early January," And from TIME: Neither the President, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo nor other top officials who get the briefs requested further information.
On 1/18                                
From the Washington Post: Despite the flurry of (virus-related) activity at lower levels of his administration, Trump was not substantially briefed by health officials about the coronavirus until Jan.18, when, while spending the weekend at Mar-a-Lago, he took a call from (Health and Human Services Secretary Alex) Azar. Even before the heath secretary could get a word in about the virus, Trump cut him off and began criticizing Azar for his handling of an aborted federal ban on vaping products, a matter that vexed the president.
But the secretary, who had a strained relationship with Trump and many others in the administration, assured the president that those responsible were working on and monitoring the virus issue. Azar told several associates that the president believed he was “alarmist” and Azar struggled to get Trump to focus on the issue.
On 1/20
Chinese President Xi Jinping warns his nation of the spreading coronavirus pandemic, six days after top Chinese officials secretly determined they likely were facing a pandemic in Wuhan. But by that time, more than 3,000 people had been infected during almost a week of public silence, according to internal documents obtained by The Associated Press.
On 1/22
Cases of COVID-19 are breaking out in China, Vietnam, Canada, Scotland and other countries. Asked by a CNBC reporter whether there were “worries about a pandemic” a day after the United States announced its first confirmed case, President Trump says, “No, not at all. We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China. It’s going to be just fine.” (1) Senator Tom Cotton (R-AK) writes to Secretary Azar expressing concern about the spreading coronavirus and encouraging the Trump administration to consider banning travel between the U.S. and China.
On 1/23
Bloomberg reported on May 3: The intelligence community briefed President Donald Trump twice in the eight days before he imposed travel restrictions on China in an attempt to stop the spread of coronavirus, said a senior White House official familiar with the briefings. In a Jan. 23 briefing, Trump was told the virus was poised to spread globally from China and that becoming infected wouldn’t be deadly for most people. The next time intelligence officials spoke to Trump on the topic was Jan. 28, when he received information showing the virus was spreading outside of China but that all deaths remained inside of that country, the official said.
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viggorosneswriter · 4 years
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The VIP room where Trump treats Covid-19
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edwardristfavorite · 4 years
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The VIP room where Trump treats Covid-19
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vanessawheelerblog · 4 years
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The VIP room where Trump treats Covid-19
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alexsmitposts · 5 years
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US and coronavirus: three awkward questions Let's ask the question: what in reality can stand behind the words of the us under Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasia Philip Ricker, who directly declared our country to be conducting a campaign to "spread disinformation" about the fact that the United States is involved in the emergence and spread of the 2019-nCoV infection in China? There is no doubt that this demarche is, first of all, an "anti-Russian throw-in", as it was quite rightly assessed by the Russian foreign Ministry. But, at the same time, in accordance with the well-known Russian proverb, what is happening is extremely similar to the situation with the spontaneous combustion of a headdress on someone who has just sincerely felt through other people's pockets. There was a lot of excitement in Washington about this. Why would that be? I'm not going to press any charges. As well as saying anything to try to convince you that the outbreak of the coronavirus that threatens the planet today is directly related to the deliberate and deliberate actions of certain organizations, structures or individuals from the United States of America. I just suggest that you look for answers to just three blocks of questions set out below. What conclusions you come to in the end is your own business. However, we all clearly have something to think about. 1. Why so many "coincidences"? I will make a reservation at once – in any story that affects the interests of more than a couple of individuals and assumes financial consequences for an amount exceeding a hundred or two rubles (or dollars), I consider it categorically unacceptable to operate with categories like "coincidence" and "accident". This doesn't happen. And when" at stake " are the lives of millions and economic interests, numbering in the tens and hundreds of billions-even more so. In a situation with a coronavirus, too many details are not what they say, but just a shout that there is no "coincidence" to talk about here. First of all, it is about the simplest parameters: place and time. The epidemic" for some reason " breaks out on the eve of the Chinese new year, which more than 100% guarantees the maximum defeat of people with the virus and its maximum spread due to the seasonal migration flows inherent in China. Usually, during this period (according to official Chinese data), rail transport transports a little less than half a billion passengers around the country, and about 100 thousand of its residents travel by plane. If Beijing had shown a little less speed, determination and concentration in