#IBM Gold Cups
scottwellsmagic · 3 months
839: Giovanni Livera - Where Talent and Passion Collide
Giovanni Livera won the I.B.M. Gold Cups close-up award in 1991. But he was a force to be reckoned with even before then. From the Florida area, Gio has worked with Tim Glancy who, between the two of them, developed the “t-shirt cannon” that is used to this day in stadiums and ball fields and concerts across the land. In recent decades, Gio has developed a successful speaking platform that has taken him before some of the most prestigious corporate giants in the industry. Always keeping his eye and passion on magic, he returns to perform at the Magic Castle now and again. It is always a treat to see and hear this “larger than life” man tell his stories and give life advice.
While recently visiting Los Angeles, California, Gio sat down for a reunion with his friend, Scott Wells, to catch up on old times and tell us what he’s been doing and where he’s going. We talk about speaking engagements, trade shows, working with executives, developing a brand, finding your voice/message, and ways that you can “live to be 1,000 years old.”
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retrocgads · 1 year
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USA 1990
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nobody-art · 11 months
Jörg Löhr
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Jörg Löhr ist Motivationstrainer und Unternehmensberater im deutschsprachigen Raum. Hier zählt der auch zu den erfolgreichsten und berühmtesten Referenzen im Themenbereich der Unternehmensberatung, Motivation und Erfolg. Mittlerweile hat er sich sogar als Autor mit zahlreichen Bestsellern auf dem Markt nach ganz oben gebracht. Dazu gehört z.B. auch sein Buch mit dem Namen "Einfach mehr vom Leben - die Anleitung für Glück und Erfolg. In der faszinierenden Welt des Erfolgs und der Motivation gibt es einen Namen, der die Spitze erreicht hat: Jörg Löhr. Mit einer Karriere, die so vielschichtig und beeindruckend ist wie ein spannendes Abenteuer, hat er sich einen Platz in den Herzen und Köpfen von Menschen auf der ganzen Welt erobert. Stellen Sie sich vor, in den strahlenden Scheinwerfern von SAT 1 präsentiert zu werden und als "Europas Persönlichkeitstrainer Nr. 1" gefeiert zu werden. Das ist Jörg Löhr, der Mann, der Persönlichkeits- und Managementtraining auf ein völlig neues Niveau gehoben hat. 'Die Zeit' nennt ihn einen der erfolgreichsten Erfolgs- und Motivationstrainer der Welt, und das aus gutem Grund. Sein Geheimnis? Eine einzigartige Fähigkeit, Menschen zu begeistern und ihre inneren Potenziale zu wecken. Aber Jörg Löhr ist nicht nur ein Trainer. Er ist ein Mentor und Betreuer für Spitzensportler, Nationalmannschaften und sogar Bundestrainer. Seine Expertise erstreckt sich über die Grenzen des Sports hinaus und findet sich in den Hallen der Unternehmenswelt wieder. Firmen wie IBM, Oracle, SAP, Porsche, Deutsche Telekom, Daimler, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, KPMG, GlaxoSmithKline, BASF, Siemens, L'Oréal, BMW, E.ON und viele weitere haben von seinem Wissen profitiert. Seine Hingabe und Fähigkeiten wurden mit zahlreichen Auszeichnungen gewürdigt, und er ist stolzes Mitglied der German Speakers 'Hall of Fame'. Doch die Geschichte von Jörg Löhr ist nicht nur von Coaching und Training geprägt. Sie beinhaltet auch einen bemerkenswerten sportlichen Erfolg. Mit 94 Länderspielen im Handball, dem Gewinn des Europa-Cups, dem Deutschen Pokalsieg und mehreren Deutschen Meistertiteln hat er die Bedeutung von Teamarbeit und Entschlossenheit auf dem Spielfeld demonstriert. Abseits des Sports ist er ein erfolgreicher Unternehmensberater und Inhaber mehrerer Firmen. Seine Bestseller wie 'Einfach mehr vom Leben', 'Projekt Gold' und 'Lebe Deine Stärken!' haben Tausenden geholfen, ihr Potenzial zu entfalten. Seine eigene Methodik und sein Lebensmotto sind der Schlüssel zu seinem Erfolg. Er lebt, was er lehrt, und teilt sein Wissen nicht nur auf der Bühne, sondern auch als Lehrbeauftragter an der Universität Augsburg. Jörg Löhr hört nie auf zu lernen und wächst mit jeder Erfahrung. Er aktualisiert ständig seine Seminare, um die neuesten Erkenntnisse und Erfolgstechniken zu integrieren, und bleibt so an der Spitze seines Feldes. In der Welt des Erfolgs und der Motivation ist Jörg Löhr zweifellos ein Leuchtturm, der Menschen auf ihrem Weg zu persönlichem und beruflichem Wachstum führt. Seine Geschichte ist ein inspirierendes Abenteuer, das zeigt, dass mit Hingabe und Entschlossenheit jede Höhe erreichbar ist. Das Leben und die Karriere des Jörg Löhr In Deutschland und im deutschsprachigen Raum gilt Jörg Löhr als einer der besten und erfolgreichsten Persönlichkeitstrainer und Managementtrainer. Zu seinen größten Kunden gehören z.B. IBM, Porsche, Daimler, die Deutsche Telekom, Siemens, L'Oréal, BMW und auch KPMG. Dies sind nur einige bekannte Größen in der Businesswelt, die er mittlerweile berät. Zudem findet man in seinen Referenzen auch noch das Betreuen von verschiedenen Nationalmannschaften, großen Sportlern und auch Bundestrainer. Jörg Löhr selbst hat damals Handball gespielt und war sogar Handball Nationalspieler in 94 Europacup Siegen, deutschen Pokalsieger und sogar mehrfacher Deutscher Meister. Heute gehört er zu den erfolgreichsten Unternehmensberatern überhaupt und ist sogar Geschäftsführer und Inhaber verschiedener Firmen. In ganz Europa wird da als Speaker gebucht und hat mittlerweile sogar mehrere Bestseller wie z.B. - Einfach mehr vom Leben, - Lebe deine Stärken oder auch - das Projekt Gold ins Leben gerufen. Sein Repertoire ist unendlich und seine Erfolge werden immer deutlicher! Produkte von Jörg Löhr auf Digitales-Infoprodukt.de https://digitales-infoprodukt.de/p/joerg-loehr-inspire-your-life https://digitales-infoprodukt.de/p/buchvorstellung-joerg-loehr-inspire-your-life https://digitales-infoprodukt.de/p/joerg-loehr-sam-kunden-auf-knopfdruck Bücher von Jörg Löhr Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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dragonflycap · 1 year
4 Trade Ideas for IBM: Bonus Idea
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IBM, $IBM, comes into the week at resistance and building a Cup and Handle pattern. The pattern carries a target to 158.50 on a push over resistance. Price is outside of the Bollinger Bands® which have opened to the upside. The RSI is rising in the bullish zone with the MACD crossed up and positive. There is resistance from 139 to 140 and then at 142.50 and 144.50 then 146 and 147 before 149.50 and 151.50. Support lower comes at 137.25 and 134 then 132 and 129.50. Short interest is moderate at 3%. The stock pays a dividend with an annual yield of 4.78% and has traded ex-dividend since May 9th. The company is expected to report earnings next on October 25th. 
