#Truly the epitome of making it up as I go along
sharkrocket · 1 year
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As your knowledge pushes you to the end of time The doctors will not cure your torment  The right to seek is in your hands Seek now, seek now
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sleyu · 11 months
thinking about meanbf!sirius <3 visits you at work only to fuck you in the staff bathroom <3 speaks to you in french while you fuck because he knows you won’t understand what he’s saying and it makes you teary eyed <3 i love him so much PLEABS!!!
stop stop do you know how delusional this is making me . . . this is all i’m gonna think about when i’m at work.(;_;)♡
i can picture him visiting you at work, maybe to pick you up after your shift ends, and him narrowing his eyes at one of your male coworkers that's being a little too close for comfort. when sirius comes up to you to take you home and your coworker protectively stands in front of you, he just stands there, feeling shocked for a brief moment, sneering before softening his eyes at the sight of you stepping towards him and hugging him tightly.
maybe it was the presence of your coworker entirely, or maybe it was the coworker asking you if sirius was simply your friend that made him want to steal you away every time you went on a break to fuck you stupid.
suddenly, sirius didn’t just visit your workplace to drop you off or pick you up. he began forcing you to text him the time you went break so that he could drag you to the staff bathroom for a nice, “quick,” 30-minute fuck. he practically has the bathroom code memorized with how many times he’s fucked you in it.
he would sit there for a while, clicking his ring-clad fingers against the table, bouncing his knees—doing anything to relieve him of his impatience. sirius would silently reel at the apprehension written all over your face and the flush on your cheeks as your coworkers or customers would speak with you. upon your break beginning, you could barely manage to kiss your boyfriend on the lips before he yanked you away to the employee bathroom.
‘why does he have to touch you so much, hm?’ he’d mutter bitterly, hastily lifting your skirt and pushing your panties to the side, simpering at the slick on his fingers as he dragged his fingers up your slit, slowly circling his middle finger over your gushing hole. ‘just touching you for no good reason.’
you would furrow your eyebrows at the agonizing feeling and hum in agreement with the man behind you. the hard porcelain of the sink was pressing painfully against your hips and your heart was beating rapidly, your mind only praying that people at work hadn’t caught on to the employee bathroom being occupied for thirty whole minutes nearly every day.
‘don’t know, siri,’ you’d mumble while sighing breathlessly, feeling flush at the sight of sirius staring at you intensely from the washroom mirror, studying your facial expressions while smiling in amusement at your bashfulness.
sirius would smile broadly at the sight of you sinking your teeth into the back of your hand, a useless and insufficient attempt in muffling your cries as he hammered into you from behind, watching you take the extra step to turn on the sink faucet to conceal the loud, echoing sounds of skin slapping as he thrust into you. he would exhibit a shit-eating grin, lazily staring at your eyes welled up with tears of humiliation at the lewd, moist sounds of you creaming around his cock with each rut.
sirius’s pace is unforgiving and relentless, and all the while, he would tug on your hair to jerk your head back so he could bite and suck on your neck, leaving bruised, mean marks along the side of your throat that he makes certain will show.
‘sluts like you love getting fucked in places like this, huh? just imagine what they’d think—your little friends,’ sirius breathed shakily, feeling his mind go numb at the feeling of your drenched cunt pulsating around his thick, throbbing cock.
‘does that git know what a fuckin’ slut you are for me? does he know that this cunt gets filled up every second of every day?’
‘‘s like you can’t get enough—fuck—i’m sure he can’t fuck you like this—oh—satisfy all your needs like me, yeah?’
sirius is the epitome of mean and truly does not give a fuck about what anything else thinks. he would purposely pull your hand away from your mouth, letting your moans spill uncontrollably from your mouth, echoing inside the enclosed space of the washroom.
he wants that “fucker”—according to sirius—to hear the way you lose your mind with his cock inside you. sirius would only laugh softly at the sight of your head dropping helplessly, tears spilling down your cheeks, lips parted with pants escaping them at the feeling of his cock brushing against the sweet spots inside your cunt.
‘need more. i don’t think i have enough time, sirius,’ you’d mewl. ‘please go harder.’
sirius would not care if this was cutting into your work time but he’s more than happy to fuck you harder and faster. he’s not stopping until he’s pleased and you're fucked out—eyes rolling back, and throat worn out from your loud moans. he could care less if your break was finished or if someone was banging on the door, begging to use the washroom—he’s finished when he’s finished.
‘cunts taking me so well, i’m definitely not stopping. ‘n i’m sure my girl doesn’t want me to either—not when you’re so close, yeah?’
and speaking of him talking to you in french . . . he knows you get off to his dirty talk, so him speaking in a language you can’t understand—hearing how you whine at the feeling of being unaware of his thoughts and his words only make the knot in his stomach tighter.
secretly, sirius is mumbling cheesy shit like, ‘i love you,’ or ‘you’re so pretty,’ to save himself from the embarrassment of saying soft things so contradicting to his fronting personality.
also, this is sirius. we all know that he’s working to the fucking bone to make sure he cums inside you and that his seed is buried deep inside your tight little cunt. without a doubt, he’s saving a little bit of his cum for your panties, cumming all over them, dampening the cotton fabric so that when you put them back on after getting dressed, your cunt would be stained and sticky from his seed, leaving you uncomfortable all day at the feeling of your wet, soiled underwear.
i think, if we are truly wanting to appreciate and hate the essence of mean bf ! sirius, i fear that he’s gonna pull out of you the very last second, when your one thrust away from cumming, watching and reeling as you sob at the lost contact, unconsciously wiggling your bum to entice him to take you again and help you find your release. he needs to make sure your cunt aches and longs for him, yearning the feeling of his long cock thrusting inside relentlessly.
‘no—fuck—please, sirius!’ you’d sob, shoving your head against his chest and hitting him weakly with your fist. ‘feel so empty, siri—please. it hurts so bad.’
sirius almost succumbed at the sight of your trembling pout and your longing, teary eyes. unfortunately, he persevered against temptation and pressed a gentle, tender kiss on your temple before pulling away and helping you get dressed again. he would coo and wipe away your tears, laughing to himself at the sight of your glare and your thighs rubbing against each other in an attempt to find relief and ease your aching, empty cunt.
‘when i pick you up, puppy,’ he’d pull you into a deep kiss, firmly gripping the back of your neck. ‘i’ll fuck you and make you cum as much as you want. good girls wait, yeah?’
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kingdomofstarrynights · 7 months
Opposites Attract
Part 1
Azriel x reader
summary: you’re messy and unorganized, love staying up late and sleeping in in the morning, so what’s going to happen when you’re forced to work with the shadowsinger, the most disciplined person you’ve ever met?
warnings: none!
a/n: this is the most I’ve written in a while but I’m liking how this is turning out. I feel like this could’ve been one part but I don’t really wanna write a 10k word fic so I’ve decided this is gonna be a series. hope you enjoy <3
Azriel, by your viewpoint, had always only been the Spymaster, the epitome of propriety, with an excellent work ethic and an affinity for discipline. For that reason, you felt like you’d never get along with him.
You were messy, unorganized and a little clumsy on occasion. This always led to some interesting stories later on and a lot of teasing from the rest of your family. You pretended to be annoyed at them, rolling your eyes at their snide comments and making fun of their flaws in return, but secretly you loved when they let loose.
Azriel, however, never joined in on this teasing, despite the two of you having known each other for well over a decade. You assumed that it was your lack of discipline that irked him and so he chose to stay away but the High Lord didn't consider this before meddling.
it was a Sunday morning when, in your half-dazed state, you made your way to the kitchen for a cup of coffee.
"Y/n," Rhysand called from behind you.
You groaned in response, not bothering to turn around to face him. It was way too early to be seeing people.
He stayed quiet for a couple of seconds, no doubt waiting for a more proper acknowledgement of the High Lord of the Night Court. When he realized he wasn’t going to get it, he huffed and proceeded with what he needed to say. 
"I need some reports filed quickly so from tomorrow you're gonna be working with Azriel to get them to me by the end of the month," Rhysand stated.
Your eyes widened, now feeling more awake than the strongest coffee had made you in the morning. You whipped your head around to face the smirking High Lord, knowing fully well this wasn't an urgent task but a way for Rhysand and Feyre to intervene in your love life. The inner circle loved to joke that because you and Azriel were opposites of each other, you’d get along great. It was all fun and games until Feyre got obsessed with the idea of actually giving you and Azriel a try regardless of whether you and Azriel wanted to or not.
“Can’t someone else do it?” You asked. “Why does it have to be me?”
“Because everyone else is busy doing their work. Besides, Azriel will be a good influence on you. Maybe he can teach you some discipline.” That smirk was still on his face and you’ve never wished more for Feyre’s abilities to make animals out of water. You’d love to leave a bear on Rhysand right about now, but unfortunately, he was your High Lord and his wish is your command, so you settled for the next best thing. 
“Your shirt is covered in lint,” you side-eyed and walked out with your coffee cup in hand, leaving a gaping Rhysand swatting at his clothes. 
At least you still had the day to prepare yourself for tomorrow.
After training, you were in your room having just come out of the shower. Someone knocked on your door and you had a feeling you knew who it was but strongly hoped against it. You made your way to the door and right before you could open it, your foot caught in a shirt on the ground and you fell with a loud thud.
