#Trewhella family
fundieshaderoom · 18 days
Fundie and Adjacent Families I Follow: August 2024 in a Glance
Brighton (27) and Reed (29) Robertson welcomed Frances Claudia on Aug 9. She joins older siblings Merris (2) and David (18 months).
Arti and Isaac (21) Anderson welcomed Dietrich Johannes on Aug 17. He is their first child.
Darbs (27) (Trewhella) and Isaiah (34) Muckerheide welcomed their fifth child, a little girl. She joins older siblings: Sylvia (6), Savannah (6), Wyatt (3), and Eliza (15 months).
Karissa (40) and Mandrae (40) Collins welcomed Arrow Chosen on Aug 17. He joins 10 older siblings: Anissa (14), Andrae (13), Annistan (11), Anjalie (10), Andersyn (9), Aynjel (8), Ansyr (6), Anchor (4), Anthym (3), and Armor (18 months).
Sierra (34) and Mark (43) Dominguez welcomed Briggs Maverick on Aug 22. He joins 7 older siblings: Khai (14), Daylon (12), Asher (11), Ellyn (9), Edyn (8), Brooks (6), and Merrick (4).
Laura (21) (Pearl) and Jadon (26ish) Martin welcomed their first child Aurora Lei on Aug 18.
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Lily (21) (Robertson) and Austin (21) Stalbaum are expecting their first child in February 2025.
Deena (38) and Dan (33) Dillard are expecting their third child on February 19th of 2025. This baby will join 2 older brothers: Jaxon (5) and Brady (3). This is their rainbow baby.
Sarah (33) (Waller) and Brandon (32) Webster are expecting their first child on February 20, 2025.
Madi (28) (Prewitt) and Grant (28) Troutt are expecting their first child, a girl.
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Jana Duggar and Stephen Wissmann got married on August 15. They did not announce their relationship until they were married, although there was much speculation.
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Jason Duggar (24) asked Maddie Jones (20) to marry him on August 24. They are planning a spring wedding.
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likemosaic · 3 years
NAME:  daniel trewhella.
RESIDENCE: depends heavily on verse: in his main verse, he’s a wanderer who rarely returns to his family “home” in the ocean and makes his bed wherever; in human verses or otherwise, he’s typically living a life of luxury and living in a palace (or close to it).
TYPE OF BED: the more luxurious the better. as a merman, he’s used to sleeping in sand or rocks, but he’s particular about even that. as a human, he prefers a giant bed, better to stretch out on (though if he’s sleeping with someone he trusts, he’ll chase them across the bed with sleepy cuddles).
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: usually 1-3. he runs cold most times, so especially if he’s alone, the more blankets the better.
NUMBER OF PILLOWS: again, the more the better. but like the blankets, they get tossed around during the night and can end up on the floor with only one remaining.
TYPE OF CLOTHING: prefers to sleep naked, especially alongside someone he loves, but is willing to put on a pair of underwear or some pants for propriety. any more than that and he feels constricted.
DO THEY SLEEP WITH COMPANY?: absolutely yes. again, verse dependent, but daniel’s a lonely person and that’s always apparent from the way he sleeps: clinging, thrashing, overly cuddly, etc. though the rose always comes with thorns: for example, in fantasy au, daniel’s prone to luring his rivals into bed then killing them. so maybe take it all with a grain of salt.
DO THEY SLEEP BETTER WITH COMPANY?: again, 100% yes. company eases the night terrors, though it doesn’t get rid of them. especially in main verse, where sleeping alone with no one to keep watch can mean being eaten by a predator.
DOES IT MATTER WHERE THEY SLEEP?: absolutely. daniel’s a creature of luxury and precision. if he’s forced to sleep somewhere, or can’t toss and turn, or the blanket isn’t soft enough or he isn’t warm enough ... you get the picture.
WHAT DO THEY DO IF THEY CANNOT FALL ASLEEP?: overthink, overthink, overthink. daniel’s got a lot of practice staring at the ceiling and worrying about random shit.
FREQUENT DREAMS, NIGHTMARES: both. daniel talks in his sleep and wakes screaming frequently.
DEEP SLUMBER OR NAPS: both. like a cat, he’d sleep 22 hours a day if he could, and would spend the rest eating.
