#Trolley step ladder
avheindia · 7 days
A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Right Aluminium Ladder Manufacturer in India
When it comes to home improvement, safety and reliability are paramount. One of the most essential tools for both DIY enthusiasts and professionals alike is an aluminum ladder. With a robust selection available in India, choosing the right manufacturer can significantly impact your experience and outcomes. Whether you're painting ceilings or reaching high shelves, a reliable ladder makes all the difference. But how do you sift through countless options to find the best? This guide will walk you through key factors that matter when selecting Aluminum ladder manufacturers in India . We’ll explore customer reviews that provide real insights into quality and service, as well as tips on comparing prices without sacrificing value. Let’s dive deep into this journey towards finding your perfect aluminum ladder!
Factors to Consider When Choosing an Aluminum Ladder Manufacturer
When selecting an aluminum ladder manufacturer, quality should be your top priority. Look for brands that emphasize strength and durability in their products. Check if the ladders meet safety standards set by relevant authorities. Next, consider the variety of products offered. A reputable manufacturer will provide a range of options to suit different needs—extensions, step ladders, or multi-functional models. Another crucial factor is warranty and after-sales support. A solid warranty indicates confidence in their product's longevity while reliable customer service can make all the difference long after your purchase. Don't overlook production processes. Manufacturers who employ advanced technology often ensure better precision and craftsmanship in their ladders. Always research thoroughly before making your choice to guarantee you’re investing wisely.
Customer Reviews and Testimonials
When selecting aluminum ladder manufacturers in India, customer reviews and testimonials serve as invaluable resources. They provide insight into the experiences of other buyers. Real feedback can highlight product strengths and weaknesses. Look for specific details in reviews. Comments about durability, ease of use, and safety features are particularly telling. Positive remarks from customers build trust in a manufacturer's reputation. Negative feedback isn't necessarily a deal breaker but should raise caution flags. Understanding how the company responds to criticism is equally important. A manufacturer that actively addresses concerns demonstrates commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. Social media platforms often feature candid reviews too. Engaging with these communities might uncover more unbiased opinions about products you’re considering purchasing. Always take time to analyze these insights before making your decision on aluminum ladder manufacturers in India.
Price Comparison and Value for Money
When it comes to purchasing an aluminums ladder, price comparison plays a vital role. It's essential to strike a balance between cost and quality. While some manufacturers may offer lower prices, it's crucial to assess what you're getting in return. Look beyond the sticker price. Consider the materials used, safety features, and overall durability of the ladders. A slightly higher initial investment could save you money in the long run if it means fewer replacements or repairs. Make use of online platforms and local markets for comprehensive pricing information. Many websites allow users to compare products from various aluminums ladder manufacturers in India side by side. This can help identify which brands provide genuine value for money. Don't forget about after-sales service as well. A manufacturer with good customer support might charge a bit more but will ensure that any issues you encounter are resolved swiftly. Investing time into research can lead you toward making an informed decision that fits your budget while meeting your needs effectively.
For More Information:
Telescopic ladders
Aluminum scaffolding
Scaffolding staircase
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corvidsindia · 5 months
Corvids Amazing Products Collection
Elevate your projects with Corvids' premium aluminum ladders and material handling equipment. From sturdy step ladder to versatile multipurpose ladder, find the perfect tool for any task. Explore our extensive collection and experience top-notch quality at unbeatable prices.
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withoutyouimsaskia · 2 years
Remember Me, Special Dreams
Part VI.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24 | Part 25
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GIF: Originally posted by​ @maeroria​
Summary: Self-insert. You're having trouble with recurring night terrors and Morpheus pays you a visit. (Title from the lyrics of Placebo’s Special Needs)
Warnings: language, angst, mentions of night terrors.
Word Count: 1.3k
A/N: Hello there, hope you are all doing well. Warning: this chapter is about to get dark. A lot of the scenarios described are recreations of some of my worst recurring nightmares, or inspired by them.
Sandman Masterlist
The nightmare begins with a passive tableau.
The image of a supermarket sprawls before you.
The aisles are so tall that their tops are impossible to see. They are stacked with bland cardboard containers. No labels are present give a clue to their contents. Trolleys are dotted around, stacked with the beige and brown cuboids.
The scene starts to move as people mill around beside you.
As always in nightmares of this ilk, the people do not have faces. They just exist, like props and furniture on a stage.
The cheery bing-bong of the tannoy sounds.
Your name is called in a sinister tone.
You freeze in place.
"After all this time, I can’t believe this is finally happening. I cannot wait to meet you. We’re going to have so much fun together, you and I.”
You are suddenly running.
Skipping through the crowd with the precision of a ballroom dancer. Avoiding inanimate obstacles like a boxer dodging red gloved swings. 
After a few directional changes, you realise that the aisles lead into each other and create a maze-like series of paths. Yet your dream avatar seems to know where it is that you need to go.
You round a corner; the entrance looms no further than 100 metres from you.
A group of intimidating looking people guard the exit.
You manage to retreat without being noticed. There’s a gap in the shelving that is big enough to conceal yourself in while you desperately try to formulate a plan. You swing yourself under the metal shelf.
The tannoy tune sounds again.
“Oh dear, Y/N. Did you really think that would actually work? I see everything.”
You chance a peek out of your hiding place. The red light of a security camera glares at you. This place is completely covered with surveillance. There is no amount of running or hiding that would help you here.
All you know is that you must avoid capture at all costs.
It takes all of five seconds for you to make a decision. You need to get out the building.
You’re climbing the shelves like a ladder.
When you reach the top, you back up as far as you can go and sink into a crouch.
You start to run again, propelling yourself with everything you have and just before you reach the edge, you spread your arms out wide.
Your superpowers kick in and you are flying.
Air hits your face as you sharply aim towards the space just above the heads of the guards.
You swoop straight over them, retract your arms and land with a perfectly timed forward roll.
A few more running steps and you are throwing yourself through the gaping hole that is the exit.
The familiar hallway of your house fills your vision field.
You sigh in relief. You are safe.
The roar of an engine startles you.
Through the peephole in the wooden door, you see a red car. A man sits behind the wheel. He is looking right at your porch.
He gets out the vehicle. He is holding a large knife in his right hand. It sparkles in the blazing sunlight.
“Shit!” You curse quietly, going to ensure that the lock is engaged.
As soon as you touch the handle, the door unexpectedly moves outwards a couple of centimetres.
You pull it back and try to shut it once more. The same thing happens again.
You are confused.
The door is slipping past the frame that should secure it. No matter how hard you try, you can’t get a purchase.
The person has reached the top of the path that leads to your front door.
Bewilderment gives way to fear. You try again and again and again.
He’s on your doormat.
You resort to holding the door still, hoping that the frame will come back into existence.
A well placed kick sends you cowering.
He's in the house. The knife is held aloft.
You know he means to kill you.
You flee, taking the steps of your wooden staircase two at a time.
Then, you’re in your bedroom. The man isn't far behind you.
An open window beckons to you.
You’re clambering up onto the little ledge, looking down at the grass and bushes below.
The man is a footstep away from you.
There’s no choice but to jump and so you do.
You fall.
An icy cold embrace of water consumes you.
It submerges you entirely. Instinctively, you lunge for the surface.
You’re thrashing, panicking, drowning.
Oxygen somehow fills your lungs.
You’re on a pebble covered shore. 
You push yourself onto your hands and knees.  The rocks dig painfully into your flesh.
A pair of familiar brown leather shoes come into view.
Anxiety pools in your gut.
You know exactly who is standing in front of you.
With much hesitancy, you sit up on your haunches and look up into the pained face of your ex.
Tears glisten in their brown eyes, just like they had on the day they had moved out.
After you made them move out.
“What did I do to make you want to hurt me, Y/N?”
“Nothing. You did nothing... I never wanted to hurt you.”
Rage flares their nostrils and narrows their eyes.
“Then why did you do it!?”
The words, combined with their towering presence are terrifying.
You’re stuttering, unable to reply.
You can’t help but notice how the semiotics of the conversation is directly mirrored by your physical stances.
You are supposed to feel diminutive.
They speak again.
“There’s something wrong with you. Everyone warned me and I never listened. But I see you for what you really are now, you’re a fucking plague.”
As soon as they finish the sentence, you detect an instantaneous change in the environment around you.
The sky and lake turn a gunmetal grey. Not from a sudden appearance of clouds but because the colour literally drains from it. You watch it happen with disturbed eyes. It leaches from top to bottom, like a keg being emptied of alcohol.
You look back to your ex. Greyscale is taking over every part of their being.
Your hands claw into the ground in fear.
Before you know it, the colours are leaking away out of your sodden clothes. Out of you.
That’s when the tremors start.
You scrabble to your feet.
As you reach your full height, there is a surge of power that threatens to knock you backwards onto your posterior.
You somehow manage to remain on two feet, feeling every inch of the rumbling earth through your thin-soled shoes.
The edges of your vision field wobble with claustrophobic darkness. It encroaches rapidly and soon all you can see is the face of the person whose heart you so callously destroyed.
At this point, it is near impossible to keep your balance.
The darkness pushes in further; you feel like you are being stuffed into a box that is ten sizes too small.
You want to fight back, scream, resist.
The words of their next taunt are like a bucket of ice cubes poured down your collar.
“I hope you burn in hell.”
You come to with a jolt.
You’re curled in on yourself defensively. Sweat and tears have moistened much of your skin.
You roll onto your back and open your eyes.
Someone is standing over you.
You don’t need to turn on the light to know who it is.
It’s your ex.
“W-what are you doing, how did you get in here?” You ask fearfully.
