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robpegoraro · 8 months ago
Weekly output: broadband satisfaction, Starliner, Starship, T-Mobile fixed wireless, Mark Vena podcast, international money transfers
I had an unusually space-centric news week, which led me to think anew about when I could next get on a plane to Florida (or Texas) to see a large rocket launch in person instead of on a screen. 6/4/2024: Sorry, Cable: Fiber and 5G Home Internet Win the ISP Popularity Contest, PCMag A year after the American Customer Satisfaction Index documented a dramatic gap in subscriber approval of fiber…
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killthemuggers · 9 days ago
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IBAN для Western Union UA473052990000026209909828778 Vyacheslav Kazakov
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shreekant-patil · 10 months ago
TransferGo raises $10M to expand its remittance business in Asia, doubling valuation
StartupIndia - http://dlvr.it/T5GXCf
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revotalk · 10 months ago
TransferGo, the UK-based fintech best known as a consumer platform for global remittances, has raised a $10 million growth funding round from Taiwan-based investor Taiwania Capital, with a view to expanding in the Asia-Pacific region. It last raised a $50M Series C funding round in 2021. TransferGo claims the new investment doubles its valuation to […] © 2024 TechCrunch. All rights reserved. For personal use only.
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deliciouscoffeetastemaker · 10 months ago
Subkonto W Zus Jak Odzyskać Pieniądze Po Zmarłym?
Czyste metale były słabe, a cyna pozwalała wzmocnić materiał. Wysyłanie przelewów z zagranicy na konta w polskich bankach https://zbyszekjurczak.pl/rozwijaj-swoja-kariery-freelancera-najlepsze-praktyki-i-strategie-sukcesu-w-swiecie-wolnych-zawodow/ jest dziś łatwe i – najczęściej – tanie. Tu wyjaśniamy co zrobić, żeby niepotrzebnie nie przepłacać. Jeśli zależy Ci na tym, by odzyskać gotówkę natychmiast, możesz poczekać na pracowników banku, którzy przyjadą na miejsce i rozliczą wpłatomat.
✅ Wyślij Tani Przelew Za Granicę:
Na przykład w Wise za przelew do USA zapłacimy 2,47 PLN + 0,5% z kwoty, która zostanie przewalutowana³. To tylko ułamek tego, co musielibyśmy zapłacić w naszym banku. Obecnie najtaniej wyślemy przelew z TransferGo (koszt wynosi jedynie 0.4). Niestety przelewy w gotówce z Polski do USA są naprawdę drogie. Serwisy wysyłające pieniądze w gotówce (takie jak Western Union czy MoneyGram) pobierają wysokie opłaty i oferuję kiepski kurs wymiany PLN-USD. Wysyłając przelew do USA online mamy pewność, że uzyskamy najlepszy kurs wymiany PLN na USD.
Podczas wypłaty pieniędzy z bankomatu mogą też wystąpić dodatkowe ograniczone nałożone przez operatorów bankomatów. Limity wypłat możemy ustalić sami, logując się do swojej bankowości internetowej. Nie możemy jednak przekroczyć maksymalnej kwoty wypłaty, ustalonej przez nasz bank.
Western Union Online często oferuje tanie przelewy online oraz przelewy bankowe z odbiorem w gotówce. Za przelew w Western Union możemy zapłacić gotówką, kartą debetową, kartą kredytową lub przelewem bankowym. Płatności kartą debetową lub kredytową wiąże się z dodatkowymi opłatami.
Jasno Określ, Czego Chcesz
Skoro już wiesz, jak 11 latek może zarobić pieniądze, możesz przystąpić do działania. Niestety nie ma możliwości wypłaty pieniędzy z PayPal bezpośrednio z bankomatu. Można to zrobić okrężną drogą, wpłacając pieniądze na konto bankowe podpięte pod konto w PayPal, a następnie korzystając z karty bankowej. Dopiero w ten sposób możemy wypłacić pieniądze w bankomacie. Pieniądz elektroniczny polega na zapisie na wirtualnych nośnikach i kartach magnetycznych danych o rachunkach bankowych. Pozwala to w niezwykle prosty i szybki sposób samodzielnie zarządzać swoimi finansami.
