#Trade Show Talent Florida
tkachuktkaching · 1 year
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Matthew on the Cam & Strick Podcast
A few things he said
He loves being in Florida & it was his preference out of all the places to go when the trade was going down.
Recapped the trade & how he found out about Johnny Gaudreau's trade just as he got back from his family vacation in Greece.
He gave big praise to brother Brady (unsurprisingly) & his sister for her skills too. He talked and he & Brady got recognised when out in a bar when visiting their sister recently.
He praised Barkov's talent & ability bigtime, his close friend Robert Thomas came in for huge praise as well & he was high on Brandon Montour when he was mentioned by the hosts they interviewed him recently.
His two dreams are to win the Stanley Cup & play with Brady for USA & win Gold together.
If he and Brady were ever to play together it would have to be for team USA or if Brady ever came to Florida because he's not going up there! (to Ottawa) but Brady's a few years from making any decisions about any move but Brady's like a god up there on Ottawa & he (Brady)loves it there.
He said It's sad & a big shame so many of top players haven't played in world cups or Olympics due to lack of opportunities & hopes to be able play in a few in his career.
He's not got his winter clothes from Calgary anymore.
He's looking forward to returning to Calgary when the schedule gives him three days there this next year in January to visit his favourite places for coffee & show off his favourite restaurants.
He's returning to Florida on Friday but he's not driving all that way he's having his car shipped back to Florida.
Big praise for Bill Zito & giving his players everything they need to succeed & for Paul Maurice for helping him become so much a better player & giving him his trust which means a lot to him.
He loves hosting his family & friends at his Florida home.
He tried to not to overstep when he first arrived last year & go with the flow as the new guy but his team mates pushed him to be in a leadership role right away.
Praised everyone, team mates & everyone for helping him settle in so well & feels he's known everyone for 20 years. He's so comfortable in Florida & says he met everyone gradually as they came back in small groups a couple at a time.
He recapped the playoffs and talk about the belief in the room even when they were down v Boston.
He talked about how bad his feet were hurting after the 4x overtime win over Carolina in the playoffs.
Lots of praise for his teammates talking about being surrounding by so much talent in Florida.
He watches practically every game of Brady's, he loves to watch the big games and likes to study certain players mentioning Kucherov.
He's learned he needs to be on the ice & is more valuable on the ice than off & feels he's evolved as a player.
This summer he's worked on PT & Strength & Conditioning & done way more cardio than ever before after recovering after his injury.
He says he's back to 100%
He went to 4 weddings in the off season he was invited to 6 but couldn't go to them all some overlapped with things he had to do.
Talked about the videos of Brady signing Mr Brightside shirtless and the videos that were sneakily taken going viral on SM. Says it's not a true reflection on Brady.
Mentions Brady got more attention than him in the playoffs at Calgary & his dad did last time round!
Talked about his dads 'soft' comments he was more bothered by the timing & being more bothered by how his team were playing at such a vital time with the playoffs on the line. He wasn't upset with his dad & he didn't get a bad reaction from his team. Admits his father was probably right though.
When he got hurt he thought he done his collarbone at first, he stiffened up when being forced to go through concussion protocol. The ovation he got when he came back on the ice, he thought was amazing & meant a lot to him & expresses his appreciation for that.
After the game with his injury he couldn't even wash his body, next day he texted his brother to get him out of bed he was the only one he had at his house at that moment, he even couldn't lift his head due to the pain.
After the game despite the injury. He drove himself home with his sling on! Admitting he knows he probably shouldn't have!!
It was Teddy the head of equipment guy that tied his laces for him ahead of the game he tried to play.
He talked about the Jonathan Quick incident that led to his 2 game suspension refuses to make excuses for his actions but admitted he gets pissed off about goalies bumping into players then losing their minds when players do it back to them. But chalked it up to frustration that boiled over at the end of the game.
His favourite thing to do off ice is play golf & anything he can do that involves being outside he loves & in Calgary he couldn't do anything!
The Elbow Room club also got quite a few mentions, he likes to go out to eat & mentions water skiing but he's still not a boat guy.
Says he used to hate going to the beach when he was younger but now he loves it.
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New Rule: The Cojones Awards - Real Time with Bill Maher
New Rule: Great news about a new award show. Listen to this. About a year and a half ago, I was asked to moderate a discussion at the home of a very prominent Hollywood producer. And the attendees that night was a who's who of A-listers and stars. If a bomb went off in that room, there'd be nothing on TV next year but, well, let's just say it would be a great year for Kevin Sorbo. I can't say exactly who was there, but if there really is a Jewish space laser, these guys have the codes.
Anyway the subject we all wanted to talk about that night was cancel culture. It's funny. If this was 10 years ago, this group would have been talking about censorship from the right. Back then it was the Jerry Falwells and Pat Robertsons, the Bill Bennetts and Rush Limbaughs who kept us up at night. I mean besides the cocaine. The book banners and boycotters then were Republicans, like the ones that got me fired after 9-11.
But that's in the past now. And by the past, I mean Florida. And of course not just Florida, today's Republicans have shown that when it comes to canceling they're still more than capable. They canceled Colin Kaepernick for taking a knee, Liz Cheney for defying Trump, Kathy Griffin for performance art. Just last week the redneck royalty of the music world threw a hissy fit because they think Anheuser-Busch is turning their beer gay.
But there's no getting around the fact that what was on the mind of the Liberals that night in Brentwood, or wherever we may have been, was that the most powerful witch hunters now were coming from Twitter, the Ivy League and the progressive left. JK Rowling used to be a villain to the right because she wrote books about witchcraft. Now she's a villain to the left because she has the crazy belief that there's more to being a woman than pronouns and lipstick.
So, that was the point of the evening: how do we take a stand against cancel culture? And I suggested since we were mostly all in show business that we start an award show to honor the brave people who have fought back. Well, I got to tell you, the idea was met with great enthusiasm by everyone, and in short order different people were suggesting the ways that their varied talents could be put to use. And then of course, being Hollywood, nothing happened.
But it's still a good idea. So I'm gonna do it, right here, right now. And not only that, we're gonna do it every year. Ladies and gentlemen, you know the Emmys, you know the Grammys, you know the Tonys, now say hello to the Cojones.
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Thank you and welcome to the Cojones. I'm your Master of Ceremonies, and if you're triggered by the word "master" you're in the wrong room. Tonight we present these solid brass balls to the individuals and organizations who others have tried to silence and who answered, "that's not a rule, fuck you."
Our first award goes to the president of my alma mater, Cornell University: Martha Pollock. This month students there demanded trigger warnings before all the lectures in case any of the adult subjects you specifically went to college to learn about came up. And Martha said, "yeah, no, we're not doing that." She didn't cave in or hire a new Dean of Sensitivity. She just said, "no college is for introducing you to new ideas, not for kissing your ass and making you feel wonderful and always right." You're thinking of brunch with your parents. I'm just amazed at how this generation can simultaneously be too sensitive for anything distasteful, and somehow also so into eating ass. So, Cornell, I present you with these balls. I sure could have used them when I was there.
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Our next award goes to the place where many Cornell grads will be working next year: Trader Joe's. Trader Joe's, who for years have been selling a line of ethnically themed products trading on the name Joe. For example, they have Trader José's beer. So of course one teenager on Twitter heard the word "José" and said it was racist, and then there was a petition, and then Trader Joe's management did the right thing. They burnt down all their stores and killed themselves. No, they didn't. They said "fuck off you oversensitive little shits, get a life and a sense of humor," and released this statement: "We disagree that any of these labels are racist and we do not make decisions based on petitions." You see how easy it is? So, to the home of the 19 cent banana, here have some nuts.
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This next Cojone goes to a man who's dear to my heart for standing up for stand-up. When dozens of Netflix employees walked out over Dave Chappelle's reckless decision to perform comedy on his comedy special, CEO Ted Sarandos could have pulled the special and replaced it with more episodes of "Who Wants to Watch Koreans Get Killed?" But instead he reminded his Netflix employees that comedy exists to push boundaries, and told them, "If you'd find it hard to support our content breath, Netflix may not be the best place for you." So for making the phrase "don't let the door hit you in the ass" never sound better, this is for you Ted.
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And you know, when movie lovers get together these days, one phrase that comes up a lot and always makes me sad, "is yeah, you couldn't make that one today." Top of that list is the great "Tropic Thunder" which these scolds have been after for years. But in February, Ben Stiller tweeted, "I make no apologies for Tropic Thunder. It's always been a controversial movie since when we opened. Proud of it and the work everyone did on it." See, people? It's not that hard. He said it and he still got a commercial.
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And the lesson is, if you stand up to the mob for just a day or two, their shallow, impatient, immature, smartphone-driven gerbil minds will forget about it and go on to the next nothing-burger, and you? You still will have your Cojones.
It takes cojones to speak "truth to power." Which tells you where the power really resides.
P.S. I thought he was embellishing the Trader Joe's story, but no, it was literally one triggered teenager.
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This language is textbook Postcolonial Theory, not the language of a teenage kid. It's the language of a parishioner reciting the sacred scriptures. (Or perhaps an activist parent feeding them lines.)
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thislovintime · 2 years
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Peter Tork, early 1980s (photo 2 taken in Japan).
“In addition to the [Studio 19] club shows, Tork and his band will play Sunday night [March 21, 1982] at Peaches Records in Clearwater at 6:30, 7:30 and 8:30 p.m. The Peaches shows were added because many of Tork’s fans are too young to be admitted into the club, said a spokesman for Studio 19.” - The Tampa Tribune, March 19, 1982
“Last weekend in Clearwater, Tork and his new band, The New Monks, broke up. Until then, his latest comeback attempt had been rolling along smoothly during the last 18 months. […] The breakup resulted from poor attendance at two Studio 19 concerts, an abruptly canceled canceled gig last Sunday and a flare-up resulting from an on-going friction between band and management, Tork said earlier this week. ‘It was the culmination of a long, slow descent,’ he explained. ‘It’s been a struggle. I thought things had been getting better.’ However, drummer Vince Barranco recently said that the band’s split-up is not final, just in limbo, pending working out problems with management. ‘Oh, it’s further out than limbo,’ Tork said. ‘The band is not intact, and not functioning.’ Calling from a pay phone at a YMCA in New York City, where he works out regularly, Tork said his trip to Florida, which coincided with the annual Monkees Fan Club Convention last week in Largo, has left him in less-than-enviable financial shape.
 He said the band members claim they did not get paid for the Clearwater concerts. ‘I’m broke,’ he said flatly. ‘I cannot buy a sandwich. Well, I can, but it’ll stop me from eating for two days.’ Tork said only bass player Paul Ill has served official notice of quitting the band. The rest are ‘not too anxious to get back to work,’ he said. Barranco, pianist Tom Myers and guitarist Phil Simon remained in Clearwater last week waiting to get paid for last weekend’s concerts from the promoter, Barranco said, adding that the break-up is not based on personal hostilities. ‘Peter’s a nice guy and all,’ Barranco said. ‘It’s strictly business. ‘I’m game (to rejoin) if everything’s comfortable,’ he said, noting relations between management and band members would first have to be cleared up. […] ‘When I left the Monkees, I found that I was not grounded,’ [Tork] said, referring to his lack of dues-paying and basic music industry know-how. ‘I wanted to learn the trade from the bottom to the top. In California, you can’t do that — there’s no middle ground.’ The small turnout at the Clearwater shows made him question his career direction. ‘I asked myself, “Do I not draw?” Maybe I overplayed my own value,’ he mused, ‘or maybe it’s Reaganomics.’ Due to cost of traveling, The New Monks have been giving small, well-received performances only in Boston, New Jersey and New York, shows featuring Tork on banjo and guitar. […] ‘Some reviews said “don’t do any Monkees material,“ some said “do only Monkees material,”’ Tork said. ‘We decided to call our own shots, but we don’t have enough consistency or experience.’’ […] [During Monkeemania] separating the musicians from the characters on the show was almost impossible. Cast as the dunce, Tork’s character undermined his formidable musical talent. ‘The Peter Tork character reached a lot of people,‘ he said. ‘He was an outcast — he lurched around, not getting hurt by his own bumbling idiocy.’ The character had a built-in protection system — that dumbfounded, naive look — that appealed to everyone, he said. One of Tork’s fondest Monkee memories came during a break in the filming for the pilot of their first TV episode, in which they had been pretending to play instruments. ‘We got them to give us power in the amps and we just started playing,’ he recalled, ‘and everybody started dancing.’ However, Tork is most proud of the second stage [of Monkees history], circa 1967. On ‘Headquarters,’ their third album, the group, for the first time, played almost all of the instruments. Other personal favorites from that period include ‘Pleasant Valley Sunday’ and ‘Goin’ Down,’ a one-take jam released only on the flip side of ‘Daydream Believer.
’ […] [I]n 1978, Tork started easing back into show business, circulating his picture in hopes of landing a spot on a sit-com but drawing few offers. 
After a brief stint as a strictly oldies act, he founded The New Monks, ‘and now here I am, broke in New York City,’ he said. But the 38-year-old [sic] singer is far from calling it quits. ‘I’m going to keep plugging,‘ he vowed. ‘I’m not done — this is my craft, my trade.’” - The Tampa Tribune, March 27, 1982
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scottwellsmagic · 3 months
839: Giovanni Livera - Where Talent and Passion Collide
Giovanni Livera won the I.B.M. Gold Cups close-up award in 1991. But he was a force to be reckoned with even before then. From the Florida area, Gio has worked with Tim Glancy who, between the two of them, developed the “t-shirt cannon” that is used to this day in stadiums and ball fields and concerts across the land. In recent decades, Gio has developed a successful speaking platform that has taken him before some of the most prestigious corporate giants in the industry. Always keeping his eye and passion on magic, he returns to perform at the Magic Castle now and again. It is always a treat to see and hear this “larger than life” man tell his stories and give life advice.
While recently visiting Los Angeles, California, Gio sat down for a reunion with his friend, Scott Wells, to catch up on old times and tell us what he’s been doing and where he’s going. We talk about speaking engagements, trade shows, working with executives, developing a brand, finding your voice/message, and ways that you can “live to be 1,000 years old.”
Download this podcast in an MP3 file by Clicking Here and then right click to save the file. You can also subscribe to the RSS feed by Clicking Here. You can download or listen to the podcast through Pandora and SiriusXM (formerly Stitcher) by Clicking Here or through FeedPress by Clicking Here or through Tunein.com by Clicking Here or through iHeart Radio by Clicking Here. If you have a Spotify account, then you can also hear us through that app, too. You can also listen through your Amazon Alexa and Google Home devices. Remember, you can download it through the iTunes store, too. See the preview page by Clicking Here.
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motownfiction · 4 months
Lucy is so afraid of betrayals. And really, who could blame her?