WHEN DO THEY SLEEP: whenever he can. in human verses, he’s pretty ambitious, so he’ll stay up late to get something done or wake up early due to poor sleep. in main verse, he’s more cat like and willing to sleep at any time of day.
WHAT COULD WAKE THEM UP: depends on verse. usually, a nuclear blast is the minimum.
EARLY OR LATE RISER: late riser in main verse and some others; in human verses, early riser due to poor sleep quality.
tagged by: stole it from my love @strnza  tagging: @glacierfront @povvertaken @interaconteur @eoleolhan @madamhatter / anyone else who’d like to! feel free to steal + tag me!
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povvertaken · 2 years
      “ bijou told me you weren’t looking your best. so i knew i had to come and see you before tsa roughed you up too bad. ” when danny and his sisters were younger, they’d had a family cat run away, only to come back with his tail between his legs a few weeks later, much worse for wear. mom had helped them wash the little bastard, and he’d eventually moved on from whatever he’d seen out in the big world, but daniel had never forgotten the look on his face when he’d returned to the trewhella household.
           he supposes that this is a little like that. even for jacob, strung out is the only phrase that comes to mind, a far cry from the man who’d oozed easy living when they’d first met, who’d been confident enough to jump daniel’s bones an hour after meeting him. they’d done enough drugs and booze to kill a small child several times over, but this? dan feels the heady mix of concern and disgusted pity when he looks over the man he’d once loved–if he’d known that this sort of trouble was what jay was getting up to in mexico, he’d have intervened sooner. dan pictures hauling the man home by the scruff of his neck, bathing him just like that old cat, tucking him into bed (daniel’s bed, no doubt; scoot over, eliza).
then he remembers the reason he hadn’t known, why he hadn’t been in the loop: because jacob had lied to him. and for what reason? why bother lying when daniel couldn’t have chased after him, even if he’d wanted to? any sympathy he has drains out of his face like a stopper’s been pulled. he straightens up in the plastic chair they’ve given him, the clinical white walls of the airport where jacob had been detained closing in around them like a strangling noose. he’d flown out here to bring jay back with him to the white house, a lost toy reclaimed, but … with his new knowledge he considers leaving him here with the rest of the trash, a reminder of mistakes made. an abandoned toy, not wanted anymore. an unnecessary crutch. the vindication feels satisfying after the humiliation of knowing he’d been had by a man who, apparently, had far more guile than he’d ever let on. dan drums his fingers on the table between them, not letting up his icy stare on jacob, hoping to make him as uncomfortable as is physically possible. bastard, he hisses inside his mind, not wanting to give jacob the vindication of hearing dan’s rage out loud.
         “ she understated it. ” every word is cinched tight as a corset, as the set of daniel’s jaw. much as he’d like to hang jacob and throw him over the white house balcony for everyone to see, there’s the other thing, the thing he’s been gnawing on ever since jacob’s left: the loneliness. no one to make off color jokes with, to play a little bit too rough with. eliza’s, lovely and perfect as she is for the role he casted for her, is a poor substitute for the one sitting across from him. daniel had doubted he’d be able to find a replacement when jacob had gone, and that, unlike everything else, had been true.
            it doesn’t make him soft, not at all. but it eases the anger slightly, enough for him to ask, “ why didn’t you tell me? ”
jacob lifts a shaky hand to push greasy curls away from his forehead, sticky with sweat. daniel’s voice grates against his ears, in rhythm to the pounding against his skull. he feels a twinge of guilt for that - it’s not dan’s fault how he sounds. it’s jacob’s, because jacob is the genius who thought a little mexican black tar would ease his troubles. the guilt surges, twisting in his gut like a knife. or maybe that’s the withdrawal. the flickering fluorescent lights are doing little to help, and he tries to ignore the itch crawling over his skin like insects. he just knows that to scratch like that in front of daniel would doom him. more than he already is, by any shot.
his mouth twists at the thought. head hung in shame, there’s no way for anyone to read the expression smeared across his face like the hot tears of humiliation that threaten to spill out. what good is crying? he brought this on himself, all of it. sealed his fate when he bought that fucking plane ticket, made it worse with every job he took. his finger twitches on instinct, muscle memory betraying the ghosts at his back. maybe that, dan could forgive. what did dan care for anonymous dead mexicans? not one an american citizen, and therefore unimportant. half of them were already criminals. as much as jacob can call it a hazard of the career path, he knows that he could be just another nameless corpse in a ditch, abandoned to whatever scavengers find him. he feels like vultures are already pecking at him. he hacks up a horrible, phlegmy cough that echoes in the space between himself and the president of the united states of america.
