#Top Dermatologist Great Neck
Dermatologist Great Neck
When it comes to our overall health and wellness, there’s no vitamin more often discussed than vitamin c. Whether it was just part of the parental handbook in years past, or actual facts – growing up, there are generations of individuals who can remember their mother and father’s wise words about why they need as much vitamin c as possible. Whether it was a cough, cold, or even a really bad flu, to our parents, vitamin c was always a worthwhile panacea. And while our parents may have been exaggerating quite a bit, the fact of the matter is that vitamin c is actually quite effective and can help with a number of different issues and healthcare concerns. So, it looks like that part was definitely true, vitamin c is one of the most versatile vitamins around.
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luvdivy · 9 months
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2024: a year of transformation pt. 1
As 2024 approaches, im sure most of you are thinking about transforming your life. But I personally believe that transforming your life starts in December, not January. So here is the first part to transforming your life. Introducing: health is wealth.
health is wealth
Health is crucial for well-being, but most forget to take care of all aspects of it.
1.) Figure out your skin type:
There are numerous skincare quizzes online and youtube videos. Knowing your skin type is so important so that you can truly take care of your skin barrier.
2.) Products:
You don't *always* need crazy expensive skin care products to heal and clear your skin. I love CeraVe because they are affordable and available in most stores. If you are unsure, consulting a dermatologist is a great idea.
Regardless of your skin type, here are three basic and crucial steps of your skincare routine
Find a cleanser special to your skin type and use in the morning and night. I like to double cleanse with a cleansing balm and my regular cleanser in the night using the CeraVe hydrating cleansing balm and the CeraVe hydrating cream-to-foam cleanser (I have dry skin) to remove any dirt on my face. Make sure when using a cleanser you take your time to cover all parts of your face and ALWAYS WASH YOUR HANDS before washing and touching your face.
Regardless of whether or not you have oily, combo, dry, etc skin, hydration is important for soft and nourished skin (especially if you live in a dry or cold climate). I use the CeraVe moisturizing cream which really hydrates my dry skin. Do some research on what moisturizer will hydrate your skin without adding oils and buildup.
Sunscreen is incredibly important to protect your skin against UV rays and blue light. Suprisingly, blue light from devices can affect your skin. To avoid skin cancer, use a sunscreen. I use the Black Girl sunscreen and the Beauty of Joseon sunscreen which don't have whitecasts and give a really glowy look. They are great for more melanated skin and last throughout the day. When researching sunscreens, look for those which don't give off whitecasts and for ones that are SPF 50
3.) Its bigger than your skincare:
Diet, stress, sleep, mindset, water, the vibration you are at (all of which I will cover later) play major roles in the appearance of your skin. When you fuel your body with nutritious food and ample water, you glow more. You look healthier, and skin will clear up more. Give it time and trust the results. Get atleast 7+ hours of sleep and manage your stress levels. Improving your mindset and operating at a higher vibration improve everything, and you will glow more.
Additionally, your hormones, allergies, etc may affect acne and skin. Consulting a dermatologist is amazing for this.
Also, don't feel pressured to buy the newest skincare products. Invest in affordable and quality skincare products.
4.) Natural:
I love using natural resources and ancient ayurvedic techniques to improve my skin. I use aloe vera gel in the night on my face because of its numerous nutrients and benefits for the skin. Get 99-100% natural aloe vera gel for this.
Qasil powder is a natural somali soap which is incredible for your skin. Its known as the purest cleanser for the skin and body. Make sure before you buy it, that it is 100% true Qasil powder.
Look to make face masks with natural resources. From my culture, turmeric is amazing for the face, but don't leave it on for too long. Search online for homemade face masks with turmeric. Honey is also amazing for skin as well.
Research on different natural resources (especially ayurvedic skincare) because they are age old practices which are great for skin.
Body Care and Hygiene:
Hygiene is so so important for health (also so you don't stank)
1.) Shower:
When showering, cleanse from top to bottom. From behind your ears, to neck, all the way down to feet. Use soap or a body wash to remove all dirt from the day and make sure you wash your underarms, feet, privates, and butt. DON'T wash your down-there with soap because it'll mess up your pH balance, no matter how tempting it might be. Water is enough. I like the method body wash because its super affordable and smells amazing (especially the nourishing wash and pink peony). I would also recommend African Black Soap because its amazing for your skin on body. There are so many benefits to using it, you can never get enough!
For odor, I love using the panoxyl benzoyl peroxide wash to remove bacteria from my underarms. I leave it on for 2-3 minutes and wash it off. It does a great job of removing the onion-y odor from your armpits. I would highly recommend (get the 4% one) because its also really cheap.
For softness, I like to exfoliate my arms, stomach and chest area, legs, feet and back. It removes all of the dead skin cells and excess dirt that may be on your skin. I do this once a week and my skin feels AMAZING after.
2.) Shaving:
Shaving is COMPLETELY AND ENTIRELY your choice. Never let anybody tell you you have to shave. I love shaving because I love the way my skin feels, but thats my personal liking. I wax my arms and shave my legs. When shaving, use a shaving cream. I like the Athena Club cloud shaving cream and its affordable. I recommend 5 blade razors and make sure you exfoliate before shaving. Lastly, just be gentle when shaving.
3.) After shower:
I love to lotion-ize my entire body (especially in the winter) after showering in the night. It hydrates your skin overall and avoids cracking of the skin. I LOVE the vaseline body lotion (its cheap) and smells amazing. For dyer areas, I recommend shea butter. Don't forget about the heels of your feet, your knees, elbows, and hands because they can get the driest in the winter. If you want to go the extra mile, using a body oil makes your skin feel great after the shower and adds extra glow
4.) Deodorant
Deodorant should be worn every day on your armpits to avoid odor. I've heard the salt and stone deodorant is great (its $20) but I just use Dove.
5.) Down-there:
Please please do not put random products down there, otherwise your pH balance will be messed up.
Oral Health:
1.) Brushing your teeth:
Brush your teeth atleast twice a day. Brush your tongue as well, and use a tongue scraper to remove bacteria from your tongue. It really does improve mouth odor. I also recommend using a mouth wash. The TheraBreath anti cavity mouth wash is great (I haven't tried it but I've heard great things about it). Floss everyday in the night to remove things caught between teeth
2.) For white teeth:
I recommend oil pulling with coconut oil for white teeth. It removes that yellow stain from your teeth. To do this, swish a spoonful of coconut oil in your mouth for 20 minutes and spit it out into the trash can.
I also recommend avoiding coffee and chocolate (excessive) because it makes your teeth yellower.
Stretching is so important for your muscles and body movement. Its amazing in the morning to wake up your body and help it move/function better. It removes tension in the muscles and body and can help reduce the likelihood for injuries and cramps. Movement and mobility is so so important for the body.
Yoga is also great for this. There are so many yoga excersises and stretches that work amazing alongside mobility exercises. If you want to feel healthy in the body when you're 80, stretch!
As an athlete, a basketball player, exercise is so important. Being active has numerous benefits, so many that I can't name all of them. Here are some ways to be active:
1.) Go to the gym:
Get a gym membership. Lift weights, yoga, cardio, etc. If you have a dream body, this is the start. However, don't go to the gym solely for the body. Remember this: Health is Wealth. If you are optimally working out in the gym, your body will reflect that. Train so that you can move freely when your old, train to play with your kids and grandkids, do it to enjoy life more. There are hundreds of videos and resources for gym workouts, ill also make another post on this!