“I said I wanted you to burn in hell. I’ve decided I’m going to send you there myself.”
You begin to scream as their hands reach for your neck.
"Am I mistaken, or are we breaking under weight from the long time that he played God?"
Taglist: @pinkcyclewitch @layla2-49 @shoidy-cat @silverhart93 @boofy1998 @dotieeee  
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forensicated · 4 months
01x06 - The Drugs Raid
Bob and Jim are dealing with an adorable frequent flyer, Maggie (played by Liz Smith). She's been accused of shoplifting and claims she put a tin of salmon in her trolley. It just so happened to accidentally go into her bag instead. "It's a mistake anyone could make!" Maggie insists. Bob chuckles. "It is absolutely a mistake anyone could make, Maggie. But not 8 times in 12 months!"
A tenants meeting for the Clayview estate is happening in the station canteen. Roy and Charles are in the firing line as the chairman, Tombo, tells them there are around 200 children and young people on the estate, 30 are known heroin addicts and 2 have already died. The residents are blaming the police for not doing enough to stop the dealers. Charles rightly points out it's an issue worldwide. It's not just down to the police; the residents must step forward to inform about what they know. He tells them they've arrested 23 people for possession of heroin and 16 for distributing in the last three months alone but they can't do it without support and information from the public. One father claims that the police are just arresting their kids and not going after the pushers. The chairman tells Charles that they have given the names and addresses of the real problems but they're still walking the estate. They don't seem to understand that the police require actual evidence to get them put away!
Unable to take anymore, Roy leaps up and tells them that it's their kids who are the pushers. They need the dealers who are supplying the kids and claims the tenants likely know who the real dealers are and even where the heroin is being kept but are keeping quiet. "The balls in your court, ladies and gents." Literal head in hands moment for Charles.
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Galloway and Tombo have an argument after the meeting. Roy insists that he knows the heroin is coming from Deckers Club held in an old cinema. Tombo is shocked and says he can't believe it. Roy suggests Tombo acts as their inside man given that he has history with the owner. Tombo initially refuses and Charles agrees, saying Roy should never have asked him. Roy says all he's suggesting is that Tombo pays it a visit and then give them a name and he can shut it down, arrest the main players and they'd start from scratch and have the heroin off the street. Tombo agrees but only if it's just Brownlow and Roy who know of his involvement.
June is interviewing the store detective who caught Maggie. She says it's company policy to arrest and press charges no matter how small the theft or the circumstances of the thief. Bob doesn't think that's fair and has June add that it's company policy to the statement because he wants to ensure that the magistrate and the press are fully aware when it reaches court.
Charles tells Roy he's put him in a difficult position by not telling him about Deckers in the first place and then pressing Tombo to inform on it. It also makes him look like he doesn't know what happens on his patch. Roy smiles and tells him he'd only heard that day that Deckers had reopened and that he'd heard claims of "ponces, pimps, illegal drinking - that sort of thing," and that it was an educated guess. He insists there's nothing to be concerned about and as soon as he knows something is happening, he will get a warrant.
There's confirmation in the next scene that it's Bob who started the football club mugs 😉
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Maggie's one of the few people absolutely made up to see Roy. Roy makes the same joke as Bob about her having more tins of salmon than John West. 🤣 Roy puts Bob and Uniform on standby for potential action at Deckers, suggesting the girls attend in civvies. He doesn't tell him exactly what it's for just yet, claiming it's a rehearsal for the station pantomime 🤣
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...and that Tom with his ruler would make a nice fairy.
Roy tells Ted and Mike that, in time for the next morning, he wants them to obtain 2 drug dogs, 2 vans with ladders, 20 lads from the crime squad, lamps, sledgehammers and crowbars... he won't tell them why though. 🤣 "Where are we hitting, Guv? Fort Knox?"
Tombo fits back in back at Deckers like he'd never been away. It seems pretty innocent at first glance with couples dancing together. .
Bob leaves a message for Roy to tell him that he's still available on standby should he be needed despite it being his day off. In fact he's probably even more available than usual given he's at his mother-in-law's for the day! (Lovely little scene in the background of this too with Ted playfully teasing the cleaner, Hilda.)
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Tombo calls in with information and Roy jumps to it, asking Tom to speak to Brownlow to arrange a 2.15pm station briefing and to then ring Bob and call him in. Roy goes to see Tombo at a local sporting ground. Tombo confronts him for not knowing for definite but tells him it was a good guess because Deckers is where the street dealers pick up their drugs and he's seen big-name suppliers on the premises. Roy considers holding off for a few days to gather intelligence but Tombo tells him there was talk that sounded like there could be a big delivery that afternoon at 3pm. Roy asks for Tombo to be present to be his eyes and ears to point him in the correct direction. He'll then be fake arrested to keep his cover.
Roy then goes to the public telephone in the changing rooms to relay all this to Ted. 🤦‍♂️ "Don't tell anyone anything." he says - in an echoing changing room. He heads to the court to obtain a warrant from the judge to raid Deckers. The judge signs it and adds a private note to the application. Tombo heads into the club ahead of time and walks past several young people using heroin in the corridor.
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Brownlow has called the briefing but one of his main concerns is the amount of overtime needed to get enough bodies (!) He heads up the briefing by telling them to play by the rules and to make sure everything is recorded properly. Roy reminds them to keep up the speed because once they're seen the word will be out and the people inside will run for it or hide the evidence. He also reminds them to keep hold of their tools for entrance because they'll have secured the place up as much as possible. The briefing gives us our first Tony Stamp appearance!
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Bob suggests from past knowledge of raids at Deckers that the first thing the suspects will do is turn the electricity off at the mains to prevent the police from being able to see or know where they're going and to hopefully cause them accidents. Roy has arranged torches and lamps to help with that issue and Bob says he'll sort getting the electricity back on as a priority. "Be lucky!"
Tombo is still inside, watching various people taking drugs around him as he slow dances with a blonde.
The police leap out - dressed in civvies for the majority - armed with tools and axes and run at the door security managing to grab them before they can get inside. Mike repeatedly wields a sledgehammer to get them inside, giving the gang enough time to bag up their drugs and attempt an escape. Unfortunately, one of the gang spots Tombo trying to open the door for the police and goes for him, stabbing him with a flick knife. Poor old Mike keeps getting told to break the doors in with no one else giving it a go! "Come on, Mike!" "Go on, Mike!" "Give it some, Mike!" Doesn't anyone else have an enforcer, a crowbar, or a sledgehammer on them? 🤣
Sun Hill make big-name arrests in the club, but Taffy and Jim are almost run over by a car with diplomatic numberplates on as a suspect escapes. Uniform find Tombo and he's taken to St Agnes' hospital. A huge amount of drugs and weapons are found but Bob and Roy fear there's a lot that managed to get away.
Charles is angry when Roy returns as he's already had 2 national newspapers on the telephone, one telling him that there was a man stabbed and that half a million pounds of heroin was recovered and the other asking if it's true an Embassy car was involved. He orders Roy to follow him to his office where they are waiting for confirmation from Special Branch to see who was driving.
Ted and Mike speak to a terrified addict who tells him that the main supplier is the flash-suited git that Taffy and Jim chased and who got away. At the same time, Brownlow receives a phone call from Special Branch that tells him that the Home Office are now dealing because the man is a diplomatic agent from Simbula, a volatile West African state and things are ... delicate... They won't allow them to circulate the description of the man or car.
Charles tells Roy to go and visit Tombo in hospital to see how he is, forbidding him from interviewing anyone until he's calmed down. Roy worries they're going to lose the case because their hands are being tied by the Home Office because of 'some tinpot state that's flavour of the month in Whitehall.' Brownlow promises him he'll use his clout to ensure they don't come out of it completely empty-handed.
At the hospital, the doctor tells Roy Tombo has died. When they got him to theatre there were complications due to an enlarged liver and hepatitis. Tombo was an addict who had initially been weened off heroin onto methadone and other substitutes. He had lost contact with the clinic who was supporting him approximately 12 months ago and had returned to using heroin. He could perhaps have been saved if he hadn't given a false name, which led to a delay in tracking down his records. Roy storms off in silence.
Custody is full of addicts and patrons of Deckers club who are talking over each other. Tom shouts for quiet and Bob teases him about finally having perspiration on his forehead from hard work. "How would you know?" Tom smirks. Bob brings him someone to 'cheer him up' - it's Maggie with the shop security guard again. This time she's stolen three tins of salmon.
Roy barges into Charles's office where he's sat with 2 officials, one from the Home Office and the other from the African Embassy. The official from the African Embassy explains that a junior Embassy official, who will remain nameless, has been under scrutiny for some time for suspicion of bringing large quantities of heroin into England. His motive was confusing at first and with security being the primary concern the senior Embassy staff thought it prudent to allow him to continue to let them work it out (!) Brownlow quickly jumps in to say that Inspector Galloway fully understands the situation as Roy sits there silently simmering at the side of the desk.
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The official explains that the man was being blackmailed by a "Mr Gavin", most likely because he was involved in the abuse of a young boy. Roy asks how long he has known and the official states it came to light when they were informed about the car being involved. Gavin is an international dealer and known to the drug squad. The junior would drive to a carpark to meet Gavin and then allow him use of the official embassy car - and it's diplomatic plates - to deliver the drugs.
Roy asks why he's being told the details and the Home Office official claims it's so that Roy understands that they're claiming diplomatic immunity in the UK and the junior will be punished in Simbula instead. They continue to say that Roy should use his 'inside man' to infiltrate any future ring that Gavin sets up.