It’s been almost twenty years since things fell apart and glued themselves together in the strangest ways. She wouldn’t trade her beautiful granddaughter for anything, but the way Veronica was born – Charlie taking advantage of Elenore’s affection because he felt weak, because he never knew how to feel strong – it has always stung.
It’s been almost twenty years of Lucy and Will biting their tongues. Mostly Lucy. Will, a fountain of expression, has never kept his distaste for Charlie a secret (his biggest weakness as a father, a grandfather). But Lucy has always smiled and nodded at all the stories Veronica would tell about her dad. About how he finally showed up for a talent show, about the library he built in his apartment for her tenth birthday, about how special she felt when she got to go on a trip to Florida with the other kids (which she had to ask for). Lucy always smiles and nods. She has to do that. For Veronica. It’s never a good idea to trash someone’s parents in front of them, no matter how much you think they deserve it. Especially if you love that child like Lucy loves her little Veronica.
But things are different now. Veronica is eighteen – a high-school graduate on her way to NYU in the fall, just like Elenore and Emma. She’s grown up (though she’s always been grown up, on account of having a highly educated maternal family and a half-involved father). And after all this time, Elenore and Charlie have found their way together. Really together. In public, not under the cover of nights and motels.
It’s been almost a full year.
For that year, Lucy’s done nothing but smile and nod. It’s not her business. If Elenore is happy, then so is she. And Elenore looks so, so happy – an incandescent light for the first time in nearly twenty years. At night, Lucy thinks maybe this is what was meant to be. Maybe it was a twisted road with uneven concrete and big, mean, barking dogs, but maybe this was how it was supposed to happen for Elenore. For Charlie, for Veronica, for all of them. Who is she to know? Only the person who wished so badly for omniscience and shook with rage when she realized she would never get it.
But things are different now. Last week, she had a dream she’s not been able to shake. She was sixteen years old, before she was pregnant, driving to 7-Eleven in her very first car. At first, she was alone, but then Sam appeared in the passenger seat. He messed with the radio until he found the right thing to sing.
It was “Forgive Them Father.” Ms. Lauryn Hill.
The message felt pretty clear.
So, Lucy approaches Charlie during cake and coffee after Veronica’s graduation ceremony. He looks like he’s going to vomit, but Lucy puts her hand on his shoulder and gives him a look. A soft look, one she usually reserves for Will and the girls alone. Charlie’s eyes widen a little, and he looks just like he did when he was nine years old.
“Charlie,” Lucy says, “have we ever been friends?”
“I don’t know,” Charlie says. “Even when we were kids … I always had the feeling you didn’t really like me.”
“It wasn’t personal. I didn’t really like anyone except Sadie and Sam. They’re the ones who convinced me to like Will and Daniel, and thank goodness for that.”
Charlie laughs a little.
“Because I couldn’t imagine my life without Elenore,” Lucy continues. “Could you?”
She watches as Charlie’s eyes get even wider. She almost smiles. He really always was the cutest kid.
“No,” he says. “And, Lucy, I know this probably sounds like bullshit, but I can’t believe there was ever a time … I can’t believe I ever made her feel second class.”
Lucy bites her bottom lip from the inside and breathes in. Hard. In all the years she’s known him, it’s the most sincere she’s ever heard Charlie Doyle sound.
“So, it’s for real,” she says, careful not to make it sound like a question. This must be declarative. She can see on Charlie’s face that he understands.
“For real.”
“And you’re not going to make her cry. Not going to just leave her hanging. Not going to just … leave her.”
Charlie looks Lucy square in the eye, and she’s pretty impressed. She knows it’s no small feat with her. Never was.
“Unless Elenore ever kicks me out, I’m staying right here,” he says. “But I’m never going to do anything that would make her want to throw me out, and I’m never going to go down that easy. That’s not …”
He trails off before the clichés get the better of him. Smart guy.
Lucy claps him on the shoulder one more time.
“OK,” she says. “Glad we talked.”
She turns around and tries to enjoy the rest of the coffee and cake. After all, Sam would want her to.
(part of @nosebleedclub june challenge -- day 1!)
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bayfrontinn5thavenue · 7 months
Raise Your Occasion: Outstanding Reception Hotels in Naples, Florida at Bayfront Inn 5th Method
If you're seeking the excellent venue for your next unique event in Naples, Florida, look no further than Bayfront Inn 5th Avenue As one of the premier banquet resorts in the location, we offer unequaled waterside sights, stylish event areas, and extraordinary service to guarantee that your event is nothing short of remarkable. From wedding celebrations and business events to social celebrations and more, Bayfront Inn 5th Opportunity establishes the stage for extraordinary occasions that leave an enduring perception.
Presenting Bayfront Inn 5th Opportunity. Magnificent Waterfront Setup: Nestled along the picturesque Naples Bay, Bayfront Inn 5th Opportunity boasts a sensational waterfront area that gives the excellent background for any kind of event. Whether you're trading swears versus the backdrop of a radiant sunset or organizing a corporate supper with scenic sights of the bay, our waterfront place uses a genuinely wonderful setting that will mesmerize your guests and develop memories to last a life time.
Sophisticated Occasion Spaces: At Bayfront Inn 5th Opportunity, we recognize that every event is distinct, which is why we provide a selection of elegant event areas to suit your certain requirements and choices. From intimate celebrations in our wonderfully appointed reception spaces to grand receptions in our large outdoor terrace, our functional locations can fit occasions of any kind of size and style. Our seasoned occasion preparation group will function very closely with you to personalize every detail and guarantee that your vision comes true.
Exceptional Service: At Bayfront Inn 5th Opportunity, we pride ourselves on supplying remarkable solution that exceeds assumptions. From the minute you contact us to ask about holding your event to the last toast on the day of your party, our specialized group will certainly be on your side every action of the means. With careful interest to information and a commitment to quality, we make every effort to make sure that your occasion is remarkable and unforgettable for all the right factors.
Culinary Quality: No event is complete without delicious cuisine, and at Bayfront Inn 5th Method, we offer a cooking experience that is unrivaled. Our talented culinary team will certainly collaborate with you to develop a custom food selection that shows your tastes and choices, using just the finest components to craft meals that delight the detects. Whether you're hosting a formal dinner, a casual breakfast, or anything in between, our culinary experts will certainly guarantee that every bite is a culinary masterpiece.
Produce Remarkable Memories at Bayfront Inn 5th Method With its magnificent waterside setting, elegant occasion areas, outstanding solution, and culinary excellence, Bayfront Inn 5th Method is the leading selection for reception resorts in Naples, Florida. Whether you're preparing a wedding, corporate event, or social event, our devoted group will certainly make certain that every information is perfect, leaving you complimentary to relax and enjoy your wedding. Contact us today to read more regarding holding your occasion at Bayfront Inn 5th Avenue and let us assist you create memories that will certainly last a lifetime.
See our internet site at https://www.bayfrontinnnaples.com/ to explore our event areas, see our menus, and call our event planning group. We look forward to assisting you plan the excellent occasion at Bayfront Inn 5th Avenue!
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orlhousedecor6 · 9 months
Orlando House Decorator
Enhance Your Living Space with an Orlando House Decorator's Expert Touch
Creating a harmonious and inviting living space involves a blend of creativity, functionality, and aesthetic appeal. In the heart of Florida lies a vibrant city known for its tourism and cultural richness—Orlando. Amidst the theme parks and entertainment venues, Orlando also houses a thriving community of talented house decorators who specialize in transforming spaces into captivating havens. These professionals are adept at infusing personality, style, and functionality into homes, making them a vital asset for homeowners seeking to revamp their living spaces.
Understanding the Role of an Orlando House Decorator
An Orlando house decorator is more than an individual who simply arranges furniture and selects color schemes. They are skilled professionals who possess an innate ability to perceive a client's vision and bring it to life. Their expertise encompasses a deep understanding of design principles, spatial awareness, color psychology, and current trends. By leveraging these skills, they can elevate a room's ambiance while optimizing its functionality.
Tailored Design Solutions for Diverse Preferences
One of the key strengths of an Orlando house decorator lies in their adaptability. They cater to a diverse array of preferences, whether it's contemporary, minimalist, eclectic, or traditional styles. They collaborate closely with clients, actively listening to their ideas, preferences, and requirements. Through this collaborative process, decorators craft personalized design plans that align with the client's vision while incorporating professional insights to achieve a cohesive and visually appealing space.
Emphasizing Functionality and Practicality
Beyond aesthetics, an Orlando house decorator places significant emphasis on functionality. They analyze spatial layouts, traffic flow, and furniture placement to optimize the usability of a space. By intelligently arranging furniture and accessories, they create an environment that not only looks visually stunning but also facilitates ease of movement and usability, enhancing the overall living experience.
Harnessing Creativity and Innovation
Creativity is the hallmark of a talented Orlando house decorator. They possess an innate ability to think outside the box, employing innovative solutions to transform mundane spaces into captivating environments. From incorporating unique accent pieces to experimenting with textures and materials, these decorators infuse a sense of novelty and uniqueness into every project they undertake.
Incorporating Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Practices
In tune with global trends, many Orlando house decorators prioritize sustainability and eco-friendliness in their designs. They source environmentally conscious materials, employ energy-efficient solutions, and promote upcycling and recycling practices. This approach not only aligns with modern sensibilities but also contributes to creating healthier and more environmentally responsible living spaces.
Professionalism and Attention to Detail
The hallmark of an exceptional house decorator in Orlando is their professionalism and attention to detail. They meticulously plan every aspect of a design, ensuring that no element is overlooked. From selecting the right fabrics to coordinating color palettes, they exercise precision to create a cohesive and polished look that resonates with the client's tastes and preferences.
Keeping Abreast of Trends and Innovations
Staying updated with the latest design trends and technological advancements is imperative for Orlando house decorators. They continuously seek inspiration from global design movements, attending trade shows, workshops, and exhibitions to refine their craft. By staying at the forefront of industry developments, these professionals infuse fresh ideas and contemporary elements into their designs, ensuring that their clients receive modern and stylish living spaces.
Collaborative Approach and Project Management
An Orlando house decorator's role extends beyond mere design conceptualization. They excel in project management, coordinating with various contractors, artisans, and suppliers to execute the design plan seamlessly. Their adeptness at handling timelines, budgets, and unforeseen challenges ensures a smooth and efficient project delivery, relieving clients of unnecessary stress and complications.
In the bustling city of Orlando, house decorators play a pivotal role in transforming houses into personalized sanctuaries. Their blend of artistic flair, technical expertise, and dedication to client satisfaction sets them apart as invaluable assets in the realm of interior design. Whether it's revitalizing a single room or revamping an entire home, an Orlando house decorator possesses the acumen to breathe life into spaces, turning visions into reality. With their knack for creativity, attention to detail, and commitment to excellence, these professionals continue to shape Orlando's landscape, making homes not just aesthetically pleasing but also functional and reflective of their occupants' lifestyles. Investing in the expertise of an Orlando house decorator is an investment in elevating the ambiance and comfort of your living spaces, making them a joyous reflection of your unique personality and style.