2.) Sign up for workout classes:
These can be so much fun! Pilates, spin class, cycling classes, etc signing up for a workout class can make you gain motivation and enjoyment for working out.
3.) Go on walks and runs:
Fresh air has so many benefits for your health. Going on walks and runs especially in the early morning can be not only a great way to wake yourself up, but it can also improve your muscle functions. Plus, you may even discover a new part of town!
4.) Sports and dance:
My favorite! I love sports in general and dancing. Sports and dancing can be so much fun, especially with friends. You can gain so many friends from it.
Aside from this, don't be afraid to try new sports! Its one of the best forms of exercise because you use everything in your body, especially your mind. Here are some sports:
Soccer (football)
American Football
Pickle ball
Field hockey + hockey
Track and Field
Ice skating
Softball and Baseball
I will be doing an in depth guide to exercise and being an athlete in the future!
1.) Nutritious food:
You need nutritious food to fuel your body and reap the benefits. Eating more vegetables and fruits will have your entire body thanking you.
Incorporating fruit and veg into your diet can be hard, especially if you're used to processed food. Start by substituting a craving for something sweet with fruits. Eat vegetables with your meals, and better yet make them into your meals. Curries, salads, pastas, burgers, the list goes on. I will do an in depth guide to this later!
Vegetables don't need to be bland. There are so many ways to make them tasty.
2.) Protein:
Protein fuels your body. I'm vegetarian, so I generally get my protein from eggs, nuts, dairy, and lentils. Try working in protein into your meals in a non-fried way.
3.) Dairy + Milk:
Dairy has so many nutritional benefits, and if you're lactose intolerant, dairy alternatives still have numerous benefits. Calcium increases bone strength. Yogurts and cheeses also provide calcium alongside other vitamins such as E, D, B12, etc. When you have breakfast next time, try having a glass of milk (whole milk or soy milk, oat milk, almond milk, etc) or incorporating greek yogurt.
4.) Water:
Drinking water will improve all parts of your body, even your brain health. Drink atleast 64 ounces of water a day (or 8 cups). I would recommend getting one of those timed waterbottles so you don't forget to drink water.
5.) Overall:
Like I said, I will do a thorough in-depth guide to diet later but if you focus on putting healthy, non-processed and homemade foods into your diet, you will reap the benefits. Make sure you eat so that you are nourished. Diet also doesn't have to be restrictive. You can still have the dessert and enjoy the comforts food can bring. More than anything its about being mindful for the nutrition of the food you eat, and knowing the healthiness of it. I guarantee you, if you control your cravings and focus on putting in nourishing and homemade food into your body, you will feel better. What you put into your body will reflect on the outside
A Final Note:
If you really want to transform your life, I think one of the best ways to start is with health and exercise. Use that discipline to channel self-love and care into your life. In 2 weeks you'll feel it. In a month you'll see it. In 2 months people will notice. In 6 months you'll feel like a new person. Start now and you won't regret it. When you feel good on the inside, when you're healthy, you feel accomplished and amazing. More posts will come in the future about spirituality, mindset, the soul, purpose in life, and more. Have a blessed day and lead with love!
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newhologram · 2 years
Was scrolling thru your Instagram and I think you mentioned you had either seb derm or scalp psoriasis? Was wondering if you had any holy grail items for managing it!
Yes, I have psoriasis on my scalp and sometimes it flares on my ears/inside my nose. Oww. For my scalp, I do a million things to manage it but I break it up into twice weekly scalp treatments. But I'm also changing my hairstyle which has meant growing out slightly, and my hair is very wild/anti-gravity and hard to manage, so this is why my routine seems so extra right now. Almost Daily: I spray a simple homemade rosemary infusion onto my scalp and massage with some gua sha combs. I like the toothed jade combs but I also use an ox horn comb to massage the head and neck. Doing this regularly has also helped hugely with my headaches and neck spasms/flare ups. Sunday: - I scrub with a tiny comb to get the stuck flakes off of my head, and I massage a scalp oil in. I usually make my own blend of just sesame oil, rosemary oil, peppermint, tea tree, turmeric. Lately I've been using Pacifica Beauty's Scalp Love Rosemary Mint Serum. I like it but found it wasn't strong enough so I added my own ingredients. - Then I use Yes to Tea Tree Shampoo Scalp Scrub to get even finer exfoliation. - I alternate about bi-weekly as needed but this is when I usually use my medicated shampoo from the dermatologist. It works great for psoriasis flares but it's not something I can use every time, very harsh and drying, which is why I try to offset it with other products. - I make fresh flax seed gel every few weeks and save it in a jar to then put on my scalp after the Rx shampoo, for about 10-20 minutes with gua sha massage, then I rinse it out. My hair is thick so sometimes it takes two rinses to make sure it's all out and not making my hair too heavy, while still getting that glossy healthy shine and bounce. (I also use rosemary infusion and flax gel on my face 1-2x a week for facial gua sha) Wednesday or Thursday: I make fermented rice water with apple cider vinegar, rosemary, citrus peel, turmeric oil, and other ingredients as needed such as clary sage oil for a nice smell (takes 3-4 weeks to ferment so I try to have an extra batch going every few months). I add the flax gel right on top and leave it as a mask for 20 minutes while doing gentle gua sha. Then I rinse it all out and spray with a little rosemary infusion. For homemade stuff, definitely do your research and test it out; it's not for everyone. The rice water takes time to get used to as well, at first I used to have to coat my hair in coconut oil before applying it at all but now it's fine. Again, you may not need to go this hard. Alternating with an Rx shampoo (if you can get it), tiny comb to exfoliate, using oil hair masks to undo the damage of the harsh ingredients might be enough. Hope this helps!
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longisland-derm · 17 days
Dermatologist Great Neck
The important thing to understand about vitamin c is that it is a strong, helpful, antioxidant, helping people to strengthen their immune system, flush the cells of unwanted free radicals and toxins, while also helping patients to improve their skin and flush out any harmful, unwanted toxins. According to Dr. Huang, the best dermatologist Great Neck has in practice, vitamin c is also known to boost your immunity to prevent or treat a cold, helps wounds heal quicker and also may help reduce the risk of heart disease. Vitamin C not only helps repair free radical damage, but it brightens the skin and helps fade dark spots, who notes it also “stimulates collagen production, improving the skin’s texture and quality. Using vitamin C regularly can help prevent the effects of sun damage and pollution from showing up on your skin, too. The antioxidant helps defend against hyperpigmentation by inhibiting an enzyme called tyrosinase, which is responsible for converting tyrosine into melanin in the skin, according to Dr. Huang, the best dermatologist Great Neck has to offer. One of the best parts about vitamin c is that while it is a powerful antioxidant, it is generally safe, gentle, and effective for the skin.
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kesseldermatology · 11 months
Revitalize Your Skin - Top Dermatology Procedures
Kessel Dermatology
At Kessel Dermatology, we offer a variety of dermatological procedures to address different skin conditions and concerns. From minimally invasive treatments like chemical peels and dermaplaning to more advanced procedures such as laser skin resurfacing and microneedling, we are equipped with state-of-the-art technology and expertise to provide our patients with the best possible care. This article will delve into some of these top procedures and how they can help restore and maintain your skin's health and vitality.
One of the most popular and effective dermatology procedures for skin rejuvenation is Botox, a non-surgical treatment that addresses wrinkles and fine lines. Botox, short for Botulinum Toxin, is a neurotoxin that, when injected into specific facial muscles, temporarily relaxes them, reducing the appearance of wrinkles. It is particularly effective for "crow's feet," frown lines, and forehead wrinkles. Botox injections are quick, relatively painless, and require no downtime, making it a convenient choice for individuals seeking a more youthful appearance.
