#Toyota Hiace H200
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carsthatnevermadeitetc · 3 months ago
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Cal's Motor Carica EURO Style, 2023. Alpine News, who customise cars in Japan, make a version of the H200 series Toyota Hiace restyled to resemble classic American vans of the 1970s. The Cal's Motor subsidiary adds chrome detailing and special wheels, in addition to the two-tone finish
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wristwatchcollector-2025 · 18 days ago
Check out TOYOTA HIACE VAN KDH200 2004-2019 year 1set(4 pcs)GERY WHEEL COVER CAP RIM COVER HUP CAP at 24% off! ₱1,879 only. Get it on Shopee now! https://ph.shp.ee/CDxYL5Z
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auto-schematy · 1 year ago
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 Toyota HiAce (H200; 2005-2013) – Belegung Sicherungskasten und Relais
Toyota HiAce (H200; 2005-2013), Toyota HiAce (H200; 2005-2013) auto Diagramm, Toyota HiAce (H200; 2005-2013) auto sicherungen, 
Toyota HiAce (H200; 2005-2013) Diagramm, Toyota HiAce (H200; 2005-2013) Elektriker, Toyota HiAce (H200; 2005-2013) Sicherungen, 
Toyota HiAce (H200; 2005-2013) sicherungen Diagramm, Toyota HiAce (H200; 2005-2013) Sicherungsdiagramm
#toyota #hiace
#pkw #lkw #auto #wagen #sicherungen #diagramm #elektriker #schemas #shorts
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reinardus · 3 years ago
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Communication Satellite Car ⠀ #Toyotahiace #Hiace #Toyota #H200 #Tomica #diecast #diecastphotography #164scale #scale164 https://www.instagram.com/p/CTeR_AiJ0Is/?utm_medium=tumblr
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saraf333-blog · 8 years ago
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#toyota #hiAce #h200 #1trfe #toyotahiace #toyotavan #hiacelove
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murumokirby360 · 6 years ago
WMMT5DX+ extra cars exclusive in JAPAN, Plus WMMT6 Updated [ Part 2]🚗 🛣 🏁
Now here’s the continuation of my journal...
6. Nissan GT-R Nismo [R35] and Fairlady Z [370Z] Nismo: NOTE: Both GT-R Nismo and Z34 Nismo are also debut in WMMT5DX.
Fairlady Z Nismo in Time Attack at C1:
7. Nissan Silvia K's [S13]:
8.Toyota HIACE VAN [H200 / 5th Gen]: NOTE: This one also debut in WMMT5DX.
9.[And finally the] Honda S2000 Type S:
NOTE: You can get this car when you're in the world tournament contestant - represented country (as far as I remember from Denki Game Station fb page - CLICK ME!). But if you're lived in Japan you can get it from the "Get S2000 Campaign", both of these are already over.
Overall these cars are look awesome and I'd just REALLY HOPE that there are will be included to the upcoming Wangan Maxi 6. And even though they update a new patch, it's just really hope. Or maybe it could be a limited campaign from the 'Wangan Navigator' app (or something), seems fine by me. But whatever they're decision from Bandai Namco...*shrug*
Uh yeah and speaking of WMMT6, here's a news from Soars' / Maxi Labs' community on YT. So enough said.
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So that's all for now about my Wangan Maxi reactions, please check out my WMMT6 journals down below.↓
Previous: Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 6 Official Eng Part 1 Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 6 Official Eng Part 2 Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 6 Official Eng Final!
More updating Wangan Maxi, soon…😉
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afamilyauto · 5 years ago
Новая Toyota Hiace в ретро стиле
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В России любители тюнинга часто делают свои автомобили визуально моложе. К примеру, устанавливают на машину комплект доработок от более свежей рестайлинговой версии либо заказывают неоригинальные фары и обвес в стиле следующего поколения. А вот в Японии существует мода на обратный процесс — оформление современных моделей в ретростиле. Так, компания Renoca начала предлагать клиентам ретропеределку для Toyota Hiace. За основу был взят фургон Hiace пятого поколения (H200): такой выпускался с 2004 по 2019 год. Заметим, что в последний раз круглые фары встречались на Hiace второго поколения (H11-H40), который стоял на конвейере с 1977 по 1985 год. Нельзя сказать, что свежий Hiace искусно зам��скировался под своего далекого предка: все-таки различия слишком существенные. В то же время дизайнерам Renoca удалось органично вписать передок в стиле ретро. Реальный возраст фургона выдают современные вклеенные заподлицо боковые стекла. Если бы не стекла, этот Hiace вполне можно принять за настоящую Тойоту из 70-80-х.
