#Trapped In A Dream
phoebepheebsphibs · 3 days
.Dead asleeP.
Title: Chapter 3: N3 Prompt: You were peacefully sleeping when you suddenly wake up to the sound of a heart monitor steadily beeping somewhere nearby, and realize you are in the med-bay with no memory of what happened prior to this. // After watching movies with your siblings all night and passing out in the tv room, you wake up to find that you're alone. What happened? Fandom: ROTTMNT Word Count: 5806 Author: PhoebePheebsPhibs Rating: Gen Characters: Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello, & Raphael (disembodied voices) Warning: Derealization, nightmare-ish stuff (Leo is stuck in a dream) Summary: Leo deals with the inconvenience of being stuck in a dream and getting reacquainted with the 'ghosts' that follow him. Notes: More chapters to follow (3 more, to be exact)
@shr00mi3writefight @tmnt-write-fight @that-0n3-shr00mi3
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Leo strode through the maze of death fairly easily. Yes, there were traps and snares and mystical kitchen supplies, but for the most part he went through unnoticed.
"I don't remember it being this easy," Leo muttered.
"It wasn't," a voice reminded flatly. "Remember, everyone stay together. Draxum said something about drifting off --"
"So... what happens when I reach the center of the maze? Do I win, or...?"
"I'm not sure," one of the voices mused. "Just let us know if you feel any different, okay?"
"Okay," Leo nodded. "So... how do we know each other? Outside of the dream world?"
"We're very close. We're family."
"What do you mean?" Leo half-chuckles. "I think Splinter would tell me and my bros if we had any extended fam."
"Or are you, like, my turtle parents? You mentioned... I think you said 'Barry', as in Baron Draxum, so maybe you're other mutants or something? Or... are you related to Drax?"
 Leo turned left, then right, then left again. He could almost see the center of the maze coming up. But the voices were quiet. Leo could sense their discomfort.
"What? What? Hey, what did I say?" he asked nervously.
"...It's nothing. You just kind of... glossed over the obvious."
"Obvious?" Leo questions. "How? I basically went through every option!"
"I think all we can tell you at this point is that we're family," one of the voices stated. "I don't think you'd be able to hear anything more detailed than that."
"Why not?!" Leo grumbled, kicking at a stone angrily. "Why can't you tell me?!"
"We're not the ones doing it!" another voice chimed in. "We've been TRYING to tell you everything this whole time, Nardo!"
"You haven't told me anything! And nobody calls me Nardo but Donnie!" Leo snapped back.
And then the realization snapped him right back in the face.
"...No one but Donnie has ever... Family, you said you're... obvious... Oh my gosh, I am so stupid. Donnie... is... is that you?"
"H-hey, Don-Tron, don't go silent on me now! I figured it out! I know who you are, I know -- I-I'm sorry for getting mad! Please, d-don't leave me again! Come back! Donnie? M-Mikey? Raph? Are you guys..."
Leo came upon the end of the maze, a giant statue of gold at its epicenter.
The center of this maze was not the same as the real one at all. For one thing, it wasn't in the center of the maze at all. Either that, or the maze had been carved in half. Just beyond the statue, the Hidden City and its magical town square awaited him.
His eyes glossed over. He felt so tired and sluggish. Leo's mind was cleansed, his memories of the pizzeria and the events prior were wiped clear.
"...Oh, hey! The Hidden City! I've always wanted to sight-see here!"
Leo ran out of the maze giddily and approached a brochure stand.
"Excuse me, do you have any sites you'd recommend for a bona fide hero like myself? Maybe something exciting, or daring, or maybe even a relaxing spa?"
"First time here?" the Yokai asked from behind the counter.
"No, no no no no no no no no no. No." Leo huffed and puffed out his chest proudly. "It's my eighth time!"
"It's your 13th time, dum-dum."
Leo looked around nervously.
"Did you hear that?"
"Oh-ho, no, we're NOT going through this again..."
"Hear what, kid?" the Yokai asked, shuffling through supplies as Leo whirled around in circles, anxiously searching for the source of the apparition.
"That voice, I --"
"Leo, long story short, you're stuck in a dream-world that's all fake. We're trying to help you escape."
"But, what --"
"Every time you get to a new area, your memory restarts."
"And we can't tell you who we are for some reason because... uh... mystic curses are weird?"
"But what, kid?" the Yokai gruffed.
Leo looked back at her, confused. He blinked, trying to process it all. There was a flood of emotions running through him, each one tethered to a soul that was not his own, but strangely connected to his. Frustration, hope, irritation, redundancy, resignation --
"Um... never mind. I think I just went temporarily insane."
"Oh, COME ON!"
There was the frustration again.
"Look, do you want the brochure or not?" the Yokai stall-keeper growled, waving the paper in Leonardo's face.
"I'll take it," Leo said quickly, snatching the map and walking away briskly.
Once he was out of earshot of the Yokai, Leo hissed at the ghosts.
"Okay, weird brain ghosts -- what is going on?!"
"We've already told you. THREE TIMES OVER BY NOW," one huffed with exasperation. "Okay. Just... calm down, we all need to calm down... Alright. From the top. Leo: you are trapped in a dreamworld. Nothing is real, but it's trying to keep you here. It's TRAPPED YOU. We used a magic spell to infiltrate your dreams so that we could help wake you up!"
"Well, first off we had to draw these really cool symbols around your bed and --"
"N-no, I mean how am I supposed to wake up?" Leo corrected.
"Oh. Well, according to Mikey -- er, according to the most mystically-inclined of us, we help you get through a certain amount of dreams like levels in a video game."
"How many?" Leo asked.
"Um... I... don't remember. Barry said it had something to do with the whole... sleep cycle?"
"Oh, he was referring to REM and NREM, which means there will be five. Or, well, three now that we've gotten through two of them already," a ghost with a nerdy voice interjects. "Sleep comes in cycles, you see. It starts off with awake-slash-alert, and progressively gets deeper and deeper. After awake and alert, then comes N1, then N2, N3, and finally the REM, which stands for 'Rapid Eye Movement'. Rem is when you have dreams."
"And NREM?" Leo asked, curious. "What's that?"
"NREM is 'Non-Rapid Eye Movement'. It's just dreamless sleep, a time when the body rests and rejuvenates itself, repairing and regrowing tissue and rebuffing the immune system. Studies show that 75% of sleep is NREM. An interesting science fact, but REM periods are short, though the longer you spend asleep, the longer the REM periods will be!"
"Does that mean that the longer it takes us to get him through, the harder each level will get?" a nervous voice asks.
"...I hadn't thought of that."
"Well, what are we waiting for?" Leo asked, stuffing the brochure into his fanny pack. "Let's get going! Uh, do you guys know which way I should head?"
"Ooh, ooh, I do!" a cheery voice chimed in.
Leo watched with bewilderment as a fluttering golden light sparked before him, flying away and leaving a trail of shimmers in its gentle wake.
"Um... that was you, right?"
"That was Mikey. Uh, the mystically-inclined-light-guy one. He just ran off. He's not s'posed to, though."
"Not supposed to?"
"Well, Draxum said that getting off track would cause us to lose sight of what we're here for and pull us into the trap, but... if he's just looking for the way to the next dream, then I think it should be okay..."
"Cool, cool. Just so long as I'm not actually losing my mind... What do you mean by 'ran off'?"
"I mean that little beam of light WAS him."
"I thought I couldn't see you?" Leo wondered aloud. "What changed?"
"Mikey's been doing stuff like that the whole time. Anytime you see a golden light, that's him. You can't see what we actually look like, for some bizarre reason. You walk right through us."
"Have I been... walking right through you this whole time?"
"What does that even feel like?"
"Honestly, it doesn't feel like anything. And... I can't speak for the Mikey or Donnie, but it makes ME feel... lonely."
Leo swallowed sadly.
"Hey, it ain't your fault!" the voice kindly said. But their voice cracked, the vocal pitch shifted.
