#Too fun!!! whatever. Ill get over it. Hopefully
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stonedsoul · 10 months ago
havin a crush on a straight boy who u go clubbing w often and also are living together w in a few months is evillll fr
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vixstarria · 1 year ago
A night at the inn (part 1)
A night of relaxation at the inn. Inspired by a cursed screenshot of Astarion looking loopy, drunk and high.   
Astarion x Reader, Astarion x Tav, tbc in part 2
Comfort, fluff, humour, banter, goes from very silly to very horny 
Bits that are definitely not canon that were written solely for my (and hopefully your) amusement. 
TW: It’s all very much in jest, but maybe give this one a skip if you’re struggling with any kind of substance addiction.  
Approximately 2,000 words 
“Don't be ridiculous, these silly druidic herbs have absolutely no effect on me, vampires have a natural immunity. Pass me the pipe again, I’ll prove it,” Astarion giggled uncontrollably.  
“Just hold on to it, friend, I don’t think anyone else will benefit from it,” replied Halsin. 
You, Astarion, Halsin, Karlach and Shadowheart were gathered in one of the inn’s rooms.  
Gale and Wyll were off doing whatever people who didn’t like having fun did. Possibly playing chess or reciting poetry to each other. And Lae’zel had had one look at your gathering before chk’ing, saying that someone competent needed to keep a cool head, and stalking off. 
You and Astarion were sitting crosswise on one of the beds, you nestled between his legs, your back against his chest. Shadowheart lounged on the opposite bed, with Karlach and Halsin settling on the floor between the beds.  
A scattering of glasses and opened bottles surrounded you, and a light haze hung in the air. Tadpoles, vampire lords, demons and gods could all wait until tomorrow. Tonight, for all you cared, all was well in your world.   
Earlier, Halsin had laid out an assortment of herbs, most of which you couldn’t name, and busied himself with mixing them in varying proportions and stuffing them into several smoking implements. Karlach had declined, saying there was no point and that she would stick to grog. You and Shadowheart partook in Halsin's ‘herbalist mastery' together with the druid. And now, to everyone's disbelief and amusement, so did Astarion. 
“What in the hells is in this?!” Astarion tittered, leaning back against the wall, his eyes shut and an idiotic smile on his face. You couldn’t look at him, lest it set off yet another chain reaction of giggling. 
“Part of it is moonflower, which mostly serves as an amplifier,” Halsin answered, cautiously. 
“And? What else?” You wondered whether whatever it was might help Astarion with his nightmares. The scent of the herb was vaguely familiar, but you couldn’t quite place what it was.  
“Wait! I want to guess.” Shadowheart leaned over to whisper to Halsin. He shook his head at her suggestions. Once he whispered back to her with the correct answer she collapsed on the bed with a guffaw. “Oh gods... So it is official.” 
“Halsin...” Astarion croaked. “Halsin, I will stab you... What did you give me?!” 
“I had a hunch, but it was intended as a joke – I didn’t really think it would do anything.” Halsin almost sounded apologetic.  
“Well, spill the beans, what is he smoking that’s so damned funny?! Vampire dust? Cow dung? Some kind of goblin foot fungus?” Karlach was also growing impatient.  
Halsin shook his head, laughing.  
“It’s catnip,” Shadowheart managed, still doubled over. “He’s losing his mind on catnip!” 
Once Astarion regained his ability to speak coherently, you couldn’t get him to shut up.  
Astarion hardly ever took lead in group conversations. He tended to stay on the outskirts of discussions, albeit always ready with a quip or observation. You wondered if his newfound loquaciousness was a glimpse of what he might have been like some 200 years ago. 
It helped that Karlach was bombarding him with questions about vampirism, which he was ordinarily reserved about.  
“So what happens if you consume normal food? Can you drink?” she asked. 
“Well... Kind of..? Although I think the tadpole has had some additional influence. I can drink liquids without becoming ill, as long as it’s not too much. They tend to taste vile or like nothing at all, or not have any effect on me. Coffee smells amazing but tastes like dirt, for example. But potions work, somehow,” he rambled. “Solids are a complete disaster though”. He refused to elaborate.  
“And the wine?” she persisted.  
“Red wine is palatable,” he said, swirling some in a glass that he held in his hand. “But if you want better than ‘palatable’ you really need something of good quality.” 
“You’re just a snob,” you interjected. 
“That may be so, but this is about having something called standards, darling, I’ll teach you about them someday”, he said with a kiss to your temple, as you elbowed him. “But there are ways of going around poor wine.” 
Astarion took your hand in his, pressing his lips against it. 
“May I?”  
Once he had your approval, he carefully punctured the tip of your ring finger with a fang. You idly mused about how completely unfazed you had become by having your skin pierced, as he dripped some of your blood into his wine. 
“Now stir.” He licked the drops of wine from your finger once you were done, and had a sip from his glass. “Like adding honey to tea... Now it’s delectable.” 
“Freaks,” said Karlach, lovingly.  
The conversation moved to him debating wines from various regions with Shadowheart, a subject they were both perhaps unsurprisingly well-versed in.  
“How kind of Lady Shar to leave you such detailed knowledge of something that truly matters, when wiping out so many other memories,” he observed.  
Eventually, the topic changed to Karlach’s years in the Hells, and what it had been like to set just about everything she touched ablaze until Dammon’s recent assistance.  
“Could you do me a favour and hold my hand in yours for a moment?” said Astarion, leaning towards and holding out a hand to Karlach.  
“I haven’t done this in so long this still makes me nervous, you know,” she said, taking his hand in both of hers. “Sorry if I lose my cool and burn you.” 
“I’m sure I’ve had worse,” he replied humourlessly. “...That should do it,” he said after a short while. “Gods, you really do run like a furnace.” You wondered where this was going.  
“Now could everyone look away? I’m about to do something disgustingly sentimental.” 
Immediately, four pairs of eyes including your own were locked on him.  
“Voyeuristic pricks...” he sighed. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” 
He ran the back of his fingers delicately down your cheek before cupping it in his hand. It was warm, almost hot, as you nuzzled into it.  
“Well isn’t that cute,” Shadowheart remarked into her glass of wine.  
Astarion wasn’t always cold to the touch, not exactly. He became warmer after drinking blood. His body was heated by sunshine on sunny days, just like anything else. And after spending some time under blankets with you he felt almost cozy to snuggle against. But he’s never radiated heat the way the hand against your cheek did now.  
“It doesn’t feel like you,” you mustered, looking into his eyes. He gave you a wistful smile.  
“...If there is any other bodypart you’d like me to warm up for Tav’s benefit, do fuck off before you even ask,” said Karlach, breaking the brief silence that had descended onto the room, and the tender moment was gone, overtaken by yet another uproar of laughter. 
Things quieted down as the evening wore on. 
“I wonder what Lae’zel is doing,” said Shadowheart, who had been silently gazing off into space and occasionally blowing smoke rings for the past while. “Probably something infuriating.” 
“You should go tell her how utterly unimpressed you are with her,” goaded Astarion. 
“I should... I will,” she said, suddenly getting up, determination writ on her face, exiting the room with a surprisingly steady step. 
Karlach sighed. 
“I better go look after her and make sure they don’t need to be taken apart. ...Or that no one else does, if they don’t.” She followed Shadowheart.  
“Nature calls,” said Halsin, also getting up. “And I don’t think anyone’s fed Scratch and the owlbear cub.” 
It was just you and Astarion, who had been grazing your neck with his fangs with increasing impatience. 
“Do it,” you said as soon as the door shut behind Halsin. Instantly, you felt an icy chill in your neck and released a small moan as he bit down, drawing your blood, his hands roaming your body.  
“I’ve been thinking of nothing else for hours,” he breathed hoarsely, once he had his fill. Having a miniscule amount of your blood in his wine and then being unable to sate himself more thoroughly would have been the ultimate tease for him. He really did not think that through, per usual.  
You could have offered him your wrist at some point, your companions had witnessed that on numerous occasions. But you knew you both wanted something more intimate. And private.  
You sank onto the bed with Astarion on top of you, as he continued to lick at the puncture wounds, to get them to stop bleeding.  
“Think Halsin’s coming back?” you murmured.  
“Of course he is. Haven’t you seen how he’s been looking at us?” He wedged his hips between your legs as he continued to suck and lick at your neck, more slowly now.  
"Oh, has he been looking at us in some particular way?” you feigned ignorance. Astarion raised his head briefly to shoot you a look that said ‘oh please’.  
“Do you want him..?” He rolled his hips deliciously into yours as he asked that.  
“Stop teasing,” you whispered. You knew he wasn’t going to let you do anything with the erection you felt pressed against you. 
“Never. Do you want him?” He gave you a mischievous look.  
“I don’t know what you mean.” 
“Sorry darling, I’ll try to do a better job at explaining.” He raised himself back up, his face hovering just above yours. “Do you want to feel his hot, hard cock pumping in and out of you, while I watch?” He studied your reaction closely. “Oh you would like that, wouldn’t you..?” 
“Astarion-” It wasn’t easy to make you blush, but somehow he always found a way when he wanted to.   
“Shh love, I already know everything you’re going to say.” Astarion raised his voice in pitch (resulting in something that definitely DID NOT sound anything like you) and returned to your neck, planting a kiss further down with each sentence: “’I love you, Astarion. I only want you, Astarion. I don’t think you’re ready for this, Astarion. You’re going to regret this, Astarion.’” 
“How about, ‘you’re intoxicated, Astarion’?” 
“Barely,” he scoffed. “It’s worn off.” He tugged at your blouse’s lacing with his teeth. 
“Or maybe it’s ‘no, I don’t want that, Astarion’,” you lied.  
He chuckled at those words and came back up to whisper in your ear. 
“My love... You’re forgetting I can hear your heartbeat. I can smell your arousal. Every time your breath hitches and your heart speeds up – I know. Any time blood suddenly rushes somewhere in your body – I know...”  
“That is an entirely unfair advantage,” you protested. 
“Yes, having a lover that anticipates your every need and reads you like a book is so, so tragically unfair, your poor, poor thing...” 
“And also it’s not what you said, it’s how you said it!” you continued. 
“Porridge,” Astarion whispered in his most seductive voice, grinding against you. “The philosophy and theory of divination, volume four. A bulging coin purse. Gale’s purple pajamas. ...Nope, nothing.” Astarion smirked, and continued in a more normal voice, stilling. “Now let’s try... You dripping wet and begging us both for mercy before the night is over.” He grinned wryly as you let out an involuntary whimper. “I thought so...” 
“You’ve told me yourself, you don’t want to share me with anyone,” you persisted.  
“It’s your heart I can’t bear to share. And he’s a wood elf,” Astarion said dismissively. “He may as well be a walking penis, who would get emotionally involved with that?” 
“You did not just call our honourable companion, the esteemed archdruid of the Emerald Grove a walking penis!” you hissed, choking on laughter, covering his mouth with your hand.  
“A giant phallus on legs,” Astarion mumbled stubbornly against your palm, licking it.  
You heard footsteps approaching the door.  
“Do you really want this?” you whispered, angling Astarion’s face to make him look you in the eyes, and releasing his mouth. “Be serious for a second.” 
“I want this,” he said, holding your gaze. “I really want this. As long as you do too.” 
The door opened, and you both turned your heads to regard the tall, broad figure that paused in the entryway, leaning against the doorframe.  
“Is it company or privacy you desire?” 
Part 2
More of my chaos gremlins
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flamingpudding · 1 year ago
Fictober23 Prompt: 25 - "Do I look like I knew that?"
Fandom: DPxDC
Rating: T
Warnings: -
A/N: Edit - adjusted the last bit a little after rereading this during my break, so that it makes grammatically more sense...
There was no warning. The moment the Waynes had stepped into the main hall of this Gala they had not been prepared for what had been about to happen. The only sign they had gotten was Damian tensing for a split second before the youngest of them booked it across the hall.
Tim and Bruce instantly attempted damage control, distracting all the high society people that had noticed it, while Dick and Jason followed their youngest. Cass had already escaped the gala to the roof before they had set their first foot into the main hall.
But again, nothing could have prepared them for what was happening.
Damian not only had seen something that caused him to sprint across the room no, their Demon Brat had gone a step further and just tackled the kid of someone else over and was now wrestling with the other boy! Holding one of the daggers they must have missed to the other boy's neck.
Surprisingly, the other kid held himself pretty well against Damian. Jason and Dick spent a good five minutes just staring when they had found their youngest, only starting to move again when Vlad Master demanded answers from his child. The apparent guardian of the kid that was currently attempting to get a choke hold on Damian before getting flipped over the shoulder, the boy flipped mid air, landing on his feet.
Before Damian could lung at the other boy again Dick grabbed him, his arm wounding around Damians chest as he held onto his youngest brother that sent quite an impressive death glare towards the other kid that just returned the glare, not with the same intensity but clearly peeved had having gotten attacked out of nowhere.
"Daniel! Explain this instant! You promised me, one gala without a ruckus!" Master was clearly not amused, hopefully Bruce had some sort of peace offering ready. Not that the man needed it, Dick thought, remembering some of the reports he had seen the man on.
The boy, Daniel, turned his glare towards his guardian. "It's not my fault this time! HE attacked me first!" Jason snorted, clearly having heard out of that statement alone that Masters apparently also had a feral kid that attacked someone at a gala before.
"This is no excuse. I know you are still grieving but you can not attack my business partner's children. Wasn't it enough that you broke Andrews Mayors nose last week?"
"He deserved it, he hit a girl in a perverted way."
"Justin Gracer?"
"Made fun of my late parents' profession."
Dick watched how Masters pinched the bridge of his nose, clearly not happy with his charge. By now Damian seemed to have calmed down too from whatever idea he had gotten into his head. He was still glaring at the other kid but at least it appeared he wasn't going to attack anymore when he hissed at Dick to let go of him. He still kept a hand on his shoulder just in case.
"I am so sorry Mr. Master. It wasn't Daniel that started it. Damian, come on apologies." Dick cut in, causing the other two to pay attention and fully face them. That's when he noticed it. Daniel looked a whole lot like Damian. The older siblings shared a glance before Jason left to get the others, Tim and Bruce were still stuck doing damage control but it should only be a matter of time. What was the best way to bring it up to ask subtitle questions without appearing suspicious?
Dick was just about a question before Daniel apparently beat him to it. "Fruitloop, you did not attempt to clone me did you?"
"Little Badger, why would I do that? I already have guardianship over you."
Dick felt like he was missing something here but he also felt Daniam's shoulder tense below his hand. So that was why he had attacked. Damian thought another clone appeared. He really hoped what Masters and his Charge seid were just some ill timed joke. Otherwise the implications would be very worrisome.
"Mom and Dad didn't keep some other family relations secret did they?" Daniel then asked and Masters looked at them contemplatively. "Well Jack was estranged from the rest of his family while Maddie only had her sister Alicia and as far as I am aware you and Jasmine were their only children."