imposing quarantine and restricting freedom of movement, the whole of China would have been covered by a severe epidemic today. And this leads us to the question of the place where everything, in fact, began. If we assume that someone chose the ideal point of attack, then it should have been Wuhan. At least due to the fact that there is a us diplomatic mission there, which allows American citizens who have immunity and, let's say, a certain official affiliation to be in the city. But it's not just that. The largest transport hub in China, which has an equal distance from Shanghai and Hong Kong (about 800 km) - these are the cities whose defeat by the disease would be extremely unprofitable for the United States. In the first of them, there are too many representative offices of American corporations that employ US citizens – people who are not the lowest level in management. In the second, mass riots have been going on for a long time, and the Americans have already invested a lot of effort, money, and resources in fomenting them. But the production facilities of the Apple group, the company that Donald trump so wanted to "bring home", and which "rested" on this issue longer and more persistently than others, are almost half closer to the epicenter of the disease. And today, as you might guess, they are completely stopped. According to the Nikkei Asian Review, the world may soon be left without new iPhones at all... Whatever it was, the emergence of the 2019-nCoV epidemic occurred precisely at the moment of the tipping phase of the" trade war " between Washington and Beijing, almost coinciding with the signing of the first phase of the deal, which can become either a short-term truce, after which the fight will continue with a poorly predictable result, or... The beginning of the forced surrender of the Chinese comrades, who at all times preferred to sacrifice little in order not to lose everything. That's what it looks like. "War on two fronts" – and with American duties, and with the coronavirus, China may survive. The only question is-at what cost? The current situation clearly gives the United States a clear advantage in all further disputes and conflicts with the PRC. In any case, for the near future. 2. Why is 2019-nCoV so similar to an artificial ethnovirus? Conspiracy, you say? There are no diseases that can selectively affect representatives of only one nation, race, or ethnic group, there has never been, and cannot exist in principle?! Well, what about a lot of serious documentary evidence that work on this topic was started at least several decades ago and continues to this day? At the end of the 70s of the last century, South Africa had a top-secret project "Coast", the purpose of which was to create a bioweapon capable of hitting only people with black skin. And that's when (also a coincidence?) The USSR sent proposals to the UN to conclude a new international agreement prohibiting the development and creation of new types of WMD, including "ethnic weapons". Soviet military intelligence was working on its conscience... Theoretically, there are methods of genetic engineering, the same RNA interference, the creators of which received very real "Nobel prizes" for their development, allowing you to develop viruses that will infect and kill very clearly and differentiated. Yes, in the scientific world, this idea is considered extremely difficult to implement in practice, but if you take into account the huge amounts that are invested in military development by the Pentagon, we can not say that it is completely impossible. I really want to get an answer to the question: why do almost all the most deadly infectious diseases on the planet recently have their epicenter, the vast majority of them, in South-East Asia? "SARS", "swine" and "avian" flus, now 2019-nCoV... Let's write off everything out of habit as a "combination of circumstances" or think: is someone trying to find an "absolute weapon" against a particular ethnic group by trial and error? Today, scientists from all over the world are vying to claim a lot of "oddities" regarding the disease that struck China. An increasing number of them are beginning to assume its completely artificial nature. This conclusion was reached, for example, by scientists from the Delhi state University. Jawaharlal Nehru, who stated that 2019-nCoV is a tricky "build" of two different types of coronavirus that are characteristic of animals, with the addition of some "inserts" that are most similar in nature... AIDS! The fact that this virus is almost 80% similar to "SARS" or SARS, being its "augmented" and "improved" version, has already been fully proven. So: that SARS in any case could not occur naturally (for example, as a result of mutation), God knows when wrote such publications as the Lancet, Science and the New England Journal of Medicine. It is not "yellow journalism", ladies and gentlemen! It is, accordingly, one of the most authoritative medical journals in the United States, as well as the official print bodies of the American Association for the advancement of science and the medical society of Massachusetts. To the credit of Russian scientists, it is worth adding that the clearly artificial origin of "atypical pneumonia" was stated in 2003 by a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, geneticist Sergey Kolesnikov. He, by the way, pointed out that it affects mainly Asians, representatives of the Mongoloid race. And, by the way, what about our statistics on deaths from 2019-nCoV? As of the time of writing this article – out of 2,400-plus deaths-only 20 outside of China (and not the fact that they also died not from there). As far as we know, the so-called "input cell" of the coronavirus, called ACE2 by geneticists, has already been isolated. According to their statement, this is usually only available for Asian men. Not an "ethnic virus"? 