#Toothless has a stutter which I find adorable
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guess-i-do-art · 3 months ago
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I’ve read like… 1 and a half of the HTTYD books and HOLY MOONS I LOVE THESE TWO
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asfateentertwines · 2 years ago
Kiri and Spider have been best friends since the beginning
They met when Kiri was still an infant and Spider around 2. He still wasn't allowed to leave the labs but he snuck in to one of Kiri's checkups
He was a climber and a builder - hence his name - and so it was hard to keep him out of where he wanted to be
So when the toddler heard another cry in the building it was only a matter of time before he found it
He wanders, stumbling through the offices he's confined to and sneaking until he reaches the Avatars
Jake is there, Kiri in his arms, sitting next to Ms. Grace's tank. He's talking and it sounds like a story which Spider loves so he of course toddles his way over. He climbs into the Na'vi's lap without regard for his size, skin, or the fact that he's only met Jake a handful of times.
Jake, to his credit, catches the tiny human with a free palm under his butt. Paying no heed to the flabbergasted look on the mans face, he peers down to stroke the girls cheek
He flies for a moment while Jake tries to keep them apart but then the girl has his hand in her palm
She blinks up with big eyes and Spider offers a giant toothless grin: there was no going back after that
Neteyam comes with Kiri
He's Spiders age but double his size, 2' taller for the 2 months he's younger
Still, Spider doesn't let the few kids his age on Pandora get away. He's a social butterfly and opts to conquer Neteyam's introverted ways.
And so he toddles after the blue boy everytime he comes with his sister
Kiri is growing fast, especially next to human growth standards, but she still has a ways to go to meet Spider, so her big brother will have to do
It's 3 months of toddling after him, pulling his tail, and playing with the pretty beads adoring his hair while Neytiri tries desperately to keep the little human away from him
But, once again, containing Spider is mission the adults surrounding him have yet to accomplish
And so Neteyam finds himself with a little blonde flea attached to his side
He chases the younger boy through the halls, giggling at the tiny hisses Neteyam lets out when he catches him. He pulls his tail and climbs onto his big boy bed - he can use the grown up bunks now! - while Neteyam tackles his obstacles with ease.
The other boy is shyer but Spider has learned how to rile him up by now
They play for the hour or two that Jake spends with Kiri getting monitored in the labs. If Neytiri is there then it's harder, but Spider can normally get a story for them at least.
It continues on for a while with Kiri joining them as she starts to crawl, then toddle with their hair or her brothers tail in her fist
And it seems that gets Spider a little too comfortable
Namesake on full display, he tries to climb the bunkbed ladders of the bunk room while Neteyam is chasing him
He's gotten far too big for most of Spiders tricks to slow him down so the child thinks this is his chance to get a rare upper hand
Except bunk beds are tall and metal is slick and maybe Spider isn't really that much of a big kid yet
He really does try to catch himself but its too slippery and he hits the ground hard
The scientists around the lab don't like it when he cries and really does try to keep it in, but his arm really hurts and he can't help but let it escape
He waits for Neteyam to mock him or tell him to stop but instead finds himself craddled against the boys chest.
"Shhhh, shh, 's okay Spi, just stop cryin'. I-I'll get my Daddy and Uncl' Norm." Spider only shakes his head and cries more, clinging to the other boys beads.
"No'uh, 'm okay. 'm a big boy."
Neteyam stutters for a minute before he nods. The two boys stay curled on the floor for a few minutes then with Spiders arm cradled between them.
"Don't worry, 'm here Spi. Every'tings okay."
Their relationship is never as close as the others growing up but there's an understanding between them the others never have
They're equals, the two oldest brothers.
They might be opposites but they've got one another's backs...even if that's just taking left while the other takes right to corner Lo'ak at highcamp.
Neteyam never made friends easily
Spider forced himself into the picture and his siblings never really got a choice in the matter
Sure, being the Ole'ekytans son meant some of the other kids would clamor for his attention but he never did good at being more than casual
Responsibilities stack on him like like the berries on Tuks tarts: he doesn't have the time or strength to devote to anything else
His siblings are enough though. There's a war and he can't loose focus or they'll get hurt
He left them once and lost Spider - he won't let it happen again
It gets lonely though
He chases after his kid brother and protects his sisters from as much as he can but...there's no one to look after him
Then he meets Ao'nung
Ao'nung is brave and cool and gets it in a way his siblings just can't
He may not have grown up in a war but he has a little sister and another on the way - he knows the responsibility of an important father and its addicting to have that person in his life
They lean on eachother, quietly, and he finally has something for himself
He tells him things he never told anyone else
He talks about his fathers expectations and pressure, his mothers trauma, his worry over the human they left behind, and his fear for Kiri's future. He talks about Lo'ak running into danger and Tuk losing her innocence and Ao'nung talks about his anger. About the fear he has of whats to come, about Tsireya and how he worries this will break her. He's weak around him and Neteyam savors it.