"Mr. Masters if you don't mind, would it be alright to do a DNA testing? You said Daniel's father was estranged from his family? It would be good to find out now if there is a relation." Dick ignored the glare Damian was sending him now, but this was his best excuse to get the others DNA to test if the other boy was really a clone or not. If he was then the League of Assassins must have done some serious brainwashing, and memory manipulation. This would also be the first clone of Damian that actually had a consciousness of his own.
"Doesn't explain why he attacked me…" he heard the other boy mutter as Master stared at them with narrowed eyes for a while before giving the boy by his side a contemplating look.
"Daniel has lost his family and friends in an incident recently. It would be good if we found any family he could connect with or help with his grief." The man then finally said after a moment before handing Dick a business card with a number to connect them before leading his boy away, leaving the gala for all they knew.
A week later and after a lot of discussion in their Family. The Waynes and Masters meet for the DNA testing. Though the moment Masters and his charge met Bruce both froze, Bruce in his Brucie act blinked innocently at them and asked if anything was wrong.
"Don't be ridiculous Daniel. I never would have attempted what you appear to be implying."
The boy pointed in at Bruce as he faced his guardian. "Look at him and tell me they don't look alike! He is like a more fit version of Dad! Like he hadn't eaten a single one of mom fudges in years! You have to have an explanation for that!"
"And how would I do that?"
"I don't know! You're the fruitloop one that had cloning equipment in the basement! Who did you buy it from? Some old fruitloop? The one you bought it from, did they try to - i don't know - clone a celebrity for themselves! The papers you had with it clearly stated that it had been used successfully once. It was a second hand bought with super old technology when I demanded you destroy the stuff!"
"Daniel, do I look like I knew that? I never looked in these papers you speak of! I just bought it as a backup plan, that I never needed a little badger! Besides the only one I would have ever attempted to clone with that time frame would have been your mother! I didn't even know your father before college! "
"Why would you buy something without looking into the papers and instruction manuals you get with it?!"
"There was no need for! Why did you even look into that when you had me destroy it anyway?!"
The Waynes looked back and forth between Masters and his charge. The more these two continued to argue the more a sinking feeling started to form in everyone present. It was Tim though that voiced everyone's thoughts as he leaned over to Bruce whispering only one question. "Are we sure there never has been an attempt of someone trying to clone you? It sounds like there had been one, years ago…"
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crowandmousewritingco · 5 months ago
The Correspondence of the Contagious
Pairing: Oberyn Martell x gn!reader x Ellaria Sand
Words: 1.4 k
Rating: G
Summary: Oberyn is away for a few days and illness comes to Dorne.
Author: Mod Mouse
Notes: This is one of my entries in @burntheedges Roll-A-Trope Challenge! This was so fun to write (and thanks to Mod Crow for the help!) Hopefully I'll have the other fic out next week.
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My Dearest Viper, 
I hope the Northern kingdoms aren’t dimming your fiery spirit. I know you were hesitant to adventure so far away from your paramores, but I assure you we aren’t going anywhere. Soon you’ll return to the warm embrace of your land and your lovers. On your return we shall keep you in your room drinking and enjoying the company, filling us with as much pleasure as we could handle. 
Dorne is still quite warm despite the seasons changing. Ellaria and I have been spending our days basking in the sun while we still can. We even made up a nice lunch that we enjoyed under the lemon trees in the grove that you adore so much. Once we were full of delicacies (and a taste of each other) we followed the path through the Water Gardens. We look like pies straight from the oven with the amount of sun on our skins. But it was much needed for the both of us. 
Although something must have kicked up some retched pollen because Ellaria has been stuffed up since then. She insists she is okay (you know how stubborn she gets with this sort of affair), but after some well placed cuddles, she allowed herself some rest. That’s where she is right now. Snuggled up beside me as I write this to you. She’s as beautiful as always with her dark hair spread out like crow feathers on our shared pillows. I wish I could illustrate how beautiful she is. You would delight in the sight of her my dear as I am in this moment of time.
With plenty of rest and your herbal tea mix, she should be right as rain in a day or so. No need to worry your little Prince head about. I can handle our lover’s moods while you handle your duties. We shall see you in a fortnight. I shall pray to the Seven for your safety on your journey. 
Your Dove. 
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My Dearest Viper,
I know politics have kept you busy so I hope this letter finds you well. At least in a better condition than our paramore. I fear that whatever illness has graced her body has stayed longer than the foreseen time. Her sniffling has turned into a cold. Poor thing has been coughing bouts that last several minutes. Diluted wine helps in the end but only after acquiring a sore throat. 
That wasn't the only thing she received from this illness. She has acquired a bit of a fever over the last few hours and her energy has lessened. But the Maester believes it’s just the bug that has been spreading throughout the castle. He has given her more herbal remedies and plenty of rest as her medication. 
I will continue to watch her with a careful eye. Once again she is resting beside me. Even in sickness she has my deepest love and adoration. I thank the gods every day that I get to be simply in her presence. 
When she wakes I shall see if she wants to spend some time on our balcony. The Maester said that sunlight would be a nice addition to her healing. Oh and I’ll have those berries brought from the kitchen for her to snack on. She was delighted when we went for our walk. They shall lift her spirit and body. 
I’m afraid my time with you is cut short my dear. Our lover stirs beside us. I will write to you once she finds slumber again. I hope the North is treating you as well as they can. 
Your Dove.
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My Dearest Viper 
I pray to the Seven that you receive this letter. I’m afraid the sickness was much worse than anyone could have expected. Her fever is at an ultimate and she hasn’t eaten for a few days. The Maester claims that she will arrive on the other side of this pestilence mountain and I am hopeful too. But it’s hard to have reassurance when your lover shakes like the leaves in the wind. Pelts have been placed on her body but they do nothing to keep her from shivering. She sleeps like a princess with a spell placed on her. I rouse her only to eat and drink. 
I pray your journey will end soon so that your presence can heal her as much as mine. I didn’t want to raise your worry while you were away, but I’m scared. Less severe sickness has taken loved ones, and my soul is in an unrest. I wish for your strength my dear. You have an aptitude for these sorts of situations. 
I wish to keep writing to you, for I feel your presence in these words, but I fear I’ve run out of subjects to discuss. Please return soon my dearest Oberyn. 
Your Dove
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What you didn’t tell Oberyn was that you were suffering the same ailments Ellaria was currently experiencing. Your fever was just as high as Ellaria’s and you clung together in sickness, bodies shaking in unison. The need for food seemed like a distant afterthought, and your stomach cramp every time you coughed. 
Ellaria whimpered and your head peaked up. You had tuned your senses to anything she might need during this time even if it meant ignoring your own needs. “My love, let me get you something to drink.” You weakly kissed your head as it took all of your energy to even sit up but you had to do this for her. 
You swung your legs over the sides. The wind felt cold against your bare skin despite the warm summer heat still lingering. Your breath seemed to struggle to enter your lungs, but you pushed yourself up. Ellaria needed you; your body be damned. Carefully your hands braced themselves on the wall. Using the rough texture as your guide, you shuffled your feet in slow deliberate steps. 
But the pestilence in your body had made you weak, for your legs could no longer hold your weight. As you felt yourself pitch forward a strong pair of arms was the only thing stopping you from hitting the ground. The sudden stoppage of momentum threw you off and you couldn’t make heads or tails of what just occurred.
A familiar voice filled the room. “My dove what are you doing out of bed?” You glanced up despite the pounding in your head. Oberyn looked down at your body with worry. Gently he situated you so you were sitting on the edge of the bed. 
“I thought…you’re here,” You said and the weight of the last days finally made themselves known. You teared up and Oberyn guided your weak head to his shoulder, letting your body rest against his chest. 
“I’m here dove,” He soothed your anxieties. Up and down your back his hands soothed your anxieties. He could feel the exhaustion in the way you held your body. You went to speak, but a coughing fit seized you instead. 
“Easy love,” Oberyn soothed, sitting you up slightly, holding your weakened body up. You whimpered as the coughs turned into labored breathing before calming down completely. 
“I-I thought you would never return,” You whispered as tears formed in your tired eyes. 
“My dove. I left the Northern kingdoms as soon as I heard of Ellaria’s ailment,” He reassured you gently brushing your hair from your sweaty forehead. “Those clever ravens still found me. Why didn’t you tell me you were ill too?” 
Tears streamed down your hot cheeks, and with a gentle swipe of his thumb, Oberyn rid of them. “I-I…I was so worried about Ellaria.” 
“Shhh none of that now. I know you were so brave my dearest, but now let me care for my paramores,” Oberyn kissed your forehead before gently laying you back alongside Ellaria. 
Just like you had done for the last several days, you curled up beside her touching your fevered heads together. Oberyn arranged the blankets back into place. He turned around and grabbed the washcloths from the nearby water basin, wringing the excess water. With a gentleness unusual to such a warrior, he placed the cloths, one on Ellaria’s forehead and then one on yours. 
You sighed at the cooling relief of the water, and you felt your eyes drooping the weight of handling this alone dissipating. A gentle hand caressed your cheek. “Rest now my dove. I’m here now,” Oberyn whispered, leaning down to kiss your chapped lips. With your safety net here, you finally let yourself relax as a much needed sleep consumes your consciousness.
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All Works Taglist
@for-a-longlongtime @romanarose
Pedro Character Taglist
@littlemisspascal @burntheedges
@carusolikey @thebeldroramscal
@morallyinept @lady-bess
@pedrostories @rivnedell
@pascalsanctuary @readingiskeepingmegoing
Thanks to the lovely @saradika-graphics for the dividers!
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asclexe · 7 months ago
haii….intro post…..about me……
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click (this is a reminder more for me because i’ll see it easiest this way, feel free to click) / i do not answer donation asks and i cannot donate
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haiiii :3 i go bye cameron which is very nicknameable so have fun with that. also call me whatever 🔥🔥
boy-adjacent (i lean more towards trans boy but also im agender) and i ONLY use he/him pronouns!!!!!! NO THEY/THEM OR SHE/HER. thanks!
aromantic spec lesbian faggot thing. i think girls r pretty in a faggoty way. 😍
minor!!!!!!!!! im ageless online 4 my safety so B cool im literally 5 years old :3
PROFESSIONAL white boy. i get paid 1 cent/an hour
american :/ + a mixed pot of european ethnically as most american white people are (EST)
im Literally a 🪼. btw. also a cat
currently matching layouts with the awesome @magicmarkerz give it up for the coolest boygirl ever. our backgrounds are like owen and maddy from isttvg. awesome.
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interest wise, im pathetically multifandom
most active in/engaged with right now: doctor who (i hate this show i hate this show i hate. FUCK.), delicious in dungeon, warrior cats, i saw the tv glow
backstage interests/stuff i reblog less: house md, good omens (FUCK ng.), yellowjackets, the good place, takin’ over the asylum, ride the cyclone, broadchurch, six feet under, fnaf, rocky horror picture show, the middle, scott pilgrim, mouthwashing, dead poets society, etc. i do live theater, watch tv, go to the movies, take walks, talk about things, do silly doodles, hang out with my mom, and go to school and sometimes travel and that’s about it! :p
currently watchinf (i also blog about these i’m just not done with them)!! : doctor who (whittaker, s13), six feet under (s3)(if you have watched or even heard of this show Please marry me), torchwood (s1), blackpool, and hannibal (s1)
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i run @ask-the-ducklings and @ppth-obgyn-dept-head-real for my house md oc and i’m 1/2 of @meanwhile-on-the-road :3
i have a private blog where i vent sometimes and if we’re mutuals/close enough you can ask for it if tou want ^_^
i use #asclexeposting for all original posts + more
trying to figure out my ao3 situation but im on pinterest and discord under assclexe if you wanna hmu (B cool) and roblox as asclexe and my airbuds and check out my letterboxd too
so yeah below the cut are just like. boundaries whatever lame. but feel free to follow me, ill likely follow back and we’ll be bestest friends forever ^_^
ughh sum things you should know be4 you follow or follow/unfollow or moot/unmoot me/boundaries
i’m generally morbid and sometimes a hater but i Swear im really nice and friendly..
i use a lot of profanity and i say the two (2) slurs i can reclaim.
i will not go to therapy or get help. i’ve been in therapy and it does not help me and i do not like it. i do not want help. i’m fine. please do not tell me “go to therapy u need it” because i do not need it
i say “im going to kill myself” a lot and these are all fruitless, meaningless statements. i am not committing suicide yet, and when i do, you’ll have long forgotten me. hopefully.
pls tell me via ask box! (or dm if i follow you) if i say something offensive or wrong or are overcrossing your boundaries, im sorry, im bound to make mistakes or misjudge a post. ^_^
i do not tag my reblogs with the media or characters, only little comments. i also do not spoiler tag my posts. i try to trigger tag things when i can but if you want something trigger tagged specifically pls just lmk!!
i do not have a dni, interact with me as you please and i’ll block you if i want LOL. i swear im friendly
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juvenillia · 1 year ago
~ Death of Peace of Mind ~ 02: too close
Simon 'Ghost' Riley x fem!reader
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photo credits go to very talented @ave661
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a/n: this is the first time for me writing something like this, so bare with me if the actions scenes are a bit sloppy, I'll get the hang of it, idc about the actual height of reader, but we're at least the smallest in the group, also little extra note: I'll go on vacation upcoming Saturday and won't be able to write for two weeks, I try really hard atm to prepare as much chapters as possible for the time ahead
CW/TW: mentions of canon violence, smoking, closing off due mental illness
wordcount: 3.2k
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The first beams of sunlight broke through the window just above the bed. Your eyes trailing over the rays of light that were dancing on the ceiling. You lay awake for what felt like eternity. The night was somehow restless, again. By now you committed to a few hours of sleep. As few as possible but as much as necessary. Keeping the risk low to trigger your nightmares. Keeping the chance low to have to look into his eyes again. A lump was forming in your throat while you let your thoughts roam back and forth.  Maybe you should learn about a thing called power-napping, you read it in a magazine some time ago while sitting in a coffee shop. It really could save you one day.
With that thought you pushed yourself out of bed. Putting on a casual sports fit. Now that the sun was finally up, there was no need any more to stay in bed. You put a cap on, pulled your hair through the back. Laced your boots up and went out for some casual morning rounds around the base. Price already told you their usual morning routine and it was kind of funny, how all military bases had a quite similar routine. You sneak through the hallway to go outside. Trying to keep as quit as possible to wake no one. It was still early, even for the military. As soon as your feet touched the gritted ground you started running. Keeping a good pace while rounding the base. At some point you nodded your greetings to a few other people already awake and going after whatever, they pleased. You decided to pick up your pace. You didn’t want to waste all your energy, but still wanted to push yourself a bit further. You had quite some busy day ahead, so you needed to get yourself going.
