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thestormlightnetwork · 1 year ago
I just came across this on youtube and it's the most epic interpertation of the tones of roshar that i've ever heard, Stormlight? organized with an epic feel to it. Voidlight? chaotic and alien. Lifelight? yes that's food sound from the development demon.
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c3controls · 30 days ago
🚦 DIY Tower Light Installation – Step-by-Step Guide! ⚡🔧 #c3controls
��� Light up your workspace with a Tower Light! Whether you're working in an industrial setting or upgrading your control panel, a properly installed tower light ensures safety, efficiency, and visibility.
In this quick DIY installation guide, we’ll show you how to: ✅ Mount & wire a c3controls Tower Light 🔌 ✅ Ensure a safe and efficient setup 🛠 ✅ Improve industrial automation & signaling 🚦
📽️ Watch the full installation guide here: 👉 https://youtu.be/LDuzPBAg7Q8?si=HFxC99WNi9mg3Rgm
🛒 Get your c3controls Tower Light today: 👉 https://www.c3controls.com/products/world-tower-lights/
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rentalextampa · 6 months ago
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The Hilti SL10-22 battery-powered tower light delivers powerful, efficient illumination with 360° coverage, making it an excellent choice for cordless indoor jobsite lighting. For inquiries or rental quotes, contact us at (813)971-9990. Enhance your worksite visibility and productivity with this versatile and reliable lighting solution.
See the Hilti SL10-22 Tower Light: https://www.rentalex.com/rental_equipment/tampa-generators-welders-lighting/hilti-sl-10-22-cordless-tower-light/
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beingsanket · 1 year ago
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spacecatdraws · 3 months ago
I hope you're taking care of yourself, I might not have checked in for a bit, but that doesn't mean my really talented, cool, awesome, smart, funny, fantastic friend can stop taking care of themself
Make sure you drink, okay
Eat some stuff too, alright
Get enough sleep, right
Make time to enjoy hobbies, ya hear
Make sure to take care of yourself, cause you deserve it, capiesh
too many compliments, brain shut down ;;w;;
am drinking water, very tasty
currently waiting for my food to finish cookin
uhhhhh sleep is postponed until my uquiz is done
here’s a thing I drew (for the quiz but eh)
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you got it boss!
you take care of yourself too!! or I’ll break into your house and i won’t leave until you’re healthy and happy >::3
-the pipe wanderer
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bug-the-chicken-nug · 10 months ago
imagine being any high-ranking person who's NOT Alethi and hearing Navani is a Bondsmith too AND had like literally a dozen different breakthroughs while imprisoned for Just A Few Weeks AND one of them would essentially let you build a magical antimatter bomb if you wanted to
like. go off, it was Cool As Hell, but Man.
If I were in this situation that would be terrifying in its own right
like haha Navani you're sooo cool... haha... y-you promise that once the war ends you're not gonna use your conjunction of genius and the ability to shit ungodly amounts of Light on command to make Alethkar, known bloodthirsty empire, like 300 years more advanced than everyone else and the main distributor of Towerlight, an invaluable new resource which if it wanted it could seize supply of in an inescapable steel grasp, riiiight?
You wouldn't do that. :)))))). C'maaahn. It's our birthday. We're your little birthday allies :))).
Haha you wouldn't use us to save Alethkar and then turn around and make your country an uncontested terrifying superpower that's even more terrifying than before because now it also has gained the experience needed to be able to not only act like, but likely often *truly believe* it's the good guy and that "everything's different now" and guilt/sweet talk everyone into compliance with new trade deals and stories of how cool and awesome and helpful the Alethi were when everyone almost died.... :))))
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Now that Stormdaddy is gone, what do we have? Towerlight archive?
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pinkstormlight · 2 months ago
I think that they should make another stormlight that is pink, like how towerlight is green and voidlight is violet, but there should be a second stormlight that is pink. Here are my reasons:
1. Kaladin should glow hot pink he would be beautiful
2. Adolin fashion Barbie Ken (his job is fashion and sword)
3. Dalinar should glow hot pink it would be fun
4. I will fight anyone who says that red hair doesn't look good with hot pink because I disagree, Shallan would rock that look
Thank you for your consideration
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Kal.- Such a beatiful journey for my boy. Ever since leaving his hometown he unwittingly became a legend. Only a few actually got to see the mortal (Kaladin) behind that inmortal mask of determination (Stormblessed). His journey resounds in so many of us because beyond his inhuman abbilities he is a human just like us. The ultimate protector. The last remnant of Honor. Kaladin. Herald. Herald of Kings. Herald of the Wind. Herald of Second Chances.
Shallan.- Always wanted her to be a worldhopper but couldn't really see how that might happen once she married Adolin. Now she is trapped in Shadesmar among other worldhoppers. Yay. Also, she got on well with Thaidakar (whose motivations and needs don't disturbe Shallan's unlike Mraize and Iyatil's did). And- CHARANACH IS HER MOM.