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brookston · 1 year
Holidays 9.1
American Chess Day
Arts Day (Bardo)
Back to Hogwarts Day
Bahti Meskerem (Eritrea)
Building and Code Staff Appreciation Day
Carrington Event Day
Chicken Boy Day
Childhood Cancer Awareness Day (Tennessee)
Constitution Day (Slovakia)
Creation Day
Daffodil Day (New Zealand)
Day of Knowledge (Estonia, Russia)
Disaster Prevention Day (Japan)
Draft Horse Day
Emma M. Nutt Day (a.k.a. Nutt Day)
Flag Day (Honduras)
Footy Colors Day (Australia)
Ginger Cat Appreciation Day
Global Talent Acquisition Day [1st Wednesday]
Human Resources Professional Day (South Dakota)
International Cap Classique Day
International Day of Awareness of the Dolphins of Taiji
International Naalbinding Day
International Neil Diamond Day
International Primate Day
International Trade Union Action Day for Peace
International Women in Cyber Day
Journalist Day (Taiwan)
Kama Sutra Day
Kanto Earthquake Memorial Day (Japan)
Knowledge Day (Armenia, Estonia, Russia, Ukraine)
Letter Appreciation Day
Lose Your Virginity Day
Mary Had a Little Lamb Day
Meteorological Autumn begins (Northern Hemisphere)
Meteorological Spring begins (Southern Hemisphere)
National Acne Positivity Day
National Boykin Spaniel Day
National Child Identity Theft Awareness Day
National Disaster Prevention Day (Japan)
National Forgiveness Day
National Homecare Day of Action
National Hotel Employee Day
National Little Black Dress Day
National Marmoset Day
National No Rhyme (Nor Reason) Day
National Police K-9 Day
901 Day (Tennessee)
No Music Day (Nigeria)
Onam (Hindu harvest festival; India)
Partridge Day (UK)
Pink Cadillac Day
Presidential Message Day (Mexico)
Random Acts of Kindness Day (NZ)
Respect the Drive Day
Revolution Day (Libya; 1969)
Rites of Moawita (Elder Scrolls)
Save Japan’s Dolphins Day
Sing A Silly Song In Bed Day
Teacher’s Day (Singapore)
Tourist Day
Toy Tips Executive Toy Test Day
Trout Day (French Republic)
Veteran’s Day (Poland)
Wattle Day (Australia)
White Rabbit Day
World CLL Day
World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation
World Day of the Fingerprint
World Emotional Trauma Awareness Day
World Freestyle Football Day
World Letter Writing Day
World PCOS Day of Unity
World War Two Anniversary Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Cherry Popover Day
National Burnt Ends Day
National Gyro Day
National Oatloaf Day
National Tofu Day (UK)
Oyster Season begins
1st Friday in September
Bandcamp Friday [1st Friday]
Belgian Beer Weekend begins (Belgisch Bierweekend) [1st Friday thru Sunday]
Bring Your Manners To Work Day [1st Friday]
Casual Day (South Africa) [1st Friday]
College Colors Day [Friday nearest 9.1]
Dri-jerbal (Labor Day; Marshall Islands) [1st Friday]
Freddie Mercury’s Montreux Memorial Day begins [Weekend of 1st Friday]
Labor Day Weekend (U.S. & Canada) [Begins Friday before 1st Monday in September]
Benton Neighbor Day (Benton, Missouri)
Britt Draft Horse Show (Britt, Iowa)
Bumbershoot (Seattle, Washington)
Central City Rock 'n' Roll Cruise-in & Concert (Central City, Kentucky)
Cleveland National Air Show (Cleveland, Ohio)
Clothesline Fair (Prairie Grove, Arkansas)
Colombia River Cross Channel Swim (Hood River, Oregon)
Colorado Balloon Classic (Colorado Springs, Colorado)
Commonwheel Labor Day Weekend Arts and Crafts Festival (Manitou Springs, Colorado)
Daniel Boone Pioneer Days (Winchester, Kentucky)
Fort Bridger Rendezvous (Fort Bridger, Wyoming)
Great Bathtub Race (Nome, Alaska)
Great Grove Bed Race (Coconut Grove, Florida)
Harvest Wine Celebration (Livermore, California)
Hog Capital of the World Festival (Kewanee, Illinois)
Hopkinton State Fair (Contoocook, New Hampshire)
Iroquois Arts Festival (Howes Cave, New York)
Johnson City Field Days (Johnson City, New York)
Jubilee Days Festival (Zion, Illinois)
Lifelight Outdoor Music Festival (Worthing, South Dakota)
Mackinac Bridge Walk (St. Ignace, Michigan)
National Championship Chuckwagon Races (Clinton, Arkansas)
National Hard Crab Derby and Fair (Crisfield, Maryland)
National Sweetcorn Festival (Hoopeston, Illinois)
Oatmeal Festival (Bertram/Oatmeal, Texas)
Odyssey Greek Festival (Orange, Connecticut)
On the Waterfront (Rockford, Illinois)
Old Threshers Reunion (Mount Pleasant, Iowa)
Oregon Trail Rodeo (Hastings, Nebraska)
Payson Golden Onion Days (Payson, Utah)
Pennsylvania Arts & Crafts Colonial Festival (Greensburg, Pennsylvania)
Popeye Picnic (Chester, Illinois)
Santa-Cali-Gon Days Festival (Independence, Missouri)
Scandinavian Fest (Budd Lake, New Jersey)
Sta-Bil Nationals Championship Lawn Mower Race (Delaware, Ohio)
Snake River Duck Race (Nome, Alaska)
Taste of Colorado (Denver, Colorado)
Taste of Madison (Madison, Wisconsin)
Totah Festival (Farmington, New Mexico)
Waikiki Roughwater Swim (Honolulu, Hawaii)
Westfest Czech Heritage Festival (West, Texas)
West Virginia Italian Heritage Festival (Clarksburg, West Virginia)
Wisconsin State Cow-Chip Throw (Prairie du Sac, Wisconsin)
Woodstock Fair (Woodstock, Connecticut)
World Championship Barbecue Goat Cook-Off (Brady, Texas)
National Chianti Day [1st Friday]
National Food Bank Day [1st Friday]
National Lazy Mom’s Day [1st Friday]
Wear Teal Day [1st Friday]
Independence Days
Alberta Province Day (Canada; 1905)
Baltia (Declared; 2014) [unrecognized]
Chrisland (Declared; 2015) [unrecognized]
Gymnasium State (Declared; 2017) [unrecognized]
Saskatchewan Province Day (Canada; 1905)
Uzbekistan (a.k.a. Mustaqillik Kuni); from USSR, 1991)
Feast Days
Constantius (Costanzo) of Aquino (Christian; Saint)
Dalton (Positivist; Saint)
David Pendleton Oakerhater (Anglican Communion)
Ecclesiastical New Year (Orthodox Christian)
Feast of Macuilxochitl (5 Flower God; Mexico)
Festival of the Grapevines I: Ariadne (Pagan)
Felix, Donatus, Arontius, Honoratus, Fortunatus, Sabinianus, Septimus, Januarius, Vitalis, Satyrus, abd Repostius, 12 brothers (Christian; Martyrs)
Festival of Juno Regina and Jupiter Liber (Ancient Rome)
Fiacre (France, Ireland; Christian; Saint) [also 8.30]
Firminus II (Christian; Saint)
Gideon the Judge (Christian; Saint)
Giles (Christian; Saint)
Hobbit Remembrance Day (Pastafarian)
Loup (a.k.a. Lupus or Lew) of Sens (Christian; Saint)
Nivard (a.k.a. Nivo; Christian; Saint)
Ramalamadingdong begins (Church of the SubGenius)
Simeon Stylite (Eastern Orthodox)
Sixtus of Reims (Christian; Saint)
Taddeo Zuccari (Artology)
Terentian (a.k.a. Terrence; Christian; Saint)
Uncle Ermisimo (Muppetism)
Verena (Christian; Saint)
Vibiana (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Historically Bad Day (Germany invaded Poland, earthquakes in Iran & Japan & 8 other tragedies) [7of 11]
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Address Unknown, by Kathrine Kressmann Taylor (Novel; 1938)
The Aleph, by Jorge Luis Borges (Short Story; 1945)
Arsenic and Old Lace (Film; 1943)
The Autograph Hound (Disney Cartoon; 1939)
The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer (Film; 1947)
Catching Fire, by Suzanne Collins (Novel; 2009) [#2]
Chocolates for Breakfast, by Pamela Moore (Novel; 1956)
Confessions of an English Opium-Eater, by Thomas De Quincey (Autobiography; 1821)
The Corrections, by Jonathan Franzen (Novel; 2001)
Crank (Film; 2006)
Dames (Film; 1934)
Dr. Feelgood, by Mötley Crüe (Album; 1989)
Dug Days (Animated TV Series; 2021)
The English Patient, by Michael Ondaatje (Novel; 1992)
Ethan Frome, by Edith Wharton (Novel; 1911)
A Farewell to Arms, by Ernest Hemingway (Novel; 1929)
A Farewell to Kings, by Rush (Album; 1977)
The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins, by Dr. Seuss (Children’s Books; 1938)
Hook, Lion and Sinker (Disney Cartoon; 1950)
Honey’s Money (WB MM Cartoon; 1962)
Idiocracy (Film; 2006)
Julius Caesar, by William Shakespeare (Play; 1599)
Lolita, by Vladimir Nabokov (Novel; 1955)
The Mass Psychology of Fascism, by Wilhelm Reich (Political Book; 1933)
Middlemarch, by George Eliot (Novel; 1871)
The Mighty Hercules (Animated TV Series; 1963)
The Old Man and the Sea (Short Story; 1952)
Outside Providence (Film; 1999)
Peculiar Penguins (Disney Cartoon; 1934)
The Plastics Inventor (Disney Cartoon; 1944)
Private Eyes, by Hall & Oates (Album; 1981)
The Prophet, by Kahlil Gibran (Poems; 1923)
Rear Window (Film; 1954)
A Room of One’s Own, by Virginia Woolf (Novel; 1929)
The Slap-Happy Mouse (WB MM Cartoon; 1956)
The Spy Who Came in From the Cold, by John le Carré (Novel; 1963)
The Stepford Wives, by Ira Levin (Novel; 1972)
Haydn String Quartets, Opus 10, by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Quartets; 1785)
Swordfishtrombones, by Tom Waits (Album; 1983)
TikTok (Social Media App; 2016)
Tropic of Cancer, by Henry Miller (Novel; 1934) What a Wonderful World, by Louis Armstrong (Song; 1967)
When Worlds Collide, by Philip Wylie (Novel; 1932)
The Women (Film; 1939)
Worth Dying For, 15th Jack Reacher book, by Lee Child (Novel; 2010)
You Can’t Take It with You (Film; 1938)
Today’s Name Days
Ägidius, Ruth, Verena (Austria)
Damyan, Damyana, Kozma, Kuzman, Simeon, Simona (Bulgaria)
Aron, Egidije, Estera, Jošua, Oliver, Predrag, Šimun, Tamara, Viktor (Croatia)
Jaroslava, Linda, Samuel (Czech Republic)
Ægidius, Theobaldus (Denmark)
Eha, Ehala, Hämarik, Ülar, Ülari, Ülev, Üllar, Üllart, Üllas, Üllo, Ülo (Estonia)
Aaro, Aaron, Pirkka (Finland)
Aaron, Esther, Giles, Goulwen, Jossué, Thierry (France)
Ägidius, Ruth, Verena (Germany)
Anargyros, Argyris, Antigone, Antigoni, Athena, Athina, Damianos, Kosmas, Margarita, Polynike, Polyniki, Symeon (Greece)
Annamária, Egon, Egyed, Tihamér (Hungary)
Caio, Cono, Costanzo, Egidio (Italy)
Austrums, Ilmārs, Iluta, Irisa, Imants, Ingars, Intars, Teobalds, Verena (Latvia)
Burvilė, Egidijus, Gytautas, Gytis, Julijus, Liepa, Tautrimas, Tautrimė (Lithuania)
Ask, Embla, Solveig, Solvor (Norway)
Aaron, Bogusław, Bronisław, Bronisława, Bronisz, Halina, Idzi, Klarysa, Marian, Niegosława, Teobald (Poland)
Dionisie (Romania)
Diana, Drahoslava (Slovakia)
Aarón, Arturo, Ester, Esther, Gil, Josué, Leonor, Oliverio, Simeón, Sixto (Spain)
Aron, Mirjam, Sam, Samuel (Sweden)
Debbie, Deborah, Debra, Edgar, Edgardo, Giles, Josh, Joshua, Josue, Ruth (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 244 of 2024; 121 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of week 35 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Coll (Hazel) [Day 25 of 28]
Chinese: Month 7 (Geng-Shen), Day 17 (Ren-Xu)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 15 Elul 5783
Islamic: 15 Safar 1445
J Cal: 4 Aki; Foursday [4 of 30]
Julian: 19 August 2023
Moon: 96%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 20 Gutenberg (9th Month) [Dalton]
Runic Half Month: Rad (Motion) [Day 5 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 72 of 94)
Zodiac: Virgo (Day 11 of 32)
Calendar Changes
September (Gregorian Calendar) [Month 9 of 12]
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Holidays 9.1
American Chess Day
Arts Day (Bardo)
Back to Hogwarts Day
Bahti Meskerem (Eritrea)
Building and Code Staff Appreciation Day
Carrington Event Day
Chicken Boy Day
Childhood Cancer Awareness Day (Tennessee)
Constitution Day (Slovakia)
Creation Day
Daffodil Day (New Zealand)
Day of Knowledge (Estonia, Russia)
Disaster Prevention Day (Japan)
Draft Horse Day
Emma M. Nutt Day (a.k.a. Nutt Day)
Flag Day (Honduras)
Footy Colors Day (Australia)
Ginger Cat Appreciation Day
Global Talent Acquisition Day [1st Wednesday]
Human Resources Professional Day (South Dakota)
International Cap Classique Day
International Day of Awareness of the Dolphins of Taiji
International Naalbinding Day
International Neil Diamond Day
International Primate Day
International Trade Union Action Day for Peace
International Women in Cyber Day
Journalist Day (Taiwan)
Kama Sutra Day
Kanto Earthquake Memorial Day (Japan)
Knowledge Day (Armenia, Estonia, Russia, Ukraine)
Letter Appreciation Day
Lose Your Virginity Day
Mary Had a Little Lamb Day
Meteorological Autumn begins (Northern Hemisphere)
Meteorological Spring begins (Southern Hemisphere)
National Acne Positivity Day
National Boykin Spaniel Day
National Child Identity Theft Awareness Day
National Disaster Prevention Day (Japan)
National Forgiveness Day
National Homecare Day of Action
National Hotel Employee Day
National Little Black Dress Day
National Marmoset Day
National No Rhyme (Nor Reason) Day
National Police K-9 Day
901 Day (Tennessee)
No Music Day (Nigeria)
Onam (Hindu harvest festival; India)
Partridge Day (UK)
Pink Cadillac Day
Presidential Message Day (Mexico)
Random Acts of Kindness Day (NZ)
Respect the Drive Day
Revolution Day (Libya; 1969)
Rites of Moawita (Elder Scrolls)
Save Japan’s Dolphins Day
Sing A Silly Song In Bed Day
Teacher’s Day (Singapore)
Tourist Day
Toy Tips Executive Toy Test Day
Trout Day (French Republic)
Veteran’s Day (Poland)
Wattle Day (Australia)
White Rabbit Day
World CLL Day
World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation
World Day of the Fingerprint
World Emotional Trauma Awareness Day
World Freestyle Football Day
World Letter Writing Day
World PCOS Day of Unity
World War Two Anniversary Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Cherry Popover Day
National Burnt Ends Day
National Gyro Day
National Oatloaf Day
National Tofu Day (UK)
Oyster Season begins
1st Friday in September
Bandcamp Friday [1st Friday]
Belgian Beer Weekend begins (Belgisch Bierweekend) [1st Friday thru Sunday]
Bring Your Manners To Work Day [1st Friday]
Casual Day (South Africa) [1st Friday]
College Colors Day [Friday nearest 9.1]
Dri-jerbal (Labor Day; Marshall Islands) [1st Friday]
Freddie Mercury’s Montreux Memorial Day begins [Weekend of 1st Friday]
Labor Day Weekend (U.S. & Canada) [Begins Friday before 1st Monday in September]
Benton Neighbor Day (Benton, Missouri)
Britt Draft Horse Show (Britt, Iowa)
Bumbershoot (Seattle, Washington)
Central City Rock 'n' Roll Cruise-in & Concert (Central City, Kentucky)
Cleveland National Air Show (Cleveland, Ohio)
Clothesline Fair (Prairie Grove, Arkansas)
Colombia River Cross Channel Swim (Hood River, Oregon)
Colorado Balloon Classic (Colorado Springs, Colorado)
Commonwheel Labor Day Weekend Arts and Crafts Festival (Manitou Springs, Colorado)
Daniel Boone Pioneer Days (Winchester, Kentucky)
Fort Bridger Rendezvous (Fort Bridger, Wyoming)
Great Bathtub Race (Nome, Alaska)
Great Grove Bed Race (Coconut Grove, Florida)
Harvest Wine Celebration (Livermore, California)
Hog Capital of the World Festival (Kewanee, Illinois)
Hopkinton State Fair (Contoocook, New Hampshire)
Iroquois Arts Festival (Howes Cave, New York)
