#Toshiya Satou
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aan56 · 8 months ago
مدري إذا السؤال مر عليك من قبل ولا لا ، لكن بسأل وتجاهليه لو كان مكرر. أعمال/ شخصيات الكل أو الغالبية كارهها لكن أنتِ حبيتيها.
هلابك ..
جميل سؤالك ..
اممم.. قليل أحب شخصيات الناس يكرهونها .. اللي تصير اني أكره شخصيات الناس يحبونها ههههههه
ممكن اني أتقبل شخصية مكروهة .. بس أحبها !! .. ماقد صارت معي الا في أربع شخصيات بعد التحفير والبحث و التنقيب هههه
الشخصيات هم .. :
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بوفو من هنتر
ماقد مر علي أحد في الحياة ما يكرهه هههههه انا صراحة كان من شخصياتي المفضلة بارك النمل لانه كان مسوي أكشن هههههه
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فورويا من دايموند نو ايس
من النوادر في الحياة اني أشوف فان لهالانمي ومايكره فورويا .. ليش ؟ مدري خخخخ
أنا ما أحبه .. بس من الشخصيات اللي كنت متحمسة لها قبل أتابع الانمي عشان لون شعره الأزرق هههههه وطريقة رميه تشبه جورو ذذذ .. بس للأسف ما كان أد المئام ..
لكن يظل من الشخصيات اللي كانت ترضيني كثير بمشاهدها .. وما أذكر انه استفزني أو اني خالفته بموقف معين ..
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توشي من ميجر
كثير كرهوا توشي (حق الجزء الثاني والثالث ) .. أنا بالعكس كنت معه قلباً وقالباً .. أبغاه يجلد جورو جلد بحياته ما شافه .. جورو كان غ��يث جداً بهالموسمين
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أيومي من كونان
كثير يكرهون فريق التحريات الصغير عموماً , مو بس أيومي .. أنا ما عندي مشكلة معهم .. بل بالعكس أشوف ان كثير حلقات حلوة بكونان يصيرون موجودين فيها .. وبالذات أيومي لانها كانت شخصيتي المفضلة أيام الطفولة خخخخ لازلت الى الحين أنبسط اذا شفت لها لقطات حلوة .. خخخخ
بالنسبة للانيميات .. :
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دي غراي مان .. الجزء الثاني
كل الناس كرهوا النسخة ذي .. الا أنا حابتها أكثر من النسخة القديمة ههههه لأسباب كثيرة .. منها ظهور نيا و خويي الأشقر نسيت اسمه .. والأحداث متسارعة بشكل جيد حسيت اني أشوف انمي شونين صدق , والألوان مشرقة مو كئيبة و غيروا سيو البطل > سبب متعوب عليه هههههه بس جد أعطى للبطل حياة عكس القديم , كريه شوي .. كأنه صوت كابتن رابح خخخخخخ
الشيء السلبي الوحيد بهالجزء , لما غيروا سيو تيكي و لافي ..
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بوكونوهيرو الموسم الخامس
أغلب فانز هالانمي يكرهون هالموسم ويشوفونه مضيعة وقت وتدريبات زيادة مالها لزمة
أنا بالعكس حبيت هالموسم .. خاصة انه بدأ يتوغل بالقصة أكثر بموضوع الأسلاف وتطور قوة البطل لمستوى آخر وماضي شيغاراكي وأمور مهمة أخرى ..
اللي صدق مضيعة وقت كان الرابع ... لكن أعجبهم لان فيه قتالات حقيقية !!
ياحبيبي وش الفايدة قتالات والقصة ما تمشي ؟؟
وبس والله
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unonnonon · 1 year ago
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demifiendrsa · 1 year ago
Blue Exorcist - Shimane Illuminati Saga - Teaser PV
Blue Exorcist - Shimane Illuminati Saga will premiere in January 2024.