Another non-invasive treatment that can help revitalize your skin is dermal fillers. Dermal fillers, like hyaluronic acid and collagen-based injections, are used to restore volume and smooth out fine lines and wrinkles. These fillers can also be used to enhance the lips and cheekbones, providing a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance. The results are immediate, and there is minimal recovery time, making dermal fillers a popular choice for those looking to refresh their look without undergoing surgery.
For those seeking a more comprehensive approach to skin rejuvenation, chemical peels offer an effective solution. Chemical peels involve the application of a chemical solution to the skin, which causes the top layer to peel away, revealing fresher, smoother skin underneath. This procedure can improve the appearance of fine lines, acne scars, and sun damage, and it can also help even out skin tone. There are different types of chemical peels, ranging from mild to deep, with varying levels of downtime and recovery. Your dermatologist can recommend the most suitable option for your specific skin concerns.
Laser therapy has become a game-changer in the field of dermatology. Laser treatments can address a wide range of skin issues, from wrinkles and scars to hyperpigmentation and unwanted hair. For skin rejuvenation, fractional laser resurfacing is particularly effective. This procedure uses laser energy to create controlled micro-injuries in the skin, stimulating collagen production and improving texture. The result is smoother, firmer skin with a more youthful appearance. Fractional laser resurfacing may require some downtime for healing, but the results are well worth it.
If you are troubled by loose or sagging skin, non-surgical skin tightening procedures can provide a solution. These treatments use radiofrequency or ultrasound technology to stimulate collagen production and tighten the skin. They are particularly effective for the face, neck, and body. Non-surgical skin tightening is a great option for those who want to avoid surgery and its associated risks and downtime while achieving firmer, more youthful skin.
Acne is a common skin concern that can leave behind stubborn scars and hyperpigmentation. Dermatologists offer several procedures to address acne scars, including microdermabrasion, microneedling, and chemical peels. Microdermabrasion involves exfoliating the top layer of the skin, while microneedling uses tiny needles to create micro-injuries that stimulate collagen production. These procedures can help improve the appearance of acne scars and provide smoother, more even skin. Chemical peels, as mentioned earlier, can also be effective in this regard.
At Kessel Dermatology, we understand the severity and prevalence of skin cancer and are dedicated to providing comprehensive treatment options for our patients. Regular screenings and early detection are the cornerstones of our approach to skin cancer prevention and treatment. We offer top-tier skin cancer services, including advanced surgical treatments for different types of skin cancer.
Mohs Micrographic Surgery, a highly effective treatment for certain types of skin cancer, is one of our specialized offerings. This procedure involves the precise removal of cancerous tissue while preserving as much healthy skin as possible. It offers the highest cure rates and minimizes scarring, making it a preferred choice for treating skin cancer on cosmetically sensitive areas such as the face.
We also offer Excisional Surgery, where the cancerous lesion and a surrounding margin of healthy skin are removed. This method is frequently used for treating melanoma and other types of skin cancer. The removed tissue is then examined under a microscope to ensure that all cancerous cells have been removed.
At Kessel Dermatology, we are dedicated to providing excellent care and treatment to our patients. We believe that education, early detection, and prompt, effective treatment are the keys to fighting skin cancer successfully. For more information about our skin cancer services, consult our team of skilled professionals who are committed to your skincare journey.
Not only can dermatology procedures address signs of aging and skin imperfections, but they can also help manage skin conditions such as rosacea and eczema. Dermatologists may recommend specific treatments and topical solutions to alleviate the symptoms and reduce flare-ups. These treatments can provide much-needed relief and improve the overall appearance of the skin.
It's important to remember that while dermatology procedures can be highly effective in revitalizing the skin, maintaining healthy skin requires ongoing care. Daily skincare routines, including cleansing, moisturizing, and sun protection, are crucial for preserving the results of dermatological treatments. Regular follow-up appointments with your dermatologist can help ensure that your skin remains in the best possible condition.
Skincare and dermatological health are fundamental aspects of overall wellness. Kessel Dermatology is committed to providing top-tier care for a wide range of skin conditions, from common issues like acne and sun damage, to more serious concerns like skin cancer. Our team, led by Dr. Daniel Kessel, a top-rated dermatologist in New Jersey, is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and over 30 years of experience to ensure you receive personalized, effective treatments. Remember, healthy, glowing skin is achievable and maintaining it is a crucial part of your health journey. At Kessel Dermatology, we're here to guide and support you every step of the way.
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hazel51 · 1 year
Ultherapy Treatment in Mumbai - India
Five Factors You Must Think of Before Ultherapy Treatment
What is Ultherapy? This is an in-office procedure that is non-invasive and helps in lifting and tightening the jawline. Ultherapy has gained massive popularity in India because it does not entail any form of cutting or incisions. The procedure takes less than an hour to complete when done at The Esthetic Clinics. It utilizes energy from ultrasound to reach the structural layers of the skin hence effective for a facelift procedure. Dr. Rinky Kapoor recommends it for tightening in areas ranging from the chin, neck, décolletage, and brows. Here are some important factors a patient must consider before signing up for Ultherapy treatment in Mumbai.
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Consultation with a Qualified Provider Plastic Surgeon in Mumbai
You must find a top-quality clinic to get Ultherapy treatment from for successful results. Set up an appointment with a qualified and experienced healthcare professional or dermatologist to diagnose and oversee the procedure. They have to be trained, certified, and experienced in performing Ultherapy. After assessing your skin condition, they must go through your medical history to determine whether you are a suitable candidate for the treatment or not. Ultherapy is generally used to address mild to moderate skin laxity on the face, neck, and décolletage. The dermatologists will help you determine if this procedure is the right treatment approach to address your skin conditions.
Expectations and Realistic Goals
Before looking into further details, ask to see the before and after pictures of patients whose Ultherapy treatment was successful. This will help you understand the limitations of Ultherapy and therefore tune your expectations to be realistic. It may not provide the same level of improvement as surgical procedures like facelifts, but it can be a good non-surgical alternative for some individuals as case studies show. As part of preparations, you ought to inform your provider about any underlying health conditions or medications you are taking. Some conditions or medications may not make you an ideal candidate for Ultherapy.
Downtime and Recovery
Most surgical procedures need time before the patient can fully recover. Ultherapy though a non-invasive procedure can still have some minor discomfort and downtime. During the consultation with your doctor, find out how much time you need to make a full recovery. You can also learn more details on proper recovery tips and how to take care of yourself during the window. Any risks and potential complications can further be assessed at this stage to prepare you for the same. Your doctor should further inform you if the procedure needs several successive sessions to work out.
How much do you need to have before undergoing a successful Ultherapy treatment? You can make better preparations once you understand the Ultherapy treatment cost and whether it fits within your budget. Additionally, check if your insurance covers any part of the procedure (usually, cosmetic procedures are not covered by insurance). Since most insurance never covers Ultherapy treatment, you might have to foot your medical bills using your savings.
Treatment Facility
There are a lot of clinics you can find in India for your Ultherapy treatment however which one best fits your need? Several factors have to be assessed when looking for a great clinic including quality of resources, medical staff, hygiene, catalog of services offered, and lastly the reputation of the clinic. Choose a reputable and accredited treatment facility that has a good track record of safety and patient satisfaction. Remember the quality of the clinic you choose plays a crucial role in determining the success of the procedure.
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jaliadp · 1 year
Skin Tags & What?