Time goes by and he gets hurt. His arm might never be the same as it was and his ear still rings with the echoes of gunshots but he has his brother back and his family is safe
Neytiri finally, finally lets Spider come home but it's not over
He doesn't think it ever will be
But Ao'nung slips his hand into his and maybe he'll be okay
Maybe he doesn't have to do this alone
Rotxo was Ao'nungs first friend
They were friends from the first time they sat through lessons together and they've been attached at the hip ever since
Rotxo knows Ao'nung will be a great Ole'ekytan but he'll need a right hand and Rotxo is ready to step up
For a long time he thinks maybe he'll be more than that but the Sullys arrive and they both find that path a different way
Still, they're eachothers person
They back one another up no matter what and there is rarely one without the other
In training they pair up, have joint moves that they make just for themselves and know the others gaps or weaknesses like its their own
Tonowari didn't want to train them for war but they didn't want to risk being unprepared
So when the sky people reach their waters, they spend every hour they can steal with one another
They spar and wrestle and carve more weapons
Their hands shake with fear and adrenaline but they keep their thighs pressed to the others and carry on
Rotxo gains muscle mass and Ao'nung learns to use a bow Neteyam carved. They grow their skills, their strength, but also their fear
Unlike the Sullys, they didn't grow up with war on the horizon
They don't know what's coming and cling to each other while they can.
No matter what, they know they can rely on the other
It isn't until they see Quaritch dead that they'll let go of the breath they're holding but they hold the other up until then
Nothing could pry them apart and nothing that tries will walk away
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lowlevelkoboldadventures · 2 years ago
Dragon tier list?
Ok so, there's too many dragons out there for me to rank by tier specifically, but here's a list of the dragons in media I think about the most and tend to think are the coolest. (also I've never read any of the Wings of Fire books IM SORRY IM SORRY)
Smaug (from the Rankin Bass animated movie) This one is probably my favorite depiction ever of the stereotypical "big red dragon in a mountain sitting on a hoard of gold" for too many reasons to list all here, but everything about the scenes with him in it are just SO good
Toothless (from the HtTYD BOOKS) Dragons don't have to be big and powerful to be good dragons! If you are unaware, Toothless in the books that the movies were "based on" is about the size of a dachshund, can speak (but with a stutter), and is basically a little disobedient rat with wings who has no teeth, is afraid of the dark, and has self confidence issues. Absolutely fantastic little dragon, I do still wish we got a movie adaptation with this Toothless too
All the dragons from the "Reversal of the Heart" animation I love this animation for a lot of reasons (especially because it uses Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto No. 2) but I also love the way that the dragons are proportioned and shaped too. I also think it's my go to depiction of "dragons aren't the bad-guys, the humans that hunt them are" whenever that trope gets talked about
The Ahamkara (Destiny 2) In Destiny lore, there's this race of paracausal wish dragons known as Ahamkara who feed off the wishes people make with them, and the changes to reality that come with it. They are incredibly tricky, even the weakest among them being able to find the loophole in even the tightest sealed 100 page legal document, and, while never saying no to a wish, will almost always have a way of benefiting from whatever you wish for, if not also screwing you over in the process. They have very unique designs, the one which you fight in game almost looking like a whale skeleton around the face, and also are an incredibly unique kind of 4th wall break in that they genuinely, canonically, know that they are in a game being played by us players. They talk specifically to You, The Player, and always talk with "... oh (name) mine~" at the end of their sentences
Pokemon Dragons - Just going to run thru these quick and easy Dragonite - I LOVE DRAGONS WITH ROUND BELLIES Goodra - Very large! Very friend Appletun - Dear GOD... words cannot describe how adorable....
And to technically make it a tier list, bottom tier is Gaping Dragon from Dark Souls.