You took a few more corners until you heard a voice. “Skadi.”, turning around you were greeted with a blissful smile. You stopped in your track, jogging slowly at the spot. “Madainn mhath!”, [Good morning] Soap breathed out after catching up to you. “Good morning.”, you replied with a quiet snicker. Your reaction earns you an even brighter smile from the Scot. “Yer understood?”, his eyes were nearly beaming. It was somehow adorable, and you knew, that the two of you would get along at ease. Maybe too good for your liking. “Seems like it.”, you shrugged off while keeping your legs busy. “Dae ya mind if I join ya?”, a nod with a slight smile was your only response. So, both of you started jogging around the base. Not talking much, at least for your part. You were rather listening to everything Soap gladly explained you. The way the team works together, each specialty, some pet peeves, their little rituals. Some fun anecdotes from after mission celebrations. He really was chatty, and you gladly listened in. He was so sincere and pure, plus all his words gave you a good overview about everyone. They also gave you a warm feeling around your chest. Even if you tried to avoid this kind of reaction, he was just too genuine.
Still, you barely told him about yourself. It didn’t sit right with you. He learned that you were quite an allrounder when it comes to the job and that you were obviously an early bird. He didn’t know that you were also a night owl. The sweet nemesis called sleep. A fight you’ll win one day, hopefully not on your last day. He also learned that Price and you met about three years ago. Not really how, but that it was for a coincidence that comes with the job. Also, he learned that you were quite capable of speaking a few languages and understanding even more. He quite often threw some Scottish at you and for once in his life (while being outside of his home of course) he didn’t get scolded for it. It was clear to see that he enjoyed your company, and you would’ve lied to say you didn’t enjoy his. It felt just smooth.
After some time, you came to a halt. Catching your breath, you couldn’t remember the last time you were talking so much while running. Stretching your body while bending down to grab the front of your boots. Halting the position on suspense. Suddenly you saw a bottle in front of you, Soap held it out for you to grab. “Thanks.”, you gladly took it and nearly downed half of it.  He only nodded, still a happy smile around his lips. How can a person be smiling non-stop. “Dinnea know about ya, but ‘m starving.”, he exhaled with a chuckle, drinking his own water. “Wanna head to the canteen?”, he looked at you with those clear blue eyes. As you gained your posture again you let out a slight sigh. “Sorry Soap. Still have to unpack and other stuff to do.”, you didn’t look at him. Sure, it was a half-assed excuse, but you didn’t want to get his expectations too high and if you were honest, you didn’t want to get too close. You already felt so comfortable in his company. Too comfortable. You needed to keep your guard up. He was a stranger after all. Maybe he wasn't even such a nice guy, maybe he only treated you so wholesome because of your gender and therefore some different assets. Maybe he had strictly different intentions in his behavior. You couldn't tell, and you shouldn't care.
But maybe that’s why you never called the cute barista guy from around the corner, back at your place. Because he was too genuine, too innocent. You gave it a lot of thoughts to be honest. He was a nice dude, he memorized all your preferred drinks depending on the weather and had them always ready when you came back from your morning run. You loved routine and you kinda enjoyed that he became a part of it, but sooner or later it would break apart anyways. He was just too good for you. He wouldn't be able to keep up with you. It surely wouldn't be something more than a lousy one night stand, what wasn't your thing at all. You were too complicated, too distant and you couldn't let yourself believe that someone could even show a glimpse of honest interest. Well, that's at least what you told yourself all the time to justify pushing everyone away. Same for Marc, or was his name Maik? Your neighbor next door, he even invited you for his wedding. Did you go? Of course not. You only send a card, not even able to look him in the eye to congratulate him.
This way you did what you could do best, you started closing off to the man in front of you. For the rounds it was different. Here it was only the two of you, two comrades having a morning run and just some little introduction, but heading for breakfast together, that was already a commitment. A commitment you were not capable of taking. You’d rather pick a quick snack before looking for Price. See what he has planned out for you today, and God, you hoped it was just getting to know everyone around the base. Spoiler alert, he had different plans.
To your surprise Soap did understand, still wearing a slightly disappointed glance, but he didn't push it and so, you parted your ways.
Going after your day wasn’t so hard. Price introduced you around, you finally got your keycard, you had to fill out a few formulars. Stuff was going along easily and most of the times you were on your own. Until you heard Price’s voice again. He told you, that they could need your help with today’s rookie lesson, and you gladly accepted the duty. Gladly, until you were greeted by Soap and Ghost. Latter didn’t really greet you, but at least he was polite enough to nod towards you. The men were already standing and watching a bunch of recruits still chatting away. You walked over to them with Price at your side. Standing next to Soap and watching the crowd not paying much attention to your arrival. Ghost only needed to step forward to gain the attention of every youngling around. He held an intimidating appearance.
 “Listen up.” He yelled out and you totally felt the thick air. He was already a behemoth of a man, but his voice plus the mask really made a silhouette that was frightening. It reminded you of something you’d rather forget. Yourself straighten up as he begun, but before he kept going, Soap stepped forward. Seemed like Ghost was only here to keep them in line and Soap was the official speaker. Maybe it was better for the recruits this way. Soap quickly explained that they were doing sparring sessions today. Especially learning how to read the intentions of your enemy and to be able to be a step ahead before their actual move. You remember how your first sessions were and how you were barely able to keep up with your opposite. How time flies, you thought to yourself and kept your attention on Soaps words. He had quite a way to motivate the younglings in front of him.
Your glance traveling over the faces and catching quite some few females as well. It always brought you a pleasant feeling in your stomach to see, that more and more women would join the army. Especially because you were always underestimated. Your path from the beginning till here was an odyssey. Not talking about the bone crushing weight on your shoulders by now, but to start through in the military as a woman was nearly impossible some time ago. Way too many prejudices.
 The recruits were told to find each other a partner for today's session. Soap and Ghost would give them a quick demonstration of what they were up to. So, Price and you would be teamed up in that case. That wasn’t to be going to be so bad, you heard your words echoing through your mind.
That was until you heard the raspy voice of the Lieutenant again. "Don't mix up genders. Shall stay fair.", he exclaimed dry and that way he earned a scoffed chuckle. He turned around and faced you with a death glare. Soap immediately turning around looking at the scenario with shock in his eyes. "Have a problem with that Seargent?", his voice went even deeper when he turned his whole body towards you. Soap made a gesture with his hand shaking before his throat, symbolizing you to stop what you were doing. Unlucky for everyone around - except your Captain - you were way too stubborn to retreat now. "Just a suggestion but let them pick their opponents themselves regardless the gender. Nobody cares on the battlefields either.", you stated calm, your glance not adverting. Price watched the whole scenery a bit too curious. He knew the two of your for quite some time and he already expected that the tension between you would become thrilling.
Ghost stepped closer to you. You couldn't read him, but you could definitely see that you pissed him off. His eyes burning into yours. "We should keep it easy by now.", he was only a few inches away from you. You stared back, looking in that chocolate iris. You could've just backed down, but it was too challenging. "So, you believe women are not worthy a challenge?", your eyes never retreating his state. He was so damn pissed. He stepped even closer to you, you could feel his hot breath even through the mask, brushing a long your skin and sending shivers done your spine.
Soap wanted to step in, but Price let just a hand rest on his shoulder, signaling him to stay out of this. "I'm only saying that they have to learn something without getting real injuries before even placing a foot on the battle ground." He hissed through gritted teeth. He didn't even know why he argued with you, but he couldn't stand it. He knew that one shouldn't miscalculate about the opposite gender. But the way you interrupted him, the way you looked at with him with such a stubborn glance.
It made him furious. But the way you didn't even reacted the slightest to his presence. Well, you did, but you were to pride to show it. "Then you underestimate them." - "They have to learn before proofing themselves." - "You only learn when you can try and error." - "Error doesn't mean getting real hurt." - "Okay, so you're sure about them getting hurt." It went on like this for some time. Back and forth, staying always in polite line, but the tension grew with each word.
Soap looked the most nervous of all watching the two of you battling with your words. Price still holding him back. Of course, a situation with only the team would have been better to test the waters out but he would take what he could. "You're stepping a line, Seargent." He literally growled at you. "Then you're also underestimate me, Lieutenant.", you hissed back at him. Right here, right now you noticed how close he was standing in front of you. Your breath brushing along his mask, and his hot steaming breaths dancing over your bare skin. He was way too close for your liking.
Standing across of each other and staring holes into the other person. You only realized now how huge he was, trying to literally stare you down into the ground. A ground you would gladly like to stand.
"Why don't you pair up and we will see who's right.", a mocking voice of the recruits let both of your heads snap out of the haze you were in. You leaned a bit back. You didn't even notice how you tried to make yourself taller in front of him. "That's...", just as Ghost wanted to scold the rookie, Price stepped in, "a wonderful idea. This way we can exactly demonstrate a perfect example." He stepped forward looking at both of you. A slight chuckle escaped your lips, still looking with vitally at Ghost. His chest was waving heavy. He tried to steady himself and his temper. "Why not.", you turned around to move to the mat that was originally reserved for Soap and Ghost. The latter following you. "Don't hurt yourself.", he teased and with that he only awakened an insatiable competing desire.
Soap wore a face of a mixture between curiosity and concern. He had pushed Simon a few times before, but this was somehow different. You had no suspicious about each other’s limits and you gladly pushed everything over the edge right now. "Don't hold yourself back, big boy." Even with the mask you know his face would be burning.
You already fought bigger guys than him, just keep your cools and be observant. Just pinning him down once would be enough to proof your point. Your mind literally switched and cutting all of the unnecessary surrounding out. He was nothing different to any of them, but oh lord, you were so wrong with that statement. You could see a switch in his eyes, something you knew too well yourself.
In a heated movement he already reached out to you, trying to get hold of you. For a guy with his build, he was especially fast. Something you didn't suspected. Before you could think of your first turn, his giant hands were already onto your shoulders pressing you down. Lucky for you, you were particularly flexible and even more agile. You find a way to bend yourself out, but Ghost was soon on it. Throwing one of his legs in your direction to block your way out. You reached with your free hand to use his thigh as support to push yourself further up. His hands gripped for your wrist to pull you down once more, but he missed, so you saw your chance. Throwing your legs up and literally over his throat. Forcing him down. His legs were weaker in the position he found himself in, so he slowly bends over. He reached for your waist to throw you over his shoulder, but you were quick to use your hands to get a grip of his statue. Pulling yourself further up, that you would literally split his arms away with your thighs. Your completely weight pushing him down, until his knees gave in, and he found himself with his back on the mat. Your upper half resting inches away from his throat, where you had placed one of your arms to give it a bit more strength. Hovering slowly over him. A self-content smile on your lips, you looked him in his eyes. He just stared back; his eyes quite blank. You could feel his heavy breaths onto you, his chest rising and lowering just like your own. Now you were the one staring him down.
Soap was completely paralyzed by the scene in front of him, and Price only chuckled watching his charges. He knew from the beginning that the two of you needed a lot of patience with each other, especially when pushing each other so far, but he also believed that you would fit in just perfectly. You could learn so much from everyone around so that the 141 could even grow better and closer. Ghost for his part was really glad he had his mask. His face burnt from the heat of his own skin. Ashamed, anger, annoyance. He couldn't tell it apart. So many thoughts flooded his brain while staring into your eyes. "You know how to retread, don't ya Lieutenant?", your voice pulling him out of his mind. He let out a completely pissed groan, before lifting his hand and tapping two times at your thigh. You gladly stood up from your place.
You knew he did spare you; he didn't used his full strength on you but this way he really did underestimate you. A mistake he would never commit twice. You reached out a hand to help him up, but he only ignored it and stood up with no problem. You shrugged it off. "Don't be such a sore loser.", Soap cried out behind your back, but Simon did ignore him. He rather shouted at the recruits to keep starting. You turned around and Price gave you a paternal thumbs up, which only made you shake your head. You didn't give too much attention to Soap though. Still letting the incident of the morning washing over your mind. Ghost also looked out for getting away as fast and as far as possible from the Scot. He knew Johnny would be nonstop teasing him about the situation, and Simon couldn't even blame him, therefore. His cheeks were still streaming hot.
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taglist: open just lmk
@yyiikes @saffronimagines @originaldeerhottub
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ii-neg-confessions-2 · 1 month ago
soaps my favourite character and i love her so much but i hate how shes written. the best versions of her character were in episode 8, 9 (? i think i have that right) and 18.
i loved the scene of her taking the first steps towards fighting her compulsions. soap is so fun when shes trying to take the lead and makes a fool of herself or her team in the process. and for ii 18? idk i just liked her interaction with taco and that she had lines in the song
in the newer episodes, despite the crew presumably knowing more about ocd and how to write mental illness, it feels like they actually went back on her. she doesnt freak out over germs, we only see her cleaning in the very last scene shes in and she quickly abandons it to do a twirl (which you go girl ngl). all the scrubbing and cleaning puns dont make up for it either……
she’s kind of falling into the trope of just being the best friend. shes just there to support mic’s character and whatever she does most of the time… then when taco shows up shes pushed to the side (ily taco but MAKE ROOM /silly) ALSO HER HOLDING TISSUES HAND IS CUTE BUT SO OOC SHE WOULDNT DO THAT WITH A SMILE SHE WOULD GRATE HER OWN HAND OFF AFTERWARDS��.
i hope in new ii content (if we get any) it at least elaborates on how she went from where we last saw her to where she is now. if they give her a reaallly good explaination then maybe i can forgive how terribly out of character she seems. it has been years in canon since we last saw her tbf… also hopefully she’ll get to be her own character rather than just mic’s protective best friend
i miss her competetive and egotistical side too. i hope theres a scene where she boasts about being the best at video games just to get immediately dunked on. actually i hope she has video game scenes in general because i love gamer soap and we havent even seen her play any in the episodes….
unrelated to all of this but she also did not deserve to be offscreened and tossed aside by mic in ii 16. not cool..
(SOAP. SOAP MENTION!!!!!!! n yes we infact need more soap content oh my god)
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crushedsweets · 10 months ago
ok this is like 30+ asks LOL its mostly stuff about me/my art with a little crp sprinkled in im sorry... ill make a post thats actually answering the crp asks with real answers that arent "ILL DO IT EVENTUALLY I SWEAR" lololol
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YOURE BOTH SO SWEET i havent been this passionate about smth in so long so hopefully im here for a while... thank u guys for indulging me. it makes me happy to post LOL
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with love pls dont call me that buuuut. ninakate. ticciwork. ninatoby. ticcijack. ninajack. notice how its all in the same group...
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hiii i dont plan to anytime soon! IF I WERE TO, cody and rouge are probably 'next in line' to being put in my AU, but i have no plans to actually commit to that
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omg ok its funny cuz rn i HAVE ONE but its just me in it cuz im too lazy to organize all the bots and verification and whatnot. im also nervous about making a server cuz of some online occurrences that happened after u sent this HAHA so i'm kinda putting it off... but i reblogged tombs server and im sometimes active in there if u wanna join that one!
