trofysisters · 3 months
В семье Тоси утро молодоженов проходило по расписанию: Илона кормит сына, Виктор кормит всю семью. (In Tosya's family, the newlyweds' morning went according to schedule: Ilona fed her son, Victor fed the whole family)
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Поскольку научная лаборатория располагалась недалеко от военной базы, Илона подвозила мужа на работу на служебном вертолете. Может себе позволить, в отличие от простых смертных. (Since the scientific laboratory was located near a military base, Ilona drove her husband to work in a service helicopter. She can afford it, unlike mere mortals)
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Маленький Иван оставался на попечении бабушки и дедушки, которым графики работы позволяли присматривать за малышом, пока молодые родители отсутствуют. (Little Ivan remained in the care of his grandparents, whose work schedules allowed them to look after the baby while the young parents were away)
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Только Илья после работы не спешил домой к жене, а ходил в гости к соседям. Нужно же кому-то похвастаться своими успехами в работе, например, как он спас голодных и холодных людей, накормив собственноручно приготовленными гамбургерами, став еще более обаятельным и хозяйственным. (Only Ilya after work did not rush home to his wife, but went to visit his neighbors. He needs someone to brag about his successes in his work, for example, how he saved hungry and cold people by feeding them hamburgers he prepared with his own hands, becoming even more charming and a master at cooking)
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Неудивительно, что этой замечательной семье цыганка принесла в подарок старинную лампу. (It is not surprising that the gypsy woman brought an antique lamp as a gift to this wonderful family)
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Но Виктор добился повышения до безумного ученого собственными силами и умом либо помешательством. Только его сильно расстроило и смутило, что он, привыкший следовать правилам, обратился к производителю за инструкцией по сборке нового механизма, а собрать этот механизм мог бы и ребенок. Хорошо, что в этом мире от смущения не умирают. (But Victor achieved promotion to mad scientist through his own strength and intelligence or insanity. Only he was greatly upset and embarrassed that he, accustomed to following the rules, turned to the manufacturer for instructions on assembling a new mechanism, and a child could have assembled this mechanism. It’s good that in this world people don’t die from embarrassment)
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Зато тесть обрадовал его вестью, что он им с Тосей как зять понравился, и они надеются стать с ним лучшими друзьями. (But his father-in-law pleased him with the news that he and Tosya liked him as a son-in-law, and they hoped to become best friends with him)
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Но самым прекрасным событием в этот день было взросление Ивана. (But the most wonderful event on this day was Ivan growing up)
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Малыш вырос активными и игривым врединой в маму, а застенчивым в папу. (The baby grew up to be active, playful and mischievous like his mother, and shy like his dad)
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Виктор тут же занялся обучением сына, чему сам малыш был совершенно не рад. (Victor immediately began teaching his son, which the kid himself was not at all happy about)
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Коллега Виктора по работе вручила Илоне в подарок детскую игрушку. Осталось найти только место в квартире, чтобы ее разместить. (Victor’s work colleague gave Ilona a children’s toy as a gift. All that remains is to find a place in the apartment to place it)
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Стоило Виктору уехать на работу, как за внука схватились Тося с Ильей. Лучше бы они с таким рвением сыну помогали с его близнецами и беременной женой. (As soon as Victor left for work, Tosya and Ilya grabbed hold of their grandson. It would be better if they helped their son with such zeal with his twins and pregnant wife)
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Теперь Виктор может официа��ьно считаться добытчиком, ведь его зарплата в 2 раза превышает зарплату жены, и должность он занимает такую же высокую, как и она. К чему еще стремиться? Конечно же, осталось изучить все возможные навыки. (Now Victor can officially be considered the breadwinner, because his salary is 2 times higher than his wife’s salary, and he occupies the same high position as she. What else should he strive for? Of course, he still had to learn all the possible skills)
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star-venus343 · 21 days
Rejoice,my beloved subscribers!Venus is with you again!(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)💓
Don't forget to like,comment and reblog!I will be pleased!(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)💓
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@firecurls-27 @nightmaretherabbit @zibiscusloon @hey-imma-fangirl @yuki-arts-2nd @justphoenix3 @alexandrart873 @2194teddy
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varietyacademy · 2 months
If Mew is the ancestor of Pokémon... Does that mean Arceus isn't a Pokemon?
Isn't Arceus like... Created Pokemon so does that White Horse count as a Pokemon ancestor... Or did all the Credit goes to mew?
