#Totnt 1938 finale
a-wholelotta-love · 1 year
Totnt 1938 Finale! Part 2!
This one is for my cry fest! Everything I liked about totnt's finale has been discussed in part 1. I am purely going to cry and crib here. So anyone who loved the entirety of it, just skip this post.
Starting off, I am someone who watched the season 2 of Totnt just for Rangie baby! The 2020 Rang who died at the end of the 1st season and kinda took a part of my heart with him while dying. I watched the entire 2nd season in hopes that he will somehow get a better ending. That he will get to come back and live as himself rather than a reincarnation who has no memories of said life. Despite people in the show clearly mentioning that the future won't change; Being extremely optimistic, I kept believing that it has to change. How does the future not change when you alter the events in the past 🥲.
I am forever going to be heartbroken over the fact that my 2020 Rang did not even get a chance. Did not get to ever live happily with his brother or his family. And i can't help but be heart broken over the fact that even 1938 Rang is supposed to somehow meet the same fate in 2020. I really don't know how that makes sense but it sure as hell did not make me happy.
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As long as my boy's fate actually ends like this, I can't be completely happy. It will forever hurt me. Yeon going back to the future and being happy with his love is all fine with me. Coz i knew it would happen. They never disregard Yeon's happiness after all. He got to go back in time and mend his relationship with his brother. And then he comes back to the one he loves the most. Everything working in our hero's favour. Like always.
I just needed my boy to be there too. Why not give us that.. Why not 🥲
Also, Just to make it perfectly clear, I hate 1938 Yeon. I hate that dude. His reaction when he hears Rang has less time left was this. He legit had the audacity to say forget it and then went back to lie down on the freaking sofa.
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And then the moment, our precious yeon hears about Ah-eum. He gets up and packs his bags. At this point, If i could strangle this lee yeon, I would.
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Be it 2020 yeon or 1938 yeon, he does not deserve Rang's love.. The only one who was a little decent to be getting it is 2023 yeon and to an extent his behavior is guided by the guilt he feels.
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Every single time, in the end I have to see my boy crying and saying goodbye to his brother. The brother he loves more than the whole world and the brother who will always love him a little less. I have at this point, obviously, tried making my peace with the fact that Yeon won't ever love Rang the way or the much Rang loves him. But I am so enraged about the fact that my 1938 Rangie will go ahead and give all his love to this douchebag 1938 Yeon who could not even get up from the sofa after hearing that his brother has less time left.
While everything seems so happy about the ending of totnt 1938. This is still the last memory that i shall have of my Rang as per timeline.
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It hurts me. In my mind, I am now going to create two Rangs and atleast try to believe that the 1938 one got to have his happily ever after with his mermaid and that his douchebaggy brother will maybe someday turn out to be a little nicer and that he never died in 2020. Because I can't be happy knowing that no matter what changed, everyone still lives in a 2023 where Lee Rang does not exist.
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braceletofteeth · 1 year
Lee Yeon: We're leaving in a month! We can't become responsible for a baby!!
Also Lee Yeon: My child is going to study at the top #1 korean university, and the preparations to make that happen start today.
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helenreads28 · 1 year
I haven't had the time to watch the two new episodes and I've stumbled on some edits and they are sending me😭😂
What the hell is happening in this show???😭😂
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salt-hag · 15 days
fall 2024 cdrama + kdrama check-in list
haven't done a check in/wrap up post of dramas watched in a while so wanted to do one before the end of the year ✨ hoping to have finished a lot of these and have a list of reviews at around new years
dramas watched
story of kunning palace (cdrama)
8.5/10 for me. This is my year of loving costume period cdramas and I kicked it off with sokp. Really enjoyed the time travel/redemption plot line and Bai Lu as a somewhat reformed evil empress.
the legend of shenli (cdrama)
9/10 for me. A little slow in places but this goes down in my list of fav drama romances. Badass and admirable female lead and quirky oddball male lead who simps for her (as he should). I found the fantasy somewhat goofy but lovably so. This is a *comfort* show for me now. Has the best happy ending/post finale last episode I've seen up to now.