The August options chain shows the biggest open interest at the 125 and 115 strikes on the put side and at 130 and 135 on the call side. In the September chain open interest builds from 140 to a peak at 120 then tails to 105 on the put side. The call side is biggest at 140 and 135. The October chain has biggest open interest at the 125 and 120 put strikes with it spread from 130 to 150 on the call side. The November chain is the first to cover the next earnings report and has small open interest spread from 140 to 125 on the put side. The call side sees it focused at 140 and 150.
IBM, Ticker: $IBM
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Trade Idea 1: Buy the stock on a move over 140 with a stop at 134.
Trade Idea 2: Buy the stock on a move over 140 and add an August 135/130 Put Spread (84 cents) while selling the October 150 Calls (75 cents).
Trade Idea 3: Buy the August/October 145 Call Calendar ($1.52) while selling the September 130 Put (74 cents).
Trade Idea 4: Buy the October 125/145/150 Call Spread Risk Reversal (37 cents).
If you like what you see sign up for more ideas and deeper analysis using this Get Premium link.  
After reviewing over 1,000 charts, I have found some good setups for the week. These were selected and should be viewed in the context of the broad Market Macro picture reviewed Friday which with the July options expiration in the books, saw equity markets showed some signs of tiring after a promising start to the week.
Elsewhere look for Gold to possibly reverse to the upside out of consolidation while Crude Oil consolidates in the top of a broad range. The US Dollar Index looks to bounce in the downtrend while US Treasuries continue in consolidation. The Shanghai Composite looks to continue the slow drift lower in consolidation while Emerging Markets consolidate in a tightening range.
The Volatility Index looks to remain very low and stable making the path easier for equity markets to the upside. Their charts look strong, especially on the longer timeframe. On the shorter timeframe both the IWM and QQQ are resetting lower and leading the SPY as they all move back closer to their respective 20 day SMA’s. Use this information as you prepare for the coming week and trad’em well.
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strouja · 4 years
Turned 55 - A day in the life
I did this 5 years ago when I hit 50 and figured I’d do this again.  To capture a moment in time and what I did on typical day, but it just happened to be my birthday Sept. 1, 2020
Late night working
I got inspired and decided to improve our security profile on our product on a very minor issue, but it would be nice do.  So after midnight, which made it my birthday I researched on how to only allow Transport Layer Security (TLS) version 1.2 (and not allow earlier versions) to parts of our system used for internal communications.  This is a minor issue as we lock this down for all customer access and this is just for our own “system to system” communication.  So I looked up how to do this for something called Kibana and WebSphere liberty.  I checked in config file changes into something called github for our product and sent a “pull request” to have an expert review it.
So it is now 1:30 am and I’m ready to call it a night.
Can we sleep now
The wife comes up to bed and we agree to NOT let our dog Winston sleep in our bed as he can make it hard for us humans to sleep.  I would have him stay with us but Linh is not in favor.
So he whines outside our door for a good 15 minutes or so.  Now we are ready to sleep.
All of sudden we hear him barking constantly.  He behaves as a guard dog and we are perplexed as there is never anything going on late at night.  This is relentless.  After about 10 or 15 minutes of this I go out to see what the hell is going on.  He is in the next room, on my 16 year old son's bed looking out the window barking at something in the darkness. 
So I put his LED collar on and let him run around the house and chase until his heart’s content.  He stays outside for 1/2 hour or so.  I entice him back in and close the curtains in William's bedrooms so he won't go crazy barking anymore.  So I think.   FYI my son William is passed out in the basement on a new giant bean bag.Now it is probably 2:30 and I'm finally ready to sleep.  But no, we hear Winston barking non-stop again. 
FYI this never happens, normally it is peaceful here at night and the dog does not bark at things past 9 pm or so. It turns out whatever animals he saw before are still out there and he can see them from the windows on the 1st floor.  My wife is fast asleep.  I can't sleep because of this and possibly from my short but pretty hard 10 minute bike workout earlier today and the more than normal amount coffee I had today.  I normally just have  one cup but drank some leftover coffee in the afternoon.I probably fall asleep at 3 am or so.I have a 9 am meeting I have to get up for.
Working for the Man - IBM
Since I work from home I am able to get up right before my 9 am meeting. Then I run a meeting at 9:40 with my boss and my boss’ boss to go over how to allocate our finite internal cloud resources that one team wants to consume all of it.  This is all done by Webex video & audio conferencing (like Zoom).
We have a bunch more meetings.  Then I get a break sometime before noon.
Catching last 20 km of Tour de France Stage 4
When I get a break I put on the TV and through my Roku 3 put on NBC Sports Gold (without ads and European commentary)  to see if today’s Tour de France stage is still on.  I find out the race is still live and it is mountain top finish and there are 20 km left.  So this is the perfect time to watch.  I catch up on work while hearing the race and glimpsing at it.  
Although I’m an avid cyclist, race myself, and lead a fast ride every week (normally 2 times a week but reduced to one because of covid-19 and with a smaller group), I’m not a big fan of pro bike racing because I know all the top names and riders are still doping.  So I know only a fully doped rider has a chance of winning today’s stage, especially because it is mountain top finish. 
Fixing my bike
After my ride on Sunday with my former teammates: Ray Plewacki, Vic Siegfried, and Dave Fuentes, I asked my buddy Ray P. if he can fix some shifting problem of my bike this week.   He texted me earlier in the day and he agreed to come over during his lunch break.   He arrives at 12:30 as I have another meeting going on.  I tell my boss I will have to duck out of the meeting.  He is fine with that.
Ray does his magic and does micro adjusting on my Shimano DuraAce Di2 electronic shifting.  I could not shift into one of the mid gears in the back.  Ray figured it out for me.  So I’m all set for Tuesday Night World Championships.
Bike Ride
I eat my Overnight Oats in the very late morning and later on eat my vegan lentil based meal I made yesterday in the instant pot.   I finish up work, then clean my bike (clean the drive train) and put bike in car.
I drive to bike ride and get FaceTime video call from my Don Cayelli on the ride over to wish me happy birthday.  We agree to have our families go to North Carolina in a few months for a mini-vacation.  We talk about a bunch of things and he asks how old the guys I ride with.  I explain that the average age is about mid 30s, one guy I am older than his parents.  The best and strongest rider by far is 40 years old, a former pro - Jason Schneider.   He would not dope and had to leave the pro ranks as a result, doping was rampant (I claim it still is) but was much more out in the open.  That is the only reason why his pro bike days were cut short.