Leo felt a stifling, a sick knot in a stomach. The holding of breath, the looking away, a telltale sign that something was not as it seemed. Leo felt as though they were hiding something. Leo felt like there was a lie hidden somewhere. He tried to ignore it, and instead chased after the light, following the trail into the city streets. There were so many stalls and colourful people here, each one a personality extreme and boisterous. And each stranger Leo would have loved to get to know. He was a people person at heart, hence why he always took the role of 'face-man'.
"I didn't know that about you," one of the voices murmured.
"Didn't know what?"
"Oh did I forget to mention we can kinda read each other's' minds?"
"Wait, for real?!" Leo shouted as he stopped right in the middle of the street. "Are you kidding me?!"
"I never kid about ESP."
Leo fidgeted with his sash, adjusting and readjusting it as he swallowed the information given so nonchalantly to him.
"So what did you just hear?" he inquired.
"The people-person tidbit."
"Oh. Okay," he mumbled. Out of all the things he could think of, that was not the most embarrassing. "Now it's my turn! Think of something!"
"Well, uh, it... it doesn't really work like that..." the other voice responded.
"Oh, what? Boo! Totally unfair!" Leo complained. "How come you can hear my thoughts, but I can't hear yours?"
"Well, first off, we can't hear ALL your thoughts. Just the ones where you think to yourself, like a conversation. Secondly, you might not be able to read our minds, but you can feel our emotions."
"Huh?" Leo's stride slowed a bit, as he tried to understand.
"You can sense our presence, though you can't actually feel or see us," voice A explained. "Before, you could feel we were with you without being able to see or hear us at all! And Mikey -- the light guy -- said that you 'felt him' earlier. He'd made a beam of light around himself for you to follow. When you touched the light, you were actually holding his hand. You seemed to know who it was, and you even said his name! Mike was so excited..."
Leo slowly continued walking down the pathway, following the glittery sparkles that illuminated the path.
"...Can you do that?"
"Do what? Make light?"
"Yeah, can you make a light thing?"
"...No reason," Leo lied.
"He wants to be able to touch you, too," voice B snitched.
"Wha-hah-hat? No!" Leo opposed, laughing like a nervous wreck.
"I never kid about ESP."
"Narc," Leo grumbled.
Leo felt a swell of warmth. The sting of tears behind your eyes. Pride, longing, love. And then regret.
"Sorry, Leo. That's not my specialty."
"Specialty?" he probed. "What does that mean?"
"Mike-- The 'light guy' is good at magic and light-related stuff. The, uh... 'Narc' is good at bein' smart beyond all reason and buildin' all kinds of things! Me, I'm good at bein' strong. The tank, the shield... I can't make a light thing because that's not what I am."
"Are you... disappointed?"
Leo stopped again, and turned around. He tried to imagine a face to look at, to direct his thoughts.
"No! I mean, I'm a little bummed that I can't... y'know, feel you or whatever. But you sound really cool!"
"You think I'm... cool?"
"Yeah, dude! You sound like my brother, Raph. He's cool like that, too -- always strong, brave, working to make sure we're the heroes Splinter always knew we could become. And now I'm friends with a fricken' tank?! He would be so jealous; do you know how awesome that sounds?!"
Leo felt a short-lived pride. A small semblance of reassurance, a twinge of nostalgia. And then sadness.
"Thanks, dude."
"What's wrong?" Leo asked, reaching forward instinctively. He couldn't feel anything, but he sensed the loneliness the 'Tank' had mentioned earlier.
"Nuthin'. C'mon, let's hurry up and find Mikey before he gets too far ahead."
Leo walked along the streets. He noticed that the light was starting to dim. He also noticed that the dimming of the light made the other two ghosts -- Narc and Tank -- uneasy. He could hear soft whispers that they kept to themselves, thinking that maybe he couldn't hear him.
"Do you think that maybe he's lost? Does Mikey actually know what he's doing?"
"Of course he does. Draxum told him how the spell works --"
"But are we sure? I mean, I don't want to doubt Mikey's abilities -- but this is Leo's life at stake here."
"Keep your voice down! He might hear you..."
"Raph, this is a big deal. Leo has been comatose for seven whole days with no sign of recovery. I... I don't want to lose him."
"We won't. I'm sure we won't."
The two were eerily quiet. At first, Leo was afraid that they'd gone again, left him alone in the silence. But then one of them -- the Tank -- spoke up.
"We're still here, Leo."
"Oh, thank Pizza Supreme," the slider muttered under his breath. "You had me worried for a moment."
"You think we'd leave you?"
"I-I don't know," Leo admitted. "I... I'm not sure why. But I felt like... maybe? Like it happened before..." Leo stalled, slowing to a stop as foggy recollections came back to him. "I thought... I remember.... you left me? Or you went silent..."
"We didn't mean to," Tank responded. "The first time, you sorta... disappeared. You vanished, and Mikey had to search for you for a few minutes before we found you again. The second time, we were still with you, but once we came into the new dream, it was like everything reset, and we couldn't reach you anymore. We keep having to fight to reach you."
"Why?" Leo asked. "The light guy mentioned a curse, I think. Is that part of it? Part of whatever's keeping me trapped here?"
Tank considered it deeply before answering.
"I don't know. Mikey would know better."
"The light guy?"
"Yeah, the light guy."
"Where is he, by the way?" Leo wondered, looking around.
The streets were getting busier. The sparkles getting dim, almost completely faded.
"Well, that's not good."
"What do we do?" Leo asked. "How do we get out of here?"
"Follow me," Narc said quietly. "I think I can find 'Light Guy' using my ninpo."
"How am I supposed to follow you if I can't see you?" Leo reminded, not even considering to skimp on the sass.
"But you can hear me. Follow my voice, okay?"
"Got it," Leo said with a nod.
Narc started to talk. And talk. And talk.
Wow. Okay. He liked to talk a lot. Leo started to groan from all the things he went on about. He spoke of science, the stars, astronomy. He talked about black holes, and the theories behind what would happen if you stepped inside one. He spoke of the different classifications of stars, such as red giants and dwarf stars and why they twinkle or change colour in the night. He talked about the moon, and how he was convinced that there was a secret second moon.  Narc mentioned his favourite conspiracies. He spoke of the rewriting of history, the possible faked moon landing, the mysteries behind the Lost Colony of Roanoke. He talked about Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, the Jersey Devil, but he refused to touch the subject of aliens for some reason. Instead, he brought up biology. Microbes, bacteria, germs, single-celled organisms. The mitochondria were the powerhouse of the cell. Red blood cells, white blood cells, bone structure, muscles, how hair and nails were made of the same thing, melanin, mutations, and so forth.  To say he touched a bit on the subject of botany would be an understatement...
"Man, you would really like my brother Donnie," Leo noted. "He's totally into this stuff, too."
There was silence. Leo felt an awkward tension.
"Ahem. So, uh... do you guys like Jupiter Jim?"
There was a stifled cackle from Tank.
"Yeah. Yeah, we do. But not as much as Lou Jitsu!"
"Seriously?" Leo gaped, excited beyond measure. "I LOVE Lou Jitsu's films! And you may have figured it out by the genetic resemblance, but in case you didn't, did you know that --"
"Um, guys?" Narc piped in. "Have we been here before?"
Leo looked around at the stalls. There was a florist pop-up stand, a shoe shop set up against a stone cavern wall, a water fountain, a park bench, and a few other stalls that all sold shady-looking mystic trinkets.
"...I don't think so?" Leo offered. "It doesn't look familiar..."
"I could have sworn we came this way before..."
"Do you think we've gone in circles?"
"I thought so... But it's Leo's dreamscape. If he says no, then.... Let's just keep going for now, Mikey's trail is getting cold."
Leo followed the sound of Narc and Tank talking. He joined in, each one speaking of their favourite Lou Jitsu film.
They passed by a fishmonger, a jeweler, and a children's school for wizards.