Taln did NOT break. Ever. It was Shallan who triggered it all (poor thing has no fault really). Love the fact that Taln never broke, it always felt wrong. Reminds me of Dabbid a little -although his lack of words is trully caused by trauma not pretended-. Gotta make him tells us why he tried to kill Cultivation.
Jasnah.- Never liked her morality. It always felt wrong. Never liked her character because of it. That night at Karbranth, the assassins she hired, considering the extermination of the singers, stabbing a highprince... And then Brandon used the reverse card and actually confronted her about her actions and intentions. That is exactly what she needed. She will grow so much in the coming books! We still don't know why exactly she was confined as a kid but she kind of hinted that her mother was not okay with it, rescued her as soon as she got back from her travels. Hopefully, she will be the one to take Navani out of her self-induced coma.
Lift will finally let herself grow up and Vasher will help her about it! Will Cultivation's absence affect her powers? Since she never used Stormlight (or Towerlight) creating Lifelight out of food instead, will anything change for her now that Cultivation flee? Maybe Lift's presence lures her back to Roshar someday.
Sezth.- Never liked the idea of him becoming an Herald, even if it thematically worked since he won Jezrien's Shardblade. Glad how it turned out, he deserves a quiet life with the sheeps. Also, him being a Skybreaker finally clicked for me, it was about gainning agency and deciding for yourself. And we got to learn Aux's backstory as well!
Adolin not becoming a surgebinder was perfect. After how disappointing Wayne holding up a gun was, it was refreshing how Adolin stood by his decision not to become a Radiant. Really beautiful to see how despite the unoathed not being broken they can form an attachment to the spren. Now he is learning how to read which is fulfilling in itself, just like he was okay with women holding weapons he needs to be okay with men reading. Times are changing and they have to change as well, otherwise they will be left behind. Change can be good, both Lift and Adolin got to learn that finally.
Dalinar.- He understood Honor but didn't fit in. There was always something about him becoming the vessel of Honor that didn't work out for me. Now we have another vessel having trouble with the two Shards and their conflicting interests. Wished we could have seen a little bit more of what it meant to be the Stormfather's Bondsmith, now we will never get a chance unless we get new flashbacks. Syl, as the Ancient Daughter, is currently the oldest honorspren we have. Will she eventually take his place? The storm in her eyes... Also, really liked how Dalinar didn't have to fight Gav and found the answers where he always did, in Nohadon's pressence.
Rlain and Renarin paralleling Windrunner Garith and the Regal femalen singer was genius. Proof that both races can coexist and any conflict between them is each individual's fault, not the race they belong to. Both of them grow up a lot in this book and grow away from what their people want them to be, they become who THEY want to be. Agency. Individuality. Self-worth.
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harmony-discord-pipeline · 2 months ago
Wait hang on after reading Wind and Truth I thought of something maybe?
“The enemy has drawn [the stormlight] all back to him, pulling Light from holes in people and gems. It is gone.” – Wind and Truth, Chapter 145.
Do any remaining perfect gems (aside from Honor's Drop, which is holding the Thrill) still have stormlight inside them after this? Their locations are unknown, but if any still exist after everything that went down, there just might be a) stormlight inside that can be drawn out by a Radiant and b) a method for all the Radiants from Urithiru to use towerlight outside of the tower. The line "pulling Light from holes" seems to imply that that's a prerequisite for Odium to send Light from spheres and his followers, potentially? And since the Unmade can't escape from perfect gems, can't be pulled from them Odium (or else Odium would have pulled the Thrill from Honor's Drop immediately) maybe if stormlight were to be trapped in one of them? I am likely stretching with this reasoning though.
Also, the quality of regular spheres being irregular, due to more perfect gems (but not the perfect gems) being notably lacking from places. Can't remember exactly where, but I think it was mentioned in Rhythm of War somewhere. (edit: it is Rhythm of War! Adolin mentioned it in Chapter 29.)
This could also lead to a collection of gems holding stormlight Retribution was unable to collect...to be found later. Maybe even stored in a single place...a place, say, like some kind of an archive...an archive full of
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itsaboon · 2 months ago
WAT and Wax and Wayne Spoilers
so, you know how you can store investiture in nicrosil? what happens if you're a Soulbearer (nicrosil ferring) or a full Feruchemist who's also a Knight Radiant? when you store your investiture does it store your light (Stormlight, lifelight, voidlight etc.) or does it store your surgebinding?