3. Why does the US behave as if it knew and prepared?                                                  We must pay tribute to the Americans-from the very beginning of the epidemic, they act extremely cynically, rejecting even the usual hypocrisy for themselves. The Consulate General in Wuhan was evacuated by them super-operatively. At the same time, a couple of days later, a statement by Chinese foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying was published on the website of the Xinhua news Agency, describing the actions of the United States as "more than untimely, ungenerous and extremely unfavorable". It was, it seems,about the ban on travel to China and the hysteria about the coronavirus, which is being fanned by the American media. But is it only about them? Exercises to conduct large-scale events in conditions of biological contamination are conducted by the Pentagon on a large scale and very regularly. The last time such maneuvers, which involved not only the military, but also representatives of many other state services and divisions, were held there just last year. One of the legends was "ensuring the transportation of biological material that is highly dangerous", and consisted of loading and unloading super-protected containers from aircraft... samples of the virus? Infected people? Such details were not shared with the media. By the way, what is interesting is that the us military and the South Korean army are working out the "joint response to biological threats of natural or artificial origin" with special punctuality. Asia Again... This has been happening every year since 2011. A lot has already been written about us biological laboratories, which have well-founded suspicions about their participation in the development of biological weapons. And yet... Hundreds of such highly classified objects exist almost all over the world. However, for some reason, a particularly large number of them are located along the borders of Russia and China. The development of "selective" bioweapons requires extreme accuracy and consideration of all local parameters without exception. These are not ordinary bombs. Now let's talk about another interesting American organization, which would be an unforgivable mistake not to recall in the context we are discussing. This is about the Johns Hopkins health safety Center. Employees of this Center regularly conduct extremely interesting simulations, which are, in fact, something like command and staff exercises, only in case of a global epidemic, not a war. The first such simulation, codenamed "Dark winter", took place in the summer of 2001. The last, "Event 201" (the fourth in a row) - in November 2019. In both cases, the "legend" was a massive pandemic. In the "Event 201" process, the coronavirus was clearly indicated as the cause. Both "staff games" directly preceded the time of outbreaks in China – in the first case, SARS, in the second – 2019-nCoV. What explanation do you have for this? Well, for the "snack" - a few more not so large-scale, but more than eloquent details. Wuhan became the first place in China where a real 5G network was launched. the US is absolutely ready to prevent the "penetration into the world" of this technology in the Chinese version at any cost. As it became known, Washington refused to evacuate its citizens from the Diamond Princess cruise ship, where 330 Americans are located, despite the willingness of the Japanese authorities to let them go home. At the same time, 14 US citizens – passengers of the liner, whose presence of 2019-nCoV was confirmed, were removed from its Board and allegedly returned to their homeland with placement in the strictest isolation. More than a strange logic of action, don't you think? By the way, the Pentagon has been very active in all matters related to the coronavirus from the very beginning. Quiet work and business activity-as if he knows exactly what he is dealing with. In conclusion, I would like to remind you that the United States of America has already carried out at least once, almost completely, the genocide of an entire huge ethnic group, using, in fact, "selective bioweapons". Yes, Yes-we are talking about the indigenous population of the United States, North American Indians, which the ancestors of those who today hold senior positions in the White House, and the state Department, the CIA and the Pentagon, sitting in Congress, quite calmly poisoned with smallpox-infected blankets. In Anglo-Saxon jurisprudence, this is called "precedent"...
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Biggest world events in 2020
So 2020 is about to end with a lot of remarkable events, but I'm not sure if it's optimistic or not, let alone pessimistic. When I was a child, I often heard my grandparents tell me about the difficulties in the past, how they lived hard in the past so that today we can have enough food and warm clothes. Heartbroken. I admire the old people so much. However, suddenly looking back at what happened in the past year 2020, I tapped my forehead and thought… and then unconsciously patted my thigh with pleasure because finally, I also had something to later "converse" with my children and grandchildren that I had How can we survive this year of calamity?
World events in 2020 to tell later on
The year 2020 has passed, gently leaving the Wuhan flu epidemic to continue raging with the strong rise of the global "cholera" pandemic. The public went crazy watching the politicians "go to solve" the crazy political affairs. People praising the smell, people pouting and criticizing. Meanwhile, the media invited the Weasel Foxes to play the game of hiding cats 💩 to hide their "hunter" nature. Faced with that gray prospect, suffering humanity raised its face to the sky and asked God, what could be more tragic? At the end of the year, God looked down and said, "Biden!" then banged on the table and cursed at the father who crossed his face.
