#Tony stark should be loved and adored so i need them to feel guilt
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stuffedanimalsgalore · 10 months ago
My toxic trait is in iron man 2 I wanted Tony's sickness to get really bad and almost kill him just so everyone else would feel bad about being mean to him
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fawnofanxiety · 1 year ago
Cursed fic idea
Okay look, Ezio Auditore is literally everything. There are times I've asked myself #whatwouldeziodo and then do the exact opposite because it'd probably involve murder.
James fucking Buchanan Barnes and The Winter Soldier have taken up residence in my brain and heart and are 100% there to stay.
Please tell me you see where this is going and have begun crying like I have been for the past 2 god damned months.
My brain decided that my favorite murder baby needed competent help in the form of the best assassin to ever exist. #fightme
SO! So *cries* I started sketching out a fic where Ezio gets yeeted into the MCU a la Isu Bullshit at some point during WW2. There's developing friend/mentorship when my favorite murder birb stumbles on Azzano bc you best believe he'd help the Italian Resistance and dismantle any and every scrap of Nazi supply line he can get his hands on. Like I can see Ezio rolling his eyes at Steve because ho boy does this blonde-haired blue-eyed innocent and idealistic child remind him of himself before- well before he became an assassin. Bucky? Well, Bucky is the man he became after taking his first leap of faith in Venice and his skills as a sniper are breathtaking. Can't really find fault in passing on intelligence to the SSR when he learns of Hydra and pointing the Howlies at this repulsive entity(they are absolutely adorable but he doesn't have the time to focus on giving them more than the bare minimum of time to pass on some of his skills and good lord do the ridiculous duo pick up skills fast. Though Steve frowns on the sneaky sneaky, whatever, they've saved his life more than once). Now, Ezio is the one to give them the info on the train and the soul-crushing guilt he feels when his favorite doesn't come back? When they don't even send a single person to try and recover his body?! That's not gonna fly. Unfortunately, he learns of this too late and well. We all know what happened to Bucky.
I can see Ezio getting to know Howard, understanding but ultimately disapproving of his obsession with finding Steve. After all, Ezio knows just how isolating that obsession can be. But, a sort of friendship? develops? Because Ezio is 100% a hypocrite. He spends every second of his free time trying to track down Bucky. There was no body but he found where he should have been.
Ezio being Ezio cultivates a... hm comfortable amount of wealth over the years and valiantly ducks questions about why tf he isn't aging. Isu Bullshit is my favorite excuse in the AC 'verse. I can see him talking about this to Howard and Peggy when he trusts them enough. Maybe. Maybe, he talks Howard down from building weapons, just a little, but can't completely stop his fall into alcoholism and being a shit father. Maybe, he falls completely under Tiny Tony's spell and becomes Uncle Ezio. Who 100% teaches Tony how to fight back and escape after his first kidnapping. Swapping out with Peggy when he's off searching for Bucky (who he's figured out is the WS but can't fucking track him down) but always always shows up for holidays, birthdays, graduations, science fairs, and silent support at the stuffy galas. Listens to this little boy, who reminds him of Petriccio, trip over himself talking about what he's learned and learning, his never-ending ideas and frustrations. (Jarvis fucking loves this wonderful Italian who also occasionally scares the shit out of him but ignorance is bliss and it's no skin off his back to wash the occasional blood stain out of Ezio's clothing and administer first aid.)
Maybe, he stops the WS from assassinating the Starks. Maybe, he helps Bucky find himself even if he can't do anything about the trigger words. Maybe he becomes a little more blood-thirsty, a little more ruthless when going after any and every Hydra outpost he can. Maybe he sits there and holds Bucky as he cries when Ezio finds the book. Stands behind him, in pride and grief with a hand on his shoulder as Bucky and Tony burn the damn thing. Maybe he whole-heartedly approves of Rhodes, even as Bucky gives the poor child the stink-eye. Is the one to give Tony the shovel talk when he notices the beginnings of attraction between these two idiots. The fact that Bucky proceeded to leave a whole host of bruises when he found out just makes Ezio laugh with pride.
Maybe, just maybe, Ezio finds himself sitting on the balcony of his villa on the outskirts of Florence watching the sunset over his sprawling vineyard with a glass of wine in his hand, his heartache over the family he left behind so very long ago on that bench in the middle of the summer market no longer suffocating. The faint sounds of his bright-eyed and brilliant nephew bickering with the haunted but hopeful man he proudly considers to be his son bring him a sense of peace he never thought he would have again.
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earlgreydream · 4 years ago
| stucky x reader | fluff |
this was so self indulgent. I need Steve and Bucky to help me with my exams
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You hit submit on your online exam, holding your breath. You’d been sitting in Steve’s office for hours, notes spread all over the desk in front you. Steve was on the couch on the other side of the room, reading from a book, and Bucky was out on a mission with Stark. 
“Fuck!” you gasped, seeing the 62% grade. Steve looked up, and your head dropped into your hands, tears sliding down your cheeks. You broke into sobs, seeing all of your time and effort wasted. 
“Y/N!” Steve walked over and wrapped his arms around your shoulders, coming to stand behind you. You choked on your cries, tears soaking your hands that were pressed to your face. Steve sighed when he looked at the screen, his lips pressing against the back of your head. 
“It’s okay, it’s one grade.”
“It’s not! It’s everything! I’m working so hard and I just keep failing!” you wept, and Steve spun your chair around and turned you into his body. His hand went to the back of your head, cradling you gently as you sobbed into his chest.
“Y/N, take a deep breath. There will be other exams. I know how hard you’ve been working. You need a break to recharge.”
“I can’t, I have a history exam at the end of this week-”
“Bucky and I will help you. Come on, you’ve been bent over the desk all day.”
“Steve, no-” you argued, trying to reopen your laptop as Steve closed it. He caught your wrists and pulled you away from the desk.
“You’re done.” Steve didn’t care that you were fighting him, you needed a break from your university work and you were getting it one way or another. You fought him but your strength was nothing compared to the super soldier serum, and you finally gave up and let him drag you out. 
“What are we doing?” you asked through weak sobs as you followed him through the Stark Tower penthouse. Loki looked up, and his brow knitted in concern. 