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Renoca и ранее выпускала стайлинг-пакеты для Тойот в ретростиле. В частности, для Hiace компания предлагала прямоугольные фары в стиле 80-х. Другое направление — тюнинг внедорожников. Land Cruiser 80 стилизуется под Land Cruiser 60, Land Cruiser Prado J90 — под Land Cruiser 70 1980-х годов. За основу берутся подержанные автомобили.
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Цены на новую версию Toyota Hiace в исполнении Renoca пока не публикуются. Предыдущий вариант с прямоугольными фарами оценивается примерно в 3 098 000 иен (=2 165 000 рублей). Это стоимость готового пр��дукта, то есть в сумму включены и сам автомобиль, и цена переоборудования.
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Источник: Drom.ru Read the full article
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ridertua · 5 years ago
Toyota HiAce Kini Dilengkapi Fitur Safety Sense !
Toyota HiAce Kini Dilengkapi Fitur Safety Sense !
RiderTua.com – Fitur Toyota Safety Sense kebanyakan digunakan pada mobil ‘kelas atas’. Namun nyatanya Toyota berani memberi fitur ini pada HiAce H200. Padahal model tersebut sudah digantikan oleh model H300 yang dikenalkan pada tahun lalu. Nyatanya H200 masih dijual sampai sekarang.
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tetsuwan-atom · 5 years ago
Alternate Headcanon: Vehicles
In initial headcanon, in mainverse, Bowen Chuuno doesn’t actually have a drivers licence. He has had basic training to handle a vehicle in a number of conditions and situations, but he hasn’t gone through the proper process to become a licenced driver. In some alternate headcanons and verses, he IS a licenced driver and with that, also owns a vehicle. Of course in any case he owns one vehicle, but depending on the circumstances, it would be ONE of the following.
This may also be edited as thoughts come to my head.
Option 1: Toyota Series 40 Land Cruiser (Main Option)
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The main vehicle that would be used/owned by Bowen in such alternate canon is a Toyota Land Cruiser, Series 40. This vehicle would have previously been utilised by the United Government’s Ministry of Science for certain purposes, including for use by Field Operators who have an appropriate licence. By the time Bowen gets his licence, the Series 40s are being retired for newer models, with the blonde able to purchase one for quite a low price. Because he is a current serving Operator, the vehicle is kept in full service condition, which means it still has it’s blue flashing lights, various sirens, blue Ministry of Science paint job and addition electronic equipment, including GPS, radio communication, computer systems, etc. The vehicle runs on a straight six diesel engine with manual transmission, but has been additionally modified for higher power, acceleration, agility, allowing the vehicle extra versatility for emergency situations. The room at the back allows for plenty of space for various things.. including field working goods. Bowen uses it both as a daily driver AND for assignments. It’s practically his best friend and it never lets him down.
Option 2: Toyota HiAce H200
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Bowen is a van man. If there’s any vehicle he would love to own, it’s a van. He’s ridden in vans with friends sometimes when going to school and has always been fascinated by them. It would have been no surprise that he would seek to purchase one himself if he ever got licenced. This one is an automatic, four cylinder diesel (Diesels are just better in his eyes), with windows all around for visibility and light, sliding doors on either side. Also comes with a single row of seats so that he can carry passengers and cargo when required. This is strictly used as a daily driver, the Ministry would provide him with a vehicle on field missions, as a van isn’t considered to be workable for the many different kinds of terrain required. Has got the radio with GPS, bluetooth, etc.
Option 3: 1981 Ford Bronco
Another vehicle he has always dreamed of owning is a Ford Bronco from the 1980s. Carrying a stonking 351 Cleveland V8 engine, along with a suitable manual transmission. While the vehicle would have had modifications from the Ministry of Science, despite it’s use as a 4WD, outside of a daily driver, it’s only good for assignments when an unmarked vehicle is required. The biggest modification is anti-roll technology, to ensure that sharp cornering does not risk the vehicle rolling over, as some 4WD vehicles can do. The vehicle carries it’s traditional 1980s blue and white colour scheme and is outfitted with a custom radio with GPS and bluetooth.
