#Transiting Ceres
plutosfallenangel · 2 years
Random Astrology Observations | natal + transit ⚔️🥀🪐
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(*from personal experience+knowledge, please don't copy+paste as these are my own words*)
-As an 8H stellium I'm always around to hear other people's grievances and bad news.. even if I don't know them that well, I just happen to be there at the right place and time. I also noticed this with any pluto dominant. They can really help transmute some of the sudden pain, it's like they are there to filter out some of it. There is a sense of stability people can come to them for that doesn't necessarily exist within themselves, but they can provide it. Like a safety raft in a stormy sea, they'll always have a line to throw someone because they know what it's like. They know what it's like to need a safe space. Hopefully, the same people accepting the line they throw are the same people who would offer one back
-Mars in Aquarius is masterminded chaos
-Natal Vesta conjunct NN makes it easy for one to make strong commitments to what they need to learn/expand on in this lifetime
-If you don't have the greatest relationship with your mother or a mother figure, a transit Chiron conjunct natal moon can allow you to heal wounds with them, but only after you crack open the wound.. fully exposing its weak spot, accepting it for every bruise and batter.. embracing it.. and then allowing the healing to begin
-I've also noticed transit Chiron conjunct natal moon brings forth very extreme wounds that have been deeply rooted in our subconscious body.
-Having natal Ceres in the 2nd house indicates gift-giving as a love language.
-Ive been noticing a trend of 6H transits for finding long-term partners.. esp Juno transit 6H.. not taking away from the 7H transit, but adding to the story, the 6H is where we find our routine.. which I think is kind of cute to make it official with someone during a 6H transit, like, "I want to spend every day with you" or "I want to make sure you're in my day to day routine"... cute 🫶
-Whichever sign your solar return ASC is in should be the area of the body you pay attention to the most that year, as there could be potential health problems. (Ex: cancer=chest/breast, capricorn= teeth/bones, pisces= feet)
-Moon aspecting mars typically makes one very protective of siblings, similar to an Aries moon but depending on the sign these planets fall in they could act on this differently (ex: capricorn= making sure their siblings don't go without anything, helping out when they can financially, and protecting their image)
-At the end of the day, some virgos really do have the messiest spaces. However, I would like to clarify that not all Virgos are like this... I've noticed it's mainly virgo suns/mars but not mercury/venus... I know more virgo placements than any other sign so I can attest that you either get an extremely clean, chore list completed Virgo... or a coupon loving, clothes stacked up on the chair virgo... no in-between (no hate they just have other priorities than the stereotypical virgo, these people are always driven to their priorities)
-I'm close friends with several Pisces Mercury's and they all have such a specific style of music they listen to. I noticed most of them listen to dream/pop sounding music, and that's not even a joke about Pisces and dreams.. the music sounds ethereal and if it's not pop, then there's lots happening in the music. Something like house music, I find that Pisces Mercury's are the most likely to listen to it. If you're a Pisces mercury, let me know what you listen to! (Personally I love their music taste, you can get lost in the songs) Pisces venus is also like this, listening to deep-sounding music, something like a beautiful melody, but personally I don't know many pieces venuses!
-My favorite part of Scorpio/8H placements is seeing how mad people can get at them or about them. It comes when they finally reach their glow-up at the end of a rebirth.. but, what most don't realize is this glow-up has been earned with blood, sweat, tears and who knows what else (old friends + connections can feel resentful if you outgrow them with your many changes, those that matter the most will adapt to such transformation)
-Having a natal NN in the 4H means you will most likely take on the traditions within your family. I've done readings for elderly clients that stated they were the ones to take over hosting, celebrations, family meals, family recipes and so on. Either they were the eldest, the one who stayed close to home, or the one who genuinely adapts to taking on such a role in the family (after their jobs kick them butt a few times that is)
-I've also seen elderly clients absolutely OWN their Saturn placement. The stories they have to go along with it are even crazier. It really gives us a perception of how accumulated time affects us, and after many tough battles what it leaves us standing with in victory. I had one client whose Saturn was in leo.. she had trouble entertaining the spotlight at first, someone who was extremely introverted, and felt shame around expressing herself, but over time she learned that life isn't all it's cracked up to be without a little fun sometimes. metaphorically speaking I feel that she had learned after many years of missing out that sitting in the corner made her stand out more than dancing in the middle of the floor
-Retrograde planets in our natal chart show us key information about past lives as these planetary energies carry over unfinished business and expression. (Ex: mercury rx in the natal chart can indicate having to solve the same problems from your past that you weren't able to skillfully solve... however, this is only one way that merc rx can manifest. Communication issues or past life karma with siblings can also be indicated) look to which plant is rx in your chart if any, and look at it's expression. Which sign it is in, which house and which planets aspect it, this can provide many clues on what needs to be repeated. Most often you will find this planet expresses itself internally. Those with prominent rx in their natal chart do a LOT of self-reflection.
-NN transit 1st house makes one look deeper into their roots. Finding out more details about who they are from those before them. I'm having this transit right now and can attest, at the beginning, I had a strange yet strong urge to scour the internet family trees for hours on end. Now I can date my family origins back to the 1600s! And I'm almost wrapping up the NN conjunct ASC!
-Transit Pluto conjunct natal mars can increase the risk of injury if not careful. Avoid things that put you at risk while this transit takes place
-Transit Pluto conjunct natal venus implies a transformative love, but it comes with a cost. $karma$. This is a transit few get to experience in their lifetime, so when it happens for an individual they will be magnetic, allowing relationships to come in with intensity and shape them. Imo they can attract many potential options of partners but will always end up choosing the most karmic or tougher relationship subconsciously while this transit is happening. Towards the end they will experience either a deep release or strong unbreakable bond with someone / a creative project.
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seafoamreadings · 26 days
venus on the south node (opposite north node, square ceres)
sometimes it is all too easy to stay in a rut. something about our unfavorable circumstances can be comforting. it's what we've always known, or it protects us from a big leap, or we fear rejection or failure if we move forward. venus on the south node can sweeten this urge to resist development. desire does evolve through fulfillment; it's okay, even good, to experience pleasure. but then move on. take whatever baby steps are needed to just barely push the boundary of the comfort zone. you don't have to do the big leap. you can just push a little. there are even bigger pleasures out there for you.
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"Mostly just me projecting but also. She’s following in the archetype of Four Murasume from Zeta Gundam, and Four already has that tgirl swag so like. Yeah 👍" - Anonymous
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asteroidgalore · 1 year
Anubis (1912) is of above-average temperament. The Book of the Dead tells of a mishap that Anubis got into where his wife lies about being intimate with his brother Bata (translates to ‘soul giver.’). Anubis confronts his brother and learns the truth from his brother rather than mindlessly reacting.