the double (cdrama)
9.5/10 for me for the sheer melodrama. Is this technically a better drama than the legend of shenli? No, of course not. Is it entertaining as hell? Yes, so it's gets a .5 boost. Costume period one-woman's-revenge, absolutely delicious. Hilarious male lead who loves the drama of it all and is very handsome. I was telling a friend about this and she was confused. Weren't you just watching this earlier this year? No, dear reader, she had the revenge stuff confused with Story of Kunning Palace. I have a type, and that is conniving women getting what they want in beautiful period costumes while a handsome, competent man answers their beck and call and simps all the while.
currently watching
RIGHT NOW: Are You the One (cdrama) - ep 22/40
This started out as costume period brain popcorn for me but now there's intrigue and back-stabbing and a clever woman out-scheming men in power so. yeah i'm enjoying this i guess whatever...
RIGHT NOW: Cinderella at 2am (kdrama) - ep 3/10
I haven't watched a kdrama in a while and I wanted a comforting, brain-popcorn modern rom com. I think this will deliver.
My Journey to You (cdrama) - on ep 20/24
I am DETERMINED to finish the gorgeous scheming assassin ladies period drama. I WILL. It's just the main plotline made me snooze a bit at ep 20 so it's taking me a while.
The Princess Royal (cdrama) - ep 6/40
Snowfall (cdrama) - 17/24
dropped or on hold (I'm a mood watcher)
[on hold] Love Like the Galaxy part 2 (cdrama) - ep 12/29
[on hold] Meet you at the blossom (uncensored period BL, Thai) - ep 4/12
[on hold] Lost You Forever season one (cdrama) - ep 17/39
[on hold] In Blossom (cdrama) - ep 22/32
Another one I am DETERMINED to finish!! But I don't vibe with the main actress. I loved the one who played the female lead before the body swapping. Otherwise this drama has everything I would ever want: costume period murder mysteries, a very beautiful man who devotedly simps for his nice wife, a clever female lead with quirky interests, BODY SWAPPING AND IDENTITY SHENANIGANS.
[can't decide to drop or not] Only For Love (cdrama) - ep 21/36
I can't really stand modern-setting cdramas, I'm sorry. I was watching this one for Wang Hedi. I somehow made it to episode 21 despite the cringe. Might finish watching this while pmsing.
[can't decide] Tale of the Nine-tailed 1938 (kdrama) - ep 9/12
Idk why but I just found the plotline kind of boring?? I loved the extra character and world lore. But I had problems with the original TotNT too so.
[dropped] Till the End of the Moon (cdrama) - ep 20/40
This was gorgeous but I like sweet romance, I'm sorry. This was too dramatic for even me. I wanted Bai Lu to love her problematic malewife!!
[dropped] Miss Night and Day (kdrama) - ep 2/16
Loved the concept, found the show too painful to watch.
anyway hoping to get back into kdramas this fall or in 2025. we'll see!!
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no-where-new-hero · 6 months
Writing Patterns
Rules: list the first last line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
Thank you so much @batrachised for the tag!!! Just posting the last lines of fics that I've actually finished:
A Dream of the Woodland (TBC)
But for now, he felt content to hold onto that dream as long as it would last.
The Brightest Thing in Gyeongseong (TotNT 1938)
It was late when they finally left Room 302, and it was all to the best that Rang did not see the meaningful grin that Shin-joo and Yeon exchanged as they started together on the road from the Bando Hotel.
The One Who Takes (TotNT)
“You must be cold,” said Ki Yu-ri. “Thank you for waiting for me. It’s time to go home.”
all we know of heaven, all we need of hell (Emily of New Moon)
He watches them disintegrate, the pieces of his heart that he has written out for her, and because he has lived a life of lies, he does not hope their remains will find her anywhere.