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Key visual
Nobuhiko Okamoto as Rin Okumura
Jun Fukuyama as Yukio Okumura
Kana Hanazawa as Shiemi Moriyama
Kazuya Nakai as Ryūji Suguro
Koji Yusa as Renzō Shima
Yuuki Kaji as Konekomaru Miwa
Eri Kitamura as Izumo Kamiki
Ayahi Takagaki as Kuro
Rina Satou as Shura Kirigakure
Hiroshi Kamiya as Mephisto Pheles
Director: Daisuke Yoshida
Original Creator: Kazue Kato
Series Composition: Toshiya Ohno
Character Design, Chief Animation Director: Yurie Daito
Music: Kohta Yamamoto, Hiroyuki Sawano
Animation Production: Studio VOLN
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p5x-theories · 1 month ago
Here's something interesting from the latest in-game survey about players' game experience: one of the questions asked who your favorite characters that don't have a Confidant in the game are, with the options being Narumi Nashimoto, Seiji Shiratori, Toshiya Sumi, that little girl raising money for animals in Shibuya (her name is possibly Hiyori Koide), the self-help/career counselor man from the office worker (possibly Yuta Satou)'s side questline, Manaka Nagao, Minami Miyashita, Haruna Nishimori, and a fill-in option.
I was certainly not expecting the man from Yuta(?)'s side quest to be on the list, haha! But I think more importantly, 1) Reo and Yukimi don't appear on this list despite being obvious ones, which may mean something is already coming for them, 2) I suspect the characters on this list are characters that they have at least loose ideas for already. 4-star teammates are supposed to get side stories, while 5-stars are supposed to be Confidants, so if they're asking this question, the most obvious conclusion would be that they're figuring out what characters to add as Phantom Idols and/or upgrade to Confidants.
Of course, we already know from the files that Narumi is Lume and Manaka is Ange, and Toshiya's Confidant has allegedly been in the works since May, so there may be an aspect of them just figuring out what order to add the characters in, or maybe who should be 4-stars vs. 5-stars, but regardless of anything, I think the choice of which characters to include in this list is notable.
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444lpblue · 1 year ago
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End #6 - The Hero of the Village
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Screenplay: Tomohiro Suzuki Storyboard/Episode Director: Tooru Iwazawa Chief Animation Director: Reiko Nagasawa Animation Directors: Keisuke Hiroe, Akiko Takase Key Animation: Mayuko Kandori, Ayaka Satou, Airi Takahashi, Dana Akahara, Hidekazu Ebina, Toshiya Kouno, Kohaku (Yutaka Nakamura), Kai Shibata, Hironori Tanaka, TOMATO, Keisuke Namioka, Ruoyu Wen, Tsutomu Miyazawa, Yukiko Busa, Eiji Yamamori, Rai, Keiichirou Watanabe, Hiroyuki Kobashi, Toshiyuki Satou, Yoshiko Matsumura, Shun Enokido, Chris (Yen bm), Mark Kenta Corcoran, Takahito Sakazume, Mami Takaishi, Youko Tsukada, Hiroo Nagano, HAHI, Houjicha, Saho Miyano, Shingo Yamashita, Tatsuya Yoshihara, Ruochen Liang
This week's Frieren episode was a showcase of the animators that the show continues to hold, top-tier level animators who you would typically see creating "sakuga" moments for just a few moments in a show. However, they are constant animators throughout the entirety of Frieren. And while you should have already been impressed, the Stark fight scene against the dragon truly showcased their talents.
An underrated role that people don't typically mention is the animation producer, who is mostly responsible for gathering the animators for a show. In this case, it's Yuuichirou Fukushi, who has been the animation producer for Sonny Boy, takt op.Destiny, One Punch Man, and more. The staff he assembles for his shows is simply top-notch almost every time, and I felt like I needed to mention that, especially when he is now responsible for two of my personal top shows, Frieren and Sonny Boy. Takashi Nakame is also listed as an animation producer for the show, but I don't know as much about him. Nevertheless, he should also be mentioned. In the Stark fight scene alone, you have Hironori Tanaka, Keiichirou Watanabe, Shingo Yamashita, Tatsuya Yoshihara, Chris (Yen bm), and Yutaka Nakamura. That's a team of multiple superstar animators that you wish one of them would be in your own show, but Frieren has all of them together, and the result is something you just have to see for yourself.
While I never really read Frieren's manga for its fight scenes, I was excited to see the action scenes in the animation. We did see it in the four-episode debut, but that was a more stationary wizard magic battle (which was still very cool). However, Stark vs. the dragon feels greatly enhanced compared to the manga. Just from the moment Stark runs to engage, the camera naturally follows him as he charges in, continuing to track him as if it were a boss fight in a video game. The fluidity and character acting amidst all of this action are phenomenal and it's all done in completely 2D including the backgrounds and dragons which is rarer nowadays.