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no ur right theyre such a power couple. i know we joke about toby being useless bf and clocky being badass gf but they're both really cool together.
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I FORGOT I MADE THE TWILIGHT COMMENT LMFAAAOOOOOO I NEED i need. i need toby to find a random twilight shirt at a thrift and snag it for kate.
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ME TOOOO its so delightful. i have so much fun playing with them like barbies.. making them kiss n whatever. LMFAOOOO so silly but yk
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JEFF STANS ARE SO FUNNYYYYYYYYY i like you guys. laughing jack stans scare me but thats cuz that damn clown scares me... nothing that yall have done. youre just braver than me. LOL
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i will not do this...
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no literally its really bad. i hold horrible grudges BAHAHA but im working on it. im getting over my purple beef
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omg. i listened to it and that was really cool. i like that thank u sm for sharing
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IM SORRYYYY im so sorry. i feel like this fandom is so small and most of the fans dont really ship in general so it suuuucks shipping here.. but i love them..
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oh my god i need to i keep forgetting. the nina art i jus tposted of her holding th eknife was kinda.. kinda referencing her behaviors..
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i do too!!! ive been neglecting them so bad im so sorry..
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like the IEPFB tea party scene
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is this a song
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i have not! i havent read alot of stories actually... i kinda like doing my own thing with them HAHA
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omfg i had a clocknina drawing but i ended up privating but i think i should unprivate it...
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ok actually im sorry i just am bad at requests omfg LMFAOO IM SORRY im so focused on nina ... forgive me...
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THANK YOUUUU youre very sweet i appreciate you!!! <3
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YEAH he's...one of the more tragic people. 100%. all loss
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wdym ? !
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THANK YOU CUPCAKE i really like nina.. or my version i gues si dunno.. i like everyone else's nina too. i like this nina we got going on together
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ok i keep grouping these together but also making them seperate im so bad at organizing these asks but HAHA I LOVE THEM TOO i swear ill try to get some ticciwork stuff out soon!!! my spring semester is almost over so hopefullyyy..
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this is how you know i suck ass cuz this was christmas time and im replying NOW. im so sorry. i initially planned to draw them hanging around a tree but i didnt get around to it then got embarassed and never replied.... but i agree it would have been cute. ha di notfailed. LOL
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reynaruina · 11 months ago
you said that Twink! dib is if PT! Dib had the life he wanted, so would the PT’s be jealous of them??
Also, i saw that post where you said it was a one sided relationship, is it also like that with twink! Dib?
^^related, if Zims Pak has been like, wearing down as he gets older, I imagine he would get more vulnerable to earths germs, so how would both dibs react to zim getting ill?? (Angst plz 🤭🤭)
Also does competent zim lead to the twink or the ponytail au??
And last one, would competent zim pull the ableism and/ or alien as in like border hopper card with membrane?? More specifically having his parents tell to get dib in trouble LOL (also I’m a disabled beaner don’t cancel me 😭😭😭)
Okay let me go point by point here Yeah, PT would be Jealous As Fuck once he got context from Twink! Dib, altho he'd pretend he simply don't believe him and visibly seethe. And Twink! is a massive tease so he'd rub salt on the wound hehe. Okay, you might have misunderstood me: neither PT or Twink! are one-sided, they both love each other, but PT Dib has massive mental roadblocks that prevent him from acting upon those feelings and putting effort into the relationship like Zim is doing right now. Once they come clean about it that should get better, although with massive pains. Twink! Dib and his Zim are both super dedicated to one another and being baddies, no issues there. In my AU Zim is over a century old and PAKs are reused after an irken dies, so they're pretty much impervious to decay...as long as they're well kept. Zim does keep his PAK well maintained best he can but he's been cut off from Irken resources for a long time and scavenging is not gonna cut it forever...I'd assume he eventually could catch something, but hopefully he would have Dib by his side when the time comes. If it happened right now Dib wouldn't be able to do much to help past whatever Zim already tried.
CZ is it's entirely separate thing! PT and Twink Au start off with a more or less canon level intelligence Zim, CZ starts with a completely reworked Zim who's, as the name says, competent. He's Zim by name and plot, but his story is much different.
And yea, CZ Zim absolutely could use that card if he wanted to, it'd be laughably easy for him to get Dib in trouble, but this Zim doesn't see Dib as a threat per se. For the most part. He actually sees him as an inspiration of sorts, because of his desire to go against everything other humans tell him and remain resilient on his idea of Zim being an alien despite the trouble it causes him. CZ Zim is not one to step out of line, fers retribution and getting in trouble w those in power, and envies Dib's capacity to go against the grain and follow his own path. So he would genuinely like to form a bond with him...but also messing around with the guy is much too fun to resist.
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legobiwan · 2 years ago
What do you think the rest of the mario crew thinks of luigis villains?
Oooh hoo hoo. Fun question, anon! I'll include my projected opinions of Bowser, Peach, Mario and maybe a little addendum of E. Gadd as they're the main players who would have definite and varying things to say about each villain.
Antasma: Thinks he's an absolute pushover and annoying, to boot. 10/10 would join forces with and betray again as it was almost a little too easy.
King Boo: Is extremely wary of him and tries to avoid entering any deals or partnerships with him, as even Bowser thinks King Boo is seriously deranged and from the rumours he's heard from the Boos who immigrated to the Darklands, he is a petty, tyrannical, and insane ruler. (Not that Bowser isn't petty and tyrannical - at least in his own mind. But, in reality, Bowser is pretty fair according to Darklands culture and treats his minions well, even if he yells and stomps around a lot).
Dimentio: Hates him with a burning passion and wants a chance to go one on one with him, just so he can personally stuff a sock in the smooth-talking jester's mouth. Bowser is always open to less-than-healthy alliances for personal gain, but even he knows Dimentio is someone you do not do deals with if you want to live. But by the lava gods, would he love to dig him up from the River Twygz, just for the opportunity to bury him again.
Antasma: Frankly, to Peach, Antasma is another villain-of-the-week who kidnapped her. She has no patience for villains who rely solely on kidnapping as their modus operandi, it's insulting and she's over it. She'll, of course, keep an open line of communication with the Pi'illo Kingdom in case Antasma or someone similar tries to make a pass at the Dream Stone, which is a wildly dangerous artifact.
King Boo: Even though King Boo did kidnap her once, Peach holds less disdain for King Boo than Antasma, as, at least with King Boo, her imprisonment wasn't targeted solely on her. She has a healthy respect for King Boo's powers and does not want to get the Mushroom Kingdom entangled with whatever bizarre blood feud is going on between him and Luigi.
Dimentio: She's just glad he's (hopefully) dead. This hasn't stopped her from drafting up a contingency plan to account any reappearance, just in case. She considers him one of the most dangerous villains of all time and worse, due to the whole Chaos Heart fiasco, that contingency plan she's created? Strategies to contain Luigi are also in that plan, and she hates every word she has to dictate to her scribes.
Antasma: Hates him for the fact he managed to infiltrate his brother's dreams and not only violate his deepest thoughts, but bring Bowser along for that ride. Good riddance to bad rubbish, as the old saying goes.
King Boo: Wants. His. Head. On. A. Platter. (But also, that whole thing makes him doubt himself? He's supposed to the protector, not Luigi. And three times now, Mario has managed to fail and been taken captive by ghosts. He can't figure out why he's so ill-disposed to deal with the paranormal. He needs to fix it).
Dimentio: Mario simultaneously despises Dimentio and is also terrified of him, as he's one of the only bad guys he's never truly been able to kill. Sure, they brought down Super Dimentio (Mario doesn't want to think about that, the other way his brother was folded and stretched into a grotesque monster of the apocalypse), but even then, Dimentio had one last trick up his sleeve and if not for Count Bleck and Tippi, the worlds would have ended and that damned jester and his in-thrall brother would have been left kings of an empty universe. More than King Boo, the nightmare that returns to Mario again and again is Dimentio rising from Underwhere with dangerous, silky words, somehow convincing Luigi to join forces with him to reignite the Chaos Heart and bring reality crashing to an end.
Post-script: E. Gadd
I think of all the villains, E. Gadd would be most fascinated by Antasma. King Boo is a nuisance, one created - if he were to be honest with himself - in part due to his own negligence. He'll never know everything about ghosts, but he knows a damn lot after all these decades. But to traverse the world of dreams and use them to alter reality - that is something E. Gadd has not encountered before, and he would love to study Antasma's powers and see how they align with the brainwave charts he's taken in secret of Luigi.
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intoloopin-archive · 1 year ago
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TWS: Drug use. Cursing. Self deprecating language. Fighting. Forced vomiting. Blood. Feelings being expressed weirdly at inappropriate times (???).
CONTEXT: This is rewrite of a missing scene from END AT ME: it's a glimpse at the Hell party that caused Minwoo to call Taesong on July 14th going 15th + what proceeded the final motel scene by 4 to 6 hours.
starring: Bang Minwoo. Xu 'J.J' Jiahang.
word account: 3.8K / 3,848 words.
writer's note: OKAY, SO! To anyone who's unfamiliar on how DE functions, fear not: this works as it's own thing. But to hopefully get you into the right mood, I'll link a video to the game's intro as well as the skill sheet out of detail so you can grasp what's being evoked here. Most skills have been adapted to fit this new setting and Minwoo's own psychology anyway, so understanding how they function in game or not (hopefully!) won't take away from any fun of this psyche dive. With that being said! Good read! This is the most fun I had all week!
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THE ASSHOLE’S HOTEL BATHROOM - Filled with too many soap cabinets and a candelabra for a lamp – things of value but no *practical use* – the Asshole’s Hotel Bathroom looks exactly like you expect it to. To put it simply it's a fancy, cold and soulless shit deposit.
REACTION SPEED (Easy: Success) - Like your goddamn man.
EMPATHY (Challenging: Success) - Like *them*, your man’s ‘friends’, who share no traits with him. Not an hinch of loyalty to anything or anyone.
YOU - You inspect Jiahang, the said man – just a man, his own man – that you have an arm's hold of, dragging along behind you. He doesn’t want to come into the Asshole’s Hotel Bathroom, of course not. He doesn’t want to leave The Party and its Party People either, but he must be surgically extracted from them. He must be attended to, immediately.
ESPRIT DE CORPS (Medium: Fail) - You still have no idea why he jumped on to take what the asshole man offered you, why he tried to bargain your way out of the room at the expense of his already too dazed system, with a dry gulp of a too big pill ill meant for you, putting on a show so you could leave.
INTERFACING (Easy: Success) - As if you would ever choose to escape out of any Hell without him – as if you could make out of any labyrinth without your North Star.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY (Easy: Success) - God, he’s beautiful even while bone deep in physical discomfort. That’s art in real fucking staggering movements, all live, full color. He has mastered the sweet, sweet pain it takes to *be* music. He has beat you at your own game, Minwoo love. Beat you right up. *Beat you good*.
LOGIC (Easy: Success) - Whatever is that he swallowed, he needs it out of his system. Now.
YOU - You lock the door behind you, let his pulse go. You both stand in discrepant different examples of equilibrium at the center of the room.
VISUAL CALCULUS (Easy: Success) - The toilet has its lid already set open, like a paid extra.
“What were you thinking?!”
“You need to throw up. *Now*.”
No talking. No time to waste. Reach forward. Be of help.
YOU - You take an unfocused step forward, leaving two feet between Jiahang and you. The proximity accomplishes nothing: your fingers trail millimeters over his chest, failing to check anything, just shaking.
JIAHANG - "Minwoo hyung, c’mon… Calm down, okay, calm down… I can… take it, I’m alright…," Jiahang’s marijuana voice is something deeper in tone and lighter in sound, close to a whisper. He takes pauses to hold in anxious, misplaced laughs. “It’s not my… First rodeo, so… Calm down…”
LOGIC (Easy: Success) - He’s not new to drugs, that’s what he meant. Both in general, and with today’s doctor’s prescription: weed, cocaine, maybe, and the other thing, the white pill.
ENCYCLOPEDIA (Easy: Success) - You knew this already. You pretended not to, for someone’s sake – you don’t remember who, now – but it’s become obvious to you early on. How could it not when it’s *you*, a Guryo son who knows what to seek for when telling… *high risk riders* apart from any crowd.
LOGIC (Easy: Success) - And yet you did nothing to put a stop to it. You let it come to this. This is as much as your fault as it is the asshole man’s. You’re a fucking asshole man, Asshole Man.
YOU - Your head bends downwards, away from him, away from direct view.
INLAND EMPIRE (Medium: Success) - Because it pains you; the sight of him pains you. It always has. Every inch of his body is a light that cuts right through your retinas, close to being fatal.
DRAMA (Easy: Success) - By God, he’s made you just as blind as the piano and guitar have. *He really is music*.
“Why are you, out of everyone, making stupid fucking decisions?!”
Give me something else. I won’t say that.
YOU - Give me something else. I won’t say that.
HALF LIGHT (Challenging: Fail) - Oh? And why the fuck not?
It’s not what he needs to fucking hear now, shit Head!
The night’s been already harsh enough. Try to be kind or something, fuck Hell.
Please, *please* don’t make me say it. I don’t wanna say it.
YOU - It’s not what he needs to fucking hear now, shit Head!
HALF LIGHT (Challenging: Fail) - Well, fuck-o, this is all you got. Have you forgotten who you are? You’re a brute and ruthless son of a gun. Shoot-words-to-kill, that’s the Bang Minwoo pattern of speech. You know nothing else.
“Why are you, out of everyone, making stupid fucking decisions?!”
[LOGIC CHECK: GODLY (27% CHANCE).] Come up with something else. Something soothing. *Anything*.
LOGIC CHECK: FAILURE. - As you search your oceanic brain for a cohesive, less deadly set of words, you find nothing but a dark void and the defeating sound of static. You’re tongue tied. You’re jaw set. You’re furious. You’re terrified. You’re only half inside your own body.
PAIN THRESHOLD (Impossible: Fail) - The smell of urine and powder mixed together, coming straight off the toilet to your nose. The sensation of being too small, too impotent inside a big room that you’ve never seen so big. The body of a loved one shivering close, mad with fever.
INLAND EMPIRE (Challenging: Fail) - It’s all too familiar, isn’t it now, crack baby?
[-1 MORALE.]
“Why are you, out of everyone, making stupid fucking decisions?!”
COMPOSURE CHECK: EPIC FAIL. - Thinking of breathing only makes your breathing worse. Stop. Thinking. Of. It. STOP. IMMEDIATELY.
“Why are you, out of everyone, making stupid fucking decisions?!”
YOU - “Why are you, out of everyone, making stupid fucking decisions?!”
JIAHANG - Slowly, as if he’s hearing you with a 15 second delay, Jiahang looks up at you with his big stars for eyes, embedded in a sea of red. “What..?”