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quiltofstars · 2 years
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The Ceres transit (five points of light) across the face of M100 on March 26, 2023 from 22.30 to 03.45 UTC // SDST
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ms-m-astrologer · 5 months
Transiting Ceres stations retrograde
Timeline (current events in bold)
Thursday, February 29, 07:44 UT - transiting Ceres enters pre-retrograde shadow, 7°29’ Capricorn
Wednesday, May 15, 05:36 UT - transiting Ceres stations retrograde, 21°33’ Capricorn
Monday, August 26, 07:39 UT - transiting Ceres stations direct, 7°29’ Capricorn
Monday, November 11, 22:43 UT - transiting Ceres exits post-retrograde shadow, 21°33’ Capricorn
Caveat: this probably won’t have much of an impact on you, personally, unless Ceres is prominent in your chart. (What might that look like? Ceres closely in aspect with the Sun, the Moon, &/or an angle; possibly strong Virgo &/or 6th House energy.)
You hate to see this happen, just as the Northern hemisphere growing season gets underway. But humanity can’t learn any other way than the hard way, I suppose.
We need to look at all of Ceres’ areas:
Procreative sexuality, parenting, children, family
Child and elder care, nurturing professions
Agriculture, gardening, growing cycles, food
Concern for domestic animals
…and consider where we are
too focused on outward achievement at the expense of the inner self
too much emphasis on control and manipulation; opportunism, self-seeking
pessimistic, melancholy, repressed
confirmity, rigidity, lack of imagination
Give the May aspects more time to manifest - Ceres is moving very slowly. In fact it’s impossible for me not to consider these first aspects as a group:
Thursday, May 16 -
Ceres Rx/Capricorn square Chiron/Aries, 21°32’
Ceres Rx/Capricorn trine Venus/Taurus, 21°32’
Ceres Rx/Capricorn square Mars/Aries, 21°01’
Ceres Rx/Capricorn opposite Vesta/Cancer, 20°56’
Ceres Rx/Capricorn trine Mercury/Taurus, 20°55’
The pieces highlighted in red show the main deal here: a transiting Cardinal sign t-square, with both Mars and Chiron in Aries aggravating the Ceres-Vesta opposition. Familial/tribal wounds, and our anger about them, are at the core of our Ceres Rx problems. The trines from Venus and Mercury soothe us. Try not to rush to solutions, or let ego and vanity get in the way.
The rest of the aspects, on the other hand, will be felt a few days on either side of the date given:
Wednesday, June 12 - Ceres Rx/Capricorn sextile Saturn/Pisces, 19°10’. Accepting responsibility; taking more of an authoritative role. We’re able to work hard at it.
Tuesday, June 25 - Wednesday, June 26:
Ceres Rx/Capricorn opposite Mercury/Cancer, 16°44’
Ceres Rx/Capricorn trine Juno/Virgo, 16°31’
The first of a pair of “easy oppositions” - here, the arguments of Ceres opposite Mercury find creative, practical solutions via Juno. Mutually nurturing partnerships featuring communication! This is also a good time for therapy.
Saturday, June 29 - Sunday, June 30:
Ceres Rx/Capricorn opposite Venus/Cancer, 15°44’
Ceres Rx/Capricorn trine Mars/Taurus, 15°37’
This “easy opposition” is very, very, very fertile. If you don’t want to become a parent, you’re probably best off abstaining. The relationship tension of the opposition finds release through Mars - work on being confident and self-reliant.
Friday, July 5 - Ceres Rx/Capricorn opposite Sun/Cancer, 14°25’. Ego; not being treated like an authority angers us. And yet we don’t much appreciate other people bossing us around!
Sunday, August 11 - Ceres Rx/Capricorn trine Venus/Virgo, 8°07’. By this point Ceres will be almost stationary and about (in a couple of weeks) to turn direct. This is a very sweet, helpful conclusion - we love our families and show it in practical, useful ways.
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blossomandglow · 3 months
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New Moon in Cancer exactly conjunct Sirius
Friday, July 5th, 3:57 pm Pacific Time
Sirius is considered one of the most important fixed stars in astrology, and is associated with passion, fame and fortune, devotion and faithfulness.
This auspicious sun-moon conjunction is also occurring opposite Ceres, an asteroid or minor planet nearly equal to Pluto in importance.
Ceres is associated with major life milestones, especially for women or in regards to relationships with women. It is also associated with fertility, mothering, independence of women, and single parenting.
This new moon could be especially auspicious for mothers and single parents, and could potentially bring more independence, and/or highlight relationship imbalances.
The effect this new moon will have on any given individual will be shown in the position, by house and aspect, of 14° Cancer /Capricorn in the individual's natal chart.
photo credit Mark Mc Neill
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astro1derland · 6 months
In today’s transits, Venus at 27° Pisces ♓️ 9’ 17” forms a conjunction with Neptune at 27° Pisces ♓️ 58’ 32”. Our ability and capacity to relate, communicate and connect aligns and seems to be as “one” with our dark energy in a mystical, sensitive and mysterious way. See the light in the darkest shadows today. Find your peace today. Humble yourself today. Nurture your inner child today.
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kleopatra45 · 3 months
Asteroid Ceres (1)
Asteroid Ceres (1) in astrology represents nurturing, caregiving, and maternal instincts. Its placement in a birth chart influences how one nurtures and seeks nurturing from others. Ceres signifies emotional sustenance, family dynamics, and the ability to create a nurturing environment. Understanding Ceres' position reveals fundamental aspects of one's approach to care and emotional fulfillment in relationships and personal life.
