#Tru Piss
randomnameless · 2 years
While it would have been a cool moment if Edelgard killed Byleth at the end of CF for being related to the goddess and, as such, having no place in the world she envisions, i somewhat like the implications of her allowing Byleth to continue working for her even after she finds out they're part-Nabatean; it's even more evidence that, when push comes to shove, she's more than willing to stomp on her own supposed ideals if doing so benefits her.
Those implications are already here, with some of her lines in her supports and Hubert's own - they know what Billy is, but still sprout the same shit, even if the Goddess herself (or at least her vessel) in on their side.
Supreme Leader's ideals imo is only about being on top, and being the Supreme Leader of Fodlan.
To reach that goal, she will ally/do whatever she must do, even if she doesn't like it. Enlisting Billy - a lizardspawn - 's help? Okay, because they have the SoC (and then maybe uwu romance). Siding with Uncle'n'pals? Okay. Nopes wise, siding with the Church for one chapter, to get rid of Uncle? Okay.
Everything is alright, as long as she becomes the Supreme Leader of Fodlan in the end.
The rest are just, uh, loose ends that will be dealt with.
I would have loved for Billy to be one of those loose ends - even if they swore to listen and to follow her, because Billy can eventually turn against her and become, in turn, a Supreme Leader of the world in her stead, she'd deal with them.
With a lot of sad uwu, of course.
Granted, idk if her fantastic racism is just, uh, usual racism or if it has roots in the belief that Nabateans, because they are "stronger" than humans, can become "Supreme Leaders" and humans cannot as long as they exist.
Hubert alludes to it in his Billy support, he calls it hypocrisy because he obviously drinks the kool aid of "might makes right" and the strongest being should rule, which is his and Supreme Leader's vision of what a ruler is supposed to be.
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wolfesona · 8 months
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Armin what did you do to make her this angry?!?!?
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Dazai: *Drags yet another stray cat that wouldn't let go on his pantleg to Chuuya's place and forces him to let them keep it* DONT CALL IT THAT T-T
Chuuya: I PAY RENT I CAN CALL HIM WHATEVER I WANT, GET OVER HERE AND CLEAN YOUR MESS MACKEREL-THE-SHITTER-KUN *while cleaning the cat's shit off of the carpets he just cleaned*
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rigormortisangel · 1 month
having NPD saves my life so often because i cant just jump off a cliff run in front of a massive truck or shoot myself bc itll be ugly and if i have to be an ugly corpse at my funeral ill come back to life and kill myself again
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corruptcuntboy · 2 months
Would the pillow prince like to straddled while he is desperate to pee? Just imagine that someone sitting on your waist holding you down, kissing and praising you while you try to hold it in. Feeling them hump you which shoots waves of pressure against your bladder, wouldn't that feel good?
This is so so hot,, I wanna b held down n kissed while being forced to wet myself 😵‍💫
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bibleofficial · 1 year
getting bitched at for being on crutches, getting bitched at for being in a wheelchair - or NOT in a wheelchair - getting bitched at for WALKING TOO SLOW ON A CANE like my family needs to fuck off and leave me ALONE
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years
have i. stressed how much i love the scene in Y6 where date’s assessing yuta as if he’s a father trying to figure out if his daughter’s boyfriend is right for her
like that is Quite Literally what is happening but my GOD...
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dragimal · 2 years
had a dream that my roommate said I could take her cats 😭
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miasmaghoul · 2 years
first impression: heck. scary. saint x2 (which means very scary) piss guy
now it’s like. ah you are chill. breakin my heart on the daily with your fics. i love it
thank u omg
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bellflower-goat · 2 years
#I wanted to see some stuff bout the book n just looked for the name in tags#There is so much fuckin x reader stuff <:]#I think I am not really ready for that shit h.c has made too comfy w how stuff is done there#why would ya put that in the main tagssss <:]#I wanna keep looking but ik I'll end up pissed cause I haven't seen the mi.#the movie n. Like I wanna see if there is a fa.ndom n if there's like drawi.ngs of the kids#But I remembered that 1.- mi.ss p looks different in the movie. So so damn different#And that 2.im pretty sure all of the kids have different designs n just. <:]#welp wish me luck I gotta check but before that im blocking like 10 variations of the x rder shit#And I might be wrong abt how the movie is! I just don't really have the time or energy to see how it's made#maybe when i see it I'll like it n say wow it really is good! But since they even changed the damn#lo.ve inte.rest I'm just :l abt it. Cause why that girl??? She's a dam kid in the book!! She has fun n has#her little tiara n all! What says 'roma.ntic i.nterest abt that??#idk I'm salty abt that#That's like. All ik abt the movie n that left a bit of a sour taste in my mouth#Edit ohohohooooooo there slore of em??? O thought there were only like 3! Hm this might have been worth it.#n just for the record I don't got anything against those x rder stuff it's just a tad bit annoying having to scroll tru all that when#It don't even have a readmore or something like that#This is all just me sayin my thoughts n I don't mean I'll by any of it
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randomnameless · 11 months
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Depicted above :
The average 2019 devoted "I really loved Tru Piss it's a deep and nuanced take on absolute monarchy and feudalism and depicts the impact of religion in the Middle Ages" fan having to play the rest of the game
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imperaptorfuriosa · 2 years
its been weeks and im still thinking about the fact that clive barker managed to get the pissing scene included in the rawhead rec moviw
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saebaragi · 7 months
my mom's patience with my older sister is truly admirable, if it was me I would have told her to just do and think whatever she wants but fucking leaves the rest of us alone
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bluebellthesponge · 10 months
my friend saw trolls 3 over break and we were talking about it over lunch and then *tried* to sing better place and we were soooo in sync (hahaha) jk we were just playfully singing it, but omg i was so excited when she said she saw it, now she can understand my trolls references/singing references/random ass memes, anyways we listened to mount rageous today also during lunch, and then somebody else saw it over break as well and said that nsync appearing at the end reminded them of me
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sirfrogsworth · 25 days
sirfrogsworth please i am begging to know your boomer uncle’s thought process when he installed all those spam search bars what on earth was he TRUING to do
This was my Uncle Larry. He died in 2014 from a lifetime of smoking.
