#Transfer in UP
lgbtlunaverse · 3 months
Fanon likes to portray Jiang Cheng and Lan Wangji as being jealous of each other because they fear wei wuxian will choose one of them over the other. Which is ignoring the fact that at least in novel canon Jiang Cheng did not even fucking know wangxian ever got along let alone that lwj was in love with wwx until at the very end of the story (in cql canon he does go through a wangxian phase early on and gets very confused by their "breakup" during wwx's sunshot era) and that Lan Wangji is mostly filled with loathing towards both himself and Jiang Cheng for 'abandoning' Wei Wuxian and not being able to save him.
It also ignores the much bigger point that both Lan Wangji and Jiang Cheng are actually jealous of Wen Ning. And why wouldn't they be? That is who Wei Wuxian chose in his first life. He left the Jiang, told Lan Wangji to fuck off no he is not coming to gusu with you, and spent his days with his little-brother-shaped corpse bestie on his mountain in yiling. And then when he came back he immediately called him up the second he could string together more than two notes on a flute. Wen Ning is the real competition. (And he's winning)
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egophiliac · 6 months
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I had to turn the boops off (sorry!), so here is a little Malleus for you all to boop instead! he has no thoughts in that little brain of his!
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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I'm a doctor, not a miracle worker.
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#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#wen ning#wei wuxian#wen qing#jiang cheng#Truly Massive disclaimer here: I am a Jiang Cheng enjoyer. I like his character. I enjoy that he is very flawed and volatile.#This episode of the audio drama has a lot of great breakdown scenes featuring JC - and they all deserve a feature.#But underlying this comic is a small meta comment of 'ah man I have too many comics of JC just wailing sadly'#My goal is to draw 6-8 comics per episode - I sometimes have to truncate and cut good scenes out.#Especially when a large majority is just different flavours of trauma and toxic relationships to your self-worth.#I would also like to make a note here that just because you lose the ability to do something that is very tied to your core identity-#-does not mean your life is over. It will feel like the end of the world. It will send you into a spiral of grief. It will hurt so badly.#Sometimes we do not realize how tied up our identities can be in certain things until we are cut loose.#You don't lose yourself. I promise the pain will fade in time. I promise you will find other things to tether you. I promise you will be ok#Life moves forwards. Time moves forwards. You move forwards.#Ego death just means an opportunity for ego rebirth. You are never committed to being the same person forever.#To wrap this around to JC: Yeah I love the twist with the core transfer but man I would have loved to see JC accept the loss.#Obviously it happens for a reason (story) but I can have my AUs. I can have these 'what-ifs'.#described in alt text#I'm trying it out! *please* give me feedback - I want to eventually Add image ID to all of these comics one day
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shadowednavi · 9 months
it's been awhile since I've worked on this project! I've had this verse finished for months but didn't want to post it on its own, and instead wait until the whole thing is strung together to show the final result all at once. But I'm tired of holding onto it, so here is one section of my deltarune animation! My art tag has other clips if anyone is interested in seeing more~
(song: "The Hymn of Axciom" by Vienna Teng)
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tricoufamily · 2 months
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just some ivy league kids trying to figure out necromancy
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shakingparadigm · 3 months
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can't believe this is actually canon
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heartorbit · 1 year
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flayyr · 9 months
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my moon and stars
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greenflamethegf · 1 year
IT department is such a sausage party, that even the girls have dicks in there
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learnelle · 1 year
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life update: at the start of September I was told I couldn’t study psychology anymore (after 2 part-time years!!) due to changes in my course structure. After crying literally all day, I enrolled in a Parisian university to study B2 level French, and studied hard for the entrance exam. I passed, and then my psych uni got back to me, saying they will make an exception, so I can continue to major in psych again. I’m not sure how I’ll balance 15 psych and 35+ french credits this year between 3 universities, but it seems like everything works out in the end.❤️
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raccuundraws · 1 year
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When mana transfer gets too romantic for Chilchuck
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shyrule · 24 days
the boy! inspired by @triforce-of-mischief:
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very loosely based off of this panel from @/linkeduniverse:
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and with text/textless versions:
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macabreblublu · 12 days
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“So Darling Will You Saturate”
Been a while since my last post💀
And I started this piece in- July ☠️ college has kept me Busy and I haven’t gotten much personal art done but when I do, I procrastinate and trouble myself even more
Anyways lads, may I present:
✨iii Sleep Token✨
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Alternative form of 'Hitting Wangxian with a Catboyification beam'
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originalleftist · 1 month
There are really just two issues that matter this election:
One is climate- Biden put us on a path to halve carbon emissions in 6 years and reach net zero by 2050. Harris will continue that. Trump will actually increase use of fossil fuels while gutting regulations.
Every person on Earth will be harmed and endangered by that, regardless of your identity, location, or views.
The other issue is the peaceful transfer of power. Whatever problems you may have with Harris, she'll leave peaceably in 4 or 8 years. Trump will not. This is not fear mongering or hyperbole. He has said that if he wins we'll never need to vote again. He met his last electoral defeat by inciting and enabling a violent insurrection. Sure, he's an old man, but he's surrounded by young men who share the same contempt for democracy and the rule of law- like his Vice Presidential nominee, JD Vance, who will assume power if he dies in office.
We were lucky to get him out once, barely. His people are much more prepared for a coup now, he'll have broad legal immunity now thanks to SCOTUS, and he's openly vowed to become "a dictator on day one" and deploy troops on American streets.
Any issue with Harris is a temporary problem, and you can try again in 4 or 8 years. With Trump, you can't.
THE ONLY REASON TO ELECT TRUMP IS IF YOU ACTIVELY WANT THE WORLD TO BURN. And don't care how many actual people burn in the process. And if that is your position, then by your own choice you are an enemy of all humanity.
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qiu-yan · 3 months
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