Zapytaj wcześniej rodziców, ile chętnie ci dadzą, a możesz nawet sporządzić tabelę obowiązków, aby rejestrować swoje obowiązki i czas ich wykonywania. Wiemy, że prawdopodobnie najmniej zabawnie brzmiący na liście! Ale może to być świetny sposób na zarobienie pieniędzy i pomoc rodzicom. Będziesz chciał zarobić na tych przedmiotach, a następnie wykorzystać zysk, aby kupić więcej rzeczy do odwrócenia (zachowując część zysku dla siebie).
Mimo zniesienia opłat, trzeba mieć na uwadze, że banki oferują mniej korzystne kursy wymiany walut. Z jednej strony zaoszczędzisz na prowizji, a z drugiej stracisz część swoich pieniędzy na niezbyt korzystnym przewalutowaniu. Najbardziej standardową metodą wysłania środków na Ukrainę jest przelew bankowy. Taki transfer będzie odbywał się za pomocą systemu SWIFT. Oznacza to, że w jego przekazaniu będą uczestniczyły banki pośredniczące, a w czasie transferu dojdzie do przewalutowania środków - w tym przypadku złotówek na hrywny. Nieistotne jest to, w jakim banku ma konto osoba, której przelewasz pieniądze.
Jednak, jak sprawdziliśmy, kilka polskich banków znosi lub zwraca całkowicie opłaty za przelewy na Ukrainę. Środki możesz przekazać na dowolne ukraińskie konto bankowe, np. Bezpośrednio na rachunek prowadzony w największym banku na Ukrainie - Privatbank. BLIKIEM mo
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cnacertificationprogram · 1 year ago
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FOR BUSINESS/ COLLABORATION [email protected] USAGE MY REFERRAL CODE TO SEND MONEY OUTSIDE UK Get quick cash transfers like me– and your very first 2 transfers FREE! Copy code STELLA011 into TransferGo app or tap
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sara4sa-bin5 · 1 year ago
Share your link
Get fast money transfers like me — and your first 2 transfers FREE! Copy code 2t3sO5 into TransferGo app or tap https://trgo.co/en/r/2t3sO5?utm_source=1
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scenariidefilm · 1 year ago
Trimite bani rapid ca mine - primele 2 transferuri sunt GRATUITE! Copiază codul Z4eM16 în aplicația TransferGo sau apasă https://trgo.co/ro/r/Z4eM16?utm_source=1
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johnbrownnn · 1 year ago
Newsletter Sed ut perspiciatis unde. Subscribe Francesco Fulcoli – Chief Compliance Officer and Board Member at TransferGo  The Financial Conduct Authority recentlyconducted an extensive review of payment account providers’ systems and controls against money mule activity, shedding light on both positive practices and areas that require enhancement. Money mules have emerged as a crucial component of fraudulent schemes,enabling criminals to launder the proceeds of their illegal activities. The FCA’s review is part of a broader effort to address this issue and protect the financial industry and the public. Understanding Money Mules Before delving into the key findings and recommendations from the FCA’s review, it’s essential to understand the role of money mules. Money mules are individuals recruited by criminals to assist in the movement of illicitly obtained money. They can be eitherknowingly involved or unknowingly ensnared in criminal activities. Unknowingly Involved Money Mules: These individuals are often deceived by fraudsters who present seemingly legitimate opportunities or provide plausible explanations for their actions. Unaware of their involvement in illegal transactions, they believe theyare working for a legitimate company or helping someone in need. Knowingly Involved Money Mules: In contrast, knowingly involved money mules are fully aware of their participation in illicit activities. They willingly assist criminals in money laundering or fraudulent schemes, often motivated by financial gain, escapingfinancial difficulties, or choosing to engage in criminal activities. Key Findings and Recommendations Systems and Controls: Many firms are recognizing the risks associated with money mules and have started using technology to calibrate their systems according to risk. A risk-based approach is essential for detecting and preventing money mule activitieseffectively. Innovative solutions, including facial recognition systems, device profiling, and geolocation, are being employed by some firms. These technologies flag suspicious activities, enabling firms to identify potential money mule networks. Firms shouldcontinue to invest in machine learning systems, as they adapt to evolving fraud tactics more effectively. A combination of machine learning and tactical rules can provide a robust anti-fraud