But while he was alive, he was what my grandma would refer to as "a character."
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I feel like seeing his photo gives a partial explanation of the toolbar fiasco.
He was a man stuck in the 1960s but extremely curious about new things.
It was the early 2000s and I was trying to make some extra money. So when he was interested in getting a computer I offered to build him one from scratch.
What I didn't consider about this arrangement was that I was basically signing up to be my uncle's IT person. If something went wrong, it could possibly be due to a mistake I made.
He called me up complaining he couldn't see his websites and that the computer was running slower than normal.
I boot up his system and it takes 10 minutes to get to Windows. The desktop was filled with random programs he installed. And when I opened his web browser I was immediately greeted with a dozen pop up advertisements. Once I nuked them all, all of the different search toolbars were revealed. There was maybe a few inches of space for viewing websites and he had just been looking at photos a segment at a time for weeks before wondering if maybe it wasn't supposed to work like that.
I asked him why he installed all of this crap and he told me he didn't realize he had a choice. He just thought you had to say yes to everything that popped up on the screen. He also opened every spam email he received.
To make matters even worse, when he was searching for lewd pictures of Catherine Bell (aka the "JAG lady" with nice cans), he ended up on various softcore porn sites containing ever more dangerous pop up ads. And he clicked on all of those as well.
He loved the internet. It was a wonderland for such a curious person. He loved typing in random things and just reading and looking at pictures for hours. Aside from Maxim photos of TV celebrities, his searches were pretty innocent. He looked at old cars he used to own and lawnmowers he wanted to buy. He read old war stories and found websites helping him learn how to whittle walking sticks.
But he had no sense of danger. He had a Leroy Jenkins approach to life. He just sort of jumped into whatever without any fear or caution. Which is probably why my parents were so pissed at him when he offered 8 year-old me a ride on his new motorcycle. He immediately took me off-road and up a steep hill without a helmet or telling me to hold on. And it was a Harley, so not really meant for that terrain.
I tried a virus scan and it just said "You have every virus." So I had to nuke his Windows install from orbit. I then gave him computer lessons, which he paid me for, so that sort of worked out despite how frustrating it was to keep him from clicking on random things.
Uncle Larry taught me an important lesson.
Never tell your family you know about computers.
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writingoddess1125 · 1 year
Anger Management
Buggy & Daughters!3yo 🍒
Support on Ko-Fi
Old Man Series
"FOR FUCK SAKES SHUT UP!" Buggy Yelled, his temper flaring as he screamed at his lackies and pointed a finger at them. He had lost a fair bit of money recently in his business and was hella pissed off- This had started out as a meeting but was more of Buggy losing his shit.
"Buggy there isn't anything to be do-" Cabaji started to explain but was cut off again by Buggy slamming his hands on his next.
"I SAID SHUT UP! I swear to fucking God I'm going to fucking kill the next person who talks in this God damn Room! How can you all-"
The door slammed open suddently and Buggy already had a special Muggy Ball ready to shove down the throat of the idiot who dared to storm into his office!
"Hi Daddy!" ...
Buggy had never felt his blood actually freeze as he saw his 3 year old daughter standing in the doorway. Wearing the pretty blue matching dresses he had just bought her and her sister that had little cherries on it, her hair in little pink tails and in shiny doll shoes.
He quietly slipped the Muggy Ball away as he felt his face warm in total embarrassment, not daring to glance at the group he was just yelling at.
There was Dead silence. Ari toddling over with a drawing in hand and a large smile. The group of pirates trying to hold back their laughs as they saw Buggy's face shift from 8 different emotions at once and give a forced smile.
"Sweetie what are you doing at Daddys office?" He questioned softly.
"Mommy bring food Daddy! We draw this!" Ari chimed happily as she rushed to Buggys desk and held up the drawing. The Yonko reaching down and picking up his daughter gently to place on his hip as he took the picture with a detached hand. It was a fairly abstract family portrait of sorts with all of them holding hands on what he thought was the ship.
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"You two drew this? It's lovely Squeak, now where is Bubbles?" He questioned softly. Ari pointing to Ali who was peaking around the office door- She was much shyer then her sister so Bubby waved her in and she rushed to him clinting to his leg, Him scooping her up as well with his Chop Chop abilities.
"Alright. Gangs all here- Did you show Mommy the drawing yet?"
"No- This for you" Ali said softly, her voice barely above a whisper as she shyly glanced at the crew who were standing near by almost red in the face from holding back laughter.
"Oh this is for me? Thank you both. I'm going to keep this here and why don't you go find your Mommy for me? I'll be done with work soon" He said softly, Watching his toddlers nod in understanding. Giving them both quick kisses on the cheeks he set them down and kept the crayon picture on his desk.
The girls holding hands waved bye and went to find You.
"Bye Bye!" Ari waved at the lot who returned the nice goodbye as the toddlers left the room in a fit of giggles.
After they left it was silent again, Clearly the team truing to keep from bursting out in laughter at this point and Alvida straight up facing away from Buggy who was rubbing his eyes in both exhaustion and embrassment.
Cabaji was clearly feeling brave that day as he smiled softly and looked to the side.
"So what was that about Captian.. for the next wh-" He was cut off by a glare, far less intense as the one from before.
"Shut it-"
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