Roy asks for permission to speak from Brownlow before growling at the officials that there are parents at their wits end who are pouring their hearts out to Roy to ask him what he's doing about the supply of heroin that is killing their kids. Now he has to sit there listening to how it's an embarrassment to the Home Office and African Embassy. He shouts at the Home Office official about how he should be concerned about the drugs being shipped in and used in this country and that he should tell the parents himself why it can't be followed up on. Roy insists he will crack the case with or without the Embassy's help and he'll get the evidence to arrest Gavin. As a final mike drop he adds his inside man was one of those parents he'd mentioned and he is now dead after trying to help the police catch the suspects. "You wouldn't understand about that, would you?" he says, storming out.
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equalonline · 5 months
Best Aluminium Ladder from EQUAL
EQUAL is one of the leading brands in India for industrial products and tool manufacturing. We have a wide range of products including weighing scales, weighbridges, aluminum ladders, platform trolleys, recliners, etc. We have a wide variety of ladders to serve throughout India and outside. Today we are representing our best ladders so that you can from them according to your use. These products are designed to meet a wide range of customers.
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Types of EQUAL Aluminium Ladders
Multipurpose Ladder
Scaffolding Ladder
Household Ladder
Telescopic Ladder
Industrial Ladder  
Multipurpose Ladder
Multipurpose ladders, as its name, suggests this type of ladders are designed to perform multiple works with one ladder. With this kind of ladder, you can perform several activities like changing a bulb, trimming trees, painting, cleaning a fan, etc. You can perform every activity with absolute ease. This sort of ladder can accomplish two or more tasks. Most people love this kind of ladder because of its ability to change into various positions to cater to a variety of tasks inside the house or outside. These utile ladders can open into a step ladder position for the rise and are absolutely self-supportable however. They can even be opened into an extended position if you have got to succeed in higher locations – however, you would like to possess some support to lean it against a small amount just like the standard one. Its ability to create the staging for planks or platforms whereas not in use, the ladder is completely closed and kept without any drawback.
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Scaffolding Ladder
Scaffolding Ladders are also called extension ladders. It can be useful in reaching high places or heights. However, they need to lean on walls, trees, or any other for support. Usually, this type of ladder has two components – base and fly. The base needs to be placed on the ground, whereas the fly is a movable piece that extends on top, permitting the extension of the ladder to reach even more height. In most of the cases, slippery is completed by using hooks or ropes. Extension ladders are capable of reaching higher places than alternative sorts.
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Household Ladder
It is the most common type of ladder used for doing multiple activities for the home like changing the bulbs, hanging the plants, doing painting, cleaning, or any other kind of work at a high place. For all such activities, you need to have a robust and sturdy ladder that can keep you uplifted with complete safety.
EQUAL Household Ladder features anti-skid PVC shoes, which will protect you from skidding when you climb on it. The steps of the ladder are created with non-skid rubber like others, which makes it hassle-free, to use.
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Telescopic Ladder
EQUAL Telescopic Ladder is the most trending ladder in the market, especially in India. The reason behind its popularity is its look, use, and portability. You can carry this telescopic ladder with ease and comfort. The space requirement for this ladder is very low compared to other Aluminium ladders in the market which make it unique. It is available in various sizes and segments so that you can choose according to your needs and use. It is a kind of traditional ladder with a modern edge. It is much safer and compact so you can keep it anywhere in a small area. If you are looking for a sturdy, compact, robust, and durable aluminum ladder that can be used daily, then EQUAL is the right choice. This ladder is right for a home, warehouse, shop, godown, office, etc. 
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Industrial Ladder
Industries are the place where you cannot compromise with quality because it can be risky for your employees and you. So here we have a perfect solution for such industries. Our industrial ladder is created with T5-grade aluminum to withstand any condition. It comes with wide steps for a better grip.
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EQUAL industrial ladder is supplied with knee guards like other ladders within the list that provides additional safety while working.
With time, aluminium ladders have evolved a lot so that they become typical family equipment nowadays. Whether you have to change tube lights, clean fans, reach high cupboards, or paint the walls, you'll be able to complete various tasks safely and well with ladders.
But as there are many decisions to research, you may get confused while buying a ladder. If so, then scan our “buying guide” to make the right call or choice.
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expertsgaragedoor · 10 months
Garage Door Belt Replacement: A Step-by-Step Guide
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A smoothly functioning garage door is crucial in ensuring your home's security and convenience. One component that plays a pivotal role in the seamless operation of your garage door is the belt. Over time, wear and tear can affect the performance of the garage door belt, necessitating a garage door replacement. In this guide, we'll walk you through the garage door belt replacement process, ensuring that your garage door continues to operate efficiently.
Understanding the Garage Door Belt:
Before delving into the replacement process, it's essential to understand the role of the garage door belt. Most modern garage doors use a belt-driven system as their opening mechanism. The belt is a flexible, reinforced rubber component that connects the motor to the door's trolley, facilitating smooth movement during operation.
Signs of Belt Wear and Tear:
Regular garage door inspection can help you identify signs of belt deterioration. Common indications include fraying, cracking, or a slack appearance. Unusual noises during operation, such as squeaking or grinding sounds, may also point to belt issues. If you notice any of these signs, it's time to consider a garage door belt replacement.
Tools and Materials Needed:
Before embarking on the replacement process, gather the necessary tools and materials:
Replacement belt
Wrench set
Safety glasses
Step-by-Step Replacement Guide:
Disconnect Power:
Begin by disconnecting the power to your garage door opener to ensure safety during the garage door replacement process.
Release Tension from the Belt:
Manually open the garage door to release tension from the existing belt. This will make it easier to remove the old belt.
Remove the Old Belt:
Using a wrench set, carefully loosen and remove the bolts securing the old belt to the motor and trolley. Slide the old belt out of the pulley system.
Install the New Belt:
Thread the new belt through the pulley system, ensuring it aligns correctly with the motor and trolley. Tighten the bolts securely to prevent any slippage.
Adjust Tension:
Ensure the new belt is taut but not overly tight. Adjust the tension according to the manufacturer's guidelines to prevent premature wear.
Test the Door:
Reconnect the power to the garage door opener and test the door's operation. Listen for unusual noises and observe the movement to ensure the new belt functions correctly.
Perform Regular Maintenance:
To prolong the life of your new garage door belt, perform regular maintenance checks. Inspect for signs of wear, lubricate moving parts, and address any issues promptly.
Regular garage door maintenance, including periodic checks on the belt, is crucial for preventing unexpected issues. Set an inspection schedule, ideally every six months, to catch any signs of wear early on. Lubricate the moving parts of the garage door, such as rollers and hinges, to reduce friction and enhance the system's overall performance.
Additionally, consider consulting your garage door manufacturer's guidelines for specific recommendations on garage door belt replacement intervals and maintenance procedures. Following their instructions will ensure the optimal functioning of your garage door and contribute to your home's safety.
Remember that a well-maintained garage door provides convenience and adds to your property's security and curb appeal. By investing time in regular inspections and timely replacements, you can avoid costly repairs and enjoy the peace of mind with a reliable garage door system.
Garage door belt replacement is a manageable task that can enhance the longevity and efficiency of your garage door. Following this step-by-step guide, you can confidently replace a worn-out belt and enjoy a smoothly operating garage door for years. Regular maintenance and timely garage door replacements by  Experts Garage Door will ensure your home's continued security and convenience.
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bates--boy · 1 year
With a creaking click and clink of the keys in the lock, Peter pushed the first set of glass double doors in and propped them open, rushing to do the same to the other set of doors and stepping aside. He watched the in-pouring of coveralled workers, khaki jumpsuits carrying ladders, pushing carts of cleaning supplies and industrial vacuums, toting buckets of paint and rollers, and pulling a trolley of crates that had the fabric for reupholstering.
When the last of the workers strolled in with their power tools, Peter pulled a mask over his face and tugged on his gloves, tucking the sleeves of his cleaning shirt in. He picked up the push broom he had leaning against the wall and followed them. "Alright, let's get to work."
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irlguppy · 2 years
Spyro Reignited Trilogy Guide (Part 2)
Spyro is a really long game considering there's 3 games in one! I will try my best to organize the games in order step by step! This will be a multi-post guide to Spyro, I will post other games as well!
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Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! Achievements (29/29)
Summer Forest
After you reach the exit portal, continue past it to go outside and find a mole near a temporary flight powerup. Talking to this NPC gives you the task to flame the gem lamps (you need to defeat enough enemies in the level to unlock the powerup). Once all of that is done you have to light 6 Gem Lamps in 15 seconds to get this achievement.
Well, You Might As Well
Once you get to the hub world you can find hunter at the top of a grass staircase, he gives you a tutorial about gliding and hovering and when you complete it you get an orb and the achievement.
Bad Sushi
To get this achievement you have to do a few things first, unlock swimming from Moneybags (500 gems) in the hub world. Once you can swim go to the Idol Springs world and jump in the pond, there is an NPC that gives you an orb after completing his tasks. Task 1 is just to light up all of the squares which shouldnt be too difficult however you have to complete this before you can get the Bad Sushi achievement. After you finish the puzzle go back to spawn to get your next task, here you must not feed the idol ANY red fish at all so if you fail just restart.
Using Your Head
Go to Colossus and charge a goat. Yeah thats all
In Hurricos you must charge (fire does not work on them) all of the robots, they are almost always close to the Gear Grinders so they aren't too hard to find. You have to defeat all of the enemies to get a 100% in the game anyways so it shouldn't be too hard.