Narc mentioned how some dreams hold deeper meaning, and some things represent deep-rooted fear or a danger. He mentioned how dreams were often used to predict the future, and how some people can even see future visions in their sleep.
They passed by a series of diners and Yokai eateries.
Tank wondered where Light Guy was. He started to worry about what might have happened to him. Tank seemed like the worrying kind. They discussed how someone could get lost inside Leo's mind. It unnerved him to think that there was a person snooping around his subconscious.
They passed by a florist, a shoe shop, and a water fountain.
Wait... didn't they just...?
"Do you guys see that?" Leo asked, pointing. "We passed that flower stand already, right?"
"I TOLD YOU we were going around in circles!" Narc whined.
"Wait, so we must've taken a wrong turn somewhere!" Tank deduced. "Maybe we try retracing our steps?"
The group go back the way they came. Past the flower stand. Past the diners. Past the wizard school. Past the jewelers. Past the fishmongers. Past the shady-looking trinket stands. Past the park bench and water fountain. Past the shoe shop. Past the flower stand...
"Wait, how does that work?" Leo wondered aloud, pointing in the two directions they'd come from.
"A common nightmare is going round in circles, moving around but never getting anywhere," Narc offered. "This might be something of that nature."
"Uh... what exactly happens in those kinds of dreams?"
"You never get anywhere, as to be expected. They represent psychological distress, usually related to interpersonal problems, work-related issues, or basically anything that revolves around a stressful or anxiety-inducing situation."
"Well, it's a good thing I don't have any of those problems!" Leo exhaled with relief.
The nagging feeling of swallowing your words, hiding the truth, lying. Leo could feel it in the others.
"What? What are you guys not saying?"
"Huh? Nothing! Nothing at all..."
"Uh-huh. Right. Anyway, Narc, how do we break out of the loop?" Leo asked.
"First off, hate that nickname. Second, try doing anything out of the ordinary? Maybe try... going off the path?"
"Alrighty then, let's think outside the box!" Leo whooped, jumping over the flower cart and racing away.
He could feel Tank and Narc close behind him as he ran in odd zig-zaggy patterns. He bobbed and weaved through the crowds, trying to maneuver through them as he searched for a new path to take. The crowds parted. There was a florist pop-up stand and a shoe shop.
"What the what?!" Leo yelled, throwing his fists in the air. "This doesn’t make any sense! How am I supposed to escape this dream prison thing if I can't escape a single avenue?!"
Leo started running again. This time, out of pure anger. He ran and ran and ran, hearing Tank shout after him. He ran and ran and ran, ignoring Narc's scoldings. He ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran.
Leo ran out of breath. He collapsed to his knees, laughing over the thought that he couldn't breath when he couldn't feel the effects of breathlessness. It didn't hurt his chest. It didn't even feel tight or constricted. He wasn't even tired. He couldn't feel anything other than despair.
Leo happened to glance down at the cobblestone path beneath him. There was dust, dirt, pebbles... and a sparkling glitter trail, just faint enough that you would miss it if you weren't a few inches away from it. He pressed a finger against the sparkle. It grew brighter against his fingerprint. Hmmm...
"Tank?" Leo called out. "Are you still there??"
"I'm here!" Tank shouted back, running up towards Leo, his voice gaining volume as he did. "What is it?"
"You said that Narc could make anything, right?"
"Yeah?" Tank confirmed slowly, his tone sounding wary. "Why?"
"Can he make something that can make these brighter? Or track them like a metal detector?" Leo asked, holding his finger up in the air.
"Well, 'Narc'?"
"First of all, you don't have to call me that, you know my name. Don't call me Narc. Secondly..."
There was a pause. Leo could faintly feel something like a soft breeze around his hands. He looked up in expectation to see something holding his hand, lifting them up to inspect. But he couldn't see anything. It made his heart sink.
"...I can work with this."
There was a rush of wind, a burst of electricity, and Leo had to cover his eyes or else he would be blinded. When he opened his eyes again, there was a strange bracelet-gauntlet-wristwatch-thing on the ground before him. It was glowing purple, and looked like it had been made from tangible light, like a hologram.
"What is this thing?" Leo asked, picking the device up and examining it thoroughly. 
"It's an enhancer; specifically it enhances ninpo. It is locked on to 'Light Guy's signature, so it will not only follow his magic trail, it'll also enhance it! And if he made it to the exit, then hopefully it lead us out of this loop."
Leo smiled as he placed the device on his wrist. A surge of something strange and powerful coursed through his veins, up his arm, and filled his lungs. It was exciting, brilliant, clear and logical, cutthroat but loving in its own nerdy way.
It was Donnie.
"This... Donnie, is this you?"
A pause, baited breath, terror and desperate hope fogging up the air with a tension so thick that not even Leo's odachi could carve through it. He could hear the audible gasp of shock from Tank, but the silence from Narc Donatello was deafening. Leonardo heard him take a deep inhale before answering.
"...You're not going to faint or get a memory wipe again, are you?"
"What does that mean?"
"This isn't the first time you figured out who I am, Nardo."
Leo swallowed.
"The last time... I forgot you?"
"I think you figured it out just as we were entering a new dream, so that might have been the cause."
"Oh. But.... it is you, right?"
Leo could feel the breeze around him shift, encompassing his arms and shoulders. He reached out for it, trying to grip it in an embrace if he could.
"It's me. It's Donnie."
Leo tried not to cry. But all he wanted was to hold Donnie close, hold him tight, say he was sorry for forgetting him, not recognising his voice or mannerisms at all. He wanted to apologise for so many things, he wasn't even sure what. There was a bubbling force in his stomach, urging him to say sorry for leaving them and the invasion and everything he was responsible for.
But instead, he just hung his head sadly.
"...I'm sorry, Don."
"It's okay, Nardo. We just want to help you get better. To get out of this."
"...So does that mean that 'Tank' is... Raph?"
"That's me," Tank Raph said, and Leo could hear the smile in his voice.
"So... so who's Light Guy?"
"You... you can't figure it out?"
"Well, I was gonna say Mikey, but Mikey can't do all that magic stuff you guys mentioned!"
There was another silence. Leo sensed their confusion, the withholding of information.
"What? What aren't you telling me?"
"Leo... how do you think I was able to make the wristlet?" Donnie asked.
"I dunno, brainpower? Imagination? We're in the dream world, after all."
"Yeah, but we can't actually do anything in here," Raph told him. "We can't affect the world around you, we can't even interact with you."
"So... so then how did you make this?" Leo asked, turning his wrist over to inspect the bracelet.
"With my ninpo.... But you don't know what that is, do you?"
"...Um... Yessss, I do?" Leo tries.
"You're lying. You don't know what that is. You can't even hear me say the word, can you?"
Leo squirmed uncomfortably.
"You said you'd only been to the Hidden City eight times when you've actually been here thirteen. In the last dream, Hueso said you saved the world, but you were confused by what he meant."
"Leo... what's the last thing you remember?" Raph asked nervously.
"The... the last thing I remember?" Leo reechoed. "Like... from the dreams?"
"No, from real life."
"I-I'm not sure," Leo whispered. "The dream world feels real, I can't really tell when the memories end and the dream starts... was... we had a sleepover... was that real or a dream?"
"We've had a lot of sleepovers," Donnie chimed in. "Are you thinking about the one you dreamt of? With all the snacks and pizza and--"
"And Raph exploded the Vitamin Water?" Leo finished. "That... that was a part of a dream?"
"Yeah. Leo... what was the last big mission you went on?"
"Uh... the Shredder?"
"Which Shredder mission?" Raph asked.
"What do you mean, which one? We... we got rid of him..."
"...Did we work with Big Mama to banish him?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Who's the leader of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?"
"Who? Is that like, some off-brand version of the Mad Dogs?"
"...Who is the leader of the Mad Dogs?"
"Raph is."
"...This is not ideal."