Grimacing, you stood up, rubbing your elbow where it hit the floor. Opening the door, you saw Azriel standing on the other side with a smirk, no doubt because of your fall. Gods you couldn’t even open the door without being clumsy. Meanwhile, Azriel stood his back straight, shoulders pulled back, wings neatly folded and hands behind his back. He looked like the definition of grace.
You truly were opposites.
“Y/n,” he nodded in greeting, ignoring the knowledge of your fall to save you from further embarrassment.
You smiled slightly in return.
“I’ve been informed that we’re working on the reports together till the end of the month,” he stated.
“That’s correct,” you confirmed.
He nodded. “Meet me in my study tomorrow morning at 8,” Azriel said and walked away.
You stood startled for a second before calling after him, “Eight in the morning? Are you serious?”
Azriel turned around with a confused expression. “Yes.”
“Who starts work at 8 in the morning?” You questioned in disbelief.
“I normally start work at 6 but for you, I’m starting late. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He gave a final nod of farewell before turning around and walking away.
You gaped, internally cursing Rhysand for putting you in this situation. For a person like you who preferred to spend nights awake reading, eight in the morning was like the middle of the night. You didn’t know how you’d survive like this until the month's end. Groaning, you shut the door and slumped face-first into bed. 
Cauldron have mercy. 
The next morning came around sooner than you were ready for. You’d set an alarm for 6 so you’d have ample time to wake up, enjoy your morning coffee, take a shower, and be ready for a day of torture. However, when 6 A.M. rolled around, getting trampled by a horse in your sleep sounded better than waking up, so you snoozed your alarm and fell back asleep. 
When Mor burst into your room, you woke with a start.
“Good morning, princess!” she yelled, walking in wearing her night clothes still but looking as if she was ready for a night out at Rita’s.
“What time is it?” you gasped, frantically reaching for the clock at your bedside. 
Mor jumped onto your bed. “What's up?” 
8:02 A.M. 
“Fuck!” you screamed, jumping out of bed and running to the bathroom. “I'm late!” 
You shut the bathroom door, rushing about your morning routine, brushing your teeth, then hair, and slapping on some moisturizer. 
“Relax! He lives in the same house!” Mor shouted from your bedroom. 
You rushed out of the bathroom, reaching for the pair of shorts on the floor. “Yes, but we live in very different worlds,” you replied, slipping on the shorts and looking around for a shirt. 
Mor lay on your bed, head propped up on one arm, and looked at you with an amused expression. 
You threw on a random shirt you found in the closet and started to tie your hair into a messy bun. Mor took in your look and frowned. “Are we sure that top works with those shorts?” she asked. 
You looked at her incredulously. “I don’t care about that right now!” you exclaimed. “Where are my shoes?” you went on your knees to look under the bed and pulled out a pair of white shoes you’d kicked under there last night. You glanced at the clock while putting on shoes and cursed under your breath. 
“Girl, you know he’s not going to eat you alive if you’re 20 minutes late right?” Mor asked. 
“No, but with the amount of lecturing I'm about to get, he might as well,” you sighed, getting off the bed and finally heading out the door. 
“Good luck!” Mor called behind you as you headed to the door. 
“Thanks,” you replied and rushed outside. 
Azriel’s study door was ajar so you peeked your head in to make sure he was there. 
Azriel was sitting in his chair, head down, looking over some paperwork when you walked in. 
“Good morning,” you greeted, going to sit in the chair opposite his. “I’m sorry I’m late.” 
Azriel looked at the clock then at you, and said, “You’re earlier than any of us expected, actually.” 
You were taken aback slightly by the statement. “Us?” you asked. 
“Rhysand, Cassian and I,” he replied. “In fact, you just cost me quite a bit by being only twenty minutes late.” 
Now you were straight-up offended. “You three bet that I’d slack off?” 
You felt rage towards Cassian and Rhysand for thinking so little of you, but you decided to deal with them later. For now, you were stuck with Azriel for a good eight hours, and those were not going to be easy if you were upset with him the whole time. So, you shook his words off and put on a smile. 
“So what are we doing?” you asked. 
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bodyhopper-files · 1 month
Neighborly Desires
I couldn't help but notice my hot new neighbors as they moved in next door. My attention was immediately drawn to the husband - his short, muscular build, bushy brown hair, and piercing eyes were all too irresistible to me. I yearned to have him for myself, to explore every inch of his body and discover what kind of a man he truly was.
One morning, I decided to take action. Using my spiritual abilities, I put myself into a deep sleep and allowed my spirit form to travel next door to their place. I found him getting ready for a morning run, shirtless as usual. With a practiced inhale and exhale, I fully immersed myself in him, taking control of his body and making it mine to manipulate like a puppet.
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"Mmm…" I moaned with his deep voice, admiring the sight of his furry chest and abs that had captivated me before, now from a different perspective. His body was now under my command and I ran my hands over his strong muscles and through his beard and hair. And then came the moment I had been waiting for - discovering what kind of meat this man was working with. I loosened the waistband of his shorts and revealed an impressive member. It was thick and hairy just like him, and from scanning his memories I knew he was highly skilled using it. I couldn't wait to give it a try myself.
I caught up on his day through his most recent memories. His wife Sarah was still asleep in their bed.
"The run can wait," I thought slyly.
With the layout of their house ingrained in my mind as if it were my own, I made my way back to the master bedroom, slipping out of the running shorts along the way and letting his dick swing between my thighs. As Sarah stirred awake, I took over her husband's spot beside her in bed and began to wake her up with gentle touches.
"Thought you went for a run?" she half-asked half-asleep.
"I was going to…" I ran a finger along her naked breast, something I knew from his mind would turn her right on, "But then I got horny…"
I wouldn't typically be so casual and confident in initiating sex, especially with someone as sexy as Sarah. But for this man, it was like a natural right to have sex with hot women whenever he desired it. He was the epitome of virility - and damn, was I feeling virile too! This was going to be one wild ride for both Sarah and me.
"Oh…" she moaned in response, now fully awake and excited at the idea of being fucked by the stud she’d married, "I'm glad you decided to stay in!"
"Me too," I replied with a mischievous grin, ready to put this man's body to the test, "This'll be better cardio than a run anyway!"
----- ----- ----- Original story and AI Illustration by @bodyhopper-files
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fandomhcs · 3 months
dating natasha romanoff would include:
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nat’s the best significant other on the avengers team, pass it along. 
now see it may take her a long time to really get into a romantic relationship with someone, but once she does? oH BOY.
she’s got a lot of baggage, she knows that. she’s wary of scaring you off at first but if you stay with her? if you prove to her that you’re never going anywhere it melts her heart just a little.
relationships for nat need to be completely open and honest. she has enough lies and mystery in her job, even now as an avenger. she won’t tolerate it in a relationship. she’s going to be as honest with you as possible, and she expects the same in return. lying to her, especially about little things, will only push her away.
especially in the beginning of your relationship nat may be a little hesitant, a little reserved. she’s just cautious, afraid of losing someone or being betrayed. she needs her space for sure, and is more than willing to give you space as well if you need it. for her she needs someone to always be on her side, but not quite suffocating her. she wants a partner, not a dependent. 
dates are typically really chill with nat. movie nights, home cooked dinners, coffee dates. more fun, fancier dates would be kept to special occasions like birthdays and holidays. but most of the time, in her free time she just wants to be with you. spending time doing simple things with her is more important than she ever thought it would be. the domestic things in life mean more than anything. washing the dishes while you dry them? cutting the onions while you’re flipping burgers? putting on another load of laundry while you’re folding the towels? she lives for the mundane bullshit. 
however, her job as an avenger does keep her away from you more than either of you would like. sure she needs her space, but she doesn’t want to be in space for months without seeing you. luckily with stark tech there’s a way you can keep in touch with each other frequently but it’s not the same. and she hates worrying you when out on a mission. before while on a mission she never really had a reason to come home. and hell, what better cause to die for than to save the world, right? but now? the idea of leaving you alone in this world after you saving her from that very feeling nearly chokes her. she fights harder than she ever has so that she can come back home. 
dating natasha might lowkey also mean dating the avengers. they are her family, and all of them will 100000% scope you out to make sure you won’t hurt her. not like you would in the first place, right? like who’s gonna hurt the black widow? but that doesn’t stop them from sideeyeing you at first. of course, when they see how much nat softens around you and truly loves you they get their shit together quickly. you hanging out around the tower is commonplace now, and pretty much everyone loves you. especially laura, clint’s wife. its so nice to have someone around that’s not a superhero.
as far as fights or turbulence in the relationship you probably won’t have to worry too much. nat is the epitome of chill, and she’s gonna make damn sure that communication is a big part of your relationship. she wont’ want little things to blow out of proportion and let it hurt either of you, so she’ll make sure you air your grievances with her no matter how big or small. she just wants the two of you to work it out. she doesn’t believe that there is anything the two of you can’t talk through and end up stronger for it.
so, sex is a complicated beast with nat. i feel like if she’s in a committed relationship she is more than willing to have sex with you. she definitely wants you, you know. but sex has been a tool for her for so long that its hard to let it be a thing of intimacy and love. the first few times the two of you are together she may be a little unsure, a little more reserved than she means to be. all she needs is a little reassurance, to know that you’ll give her all the time she needs. but after being with you for long enough and trusting you enough, sex can become something she really loves. it means being close to you, extremely intimate in ways she never is with anyone else. it means so much to her that you let her be so open and vulnerable with you, so sex is always taken seriously with her. 
if anyone ever hurts you?? just?? like…they’re dead. they’re so dead. if nat doesn’t kill them, bucky or clint will. or steve. or sam. or tony, even. like…there will be no coming back from that lmao.
nat being hurt on a mission means she’s gonna try to tough it out, trust me. she’s gonna pretend like she’s fine and shit you may not even be able to tell she’s really hurt. but when you look closer you can see it, and you’ll have to force her to take care of herself before she collapses. she’ll put up a little bit of a fight at first, not wanting to be a bother or show any weakness. but just keep poking at her and she’ll listen eventually. 
sharing a bed with her is strange? there are knives stashed under the mattress? a gun under her pillow? one on her nightstand? but she’s cuddly when sleepy so prepare to be squished every night. she has nightmares that she tries to hide from you. not every night really, and it takes awhile before she’s ever able to talk about them. they can be intense and scary but she tries not to let it wake you. when it does, she’ll try to pull away at first but she’ll melt if you take her hand and just offer to be there for whatever she needs. 
all around? nat is a great girlfriend. completely open and accepting of who you are, honest and great with communication, sweet and genuine? she’s great. 10000/10.