Ceres in the Houses
Ceres in the 1st House: This placement suggests that nurturing and caretaking are integral to your identity and self-expression. You may have a nurturing presence and be seen as someone who takes care of others. Your personal growth and well-being may be closely tied to how you nurture yourself and others. Ceres in the 2nd House: Material security and values are important themes in your nurturing style. You may find fulfillment in providing for others or being provided for in practical ways. Financial stability and comfort may play a significant role in your nurturing relationships. Ceres in the 3rd House: Communication and intellectual stimulation are emphasized in your nurturing approach. You may express care and support through conversations, teaching, or sharing knowledge. Siblings and neighbors may play nurturing roles in your life. Ceres in the 4th House: Family and home are central to your nurturing style. You find fulfillment in creating a nurturing environment at home and may take on caregiving roles within your family. Your emotional security is closely tied to your sense of belonging and domestic harmony. Ceres in the 5th House: Creativity, playfulness, and children (if applicable) are emphasized in how you nurture and express care. You may find joy in creative activities with loved ones or in nurturing the inner child. Romantic relationships may involve a nurturing and supportive dynamic. Ceres in the 6th House: Service, health, and routines are integral to your nurturing approach. You may express care through practical acts of service or by promoting well-being in others. Work environments and daily routines may provide opportunities for nurturing interactions. Ceres in the 7th House: This placement suggests that nurturing and partnership are intertwined. You may express care through committed relationships or seek partners who provide nurturing support. Collaboration and mutual care are important in your relationships. Ceres in the 8th House: Intimacy, shared resources, and transformation play significant roles in your nurturing style. You may nurture through deep emotional connections or by supporting others through life transitions. Issues of trust and vulnerability are part of your nurturing dynamics. Ceres in the 9th House: Philosophy, beliefs, and higher learning influence how you nurture others. You may nurture through sharing wisdom, cultural experiences, or spiritual guidance. Travel and exploration may provide nurturing opportunities. Ceres in the 10th House: Career, public image, and achievement are important in how you express nurturing qualities. You may nurture through leadership roles, mentoring, or by achieving goals that benefit others. Your nurturing style may influence your professional life. Ceres in the 11th House: Friendships, social causes, and group activities are emphasized in your nurturing approach. You may nurture through community involvement, humanitarian efforts, or by supporting friends in their aspirations. Group dynamics play a nurturing role in your life. Ceres in the 12th House: Spirituality, compassion, and hidden strengths are integral to your nurturing style. You may nurture through acts of service, healing, or by providing emotional support behind the scenes. Intuitive and empathetic qualities enhance your nurturing abilities.
Ceres in the Signs
Aries: Ceres in Aries nurtures through independence, action, and self-discovery. You may nurture others by encouraging their autonomy and supporting their initiatives. Taurus: Ceres in Taurus nurtures through stability, sensuality, and practical support. You provide nurturing care by creating a secure and comfortable environment. Gemini: Ceres in Gemini nurtures through communication, intellectual engagement, and adaptability. You support others by sharing knowledge and engaging in lively conversations. Cancer: Ceres in Cancer nurtures through emotional support, home, and family. You provide nurturing care by creating a nurturing home environment and offering empathetic understanding. Leo: Ceres in Leo nurtures through generosity, creativity, and warmth. You express nurturing care by celebrating others' uniqueness and encouraging their creative self-expression. Virgo: Ceres in Virgo nurtures through practical assistance, organization, and attention to detail. You provide nurturing care by offering practical solutions and reliable support. Libra: Ceres in Libra nurtures through harmony, fairness, and cooperation. You express nurturing care by promoting balance in relationships and encouraging mutual respect. Scorpio: Ceres in Scorpio nurtures through depth, intimacy, and transformation. You provide nurturing care by supporting others through emotional challenges and promoting personal growth. Sagittarius: Ceres in Sagittarius nurtures through optimism, exploration, and freedom. You offer nurturing care by expanding others' horizons and encouraging their independence. Capricorn: Ceres in Capricorn nurtures through responsibility, discipline, and long-term goals. You express nurturing care by providing stability and supporting others' ambitions. Aquarius: Ceres in Aquarius nurtures through innovation, humanitarianism, and progressive ideas. You provide nurturing care by fostering individuality and promoting social change. Pisces: Ceres in Pisces nurtures through compassion, spirituality, and creativity. You offer nurturing care by providing emotional support, inspiring dreams, and fostering healing.
Ceres in Aspects
Conjunctions: A conjunction of Ceres with another planet intensifies the influence of that planet on your nurturing style and relationships. For example, Ceres conjunct Venus emphasizes nurturing through love and harmony, while Ceres conjunct Mars highlights nurturing through assertiveness and action. Sextiles and Trines: These harmonious aspects indicate ease and support in integrating the energies of Ceres and the other planet involved. For example, Ceres sextile Mercury suggests smooth communication and intellectual nurturing, while Ceres trine Jupiter indicates nurturing through growth and expansion. Squares and Oppositions: These challenging aspects can indicate tension or conflict that needs to be addressed in nurturing and caregiving dynamics. For example, Ceres square Saturn might indicate issues with boundaries or responsibilities in caregiving, while Ceres opposition Uranus could highlight a need to balance independence with nurturing connections.
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uyuforu · 8 months
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Uyu's Astro Observations IV
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Some observations are +18
ᯓ★ Do I have playlists for every mood ever or do I just have Leo placements?
ᯓ★ Boda conjunct Boda in Solar Return Synastry... you are either getting proposed or getting married lol.
ᯓ★ Vertex is so important in any chart, look at it always please!
ᯓ★ I was wondering why people found Jack Harlow so attractive with the way he talks, and I found out he has 3H Leo lol! True rizz placement.
ᯓ★ Erda (894) is an asteroid that tells you about your past life. So Erda conjunct Erda in synastry means you were def in each other's past life and played an important role towards each other.
ᯓ★ I'm studying Transits these days, and the day I met my FS, I had North Node in 7H, he had Sun, Mercury and Venus in his 5H. His Groom was also conjuncting his DSC. My Moon was also exactly conjuncting my IC.
ᯓ★ Boda in 7H synastry: Boda person could want to marry 7H person and is most likely to propose in the future.
ᯓ★ Also, Jack Harlow has Ceres conjunct Mercury, this could explain also why he is so smooth with the way he speaks to people.
ᯓ★ Sun in 7H in Solar Return Synastry means this person wants to marry 7H person, and may realize it this year, or propose. If Saturn is also there, something is blocking this union, and this person may see obstacles.
ᯓ★ Your Neptune & Venus falling in another person's 11H in Solar Return Synastry means you are stalking their social medias a lot this year because you have crush lol.
ᯓ★ If your Neptune & Venus fall in your person's 8H, you are obsessed with them, you can't stop thinking about them and fantasizing about them either. Might also stalk.
ᯓ★ Mars in 1H synastry... Mars person wants to do 1H person so bad.
ᯓ★ If you have Boda falling in another person's 3H in Solar Return Synastry, you might propose to them this year. Or you will want to.
ᯓ★ Vertex conjuncts Vertex in Solar Return Synastry means something will happen this year between you two that will change your life forever. The themes are the houses where the Vertex are. For ex: 5H for both means you can enter in a relationship, or get engaged, or have a baby...
ᯓ★ The year I wasn't working, I had Saturn 10H in Solar Return.
ᯓ★ In the same Solar Return, I had Moon Scorpio 20°, I was depressed, I did tons of tattoos and dressed in black every time. I was looking very cold and detached too.
ᯓ★ This Solar Return I met my FS, Groom conjuncted Vertex this year.
