#Total Gym XLS
possumsinpeoplesuits · 11 months
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At long last, my Our Lady of the Passion cosplay is ready for cons!
Based on this picture from Pinterest (google is finding fuck all elsewhere, but if someone knows the source I'll add it.)
The tank top is from Lockedtombmemes' Redbubble store.
The jacket is here, though I've painted the back with some fabric paint. I used the non-heat treating kind and just sort of sketched out the letters with a dark pencil to make sure the placement wasn't too awful.
The dog tags I'm not quite satisfied with because I put too little information on them, and an updated one is still waiting in the mail (I wanted to put the Wing and Cell on it, and had to reread some chapters to verify) There's loads of places to get them, but I used these.
The machetes I don't have many pictures of (I don't have a full length mirror to show them properly strapped to the legs.), but I went a little overbudget to the point it would probably have been cheaper to buy real machetes (but not as welcomed at conventions!) Still, they were from here, in case anyone wants some big ol' 27 inch props instead of the dinky ones from Spirit Halloween.
Gloves were these ones, and they fit my big ol' butch hands just fine. Nothing special there.
For my TACTICAL BLOOD OF EDEN FANNY PACK (which I already wear all the time, but changed colors to match the costume anyways) is this.
The boots are fairly ubiquitous and seem to come from various online sellers, sometimes in men's sizes, sometimes in women's, but this store has them up to a women's size 12, which I needed because I'm lorge.
Now, the mask I'm most proud of! I don't have any experience making costume bits, but I found this one meant for airsoft, which has TWO FUCKING FANS?!?! hidden in the filters to cool my face in the sweltering 80 degree Texas winters.
But! You'll notice the goggles aren't tinted, so I had to figure out how to do them myself to hide my glasses, for REASONS, but this little kit was pretty simple. There's a gluey side, so you just spray the goggles with some water, then slap them down and spend like... a fucking hour or two squeezing out the air bubbles, but aside from a single wrinkle, I think they turned out great! The red also provides some good contrast.
Now, the pants were pretty simple. These come with knee pads, and the black camo looks really nice with the gray coat and black shirt. It did take two attempts to get some that fit (One seller had the XL listed as having a 44 inch waist, equivalent to a women's 18, but labeled elsewhere with the true size of 36 inches, the bastards.), but where I got silly was the straps.
I got this tactical belt, which seems to have tipped the number of tactical things I can search for before search engines decide you're a bootlicker, and intended to use a single bike strap on each leg to hold the other end, which, well... two problems.
The blades were now being bent by my massive fucking quads because I've been doing a shitload of exercise to get fit, because apparently all I needed to get into the gym five times a week was wanting to look like my specialist book blorbo.
I couldn't bend my fucking hips.
So! I ended up ordering a total of SIX STRAPS for my legs, pairing two up high to fit the wider part of my leg, and a single one down near the knee. The upper ones I later looped through the belt to hold them up, which also doubles for making the trousers into a fucking cod piece, which, hey, some people like that. The lower ones were led up by the knee pad, so I had a somewhat stable set of six straps and one belt, which is dangerously close to becoming a Nomura-era Final Fantasy character, but hey, I gave myself carpal tunnel marathoning all the Kingdom Hearts games last year, so that's not a problem.
All in all, it probably cost me... well, more money than it should have, but it's all pretty quality stuff that I'm sure will be very toasty if we ever happen to have another winter down south.
Also, last note... boots of any kind are so much more comfortable with insoles. They don't have to be expensive, but your feet and knees will thank you at conventions when they have a good cushion under your heels.
That's about all I've learned putting this together! I'm 5'9 and around 250 pounds, give or take, so most of this is men's garments, which means the pockets are DEEP AS FUCK. Perfect for collecting small rocks.
Just something to keep in mind.
(See y'all at the conventions. I promise my Yorkshire accent will be less goofy by then, but I can't promise I'll be as nasally as the audiobook.)
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agbpaints · 10 months
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With a couple very Liao mechs added to my collection recently, I've decided to go and start building myself a force of Capellans. With some vindicators, combat vehicles, and battle armor sorted I started digging around for some more CCAF designs to round out an augmented company. Then I remembered the Men Shen.
Don't let TRO:3060's janky visuals fool you, this walking gym shoe is one of the most technically advanced 'mechs the inner sphere built up to its intro date, Hellespont Industrials and the Confederation's Ministry of Appropriations spared no expense when they outfitted their first domestically designed omnimech. The 'mech is built around the heart and bones of a Magna 330 XL fusion engine seemingly designed expressly for the Men Shen and a 55 ton endo steel frame, with a normal top speed of nearly 100 kph, augmented up to 130 kph in short bursts by the 'mech's integral myomer accelerator signal circuits. This speed is paired with a thick skin, with the mech mounting 11 tons of standard armor, more than 95% the chassis possible total protection and enough for every component except the arms and head to take an AC/20 shot without internal damage. The mech carries 10 double heat sinks and an active probe fixed to the chassis, with the remaining 17 tons available as pod space.