Sorry for the rambling, but I like to sarcastic before I get to the post. Because rarely have the opportunity to experience with readers on the last day of the year. Here are some notable events in 2020 of the world that I would like to share again.
1. Wildfires in Australia and California (USA)
2020 witnessed two intense wildfires in Australia and California (USA). In Australia alone, it can be said that this is the most fierce wildfire disaster in the country's history, when forest fires continuously lasted from December 2019 to 2020 and destroyed nearly 20 million hectares of forest. , displaced thousands of people and killed at least 34 people.
Taking this opportunity, "radical" suffragettes immediately sounded the alarm about climate change, that global warming is the cause of forest fires, despite the fact that the number of fires Forest occurrence is much less this year than the average in previous years, according to the European Union's (EU) Copernicus Atmospheric Monitoring Service (CAMS). I think climate change also knows how to "distinct regions" because it only chooses forests in capitalist countries to burn, not other countries.
2. The US killed Iranian general Qasem Soleimani
On January 3, 2020, amid rising tensions between the United States and Iran, the United States carried out a drone strike on a convoy near Baghdad International Airport that was carrying some The passengers included Quds Force commander of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Major General Qasem Soleimani and Iraqi People's Mobilization Forces (PMF/PMU) commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, and soldiers. senior officials of the two sides.
From the scene images, Soleimani's body was identified by the ring he wore on his finger and the sausage bar (100% meat) that fell off but was still intact. At the same time, Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps also confirmed the death of General Soleimani.
3. Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan Markle abandon the British Royal Family
Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan shocked the Queen in particular, and the world in general, when they announced they were relinquishing their status as senior members of the British Royal Family on January 8. Royal officials fear this will seriously damage the monarchy's future. It is interesting that while the world views this as an important political event, only Vietnamese people approach it as a showbitch comedy.
4. Wuhan flu (aka COVID-19)
On January 9, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced about a deadly virus that appeared in Wuhan, China. In just a few months, the virus has spread rapidly globally to more than 20 million people and caused at least 750,000 deaths. However, thanks to the relentless efforts of WHO Director-General Tedros and the effective support of the media, the Wuhan flu (Wuhan Virus) finally succeeded in… in turn changing the name Wuhan flu. into Coronavirus, 2019-nCoV, COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2. Currently, this Wuhan Virus has many new strains, it is expected that the new name may be COVID-19 Pro or COVID-19 Pro Max.
5. Impeaching President Donald Trump
President Donald Trump faced an impeachment trial in January initiated by Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the US House of Representatives, with the aim of removing his presidency in January 2020. Democrats have repeatedly accused Trump and his lawyer Rudy Giuliani of abusing their power to press the Ukrainian government to investigate the corruption scandal of Hunter Biden, son of Joe Biden. According to the indictment, Mr. Trump (probably) committed bribery by asking for political favors in exchange for official action.
Finally, President Donald Trump was acquitted on February 5 due to the lack of evidence of impeachment.
6. Stock market wobbles in 2020
The Wuhan pandemic not only caused heavy loss of life, but also greatly affected the world economy. Many countries were forced to close down (lockdown), causing a serious decline in consumption. The Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged 2997 points as investors panicked about the impact of the continued spread of the coronavirus, a record since 1987.
7. Oil prices went negative for the first time in history
Also because of the Wuhan flu, the US WTI oil price for the first time in history fell to a negative level on April 20, with a selling price of -37.63 USD/barrel. That is, the seller must pay the buyer. Fortunately, that ridiculous thing did not happen in Vietnam, people at that time only had to fill up with gasoline at a "stable" price of about 16,000 VND per liter.
8. Black Lives Matter protest for George Floyd
In fact, Black Lives Matter protests are still as common as usual in the US, but the case of the black brother George Floyd died after being pinned down by the police, along with the viral saying "I can't breathe" (I can't breathe). breathe) has sparked a wave of powerful protests and riots across the United States to demand an end to police brutality and anti-racism. That movement was enthusiastically supported by the left everywhere, with Biden's knees on all fronts in memory of this "national hero".