system. Data Sharing and Intelligence: A growing number of firms are using lawful data sharing to combat money mule activities. Collaborative efforts with law enforcement agencies and data sharing initiatives have improved the detection and prevention of theseactivities. Engagement with external bodies such as Cifas, UK Finance, NationalCrime Agency (NCA), and FinTech FinCrime Exchange enables firms to share findings and preventive measures, contributing to a more comprehensive response to moneymule typologies. Training: Firms are beginning to provide dedicated training for their staff on financial crime and fraud. This training ensures that employees stay updated on new criminal typologies and can effectively detect and prevent money mule activities. Regulartraining for both new and existing staff is essential to keep them informed and equipped to identify potential threats. Areas for Improvement Governance and Risk Assessment: Firms with a higher number of reported mule accounts than their peers often lack senior management oversight and fail to report Management Information (MI) to address the risk effectively. Involvement of senior managementis crucial for regulatory compliance and customer trust. Onboarding: Some firms conduct relatively few checks during customer onboarding, relying on subsequent monitoring to identify money mule-related activities. Robust controls during onboarding are necessary to detect potential red flags and money mules. Capturingadditional information during onboarding, such as salary or turnover details, can help reduce false positives in transaction monitoring alerts. Transaction Monitoring: While some firms focus on outbound transaction monitoring, they frequently lack adequate inbound transaction monitoring systems. Inbound monitoring can help identify unusual transaction patterns and account behaviour changes, commoncharacteristics of money mule behaviour. Firms should consider adopting systems like device profiling, geolocation, and behavioural biometrics learning machine to disrupt money mule networks effectively. Reporting: Firms must report money mule activity promptly through relevant reporting systems, such as the National Fraud Database. Timely reporting is crucial for disrupting and closing mule networks. Receiving firms must act on alerts from notifying institutionsswiftly and raise Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) as necessary to help law enforcement investigate and prosecute criminals. Resource Allocation:Some firms would benefit from dedicated resources for actively investigating money mule activities. This ensures timely detection, monitoring, and reporting. Communication and Awareness: Firms should improve their communication strategies and awareness initiatives to educate customers about the risks associated with money mule activities. Public awareness is vital in combating financial crime and protectingconsumers. The FCA’s review offers a comprehensive perspective on the role of financial institutions in disrupting money mule activities and safeguarding the public from fraud. By implementing the recommendations outlined in the review, firms can strengthen their anti-fraudsystems and controls, mitigate the risks of money mule activities, and reinforce their regulatory compliance. Consistently adapting detection and monitoring methodologies, along with educating consumers about the risks involved in money mule activities, is crucial in the ongoing fight against financial crime. Firms must remain vigilant, proactive, and adaptableto evolving threats in the ever-changing landscape of economic crime. Source link
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markettrendsus · 1 year ago
The Growing Money Transfer Services Market
The Global Money Transfer Services Market is expected to reach a value of USD 24.2 billion in 2023, and it is further anticipated to reach a market value of USD 93.2 billion by 2032 at a CAGR of 16.2%. The market has seen significant growth over the past few years and is predicted to grow significantly during the forecasted period as well.
Key Drivers of the Money Transfer Services Market
Some of the major factors driving growth in the money transfer services market include:
Increasing Migration and Globalization
Migration rates have increased globally with more people moving abroad for work, education or other reasons. This has significantly driven the need for international money transfers.
Globalization has also led to increased outsourcing of jobs overseas resulting in cross-border salary payments.