The decision for a closer, more dynamic adaptation of the fight scene can be credited to Tooru Iwazawa, who is the action director for this episode. He also storyboarded and directed the entire episode.
Setting the action aside, I loved the episode as always. The attention to detail in translating the characters' expressions from the manga to the anime never ceases to amaze me. As someone who used to collect Fern's funny faces in the manga, I'm delighted to see all of them in their full glory. It's also heartwarming to witness the budding relationship between Fern and Stark in this episode.
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idiotlittleme · 7 years ago
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me when toshi showed up
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leenaevilin · 4 years ago
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[Announcement] 舞台「錦田警部はどろぼうがお好き」(butai nishikida keibu wa dorobou ga suki)
the show will be running from March 11th, 2021 to March 21st, 2021 (Tokyo) @ 品川プリンスホテル クラブeX (Shinagawa Prince Hotel Club eX)
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Hirono Ryouto as Phantom Thief Jack = Constable Anri (怪盗ジャック=アンリ巡査)
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Oosaki Natsuki as Phantom Thief Jack = Constable Anri (怪盗ジャック=アンリ巡査) 
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Fujita Rei as Inspector Nishikida = Dead Eyes Nishikida (錦田警部=死んだ目の錦田)
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Takagi Shun as Inspector Nishikida = Dead Eyes Nishikida (錦田警部=死んだ目の錦田)
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Oosumi Yuuta as Midorishima Eisuke (緑島栄助)
Kobayashi Yuuta as Police Officer (警官) BISKE as Police Officer (警官) Satou Jun as Police Officer (警官) Taira Fuuto as Police Officer (警官) Fukushima Kaita as Bukada Tateshi (部下田タテシ) Sakai Toshiya as Takaranomochi Kusare (宝ノ持クサレ)
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beldarius · 6 years ago
Valkyrie Connect voice actors
I’ve been looking all over the Internet for a cast list of this game, but came up with nothing (really, people?). So I figured I’d make one myself! Mind you, I don’t have all characters so feel free to let me know anything I missed. MALE CHARACTERS Akira Ishida: Kaworu Nagisa Aoi Yuuki: Utgardar Asami Shimoda: Kagamine Len Daisuke Ono: Odin Hiro Shimono: Loki Hiroki Takahashi: Ryu Hironori Kondo: Krozak, Vidofnir Hiroshi Kamiya: Levi Hiroshi Okamoto: Fafnir, Lucio, Ymir (Armored) Jouji Nakata: Morphia Jun Fukuyama: King Junichi Suwabe: Archer Kappei Yamaguchi: Sigurd Kenjiro Tsuda: Skirnir Kouji Haramaki: Prastos Makoto Naruse: Alviss, Hrungnir, Nagato Mamoru Miyano: Gilthunder Marina Inoue: Baldr Megumi Han: Arnaud, Ymir (Boy) Megumi Ogata: Shinji Ikari Motomu Kiyokawa: Filsius Nobutoshi Canna: Lancer Noriaki Sugiyama: Shirou Emiya Shoutaro Morikubo: Bergelmir Shunsuke Kanie: Heidrun Taishi Murata: Hodr, Wolfgang Takanori Hoshino: Iori Yagami, Loewe Taketora: Akuma Tatsuhisa Suzuki: Ban Tomoaki Maeno: Kyo Kusanagi Tomokazu Seki: Gilgamesh, Thor Tomokazu Sugita: Gylfi, Tyr, Vidar Toshiya Chiba: Sleipnir Tsuguo Mogami: Omega Rugal, Volundr Volcano Ohta: Froggy, Geyser Yasunao Sakai: Ofnir Yasunori Masutani: Fenrir, Heimdall, Jormungand, Surtr