“been worse,” jacob offers, thinking of the scar across his face for a start. of course, wounds and withdrawals are different things. one of them can be glamourised. the other is pitiable, sad, disgusting. his arms wrap around the wall of his own torso, still muscular and built for scrapping. the comfort that coated his bones when he worked for daniel is long gone, skin taught across lean muscles. he feels like a coiled spring, with none of the grace or form.  just unspent energy all focused on a single goal. previously, that goal had been getting his hands on daniel’s body. now, the idea of touching him makes jacob feel sick, sicker than he already is, entirely unrelated to the dopesickness wracking every inch.
like dragging weight from the floor, jacob forces himself to look at daniel. eyes like ice and an expression to match. he expected nothing less. maybe this time dan will cut the cord between them properly, and jacob knows exactly how he’ll respond. suddenly, the thought of being a nameless dead body in the wilderness is an appealing notion. “didn’t want you to know,” he leaves of the implied obviously from that statement. who’d love a junkie? he hid it well, but he still thinks in cycles of using, sleeping, waking, and scoring. the in-between tasks that separate each chemical sleep are unimportant and irrelevant. “thought i wouldn’t - see you again,” the phrases are splintered, his deep voice now caught by a tell-tale hoarseness. “an’ then... how could i?”
hi luv, yeah i’m good i’m just in the middle of injecting drugs into my arm and wanted to fall asleep to the sound of your voice. oh, what drugs? a nice little dose of heroin, babe, nothing to worry about! he can’t picture that flying. reaching for the water, he looks away from daniel and gulps it down. it’s cold in his stomach, chilling his battered veins. he feels like it might come back up, and prays that it doesn’t.
“m’sorry,” he mumbles, plastic cup still held close to his mouth, as though he might hide behind it.
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forget-why · 3 years
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Projections of Gulpilil's life in film, from his first role in the outback classic Walkabout to his last, as an ailing cancer patient in the documentary I Am Gulpilil, have lit up the sails of the Sydney landmark as the local film industry prepares to bestow him with its highest accolade. (Video)
The late actor will be honoured with the Longford Lyell Award at Wednesday night's AACTA Awards — the Australian film industry's equivalent to the Oscars — joining the illustrious ranks of past recipients Cate Blanchett, Jackie Weaver and his Crocodile Dundee co-star, Paul Hogan.
"David carried the legacy of his people into all his performances creating an authenticity that had never been seen widely before, and will never be forgotten," AACTA chief executive Damian Trewhella said.
"By redefining how the world sees Indigenous Australians, he paved the way for the next generation to reject cultural stereotypes and express their own truths.
"All Australia owe him a debt."
WARNING: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander readers are advised this article contains images of a person who has died.
The late actor's family has granted permission to use his image.
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christianmenatwork · 3 years
A Theology of Guerilla Warfare by Matt Trewhella-Selah54-Selah149
Sorry for being late in this episode release
Lot I could talk about.  Let me provide a few updates since our last Selah episode.
I gave my testimony at church.  It was not recorded otherwise I might upload it as an episode.  i'm praying I'll have an opportunity to present it again someday and have it recorded and hopefully more polished and with fewer tears.
I continue to learn a lot from the Youtube Channels Parable of the Vineyard, TruthUnedited, and Nelson Walters, but I'm also trying to spend less time listening to others talk about the Bible and more time actually in the Bible, but that's a work in progress.
As you know, I've been spending a lot of time with my new friend Damon Hinkle, who was the subject of the last 3 interview episodes.
I jokingly tell him I'm his mini-me since I've been soaking up so much from him.
He and i spent an afternoon distributing gospel tracts.
We've decided to start-up and run a Men's Ministry at our church where we will focus on 3 key areas: Family, Work, and Evangelism.  We're launching it in November and I'll have more to share on that in the future.
I've made up a physical cross taller than myself that I intend to use for street preaching.  On one side is painted "Are You Ready?", on the other side "John 14:6" which if you don't know it is "Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."