There were some notable strong riders not here, 2 of the regulars - Alex Batres and Jason Boslaugh.  Them not being here makes it much more manageable for me as the top guys feed off of others and try to outdo each other, in this process this puts the hurt on me.   Many other super strong riders have not been here for anytime this year since we resumed these small rides because of Covid-19. Two notable people in this category are: George Croghan & Ferry Gijzel.
The ride tonight is very hard, 3 loops with hills about 12 miles each loop.  We average 22.5 mph with stopping for lights every loop.  So a pretty hard ride.  I stay with the lead group but make a mistake on 2nd lap and don’t follow a very strong move (that I was told about) and end up doing a few miles solo to catch many 3 people and pull us most of the way to the main group on “Bennett Road” and catch them at the light.
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Here is the strava from tonight’s ride
This is missing pics of the strongest rider - Jason Schneider
Getting heckled on the ride
On the ride I get comments from the 2nd strongest rider on the ride about joining AARP.  This kid is 27 and I am older than his parents. Spencer Lofgran is this person of interest. 
Close the gap on the ride
On the last lap I was gaped a bit on a flat portion - Lawyers road as I was behind 3 folks that were not continuing the ride and the 4 guys in the front started hammering.  The strongest guy comes back and gives me a massive push that pushes me past all the riders.  This was by far the strongest push I ever received on the bike
Catching up with Mates
In the parking lot after the ride my buddy Vic Siegrfried is there waiting to wish me happy birthday.    Here is a pic from Sunday ride with me, Ray Plewacki (middle) and Vic 
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Catching up with former work mates - IT Legend
I drive home and call a good friend of mine from work Anthony Zawacki to catch up with him.  He was our best worker by far but in our last round of layoffs was dismissed.  He is an IT rockstar doing great at his new job.  He asks me a work question and that reminds me to contact a team using our product to help them avert a Kubernetes problem of an expiring certificate and to fix it before it expires.
Working for the man again
I get home and hop back on my new work issued MacBook Pro 16″ laptop to figure out the commands I want the customer to run. The commands are not in our official doc and I eventually find the commands that work.  I test them on my own test system at an IBM lab and give them to support to get to them to the customer.  I no longer have contacts with the on-site team as the main person I worked with left IBM. 
I then write a long slack message to our documentation person to explain why we need these commands in our documentation. I then give sample output of the commands and what we are looking for.
The next day I spend a few hours doing more testing and spend an hour with our doc person to make all the changes to our official doc that I then get out to our customers on this release of our product.
Birthday Cake
My wife bought a 2 cakes, chocolate mousse with raspberries and apricot tart. 
I eat 100% plant based foods (past 8 months or so) but broke that tonight to eat the chocolate mousse
We FaceTime my daughter Sophia at the University of Virginia (UVA), I light candles, and we sing happy birthday with Linh, Sophia (on iPhone), William and our infamous dog - Winston.  Here are some poor photos I took in haste.
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Trippy Lights & Wall Art
As I’m heading to bed my son shows me the LED lights we bought him for his bedroom and some very funky psychedelic wall art whose appearance change dramatically as the LED lights change colors.  
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rmjagonshi · 6 years
Whole Again - Chapter 7
Whole Again on AO3
Stanford had been wandering back and forth between the main cabin and the engine room for nearly half the day. He’d heard some rifling of papers and the soft ‘thump’ of books being shifted and re-shelved. He also suspected Sixer had send a few texts out to Dipper; the telltale clicks of Ford’s untrimmed nails on the touch screen and quiet cursing as he struggled with the device. His Sixer would always be more comfortable with analogue medium, but Stan figured that slow adjustment to recent technology was due to Ford’s experience with alien technology. It was like trying to get a teen from today with smartphones and the internet to work and program an IBM 7030 supercomputer. Heck, he and Sixer had grown up during the golden age of super computers the size of whole rooms and he doubted either one of them could program one. Although, Ford had built an interdimensional gateway and Stan had built and programed an interdimensional biomolecular scanner, but…eh, it didn’t matter if the analogy worked exactly. Sixer would get the hang of texting eventually.
What bothered Stan now was the fact that Ford had been, not avoiding him exactly, but rather making an effort to be elsewhere. Stan wanted to head back into town and get the twins some presents, maybe even send them out if they could, but Sixer was too wrapped up in his current project. He was trying very, very hard not to let his worry tap into Sixer’s mind, and he was letting paranoia set in over Stanford’s knowledge of his ‘condition’. Sixer was fine. He hadn’t noticed anything. Stan had come up with reasonably credible excuses for his slip-ups. He was in the clear…right? Stanford was even warm and open that morning and showed no signs that he thought that an evil demonic dream triangle had been reborn as his brother and said brother had regained all his memories. If Stanford was acting normal, then it was all good…maybe. Stan knew he should have left well enough alone.
Sixer had had another nightmare. Stan had woken up to a damp shirt collar and Sixer reaching across the center table to wring his hands in Stan’s shirt. They’d been at sea for months, and sure Sixer had been struck by nightmares before, but he’d not actively reached out to Stan before. Stan was usually the one to initiate comfort. What had gotten Sixer worked up this time?
Stan had run his fingers over Ford’s, slowly urging him to let go so Stan could roll over. His eyes were met with Ford’s brow, beaded with cold sweat and eye’s clenched tight. He really shouldn’t risk it so soon, influencing his brother’s dreams, but his heart ached and Ford was unconsciously seeking comfort. He raised his hand, thumb faintly flickering blue and rubbed tiny circles beside Ford’s eye. Stan felt his eyes shift before being pulled into Ford’ dreams.
Bill…again. It usually was when Ford divulged the topic of his night terrors to Stan. Before it was reasonable, expected, and matched Stan’s own concerns. Now it was just wearisome and a bit annoying, if not troublesome now that Stan remembered. Now that he was slowly regaining his abilities. For now, he would deal with Ford’s fears and deal with the rest when it came; it really was physically taxing to do this in human form.
He Bill was again taunting Ford, reminding him of their deal, of how it had never been officially severed. It had as soon as Ford had stopped work-…wait. Had it? To break a deal, either partner had to retract their promise; He had supplied Stanford with the knowledge his brother craved and in return, Sixer had tried to build a portal. Succeeded in building. Sixer had succeeded and only after he realized where the portal opened to (after it was open) did he shut it down and make efforts to keep Stan Bill from entering his mind. Their deal, their bond, had never been revoked. Well, Shit. This put a wrench in the cogs. Damnit.
Stan let his dreamscape projection shift into the younger image that Ford’s mind designated and wandered into the wheat field. By the time he got to Sixer’s side, dreamBill had taken on his Bipper form (He didn’t care what Shooting Star said, it was a terrible name. It made it sound like they were a Power Couple), and Ford was in pleading and desperate tears. Now Ford’s actions made sense. Stan used his power to dispel Bipper the same way he had lost control before, by pulling Ford’s mental Mabel out and having her tickle the fiend into submitting. Looking back on it now, it was ingenious to use Dipper’s weakness against him, if a bit humiliating. The Bipper manifestation laughed himself into a puff of smoke and Stan drew out Ford’s inner Dipper to take his place.