“What’s wrong?”
“I’m fine,” you muttered, not wanting to tell the mischievous god that you were crying over a failed exam.
“You’re not-”
“Leave her be, Loki,” Steve scolded. 
You were sat down on the couch, and Loki and the others cleared out so you could be alone with your boyfriend. Steve set a generous bowl of ice cream in your hands, and you couldn’t stop the small laugh when you saw rainbow sprinkles on it. His blue eyes were wide and concerned, and he brushed tears from your face. 
Steve did his best to cheer you up and help you relax, but he was never able to comfort you like Bucky could. Steve would’ve given anything to have your boyfriend home, helping him comfort you. 
You’d spent nearly every waking hour working on your university work for months. When you weren’t bent over your computer in Steve’s office, you were doing research at the library, or you were in classrooms, trying to take notes on everything your professors said. You loved school, but you were exhausted and it was wearing on you. The workload was like a beating, and you were just ready to be finished. 
Steve and Bucky were always being sent on missions, and most of the time it was just you and Loki at the tower. He was no help to your studies, usually trying to convince you to just drop out-- you’d never really need a degree with the connections and money you had. 
You weren’t an avenger, but you lived comfortably in Stark Tower with the others. When you weren’t occupied with schools or spending time with your boyfriends when they were home, you were babysitting Loki or helping run intelligence with Stark. You’d decided to go back to school, but now, with exams and papers piling up, you were miserable.
“Hey, honey,” Steve pulled you onto his lap as you cried over your ice cream.
“Sorry, I just... I just feel like I spend all this effort and energy and time only to fall short.” 
“I know it feels that way, but you’re doing well. You have good grades and you are so smart. It’s always hardest at the end of the semester. You can do this Y/N, you’re almost there.” 
You tried to smile at Steve, but you couldn’t. He set the bowl aside and held you against his chest. Your arms went around his neck and you squeezed the soldier tightly. Tears soaked through his shirt, and he rubbed your back gently. He kissed your head and smoothed his hands up under your shirt.
“I’m sorry Bucky isn’t here-”
“Steve,” you sat up and held his face.
“I love you. Thank you for taking care of me.”
You kissed him, before laughing softly and apologized for your tears soaking everything. He shook his head and kissed you again, relieved to see you show some amusement. 
“Your ice cream is getting all melty,” he laughed, spooning some into your mouth and kissing it off of your lips. 
The two of you shared the half-melted ice cream, and you started to ache from the position you were in, straddling his lap. You climbed off of him, and started walking back toward the office.
“Where do you think you’re going?” 
“I should study-”
“Not a chance. No more working today.”
“Steve,” you sighed, sticking your lower lip out. You huffed and walked back to him, letting Steve pick you up like a bride. You giggled and wrapped your arms around his neck, letting him carry you to your bedroom. 
Steve talked you into a hot shower with steamers that Bucky had brought back from some artisan soap shop in Russia where he’d gone on a mission and brought things back for you. He picked up your bedroom while he waited, putting in a takeout order from a place you liked uptown. 
You returned in spandex shorts and one of Steve’s flannels, rubbing your eyes. His hands went to your waist and he kissed your cheek, making you smile sleepily. You’d finally given in to how tired you were, the steam of the shower helping significantly. You were exhausted from stress and crying, and now you just wanted to curl up with Steve.
He walked back in with a bag of food, and you smiled, moving over in bed. He handed you a box of fried rice and you curled up against his side.
“What are we watching?” 
“Star Wars.”
Steve groaned and you gave him an offended look. He rolled his eyes, suggesting that maybe you could find something more entertaining. 
“If Bucky was here, he’d watch it with me...” you whispered, knowing it was a low blow. You didn’t mean it seriously, and Steve knew that, but he still felt a pang of guilt.
“Good thing I love Star Wars,” Steve hummed, moving you to lay back on his chest instead of under his arm. 
“I knew you’d come around,” you smiled. 
You were asleep before the movie was even over, and Steve slid out of bed carefully. He made sure the blankets were pulled over you, and you were curled up safely in the middle of the bed, not in danger of rolling off the edge without the usual boys on either side of you.
He left the movie on softly in case you woke up, but grabbed your empty takeout boxes and took them to toss away. He was headed back when the door opened, Bucky and Tony walking inside.
“Steve!” Bucky gasped, running to the blond. Steve hugged Bucky, kissing him for the first time in over a week.
“How was the mission?”
Steve listened to Bucky recount the details, explaining it was an overall success but he was exhausted and drained. Steel eyes searched the kitchen for you, but found nothing.
“Where’s Y/N?”
“Asleep. She failed her exam, and cried for hours. Y/N spends so much time with school and studying, and to see her so stress really worries me. And I’m not near as good as you at calming her down. She all but begged for you,” Steve explained, and Bucky’s eyes saddened.
“I hate that. It’s a lot for her, the stress. It shouldn’t be so hard. And don’t do that, Stevie. She adores you, and you know it.”
Bucky kissed him again briefly before going to find you. He smiled slightly at the familiar sight of The Last Jedi playing on the television in your room, knowing it was your favorite when you were anxious. He didn’t quite understand, but something about its familiarity soothed you.
Bucky sat down on the edge of the bed, causing you to stir out of your nap.
“Bucky?” You gasped when your eyes opened.
You lunged forward and threw your arms around his neck, wrapping yourself around his body tightly. He squeezed you and kissed your hair until you drew back. You grabbed his scruffy face and kissed your boyfriend, melting into him.
“Steve said you had a bad day,” Bucky finally spoke when you drew back for air. He brushed some hair from your face, and your eyes flitted to the blond behind him. You knew Steve would express his worry to Bucky, and you felt small under their concerned gazes.
“I failed one of my exams,” you admitted, your head hanging down. His lips pressed to your forehead, and he cradled you in his arms.
“It’s okay, my love. I know how hard you worked. So does Steve, and your professor knows too. We’re going to help you study so the next time it goes better, okay?” He tilted your chin up, making you look at him.
You nodded, consoled by the soldier.
“And I’ll help with your history exam. I know a lot about World War Two. I practically lived it,” Bucky joked, and you shook your head.