Need for Secure Platforms
Consumers are looking for safer and more convenient ways to transfer money domestically and internationally. This has driven demand for digital money transfer platforms.
High Remittance Flows
Remittances or funds sent home by migrants have seen sharp growth over the years especially in emerging economies. This has bolstered the money transfer services market.
Favorable Government Policies
Supportive government policies towards digital payments and fund transfers have provided an impetus to players in this market.
Increasing Banking Penetration
Rising banking penetration globally has also favored the money transfer services market as more customers opt for bank-led transfers.
Technological Advancements
Emergence of artificial intelligence, blockchain, digital identities and other technologies have enabled faster, cheaper and more efficient money transfers.
Request For Sample: https://www.dimensionmarketresearch.com/report/money-transfer-services-market/requestSample.aspx
Key Segments of the Money Transfer Services Market
The money transfer services market can be segmented on the basis of type, mode of transfer, end user and region.
By Type
Domestic Money Transfer
International Money Transfer
Domestic transfers form the bulk of the market currently. However, international transfers are growing at a faster pace.
By Mode of Transfer
Digital Transfers
Online platforms
Mobile wallets
Non-digital Transfers
Non-bank RSPs
Digital modes of transfer like online platforms and mobile wallets are gaining prominence globally due to their speed and convenience. However, traditional non-digital transfers through banks and other players still account for a considerable share.
By End User
While consumers account for a significant portion of money transfers, enterprise and government transfers are also growing. Enterprise transfers include services like payroll and bulk payments. Government transfers involve services like tax refunds, benefits, etc.
By Region
North America
Asia Pacific
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
North America and Europe are mature money transfer markets dominated by digital transfers. However, emerging regions like Asia Pacific and Middle East & Africa are likely to exhibit rapid growth fueled by rising remittances, internet penetration and smartphone usage.
Request For Sample: https://www.dimensionmarketresearch.com/report/money-transfer-services-market/requestSample.aspx
Key Players in the Money Transfer Services Market
Some of the major companies operating in this market include:
Western Union
Ria Financial Services
TNG Fintech
While Western Union and MoneyGram have traditionally dominated the market, new digital platforms like TransferWise, WorldRemit and Remitly are rapidly gaining share. Most players are focused on enhancing digital capabilities, expanding in emerging markets and offering differentiated services to tap growth opportunities.
Trends Shaping the Money Transfer Services Market
Some of the key trends influencing and transforming the money transfer services market are:
Proliferation of Fintech Players
The entry of several fintech companies with innovative business models and technologies has intensified competition and expanded the reach of money transfer services. These agile companies are scaling rapidly.
Blockchain-enabled Transfers
Blockchain is finding increasing application in cross-border transfers through cryptos as well as fiat currency transfers by reducing costs and settlement times.
Integration of Biometrics
Use of biometric authentication including fingerprints and facial recognition in money transfers is rising which provides enhanced security and convenience to customers.
Partnerships and M&A Activity
Collaboration between traditional and fintech players is rising through partnerships and acquisitions. These deals provide innovation capabilities and scale advantages.
Expanding Remittance Corridors
Players are expanding into high-potential remittance corridors in emerging markets to capitalize on rising migrant populations and increasing financial inclusion.
Focus on Customer Experience
Providing omni-channel access, faster transfers, transparency and personalized services is a key focus area to improve customer experience.
Request For Sample: https://www.dimensionmarketresearch.com/report/money-transfer-services-market/requestSample.aspx
Impact of COVID-19 on the Money Transfer Services Market
The COVID-19 pandemic affected the money transfer services market in several ways:
Decline in overall transaction volumes due to job losses and economic slowdown
Shift in flows from certain remittance-dependent countries
Acceleration in adoption of digital transfers and contactless solutions
Increased importance of faster, cheaper and more accessible remittance services
Players adapted by enhancing digital capabilities, targeting digitally savvy customers, entering new corridors and forging partnerships
Market recovery is underway but economic uncertainty may impact certain regions/segments
Future Outlook for the Money Transfer Services Market
The money transfer services market is projected to exhibit robust growth over the forecast period owing to:
Continued migration and globalization requiring cross-border transfers
Lowering costs and increased speed of international transfers
Adoption of new technologies like AI, predictive analytics and blockchain
Rising flows to emerging markets with expanding financial inclusion
Growing small business payments and e-commerce driving digital transfers
Increased outsourcing and freelancing requiring frequent cross-border payments
Regulatory support for innovation increasing fintech participation
Players expanding through new markets, partnerships and M&A activity
Request For Sample: https://www.dimensionmarketresearch.com/report/money-transfer-services-market/requestSample.aspx
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the Money Transfer Services Market
Q1. What is the global money transfer services market size?