It's required to learn how to climb before doing this task, get to the next world (Autumn Plains) to learn how from Moneybags (400 gems). Once you learn how to climb go back to Sunny Beach, at the end of the level there is a ladder and at the top of the ladder is a task for two orbs (you have to do both tasks to get the orbs and achievement). ONLY headbutt / charge the turtles do not flame them to get the achievement.
Getting close to the sharks is an instakill so be careful! You can only destroy the sharks with the superflame powerup or after beating the game, when you unlock the superflame permanently. Defeating each shark gets you the achievement.
Conservationist 1
Defeat Crush without hitting the sheep at all, try to beat him without getting hit so they don't spawn and risk the achievement (you can always restart or come back to it) Crush is one of the easier bosses so I don't think this will be too hard.
Warm up the Crowd (Flight Level)
At Ocean Speedway you can fly to the crowd near the spawn, flame everyone in the crowd to get the achievement.
Autumn Plains
Long Distance
There is a secret area you need to use to get to the orb. Near Gulps portal there is an extremely out of place wall just charge into it to open it. After you go into the wall there is a whirlwind nearby you can use to go onto a tower then glide to the orb for the achievement.
Bug Control
This task is a bit buggy but it isn't too difficult. All you need to do is defeat all the Dracklets in one flight (don't touch the walls or the floor, if you do restart the entire level). I recommend doing the flight backwards, it made it a lot easier in my playthrough.
Don't touch the lava in Skelos Badlands, if you fail just restart the level.
Gnot Cannon
Blow up the NPCs with TNT using a cannon, explains itself really.
Trouble No More
This orb is a pain to get especially on your first playthrough. Collect 50 gears while riding the trolley in one go, you have to restart if you run into a wall or explode so good luck.
Duck and Cover
At the end of Scorch there is a staircase, after heading up the stairs there is a superflame powerup, talk to the npc next to it to get the task to defeat Bob. Use the powerup to shoot the flagpole and summon Bob, he will challenge you to not get hit by his bombs for EACH flag (3 in total). This one isn't too hard if you take it slow and stay above him on the nearby platforms, you can't charge or damage the bombs so just play it safe.
You're required to learn how to headbash from Moneybags (1000 gems) in Winter Tundra, come back to this after getting it. (The Earthshapers near lava can just be charged in after a few headbutts).
Hunter has a task for an orb, you need to collect crystals thrown into the air. To get this achievement you need to steal one of these crystals from Hunter as he's about to grab it.
Similar to Unburnt, don't touch the water in Shady Oasis.
Conservationist 2
Similar to Crush's dungeon and the first achievement for the boss fights, you need to fight Gulp without killing sheep. This fight is a bit more difficult so similar to other ones you can come back after unlocking the permanent Superflame to have an easier time beating him.
Flyin' High (Flight Level)
Defeat the Snowmobiles before taking down the gliders, it's really simple.
Bird is the Word (Flight Level)
Like the last achievement just defeat the Pigeons first.
Winter Tundra
Yard Work
At this point you should have enough gems to learn Headbash from Moneybags (1000 gems). Headbash all of the rocks in Winter Tundra to get this achievement. Don't forget to go back to Fracture Hills to get the Giantslayer achievement.
Monkeying Around
Charge all of the monkeys in Mystic Marsh, just do it all in one go it isn't hard at all.
Similar to Ratastic! in Spyro 1, don't kill any fodder in Cloud Temples. You can be near them just don't hurt them!
Olly Olly Oxen Free
In Metropolis there is a mini boss for an orb, you need to defeat him without taking a hit. Just flame bombs at him or wait until you obtain the permanent superflame ability at the end of the game.
Throughout the level there are yellow balls on the ground, pick them up and spit them at all of the robot bees (the flying hornets) to get the achievement.
In Ripto's Arena you have to use all of the powerups, the last orb you grab is the only one that matters so don't worry about the first two orbs.
Buggin' Out (Flight Level)
Charge into five of the Buggies driving around Canyon Speedway.
He's on FIRE!
To get this you need to 100% the game, all of the Orbs and Gems are required. Use your guidebook to check any missed items.
Another one done! After spending 33 hours 100%ing the game it feels really good putting this kind of stuff out for people to help hunters like me. Thank you for reading and congrats on beating Spyro 2!
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corvidsindia · 1 year
Unlocking the Advantages of Foldable Hand Truck for Your Business Growth
We are sure you would have benefitted from a Foldable Hand Truck while carrying your luggage in a hotel, transporting boxes, or moving suitcases. The Portable Hand Truck comes in a variety of shapes, sizes, and features, making it difficult for the majority of us to decide whether to purchase one. We, in this blog, will talk about certain benefits of choosing a Hand trolley online, alongside a portion of the central issues to be remembered, with the goal that you can get the ideal lightweight hand truck, reasonable for all your work.
 Not only are multi-purpose hand trucks durable and sturdy, but they are also extremely light, weighing just 3.6 kilograms! It is a tool made of industrial-grade aluminum alloy that is built to last longer than anyone can imagine.
Using less time and energy:
Make the Hand trucks do the work for you rather than recruiting workers or engaging in the strenuous moving interaction alone! This is a time-saving, energy-efficient, and simpler approach to transporting heavy loads!
In today’s fast-paced world, it wastes time to transport multiple boxes in multiple rounds. We can solve this problem with the assistance of a Durable hand truck, which allows you to move multiple boxes simultaneously and speeds up and slows down the entire process.
They constructed high-quality TPR wheels for smooth rolling and quiet operation, and they enabled users to adjust the handle height based on their requirements. Most compact hand trucks have a one-second open-and-fold mechanism that is operated by a single foot.
Effortless Assembly and Storage: 
These foldable hand trucks for business are compact and small, making them easy to store even in small warehouses and homes. These are not just easy to assemble but are present with a straightforward four-step procedure allowing quick assembly of the entire setup. You can make your brand-new folding metal hand truck ready for use by folding the supporting desk, extending the handles, and attaching the wheels.
 This multifunction hand trolley has rivets and plastic accessories that are securely fastened to them for stability. The additional bungee cord provides additional protection to keep your priceless luggage from falling and minimize operator injury.
Ease of Maintenance:
When it comes to Hand trolleys, one of the most important qualities to look for is their ease of cleaning, hence the user should always ensure this part too!
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Capacity for Weight:
 This is one of the most essential considerations to make before making a purchase decision regarding the best Collapsible Hand truck because carrying too much weight can damage the Hand Truck and injure the user. Consequently, it is critical to consider the maximum weight capacity of these hand trucks.
One ought to focus on the development of these Portable Hand trucks with aluminum, making them ready to endure incessant use. Before making such a small amount of speculation, one should carefully consider these factors!
Ease of maintenance:
The material of choice ought to be resistant to the elements, free of rust, and simple to clean. The Foldable Hand Truck ought to be simple to fold and put together.
The cost of a Hand trolley in India does not have to be prohibitive. Therefore, careful budgeting is required before making these investments. You can purchase a good-quality, long-lasting stool ladder for as little as 3,000, which can range up to 5,000 depending on the weight capacity.
If you choose the right portable hand truck online and take into account all of your options, it could be one of the best choices you ever make. People should select the best and perfect Foldable Hand Truck,to experience all the facilities and ease of usage. Corvids, one of these brands, is one of the industry’s fastest-growing service providers, offers products with a few-year warranty, fulfills all user-specific orders, and is one of the fastest-growing brands worldwide.
A dedicated team that is committed to providing ladders, chairs, tables, and casters of high quality and versatility has prepared Corvids to revolutionize mobility once and for all!
The hand trucks fabricated and provided by Corvids outflank all unique types of hand trucks available on the market, thanks to their ergonomic plan and development, with excellent and lightweight material. Designed to be used in any climate or weather. The industry-grade 5 Inch Big TPR silent wheels offer seamless and dependable transportation for your items and materials, and the specially designed extendable handle and supporting metal desk provide unparalleled stability for your goods while they are being moved. They designed the hand truck with a foldable handlebar for easy transport and storage, and it can store in small spaces such as closets, designated warehouse areas, under a bed, in a storeroom, or in garages.
A high-quality hand truck is a great investment that can save you time and effort while reducing your risk of accidents.
Corvids offer users a choice with a variety of hand trucks that can carry weights between 75 and 150 kilograms.
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Since the beginning of time, hand trucks have been used to transport goods and products to various locations. However, it is time to revolutionize your moving experience and end the old-fashioned way of carrying luggage in an uncomfortable manner! Nonetheless, in light of the various choices accessible on the web, alongside various choices in quality, development, and quality, one will in general get overpowered. The user must always ensure that a quality Portable Hand Truck meets certain requirements, such as affordability, portability, versatility, stability, and dimensions, prior to making an investment.
The amount of information won’t overwhelm you because corvids offer a single solution to all of these issues. Take a look at our selection of Foldable Hand Trucks right now on our website and get ready to move with ease!
0 notes
trolleyshop · 2 years
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If you are looking for a stylish, yet practical stock trolley, then you have come to the right place. At Trolley Shop, we offer wide range of Best shopping trolley Australia that are available in various designs, colours and finishes. Each of our stock products comes with a free standing handle that is held together by clamps. We also provide standard sizes of stock trolleys; these include a wood stock trolley, acrylic stock trolley and a steel stock trolley. Our team consists of experienced professionals who design your customised stock trays to suit your needs
0 notes
theartofimagining13 · 3 years
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BASED ON: Tom and Ben were enemies in their shady business. Ben captured Tom and thought he would finally get rid of him and climb up the ladder until his nemesis revealed the ace up his sleeve; he had you. Tom had l... [More]
NOTES: Kids, you know me. There’s bad men, guns, blood, and lots of cursing in this story. 