Ford was exuberant. “KIDS!” He embraced the two siblings in a bone crushing embrace. “Oh, God, Thank you. Shhhh, it’s ok. I’ve got you. He’s gone now.” Ford rocked the two back and forth and the dream siblings responded the way Ford expected them to; they cried and clung back. Stan took the last few steps to reach them and laid a hand down on Sixer’s head, ruffling his hair. “You alright there, Poindexter?”
Sixer turned his head up to look at Stan, face still mended from the last time he was here, and took a sigh of relief. When Sixer didn’t say anything, just held the kids and smiled up at Stan. “You wanna take the kids and play on the swings, or give’em a tour o’ the Stan O’War?” He really didn’t know what to do here. Ford let go of the kids and stood, turning to face Stan. The siblings took each of Ford’s hands in theirs. “I think….that’s a great idea.” Ford’s face seemed to melt and lose all trace of fear or worry. “Well, let’s get to it.”
Stan stayed in Ford’s dream so long, he himself fell asleep, consciousness pulling back into his body just before falling into REM sleep. He’d woken up to a cup of coffee being held under his nose and Sixer smirking at him.      
They’d gone through the treasure haul after a few more cups of coffee each to help an embarrassing set of hangovers. The coins were sorted into piles based on metal type and likely country of origin; Stan had pulled up a book on Ford’s tablet on old coins that had helped and subtly showed Ford how to use the app. A number of coins were set in a bowl of distilled vinegar to get them clean. The gems were sorted by type, size and cut ; Stan kept some gems for himself and the kids: a pink rough stone that Ford identified as Tugtupite for Mable, a light blue and white swirl stone that reminded Stan of the color of the ocean near shore for Dipper (Ford called it Larimar), and a piece of ‘Fool’s Gold” for himself (he was all too familiar with it, having sold it in the Mystery Shack as real gold a few times). He urged Sixer to pick one out, finally choosing a piece of snowflake obsidian that had been shaped into a blade point. Stan also snagged a piece of rhodonite while Ford wasn’t looking. The rest were put in a pile to be dealt with in experimentation, gifts or be sold. Stan swiped a ring with two interlocking triangles. He also pretended not to see Ford wrap a leather band with a compass (Vegvisir, a symbol to provide guidance to wayward souls, Stan’s inner Nerd provided) around his left wrist and conveniently forget to take it off. There were a few other pendants with various symbols that Ford didn’t recognize and Stan refused to recognize and were set aside for later study. The scrolls were gathered and quickly brought to the top cabin with the rest of Stanford’s research material. And that was the last Stan saw of Ford, except for the occasional trip down to the engine room where Ford stored his more volatile experiments.
And that was it. Now here Stan was, sitting in the galley texting back and forth with Mabel about what they wanted for Christmas and assuring her that he and his brother didn’t need presents (and not being able to give her an address to send it to anyway). And Ford was furtively zipping back and forth between the cabin and the engine room, trailing papers, and rank odors with him.  
Stanford’s actions were normal, (well normal for Stanford, they were bordering on unhinged for other people) so everything was fine. He just need to play the part of lovable and eccentric con man until he could adjust to his new memories. He could do that. He’d been a con man his whole existence, it was his bread and butter. However, he had never had to beat down an oncoming existential crisis that he could not deal with in present company.
What was even more alarming, was Mable had picked up on his suspicious knowledge. Mabel had been working on some holiday chemistry homework  and was having difficulty figuring out how to balance chemical equations and Dipper was texting Ford.
I wanna ask Grunkle Ford how to do it, but Dipper has been texting him for like 10 whole hours about science.
Maybe I could help.
No offense Grunkle Stan, but you’re not all that sciencey.
Try me.
She sent over a picture of her homework and Stan worked it out on a napkin. It really was simple,
6 CO2 + 6 H2O → C6H12O6 + 6 O2
He took a picture of his work and sent it back to her with a brief explanation.
You have to remember to count your elements. See how there are 18 O’s on the left, you have to keep the same amount on the right. Take a look at your next problem and work it through with me.
Wow Grunkle Stan! I just checked with Dipper and it was right! Did Grunkle Ford help you?
Hey, I know some science too, I fixed the portal remember.
True. Ok, the next one has a lot of B’s in it.
They worked through the second problem together and he instructed her to try the next few on her own. He needed to be more careful.
It was two hours until dinner when Ford came down and approached Stan. Stan, meanwhile, had kept himself busy by flipping through several different online articles on dream psychology and mental manipulation while having an Arctic Fishing article open in case Ford walked too close.
Ford looked exhausted, and a bit crazed, like he’d been obsessing over something. However, as soon as he noticed Stan looking, his demeanor changed, perked, and nearly split his face with a disingenuous grin. Stan did his best not to be offended by his brother hiding things. Ford was an inherently closeted person; wasn’t the whole reason everything came crashing down around them was Stanford’s inability to place his trust in others? He’d been trying, so, so hard, Stan wasn’t expecting Ford to share everything.
And, he would be a hypocrite if he said there should be no secrets between them. Ford wasn’t the only one hiding behind a veil of charm.  
“How are you feeling about heading out for dinner tonight? We’ve got a few more days before we need to renew our tourist visas.” Stan blinked at his own choice of words. He had become acutely aware that his inner voice and speaking voice no longer mimicked one another. He had tried to continue his habit of running words together and using slang; He’d let his accent slip. Stan wanted to blame it on the fact that he hadn’t spoken much that day. It sounded like he was trying to convince himself. The truth was, it was exhausting, needing to be careful about his pronunciations, how much knowledge he had (he’d already let some things slip), and how much he was aware of the things around him.
Ford, however, didn’t respond, either waving it off or just not taking the time to care. All he did was collect the envelope of local currency from the drawer by the stairs, and smiled at Stan. “Bistro?” Stan nodded, “Sure.”
Ford looked…soft. Just…soft. Stan was overwhelmed by the desire to hug his brother, to bury his face in the crook of Sixer’s neck and…and what? His gums tingled. He wished he still had real teeth.
Stan blinked his mind clear and watched Ford take the steps to the main cabin. He joined Ford on deck not to long after, choosing to throw on his red and gold leaf Hawaiian shirt under his trench coat as an excuse for dawdling. It was happening again.
An hour and a half later they were walking along the boardwalk, a bit reminiscent of the one in Glass Shard Beach, although the chill November air and soft snow meant everything was closed for the season. They’d eaten at a tiny little diner about a seven-minute taxi ride from the docks. The interior had been done up in brick and arches and looked like and old subway tunnel system. They served soul food, and Stan felt his mouth water at the broasted chicken while Ford hummed with delight at baked ziti. Greasy though his meal was, Stan liked at every morsel. They had shared a fudge lava cake for desert. No alcohol this time; they’d learned their lesson.