Johnson City Field Days (Johnson City, New York)
Jubilee Days Festival (Zion, Illinois)
Lifelight Outdoor Music Festival (Worthing, South Dakota)
Mackinac Bridge Walk (St. Ignace, Michigan)
National Championship Chuckwagon Races (Clinton, Arkansas)
National Hard Crab Derby and Fair (Crisfield, Maryland)
National Sweetcorn Festival (Hoopeston, Illinois)
Oatmeal Festival (Bertram/Oatmeal, Texas)
Odyssey Greek Festival (Orange, Connecticut)
On the Waterfront (Rockford, Illinois)
Old Threshers Reunion (Mount Pleasant, Iowa)
Oregon Trail Rodeo (Hastings, Nebraska)
Payson Golden Onion Days (Payson, Utah)
Pennsylvania Arts & Crafts Colonial Festival (Greensburg, Pennsylvania)
Popeye Picnic (Chester, Illinois)
Santa-Cali-Gon Days Festival (Independence, Missouri)
Scandinavian Fest (Budd Lake, New Jersey)
Sta-Bil Nationals Championship Lawn Mower Race (Delaware, Ohio)
Snake River Duck Race (Nome, Alaska)
Taste of Colorado (Denver, Colorado)
Taste of Madison (Madison, Wisconsin)
Totah Festival (Farmington, New Mexico)
Waikiki Roughwater Swim (Honolulu, Hawaii)
Westfest Czech Heritage Festival (West, Texas)
West Virginia Italian Heritage Festival (Clarksburg, West Virginia)
Wisconsin State Cow-Chip Throw (Prairie du Sac, Wisconsin)
Woodstock Fair (Woodstock, Connecticut)
World Championship Barbecue Goat Cook-Off (Brady, Texas)
National Chianti Day [1st Friday]
National Food Bank Day [1st Friday]
National Lazy Mom’s Day [1st Friday]
Wear Teal Day [1st Friday]
Independence Days
Alberta Province Day (Canada; 1905)
Baltia (Declared; 2014) [unrecognized]
Chrisland (Declared; 2015) [unrecognized]
Gymnasium State (Declared; 2017) [unrecognized]
Saskatchewan Province Day (Canada; 1905)
Uzbekistan (a.k.a. Mustaqillik Kuni); from USSR, 1991)
Feast Days
Constantius (Costanzo) of Aquino (Christian; Saint)
Dalton (Positivist; Saint)
David Pendleton Oakerhater (Anglican Communion)
Ecclesiastical New Year (Orthodox Christian)
Feast of Macuilxochitl (5 Flower God; Mexico)
Festival of the Grapevines I: Ariadne (Pagan)
Felix, Donatus, Arontius, Honoratus, Fortunatus, Sabinianus, Septimus, Januarius, Vitalis, Satyrus, abd Repostius, 12 brothers (Christian; Martyrs)
Festival of Juno Regina and Jupiter Liber (Ancient Rome)
Fiacre (France, Ireland; Christian; Saint) [also 8.30]
Firminus II (Christian; Saint)
Gideon the Judge (Christian; Saint)
Giles (Christian; Saint)
Hobbit Remembrance Day (Pastafarian)
Loup (a.k.a. Lupus or Lew) of Sens (Christian; Saint)
Nivard (a.k.a. Nivo; Christian; Saint)
Ramalamadingdong begins (Church of the SubGenius)
Simeon Stylite (Eastern Orthodox)
Sixtus of Reims (Christian; Saint)
Taddeo Zuccari (Artology)
Terentian (a.k.a. Terrence; Christian; Saint)
Uncle Ermisimo (Muppetism)
Verena (Christian; Saint)
Vibiana (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Historically Bad Day (Germany invaded Poland, earthquakes in Iran & Japan & 8 other tragedies) [7of 11]
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Address Unknown, by Kathrine Kressmann Taylor (Novel; 1938)
The Aleph, by Jorge Luis Borges (Short Story; 1945)
Arsenic and Old Lace (Film; 1943)
The Autograph Hound (Disney Cartoon; 1939)
The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer (Film; 1947)
Catching Fire, by Suzanne Collins (Novel; 2009) [#2]
Chocolates for Breakfast, by Pamela Moore (Novel; 1956)
Confessions of an English Opium-Eater, by Thomas De Quincey (Autobiography; 1821)
The Corrections, by Jonathan Franzen (Novel; 2001)
Crank (Film; 2006)
Dames (Film; 1934)
Dr. Feelgood, by Mötley Crüe (Album; 1989)
Dug Days (Animated TV Series; 2021)
The English Patient, by Michael Ondaatje (Novel; 1992)
Ethan Frome, by Edith Wharton (Novel; 1911)
A Farewell to Arms, by Ernest Hemingway (Novel; 1929)
A Farewell to Kings, by Rush (Album; 1977)
The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins, by Dr. Seuss (Children’s Books; 1938)
Hook, Lion and Sinker (Disney Cartoon; 1950)
Honey’s Money (WB MM Cartoon; 1962)
Idiocracy (Film; 2006)
Julius Caesar, by William Shakespeare (Play; 1599)
Lolita, by Vladimir Nabokov (Novel; 1955)
The Mass Psychology of Fascism, by Wilhelm Reich (Political Book; 1933)
Middlemarch, by George Eliot (Novel; 1871)
The Mighty Hercules (Animated TV Series; 1963)
The Old Man and the Sea (Short Story; 1952)
Outside Providence (Film; 1999)
Peculiar Penguins (Disney Cartoon; 1934)
The Plastics Inventor (Disney Cartoon; 1944)
Private Eyes, by Hall & Oates (Album; 1981)
The Prophet, by Kahlil Gibran (Poems; 1923)
Rear Window (Film; 1954)
A Room of One’s Own, by Virginia Woolf (Novel; 1929)
The Slap-Happy Mouse (WB MM Cartoon; 1956)
The Spy Who Came in From the Cold, by John le Carré (Novel; 1963)
The Stepford Wives, by Ira Levin (Novel; 1972)
Haydn String Quartets, Opus 10, by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Quartets; 1785)
Swordfishtrombones, by Tom Waits (Album; 1983)
TikTok (Social Media App; 2016)
Tropic of Cancer, by Henry Miller (Novel; 1934) What a Wonderful World, by Louis Armstrong (Song; 1967)
When Worlds Collide, by Philip Wylie (Novel; 1932)
The Women (Film; 1939)
Worth Dying For, 15th Jack Reacher book, by Lee Child (Novel; 2010)
You Can’t Take It with You (Film; 1938)
Today’s Name Days
Ägidius, Ruth, Verena (Austria)
Damyan, Damyana, Kozma, Kuzman, Simeon, Simona (Bulgaria)
Aron, Egidije, Estera, Jošua, Oliver, Predrag, Šimun, Tamara, Viktor (Croatia)
Jaroslava, Linda, Samuel (Czech Republic)
Ægidius, Theobaldus (Denmark)
Eha, Ehala, Hämarik, Ülar, Ülari, Ülev, Üllar, Üllart, Üllas, Üllo, Ülo (Estonia)
Aaro, Aaron, Pirkka (Finland)
Aaron, Esther, Giles, Goulwen, Jossué, Thierry (France)
Ägidius, Ruth, Verena (Germany)
Anargyros, Argyris, Antigone, Antigoni, Athena, Athina, Damianos, Kosmas, Margarita, Polynike, Polyniki, Symeon (Greece)
Annamária, Egon, Egyed, Tihamér (Hungary)
Caio, Cono, Costanzo, Egidio (Italy)
Austrums, Ilmārs, Iluta, Irisa, Imants, Ingars, Intars, Teobalds, Verena (Latvia)
Burvilė, Egidijus, Gytautas, Gytis, Julijus, Liepa, Tautrimas, Tautrimė (Lithuania)
Ask, Embla, Solveig, Solvor (Norway)
Aaron, Bogusław, Bronisław, Bronisława, Bronisz, Halina, Idzi, Klarysa, Marian, Niegosława, Teobald (Poland)
Dionisie (Romania)
Diana, Drahoslava (Slovakia)
Aarón, Arturo, Ester, Esther, Gil, Josué, Leonor, Oliverio, Simeón, Sixto (Spain)
Aron, Mirjam, Sam, Samuel (Sweden)
Debbie, Deborah, Debra, Edgar, Edgardo, Giles, Josh, Joshua, Josue, Ruth (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 244 of 2024; 121 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of week 35 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Coll (Hazel) [Day 25 of 28]
Chinese: Month 7 (Geng-Shen), Day 17 (Ren-Xu)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 15 Elul 5783
Islamic: 15 Safar 1445
J Cal: 4 Aki; Foursday [4 of 30]
Julian: 19 August 2023
Moon: 96%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 20 Gutenberg (9th Month) [Dalton]
Runic Half Month: Rad (Motion) [Day 5 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 72 of 94)
Zodiac: Virgo (Day 11 of 32)
Calendar Changes
September (Gregorian Calendar) [Month 9 of 12]
1 note · View note
nbatrades · 5 years
Denver Nuggets Add Bol Bol in Draft Night Deal With Miami Heat
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On June 21st, 2019, the Miami Heat traded the draft rights of forward-center Bol Bol to the Denver Nuggets for $1.2 million in cash considerations and a 2022 second round draft pick.
It seems like every year in the NBA Draft there’s a player whose draft stock falls down as the draft approaches.
2019′s player falling down the draft charts was Bol Bol. A projected lottery pick and the fourth ranked high school basketball prospect in the country, Bol ended up being selected 44th in the NBA Draft. 
A unique talent with length, seven-foot height, ballhandling ability and the skill of a guard, Bol shined in college at the University of Oregon (21.0 PPG, 9.6 RPG and 2.7 BPG) but he suffered a stress fracture in his left foot after just nine games, cutting what would be his lone college season short.
Bol fell all the way down to the second round of the draft despite receiving a green room invitation, meaning he actually attended the draft. He was taken 44th by the Miami Heat who instantly traded him to the Denver Nuggets in a pre-arranged deal. 
The Heat had already acquired Stanford forward and 32nd overall pick KZ Okpala for three future second round picks and saw an opportunity to replenish future assets by acquiring a second round pick for Bol.
Bol joined a Nuggets roster that had established itself as one of the bright and exciting young teams in the NBA during the 2018-19 season. Led by center Nikola Jokić and guard Jamal Murray, Denver was ready to further its pursuit of becoming a title contender.
The presence of Jokić and backup Mason Plumlee meant there were going to be limited opportunities for Bol. Denver presented an opportunity for the young center time to develop and recover from his foot fracture.
Bol spent much of the year on the sidelines. He did make eight appearances in the NBA G-League with the Windy City Bulls, averaging 12.0 PPG, 5.8 RPG and 2.3 BPG. 
Denver was one of the top teams in the NBA. The team was 43-22 when the NBA season was put on pause due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
After the NBA season resumed in the summer with a bubble format based in Orlando, Florida, the Nuggets went 3-5 over a span of eight games to finish out the regular season. Bol was given a chance to play during the bubble exhibition  and regular season games due to injuries and Nuggets players having delayed arrivals due to positive COVID tests.
Bol played in seven bubble regular season games, averaging 5.7 PPG, 2.7 RPG, 0.9 APG and 0.9 BPG in 12.4 MPG. In the limited time, the seven-footer showed flashes of major talent such as his athleticism, ability to pass and handle the ball.
Denver finished the season as the third seed in the West with a 46-27 record. The Nuggets qualified for the postseason and matched up with the Utah Jazz in the first round. Jazz star Donovan Mitchell had 57 in the series opener but Jokić and Jamal combined for 65 points as the Nuggets pulled away late for a 135-125 overtime win.
The second game saw the Jazz lead by as much as 31 points as they comfortably won 124-105. The third game was similar as the Jazz built an early double digit lead. Utah led by 39 and annihilated the Nuggets 124-87.
Game Four was action-packed as Mitchell (51 points) and Murray (50) dueled back and forth. Mitchell scored 18 in the fourth quarter to help Utah withstand  a Denver rally and win 129-127.
Facing a 3-1 series deficit, the duo of Murray and Jokić combined for 73 points and the Nuggets used a 35-21 fourth quarter to take Game Five 117-107. Murray and Mitchell’s fireworks display continued into Game Six. The Nuggets guard crossed 50 again and Denver forced a Game Seven with a 119-107 victory.
The seventh and final game was ugly. Both teams shot under 40% and failed to reach 100 points. The game was tight but a Jokić hook shot gave Denver an 80-78 lead with 27 seconds left. Utah had two chances to the or take the lead but Mitchell turned the ball over with eight seconds left and Mike Conley missed a three at the buzzer as Denver held on for the 4-3 series win.
Denver went on to the second round where it was a heavy underdog against the Los Angeles Clippers. In the opener, the Clippers used a 49-24 run from the first to third quarter to take control in a 120-97 rout. 
The Nuggets came out like gangbusters in the second game, jumping out to a 44-25 first quarter lead. The Clippers managed to get within five points but Jokić had 26 points and 18 rebounds as Denver held on for a 110-101 win.
The third game saw Clippers star Paul George score 32 points. the Clippers rallied in the fourth quarter and outscored Denver 29-19 in a 113-107 win. In Game Four, the Clippers had an early 18-point lead before the Nuggets tied the game early in the third quarter. A 21-5 Clippers run contributed to Los Angeles’ 96-85 win.
The victory gave the Clippers a 3-1 series lead. Facing the deficit, the Nuggets looked dead in the water early on in Game Five, trailing by 16 points in the first half. 35-year old veteran Paul Millsap sparked a run in the third quarter and Jamal Murray had 26 points in a 111-105 comeback victory to keep Denver alive.
In the sixth game, the Clippers led by 16 points at halftime, but the Nuggets outscored them 64-35 in the second half to cruise to a 111-98 win. Game Seven was similar as the Clippers blew another early double digit lead.
Murray had 40 points and Jokić had a triple double (16 points, 22 rebounds and 13 assists) as Denver made another miraculous 3-1 series comeback with a 104-89 result.
Denver advanced to the Western Conference Finals for the first time in 11 years and faced the Los Angeles Lakers. In the first game, Lakers star Anthony Davis dominated with 37 points and 10 rebounds in a 126-114 Los Angeles win. The second game saw the Lakers build a 10-point lead at halftime, but the Nuggets battled back. 
Late in the game, Jokić and Davis exchanged shots. After a Jokić make with 20 seconds left, Denver had a 103-102 lead. The Lakers missed two shots but retained possession on both misses. Davis converted a three on an inbounds play at the buzzer to give the Lakers a 2-0 series lead.
The third game saw Jokić and Murray combine for 50 points as Denver led by as much as 20 points in a 114-106 win. Los Angeles took a 3-1 series lead after Davis and LeBron James combine for 60 points in a 114-108 Lakers victory. James (38 points, 16 rebounds and 10 assists) was phenomenal once again in Game Five as the Lakers prevented a Denver series comeback with a 117-107 victory.
During Denver’s playoff run, Bol played just 21 total minutes, averaging 4.8 PPG and 1.3 RPG.
After his first year in the NBA, Bol agreed to convert his two-way contract with Denver into a standard NBA deal for two years and $4.2 million.
The Nuggets tried to keep its roster together for the 2020-21 season, but lost starting forward Jerami Grant to the Detroit Pistons in free agency. Still, most of the roster came back except for a couple of bench rotation free agents and two first round picks.
Denver looked to continue its winning ways. The Nuggets began the year 1-4 but quickly righted the ship, going 10-3 in the next 13 games to get to 11-7. The team had its share of ups and downs but thanks to the performances of Jokić and Murray, was in the thick of the Western Conference playoff chase.