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The dripping sound coming from an old rusty pipe echoed in the empty warehouse.
It served like a metronome for the man with a hood over his head, strapped to a chair in the middle of the big space, humming Johnny Cash to himself.
I hurt myself today
To see if I still feel.
Thomas sang lazily, practically reciting the song after waiting for hours for someone to show up. He heard steps in the distance but that didn’t stop him; he kept singing. His captor Ben, with a cup of coffee in his right hand, a gun holstered in his waistband, and flanked by two men stopped several feet away from the chair to listen. At first, he thought Thomas was just mumbling random words, still in a fuzzy, barely-conscious state after being struck in the head with a heavy object to be kidnapped and brought to him.
As Ben got closer, he recognized the song and rolled his eyes at his colleagues. He reached the empty chair in front of Thomas and straddled it.
And you could have it all.
My empire of dirt.
Ben brusquely removed the hood and Thomas winced a little but kept his head low and carried on with the song.
I will let you down.
He slowly lifted his head to finally look Ben in the eye and deliver the next line while looking just as bored as his singing sounded.
I will make you hurt.
He finally stopped and cocked his head.
“Hardly. I mean, look at you.” Ben said with a proud smile before taking a sip of coffee. He suddenly raised his paper cup. “Coffee?”
Thomas glared at him.
“You are absurdly predictable, Benjamin.” He said.
“Why the hell did you blow up my shipment then, if I’m so predictable? You have no idea the amount of money I lost. It’s obscene. Not to mention all the clients who are now pissed off at me because of you and your army of cocksuckers who torched my product.”
“Which could’ve been avoided if you had kept your shit out of my territory. You were warned once.”
Ben finished his coffee and placed the empty cup on the floor.
“Did you really think you could fool me and bring in over a 150 K’s without us noticing?” Thomas pushed with undertones of disbelief right before letting out a chuckle. “We have eyes and ears everywhere. And now this?” Thomas motioned at his tied self. “God, I always knew you were a dumb prick, Ben, but I clearly underestimated your level of idiocy, didn’t I?” He paused. “My people will come after you.”
“I don’t give a fuck. You put a bloody target on my back anyway.” Ben said through gritted teeth.
He got up and, it wasn’t until then that Thomas noticed the medical surgical trolley behind him.  
“You’ve given me no choice, Tommy.” Ben said as he studied every single torture tool before him, trying to pick one. “I’d be choosing my last words if I were you.”  
Thomas studied him trying to tell if Ben was bluffing, but he suddenly turned around with a hacksaw in his right hand and a big smile on his face.
“I always wanted to use one of these. However…” He turned back around.
Thomas realized he’d have to negotiate. He forced a chuckle.
“You want to climb up the ladder. I get it. But you don’t seem to understand that killing me will only get you killed.”
“Bosses aren’t untouchable, you know? It’s been done in the past.” Ben calmly said still immersed in his toys. “I know your guys will come after me, but they can either choose to join me or follow you to the grave.”
Thomas finally came to the conclusion that he was in deep trouble but, like any other cunning cartel boss would, he had an ace up his sleeve.
“I’m impressed, Ben.” He began. “I see you’re finally acquiring a general sense of the business. What would your former little flame think of you now?”
Ben instantly tensed up. Fear crept in and shock kicked as he inevitably turned around at the sound of her name coming out of Thomas’ lips.
“What’d you fucking say?”
“Nevermind. I spoke too soon.” Thomas sighed while shaking his head with condescendence. “I never went around killing people that vexed me to get to where I am today. I did my homework. And if you did yours, you’d know that sometimes you don’t even have to get your hands dirty. People will do as you say when they know you’ll pull the trigger on the people they love.” Thomas lectured. “It’s about knowing the enemy’s weakness. And yours… is that beautiful girl, am I correct?” He paused. “You were even selfless enough to sacrifice your own heart just to keep her safe. So romantic.” Thomas mocked.
Thomas smiled at the sudden terror in Ben’s eyes.
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
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“This is the kid who’s been moving the new product in town.” One of Thomas’s men said as he walked with him towards the driveway. He handed him a file folder. “His name’s Benjamin.”
Thomas stopped a few inches away from his car to look at it.
“We gave him a warning, sir, but…” The man continued, “…there’s quality in his product. His sells are increasing among our clients.”
Among various documents and photographs, one in particular caught Thomas’ attention. A Polaroid of Ben with a woman.
“This cocksucker might become a problem. Follow him. Find out who she is.” He ordered as he handed the file folder back and got into his car.
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Ben missed her.
But he wasn’t safe to be around. Not since he had pissed the town’s mob boss and had taken a beating from his men. And as soon as he knew they were coming for him, he broke up with her without a reason just to keep her out of his messy and dangerous new lifestyle. He thought she deserved better but he was going crazy and missed her like hell.
Ben grabbed a black hoodie and left his place. He walked the streets with the hood on until he stood in front of her apartment building. He looked up at the 4th floor, and as if the universe conspired in his favor, she walked by the window and he caught a glimpse of her. Ben smiled. He wanted that to be enough for him so he could walk home in peace but he felt he would burst into flames if he didn’t touch her.
“Fuck.” He cursed under his breath and entered the building headed for the elevators.
Her face fell when she opened the door and saw him standing there.
“What the hell are you d-”
He didn’t let her finish.
Without a care, Ben ended the distance, wrapped his arms around her and kissed her desperately.
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“What are you involved in?”
The former lovers lied in bed wrapped in the sheets and in a bittersweet bliss after making love. She was resting her head on his bare chest.
“I know you’re the one sending me those money envelopes, Ben.” She pushed as she searched for his eyes.
“The less you know the safer you will be.” Ben kissed the top of her head and got up.
She stared at him as he started gathering his clothes and changing into them.
“You keep saying that. What about you? How is keeping me in the dark going to keep you safe?”
“That is no longer your concern.”
“I am not the one who broke things off out of the fucking blue, Ben!” She raised her voice. “You started talking about buying a big house and all these plans you made for us and then you broke up with me.”
“And it fucking hurt like hell!” Ben snapped.
Ben sat on the edge of the bed with a sigh. He could feel his lover’s eyes on his back.
“You don’t get it.” He said. “I love you… more than anything in this world. I just can’t let you pay for the consequences of my choices.”
Her eyes welled up with tears as she realized that this was goodbye again, perhaps a much better one that the first one but just as painful.
“Ben, if you truly loved me, you would’ve chosen me.” Her voice broke.
Ben shut his eyes when he felt her getting out of bed to lock herself in the bathroom. Frustration had begun to fill him. He followed her, pressed his forehead against the door as if he was in pain. There wasn’t much he could really say about his reasons and she would never understand them.
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One of Thomas’ men was parked outside the apartment building.
He had seen Ben walk in, and watched as he left.
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Thomas wore gym clothes and a baseball cap to blend in as just another city runner.
Ben’s former lover came out of a shop and her face fell when she realized her car had a flat tire. She instinctively looked around, not knowing what to do. But before she could even begin to search for a solution in her mind, a blue-eyed stranger stood behind her.
“Everything okay, Miss?”
She turned around to face him.
“Yeah… it’s just…” She showed him the flat tire with a hand gesture.
“I can help if you have a spare.” The kind stranger said.
“Really?” She asked trying to hide her embarrassment.
“Of course.”
“Oh, god. Thank you so much. Let me open the trunk.”
As the woman got in the car, Thomas gripped the knife he had in his hoodie’s pocket. The same one he had used to stab one of her tires when she went into the shop and no one was looking, while pretending to tie his tennis shoe laces next to the vehicle. When the woman joined him again, he held his hand out and introduced himself with a warm smile.
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“Let me buy you breakfast at least.” She said once Thomas had done her the favor.
“You don’t have to do that.”
“Please. It’s the least I can do. People are very rude in this town, so you’re like a superhero right now.”
He showed a shy grin and finally nodded.
“There’s a place around the corner.” She said.
After motioning her to lead the way, his smile turned evil.
Thomas’ plan had worked and it was only the beginning.
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“You motherfucker!” Ben spat as he violently pulled Thomas by the shirt. “What did you do to her!?”
“I wouldn’t worry about it. She’s in a golden cage.”
“You fucking touch her I will-”
“Oh, Benny, Benny, it’s a little late for that…” Thomas said venomously. “By the way, did she moan your name a lot in bed too, or does she just really love it when I stick my tongue inside her delicious cunt?”
Ben’s blood boiled. He didn’t think twice and punched Thomas in the face without letting go of his shirt. Thomas had an instant nosebleed but chuckled while Ben was an inch away from his face. Thomas turned his head to stare into Ben’s soul and with blood-stained teeth he grinned like the devil.
“My wellbeing is directly proportional to hers, and only I know where she is.” Thomas stated proudly. “You want to kill me? Go ahead. But you’ll never see her again.”
“You’re a fucking piece of shit.” Ben hissed.
“Valentine ’s Day is just around the corner, mate. What’s it going to be? Will you be sending her a bouquet of roses or a funeral wreath?”
Ben finally let go and stood up straight. He stared at Thomas but narrowed his eyes. He suddenly put his hands on his waist and let out a chuckle as he shook his head.
“You fucking liar.” He said. “You’re just trying to mess with my head.”
Thomas remained silent and serious, until a little smile appeared on his lips and doubt invaded Ben.
“What do you want!?” He asked through gritted teeth.
“Well, it’s not that complicated really. I just want my freedom of course.” Thomas said with an innocent shrug.
“I don’t believe you. I kidnapped you, for fuck’s sake, and you set my drugs on fire just because-”
“No. No. Not just because. You were selling your shit on my territory and for every action…” Thomas trailed off.