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The Men Shen MS1-O mounts a single LRM-15 with an attached Artemis IV fire control unit in its torso and a pair of medium pulse lasers in each arm. Intended as an all range skirmisher, the Prime configuration can leverage its speed to keep the range open while harassing with its missiles before driving in to deliver a finish off foes or pick appart scouts and picket mechs with its quartet of lasers. While the endurance of the LRM is somewhat questionable given it only comes with a single ton of ammunition, the speed at which the MS1-O depletes its missiles is probably a good thing given the XL engine and lack of CASE.
The Men Shen's alternate configurations fall into roughly three groups- either serving as remixes of the Prime's role, specializing in hunting non-mechs in a combined arms environment, or working as medium range strikers and forward operating units.
The Delta and Golf are Prime lookalikes, pairing a long range weapon (an ERPPC and a TSEMP cannon, respectively) with a payload of pulse lasers and SRMs to harass and disable mechs at long range before closing for a finishing blow. Unlike the Prime, these designs lack minimum ranges on their weapons, but the heat build of a full alpha strike is risky enough to a mech without jump jets that both designs effectively work as bracket fire machines.
The Beta and Echo configurations are combined arms killers, packing specialized ballistic weapons in their arms supported by a more generalized torso loadout. In the Beta's case this is a pair of LB2-X autocannons supported by a quartet of ER medium lasers, effectively making it a fast, high tech version if the BJ-1 Blackjack and ideal for hunting VTOL and aerospace assets with its flack guns. This configuration is also possibly the very first inner sphere mech to mount the LB2-X autocannon despite it supposedly being invented in Davion space. Chalk one up for the Maskirovka. Where the Beta makes helicopter pilots sweat, the Echo is an infantryman's nightmare demon. It mounts 8 light machine guns arranged into two arm mounted machine gun arrays, supported by a plasma rifle and 2 medium lasers in the torso. On average this thing will brrrrt an entire platoon of inner sphere ground pounders to mulch with every trigger pull, and the crit seeking/random heat mean it's not too much of a slouch in mech combat either. The 4 tons of ammunition does mean it is worryingly explosive, though.
Finally the Alfa, Charlie, and Foxtrot are the mid range strikers. The Alfa pairs a trio of ER Medium Lasers with an LB 10-X autocannon to deliver a decent ammount of firepower at close and medium ranges, backed up by a TAG laser designator to call in artillery and LRM strikes from the rest of your force. The Charlie and Foxtrot are very much like each other, using pairs of accurate, high damage energy weapons to make for any light mech's worst day. The Charlie chooses a pair of large pulse lasers supported by a Guardian ECM suite and an ER small laser to hunt things like Locusts and Striders while shutting down enemy electronics such as C3 spotters. The Foxtrot swaps the pulse lasers for a pair of snub nosed PPCs linked to a targetting computer to wreak havoc with its disgustingly long short range (270 meters!) and brings a TAG to make sure Marty the Arty will lay low anything its particle cannons can't. The Charlie and Foxtrot's placement of their main guns in the arms also makes them the best versions of the chassis to carry battle armor into fights with.
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The Men Shen is best deployed as a 'cruiser' of battlemechs- calable of outfighting anything it can't outrun and outrunning anything that outguns it fairly easily. It will likely operate best at the front of formations to scout and probe the line of battle until the main battleline of mechs arrives, at which point it shifts to outflanking and finishing off wounded units.