Yohei Azakami: Ragnarok, Zato Yuei Takagi: Gowther Yukari Tamura: Magni Yusei Oda: Boelthor, Nidhogg, Thiazi, Welver / previously known as Katsuaki Arima Yuuji Kishi: Ken Yuuki Kaji: Eren, Meliodas Yuuki Ono: Helblindi, Huginn, Susano-o Yuuma Uchida: Hraesvelgr, Reginleif Yuuta Kasuya: Xiang Tong Yuuya Uchida: Hendrickson FEMALE CHARACTERS Ai Nonaka: Kyoko Sakura, Mani, Nautica, Ranco, Verdandi Ai Sasaki: Luflit, Momiji, Nadia Akane Fujita: Jord, Nerthus Akira Sekine: Cenia, Ines Ami Koshimizu: Alice, Mai Shiranui Aoi Koga: Clarisse Aoi Yuuki: Diane, Eihwaz, Hyuga, Madoka Kaname, Randgrid Asami Shimoda: Etricia, Granfelt, Kagamine Rin Aya Endo: Karin Aya Suzaki: Raspi, Rota, Verossa Aya Uchida: Dielle, Nyatasha, Saskia, Tamamo Ayaka Fujimoto: Kushinada, Soable Ayaka Fukuhara: Clarice, Hrist Ayaka Maeda: Stella, Sylva Ayaka Ohashi: Elena, Elsa, Sortishia Ayako Kawasumi: Saber Azumi Asakura: Authumla, Osiris Chika Anzai: Fubuki, Nori Chiwa Saito: Akemi Homura, Skuld Eri Kitamura: Sayaka Miki Eri Sendai: Izuna, Rapunzel, Ultima Fumiko Orikasa: Chun-Li Haruka Terui: Liciela, Liesa, Matisse, Maully Haruna Ikezawa: Athena Asamiya, Lamina Hiromi Igarashi: Blodu, Chihaya, Forte, Livy & Lo, Tesla, Velfell Hisako Kanemoto: Tholin, Tinker Kaede Hondo: Porte, Viola Kana Ueda: Aquaria, Carliss, Estella, Rin Tohsaka, Risa, Sif, Urd Kanae Itou: Herja, Lorelei Kanako Nomura: Bylgja, Gaia, Oboro Kaori Mizuhashi: Arte, Mami Tomoe, Mimir Kaori Nazuka: Hervor, Roveria Konomi Kohara: Mervelin Kotono Mitsuishi: Misato Katsuragi Maaya Sakamoto: Hel, Mari Makinami Maaya Uchida: Esquire, Quarys Madoka Yonezawa: Forseti, Vili Mai Aizawa: Anubis, Idun, Luca, Mele Mai Kadowaki: Amaterasu, Illyasviel, Mia, Zodie Mamiko Noto: Frey, Lolo & Nana, Neviria Maria Naganawa: Camilly, Mogthrasir Maria Uno: Solstis Marina Inoue: Bertha, Dora, Ipsum Masumi Asano: Avencia (?), Brunhild, Litany, Muninn, Sakeko Megumi Han: Kubira, Michelle Megumi Hayashibara: Rei Ayanami Minami Takahashi: Hanna, Kaguya, Lorone Minami Tsuda: Materia, Sandra Miyu Tomita: Aurora, Frigg Miyuki Sawashiro: Cammy, Freya, Gullveig Nanaka Suwa: Beatrix, Eysith, Walpurgis Naomi Oozora: Angrboda, Marmalade, Niji, Noa, Passo, Zweilie Nozomi Sasaki: Grace, Yatsude Nozomi Yamamoto: Terra, Vesmeral Rie Kugimiya: Demolisha, Hymir, Norn, Nott Rie Murakawa: Rita, Ulin Rina Satou: Sara, Yvette Romi Paku: Hange Rumi Ookubo: Igna, Mei Hou, Radgrid Ryoko Shiraishi: Lu Ling, Siluria Saki Fujita: Hatsune Miku, Senna Saori Hayami: Bestla, Cherie, Mikagura, Nabby, Sanngrid Satomi Satou: Gardina, Medjed, Petra, Sol Sayaka Senbongi: Bear, Kagutsuchi, Lipka, Svipul Shiori Mikami: Flora, Mirka, Krista, Sinmara Shizuka Itou: Cleo, Fenia Sora Amamiya: Elizabeth Sumire Morohoshi: Nocturna, Tomoe Umeka Shouji: Corona, Skadi, Sonia Yoko Hikasa: Ayame, Bara, Dinna, Ran, Sentia Yui Ishikawa: Mikasa Yui Kano: Jest, Sasha, Shiena, Thrud, Vali Yukari Tamura: Pallone, Poelle Yuki Nagaku: Fei Lang, Sakura, Soara Yukiyo Fujii: Lyrist, Tsukuyomi Yumi Hara: Eleneige, Shuirin Yumi Kakazu: Kula Diamond, Mizuki Yumi Sudou: Aegir, Canon, Kili Yuu Asakawa: Megurine Luka Yuuki Kuwahara: Mona, Souffle, Vendetta Yuuko Miyamura: Asuka Langley Sohryu Yuuko Sumitomo: Curtana, Lumiere UNKNOWN OR UNVOICED 6th Angel Armored Titan Garm niconico televi-chan Pseudo DMS Unit-13 COMMENTS 1. Aoi Yuuki, Asami Shimoda, Marina Inoue, Megumi Han and Yukari Tamura are the only women I’ve found so far that play both male and female characters. 