“Exactly. If I let you walk out of here, you’re going to hurt her.”
Ben paced back and forth, not knowing what to do. He even glanced at his men who looked just as dumbfounded.
“Untie me and give me my phone.”
Ben made a face.
“I’m a man of my word.” Tom swore. “You want to know if she’s all right, don’t you?”
A couple minutes later, Thomas was handed his phone and he used the one hand they had untied to dial a number. Ben pulled out his gun, aimed at him and cocked it.
“No funny business or I’ll put a bullet in your brain.”
Thomas rolled his eyes. Ben listened as he greeted one of his men and asked him to put his ex-girlfriend on the phone. He put it on speaker. Ben’s heart was racing while waiting to hear her voice.
It almost leaped out of his chest when he recognized it. Ben wanted to snatch the phone away. He was dying to ask her if she was okay.
“Hello?” She waited on the other line but the phone was taken from her.
“Sir?” Thomas’ man said.
Thomas looked Ben in the eye while uttering his next words.
“If I don’t come home tonight, kill her.”
Thomas hung up and Ben instinctively got closer until the barrel of his gun was pressed against his enemy’s forehead.
“You fucking-”
“You have no choice, Benjamin. We’re playing my bloody game now. So you’re going to untie me and never show your face around here ever again because this town isn’t big enough for the two of us.” Thomas threatened.
Ben was seeing red, nothing but fire coursed through his veins.
“You do your part,” Thomas carried on, “and I promise you she will be fine.”
Ben realized he had lost. He had to swallow his pride, felt like he would choke on it, and clenched his jaw as he lowered the gun defeated.
“I want proof of it.” He demanded.
“As soon as you send me your new address.”
“And if you lay one finger on her...”
Ben glared at him in silence for several seconds until he glanced at his men over his shoulder and motioned with his head.
“Untie him.”
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Ben crossed the snowy driveway of his cabin to reach the mailbox.
He had done as he had been told and was staying at a secluded place far away from Thomas’ kingdom. He planned to lay low for a while and until he figured out his next move. Ben had been anxiously waiting for Thomas to keep his part of the deal. Otherwise, he’d go back without a care and start a war. He’d do anything for her. But after three days of desperately checking the mailbox in vain, he finally received a small package.
Ben opened it in a rush and pulled out a VHS tape and a note he immediately read.
I’m a man of my word.
Ben stared at the VHS tape and sighed with frustration. Of course Thomas was going to give him a hard time even from a considerable distance.
“Old school cocksucker.” He muttered under his breath.
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After a long drive downtown to visit an electronics store, Ben returned with a VCR so he could play the tape. It had cost him a fortune for being an almost obsolete device. He plugged it to the TV in his cabin living room and popped the tape in. There was nothing but static for almost a complete minute and then it brusquely blended into a clear image of a luxurious bedroom.
Ben got closer to the TV, even knelt in front of it as soon as he recognized his former girlfriend sitting on the bed wearing a blindfold. Ben’s stomach clenched as he feared the worst, but she showed no bruises on her body and she was wearing a dress. The camera seemed to have been hidden on a surface a few feet away from the bed. All of a sudden, Thomas walked in wearing a suit and stood in front of her. He was holding a small box.
Ben’s heart was racing.
“You can take it off.” Thomas said before opening the box. “Happy Valentine’s Day, love.”
Ben’s ex-girlfriend stared at the diamond necklace inside the box and her mouth fell open. She got off the bed to get a closer look and Ben watched as she turned around for Thomas to help her put it on. When she turned back around, she crashed her lips against his.
“I love it. Thank you.” She said excitedly between lip brushes.
Thomas put his right hand on the back of her head and his fingers got lost in her hair as he pulled her in for a very passionate kiss. She pushed his jacket down his shoulders. Thomas was armed and Ben thought he was having a nightmare. But it got much worse when they toppled onto the bed and Thomas began to touch and kiss every inch of her and she threw her head back with pleasure. He groped her breasts as he slid down and pulled up her skirt. Thomas hummed with pleasure when he realized she wore no underwear.
He buried his face between her thighs, and she squirmed with pleasure as she moaned his name.
Ben gripped the remote in his right hand and stopped the video. He got up and started to pace like a caged lion and ran his fingers through his hair as his whole world came crashing down. He was nauseous and a million thoughts were rushing through his head. He didn’t want to keep on watching, he felt like it would drive him insane, but Thomas had a gun in his waistband. What if he hadn’t kept his word and had hurt her instead?
With both anger and fear making his hands tremble, Ben had to press play again.
Thomas lifted his head after a while to see her on the verge of an orgasm, but she groaned when he stopped.
“Tell me what you want.” He murmured.
“I want you to fuck me.”
“You want my cock inside of you?”
“Yes.” She breathed out as he pulled Thomas by the shirt so he’d get on top of her. She reached for the gun. Ben’s heartbeat stuttered but she just deepened the kiss as she left the weapon on the bed, right next to them. Thomas began to unzip his pants. He flipped her on the mattress to penetrate her from behind.
“You fuck.” Ben whispered then screamed. “YOU FUCK!”
He got up, threw the remote across the room which crashed against the wall and exploded into a million pieces.
Rage was pouring out of his every pore. Ben had sacrificed his love for her to keep her away from any possible danger, and yet, Thomas had waltzed into her life and she looked far from afraid of the gun holstered in his waistband. Maybe it even turned her on. Ben finally understood that she knew who he was and what he did for a living and didn’t care.
Was she in love with him?
Ben was sure that Thomas was just using her against him but she had no clue and was enjoying herself which made his stomach turn.
“God, I love you.” Thomas growled as he deepened his thrusts. “Do you love me, baby?” He grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled it. “Do you love my cock?”
“I fucking love it. I love you, Thomas. Please.” She moaned out of breath. “Go faster.”
He gripped her hips tighter and granted her wish before looking into the camera.
Ben shivered. He felt watched. He felt played, mocked, even emasculated. His eyes welled up with tears of anger.
Thomas showed the most evil of smiles right before throwing his head back and succumbing to the pleasure of her walls clenching around him as she came for him. Thomas was panting as he felt his orgasm getting closer and closer.
All Ben could do was watch as the man he hated poured himself into the love of his life, and he tortured himself wondering whether this all could’ve been avoided if only he had been truthful with her, or if it was just his cruel fate.
About one thing he was absolutely positive; now more than ever, Ben wanted to watch Thomas die.
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- ??? whatever i tell this bot i wasn’t in the army. did i just get drafted by marriage????
- i guess i’ll go meet the CAPTAIN. i have so, so many questions for them.
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- last voyage??? this thing is pointed in the general direction of the PRYDWEN, and it looks like it’s got a bunch of rocket boosters attached to the underside, so it might be capable of flight in some bullshit kind of way (probably how it got here tbh) - is the CAPTAIN planning an attack?
    - oh my god, arial naval battle between OLD IRONSIDES and the BROTHERHOOD OF STEEL’s flagship. i am hoping and praying so hard.
- first step though: finding a way up. the ability to climb a rope ladder would come in handy right about now.
    - found it eventually. looks like OLD IRONSIDES has been here long enough that they’ve built a super rickety bridge up to the hatch - it didn’t land here yesterday.
- the interior of this place is filled with junk? like just random stuff like salvaged monitors and shopping trolleys full of rotary phones. it looks almost like they’re trying to upgrade the ship while maintaining a degree of its historicity.
    - oh yeah, the crew are all robots. i feel like there might have been some kind of misinterpretation of instructions that led to these shenanegans.
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- [insert ship of theseus joke here]
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equalonline · 5 months
EQUAL - Why To Choose | Best Quality Products
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“A premium Place where you’ll find all the Aluminum Ladders, Digital Weighing Machine, Material Handling Platform Trolley, Recliners Folding Chair, and many more products that will satisfy your hectic work life at home or office.”
EQUAL is a Home and industry Improvement solution that was founded by Ashok Sharma under Unique Power Technology which was discovered in 2001 and has 16 + years of happy run in the Home & Industrial Products. They offer well-designed products and solutions like ladders, Material handling, Testing and Measuring instruments, beds, and chairs for your home. Equal's value and optimism are shared with our co-workers and customers across the globe.
At Equal where they focus on delivering premium quality products, in the market there are several businesses in similar categories that are delivering the products. But they are lacking in the customer satisfaction and quality of products.
Business Model
Equal has its online and offline business model of distribution products for home improvement. The company doing offline business for over 16 years and now it’s time to upgrade to online marketing. The brand also puts its products on Amazon.
Equal started with the Weighing scale and by delivering to every home and business, now they have several products in their list like ladders, Measurement instruments, beds, chairs, etc. They are continually creating and launching new collections for every customer need. 
The Equal Network
Apart from the home décor collection, equal fosters and works with highly work enthusiasts and builds a community on one platform. Equal also invites them to connect with them and work in a professional environment.
Equal has a wide range of home décor products starting from the ladders to beds and chairs, and they are selling these brands offline and online in India and outside India.
1. Ladders
Household ladders:
Equal household ladders offer safety and functionality at the highest level. They conform to exacting requirements, not just in the materials and workmanship. With unique as well as intelligent and practical details they make work easier.
Industry Ladders:
Our range of products includes industrial ladders such as tower ladders, step ladders, Aluminum extension ladders, self-supporting ladders, and many more items at the equal’s online store.
Multipurpose Ladders:
'Equal' presents a Foldable Multipurpose Super Ladder which converts/transforms into 6 different positions based on Requirements. It can be used as a wall-supported straight ladder or can be an A-shape Ladder to work in the center without any Support. It can also be converted into a Work Bench table. It is the only Ladder type that can be used even on Staircases.