Despite its durability, speed, and weapons options, the Men Shen isn't without flaws- the lack of jump jets mean that it can easily get bogged down in cities or other rough terrain and while it's speed and thick armor mean it can tough through some pretty heavy shots, the XL engine means that it won't survive drag out fights for particularly long. The cost is also fairly prohibitive- while most variants run between 1400 and 1700 BV, the MS1-O is a whopping 16.6 million c-bills. For the same price, you could by an entire company of urbanmechs, or a full lance of Vindicator 3L's. This price and the operational fragility of an XL engine paired with unCASEed ammo will likely make campaign commanders balk and relegate the design (like many omnis) to hangar queen status. As a player of mostly pickup games, though, it's a design I'm excited to run
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uyuiuyui2 · 2 years
Untitled short story by areaman (2016)
I had always fantasized about walking through a gym locker room once my cock was doubly buried in a heavy, soft fatpad, which was also hidden under my massive, swaying overhang. And so, there I was, at the local downtown gym, drop-in pass in hand. The walk itself wasn't my favourite thing - far from it, lately - but my energy was bolstered by how turned on I was. Not that anyone else would know. I was secretly thrilled as I watched the looks of horror and disgust on the fit and average-bodied guys as I slowly navigated my way, naked, to the showers. As they unconsciously ran their hands over their muscled, slim torsos. The fattest man any of them had ever seen, barring maybe on some TV special where they cut someone out of their house as a spectacle. Some of them would tell their workout buddies about it, never to give it another thought, but my presence that day would stay on the mind of one of them. He'd been working so hard to keep in shape lately, and to keep his natural appetite at bay. Depriving himself, save for a rare tipsy visit to McDonald's, all for the sake of fitting into his 38 khakis and XL polo shirts. He'd masturbate that night, after his meagre dinner of skinless chicken breast and salad, imagining me surrounded by the extra-large pizzas and greasy burgers and blender jugs full of thick, rich shakes that had made me this way. He came faster than he had in as long as he could remember, almost without touching himself at all. The next night, he'd masturbate again, but this time full of a large Domino's pizza he'd impulsively ordered online and then consumed entirely and rapidly, washed down with a two liter bottle of root beer, straight from the bottle. As he folded each cheap, greasy slice into his mouth, he pictured me again, slowly waddling through the locker room, overhang swaying pendulously against my massive thighs. Eventually the wave of post-jerk guilt at both the obscene fullness of his belly and the subject matter - namely, me - dissipated, permanently. Internalized cries of "how can you do this to yourself?" had become elaborate meal plans and schemes to figure out more ways he could do this to himself. And his appetite kept up with every plot he made to consume, while his body softened and grew rapidly. Three months after I made that lumbering journey from the lockers to the shower, he'd regained nearly fifty pounds of the weight he'd fought so hard to shed. Nine months later, he walked back into the gym locker rooms himself. Now nearly a hundred and ten pounds heavier, eating and growing his body to become like mine had become a full-time obsession. His cock twitched at the excitement of mimicking the day that had set him off on this path of rediscovering the joys of obscene gluttony. Still, he calmed himself before changing. His fatpad had become an impressively thick roll, spreading widely across his hips, but the head of his dick could still be seen poking out from under it when he was hard. "For now," he thought. In clearer-headed moments - that is, once totally stuffed and having blown his post-feast load - he was scared that he was losing himself to his increasingly insatiable appetite. He decided he needed to at least try to get some cardio in. He'd really been feeling the weight of his rapid expansion lately, especially as he made the short trek from the elevator to his front door lately. Working to catch his breath as he lumbered straight into the kitchen for two handfuls of cookies had become the norm very quickly. Five minutes into a very slow warmup, his belly rumbled and he headed out the door to the nearest drive-thru, where he ordered three value meals (his usual, now). He felt a wave of relief as he bit happily into the second burger, nearly laughing as it washed over him. Acceptance. This was the last time he would return to the gym before he really was the size he was meant to be. A little over two years later, he'd return to the locker room. There were times he couldn't believe he'd added nearly two-hundred and fifty pounds to his frame. Certainly his friends - the ones that remained, anyway - couldn't believe it. On his feet, however, he had no reason to doubt it as his body protested at the task of keeping him vertical for this long. This time, the cascading layers of thick, stretch-marked fat that rested heavily against him meant there was no need to quell his erection; only he knew it was there. Both his cock and his heart throbbed with the sneering reactions of the other men, some of whom he recognized - guys that he used to casually greet when he worked out here in earnest. Worked so hard, he remembered, to keep the scale hovering a hair over over two-fifty. What a waste it had been, denying himself what he truly wanted. It didn't matter now. This was his life. It was different, but he was happy. As he feigned a quick rinse off in the open showers, he remembered when he'd watched me do the same. He knew he would eventually grow bigger than I was that day. He wondered if I was, too (I was). He felt his stomach rumble with hunger again.
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theuniquestore · 4 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: CG by Champions Blue And Purple Handmade Tie Die XL Tank Tops.
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jlunnposh · 8 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Bally Total Fitness Black Purple Leopard Print Pocket Leggings Medium or XL.
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anderswelten · 9 months
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Only once per Save - Farming Guide
Scarlet and Violet introduced a new feature: Tera-Raids. They are classified with different amount of stars to symbolize the difficulty to clear the Raid. Some are easy to clear them solo and some require to be cleared with a team. Additionally, if you‘d like to unlock 6-Star and 7-Star Tera-Raids, which are those with the highest difficulty level, you need to play through the complete storyline (all 3 paths have to be finished plus the exploration to Area Zero), you have to have seen the credits, fighting all Gyms once again, participate and win the Academy tournament and clear a bunch of 5-Star Tera-Raids. In short: A ton of work. In general, it is better to have some high IV, EV trained battle ready Pokemon to clear them.