Analysis: I'm actually a little embarrassed about my last lines because imo I get MUCH lazier about prose by the time I get to the end of a fic compared to the beginning. That being said, I make the effort to have the last line really resonate through the fic as a whole to tie things up neatly, so I hope that kind of comes through?
Tagging (if you haven't done it yet!): @imaginary-land-scapes @mollywog @kehlana-wolhamonao3 @kingedmundsroyalmurder
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ceruleanvermillion · 1 year
Finally having post-TOTNT 1938 thoughts and. I've grown so fond of Jaeyoo and Yeohee??? I am so glad the showrunners added them into the story. Yeo-hee was awesome she really was a star in every scene she's in and Jae-yoo was just the cutest I love him and his puppydog eyes. And his brotherhood with mi yeon and shin joo!Shinjoo and Sunwoo Eunho made me emotional like the underlying plot was absolutely heartwrenching. Of course, Moo yeong and Hong joo were super cool and I hope we'll get to see them again. AND the main characters Rang and Yeon!!! Every single scene with them kept my eyes glued to the screen like their brotherhood was everythinggg. The villains were also really good. This season was great I love you Tale of the Nine-tailed 1938
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ok so twtwb doesn't get better from the midpoint but it also doesn't get worse, especially if you're not too invested in following the logic of the main pair. beom's character is really sympathetic to me but he makes a choice in the final episode that i consider really bad writing and therefore provokes his worst acting moment of his career. i would finish it or at least just skip through to see his scenes. i feel like it's worth it.
lol i watched totnt and then skipped through goddess of fire so his two death scenes back to back made me convinced that beom was just cast in things to die. hidden identity didn't change my mind even if he's there in the final scene. he speaks a dying line! everything afterwards is a lie.
i'm only partly through ghost doctor, so i'm excited to keep going and see beom's performance evolve.
hmm favorite visual for beom is definitely 1938!rang. that undercut, those vintage suits, and earlier the bandit outfit--ugh. after that might be cha gunwoo--shower scene aside, he just looks so hot with short hair and he's even more gorgeous to me for dressing like a guy i could (conceivably, but never will) meet irl. i'm always amazed though by how different he looks in every role. partly its hair and makeup and weight changes but just the way he immerses his expressions and movements into his characters. the different types of smiles. he's so versatile and i need him to act in more things immediately.
-kbcu anon
1938!Rang, you said? Here’s some for you
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But I have a weakness for this 👇 guy too ❤️❤️
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Especially when he’s this hot-n-sweet in red
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Beom’s body language is more than half his acting. His posture, his gait, the look in his eyes and the way he smiles - Go Seung Tak, when he smiles, exudes warmth. 2020!Rang smiles - you instantly know he’s up to something. Han Joon-hwi’s smile is disarming.
I mean… the man has something distinct for every personality he takes on… He had me the moment he transformed from the nerd who meets Ji-ah at that coffee shop to the black-suited hottie!!! The way his gait changes when he walks - it’s nothing short of amazing!
Ghost Doctor was brilliant - I’ll wait to hear from you when you finish.
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gillian007 · 1 year
Missing TOTNT 1938😭😭😭
Just finished watching TOTNT 1938 and I'm already missing them, I hope the events that happened in 1938 will bring good changes in the future in season 3 (if there'll be one, which I hope so). I'm satisfied that everyone gets their happy ending in 1938. As for 1938 Lee Yeon, hmm finally you get your act together huh🙄🙄🙄please repent, I think he got try to sort things out with Lee Rang tho, the movie just didn't show us, still I would like to beat some sense in him😤😤😤your precious Ah-Eum will be very ashame of you if she see you in this state, Lee Yeon😤😤😤😤.
I don't know why, I didn't have the urge to watch TOTNT season 1🥹🥹🥹 I'll try to find motivation to watch it.
Anyway, I'll stop my rambling now. I hope there'll be a season 3 with more of LY & LR brotherly moments 🤧🤧🥺🥺🥺
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doctoralpha · 8 months
Gotta say, second leading man, Yoon Ji-hoo, certainly knows how to fuck with leading man, Gu Jun-pyo, aka his best friend. He knew exactly how to get his friend and main character, Geum Jan-di, to finally date each other.