“You–! Jesus Christ, you fucking heard me, Jiahang!”
YOU - “You–! Jesus Christ, you fucking heard me, Jiahang!”
“I can’t deal with you having a crash, I can’t witness that sort of *shit*! You know why I fucking can’t!”
YOU - “I can’t deal with you having a goddamn crash, I can’t witness that sort of *shit*! You know why I fucking can’t!”
JIAHANG - The delay’s gone, it seems: in front of you, Jiahang flinches, withers, pressing his tiny lips close together.
AUTHORITY (Challenging: Success) - BE CALM. He’s scared, but not of you – only of himself, what he’s done, and what you might think of him now.
EMPATHY (Medium: Success) - And he’s ashamed of what he took you back to, now that he realizes – the razor sharp flashes of your once uncle seem to flow between you telepathically.
CONCEPTUALIZATION (Medium: Success) - He’s always scared of what people might think of him. It’s his Achilles tendon. When it comes to you, the fear of letting down goes hand in hand with an old, too familiar grief.
UNTRACEABLE RUSH OF DOPAMINE - Tell him. Tell him what we think of him, now and always. It’s time.
“I just don’t get– You or, or! You’re supposed to be music, for shit’s sake! Whatever the fuck that means!”
Don’t make me do this to me now.
I don’t fucking know what I think, alright?! Not about him, not about anything anymore! *I don’t know!* And I don’t want to know! I don’t give a shit! I never fucking have!
YOU - I don’t fucking know what I think, alright?! Not about him, not about anything anymore! *I don’t know!* And I don’t want to know! I don’t give a shit! I never fucking have!
DRAMA (Easy: Success) - Alright, sire, alright. Don’t open the Pandora’s Box that is your stone heart, if you’re too much of a pussy to see what’s been growing inside. Suit your weak self, take the coward’s road. Just be careful not to fall too hard while embarking on this deep, deep sink of yours into that old, old Egyptian river.
ENCYCLOPEDIA (Legendary: Success) - That old Egyptian river is called the Nile river. Say it's determiner and name three times quickly out loud. The joke writes itself.
INLAND EMPIRE (Easy: Success) - Not a easier joke to decipher than *you*, of course, Bang Man.
JIAHANG - It takes him a while, but Jiahang eventually recovers; straightens his spine up, grows back to big. “If you can’t see it, then… leave, then. You can… do that. You brought me my bag, I– I took the *thing* for you, you’re free– free to go. So go on. Turn around, just turn– turn around, if that’s what… what you want so bad!”
I can’t leave him.
“I can’t leave you!”
YOU - I can’t leave him.
PERCEPTION (Heroic: Fail) - Ah, yes. That you have no strength to do. It's as simple as that.
“I can’t leave you – not like this!”
“I can’t leave you – not with them!”
“I just *can’t leave you*!”
YOU - “I can’t leave you, Jiahang – not like this!”
JIAHANG - You see a frown show up on his forehead as he mouths ‘like this’, like it’s an insult, but doesn’t say it. What he does say is a frustrated, confused plea of, “Then what, Minwoo? Then *what*?!”
HAND/EYE COORDINATION (Easy: Success) - Oh, sire. You know exactly what you must do.
[SUGGESTION CHECK: FORMIDABLE (38% CHANCE).] Convince Jiahang to throw up. Keep talking. He’s giving in.
[REACTION SPEED CHECK: CHALLENGING (65% CHANCE).] Make him throw up. You’ve lost too much damn time already with all this fucking talking.
[PHYSICAL INSTRUMENT RED CHECK: IMPOSSIBLE (1% CHANCE). YOU CAN’T RETRY IT.] Shove him into the bathtub and turn on the ice cold shower. Let the thermal shock overwhelm him, then make him throw up there. It’s risky, but it feels like the way.
REACTION SPEED CHECK: FAIL. You raise your arms and grab him suddenly by the elbows, catching him visibly by surprise – and it all goes quickly downhill from there.
PHYSICAL INSTRUMENT (Challenging: Epic Fail) - Your limbs struggle to make him bend any way, let alone to the direction of the toilet or the floor. Under your feet, the humid ground keeps you from grounding yourself enough to make any of this work. Nothing’s in your favor. You realize your mistake too late.
RHETORIC (Easy: Success) - You should have thought this through. Jiahang is, after all, much taller than you – and much too cherished for your hands to dare squeeze or scratch.
YOU - Your fingers let go without you telling them to. Bad equilibrium disrupted, Jiahang slips on the wet tiles and falls sideways, head bumping with the toilet’s unforgiving ceramic, nose first, sound second: a horrible cry out of pain you heard just once.
YOU - YOU JUMP TO HELP! You’re on your knees quicker than you’ve ever been, palming his back, his shoulder.
JIAHANG - He glimpses at you sideways, then hides his face away, turning it to the opposite side. A lonely stream of blood drips from his left nostril, and he rushes to cover it with his trembling hand. You notice; you hear a sob.
RETHORIC (Heroic: Fail) - You’re a wordsmitch, fuck face, or are you not?! SAY SOMETHING. FIX THIS.
“Fuck, you– You didn’t give me *any other choice*, like!!!”
“I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m so sorry so so sorry I’m sorry sorry!!!!!!”
Fuck it. Focus on the mission. Put your fingers down his throat. Count damages later.
YOU - Make the worst worth it, you think, as you scoopes his face in.
LOGIC (Medium: Fail) - Will it even accomplish anything? The white pill’s been in his system for over 20 minutes, not to mention all the rest, a pool party of shit in his bloodstream. Anyhow: better safe than sorry, you assume – you pray.
YOU - You fight to get your fingers into his mouth, meet a wall of teeth, a resistence of tongue; it opens after you let out a small curse, like a castle’s gate.
SUGGESTION (Easy: Success) - So *this* is how it feels.
PERCEPTION (Medium: Success) - Under you, he’s stopped moving. Jiahang has no real strength or deep desire to push you out or hurt you. He might even understand the invasion, under the haze; be grateful for it, even.
YOU - You feel it when it comes, a stream of bile. You remove your hand and wipes it on your trousers, sees Jiahang bending over to sit and spill sick yellow vomit for seconds, a minute.
ENCYCLOPEDIA (Easy: Success) - Even though you’ve hurt him not a second ago – it wasn’t even the first time, either – he hasn’t bitten a single finger of yours off when he had the chance. Not a follower of the Eye For an Eye school of thinking, this pupil of yours, despite your suffocating influence. That’s good. You’re nothing but a bad preacher of a bad religion.
JIAHANG - When he’s done spitting and coughing, Jiahang begins to curl into himself, turning into a quiet small ball on the floor, too close to the release pool.
“I’m sorry. It was the only way– I’m sorry.”
“Jiahang-ah, please, let me take a look at you – Let me look at you, *please*.”
[AUTHORITY CHECK: EASY. 92% CHANCE.] “Show me your nose, now.”
YOU - “Show me your nose, now.”
PERCEPTION (Easy: Success) - He does, without a fight, lying on the floor with his head facing the ceiling. It’s bad, the bruise – the damage. You help guide him to sit up straight as he can.
YOU - You extend your hand to the side, up– The toilet paper dances off the holder as you push it, and it rolls away. You get enough of it to wrap it over your open palm three times, to make an amateur glove. You wipe the trace of blood off his mouth as gently as you can.
JIAHANG - “I’m such a… mess, just so–!” He cries, suddenly; a dam of tears, hot and uncontainable. “Awful, *awful* thing, disgusting fucking– fucking *thing*!”
“I know. I know exactly what you are.”
“That’s not all there is to you, baby, it’s not all there is to you at all, listen to me, honey, *listen*, **please listen**.”
“You could be worse.”
YOU - “You could be worse.”
JIAHANG - This gets his attention. “How even– Worse how?” Jiahang asks, mid hiccup, mid wail. “Give me one– One fucking example, if you… can. Can you? You *can’t*, can you?!”
SHIVERS (Medium: Success) - Around you and around him, The Party keeps on going, like a nonstop train. Your ears attune themselves to the purr of it – it's a habit. You’re too often outside rooms buzzing with life, only listening in through paper thin walls, missing the experience of it.
EMPATHY (Heroic: Success) - No one has come to check on him, you both have realized – Jiahang a minute faster than you. None of his Party People friends give a flying fuck. The reality is falling down on him like a skyscraper, crushing, breathtaking, killer.
[REACTION SPEED RED CHECK: IMPOSSIBLE (11% CHANCE.) YOU CAN’T RETRY IT.] Start listing the real world things that are worse than him. (There’s a ton, and you know them intimately – and you know him intimately. Give Jiahang something else to weep for.)
[DRAMA RED CHECK, IMPOSSIBLE (9% CHANCE.) YOU CAN’T RETRY IT.] Start listing the unreal, out of this world things worse than him – the ones you’ve seen in your open eyed dreams. (Not as many options, but a tad lighter. Make the sadness disappear, bring anything close to a laugh back. Be the mad man for a great cause.)
[INLAND EMPIRE RED CHECK: LEGENDARY (26% CHANCE). YOU CAN’T RETRY IT.] “You could be like me. I’m worse than you’ll ever be.” (The truth. It can only hurt you.)
Say nothing.
YOU - “You could be like me. I’m worse than you’ll ever be.”
LOGIC (Challenging: Success) - There is nothing worse than you, False Prophet, Fake Noah. Obsessed with connecting melodies, speaking truthfully only through rhyme schemes on pieces of paper that meet no one, only the bottom of trash cans or the back of your hard pillow. You’re not functional. You’re no leading man. You’re no good.
INLAND EMPIRE (Medium: Success) - But it feels good, doesn’t it? To finally admit how rotten you are after a whole life of pretending you’re a giving three, a good soil.
EMPATHY (Challenging: Success) - To say to someone who knows it, understands it, and stays.
Wait, I gained a fucking morale point from THAT?!
YOU - What the actual fuck?!
RHETORIC (Medium: Success) - You’re neck deep into shit, pal. Just count your win. It’s only a consolidation medal, nothing more, nothingbless – kiddo needs his fake prizes to fill his kiddo fuel.
JIAHANG - “But… I feel like you already,” he tells you. “All the time, hyung… All the time, I feel like you– Angry, and upset, and– and so lonely.”
PHYSICAL INSTRUMENT (Easy: Success) - Wait, what’s that taunting your face, blocking your neck…? Oh, fucking Hell…! You’re crying! You’re nodding at him and crying!
AUTHORITY (Impossible: Fail) - HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU CRYING?! You don’t do that anymore, you’ve forgotten how. Revoke it. Revoke it along with all this sweat taking over your body.
“Don’t you dare say that.”
“I’m sorry, Jiahang. This is not– Not what I wanted to happen.”
“Just– Give me a minute, God, give me a minute!”
YOU - “I’m sorry, Jiahang. This is not– Not what I wanted to happen.”
PHYSICAL INSTRUMENT (Easy: Success) - The tears prickle your eyes, actually turn you momentarily blind. You blink, hard, adjusting to their salt. It reminds you of how hard to stomach you are, inside out.
PAIN THRESHOLD (Medium: Success) - And it reminds you of how much saltier you’ve used to be. The tears are already falling off your sad sockets, sire – let them.
JIAHANG - “It’s not so bad, right, I think, to have… Turned into *this*, because– You’re no longer… lonely, and… Neither am I, right…? We can both be happy with that, be happy…” He doesn’t finish speaking; just closes his eyes, closes his mouth.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY (Medium: Fail) - We like the visual he’s evoking, Minwoo love. Picture the two of you, holding hands, walking right into the dooming sun– Oh, oh! Romeo and Romeo, tongue deep into each other’s poison bitter throats!!!
EMPATHY (Medium: Success) - Your man’s not right. He’s fading. This isn’t the Jiahang you want; most importantly, this isn’t the Jiahang that *Jiahang wants*. This is no good, Minwoo.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY (Medium: Fail) - It’s as close as we'll ever get to having any Jiahang *at all*. Enjoy it! We should kiss him now. Seal this deal right up. Two shots of Marriage In Misery and a whole bottle of Honeymoon On The Floor (Animal Style) coming *right the fuck up*, sign it to the wingless lovebirds right there, near the piss jar!!!
EMPATHY (Medium: Success) - Let go of his hand. Check his eyes. Help him up.
INLAND EMPIRE (Legendary: Fail) - Or perhaps this is the time for you to leave. You shouldn’t have ever touched him, to begin with. You shouldn’t have spoken a single word beyond ‘Goodbye’ to this man when he was still a graduating boy. You shouldn’t have made him think that he needed to cling to ruination to shine. You shouldn't have come to know any of them.
Check Jiahang up (medically.), then help him up. You both need to leave the Asshole's Hotel Bathroom and The Asshole’s Hotel all together.
Walk away – Just walk away. His shortness of breath seems contagious. It’s sticking to your lungs.
YOU - It takes no effort to untangle your hands from his, to place them both on his cheeks, tend to the temperature.
ENCYCLOPEDIA (Challenging: Success) - His skin is at 110 degrees, to be precise. The lucky-unlucky number, if you’ll believe it.
LOGIC (Medium: Success) - It’s a mind and body turmoil. I’m afraid you can do nothing about it.
I can do something, I– I feel it.
I refuse to let him fall. I reject it.
YOU - I refuse to let him fall. I reject it.
INLAND EMPIRE (Medium: Success) - Cute, my lord, but still not enough. You might as well swear to become a whole different man, in your desperation, if you want to make this medicine of yours come true – transform into a superhuman, super empathic man suit. Like the Taesong Taesong thinks he is.
Good, I’ll swear on it, I’ll be it – I've been waiting for an excuse to tend to the internal damage and start a renovation. This is will be my new wallpaper.
No, don’t swear on it, fool – There’s no need to be extreme. *There’s no guarantee it will work*.
YOU - No, don’t swear on it, fool – There’s no need to be extreme. *There’s no guarantee it will work.*
ENCYCLOPEDIA (Challenging: Success) - Exactly. Hold your horses, Bang Man. Take this promise in. You never tried to be anything besides what you are now. You’re a 26-year-old hound – in dog years that’s 116 to 128 years of living. There’s no space inside your head for new tricks, new instincts.
DRAMA (Easy: Success) - You’re chained to a wall, my liege. You have to tear it the fuck down, and clean the concrete aftermath, and rise from the ashes of it – full Fenix style. Fail at that and you’ll be here again, if not in this asshole’s hotel bathroom, then another asshole’s hotel bathroom; if not with him, then with someone else, just as meaningful. You got the need for change, now? The need to compromise the fuck out of you?!
AUTHORITY (Heroic: Success): Say you got it now.
Fine. I guess I got it now.
I got it! I fucking got it, goddammit!
I understand.
YOU - I understand.
INLAND EMPIRE (Challenging: Success) - My, oh my… It seems you really do.