But before we go any further, let us discuss if we should consider them as Events. To be honest, opinions differ here a lot. There are several voices calling 7-Star and some 5-Star Tera-Raids Events, because those Tera Pokemon are catchable just once per save, some are also version exclusives. And additionally, they are only available for a limited time period* and the 7-Star Tera-Pokemon have an additional special mark, the Mighty Mark. That can be counted as Events. But on the other hand they do not create a Wondercard which is why, enough people don‘t count them as Events. R/pokemontrades, my subreddit of trust for trading legit uncloned Events, considers them as non-Events, but some traders over there catch several of each kind, because they believe in an increase of their value.
And if you look around in other communities like X (former Twitter) you‘ll get the idea that it is totally normal to farm these „once per save“ Pokemon. Some weeks ago, my friend Red published this screen record of his Pokemon HOME showing several Titans:
Honestly, it was veeery unattractive for me to collect Mighty Marks at first. The preparations were just too much time consuming for me. I ususally do not complete games several times, I tried it not just once, but failed always. I just can bring myself to play far enough for being able to redeem an Event code. Speaking in time: I need approx half an hour to prepare a save compared to 10+ hours to complete a playthrough.
However, several things happened so that I changed my mind:
The Pokemon, you‘ll use to beat the Raid, won‘t disobey your commands, regardless if you have 0 Gym badges
A friendly soul carried me through some 7-Star Tera-Raids so that I‘ve gotten many L and XL candies, which helped me to prepare a second complete playthrough
I bought a second Nintendo Switch, I can locally host a Raid now
Two Paradox Legends were available again for a limited period, Walking Wake (Paradox form of Suicune) and Iron Leaf (Paradox form of Virizion)
So, I decided to start farming once-per-save Tera-Raid Events and I‘d like to share with you here how I‘m doing this. You‘ll start nearly exactly like I already described here - with only one exception: while running to the first PokeCenter, you need to catch this little guy, Paldean Wooper. He is a static encounter when you pass the little pond.
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After your talk with Nemona at the first PokeCenter, you just run towards Mesagoza.
Right before the gate of Mesagoza, you will encounter Nemona and battle her again. Choose Paldean Wooper as soon as she sends out Pawmi. Pawmi will only use Thunder Shock, Wooper is immune against electrice moves - it will be a free win for you.
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Go to Mesagoza together with Nemona and head straight to the school.
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On your way, you will encounter Penny and two Grunts of Team Star. Battle them. This is the only point in my opinion, where it is an advantage to choose Quaxly over the other two starters**.
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After you‘ve beaten both Grunts, head over to the school. Now, everything is simply straight. As soon as you are able to walk free again, head over to the Cafeteria, start the Path of Legends by talking with Arven and take the call from Penny Cassiopeia.
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Afterwards, head to the Staff Room and start the Victory Road. You‘ll be called to the Directors office immediately afterwards.
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Head to the Directors office and mash yourself through the talk with him and Professor Turo/Sada. Leave the office afterwards by heading to your own Room. Go to sleep.
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As soon as you wake up, an announcement will be played for all to meet at the schools yard. Follow Nemona after the cutscene.
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Start the Starfall Street and mash yourself through the fight conversation of Nemona, Arven and Cassiopeia.
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As soon as you are by your own again, your save is ready. If you have purchased the DLC, Jaqc will call you, telling you about Kitakami as well.
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And that‘s it! Now, you are able to participate on Tera-Raids. I‘m sending over some Battle Ready Pokemon to this save, host the Tera-Raid and fight the Tera-Pokemon with two Switches.
My fastest run from the very beginning until Tera-Raids took 53 minutes in total, but I‘m working on improvements.
The next 7-Star Tera-Raid is already announced and I have prepared several saves now. I‘m planning to farm candies as well, send me over some high IV lvl 1 Pokemon from breeding and completing a few more playthroughs as well. At least, I‘ll have the chance to „save“ some Tera-Raids as long as I‘m not redeeming/going online with a save. Or at least catch more (version exclusive) legendaries like Miraidon, Koraidon, Okidogi, Munkidori, Fezandipiti, Ogerpon, Iron Boulder, Iron Crown, Gouging Fire, Raging Bolt and Terapagos. And let‘s see what comes next!
*The Event Tera-Raid can be kept alive if you do not go online after its official end.