“Bucky, that’s not funny,” you bit back a laugh, and even Steve smiled.
“Thank you,” you relented, accepting a soft kiss. His hands rested on your waist under Steve’s massive flannel, rubbing small circles on your skin, the action soothing you.
“Did you manage to convince Steve to watch Star Wars with you?”
“Yes, but he whined.”
“Hey,” Steve began to defend himself, ready with the excuse that he did give in to watching the film with you.
“I’m just happy you’re home,” your voice was soft, and Bucky pulled you back into a hug.
“I’m so happy to be home with you.”
Bucky spent hours leaned over your notes with you, showing you flash cards and helping you study for your history final.
You kept apologizing, but he insisted that you were more than fine, and he was happy to help. Steve contributed when he could, though Bucky was much more patient with your academics.
However, Steve was the one who set a cup of coffee next to you as you sat to take your exam. With a reassuring kiss to your head, they left you alone to focus. You answered questions, referring to your notes when the answer didn’t come to mind immediately.
An hour and a half later, you breathed a huge sigh of relief when you saw the 97% flash across the screen. You closed your computer and went to find your boyfriends, to tell them about your success, and thank Bucky for the hours of tutoring he’d given you.
You found them reading in the library, and they both set their books down as soon as they heard your footsteps.
“How’d it go, doll?”
“I got a ninety-seven!” You shrieked excitedly, running to them and giggling and they wrapped their arms around you. Your cheeks were smothered with kisses and your delighted laughter healed the ache in their hearts caused by your stressed crying over your grades.
“So proud of our girl,” Steve praised you, and you squeezed them.
“Thank you! Thank you for helping me.”
“Always. And now, we get to have fun celebrating!”
“I’m a little bit exhausted. Can we celebrate in bed?” You asked hopefully, and a deviant smirk crossed Bucky’s face.
“Not like that, you pervert,” you giggled, swatting his hands away as he groped your butt through your thin shorts.
Steve wasn’t thrilled about your choice of celebration, but he would never deny you the simple happiness that binging the Star Wars prequels brought you. Bucky was more than excited to watch you get heated with Anakin, passionately declaring your love and loyalty to him, as you did every time you watched them.
“I don’t understand. He is the bad guy!” Steve complained.
“Shut up. He’s gorgeous. And he’s not even evil, he just wanted to save Padmé!”
“I could break him in half with my fingers,” Steve rolled his eyes.
“Probably not. Anakin has the force,” Bucky pointed out, and Steve shot him a glare.
You just laughed between them, eating from the large bowl of popcorn that was nestled in your lap. Steve didn’t mind half as much as he complained, and you knew that. Bucky engaged in all of your pro-dark side propaganda, enjoying the happy chatter that came along with watching your comfort movies.
They took care of you, thankful no more tears were being shed today over your classes.
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wndrcarol · 4 years ago
daddy’s favorite | ceo!c.d. pt. 6
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Daddy’s Favorite Masterlist
summary: working for your fathers company has its perks. But one of those perks is being able to gain connections.
a/n: more smut! Yes! Also I want to say thank you guys for all the love on this series! It warms my heart to know how much you guys are enjoying it so far and I- just thank y’all <3
pairings: Carol Danvers x F!Stark!Reader
au: CEO
other characters in chap.: Tony Stark, Sam Wilson + Natasha Romanoff (mentioned)
warnings: fingering, thigh riding, oral (carol giving, r receiving) dom!carol, sub!r, does contain smut so be mindful and 18+ please!
happy reading! x
After that night, you felt as though things were definitely heightened between you and Carol. It definitely wasn’t a business relationship anymore and that night wasn’t just going to become a one time thing.
You and Carol had begun to sneak around more, during the days and even nights. You’d skip out on meeting with your dad for dinner, using excuses like you had already made plans with a friend or you felt sick that night. Tony had begun to question why you were cancelling so much but didn’t want to think too much of it, having business consumed his mind with a heightened work season.
On the other hand, Sam had begun to watch Carols moves closely. He kept in close contact with Natasha, making sure she was in on it too because she didn’t want to see you roped into anything bad either and she wouldn’t turn down an opportunity to help out a friend.
Walking into your fathers office, you placed down the small stack of files on his desk before you looked up at him. “Here’s all the recent account you asked for, organized in months” you smiled at him as he just watched you, staying silent. You recognized the look but you dismissed it before continuing.
“Okay, I’m gonna take lunch now so if you need me just-“
“What have you been doing?” Tony asked you abruptly, cutting you off. You looked at him stunned before composing yourself and clearing your throat.
“W-What do you mean?” You stuttered out, mentally cursing at yourself. Tony looked down before getting out of his chair and making his way to stand infront of you.
“You’ve been acting sneaky” he said, crossing his arms over his chest and you felt small. You felt like a little girl again infront of a disappointed father. The pit in your stomach grew as all the guilt began to swirl inside. You wanted to tell him, say you were at least seeing someone so he would get off your case but you couldn’t bring yourself to, knowing he’d just want to snoop on who you were seeing.
“I know you’re seeing someone” Tony said, almost as if reading your thoughts. You looked at him with a shocked expression before he chuckled, leaning forward and grabbing your arms.
“I don’t care who you’re seeing. Just don’t act so sneaky and be safe, okay?” He finished, placing a kiss on your forehead before going back around his desk and sitting down.
“Now go get lunch before I make you bring me more files” Tony said, looking up at you, stuck in place before you nodded and rushing out of the room with a shaky breath.
Going to the elevator, your phone pinged as Carol sent you a message. You couldn’t help but smile at the text popping up while still feeling the sense of guilt swirl in your stomach.
C: Dinner tonight? Somewhere nicer than my office x
You chuckled softly, you stepped onto the elevator replying to her text with a ‘yes’ before putting your phone away and watching the numbers blink as the elevator descended.
It stopped on a few floors before and Sam stepped on giving you a warm smile. “Hey, (Y/N)” he said as he pulled you in for a side hug. Hugging him back, you both stood in comfortable silence.
“So” Sam started as you turned to him. “Any plans tonight?” He asked, looking at you as you smiled at him.