2. Listen to the differences between Taishi Murata’s characters. His range never ceases to amaze... the only English voice actors with similar ranges (that I know of) are Ben Diskin and Sean Chiplock. 3. On the female side, Umeka Shouji has a surprisingly large range. I’ve mostly heard her play deeper-voiced roles, and then Corona shows up... 4. I love Hiro Shimono’s evil laugh. He doesn’t go all out with Loki, but he sounds like an insane seagull when he does. 5. As a mythology fangirl, I’m a little annoyed by all the changes. Frey, Mani and Vali are supposed to be male; Skuld is supposed to be a Norn (with Verdandi and Urd); Hel, Fenrir and Jormungand are supposed to be Loki and Angrboda’s kids; Idun is supposed to be Bragi’s wife; Thrud is supposed to be Thor’s daughter and Magni and Modi his sons. I’ll update this “lore correction” once I find more characters.
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mateushonrado · 5 years ago
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Status Post #8281: Heisei era Sentai Red I-II
Red Turbo – Riki Honoo (Kenta Satou)
Five Red – Gaku Hoshikawa (Toshiya Fuji)
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major-anime · 6 years ago
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Toshiya Satou (Season 5) Team Japan
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especia-va-bien · 7 years ago
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Tracklist and details for Monari’s 2nd album “AHEAD!” unveiled 
The details for Wakita Monari’s upcoming 2nd full-length album AHEAD! to be released on the 25th of July have been unveiled.
The 12-track album will include both the title songs and coupling track from her previously released singles WINGSCAPE and TAKE IT LUCKY!!!!! In addition to the musicians who have produced her songs in the past, the album will also include contributions from Kaori Hifumi, Jun Sasaki, Momoko Suzuki, and Shunské G & The Peas. 
A song with lyrics written by Monari herself titled Dear, produced by her live concert backing band Up & Coming, is also included in the album.
Interestingly, the previously unreleased song Yasashii Uso written by UKO, which Monari has been currently performing in her concerts appears to not be included on the album.
Wakita Monari / AHEAD!
01. Callin' You [Lyrics: Naoki Maezono / Composition and arrangement: Toshiya Arai] Produced & Arranged by Toshiya Arai (COUNTJOKE)
02. PEPPERMINT RAINBOW [Lyrics: Naoki Maezono / Composition and arrangement: Toshiya Arai / Vocal harmony arrangement: Smooth Ace] roduced & Arranged by Toshiya Arai (COUNTJOKE) 03. Gozigen Lover-Joi [Lyrics: Momoko Suzuki / Composition and arrangement: Jun Sasaki] Produced & Arranged by Jun Sasaki 04. Dear [Lyrics: Monari Wakita / Composition: Love Unlimited Shimadan / Arrangement: Up & Coming] Produced by Love Unlimited Shimadan 05. Ai no Decadence (愛のデカダンス; lit. “Love Decadence”) [Lyrics: YURINA da GOLDDIGGER / Composition and arrangement: Toshiya Arai] Produced & Arranged by Toshiya Arai (COUNTJOKE) 06. Hashiru