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lvrface · 3 days ago
hiii can u perhaps write a darry fic where darry n reader have been pining after each other for actual ages but r still completely clueless that the other likes them despite like. doing chores/running errands together or straight up cuddling on the couch, to the point that the whole gang is like “okay this is ridiculous” and tries to get them together just to get it over with. despite being well meaning their plan is (affectionately) stupid and completely backfires but still ends in darry and reader confessing. unsure what exactly the plan is but my first thought is they lock the two of them in a closet accidentally?? idk. hopefully this is something????? thanks for reading thru this either way :D
𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐝𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐢𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 — we belong to you and me
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𝙨𝙮𝙣𝙤𝙥𝙨𝙞𝙨. darry’s being painfully stupid, so the gang takes matters into their own hands.
𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙥. darry curtis x fem!reader
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨. swearing
𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩. 2421
𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚𝙨. im sorry this took so long!! ive been ill 🤧 but i loved writing this so much and this request is sooo cutesy i loveeee it’s a bit ooc on everyone’s behalf but it’s just a bit of fun sooo!!! hope u enjoyed and this lived up to ur expectations
(y/n) and darry both were pretty smart but, god, they were being oblivious. maybe it was on purpose, both of them too scared to open up and admit their feelings incase it damaged the foundation they already have built. or maybe it wasn’t, and they were actually just a bit stupid. but whatever it was, they were both pretty content with the dynamic.
they first met almost a year ago, when (y/n) decided to start tutoring to help get her through college. she tutored maths, and with ponyboy’s decline in the subject, they sought out for her help. but then instead of just helping ponyboy, she ended up helping out a lot more around the household as time went on— and soon enough it seemed like she was a part of their own little family. and it didn’t take long until her and darry seemed to be getting closer.
it started off with simple things. simple tasks. like when (y/n) offered to do the dishes for darry. he protested, but (y/n) was more stubborn than that, and he knew that as well. they decided that they would just do them together.
“you’re quite stubborn, y’know,” darry chuckled, scrubbing the food off the plate with a sponge. he handed the now clean plate to (y/n).
(y/n) smiled smugly with a playful shrug, “how else do you think i get my way?” she teased. darry simply just kissed his teeth, shaking his head as he watched her dry off the plate.
ponyboy nudged sodapop’s arm from the table, leaning into him so his whisper could be eligible, “d’ya think they’d actually get together?” ponyboy asked, his voice quiet so only sodapop could hear.
“if they’re looking at each other like that— it’s only a matter of time,” sodapop chuckled, the brothers then sat and watched the way their older brother’s eyes were practically lightening up. all he was looking at was (y/n) dry plates, bowls, cutlery but if you didn’t know any better; you’d think he was looking at the eighth wonder of the world.
but to him, she was just that.
it then turned into her accompanying him to do mundane tasks. like go to the grocery store together. “where have y’all been?” two bit asked, watching as the pair walked back into the house. it was around noon now, (y/n) had came round early in the morning. it was a saturday, so she knew darry done his shopping today. “the store,” darry answered as if it was obvious, him and (y/n) now taking their coats off. “together?” it was steve’s turn to speak up, with a raised eyebrow as he walked through from the kitchen.
“yes…” (y/n) and darry answered in unison, not understanding what the point they were trying to make was.
steve, two bit, sodapop and ponyboy all just shared looks with amused expressions.
“i don’t get it,” (y/n) said to darry, as they began walking through to the kitchen.
“i don’t think we’re supposed to.”
but darry did indeed get it, and so did (y/n). but they didn’t tell each other that. instead, they just began unpacking the groceries together whilst making small talk.
but two nights later, was the final straw— for everyone. the gang had all been out watching a movie at the drive in together, and they were making their way back home. well, to the curtis’ home.
“you got to be fuckin’ kiddin’ me,” dallas breathed out with a laugh, after he opened the front door to reveal (y/n) and darry sprawled on the couch. asleep. together.
ponyboy’s eyebrows furrowed at dallas’ words, and quickly pushed past him to see what the fuss was about. his mouth opened, a smile creeping onto his face, the rest of the gang peeking their heads through to see what was occurring.
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ponyboy closed the door softly, ushering the gang outside. “right, guys, this has gone too far,” he spoke matter of factly.
“yeah, we need to do something!” sodapop exclaimed in agreement, steve smacked him to hint for him to stay quiet. “sorry,” soda muttered sheepishly.
“man, he’s your brother. just tell him to like, get her flowers, or somethin’,” dallas shrugged, the cigarette dangling between his lips muffling his words.
“he has. already. but he said it was just to say thank you,” ponyboy mocked darry’s voice.
dallas’ face dropped, “ain’t no way he’s getting some broad who ain’t even his girl flowers.”
“thats what i said!” sodapop agreed.
“maybe they are together, just secretly,” steve added his thoughts, but when he saw the confused looks surrounding him, he explained further, “maybe darry just wants to keep this to himself, huh?”
“and why’s that?” ponyboy questioned defensively, crossing his arms.
“i mean… considering y’all just saw them making physical contact on a couch and now y’all are devising some master plan…” steve trailed off sarcastically.
ponyboy shot steve a glare, “not the point,” he retorted.
“i ain’t against playing cupid,” two bit offered, the drunken words slipping off his lips with a slur.
johnny eyed two bit up and down, patting him on the shoulder lightly, “maybe next time, two.”
“right, we need a plan— this has gone too far. it’s startin’ to annoy me, y’know?” ponyboy brought the conversation back to the start, as he peeked through the window to see (y/n) and darry still peacefully asleep. darry was sat upright, his head fallen forward slightly as he rested. (y/n)’s head was on his chest, her legs tucked up as the soft hum of a nat king cole record played.
ponyboy turned back to the group, just to see them all staring at him expectantly. “well…. thoughts guys?”
the boys just stood there awkwardly, looking around, whistling whilst shuffling on their feet.
“come on, guys. nothing, really?” ponyboy sighed.
“you’re the smart one,” johnny retorted, the gang all nodding and uttering agreements.
with a sigh, ponyboy shook his head. he bit down on his lip in thought, as one sprung into his head.
“right, i’ve got it.”
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it was the next day, just before dinner time when (y/n) was making her way over to the curtis house. she had phoned earlier to say she would be there for 6. (y/n) was never late, and the boys knew that and used that to their advantage. ponyboy was ‘looking’ through the closet for the toolbox that ‘steve was wanting’.
it was 5:58, twobit pretended to whistle at something on the tv— it was their planned signal.
“hey, darry! can you come help me?” ponyboy shouted out, and it was only a few seconds before darry was by his side in the closet. he began searching through the things that had been discarded there, to try find this toolbox.
little did he know, steve already had the toolbox.
“man, i swear i put it right here,” darry’s tongue poked the inside of his cheek, as he stared around.
as if on cue, ponyboy heard the front door open and he knew it would be (y/n). he watched as darry continued struggling to find the hidden toolbox. ponyboy took this as his opportunity, and he began slowly taking strides backwards out of the small closet.
“hey, (y/n), how are you today?” soda greeted her, almost too enthusiastically— even for sodapop. (y/n) didn’t pay much mind to the behaviour, and just assumed he must be having a good day.
“i’m alright, soda, how are yo—“ before she could reply, her arm was grabbed by soda and he began dragging her in the direction of the closet. and most importantly, darry.
“that’s great, (y/n)! you like cats?”
“cats? yeah, uh, i guess,” she furrowed her eyebrows as they inched closer to the closet.
“think there’s one in here,” sodapop smiled innocently.
“soda, this is your closet—“ her sentence was once again cut off as she was pushed into the closet with the door then closed.
confused, she then went and tried to open the door. only to discover it had been locked.
“soda!” (y/n) called out, banging on the door.
“y’all will thank us later!”
“y’all?” (y/n) repeated, as she turned on her feet and was immediately met with darry’s presence. not expecting to see him, she jumped slightly at the surprise. “oh— hi, darry,” she breathlessly greeted him.
“hey,” he returned the greeting simply, with a sort of awkward smile at the proximity.
“take it you got no idea what’s going on either, huh?”
darry shook his head with a chuckle.
he did in fact know, he could tell what his younger brothers were up to.
but so did (y/n).
“y’all are not getting out until you confess your love for each other!”
“soda! you ain’t supposed to tell them! the love confession is supposed to happen organically!”
(y/n) felt her face heat up at the words, and she mentally thanked god it was now practically pitch black in the closet. darry laughed softly at his brother’s antics, a hand reaching his face, “i swear, sometimes i think they’re not real.”
“yeah, like social experiments or somethin’. only explanation,” (y/n) agreed with a similar laugh. silence then took over the atmosphere, and (y/n) rocked back and forth on her heels awkwardly.
“sorry, about them, y’know,” darry motioned his head to the door, signalling to his little brothers.
(y/n) brushed it off, “don’t worry, it’s fine. i think it’s quite cute— at least they’re finding some way to entertain themselves, huh?”
darry nodded, “yeah, guess so.”
a couple of minutes turned into 10, and they were now sat facing each other with their backs to a wall. “i thought they’d give up after the first 2 minutes,” (y/n) said, her hands fiddling with the hem of her top in boredom.
“one thing about them, they don’t ever give up,” darry joked, making (y/n) nod.
“you ain’t lying,” (y/n) sighed out, tapping her fingers against her knee in a rhythm. darry bit the inside of his cheek, debating whether or not to speak what was on his mind. but before he could make a rational decision, it just came out anyway.
“y’know, thanks for everything. like for putting up with all of this and just like, everything ya do to help us. you ain’t gotta do all this y’know,” darry thanked her, clearing his throat. (y/n) couldn’t fight the smile that leaped onto her face at the comments.
“oh, it’s nothin’, dar. anythin’ to make your life easier,” she replied, with a soft shrug. darry listened to her words, and he really did believe her. he believed that she’s really do anything for him. he believed her, because he knew (y/n). she wouldn’t lie to him, and especially not just to flatter him. but he also believed (y/n), because he knew that he’d do anything for her too.
“yeah, i’d do anything for you too.”
it just came out, before darry realised the way he worded it was quite different compared to (y/n). and it came with a whole lot more… implications.
(y/n) could feel the blood soar through her veins, and her eyes practically light up at his words. “do you… mean that?”
darry gulped, nodding, “yeah— yeah, i do.”
(y/n) licked her lips with a grin, cocking her head to one side innocently. “so, if i asked ya, to kiss me, would you do it?” she asked, almost in a whisper.
it was now darry’s turn, his heart rate quickening and his eyes widening before a smile fell onto his face. he hesitated, before leaning towards her. if he had waited a moment longer, (y/n) might’ve thought he was preparing to reject her. she felt his rough and calloused hands mould softly against the softness of her face, he swiped his thumb along her cheek once. (y/n) broke the gap first, leaning in to press her lips against his. it was slow, and gentle, and soft. everything darry was, to her. and everything (y/n) was, to darry.
when the kiss broke, darry looked into (y/n)’s eyes. the only light being one’s shining through small gaps between the door and the floorboards. “i really hoped you ain’t just asked me that so we can get outta here,” darry piped up playfully, with a teasing tone.
(y/n) laughed, looking down before looking back at him. darry joined in on the laughter, before it faded away gently. (y/n) then saw how darry’s expression changed, one of affection and love to one of amusement and almost as if he was— puzzled.
darry didn’t reply, and instead just let go of his grip on (y/n) and stood up. he grabbed a box that was on a shelf and opened it, pulling out a key. he showed it to (y/n) momentarily before ushering for her to stand up. she nodded and obliged. he stuck the key into the door, and turned it as it opened inwards. him and (y/n) stood to the side, a small flood of the boys falling into the room.
“took y’all long enough,” ponyboy groaned as he stretched, attempting to stand up off the ground.
“so what? are y’all like married now?” steve asked, he walked past the closet, handing the toolbox to darry. darry looked down at the toolbox and back up at steve.
“you little—“
“if y’all do get married, can i be the officiant? i have a license,” two bit teased, but there was a hint of sincerity in his voice. he grabbed soda’s hand to help him off the ground.
“somehow that doesn’t surprise me,” (y/n) shook her head at two bit’s words, before sodapop was the next to speak up.
“really, that was so darn cute, felt like i was watching a movie!” soda exclaimed, as he then pulled johnny off the ground who still had the cup was that was pressed against the door and his ear, in his hand.
“yeah, took y’all long enough,” dallas added on, from the table.
(y/n) and darry’s heads snapped to dallas, who they hadn’t even realised was there the whole time.
“you were in on it too, dal?” (y/n) practically gasped. she never really pegged him to care about this stuff.
“what can i say? i’m quite the romeo, when i want to be,” dallas quipped sarcastically, kicking his feet up onto the table.
(y/n) scoffed, but she couldn’t help but be amused. all these boys, all came together just to make their older brother and friend happy. it was quite wholesome.
secretly, she thanked god they done it. she wasn’t sure how much longer she could’ve played stupid.
and darry wasn’t sure how much longer he could’ve ignored the look in her eyes.
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trashiewrites · 2 years ago
Yup, I think we need more of neighbor Ghost✋🏼😌
I have returned and I bring what I could manage for still being heavily blocked rn! a little drabble! Im making more Neighbor! Ghost as we speak so if you have specific scenarios that you wanna play out plz do send them! Feed my creativity!
Heard From A Mutual
Word count: 527
Trigger: Mentions of alcohol slightly?
Simon sat outside enjoying the lovely afternoon, sipping a hot cup of tea as the chilled British breeze hit the bottom half of his face. Simon slid back down his mask as his neighbor's car pulled into their driveway. "Simon!! Just the man I wanted to see!" She smiled as she exited her vehicle. "Wanna head to drink tonight?"
"Good day, (y/n)... Hope work was well." She nodded as she took a seat next to him. "I'll pass... what's with the sudden urge to drink?"
"It was good, rather busy! Say, do you have a coworker, last name Garrick??" She tapped her chin as she searched for his first name in her head. "Kyle! Kyle Garrick!" Simon sighed as he heard Gaz's name.  What the fuck did tell her...
"I happen to do..." Simon sighed, hopefully, gaz isn't a monster and said anything too crazy.
"Oh sweet!"'she exclaimed, "Well he came into my shop earlier. I like to chat with my clients and Mr.Garrick is like a regular kind of. So I was talking about you and mentioned your name being Simon and he was like 'Oh, I have a coworker named Simon who acts kinda like that and wears a mask.' So it was either you were both or you had a long-lost twin out there that acted like you!"  She laughed, but Simon just sighed and drank more tea... man, going back to work will now be a nightmare...
"Let me guess... he told you how I can't practically get drunk. So you asked me to drink with you so you could test out that theory..." He turned to look at her and saw her face of shock and her flustered cheeks. Caught red-handed, literally on the exact detail.
"H-how?" Simon chuckled at her reaction. She was left speechless, she stumbles as she tried to come back from such a blow. "Or maybe I just wanted to drink with my good old pal."