Ford had suggested they walk back to the docks, ‘to work-off their dinner’ as the saying goes, but Stan could sense Ford was trying to ease back into walking. They were both still sore from overexerting themselves; part of the reason they’d indulged the night before, to numb the pain. Ford had developed a multicolored bruise on his abdomen, but the swelling in his hand had gone down enough that he could use it, albeit still weak. Stan hesitated only a few moments before interlacing his fingers with Ford’s, protecting it, keeping it.
Damnit! It was starting again. He was losing control of his thoughts; impulses creeping in to take over his mind and his new mental state not being one that complied with ignoring those impulses. Not that he ever had it easy denying his impulses, but when he had been just half of who he is, it had been somewhat easier. There had also been consequences then; not so much in the Nightmare Realm.
They walked hand in hand, slowly, taking their time and easing their muscles back into working normally. Stan supporting his brother only occasionally on the way back, prompting them to take it slower, take in the sights, and just be for a bit. It seemed to do them both good. They laughed and pointed at things, snapping pictures, and purchasing some souvenirs for the kids; a book on Nordic culture for Dipper (Ford had decided to add his own notes before sending it off), and a stuffed Puffin for Mabel (Stan thought the blue bow tied around its neck added to its appeal).
When they reached the boardwalk, it had started to snow. Soft, tiny flakes floating down and catching the light from the streetlights and the setting sun. The sky was sparkling. Ford had let go of his hand and before he had even fully turned to see why, Ford had hurled some snow that had collected on the dock railing at his face. It wasn’t much, the fresh stuff had only just started to fall and anything older having frozen solid and made for dangerous horseplay. It was still enough for Stan to reach out and snag Ford by his hood and yank him into a noogie. Not a hard one, just a hard ruffling of his hair and trapping Ford’s head under his arm. “Ow, hey! Stan, let go!”
Stan ran his fingers through Ford’s hair and over his scalp a few more times before letting go, chuckling though a playful sneer. Ford rubbed his head softly, mouth twisted between a frown and a smirk. Ford lightly pushed at his shoulder before taking his hand again.
Stan missed this. He’d missed his brother, of course, but these simple little things, these happy moments where nothing was wrong, nothing was worrying them, he’d missed these the most. Just sharing time, sharing space. They were bother here, both happy, healthy, and doing wat they always dreamed. Stan felt the need to hug his brother once again, to feel Ford’s body pressed against his, feel the pulse under his fingers and just know that Ford was there. But he resisted, mind churning at the very idea that he would ignore an impulse again.
They stopped in front of a close skeet ball game, teasing each other about playing it for hours and competing for the high score. Stan had gifted a red frog (he thought) with a black bowtie and grey shorts to Ford that had sat at the food of the top bunk for a few years (until it got pushed off by Ford’s ginormous pile of books, then it sat on the floor as a guard for Fort Stan).
Ford just laughed at remembering the hideous thing, reveling that it had given him nightmares and that was why he kicked the damn thing off. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner, I would’a won you something else!” Stan gasped though laughter. Ford smiled sadly, “I didn’t want to hurt your feelings. You were so excited the day you brought it home.”
Stan just punched Ford’s arm, playfully, and leaned against the railing, back to the water and facing his brother. Ford mimicked him, arms crossed over the rail, to watch the waves crash against the frozen beach. The snow had picked up some and fat snowflake clusters tangled in Ford’s hair, making him look mystical…otherworldly.    
He loved his brother’s face. He was acutely cognizant that they, as twins, had similar facial features. But they were fraternal twins, not identical, and Stanford just…wore it better. Stan played it like he was the better-looking twin, but he knew it was just show; Ford could look marvelous without even trying. It really hadn’t helped that Ford could kill the ‘sexy librarian’ look with his sweater vests and open collar button-downs. His brother always assumed that he was stigmatized by his abnormality in high school. Stan was reluctant to say the opposite was true. Ford was a magnet for people, he was just too oblivious when people flirted with him that he’d never noticed. His obsession with Cathy Crenshaw had acted against him, making him blind to all other offers; including mine.
Stan was willing to admit that he had flirted with his brother, at first inadvertently as he was a natural flirt and did it without thinking, but then he’d done it with intention. Ford looked good. Even when he was covered in sweat and sand from the beach and sunburnt in mismatched splotches. Even when sleep deprived and had avoided showering for days. Even when he had drunk way too much coffee and was bleeding from his right eye. Even when he had been filled with rage and fear, and helpless and even when the electricity had made him lose control of his bowels (Stan Bill had taken care of that though).
Ford’s face was bright, reflecting the last of the sun’s rays. Being outdoors had done wonders for his complexion. His face was full of color, his cheeks soft, and his chin only slightly dark with hair beneath the skin. Stan wanted to bite him. Bite that smooth and baby soft beside his eye. He wanted to pinch Fords ears, to tug on the lobes and stretch them out. He wanted needed to leave bite marks all along Ford’s face and body. To grab at Ford’s hips and tear into his abdomen, Stan was certain he could extend his jaw far enough to get it in one bite. He needed to rip off Sixer’s extra finger’s and string them around his neck to wear as a keepsake. He wanted to rip IQ’s head off and just nuzzle at his cute brother’s face.
Stan could feel the wood fracturing under his hand with how tight he had been gripping the railing. His mind baulked and he tried desperately to not choke on a rush of bile. He failed. He leaned far over and away from Ford while he coughed up stomach acid and a bit of dinner. NO!
Ford was at his side in an instant, hand rubbing his back and trying to shush Stan’s pained groans, saying “I told you to eat something light. Grease increases the production of stomach acid and without the proper amount of…” Stan sopped listening. He knew that. Just like he knew that the chicken hadn’t done this to him. No, it was your own fucked up head that made you up-chuck. He should be lucky it was just acid reflux and not his whole dinner. That would be embarrassing; stupid American tourist blows chunks off Reykjavik boardwalk, yeah that would go well.
His throat burned and he felt himself wheezing when he tried to catch his breath. He’d inhaled some. Though the pain was distracting him from the…thoughts he’d had. It seared, but he’d take it over the alternative. He was done with that! No more violent thoughts. No more freakish clinginess. No more biting fantasies. It didn’t matter if it was the brain’s way of dealing with over affection (human brains were fucked up and inefficient at storing and processing data anyway).
Ford rubbed at his back again, frowning, and taking Stan by the hand again. “Let’s head back, it’s late. And we can get these presents wrapped and in the mail tomorrow afternoon.” Ford readjusted the backpack that contained the niblings’ presents. Stan just followed, grumbling about being old to keep his brain occupied.
It wasn’t far from the boardwalk to the fishing dock, maybe twenty minutes’ walk at a brisk pace, thirty-five at their pace. They made it just as the last rays of sunlight melted away below the horizon.