I recently was asked two questions relating to skincare that I absolutely felt it was important to share to a wider audience. So today I am going to talk to you about skin tags and also a trending term called skin slugging.
Skin Tags
Skin tags are narrow and short growths of extra skin that grow or stick out usually from the neck, chest (décolleté), under arms or eyelids. They most commonly form when the skin is rubbed against itself.  In a wide variety of cases they are harmless but aggravating depending on where they are on the body. It is thought that too many skin tags may be a sign of Type- 2 diabetes but that should be confirmed by a physician. 
There are a number of over-the-counter products that claim to remove skin tags. However, those products are not going to be effective for all types of skin tags as they can possibly damage the skin surrounding the affected area. It is best to consult a board certified dermatologist or healthcare professional to remove skin tags. These professionals will determine the best course of action whether that is freezing, cutting, or burning the skin tag. 
I don’t recommend a skin tag being removed as a part of a DIY process as it can potentially lead to infection and scarring. In addition, if you are someone who experiences a growth of moles which also protrude from the skin this too should be left to the healthcare professionals. A mole is a normal growth of melanocytes, melanocytes are pigment-producing cells and no they are not always cancerous so don’t panic unnecessarily. Whether a mole or a skin tag, as long as it is not causing your irritation it can truly be left as is.
Skin Slugging
The term skin slugging does NOT involve the use of slugs. It is a skincare trend that has been floating around for about a year now. It is basically slathering the skin in a petroleum-based product and allowing it to sit overnight. This technique is supposed to protect the skin and keep it hydrated. Now let me go a step further, petroleum-based products like Vaseline historically have been the popular skincare product. 
Another term you may have heard of is, occlusive which is a class of ingredients designed to provided a protective barrier over the skin to lock-in hydration. Occlusives are thick, heavy on the skin, and can be composed of waxes and oils. However, these products are not for oily skin or skin prone to acne and breakouts. Why? They are comedogenic which means they clog your pores! 
Despite popular opinion, Vaseline and Aquaphor are non comedogenic which means they do NOT clog your pores. The consistency is to thick so it literally just sits on top of the skin despite containing petroleum jelly. Now these two products also don’t have the exact same chemical composition. I can say from personal experience after suffering from a severe allergic reaction on my face, Aquaphor was the only thing that brought me relief from the itching and redness. With that being said, the Vaseline your mother or grandmother used as salve is still okay to use today in moderation.
Here are some suggestions of ingredients that can be used regardless of your skin type:
Squalene – an oil-based antioxidant that has great ant-inflammatory properties also used to keep the skin hydrated.
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Hyaluronic Acid -  also known as a drink of water or the skin especially since our bodies are made up of 55% to 60% of water. This is great for fine lines, wrinkles, and healing (cell turnover).
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These ingredients are found in serums, serums are best used as a PM routine. The order should be cleanse, tone, serum, and then moisturizer. Allow about a minute between applying each product and doing so at night will allow for deeper penetration because when we are asleep the skin is also at rest. 
Give this a solid try versus the “slugging” especially as we are in the heart of the summer season.
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rishikaroy95 · 1 year
What is the significance of picking a decent-quality derma roller?
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Like with some other magnificence gadgets, I generally suggest the utilization of derma rollers of the greatest quality. This is because you are utilizing this gadget on the delicate skin of your face and body. A mediocre-grade derma roller can make harm the skin as opposed to recuperating it. For this reason, it is ideal to continuously seek your derma roller medicines done by an expert dermatologist and never decide on the Do-It-Yourself gadgets that you get on the lookout for. Where and when are derma rollers utilized? A derma roller is a fantastic gadget that can be utilized to treat any piece of your skin that requires recuperation. This implies that it tends to be utilized on the face and neck, as well as the arms, legs, and, surprisingly, the midsection. The needles that are utilized to handle issues on different pieces of the body vary from one another. Dermaroller medicines are utilized to handle a great many skin and hair issues including balding, skin break-out scars, stretch imprints, indications of maturing, profound pores, barely recognizable differences, wrinkles, cellulite, hyperpigmentation, and then some. Derma roller treatment in Bangalore is fit for anybody of all ages who has a skin issue that needs treatment. What are a few focuses to remember while moving toward a dermatologist for treatment? On the off chance that you are going to a dermatologist for the absolute first time, I urge you to remember specific focuses. These include: Plan your arrangement ahead of time to stay away from it conflicting with a capability at night. This is because, in such a case that you have a skin treatment done on your most memorable visit, your skin will be red and you may be encouraged to rest at home.
Convey all your clinical records. Your dermatologist should be aware on the off chance that you experience the ill effects of any infection like diabetes or whether you have any sensitivities.
Keep your skin clean. Try not to wear any weighty make-up to the dermatologist’s center, as they will in any case have to set free of it up to give your skin an exhaustive assessment.
Cause a note of the multitude of inquiries that you have at the top of the priority list before beginning the treatment. It is critical to get your questions cleared. Recollect that no inquiry is too senseless about your well-being and prosperity.
At long last, I generally encourage patients to pick a center that is strategically placed. You would rather not pick a dermatologist who is excessively far away from your place of home, as the drive back home might be long and tiring. Likewise, make sure to peruse a survey of the dermatologist to see what different patients need to say regarding them. What could you at any point anticipate regarding results? After the derma roller treatment in Bangalore, you could see a touch of redness that can keep going for five days. There may be a slight consumption in the treated region. However, you can wear negligible make-up and head out typically. There is fresher cover recuperate creams or post-treatment creams, which are accessible; your PCP will suggest them for use after the treatment, as they function admirably to recuperate the skin post-treatment and go about as a BB cream. Do remember that the outcomes can fluctuate between patients. Your dermatologist will tell you what you can anticipate. Likewise, I believe you should take note that involving derma rollers for micro-needling is a cycle by which your body mends itself and this recuperating requires some investment. What number of meetings will be required? The number of meetings required can differ between patients relying upon many factors like the seriousness of their skin issues. On a normal, patients need around two meetings. Nonetheless, a few patients might require upwards of four or even six meetings to obtain the ideal outcomes. These meetings are dispersed and separated, with the goal that your skin gets time to mend and isn’t burdened too harshly. The time between two meetings can fluctuate between four to about a month and a half. Your dermatologist will tell you the ideal period and the number of meetings for your skin condition.
Could it be said that you are prepared to book with Le Jeune Medspa? Book an arrangement earlier and come visit us! we give the best norm of medical services for skin like Hydra facial in Bangalore hair loss treatment, body sculpting, and many more. We practice Protected, moral medicines utilizing the most recent innovation.
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biginfoman · 2 years
5 Reasons to Curb Sugar Intake — Beyond Empty Calories
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DECEMBER 9, 2018
When it comes to weight management, refined sugar in all its forms — high-fructose corn syrup, dextrose, rice syrup, sucrose and many others — is certainly one of the top items to get knocked off an eating list.
Harvard University’s School of Public Health suggests that to achieve a healthy weight, you should limit “lower-quality foods” including sugar-sweetened beverages, refined sugar and highly processed snacks.
But your waistline isn’t the only thing affected by excess sugar consumption. Overindulgence on the sweet stuff can affect you in some other surprising ways:
According to the National Sleep Foundation, an after-dinner dessert is a great way to get a terrible night of sleep. In fact, the organization notes, the more sugar you eat during the day, the more likely it is you’ll wake up during the night.
That’s because sugar lowers the activity of orexin cells, a neuropeptide that regulates how wakeful you are. More bad news: These cells also help control appetite, so if they’re feeling off-kilter, you’re more likely to eat more.