ᯓ★ Also, Groom conjuncted Vertex in the 6H, and this meeting forced me to realize my toxic patterns and heal myself. It was the start of a healing journey.
ᯓ★ Any years I had a toxic relationship, I always had Venus 8H in my SRC.
ᯓ★ Gemini Moon in 8H is an insane placement, people like that can really get in dark places when they overthink or are depressed. Their mind can be scary for other people. But those people need the most help in the end.
ᯓ★ While Vertex 5H means you want and will have children, Chiron in 5H means you are scared to have children, some traumas will prevent you from having some.
ᯓ★ Juno/ Groom/ Briede conjunct Jupiter means your FS will make you very happy, and cheer you up. They will bring you sunshine. You will feel more lucky after marriage.
ᯓ★ Juno/ Groom/ Briede conjunct Pluto means they will totally transform your life. If it is in the 6H, it means this person will heal you, despite that it can be scary for you.
ᯓ★ Vertex PC will tell you way more about your destiny. Check it to see the whole ride.
ᯓ★ Asteroid Kreusa (488) can mean where you escape in life, how you escape, and what you abandoned, what abandoned you. It's a theory of mine since the asteroid never had an observation before. I checked it for me and my friends and it is in fact a verified theory! Give credits for @uyuforu on this one please!
ᯓ★ I noticed my MC PC and Briede PC looks very much the same, and I have Sun & Mercury Capricorn in my Briede PC, I'm gonna be the leader in that marriage lmao.
ᯓ★ In my Boda PC, Part of Fortune conjunct Union, meaning a lucky marriage that will make both of us happy.
ᯓ★ I also have DNA asteroid (55555) in my 7H in my Boda PC, there are high chance to be pregnant when I marry...
ᯓ★ Moreover, my FS has Vertex 5H in his Boda PC, so the child theory for the wedding can be very true lol...
ᯓ★ In the Child PC, my FS has a stellium in 7H and Boda is inside of it ;-;
ᯓ★ If we continue on the child theory, my FS has DNA asteroid in his 7H of Groom PC, he also has Juno and Vertex there, so it's reassuring lol!
ᯓ★ Juno 7H in Groom/ or Briede PC means you marry your destined person. My FS has Juno 7H in his Groom PC, and I have Juno 7H in my Briede PC. We will both think we married "the one".
ᯓ★ Saturn in 10H transits is a hard time to find a job... or to get a promotion.
ᯓ★ Last thing about Jack Harlow: he kept saying he wants 8 children, so I checked his chart. Vertex 5H lmao, am I shocked?
ᯓ★ I lied, it wasn't the last thing about Jack. He also said he was into sweet girls. I am not shocked, he has Briede Cancer. He will def marry a sweet girl.
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*Uyu’s Email Adress: [email protected]
*This is the only email address I have!
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seafoamreadings · 17 days
mercury trine ceres
this good earthy virgoan type of trine serves you best if you look after the small things and take care of them. whatever that means to you. that might mean anything from your children to the microbiome of organisms who live in your bowels or on your skin. that might mean tiny flowers in your yard or on your walk to work. that might mean cleaning up for five minutes to make your sanctum a little nicer.
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sunkissedchld · 9 months
𝒍𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒍𝒍 𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒊𝒏 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒
the piles go from left to right. therefore, pile one has the silver airpods, pile two is the pink cord phone, and so on and so forth.
take your time to use your intuition to choose the pile that will best resonate with you. lastly, please don't be afraid to say if the message resonated or not; it helps me in determining if my interpretations are correct or not, and i appreciate any sort of feedback - even if it's "bad".
this PAC is a collab with @icanseethefuture333, so be sure to check out their post also!
good luck to you, reader 🌷
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"i don't forgive you", harboring anger towards someone, heavy fire (aries, leo, sagittarius) in birth chart, red, passion, danger, hera, broken marriages/family, non-committal, metatron, spiritual power, turtles, tigers, turkeys. broken headphones, "you're not listening"
"Montero (Call Me By Your Name)" by Lil Nas X
"Another One Bites the Dust" by Queen
"Blow Us All Away" from Hamilton the Musical
"Intro" by J. Cole
"Angels We Have Heard on High" by Pentatonix
"Sorry, I Love You" by Stray Kids
Four of Cups, Knight of Cups (Rx), Six of Swords (Rx), Two of Wands, Five of Wands, Seven of Coins, The Fool (Rx), Turtle (Rx), Tiger, Turkey
For those who chose pile one, one lesson you will encounter will be in regards to you seemingly sitting on the sidelines in life. At one point, you may feel disconnected and apathetic about life; you may think, "what's the point of doing what I'm doing if I'm not seeing any results for it." There will be times when people will try to help you enjoy life more instead of being moody and unhappy with what you're doing, but J. Cole says it best when he asks, "do you wanna be happy?". Someone might literally ask you that (or people have done so in the past), and you often say "no" without saying no by not taking action to be happy. 
Those who chose this pile may have a lot of unresolved emotional baggage they refuse to acknowledge, but your lesson will be in recognizing that baggage and unloading it. You may have been resisting a transition period in your life for as long as possible, and in 2024 that won't be allowed anymore. Saying "no" to happiness will not be an option; you will be thrown into tackling your anger, former traumas, apathy about life, etc. head on. The only real thing you can decide at this point is whether or not you're going to plan for it now that you know it's coming or allow life to take you through it however ough that may be. 
You will be pushed to be competitive about what it is you want. There may be a lot of conflict, and you may even feel jealous of others at one point; you may think, "why is it that my growth and transition is so much harder compared to everyone else's?". There may even be a point during the year where you feel as if you're guides or the universe or whoever/whatever you believe in isn't listening to you, but the truth is everyone experiences growing pains, and you have to figure out how to persevere and get over your fears the same way everyone else does. As stated before, refusing to grow and transition is not an option, but your attitude as you experience it is a choice you make; you can make it easier or harder on yourself by having an open mind. 
This year, you will be going from being a turtle to a tiger. You will no longer be allowed to take your time in regards to things in your life that are keeping you from growing into someone who is healthier and happier: mentally, physically, emotionally, and everywhere else. You will be stepping into your own power and your attitude will determine if you step into it gracefully or not. Overall, your lesson will be in learning how to free yourself from your own chains.