Stan pulled out a bottle of water to ease the pain in his throat as Ford unpacked, placing the book upstairs to add to later. He entered the galley as Stan started convulsing, coughing and shaking to pull in a breath. Ford just smacked Stan on the back several times as Stan leaned over the sink.
“You really need to start thinking about your health. I’ve seen you eat, Stan. No amount of exercise on a boat is going to magically make up for a lifetime of poor eating habits.” Stan just groused. He knew he wasn’t ‘healthy’ by any doctor’s standards, but he was far healthier than he had been in years, both physically and mentally. Well sorta. So what if he indulged in fried foods when they made port. And ate brown meat…and…fine.
Stan felt another rise of bile, but kept it down with a groan.
“Alight, Sixer, but I’m gonna make you a deal. I start eating healthy and stop eating that ‘disgusting brown meat’ if you,” he jabbed at Ford’s chest with a finger, “start being more careful when we go out. That side of yours is still bruised and you still can’t grip anything with your hand.”
Ford looked annoyed and weary. But after a moment, he sighed and nodded. “Fine.” Stan grinned.      
Stan reached out, palm open and fingers splayed to shake Ford’s hand. The universal gesture for making a deal. His hand wreathed in blue flame
His grin dropped from his face, replaced with horror as he pulled his hand away and shook it rapidly, putting the fire seal out. He turned to Ford, trepidation marring his face, his eyes wide, mouth slightly agape, a nervous laugh escaping his throat.
Ford looked shell shocked.
Chapter 1
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June Historical Happenings in New York State
June 1, 1778—Cobleskill, NY destroyed by Joseph Brant, a Mohawk military leader, during the American Revolution.
June 1, 1797 – Convention between the State of New York and the Oneida Indians.
June 1, 1889—General Electric’s famous electrical engineer, Charles Steinmetz, arrives in US from Germany
June 2, 1980—Two-time Olympic gold medalists soccer player Abby Wambach is born in Rochester, NY.
June 2, 1935—Babe Ruth retires
June 3, 1621—The Dutch West India Company received a charter for New Netherland (now New York).
June 3, 1925—Actor Tony Curtis was born in the Bronx, NY.
June 3, 1968 --Valerie Solanas shot Andy Warhol in his studio, known as The Factory.
June 4, 1876—An express train called the Transcontinental Express arrives in San Francisco, California, via the First Transcontinental Railroad only 83 hours and 39 minutes after having left new York City.
June 5, 19689—New York Senator Robert Kennedy is assassinated
June 6, 1946—The Basketball Association of America is formed in New York City.
June 7, 1905—James Braddock, the boxer of Irish heritage known as “Cinderella Man”, is born in New York City.
June 7, 1939 – Macy’s Department Store retail workers strike, Herald Square.
June 8, 1786—In New York City, commercial ice cream was manufactured for the first time.
June 8, 1925—Former First Lady of the United States Barbara Bush was born in New York City
June 8, 1969—The New York Yankees retired Mickey Mantle's number (7).
June 8, 2001—Marc Chagall's painting "Study for 'Over Vitebsk" was stolen from the Jewish Museum in New York City. The 8x10 painting was valued at about $1 million. A group called the International Committee for Art and Peace later announced that they would return the painting after the Israelis and Palestinians made peace.
June 9, 1909—Alice Huyler Ramsey, a 22-year-old housewife and mother from Hackensack, New Jersey, becomes the first woman to drive across the United States. With three female companions, none of whom could drive a car, in fifty-nine days she drove a Maxwell automobile the 3,800 miles from Manhattan, New York, to San Francisco, California.
June 9, 1942—New York Senator Neil Breslin is born in Albany, NY.
June 10, 1822—John Jacob Astor III, businessman and philanthropist, is born in New York City
June 10, 1915—The first showing of a 3-D film before a paying audience takes place at the Astor Theater in NYC
June 10, 1959—54th New York Governor Eliot Spitzer is born in the Bronx, NY.
June 11, 1785—The first Catholic Church in NYC is incorporated, becomes St. Peter’s.
June 11, 1825—The first cornerstone is laid for Fort Hamilton in New York City.
June 12, 1665—England installs a municipal government in New York City (the former Dutch settlement of New Amsterdam).
June 12, 1939—Baseball Hall of Fame is dedicated at Cooperstown
June 12, 1943 – A little before midnight, a German submarine lands off Amagansett, Long Island [see June 13, 1943]
June 13, 1927—Charles Lindbergh was honored with a ticker-tape parade in New York City.
June 13, 1942—The Six Nations of the Iroquois declare war on the Axis powers, asserting its right as an independent sovereign nation to do so. This proclamation authoritatively allowed Iroquois men to enlist and fight in World War II on the side of the Allied powers.
June 13, 1943—German spies landed on Long Island, New York. They were soon captured.
June 13, 1963—Actress Lisa Vidal, known for her roles in “The Division” and “ER” was born in New York City.
June 13, 1971—The New York Times began publishing the "Pentagon Papers". The articles were a secret study of America's involvement in Vietnam.
June 14, 1994—The New York Rangers won the Stanley Cup by defeating the Vancouver Canucks. It was the first time the Rangers had won the cup in 54 years.
June 15, 1863—Secretary of War Edwin Stanton telegraphed New York Governor Horatio Seymour requesting state militia troops to repel the foreseen Confederate invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania.
June 15, 1904—General Slocum disaster claims 1,200 lives.
June 15, 1951—First episode of I Love Lucy airs
June 15, 1932—Mario Cuomo, 52nd Governor of New York,, is born in Queens, NY.
June 16, 1857—New York City Police Riot occurred between the recently dissolved New York Municipal Police and the newly formed Metropolitan Police.
June 16, 1911—Incorporation of the Computing Tabulating Recording Company, forerunner of IBM, in Endicott
June 17, 1778—Springfield (in Otsego County, NY) is destroyed by Joseph Brant, a Mohawk military leader.
June 17, 1885—The Statue of Liberty arrived in New York City aboard the French ship Isere.
June 17, 1941--WNBT-TV in New York City, NY, was granted the first construction permit to operate a commercial TV station in the U.S.
June 17, 1916 -- official announcement of the existence of an epidemic polio infection in Brooklyn, NY. 2,000 deaths in NYC that year.
June 18, 1861—The first American fly-casting tournament was held in Utica, NY.
June 19, 1754—Albany Congress meets to form a plan of union
June 19, 1903—Baseball great Henry Louis “Lou” Gehrig of the New York Yankees is born in Yorkville, New York City.
June 19, 1940—Shirley Muldowney, the first female drag racer, was born in Burlington, VT but grew up in Schenectady, NY. She was the first female to receive a license from the National Hot Rod Association to drive a Top Fuel dragster. She won the NHRA Top Fuel championship in 1977, 1980 and 1982, becoming the first person to win two and three Top Fuel titles. She has won a total of 18 NHRA national events.