- Tosya
Tosya please get off the internet
Tosya you're high
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ghostgargoyle-art · 10 months
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sweet and simple post for tosya keane (any pronouns), a (variant) human eldritch knight fighter i played for an in-person oneshot where we were all students at a military school! it was really silly and didn't go too far into character lore at all, but i still had a ton of fun :) i honestly adore tosya's design LOL i think the pink looks really good against all the blue-purples <3
drawn december 2022!
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ersin3734 · 2 years
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kar durumu 1.10 cm #kastamonu #doğanyurt #karamanköyü #inebolu #cide #çatalzeytin #tosya #hanönü #taşköprü #araç #şenpazar #devrekani #daday #abana #bozkurt #seydiler #ağlı #küre #pınarbaşı #hanönü #azdavay #ihsangazi (Danışman Köyü Karaman Mahallesi) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cor66jwNNjT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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@snapdragonling got me thinking about grishaverse AU and i’m obsessed
Scratch is obviously a squaller, but tosya’s harder — it would severely fuck to make her a shadow summoner because of her voidy self, but she could also be a heartrender if we’re ignoring the obvious. WAIT NO she’s defs a shadow summoner — I just remembered the shadow creatures and how it takes a little bit of you to make them — twisted a bit that’s really just her
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hunterkhean · 1 month
Mr. Wolf
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An old comic about Tosya and How I want him to be Seen depending on One's Age.
Tosya is a completely Confusing Individuals and different people seen him in different lights but lost childrens that come across him always describe him as an angel...
Tosya is a monster... Toward men and Adults, He kill and he eats humans
But he would never lay a hand on Childrens or Pregnant women, Because to him... Young lives are precious, He lost his childhood... He lost his Innocent at the age of 7, Whenever he saw a child it remind him that in the world there's still purity, and he would not let any harm come to a child or those that carry one...
That's also the reason he always Clash with A Fellow Guardian (Raice) who Aim on Taking the live of childrens.
Tosya isn't that bad... But it doesn't make him A GOOD person...
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dusseldogma · 7 months
Güneşin son dansını yaptığı zaman, gece düşlerin kuytusunda hüzünle buluşur; yollar, varoluşun karmaşık dokusunda kaybolurken, karanlık, yıldızların düşlerle örülü karmasıdır, insanın bilinmeyenin labirentinde yürüdüğü anlar.
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sabricaglar · 2 years
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#Samsun #Giresun #tosya #göğcelicamii #çivisizcami #gerede #bolu #ankara #istanbul #Türkiye (Tosya, Kastamonu) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClHVMd5MS9g/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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vttz4 · 1 day
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charismaofobedience · 2 years
there's something inherently funny about the enstars gamer people for me and how their ships most of the time are with some absolute loser who can't play games for their life. like.
jun would try teaching hiyori to play stuff but hiyori never got too interested in the game itself and always got too invested in debating with the other people on the voice chat so now he just calls her to debate with people for him while jun focuses on the game, absolute power couple
natsume did not want tsumugi to play with them but here they are. tsumugi's absolutely horrible at EVERY GAME THEY TRY and natsume makes sure to remind him every 5 minutes or so about how mediocre his performances are. "Why do you still want me to play with you, then?" "I do NOT." (spoilers: they do)
sora would bring games up and tsukasa is just staring at him like they mentioned an alien. "board games? yes, i know about those! i am certain it would be fun to play them with you. :)" and sora is simply blinking at her, confused at what the hell is a board game
hokuto would touch a video game controller and the console would explode. makoto is staring at her. how the hell did she achieve this.
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trofysisters · 5 months
Может, по Тосе и не скажешь, но она обожала своего мужа. (It may not be noticeable, but Tosya adored her husband)
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Илья такой сильный и заботливый: от волка ее защитит, в порядок ей одежду приведет, чтобы не стыдно было перед соседями показаться. Пусть все знают, что Тосе самый лучший муж достался! (Ilya is so strong and caring: he will protect her from the wolf, he will put her clothes in order so that she won’t be ashamed to appear in front of her neighbors. Let everyone know that Tosya got the best husband!)