Here are a few resources Damon has turned me onto that I'd like to share with you.
Ray Comfort and LivingWaters.com.  I'm been watching his Youtube Channel a lot.  He shares the Gospel, often at Huntington Beach in LA, and you can get great tips on evangelizing watching that channel.  Also he has several documentaries there including God vs Evolution and The Atheists' Delusion.
FreetheStates.com (Liberator Podcast).  I'm quickly becoming an Abolitionist and waking up to the failure of the so-called Pro-Life movement.
Matt Trewhella, pastor in Milwaukee, with sermons available on Youtube and SermonAudio.com.  He preaches on current issues and has a great sermon called The Shot and the Tyranny of Man about the jab.  My friend Damon first turned me on to Matt when he shared a sermon Matt gave back in 1998 called The Theology of Guerilla Warfare.  This was so inspiring for me that I'd like to use the rest of my time on this episode replaying that message.  Listen sometime after the 30 minute mark where he talks about the mushy middle.  I don't want to be in the mushy middle. This is a departure from my normal Selah Episode format so I won't have an Example of faith at work, a Logo passage, an announcement or Handy Tip, just the replay of this Matt Trewhella message.  Enjoy
  Check out this episode!
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parramatter-blog · 6 years
Congratulations! Gotta life be seeing more champions in #parramatta. #Repost @pcycparramatta ・・・ 🥇🥇🏆 2018 NSW State Novice Titles: NSW State CHAMPION DHARRINGARRA TREWHELLA 💪🏾 Congratulations to all our nominated boxers who participated in the novice titles this weekend! You have all done an amazing job and have made your coaches, families and PCYC Parramatta club extremely proud!! 🏆💥 TWO GOLD MEDALS! NSW State Champions! Need we say more! 🥇💥🥊 Also Congratulations to our coach Jake and the boys for their outstanding results in the 2018 AABLI National Titles also with another Gold Medal! PCYC Parramatta is known for our outstanding boxing program as we have the best qualified and experienced coaches! Congratulations again Dharringarra, Jess, Mark, Mason, Chris as well as our boxing coaches Roy Sharkey, Jake & Andre! #pcycparramatta #empoweringyoungpeople #gold #boxing (at Parramatta, New South Wales)
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kourtneyroberts · 4 years
Ingo - Helen Dunmore
Sapphire's father mysteriously vanishes into the waves off the Cornwall coast where her family has always lived. He is the descendant of a man bearing the same name, Mathew Trewhella, who also vanished away to sea with a mermaid who he fell in love with. She often feels herself being pulled like a magnet toward the sea. Her brother, Conor, starts disappearing for hours on end, and Sapphire herself hears the call of the ocean. She meets a merman named Faro, and he takes her to the underwater kingdom of Ingo, where she longs to find her father. 
What word associations come to mind?
Deep, dreamy, blue, pull, pressure, dark, comforting
What are moods or themes you want to communicate?
Ocean, longing, history
What visuals support the book?
Blue, the sea, dreary, cornwall
Plan for 3 different mediums. How can they be integrated well and enhance your sequence?
Drawing, video, sound
Consider different sequence structure/juxtaposition possibilities. How can sequential versus simultaneity help communicate your story?
The juxtaposition between land and sea, which communicates the theme of the story
I chose Ingo because it is a book I’ve read multiple times as a child and I enjoy the imagery that comes with it
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bandi42 · 7 years
  Miguel Torres was one of the first foreign investors to buy land in Chile, attracted by the special climatic conditions of this region.��  In 1979 Torres purchased one hundred hectares of vineyard in Maquehua, San Francisco Norte and Cordillera and a winery located in the Curicó Valley.  With him, Miguel Torres brought his family’s long tradition of wine-making and over one hundred years of company history. 
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Harrogate Medical Wine Society held a tasting of the top-end wines of Torres Chile at the Pannal Golf Club.  The wines will be presented by Chris Mooney of Fells
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    The following wines were tasted:
Santa Digna Estelado Extra Brut NV (Organic) was served on arrival.