Scaffolding Ladder:
Owing to our vast industry experience, we are offering a wide range of Scaffold ladders to our respected clients. All these products are made from quality-proven components with the assistance of well-qualified professionals at ultra-modern production units. Furthermore, we are offering these products in customized options too at industry-leading rates. These products are highly demanded among clients for their optimum performance and premium quality.
Telescopic Ladders:
Equal’s range of telescopic ladders is the perfect solution for situations where the ladder has to be regularly moved or stored. Collapsing down into a compact package, they can be carried in car boots yet extend, making them perfect for engineers or other mobile professionals.
2. Material Handling
Platform Trolley
Platform trolleys are super tough, heavy-duty trolleys that are equipped with a single push handle, this is an ideal platform trolley. The EQUAL Foldable Platform Trolley comes with the perfect four-wheel structure to move heavy or bulky items easily around the basement, garage, warehouse, shop, office, or home.
Casters and Wheels
When mounted on the underside of equipment, caster & wheels make it easier for personnel or machines to transport the load or other group of items from one place to another place. Typical industrial applications include platform trucks, crafts, hand trucks, assemblies, and tow line conveyors.
Hand Truck
Equal’s hand truck can help you to move just about anything, help to lift and move stacks of heavy ceramic tile, cement blocks, boxes packed with books or print materials, and much more. Find hand truck parts and accessories to handle hand truck a wide range of heavy lifting and transporting jobs at EQUAL.  
Material Handling Accessories
Equal’s Material handling accessories encompass a diverse range of tools, vehicles, storage units, appliances, and accessories involved in transporting, storing, controlling, enumerating, and protecting products at any stage of manufacturing, distribution consumption, or disposal.
3. Testing & Measurement Instrument
Retail Weighing Scales
The weighing scale has now become an integral part of every household as every family has some basic weighing requirements in its day-to-day routine life like weighing LPG Cylinders, selling old scraps like newspapers, etc. The product is approved by the Dept. of Legal Metrology, Govt. of India, and comes with a Stamping & Verification Certificate. 
Bench and Platform Scale
EQUAL durable bench and floor scales provide dependable weighing solutions for a wide variety of industries. Simple to operate, these industrial scales offer the functions and features needed to improve efficiency and increase productivity in factories and warehouses, on assembly lines or loading docks, during shipping and receiving activities, and at small retail shops.
Industrial and Heavy-Duty Scales
EQUAL durable bench and floor scales provide dependable weighing solutions for a wide variety of industries. Simple to operate, these industrial scales offer the functions and features needed to improve efficiency and increase productivity in factories and warehouses, on assembly lines or loading docks, during shipping and receiving activities, and at small retail shops.
Load Cell Systems
Equal’s economical load cell system are innovative, our highly trained and experienced engineers are outing their efforts in the process of selecting the appropriate load cell for your application. Our product line can be customized or a custom load cell can be manufactured if your application should require it.
Precision Balances
Equal’s precision balance has already delivered its services in various industries. Precision balances can be transported to the field or used in various settings instead of lab workstations alone. They are used in various laboratories and chemistry applications, common-sight labs, and many other places.
4. Home and Kitchen
The weighing scale has now become an integral part of every household as every family has some basic weighing requirements in its day-to-day routine life like weighing LPG Cylinders, selling old scraps like newspapers, etc. The product is approved by the Dept. of Legal Metrology, Govt. of India, and comes with a Stamping and verification Certificate. 
Steel Recliner Chair/Bed is considered to be an ideal product to carry with you during any Outdoor Leisure activity like a Picnic, Camping and barbecue, Beach side / Poolside where you can relax & relieve your Tiredness and regain lost energy.  
At Equal, we have always believed in the importance of building a great, enduring company that strikes a balance between profitability and a social conscience.
We take a holistic approach to ethically sourcing high-quality products. This includes responsible practices, supporting employees, and other programs. When you buy this way, it helps foster a better future for workers and a more stable future for them.
We believe in the importance of caring for our planet and encouraging others to do the same. We are working to reduce our environmental footprint, Equal’s every product is familiar with the environment at its very best.
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expertsgaragedoor · 1 year
Everything You Need to Know About Garage Door Motor Replacement
If you have an old or faulty garage door motor, it may be time to consider replacing it. Replacing your motor can ensure that your garage door opens and closes smoothly and safely every time. In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about garage door motor replacement: what to look for when buying a new motor, installation steps, and things to consider when making the purchase.
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Understand What Garage Door Motors Do and How They Work
Before replacing your garage door motor, it’s important to understand why it’s needed in the first place. Garage door motors are responsible for powering the mechanisms that open and close your garage door—typically through a chain-drive system or belt-drive system. The chain-drive system works by connecting a chain (or cable) to the door and attaching it to a trolley that’s controlled by the motor. The belt-drive system uses a rubber belt instead of a chain for quieter operation and typically requires less maintenance than the chain-drive system. 
Choose a Motor That Meets Your Needs
When purchasing a new garage door motor, there are several factors to consider. First, you should determine the size and weight of your garage door—which will help you select a motor that’s powerful enough to handle it. You also need to consider how frequently you use your garage door, as this will affect the amount of horsepower needed for the motor. Additionally, you should choose a motor with features that will help make your life easier, such as remote controls and several different speed settings. 
What To Look For When Buying A New Motor? 
When buying a new garage door motor, there are several factors that you should take into consideration. Consider the type of motor you need—chain-driven motors tend to be less expensive but louder, while belt-driven motors are quieter but more expensive. You should also take into account the size of your garage door and the horsepower rating of the motor; a too-powerful motor may cause your door to open or close too quickly, which can be dangerous. Additionally, you’ll want to purchase a motor with safety features such as photoelectric sensors and anti-entrapment sensors.
Installation Steps
Installing a new garage door motor is not a task for the faint of heart; it requires physical strength and knowledge of both mechanical and electrical systems. Before starting, make sure you have all the necessary tools such as a drill, screwdriver, pliers, wire cutters, and level. You’ll also need a ladder and someone to help you. Once you have everything, follow the instructions in your owner’s manual carefully. If any steps aren’t clear, contact a professional for assistance.
Things To Consider When Making The Purchase
When purchasing a new garage door motor, it is important to consider your budget. Motors can range in price from a few hundred dollars to several thousand, so decide what you are willing to spend before making the purchase. Additionally, make sure to do your research and read reviews before investing your money in any product. Finally, consider the warranty policy of the motor—most will come with a one or two-year warranty that covers any defects or malfunctions. 
Replacing your garage door motor is a big job, but one that can be done with the right preparation and knowledge. When purchasing a new motor, consider factors such as the type of motor you need, the size of your garage door, and safety features. Additionally, make sure you have all the necessary tools and someone to help you with the installation. Finally, remember to read reviews and check warranty policies before making your purchase. With careful consideration and research, replacing your garage door motor should be a relatively smooth process!
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kanghyeokk · 3 years
Jesse’s event: [A season to get drunk] Part 2
Part of the [Flutter in the Spring Breeze] event, translations by me.
I didn’t get to record the story, so here’s someone else’s recording of it! 
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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Event story 2: Good things are meant to be shared
It’s rare for me to wake up early. I drew the curtains open as the sun beams lazily fell on the interior of my room. I got up and prepared myself to head out, thinking that I wanted to collect the surprise I pre-ordered as quickly as possible as I stepped out of the condominium door. The moment I looked up, I froze in place. 
Jesse: Good morning, [Y/N]! 
Full of energy, he dramatically waved his hand at me. But that wasn’t the problem. I curiously looked behind his back only to see a yellow-orange truck parked there. I hesitantly pointed behind him.
Me: This is..? 
Jesse: Ah, I borrowed this from Monkey and friends, it should be enough to fit the items that we purchased yesterday. I even picked out a colour that fits the occasion. How is it? It looks good, right?
The bright orange and his bright smile complemented each other well. I couldn’t rebut. 
Me: Have you gotten into your role as a shop owner so quickly? Jesse: This is what the self cultivation of an actor is.
Jesse opened the door to the passenger seat, and held out a hand to invite me. 
Jesse: Miss, please. 
We rode this van to head to the square. I looked out the window to notice a few passers-by looking at us. Once we got down the vehicle, Jesse started moving out the equipment with a few workers of the drinks festival as I planned to bring out the surprise I prepared. 
Me: Wait for me a little while, I’ll go get something. 
Jesse: Hm? Are we missing something? Me: Secret. 
I mimicked his playful expression and threw him a wink, and walked towards the florists’ shop by the side of the bazaar. 
Owner of the flower shop: The Alstroemeriaceae you ordered. 
I walked out of the florists’ with a huge bouquet of Alstroemeriaceae that almost obstructed my vision. The eye-catching, vibrant petals leapt happily in my arms. Behind me was a worker from the shop who was pushing a trolley with two huge bouquets in it. It was now Jesse’s turn to look at me with his mouth agape. 
Jesse: These are… Alstroemeriaceae? 
Once the worker placed the bouquets on the countertop, they waved at us and left. 
Me: Yeah, I prepared a present in advance for our little shop. 
Jesse: Eh, so they weren’t for me. 
His eyebrows furrowed with a wronged expression on his face. I couldn’t help but giggled at his appearance, as I held out my arms and handed the flowers to him. 
Me: I’m just teasing you, otherwise what am I hugging this bouquet for? 
Jesse hugged a bouquet and winked at me, a bright smile forming on his face. He placed the bouquets on the counter only to realise that there wasn’t enough space for all the bottles and containers , so he shook his head in frustration. 