Ok that's all!!! Thank you SO MUCH for the ask! I love answering these, and it makes me happy when people are curious to hear more!!! Hope you're having a wonderful day, thank you again!!! 🥹🙏
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that-was-anticlimactic · 4 years ago
wait bestie how come u don't like httyd??
oof okay please no one come for me but… i love the book series too much. they were my everything growing up—i had a *poorly* hand-drawn map of the world hanging on my wall and i would try to find Berk—I came up with a tune to the Berk anthem (“i didn’t mean to come here, I didn’t mean to stay, it’s just where the sea winds blew me one accidental day…”). i still listen to the audiobooks to this day…
they were so important to me and the movies are… oof. they’re very inaccurate to the books. astrid isn’t a character in the books, she doesn’t exist. actually, my two biggest complaints about the movie are that they replaced my favorite character, Camicazi, introduced in book three how to speak dragonese, with astrid and I think Camicazi is a more dynamic character. she was a huge female role model for me growing up and broke misogynistic stereotypes that astrid never really does.
my second big complaint is toothless. I know he’s adorable but… night fury isn’t a dragon in the books. toothless is the smallest dragon in the hairy hooligans tribe. he’s a “common or garden dragon” (in quotes for reasons that are MAJOR spoilers so i won’t say lol) and Hiccup can talk to Toothless because he loves dragons and learned their language based on observation (and hiccup actually is such genuinely great male representation that defies toxic masculinity!!! actually, camicazi is more traditionally masc than hiccup and he’s more traditionally fem than camicazi which is really cool especially for its time!) and he talks to Toothless all the time.
Toothless also has a bad stutter in the books which is never made fun of (unless it’s done by Snotlout’s dragon… but are you surprised?) and it’s amazing rep. he is also the biggest sh*t ever and he goes out of his way to cause chaos and it’s AMAZING.
also i’m p sure Alvin is barely in the movies and he’s not the cunning, sly, mastermind villain he (and his mom oops) are in the books and i just… oh, I love Alvin so much😂
the movies also did Fishlegs dirty (he’s like… one of the main-main characters in the books. he’s a skinny kid with curly hair and with bad asthma and allergies—again, rep the movies left out) and they kind of did Snotlout dirty because his development is really really good.
there are just a lot of things that made me:// and I also personally can’t stand them because there have been many occasions where I mention how i dislike them and give my reasoning and everyone gets personally offended and starts berating me??? like y’all can like it but dang. so I get a bit defensive when people bring the movies up due to how many times I’ve had to defend my opinion:/ (I was in a theatre class once and was the oldest student in the class since it was an intro and I was a senior and I got so angry at everyone basically telling me that my opinion is invalid that I said “i’m getting really angry we need to stop talking about this or I’ll say something i’ll regret)
I can appreciate the brilliant musical score and the animation is really pretty—like as much as I say that I hate the movies, I know there are really great things about it. the plot is good on it’s own, but I have trouble separating them as their own thing. it’s just sad that the movies stole the name of the series, some of the characters’ names, and then just… changed everything and most people don’t even know they’re books.
oof this is pretty long and I was trying to be nice because I know most people I follow LOVE the movies and I can be uhhh pretty harsh unintentionally and could probably point out everything wrong with them but that’s just genuinely rude on my part. I have watched the first movie and I was forced to watch the second one on a school field trip (though I had headphones in so i didn’t actually hear it, just saw it lol) and that’s it.
I hope this doesn’t come across as rude! the books and Camicazi were just so genuinely important to me growing up and it just makes me :// knowing that most people think the movies were original and don’t know that there are books and I’m a very passionate person so I tend to get ‘AHHHH’ about stuff like this haha
thanks for asking:) I hope this clarifies some stuff!
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thegreatbigfourmain · 4 years ago
The young chief had a somber expression on his face as he readjusted the fur cloak resting upon his shoulders. Although Drago and the former Alpha retreated to the ocean, the battle had taken many casualties within the village of Berk. Both dragons and Vikings suffered in the crossfire, leaving them with half their population still standing. It left him with the drastic decision of needing a treaty with a neighboring village to keep his people and dragons armed for another attack.
However, that proved to be a problem. No one wanted to encounter what Berk did in their village. Many of his allies rejected his request no matter how much he emphasized the superb protection done by his dragons. Thankfully to the gods, one did accept. The kingdom of Corona could never turn away a desperate plea for help. And Thor Almighty he was in dire need of assistance.
The arrangement showed to be more than what the Vikings bargained for.