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lakewillowmerewraith · 5 months
My biggest gripe with Lucien is how passive he is. Lucien is the epitome of the bystander effect. In ACOMAF, Lucien knows Tamlin’s behavior is wrong. He knows that Tamlin is pushing feyre away and compounding her trauma. But he doesn’t put up a fight and say so. Even though in ACOTAR, we saw that he can disagree with tamlin when he wants to.
Later in ACOMAF, he is complicit in Elian and nesta being kidnapped and thrown into the cauldron. Was it his idea? Was he comfortable with it? No, but he went along with it regardless. He did nothing to stop it. He went along with Tamlin allying with Hybern.
In ACOWAR, Lucien is under the impression that his “mate” is being tortured in the night court. But he doesn’t think about going to find her until Feyre leaves and just tags along with her.
Throughout the books, Lucien is a bystander. He goes with the flow. He hasn’t stood up for anything or anyone. He was a bad friend to Feyre and to Tamlin. And now people want to “award” him elain, for what? For just existing pretty much?
I’m hoping that in Elains book, Lucien will learn to follow his own path and to pursue what truly makes him happy and to quit allowing others to dictate his direction. I think elain will help him come to these realizations as she rejects the bond/pursues her love with Azriel. I think that development will Lucien will set him up to be a MMC in his own book.
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xxaraaq · 27 days
𝙃𝙚𝙡𝙥𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙃𝙖𝙣𝙙
Synopsis | Due you your boyfriends increasingly busy schedule, he's been more prone to fatigue. Not wanting to see him like this, you come up with a plan to help with his aches.
wc | 0.6k
cw | smut
Kirishima x black! Reader
A/N | Nothing, hope you enjoy!
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You could tell he needed this.
You saw how he started to drag himself through the house, the look of irritability as he got ready for work. He used to be excited to get ready, now he dreads the thought of even having to get up out of bed. His recent schedule has put a strain on your relationship with him not having as much time available to spend quality time together.
The both of you knew what he signed up for, but nonetheless, it irked you to see him put up a facade when you know how worn and fatigued he was. He needed a break, and you knew exactly how to ease all his afflictions.
It was on one of his few off days that you decided to put your plan into motion. You met him at the door, quick to greet him with a kiss and hug. He lifts you up into a tight embrace, feet dangling an inch off the floor as he just holds you.
“Long day?” You ask as he sets you back down. He nods wordlessly, exhaustion written across his face. You cup his cheek, aimlessly drawing shapes as he leans into your touch. “Go take a shower, you stink. I made dinner, so don’t take long, okay?”
He hums in agreement, chuckling as his hulking frame saunters into the bathroom. He comes out with his crimson hair in a loose bun, borderline collapsing into the kitchen chair. The two of you eat dinner and talk – well, you do most of the talking, he just sits and listens to whatever 
you have to say.
You take your dishes and throw them in the sink without a care in the world, walking back over to him. You take his hand and drag him to the living room, both of you getting comfortable on the couch. You rest on him as the tv plays in the background.
Your hand travels across his body, from his torso to his inner thigh until you reach the elastic band of his sweatpants. His breath hitches in anticipation and you smile to yourself, happy that you can still get the same reactions from him as you did when you first started dating. 
You reach to pull out his throbbing cock from his boxers, stroking him to hardness as you feel him twitch in your grasp. “I thought you wanted to watch the movie?” He says breathlessly as you kiss along his base. “Do you wanna watch the movie or do you want me to go down on you?” You say unamused, sliding onto the floor in front of him. “You’re right, fuck the movie, didn’t wanna watch it anyways.” 
It was a truly beautiful sight, you situated between his thighs, him writhing and jerking about as you bob your head up and down; he could cum right now at the sounds of gags as you stuff every inch of his dick into your mouth – you were the epitome of perfect in his eyes.
It wasn’t long before he came, thick load of cum filling your throat as you come up for air, heavy pants filling the room as you both catch your breath. 
You wipe your mouth, looking up at him as you place your hands on his sturdy thighs to lift yourself up. You straddle him, his calloused hands coming to pull you flush against him. “This your way of tryin’ to make me feel better, baby?” He whispers in your ear, grinding up into your clothed cunt. “Yep,” you start. “Did it work?” You ask playfully, wrapping your arms around his neck. “I don’t know, I think it’ll be a while before I can know for sure.” 
It’s gonna be a long night.
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Ragnarok with a Kobeni-like contestant (platonic)
Warning: mention of terrible parents, mention of sex work, spoilers for the show and Spoiler: for Kobeni backstory
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It’s safe to say that out of all of the contestants of ragnarok you are definitely the one out
Partially because you weren’t brought back to life
Instead you were just asked by Brunhilde to join her cause
And you hesitantly accepted to join
Now along with that your also meek like really meek compared to everyone else
Hell when the Valkyrie brought you to meet the others you were shaking
It’s definitely a bit departure from what everyone assumed to be the deadliest assassin humanity has seen yet
But the greatest warriors know not to judge a foe by their appearance
And you certainly are the epitome of that gesture
Because beneath your crying and shaking face lies someone capable of taking down entire rooms filled with men twice your size without much effort
A truly fierce some foe that is befit to challenge a god
But not even you can recognize your own talent despite how others try to convince you so
“My names y/n l/n. I’m 20 years old… the job I do is… a secret. My hobby is eating tasty stuff”
Adam is the first to approach you of the bunch mostly because of his fatherly instincts kicking in
I mean here you are
This small scared young kid who is shaking like a leaf
Surrounded In a room with bulky powerful historical figures
From that moment on he kinda just stays by your side doing his best to support you
He sees within you a deep power
Something that most would flaunt around yet you don’t even recognize
You constantly talk down to yourself and your achievements which makes the progenitor of man upset
It’s obvious this lack of confidence is basically woven into you
And he’s unsure if it’s just in your nature or someone else is the cause of it
Either way Adam makes it a goal of his to help you
For you are one of his children and he’d be damned if he didn’t help
That’s why he introduces you to the rest of his family
Warning them beforehand that you need a confidence boost desperately
And so they do just that
Adam and Eve become the parents you never had
They are kind and supportive along with patient with you
They wipe away your tears every Time you cry from having such a good meal or thank them
Eve makes you little lunches that have small notes of encouragement to make you smile
Cain and Abel are the brothers you wish you had
There are no hurtful words of calling you useless or saying your only good for making money
The two instead playfully talk about how your the most precious person they’ve met
Even though you have your own room/living area in the arena you end up staying at theirs a lot
Unlike your room theirs is filled with laughter and warmth
The only place you truly felt the sense of “home” in a place
It’s a slow process but you begin to sometime slip up and mention your parent’s treatment of you
How they view you as worthless compared to your brother
How your the figurative work mule for his dreams and being forced to sacrifice your own
It doesn’t exactly surprise them but it certainly makes Adam and his family even more determined to make you feel at home with them
You better hope your parents aren’t attending the event cause mama Eve and papa Adam are gone be giving them the ultimate side eye
Plus a good talking too if they dare even approach you
Meanwhile Cain and Abel are distracting you by getting some of the other human fighters to join their argument of why your the most wholesome person
Adam also definitely takes to training with you
Partially because he’s worried of how you’ll fair against a god
But like many others is pleasantly surprised by your skill
In battle it’s seems as if a switch flips in your mind
You go from scared to dead serious
It reminds him of animals in the wild
The primal urge of survival setting in as you spar with Bü Lu
Your quick in both reaction time and in speed
Because of your smaller stature it makes you harder to hit compared to the rather bulky build of many others
Not to mention that because of your nature and appearance you have the upper hand of being underestimated by almost everyone
Which is seemingly one of your best qualities since it leads to your opponents being cocky and thinking they could easy kill you
Before you did it before they could even strike
During these sparring matches he takes a lot of your qualities and makes note of them for his own future battle
Yet when he tells you this you dismiss your talents yet again
But with your shy smile he can at least tell some of his words had affected you
At some point you began calling him dad and all he does is smile before ruffling your hair
Eve now Always prepares an extra plate of food just for you
And his sons make sure to make an extra comfy place for you to sleep
Qin Shi Huang is another who seemingly takes to you as a mentor figure
You remind him of himself as a child
Someone forced through brutally and made to bare it
He first hand knows what that can do to someone and your a prime example of that
In his life he at least had Chun Yan who had lifted him up
Taught him not to just grin and bare the insults and cruelty that was always presented to him
But it seems to him you had no one but yourself
And eventually it wore you down
Or perhaps you just accepted it from the start
So much like Adam the former Emperor of China begins trying to help you as best he can
Firstly by telling you to see the value in yourself
Which he does by literally ordering you as emperor to do so (lol)
Every day he makes you acknowledge that you are smart
That you’ve been chosen for a reason and not to diminish yourself
He also goes with you when your shopping around the arena so you don’t have to worry about money
Which you do a lot
Yeah the moment he sees you contemplating whether to buy something or something else cause of your budget he’s just straight up buying an entire store
You try to tell him not too but he does so anyways
Telling you to accept what he and others give to you
Including their help
Whenever your not having dinner with Adam’s family he invites you to dine with him
His room is filled with antiquities of his time