**You can‘t use Sprigatitos STAB move in the first fight, because Shroodle has the poison type. It is very likely that Fuecoco will be out-speeded. Both results in a little time loss. Obviously, this only matters to you if you‘d like to prepare a save as fast as possible.
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ladivafashions · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: adidas Women's Black Logo Crop Short Sleeve Tee XL.
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floorpancakes · 1 year
I Lost Focus and Had a Consensual Vintage Shop Spending Spree
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yep u read that right . 25 euros,
mom said it looks like something from a kids tv show back in the 60s and she had this slightly doubtful look on her face and all i could say was like. 'you know me this is a good thing. this matches literally everything i own' lol
this being the most expensive thing in my cart when it would be sold at like £150 at the stores I visit locally is crazy actually
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I focused on rare stuff that will fit me not too far in the future or now so I bagged a rly pretty 60s dress?!!!!?!?? That was XL size and various size friendly?!?? It won't fit me now but it's like 10cm off my current waist measurement which is pretty neato, obviously the fit requires you're a bit smaller than that but im glad to have finally bagged a legit 60s dress so quick and cheaply wah...
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I also got....an L size pan pride flag coloured mens light jacket ....that ZIPS OFF THE SLEEVES....THIS IS SUCH EXCELLENT TOMFOOLERY!!! i respect the whimsy of it being multiway very useful
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also...an XXL surf friendly windbreaker jacket that LOOKS LIKE IT COMES RIGHT FROM SPLAT 3 like straight up it's taking from the exact same vibes and is 150 round measurement so it should be nice and comfy w/e the clothes size... iridescent pretty...
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I also got a nb coded baseball shirt!!! I love baseball shirts theyre so comfy and easily utilised, I have a bright green one, a pale blue coolish sponsor one and this
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mens 80s mint gym shirt!!!!
I have a thing where I'm trying to track down 80s specific cuts of tops especially sports ones since a lot straight up aren't manufactured in that shape anymore, it's a slow quest but I'll get more someday
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Also got this vintage gym top!!!! Pretty...
spent like. £80 in total which is insane actually given that would be a bargain for the overalls alone i gotta take it easy spending for potential friend plans but that's ok by me I feel like this would get way less in my local vintage stores
turns out they dont ship to the UK so i had to go thru a friend but its cool he does the same with me sometimes. im just so excited for these to turn up 😭 we are so back
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vnvyb · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Tommy Bahama Golf Black Pleated Tennis Mini Skort Size XL.
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micahs-closet · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Bally Total Fitness Women's EUC Peyton Racerback Tank w/ Shelf Bra Size XL 🔥.
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iheartvintage1 · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: NEW - TOTAL VISION SCULPTING COMPRESSION LEGGINGS neon yellow gym yoga run XL.
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houseofcabral · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: RBX Active Women’s Ankle High Waist Super Soft Snakeskin Legging With Pockets.
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epigstolary · 3 years
A Growing Problem
Sweetheart... we need to talk. I know weight is a sensitive subject, and I hope you know I never want to hurt your feelings, but... well, this has been on my mind for a long time, and I just don’t think it can wait any longer.
Your size is really starting to worry me, frankly. Don’t think it’s your appearance — you’re still cute as ever, and you’ve been getting thicker ever since we moved in together, back when you were skinnier than me. And that’s never been a problem. For a while, it was even adorable to see you enjoying yourself so much, eating whatever you wanted and relishing a figure that went from full, to chubby, to noticeably fat. I still love that about you.
No, the issue is more functional than that. The fact is, even you’re not in control of your weight any more. I guess I was able to ignore how drastically you were changing until recently, but things have started to pile up. Like we can’t take my car anywhere because your love handles have started knocking the shifter in the center console out of gear. We had to ask for that belt extender on the flight back from New York last winter. I can’t find you clothes that fit literally anywhere, even at the XL stores. And your old clothes are... more revealing, I guess, than they used to be.
And it’s not just me that’s noticed. Your dad called me the other day after we had dinner over there just to talk about it. He asked me why I let you leave the house, even in your favorite outfit, when it stopped fitting about 50 pounds ago. He and your mom were both shocked that you were able to finish off a spiral-cut ham that they expected to get several days’ leftovers out of. And neither one of them was impressed that you were an out-of-breath wreck from just walking out to the patio and back. He had some... not particularly kind words for how he thought you looked, but I’ll just leave it at that. Basically he wants me to make you find a personal trainer, or at least start going to the gym regularly, as if I can make you do anything you don’t want to.
So I wouldn’t try demanding anything like that, even if I wanted to. But he’s not wrong that working on your stamina, and maybe trying to get a little weight off, wouldn’t be a bad idea. I just hate to see you in the situation you’re in, as much as anything. You used to enjoy traveling, going off on adventures and exploring new places. Now it’s a pleasant surprise if we can heave you off the couch and get you to dinner somewhere without incident.