Option A: Toyota Series 70 Land Cruiser
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This is the vehicle Bowen would be issued with for assignments if he does not end up with the Series 40. It is in the traditional Ministry of Science livery, modified for additional power, acceleration, agility, as well as carrying all required equipment like GPS, bluetooth, computer systems, communication, etc. Also carries blue flashing lights and sirens as do all Ministry of Science vehicles. The motor inside is a turbocharged V8 diesel, the biggest provided to this model, useable for whatever condition required.
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syaifulnawar · 7 years ago
Liked on YouTube: In Depth Tour Toyota Hiace Luxury [H200] - Indonesia https://youtu.be/jeEIrPQwohE
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bagusbalibus · 5 years ago
Angkot Modern JakLingko Juga Andalkan Toyota HiAce
Angkot Modern JakLingko Juga Andalkan Toyota HiAce
Basisnya, HiAce model H200 yang kompartemen mesinnya masih dibagian tengah mobil. HiAce ini kerap jadi andalan armada travel atau shuttle, baik dalam kota atau antarkota.
  Transjakarta terus membenahi layanannya. Bukan hanya inovasi fasilitas halte dan servisnya, tapi juga armadanya. Salah satunya dengan menghadirkan angkot modern Mikrotrans, JakLingko.
Sesi ujicoba angkot modern ini…
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wristwatchcollector-2025 · 6 months ago
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Notice the yellow LTO conduction sticker since 2013.
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Pay attention on the hubcaps design on the 2005, 2008, 2011 & 2014 models.
I did my research on the fucking Toyota Hiace Commuter, the hubcaps on the 2005 variant are the same as the ones overseas, in Africa, the Middle East, here in Southeast Asia, Latin America, South America, & Oceania.
The Philippines is the only country where the Toyota Hiace Commuter's hubcaps underwent a fucking design change since 2011, in other countries, the hubcaps design remain the same.
Why the fuck did the shithead, fuckfaced, ball-breaking, motherfucking dicks at Toyota have to change the fucking hubcap design of the fucking Toyota Hiace Commuter for the fucking Philippine market?
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& 2020, Toyota ditched the hubcaps to keep the price down.
People are buying hubcaps for it.
I recommend the 2005 Toyota Hiace Commuter hubcaps, you can pick them up on places like Facebook & Shopee.
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wristwatchcollector-2025 · 5 months ago
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Toyota Hiace Commuter Van.
Notice the updated front fascia, side view mirror design, bumpers, present on the JDM Toyota Hiace Gen 5.
Here's what Toyota Motor Philippines should bring in, the 18 seater variant with side facing back row jump seats in it, which Toyota never offers, unlike Nissan which offers the 18 seater Urvan NV350 with jump seats in the back.
Notice the same hubcaps on the steel rims, anybody agree if TMP should bring back the same old hubcaps on this one?
Which is common to all Toyota Hiace Commuter Gen 5 vans the world over.
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wristwatchcollector-2025 · 22 days ago
TOYOTA HIACE VAN KDH200 2004-2019 year 1set (4 pcs) GERY WHEEL COVER CAP RIM COVER HUP CAP | https://s.lazada.com.ph/s.KNQ9i
Anybody who own a generation 5 Toyota Hiace GL Grandia, Commuter Decontent?
You can pick these up for the van to look 100% proper.
I'm no seller, i discovered this, so i share this with you guys.
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syaifulnawar · 7 years ago
Liked on YouTube: Toyota Hiace tuning drift / Правильный тюнинг Тойоты H200 JDM 도요타 トヨタ https://youtu.be/0aJcBU16PRY
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bagusbalibus · 5 years ago
Toyota HiAce Lawas? Bukan, Ini Mazda Bongo Brawny
Toyota HiAce Lawas? Bukan, Ini Mazda Bongo Brawny
Mazda Bongo Brawny sendiri merupakan rebadge dari HiAce H200 yang dirilis sejak 2019 silam khusus pasar Jepang, alias JDM (Japanese Domestic Market).
  Saat melihat mobil ini, mungkin Anda mengira sebuah Toyota HiAce generasi ke-5, alias H200. Tapi jangan salah, van tersebut bukanlah HiAce, melainkan Mazda Bongo Brawny.
Mazda Bongo Brawny sendiri merupakan rebadge dari HiAce H200 yang…
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