Me: Should we place them somewhere else?
Jesse: No need, I have an idea. 
He untied the ribbon that held the bouquet together and pulled out a stalk of Alstroemeriaceae. I only realised that it was two of them when the stalk was placed into a glass bottle. The stems were tightly intertwined, the orange petals reliant on each other to come together as a vibrant spark. 
Jesse: This is our shop’s logo. 
The flower moved gently in the breeze, as if it was sending us its best wishes. 
We gathered the remaining flowers and tied the ribbon once again. Jesse lifted the bouquet and put it on his backpack. 
Me: Don’t forget about it once you get back tonight. 
Jesse: How could I forget about things that you’ve gifted me. 
Jesse started organising all the bottles and jars he brought. I unwrapped the flowers and decorations on the countertop and started decorating the stall. 
Jesse: I didn’t think that you would’ve prepared so many items. 
Me: Of course I have to decorate it nicely, we’re the ones handling the stall today.
Jesse pushed the ladder to me excitedly and hung up two stars on the roof. All the decorations had been used up except for two Alstroemeriaceae flowers. 
Jesse: Task completed successfully! 
His excited expression was like a lively golden retriever. I looked at the flowers in my hands and suddenly thought of the perfect place to put them. 
Jesse: Eh?! The last two flowers became Jesse’s new headdress. Like two fluffy ears, they were softly placed in his hair. 
Me: How cute! Don’t they look like droopy ears? 
Jesse: If ears were indicative of feelings, it should be like that. 
He used his hands to adjust the “ears” so that they were upright, which made him look more like a happy golden retriever. I couldn’t help but laugh. 
The warm spring breeze blew past, and the two vibrant ​​Alstroemeriaceae flowers swayed gently in the wind, just like the two of us.
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sansxfuckyou · 2 years
We were friends, once
Summary: Red ends up helping Green move out of their miniscule home, he doesn't even know Green, only through Yellow convincing him to let them move in, but they're nice in an almost melancholic sense
Tagging: @sobredunia
Warnings: Check tags for warnings
Authors Note: Holy shit, Dunia you have the best prompts in existence, definitely tore through writers block with this one, I chose number 2 by the way and decided to just go for it all the way
Box after box was hauled past the door and dropped onto a trolley that Yellow stood by to rearrange the boxes on before rolling said trolley to the moving truck. Red was doing most of the heavy lifting, a table and mattress, Green worked on things that needed more caution, plates and mementos. They were in silence for the most part, without Yellow as a mediator everything became tense and they couldn't interact without an odd thickness and disconnect.
as Green finished packing the last of the plates and started on bowls, Red found himself pulling down the ladder to the attic. Dust barreled down and he coughed harshly before climbing up the stairs, the old wood creaked with every step he took. The entirety of the darkened attic was coated with a thick layer of dust, as though it hadn't been touched in years. He pulled the loose light and it flickered to life illuminating the roof compartment slightly, he saw nothing hidden away like he had partially hoped.
All he saw was one box in the corner of his line of sight, out of curiosity he crept over to it as quietly as possibly, not wanting to let the floor creak to much under his weight. He nearly tripped every third step he took, but eventually he reached the box and crouched down before pulling out a pocket knife and slicing open the tape. Dust slid from sun bleached cardboard as the two flaps were lifted from place, Red could barely see inside without squinting, he had to pull up a lighter to get a decent view.
He saw three items that lay within, a slightly worn photo album, a sun bleached certificate and an ominously familiar Charizard plush. The first thing he did was reach for the Charizard plush, a small rip rested at the base of its tail but other than that it was in good condition, he placed it on his thigh before reaching for the next item. He pulled out the certificate next, it read 'Blue Oak: Champion of Kanto.' or something along those lines, the writing was smudged with age.
Red felt a chill roll down his spine at the name of his old friend, his old friend that went missing without warning, his old friend that never returned. There were many theories on what had happened to Blue, many of which he easily discarded, others constantly creeping into the back of his head and causing him grief. He neatly place the certificate on the ground next to his foot before pushing away the theory that Blue had been murdered and that this Green is the murderer.
The last item he reached for was with great reluctance, almost afraid of what may lie within. He knew in the back of his mind he was overstepping at least a hundred boundaries, he had only just met Green last month, and now he was snooping through an attic box. Definitely breaking a couple unspoken rules no one should ever question if they want a relationship to ever stick around. He took a shaky breath before gripping the leather bound album and blowing off the dust.
'Blue Oaks Green Oaks memories.' Words on the photo album were scribbled and replaced as though the prior was supposed to be replaced, supposed to be forgotten, never to be remembered.
Reds throat started to constrict as his train of thought crashed and burned, a hundred scenarios of his lost friends death played out in perfect tandem.
He was in silent tears by the time he managed to snuff out each scenario playing out in his head before he flipped open the first page of the photo album. He was greeted with an empty page, he flipped further and further to the book till he hit the halfway mark where he was greeted with a few pictures of childish birthday parties. He kept flipping, trying to ignore the fact he could recognize each face in the pictures, he wiped the tears from his face before flipping to be greeted with an empty page.
He kept flipping page after page, freezing when he hit the last page, an unmistakable photo of him and Blue. The two sitting atop Blues Pidgeot, Blue gently gripping the brown feathers of Pidgeots hide while Red gripped Blues torso as though his life depended on it and they hadn't even taken off. The bittersweet memory played out in Reds head as he shut his eyes, playing each moment frame by frame, trying to think of the good times then the theories.
He heard the harsh sound of someone slamming their foot down on hardwood before turning to be greeted with Green standing at the top of the attic, clearly agitated enough to scare Arceus. Red froze before quickly trying to put everything away as he found it, he knew it was to late to try and hide what had happened, but best to try even its hopeless. Despite Green standing three inches shorter than Red, he was still a menacing individual.
Red expected to be slapped.
A good kick in the nuts if he was unlucky.
Maybe even a restraining order if Green was that mad.
Instead he heard a sigh before Green wiped the drying tears from Reds face, shocking Red by quite a bit. Green walked past Red before picking up the now open box and walking past Red once again. Red followed Green silently as he carried the box out to the car Yellow had and took a seat in the middle in the back, slamming the door shut. Yellow didn't ask what was wrong after taking a brief glance at the contents of the box in Greens hands, Red sat in the passenger seat up front.
The car ride was silent, the hum of rubber gliding across pavement reverberating in the car was all that was heard. The tension that lay within closed windows sat there and didn't go away, Greens grip on the cardboard tightened as stress and fear settled in. The familiar sound of cardboard tearing could be heard as he punctured the flimsy material of the box, he gave a weak 'Sorry.' before the silence and tension returned.
When they arrived, no one dared to move from their spot, a game of endurance would be the only way to describe the scenario in a twisted sense. Yellow was first to crumble, twisting the car keys to role down the windows a bit before leaving without speaking a word leaving only Red and Green in the car. Despite being able to stay silent in almost any situation, he had to speak his mind, to know if the most popular theory of what had happened to the first champion of Kanto was true.
"You killed him, didn't you?" Red asked abruptly in a quiet tone, running his hands across the leather upholstery of the car, he knew he couldn't tear the car up despite how weak the fake leather was, despite how stressful asking such a question was, he had to refrain from gripping hard enough to tear the leather.
"No, I just, I couldn't be him anymore," Green said with a sigh as he glanced to the box, wishing to avoid disclosing anymore information on what had happened. "Everyone loved him, everyone wanted him, everyone needed him, they were obsessed with him, and he couldn't be forgotten with his name in the record book as youngest champion, he hated it."
"He's gone and there wasn't a single person in the Oak family with the name Green, I don't know why you talk about Blue like you knew him, but you didn't, you take his certificate, the Charizard plush I gave him when we were kids and his photo album," Red snapped before trying to steady his breathing, clenching his fists, his nails broke skin and a bit of blood smeared across his palms and trickled down his forearms. "You didn't know him, yet you talk like you were in his head, it would drive me insane."
"Do you, do you remember when Blue told you he wanted to be a scientist, do you remember what you said to him that fateful evening?" Green questioned, aggravation clear in his voice, Red was almost scared at how accurate the question was, no one knew Blue wanted to be a scientist, he went missing shortly after he told Red.
"I told him it was stupid, he had no chance, he was the champion, we were the champions of Kanto," Red explained bitterly, that evening, oh if only he knew that was one of the last times he would see Blue before he went missing. "We had a responsibility and a title to uphold and he left, he didn't go missing, he consciously left, everyone dubbed it as a missing person case-"
"He left you, he left everything to rest on your shoulders, and then it came on the news, that he was dead, multiple artists depictions of his death, the only reason they guessed he was dead is because of his blood they found splattered across a wall," Green finished Reds sentence as sobs started to wrack Reds body, unable to finish the thought, Green placed the box to the side before reaching for a photo within one of the many pockets in his lab coat. "Do you know why he left you Red, do you know why no one ever found the body?"
"No, no one does, and the body was destroyed." Red said after evening out his breathing and gathering his thoughts, uncomfortable with the topic of conversation, Green chuckled a bit before answering his question.
"Because Red," Green started as he unbuckled his seat belt and reached for his box. "Blue never died."
Green was silent with a small smirk tugging at his lips as he opened the car door and left Red in thought before the champion followed suite. The door of the house was silent as Green pushed it open and placed his box on the kitchen table before looking for a glass to fill with water. Red on the couch instead, what Green had stated was implausible by all means nessacary, sure, Blue was a survivor, but the amount of blood found was all it needed to be dubbed he bled to death.
"He may be a lot closer than you think Red."
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