Which leads us to the part of the kdrama where apparently everything horrible that was done in the beginning is now forgotten. Unbelievable!
Now, the reason I started watching this show: So Yi-jeong, played by Kim Bum (baby brother Lee Rang in Tale of the Nine Tailed & sequel TOTNT 1938). Finally in episode 9 of Boys Over Flowers we get to the beginning of So Yi-jeong and Chu Ga-eul's potential relationship.
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Insane, just gorgeous, Kim Bum filmed this 10 years before Tale of the Nine Tailed, age ~20 to ~30.
(Above - 2009. Below - 2020)
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Anyway, I'm entertained by these rich boys dating "commoner" girls and everyone getting shocked by what the others think is normal.
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a-wholelotta-love · 1 year
The finale weekend is almost here guyss. I don't really know what to expect going into tomorrow.. But I really can't watch Rang getting hurt once again at the end of it.
I also really don't want to see him lose his brother once again. He deserves to have Yeon's love without having to die for it.
I really don't want them to kill yeo-hee because it would just wreck him. And man, my boy deserves better.
And one very extremely optimistic, completely delusional part of me wants Rang to have a future. Beyond the year 2020. I need the future to change, Taluipa can go and shut her mouth, but I really need my boy to get a chance to live his life without the ending that we have already seen him get because he deserved better than to die for a romance that took away almost everything from him.
I want him to have his brother, his love, his found family. All of it. But I know I am mostly gonna get clowned 🤡
Hoping against hope that they do better by Rang this time. Give my boy the love that he craves and the love that he rightfully deserves. ❤
Any ending that is plain bad for Rang will see me lose my sanity this time. 🦊🪓
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A happy Rang is all I want ❤
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a-wholelotta-love · 1 year
Totnt 1938 Finale! Part 1.
Guys, this is gonna be long and divided into parts coz I have spent the entire last night and today feeling very overwhelmed because of the finale and I need to talk about it, even though I won't know how much sense it makes coz I am extremely emotional about all of it.
So, I have extreme mixed feelings about the entire finale. And the entire season of the show in general. This part, I am discussing what I liked about it coz obviously I loved certain parts of it and now that I have tried segregating the good from the bad in my head, I shall be able to talk about it.
I adore 1938 Rang! and I love, truly love the fact that he got some semblance of peace. I love that he has a lover by his side who puts him first and loves him. I am grateful she did not die. I am so glad he has someone who realises his worth coz he needed that and he deserves it more than anyone else. ❤ I even love his henchman and how loyal that guy is to Rang. 🥺
And man, watching Rang unlock his complete powers and fighting back was the absolute best thing I have seen this year. KB was just phenomenal and I will for sure be rewatching that scene again and again just for him. I was so done with people labeling my boy weak this season. Go eat shit everyone who dared call him weak. 😎
Loved the scene where Yeon tries saying I love you and Rang runs away embarrassed. Well, we all know Rang loves him way more than he would ever be able to express 🥺❤
I even loved how somehow, they gave everyone a complete happy ending. I was actually on the verge of tears when I thought Jae Yo would die and I am glad he did not because it would have hurt.
Glad that even Moo yeong got to live and have some peace. Boy was just misguided and at times dumb, but has a good heart. So I am happy for him. I think, after the last season, the writers did not want to kill people off. And yeah, good for them. I hope Hong ju and moo yeong end up having a happy life ahead and are not dead in the future as well.
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This scene will stay with me. It will have a separate fanbase for sure. ❤
So, from a standalone show perspective, if i forget that season 1 exists, I would love every bit of this show. It was far better than what i thought they would do.
But unfortunately, I am someone who can't forget that season 1 exists. Someone who loved the 2020 Rang with pain in his eyes and a smirk on his face forever. And that's why I have such mixed feelings and that's why I ended up feeling so damn empty post this season ended.