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The following wines were tasted:
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Cordillera Sauvignon Blanc 2013
Santa Digna Pinot Noir 2014
Cordillera Carignan 2013
Cordillera Syrah 2010
Cordillera Carmenere 2012
Cordillera Cabernet Sauvignon 2011
The tasting was followed by a three course dinner. Cordillera Chardonnay 2013 accompanied fresh smoked salmon with lemon oil, cracked black pepper, lemon wedge and fresh brown bread.
  Manso de Velasco Cabernet Suavignon 2012 and Conde de Superunda 2010 were poured with duck breast, homemade duck pancake roll with a smoked potato mash, wild greens and glazed baby vegetables with a sticky hoi sin sauce.
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A homemade mango and passion fruit cheese cake, honey comb crumb and assorted glazes was paired with Nectaria Vendimia Tardia Riesling 2010.
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“Julie and myself thoroughly enjoyed last night’s event, which thanks to your brilliant organisational skills, and to the many willing helpers made the evening  a seemless tasting. I know too well the challenges in pouring  many tasting wines to a large number of people. Torres didn’t disappoint and Chris did a stalwart stand-in job, and I enjoyed my pre tasting chat with him. We personally very much enjoyed the Cordillera wines, and in my personal opinion found they matched the food to my taste , better.” – Steven Goldsmith, Harrogate
“Once again thank you for an excellent evening.
A perfect end to a year of different experiences, increased knowledge and superb wines.
Last night was no exception as we explored the wines of Torres Chile accompanied by an excellent meal with wines that were most enjoyable.The Cordillera Chardonnay to us was exceptional.
Thank you Bernard for all you have done this year it has been appreciated and we are looking forward to 2018.” – Pat & John Shore, Harrogate
“Thank you for organising yesterday’s tasting and meal. Chris Mooney was interesting and entertaining.” – Jane Trewhella, Otley
“Thank you for organising yet another excellent tasting and dinner. Really enjoyed it.” – Robert Buckley, Leeds
“It was an excellent tasting yesterday evening so many thanks for organising it.” – Carole Wood, Ackworth
      Torres Chile Miguel Torres was one of the first foreign investors to buy land in Chile, attracted by the special climatic conditions of this region.  
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fundieshaderoom · 3 months
Fundie and Adjacent Families I Follow: June 2024 in a Glance
Merritt Robertson wed Tyler Metro on June 5 in Louisiana.
Georgia Brown wed Ryan Williams on June 25 in Tennessee.
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Haven Claire was born to Tannan and Mitchell Millsap on June 10. She joins 1 older brother and 3 older sisters.
Hosanna was born to Rochelle (Trewhella) and Nick Proell on June 15. She joins an older sister.
Baby Girl was born to Sophia (Trewhella) and Maxwell Trego on June 19.
Baby was born to Angellea and Jeremiah Trewhella on June 19. This new baby joins an older brother and sister.
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Hard Launches:
Samuel Rodrigues mentioned he is in a relationship in his high school graduation announcement.
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Chaney Kahle and Benjamin Tebbe are getting married on November 3 in Texas.
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Gender Reveals:
Esther (Keyes) and Nathan Bates shared they will be expecting a little boy. He will join big sister Kenna in October.
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Name Reveals:
Lydia (Ballinger) and Thomas Herring are naming their upcoming first child Aurora Lynn.
Katie (Bates) and Travis Clark are naming their upcoming son Harvey Grey.
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fundieshaderoom · 10 months
Fundie and Adjacent Families I Follow: Babies Due In December
Phillip Jr. and Sharlenae Collingsworth are expecting their third child, a boy. This baby will join a big brother and sister.
Cat and Aaron Kenney (Smith) are expecting their first child, a girl.
Jason and Sara Storms (Trewhella) are expecting their eleventh child, a girl. She will join 7 olders sisters and 3 older brothers.
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fundieshaderoom · 10 months
Fundie Families and Adjacents I Follow: Trewhella
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Matthew John Trewhella- August 12, 1960
Clara- June 16, 1963
The couple married on August 29, 1981 at ages 21 and 18. They now share 11 children, 8 children-in-law, 34 grandchildren, 1 grandson-in-law, and 1 great-grandchild.
Sara- May 21
Jeremiah Stonewall- January 7, 1993
Crispian- July 27, 1996
Darby "Darbs- January 16, 1997
Isabel- July 15, 1998
Traolach "Trey"- 2000
Matthew Red Cloud- June 7, 2001
Rochelle- June 23, 2003
Priscilla- November 2005
Margaret "Maggie"- July 2, 2007
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Sara married Jason Storms (June 29, 1978) in September 28, 2002. They share 11 children.