"Why? What's not ideal?? What aren't you telling me... is Raph not the leader anymore? What happened to Raph, why can't he lead??"
"Nothing happened to Raph, he just... Never mind. We need to find Mikey."
Leo wanted to keep prying, find out what was so devastating that no one would tell him... But the glowing device on his wrist began to glow, and the sparkles that had all but disappeared from the ground began to brighten, and by contrast, the rest of the Hidden City began to dim.
"There! Follow that glitter!"
Leo ran after the path, going in circles at least twice before the glittering specks led away from the path, down a different and unseen lane. Leo could feel a strange emotion rising up slowly. One that was lost, scared, feeling hopeless... but strangely tired. The exhaustion that weighed down this soul was crushing, Leo almost felt like he too would fall asleep if he wasn't wary. There was also a strange cloud of confusion surrounding the feelings. Leo could feel this person was lost, not just physically, but also mentally. They felt... Leo wasn't sure how to describe it. They felt like everything they knew was slowly fading away.
Leo pushed past a group of Yokai and saw the sparkling light that had attempted to guide him before, only now it was alone, laid limp on the ground, and growing duller by the second.
"There he is!" Donnie yelled. "Mikey!"
Leo felt the ghost of something move through him, purple light surrounding the small star on the floor. The light fluttered before suddenly vanishing completely. Leo gasped in terror before feeling something like a warmth over his shoulder.
"He's okay," Raph soothed. "He just came out of the light form. Donnie has him now."
"Is -- is he -- what's going on, why was he on the floor like that?! Could you see him, why did he feel like -- like he was -- like he --"
"He's alright, just semi-incapacitated," Donnie informed them. "Angelo, wake up. Angelo?"
"This must've been what Draxum was talking about when he said not to get sidetracked," Raphael realises.
"Meaning?" Leo interrogated. "Sidetracked from what?"
"From you," Raph whispered. "If we stay away from you for too long, we'll 'lose sight of what we're here for', and become trapped just like you."
Leonardo heard a soft mumble, followed by a growing sensation of comfort. Mikey was waking up.
"Mmmm....? Wha... wha' happ'ned...? Who... who are you?"
"What? Angelo, it's me! It's Donnie!"
"Why... why couldn't I hear your name?"
Leo felt sickness rising in his stomach. Donnie and Raph felt like they were going to puke. Mikey's head was fogged up and cloudy, heavy with confusion and riddled with sleepiness.
"What's going on?" Leo asked. "What's wrong with Mikey?"
"I-I don't know -- Mikey, look at me. Do you recognize me?"
It became quiet for a moment. All eyes (invisible and not) were frozen to the spot where Mikey was found. Leo could feel the fear rising, the worry in Raph and the burning anger over the situation growing in Donnie. But then he felt clarity in Mikey, and the drowsy spell that had been cast over him dissipated.
"...D-Donnie...? Raph?" there was a sudden joyful gasp. "Leo!"
Leo blinked, expecting to feel or see something, a hug or a smile. There was nothing.
"L-Leo? Are you okay? Wait, why can't I touch you -- what happened, why are we... we..."
Mikey's voice softened as the memory came back.
"...Oh. Oh, I'm sorry, I --"
"You don't have to apologise, Mikey," Leo whispered, looking down at his hands.
"You know my name?"
"Yeah, I know who everyone is. But what happened to you?"
Mikey hummed quietly, groaning as he apparently sits up or stands with Donnie's assistance.
"I... I remember trying to lead the way out, but I went too far ahead. I almost made it to the next dream, but then -- then I forgot where I was, why I was there, I even forgot you guys, and the more I forgot, the s-sleepier I got..."
"That's why Draxum told us to stick together and stick with Leo," Raph reminded him. "We might've lost you. But we know what not to do now."
"You said you almost found the way to the next dream?" Donnie reiterated.
"Which way?" Leo's voice was filled with hope. He wanted to get out as soon as possible for his brothers' sakes. He couldn't bear the idea of them getting hurt because of him. Again.
Again? What --
"The way out is over there!"
Mikey's voice interrupted Leo's thoughts. He took in a deep breath before standing up and looking around. Up ahead, there was a small avenue that led to a cave tunnel.
"Are you sure?"
"Positive!" Mikey assured him. "A-although, somebody's gonna hafta carry me... m-my legs aren’t exactly working right now. I think I used up all my mystic powers."
"Raph's gotchya, big man," the eldest brother stated, noisily hoisting Michelangelo up and walking towards the cavern. "Come on, guys, we're halfway through this trial!"
Leo and Donnie followed after the duo into the cave. It grew dark, cold, clammy. Quiet and calm. Leo appreciated the calming atmosphere, as he felt anything but calm.
"You okay?"
"Are you asking because you can read my thoughts?"
"Guilty. Is it about what happened to Mikey?"
"Sorta. I mean, I'm upset over what happened to him, but mostly I'm scared. Is that what it's like when I enter a new dream?"
"So far, yes."
"And that means that soon, I'll forget again. I'll go full Groundhog Day."
"But we'll remind you of everything again."
"...But it hurts you," Leo whimpers. "I know it does. It hurt me to see Mikey so confused like that, even if it was only for a short minute. And I don't want to be stuck feeling alone anymore."
"We won't let you get lost, Leo," Donnie promises.
He can almost feel him take his hand, before realising it's just the hologram wrist tech he has yet to remove.
"But there's more... you guys aren't telling me something. You keep skirting the subject, avoiding things, pretending like there isn't an issue when I can clearly tell that there is!"
"We're just trying to not overwhelm you."
"Overwhelm me how? I mean, some witch or a crazy new mutant must've put a weird sleeping beauty spell on me, right? What could be more overwhelming than that??"
"...That's not what happened."
"Say wha?" Leo questions. "What does that mean --"
"Guys! Up ahead!" Raph shouts. "Do you see that light?"
Leo runs up ahead to see what Raph's commotion is about. As he does, a familiar drowsiness sets in. The light up ahead grows brighter, more vivid. Leo can hear noises and sounds like joy and excitement and cheering... The light soon becomes too bright and his eyes close to keep from going blind.
Leonardo emerges from the tunnel into a large arena, the walls painted black with red pillars and humongous skulls decorating them. The grandstands are filled with Yokai, each of whom looks like they'd have a warrant or a bounty on their heads. The dust blows around the ground as three spotlights are shone directly onto Leo's face, his body encased with armour fit for a gladiator. A screeching whine of feedback echoes over a series of loudspeakers before Big Mama's voice shouts over the commotion and applause of the bloodthirsty crowds.
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heartlessdream · 1 year
They looked towards the castletown, their expression blank. It was strange, Kris used to be so emotional when they were younger. But, now they were a shell of their former self. They still played pranks, did piano practice, slept through class, played games, did occult rituals, but it was to distract themselves. To make them forget how alone they felt. Kris was numb to everything that happened in Hometown, everyday was the same as the last with nothing new occuring.
That changed when Susie came, Susie was new, Susie was interesting, Susie knew how to talk back. Kris had always liked Susie, even when she had hated them. The bullying became another aspect of the routine, but it was the part Kris looked forward to the most. They didn’t know Susie, they never knew what she would do at any moment. In a way, Susie was free in Kris’s eyes more free than they ever could be. The rules didn’t apply to her, she was so cool.
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“I never hated you...”
Maybe saying that would make Susie feel worse, but it was the truth. Kris couldn’t hate Susie. Because without Susie, Kris would have remained the same husk they always were. Barely existing, living in the shadow of Asriel. Susie saw Kris as a person, as sad as it sounded she cared about their existence more than most in Hometown did. To her they weren’t simply the strange kid. Susie was strange too! Noelle was as well, but Kris couldn’t bare to be near Noelle too long. It hurt too much, the guilt, the despair, they hated it.
But, that didn't matter right now...they were in the Dark World. They could forget all the bad things in the Light World.