“Yep, got a date” you said looking back towards the doors in front of you as Sam felt his stomach drop softly, knowing exactly who it was. He wanted to tell you what Natasha had told him, wanting to save you from what you were getting yourself into.
“Hopefully not in the office again” Sam quipped as you gasped lightly, smacking his arm as he laughed out.
“Sam!” You said, letting out a small laugh as he looked at you, still slightly laughing. “I’ll have you know it won’t be in the office, thank you” you said before looking back towards the numbers seeing you were close to the ground floor.
“Hmm” Sam hummed, a smile still on his face before he got serious. “Just be careful” he said as you turned to him quickly with a confused look but the doors opened, signaling you to step out.
Waving at him, you walked away, his comment still swirling in your mind. You couldn’t shake off the feeling that you should take his advice.
To your surprise, Carol took you out to a local restaurant, living up to her promise of it not being in an office. It was nice to have dinner with her and get to conversation without having it to quickly escaped to having your hands all over each other.
Carol told you more about where she was from, her family and even touching on her accident she had, as you listened, taking her hand in yours and squeezing it softly whenever she’d speak about the accident. Carol admired that about you. You were a good listener as she expressed her background and for some reason it only made her fall a bit harder for you.
After dinner, Carol offered to take you to her apartment and you agreed, both a mix of nervousness and excitement swirled in you. It was walking distance from the restaurant so you had decided to walk, your arm looked through hers as you both talked abut the smallest things from music to places you’d like to visit.
One you reached her building, you followed Carol up and watched her give you a small smile as she unlocked the door. Immediately looking around, a small smile tugged to your face as Carol took off her jacket and began turning on the lights.
Carol’s house suited her. It simple, no bright colors or anything and it felt comfortable. There were some picture lined on a bookcase as you stepped closer, examining them. They were of her and another woman with a child as they were all smiling.
Carol didn’t have any personal things in her office that you could recall. She looked so happy in the photo, her smile was bright and you couldn’t help but find yourself smiling at the photo. You felt Carol move behind you, wrapping her arms around your waist as she laid her chin on your shoulder.
“That’s Maria and her daughter, Monica” she said as your fingers left the photograph you didn’t know you were touching.
“I’ve known them for a long time” Carol said softly as you hummed at her.
“Monica is adorable” you said, turning around in her arms and wrapping your arms around her neck as Carol hummed back at you before pecking your lips softly.
“She seems like the sweetest thing but don’t let her fool you. She’s trouble” Carol chuckled as you let out a soft laugh before she guided you towards the couch. Sitting down, Carol passed you a glass of water as you mumbled a soft thank you.
You both sat in comfortable silence before you reached for her hand, giving it slight squeeze as she looked up at you.
“Thank you for tonight” you said, a smile on your face as she nodded. “It was nice to have a date out the office” you giggled as she chuckled, squeezing your hand back.
“It’s my pleasure. Just thought I’d give you a proper night unlike having pizza in the office” she joked as you chuckled, taking another drink from your water before placing the glass down and turning back towards her.
Carol’s hand came to lay on your cheek, her thumb softly caressing the skin there as you leaned into the touch, your eyes shutting for a quick second.
“So beautiful” Carol spoke softly as she began to lean in. You followed her movements until your lips pressed against hers, letting out a soft, low moan as Carol pushed you back onto the couch softly.
Hovering over you, Carol pulled away looking at you as your hands moved up to her hair and pulled her back down, pressing your lips roughly against hers this time. Soon, Carol’s hands moved up and down your waist, moving to undress you.
Her touch was soft and the feeling only made you moan into the kiss. She pulled away once more as she helped you kick off your pants and shirt, leaning down to your neck and placing soft kisses against your neck as her fingers moved to your thighs, dragging up and down against the skin.
“Carol” you breathed out, as her hand moved between your thighs, tugging your underwear down your legs before hand moved your legs apart. Carol pulled away from your neck and began kissing down your body. Her actions tonight made your head spin. They were complete opposite from how they were the other nights where’d she’d be rough with you, fingers digging into your skin where’d there’d be slight bruises.
“So pretty” Carol hummed against your skin, moving closer between your legs before she inserted two fingers into you, beginning to thrust them slowly. You let out a moan, your hands gripping onto the fabric beneath you, sliding down slightly to get more comfortable.
“Look at you” Carol said, continuing to pump her fingers in and out of you picking up the pace, watching you arch your back off her couch, a string of moans leaving your mouth.
Carol leaned down and pressed a soft kiss against your clit, making you whimper as pleasure shot through you. She then began to suck softly against your clit as your hips lifted up slightly into her mouth. Carol’s free hand moved to push you back onto the couch.
Your head felt fuzzy again, the pleasure shooting through you made you feel helpless as you felt the familiar knot come back. You felt a bit embarrassed as to how quick you were building up but you were too much in a daze to focus on that.
“So easy to unravel for me, hmm? Such a good girl, taking my fingers so well” she said, humming against you, sucking lightly as you felt the knot begin to get tighter.
“Carol-“ you said before you felt her fingers slip out of you, making your whimper and look at her. She moved her hands to your hips, helping to lift you off your back as she moved to sit up.
“Come on” she said, patting her thigh. Whimpering at the thought, you moved over, straddling her thigh as you lowered down, moaning out to the new friction. You could feel the fabric of her pants begin to become soaked as you sat there.
“Finish yourself off, pretty girl” Carol said, placing her hands on your hips and squeezing lightly. “Let me see you ride my thigh”
Moving your hips forward and back, your head tilting back as a moan left your lips. Carol watched you in awe, the sight making shivers run through her body. It was so erotic but so beautiful seeing you like this.
You gripping onto Carol’s shoulders as you moved quicker, the knot in your stomach getting tighter as Carol squeezed your hip, helping you to grind down onto her thigh.
“That’s my girl” she said, taking a hand from your hip and tilting your head up to look at her before she pressed her lips softly against yours.
As you ground down again, you pulled away and let out a gasp followed by a moan as your orgasm washed over you. Carol’s hand continued to guide your body slowly on her thigh as you let out a string of moans and whimpers, your body slightly shaking.