The global money transfer services market is estimated to be valued at around $xxx billion in 2022. It is projected to reach $xxx billion by 2027 growing at a CAGR of xx%.
Q2. Who are the key players in this market?
Some of the major companies operating in the money transfer services market are Western Union, MoneyGram, Ria Financial Services, TransferWise, WorldRemit, Remitly, Azimo and others. The market has a mix of traditional players and new fintech entrants.
Q3. What are the main drivers of this market?
The key drivers are increasing global migration and workforce mobility requiring cross-border transfers, need for secure digital transfer platforms, rise in remittance volumes, supportive government regulations and increasing banking penetration.
Q4. Which region dominates the money transfer services market?
North America and Europe are mature and developed markets that command the highest share. However, high growth is expected in Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa and Latin America driven by rising migrant populations, increasing financial inclusion and smartphone penetration.
Q5. What are the key technologies disrupting this market?
Some of the main technologies changing the money transfer services market are blockchain, artificial intelligence/machine learning, digital identities and biometrics like facial recognition. These are enabling faster, cheaper and more convenient transfers.
Q6. What is the impact of COVID-19 on the market?
COVID-19 resulted in an initial decline in transaction volumes due to job losses and lockdowns. However, it accelerated the adoption of digital transfers and contactless platforms. The market is recovering as flows improve but economic uncertainty persists.
Q7. What is the future outlook for the money transfer services market?
The market is projected to grow at a CAGR of xx% from 2022 to 2027. Key factors driving future growth are increasing migration, adoption of new technologies, growing e-commerce and freelancing requiring frequent payments and expansion by players into emerging markets.
Request For Sample: https://www.dimensionmarketresearch.com/report/money-transfer-services-market/requestSample.aspx
The money transfer services market is undergoing rapid evolution with the growing adoption of digital platforms and the entry of fintech innovators. While cross-border migration and remittance flows continue to expand, customers are also demanding faster, cheaper and more convenient transfer options. The use of emerging technologies is increasing while regulatory support is promoting more competition. Players are responding by enhancing digital capabilities, forging partnerships and targeting underpenetrated markets. The future looks promising for this market as the underlying growth drivers remain strong. With continuous innovation in services, the money transfer experience for customers is expected to improve further in the coming years.
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reportprime01 · 1 year ago
Global Digital Cross-Border Remittance Market Size was USD 6.20 Billion in 2022, this report covers Market growth, trend, opportunity and forecast 2023-2030
The Digital Cross-Border Remittance Market is expected to grow from USD 6.20 Billion in 2022 to USD 18.80 Billion by 2030, at a CAGR of 17.10% during the forecast period.
The Digital Cross-Border Remittance market is expected to experience substantial growth in the coming years due to the increasing penetration of smartphones and rising adoption of digital payment systems. This market research report provides a comprehensive analysis of the current market conditions, including drivers, trends, and challenges. The report covers a detailed segmentation of the market by end-user, transaction type, and region. The market size is projected to reach $29.84 billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 24.2% during the forecast period. The key players operating in the market include Western Union, MoneyGram International, Paypal, Remitly, and WorldRemit.
The objective of report is to define, segment, and project the market on the basis of product type, application, and region, and to describe the content about the factors influencing market dynamics, policy, economic, technology and market entry etc.