I'm inclined to think that it would store your light and not your surgebinding, as that comes to you through a connection to your spren, and you would have to use *glances at Ars Arcanum* duralumin.
so, in theory, you could create a medallion like the malwish make that also turns you into a radiant. the thing is, would this allow the original radiant to keep their surgebinding as well, or would it temporarily steal the bond like hemalurgy would? also, there's the question of if this is even possible, as when we see Alik use the connection medallion to speak khlenni, (I think that's the language) he says that it's just blank connection that looks for the place and then connects you to it. there also may be a measure of Intent to it, however, and you might be able to store a Nahel bond if you think about it right.
anyways, this also made me think of, hey, if you can store light in nicrosil, you could actually get towerlight away from the Sibling without it leaking out. if you could get it out of the shield as well, that is.
thank you for listening to my Ted Talk.
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karlathewitch · 2 months ago
Wind and Truth post #2: Moash/Vyre. (A small rant, but I guess why not?)
So, in Rythm of War Moash kinda got the biggest role of all time. Odium taking his pain and emotions Moash became Vyre, an emotionless, vile killing machine, with one single goal: Destroy Kaladin (Or "free" him, as he likes to say)
He was kinda a menace, and by all means reached the end of his villain arch, making me admire his character design, but hate him as a person. Especially after he did (rip Teft). Then he got blasted with Towerlight, got back his emotions, and lost his sight.
In WaT Taravangian decided to still use him, but this time Moash embraced his emotions, truly becoming an irredemable villain.
And that is it. He showed up twice, killed Leyten and his spren, and never appeared again. I kinda feel cheated, tbh, as I hoped his story ends here one way or an other, but nope, nothing happened.
HOWEVER! Since Todium became Retribution, and it sorta shackles him, I do have a feeling that Vyre will return in Stormlight 6, most likely as a key villain or monster.
At least I hope so, because after building up such a hateable villain, I expect Sanderson to give him a fitting end.
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awindandtruthliveblog · 2 months ago
[Wind and Truth: Interlude 13]
Lift! You're gonna have a whole book later. Already a novella. The back seats in the main books is fine. Still like you though
Oh there's no way it's a secret. Why are they even doing this
Wait Lift hang on you actually make things better, that's provable. Don't feel bad. Wit probably likes you too. You're not there because they're not even supposed to be there. They might treat you like a kid though...
Ohh I forgot about the secret handshake. That's so cute.
Eight of those fifteen words were storm curses, fantastic
Yeah so the Sibling making Towerlight, and the Stormfather making Stormlight. Is the Nightwatcher going to make Lifelight any time soon, or
Also, can we please know what Odium/Cultivation Light is called?
So where does the word Ralkalest come from? Yolen?
Should we be paying attention to Lift being uncomfortable with a sword? Is it weapons in general, or something else? Also, noting Shardblades can't even cut a little aluminum. Expected, but interesting the Sibling was wrong.
Aviar color fading? Maybe. Maybe it's just sad, and not Investiture related.
Wait Lift please eat you can't malnourish your way into not growing
A vision of her mother?
Ooh, adding friction this time. Been long enough.
Axindweth being an Edgedancer? Or Dustbringer. Either way, I think she's storing speed actually. (Confirmed like half a page later)
Oh teaching her?? What a team
Glad to see Lift begin to accept changing. Wonder if we'll get more, though I don't think it's necessary. Maybe a little if Renarin's book comes next.
So the way Lift gets Light from deep inside, and knows Axindweth is Invested, how important do we think those are?
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rentalextampa · 1 year ago
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The Hilti #2374181 Model SL 10-22 tower light, driven by battery power, offers robust and efficient illumination with its 360° light coverage, making it an ideal choice for cordless, indoor jobsite lighting. For inquiries or to receive a rental quote on the Hilti SL 10-22 tower light, please feel free to reach out to us at (813) 971-9990. Elevate your worksite visibility and productivity with this powerful and versatile lighting solution.
See the Hilti SL 10-22 Tower Light: https://www.rentalex.com/rental_equipment/tampa-generators-welders-lighting/hilti-sl-10-22-cordless-tower-light/
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actual22plus · 6 days ago
I headcanon that Towerlight is Baja Blast flavored.
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spacecatdraws · 4 months ago
art challenge thingy
so I got bored and used this headcanon generator on a character of mine
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for reference, towerlights is a sentient transmission tower. he is 150 feet tall.
so I drew it
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a silly creature
run your characters (any character, not just your tumblrsona, though that is fine too) through the generator and draw a picture/make a picrew/paint them/any other form of art
taaaags: @rat-detector @mrmorphea @candieduranium @bxtteryacid @rateater2000
@handdeliveredinternet @mythicalratcreature @kittykatkatelol @et3rnal-dr3am3r @mildlybizarrecorvid
@cactus-with-boobs @unnamedboxvoid @blairthebword @imonthenoflylist @mxmorbidmidnight
@this-machine-runs-on-coffee @irishfry
+ open tags!
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