Julia Ann- June 27, 2003
Aliana Mahalia- October 7
Jonathan Samuel- April 4, 2006
Elliot- May 10, 2008
Jhael Elizabeth Rose- May 2010
Clara- October 2012
Evelina- December 29
Boy- May/June 2017
Charlotte- 2020ish
Hazel-Lynn Grace- December 2021
Lilian Noelle- December 2023
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Jonathan courted Andreanna Balken from April-December 2023.
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Joshua married Stephanie Laux on July 14, 2007. They share 4 children.
Sophia- June 8, 2006
Ryan- October 2008
Girl- April 2014
Cole Enoch- February 2016
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Sophia married Maxwell Trego on September 10, 2023. They married when Sophia was 17. They share 1 child.
Baby Girl- June 19, 2024
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Jeremiah is married to Angellea Grace Horien on April 13, 2013. They share 3 children.
Stefan- February 2014
Iyra Joan- August 21, 2016
Baby- June 19, 2024
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Crispian married Marlissa "Marly" Muckerheide (October 6, 1996) on October 15, 2017. They share 3 children.
Titus Swampfox- July 2018
Cyrus- October 2020
Silas Emmanuel- Miscarriage- 2019
3. Sierra
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Darbs is married to Isaiah Mitchell Muckerheide (June 12, 1990). They share 4 children.
Sylvia- August 2, 2018
Savannah- August 2, 2018
Wyatt Matthew- May 21, 2021
Eliza- May 2023
Baby Girl- August 2024
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Isabel married Jacob Patrick "Jake" on December 3, 2016. They share 5 children.
Jacob Aziel- February 27, 2018
Leia Raine- May 14, 2019
Haven- miscarriage- 2020
3. Noah Uel- January 30, 2021
4. Ila Light- November 30, 2022
5. Nadia Star- May 29, 2024
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Matthew married Talia Thorson in August 5, 2022. They share 1 child.
Adira- August 2023
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Rochelle married Nick Proell (November 29, 2002) on October 2, 2022. They share 2 children.
Haven- June 2023
Hosanna- June 15, 2024
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fundieshaderoom · 8 months
Siblings marrying siblings (fundies and adjacents)
Here is a list of siblings from families I follow that have married siblings.
Sisters Lana and Rachel Wilson married brothers Shelby and Daniel Weeks.
Sisters Ashley and Hannah Salyer married brothers Eric and Luke Hoover.
Brothers Carson and Joshua Bowers married sisters Carolina and Cassidy Bontrager.
Siblings Allison, Denver, and Lincoln Bontrager married siblings Jeremiah, Praise, and Susanna Helferich.
Siblings Esther and Michael Staddon married siblings Jonathan and Elizabeth Frazer.
Siblings Crispian and Darbs Trewhella married Marly and Isaiah Muckerheide.
Siblings Jennifer, Jedi, and Jasmine Willis married siblings Colin, Laney, and Ryan McDowell. Jedi and Laney are now divorced.
Honorable mention:
Siblings Timothy and Kaylee Rodrigues are engaged/married to cousins Heidi Coverett and Jonathan Hill
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fundieshaderoom · 4 months
Fundie and Adjacent Families I Follow: May 2024 in a Glance
Gracie and Aaron Keyes welcomed their second child, Brooks Davis "Davis" on May 6. He joins an older sister.
Savannah and Cole Labrant welcomed their fifth child Beckham Blue. He joins 3 older sisters and an older brother.
Isabel (Trewhella) and Jake Patrick welcomed their fifth child on May 29. She joins 2 brothers and 2 sisters. The name was not announced.
Audrey and Jeremy (Roloff) welcomed their fourth child, Mirabella May Roloff on May 23. She joins 1 older sister and 2 older brothers.
Tori (Bates) and Bobby Smith welcomed their fifth child, Weston Slade on May 29. He joins 2 older brothers and 2 older sisters
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Madeline (Langdon) and Zachary Garcia are expecting their first child, a boy.
Kristen (Baird) and Zach Clark are expecting their third child. They will join 2 older brothers.