When it comes to an effective immune system response — the kind you need to be on high alert during cold and flu season — sugar could be defeating your white-blood-cell army.
When you eat a big dose of sugar at once, like a soda or a candy bar, you temporarily suppress your immune system’s ability to respond to invaders, according to certified nutrition specialist Monica Reinagel of Nutrition Diva. If that happens occasionally, it may be no big deal, but since the effect lasts for a few hours, you may be sabotaging your immune system on a consistent basis if you eat sugary food regularly.
READ MORE: What Your Sugar Cravings Might Really Mean
Sugar may be tough on your weight goals, but it’s even tougher on your heart. A major study published in JAMA Internal Medicine suggested a sugar-packed diet may raise your risk of dying of heart disease, even if you aren’t overweight.
In the study, done over 15 years, participants who took in 25% or more of their daily calories from added sugar were more than twice as likely to die of heart disease than those who consumed less than 10% of added sugar.
Although much is made of the mind-body connection when it comes to health and wellness, less attention has been put on the mood-food link. But it’s a strong one, and sugar can be especially notorious for causing emotional fluctuations, including anxiety, frustration and even depression, according to Dr. Elson Haas, author of “Staying Healthy With Nutrition.”
He notes that refined sugar has been shown to deplete important nutrients, such as protein, vitamin B, zinc, chromium and manganese.
“These deficiencies can lead to lower levels of emotional and mental functioning,” Haas says. “When you don’t have these depleted from your system, you can really feel a difference in your mood and your emotional state.”
Refined sugar, as well as other high-glycemic foods, raises insulin levels in the body and that increases inflammation. When that happens, the inflammation produces enzymes that break down collagen and elastin, the structural “building blocks” of your skin, notes dermatologist Nissan Pilest, MD, of California-based Total Dermatology.
“Digested sugar permanently attaches to the collagen in your skin through a process known as glycation,” he says. “That results in sagging skin and wrinkles. Glycation can also exacerbate skin conditions like acne and rosacea.”
Plus, the more sugar you eat, the more likely it is you’ll develop insulin resistance, he adds. That can lead to excess hair growth on the skin, as well as dark patches on the neck and other areas.
With side-effects like these, you might be tempted to swear off cupcakes forever. But you don’t need to cut out refined sugar products completely to see benefits and lower your health risks, says New York-based registered dietitian Vanessa Rissetto.
Instead, focus on mindful eating and awareness — in other words, she advises, make a sugary treat into exactly that, so it’s a sometime occasion and not a regular habit. Start by eating your next sugary snack very slowly, and notice how it smells as well as tastes. You don’t need to become a mealtime snail, but doing this a few times can help you “reset” when it comes to sugar, Rissetto says.
“This exercise helps teach you that you crave much less sugar than you probably think,” she says. “Being more mindful when you eat, especially when it comes to sugar, can keep you off autopilot and change your eating habits.”
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txskinandvein · 2 years
Looking For San Antonio's Top Dermatologist
Sun security can appear in different forms, yet keeping the sun straightforward is fundamental for the assumption of screening for skin disease Dermatologist In San Antonio. Sunscreen and sun protection clothing are two of the most outstanding choices to diminish the chance getting the deadly defilement.
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While picking a sun-protected dress, there are two or three elements to consider. One is to guarantee that the garments you pick keep UV radiation from entering. How much light appears on the skin could truly depend on how positively the weave is woven. To avoid expanding the surface and conveying the weave, wearing a slow-down or clouded dress as sun protection isn't suggested. Appropriately, light could have the decision of showing up at the skin through garments.
More truly than wet attire, get clothing that blocks dry UV radiation. The best protection is long-sleeved clothing, particularly slacks and shirts that cover the arms and legs. Clothing made of sparkling materials like polyester and silk can not only reflect perilous UV radiation away from the body but also give some degree of sun protection.
Also, clothing that has been treated with UV-holding defenses should be speedily opened. Two or three people who have gotten a skin risky improvement seeing as to a great extent wear this sort of dress.
SPF, or Sun Security Part, is a term that by a long shot most have a lot of involvement in while taking a gander at sunscreens; yet, most are neglectful that clothing has its own examining structure. Its name is Mind blowing Assertion Part, or UPF. It is used to measure the amount of UV light that appears on the skin. More basic UV radiation security is presented by higher appraisals.
Wearing a cap is another ordinary insurance decision. Regardless of sunscreen, a cap can offer extra sun security. Wearing a cap enjoys the benefit of keeping daylight away from entering locale that sunscreen habitually misses. The scalp, the most raised spots of the ears, and the rear of the neck are several instances of these areas.
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Best Dermatologist Garden City
Being a derivative of sugar cane, glycolic acid is an AHA or alpha hydroxy acid – a group of naturally occurring “fruit acids” that can be found in foods. AHAs work by loosening the glue-like substance that holds dull and dead skin cells on the topmost layer of your skin, revealing newer, healthier skin. It also stimulates new cell generation, resulting in improved skin texture, tone and a brighter complexion. And because glycolic acid has the smallest molecular size of all the AHAs, it’s the most bioavailable and active, allowing it to penetrate the skin the most easily. According to Dr. Huang, the best dermatologist Garden City has practicing, in addition to providing instant rejuvenation, glycolic acid has also been shown to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, which means that with continuous use, glycolic acid can actually accelerate skin healing and reduce signs of environmental damage.
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almamedspa · 2 years
Skin Rejuvenation Treatment: What Is It and How Does It Work?
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Laser skin treatments, which include skin rejuvenation procedures, are a great way to maintain a youthful appearance and a healthy glow on your face. Unfortunately, because of our busy schedules and lack of attention to our health, many of us neglect to give our skin the attention it needs. You may get your youthful glow back, stop the visible signs of aging, and shield your skin from harm with the help of this laser skin rejuvenation therapy.
In this article, we will discuss the numerous skin rejuvenation therapies that are now available, as well as their advantages.
In-depth information regarding the skin-rejuvenation process:
Your skin will age prematurely as a result of your lack of care. Sunspots, acne, dark circles, freckles, wrinkles, and fine lines are some of the skin problems resulting from spending time in the sun, consuming fast food, and staying late at night.
Rejuvenating your skin with laser skin treatments can make it look years younger.
Laser skin therapy and chemical peels are only two examples of the many methods available for skin rejuvenation. Skin resurfacing is widely regarded as the standard gold treatment for aging skin. The therapy with light can also make the skin feel and look younger.
When can this type of skin rejuvenation treatment be securely and safely used?
Since our faces are the first thing, people see when they meet us, many of us opt for facial laser skin treatments in addition to those for other parts of our bodies. We're trying to improve our complexion by eliminating blemishes and wrinkles. However, this treatment can be administered to other areas—like the neck and the hands—without risk.
Information about available facial rejuvenation treatments:
Skin abrasion, or dermabrasion, is a well-known exfoliation method that effectively uses a rotating instrument to remove the outermost layer of skin, most commonly from the face. It'll help the skin's new layers look radiant and healthy. Sun spots, fine wrinkles, uneven skin tone, and acne scars are some skin issues that can address with a dermabrasion treatment.
Due to the delicate nature of the surgery, only a dermatologist should do it. The expert dermatologist will numb your skin with an anesthetic before beginning therapy.
Chemical Peels:
Chemical peels, the most well-known form of chemexfoliation, are used to treat damaged skin on the surface. These peels are typically performed using chemicals like trichloroacetic acid, salicylic acid, and glycolic acid. It's excellent for removing wrinkles and spots and can help simplify the skin.