Boku (走る僕; “I run”) [Lyrics: Yuko Iizumi / Composition and arrangement: Seiki Satou] Produced by microstar 07. TAKE IT LUCKY!!!! [Lyrics and vocal harmony arrangement: UKO / Composition and arrangment: Toshiya Arai] Produced & Arranged by Toshiya Arai (COUNTJOKE) 08. CUTi-BiL (lit. “LiPS”) [Lyrics: Kaori Hifumi / Composition and arrangement: Jun Sasaki] Produced & Arranged by Jun Sasaki 09. LEMON [Lyrics: YUI / Composition: The Anticipation Illicit Tsuboi & YUI / Arrangement: Illicit Tsuboi / Horn arrangement: Santa Takahashi] Produced by The Anticipation Illicit Tsuboi 10. Yuusei kara no I LOVE YOU oh! oh! (遊星からのアイラビュー oh! oh!; lit. “Oh! Oh! I love you from the wandering stars”) [Lyrics: YURINA da GOLDDIGGER / Composition and arrangement: Toshiya Arai] Produced & Arranged by Toshiya Arai (COUNTJOKE) 11. WINGSCAPE [Lyrics: Monari Wakita, Naoki Maezono / Composition: Toshiya Arai / Arrangement: COUNTJOKE] Produced & Arranged by COUNTJOKE 12. Ao no Yume (青の夢; lit. “Blue Dream”) [Lyrics: Shunské G / Composition and arrangement: Shunské G & The Peas] Produced & Arranged by Shunské G & The Peas
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aan56 · 5 years ago
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هلاااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا و الله 
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pkjd · 7 years ago
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Opening theme to the TV anime "Major 2nd" will be performed by the band Kyuso Nekokami. Starts April 7th.
Director: Ayumu Watanabe
Script: Michihiro Tsuchiya, Kenji Konuta, Mitsuyo Suenaga, Kenichi Yamashita
Character Designer: Kenichi Ohnuki
Sound Director: Toshiki Kameyama
Music: Kotaro Nakagawa
OP Theme:  Kyuso Nekokami
Daigo Shigeno - (CV: Natsumi Fujiwara)
Hikaru Satou - (CV: Koutarou Nishiyama)
Gorou Honda - (CV: Showtaro Morikubo)
Toshiya Satou - (CV: Masakazu Morita)
Mutsuko Sakura - (CV: Kana Hanazawa)
Izumi Shigeno - (CV: Natsumi Takamori
Kaoru Shigeno - (CV: Yuko Sasamoto)
Michiru Mayura - (CV: Yui Horie)
Wataru Mayumura - (CV: Jun Fukushima)
Source: http://www.shopro.co.jp/tv/major2nd/
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demifiendrsa · 1 year ago
Blue Exorcist - Shimane Illuminati Saga | Main PV
Blue Exorcist - Shimane Illuminati Saga will premiere on January 6 2024.
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Key visual
Nobuhiko Okamoto as Rin Okumura
Jun Fukuyama as Yukio Okumura
Kana Hanazawa as Shiemi Moriyama
Kazuya Nakai as Ryūji Suguro
Koji Yusa as Renzō Shima
Yuuki Kaji as Konekomaru Miwa
Eri Kitamura as Izumo Kamiki
Ayahi Takagaki as Kuro
Rina Satou as Shura Kirigakure
Hiroshi Kamiya as Mephisto Pheles
Director: Daisuke Yoshida
Original Creator: Kazue Kato
Series Composition: Toshiya Ohno
Character Design, Chief Animation Director: Yurie Daito
Music: Kohta Yamamoto, Hiroyuki Sawano
Animation Production: Studio VOLN
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newsintheshell · 7 years ago
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“Sayonara no Asa ni Yakusoku no Hana wo Kazarou”
Film anime, 24 febbraio 2018
Pellicola originale prodotta da Showgate, animata da P.A.Works, scritta e diretta Mari Okada (Nagi no Asukara, Kokoro ga Sakebitagatterunda) . 