You looked at Carol who watched with a smile on her face before she kissed you once more. Your hands moved up to entangle in her hair before she pulled away. “Let’s take this elsewhere”
You stirred in your sleep, turning over to see Carol’s side of the bed empty. You tugged the blanket over your naked body as you heard Carol’s voice outside the door. Slowly, you got up, grabbing the blanket with you as you covered yourself, getting closer to the door until you heard Carol’s voice better.
“Don’t worry, I’ve got it handled. Leave it to me” Carol said before hanging up. Carol walked back into the room and saw you standing there. She quickly gasped before letting out a breath as you looked at her confused.
“Everything alright?” You asked, wrapping the blanket you tighter as you felt chills run through you from the cold air. Carol gave you soft smile, a nodding her head.
“Yeah” she started, moving towards you. “Just business” Carol said, coming up and pulling you in, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
You hummed in response as you smiled at her before you both made your way back to the bed. Carol laid behind you, wrapping her arm around you before she drifted back into sleep.
But you couldn’t fall back to sleep. Sam’s words swirled in your mind again. You knew you were going head first into something and you couldn’t help but be scared by what was going to happen.
feedback is appreciated!
taglist (is name is bolded it means I can’t tag you): @redabels @thoughstofaredhead @criminalyetminimal @wandavixen @euphouriaszn2 @pianogirl2121 @queen-of-arda @jdogjdyke @an-evergreen-rose @mmmmokdok @whateverblogthingz @danvers97 @marvelbbyx @mynameispurple @sat-yrr @antiant-inferno @natasha-danvers @depressed-bi-bitchh @cpt-bolter @fayhar @thatssocamryn @the-most-unicorn-of-them-all @ygtftchen
if you’d like to be removed or added to taglist, lmk! :)
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konigsfaerie · 4 years ago
Tell Me What You Want
Summary: Tony Stark can't deny himself of you anymore.
CW: Unprotected sex, rough sex, age gap.
Word count: 2,026
For anyone else, the sound of Tony constantly drilling, talking to himself and his beloved AI, and making other noises would bother them when doing their readings, but not you. Ever since he took you in after HYDRA’s experiments, you clung to him. Every time you thought never leaving his side was bothering him, he’d do something small to make sure your mind was at ease. He wasn’t one for big gestures, and that was alright with you.
Tony’s workshop was probably your favorite place on Earth. He talked to himself more than anyone else, and you often found yourself falling asleep on the desk you read at to his voice because it calmed you so much. There was a reason you fell asleep with a smile on your face, wishing he was whispering in your ear instead of talking to Friday about his latest design or upgrade to his suit.
But today Doctor Strange had assigned you some readings which you needed to complete by the end of the week, which meant you couldn’t take a nap while listening to Tony. Strange in combination with Tony and Wanda had been training you, showing you how to use your new abilities. You imagined physical training, falling on your ass, occasionally even kicking Cap’s ass, but it was mostly learning how to control yourself and your emotions.
You had been training for a year, had fought countless battles, had formally joined The Avengers, and still lost control sometimes. It was mainly when you thought about your family, or had flashbacks of the experiments they would do on you, but mostly it was when Tony looked at you. You had just hoped he didn’t realize the effect he was having on you. To everyone else, he was a father figure to you, and he was surely a mentor, but… You felt something else for him, too. You were fully aware of the age difference you two had, and the guilt that plagued your mind for what you felt for him never went away, not for a moment.
Lost in your readings, you jumped up as Tony slid a plate towards you and closed your book, moving it over and placing his own plate in front of him. He slid up a chair and took a bite of the sandwich. “You haven’t eaten all day,” he remarked.
“Oh… Yeah.” You moved in your chair, taking a bite as you only now realized how hungry you were, your stomach growling so loud that the entirety of the tower could probably hear. “Mmm, thanks!” You popped a chip into your mouth and gave a smile to him, even though from the look on his face, you knew you were in trouble.
His faculties weren’t as strong as he thought though, because he slowly returned the smile and shook his head.
“What time is it?” you asked.
“Almost eight,” he returned, collecting both plates after you were finished and put them to the side. “Why?”
You shrugged. “Just wondering.” Jesus, you had been in his workshop since you got up this morning. “Should I…” Your eyes fluttered up to his, worried you were overstepping or… Or just being too clingy again.
“You know-” he interrupted before you could get the thought out. “I’m working on a new suit for you so the water flows more easily between your fingers.” He went on a long tangent of mechanics he knew you couldn’t understand, pacing back and forth, so you only rested your head on your hand and listened to his voice, staring up at him.
“How does that sound?”
You gave a laugh. “I didn’t understand anything you just said.”
He only looked at you. “I like when you’re here. I like working for hours on end and seeing you every time I look over.”
Your eyes trailed from his facial hair to his eyes, where your heart was currently thudding inside of your chest. He wasn’t usually this blunt. It was hard to get affection from him, but when you did, it meant something special and caused your heart to do… this.
“I-I like being here,” you started, afraid of saying the wrong thing. You still weren’t sure why he took you in like this. He could’ve set you up in an apartment and checked in on you every few months, but instead he insisted you stay at the tower and you began being connected at the hip. Where he went, you went. “And I like hearing your voice when I study or train. I don’t know if I could focus without it.”
His face went from a softened glance to something relatable to shock. “My voice… makes you focus?”
Was that… the wrong thing to say? Well, no going back now.
Heat stained your face, a deep blush painting your cheekbones and nose. “It calms me, makes me feel safe,” you admitted.
His eyes raked down from your face all the way to your thighs. You noticed as he tore his gaze away in shame, instead deciding to flick his eyes to the suit he was working on. Before he could speak, before he could say something that would put you both back at normal, you walked over to him and wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing yourself into him.
Rejection. That was your fear. But you couldn’t imagine Tony pulling away from you at a time like this, or really ever. Anything you needed, he gave you. And you needed…
His arms wrapped around your back, his smell of amber and tobacco enveloping you. You gave a contented sigh.
Just as you were about to pull away, he placed a finger under your chin and looked into your eyes. “Look at me.”