You may experience epidermal exfoliation due to friction caused by the chemical peel while you apply it. In addition to making your skin look and feel better, it can eliminate any bacteria or dirt lurking deep within your pores. Unfortunately, the outcome of this procedure may not be seen for several weeks.
Laser Skin Resurfacing Treatment:
Laser skin resurfacing treatment uses heat and light to remove the top layer of skin and heal the deeper layers from the inside out. This therapy can help balance out skin tone and improve skin texture by stimulating the production of collagen fibers.
Using Glycolic Acid as a Peel:
It removes all the dead skin cells on your skin's surface and deeper layers with a glycolic acid peel. The tiny size of its molecules allows it to penetrate the skin's layers and remove the protective fats that dead skin cells rely on for survival.
Therapy for Skin Tightening:
In this treatment, your skin will receive a profound upgrade thanks to the utilization of sound waves. Because your muscles work together, your skin will be more toned and less prone to wrinkles. Lifting and firming the skin and achieving a taut appearance are additional benefits. In addition, setting the skin around the chin, neck, and eyebrows does not require surgery. 
Facelift procedure:
The first visible signs of aging appear on our faces and necks as we age. Therefore, you should expect a more satisfying outcome from this type of surgery if you suffer from facial sagging, jowls, or fold lines.
Who is the ideal candidate for this therapy?
One should start anti-aging or skin rejuvenation treatments in one's early twenties. The simplest explanation is stopping the clock on aging and shielding your skin from signs of wear and tear, including dullness, discoloration, and other skin disorders.
Comparing Laser Skin Resurfacing Treatment and Laser Skin Rejuvenation Treatment
All the steps you need to take to improve your skin's appearance and health are incorporated into the laser skin rejuvenation plan. When the outermost layer of skin is removed surgically or through other clinical means like laser therapy, etc., it is referred to as laser skin resurfacing treatment.
The advantages of laser skin rejuvenation treatment:
It has the potential to correct hyperpigmentation and blotchy skin.
It can fade acne scars and patches with its treatment.
Purifying your skin's pores can make it look healthier and more radiant.
Method of Laser Skin Rejuvenation Treatment:
Sedation, either intravenously or locally.
Targeting your skin with a laser.
The skin is evaporated by the laser beam (epidermis).
Lasers weaken collagen fibers by warming the dermis.
Time ranges from half an hour to two hours, depending on the method used and the size of the affected area.
It has a long-lasting impact.
Acne scars
Fine lines and wrinkles
Uneven skin texture
Hyperpigmentation or unusual skin pigmentations
Sun damage
Age spots
Skin laxity
Enlarged pores
If you're looking for an effective method to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, age spots, and fine lines, come to Alma MedSpa in St. Louis. Learn what works best for you to achieve healthier, more vibrant skin.
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lumineneglow12 · 2 years
Luminene Glow Anti Aging Cream: Beautiful Skin Without Injections
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So, you want for the ground-breaking outcomes of Luminene Glow Anti Aging Cream. You will find there's reason that hot weather is so highly recommended by medical spas! This scientific formula aids you look younger in mere minutes putting on. Additionally, if used the recommended two times per day, Luminene Glow Cream can build up over time, restoring damaged skin in the cellular intensity. There is no need to save money and cash on excessive amounts of creams and butters, there happens to be one creation that works well all on its own, all essential is a face wash and a sunscreen to own absolutely within the for young, glowing templates.
Finally, there's no longer a desire to obtain a prescription for Luminene Glow Anti Aging Serum. To obtain this product, you don't even need to visit a dermatologist. Of course, attending a health care professional regularly is still a choice for everyone to look after yourself. If you skin is suddenly dull and lifeless, you may want to make sure you remain in overall good medical! But if you are dealing a concern . slow outcomes of aging, or dry skin or other complexion complaints, try Luminene Glow to really make it your lost dewy charm.
Benefits Of Luminene Glow Ingredients
Increases Dermal Hydration For Plump Cells
Tightens Neck and face Skin Naturally
Reduces Depth Of Wrinkles
Smooths Face lines
Brightens Face Considerably
Reduces Under-eye Bag Appearance
Luminene Anti wrinkle cream Price
So, a person hesitating about adding a good cream to your routine. Actually, due for the strong regarding Luminene Glow Serum, you will be able to discard the majority of creams and butters inside your medicine drawer. All you need is a face wash and a sunscreen to handle your sequence. Most people who use Luminene decide they will do n't have to continue getting dermatologist anti-wrinkle treatments. This saves so much money it absolutely worth the Luminene Glow Cost. A great added bonus, we are convinced you'll love this product that tend to be offering the very first bottle cost free. Just pay a ten dollar handling fee, we all will add in free digital beauty magazines with your order! To top it off, is actually an a 2 month money back guarantee, no questions asked. There's absolutely no risk, try it today!
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femme-enby · 2 years
Just some personal bitching-
I’ve had to take a break from T because it turns out I take after not just my dad, but my maternal uncle in terms of acne, bc when his acne was it’s worst during puberty he had horrific cystic acne.
And guess what I ended up getting after about 8ish months on T???
My uncle’s struggle with his acne as a teen led to him STILL not being comfortable with ANYONE touching his face, and he is now in his late 50s, or very early 60s even after it being medically treated.
Warning, it’s gonna get gross bc I’m gonna complain about EXACTLY what my face is like.
Starting off tame- painful. I’ve got 3-4 primary cysts, 2 on my left cheek, which has made it so for the past month I haven’t been able to lay on my left side bc nothing can really touch it.
Each cyst is so sensitive that when I’m in the shower (and mind you my water pressure ain’t great, it just feels like decent rain IMO) the water directly hitting them can hurt like a bee sting and send me almost into a backbend to get away from when a drop hits JUST right.
But honestly that ain’t the worst of it.
Not even the obscene amount of whiteheads that appear every 2-3 hours is worse.
No, what is worse than the pain is that my face LEAKS.
If I emote too much it hurts. If I open my mouth too much it hurts. But I don’t even have to be emoting or trying to eat for one of them to decide to just… start leaking.
I’m a walking biohazard.
They don’t just leak puss though, it’s bloody puss. I have a soft, dark towel on my pillow and when I wake up there’s gunk on it. I could just be sitting around, not doing anything, and I’ll just feel that something is off and I’ll brush the back of my hand near where it feels off and it’ll be that my face started leaking. (Of course I wash up and get a napkin or paper towel till it stops.)
But I’ve been off T for… 2-3 weeks now I think? And they aren’t getting better. It’s like it just reached some switch in my genes and now my skin is like “yo, FUCK you.”
And I’ve got smaller, sensitive cysts on my neck, 3 of em. One on my chin.
I’ve got acne everywhere though… arms, calves, shoulders, thighs, ass, stomach, back, chest… sometimes in very sensitive spots as well…
And I mean, I’ve always been acne prone so I thought I could handle it but… damn.
And now my dermatologist, on top of starting accutane (well not actually accutane, the generic version bc that name was taken off the market) she wants to try steroid injections first to help with the cysts, but if you’ve ever watched someone like Dr. Pimple Popper then you know that cysts often have to be removed. I’d have to have surgery where they cut open each one, drain them and remove the sack. Even worse than that though is if they have caused too much damage, they might just have to remove a section of skin.