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aristocratic-otter · 2 years
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The penultimate chapter is posted!
Chapter 6: Cold Comfort
My first sensation is the taste of tea, luke warm and slightly bitter across my tongue. All I see is the tea too. I’m looking into the mug and swirling the liquid in it idly around.
“Please don’t ignore me, Simon,” Agatha’s voice rings out, tight with displeasure.
I look up. “I’m not ignoring you,” I say, and my voice is slow and bland.
I’m disoriented. The Ivory Gate must have pulled me in while I was still shocky about what I’d just learned about myself. I look across at Agatha. She’s looking lovely today; of course she is, she’s Agatha. She’s wearing a breezy summer dress, probably in the latest style. I wouldn’t know. I try to sense whether I’m attracted to her, but I feel nothing. 
Continue on AO3
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egophiliac · 5 months
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we were fucking ROBBED
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deadpoets · 5 months
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DEAD POETS SOCIETY (1989) dir. Peter Weir
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one-time-i-dreamt · 16 days
Stacy’s mom from the hit song Stacy’s mom is Jigsaw from hit movie series Saw. My gym teacher and I were stuck in the first Saw trap. I beat her up with a radiator and then chased Stacy’s mom in a high stakes chase scene.
Good dream.
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starcurtain · 8 months
Sometimes, I think about how much Alhaitham's entire adult life has been shaped by Kaveh and I just... have to sit down for a second.
Kaveh was Alhaitham's first, and, as far as we've been told, only friend until recently. At the very least, Kaveh was likely his only close friend throughout Alhaitham's entire schooling years, from teens into adulthood.
Alhaitham lives in the house he received for his work with Kaveh. The house Alhaitham lives in wouldn't even exist without Kaveh.
Alhaitham's ideology and behavior have been shaped by his diametric opposition to Kaveh's perspectives. He acts and thinks the way he does in part because of how their debating over years shaped how Alhaitham sees the world.
He's become an active part of a friend group almost entirely because of Kaveh. Alhaitham's story quest says that he didn't become particularly friendly with the rest of Sumeru's saviors even after they saved the archon, but now we see him hanging out with Cyno and Tighnari all the time because Kaveh was friends with them first and eased the way.
He even drinks a particular brand of coffee because he and Kaveh picked it together.
If you removed all trace of Kaveh from Alhaitham's life, virtually nothing would be the same. He wouldn't live where he does now. His house wouldn't look like it does inside at all. He very likely wouldn't have a single close friend. His ideology would probably be significantly more pragmatic and cold. Literally the only thing in Alhaitham's current life that hasn't been shaped in some way by Kaveh is Alhaitham's job. Which is... probably why work is Alhaitham's least favorite aspect of life.
Meanwhile, Kaveh is honest to archons over here wondering "What does Alhaitham even think about me?"
I don't know, buddy, probably that you're his whole world?
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Dreams, A Nightmare and A Kiss
Summary: Logan x Fe!Reader -> After you have a dream about Logan, your brain can't seem to forget it. And neither will Logan.
Disclaimer: Descriptions of torture, crying, a creepy guy. Apart from that, teasing, fluff, a little dash of steam at the end. Not Proof Read
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You kept having this recurring dream. Or maybe it was a nightmare. It was hard to tell. What do you call it when, what seems like a dream, turns into a very awkward situation where you don’t know what to do with yourself when you wake up? 
Do you try to forget it ever happened? Do you talk to someone about it? Do you talk to the person about it? Are you meant to talk to the person about it? Or would consulting a psychiatrist be easier, considering the person who you dreamt about…was not someone you would, or even should be dreaming about?
Storm placed down her coffee on the table before pulling out her chair. “Penny for your thoughts?”
Storm pointed at you, “You look like you’re thinking too hard.”
“Too hard for this early in the morning,” you mumbled. 
“Well, then, talk to me. Maybe I can help.”
“I don’t think even the world's best psychiatrist can help me with this one.”
Storm shrugged. “Maybe you don’t need the world’s best. Come on, try me.”
You took a moment and looked at Storm. Maybe it was worth a go…
“Okay,” you sighed. Storm got comfortable in her seat and leaned forward. Meanwhile, you practically had to pull your legs under the table and untrap your hands from between them. 
“I had a dream.”
“You had a dream?”
You nodded, trying your best to look her in they eyes when you spoke. Was you really going to admit this outloud to someone? 
“I had a…dream.”
It took her a minute. “Oh…oh. Okay, well anyone will tell you that’s normal. Healthy even. You know, sometimes-”
“About Logan.”
Storm faltered and then came to a full stop, her hand still in the air and her jaw slacked. “Logan.”
Storm spoke slowly as she looked at you, trying to gauge if this was some big prank you were playing on her. It wasn’t April. 
“L…ogan?” She asked this time, just to be sure. 
You nodded. 
“Our Logan?”
“Do you know any other Logan’s?”
Storm shook her head and blinked her eyes for one second too long before coming back into movement. “No, I guess not. So…what’s the issue?”
You looked at her like she was both crazy and confusing. “You don’t see the issue?”
Storm shrugged, taking a sip of her coffee. “Not particularly. I mean, it is a little odd considering…well considering you two aren’t the most…harmonious.”
And it was. 
Both yourself and Logan, although civil most of the time, weren’t exactly known for being best pals. 
“So what was it about?”
She just smiled, “What? I want to know. How was it?”
“I…I can’t answer that.”
“Sure you can! Oh, come on, Y/n. You can’t tell a girl you and Logan shared…something and not tell her about it.”
You sighed, “Yes, I can.”
“Oh my god,” Storm smiled, leaning back in her chair. “You liked it.”
“What?” You could practically feel your face bursting into flames. “N-no. No I didn’t.”
But she just laughed in response. “You sooo totally want it to happen in real life.”
“Want what to happen?” 
You practically squealed with fright as both you and Storm sat straighter in your chairs and turned to see Logan walk through the door and over to the coffee machine. 
“Uhhh, nothing. Nothing at all. How did you sleep?”
From pouring coffee, Logan repeated your question. “How did I sleep?”
You nodded, willing the redness from your face to disappear. The grip you had held on the back of your chair as you twisted your body was growing stronger by the minute. 
Logan placed the coffee pot back in its place and looked to Storm. “Is she okay?”
Then you felt yourself go back to normal. “I’m fine, Logan.”
Logan looked back at you. The general look of disgust and disinterest, a little more prominent on your face. 
“I slept fine.” Logan answered. Then his face turned into a grin he was holding back. Well. Trying to hold back. “How did you sleep, Y/n?”
Storm watched your eyes widen for a second and the blush heated your face once more. “Fine.” you were forced out. 
Logan just nodded and sipped his coffee. “And you? Storm?”
“Like a baby.”
Logan nodded and smiled. “Good. Good.”
Then the bell went. “I better get going. I guess I’ll see you later. Or should I say tonight?”
Logan watched as your face twisted from nothing, to confusion, to shock to embarrassment to…turning around and hiding it completely. 
“Have a nice day, ladies.”
Covering your face, you hid it on the table, letting your muffled voice speak out from your arms as Storm placed a hand on your back. “How much do you think he heard?”
“Not much…I think.” Storm looked behind her, a pained look on her face for you. “If he had heard it all, he would have gloated more.”
You gave a whimper in pain and Storm placed her hand on the back of your head. “It shouldn’t be too bad.”
“It’s Logan.”
“Okay, so you’re screwed.”
Thankfully, you had managed to avoid Logan all day. Jean had found you hiding in the teacher’s lounge when you knew Logan was teaching. Even him thinking you were alone in your classroom was hard enough. 
“You don’t have anything that could reverse time? Or make me forget all of today?”
Jean smiled, “No. I don’t think so. But Storm told me what happened.”
“Oh, God.” You groaned, placing down your food by your feet and burying your head by your knees. “How many people know?”
“Just me and Storm,” Jean assured you. “And Logan,” she added. 