Positioned in fifth place with a 26-18 record, the Nuggets made a move at the trade deadline. The team dealt Gary Harris, rookie R.J. Hampton and a first round pick to the Orlando Magic for Aaron Gordon and Gary Clark. Denver also acquired center JaVale McGee from the Cleveland Cavaliers.
The move gave the Nuggets a bonafide starter at power forward to improve its defense and its starting lineup. After the trades, the Nuggets quickly ran off eight consecutive wins (seven with Gordon in the lineup). The team found its flow and was playing excellent basketball and was starting to look like a title contender.
Those title hopes came to a halt after Murray tore the ACL in his left knee in April, cutting his season short. The Nuggets went 13-5 over their last 18 games to finish the year 47-25. Bol rarely played in his second year. He appeared in 32 contests (two starts) and managed 2.2 PPG and 0.8 RPG in 5.0 MPG.
In the 2021 postseason, the Nuggets faced the Portland Trailblazers in the opening round. Portland got hot in the first game, knocking down 19-of-40 from three. Portland star Damian Lillard led the way with 34 points and 13 assists in a 123-109 victory.
Jokić led the way in Game Two with 38 points as Denver won easily, 128-109. The third game in Portland was a surprise. Jokić was his usual dominant self with 36 points, but guard Austin Rivers came alive in the fourth quarter, nailing four three-pointers and scored 21 points total in a Nuggets 120-115 win.
Portland rebounded in Game Four, leading by as much as 33 points in a 115-95 victory. With the series tied, both teams were set to battle in a competitive Game Five. Lillard was fantastic, recording 55 points and knocking down several long distance triples including two different threes that sent the game to overtime and double overtime.
In the end, Jokić’s 38 points and a clutch three from Michael Porter Jr. helped Denver escape with a 147-140 win. Game Six saw Jokić score 36 points and the Nuggets pulled away late to win 126-115. They won the series 4-2.
Denver advanced to the second round and battled the Phoenix Suns. Early on, the Suns took control. Four Suns players scored at least 20 points in a 122-105 Phoenix rout. The Suns continued to dominate, winning 123-98 in Game Two.
The Suns backcourt of Chris Paul and Devin Booker combined for 55 points as Phoenix controlled Game Three, 116-102. Denver put up a better fight in Game Four but Booker and Paul combined for 71 points in a 125-118 Suns win and series sweep. Bol played in three games and six minutes during the 2021 playoff run.
After the season, the Nuggets were in a holding pattern. Knowing Murray was likely out for the entire 2021-22 season, Denver kept much of its core together, losing only Paul Millsap from its rotation. The team re-signed free agents Will Barton and JaMychal Green while also adding guard Nah’Shon “Bones” Hyland as a draft pick. 
Bol played in Summer League with the Nuggets and was effective. The big man averaged 21.7 PPG on 44.2% from the field, 6.7 RPG and 2.3 BPG in three exhibition games.
Behind the continued MVP efforts from Jokić, Denver began the season well with a 9-4 start. The team soon struggled with a losing streak and the news that Michael Porter, Jr. would be out what would be the rest of the season after a back injury put even more of a damper on the team’s hopes of contending.
Denver continued to hover around .500 and with Bol still behind several other frontcourt players in the rotation, the team decided to move the young seven-footer.
In January, the Nuggets agreed to a trade with the Detroit Pistons. In the deal, Bol went to the Detroit Pistons for Rodney McGruder and a 2022 second round pick. The trade was voided three days after because Bol failed his physical due to a physical that revealed a broken right foot.
Soon after Bol decided to have surgery on the foot. Nearly a week after the voided deal, the Nuggets agreed to send Bol and guard PJ Dozier (also out for the season) to the Boston Celtics in a three-team deal also involving the San Antonio Spurs that brought guard Bryn Forbes to the team.
At the point of the trade, Bol had appeared in 14 games, compiling 2.4 PPG and 1.4 RPG in 5.8 MPG. Bol ended his run in Denver with 53 games played, 2.7 PPG and 1.2 RPG. He shot 48% from the field, 38% from the three-point line and 67% from the free-throw line.
The second rounder Miami acquired was forfeited as part of the NBA’s investigation into the Heat holding early free agent talks with point guard Kyle Lowry.
Bol Bol on his skill (via Nuggets.com):
“My game is pretty unique because for my size, I can dribble pretty well, can shoot from anywhere pretty well, and my passing is pretty good. I can just do a lot of things that people my size can’t do.”
On joining the Nuggets:
“Towards the end of the season, I started watching a lot of [Nikola] Jokić highlights because of his great passing ability, and that's something I want to add to my game. I watched a lot of his highlights and he’s a great, great player. 
“The Nuggets were a great team last season and I’m excited to be a part of the team. Because of how great the team is, that will help me because [I’ll have] great players around me and the great organization. I think that will also help me become a better player.”
On the disappointment of being drafted late (via Denver Post):
“The thing I’ll remember is definitely being drafted late in the second round instead where I thought I was going to be drafted, like somewhere between the middle of the first round or toward the end.”
Denver Nuggets president of basketball operations Tim Connelly on adding Bol Bol (via Nuggets.com):
“We’re fortunate to add another young piece, a guy we think highly of. We think his skillset [and] his pedigree, who he is as a guy, will fit in well in the locker room. We started the night with no draft picks and we left with a guy who we think has a real chance to be impactful down the road.”
If the team had any concern with Bol’s injury history:
“We’re not concerned as to why he fell, we feel very fortunate that he fell [to us]. As the night progressed, we got pretty aggressive. He was a guy that we circled much higher on the board. We didn’t have him where we picked, we had him much much higher.”
On finding a steal in the draft (via Denver Post):
“We thought we were going to get a guy that was greatly undervalued as the night progressed. Who knows where we’ll be picking in the future, but when you get a guy with the tools like Bol Bol, it’s hard not to be aggressive. And it’s hard not to be excited.”
Image via Getty Images/Justin Tafoya
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promotelive-blog · 6 years
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Found Family: Queer Book Recs
Skye Falling by Mia McKenzie
Twenty-six and broke, Skye didn't think twice before selling her eggs and happily pocketing the cash. Now approaching forty, Skye moves through life entirely--and unrepentantly--on her own terms, living out of a suitcase and avoiding all manner of serious relationships. Her personal life might be a mess, and no one would be surprised if she died alone in a hotel room, but at least she's free to do as she pleases. But then a twelve-year-old girl shows up during one of Skye's brief visits to her hometown of Philadelphia, and tells Skye that she's "her egg." Skye's life is thrown into sharp relief and she decides that it might be time to actually try to have a meaningful relationship with another human being. Spoiler alert: It's not easy. Things gets even more complicated when Skye realizes that the woman she tried and failed to pick up the other day is the girl's aunt and now it's awkward. All the while, her brother is trying to get in touch, her problematic mother is being bewilderingly kind, and the West Philly pool halls and hoagie shops of her youth have been replaced by hipster cafes. Told in a fresh, lively voice, this novel is a relentlessly clever, deeply moving portrait of a woman and the relationships she thought she could live without.
Light from Uncommon Stars by Ryka Aoki
Shizuka Satomi made a deal with the devil: to escape damnation, she must entice seven other violin prodigies to trade their souls for success. She has already delivered six. When Katrina Nguyen, a young transgender runaway, catches Shizuka's ear with her wild talent, Shizuka can almost feel the curse lifting. She's found her final candidate. But in a donut shop off a bustling highway in the San Gabriel Valley, Shizuka meets Lan Tran, retired starship captain, interstellar refugee, and mother of four. Shizuka doesn't have time for crushes or coffee dates, what with her very soul on the line, but Lan's kind smile and eyes like stars might just redefine a soul's worth. And maybe something as small as a warm donut is powerful enough to break a curse as vast as the California coastline. As the lives of these three women become entangled by chance and fate, a story of magic, identity, curses, and hope begins, and a family worth crossing the universe for is found.
And Then The Gray Heaven by R.E. Katz
RE Katz’s And Then the Gray Heaven centers on Jules, whose partner B has recently died in a freak accident. Confronting the red tape of the hospital, the dissociation and cruelty of B’s family, and the unimaginable void now at the center of their lives, Jules and new friend Theo embark on a road trip to bury two-thirds of B’s ashes in the places they most belong. Along the way, Katz delves into their relationship and their life stories—Jules’ rise from abandoned baby origins through the Florida foster care system, and B’s artistic transformation, surrounded by kindred spirits who helped them realize it was possible to be regarded as a human and not as a body. Delving into what it means to try to be alive to your own pain and the pain of others under late capitalism, And Then the Gray Heaven explores the themes of queer grief and affection, queer failure, burial as hero’s journey, and the grotesqueries of artistic determination within and beyond the institutions that define our lives.
The Thirty Names of Night by Zeyn Joukhadar
Five years after a suspicious fire killed his ornithologist mother, a closeted Syrian American trans boy sheds his birth name and searches for a new one. He has been unable to paint since his mother’s ghost has begun to visit him each evening. As his grandmother’s sole caretaker, he spends his days cooped up in their apartment, avoiding his neighborhood masjid, his estranged sister, and even his best friend (who also happens to be his longtime crush). The only time he feels truly free is when he slips out at night to paint murals on buildings in the once-thriving Manhattan neighborhood known as Little Syria. One night, he enters the abandoned community house and finds the tattered journal of a Syrian American artist named Laila Z, who dedicated her career to painting the birds of North America. She famously and mysteriously disappeared more than sixty years before, but her journal contains proof that both his mother and Laila Z encountered the same rare bird before their deaths. In fact, Laila Z’s past is intimately tied to his mother’s—and his grandmother’s—in ways he never could have expected. Even more surprising, Laila Z’s story reveals the histories of queer and transgender people within his own community that he never knew. Realizing that he isn’t and has never been alone, he has the courage to officially claim a new name: Nadir, an Arabic name meaning rare. As unprecedented numbers of birds are mysteriously drawn to the New York City skies, Nadir enlists the help of his family and friends to unravel what happened to Laila Z and the rare bird his mother died trying to save. Following his mother’s ghost, he uncovers the silences kept in the name of survival by his own community, his own family, and within himself, and discovers the family that was there all along.
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astrognossienne · 3 years
scandalous icon: lena horne - an analysis
“My identity is very clear to me now. I am a black woman, I'm not alone, I'm free. I no longer have to be a credit, I don't have to be a symbol to anybody, I don't have to be a first to anybody. I don't have to be an imitation of a white woman that Hollywood sort of hoped I'd become. I'm me, and I'm like nobody else.” -  Lena Horne
Ethereal. Tormented. Tough as nails. MGM signed her to a long-term contract, the likes of which no one of colour in Hollywood had ever known. In the black community, all eyes were on her. Throughout her dazzling decades-long career, Lena Horne was not only one of the most beautiful and glamorous entertainers, black or white, that ever lived, she was an outspoken voice against racism in Hollywood, the music business and even the military. A true Cancer, she rose above every blow that was dealt to her and did it with grace and grit. Unlike other beauty Dorothy Dandridge, she was no one’s victim. She was an inspiring trailblazer and as beautiful as she was, she didn’t take any shit; they say when Lena was angry she was even more beautiful, if that is possible. As a sex symbol of uncommon refinement, he revolutionized the Negro persona in Hollywood. She would evolve from angelic Cotton Club ingenue into a civil rights icon and one of the most dynamic, fiery performers of her generation. Even as she faced appalling racism, the always brave, always searching Horne would inspire a generation of performers—while never quite finding what she was after. Horne not only rose above it all, but also significantly contributed to changing the situation. The velvet-voiced, multi-talented Horne first negotiated, and then resisted, the worst that a racist entertainment industry could throw at her. She rose to its summit as an original creative artist and a free woman whose style, beauty, eloquence and independence made her a role model for millions.
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Lena Horne, according to astrotheme, was a Cancer sun and Scorpio moon. Born in Brooklyn in 1917, to father Edwin Fletcher "Teddy" Horne Jr., who was a numbers kingpin in the gambling trade. He left the family when she was three years old and moved to an upper-middle-class African American community in the Hill District community of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Her mother, Edna Louise Scottron, was a niece of inventor Samuel R. Scottron. She was an actress with a black theatre troupe and traveled extensively. Both sides of her family were of African American ancestry. She belonged to the upper stratum of middle-class, well-educated black people, and was reportedly descended from the John C. Calhoun family. Edna's maternal grandmother, Amelie Louise Ashton, was from modern Senegal. Horne was raised mainly by her grandparents, Cora Calhoun and Edwin Horne. Horne briefly moved to Atlanta with her mother; they returned to New York when Horne was twelve years old, after which Horne attended St Peter Claver School in Brooklyn. As a child, Horne traveled with her sometime-actor mother, searching for work on the tent shows and vaudeville circuit in the 1920s. The troupe she was with had to run from a small town in Florida in which a lynching had just occurred. At 16, having dropped out of high school in the fall of 1933, Horne joined the chorus line of the Cotton Club in New York City. In the spring of 1934, she had a featured role in the Cotton Club Parade starring singing star Adelaide Hall, who took Lena under her wing. From 1935 to 1936 she was the principal vocalist with the all-black Noble Sissle Society Orchestra. But although she was beginning to sense the combination of storytelling, timing and sonorous power that would make her name as a vocalist, she briefly abandoned a musical career for domesticity in Pittsburgh, marrying Louis Jones at 19, and giving birth to two children, Gail and Teddy. She and Jones were divorced in 1944. Returning to the New York jazz scene, Horne followed Holiday into Greenwich Village's left-liberal Café Society club. She then went to Hollywood to play the Little Troc club, and was noticed there by the MGM music supervisor Roger Edens, who brought her to the film company as a potential singer and actor.
By the early 1940s, Walter White, the leader of the NAACP, was embarrassed that the two most successful blacks in film, Hattie McDaniel and Lincoln Perry, were reduced to playing maids and a character named Stepin Fetchit—“The Laziest Man in the World.” White believed Horne was going to transform the image of black America and prodded Hollywood executives to give her auditions. When a 25-year-old Horne told her wealthy father, Teddy, that Walter White, then head of the NAACP, was urging her to take a stab at Hollywood stardom in the early 1940s, this son of a serious, intellectual, activist family was less than impressed. Once in Los Angeles, Horne managed not to get typecast as a domestic worker. She was instead professionally courted by MGM boss Louis B. Mayer, and would initially heed Joan Crawford’s advice to kiss the mogul’s “big fat ass.” But her father would not kowtow to the studio king. On being told his daughter could play a film role as a maid, he informed the mogul that he could afford to hire his own maids and didn't need to have his daughter playing one. Mayer promised to never cast Lena as a maid or a “jungle maiden.” Horne’s mother, Edna—a failed actress who was extremely jealous of her increasingly famous daughter—descended on L.A. for a different purpose. She wanted a career like Lena’s—or else. If Lena didn’t cooperate, she would sell the press a story about a selfish girl who’d climbed to stardom on her mother’s shoulders, then tossed her aside. While her daughter could not make her a star, she could pay her mother off and worked out a solution with a lawyer.