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"be free", the sun, heavy fixed sign energy, ceres, gemini, pluto, neptune, feeling disconnected from venus placement, having trouble speaking, 111, manifestations, "coming in", "i'm walking", "be realistic", mercedes, goose/geese
“Love Like Woe” by The Ready Set
“One Step At a Time” by Jordin Sparks
“Are You That Somebody” by Aaliyah
“This World” by Ateez
“Can You Stand the Rain” by New Edition
“What Comes Next?” from Hamilton the Musical
Eight of Coins (Rx), King of Swords (Rx), Five of Wands (Rx), The Hanged Man, King of Coins, Seven of Coins, The Sun, Fixed, Ceres, Sagittarius (Rx), 111, Mercury (Rx), Venus (Rx), Neptune, Pluto
If you chose this pile, your lesson for the year deals with your self-worth and self-determination. “One Step At a Time” by Jordin Sparks seems to fit your energy best for this next year. It seems some of this energy may be lingering from last year also, but during 2024 you may feel as if you’re doing a lot of work but receiving no benefits from it. Eventually, this lack of success and recognition could wear on you, and you could wonder if what all you’re doing is even worth it. With your work, it could seem as if you do so much, but it’s just not quite enough to other people - even if you’re trying your absolute hardest. You could end up feeling unappreciated and as if you’re not advancing anywhere. 
It seems someone could be turning people away from you. For some people, this is a literal person who you may get along with, but you don’t really confront them when it comes to what they’re doing. For others of you, this is the universe purposefully blocking things from you because you’re trying to speed up the time you get certain things, and it’s telling you, “this isn’t how that works”. Regardless, there is someone or something in a higher position keeping you from reaching the success you think you deserve. This conflict will frustrate you throughout the year, and it could prove difficult for you to deal with. 
With the Hanged Man and Five of Wands (Rx), you’re being asked to compromise and re-think why you think you deserve recognition or success in a certain way. Is your reasoning valid or in good faith? Is your way really the only way you can gain what it is you’re wanting? Is what you’re wanting the best for you? I’m reminded of the meme (I guess is what it is) where a little girl is holding a small teddy bear or something, and Jesus is asking her to give it to Him, and she’s refusing, but the audience can see that He has an even bigger teddy bear for her; I feel like this will represent how your success for this year will be. You may have one view of how you want it, but that result keeps getting pushed back or thwarted because you’re thinking too small. 
The action of patience will be your most important lesson this year. “Can You Stand the Rain” fits really well for this closing part of the reading. You will be learning how to wither the storm of seemingly being overlooked and having your ideas of abundance not being given to you how and when you want in exchange for even better and more success to meet you at the end. As is always said, “patience is a virtue”.
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222, swan, itchy left palm, losing items, “i’m so sorry”, prominent sagittarius and/or gemini placements, heavy mutable energy, neptune dominant or many aspects to neptune, ducks, water, lust for nostalgia, being lost in your memories
“In Love with Another Man” by Jazmine Sulllivan
“needy” by Ariana Grande
“Halazia” by Ateez
“Home” by Todrick Hall
“6 Foot 7 Foot” by Lil Wayne (feat. Corey Gunz)
“Put It On Da Floor Again” by Latto (feat. Cardi B)
Queen of Cups (Rx), Six of Cups (Rx), Ace of Wands, Ten of Coins, The Sun, Six of Coins, The Emperor, Memories (Rx), Mutable (Rx), Sagittarius (Rx), Planetary Retrograde (Rx)
For those choosing pile three, your lesson during the year will relate to you recognizing yourself more. Those who chose this pile may feel disconnected from their emotions or feel very emotionally drained last year and entering the new year. You may be very used to letting people utilize you in their lives however they want while when it comes to you needing people, they often are away or too busy to care about you. You could be prone to co-dependent relationships where you feel like you need to be needed or of help to someone and they to you, but you let them give you the bare minimum while you give your all. 
Earlier, I thought you might be someone who doesn’t like remembering things or has a hard time with their memory, but it’s actually the opposite! You’re someone who loves to get lost in the past and what used to be; the song “Could’ve Been” by H.E.R feels relevant. For some reason the energy for this pile feels very connected to a relationship that you may miss during the year. It seems you will eventually come to the realization that you’re losing yourself to the past and recognize you need to garner up the willpower to keep going for the present. You will gain the energy to begin doing things for yourself instead of for the sake of pleasing others. You will be recognizing how important you are to yourself, and/or you will be building up that importance. 
During this year, you will be building a new foundation where you do things for you. You will be focusing on your own growth and prioritizing self-care. You will learn how to put your happiness above other people's, which might be an issue you have been avoiding for a while. Rather than relying on others for emotional stability and to qualify your self-worth, you will likely end up doing a ton of introspection to discover what makes you happy solo. If you’re someone who is chronically in relationships, you may take a well-needed break in order to discover yourself like you’ve been putting off doing. 
Overall, your lesson for the new year involves being your own rock so to speak. You will be learning how to set boundaries to protect yourself from people who are no good for you because they want to be like vampires in using you. Instead, you will focus on yourself and your ideals, wants, desires, and emotions. Your lesson this year will be learning how to focus on you.
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having a lot of conjunctions in natal or solar return chart, heavy fixed energy, being born on a new moon, heavy uranus energy, “i don’t forgive you”, heavy fourth house placements and energy, “i don’t forgive you”, (oak) trees, miracles, unicorns
“Focus” by Ariana Grande
“Hello” by J. Cole
“Lonely St.” by Stray Kids
“On It” by Jazmine Sullivan (feat. Ari Lennox)
“Another One Bites the Dust” by Queen
��New Money” by Leikeli47
Ace of Cups, Four of Coins, The Devil, Temperance, Knight of Coins, King of Cups, Judgement, The Fool, Conjunction, Fixed, New Moon, Uranus, 4H, Trees, Miracles
Those choosing this final pile, your lessons this year may relate to embracing new beginnings and a fresh start. For you, I’m reminded of all these rituals people are engaging in as we all enter the new year: eating black eyed peas, not washing clothes, having someone with money enter the house first, eating grapes under a table at midnight, and everything else. It seems you’re in the energy of “new year, new me”! With that, your lessons seem to relate to putting that quote to the test and seeing if you’re actually ready to embrace what comes with newness. 
You could be losing things and people this year; maybe you fall out with certain people in your friend group, or you lose your job, or you graduate from school, or you’ll find a whole new group of friends. In general, the concept of not getting so attached to things or people to the point where you’re unwilling to separate from them comes to mind. Not that you can’t also develop strong attachments and relationships! But, when it’s time to let a situation or person go do not spend so much time trying to get them to stay. “When it’s time to go; it’s time to go”. 
Do not become obsessive about things and people you come into contact with this year. The phrase, “there’s a time and season for everything” is very important! “Be flexible” is the best advice I could give for those reading this pile. Being flexible does not entail not working hard though; find a balance between being hardworking and putting in effort and also being open to change and loss. There is a major emphasis on balance and being in control when it comes to your emotions but also overall this year. 