You groaned again. 
However, now that everything was finally silent, you took time to breathe. Maybe Logan would finally drop it. 
Not that he had said anything to you apart from that morning. But…it was Logan. When it came to you, he’d never let you live it down. 
Stepping a little higher on your feet, you reached into the back of the cupboard to try and find the last box of tea bags. Why Scott had been assigned to stock away the one thing he didn’t drink was beyond you. He always put it at the very back of everything on the top shelf of the cupboard. 
Not even on the first shelf at the back. 
No, he’d rather have you pull a muscle or get yet another bruise from the knobs on the oven. 
Finally reaching it, you stepped back and closed the cupboard door just as someone shouted your name. 
You let out a little scream that was followed by his laughter. 
“Logan! Jesus Christ.”
He smiled sheepishly, “Sorry. Was just too easy.”
You gave him a glare and bent down to pick up your box of tea bags before walking away to the other side of the kitchen where you had left the kettle by the sink. 
“It’s almost midnight. Don’t just sneak up on a girl like that.”
“Forgive me.” He was still smiling. Even with your back to him, you could tell. “But I figured you’d be busy dreaming about me.”
“Having a nightmare, more like.” 
“Oh, come on. You had a dream about me. Admit it.”
You scoffed and rolled your eyes before pushing down the kettle lid and placing it back on its holder before flicking the switch on. 
“Oh, please. You just want to gloat.”
“No, no. Okay, maybe a little.” Logan lowered his hands before using them to lift himself onto the counter where you stood by the island, chopping up some carrots. “What are you? The Easter Bunny?” Logan lifted a piece before putting it back down. 
With the knife still in your hand, you made direct eye contact as you pushed the knife down hard, listening to the snap of the carrot before returning your gaze to it. 
“So…tell me.” Logan began, picking up yet another piece of carrot yet this time eating it. “What was it about?”
“What was what about?”
“Your dream.”
“Logan,” you sighed. 
“What? Oh come on, we both know you dreamt of me. You could at least tell me what it was about considering you didn’t ask for my consent.”
You looked at him for a moment before walking away, towards the kettle that had finished boiling. 
Pouring the hot water into the cups, back on the island, you returned the kettle to its place, allowing the bags to steep in the water for a while. 
“Come on, you know you want to tell me.”
“I don’t want to tell you anything.”
“Did we kiss?” Logan asked, trying to find his answers. “Did we have sex? Sorry, make love. Did we get married? Did we-”
You sighed, placing down the knife. “We did nothing, Logan. I had a dream. You just happened to be there.”
“So what happened?”
“Nothing happened.”
Logan gave a coy look and lent down a little so he was closer to you. “Something happened.”
“Nothing happened.” You pressed. “Trust me, if anything you just asked me happened between me and you in any capacity, I’d be calling it a nightmare.”
Logan pouted and held his hand over his heart. “Oh, how you wound me.”
“You’re a grown man, Logan. Deal with it.”
Logan laughed, taking a couple steps back. “Okay, okay. I’ll drop it.”
“Thank you.” 
“For now.”
Leaning closer to you and over you, Logan reached for the second cup you hadn’t realised you had made of tea and took a handful of carrots with him. 
You berated yourself for having closed your eyes for a split second, letting his touch warm you. 
Logan was not a man you should or would ever go for. 
But Storm was right. 
You did enjoy it. 
You just never wanted Logan to know that. 
Over the following days, you could feel Logan’s eyes on you wherever you went. From the both of you standing by your classroom doors, watching the kids leave your classroom and making sure the right ones came in. 
Some students recently had a tendency to swap certain classes for others. 
Or like when you were at dinner and sat outside. From the grass below where he was coaching a game of baseball, you caught him looking at you and smiling as he turned away. 
So, when you saw him again in the empty hallway, you pushed him inside the nearest classroom. 
At least, what you thought was the nearest classroom. Turned out to be a storage room for school supplies. 
“Okay, what the hell is wrong with you?”
“I could ask you the same thing. You know, I think this is against the law, holding someone hostage inside a storage closet.”
“Every day this week, you’ve been staring at me. Why? Do I have something on my face? Or are you trying to see if you’ve suddenly developed telekinetic powers?”
Rather than replying, Logan just looked at you. Was he…studying you?
“You had another dream.”
You reeled back for a moment, trying your best not to squirm under his gaze. “Excuse me?”
Logan couldn’t help but smile. Or maybe it was a smirk. 
“You had another dream.” Logan repeated. “Was it any different, or was this just part two.”
“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”
Logan shrugged. “It’s not every day you learn that someone is in love with you.”
You practically laughed. “In love? With you? Oh, that’ll be the day.”
Logan practically sang what he said next. “Oh, you are so totally falling in love with me.”
“Like hell.”
“Oh,” he laughed. “She’s already prepared the wedding vows.”
“I hate you.”
“Love you, too, Sweetheart.”
However, before you could reply to Logan’s statement, you both turned and found the door wide open. 
“Rouge,” you almost yelled her name in surprise. 
“Hey. Sorry about…interrupting. I just need some…” She pointed to behind both of you where the stack of boxed pencils were kept. 
Logan reached behind him and handed her a box. “Here you go, kid.”
“Thanks. I guess I’ll just uh…” 
Closing the door on both of you, she walked away, hearing a small thud on the door behind her. 
Little did she know it was your head. 
“Be careful, she might be thinking we’re doing something else in here.”
“I hate you,” you groaned. 
“Love you, too, Sweetheart.” Logan repeated, folding his arms and smiling. 
Turning the door handle, you swung open the door and walked out of it. 
It was halfway through the next day before you saw Logan, and it wasn’t exactly what you had in mind when you thought you next saw him. 
The heating on the top floor of the school; the floor which both yourself and Logan, along with a couple of other pupils happened to sleep on, hadn’t been working for a month. 
A trustworthy company couldn’t come out to inspect it for at least that time but now that they are finally here, part of you wished they hadn’t turned up at all. 
Because, for as much as you enjoyed talking to people, one of their tradesmen…you would have happily gone your whole life without ever having spoken to them. 
From the minute he walked in the door, he had been eyeing you up like you were his next meal. He always stood too close for comfort, trying his best to leave his hot breath behind your ear whenever he spoke which only made your skin crawl and when he blatantly started flirting with you…you more than obvious distance and replies of “No,” didn’t seem to do the trick. 
“I’m married.”
“I don’t see your husband anywhere, sweet cheeks. We could always get to know each other a little better, if you catch my drift.”
Then Logan turned down the hall. 
Finally spotting him, you gave a smile of relief. 
He started walking closer to you. 
“Here he is, my husband,” you took him by the arm, putting him between yourself and one of the tradesmen. “Logan.”
Logan looked at you with a slightly confused look whilst you looked both scared, panicked (for two reasons) and was forcing a smile on your face the whole time. 
Logan took a breath and turned back to the tradesman who had everything, save from the actual word written across his head in bold ink, creepy going for him. 
“Can I help you?”
The guy practically tumbled back. “No, no. Just having a conversation. I guess I’ll get back to work.”
You watched as the guy tripped over his own feet trying to scurry away from yourself and Logan, neither of you missing the way the guy told two other workmates of his that you were, in fact, married. 
“Thank you. I’m sorry I dragged you into that but- Why are you smiling?”
Logan shook his head, standing in front of you, pressing his hands behind his back and bouncing on his feet. “No reason.”
You relaxed your face. “He was being a creep. What would you have had me do?”
“Come and got me.” Logan answered honestly. “But…I was right.”
“Right about what?”
“You had written the vows.”
With your arms crossed, your eyebrows relaxed as you looked at him. “I want a divorce.”
“Ooh, do you not remember, Sweetheart? That night you burned the marriage certificate?”
You started walking away. 
“What was it that you said?”
Logan followed after you. 
“Good luck returning me without the receipt. Now, that is better than Shakespeare, don’t you think?”