The comely Horne soon had loads of would-be suitors clamoring for her time; she became a favourite pin-up among black servicemen during WWII, but would nonetheless refuse to perform on wartime tours in which black GIs were either excluded from the audience, or on occasion placed behind the German PoWs in the seating arrangements. Horne would reportedly date bandleaders Artie Shaw and Duke Ellington, as well as boxing champion Joe Louis, however, it was her 1940s relationship with the brilliant, bombastic Orson Welles that would stay on her mind for decades. She was crazy about him. In Welles, Horne found a fascinating renegade—and a charismatic supporter of civil rights. Welles found a complicated, somewhat unknowable beauty. Welles said of her:
“I did get the impression that she gave off sparks because she was deeply suspicious of the world. Her reactions to being in Hollywood, not being terribly well-treated, were all those of an essentially aristocratic nature.”
Their relationship eventually came to the attention of the racist gossip columnist Hedda Hopper, who confronted Welles with rumors of the romance, implicating that his career could be destroyed as a result of their interracial romance. I told her to go put her head in a bucket.” The filming of the groundbreaking 1943 MGM musical Cabin in the Sky was anything but heavenly. All through that picture, there was reportedly so much snarling and scrapping that it’s a wonder that the film got made in the first place. Allegedly, the main source of strife was the rage-filled star of the film, Ethel Waters. Various cast members were scared to death of her, branding her a rather evil woman. The legendary singer and actress cursed and belittled everyone in sight, before putting on a pious act for the press and the public. Of course, Waters’s main target was the promising, coddled Horne, whom Waters felt had stolen her own chance at movie stardom. Convinced that Horne was sleeping with director Vincente Minnelli, Waters would loudly accuse Horne of impropriety for all to hear. Things came to a head during rehearsal for the final ensemble sequence. Horne landed hard on her right foot, and then she fell. Co-star Eddie “Rochester” Anderson picked her up, then Minnelli rushed over, followed by a crowd of cast members. Horne had broken a bone in her ankle. The director turned around—and there stood Waters several feet away, arms folded like an all-controlling schoolmarm—as if she had prayed for it to happen...Waters was heard to say, “The Lord works in mysterious ways, his wonders to perform.” A year later, during a fraught recording session of “Stormy Weather,” Horne found herself unable to tap into the angsty emotion of the song. She found it after legendary band leader Cab Calloway leaned over and whispered two words in her ear: “Ethel Waters.”
Her friendship with fellow MGM siren Ava Gardner would be one of the most enduring of Horne’s life. Their similarities were that they never believed that the image they saw was what they really were...and they both had self-professed “big mouths”. The two would get loaded on martinis, dishing on work, romance and slights. Both of them felt ‘screwed’ by MGM: Horne for racial reasons, and Gardner for being liberated long before it became acceptable. Their bond would foster Horne’s lifelong feud with Ava’s ex, Frank Sinatra (who may have believed the two were lovers). It would also surmount the most famous heartbreak of Horne’s career—when she lost the role of the biracial beauty Julie in the film Show Boat to Gardner, due to racism. In 1947 she married the white pianist and arranger Lennie Hayton, but the delicate politics of the match led the couple to move to Paris for a while, and they avoided publicly announcing the marriage for three years. When they did, Horne was exposed to threats from both whites and blacks. This second marriage was an initially practical and convenient relationship that deepened significantly over its 24-year course. In 1960, Horne and her husband went to dinner at the Luau in Beverly Hills, a kitschy hot spot owned by Lana Turner’s ex-husband, Stephen Crane. Their evening was shattered by a drunk engineer named Harvey St. Vincent, who was angered that a waiter dared serve Horne first. “So that’s Lena Horne, huh?” he slurred. “Well, she’s just another black nigger...there ain’t nothing they can do for me.” Horne stood up for herself and told the man that she could hear what he was saying, and for him to stop. The belligerent man would not; he continued to bark hate speech at Horne. After decades of abuse and years as a peaceful civil rights leader, Horne was done. Trembling, she rose from her chair. Spying an ashtray filled with cigarette butts, she hurled it at his head. Then she grabbed a hurricane lamp and threw it with all her might, followed by another. St. Vincent sat there stunned, blood dripping from a gash above his left eye. Horne stared him down. She’d had enough. The next day, reporters crowded around Horne’s suite at the Ambassador. She said:
“I’m sorry he had to learn in such a violent manner that people don’t like to be insulted. But I don’t go for that stuff.”
The next decade was overshadowed by tragedy – between 1970 and 1971, Horne's father died, her husband died of a heart attack and her son Teddy died of a kidney ailment. Horne worked little until her appearance as Glinda, the Good Witch, in The Wiz (1978), the all-black version of The Wizard of Oz. In 1980, Horne received an honorary doctorate from Howard University. By 1981, the momentum of Horne's artistic career had returned to something like its old drive. An autobiographical one-woman show, Lena Horne: The Lady and Her Music, opened on Broadway, ran for over a year and then toured internationally. It brought her a raft of prizes, including a Tony award and two Grammys. In 1984, Horne was presented with the Kennedy Center Honors for her lifetime of achievement and contributions to American culture. By the end of the 1980s, she was curtailing her public appearances. Horne made her final concert appearances, at New York's Carnegie Hall, during this period. When her old friend Gardner died in 1990, Lena was devastated. “How dare she go, too?” asked Horne. “She left me. She had a nerve dying”. She spent the new millennium in seclusion, and on May 9, 2010, Lena Horne passed away at the age of 92. After years of swallowing her anger and riding with the punches, she went out as she lived: on her own terms.
Next, I’ll talk about a onetime paramour of Lena’s, a musical genius whose compositions defined big band jazz: Taurus Duke Ellington.
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birthdate: June 30, 1917
major planets:
Sun: Cancer
Moon: Scorpio
Rising: Aries
Mercury: Gemini
Venus: Cancer
Mars: Gemini
Midheaven: Capricorn
Jupiter: Gemini
Saturn: Libra
Uranus: Aquarius
Neptune: Leo
Pluto: Cancer
Overall personality snapshot: She was brooding emotion incarnate, very subjective in her outlook, a trifle overprotective and suspicious, and fully confident that her intellect and perceptive powers would enable her to make rapid progress on the upward path. Tenacious determination to prove herself and secure the dignity and position she felt she merited made her often appear formidable, proud and haughty. But whilst she was capable of going great lengths not only to survive but to win, there really was not an unkind cell in her body. She genuinely cared about her world and the people in it, and her humanity was strong and potent, reaching out to help and transform the darker corners of human existence. If she was part of the establishment she would defend it to the death. If she was an outsider she would attempt to probe into every social assumption and reveal the truth behind the façade, the mysterious behind every commonplace occurrence. The secret and emotional were everything. She loved suspense and mystery, and was drawn to understanding and grappling with the dark side of life, the inordinate and the ugly, in order to see the redeemable, transforming spark of life that lies behind it.
Deeply fascinated by what makes people tick, she had something of the detective and the psychoanalyst in her, which could manifest powerfully in medical or psychological work. But even if she did not have a career, a part of her would always be preoccupied with hidden realities and creatures from ‘inner space’. She guarded her own inner space with great vigilance, and she likewise respected other people’s privacy. She truly came alive, however, when she had been entrusted with a secret or given a search warrant to look inside a troubled mind (or bank account). All her analytical powers became concentrated and uplifted by her reverential, single-minded, determined attitude to discover the truth. She was unafraid of the dark and undaunted by the truth. She worked in a healing profession, and she brought a genuine caring concern and gentle intensity to those ailing in a psychotic underworld. She contributed the love and wisdom of the tender mother together with the exacting discipline of the doctor or policewoman. Under her scrutiny and guardianship all her creative projects would have flourished, whatever they may have been. She had the temperament of a fanatic (as do most outstanding artists!) so she needed to try to loosen up a bit and learn to let go.
She had a sturdy, muscular frame with a lively, attractive energetic face. She had intense and direct eye contact with others, and may well have been told off for staring at people as a child because of this. She was probably of medium height and could show amazing feats of strength when necessary. She met life in a straightforward and energetic manner. Collecting knowledge and communicating played a great part in her life, because she needed mental stimulation. Her clear logical mind loved to debate, although her opinions were changeable. She was intensely curious and had good reasoning powers. She was a talker. At her worst, she was prone to ceaseless chatter and was more talk than action. She sought knowledge but was easily attracted by anything new and interesting on the horizon. She needed her career to be strong, solid and enduring. She knew that she must work hard to achieve the status and respect that she desired, and although there may well have been obstacles in her path, her dedication and step-by-step progress led to success. She was a mentally restless person, both versatile and broad-minded. She experienced personal growth through analysis and using her intellect, although the collection and communication of facts may be an end within itself. She tended to dabble in many areas of knowledge, building up an extraordinarily varied store of information, rarely specializing in one area. She believed that fair play, justice, tact and diplomacy were all extremely important. Her reasonable outlook and kind and pleasant character endeared her to others. She liked to encourage social contacts that enhanced her image. She was meant to learn a lot from relationships in her life through the way she handled them, and through issues of compromise. As long as she felt secure within herself, a partnership brought her much happiness, stability and contentment.
She belonged to a generation that could be unpredictable in that it liked to instigate change simply for the sake of shaking things up and providing stimulation. Humanitarian ideals became extremely important, as well as the belief in absolute freedom for every individual. She came up with radical new ideas which she stubbornly followed. She was part of a very artistically talented and creative generation that wanted to escape from the demands of the world around them into a world of excitement and glamour. Members of this generation loved the theater and the cinema, in fact, any sort of creative self-expression. They also believed in the rights of any individual to express themselves. This generation was both idealistic and romantic, selfish and individualistic. Horne embodied all of these Leo Neptunian ideals. Also, as a member of the Leo Neptune generation, she experienced and fully embraced changes in sexual mores and attitudes, changing the way people approach the whole issue of romantic relationships. Changes were also experienced in the relationships between parents and children, with the ties becoming looser. Was part of a generation known for its devastating social upheavals concerning home and family. The whole general pattern of family life experiences enormous changes and upheavals; as a Cancer Plutonian, this aspect is highlighted with Horne having a stage mother who was extremely jealous of and competitive with her daughter.
Love/sex life: She was one of the luckiest lovers. Not only was she supremely knowledgeable about sex and a cool master of all the games associated with flirtation and love but she also had an emotional sensitivity, a quality of vulnerability and a capacity of empathy that added up to devastating sex appeal. This made her a lover who was very much in demand and, if she was so inclined, gave her almost unlimited access to recreational sex. Unfortunately, this combination of an intellectual approach to passion and a passionate approach to sex also made her a very unpredictable, irrational and complex lover; so complex, in fact, that even she couldn’t be sure what it was she really wanted. Her problem was that there were moments when sex was just a game to her, a game that she knew very well, and then there were other times when she responded to her partner with an emotional need that was over-whelming and completely beyond her rational control. There were moments when she could seem cold-hearted and manipulative and other times when her need for her lover was so immediate and visceral that it almost becomes an obsession. At her best, she learned how to combine her strengths and used her smooth, Martian Gemini skill to find and hold the emotional security she so desperately needed. At her worse she remained the glib and skillful player who won at every romantic game except the one that counted.
minor asteroids and points:
North Node: Capricorn
Lilith: Leo
Vertex: Libra
Fortune: Scorpio
East Point: Aries
Her North Node in Capricorn dictated that she needed to develop the more caring and compassionate side to her personality and try to place less emphasis on the materialistic aspects of her life. Her Lilith in Leo dictated that she was the ultimate diva whose creative output, talents, and pure raw chutzpah worked like a magic spell. She was a trail-blazing game changer. She was a true performer; her work was immortal and her one true love was her art. She was magical, outrageously talented, and adored. Her Vertex in Libra, 6th house dictated that she longed for a union of souls that was based on a model of pure peace and justice. Images come to mind of a mythical life on Venus, the planet of love, where there is never a discordant beat between lovers, but rather, continual harmony even if played in the minor chords. Physical lust was certainly a necessary aspect of two beings eternally intertwined, but the platonic component far outweighed it in importance for her. She had an attitude of duty, obligation and sacrifice when it came to heartfelt interactions. The negative side was the tendency to become hypochondriacal or martyristic to get the love she so desperately wanted. There was a need for others to appreciate the sincerity of her intentions, to the daily tasks she executed in a conscientious and caring way and for others to know that her actions, no matter how routine they may seem, were based on devoted love.