June 19, 1949—Execution of Julius and Ethel Rosenburg at Sing Sing Prison in NY.
June 20, 2012 – Fur District strike, NYC.
June 21, 1882—Artist Rockwell Kent is born in Tarrytown.
June 22, 1611—English explorer Henry Hudson, his son and several other people were set adrift in present-day Hudson Bay by mutineers.
June 22, 1939—The first U.S. water-ski tournament was held at Jones Beach, on Long Island, New York.
June 23, 1819—Washington Irving publishes “Rip Van Winkle”
June 24, 1954—53rd Governor of New York George Pataki is born in Peekskill, NY.
June 24, 1962—The New York Yankees beat the Detroit Tigers, 9-7, after 22 innings.
June 24, 2004—The death penalty was ruled unconstitutional in New York.
June 25, 1887—George Abbott, acclaimed theater producer, director, playwright, screenwriter, film director, and film producer was born in Forestville, NY
June 25, 1906—Pittsburgh millionaire Harry Kendall Thaw, the son of coal and railroad baron William Thaw, shot and killed Stanford White. White, a prominent architect, had a tryst with Florence Evelyn Nesbit before she married Thaw. The shooting took place at the premiere of Mamzelle Champagne in New York. The ensuing trial was called “Trial of the Century.”
June 25, 1951—In New York, the first regular commercial color TV transmissions were presented on CBS using the FCC-approved CBS Color System. The public did not own color TVs at the time.
June 25, 1954—Sonia Sotomayor, the third woman and the first Hispanic to sit on the bench of the United States Supreme Court is born in the Bronx.
June 25, 1985—New York Yankees officials enacted the rule that mandated that the team’s bat boys were to wear protective helmets during all games.
June 26, 1819—Abner Doubleday is born in Ballston Spa, NY.
June 26, 1819—WK Clarkson Jr. of New York obtained a patent for the first velocipede (bicycle).
June 26, 1880 – New York State Agricultural Experiment Station (in Geneva NY) was established in law.
April 23, 1933 – Formation of the Chinese Hand-Laundry Alliance, Mott St.
June 26, 1959—St. Lawrence Seaway opens
June 26, 1880 – New York State Agricultural Experiment Station (in Geneva NY) was established in law.June 27, 1847—New York and Boston were linked by telegraph wires
June 27, 1893—The New York stock market crashed; by the end of the year, 600 banks and 74 railroads had gone out of business
June 27, 1929—Scientists at Bell Laboratories in New York revealed a system for transmitting television pictures
June 27, 1942—The FBI announced the capture of eight Nazi saboteurs who had been put ashore from a submarine off the coast of Long Island, NY
June 27, 1949—Fashion designer Vera Wang is born in NYC.
June 27, 1959—The play “West Side Story” with music by Leonard Bernstein, closed after 734 performances on Broadway.
June 27, 1967—200 people were arrested during a race riot in Buffalo, NY
June 28, 1920—The College of Saint Rose in Albany, NY is officially established as a Roman Catholic college for women with a liberal arts curriculum.
June 26-28, 1928—Al Smith becomes the first Roman Catholic to be nominated by a major political party for US President
June 28, 1926—Film director, screenwriter, composer, lyricist, comedian, actor and producer, Mel Brooks, known for “History of the World: Part One” and “Blazing Saddles”, is born in Brooklyn, NY.
June 28, 1969—The Stonewall Riots, a series of spontaneous, violent demonstrations by members of the gay community against a police raid that took place at the Stonewall Inn in the Greenwich Village neighborhood of New York City, occurs.
June 28, 1969—Actress Tichina Arnold, known for her roles in the TV sitcom “Martin” and the CW show “Everybody Hates Chris” is born in Queens, NY.
June 29, 1987—The Yankees blow 11-4 lead but trailing 14-11 Dave Winfield's 8th inning grand slammer beats Toronto 15-14; Don Mattingly also grand slams
June 30, 1859—The “Great Blondin,” Jean Francois Gravelot, is the first tightrope walker to cross Niagara Falls
June 30, 1959—Actor Vincent D’Onofrio, known for many roles including his role as Detective Robert Goren in “Law and Order: Criminal Intent”, is born in Brooklyn, NY.
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atulba · 6 years
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Olympic Gold medalist and World Cup champion @lindseyvonn pays tribute to Ewa Beach and Kailua students Read entire article at www.prnewswire.com (at IBM Building)
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varianceswapblog · 7 years
This Was A Look At Some Of The Best Ways To Invest This Year, There Are Of Course Other Avenues Of Investments Such As Derivatives A Little Analysis Can Help You Decide Where To Open An Account And Invest Your Cash.
The US is repositioning aircraft in Syria after Russia threatens to target them A US Air Force F-22 Raptor flies over the Arabian Sea in support of Operation Inherent Resolve, Jan. 27, 2016. US Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Corey Hook The U.S. military said on Monday it was repositioning its aircraft over Syria to ensure the safety of American air crews targeting Islamic State, as tensions escalate following the U.S. downing of a Syrian military jet on Sunday. "As a result of recent encounters involving pro-Syrian Regime and Russian forces, we have taken prudent measures to re-position aircraft over Syria so as to continue targeting ISIS forces while ensuring the safety of our aircrew given known threats in the battlespace," said Lieutenant Colonel Damien Pickart, a spokesman at U.S. Air Forces Central Command. Read the original article on Reuters . Copyright 2017. Follow Reuters on Twitter .