Overall, your lessons deal with being open to the change that comes with a new year and declaring that you’re ready for new things. You still need to put in work and go about life and strive to achieve what it is you want - in relationships, friendships, work, your daily life, and more, but you also need to be willing to let people and things go when the universe tells you they’re no longer serving or helping you. Truly, be open to the new beginnings you’re saying you want. 
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asteroidgalore · 1 year
Asteroid Cupido (763) is, in shadow, about faked love. But, in its positive aspects, it is about eroticism. When channeled the correct way, Cupido can bring a new level of sexuality and attraction to a relationship.
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themedialmercurial · 1 year
🫧🩵Astro observations🩵🫧
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Moon conjunct Jupiter 5H may have many kids. Bonus points if both planets are in leo (5H represents children, moon is related to family and jupiter is associated with abundance and growth)
Mars opp Uranus transit can bring about sudden bursts of pain, the sign indicates the how it impacts and the house indicating the part of the body impacted
Though libra placements strive for balance, underdeveloped people with these placements strive for THEIR ideal of balance, oftentimes to the detriment of others (i.e unwilling to compromise, resorting to manipulation to get their way)
The 3rd house explains how you communicate
Aries: assertively, outgoing
Taurus: stubbornly (resisting to change your outlook), practically
Gemini: versatile, inquisitively, witty
Cancer: emotionally, gently
Leo: dramatically, loudly, shamelessly
Virgo: thoughtfully, dry humour, critically (sharp w/ their words)
Libra: diplomatically, flirtatious, indecisive
Scorpio: intensely, passionately
Sagittarius: honest, exaggerative, optimistically
Capricorn: disciplined, can come across as cold/insensitive
Aquarius: detached, rebellious,
Pisces: spiritual, caring, empathetic
Libra venuses show affection by treating you to things you've always wanted and in turn, they expect the same from you (reciprocity is key!). They have a knack for finding gifts that are aesthetically pleasing
Leo stellium indicates a short temper. This placement magnifies leos natural urge to shine and dramatic tendencies and results in impulsivity when underdeveloped
Prominent pisces and aquarius in a chart gives the native an "otherworldly" type of beauty. The way I tend to notice them is always by their eyes, they tend to be widespread and/or big (ex: Anya-Taylor Joy, Halle Bailey). They have a type of beauty that almost "rebels against" the standards in place all the while having conventionally attractive features if that makes sense. It's like their features exacerbate existing standards
Virgo venuses love giving and receiving words of affirmation as their love language (virgo likes mental stimulation). They bring about a more service-minded type of affection, asking you what you need materially for instance
Pisces mars and the constant urge to escape? It's like they need music to get through the day. They often get the reputation of being "lazy" but these people really just are in another world, and, especially when in the 6th house, they rely much on media (books, podcasts, tv shows) to do any tasks (even mundane) or they risk daydreaming or or boredom. They are more likely to take a long time to complete any sort of task such as a shower or washing the dishes
Chiron in capricorn brings wounds and pain about ambition. This can manifest as the native either lacks drive or they have ideas they'd love to set in motion and they do (due to the cardinal nature of capricorn) but often fall short in continuing their project. As physical scars, the native may be prone injuries/dysfunction regarding their bones. Using myself as an example, I had braces as a pre-teen.
I’ve seen so many Gemini suns who have a Gemini symbol tattoo
Eris in aries brings about chaos in areas of life related to assertion and self-involvement. In other words, the native may feel more inclined to hyperfocus on the needs of others and neglect themself
Ceres in gemini brings an abundance in matters related to communication and adaptability. You're likely to be perceived as someone who can go with the flow and is easy-going. On the other hand, when less developed, you can be perceived as scatter-brained and restless
Jupiter in leo can make someone have a wider, sculpted upper back and shoulders as jupiter expands anything it touches. Jupiter in aquarius can make someone have larger calves, shins and ankles. With regard to the house it's in, in creates growth in that area of life. As always, consult the aspects that other planets make to jupiter
Opposite to jupiter, saturn shrinks what it touches. In other words, depending on your saturn sign, this can show where you're physically smaller. Saturn in leo for example would have smaller shoulders and a smaller back. Saturn in aquarius can make someone have smaller calves, skins and ankles
"I have a headache in my stomach" -My virgo stellium best friend
Venus square ascendant creates conflict of ones perception of self (physical appearance, personality) and whether or not they consider themself to be attractive. Due to this internal conflict, they are likely to take it upon themselves to try and "glow up" and struggle with low self-esteem. They may require constant reassurance from others
I can't remember who posted this last month but someone asked if people could feel the effects of their upcoming solar return chart whether it be a month before or right as it hits? My birthday is early july and it's crazy how much I already reasonate with my upcoming SRC 2023-2024. I used @starsworldd post as a reference! ⭐️
My SRC rising is in leo and I already feel that I present myself more unapologetically and confidently. Since leo falls into my 12th house in my natal chart, I find that matters related to spiritually are much more potent (angel numbers, seeing specific colours, encounters, the urge to self-isolate, feeling energy extra strongly)
Natal sun (10H) conjunct SR venus: personality and beauty will become more noticeable to the public--> I found this especially true because I've been receiving so many complements from strangers lately🩷
Moon in pisces 8H SR: I'm emotionally tied to and more receptive to fantasies, creativity, sentimentality, escapism (esp with the way I've been reading so much lately and find any anything hard to do without music)
Venus in leo 1H: personality and outlook on life will be less inhibited, more free-flowing and harmonious (true bc I find beauty in simple everyday things more than ever. I stare at the trees, the sky, animals and even myself sometimes. I'm learning to look at myself in the mirror and understand I'm worthy of love no matter how I look)
Just from studying my SRC, it's made me so much more curious about the impacts of the lunar return chart (LRC) each month and daily transits
If any of these placements resonate with you personally or you know someone with these placements please let me know! As always, these are my observations and of course, not everyone is a monolith🩵
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ms-m-astrologer · 7 months
Transiting Ceres enters retrograde zone
Timeline (current events in bold)
Thursday, February 29, 07:44 UT - transiting Ceres enters pre-retrograde shadow, 7°29’ Capricorn
Wednesday, May 15, 05:36 UT - transiting Ceres stations retrograde, 21°33’ Capricorn
Monday, August 26, 07:39 UT - transiting Ceres stations direct, 7°29’ Capricorn
Monday, November 11, 22:43 UT - transiting Ceres exits post-retrograde shadow, 21°33’ Capricorn
Caveat: this may not have much of an impact on you unless Ceres is prominent in your birth chart. She’d have to be in close aspect to the Sun, Moon, &/or an angle (Ascendant, IC, Descendant, MC), possibly with strong Virgo &/or 6th House energy.