This post mentions pretty much everything I liked about the finale and that's far more than what i liked in season 1. But now, I am going to have the 2nd part which is going to talk about every thing that just ruined me ! So yeah, people who loved the show completely, don't read the 2nd part. Everyone who wants to cry about 2020 Rang's fate. Come over, we will cry over him and rant about 1938 yeon. 💔
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a-wholelotta-love · 1 year
Totnt 1938! Episode 4 thoughts!
*Spoiler Alert*
Ah everyone, this was such a freaking wholesome episode. I smiled through half of it. From the very first scene to the last one. Putting my thoughts on some major moments out here.
How I loved Yeon and shin ju teasing Rang about the mermaid throughout the episode. 😂It just made me giggle like a kid, the way they were teasing him about the horse ride. 😂 and the way they are already planning his wedding. Please don't make it all sad later.
Rang and the mermaid, they are actually veryy cute. I like that the girl has already decided that she is going to fall in love with Rang and make him fall for her. Coz with Rang's history, he would never be the one to initiate a conversation. You goo girl! ( Though everything was just so cute, the moment Rang talks about how yeon was his only family and he discarded him like trash 🥲 when will this not be a sore topic for me. I don't know.)
Every scene with the baby. It was pure gold. Lee Mi ho is an angel and she already has them almost wrapped around her little finger. I loved it all. And Yeon and Rang fighting side by side with those bubbles around them and just looking so happy. My heart felt light 🥺❤ and happy.
I love the Yeon this season. It's not to say that I did not like him the previous season. But I felt like he was pretty mean to Rang in the previous season which just made me mad at him. This one is just nice. It's clear that he has grown as a person, realises that he did make certain mistakes. (Though I still don't think anyone understands the extent of pain his mistakes caused. But yeah) This season he is this soft elder brother and I adore that. I loved that scene where he is taking care of a sick lee mi ho and rang is just looking at him, asking if he used to do the same for him. The more I hear about how much Yeon cared for Rang as a kid, the more it hurts me that he left him so carelessly while being heart broken over his girl. But this season might help me forgive him for it.
I am finally more interested in knowing about Cheon moo Young's character. He seems like a complex one. Someone who was a really lovely boy and he got hurt enough to do what he is doing now. Reminds me a little of Rang and it hurts me. He is trying to bring back his brother guys. I can't. I really really think that I am going to be hurting for him at some point. I will have to give tvn that they know how to make their villains grey.
Okay, so I adored this episode. It made me smile a lot.
But now, I am interested in knowing about how the past Yeon is going to fit into this entire chaos they have created. Also, did we again see Rang getting hurt next episode. This alternate episode hurting him is also going to be the death of me.
I am just so invested, it's going to be a pain waiting for next saturday 🥺
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a-wholelotta-love · 1 year
Totnt 1938! Episode 10!
At this point, I have started asking myself whyy? Why do I even watch this show? To torture myself by watching the one character I love get wrecked miserably every single week. Like what is the point. I really don't know.
They made a 2nd season so that every Rang fan who was hurt and broken after last season's ending could become even more miserable after watching him become even more broken in the 2nd one! Yayy! Good job guys! It was not enough that he got abandoned by his mother, father and his beloved brother. It was not enough that he got left behind for dead by Yeon (Yeon might not have wanted him dead but we all know he would have died if he would not have been saved by that asshole) and then had to serve a freaking douchebag for the remaining years because of a life debt. It was not enough that after he finally reconciled with said brother and found a family and some peace, he had to go ahead and give up his life to save the same brother. It was not enough.
We go back in the past, we make him feel shitty enough that he wants to die but then we give him a reason to live. We give him a girl he loves, a brother who actually cares and then when he finally has some peace again, we snatch it all away. I know that yeo hee most probably survives the zombie bite today but well, they will just kill her in the next one. Wow. The writers seem to love our boy. Here, I was hoping for them to fix the season 1 ending. And what I get is him being miserable even in 1938 😂 At this point, I am just a clown 🤡
I don't know what they have planned for the final two episodes. I don't know if they plan to set anything straight or not. With so much left to do, I don't know how they plan to wrap it up in the last 2 episodes. I don't think Yeon is going back anytime soon with how things seem to be.