Brighton and Reed Robertson are expecting their third child. They will join 1 older brother and 1 older sister in August.
Rebecca (Robertson) and John Reed Loflin are expecting their third child in November. This child will join 1 older brother and 1 older sister.
Jennifer (Hartono) and Joshua Toto are expecting their second child in December. This child will join 1 big sister.
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Danielle Seewald and Lawson Howard got engaged.
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Gender Reveals:
Katie (Bates) and Travis Clark are expecting a baby boy.
Tiffany (Espensen) and Lawson Bates announced they are expecting a little boy. This was already accidentally revealed several times...
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Name Reveal:
Karissa and Mandrae Collins have chosen the name Arrow Chosen.
Artemesia and Isaac Anderson have chosen the name Dietrich.
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Relationship Hard Launches:
Marjorie Jackson is dating Phillip Todd.
Jason Duggar soft launched. This could be Claire Langdon.
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fundieshaderoom · 1 year
Fundie Families and Adjacents I Follow: Master Post
If you want to easily see the fundie families and fundie adjacent families I cover on here, here is a master post full of links!
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fundieshaderoom · 9 months
Fundie and Adjacent Families I Follow: December in a Glance
Pregnancy Announcements:
Tannan and Mitchell Millsap are expecting their fifth child in May. This child will join 1 older brother and 3 older sisters.
Savannah and Cole Labrant are expecting their fifth child in May. This child will join 1 older brother and 3 older sisters.
Susanna (Wissmann) and Drew Jarred are expecting their first child.
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Cat (Smith) and Aaron Kenney welcomed their first child Dakota Rae on December 11.
Sara (Trewhella) and Jason Storms welcomed their 11th child Lilian Noelle on December 18.
Jessa (Duggar) and Ben Seewald welcomed their 5th child George Augustine on December 19.
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Lydia Ballinger and Thomas Herring got married on the 13th.
Jonathan Hartono and Tannia Christy got married.
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Johnny Paine and Maddie Henry are engaged.
Anastasia (Salyer) and James Silberman announced they suffered from a miscarriage a few weeks following their second pregnancy announcement. They named the baby Lael Avery.
Tiffany (Espensen) and Lawson Bates announced they suffered a miscarriage earlier in 2023.
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fundieshaderoom · 9 months
Happy New Year! Babies Due in 2024 (So Far!)
Unknown Month
Gabby Barrett and Cade (Foehner) are expecting their third child. This child will join 2 older sisters.
Emily (Haight) and Justus Stangl are expecting their first child.
Tori (Bates) and Bobby Smith are expecting their fifth child. This child will join 2 older sister and 2 older brothers.
Hannah (Wissmann) and Jeremiah Duggar are expecting their second child. This child will join older sister Brynley.
Sophia (Trewhella) and Maxwell Trego are expecting their first child.
Rebecca and Levi Moravek are expecting their first child.
Susanna (Wissmann) and Drew Jarred are expecting their first child.
Esther (Keller) and John Shrader are expecting their 14th child. This child will join 9 older brothers and 4 older sisters.
Elli (Perez) and Andy Cieslak are expecting their first child; a son.
Jessica (Seewald) and Joseph Coates are expecting their first child.
Josie (Bates) and Kelton Balka are expecting their third child. This child will join 2 older sisters.
Alli (Perez) and Stephen Trewell are expecting twins. These babies will join a big brother and sister.
Aaron and Gracie Keyes are expecting a son named Brooks Davis "Davis". Davis will join an older sister.
Tannan and Mitchell Millsap are expecting their fifth child. This child will join 1 older brother and 3 older sisters.
Savannah and Cole Labrant are expecting their fifth child. This child will join 1 older brother and 3 older sisters.
Morgan and Paul Olligies are expecting their second child. This child will join an older brother.
Nurie (Rodrigues) and Nathan Keller are expecting their third child. This child will join two older brothers.
16 babies are expecting to arrive this year for our fundies! Here are the families that are expected to grow the largest this year!
2 new Bates babies (via Tori and Josie)
2 new Keller babies (via Esther and Nathan)
2 new Noyes babies (via Nurie and Levi)
2 new Wissmann babies (Hannah and Susanna)
2 new Perez babies (via Alli and Elli)
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