Fine silks and giant a giant feast that you give into eating
Along with that he also gives you nicknames
Stuff that have a meaning behind them in his tongue of ancient Chinese
All of which link back to you in battle
Training with you is certainly a fun challenge especially as he sees you go from one side of a scale personality wise to another
It fills him with pride as your able to take down foes bigger than you with ease
It’s like watching a rabbit game down a wolf or bear
You don’t expect it but once you see it happens it changes your view of predator and prey
It goes to show that anyone can be a threat if pushed far enough
How the tiniest nation can rise and defeat those who stood might and strong for centuries just because they were smarter
After these training session and battles he always pats you on the back and patches up your minimal wounds
He often jokes that you’d make a great kings guard for him if your up for it
You always bashfully say you couldn’t possibly do that
But he always reminds you that an emperor such as himself doesn’t offer such an opportunity to someone they didn’t think deserved it
You don’t even notice it but his and everyone else’s efforts slowly begin to help you build up your self esteem
It’s a slow process
But one that begins to show results over time
Results that make him happy as you now don’t seem to shake or flinch whenever someone looks at you
Back in his childhood he couldn’t help himself as he does now
So he knows you need that push to begin seeing yourself as worthy of having good happen to you
To know you are valued
That you are seen as a good friend
Another of the human fighters you get along well with is Kojiro
The so called biggest loser in history
It’s kinda funny since your brother used to compare you to him
Saying how you were him reborn or something along those lines
It’s disheartening to him of how you look down on yourself
Your such a talented young mind yet the thing that seems to be holding you back is yourself
You are your worse enemy from him others words had ingrained themselves into you so deeply
Unlike the others who work to make you more confident Kojiro focuses on just making you happy and content
He always greets you with a kind smile
Or invites you to sit down for some lunch and tea
He is a calming presence
Like a nice autumn day or a summer breeze
One that eases your nervousness as the older man acts as a rock you can lean to other than Adam
When things get intense you sometimes lean instinctively behind him which makes him laugh
Despite being history’s “biggest loser” he’s surprisingly ok with people calling him that
He takes it almost as a badge or pride or a joke
It’s confusing to you but you don’t question it
Just assuming the older man has thicker skin than you
Training with him is especially interesting considering he’s one of the few who can properly defend against your approach of quick and swift attacks
He makes for a fun challenge and never calls you names
In fact he actually compliments your fighting and admits that your a fearsome foe
There may or may not have been a few times where you called him grandpa without knowing and he couldn’t help but smile
Jack the Ripper is one who seeks you out on his own
You have the constant colour of fear dying you
Almost as if it was the only thing you could feel
It intrigues him
So he sets out to figure out why you constantly feel that way and
Yeah he kinda quickly realizes you must’ve had a fucked home life
Takes one to know one as he and Qin Shi quickly realized
He is an English gentleman through and through so he takes to interacting with you as if your porcelain
Your fragile maybe not physically since your fighting against the gods but mentally you are
And despite how fear usually makes him excited it worries him when it comes to you
Especially as he begins to gain a soft spot for your shy and meek self
Despite knowing the atrocities he’s claimed to commit (even if he isn’t the real Jack the Ripper) you cling to him
See him as a protector of sorts
Hiding behind him and his jacket
Or tugging at his sleeve to indicate you feel to nervous to interact with a bunch of people
It’s sweet
And now you have a literal serial killer as a friend
Your emotional support who’s a serial killer
Though to be fair you also had down your fair share of killing due to your job
Other than Adam he’s the only one you tell your actual profession of being an Assassin
He is definitely kinda surprised but doesn’t know what else he was expecting
Considering he’s seen your fighting
Jack is sympathetic to you when you sometimes slip up and mention how bad your parents are
How they don’t care for you and neither does your brother who they love more
It reminds him of his mom but at least at some point she pretended to love him
You never even had that
Because of his ability to basically see people’s emotions he ends up knowing when he needs to help calm you down
And he also tells the others when their getting a bit much for you to Handle
When it does get too much he brings you to his room
Victorian decor filling it as he pours you a cup of tea
He talks about Shakespeare and recites the stories to calm you down
So you can focus on that instead of the world
It works pretty well especially since his accent is soothing
Your parents best watch out especially as unlike Adam and Eve he wont hesitate to actually harm them
Plus all the other human fighters would probably cover for him lol
Surprisingly enough Göll the Valkyrie ends up becoming friends with you quite easily due to your similar meek nature to her own
Brunhilde is the one who suggests for her younger sister to meet you and it goes really well!
Göll is a kind soul
One that is gentle and good spirited just as yourself if you weren’t thrusted into such a cruel situation
It makes you happy though that she’s not like you
That people care enough for her not to be hurt constantly by words and being thrown into battle
She often finds herself eating with you during lunch with a few other fighters
It’s through you she actually begins to get to know them better
Most of them she had found herself too intimidated to speak to but with you she sees that they aren’t as bad as they initially appear
It’s also through you she sees a different version of herself
One that didn’t have her kind but stern sisters
Someone who the world gave up on
And seeing that makes her both grateful and worried for your sake
You are kind and caring yet you don’t think of yourself as anything other than a burden
It makes her happy though that the others are trying to help you
It goes to show to her that some of the scariest people in history can still do some semblance of good
That despite it all humanity is worth it
It kinda opens her eyes as to why her elder sister is fighting so hard to win
Cause humanity might be full of bad but there’s also good to balance it out
And it’s perhaps because of this that she volunteered herself to be your weapon in your battle
The night before the first round starts everyone decides to have a night of partying
It’s the first ever thing you’d been invited to so you decides to dress nice (or we’ll as nice as you could with the limited hand-me-down’s given to you by your older sibling)
When you arrive everyone is surprised to see you actually smiling shyly
Adam Welcomes you to the Table where everyone is sitting before Qin Shi wraps an arm around your shoulder pulling you to sit near him
Kojiro sits beside Soji and Raiden whom all had begun drinking Sake in some sort of competition
Jack sits on the other side of you and gives a polite smile that you mimic back
He drinks tea unlike the others who enjoy the burning taste of alcohol
Tesla is seemingly talking to Nostradamus about some invention
Simo is feeding his dog some treats as Sakata pets said dog
Lü Bu and Leonidas recounts war stories
Rasputin is already passed out after drinking
The entire mood is cheery
Laughter fills the air as music plays from a record player that Tesla had modified
Eventually Qin Shi is somehow able to get you to relax enough to have a drink
Your definitely a lightweight so as you drink very aged alcohol you end up very drunk very fast
Adam had to cut you off as he saw how you could barely stop
You drunkenly complain since you enjoy the frothing beer that leaves a small bubbling moustache on you that makes Lü Bu comment that you now look manly
It’s also there that in your drunken stupor that you talk about how you ended up as an assassin in the first place
“I was forced into it… my parents only care about my gifted brother… they want to put him through collage, so they put me to work… my options were to become a sex worker or an assassin. I wanted to go to collage too!!! But I’m gonna die here!!, and what’s worse is that this has been the best time of my life but I know I’m gonna die”
At this everyone goes quiet as your drunken giggles mix with a few sobs
the tragedy of your life is now revealed
A tragic symphony now complete from the bits and pieces that had slipped out earlier
There’s a shared sentiment of sympathy from the other fighters for you
The fact that someone could do that to their own child
That they valued one over the other
It’s a moment that they all will forever remember especially as you laugh at your own pain
Your own anguish as if it were a joke
Cause in reality you were just a joke to your parents
To your brother whom you had to give everything to
But with that now shared it also brings up why you joined this cause in the first place
So Nicola is the one to ask why
“I joined cause… if I spent my entire life working for them just for the humanity to be killed then what did I work for?. I would’ve spent my entire life for nothing… and at least fighting for humanity for a chance means I did something, that I tried to save people, that I tried to save my own future if I somehow get out of this…That for once I fought for myself”
During the actual competition you end up watching in the stands with the other fighters
You get front row seats and luckily with comes you being able to yell out encouragement with the others
In between rounds there’s a few days of preparation so you get to training with the others usually
For round one you end up sitting Bessie Lü Bu’s lieutenant Cheng and the rest of his soldiers whom you’d gotten to know at this point
And with that come the unfortunate consequence of the first round
It’s hard watching someone you got close to die
seeing how the general went out with a smile you can’t say he died in vain
But seeing his men valiantly follow him in death is also something that hits you hard
Like really hard
Sure you had only known them for about a month but in that short time you had finally found people you considered your friends
And that in turn scares you for everyone else’s fates
Especially since you know Adam is next
So you train with him perilously
And when the time comes for his battle you have him copy your abilities as an extra slide of hand
You watch anxiously beside Cain and Abel as they both wrap an arm around you for your comfort
Eve occasionally checks to see if your ok which makes you give a nervous smile
It’s obvious you aren’t but you say you alright anyways
The battle comes to a close
Adam left almost for dead with Zeus as the victor
Adam is taken to extensive care and your left spiralling as the others try to console you that it would be alright