However, the death of George Floyd was later revealed that he did not die of asphyxiation, and also that "no life-threatening injuries were identified at the autopsy of George Floyd". In addition, the cadaver nasal swab was tested and determined that George Floyd was positive for the Wuhan virus (which often makes it difficult for the victim to breathe). At the same time, the black man was also found to be positive for many other banned substances and drugs.
The video of the police arresting George Floyd was also posted and showed that this young man was accused of using fake bills, being drunk, showing signs of being high and opposing the police many times when he was arrested.
9. Joe Biden Becomes Democratic Presidential Candidate
Joe Biden officially defeated more than 20 other Democratic candidates (including Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren) to become the 2020 presidential candidate.
10. Twitter hacked by a 17-year-old
A young weitei-age in Florida, named Graham Clark, has successfully hacked the Twitter accounts of famous political figures, artists and businessmen - including Joe Biden, Bill Gates, Elon Musk and Kanye West - to commit bitcoin fraud.
11. Explosions in Lebanon in 2020
A massive explosion at the port city of Beirut occurred on August 4 due to the accidental detonation of 2750 tons of ammonium nitrate, equivalent to 1200 tons of TNT, which was confiscated by the state from the abandoned ship MV Rhosus and stored at port for six years without any precautions. The explosion killed 190 people and injured thousands more.
12. Kamala Harris Selected as Democratic Vice Presidential Candidate
On August 11, Biden announced he had selected California Senator Kamala Harris as a co-conspirator in the office of president. Thereby Harris became the first black and Asian woman to serve as Vice President. Many predicted that Ms. Harris could become the legitimate president of the United States when Biden once said he would cede his presidency in case his health was not guaranteed. That belief was further strengthened when two days ago, on December 29, Biden continued to "confoundly" call Harris the President-elect of the United States.
13. Ruth Bader Ginsburg passes away
United States Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died on September 18 at the age of 87. Amy Coney Barrett was later appointed to take the place of former Judge Ginsburg. Mrs. Barrett was an outstanding jurist, a pious person and known as a woman of traditional values. Barrett's appointment strengthens the Supreme Court's constitutional majority (6-3). Currently, the new Supreme Court Justice is only 49 years old (born in 1972), so she is facing the opportunity to influence US law for decades to come. It can be said that this is such a big political shift that it may have a deeper impact than the outcome of the 2020 US Presidential election.
14. President Donald Trump infected with Wuhan virus
President Trump announced on October 2 that he and first lady Melania Trump had tested positive for the Wuhan virus. He was hospitalized for three days at Walter Reed National Army Medical Center before being discharged to continue his recovery at the White House.
15. Joe Biden becomes US president on suspicion of election fraud
Joe Biden can be said to have almost become the 46th President of the United States with a questionable victory in Pennsylvania, among many other battleground states. Thereby ending one of the most controversial elections in American history.
16. Successful trial of Wuhan flu vaccine
The first Americans were vaccinated against the Wuhan virus on December 14 after the US Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) approved the emergency use of Pfizer's COVID-19 shot on December 14. The second US vaccine, developed by Moderna, was approved by the FDA a week later on December 18. The emergence of two vaccines, developed in less than 12 months. one year, which is considered one of the greatest scientific achievements in human history, proving the leading role of the United States on the world map of science and technology.
17. President Donald Trump becomes the most respected person in America
According to a new survey published on December 29 by Gallup (a consulting and data company, specializing in global surveys), US President Donald Trump for the first time surpassed former President Barack Obama to become the first US President to become the US President. The most respected man for the American people. Notably, up to 60% of people were satisfied with the way Mr. Trump handled the epidemic. This position was previously held by Obama continuously for 12 years.
Meanwhile, President-elect with the highest popular vote Joe Biden received only 6% of the support (one-third of Trump), reflecting the opposite of the current election results. Looking at it, if one had any conscience left, they would definitely question the last election.
All credit goes to trantuansang.com.
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nemnuoc · 4 years
birthdayshirtsidea-Chooch shirt
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    In his annual Thanksgiving statement released by the office of the White House press secretary on the evening of November 25, Trump still urged Americans to “gather”, despite warnings from federal health officials about the danger. nCoV infection.
  “I encourage all Americans to gather, at homes and places of worship, to give thanks to the Lord for giving us many blessings,” the statement…
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viggorosneswriter · 4 years
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The Americans don't believe Trump is infected with CoV
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