I don’t mean to be critical; I just want to confront things the way they are. Whenever we do go out, you can barely manage to get around, no matter how little walking or moving it requires. We can’t help but be conspicuous whenever we get seated or get ready to leave — restaurants just aren’t made for people like you, and other diners can’t help but stare when you waddle across the dining room. And your portion sizes don’t help that, either. You’ve always been willing to indulge, sure, but when your plates take up almost your entire half of the table — after a couple appetizers to yourself, soup and salad course, mains with a couple extra sides, and at least one dessert — people take notice of that, too. I have to believe you must feel so embarrassed to have everyone watching you so closely while you polish off a meal, some of them probably being pretty disgusted at how much a chub like you is putting away. You don’t ever really show it, but I have to believe you wish you could go back to having a more... conventional life.
I also have to wonder, if you don’t start paying a little more attention to your health, where things will go from here. I know being fat doesn’t mean someone isn’t healthy, but in your case at least... well, you’re not. The doctor’s told you that in every one of your last few annual checkups. More weight’s come with higher blood pressure, higher cholesterol, higher A1C, more trouble breathing, worse circulation, you name it.
What’s she going to say after a couple more years of weight gains like you’ve been having? Or worse? How long before she says you’re diabetic, and have to start on medication that’s only going to make the weight pile on faster? How long before she has to report the irreversible damage your weight is doing to your back and joints? Huh? How long until she has to break the news that your heart has been working beyond its limit for so long that it’s starting to fail you? And what will we do if you get too big to exercise, to do anything about it? That’s not the life I want for you, one where food is the only thing you still get to enjoy.
But I’m worried that’s where things are headed if we can’t get a handle on your weight very, very soon. That if we don’t, it’ll be totally out of control before we know it, and too late to do anything. Doesn’t that worry you at all? Aren’t you the least bit concerned about what’s going to happen if you carry on like this?
...whatever you say, dear. I think we’ve got a couple of frozen pizzas you can have as a snack before dinner.
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dr-lokidottir · 3 years
As someone who's been betrayed by people I considered to be my family, honestly, Tyr got off pretty easy only losing a hand for that betrayal. But hey, I'm biased.
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Well I've been waiting for a question like this for a long time!
Tyr and Fenrir: a story where both were betrayed.
I want to clarify that this is SPG. and UPG.
We all know the story where Hel, Jörmungandr and Fenrir were taken to Asgard. There are many paintings where they are portrayed as children, not as adults and much less as dangerous beings, because they were not and never were. They were simply feared because of their appearance, leaving much to think about. And I must repeat this: they used to be children.
Let's talk about Tyr.
My boyfriend works with him. He is an incredible God. Tyr is the God of war, but I want to emphasize that he is the God of order and justice.
Tyr and Fenrir in their meeting.
According to the Eddas, Tyr was the only "brave" God (and perhaps not brave, but with the brains not to judge another by his appearances), who fed Fenrir. In my mind and of many others, they played together, became best friends, and Tyr spent all his time with him. We all know the relationship was wonderful. Tyr cared for him, fed him, and offered his trust. We know that Fenrir did not trust the Gods at all, but Tyr earned his trust.
The Wolf the Æsir brought up at home, and Týr alone dared go to him to give him meat.
Gylfaginning XXXI-XL
The betrayal of Fenrir, and why I am sure that they also betrayed Tyr.
Tyr and Fenrir were together all the time. Tyr did not know that they were building the chains, since he was always with Fenrir. Being his protector, the Gods would obviously never have mentioned to Tyr that they wished to bind (and practically torture) his best friend. Besides, Tyr would have stopped the situation. And he would have even alerted Fenrir and let him escape. Being the God of justice, he would have raised his voice for his INNOCENT and BEST FRIEND.
Besides, if Tyr had been part of the creation of the chains, from the first chain Fenrir would have been stuck, why? Simple, because Tyr was the only one who truly knew his strength and destructive potential.
The loss of Tyr's hand.
Tyr was sure that, like all past chains, Fenrir would break them. Tyr trusted Fenrir completely, and that was why he placed his hand on his jaws. He was sure that his best friend would emerge victorious as on all previous occasions. When Tyr saw that his best friend had been totally trapped.... He had to keep his promise, being something they both suffered. If Fenrir had desired revenge or to make him truly suffer, he would have devoured more than the arm of his best friend, Tyr. But there was an oath to keep.