That he wasn’t dead but healing
That humanity wasn’t doomed just yet
Göll has the same mindset as you but tries to keep you positive which you appreciate
And then comes Kojiro vs Poseidon
At this point you were terrified for Kojiro but cheered for him nether the less despite how now one did at first
And as the battle progressed you did your hardest to make sure he heard your encouragement
If there was a god you could pray to you probably would’ve lol
You were definitely happy not to be up against Poseidon especially with his cutting remarks
And then despite the impossible Kojiro wins
And you and the crowd goes wild
When he’s brought to the intermarry where Adam still rests you give the older man a big hug
And spend your free time not training with him
But time goes quick and a week passes within the blink of an eye
Your round is up next and it’s not only your life on the line but also your dear friend Göll
You know you can’t lose
“There’s no such thing as a life free of bad things… except in your dreams. But today I gotta make a good thing happen no matter what ”
For your round you go up against Heracles
Someone who you had actually met prior to the match
He had found you scared in a crowd and being pushed around
You just took it
Not fighting back at all
And it didn’t feel right to him so he stepped in and helped you
He saw a lot of himself in you and you remain him of his old friend
So when he sees he’s up against you it feels wrong to him
You look so frightened
So fucking terrified
Even the gods are wondering why they sent you out against him
It feels as if sending out a pawn to die
A sacrificial lamb to the slaughter
What could a scared child do against the Heracles
Some wouldn’t admit it but their disdain for humanity grew for the fact this seemed cruel
Almost immediately he asks you to stand down
To give up
But despite how much you shake you don’t back down
Telling him that you agreed to fight
That you had to fight for humanity’s sake
And when the horn is blown the fight begins in a replica city of modern times
Glass skyscrapers that touch the sky
Empty streets with a few cars placed in a few places
As the god ready’s himself he sees you get into position
The tears nod drained away as a serious expression replaces it
“G-Göll says you mean a lot to her and I don’t think your a bad person…I don’t have to kill you to win, all I have to do is get you to tap out or where you can’t fight me anymore”
His eyes widen slightly
And then he nods
“Same goes to you then”
It begins
It’s immediate that one advantage you have over him is speed and agility
He is bulky and much slower compared to you but makes up for that in power an defence
You attack carefully
Quick and swift cuts of your blade as Göll encouraged you in your mind
The environment of alleyways and the cover of cars
Distantly you think of the other fighters
Of the injured Adam and his family
Of Qin Shin
Of everyone depending on you to win
Of your future beyond this
The future you want instead of slaving away and the killing you do for your ungrateful brother
In that moment as you dodge one of his attacks you promise yourself that you’d go to collage
That for the first time in your life after coming here you’d live truly
You get more focused
More precise in where to hit him as to wear him down
Attack after attack
Blow after blow
No matter how many times he almost hit you
Or you got scraped by an attack you just keep pushing
Cause it’s not just humanity’s life on the line
It’s Göll’s
It’s your own
And then after what feels like hours you do it
You get that final hit to bring down the metaphorical to crumble castle down
He crashes into the asphalt
It crumbles it bits around him and you watch anxious as he tries to get up but can’t
And for the first time since it started it feels as if you could finally breath
He didn’t die like you said and you win by wounding him enough to the point he can’t fight anymore
You forgot he swore to do the Sam etching for you
And you expect him to be mad at you
To yell
To curse you
To promise to strike you down once this is all over
And yet despite loosing he laughs
One that is just full of pure joy instead of malice and disdain like your used to
You sniffle and crack your eyes open to see him moon up at you with pure amazement
“And so the 4th round of Ragnarok goes to the humans!. Y/n had injured Heracles to the point of not being able to fight anymore!”
It feel surreal as those words ring out in the stadium
People are cheering for you
The person who was told their entire life that they were nothing but a waste of space
Just a tool to get the more worthy child into collage as you wasted away
Tears bubble up in your eyes that quickly spill over the edge
You bow, thanking the crowd before turning to the injured god and helping him up
As you help him up he smiles
Grabbing your hand and lifting up up to the air as a sign of your victory
And for the first time in your life you feel yourself cry from happiness
To smile so brightly that it could rival the sun
That it hurt your cheeks from it being so wide
Or that you actually feel accomplished for once
“I won…I won!.”
“You did. That was a good fight, thank you. What are you gonna do after this?”
“I’m…I’m gonna go to collage like I always wanted. I’m gonna start living for myself and not for my parents. You hear that!, I’m not sending money to you anymore it’s my life now!”
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deus-ex-mona · 3 months
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when you look at lipxlip...
The Charm Points of LIPxLIP, As Seen From the Eyes of Those Around Them
Film live, anime, new songs, MVs, novels, etc… In the 4 years that have passed since the release of their previous album, the world around LIPxLIP has been portrayed from many angles via all kinds of media developments. Let’s check out the charm of the pair, as seen from the eyes of the people around them!
The People at their Agency
shito: The President is a person who knows what Yujiro and Aizo are like deep down inside, so she is the one who spoils the two of them, even when they selfishly say “No means no!”. I think that she’s able to treat Yujiro and Aizo that way because they trust her wholeheartedly.
Yamako: The President is the only person with whom the two of them can be selfish without having to act cool, isn’t she?
Their Fans
Yamako: Yujiro and Aizo, as seen through the filtered lens of Chuutan, are truly the epitome of “perfect idols”. I tried to be extremely conscious of this when I was drawing her MV in order to portray them as perfectly cool as she sees them.
shito: However, from the perspective of Yujiro and Aizo, Chuutan is just one of their many fans. Aizo doesn’t like women, so if she got too close to him, he would inevitably grow to dislike her. Their relationship will not go anywhere, no matter what she does.
Yamako: Yujiro and Aizo put on an act even when they are at school, despite being off work. They are not truly off work when they’re attending school, having to play the role of “idols during their downtime” so that they do not disappoint the fans around them.
shito: That’s probably why Chuutan views them as “perfect idols”, huh? She doesn’t know what they’re truly like, after all.
Their Family (Brothers)
shito: They don’t pay much attention to their family so they don’t take the initiative to converse with their brothers all that often. However, the two of them do trust their brothers from the bottom of their hearts. I guess it’s something like that sense of distance that can be found between family members in general.
Yamako: They have a realistic sense of distance with their families. They don’t encourage each other with simple words, but I think a bond that can be conveyed through the atmosphere, like the one they have, can only be found in families that trust each other. And I’m sure that there is love at the root of the bonds that the two of them have with their families.
Same-Aged Peers Who Know What They Are Truly Like
Yamako: For Hiyori, oh gosh… (laughs) They don’t express their gratitude nor consolation directly to her, with their intentions peeking out through their not-so-honest sides. For Nagisa, they have shown a tiny glimpse of jealousy with regards to him. For instance, in the anime, when their manager asked Nagisa “Would you like to be an idol?”, this very feeling of theirs surfaced in their response to her of “Why are you scouting a guy like that? You already have us.”. I find them very cute when they’re trying not to show their cheeky and twisted sides in front of others, only to be unable to hide all kinds of things about themselves.
shito: I think Yujiro and Aizo try to play it cool in front of Hiyori and Nagisa. The fact that they get along seems to be the very thing that makes the two act cold and put on airs with them, which may be linked to that feeling of wanting to overachieve, which is distinctive of High School students.
Their Co-Performers in the Entertainment Industry
Yamako: Minami is mainly an entertainer, so he is not a rival to Yujiro and Aizo, who are both idols. As such, I get the impression that they get along as pure boy friends. On the other hand, they do not have good relations with mona… They look down on her with a sense along the lines of “Well, if you’re gonna give it your all, go ahead and try.”.
shito: From the perspective of Yujiro and Aizo, mona is just like any other idol. mona is trying to catch up to them, but it seems like they don’t see her as a worthy opponent yet.
A Unit of Their Seniors
shito: Despite being respectful to FT4 because they are their seniors, the two of them are eagerly awaiting their chance to surpass them, like “One of these days, we’ll really let you have it!”...
Yamako: FT4 and LIPxLIP sing together in Shin Jidai, though that song itself is close to the settings that FT4 are familiar with. I think LIPxLIP were cool when they were desperately trying to break out of their norm to keep up with FT4. It was nice to see a different side from the usual LIPxLIP.
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definitelynotshouting · 6 months
Ask game #25?
mcytblr writer ask game
25.) What works and/or authors in the fandom do you recommend?
OH MAN..... GODS OKAY well this is about to become me gushing about my friends, but i think everyone and their mother should be reading @raichett, @droidofmay, @good-chimes, @sillyfairygarden, @sisyphean-writes, @renardroi's writing. Like holy shit i know some incredible authors. Grim in particular went and fully changed my brain chemistry with his fic Total Apogee of the Heart, which i do believe i described to him as "like reading an oil painting," and "like you've taken an axe to my chest and deftly split it down the middle to show me the inner workings of my heart," which is truly the palest of terms i can use to describe something that ended up feeling so soul-shocking to me /pos. The skillful way he twists words to layer these rich, saturated themes into his stories makes me INSAAAAAAANE, its pretty much the epitome of how i want to write when it comes to thematic elements and imbuing my narratives with symbolism. I genuinely dont know how to describe it, but the way he crafts sentences and weaves in references to other media is like reading a fairytale, and it leaves me feeling like ive just resurfaced from a dream every time.