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Made it this far! Will most probably end up watching the last 2 episodes as well where they break both my heart and Rang's heart beyond repair. 💔
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a-wholelotta-love · 1 year
Okay! So I am in such an angsty mood because of totnt 1938 and their shitty treatment of my boy again! That i will be spending this week talking about everything that's going on in my head till we finally see the finale this weekend.
Let's talk about Rang and Yeon-
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Well, My boy telling his girl how miserable he was that day when he saved her. How he just wanted to die. Now do we all remember why he was that miserable. This was right after he heard that Yeon was going to be gone in a month and is not the actual real brother he is yearning for. (like he is lee yeon, but not this Rang's elder brother Yeon)
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You are telling me that this boy willl be okay once his brother leaves and then he meets a douchebaggy version of said brother in the future as per the original timeline. The one who will not even recognise his hurt but keep on lecturing him on why he is so bratty.
My boy, who legit ends up naming everyone he knows around his brother. It's like he knows no other name than Yeon!
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This little brother, who is actually trying to make himself believe that he hates his brother and wants to kill him, ended up naming both his horse and his henchman after his brother. Coz Yeon is all that he knew of relationships. Yeon had 600 freaking years to fix their equation but he only chose to do that after almost losing him. I am forever annoyed about this.
I know that we have got to see another side of Rang this season. I know that he now loves Yeo-hee truly and wants to be by her side. And I truly hope that they let him have that.
But no one out here can deny that Rang has always loved his brother more than his life and he would obviously not be okay after losing him, no matter what the cause. Even if he does not end up losing yeo-hee and God, I hope that he does not lose her. He will still lose his brother unless someone goes and knocks some sense into 1938 Yeon and reminds him that he has a brother that he does not at all deserve, but Rang deserves to be loved by him.
I need them to somehow fix last season's shit because this concept of how the future won't change no matter what is annoying the shit out of me and kinda nullifies the entire impact of this season. Like what is the point if nothing changes.
Let my boy be happy with the two people he loves the most. His girl and his brother.
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a-wholelotta-love · 1 year
Totnt 1938! Episode 5 thoughts!
Spoiler Alert!
Hey! So I am back again with my thoughts coz as mentioned this is a routine thingy now for clearing my head. Also, whoever is reading them knows that it's mostly my boi Rang centred thoughts and a few rare other ones 😂. So yes, let's talk about how we felt about the episode:-
Okay, so first things first, I was a lil sad coz I felt my boy Rangie had less screen time today. I know, I knoww, some of it was because he was disguised as a baby. Oh God 😂 but yeah. This season has spoiled me a bit and I want to see him in every other scene coz last season, I used to have to search for his scenes like looking for needles in a haystack. Can't go through that again Mr writers. 🥺 Okay, done crying.
Finally, Rang and his fox eyes 😍.Him being disguised as the baby and the baby showing a middle finger to the cop 😂 my boy's voice in the background all pissed coz he is feeling all suffocated in that tiny body 😂 I love him. When they took a shot at the baby, that animated baby jump and roll was so hilarious and then Rangie finally there with a babyy hanky on his neck. Gonna cherish that scene.
I loved baby Lee Mi ho and I am sad that we had to say goodbye to her 🥺. Yeon and Shin-ju giving full goodbye speeches while Rang refuses to say anything. Gosh, his fear of attachment kills me. We all know he adores her, he knows he adores her but hell shall freeze over before he accepts that. Lee Mi ho being more open and stating that she prefers the Bandit. Gosh, how happy Rang was about it and his "you are not too bad yourself 🥺". This boy will kill me.