We even know that Tyr did not plan to deceive him, much less sacrifice his hand:
' The Wolf said: 'If ye bind me so that I shall not get free again, then ye will act in such a way that it will be late ere I receive help from you; I am unwilling that this band should be laid upon me. Yet rather than that ye should impugn my courage, let some one of you lay his hand in my mouth, for a pledge that this is done in good faith.' Each of the Æsir looked at his neighbor, and none was willing to part with his hand, until Týr stretched out his right hand and laid it in the Wolf's mouth. But when the Wolf lashed out, the fetter became hardened; and the more he struggled against it, the tighter the band was. Then all laughed except Týr: he lost his hand.
Gylfaginning XXXI-XL
Therefore, as the Eddas say, all the Gods laughed, except Tyr, not only because his arm was going to be devoured, but because his best friend had been betrayed and had been trapped because of him. Tyr is the God of justice, and if he had known that situation he would never have allowed it.
To my mind always comes a scene where the two of them stare at each other, in pain and fear, maybe even with tears in their eyes.... Two best friends who were separated by the ignorance of many.
My personal experience:
As I said, my boyfriend (husband, practically) works with Tyr and Odin. I've had a lot of contact with Tyr because of that, and his presence never generates rancor in me. Because of my traumas and being hypervigilant constantly, I can't trust the Aeisir and Vanir because of everything they did against Loki and his family, but it's a personal thing I have to work on. I can't especially trust Odin though, for banishing children, just because of how they looked. Saying this I don't mean to make you hate the other Gods, far from it, but I'm telling my personal experience and how my Post Traumatic Stress is reflected there.
Tyr is the only Aeisir I have my trust in, along with my aunt Sigyn.
Tyr has accompanied me a lot of times, especially when I go to the gym to train. More than once I have felt Fenrir (he is the one who always accompanies me to practice boxing and weights, and in general, to do physical activity) talk and laugh with Tyr while I train, about things in life that I have never managed to hear clearly, but they get along excellently. Tyr has even helped me a lot in my practices!
One UPG that is practically a SPG, is that my best friend and I asked by pendulum if Tyr gives apples of Idunn to Fenrir in secret. We know that the Gods are kept immortal by them. The answer was a playful "maybe" from Fenrir. Come on, we all know it's true. Even in meditations I have seen them both together in the cave where Fenrir is bound. Tyr is amazing.
Well, that might be all! Remember it's SPG/UPG, so you can avoid negative comments, attacks, and so on. I'm a pretty sensitive person and I ask please for patience, especially in contrary opinions please, and that negative comments usually hurt me a lot! I appreciate the understanding.
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Art by Meretyh.
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wonderwomanfantasy · 4 years
Iwaizumi NSFW Alphabet
just remebered that this is my blog and I control the iwa smut
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He’s pretty good, he catches on pretty quick to what you like and will usally have some water and snacks on hand by the bed so he doesn’t have to get up to take care of you. Also, his after sex massages are godly 
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Okay I know this sounds weird but he has this treasure trail on his stoumach that he is sooo cocky about. He knows it drives you wild when you see it (cus like it is very hot) and he loves to show it off as much as posible 
On his partner? hes all about the ass. Big small, round or flat he doesn’t care he loves the booty no matter what besides it’s not like you’re flatter than Oikawa anyways
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
So conflicted when hes about to cum because on the one hand you look so good covered in his release and when you scoop up his semen with your fingers and lick it off your hand oh god nothing gets him harder. but on the other hand when he’s pounding into you it’s like your body is begging for him to cum inside so usally he makes you tell him where you want it. 
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He would gladly Cuck Oikawa or let Oikawa watch, sex and putting Shittykowa in his place are Iwa’s two favoret things so why not combine them
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He’s had a few partners but he’s not really a fuckboi, he likes having a steady partner so he can get to know their body rather than a string of one night stands. 
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Doggy, like I said he’s all about your ass and he will spank you while fucking you, He’ll also push your head down onto the bed if you aren’t arching your back enough for his taste.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He’s more serious in the moment but that isn’t to say he isn’t capable of finding the humor in things. He loves to tease you and it often helpd break the tension if something awkward happed. IE you asked him to spike your ass like a volleyball and he laughed at you for an hour straight before doing just that.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
it’s a little messy, don’t get me wrong it’s still all clean down there but like unless you ask him to shave he’s keeping the bush. 
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
The romance really comes after everything is all said and done, like he won’t have any sweet words for you in the heat of the moment but that’s mostly becuase his mind goes totally blank when he fucks and he can’t formed words. 