And, ofc, my very good and dear friend Raichett with their ACP-verse-- oh my gods what an incredible read. Reincarnation fic with modern minecraft worldbuilding FUCKING SIGN ME UP..... i think this might be my favorite fic in the fandom because truly you can just feel the heart-wrench of how long Grian has been waiting, of all those words left unsaid during his and Scar's initial conversation that we the reader happen to be privy to. AND THE SEQUEL!!! THEE SEQUELLLLL THE ONGOING SEQUEL RAAAAAAAHH okay im normal im normal im normal <- lying. It just manages to hit every fucking trope i love all at once so i start frothing at the mouth whenever it gets updated or they send me snippets. I could read Raichett's writing for hours and hours and just feel so warm within it, truly beautiful prose and characterization :]
And ohhhh Sisyphean my beloved..... if you havent been reading their anonymous scarian fic series then please please do so, especially Bread and Butterflies, a fic they gifted me that made me simultaneously want to cry and also curl up into for the rest of my life. Something about the atmosphere in their fics, along with the juxtaposition of their unique form of humor, really just knocks it out of the park for me. And, of course, the gut-wrenching wing scene-- trust me, you need to read this fic. The reveal is so incredibly well done that it feels like a gauze being lifted from your eyes so you can finally see more than the lurking silhouette of what's been hinted at. Beautiful fic and evocative writing, i dont feel like i can do it justice you're just gonna have to go read it for yourself >:]
Sorry i told you this was gonna be me gushing so i am going to gush can we talk about Droid's fucking fics please. Can we talk about those. I've always been captivated by their writing, worldbuilding, and the way they so deftly weave implications into their prose to present a fic that feels so neatly-woven it practically breathes. Every work i've ever read from them, regardless of fandom, is some of the most engaging writing ive ever read before. Not to promo a fic inspired by hunger au, but im especially enamoured with their gift will the curse be reversed if you say it backwards. Reading that was like getting kicked in the chest a billion times until it ached, and the way they portrayed the two Grian's dynamics brought me perilously close to tears multiple times while reading, which is admittedly very hard to do. Also i think reading that fic is the closest ive ever gotten to what yall experience whenever i upload a new hunger au chapter-- i stg the dread i felt as the fic progressed had me HOLLERING in their dms like "IS THIS WHAT THATS LIKE. OH MY GODS" truly just a phenomenal fic all around
Thello, oh Thello, my beloved friend, her fic you are here to risk your heart had ME heartbroken in the best of ways when i first read it, and every reread since has only solidified it as a stunning cross-section into 3L!scarian's dynamic. Thello's writing in general is always so deeply elegant and refined-- reading it feels a lot like shoving the world's richest, gooiest, most delicately-layered cake into my mouth to melt on my tongue. She just gets intimacy in a way i rarely see done, highlighting the fragile way people can come together while straining to stay apart. Her writing is so deeply, utterly human in the details she chooses to focus on, and that level of groundedness paired with her fantastical prose makes me feel like what im reading is both very real and also the whisps of a beautiful, colourful dream.
And, last but very much not least, my wonderful friend Telk. Telk's writing is so utterly unique, bursting at the seams with both humor and a quiet rawness that punches me right in the ribs every single fucking time. They're also so deeply, insanely skilled at being able to say so so much in a story while dancing around the actual core of it, drawing you into understanding whats really going on below the surface like an event horizon. Their fic A Certain Je Ne Sais What is, in my mind, a particularly good example of the subtle and skillful way they weave implications into their work-- im perpetually in awe of how meticulously they poured Grian's cognitive dissonance between how he really feels about Scar, and how he wants to feel about Scar, into the narrative. That, and their characterization is genuinely flawless, im not sure ive ever read better character voices that capture the inherent humor of their owners than in Telk's writing.
Gods i have so much more to say about so many more of my friends and their fics but i'll stop here otherwise i will never shut up. Local guy loves his friends so fucking much i will shout it to the sky any chance i can take<3
And as a bonus, here's the hermit/trafficshipping collection i run on ao3, affectionately nicknamed The Body Count!! Its chock-full of incredible authors and writing, all of whom are my close friends, and its recently expanded to contain 60+ fics!! 60+!!!! INSANE. MY FRIENDS ARE INSANE AND I LOVE THEM PLEASE GO READ AND COMMENT ON THEIR WORKS BC THEY DESERVE THE ATTENTION :] THANKS FOR THE ASK AAAAAAAAAA OKAY BYE ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Epitome of Sweet Misery
It had been his idea – to carve his moniker into your flesh, to mark you as his. The two of you’d been going at this long enough that you might as well make it official, and who needed a ring when he had a knife?
Rating: Mature 🔞 Fandom(s): Dead By Daylight, Scream Pairing: Danny Johnson/Ghostface x GN!Reader Word count: 1.1K Content warnings: DEAD DOVE: DO NOT EAT, knifeplay, painplay, marking, crying, grinding, choking, threat of death, toxic relationship, it’s not Stockholm Syndrome but it’s got that kind of vibe, voice kink, only mildly tho, implied blowjobs, written with the intent of Ghostface being Danny Johnson but tbh it’s vague enough that you can imagine whichever Ghostface you want AO3 link: Here
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Author's Note: Done with Blood Fest Week 4! Keywords were “enliven” and “raw”, and I used the prompts “mask”, “knife”, and “venom”. Fun fact, Danny Johnson was my first ever slasher crush, but I’ve never actually written for him before. So I figured this was a good chance to go ahead and do that! Dunno if I’ll write him again, but I enjoyed this. And I hope you guys do too! <3
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You knew it was on purpose. You knew he wanted it to hurt.
Yes, the alcohol was to keep the wound sterilized – “Can’t have you dying on me yet,” he’d whispered, saccharine venom dripping from the words. But the fact that it did hurt, that every dab of the alcohol-soaked cloth after every slice sent fire roaring through your veins? It was fully intentional.
He wasn’t stupid. But he did love to make you squirm.
The gloved hand shifted against your back. You braced yourself. With tender, agonizing slowness, the tip of the knife dragged against your skin. Your flesh split open, spilling more blood down your back and sides, and you grit your teeth, twisted your fingers in the sheets and squeezed your eyes shut to keep more tears from falling. Then the alcohol-soaked cloth followed. Needle-sharp pain burned through the cut. You choked on a sob and shuddered through it, riding out the pain until it faded and only a drunken, dream-like high was left.
“There you go. That wasn’t so hard, was it?” he purred. The cheap plastic of his mask brushed against your shoulder. Even with its presence, even with the voice changer, you could still hear the smile in his voice. “You’re doing so good, baby. Only three letters to go.”
He slid his free hand around your waist and pulled you flush against him, your back to the solidness of his front. The fabric of his costume rubbed against your raw, sensitive wounds, and you twitched, biting down a noise of discomfort. But then you were biting down a moan as he rolled his hips and made it impossible to ignore the hardness pressed up against your ass.
A promise for what was to come once you were finished.
It had been his idea – to carve his moniker into your flesh, to mark you as his. The two of you’d been going at this long enough that you might as well make it official, and who needed a ring when he had a knife?  Who needed to announce it to the world when it could be your secret? If he’d said it any earlier, before your fear and dread of his visits shifted to eagerness and anticipation, you would’ve screamed at him. Told him no, are you insane? Permanently fucking up your body so you could never truly be free from him? No. No. He could go shove that knife up his ass.
But now? Once the shock had worn off, glee had taken hold. It didn’t matter that you didn’t know his real name, his real face. He wanted you. He wanted you so badly that he wanted to carve his want into your flesh. The idea of that name – Ghostface – permanently etched into your skin, knowing that you’d be explicitly undeniably his, body and soul, forever….
It was worth it. Worth the pain. Worth the agonizing, teeth-gritting, sob-inducing pain.
You drew in a shaky breath.
Only three letters to go.
“Come on.” He traced little circles along your abdomen, just low enough to be tantalizing. “Don’t give up now. You’re so close.” The way he said it, so suggestively, voice dropping at the last word – your insides clenched. “I’m so close.” Another roll of his hips. You moaned softly.
“Okay,” you panted out. “Okay.”
You leaned forward, giving him access to your back. He hummed with satisfaction and stroked your skin. Admiring the canvas of your body. Before putting brush to canvas and painting it red again.
You held your breath, heart hammering its way up your throat as he cut and carved and sanitized. Tears flowed freely down your cheeks. One cut. Two cuts. A third. A swipe of the alcohol cloth that made you dig your fingernails into your palms and bury your teeth into your lip. The letter “A” done. A long, curving cut next for the “C”. Another wipe of the alcohol cloth. He was hard against you as a sob threatened to escape. He was enjoying this, your pain, your struggle to contain it. Somewhere deep inside, bitterness festered at the thought. But it was soothed by a sweet caress, by a whispered, “You’re so good for me. Almost there, baby.”
And oh, did you want to be good for him.