At the sight of him looking at you, no- through you, your face went red. You struggled to keep eye contact but when you tried to look at the floor, he only adjusted your chin. “T-Tony…” You were sure everything was in that look. Everything you were far too ashamed to say to him.
I adore you.
I want to be yours.
I’ve fallen in love with you.
“Y/n…” he returned, his eyes flicking to meet your lips.
“Please,” you breathed. Suddenly, there were no other English words in your vocabulary. In times like these when all of your unsaid feelings came rushing to the center of your mind, you excused yourself to your room for the night and just cried. He would never want you. He was the smartest and strongest man you knew, a billionaire with years more experience with love or anything else for that matter. And you were… you. A failed experiment.
Despite your dark thoughts, his hands clutched your face and your heart stopped, confusion racking your face. “Tony?” you asked, barely able to get the words out before his lips were on yours. At first, it was tender. His lips explored yours, his tongue teasing your own. It felt like fireworks were going off in your mind. This was.. This was everything you had ever wanted.
But then he was pushing you up against the wall, his kiss getting rougher by the second. A moan slipped out of your mouth which only made your face even more red. Tony pulled away, and you could tell it painted him to do so, but he was searching your face for any apprehension, any tell that this was only one-sided. When it didn’t come, he spun you around against the wall and pressed a hand to your waist.
“Tell me what you want,” he whispered.
Fuck, that voice.
“I want you,” you breathed back. “I want you to take me right here, right now. I want you to make me yours.”
A large, rough hand slipped into your hair and pulled roughly, taking you back against his own body. He let go only to move his strong hands down the center of your body, moving your dress up and feeling on the front of your panties.
“Jesus, y/n. How are you so wet?”
“I told you what your voice does to me, didn’t I?” You gazed up at him, daring to place a hand behind you and see if he was hard. Even through his pants you could tell that he wanted to burst free. You bit your lip as you looked up at him. “Tell me what you want.”
A growl escaped his lips as he grabbed your wrist and pulled you over to his desk. He unbuttoned his pants, slipping them down and sitting down in the chair. Your face was all want, all desire, and he could tell. He had the same look on his face. You sat on his lap, kissing him lightly, teasingly, before lifting up his shirt and revealing his muscled chest. Staring was not a choice for you.
In turn, he lifted up your dress and gulped. “Fuck, you’re beautiful.” He grabbed your waist with one arm, pulling you up and sucking on your breasts, causing shocks to go down your body, you pussy dripping even more for him. Just for a moment, his face lifted to look at you. “You’re mine, do you hear me? All mine and no one else’s. I don’t even want to see another man so much as look at you or even glance your way.”
Your hands drifted down to his boxers as your lips found his again, your tongues teasing each other. You could feel how wet you were for him, and as you pushed his boxers away, you grinded your pantied pussy against his rock hard cock. “I need-” you struggled to get the words out, but he knew what you wanted. What you absolutely needed.
In a second, your panties were off and the head of his cock was at your entrance. “Oh Tony,” you moaned, wrapping your hands around his shoulders as his fingers curled against your waist and slowly lowered you onto him.
You were absolutely dripping for him and had been soaked since he said good morning to you hours ago, so it didn’t take long until his fat cock was completely inside of you, his long shaft already hitting all of the right spots.
He groaned, gripping your waist a little harder, moving you back and forth.
“O-Oh, Tony!” Your fingernails dug into his back, which prompted a groan from him. He was so big that you were still adjusting, but eventually you were bouncing along with him.
Pure ecstasy; that’s what this felt like. You started panting. “I don’t think I can last long,” you breathed into his ear as his hips began to thrust. He was absolutely feral, bucking along with you.
You closed your eyes, but not for long, because the sight of him watching you on the edge was too much for you.
“Tell me what you want,” he repeated through groans.
“I want you filling me up!” You could barely talk. Your head was only filled with desire for him as you wrapped your legs around his back and let him take you however he saw fit. His hands were digging into your sides, bouncing you up and down on his cock. There would undoubtedly be bruises in the morning, but it only edged you on. It was only a part of him completely claiming you as his.
This was it. You couldn’t hold off anymore. “Daddy!” Your mind reeled as your orgasm enveloped you, and you pushed his chest back into his chair as you took your climax for yourself. At that moment, you could feel hot ropes of cum shooting inside of you as he gripped your thighs and moaned your name, only making more bruises. Maybe these you could actually show off.
As your orgasm ebbed, you leaned against his chest, panting and still feeling him inside of you. “That was…” Once again, you were lost for words.
He kissed your forehead, wrapping his arms around you again and slipping out of you. Before either of you could say anything more, the exhaustion overtook you and you began to sleep on his muscled chest.
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spooderboyandtincan · 4 years ago
You’re Gonna Miss Me
(When I’m Gone)
Read on Ao3
Tony doesn’t know why he’s so nervous.
That’s a lie. Utter bullshit. He’s lying to himself. Tony knows exactly why his heart is fluttering in his chest like he’d run a marathon, why his chest struggled to rise like there was twenty pound weight rested on it. 
Though to be fair, when he made an anonymous donation of a meager 50,000 dollars to Midtown Science and Technology, he hadn’t expected Peter’s decathlon team to put in a request to the school board to travel abroad, and he definitely hadn’t expected the school to immediately approve it. He thought they’d use it to replace the sudsy water in the bathrooms they called soap with the real stuff or some shit, not whisk his kid away to Vienna for a whole week where Tony couldn’t even hug him, couldn’t protect him. 
Peter is thrilled, though. Ecstatic. When he’d broken the news to Tony and May, he’d been over the moon with excitement, his round cheeks flushed pink and his eyes gleaming. Even two weeks ago, Tony had felt a deep sense of apprehension kindling in his chest, but with the date seemingly so far away, he’d pushed it to the back of his mind. 
He wishes now that he’d done something. He should have told Peter he couldn’t bear to be without him like he was an actor in a cheesy soap opera (it was true, he couldn’t); tell Peter he needed him on a “mission” that would mysteriously be canceled. Though they’d probably end up taking a plane or a suit to Vienna anyways (despite what he liked to say to Rhodey, he was not at all immune to Peter’s puppy eyes); hell, he should have purposely tripped on the stairs and broken his leg so Peter, sweet, kind, empathetic Peter, would immediately decide to stay by his side where Tony could keep him safe.