Since I have been fighting and losing to the migraines for about the last ten days, here is an excerpt about Ceres Rx from Martin Bulgerin’s web site biopscinst.com:
When the Great Mother Ceres turns retrograde on us, the entire notion of mothering and nurturance is up for grabs in our lives. This goes far beyond "just children", since Ceres describes the ways we give to and receive loving support from others. You're being forced to reconsider what you really care about. Some of our "babies" must be allowed to grow up and fly the coop if our attachments are holding them back. It's also important to recognize whether you are rejecting or filtering out the love others are extending to you during these cycles. Sometimes, the most cruel person in your life is yourself. It's time to reconnect with the web of life and loving.
Some of the problems with any planet moving through Capricorn are related to a belief that the more outward achievements we have, the more loveable that makes us. “If I get the top grades - that promotion - marriage to so-&-so,” like that. Sort of a social-climbing vibe. Integrity shouldn’t be equated with high worldly status.
Another problem happens when we insist on doing things “the way we’ve always done them.” That kind of thinking brought on the US’s “Dust Bowl” in the 1930s - an insistence on using farming techniques that weren’t suitable or sustainable for that climate and environment.
And there’s always the stench of government/corporate control, in this sign.
Procreative sexuality, parenting, children, family - the so-called “traditional family values” with the white straight men in charge. Trying to “keep up with the Joneses” - also makes me think of those appalling “neighborhood covenants” in the US, where (for example) you can’t have a clothesline, or paint your house any color but beige, and so forth.
Child & elder care, nurturing professions - regimentation, following the rules, going up the “proper” chain of command. Sort of a perfunctory, general approach without giving much (if any) thought to individual needs.
Agriculture, growing cycles, food - “agribusiness” coming into focus. Could be some issues with hoarding.
Concern for domesticated animals - not so much just puppies and kitties, but piggies and chickens and cows as well. Concern with the “factory farm” approach, not just the meat “production” (UGH) but the puppy mills, etc.
Most of the aspects Ceres makes will happen with the personal planets and the other Lady Asteroids - therefore most of the work to be done will be on a personal level. “Think globally, act locally.” (The exception is Ceres squaring Chiron, which I’ll discuss in the list of aspects.) As we move through these aspects, we should give progressively longer “leeways” on either side of the dates. Perhaps allow a few days for the first one, and up to a week for the last.
Tuesday, March 12 - Ceres/Capricorn trine Juno Rx/Pisces, 11°21’. Starting off with good intentions, anyway! A lot of mutual caring and concern. “Let’s get through this together.”
Saturday, March 16 - Ceres/Capricorn square Mercury/Aries, 12°27’. First of three - due to Mercury’s retrograde cycle. Be alert for problems with communicating your own needs, and listening to others. Probably not a brand-new problem or situation.
Saturday, March 23 - Ceres/Capricorn sextile Venus/Pisces, 14°08’. Can be a good time to get pregnant, so if that isn’t on your agenda then triple-wrap that thing. Very creative energy. We want to pretty up our homes.
Sunday, March 31 - Ceres/Capricorn square North Node/Aries and South Node/Libra, 16°05’. Problems around taking care of ourselves and our own needs, versus taking care of other people to “keep the peace.” If you habitually deny yourself, it comes back to bite you in the butt.
Saturday, April 6 - Ceres/Capricorn square Sun/Aries, 17°26’. Who’s the boss? We really want to be independent and not bound by familial/tribal expectations.
Tuesday, April 16:
Ceres/Capricorn square Mercury Rx/Aries, 19°11’
Ceres/Capricorn sextile Mars/Pisces, 19°12’
The second Ceres-Mercury square, but this time there’s a helpful sextile to Mars. (Also a fertile sextile, so watch out for that.) We can listen compassionately.
Sunday, April 21 - Ceres/Capricorn square Venus/Aries, 19°52’. If you need a break, ask for one! It’s okay to take some time off. Similarly, the person being taken care of could get a little testy about it.
Wednesday, April 24 - Ceres/Capricorn square Chiron/Aries, 20°22’. First of three. Look for the imbalances between self-care, and how much you take care of others. It isn’t necessarily us being the heroic super-nurturer - sometimes we don’t pull our own weight.
Tuesday, May 7 - Ceres/Capricorn square Mercury/Aries, 21°21’. Third of three. By now we should be expressing our needs in a clear, straightforward way.
Saturday, May 11 - Ceres/Capricorn trine Sun/Taurus, 21°30’. We identify strongly with our familial/tribal role, and we want practical, effective ways to carry out those responsibilities. We can use this to set realistic intentions going into Ceres’ actual retrograde.
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astroismypassion · 2 years
Astrology observations 🤗🫂🤗
Credit goes to @astroismypassion
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🤗 Scorpio Juno often regrets losing virginity before entering marriage. The wish they would have lose it in a more meaningful way with a meaningful partner, their spouse.
🫂 Libra Chiron might have been shamed by others for losing virginity before marriage.
🤗 Women who have Mars in the 12th house often get “the bachelor”, that one man a lot of women wished to marry. If Mars sign is Cancer, it also indicates a lot of hate coming from women because of that.
🫂Venus Conjunct Pluto in a Natal chart: You can be obsessive in love. You have cycles in your partnerships. Your partners have a tendency to come back to you even after you spent years apart. They always seem to return. You transform your lovers.
🤗 The sign of your Vertex shows the Sun sign of the person that will have a role in your awakening. One celebrity example is: Prince Harry has Leo Vertex and his wife Meghan is Leo Sun. Being in the 7th house, you will likely have this awakening while in partnership, marriage or through being a part of a team.
🫂 4th house shows the father in a woman’s natal chart. 10th house shows the mother in a woman’s natal chart. So it’s just reversed for women.
But in a man’s chart 4th house is the mother. 4th house shows the mother in a man’s natal chart. And 10th house shows the father in a man’s natal chart.
🤗 I’ve noticed a lot of Capricorn Rising people tend to attract, be in relationship or even marry a person who is older than them. Which I still don’t fully understand how and why with Cancer over their Descendant. It would make more sense to marry younger, but this is often not what I observed.
🫂In Synastry chart your Sun in someone's 5th house: You might dream of having children together or you could be good at it. You see each other as your personal vacation. You might enjoy doing hobbies together. You share similar interests. You might be more romantic with each other than you are with other people. You could go or have really extravagant dates. You might go all out when you are together, because you want to impress each other. You will compliment each other a lot and these compliments will come very naturally to you. You will want to praise each other. You will feel like you are a star, a celebrity when around each other. You will feel like their spotlight is on you as well.