Altri video: [TEASER]  [TRAILER2]  [TRAILER3]
Direttore generale: Toshiya Shinohara 
Regia/Sceneggiatura: Mari Okada
Character design di base: Akihiko Yoshida
Character design/Direttore delle animazioni: Yuriko Ishii
Direttore artistico: Kazuki Higashiji
Art design/Concept design: Ariaki Okada
Musiche: Kenji Kawai
Direttore del suono: Kazuhiro Wakabayashi
Studio di animazione: P.A.Works
Sigla di chiusura: rionos “Viātor”
Maquia: Manaka Iwami  
Erial: Miyu Irino
Leiria: Ai Kayano
Clear: Yuki Kaji 
Rashine: Miyuki Sawashiro 
Lang: Yoshimasa Hosoya
Mido: Rina Satou 
Tita: Yoko Hikasa
Medmel: Misaki Kuno
Isol: Tomokazu Sugita
Baro: Hiroaki Hirata
Maquia proviene da una famiglia i cui membri smettono di invecchiare nel mezzo della loro adolescenza e sono in grado di vivere per centinaia di anni. Orfana dei genitori, vive in pace e tranquillità come tutti gli altri ragazzi, ma nonostante tutto prova sempre una sensazione di solitudine. Tutto cade in pezzi quando, un giorno, un’esercito invade il paese alla ricerca del segreto dell’immortalità custodito dalla sua gente. Leiria, la più bella donna del clan viene rapita e nel caos, si perdono le tracce anche di Clear, il giovane di cui Maquia è innamorata. Lei riesce a scappare e a mettersi in salvo, ma non avendo più amici ed una casa, si ritrova a vagare per una foresta da sola. Lì trova un bambino che ha perso i genitori. La storia seguirà nel tempo i due e i mutamenti nella loro relazione, nel mentre che Erial cresce e Maquia no.
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enami17 · 7 years ago
極上文學 / Gokujou Bungaku
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1) 極上文學 第1弾『桜の森の満開の下』 〔原作〕阪口安吾 "Sakura no mori no mankai no shita" ("In the Forest, Under Cherries in Full Bloom") by Sakaguchi Ango 2011.11 Cast: 唐橋充, 鈴木拡樹 Cast: Karahashi Mitsuru, Suzuki Hiroki
2) 極上文學 第2弾『銀河鉄道の夜』 〔原作〕宮沢賢治 "Ginga tetsudou no yoru" ("Night on the Galactic Railroad"), a classic novel by Miyazawa Kenji 2012.8 Cast: 大河元気、松田凌、廣瀬智紀、八神蓮、唐橋充、藤原祐規、塩川渉 Cast: Ookawa Genki, Matsuda Ryou, Hirose Tomoki, Yagami Ren, Karahashi Mitsuru, Fujiwara Yuuki, Shiokawa Wataru
3) 極上文學 第3弾『夢十夜』 〔原作〕夏目漱石 "Yume juuya" ("Ten Nights of Dreams"), a series of short stories by Natsume Souseki 2013.1 Cast: Kimeru、小野賢章、小野健斗、大河元気、廣瀬大介、中村龍介、根本正勝 Cast: Kimeru, Ono Kenshou, Ono Kento, Ookawa Genki, Hirose Daisuke, Nakamura Ryuusuke, Nemoto Masakazu
3.5) 極上文學上映会『極上幻映』 "Gokujo GENEI", a set of the first 3 plays 2013.6-7
4) 極上文學 第4弾『藪の中』 〔原作〕芥川龍之介 "Yabu no naka" ("In a Grove"), a short story by Akutagawa Ryuunosuke 2013.6 Cast: 小野賢章、津田健次郎、鮎川太陽、松本寛也、蒼井翔太、玉城裕規、藤原祐規、林修司 Cast: Ono Kenshou, Tsuda Kenjirou, Ayukawa Taiyou, Matsumoto Hiroya, Aoi Shouta, Tamaki Yuuki, Fujiwara Yuuki, Hayashi Shuuji