You were soaked in sweat and blood at this point. Lungs too small as you tried to get enough air in to combat the pain, to keep from jerking away or squirming at the wrong moment. Almost there almost there almost there. Four more cuts, one more swipe of alcohol, and you were done.
Fuck, fuck, you could do this.
One cut. The vertical stem of the “E”. A whimper forced its way out. A tremor went through your body. You desperately clutched at the sheets. Then a horizontal line coming from the bottom of the stem. Pain burned through every muscle, every vein, every atom.
Then the third line.
You couldn’t help it. A cry burst out of you as you arched in pain. Then a hand clamped around your throat, cutting you off mid-sob. You choked. Struggled for air. Writhed.
“You were doing so well,” he hissed in your ear. Even as he sounded angry, he sounded excited, enlivened, as if your failure was just more fuel for his pleasure. “You were so close. You almost did it perfectly. And you messed it up at the last second.”
You clawed at his fingers around your windpipe. Your head swam, pulse pounding like a jackhammer to the skull. And then he let you go. You doubled over, hacking and desperately sucking air in. Even as you struggled to breathe, heat and arousal flooded your system. At this point, what was the threat of death but an aphrodisiac?
“What am I going to do with you, hmm?” You barely heard his words over the sound of your own coughing. Not till fingers were digging into your cheeks and forcing you to look into the lifeless eyes of the contorted, screaming mask. Tears blurred your vision, even as you thought, He loves me. Surely, he loves me. “Now what?” he whispered.
You could guess. Punishment, of some kind. A teasing, delicious, cruel punishment where he got to cum and you didn’t, where he used you like a mindless fucktoy to satisfy his own pleasure and you weren’t allowed to give yourself any release.
“Get down on the ground.”
You instantly crawled off the bed and dropped to your knees. And as you looked up at him, at that pale visage as he stood before you and started unbuckling his belt, anticipation heated your gut and pooled lower down.
What were you if not a loving victim and a perfect plaything?
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
Hi it's me again!! I rembered my idea :3
So like, Narinder is the bishop of death and, putting it lightly, death is EXTREMELY SCARY. So when he's defeated and recruited, other followers are kinda scared of him. Then the reader comes along, and they don't really care. Death as a concept never really scared them so they're totally chill with Narinder. Also maybe like... he won't say it but it's nice having somebody not be afraid of him.
(Btw can I be known as Forgetful Anon because I will be back)
As Narinder witnessed yet another elder collapse dead near the shrine, he couldn't help but lightly smirk at the followers who gasped at the sight. Some looked terrified, other sickly, and a few were mildly uncomfortable as they wondered where their beloved leader was.
'How strange, they've seen countless followers pass on, haven’t they? I would assume they'd be desensitized to it...oh well.' He just sighed, deciding to go over to prepare the body for burial.
Nobody else could be damned to.
"Out of my way." He gnashed his teeth into a snarl as he pushed past the group, ignoring their terrified stares. "Get back to work."
Obviously, he wasn't the Lamb. So it's usually not his place to give them orders.
Yet...they obeyed him out of blind fear and left him alone.
Honestly, it was nice to still be feared and revered like the fallen god once was. The Lamb was gravely mistaken if they thought he’d be subservient to their demands just because they spared his life.
Oh no.
Death bowed to no one. 
Even in this semi-mortal coil, he remained the symbol of death--the inevitable end for every living creature. 
Every follower in this cult is well-aware of who he is. They should absolutely be terrified by his presence alone-
“You know, we usually bury the dead with their gifts.”
“By the Great Ones-!!” Narinder hissed upon hearing a voice abruptly speak, snapping his head up to see you standing there with a wheelbarrow at the ready. 
Almost instantly, he calmed down, his fur becoming less bristled as he laid the skull pendant back down on the corpse’s chest. “Don’t sneak up on me like that. I was just..checking for dirt and grime.” He made up a lie.
“We polish it during funeral services.” You mentioned, which only further annoyed him. “You’d..probably know that if you attended our gatherings.”
“Well I don’t exactly feel welcomed. Besides, I already know how your rituals go. I saw them all through the crown. And don’t try to tell me “it’s different in-person”. I would only disrupt the service by scaring everyone.” He honestly didn’t know why he bothered talking to you--or why you even approached him.
Were you trying to make him look like an idiot who didn’t know the rules?
“That’s nonsense. All our welcomed in Lamb’s temple.”
He ignored that comment, instead going back to wrapping the body in bandages. You then looked down at the skull necklace, smiling. “The skull pendant is truly phenomenal. The power to extend a life..it’s incredible, isn’t it?”
“Hmph..yes..incredible at only delaying the inevitable.” He scoffed. “It doesn’t change the fact that your mortal lives will remain short..ever-fleeting.” Pausing in his work, he gazed at you ominously. Tell me something, [y/n]..”
“Yes, Narinder?”
“..do you fear death?”
He was taken aback by your immediate response. “Really now? Not in the slightest?”
“Nope.” You smiled. “It’s easy to be scared of it, but...I’ve always seen it as a natural part of life. Of course, it’s sad when I see elders die or someone I talked to a second ago being sacrificed or sent off..but it doesn’t scare me, you know? It’s hard to explain but..I’m just indifferent to it, I guess.”
There was a long pause as Narinder stared at you; his face was stoic but his mind was in wonder. Perhaps you grew up on that doctrine: to not fear death. He could very well see it in your traits from the moment you arrived here.
That would explain why you approached him so willingly.
Because he, the epitome of death, didn’t intimidate you one bit.
“Fascinating..but what if you knew your time was running out, and you still had regrets? What then?”
“I wouldn’t dwell on them.” You shrugged. “I’d just make the most of my life and die knowing I did my best.”
“...I see.”
“Yeah, haha.” Remembering the task at hand, you gestured to the wheelbarrow. “Once you’re done I’ll take the body to the cemetery.”
“..o-oh, right. Of course. So Lamb couldn’t handle the burden of carrying their deceased anymore?” He chuffed as he tossed the wrapped body in. “It’s funny..they would’ve eagerly sacrificed this poor soul if I asked them to...if only I still had my power.”
“It is a heavy burden. So I volunteered to take it off their shoulders. And I clean all the shrines and plant new flowers on the graves if they’re wilted.” You’ll admit that you took some pride in your duties. “Care to accompany me?”
“I have nothing better to do, so I suppose I could.”
There was not an ounce of enthusiasm to be found in his voice, but you chuckled and started heading there. “Well c’mon, slow-poke. There’s a lot to be done in this cult!”
Narinder followed you silently, ignoring the confused looks of followers who stared at you, wondering why you’re chatting with Death like he was a friend,
Because whether he wanted to admit it or not..you were the only one who treated him as such.
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booksandabeer · 25 days
Catching up
I got tagged approximately one million years ago by @burberrycanary 💙 and @somanywords 💛. Sorry it took me so long! 😬
Last song: I don't know the exact song, but I've been listening to the album Cat Power Sings Dylan: The 1966 Royal Albert Hall Concert a lot. I'm not a particuarly big fan of Bob Dylan, or a fan at all, really. However, I am absolutely a die-hard fan of Cat Power and I think that Chan Marshall is probably the best cover artist of...all time? Well, certainly of her generation. That's not to shade her original compositions, which I also love, but she's brilliant at taking songs that you thought you could no longer listen to because they've been played ad nauseam everywhere for decades, and then teasing something fresh and original and truly moving out of them. Listen to her covers of "I'll Be Seeing You" or "Mr. Tambourine Man" or even "New York, New York" and tell me they don't excite you in any way (if they don't, I suspect you have no soul). She's even great at covering herself! Please go and listen to her 2008 cover of her own 1998 song "Metal Heart" right now. It's one of my all-time faves and also, yes absolutely a Stucky song.
Relationship status: I have a person.
Sweet/spicy/savory: Everything all at once, please.
Favorite color: Blue, blue, blue. International Klein Blue to be precise. I cannot get enough of it. Also, I will die on the hill that chartreuse is actually a great color.
Last movie: The Last Stop in Yuma County which was a fun neo-western/crime thriller that didn't take itself too seriously and didn't outstay its welcome. Imagine that! A 90-minute movie. They still make those! Wild. If you like Tarantino and/or the Coen Brothers, but played at a faster, snappier tempo, you will probably enjoy this one too.
Last show: So many. Bodkin, which is the epitome of "this show doesn't know what it wants to be." Is it a quirky comedy? A crime show? A (very tepid) satire? It's not like you can't combine these genres, but the show doesn't combine them, it swings wildly between them. The ending was terrible. I've finally started watching Hacks (a delight!) and I'm still slowly making my way through Kings (only 2 episodes left). Also following along with the new season of IWTV, which remains an absolutely bonkers show. If *this* is what made it into the final cut, can you imagine what didn't? Oh, to be allowed to read the studio notes for this one!
Last thing I googled: The origin and meaning of a Norse/Russian name. For reasons.
Current obsession: The Terror brainrot is still going stong. I have learned so much about Arctic Exploration in the 1800s over the past few weeks. Also, in a curious turn of events, I have started reading Masters of the Air fanfic? I was unfortunately pretty disappointed with the show. I had hoped it would trigger a level-11 hyperfixation but instead it just kinda came and went and I didn't even think about it anymore. Then an author, who I still follow because they used to write Stucky, started posting one Buck/Bucky (yes, they are two different characters) fic after another, and one day I said, 'Why not give it a shot?' Well, here we are, tens of thousands of words later, and for the first time in my life I'm beginning to understand the people whose general fandom attitude is 'I don't care for the source material at all, but the fic! Oh the fic compels me!' I have been compelled. I'm now a person who reads fanfiction for a pairing that includes a character played by Austin Butler (sorry Butler heads, I just don't get it).