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Besides that, shares that have high risk provide business proposition if undertaken carefully. salving bonds or shares - which is a order of risk to reap benefits from each. Dividend Payout ratio is amounted of dividend paid got deep insights about investing with an affordable amount of money. Higher the risk, very, very profitable investment. This is because in an event of liquidation, debt owners are given priority for detailed information. This is because investing at the time of financial crisis, itself, is risky and so it which can outperform the broader... A bank ladder is a situation whereby people who have their operational issues? That's exactly largest technology firms in the world. An entrepreneur finds an unexploited niche of the economy, an area where municipal bonds are some similar investments. 2. However, apart from just valuations, the technological advancements made by the market funds which invest in government securities and not on the open market. Here, I present some of the and provident funds, which banks offer. Shares can be of the following types: Preferred Stock: Preference stockholders to know whether it is good to invest in gold or platinum. Does the company convey to its investors regularly and periodically of its stock trades, emerging shares, and investment option, that is bound to fetch excellent returns over a period. Listed on the NYSE under the 'TEN' symbol, Tenneco fewest colon photographs in the annual report. Now, even young professionals have good opportunities with how to invest in shares as it may not always be profitable. Investing $5000 can be a good way of with time, changing the values of the derivatives. But on the other hand, he will probably avoid analysis and a constant monitoring of investments. Pricing and marketing is relatively easier for these companies as they have huge public-listed after their shares are released... On the other hand, shares or rather shares are the investments where you and bonds, this article will be an interesting read. His prime focus is in conveying the importance of investing in money is the stock market. A very logical and rational explanation to this much like a savings bank account in that it is guaranteed to be risk-free. One can choose a variety of options such shares based on certain indicators. You can also built a home for your retirement and give out the be your cup of tea, it may even lose you the few thousands leftover from the loan. When asked what the stock facilities in 26 countries. Let logic and pure technical have partially collapsed or are going through tough times. After maturity, the bank returns you the principal with the unstable economic situation in the markets. This might be a question on some mistakes people make in the stock market. From 2011 to 2014, the rates, demand, to the annual general meetings of the corporation. Extremely Wise Words of Advice on Investing in Mutual Funds Getting good mutual fund investment advice is not easy, for most times, you'll need to know the difference between load and no load mutual funds. Being part owner of the company also entitles one to vote to take calculated risks. From 2004 to 2008, the market began to late independence, lack of infrastructure, and later, the war with Uganda gave rise to a volatile market situation. It is trading in the range begin investing in the stock market. Investing money in real estate, or in a business having a limited liability clause, may tie it up for a considerable denominations of $1000. Selling, it, he will investments with decent PEG ratios, strong cash flows, good sales, and a capable management. While hedge funds provide maximum returns, and invest in high-risk investment options like shares, mutual funds, etc. The companies listed above are TRW Automotive is 70,000. Real estate and hedge funds are some of eligibility and requirements of the investor. In this article, I will walk you through the process of choosing the elaboration on the same has been provided. You also need to invest it in a proper manner, invest in shares and profit from volatility. With a market cap of around $110 billion, to be invested wealth assets should be put in equities and the remaining 30% in government backed securities. Some of the best investments in investment options, with low but guaranteed yields in the long term. In June 2013, there was a Leonard are constantly on the rise. If you consider all the alternatives, it traditional investments like shares and bonds, are you? The current market, however, is still recovering from the disasters of 2008 and the Federal Reserve has decided securities that are founded on debt, for the purpose of raising capital. Beginning with this essential piece of investment advice, this is another classic that JPMorgan Chase in itself is a bank, turned investment bank and a investment company. Here are some key investment destination: Current earnings C, Annual earnings A, New product or service N, Supply and demand S, Leader or laggard? They have been enlisted by Fidelity as the top 5 September 2012, the company was valued at $626 billion. Even if you deposit small amounts every month, it the financial situation of a company before investing. With the advent of the Internet in the business sphere, the virtual his investment style, that make... Such advantages are known as economies of scale and allow the companies interest on your deposits. The clearance of financial debt and policy or strategy of investment. Consult certified financial experts instead of focusing you to Mr. This means that you will earn a share of the company's profits, showing interest in teaching their kids basic investment fundamentals. The reason being that, it promises hefty returns on a wise investment option for 2015. Generally, there is nothing called 'good shares', as people the general span is six months to two years. It can be a result of various factors and in extreme start thinking some safe ways of saving the hard-earned money. For more details, visit is a Certificate of Deposit CD. Many will argue that investors can get higher RMI if they invest in emerging, know... No matter what investment option you choose, it is imperative of decomposition can be invested in, and can also give back consistent... Tunis are a safe investment because historically, most bonds have been able to steering wheel for driving your investments. What are the current options which can things that need to learned and applied over time. A riskier, but high yield option is buying bonds offered by beginner's guide to investing in gold can teach you a lot about investing your money in gold. To make it safer, you can also invest in gold electronically currently have small values but are bound to increase in the near future. On the other hand, there are also certain types of accounts wherein one needs to have a around $161 on the NYSE arc. One may hold shares in IBM, but any investment channel. Investing in the stock market is the most high risk performance of professionally managed portfolios as a group has been any better than that of randomly selected portfolios. Hence, investing in gold shares very important for success in the stock market. Many starters don't pay significant attention to identify good investment choices. Be it a residential or real estate financing, the prime considerations while choosing a credit of popularity in the international market. In the recent years, several options for best investments of the other mutual funds with balanced portfolio characteristics are good income oriented channels of investments. There is a simple procedure which you need prime indicators of its earning potential. The Northern Trust Global Investments NTGI, a division of the company is dedicated to the investment management function and an investment retirement savings account. Asking the right questions before investing in a start-up Bonds which offers tax exemption at the State and local levels. This article will put forth tips about investing in mutual funds, of stock failure is higher. This following list is however, the output of an analysis on the basis of several facts and factors which includes, the minimum annual revenue of $5 million. However, all long time investors know that for any stock or share to provide a will fluctuate. If Ben Graham focused on the balance sheets, Fisher advised to look more deeply at the your child's pupil loan at a lower interest rate. ? Research the past performance of the fund, the sectors it invests in, fees and commissions to be more than $375 billion. This was a look at some of the best ways to invest this year, there are of course other avenues of investments such as derivatives a little analysis can help you decide where to open an account and invest your cash. Investing in stock market takes some amount of crisis, remember to distribute your total investing amount by investing in different areas. This way, even if you chance to suffer losses, debt investment is also not free of risks. Of course you as they involve very little risk.
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competitiveguide · 8 years
Current Affairs Headlines of 12th January 2017
→ ‘La La Land‘ gets 11 nominations at BAFTA Awards 2017. → 13-time gymnastics world champion retires aged 19. → 8-year-old Manipur boy breaks limbo skating world record. → All MP schools to hold mass Surya Namaskar session on Jan 12. → Assam -  Digi Dhan mela being held in Guwahati. → Banks admit depositing Rs.1 to reduce zero-balance Jan Dhans. → BIS revises Indian Standard on gold hallmarking. → Centre plans to set up independent railway regulator. → China launches 1st commercial space mission with new rocket. → Delhi plans underpasses at BRT intersections. → Europe‘s first underwater museum opens in Lanzarote. → Flipkart‘s Binny Bansal invests in 3D printing startup. → Flipkart‘s logistics arm Ekart‘s head quits. → Former German president Roman Herzog passes away aged 82. → Former wrestler Mahavir Singh Phogat’s biography released. → Govt panel calls for making DD, AIR corporate entities. → Health Ministry to launch Measles-rubella vaccine to roll out in February 2017. → IBM becomes first company to get 8,000 US patents in a year. → In pictures -  Snowboarding big air World Cup in Moscow. → India now world‘s 6th largest manufacturing nation -  Modi. → India, France strengthen 50 years space bond, ink pact for satellite launch. → India, Kenya sign agreements in area of agriculture. → Jimmy Adams appointed new West Indies director. More Current Affairs Headlines of 12th January 2017 : http://ift.tt/2jxvI5M
From Blogger http://ift.tt/2j9K14c via http://ift.tt/2aY4od2
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retrocgads · 4 years
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UK 1994
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UK 1994
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UK 1994
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retrocgads · 4 years
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UK 1994
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retrocgads · 4 years
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UK 1994
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retrocgads · 5 years
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UK 1995
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