5) 極上文學 第5弾『Kの昇天~或はKの溺死~』 〔原作〕梶井基次郎 "K no shoten, arui wa K no dekishi" ("The Ascension of K, or His Death by Drowning"), a story by Kajii Motojirou 2013.11-12 Cast: 蒼井翔太、植田圭輔、及川健、佐藤貴史、末原拓馬、鈴木拡樹、中村龍介、平野 良、涼平 Cast: Aoi Shouta, Ueda Keisuke, Oikawa Ken, Satou Takashi, Suehara Takuma, Suzuki Hiroki, Nakamura Ryuusuke, Hirano Ryou, Chiba Ryouhei
6) 極上文學 第6弾『ドグラ・マグラ』 〔原作〕夢野久作 "Dogra Magra" by Yumeno Kyuusaku 2014.6-7 Cast: 玉城裕規、廣瀬大介、小野賢章、植田圭輔、桑野晃輔、松本寛也、Kimeru、酒井敏也、ブラザートム Cast: Tamaki Yuuki, Hirose Daisuke, Ono Kenshou, Ueda Keisuke, Kuwano Kousuke, Matsumoto Hiroya, Kimeru, Sakai Toshiya, Brother Tom
7) 極上文學 第7弾『走れメロス』 〔原作〕太宰治 "Hashire Merosu" ("Run, Melos!"), a short story by Osamu Dazai 2014.12 Cast: 大河元気、宮﨑秋人、萩野 崇、村田 充、西村ミツアキ、佐藤永典、椎名鯛造、鈴木裕斗、天羽尚吾/川���大洋、名高達男 Cast: Ookawa Genki, Miyazaki Shuuto, Hagino Takashi, Murata Mitsu, Nishimura Mitsuaki, Satou Hisanori, Shiina Taizo, Suzuki Yuuto, Amou Shougo/Kawashita Taiyou, Nadaka Tatsuo
8) 極上文學 第8弾『草迷宮』 〔原作〕泉鏡花 "Kusa meikyuu" ("Grass Labyrinth"), a novella by Izumi Kyouka 2015.3-4 Cast: 桑野晃輔, 荒牧慶彦, 三上 俊, 萩野 崇, 中村龍介, 石渡真修, 祁答院雄貴, 松田洋治, 斎藤洋介 Cast: Kuwano Kousuke, Aramaki Yoshihiko, Mikami Shun, Hagino Takashi, Nakamura Ryuusuke, Ishiwatari Mashuu, Kedouin Yuuki, Matsuda Youji, Saitou Yousuke
9) 極上文學 第9弾『高瀬舟・山椒大夫』 〔原作〕森鷗外 "Takasebune; Sanshou Dayuu" ("The Boat on the Takase River" and "Sansho the Bailiff") by Mori Ougai 2015.10 Cast: 天宮 良、伊勢大貴、椎名鯛造、服部 翼、藤原祐規、松田洋治、松本祐一、水石亜飛夢、村田 充 Cast: Amamiya Ryou, Ise Daiki, Shiina Taizo, Hattori Tsubasa, Fujiwara Yuuki, Matsuda Youji, Matsumoto Yuuichi, Mizuishi Atomu, Murata Mitsu
10) 極上文學 第10弾『春琴抄』 〔原作〕谷崎潤一郎 "Shunkin-shou" ("A Portrait of Shunkin") by Tanizaki Jun'ichirou 2016.6 Cast: 足立英昭、伊崎龍次郎、大高洋夫、川下大洋、鈴木裕斗、富田 翔、藤原祐規、桝井賢斗、松本祐一、和田琢磨 Cast: Adachi Hideaki, Izaki Ryuujirou, Ootaka Hiroo, Kawashita Taiyou, Suzuki Yuuto, Tomita Shou, Fujiwara Yuuki, Masui Kento, Matsumoto Yuuichi, Wada Takuma
11) 極上文學 第11弾『人間椅子/魔術師』 〔原作〕江戸川乱歩 "Ningen-isu; Majutsu-shi" ("The Human Chair" and "The Conjurer") by Edogawa Ranpo 2016.11-12 Cast: 足立英昭、石井マーク、伊勢大貴、小西成弥、長江崚行、松田洋治、松本寛也、水澤賢人、村田充、ROLLY Cast: Adachi Hideaki, Ishii Mark, Ise Daiki, Konishi Seiya, Nagae Ryouki, Matsuda Youji, Matsumoto Hiroya, Mizusawa Kento, Murata Mitsu, ROLLY
12) 極上文學 第12弾『風の又三郎・よだかの星』 〔原作〕宮沢賢治 "Kaze no Matasaburou; Yodaka no hoshi" ("Matasaburo of the Wind" and "The Nighthawk Star") by Miyazawa Kenji 2018.3 Cast: 市瀬秀和、白柏寿大、鈴木裕斗、納谷健、深澤大河、藤原祐規、松本祐一、三浦海里 Cast: Ichinose Hidekazu, Shirakashi Judai, Suzuki Yuuto, Naya Takeru, Fukazawa Taiga, Fujiwara Yuuki, Matsumoto Yuuichi, Miura Kairi
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