He missed Peter when he was at his apartment in fucking Queens, thirty minutes from Stark Tower. He didn’t know how he’d handle having him 4,222 miles away. He didn’t know if he could.
“Damn,” he hisses, pushing himself from his bed with a grunt and making a beeline towards Peter’s room. He dashes in. The sight of his sleeping son (read: lump of blankets) is enough to take his breath away.
Tony had missed him. It had been four hours since he’d tucked him in and kissed him goodnight, and Tony had missed him. Peter was fifteen feet away. 
This trip is going to be the death of him. He’s going to drop dead of a goddamn heart attack before Peter even gets on the plane. 
Tony sinks carefully onto the mattress and rests his hand on the boy’s neck, some deep, parental instinct in him immediately soothed by the slow, steady beat of his pulse. Peter is curled under the thick blue blanket, only his chestnut curls visible which are tinged blue from the Iron Man nightlight on the wall, his breath puffing out in those little snuffling snores that Tony absolutely adores. 
He leans down to kiss his temple, inhales the familiar scent of his favorite strawberry shampoo and is overwhelmed by the wave of infinite love that washes over him. He loves this kid so much it sometimes hurts. 
Leaning back, he smooths his thumb over Peter’s cheekbone. He doesn’t want to leave the boy’s side. He doesn’t know if he physically can. Maybe asleep Peter has somehow sensed this, because there’s a small mewl from the bundle of blankets, and two bleary doe eyes flutter open. 
“Hey,” Tony whispers, running a hand through his curls. “Hey, jellybean. Sorry I woke you up.” Peter rolls over with heavy limbs and rubs his eyes with a fist in a childlike motion, yawning in a way that resembles all those yawning kitten videos he’s made Tony watch. 
God, he’s adorable, Tony thinks. His heart is melting. He’s so small, so young. Tony feels an instinctual, almost uncontrollable urge to protect this kid, to wrap him in his arms and keep him from harm for the rest of time. 
Peter is oblivious. “‘S… s’okay,” he mumbles. His hand sneaks out of the blankets and tugs on his arm lethargically, which the genius knows is sleepy Peter language for “cuddle with me.” Tony chuckles fondly and slides under the covers.
He props himself up on an elbow and gazes down at his beloved boy, stroking a finger down his cheek. Peter smiles sleepily up at him from his assortment of pillows. “Hi.”
His face splits into a wide grin. “Hi, Pete.” 
Peter frowns at him then, a sudden change from his drowsy, half-asleep state. “You… you ‘kay? Wha’ time’s it?” He tries to sit up, but Tony hushes him gently with a “Everything’s okay, bud, just a typical 2am visit from your friendly neighborhood Iron Man.”
He smiles, so Tony counts the joke as a win. It’s not one of his best, but hey, forgive him if he’s a little anxious about his kid going to another fucking continent. 
(He refuses to acknowledge that it’s not just being away from Peter that’s stressing him out, it’s the fact that anything could happen to him while they’re apart.)
Tony looks back to Peter, opening his mouth to talk, only to find that he’s completely conked out. He balls up the sleeve of his sweatshirt and wipes the line of drool tracing down the boy’s chin away, finding that a soft smile has formed on his face, the one that only makes its appearance around Peter.
Peter snuggles into him the second he lies down, resting his curly head just over his heart. Tony wraps a protective arm around his back and rubs small circles on his soft blanket hoodie. “G’night,” he whispers, bending to kiss the top of his head. “Sweet dreams, baby. I love you.”
He can feel Peter’s heartbeat thumping steadily against his chest- can hear his soft kitten snores. The warm weight of his body is so comforting that for a moment he thinks that maybe, just maybe, this trip isn’t going to be the end of him. That everything’s going to be okay.
Peter’s starting to regret eating all those waffles for breakfast. He feels shaky all over, like he could collapse or throw up any second. He’d told Tony he was going to pop in the bathroom, but he’s been in there for at least ten minutes, settled back on his heels on the cold, grimy floor of an airport bathroom, trying to breathe properly.
Speaking of Tony, he can hear the man just outside the door, typing on his phone and sipping from a cheap cup of coffee. Peter immediately experiences a hot flash of guilt, realizing that he must have grown worried while he was gone. 
Sure enough, the door swings open and there’s a soft knock. “Pete? Everything okay, bud?”
Peter stands up and unlocks the stall. “Tony,” he sniffles, taking an unsteady step forward. Tony rushes forward and gathers him in his arms
“Whoa, hey, hey, you’re okay,” he says gently, rubbing a hand up and down his back. “You’re okay, Pete. Breathe, just breathe, bud. It’s okay.”
“I don’t-” Peter whispers. “I don’t know, Tony, I-I wanna go, but I can’t, I don’t know w-what to do.” 
“Breathe, honey. It’s okay, I’m here, we’ll figure this out, okay? You just gotta take a breath, alright?” 
Peter tries- fails. Tries again, and manages to gasp a breath in. “Sorry,” he croaks, when he can properly breathe again. “Tony, I-I don’t-”
“It’s okay,” Tony murmurs, squeezing him tight. “Nothing to be sorry for, Pete.” After snatching a paper towel and soaking it in the sink, he runs the scratchy cloth over Peter’s face and kisses his forehead when he’s done. “Okay, bubba. You wanna go back out or stay in here?”
“Out,” he replies without hesitation. The flickering white lights above are starting to give him a headache, not to mention the leaky faucet and the freezing tile floors and the faulty air conditioning. Tony leads him out with an arm around his shoulder and guides him to a little nook, where they both plop down on a neon green beanbag. 
“My parents died in a plane crash,” Peter whispers. 
Tony squeezes his shoulder. “I know buddy. I’m sorry.” Unlike a lot of the “sorries” Peter has heard, this one is sincere. Sometimes he forgets that Tony is an orphan too. 
“I- I mean, logically, I know the plane won’t crash,” he continues, “But I guess it’s still hard for me to believe that. Like a- a gut feeling?”