“I hate you.”
“See, I don’t think you do. Considering…”
“Considering what?”
“The fact that you keep dreaming about me.”
You sighed. “I already told you, it wasn’t about you. You were just in it.”
“Oh, that’s true love if I ever did see it.”
“Don’t you have a class to teach?” You asked as you turned into the kitchen. 
“I wonder what we did this time? Frolic on the beach? Have to say though, I’m not one to frolic anymore, but I could make an exception-”
You stuffed an apple into his mouth before turning to face him. “Remind me, how does the saying go again? An apple a day keeps your wife from killing you in your sleep?”
Walking away, you headed through the back doors and outside leaving Logan to bite down on his apple, all the while smiling. 
Something that you didn’t think through however, was having to keep the rouse up. And it wasn’t long before everyone knew. At least, all of the team knew. 
“I hear congratulations are in order,” Xavier said as he entered into the living room where you were sitting on one end of the sofa, curled up with a book, whilst Logan sat diagonal to you across the table, spread out, grading papers. 
“I have to say though, I thought I’d at least get an invite.”
Logan smiled, “That makes two of us.”
You just glared from over your book before going back to reading. 
“I have to say also, you both make a very cute couple. Of course, I was betting on it taking an extra couple of months.”
“I think Y/n helped to speed things up a little.”
You continued to glare. “You’re really enjoying this, aren’t you?”
“How could you tell?”
Rolling your eyes, you went back to trying to read your book. 
“Well, I suppose I best leave you both alone. What with you two still being in the honeymoon stage and all.”
Charles chuckled to himself as he left the room, not forgetting to shut the door behind him. 
You and Logan remained in silence for a while longer. However, Logan didn’t miss your gaze. Every couple of minutes you would look up and watch him. He could feel your eyes on him, heating his skin from under all his metal. 
“You know, if you didn’t keep staring at me every five minutes, you might have finished your book.”
“Ooh, feigning disinterest. How original.”
After a moment, Logan stood and started walking over towards you. “You know, you could just ask.”
“Ask what?”
Logan sat beside you on the sofa, facing you, leaning in a little closer. “If that’s what it would be like?”
“If…what would be like what?”
Logan’s arms fell to either side of you on the sofa, caging you in. “If that’s what it would be like for us to be in the same room as each other without fighting. I’m sure you’ve thought about me once or twice. It’s nothing to be ashamed about.”
“Am I really that transparent to you?”
Logan practically smirked as his head tilted a little and he came closer to you. “You forget I can hear your heartbeat, Sweetheart.”
Your lips parted for a moment, feeling your heart rate increase even more. 
“I think you’re forgetting something else, too.”
“What’s that?”
Logan reached for you. Or rather, behind you. 
Pulling the cord, the lamp came on. 
“You hate me.”
That night, you lay awake in bed, wishing and hoping and praying on every goddamn star in the sky that you wouldn’t dream about him again. 
That you wouldn’t dream about the way his touch warmed yours, or how he would kiss you in all the right places, willing his name from your lips. That you wouldn’t dream about his arms wrapping around you or how, in a dark bedroom alone, you would hear the shower turn off only to have him emerge in a billow of steam like some kind of Greek or Roman God, just wrapped in a towel looking at you like…that. 
 That you wouldn’t dream about him in a way that you wouldn’t let yourself acknowledge. That you wouldn’t want to outwardly and knowingly fall in love with him, and have him fall right back. 
But, of course, the wishing and the hoping and the praying didn’t work. 
Because when you next opened your eyes, you were left with the memories of a dream that included not only you teaching – like you did most days of the week – but the classroom emptying to allow both yourself and Logan some privacy where he placed his hand against your stomach and kissed you. “She’s got her daddy’s strength, all right. I feel like I’m being kicked by a horse.”
You woke up with the fading feeling of the gentle yet firm hand Logan had on your stomach, and your heart’s growth fading a little when you realised it was just a dream. 
For the fifth dream in the space of a week, you were beginning to think you were cursed. Or, at the very least, had a problem. 
However, it all changed when you woke up in a sweat. 
Finally, three days had passed and no dreams at all. Nothing to do with Logan. Not even a single thought whilst you were asleep. 
And then things grew dark. 
You had been running. For your life. All around you, stars were falling from the sky, hitting the ground and shaking it from beneath you. Each way you turned kicked dirt into your face, making it harder to breathe. Your lungs felt like they were on fire before you finally reached a set of metal doors. 
Inside, you ran around, dipping in and around different stacked crates, your head whipping around you trying to check all angles. “Where are you?” you kept asking yourself. “Please be here.” 
Then you found him. 
But you heard him first. 
A scream. 
Turning, the room turned with you until you found yourself in some kind of lab. Logan strapped to the table, and just as you stepped forward you found yourself being held back by two soldiers who had to be at least seven feet tall and six feet wide. 
No matter how you moved, you couldn’t. 
They were branding Logan. Burning him with needles and different iron poles and wires. He was screaming in pain, unable to turn his body away from it. 
“Stop! Stop! You’re hurting him! Please! Stop!”
But they couldn’t hear you. No glass was in front of you, but there might as well have been. 
“No! Logan! Please! Stop hurting! Just…Please!”
Logan now turned to look at you. And as he did, your heart broke. He wasn’t walking away from this one. Looking at you, you saw silent tears roll from his eyes and down his cheek. “I’m okay. I’ll be okay.”
Your body was becoming limp in the soldiers arms. 
“I’m sorry, Sweetheart. I’m-” With a hot iron rod to his back, he screamed out in pain trying to move away from it. 
You screamed again, willing them to stop hurting him. To hurt you instead. But they wouldn’t. It was killing you. And everyone could see that. Even Logan as he took his last look. 
You called out his name. 
And woke up, calling out his name as you threw yourself to sit up in bed. 
Around you, your entire room was cased in darkness save for the moon-light flooding in. It wasn’t much, but it was enough for you to make out the outline of your room and the things in it. 
It took you a moment to catch your breath long enough to find a clear head to know your body was moving. 
Pulling the covers from you, you made your way out of your room and down the hall before you found his room. Except, as your hand hovered over the knob, it swung open and you stepped back. Whatever breath you had caught in your room was once again gone. 
Logan stood, his eyes adjusting to the light from the hallway, shirtless. Along with the pyjama bottoms Rouge had given him in a set last Christmas. 
“Y/n…I was just coming to check on you. Are you-” 
Surprising Logan, and perhaps yourself, you hugged him. Tight. “Okay?” Logan finished his question but didn’t expect an answer. 
It took him a moment, but he quickly wrapped his arms around you. Even though he could, he didn’t need to hear your heartbeat to know you were nervous, scared and relieved all at the same time. You were still shaking and you were just starting to catch your breath again. 
“I heard you shout me…are you okay?” Logan asked in a soft voice. 
You just tightened your grip. “I thought….I thought…”
Logan shook his head. Feeling your heart bash against your rib cage and into his was enough to let him know now wasn’t the time. 
“You don’t have to explain right now. Come and lie down.”
And you did. 
Letting go of Logan for a moment, he led you inside, shutting the door behind him and lifting the covers for you to slide inside. 
He lay down next to you and held onto your hand, two fingers holding onto your wrist. 
He had more natural light in his room which allowed him to see you a little clearer in the dark as you lay and faced him. 
He pressed your hand over his heart and he spoke to you softer than he ever had before. 
“Just count my heartbeats.”
And you did. 
Logan began counting yours in his head as he held onto your wrist but soon lost count when your gaze eventually met his. 
Your heart rate eventually also began to slow. Rather than having it thunder against your chest, leaving both you and Logan wondering if some kind of Looney Tunes spell had been cast on the school which would make your heart physically leap out of your chest, it beat like normal. 
He watched as your eyes started to grow heavier before they finally closed and your breathing became even. And only once that happened, did he allow himself to relax. 
