#Tree Magic
carlavermeend · 5 months
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maureen2musings · 1 year
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godess-for-whitches · 6 months
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lailoken · 11 months
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Not long ago, my husband and I were lucky enough to meet a truly awe-inspiring tree—a centuries old Sitka Spruce that was likely once utilized by the indigenous population for funerary rites.
While the area surrounding the tree was (rightfully) fenced off to prevent disrespect or damage to the site, I was able to lay my hands on the exposed roots that crept beyond the enclosed perimeter, and that still felt very powerful and special.
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dark-corner-cunning · 3 months
The Virtues of Sacred Woods: Embracing the Magick of Trees
Note To Reader: As we find ourselves in the heart of summer, journeying along the southern road of the crossroads here in Appalachia, we embrace the virtue of earth and the magick of Old Mother Green Cap. This post is woven from the threads of traditional witchcraft, physical witchcraft, and my own path. As always, take what resonates and leave the rest. Feel free to make up or create your own correspondences and virtues as you see fit.
What is a virtue? In our witchy world, a virtue is a beneficial quality or power of something, a word whispered from the metaphysical lips of existence. It's the hidden essence, the subtle energy, the magick that pulses through the veins of the natural world. When we speak of virtues, we're invoking the spirit and energy that dwells within every tree, every branch, every tool crafted from nature's gifts.
Among the myriad stick-formed tools in the Traditional Craft of Cunning, two stand as pillars in our practice: the Wand and the Stang (or Staff). While their virtues are distinct, their roots intertwine deeply with the ancient woods from which they were born. Let us briefly explore these sacred tools, for within their grain lies the power to shape our craft and connect us to the hidden currents of the world.
-The Wand: Conduit of Power-
The wand, slender and elegant, is a faithful companion to the cunning practitioner. Its primary virtue lies in its ability to direct power and energy, much like a conductor's baton orchestrating the unseen forces around us. Wands are used to banish unwanted influences and spirits, sweep away negativity, and conjure helpful entities from the ether. When we cast a working circle, the wand traces the boundary, marking a sacred space or container where magick can unfold.
Each wand, depending on the wood it is crafted from, carries its own unique virtue. A wand of oak might offer a fiery virtue of strength, wisdom, power, protection, or aid to solar rites and magick… while one of willow could provide a watery virtue of emotional healing, strengthening love, divination, enchantment, enlightenment, or aid to rites and workings of the Moon. The wood whispers its secrets to us, guiding our hand and amplifying our intent. Thus, the wand becomes an extension of our will, a bridge between the mundane and the magickal.
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My "Red Serpent" Wand: This wand is directly linked to the serpent energy of the land. It is made from Oak and has a Dragon Blood Stone, Snake rib, and Blood embedded into it. I use it as an extension of my own willpower and life force. I usually bury it under a Full moon to charge when "Sprowl" is at its peak.
-The Stang: Pillar of the Worlds-
The stang, often fashioned from a forked staff, holds a different yet equally potent virtue. It can stand as a representation of the Horned One, the dualities of nature, and the power that flows from earth to sky. In its form, we see the concept of the World Tree, a sacred axis that grants access to the virtues of both the upper and lower worlds and those that lie at the crossroads.
In ritual workings, the stang is a steadfast companion. Its presence anchors us, grounding our energy and connecting us to the land. When we walk the paths of the wild, the stang serves as a tool to gather and store land energy, the elusive "sprowl" that breathes life into our craft. It becomes a beacon, drawing the virtues of the earth and sky into our rites and rituals, where they can be harnessed and directed.
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My Stang that I have been slowly working on for a few years now. It is made from Oak and the forked ends have Clear Quartz in each end. It has the Web of Wyrd Rune on the front and the symbols for each element on the back. I mainly use my Stang during laying and conjuring the crossroads for rituals.
-The Dance of Wood and Witch-
In the dance of wood and witch, we find our path illuminated by the virtues of our tools. The wand and the stang, though different in form and function, both serve as conduits of the ancient energies that flow through the natural world. They are not mere objects, but living entities that resonate with the heartbeat of the land.
Some practitioners favor keeping several wands, each made from different kinds of wood to suit various purposes. Yet, many find solace in the singular presence of one main stang or staff, a trusty ally that carries their spirit and intention.
As we continue to explore the virtues of the different woods, let us remember that our connection to these tools is a sacred bond. Through them, we touch the spirit of the trees, the whispers of the wind, and the silent strength of the earth. They are our guides, our protectors, and our allies in the timeless craft of cunning.
-The Virtues of Woods-
Note: This list is but a glimpse, for the world is rich with countless species of trees. Here, I focus on trees that dwell in my own corner of the world and the ones I know. These are mainly just the virtues of the wood and bark (not the leaves, flowers, seeds, or fruit). I highly recommend you embark on a journey to discover and list the trees within your local area, letting their virtues reveal themselves to you. Also, please take caution of any poisonous trees.
Alder: Defensive Magick, Strength, Leadership, Bravery, Divination, Healing, and Wind & Weather Magick
Apple: Love, Healing, Friendship, Divination, Garden Magick, and Harmony
Ash: Healing & Regeneration Magick, Sea Magick, Communication, Knowledge, Wisdom, Travel, Aids workings of Spirit, Passage Between Worlds, and is often the wood chosen for a Stang.
Beech: Wisdom, Knowledge, Focus, Meditation, Wishes
Birch: Purification, Creativity, Willpower, Initiation of Inception, Birth & Fertility.
Blackthorn: Baneful, Associated with Bucca Dhu/The Devil, Blasting, Defensive Magick, Setting Boundaries, Toad Magick, and Rites of The Dark Moon.