As a way to kill two birds with one stone, the King of Corona agreed to the Viking chief’s wishes if he complies in escorting his daughter, the princess. All other suitors were sent away by her highness, though she is compelled to choose one. He tried to weave his way out of it, but the king would not budge. In his words, “It is not an arranged marriage, but rather being a potential candidate for the role.” To his displeasure, he had no choice but to accept it for the good of his people. It forced him to have a very long conversation with his girlfriend, who was livid when she heard of the final decision. It was the cause for the look on his face.
Hiccup Haddock the Third put on a brave face before entering the throne room where her grace awaited his arrival. He did notice how Corona was the complete opposite of Berk. Everything from the buildings to the atmosphere was different and foreign to him. Banners of the kingdom’s emblem hung everywhere. It seemed like these people are obsessed with the sun. He shouldn’t think much of it considering he’s just as obsessed with dragons, something Astrid also poked fun of whenever they trained.
The brunet made his way down the aisle as he stepped on the softest lavender carpet his feet have ever felt. Then again, he hasn’t much use for fancy rugs and such in his home. The closer he moved toward the royal family, the more his heart sank in his chest. A future without Astrid was unheard of, but the world without dragons was one he simply could not live without. Like the king said, it is not an arranged marriage, just a courtship. If the princess prefers not to marry him, she might be willing to tell her father to keep the treaty. It was the only shred of hope he had for his relationship.
Finally, Hiccup stood in front of the three of them sitting in their lavish thrones. He had seen the queen and king before, but never the princess. He bowed respectfully to them before his forest green eyes couldn’t help but glance at the rumored beauty. When he did, it took every ounce of power within him not to gawk in wonder.
In layman’s terms, she was gorgeous. No, that did not fully define the vision before him. Hiccup could not find the words to describe being in her presence. He was utterly speechless. It horrified him.
The chief knelt down before the princess in an attempt to not gaze any longer. He kept his eyes on the carpet beneath him.
“Your highness,” he said as soon as he realized no words escaped his shocked lips.
“I am here to escort you back to my village of Berk. I hope you will enjoy it there for the time being.” Hiccup said while his fingers rubbed against each other, something he does when thinking of his next sentence. If he raised his head, it would only entice more emotions and thoughts within him.
"You may rise, Dragon Rider," spoke a soft, yet confident voice. Despite what his brain was telling him, Hiccup did what the voice told him to. In the back of his subconscious, he knew he would do anything that voice would tell him to do from now on.
Once he looked up, he was hooked.
Just what was it with him and blondes?
The blonde beauty dressed in a lavish lavender gown with intricate patterns stood before him. It felt as if they were the only two people in the room, no doubt due in part to the way his forest green eyes met her emerald irises that reminded him of spring. Her adorably speckled freckles spread across her button nose seemed to disperse once they reached her rosy pink cheeks. Her unusually long golden hair was braided behind her frame and decorated with freshly picked flowers will most definitely be out of place in Berk, though he wouldn't mind if she asked for him to pick those flowers for her every day.
What was he thinking?!
Probably depicting his nervousness, the princess flashed him a heart-piercing smile. If she meant it in a friendly way, it was anything but. It took every ounce of his being not to continue gawking at the princess before Hiccup cleared his throat to form some sort of response.
"Are, are you ready to leave Your Highness?" He stuttered his words like he was back to being a teenager, though his 20 years of age.
She gave a quick nod as she descended from her throne to meet him, the Viking holding his breath for the close encounter. When she was a mere few feet away, Hiccup gulped down the knot in his throat.
"What is your mode of transportation to Berk, Chief Hiccup?" she inquired curiously, with a slight tilt of the head. Could she stop being adorable for a moment while he tries to wrap his mind around everything right now?
"Umm, dr-dragons. Dragons Your Highness."
"Rapunzel. You can call me Rapunzel," she responded with a soft grin.
"Rapunzel," he repeated, testing out how the name rolled off his tongue.
"Is it safe?" A loud, anxious voice asked in the room. The pair glanced behind to the king standing up at the mention of his only daughter riding on the back of a dragon. Hiccup has mentioned their way of living in between the letters they exchanged, but maybe the realization finally caught up to his majesty.
"Very much so, Your Majesty. I built all the mechanics myself and tested them out numerous times. I have the scars to prove it," he chuckled, though it did not seem to ease the tension in the room.
Tough crowd.
The blonde giggled behind him, grabbing the brunet's attention. He didn't think he's heard such a melodious laugh before in his life.
"I'm sure it's fine, father. If Chief Hiccup believes so," Rapunzel confirmed as she stood beside him. Her presence alone was enough to nearly hinder the Viking under her spell.