"Stop trying to lie, you're bad at it..."
"Whatever!" She playfully punched his shoulder, "So what, I wanted to see how much you would be able to down!"
"A lot," Simon replied, "I wouldn't call myself an alcoholic but I do have quite the tolerance. You would be thrashed before I begin to be drunk."
"Dear god..." she raised her brows, still heavily curious. "Could we still see one day?" She pursed her lips as she asked innocently.
"Fine," Simon shook his head and laughed. She silently cheered in celebration "Not anytime soon though..."
"Oh come on! No fun!" She huffed, " Anyways, imma make some pasta for dinner you want some?" Simon sighed, how dinner with this woman has almost become a daily occasion.
"Sure, you don't have to." She swatted him away.
"It's fine! I make in big portions anyways!" She smiled, "You can come and chat too if you want if anything ill just bring it over!"
"Fine.. ill at least come help..." he smiled under his mask. 
"That's the spirit friend, I'll pull out a bottle of whiskey while we're at it okay!" she smiled widely as she turned to head to her house. "Come on now!"  he shook his head. 
"Coming, you impatient S.O.B..." 
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XH Jungsu hcs pt.1
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Summery: just what the title says. something hopefully you find cute, fluffy, and shorter to read approximately: 10 min read
a/n: mark my words next month I WILL do a pt.2 that's more in the hcs I did for jooyeon where its about how y'all probably got together and little scenes from yalls relationship just gotta get this gyu fic out first. please comment or reblog if you liked this!
warnings/info: kissing, some sort of relationship idk what tho never really specified, cuddles, mentions of washing your face (don't forget to wash the grime off today y'all) mentions of him needing reader but noting else of the like is mentioned, talking about changing a light bulb with wet hands (don't ask), a couple misspelled words ill eventually will get to and weed out. pls don't be mean I did most of this with no sleep
~this is simply a piece of fiction. my imagination onto "paper." this is in no way meant to be taken as an actual or real representation of anyone~
ok ok ok there's so many things I don't even know where to start!!
first of all, the softest human being you could ever ask for
I dunno man he just exudes cuddly-ness to me
speaking of cuddles, while I don't think physical touch is one of his love languages, that doesn't mean the first time he gets a taste of you so close to him, he doesn't wanna have you in each others arms for eternity.
Lazy. Morning. Cuddles.
nothing more even needs to be said on that. they're his favorite with you
tangled in the sheets and each others limbs all over the place, his arm about to fall asleep because you're laying on it.... facing each other...
there's not much in life that brings him more indescribable immense joy than to wake up next to you and turn over to scoop you up into his arms.
during times like these, you'd talk, about anything and everything cause it didn't really matter. he would always listen intentively and so would you, calming whatever worries you might have and making you feel like everything would be ok.
cause to be honest, it would be with him around
that brings another thing:
I feel like he's not only the type to listen and provide good advice when he feels like you'd like or need it, but he's also the type to see something going wrong in the moment and try his best to help pull you out of it
like if he can sense someone is making you feel uncomfortable he'll go over there by you, most of the time he doesn't really do much, knowing that you can handle yourself. but at the same time him making his presence known calms and comforts you
don't get me wrong tho, if the time is right he will be saying something to defuse or help that uncomfortable situation
skincare routines together!!!!!
like you cannot convince me that doing that together wouldn’t one, be extremely frequent, and two, is one of the cutest things to do ever
it all started when he gently helped you do it when you were too tired to do so yourself
he knew you’d be mad with yourself if you didn’t get it don’t you slept with an unwashed face
so, being the great guy he is he coaxed you into the bathroom and helped you with it
”lemme help you, sweetie.” He said “I know you’re mostly asleep already”
And there…. Was born a treasure of a tradition.
From then on you’d do it together cause quote “it was kinda fun”
imagine him gently rubbing your cheeks, nose, wherever, with your facial wash! It’d be so cute I can’t—
but most of the time it just consisted of you two doing it next to each other in the bathroom or bedroom mirror
sometimes he’d lean his head on your shoulder and stare up at you, the only thought in his mind how lucky he was to have you
God, just the thought of it— the word itself, even, made his heart swell with joy
Plus he thinks it’s really cute to do that little couple thing together
he boops his nose to yours. I won't be taking any comments
prue fact
honestly he's pretty much your best friend
thinks you're the coolest human alive no matter what you do
like you could be putting your shoes on and he's still mesmerized
he's standing there like "ugh the way you put them on?? I've never seen anything like it"
for real tho, he exudes this aura that makes you feel like you can do anything
and spurs you on to do just that!
cause you can! duh!
here's something I really appreciate about some people that I feel he'd be like:
as someone who is like, your best friend, he wouldn't always act like you're always right
though most of the time you are tbh
but sometimes you need that person telling you that hey, maybe this isn't the best decision and not just supporting you just cause
like a REAL supporter ya know
at least to me, someone who like really actually supports you is someone who will actually try and help if you need it and tries their hardest to make sure you don't get hurt
like "um yeah maybe changing a light bulb with wet hands isn't the best."
idk man most people know not to do that but you catch my drift?
don't get me wrong tho he still worships the ground you walk on
he just cares so much about you that he actually wants to help
also I don't know why this came into my mind but in the words of Alicia keys: he'll "love you when you're weak and love you when you're strong"
because unlike some, he wants to help because he cares, but that's not his only focus.
if you accomplish something, then he'll applaud you, never jealous. just happy you were able to do what you did
if you need help, he won't hesitate to help you
there's no room for any type of wounded masculinity with all the love he has for you in his heart.
I don't know how else to explain it but there you go
just... you're both a voice of reason for each other
I've said this before but you're like the seasoning that makes his life better
actually wait no
not better
the best it possibly can be
and who doesn't want their life to be the best it could?
ugh oh my god his kisses!!!!!
his kisses are the sweetest fr
they can either be the softest and sweetest thing you've ever felt or the could be the hungriest
but no matter what they always will maintain that softer and sweeter than cotton candy feel to them that you can never get tired of
he's got you chasing his lips after he pulls away type shit
he does he same to be honest lmao
no matter if he needs you
or if he just, I dunno, wants to kiss you lol
they're still so soft and somehow still delicate that even feathers would be jealous
holds your face and leans his body into yours when he kisses you and it makes the both of you smile into it
there's a lot of that
just joy that not only can't help but bubble over in how smiley the both of you are together, but also the way you've become around others
taglist: @itz-yerin
again, if you liked this fic, please leave some love like reblogging and or commenting! when you like something on Tumblr it only bookmarks it for you, not helping with getting the fic around to more people. and while that's not the reason I write, it really makes my day and invigorates me to write more when I see a comment or a reblog :)
2023 copy-write or shutupheathersorryheatherr please do not steal, translate, or copy my work even if you credit me
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kookiekittyp4nties · 2 years ago
An Eventful night in
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words: 3.4k
Fic summery: Billy Butcher x fem reader x Hughie. Hughie and the reader have been dating for a while and recently started sleeping together with Butcher. After the rest of the boys crew decide to go out you decide to stay back with Butcher and Hughie to get changed but that quickly turns into something much more eventful then the night you had planned.
Tags: Smut, nsfw, double penetration, Eiffel tower, vaginal fingering, rimming, anal play, anal sex, creampie, praise kink, slight degradation, blowjobs, rough oral sex, finger sucking, threesome-FMM, handjobs, rough sex, light breeding kink. overstimulation, doggystyle, manhandling, unprotected sex
Notes: i wrote this all the way back in august hehe its an oldie but still a goodie
It was a cool evening in the streets of NYC and the boys were all huddled together in their base, desperately trying to figure out their next move. Amongst the frustrated silence, Frenchie spoke up. “It's late, and we've been on edge all month. Why don't we take the night off?” Had anyone walked into the room they could easily tell that the consensus was that everyone agreed. 
“It is important to take time off...” M.M agreed. “Great! How do drinks and dancing sound?!” Frenchie exclaimed. Kimiko nodded excitedly in agreement. “What about you y/n?'' Kimiko signed. “Clubbing might be fun actually. It’s been a while since I've had an excuse to dress up a bit” she grins. “Butcher? Hughie? Do you guys wanna come?” 
“Sorry love but I'm a bit tied up here at the moment.” Butcher gestures to the assortment of plans, guns and other illegal items on the table in front of him. “You feeling okay?” M.M laughs. “Because usually Butcher, you besides from Frenchie would be the first person to ditch work to go party.”  
“Yeah well, today I'm not M.M. My heads bloody killing me mate and I still have all this shit to sort out.” sensing the tension brewing Hughie chirps up i-Ill go” He enthusiastically replies, standing up so quickly he knocks the table and butcher beside him. Who shoots him a displeased look.
 “It'll take me a while to get ready so why don’t you go ahead guys and Hughie and I can hopefully in that time convince Butcher to pull the stick out his ass and come with us.”  you happily chirp. “You don't have to tell me twice mon Coeur,” Frenchie calls holding Kimiko's hand and throwing his jacket over his shoulder as he leaves, M.M trailing behind him. 
Awkward silence quickly filled the air as the other half of the group cleared out. “Well, I'm going to go change and do my makeup. Take your time finishing up with whatever this is.”You exclaim, grabbing your bag and sauntering to the bathroom winking as you close the door.
“A-Actually I need to shower too.” Hughie beams, and practically jumps to follow you.“Lad, she’s changing give her a second.” Butcher grumbles patting Hughie on the shoulder and lighting a cigarette.
It's a while before the sound of the shower stops and You walk out of the bathroom. Hughie’s eyes almost damn near fall out of his head when he sees what you’re wearing. And Butcher, for once, is at a loss for words. “Are you boys ready to leave yet?” you call bending over to re-apply her lipstick. Your short dress threatens to show your panties. 
Both men almost audibly groan as she stands on her tip ties to get a better look at her face in the mirror revealing her pink lacy panties. “While you were in the shower Hughie and I were talking and we realized that it's been a while since we have all spent time together... With this and the bullshit with Homelander and Stormfront, we haven't had any time to ourselves.”
“Hughie, baby do you really feel like that?” you stop putting on your makeup and regretfully glance at the two men on the sofa. “I mean we live together, so I guess it is easy to overlook how much we are having sex, versus how many times we attempted and fell asleep... And Butcher we see even less out of work. I’m sorry we haven't been having much fun together recently.”  
“Which is okay,” Hughie interjects quickly. “I mean, well, I am sorta, really pent up and seeing you in that dress isn't helping... But that's not to say this is our fault. If anything it's fucking Homelanders fault for making us so busy we bearly have any time to fuck, let alone do anything but worry.” Y/n’s breath hitches as she notices Hughie’s tent in his jeans. 
“He does have a point about the dress. You look fucking sexy in it. The thing is so short that if we wanted to fool around all we have to do is roll it up slightly. Which, I’m not opposed to in the slightest... I've always had a soft spot for short dresses.” he groans, grabbing Your waist. being so caught up in the moment, you hadn’t even noticed that both he and Hughie were towering over her looking down ravenously.
Shivering you experimentally grind yourself against Butcher's groin... And beckon Hughie to kiss you. “Wait, are we seriously going to do this here?” He mumbles as he pulls away. “I’m really fucking horny too but everyone is in here during the day. What will they say if they come back  tomorrow and it smells like sex?”  
“You act like it doesn't smell dubious here on the regular lad. It probably won't be noticed too much. And either way, if Frenchie of all people does say anything it's not like we haven't walked in on or seen the aftermath of this room when he’s had Kimiko peg him in here.” Hughie sheepishly nods and leans in for another kiss. “It's just a little team-building exercise…what do you say Y/n? Want me and Hughie to fuck you silly?” 
Legs trembling at his usage of words, you eagerly nod.  “Oh, Come on, you know you can do better than that.” Butcher groans, nibbling your ear and grabbing a handful of your breast. “Say it.” Hughie chimes in. “Say you want Me and Butcher to fuck you silly right here like a little slut.” By the way, butcher’s grope eases on your breast you can tell he is also surprised to hear how assertive the shorter man is being. “I- I want you and Butcher to fuck me silly.” 
“That's a good girl.” Butcher sighs, pulling your panties to the side to rub your clit.  Your eyes grow heavily lidded as you feel Butcher's thick fingers slipping between your labia. He swipes his fingers up your slit collecting all the sticky wetness before circling back to your bundle of nerves.
”Now, poor Hughie has been straining in his pants the past half hour, would you be a dear and help relive him a little before he jizzes his pants like fucking a schoolboy.” working quickly You unbutton and unzip his jeans and slips your hands into his boxers to free him from his fabric prison. You quickly take notice of how painfully hard he is. His cock throbbing and already dribbling pre down his shaft.
“Fuck,” he hisses when his cock hits the cool air of the room, Throwing his head back.“That feels good.” Butcher hums in agreement as he gently slips a finger into Y/n’s soaked pussy.”Remember, jerk him off slowly, just the way he likes it, love. That's right, thumb the tip and then drag your hand down his shaft using his precum as lube.” Hughie trembles at the stimulation and buries his face in your neck. Licking and sucking a hickey into it. He is already so sensitive, so pretty. His face is burning as he nuzzles it into you.
“Butcher….please” you moan. “Please what love? Use your words, I'm not a fucking mind reader.” he chuckles. “Please fuck me with your fingers.” you breathe out, legs starting to buckle. Your cheeks are burning in anticipation. At this point, you are practically dripping. “Sure thing y/n.” almost instantly you feel another finger slip into you and curl causing you to moan loudly and arch your back. "Fuck, your little cunny is so tight it's practically sucking me in. I can barely move." He chuckles.
“How close are you Hughie?” you exhale deeply, Quickening your stroke on his shaft. You can feel him throbbing in your hand. “Pretty, close.” he moans with half-lidded eyes, so eager for stimulation that he bucks his hips into your hand. Usually, he isn't this eager, but you can tell was as pent up as he said. He just can't help himself, you are so good, and your fingers are so skilled he almost feels selfish for having someone jerk him off this well. This is definitely better than touching himself.
 You feel a deep warm knot start to tighten in the pit of your stomach and involuntarily bounce yourself on Butcher's fingers. “Feels good, don’t it? Having your slutty little cunt played with so roughly. Right where anyone could walk in?” he doesn't need to hear an audible response as you clench tightly around his fingers. Wantonly moaning out both his and Hughie’s names. “I'm gonna .. cum” you whine as Hughie pulls you into another sloppy kiss. 
“Me too” he moans into your mouth. Grabbing your chin and turning you to face him, Butcher kisses you roughly, both his Hughies and your spit dripping down your chin. His pace quickens as he continues his assault on your sensitive clit and he drags you to orgasm quickly. Both you and Hughie throw your heads back in ecstasy and moan in unison. “Oh fuuuuck.” Hughie almost sobs. His cum painting your hand and the front of your panties. You would have worried about it getting on your dress had Butcher not rolled the thing up almost to your tits. 