Cedar: Cleansing, Protection, Wards, Divination, Summoning, Consecration, Prosperity
Chestnut: Clarity, Focus, Justice, Encourage Longevity
Crepe Myrtle: Glamour Magick, Fertility, Youth, Peace, Money
Dogwood: Wishes, Protection, Health, Wisdom
Elder: Protection, Exorcising Illness, Spirit Conjuration, Blessing
Elm: Protection, Divine Feminine, Healing, Fae Magick
Gorse: Purification, Conjuration of Fair Weather, Discovering, Protection, Fertility & Love
Hawthorn: Associated with Bucca Gwidder/The Green Man, Dealings with Spirit Folk, Fertility, Enchantment, Wards, Charm, Spirituality, and Fishing Magick. Folklore suggests not using Hawthorn as a staff as it may employ ill luck upon walking journeys.
Hazel: Wisdom, Luck, Fertility, Wishes, Divination, Dowsing Wands, Inspiration & Visions
Hickory: Legal Matters, Protection, Protection, Wisdom, Leadership, Acquisition, Power, Wholeness
Holly: Aids Rites of Death/Rebirth, Exorcism, Defensive Magick, Potency, Logic, Power Transfer, Protection
Linden: Creativity, Enchantment, Enlightenment, Truth, Healing
Locust: Enforcing Boundaries, Binding, Defensive Magick, Enchantments, Wood and Thorns used to make pins for Baneful Magick, Appalachian Association with European Blackthorn Virtues.
Magnolia: Fidelity, Love, Hair Growth Magick, Marital Happiness
Maple: Love, Luck, Longevity, Money, Travel, Cleansing, Communication
Oak: Strength, Power, Protection, Wisdom, Longevity, Endurance, Doorways between Realms, Solar Magick, Potency, Associated with The Red Serpent.
Palm: Fertility, Focus, Potency, Divination, Purification, Protection
Pine: Strength, Protection, Healing, Prosperity, Exorcism, Wisdom, Increase of Power
Poplar: Spirituality, Change, Rebirth, Summoning, Wealth, Willpower, Witch Flight
Rowan: Protection, Guarding, Defensive Magick, Warding, Necromancy, Quickening, Conjuring Visions, Lifting Curses, A staff of Rowan protects while journeying.
Sumac: Cleansing, Healing, Creativity, Focus
Sweet Gum: Healing, Spirituality, Enchantment, Leadership
Sycamore: Ancestral Wisdom, Divination, Prosperity, Strength, Endurance
Walnut: Cleansing, Healing, Focus, Insight
Willow: Moon Rites & Workings, Emotion Healing, Love, Fertility, Divination, Change, Wishes, Enchantment, Spirituality, Wards
Witch Hazel: Chastity, Protection, Emotional Healing
Yew: Death Mysteries, Ancestral Wisdom, Transformation, Change, Renewal, Baneful, Necromancy
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coenderuiter · 11 months
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raining-tulips · 11 months
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My sacred tree
(Reblogs okay, ask permission before reposting)
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vnvnationfan · 1 year
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herbalnature · 4 months
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A mesmerizing sweep of golden aspen trees blankets the slopes of Park City, offering a vibrant glimpse into autumn's palette. The bare, silvery trunks stand in stark contrast, creating a tapestry of natural elegance.
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maureen2musings · 1 year
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Hanging on
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godess-for-whitches · 6 months
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lailoken · 7 months
Inducing the Aid of the Oak Tree Lord
I had to run some errands that took me a ways away from home today, and while I was there, I realized I was actually fairly close to a butte that I occasioanlly visit in order to propititate a great, hollow-bearing Oak Tree which grows there. Since I've done some potent and highly effective magic with the help of the Oak Tree Lord recently, I thought I would go to him again with another request. Specifically, my stores of Hollow Water have begun to run low, and I've been needing to replenish it. We had some very wet weather not long ago, which made me think I would be easily able to retrieve the water I needed from another tree hollow I've drawn from before, but following a sudden spell of hot and dry weather, I was chagrined to discover a hollow that was very wet, but not full enough to retrieve water from. I was worried I might have missed my chance to get more for a while, but given that the Oak Tree Lord helped me find the last source of Hollow Water I drew from, it seemed worth going to him again.
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Being an unplanned visit, I didn't have any of the normal tools I would have with me for such an endeavor—such as a flask for collecting water, a lance for drawing blood, or anything on hand for me to offer the Oak Tree Lord—but a mage must frequently make do. In the end, I collected 13 Galls from other Oaks around the butte, each of which I painted with my blood (thanks to the help of a nearby Hawthorn copse) and then fed to the Oaken Mouth of the tree I came to propititate. I also gave a wreath that I wove from dandelion flowers.
Literally minutes later, I was overjoyed (and a little astonished) to stumble upon exactly what I was looking for. The natural font was deep and pungent, and what's more, the tree which bore it was an old Oak itself. I carried out the necessary ritual actions and gathered the water using my emptied water bottle (which I will be cleaning very thoroughly after this.)
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What I gathered has since been transferred into an old glass vessel that I found once I was done, being sold for only $6 at a nearby junk shop I'd never noticed before. This should definitely last me a good while.
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The Grove Elders—an assembly of tutelary tree deities possessing immense wisdom and power—are a truly amazing group of entities to work with.
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autumnweeen · 8 months
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Tree healer/lumberjack Draco helping Hermione with a problematic oak tree in her property. I love love love tree magic and anything in a cozy forest setting ♥️ This is a work in progress and I can’t wait to see where this story goes.
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coenderuiter · 11 months
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darkstagwitchcraft779 · 6 months
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vnvnationfan · 1 year
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