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
sometimes, mostly just to tease you. he’ll send you a video of him jerking off and moaning your name with some caption like “doesn’t this look a lot better than studying” to get you to come over and get him off for real. If you really can’t come fix his issue he’ll still send you a video of him cumming all over himself cus he’s nice like that
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
daddy kink plain and simple. he just loves heairng you cry out for daddy while he eats you like it’s is last meal but he also likes it when youre just like  “hey daddy can you grab that for me?” cus like yeah he is your daddy even out of the bedroom. Rip to you if you say that infront of the team 
public sex you are getting fingered in public 100% he doesn’t want to get caught persay. but he’s sure as hell not afraid to. as they say no risk no reward. you have also defently fucked in the boys changing room... and sucked him off in the club room, and gotten fingered in the volley ball storage closet. It’s a mericall no one from the team has caught you two yet. 
cock warming. He tries to work it into every sesion of aftercare its just nice to have his cock inside you even if it’s soft. makes him feel closer to you. watch out becuase the two of you will just be cuddling and watching a movie and boom his dick is out and hes looking at you like “so you gonna sit on that or what?”
roleplay? kind he gets really turned on when you roll up your uniform skirt and start “acting like a slutty little school girl” and he pretendeds he’s a teacher punishing you for braking dresscode. this is all in his head by the way, hes a little too ashamed to admit why he wants you to keep your clothes on while he fucks you or ask you to call him sensei.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Like I said anywhere in public is a rush for him, but his absolute favorite is in the shower Aoba Johsai locker room shower. The water just hightens everything and your moans echo beautifully off the tiles. 
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
when you complemt him.  “Wow iwa that was such a great spike you’re so strong!” “wow Iwa I never realised how mucular you are,”  “oh Iwa that was a great game you looked so cool out there!” are all sure fire ways to get your back blone out. 
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
ight hear me out! hes not into choking. Iwa just doesn’t trust himself enough to do it right in the heat of things and would never want to hurt you (yes he leaves bruises on your ass he spanks you so hard yes he doesn’t want to choke you until you black out) if you really want him to choke you he’ll do it, but like while you're riding a toy or something so he doesn’t get distracted. 
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He perfers receving tbh. you just look so cute on your knees gagging on his cock (choking on his dick and choking on his hand are two difrent things stfu) Iwa lives to condicened to you while you’re trying to fix his XL meat in your mouth
“you’re such a pretty baby, if only there wasn’t a big fat cock making you cry but you’re so much of a whore to let go of my dick now that it’s in your mouth isn’t that right?” stuff like that. 
also his head game is godly. he holds your hands and kisses yo right on your sex then procieds to send you to anouther plain of existance with his mouth. he won’t let up until you're crying. you make such a mess every time, not that either of care.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
unless its a special occasion he’s rough and brutal. real head board braking motherfucker RIP to (y/n)’s hips they are fucking gone
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He kinda has to be quick when you too are banging where someone could walk in any second. But he does perfer to take his time with you especially since he loves to make you cum over and over again. 
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Once he hits a grove he kinda likes to stick to what he knows. He might drag his feet a little but he’ll ussally try new things. 
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
oh my god good luck he can go forever if you let him. the only time you can even hope of going less than three rounds is if he just had a big game and he’s tiered from it, even then games tend to rile him up more than anything. 
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He owns a pocket pussy, not that he uses it much. He’s fine with using toys on you as long as he’s the one in control. Doesn’t like it if he finds out you’ve been using a vibe somwhere without him. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
It depends. Normally he doesn’t tease much he’s pretty straightforword and would rather just get down and dirty about it. But if he feels like you’ve earned a good teasing? good luck. He’s patient and he knows your body so well he can have you in a mess in less than a minute and he’ll keep you there until you’re begging for him.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Not very loud, lots of grunts and deep huffs if he’s talking it’s broken phrases repeated over and over again “you feel so good, so good so good,” “who’s cock is making you cum? who’s cock? who’s cock?” like I said his mind shuts off when he’s fucking you. He does tend to shout when he cums though. 
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He loves fingering you something about seeing his hands work on your body really gets him going. He like how deep his figners can go, how much they make you squirm. How the veins and the tendions on the back of his hand look while he slowly edges into three knucles deep. 
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
do I even have to say it? big cock citty population Iwaizumi Hajime. It’s a little longer than average and a little gatherer than you’d maybe ecpect and it really streaches you out. The head is a flushed read color and it’s sesitive as hell. please suck on the tip of his cock while fodleing his heavy balls he will literally cum in seconds. 
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
not very high. He’s always ready to go when you are but most of the time he’s just chill with hanging out. Unless he just won a game or you are wearing some of his clothes in wich case he is defently horny. 
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
please, you rock his world but you’re not half the work out a five set volleyball game is. He is fine to go to like the gym or something after sex even if you are completely wreaked. but if you ask him to cuddle and happen to fall asleep, well a nap wouldn’t kill him right?
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