Panting you and Hughie collapse onto each other.  And both eagerly stretch your hand out to Butcher and pull him to sit beside you two on the ground. After sucking and licking the cum off his fingers Butcher makes quick work of his leather jacket and his belt. “How do you reckon we do this Hughie?” he asks, palming his erection through his boxers. Still, in a haze from his orgasm, Hughie only groans. “Lad c’mon snap out of it. There's still more fun to be had. Surely you've wanked at least once this week. There isn't any reason for you to be that spent after a little handy.” 
“You guys could Eiffel tower me?” you finally speak up, and pull yourself into Butcher’s lap, grinding against his erection. You almost feel yourself get wetter at that comment. Butcher grins at you in agreement and you both look over to Hughie for his confirmation.  “Yeah, that could be fun, 've only ever seen them do it in porn though, is it an actual sex position?” Of course, he is questioning the validity of the position. You love Hughie, but he is inexperienced when it comes to these matters. He is almost like a lamb, while Butcher is like a ravenous wolf. "Try sounding any less pleased and porn addicted." Butcher chuckles. Ignoring his comment, you continue  to explain “Course it is.” 
 “Why would it be made up? All I have to do is get on my hands and knees and have one of you take me from behind and the other takes my mouth. It's pretty simple actually.”
“And bloody fun” Butcher adds. You can tell Hughie still looks a bit shy at the idea of something so lewd that you propose an idea. “If you want I can take you up the ass?” you giggle. Which seems to make him somehow even redder, almost as if he hadn't just painted your hand with his jizz. “Lad I can tell you this for free, almost every man I’ve met likes anal one way or another. I know you’ve wanted to do this for a while. Don't act like I haven't seen your search history. You're a filthy fucking pervert like the rest of us.” Both of you laugh and he blushes. “Here let me make it a little easier” you giggle, peeling off your panties and dress and sitting on his lap facing away from him.  You grind your ample exposed ass against his cock and you almost feel him grow hard under you. 
“Now butcher come here” you beckon him with your hand and he shuffles over to stand in front of you. Tentatively you lick your lips before pulling the front of his briefs down to expose his hard and twitching cock.
He was a bit bigger than Hughie; more girthy at least. You'd almost forgotten how big he was. You know for certain your jaw is going to hurt tomorrow.
 “Take a picture, it'll last longer Luv,” he smirks above you. Still grinding against Hughie you reach out to grab the base and jerk him a few times. Leaning forward you give him a few speculative licks. Usually, Hughie preferred to take your mouth, it's been so long since you've blown anyone you are a little intimidated by his size. All your inhibitions fade away the moment you put your mouth around his thick head. It's salty but not unbearable, you can taste the day's sweat on him.
Lust Clouds your mind as you practically bury his cock in your mouth, gagging slightly as you reach the base. Butcher groans loudly through gritted teeth and this only solidifies how badly you want to please him. It takes every atom in his body for Butcher not to skull fuck you right then. You look just perfect, lipstick smudged spit dripping down your chin and your puffy stolen lips wrapped around his cock. If he had his phone he'd take a photo. It'd be a shame to not save this moment. 
Behind you, Hughie is growing more and more impatient.  Trying to get your attention by licking a stripe up your back and tentatively grinding his thumb against your ass. “Hey don't forget about me Y/n. I’m still here too,” he whines, grinding himself against your taint.
He certainly wasn't this needy last time he, you and Butcher fucked, then again, he had two people stimulating him at once. Where was all his assertiveness from earlier?  “I didn't forget” you mumble around Butcher. “You are going to have to speak up if you want the lad to hear you Luv. You've got a bit of cock in your mouth.” A Bit was definitely an understatement. 
Smirking he pulls you off his cock with a pop. “Butcher get on your knees and Hughie hold on to my waist okay?” Both men do as they are told, either neither of them had any energy to protest or they were both too horny to care. “Hughie, I'm going to ease myself onto you okay? Don't start to thrust until I say so.” you look back over your shoulder and see his tongue dart out to wet his lips as he nods. 
Taking as you get back onto your hands and knees you are startled by a warm wet sensation prodding at your ass. “Are you okay Y/n?Did I do something wrong?” he quickly pulls away from your ass and you almost instinctively push his face back against you. “I'll take that as a no then.” Hughie smiles and presses his mouth flush against your ass again. Practically making out with your asshole.
 You arch your back and grind yourself against his mouth. Letting our a loud almost pornographic moan. “That's a bloody delicious sight. You've got a lot more balls than I thought son.” Butcher supplies leaning back and pulling your chin towards his now aching cock.  Lolling your tongue out he places his shaft back into your mouth jerking himself off into your mouth. You close your swollen lips around his head and start bobbing again. 
When you feel that you are sufficiently wet you pull away from Hughie’s mouth and playfully move your hips side to side to prompt him. Slipping Butcher out of your mouth you give the younger man a verbal cue. “You can put it in now Hughie, don't worry, she doesn't bite.” he and Butcher chuckle gently at your crude joke as he lines up the blunt head of his cock and starts to push in. 
 “Mmmm’ you moan out as he pushes in deeper. His hand snakes around your waist to pull you closer to him. “Just a bit more.” he groans. “Fuck, you are so tightt.” you feel his bottom out inside you and almost leap at the opportunity to grind your hips back against him. The slight burn of his intrusion feels fucking good. Hughie seems to think the same thing as he starts to thrust into you. 
Leaning forward you shove Butcher back into your mouth hungry for his cock. Quickly taking in the entirety of him without gagging at his size.  All three of you moan in unison as your bodies wetly connect. You grind your hips into Hughie's slowly, careful not to let an inch out of you. “You can be a little rougher than that with her son, you aren't gonna break her. She can take it. Cant you?” he looks down at you. “Yeah, she's a tough little thing. I bet you if we actually wanted to break her we couldn't.” 
With every thrust of his hips, Hughie can feel himself getting more and more wrecked. You’re just so perfectly tight. The way your ass is clapping against his hips looks just like the porn he had watched earlier that week. Unlike the girl in the video, he could tell that you were enjoying yourself. Leaning forward a bit he locks his hand with yours and starts to whisper gently into your ear as he teases and pinches your nipple.
“Y/n  fuck, I'm so close already. You are so good to us. So good to me. Taking me so deeply. Do you think I could feel my cock in your ass if I stuck a few fingers in that greedy pussy of yours?” He punctuates the last few words with some particularly hard thrusts, feeling you clench around him. Removing his hand from your nipple he slips 3 of his fingers into your needy pussy which sends you over the edge. Suddenly clamping around him with a vice-like grip you cum, hard. Your slick wetness gushing down his fingers. Pulling off of the butcher's cock you cry out an unintelligible string of words.
The sudden tightness around him sends Hughie over the edge too. His warm cum spills into you. His hips spasming as he stuffs your ass with his cum. Harder and harder until he collapses onto you. Kissing your neck and back. Looking up through your eyelashes you can tell Butcher is close too.
Lust clouding his eyes he pulls your head forward and you quickly engulf him in your mouth and let him fuck your throat to completion. His grunts and groans make you wetter and wetter every second. “Open your mouth Y/n.” Butcher gruffly pulls himself out of your mouth to roughly jerk himself off on our tongue. Throwing his head back he cums in your mouth. Not wanting to waste anything you wrap your lips around him and let him finish in your throat. Rope after rope of his seed slipping down your abused throat.
“Fuck me” he moans. “I needed that.” all three of you collapse into a mess of bodies and try to come down from your intense orgasm. “That was fucking good.” you all say in unison. “Fucking good.” you conceded. “Although I wish my pussy got a little more attention.” you playfully frown. “I do find it a bit unfair that both you and Hughie got to cum more than once while I've just had my first O.” Butcher pouts 
“Well, what do you suggest?” Hughie questions innocently. 
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oldguardleatherdog · 2 years ago
let me start by saying, I'm okay to agree to disagree on this, and I respect you greatly as my queer elder. I hesitate to even send this because I don't think this cause is worth dogpiling (and not even the fun way) on anyone against and , like , I will continue to follow and admire you as a mutual who has been through a lot of the hell that I'm going through right now and got to a place I want to someday be. (for context, I am currently housing & food insecure and am trying to live in a queer-accepting city)
Posting will never be praxis, you are my brother in arms no matter what you call trump or cops or whatever. There are some fat liberation blogs that take issue with calling cops "pigs" for a lot of the reasons I bristle at calling Trump a fatass, and like, if someone is actively fighting cops who can and will actively hurt me and my found family, I don't care what names they shout while doing it. So I see where you are coming from and I'm glad you fight for me. I fight for us too, in what little ways I can while I keep me and my found family afloat. I do better work in the community just by existing around people as a living breathing transgender than I could do in a million posts on this website.
I do think that this is a valuable conversation to have, though, even though you are completely right that this is a trivial thing and not at all the bigger, more real issue at hand. I think it's still important, on online platforms such as this, to talk about how we refer to the other people on this planet.
Think about why you didn't call Trump a "retard". You certainly could have, it doesn't *not* apply to some of his behavior. I know people of our generations once used that word a lot, and we don't anymore. Why and when did we change that? I honestly don't remember. For me, my aunt was medically classified as "retarded" and she was the best person I'd ever met, so I decided that word shouldn't mean bad things. The first time I ever hit someone was over them using that word in a derogative way. it wasn't about "mental illness positivity" it was about humanizing the people that word has been used against - people who have been stigmatized and oppressed with that word.
Right now, hopefully, the same thing is happening to the word "obese". Fat people are less likely to be hired, granted loans or secure housing. they can be kicked out of airplanes and fired from their jobs because of their body size. There have been laws proposed to take fat children away from their parents and "treatments" proposed to wire children's jaws shut and starve them to make them thinner. They are often medically mistreated and misdiagnosed. I once went to a doctor with an ear infection and instead of antibiotics, he prescribed me *bariatric surgery.* I have been refused transgender top-surgery because of my BMI, which keeps me at a passively higher risk for self-injury and worse.
I do not care about body positivity. Honestly, between being fat, trans, and poor, I'm at a point where I've given up on ever feeling good about my body again. All I care about is getting jobs and meds and keeping a roof over my family's head and food on our table. Normalizing the idea that fat is a bad thing that anyone can change continues that stigma. When you use Fat as an insult, you are saying fat=bad. Fat is a neutral thing that some bodies can be, like short or tall or lean. The revolution needs to be intersectional, and body size is another axis of oppression that needs to be acknowledged, just like sexuality, gender, race, class, disability, etc.
If you've gotten this far, thank you for hearing me out. I'm sorry that others are just performatively parroting the same things over and over. Civility is bullshit, and if you still want to use body shaming as one of the ways you fight against bigotry, it doesn't really matter to me. Just as long as you acknowledge anti-fat bias as part of that bigotry too.
Thank you for writing and sharing your life experiences with me, and for your solidarity as well. You're striving to make your way as part of a despised minority in a world that's turned unspeakably harsh toward you in an aggressively mean way seemingly overnight, and I admire you for the life you have lived, for your courage and perseverance during this difficult time where resources are scant and your housing and food security is uncertain at best.
(FWIW, after I was bombed out of my Lower Manhattan home on September 11th, my income went from six figures down to nothing overnight, and I was homeless and destitute for years. Twenty years ago, I was where you are now, and I can tell you that what you're enduring today will not last forever, that there is light and hope and blessing in your future, that you're not as alone as you might think, that you must never give up.)
What more can I do to make the point that "fat" has nothing to do with this? As I've said, I grew up obese, and it wasn't until I enlisted in the Army at age 17 that I was able to free myself from my violent and abusive family and unlock the potential of the body that had been hidden under layers of fat and shame all my life. I know that my path is not for everybody, that many others are not so fortunate, and I ceased long ago to think that fat equals bad or lack of character or any other pejorative attitude that society has attached to it for generations. I hope I've made that clear and that you take my word as truth.
I am not saying "let's fat-shame Donald Trump to make him feel bad." I am saying that I'm deeply troubled by the LGBTQ+ community prioritizing hurt feelings over the very real damage that's being done to us right now all over the country by Trump, his minions, his proxies, and his cult of bloodthirsty followers and worshippers. Trump's accomplices in Congress and state legislatures and Moms For Liberty are taking over school boards all over the country, banning books and emptying library shelves and harassing teachers and librarians to the point where they're being run out of town, where the State of Missouri has defunded its entire public library system rather than follow a court order to restore books banned just for featuring LGBTQ+ characters.
DeSantis and Abbott have put in place policies that are unspeakably brutal, that are forcing trans people in Florida to slowly and brutally revert to their pre-transition state, that have given health care providers in Florida the right to deny treatment to you and me and all LGBTQ+ people because we are gay, lesbian, non-binary, trans... but God forbid we should call Trump mean names!
We've seen what happens when we buy into the "when they go low, we go high" fantasy pipe dream. This is not the way the world works, it has never been, and we need to put this loser idea in the trash bin where it belongs once and for all.
We're being attacked and harmed in unspeakable ways that are happening now. This is not theoretical or hypothetical. It's happening to us, to those we love, this minute and every minute of every day. And worse is in the pipeline - they're writing laws that will place us under virtual house arrest, that will regulate where we're allowed to go in our own cities and towns, when we're allowed to be seen in public, when and where we can shop, how we're allowed to dress, even what we're allowed to say and SING, for Christ's sake!
And I'm supposed to be concerned about some minuscule hypothetical percentage of my own people being OFFENDED because I'm somehow being insensitive and violating some trivial picayune social justice warrior philosophy, because there's a possibility of some fragile flower taking it personally, and that I should shut my mouth and let the MAGA nutjobs run roughshod over us? Oh, come let Daddy kiss it! while our brothers and sisters are suffering in real time. Sickening.
Anyone who has a problem with my stance doesn't have to follow me or emulate my proven effective tactics as an activist with 37 years of successfully defending our rights under my belt if they're so dainty and delicate and easily bruised. Everyone else that sees this for the strawman bullshit it is, get ready to hit the streets with bullhorns and whistles once again. We've got work to do.
Your arguments are strong and well-reasoned, and I accept and acknowledge everything you're saying. We can disagree on this, certainly, and still work together to turn back the progress that the MAGAs are making, restore our rights, and protect ourselves and each other. But that will require the snowflake contingent among us to get their collective head out of their collective ass, stop whining, and get with the damn program. Calling me names and telling me I'm being a bad gay activist is a waste of time and energy that should be spent fighting the fascists and the haters who are out to kill us.
And to you, my friend and fellow traveler with a radiantly beautiful soul and spirit, I urge you to hang in there, to keep the faith, to keep caring about life, to work with me to secure our own future and the future of our kind. I send to you my very best wishes, energy, and prayers that you will find your way to a place of health, security, stability, and love for yourself and for this precious community to whom we've both dedicated our lives, who mean the world to us.
Yours In Service, Animal J. Smith
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