The king still seemed to be hesitant, though gave the pair a nod in conformation to allow this stranger to take his child on a possibly dangerous journey back to his homeland.
"Very well. I wish you both well on your route to Berk," he replied in a baritone voice, though there was a hint of sadness in his bright blue eyes. Rapunzel must have seen it as well, considering she picked up her dress skirt to rush over and give her father a hug. The whole image might have been heartwarming if Hiccup didn't first notice the fact that this certain blonde seemed to be barefoot.
Just who is this girl?
The princess then gave her equally gorgeous mother a hug, the small family exchanging a few words before the blonde returned to Hiccup's side. Her smile was something his heart was beginning to enjoy.
"Ready when you are Chief Hiccup."
"Hiccup, just Hiccup is fine Your- Rapunzel," he chuckled, running his fingers through his hair out of embarrassment.
"Okay, Just Hiccup," she joked before taking the lead to show him outside.
The pair walked through the same elegant doors Hiccup did when he arrived to find his best friend waiting for him. He was accompanied by a guard who nervously kept his distance away from the nigthfury.
"Hey bud," Hiccup greeted, feeling much better seeing one thing familiar in this land. The nightfury jumped over to him like a dog, licking his face.
"No Toothless! You know that doesn't wash out! The princess is here~" the Viking groaned when Toothless backed away when he was satisfied.
"I'm so sorry Rapunzel," he muttered, clearly embarrassed by how informal the interaction was. The blonde didn't seem to mind, evident by the huge grin on her face. Toothless already lost focus on his human, examining the blonde and advancing towards her. His snout sniffed her face, getting close enough to ruffle her bangs. Hiccup noticed the way more guards readied themselves in the chance this might turn ugly. He chuckled, how naive.
"Hello, Toothless. Are you going to be taking us to Berk?" She asked softly. A slow yet confident hand reached for his snout, which surprisingly Toothless went in with no hesitation.
"What a sweetheart," she beamed as her other hand went to cup the dragon's muzzle. Hiccup couldn't help but smile himself. It seemed she could easily adapt to their ways faster than he assumed a princess would be.
While she kept herself occupied gaining more of Toothless' love, Hiccup glanced at the royal couple who gave him a knowing nod. His high from facing the princess quickly faded away with the realization that there was an agreement between the two lands. This was a courtship for potential marriage, not simply showing her around his land. The thought of Astrid returned to his mind and the guilt of anything he felt towards Rapunzel weighed heavy on his chest. She never once passed through his thoughts once he met Rapunzel's eyes.
The Viking mounted himself on the nightfury to ready himself for the long trip back to Berk.
"Are you ready, Rapunzel?" Hiccup asked in a monotone voice as emotions swirled within him. Thankfully, the blonde was oblivious to his change of attitude from playing with Toothless when she heard him.
"Yes Hiccup," she replied, walking over to him and trying to figure out how to mount the dragon. "Umm, Hiccup, how do I...?" she trailed off.
He had been so caught up in himself, he didn't realize her unfamiliarity with riding dragons. It reminded him of when he taught Astrid all about them a few years ago...
"Oh, I'm sorry. Here," he stuttered over his words as he reached his arm out. The blonde gently took it and steadied herself for Hiccup to heave her body weight, which was lighter than the axes he swings around, to settle behind him.
Thor Almighty give him the strength for the remainder of the trip to not have his heart pound like a Thunderdrum's roar when her arms wrapped around his lean form. He could feel her warmth all down his back, his arms frozen in place sensing Rapunzel adjust herself comfortably in her seat.
"Okay Hiccup, I'm ready," she said in a nervous, yet excited state.
Sensing her anxious tone, Hiccup absentmindedly reached down to gently hold her arm to ease her nerves.
"Don't worry. I got you," he muttered softly, sighing in defeat that this girl was doing something to his soul. It must have to deal with the fact her people are still new to dragons, and the more positive promotion they can have, the better it is for future generations. At least that's what he kept repeating to himself in hopeless denial.
"Take it easy with the flight bud, we need her to like us" Hiccup whispered to Toothless. The last thing he needed on his plate was Rapunzel not having an easy time on the way to Berk.
The nightfury seemed to get the message as extended his wings out for the wind to gingerly lift him off the ground. Despite the easy takeoff, Rapunzel still tightened her arms around him while letting out a cute squeak of surprise at the new sensation of being in the air.
This is going to be a long ride.
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