I also like Ryu hong joo, the more I get to know her.. She did irk me at a point of time with how she is incapable of taking a no. But if I don't look at it, I like her character. She is strong, smart and protects her people with a ferocity that's admirable. I am looking forward to seeing her.
I have said this before, saying it again, I want to know what's Cheon Moo-young's story. Yeon was almost as happy to see him alive as he was to see Rang but at the same time, he is also suspicious of him. I really think I am gonna get hurt for him though.
The last 10 mins of the show gave me life. They were my favourite moments. Everyone can guess why 😂 Rang is slowly starting to like Yeo-hee and it's pretty clear. I find them really cute. I loved how a jealous Yeo-hee pretty much destroyed the room and Yang found it cool. 😂 Boy was impressed with how strong she is. And Yeon and shin-ju spying on their dates and deciding how good of a match those two are. 😂 Ah, please don't ruin this for us later. I won't survive.
Now, one thing, one small conversation that I can't help but discuss is when Shin ju asks Yeon if he can actually leave Rang and go. And he mentions that he can not, that Rang would again think he is being abandoned. This topic is something that I have too many strong thoughts about and I won't get into all of them but I just wanna say, what else is Yeon expecting. I love this future Yeon and how much he cares about Rang but I don't get his plan of action. What are you planning to tell Rang and when, this Rang is someone whose last thought of you would be being stabbed by you and then being left for dead. Now, you are here being all nice and if you don't give him any context and up and leave him in a month, what else will he think. He will probably have to seek therapy to try and make sense of what just happened. For all the progress that this season has made, can we please have Yeon and Rang have a heart to heart conversation. Like please. Coz, right now even I don't understand your reasoning Yeon for a whole lot of things. I will make a separate post to rant about that sometime 😅 but hoping that we do get a heart to heart chat.
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Look at this sassy motherf**ker. How am i supposed to not simp.
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a-wholelotta-love · 1 year
Totnt 1938! Episode 2 thoughts!
**Spoiler Alert**
Hello everyone! Back again after the 2nd episode. What did we love about it. Here's my top fav's-
Yeon feeding Rang eggs 😂 i could not stop laughing after seeing the first egg being force fed. I am never getting enough of Yeon coddling Rang. So keep it coming please!
Ryu-hong joo, she is crazyy psychotic. I like her. I don't know why. I don't know if this initial impression will prevail for long but I like her right now. And that slap 😂 I loved it. The fight was also pretty epic.
Rang being more concerned about protecting a dog in the middle of a fierce fight. Can I love this boii any more. *squishes him and keeps him in my pocket*
Rang leaving Yeon in the middle of the fight 😂 and then coming back on a horse for rescue. The "not so ungrateful bastard". Yeah, that kinda does describe my boyy ❤
The fact that Yeon knows he only has a month left with his brother and wants to spend it all with him. Ah, my heart 🥺 I hope by the end they really do find a way to change the future. I can't handle other possibilities. Also, the scene where he tucked him in 🥺
Man, Rang slayss in the new hair cut. He slayed with the longer hair as well. Kim Beom supremacy everyone.
Rang trying out suits 😍 and the small scene with the mermaid. They have chemistryy!! . But "I don't smile quite often" 🥺🥺 Rang baby, don't say this. Please start smiling more 🥺
Okay, that scene where the writers were literally making fun of us with Yeon and Rang sipping coffee and all the ladies simping over them. I feel attacked.
Okay, I don't know how I feel about Cheon- Moo young's story but I am intrigued. He had an older brother who apparently Yeon killed. Younger brother avenging older brother is a trope I am crazy about but I am sure we are missing some parts of the story here.
Also, finally, the Shin-joo, Yeon and Lee Rang reunion. That was soo wholesome everyone 🥺🥰 Shin joo was just so happy to see Rang. 🥺
So, By now, everyone should know that the best parts for me are the parts when I see my boy Rang, and the ones where I see both brothers together. That's it for today guys. I can't believe I have to wait for a week for the next two episodes 🥺
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