Her Part of Fortune in Scorpio and Part of Spirit in Taurus dictated that her destiny lay in cultivating ambition and power as she fearlessly delved into the unknown. She attempted to use her power wisely. Her joy was found by stripping away the outer layers of experiences and getting to the core. No plan or plot was too complex to use in her pursuit of happiness and success. Her soul’s purpose asked her to create and comfort for herself and those around her. She felt spiritual connections and the spark of the divine in the tangible things around her—what she could taste, touch, smell, see and hear. East Point in Aries dictated that she was was more likely to identify with the need to be free, independent, on her own, expressing when, where, how she wished. She needed to learn to balance her need for freedom with her need for closeness, and she needed to move towards a comfortable blend: she did not have all the power; other parties didn’t have all the power. Sometimes she got her way; sometimes they got their way.
elemental dominance:
She had high sensitivity and elevation through feelings. Her heart and her emotions were her driving forces, and she couldn’t do anything on  earth if she didn’t feel a strong effective charge. She needed to love in   order to understand, and to feel in order to take action, which caused  a certain vulnerability which she should (and often did) fight against. She was communicative, quick and mentally agile, and she liked to stir things up. She was likely a havoc-seeker on some level. She was oriented more toward thinking than feeling. She carried information and the seeds of ideas. Out of balance, she lived in her head and could be insensitive to the feelings of others. But at her best, she helped others form connections in all spheres of their daily lives.
modality dominance:
She was happiest when she was doing anything new, and she loved to begin new ventures. She enjoyed the challenge of claiming territory. She tended to be an initiator—and a bit territorial as well. Also, she had a tendency to start more things than she could possibly finish.              
house dominants:
The domestic arena and the home were emphasized in her life. By extension, the influence of the family she was born into, and the parents that raised her, in particular her father, as well as her personal and private life was of paramount importance to her. Short journeys, traveling within her own country were themes throughout her life; her immediate environment, and relationships with her siblings, neighbours and friends were of importance. The way her mental processes operated, as well as the manner and style in which she communicated was emphasized in her life. As such, much was revealed about her schooling and childhood and adolescence. Her life had an emphasis on creativity and self-expression. This included new beginnings; in fact, it included any way in which her creativity manifested itself. It showed how she was special and stood out. Also indicated an emphasis on leisure activities and holidays, gambling and speculation, romance and courtship, entertainment, sport, and sex.  
planet dominants:
She brought about complete and profound transformations in her life, good or bad. She felt the need to let go of what was familiar to her and accept new and different ways of being and doing things. There were areas in her life where she had to accept regeneration, which involved the destruction of the old and the creation of the new. She had vitality and creativity, as well as a strong ego and was authoritarian and powerful. She likely had strong leadership qualities, she definitely knew who she was, and she had tremendous will. She met challenges and believed in expanding her life. She believed and practiced dynamic expression. She was intelligent, mentally quick, and had excellent verbal acuity. She dealt in terms of logic and reasoning. It was likely that she was left-brained. She was restless, craved movement, newness, and the bright hope of undiscovered terrains.
sign dominants:
At first meeting, she seemed enigmatic, elusive. She needed roots, a place or even a state of  mind that she could call her own. She needed a safe harbor, a refuge in which to retreat for solitude. She was generally gentle and kind, unless he was hurt. Then she could become vindictive and sharp-spoken. She was affectionate, passionate, and even possessive at times. She was intuitive and was perhaps even psychic. Experience flowed through her emotionally. She was often moody and always changeable; her interests and social circles shifted constantly. She was emotion distilled into its purest form. She ventured out to see what else was there and seized upon new ideas that will expand their communities. Her innate curiosity kept her on the move. She used her rational, intellectual mind to explore and understand her personal world. She needed to answer the single burning question in her mind: why? This applied to most facets of her life, from the personal to the impersonal. This need to know sent her off to foreign countries, where her need to explore other cultures and traditions ranked high. She was changeable and often moody. This meant that she was often at odds with herself—the mind demanding one thing, the heart demanding the opposite. To someone else, this internal conflict often manifested as two very different people. She was a physically oriented individual who took pride in her body. She was bold, courageous, and resourceful. She always seemed to know what she believed, what she wanted from life, and where she was going. She could be dynamic and aggressive (sometimes, to a fault) in pursuing her goals—whatever they might be. Could be argumentative, lacked tact, and had a bad temper. On the other hand, her anger rarely lasted long, and she could be warm and loving with those she cared about.  
Read more about her under the cut.
Lena Calhoun Horne was born June 30, 1917, in Brooklyn, New York. In her biography she stated that, on the day she was born, her father was in the midst of a card game trying to get money to pay the hospital costs. Her parents divorced while she was still a toddler. Her mother left later in order to find work as an actress and Lena was left in the care of her grandparents. When she was seven, her mother returned and the two traveled around the state which meant that Lena was enrolled in numerous schools. For a time she also attended schools in Florida, Georgia and Ohio. Later she returned to Brooklyn. Lena quit school when she was 14 and got her first stage job at 16 dancing and later singing at the famed Cotton Club in Harlem, a renowned theater in which black performers played before white audiences immortalized in The Cotton Club (1984)). She was in good hands at the club, especially when people such as Cab Calloway and Duke Ellington took her under their wings and helped her over the rough spots. Before long, her talent resulted in her playing before packed houses. If Lena had never made a movie, her music career would have been enough to have ensured her legendary status in the entertainment industry, but films were icing on the cake. After she made an appearance on Broadway, Hollywood came calling. At 21 years of age, Lena made her first film, The Duke Is Tops (1938). It would be four more years before she appeared in another, Panama Hattie (1942), playing a singer in a nightclub. By now Lena had signed with MGM but, unfortunately for her, the pictures were shot so that her scenes could be cut out when they were shown in the South since most theaters in the South refused to show films that portrayed blacks in anything other than subservient roles to whites. Most movie studios did not want to take a chance on losing that particular source of revenue. Lena did not want to appear in those kinds of stereotyped roles and who could blame her? In 1943, MGM loaned Lena to 20th Century-Fox to play the role of Selina Rogers in the all-black musical Stormy Weather (1943), which did extremely well at the box office. Her rendition of the title song became a major hit on the musical charts. In 1943, she appeared in Cabin in the Sky (1943), regarded by many as one of the finest performances of her career. She played Georgia Brown opposite Ethel Waters and Eddie 'Rochester' Anderson in the all black production. Rumors were rampant that she and Waters just did not get along well, although there was never any mention of the source of the alleged friction. However, that was not the only feud on that picture. Other cast members sniped at one another and it was a wonder the film was made at all. Regardless of the hostilities, the movie was released to very good reviews from the ever tough critics. It went a long way in showing the depth of the talent that existed among black performers in Hollywood, especially Lena. Lena's musical career flourished, but her movie career stagnated. Minor roles in films such as Boogie-Woogie Dream (1944), Words and Music (1948) and Mantan Messes Up (1946) did little to advance her film career, due mainly to the ingrained racist attitudes of the time. Even at the height of Lena's musical career, she was often denied rooms at the very hotels in which she performed because they would not let blacks stay there. After Meet Me in Las Vegas (1956), Lena left films to concentrate on music and the stage. She returned in 1969 as Claire Quintana in Death of a Gunfighter (1969). Nine years later, she returned to the screen again in the all black musical The Wiz (1978) where she played Glinda the Good Witch. Although that was her last big-screen appearance, she stayed busy in television appearing in A Century of Women (1994) and That's Entertainment! III (1994). Had it not been for the prevailing racial attitudes during the time when Lena was just starting her career, it's fair to say that it would have been much bigger and come much sooner. Even taking those factors into account, Lena Horne is still one of the most respected, talented and beautiful performers of all time. (x)
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The Best Hoop Performers in Atlanta | Endless Entertainment
Brighten up your event with Endless Entertainments’ hypnotiq Fire and LED Hoop Performers! We have special offers and packages for Atlanta and Las Vegas Event Planners ! Your one stop shop for all your dance and circus speciality entertainment. Whether you are looking for a Mardi Gras style Fire and LED Hoop Performance or a high-energy dance extravaganza with Hoop Performers incorporated, we have the best performances from Atlanta to Las Vegas to bring to your next corporate event, bah mitzvah, or birthday party.
Brighten up your event with Endless Entertainments’ hypnotiq Fire or LED Hoop Performers. Invite our incredible Fire or LED Hula Hoop Troupe to your next Corporate Event, Trade show, Resort or Cruise Ship entertainment. We have special offers and packages for Atlanta and Las Vegas Event Planners! Here at Endless Entertainment if you can dream it, we can achieve it. The possibilities are ENDLESS!
Endless Entertainment is Atlanta's premiere Cirque Entertainment Company, producing the most eclectic collection of circus and dance talent. Our wide network of enthusiastic, talented, friendly, highly skilled professionals strive to keep our clients Endlessly Entertained.
Here at Endless Entertainment we aim to bring the best entertainers to your next Atlanta or Las Vegas event. We make certain to find the best well rounded Hoop Performers for our clients. No matter the size or concept of your next event, Endless entertainment has the talent for you. Give one of our in-house Las Vegas or Atlanta event coordinators a call to schedule your Hoop performer. We offer special offers and packages for Atlanta and Las Vegas Event Planners!
Endless can come live in concert or film us for your new upcoming Movie , Television Series. Add Fire or LED hoop dancers to your music video to really get it pop! Turn up the heat with our hoop dancers' melodic moves with fire incorporated performances! We bring the fire to any event! Performing in multiple continents, and events around the world bringing the best entertainment in the business. Contact us today to book dancers for your upcoming event!
Not in the Atlanta or Las Vegas area? Endless Entertainment can come to you, wherever you are. We not only perform in Atlanta or Las Vegas, but also provide services to Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, and even Tennessee! Our Company is inclusive and culturally diverse. We have staff fluent in multiple languages including Spanish and Mandarin Chinese! Here at Endless Entertainment if you can dream it, we can achieve it. The possibilities are ENDLESS!
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saintsnsinnersbdb · 3 years
Blood Tear: Blood Oath Part 4
Written by @My_Own_Male.
I sit at the great desk in my darkened study staring down at the two lines of powder carefully drawn out on the mirror lying atop it. I craved it. Needed it. It called to me like a lover, like a siren. I catch sight of myself in a dark reflection of the mirror across the room. I almost do not recognize myself. The male I had been is gone. All that is left is a shadow, a gaunt reflection with cheek bones too sharp, a jawline too defined. I cannot eat. I cannot sleep. I cannot think of anything other than ahvenging my mate. My temper is uncertain, any claims I’d ever had to charm long gone by the wayside. I bark at Ehric and Evale. I have hurt Markcus with my rudeness when he diffidently brings me a tray in an effort to get me to eat. And I have avoided all contact with the Brotherhood. I do not want to see the pity in their eyes and I do not want either their help or their interference. I only want rehvenge. And then to die.
My task was nearly complete. Benloise’ mother, Maria, now ran the cartel with an iron hand from a penthouse in Rio. Thanks to a heretofore unknown talent for computers, Markcus had managed to hack her emails. Though she’d had no direct contact with my prey, the ancient bitch had made an overture to him through an intermediary. The intermediary was to meet with the would-be heir to the throne and deliver 30 kilos of uncut cocaine. I had intercepted him and now /I/had the 30 kilos /and/ the intermediary. He had been most helpful, if unintentionally. His mind was not particularly strong and I had rummaged through it with the deftness of a butcher with a meat cleaver and thoroughness of a surgeon with a scalpel.
He’d been left alive. A vegetable, but alive as a warning to the old woman now in charge of the South American operation should she be tempted to take further action. This man had not been a middle man nor was he a dealer. He had been a highly placed lieutenant tasked with delivering the drugs as a small test of the boy’s ability to assume his half-brother’s place in the organization. My foray into the psyche of the middle-aged human had revealed a great deal about both the Benloise operation and the young man who murdered my mate. Not only had the emissary been trusted by Maria Benloise and entrenched in the distribution channel of the cartel, he had raised the monster that had destroyed all that was precious to me. His name is Luis Silva, adopted father of Alejandro.
Alejandro Silva, better known among the denizens of the Florida juvenile penal system as Alex Silver, was the unacknowledged bastard child of Arturo Benloise, the father of Ricardo, Eduardo and Victoria Benloise. Arturo had abandoned his wife and children decades before Alex’s birth, and, though he had moved from Columbia to Brazil, it was a pattern he’d carried with him. Alex’s mother, Juliana, had thought she was Arturo’s legal wife until she became ill two years after the infant’s birth. Although Arturo had traded countries and become well-to-do enough to afford a young trophy wife, he was not willing to deal with a female who was going to require expensive, and likely fruitless, treatments and a toddler he considered more a nuisance than a son. He’d revealed the marriage had been a sham, the priest a fake and their child illegitimate as he threw her onto the streets without even a fresh diaper for the child.
That had been 23 years ago. Ricardo had been only 30 years of age but his drug trade had been flourishing. The devastated and desperately ill female, having been made aware of her ‘husband’s’ legal wife and legitimate progeny, made the journey from Brazil to throw herself not on Ricardo’s mercy, but his mother’s.
Maria had been a hard woman as Ricardo, Eduardo, and Vitoria grew up. The depths of their poverty demanded she show no weakness if she were to keep her children alive, but Ricardo in particular had revered her. As his business grew she found herself living a luxurious existence with homes in various South American countries. However, wealth and age hadn’t dulled her edge and, as Ricardo adored her, she had wielded a great deal of power in the growing cartel. While she hadn’t wanted a rival for her children’s power she could not hate the young woman who came humbly before her begging for a chance for her child. Juliana had been as duped by Arturo as she herself had been some 30 years before and now brain cancer would take the young mother’s life before her son’s third birthday. Though she could not save Juliana, she took pity on the child and promised she would see him cared for. What she did not promise was a place for him atop the empire Ricardo was building.
Instead, she arranged a situation for the boy. One that took him away from the South American base of operations and him well south of Ricardo’s American base of operations in Caldwell. The drug pipeline ran from Columbia through Miami and the head of the operation there was being replaced by Luis Silva, a nephew of Maria’s in his 20’s. He had a young wife, but no children. It had been a simple matter to forge birth documents for the toddler and ship him off to America with Luis and his wife.
It had been painful to view Luis’s memories of his wife. They had been warm and content, a lifetime of loving that I was forever denied now but I took some satisfaction in seeing the memories he had of the demon-spawn he’d harbored were filled with a strange mix of disappointment and anger. Even though he’d been kept in ignorance of Luis’s business, as a young teen the boy had become a junior member of a local gang. And as a junior member he’d escaped arrest when the gang had been raided only because a cop on the Benloise payroll recognized him and shielded him. Rather than arrested, the 14 year-old was hauled home in the back of a police car and given into Luis’s custody. Alex’s surly, unrepentant attitude had been the least of Luis's problems. Alex’s involvement with the gang had endangered the Benloise pipeline. It had been concluded that Alex had to be informed of his father’s connection to a larger, wealthier organization and his potential future in it if they were to persuade him to renounce his gang affiliation. And it had worked. Alex turned into, if not a model student, at least one that was only a bully and not an obvious criminal. That he lacked the subtlety required of a Benloise drug lord was apparent so the decision not to tell him of his relationship to the Benloise family was made. Instead, he’d been groomed to be a future enforcer and eventual right hand to Luis. But when Ricardo and Eduardo disappeared and Vitoria was killed Luis had taken it upon himself to tell the now 25 year-old of his true connection to the cartel. That had been all it had taken for Alex to take himself to Caldwell and declare himself the unrecognized heir to the empire.
Perhaps if I had been a better male I would have pitied the toddler who lost his mother, the boy who had been guided into a life of brutality, but I doubt it. As it was I was grimly satisfied to know the identity and weaknesses of the monster who had taken my reason for living from me. Knowledge is power. I now had great power over Alejandro Silva. He just did not know it yet. But he would. Soon.
The merchandise and terms were originally to have been delivered to a 12th floor condo in the Commodore. That would not do. Never let your opponent set the field of battle. Besides, I need a visual to be able dematerialize into it and the ability to appear out of thin air is not an advantage I am going to give away. Fortunately, I now had the courier’s phone and after studying his texts I had the rhythm and style of his communications down. It had been a simple matter to let Tony know that the meeting was to be kept away from prying eyes and a cabin a few hours’ drive to the north had been rented to transact business in. We would meet there tomorrow at 11 PM, as there was some other business to take care of for his grandmother in the interim. His response had not been a happy one but what was he going to do? He needed this connection if he was to take the final step and he thought he was speaking to the man who had raised him. After texting him directions I had turned off Luis's phone and pocketed it. Alex would be there. And I would be there first. I knew the cabin well. It’s where Ricardo Benloise had once held Marisol. His rotting body would provide Alex Silva with an appropriate visual of his brief, but painful, future.