Digital cross-border remittance refers to the process of transferring money across borders through digital platforms, such as digital remittance service providers or bank digital remittance. The market segment includes personal remittance and corporate remittance, with major players such as WU, Ria, PayPal/Xoom, Wise, Zepz (WorldRemit, Sendwave), MoneyGram, Remitly, Azimo, TransferGo, NIUM, Inc (Instarem), TNG FinTech, Coins.ph, OrbitRemit, Smiles/Digital Wallet Corporation, FlyRemit, SingX, Flywire, Intermex, and Small World. The market is divided by region, including North America, Asia Pacific, Middle East, Africa, Australia, and Europe. Regulatory and legal factors specific to this market's conditions are significant, and the report analyzes them in detail. These factors include regulatory compliance, country-specific regulations, cross-border regulatory cooperation and standardization, regulatory enforcement and sanctions, and customer data protection regulations.
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killthemuggers · 2 months ago
Во время контактного боя в Волчанске в октябре 2024 украинский воин в перестрелке уничтожил врага, но тот успел автоматной очередью прострелить ему руки. В правой пуля прошла на вылет и не зацепила артерию, а на левую руку побратим наложил турникет Дніпро, с которым боец продержался рекордные 24 суток – раненая рука гнила и мумифицировалась, однако токсины не попали в кровь и Алекс чудом выжил. Под вражескими обстрелами и дронами он два дня шел два километра в сопровождении побратимов, которые сменяли друг друга, чтобы довести раненого до точки эвакуации.
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IBAN для Western Union UA473052990000026209909828778 Vyacheslav Kazakov
TransferGo, Wise, GMT 5168752012252717, +380676972593, Vyacheslav Kazakov
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sanemyamen · 2 years ago
Digital Remittance Market Detailed Strategies, Competitive Landscaping and Developments for next 5 years
Latest Report Available at Advance Market Analytics, “Digital Remittance Market” provides pin-point analysis for changing competitive dynamics and a forward looking perspective on different factors driving or restraining industry growth. The global Digital Remittance market focuses on encompassing major statistical evidence for the Digital Remittance industry as it offers our readers a value addition on guiding them in encountering the obstacles surrounding the market. A comprehensive addition of several factors such as global distribution, manufacturers, market size, and market factors that affect the global contributions are reported in the study. In addition the Digital Remittance study also shifts its attention with an in-depth competitive landscape, defined growth opportunities, market share coupled with product type and applications, key companies responsible for the production, and utilized strategies are also marked.
Some key players in the global Digital Remittance market are Western Union (WU) (United States),Ria Financial Services (United States),PayPal/Xoom (United States),TransferWise (United Kingdom),WorldRemit (United Kingdom),MoneyGram (United States),Remitly (United States),Azimo (United Kingdom),TransferGo (United Kingdom),InstaReM (Singapore),TNG Wallet (China),Coins.ph (Philippines),Toast (Singapore),OrbitRemit (New Zealand)
Digital Remittance is refer as the online service which allows the people to send money for friends and family who are living abroad, through the use of smartphone, computer or tablet. For funding of the many families around the world, remittances market is considered as one of the valuable external source. While the reduction in the remittance costs has become one of the strategic focus for organisations of multilateral development.
What's Trending in Market: Blockchain technology is exerting far-reaching influence on the remittance market
Challenges: Lack of skilled professional for using this service
Market Growth Drivers: Rise in automation and digitization
Reduction in the remittance cost & transfer time
Increased adoption of banking & financial services
Migration of the labor workforce The Global Digital Remittance Market segments and Market Data Break Down by Type (Inward Digital Remittance, Outward Digital Remittance), Application (Migrant Labor Workforce, Study Abroad and Travel, Small Businesses), Remittance channel (Banks, Money transfer operators, Others) Presented By
AMA Research & Media LLP
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ofertedinmagazine · 2 years ago
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elena-777-love · 2 years ago
Transfergo - денежные переводы. Money transfers
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probigames · 5 years ago
Рабочий промокод на получение 10 фунтов стерлингов!
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