By the time you woke up, you found your own nose and forehead pressed lightly against Logan’s, your bodies naturally falling closer together as his hand held onto yours whilst his other was pressed under your neck and against your pulse point. 
Then you remembered last night. Your nightmare. Waking up in a sweat. Rushing down the hallway towards his room. Hugging him and never wanting to let go. His own heartbeat against the palm of your hand. His scent enveloping you whilst the heat from his body made you feel safe, warm and relaxed. 
Softly, you brought your gaze back to Logan’s eyes. You never got to see this side of him. The fresh out of bed – in this case, in – look. 
“Do you want to talk about last night?”
You swallowed lightly and shook your head. “It was nothing.”
“You had a nightmare.”
You looked away from him for a moment but felt his fingertips press into the back of your neck, begging you to look at him. 
“It wasn’t nothing. Please…talk to me.”
Your gaze flicked back and forth between his eyes, trying to get a read on him. 
He really wanted to know. 
“You died, Logan. At least…I think you did.”
And you went on to explain. About the running, the cave, the metal rods, the screaming, the shouting, the soldiers – all of it. 
Every final detail. 
“All I wanted was to get to you. To make it stop. But I couldn’t. You were screaming in pain and telling me you were going to be okay. I wanted to get you out- I needed to get you out. But every time I tried to move…”
Your voice broke, your eyes filled and Logan felt his own heart break looking at you. How he wished he could erase it. How all he wanted to do in that moment was erase away your pain. 
Logan shushed you a little before pulling his hand from yours that he had continued holding, to allow his arm to go around your back, pulling you flush against him. 
The hand that had been by your neck, pushed to the bottom of your hair line, his fingers tangling with your strands. 
With a pressed kiss to your temple, Logan shook his head. “It was just a nightmare. I’m here. You’re here. We’re both safe. Hey, hey.”
Logan pushed himself back for a moment to be able to look at you. His thumb traced under your eye, brushing the tears away before they could fall down your face. 
“At least this is how I find out, maybe you don’t hate me.”
You laughed a little at that. “You’re a jackass.”
“Maybe,” Logan shrugged. “But you’re in love with me anyway.”
With a scoff and a smile, despite how much you tried not to, you hit Logan in his chest. He chuckled softly for a moment, taking hold of your hand before you could do him any more bodily harm. 
Not that he probably even felt you hit him. He was 90% metal. It probably would bruise you if you actually hit him. 
But when Logan took your hand, things seemed to slow down. 
With his gaze on you, his fingers started tracing your hand. His thumb working its way from your wrist to your palm, all the while his fingers traced up and curled around your own before your hand was flush against his, your fingers only a movement away from falling and intertwining against his. 
And they did. 
Logan took a minute to look at where your hands joined and any control he had over his heartbeat disappeared into an oblivion. 
He looked back at you. 
His fingers locked with yours and you felt your body shift closer towards him. Not fully aware of his own body, Logan had leaned up a little further from his pillow and leaning in closer towards you. 
You were both hesitant, at first. Unsure of what was happening, but fully aware that it was. 
The kiss was soft. Unfamiliar. Neither of you had expected this to happen when you had woken up. In all honesty, neither of you had expected it to ever happen. 
Well, maybe your subconscious. 
But that was a debate for another time. 
However, as it came to an end, reality stuck Logan. He had kissed you. You had come to him because you had a nightmare. You had stayed by his side, in his room, for the rest of the night. And now he had kissed you. 
You were right. 
He was a jackass. 
“I…I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have-”
You shook your head and furrowed your eyebrows. Your own internal monologue was having a whale of a time confusing you. Convincing you that the kiss didn’t happen. Then that was always meant to happen. That maybe…maybe it was always meant to feel like that. Or maybe it was never meant to feel like that. 
For a brief moment, Logan looked confused. Were you going to yell at him? Curse him? 
Instead, you untangled your hand from his and Logan felt his heart sink. Then stop. 
That same hand slowly, hesitantly, reached for his cheek and you…
Kissed him. 
This time, it was more searching and more familiar. More trusted. 
His hand now free, Logan pressed his hand to your own face, drawing you in closer whilst his arm curved around you and he allowed his hand to slip over your shoulder, down you back, towards your hip and up, inside the back of your t-shirt. 
His touch was warming to you. 
Your own hands traced down the side of his neck and up the side of his arm before meeting at the back, your nails scratching at the base of his hairline and neck. 
Finally having moved you onto your back, Logan leaned over you, his weight shifting onto you a little. 
Bringing his hands down to your hips, Logan lifted you a little further up the bed and you let out a small squeal. 
And he smirked. 
“You love it.”
Logan caught your smile against his own and pressed further into you, his legs slowly tangling with yours before he found his place locked between them. 
Pushing the hair from your face with his hand, Logan and yourself continued searching each other. Pressing against the boundaries that had been your last partnership together. 
Maybe it would take a short while to find your footing with each other. And maybe it would take even longer before you finally told Logan the truth about your first dream. 
And maybe, when you finally did, he spent the entire night helping you recreate it. Proving that the reality was better and so much more than your dream. 
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sargentoh · 1 year
everyone’s always like ‘ronans so catholic’ in reference to like his deep spirituality or shame in dreaming or whatever but nobody uses it to talk about how even after adam and ronan made out shirtless all night he made them sleep in separate bedrooms. like that is the most catholic he’s ever been
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heartlessdream · 1 year
Continued from here.
Kris yawned as they moved the fishing rod around with little care for whether or not they would catch a fish. There wasn't much point to this, yet their dad had told them fishing was fun. They supposed that fishing was a good thing to do if you were an adult, but for teens nothing could be further from the truth. The only reason Kris chose to have the fishing trip happen was to do something new with Susie. It was funny to see her trying to catch a fish with her bare hands like they did on those nature shows. The ones where they had these "nature experts" living off the land by eating bugs and moss. Not that moss was bad, moss was one of the best things in the world to eat.
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"Oh, I think there's one there...nope you missed it...maybe one over there...no its gone again..."
With the bathbomb prank done the school was now being cleaned. That meant no chance of going to the dark world which meant no chance of cool otherworldly adventures for a while. They truly should have seen that coming. But, what can you do? Chaos reigns!
Speaking of, Kris had a smirk upon their face. They had an idea of a small prank they could play on Susie. They slowly moved behind Susie pretended to get closer to maybe offer some help.
"You might need some bait...fish tend to like worms..."
Kris waited until they got the right moment to strike. They intended to either try and push Susie into the water. But, since she was so strong and big it needed to be when she was leaning over the water.
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equill · 6 months
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The Warden
Panel: No escape.
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Ok, now just some silly ideas to share (playing around with the au)
Comic 1: Invading dreams
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Extra: no thanks.
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Comic 2: Unwanted attention
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completely underrated endgame in origins for the warden is agreeing to go with sten back to par vollen, romancing leliana so she stay with you, and letting zevran also stay with you.
imagine the warden told none of them about this.
then further imagine sten waiting at the docks, smiling to himself with his kadan is making their way towards him, as he expected their bard is close behind as it would of been odd if leliana wasn't with them, only for zevran to pop out behind them wearing a comically oversized pair of sunglasses and hat with a shirt reading "BEACHES OF SEHERON OR BUST" slinging his arms around the warden and a very surprised leliana.
sten is no longer smiling.
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feyres-divorce-lawyer · 2 months
the choice feminists responding to the ballerina farm profile are pissing me ooofff. “she chose this life, why can’t you respect her choice” he fucking stalked her for six months, and then when finding out she was taking a flight back to new york he “pulled a fee strings” asked his rich daddy who owns jetblue to get him a seat next to her on the plane and made it their first date. shut the fuck up.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 1 year
My dad got Tumblr. He became a thirst trap in minutes. His Tumblr username? Dad. Just dad.
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kinetic-chaos · 5 months
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Iblis is so back guys
Inspired by one of the memes on this post!
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