Plus I start my seasonal job as a haunt actor soon, and not only have they barely given me and a lot of returning people any hours (I’m scheduled for 6hr shifts OPENING WEEKEND when a new hire is scheduled 8.5hr shifts) but also I’m terrified of trying to explain to them the severity of my skin and what I might need as a costume (mask instead of makeup, with only my eyes blacked out) because I don’t want to be seen as a nuisance…
I just want to feel like I wouldn’t be better off skinning my face. I just wanna be able to sleep comfortably and not having to sleep like a dead body in a coffin due to the pain sometimes. I just wanna be able to go out in public, walk around my neighborhood or go to the dog park without feeling like I have to wear a mask even outside away from people due to fear of disgusting someone or making someone worry that I’m diseased.
And the worst part? I know I’m being a huge hypocrite to myself- if anyone else near me was going through this I wouldn’t care about how they look or if their face is leaking, I’d just wanna know how I could possibly help them. I wouldn’t think they look gross or diseased, I wouldn’t think they need to hide out in their house during the day. I wouldn’t think they should feel ashamed of their face- I’ve seen people with bad acne, I went to high school with a girl who’s cheeks looked similar (albeit with a darker skintone, so it was less “white and red” and more “light brown and dark brown”) and I NEVER once thought “ew, gross” I thought she was beautiful. I never thought guys with bad acne were gross either.
But also… I ain’t never seen someone with MY skin tone look like this. I’ve never seen someone as white as me with acne this bad.
I just want to be able to be ME. I just want to smile without flinching, or take a shower without almost slipping from jumping at the pain. I just want the physical and emotional pain to stop.
I want to be able to wear some of my nicer clothes without feeling like I don’t deserve them. I want to be able to pick clothes without having to specifically go “okay, I need dark colors in case something starts to bleed.”
I feel like my cheeks are half their size bigger because of the acne and I hate being so AWARE of every single inch of my face.
The medication can take MONTHS to start seriously working, and a full SIX months for me to be DONE with a round of treatment. I could need a SECOND round. I definitely do not drink enough water for as dry as my body might be.
I also don’t really have anyone who has or had acne like this to talk to- my dad had bad acne but not like this. My uncle isn’t really much of a talker, especially not about touchy feely topics (my mom, his little sister, and my nana, his mom, will say “I love you” and he always says “you too.” My mom actually got CONCERNED and was a little misty eyed once when he actually said “I love you”) so I can’t really talk to him about it.
I just feel so gross and alone, and even though my partner genuinely doesn’t seem to notice any of it, and doesn’t seem grossed out by it either, I still wish I had someone who understood that I could talk to.
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rfadaydreaming · 4 years
what would the rfa smell like?
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jumin ☞
that nice laundry smell after wash day, thats his smell. his aftershave has hints of sandalwood and vanilla in it which is noticeable too and literally delicious. after he shaves he smells like a dream. all the soaps he uses are either a generic soap smell or not scented at all. his dermatologist advises against fragrances so thats why he doesn’t use them much. doesn’t wear cologne unless its a special occasion or a date, too strong for his nose sometimes. but when he does its gucci. he just has a really nice smell that comes naturally, literally just one of those people that smells so good without trying and has his own smell. probably the pheromones.
zen ☞
coconuts and roses. he uses a coconut scented lotion/sunscreen all over his body, and his rose water adds a nice floral scent on top. his soap smells like cedar and cypress which leaves a nice lingering masculine smell after his showers. it doesn’t seem like it would all work together but they do and he smells amazing, like a delicious smokey dessert. like jumin he doesn’t use a cologne that often, but when he does like “midnight enchanted woods” with patchouli and sage or something. tries not to go crazy with it. he just has a really nice natural smell and its something his fans pick up on a lot. tries not to use a ton of chemicals when it comes to what he puts on his skin so its all ✨organic and fancy✨
yoosung ☞
he googled what smells attract women and bought whatever came up first. think of traditional old spice smell but with more of a “musk” because according to mens today women like musk. now that actually smells really good on him, its strong but not too much and smells masculine. but im so sorry, he uses three in one body wash. its probably labeled something like violent anarchy warzones: for MEN! the kind that smells like fragrant acid and hurts your eyes to smell sometimes but he thinks its manly so he likes it. he doesnt know any better, please take that away from him this instant and find this boy a proper routine. everything else is great though, he’s that guy you walk past in the store and he just smells really good and it grabs your attention.
jaehee ☞
if you’ve ever met someone who works at a coffee shop then you know exactly what she smells like, strongly like coffee and baked goods. a little bit of vanilla on the side. a full on snack, she cant really smell it on herself anymore because shes so used to it by now but you can and she always smells absolutely delicious. she likes more natural smells. her soaps are lavender and rosemary scented, and she sprays a perfume on herself called “white linen” it smells really fresh and clean, a hint of floral undertones. its lost the second she steps into work but smells amazing while it lasts.
seven ☞
so you’re gonna tell me he doesn’t use axe? dont you dare lie yes he does
doesn’t really care what he smells like just because he’s by himself most of the time. just sprays the shit out of himself before he leaves the house and probably will give you a chemical burn if you touch him. only starts to care more about his appearances after he meets you.
please help him he uses 3in1 and axe everything
once you help him sort all that out he smells like the generic “man smell” but the kind that actually smells really nice instead of trying to burn your nose off. you get him an aftershave for his birthday that smells downright erotic like sandalwood and frankincense, really spicy and earthy. he dabs a little on in his neck in the mornings even if he’s not shaving because it smells that good.
jihyun ☞
smells absolutely wonderful, has his routine down perfectly and invests in that kind of stuff. no weird alcohol or cheap chemical smells will ever be attached to him. uses cologne daily and it smells like tobacco and leather with a bit of cashmere vanilla its just so smokey and earthy and yum. its perfect and not too strong but just the right amount to grab your attention. he likes when people tell him he smells good. in the mornings he smells a little like coffee on top of all that and its just pure perfection, theres not a moment that goes by where this man doesn’t smell like heaven on earth
saeran ☞
actually smells really sweet, kind of like cotton candy and flowers with a little hint of strawberry on the side. doesnt mind smelling more “girly” since thats just what he likes and he doesnt go out often. he doesn’t use cologne or anything fancy, its just his soaps and shampoos. his shampoo is “tahitian garden” and it smells really sugary and flowery. the best is when he comes out of the shower when its super strong and he smells absolutely amazing. he has an aftershave thats more masculine smelling but he doesn’t use stuff like that too often. prefers to just to shower and go.
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thanks for reading! find more on my mysme masterlist ♡!
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yandere-mha-blog · 3 years
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Chapter 4: Slice
Words: 2006
You had a hard time falling asleep that night, where you just wasted your time here. When you told your dad you wanted to become a doctor he was confused, saying maybe being a nurse was more up your alley, but he finally accepted the fact you would be going to school to become a doctor. He was even more excited to hear you were in the top 5 of your class and that things were coming easily to you.
But the tool of the same thing over and over again when you just wanted to get your hands in there already was boring you to death, once you got into residency it would just be more mundane boring stuff. Talking to people every day about their pollen allergies, even dermatologists took forever to get their degree. You were already a pro with a scalpel and stitching according to your teachers.
“It’s sad to see you wasting your potential.”
You punched your pillow in anger again, what right did he have, maybe you were only interested in him since he was the one who gave Akio his just deserts and he was the first one you could talk about your urge to use your quirk. Still, at the end of the day, he was a villain, he wasn’t going to come back huh, maybe it's for the best, just go back to where you were before, the sheer boredom of it all.