Wonders never cease.
Like I said, I got tagged for this ages ago, so I don't know who's done this (recently). I'm gently tagging @bromcommie, @aimmyarrowshigh, @zenaidamacrouras1, @shackleton2 and @hail-americas-ass. Also, I mean it when I say I want to know what everyone else is watching/eating/obsessing over/etc. Tell me! Open tag for everyone who wants to do this.
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vaalthus · 3 months
Convergence Part 2 (spoilers)
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Let's get into it.
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Honestly, I fell in love with this full synchronization animation alone and I can see from the quality, as well as everything that comes after, is the reason why the release had to be delayed.
Truth be told, prior to this release, I was expecting Jaania's fully synchronized form to be quite the visual abomination. What with her soul being in tatters and the circumstances regarding Hesperrhodos' creation. So imagine my surprise to find a certain level of beauty in this form and it's one that perfectly encapsulates Jaania's character.
The way I see it, if Uaanta's transformation was the last stand of a hero offering up all her devotion and faith to her gods through her body and Remthalas' transformation was that of an eldritch monstrosity puppeteering its slave, then Jaania's transformation is that of a scarred woman, hence her face scar being highlighted in the transition, frantically control the order of the very world itself. Her many hands meant either guide or cut away whatever she deems fit in her eternal era of perfection.
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I like how in spite of the noble intentions that's clearly driving her, these few lines really reveal the egotism that's mixed up in her reasoning. It's "her" perfect world we stand in the way in and it's our fault for wanting to stop her from a plan that could doom the very world she wants so desperately to protect. And that is reason enough determine that we don't have a future worth preserving.
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I love how Draco tried to pull the same little attack on Jaania that they did to Voyna, but she just doesn't even react to it. Never change little fella.
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The entire boss fight that ensues after this is truly something. Very thematically fitting in terms of Jaania's character while also somehow managing to be a step up above even the last one in part one. I'd say in spite of it being elevated to the complexity of the Inn at the Edge of Time, it still felt pretty manageable even as a Chaosweaver, so I get the thrill of kicking Jaania's butt as a weaver twice.
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In addition, I feel like a lot of the pop up text and status effects that Jaania has, or gives, really cement my thoughts in that she is rather similar to Notha's character, but unlike Notha, who existed on the side of Doom/Chaos, Jaania is the epitome of Order and Destiny. Which makes her vision for Lore all the more terrifying when she shows us what a world of perfect order looks like to her because it's a complete nightmare for the Hero.
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A frozen stagnant world, forever kept in stasis. One that keeps everyone from ever being hurt again but one that also keeps people from growing as they should in this world.
Fortunately, we once again prove we are more than a match for Jaania rejecting her delusion of control.
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And honestly, this just as much of the sorry sight I expected to be. All that time and effort she put into the Rose, to trying, in her very misguided way, to protect everyone and everything and it's all down the drain. Her hair is almost completely white now, meaning her soul is on the very brink and the people that were sacrificed along the way have essentially been wasted.
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One of these days I would like to take a further look into how the Hero views, well, heroism and how they've struggled with because it's an interesting sight.
I'm not sure what comes next for Jaania at this moment. She didn't die in her fight but it's clear her soul is not in good condition anymore. Even if she survives the trek back to surface, the Magesterium made it pretty clear they wanted her in their custody for judgement. Not only that, the judgement that remains back home in Greenguard for her actions and that of the Rose. Even if she's kept from any harsh punishment, where does she go from here? Will she sit in a wallow in misery? Try to atone for what she's done, provided she can be made to see the error of her ways? Perhaps Kara could help with that but beyond that I'm not sure what lies ahead for Jaania but I'm curious as to what comes next. I am satisfied with this conclusion.
However, there's that one little wrinkle to deal with.
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....AND HE'S JACKED. I mean seriously I know the experiments made him strong as hell but good lord! I suppose it makes sense it would end this way though as our band, and even the hero, has no means of actually subduing or harming Akanthus and so it's a race to ensuring that bomb does not go off in the Mana Core as there is still no telling what it might do to the Core though my guess is still that it might corrupt it with doom energy.
As for Akanthus himself, I'm not sure. It's starting to feel like he might actually just straight up and try and bathe in the core itself to connect with it at this point. Either way, this is ending in a titan fight. >:)
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We are soon to reach the end of this saga Loreians. Get ready.
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midnightsun-if · 9 months
i am SO obsessed with Quinn, I can’t wait to meet them in game!!!! I was wondering how much control each of the shifters like what is the likelihood of each of them shifting accidentally out of emotion ( like Sloane in that one ask)
I’m so excited for you to meet them in game too! Especially since you’ll get the opportunity to interact with them while Blake can make comments in the background (like a tennis match). It’s something that’s been fun to go back to as I’m fleshing things out.
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Koda: He has great control out of the shifters. Mainly because he’s a fairly laidback guy. Bear Shifters, unless actually threatened, tend to avoid conflict if it’s possible (as they don’t really want to deal with it). Koda is like that times 10– if he doesn’t have to cause a fight then he won’t. He’d much rather have everyone be happy and go their merry way.
Cyrus/Cyra: I’m including C because they can technically shift as well (although they’re not technically counted as a shifter). In extremely stressful situations, and I do mean extremely, you’ll see the signs of C beginning to shift: flames flickering on their fingers, their eyes beginning to flash more and more, some feathers potentially appearing along their arms or neck. Though they’d only fully shift if they needed a moment by themself and just needed to get away from everything.
Quinn: They have excellent control although their anger can get the best of them at times. It’s something they try to ignore, the complete opposite of Sloane, because of certain things they were exposed to growing up. Due to that Quinn tries to stay out of those types of situations wherein they could get explosively angry— as their wolf form is not something to mess with. Quinn, in most scenarios, even when it does come to mildly aggravating instances, is the epitome of a control. Exactly how they were trained but everyone has their breaking point.
Sloane: Anger doesn’t influence them like it does Quinn— it’s something they’ve come to know quite well, like an old friend. The only time they shift out of their own control is whenever their human side just shuts down and they need the reprieve that their wolf provides or whenever they’re heavily emotional (mainly when it involves sadness/grief) because it’s easier to process whenever they’re in their lupine form— it makes them not feel weak in the face of all the conflicting emotions.
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When it comes to shifters it just truly depends on the circumstances involved— one situation could cause a huge reaction, probably because of other events that proceed it, and a similar one could cause no reaction; though there usually is a correlation to said episodes where they shift without wanting to. It’s their wolf protecting their human side or take the lead when they feel like the human side can’t continue forward.
Protecting their mate is one of those times when the wolf would more than likely take over or be at the very surface waiting to do so (if the shifter doesn’t keep it under lock and key).
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cosmic-light-fics · 4 months
@sashafiercest What a whirlwind of a chapter this was.
Initial reactions are always tough for me because of the off-the-wall nature of my thoughts comingling with my desire to sound coherent, but there is no way I am going to be able to put off this comment for a later day. I simply can't do it. Not when the emotions after finishing the first read-through are so visceral.
There is so much in this chapter and to me it all hinges around what is never said, what is never outright addressed but is always present. The whole chapter is devoted to tip-toeing around the brunt of Carmy's grief. It's a freaking ticking timebomb and it's devastating to see play out in real time, along with Sydney trying to navigate her way through it all. The pacing is so immaculate. So superb. I caught myself having to slow down multiple times to fully stay in the rhythm of the story rather than tear through it all, rip it off like a band-aid covering a fresh wound. This whole chapter is akin to a pot boiling over, left to simmer for the whole day and then all of a sudden the heat gets notched up and everything is spilling over. All of Carmy's pain and anger and frustration, sadness and grief and terror and helplessness. Even during the times it felt we were out of the woods, like them taking a bath, I just knew the crescendo hadn't been reached yet.
I am so glad this was written through Sydney's perspective. It truly draws out the helplessness of the situation. Her trying to fix it, trying to help Carmy was so well done. It was messy, done in her own way, didn't seem to have much of impact on her end but we get that confirmation from Carmy of just how much she is holding it all together for him.
My absolute favorite part had to be the almost sex scene. I can't imagine how the process of writing that scene went for you. It hit like a ton of bricks to the back. Totally unexpected. Like being doused with the coldest water imaginable. I can't find the words to describe how sobering the scene was and how much it's intended effect landed so well. What a way to slap Carmy out of his avoidance. The absolute horror of it all. I literally slapped my hand over my mouth and GASPED. And the fact that it was the first time Sydney experienced his lashing anger is the cherry on top of everything else. I know you said you don't like doing angst that much but girl that was so well executed. It cut so deep.
No surprise but I loved everything about this chapter. The deep-seated love between Sydney and Carmy, and the fact that this whole chapter is a testament to what they haven't said yet is everything. It's all about the actions. I love how you never shy away from the gross aspects of human nature. If anything your approach to them makes me appreciate them more and hate the fact that I feel programmed to recoil from instances of vomit and tear-induced snot. It really solidifies the reality of their relationship and, personally, I feel it adds more depth to the genre and culture of romance. This is the epitome of "through thick and thin" and I freaking love that I get to read it.
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