But that still left me with an entire day and a half to wait. To think. To try to turn off that terrible insanity that threatens every time I lower my guard. I could not sleep without damning visions of Marisol. Dreams of her with our young in her arms that turn to nightmares with her screams as she is raped and tortured, her eyes glassy as they stare into mine and glaze over as death takes her, a sea of blood surrounding her. During the nights I try to keep my memories, my pain in a box buried deep so that I may focus on strategy to ahvenge her death but there are moments it fights its way to the surface. Even now my helplessness to save her threatens to overwhelm me, to paralyze me, and that, I cannot afford, not when I am so close. And that is why two lines of cocaine are on the glass desk top before me.
If there was one thing it had done for me, it was to give me the exhilarating sense of strength, even if it was only from hit to hit. At least it had done so for a time. Eventually it had destroyed me, driven me mad, and murdered me. Only my Marisol had resurrected me from the dead. But it had taken time for me to reach that point and I only needed a little more. Afterwards it would not matter. I would not be alive long enough for the drug to take me.
Carefully, as though it would break the glass, I lay a tightly rolled one hundred dollar bill next to the lines.
“Marisol would not want this for you.”
My head jerks up at the voice. Ehric stands in the doorway, his face grave. Evale comes to stand at his shoulder as I answer.
“Marisol is not here. What she would want does not matter.”
“It is the only thing that does matter/because/ she isn’t here.”
If Ehric is a male of few words, his twin Evale is essentially mute. A sensation of shock runs through my troubled mind that he would speak to me thus.
“You do not honor her memory if you let your demons in, cousin.”
Ehric subtly reminds me that I am not alone, that I have family. And still it is not enough. Ignoring his comment, I address him.
“Did you cut and move the product?”
He nods, “All but the kilo you have in your desk.”
It is worry I hear in his tone, not judgement, but I no use for either.
“Good. The final meet is set for 11 tomorrow night. We will meet at Beneloise cabin. I will depend on the two of you to take care of his muscle while I take care of matters inside.”
“We will take care of his men but it will not take long. We will join you in the cabin. We will not interfere but you will not do this alone.”
I frown at his quiet assertiveness. It is quite unlike him to question my instructions.
“I do not need your assistance.”
“You do not need /that/ either,” he nods at the lines on the mirror. “What you need is to feed. Even when Marisol…” he swallows hard and continues. “Even when she was with you, you still needed to feed from a vampire female.”
My anger is almost a tangible thing in the room. “You would dare…”
“Cousin, we would dare anything for you. You know it. But you need strength for what is about to happen and you have not fed in months.”
“I fed from a Chosen three months before … before. Their blood is very strong. I am fine.” The nausea I feel at the thought of feeding outpaces the anger.
“You are /not/ fine. It has been six months since she left us. Even Chosen blood can’t sustain you that long. You need to feed. We will bring someone to you.”
My jaw sets and through gritted teeth I speak.
“You will not. What you will do is gather what weapons we will need and put them in the Range Rover. There was a rocket launcher in the last weapons shipment we intercepted. Include it. Now leave me.”
Ehric glances at Evale. Evale shakes his head and the two turn and leave me. I give my attention back to the white, powdery lines before me. My hand trembles as I reach for the rolled bill and bend to answer the drug’s siren call. Addiction – because a recovered addict is always an addict – wars with the thought of what Marisol would think, would have said.
‘I’d say “Don’t be a fool.’
My head jerks up and she is there, in the mirror. I jerk around, expecting to see her behind me but there is no one. Looking again at the mirror, I see the image there is shimmering rather than stable, but it is her. Her dark hair falls in waves on her shoulders, her eyes filled with that steely brand of love I knew so well. I half rose form my chair, hands on the desk as I lean over it towards her.
Her gaze softens a touch. ‘Don’t bother getting up. You won’t be able to touch me and I won’t be able to touch you. But I can’t rest while you are in such pain, my love, so I have watched and wept for you, been with you every step you’ve taken to this point. But I couldn’t let you do this.’
Stunned, I lower myself back into my chair.
“The bastard must pay, Marisol. He robbed us of our future. He hurt you, killed you and our young, your grandmother.”
‘Yes, he did. And you wouldn’t be the dark, dangerous man I fell in love with if you didn’t wipe that piece shit from the Earth. No, I’m talking about /that/.’ She points to the lines before me. ‘You don’t need that. You never did. And I didn’t bring you back from the Fade for you to take yourself there again with it.’
Her image wavers again and she steps from the mirror. She wears what I had her buried in, her long legs encased in her favorite jeans and tall boots, a deep red silk shirt, the baby-fist sized teardrop ruby that I had given her for our first anniversary as mates suspended on a chain around her neck, a shimmering drop of blood against her skin. The people who had prepared her body for burial had balked at the attire but I had been adamant she would go into eternity as herself. I rise and go to stand before her.
“The end is near. I need something to boost me through.”
‘What you /need/ to do is feed.’ It came out flatly, as though I was being an idiot, and perhaps…. perhaps I was.
‘Look at you. Really look. You’re gaunt. Your clothes are hanging off of you. You don’t eat regular food, you don’t sleep, you haven’t fed. The only thing keeping you alive is your anger and that’s not going to cut it tomorrow night.’
“I cannot. Do you not see? I…cannot, Marisol. Even the thought turns my stomach.”
Her face softens and she raises a hand to my face. In another life it would have been a caress but now it was the brush of wind against my skin.
‘I know, baby, I know. But there’s nothing intimate about feeding if you don’t let there be. You’ve done it before to stay healthy while I was still here. It’s necessary.’
My voice comes out roughly “You were there when I fed. I insisted.”
‘Yes, you did. And now you can keep your cousins with you to protect your modesty.’
She says the last with that lilt of teasing humor in her voice that I knew so well. I reach for her. I cannot help it. Her form wavers and dissolves under my hands.
“MARISOL!” I shout despairingly. Her voice floats in the air of the room.
‘Do this for me. Feed.’
I turn and brace myself against the front of my desk, tears coming as I bow my head.
“Marisol...” Her name comes out brokenly, echoing my soul and then the wind comes from nowhere and scatters the lines of cocaine, carrying the powder away with it. When I look again, a baby-fist-sized blood red teardrop shaped ruby lay on the mirror where the cocaine had been and I breathe out a prayer.
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tabloidtoc · 3 years
Life & Style, April 26
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Khloe Kardashian is a total fake
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Page 1: Lady Gaga in a wedding dress on the set of House of Gucci in Rome
Page 2: Contents
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Page 4: The Top 10 SAG Awards Looks -- Mindy Kaling, Jamie Chung, Amy Adams, Sarah Levy, Kerry Washington
Page 5: Kaley Cuoco, Nicole Kidman, Natalie Morales, Viola Davis, Lily Collins
Page 6: Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen celebrated their 12-year anniversary, posting heartfelt tributes to each other on social media, but their relationship hasn't always been so rock solid -- Tom admitted that Gisele has made a lot of sacrifices for their marriage and she hated living in Boston because she had no friends there and felt so alone because Tom was never around; things got so bad they sought counseling, which was the wake-up call that Tom needed -- he promised to make changes and he agreed to quit the Patriots and sign with a team in a location that was more desirable to Gisele and Tom stuck to his word and he came the new quarterback for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and since moving to Florida, Tom and Gisele have never been happier and they have date nights every week and always make sure to communicate -- it wasn't easy, but they're both really proud of how far they've come
Page 7: After multiple delays, David Schwimmer, Courteney Cox, Jennifer Aniston, Lisa Kudrow, Matthew Perry and Matt LeBlanc have finally filmed the highly anticipated Friends reunion special and they all got really emotional when they saw the set and being there brought back so many fond memories -- it's the first time in 17 years that fans will get to see the entire cast together since the show went off the air in 2004 -- afterwards, everyone went to Jen's house for dinner -- each of the stars was paid $2.5 million to appear in the special
* Throwback -- Dolly Parton in 1965
* Biggest Spenders of the Week -- Bobby Flay, Aaron Rodgers, Vanessa Hudgens, Angelina Jolie
Page 8: Drew Barrymore revealed that, after three divorces and a string of failed romances, she's sworn off marriage altogether -- Drew doesn't need a man to feel complete and she's happiest hanging out with family and friends -- if the right guy comes along later down the line, great, but for now, she's content with being single
* Becoming one of the most sought-after stars in Hollywood has gone straight to Ana de Armas' head -- the cast and crew are often left waiting for the actress to emerge from her trailer on the set of the new action thriller The Gray Man -- Ana's got a lot going on and she's juggling several different projects, as well as photo shoots and phone calls with her team and people don't stay mad at her for too long, but they have nicknamed her Ana de Diva, but she isn't upset by the scathing moniker because she's a big name now, and with that comes a lot of responsibility and the way she sees it, there are worse things than being called a diva
Page 10: The Week in Photos -- Orlando Bloom got a surprise visit from the Easter Bunny
Page 11: Jennifer Lopez in jeans at a photoshoot for InStyle, Priyanka Chopra dancing around her backyard in a bright yellow dress
Page 12: Animal Tales -- Gilles Marini posed for a pic with his African grey parrot Anya, singer Madison Beer leaned in for a kiss from a caramel-colored stallion, Kate Beckinsale's feline Clive seemed less than thrilled when Kate strapped him to her chest in a carrier
Page 13: Kaia Gerber and her precious pooch Milo snuggled up in bed, Malin Akerman and a goat
Page 16: Stars Behaving Badly -- Lisa Vanderpump let her parched dog drink from her water glass at a restaurant in West Hollywood, Maisie Williams went topless under a translucent jacket while shooting a new TV series about the Sex Pistols in London, HGTV Design Star host Allison Holker used a megaphone to give out instructions to Property Brother Jonathan Scott on the show's finale, Calvin Klein wasn't worried about stains when he shoved a pile of spaghetti into his mouth at West Hollywood's Mauro Cafe
Page 18: Say What?! Helena Bonham Carter who turns 55 in May, Chelsea Handler who admits she consumes mushrooms almost every day, Olivia Munn who is the proud pet parent of rescue dogs Frankie and Chance, Melissa McCarthy on doing her own stunts in Thunder Force, Brian Tyree Henry on Godzilla vs. Kong co-star Millie Bobby Brown
Page 20: Pete Davidson has officially moved out of his mother's home and into a $1.2 million luxury high-rise condo on Staten Island, and it's all thanks to his new girl girlfriend, Bridgerton star Phoebe Dynevor -- the Saturday Night Live star showed off his two-bedroom, two-and-a-half bathroom bachelor pad during a Zoom call -- Phoebe is a down-to-earth girl, but she doesn't want to date a man who lives in his mom's basement and she thinks Pete's mom, Amy, is awesome and says it's a great thing that they're super close, but being in a long-distance relationship is difficult enough so Pete and Phoebe need some alone time when they're together, which was almost impossible with his mother hanging out upstairs -- Pete knew it was time; he just needed that gentle nudge
Page 21: Matt James and Rachael Kirkconnell were spotted in NYC together, sparking speculation that the former Bachelor couple have rekindled their relationship -- the pair parted ways while the show was still airing after photos of the graphic designer at a plantation-themed college party in 2018 surfaced on social media -- Rachael made a mistake but she owned up to it and was willing to learn from it and it didn't change her feelings for Matt or vice versa and Matt was in love with Rachael too and he couldn't just turn those feelings off so no one would be surprised if they decided to reconcile
* Michael B. Jordan's girlfriend Lori Harvey was left reeling over photos of the actor sharing a smooch with Chante Adams on the set of their new movie A Journal for Jordan -- of course, they were just shooting a scene for the film, but Lori was still annoyed and she asked Michael about it, and he brushed it off and explained it was part of the job but Lori still has her suspicions and she's been thinking about dropping by the set just so she can keep a very close eye on them
Page 22: Cover Story -- Khloe Kardashian living a lie -- devastated by an unretouched photo leak, Khloe faces claims she's a body positivity hypocrite as she demands the viral image be taken down
Page 26: Alex Rodriguez to Ben Affleck: Back off my fiancee -- Ben gushes about ex Jennifer Lopez in a new article and A-Rod isn't happy about it (not quite Bennifer yet :)
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Page 28: Prince Harry overwhelmed with work -- Harry struggles to adjust after trading his cushy royal role for a variety of normal gigs -- though his job for BetterUp is primarily remote, added stress comes in the form of Harry's Spotify and Netflix deals, plus growing charity work -- Harry finds all of his new, non-royal titles fresh and exciting, but while he's a great person, some in his inner circle say Harry's kind of dumb and worry whether he can handle the pressure
Page 30: Lori Loughlin and Mossimo Giannulli life after prison -- reunited following months spent behind bars, Lori and Mossimo try to pick up the pieces -- prison definitely took a toll on Mossimo and he doesn't expect sympathy, but he's still struggling to adjust to what he went through; it really broke him down and forced him to reevaluate his life
Page 32: Who Lives Here? Lil Nas X
Page 34: Entertainment
Page 35: Star Review -- Jonathan Van Ness
* As Seen On-Screen -- Meghan Markle wore a dark green coat while walking through Archie's Chick-Inn during her CBS interview which was J. Crew's Perfect Lightweight Jacket
Page 36: Go Green at Home -- reduce your carbon footprint even more with these eco-chic essentials, because our planet can use all the help it can get
Page 37: Beauty Crush -- get Jurnee Smollett's look from her makeup artist Emily Cheng for the SAG Awards
Page 38: Spring Beauty Must-Haves -- these product picks aim to reign as new-season favorites -- Camila Mendes
Page 40: Diva or Down-to-Earth? Rihanna bagged her own haul at Bristol Farms in Beverly Hills -- down-to-earth, Shay Mitchell worked from home with help from her most trusted assistant daughter Atlas -- down-to-earth, during a photo shoot in Malibu Brooke Burke got a makeup refresh from a personal primper -- diva
Page 42: Social Stars Posts of the Week -- Sofia Vergara sneaking Heidi Klum a chip on the set of America's Got Talent, Neil Patrick Harris finished the first season of The Irregulars while quarantining in Toronto, Jared Leto pretended to pluck the moon straight out of the sky during a masked outing in Italy, Beyonce treated her daughter Blue Ivy to a meal at Nobu in Malibu
Page 44: Horoscope -- Taurus Gigi Hadid turned 26 on April 23
* They're Not Together, But They Should Be -- Capricorn Charles Melton and Virgo Zendaya
Page 48: What I'm Into -- Kameron Westcott of The Real Housewives of Dallas
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