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А когда в закусочной, где Илья работал старшим менеджером, сломалась печка по производству котлет, он не растерялся и приготовил великолепнейшие вегетарианские гамбургеры. Тося в нем и не сомневалась: у ее Ильи кулинария на высшем уровне и обаять способен даже самых прихотливых клиентов. (And when in the diner where Ilya worked as a senior manager, the oven for producing cutlets broke down, he did not lose his head and prepared the most excellent vegetarian hamburgers. Tosya had no doubt about him: Ilya’s cooking is at the highest level and he is capable of charming even the most demanding clients)
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Конечно же, Тося постоянно сравнивала своего мужа с мужем дочери не в пользу последнего. Пусть Виктор поучится готовить, а то еда у него обычная получается, без изысков. Виктор с тещей не спорил, сам собирался навык повышать, чтобы быстрее вершины карьеры достичь. (Of course, Tosya constantly compared her husband with her daughter’s husband, not in favor of the latter. Let Victor learn to cook, otherwise his food is ordinary, without any specialties. Victor didn’t argue with his mother-in-law; he himself was going to improve his skills in order to reach the top of his career faster)
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А у Илоны начали бушевать гормоны: и от мужа своего хочет ласку получить, и от бывшего однокурсника, с которым когда-то роман крутила. (And Ilona’s hormones began to rage: she wants to receive affection from her husband, and from a former classmate with whom she once had an affair)
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Но вскоре у нее скрутило живот. Пошла она к туалету, да там и родила. Малыша назвали Иваном. (But soon her stomach began to twist. She went to the toilet and gave birth there. The baby was named Ivan)
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Новоиспеченный отец от сына отходить не желал. Кормил его, спать укладывал. (The new father did not want to leave his son. He fed him and put him to bed)
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Только и остальных домочадцев кормить нужно было, поэтому Виктор отправлялся в наряд на кухню даже без указания жены-генерала. (The rest of the household also needed to be fed, so Victor went on duty to the kitchen even without the instructions of his wife-general)
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Илона хоть и не любила грязную работу, но не могла всё на мужа переложить. Приходилось ей самой сыну подгузники менять. (Although Ilona did not like dirty work, she could not shift everything to her husband. She had to change her son’s diapers herself)
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Хорошо, что в гости приходил Тимофей. Скучал он по сестре и родителям, а имея хороший опыт заботы о детях, помогал он и с Иваном. (It’s good that Timofey came to visit. He missed his sister and parents, and having good experience in caring for children, he helped by taking care of Ivan)
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Благодаря этому молодые родители могли отдохнуть и посвятить время друг другу. (Thanks to this, young parents could relax and devote time to each other)
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Что касается Тоси, то она была готова поиграть с внуком, но не более. (As for Tosya, she was ready to play with her grandson, but nothing more)
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Она и так сильно уставала, ведь она до сих пор работала, пока некоторые дома сидят в своих декретах. Ездить на работу ей было тяжко, поэтому она периодически опаздывала. Уж ее-то - заслуженного градостроителя, уволить не имеют права. (She was already very tired, because she was still working while some were sitting at home on maternity leave. It was hard for her to go to work, so she was periodically late. As an honored city planner, they have no right to fire her)
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Так всё ладно было в семье, что старая цыганка подкинула им на порог древнюю лампу, пользоваться которой, конечно же, никто не будет. (Everything was so good in the family that the old gypsy woman threw an ancient lamp on their doorstep, which of course no one would use)
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Tosya Toptan Baskılı Kupa Bardak
Tosya Toptan Baskılı Kupa Bardak Merhabalar web sitemize hoşgeldiniz kupabardakk.com web sitesi olarak (bikups) sizlere en kaliteli baskı hizmetini sunuyoruz. 100 adet 1000 adet 5000 adet gibi rakamları en kısa sürede teslim ediyoruz. Türkiyenin her bölgesine gönderimi sorunsuz şekilde gerçekleştiriyoruz.  Tosya Toptan Baskılı Kupa Bardak firması olarak  en yüksek çözünürlükte en kaliteli kupa…
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varietyacademy · 2 months
Do you ever wonder what cooked Pikachu taste like?... Or maybe what Eevee taste Like?
For the last time... Get the fuck off internet, You're scaring the students
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kupabardakk · 1 year
Tosya Toptan Baskılı Kupa Bardak
Tosya Toptan Baskılı Kupa Bardak Merhabalar web sitemize hoşgeldiniz kupabardakk.com web sitesi olarak (bikups) sizlere en kaliteli baskı hizmetini sunuyoruz. 100 adet 1000 adet 5000 adet gibi rakamları en kısa sürede teslim ediyoruz. Türkiyenin her bölgesine gönderimi sorunsuz şekilde gerçekleştiriyoruz.  Tosya Toptan Baskılı Kupa Bardak firması olarak  en yüksek çözünürlükte en kaliteli kupa…
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sovietpostcards · 2 years
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Illustration by Aleksandr Deyneka for A. Pravdina’s short story “Four Tos’kas” (1930)
(Tos’ka—Тоська—is a cat’s name and also a woman’s name. Antonina → Tosya → Tos’ka)
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