You couldn't stand that as you got out of bed, it was late but you put on some loungewear and headed out, you were not about to go back to living every day with mundane occurrences again. You kept looking around the campus for anything that would lead you to him. A few students were coming back from drinks and you kept walking only to see Akio letting a very intoxicated girl lean on his arm as he held up. You were pissed off now, not even a day out of the hospital and he is already back to his scumbag ways.
You followed the both of them and he was heading to the male dorm area, the girl was too drunk to even notice anything, you watched as he helped her up the stairs and you followed behind him as he closed the door. You went next to the door and put your nail against the lock before shooting your talon out breaking the lock, and you opened the door, and there was Akio on the couch with a passed-out girl.
“So this is helping a girl get home huh,” you said, and Akio head shot up
“You!?” he said getting up “This isn’t what it looks like, I was just.” “Going to take advantage of a drunk girl, the day after you got out of the hospital.” you said “I know your type, you act like a wuss to have girls let their guard down, how many people have been your victim.”
“Hey just calm down, I wasn't going to do anything,” he said
“Is that why your pants button is undone along with your zipper.” you said “You are the talk of the class right now, poor Akio getting attacked by a big bad villain, how much sympathy did this girl give you?” you asked letting your talons out
“I’m going to call the campus police.” He said
“Go ahead, wonder what the whole story will be when they see a drunk passed out girl on your couch,” you said
“What do you want?” Akio said
“Well I would like it if you left this school.” you said “But you won't do that, you won't curve your bad habit. you'd just end up doing this somewhere else”
“Stay back, I'm warning you.” He said, man, you really had him scared huh, you just want to get this girl out
“I really hate people like you,” you said walking over and picking up the girl who just kinda groaned.
Hawks was laying out on top of the building, maybe he had been a bit too hard on you earlier. Still, sometimes people need a wake-up call, he was twiddling Akio's wallet he stole, maybe it would be funny if Akio saw it returned like he was still being watched by him. Hawks stood off the end of the building and flew down to locate his dorm shouldn't be too hard, still, when he saw through his feathers the door was open he flew down to see Akio on top of you with his hands around your throat as you gashing on his sides for dear life, with a passed out girl in the doorway. Hawks was starting to see red or maybe it was just the feathers he sent on Akio pinning him to the wall by his clothes. You started to cough and tried to catch your breath.
“(name) what are you doing here,” Hawks asked taking off one of his Primary wings and it growing sharper
“Cough cough...it's a long story, he was going to assault that girl,” you said gesturing to the girl in the doorway
“Well I’ll ask later on how you got yourself into this situation, take the girl out I’ll handle him.” Hawks said, you nodded your head and picked the girl up and dragged her outside
“You..you know (name),” Akio said
“A bit, we meet when you attack her in the ally way.” Hawks said, “I thought I’d let you off with a warning but it seems like you didn't learn anything, and you tried to strangle her to death.”
“I wasn’t-”
“Shut up man, I know that look you had in your eyes, it's the one I have now.” Hawks said, “I'll make this quick.”
You dropped her off outside the female dorms, this is where your adventure for the night would end, you wondered what Hawks was going to do to Akio, you decided to head back, you knew that the handprints would be visible, lucky you had a couple of scarves. You sat down at a bench near the back of the school and let out a long breath before you heard a familiar gush of wind and someone landed behind you.
“Hey….so uhmm, your neck okay?” Hawks asked
“It's fine, I don't think anything has collapsed,” you said
“That's good, now can you tell me what happens?” Hawks asked looming over you
“I went out for a walk-”
“Late at night?”
“Yes, I couldn't sleep because of what you said earlier, ugh I must be mad for letting the words of a villain get to me.” “And I must be mad for saying that.” Hawks said, “Look (Name) I know you have something in you that drives you, but look you couldn't even defend yourself from one guy.” Hawks said, “If I didn't show up you would have died.”
“I know that.” you said “I wasn’t expecting to run into him doing that, I got so angry that someone would have been a victim, and no one was coming to help.”
“Well I'm just glad you didn’t die tonight.” he said flicking your forehead “Here hope on i'll fly you back to your dorm.”
“Hope into where?” you asked
“On my back in between my wings of course.” He said turning around and pointing to in between his shoulder blades
“I’m not so sure about this,” you said
“Come on I know you want to,” he said fluttering his wings
“No spins of loop de loops and you won't drop me either.” You said
“(name) if I wanted you dead I wouldn't just drop you and let you splatter on the ground, I have more class than that.” he said, which didn't help calm your nerves “Look I won't drop you either just hop on, it will be fun.”
Ah yes taking a joyride through the sky with a dangerous villain will be fun, still what else do you have to lose, so you decided to hope on
“This is weird,” you said
“Nah, now hold on.” he said, as he flew up and you wrapped your arms around his neck, shutting your eyes tight “ack (name) can't breath, look it isn't that scary see, hold onto my shoulder I won't let you fall.”
You reluctantly opened your eyes as you still had a firm hold around Hawks, the city lights looking more like fireflies now
“Wow so this is birds' eye view.” you said “But Hawks how are you flying if your wings aren't moving?”
“Haha well I move my fathers, I only really like to move them when I'm trying to get away, and I don't want you falling off.” He said, “also why there are no photos of my face anywhere, they don't have a camera that is fast enough.”
“Makes sense.” you said, “so Hawks why are you on the run anyway, you don't seem like the stereotypical villain.”
“Hahaha thanks, I guess?” Hawks said, “It's kind of a long story but to keep it short I don't want to work under some bureaucracy, I just want to relax and live my life, but at the same time, I can't help but see people in need and want to help them, but working under someone thumb isn’t for me.”
“I don't think I could see you working for someone either.” you said “Meanwhile what I'm going for, is that you are always going to be working under some.”
“Well, it's never too late to change your mind.” Hawks said as he landed in front of your dorm “Thank you for using the nighthawks delivery service.”
“Thanks, hawks, for everything,” you said
“Of course chickadee.” he said “Keep your head down low for the next couple of days though.”
And with that vague warning, he was off once again, oh how lucky he was to be able to fly off and be free whenever he wanted.
Still, all good things must come to an end as you saw police tape surrounding the boys' dorm, everyone was talking amongst themselves the next morning.
“What happened here?” you asked
“Someone was found dead in their dorm, they say it was break in.” Someone said
“Wonder why?” you said but you knew why, still you decided to just head to class but for some reason the door was locked, you rolled your eyes and checked your phone only to see a message that due to a tragedy on school ground class was canceled for the day, just great.MIght as well have a free day in your dorm then as the other students were watching Akio being pulled out in a body bag, Fumiko noticing your nonchalant to this and gulped.
You were enjoying some funny cat videos and enjoying a cup of tea when there was a knock on your door, just great wasn’t this support to be a free day. You got up and opened it to see Fumiko.
“(name) didn’t you hear about what happened.” She said
“I heard someone was found dead in their dorm room.” You said
“It was Akio (name), he is dead.” She said
“Okay and you are telling me this why?” you asked
“(name) even if you didn't like him, you should still care if he is dead.” She said
“Well I'm not,” you said
“You know (name) everyone in the class was telling me how cold and mean you were, and I thought they were wrong, I thought you were nice but I was wrong-”
“Oh can it Fumiko, you only talked to me because you felt bad for me is that right, you had no intention of being my friend, you just felt guilty of me being the weird person in the class, and mooched off my notes, now your shitty friend is dead.” You said and felt a harsh slap across your face “want me to turn the other cheek?”
“YOU ARE A HORRIBLE CRUEL HEARTLESS PERSON!” She said and ran off, oh well if that's what she thought no reason to try and change her mind.
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