🤗 I noticed people who have Ceres in the 3rd house, their love language is not that often words of affirmation, but more so just ✨hand holding✨.
🫂Venus Conjunct Uranus in a Natal chart: You could be a part of love triangle at some point so be mindful. You could have a friend to lovers transition. Or a lot of your acquaintances have a crush on you. You might have a long-distance relationship at some point. You could also not see your partner due to the fact that their job might keep them away, like they could be a pilot and you don’t see them for 3 months. You might like quirky, eccentric and unconventional lovers. You go for the weirdo in the room that seems really interesting. You value communication the most in your relationship.
🤗 If your Mars is in the 5th house, you might particularly care for disadvantaged children, those who lack school supplies could be one example.
🫂In Synastry chart Moon in someone's 8th house: You might have sexual awakening with this person. Before one of you or both might have considered yourself aromantic or even asexual, but with this person you will feel awakened. You will feel passion, lust and desire. You will just want them. You might be quick to merge your finance, living situation or even become physical. With this overlay, I suggest getting physical as late as possible, try to prolonge it and don’t give into desire too soon. Because as soon as you merge with this person, obsession, jealous and being territorial might begin. You will experience power struggles, but also understanding on an emotional, physical and mental level like never before. You might have sex dreams about this person, a lot of sexual fantasies (and vice versa of course). It’s an intense, strong bond, but a lot of times unbreakable. You could become too easily dependent on each other and learn to nurture your own individuality and have your own individual lives as well. You will mirror each other a lot. You will challenge each other and learn your mistakes, short-comings. You might be a bit unwilling to change. One might change a lot (8th house person especially), but you will feel like the other person is always the same. But this will not be true, Moon person will go through psychological, inner changes, while you (house person) might change in your actions, outlook on life. You will know each other’s desires, secrets and fears with time. But at first there might be a lot of frustrations, miscommunication and misunderstandings. You might be very vulnerable around each other. You could feel like the other person see right through you. You could feel like are naked in front of each other.
🤗Mars trine Pluto in a Composite chart: This is an intense, but magnetic connection. You enjoy working from the background. You are subtle. Others can sense tension around you, even if just sexual. You might have power struggles and ego death. You also feel like you need to one up each other. You might have tit for tat behaviour towards each other at some point. You feel vulnerable with this person. You think this person sees right through you. You feel like you can hide from this person, they always find you. You feel easily rejected or ignored by this person.
🫂Eros Persona chart: Sun indicates where your pride lies in your sexual desires and intimacy, it’s your basic sexual identity. Moon indicates what traits partner have to have for you to be comfortable with them. Mars indicates how you behave when aroused, what you feel energized by in intimacy and where you are likely spontaneous. North Node indicates the general direction of your sexual desire, what you are meant to learn, who you will likely encounter in life that you will be sexually involved with.
🤗2nd house shows which brands and designers you buy clothes from. It literally shows which brands, designers and people you "give money to" when you buy their clothing. If you have Moon in the 2nd house or even Cancer Venus you could be a fan of Hugo Boss (Cancer Sun) brand. If you have Venus in the 2nd house, Taurus over the 2nd house or Taurus/Libra Venus you might be Fred Perry (Taurus Sun) or Ralph Lauren (Libra Sun) fan. You might like Tommy Hilfiger (Aries Sun) brand if you have Aries Venus or Mars in the 2nd house.
🫂Capricorn Midheaven in Eros Persona chart: Your sexual partner with time will see you as someone who enjoys control or is controlling. As someone who is like a parental figure to them almost. And you will be seen as serious, mature, detached, impatient, reckless and bold. You will be respected. You could enjoy power plays in sex. You will focus more on reality rather than fantasy. You could be seen as less romantic, but your love and sexual attraction are astounding.
🤗Venus trine Jupiter in the Synastry chart: You are generous with one another, always ready to help each other, and you have a great respect and appreciation for one another. You also allow one another a lot of freedom to develop other friendships, rather than clinging possessively to one another. You may also benefit from one another materially as well as emotionally.
🫂Venus in the other's 10th house in a Synastry chart: Both like to be seen in public together. You might enjoy present this person to your parents. If this is a romantic situation, you might be a slow burn. You will take time to get to know this person and to introduce them to your parents. You want to see this person in your future as well. You see this person has a potential for a long-term connection.
🤗Sun conjunct Uranus in a Synastry chart: You inspire each other to try new things, experiment, and investigate alternatives. You may have met each other, for example, during a time period when both of you were breaking free from traditional values and exploring new possibilities. There is a lot of excitement and spontaneity in your relationship. The two of you may find it difficult to settle down into a stable home. There will always be surprises and unexpected turns in your relationship. You encounter lots of new ideas, unusual people, adventure, and exciting times together. You both enjoy a good measure of freedom and independence in this relationship, but either of you may wish that there was more commitment, devotion, seriousness, warmth, and closeness.
🫂In Midheaven Persona chart Juno shows traits of ideal people that you would like to connect with at your workplace. Vesta shows your »sacred fire« what you will feel overprotective about at your job or about your job, career and reputation. Lilith indicates people in your workplace that you can have power struggles with, because you will feel like they don’t want to cooperate or you can’t “tame” them. Vertex shows where you will encounter fated relationships in your career or at your job. Those relationships that will make you think like it was meant to meet them. It might also indicate people that you will likely “commit” to in a way that you’ll become great work friends.
🤗In Synastry chart one's Venus conjunct the other's Sun: The warmth, appreciation, admiration and love between you is very strong and you enjoy a high degree of harmony and congeniality in your relationship. You have much in common in terms of styles, tastes, and enjoyment of the same pleasures. In many ways Sun person embodies all that Venus person finds attractive and beautiful and Venus person also makes a special effort to please the Sun person. So Sun person responds with much generosity, love, and loyalty. An excellent match!
🫂Mars trine Saturn in a Natal chart: You could like and prefer older people. You might often be the group leader. You might have tension with authority figures. You could also be a bit impatient, especially before first Saturn Return (so before the age of 30). But you will learn patience with time. You could be a late bloomer.
🤗 In Synastry chart someone's Sun trine your Saturn: Saturn person is very dedicated and loyal to Sun person, with a strong desire to fulfill the responsibilities and demands of this relationship. Saturn person is willing to go the extra mile and make sacrifices without complaining, for the benefit of the Sun person and the relationship. Sun person is encouraging and supportive of Saturn, inspiring a sense of security and well-being. If the two of you engage in business activities or marry, you will find that you work well together on meeting the problems that arise and you can count on each other to be responsible and trustworthy. There is a deep sense of mutual commitment and dedication that holds your relationship together, even when you go through difficult times together.
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Credit goes to @astroismypassion
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