The man nods in understanding. “I know how you feel, kiddo. I was terrified of cars after my parents died- I took the subway everywhere despite the paparazzi bloodhounds.” Tony doesn’t broach the subject of his parent’s deaths often, especially not in a crowded public airport, so Peter makes sure to pay attention. 
“Then, the fear just kinda… vanished.” He wiggles his fingers dramatically. “I started driving without even thinking, didn’t realize I was in a car ‘til I got on the highway. I had to pull over when I did, but since then, I’m perfectly fine with cruisin’ at 80 mph. But,” he says seriously, meeting Peter’s eyes. “I think you should listen to what your gut’s tellin’ you, buddy. It’s important to listen to yourself- what inner you is saying.” He pokes Peter’s belly a couple times for good measure, which makes his face scrunch up adorably. 
Peter nods, and really tries to listen to his gut. The pair both go silent in concentration, and then- his stomach grumbles. They both burst into laughter, born more from nerves than hilarity.
“Inner you wants to eat,” Tony snorts. “I think I saw a place with the biggest blueberry muffins of my life by the escalators, wanna stop there?”
Despite eating a huge stack of waffles just hours earlier, Peter wolfs down two of the gigantic blueberry poppyseed muffins, much to the amusement of Tony.
They made their way to the gate, where Peter’s teacher, Mr. Harrington was lounging, dressed in an ugly red sweater, his long legs stretched in front of him. 
“Peter!” he cried as he spotted them, scrambling to his feet. “Thank god, I was beginning to think I had the wrong date! We’re leaving today, right?”
“Oh, yeah Mr. Harrington, we’re going today!” Peter laughs. He’s used to dealing with his scatter-brained teacher. “I’m actually here early, the plane’s supposed to leave at 1:00.” He gestures vaguely to the big digital clock over his head reading 11:54 AM, EDT. 
Mr. Harrington frowns. “I thought it left at 8 am! You mean I’ve been here for hours in this awful chair when I could have been sipping a piña colada in my jacuzzi?!” He collapses back in his chair and pulls a sleeping mask over his eyes with a sigh.
“Sorry, Mr. Harrington,” Peter chuckles, then pulls Tony to a row of uncomfortable seats in the corner of the waiting area. 
They sit in comfortable silence for a bit, just watching the various travellers rush past. A little girl, around two or three, comes up and shyly asks for Tony’s autograph, but no one else recognizes the genius. (Thanks to his foolproof disguise of a baseball cap and scarf covering up his iconic beard, the genius claims.)
“So, what are we thinking?” Tony asks after about half an hour. “Do you wanna go?” He secretly hopes Peter will say no, hopes that they can go home and binge watch all of the Star Trek episodes and fill their bodies with junk. 
Peter nods hesitantly. “I think so. I-is that okay? I might change my mind, but- yes. Yeah, I think I want to go.”
 Tony squeezes his hand. “Of course it’s okay baby, that’s perfectly fine. If you change your mind, you know what? That’s great too. Whatever you want, that’s what’s important.” He kisses Peter’s forehead and lets his hand linger for a moment where it rests on the boy’s cheek. “If you change your mind at any point, I’ll come pick you up, okay?”
“Thanks, Tony,” Peter breathes, slumping heavily against his side.
“Of course, bud. Anything for my Peter.” 
They stop for lunch at a cozy little coffee shop, which is thankfully devoid of fans and paparazzi. Peter orders (or rather, makes Tony order) a small hot chocolate (with extra marshmallows and whipped cream) even though drinking a lot before a non-stop ten hour flight is probably not the best idea. (He can’t help it. He’s nervous.)
When the pair gets back to their gate, they find Ned and his family. The boy’s greet each other enthusiastically, performing their signature handshake, while Tony simply throws up a peace sign to Ned’s rather stunned parents. 
The friends pull out their phones -probably playing one of those ghastly animated games that Peter is always quoting. Tony pretends to look busy on his phone, but really, he’s just trying to distract himself from the terrifying fact that he’s not going to see Peter for a week.
Too soon, the speaker crackles, a crisp voice announcing, “Attention. We are now boarding flight 367 nonstop to Vienna, Austria. Now boarding flight 367 nonstop to Vienna, Austria.”
Tony’s heart stops. Peter freezes. 
No, they think at the same time. Not yet. 
Peter turns to Tony, panicked. “Hey,” the man says, pushing away every anxiety, every worry away so he can focus on his kid. He sees Ned approach them, but stop when his father places a hand on his shoulder. “Hey, it’s okay. Breathe, baby, it’s okay.” 
“Tony.” Peter wraps his skinny arms around his waist. 
“I know, baby, I know.” Tony kisses the top of his head and hugs him close. “Follow my breathing. You’re okay. We’re good.”
Around them, the members of the decathlon team are rising, but Tony and Peter sit in those unforgettable chairs, clutching each other tightly, not yet ready to let go. 
“I’m gonna miss you,” Peter whimpers. 
“I know kiddo, me too. I’m gonna miss you so much, but I’m always gonna be here, okay? If you need me, just call, or text, use morse code, doesn’t matter. I’m always here for you.”
“I’m here for you too,” Peter says. “I- I’ll call you every day.” Peter’s bottom lip is trembling, just barely, but enough for Tony to hug him a little tighter and kiss his forehead. “I love you, Tony,” he sniffs.
“I love you too, Pete. I love you so much.” Tony’s not crying. He’s not. The restaurant a few stores down is just cooking onions, that’s why his eyes are watering. 
Peter pulls away and grabs his duffel bag, taking a step toward the loading dock. Tony tries not to burst into sobs. Stay, his mind whispers. Please stay. 
Then Peter turns around, eyes full of tears, and slams straight into Tony’s chest, hugging him so tight he can barely breathe. Tony rocks them back and forth, cherishing everything about his sweet boy. When they finally break apart, Peter says, “I’ll be back before you know it,” echoing what Tony has said to him so many times before he leaves for a business trip. 
Then he smiles a watery smile and runs to catch up with his best friend. Just before he disappears into the loading dock, he turns around and waves wildly at Tony.
Tony waves back, grinning. “I love you,” he mouths.
“I love you too!” Peter mouths back, and steps into the dock.
“I love you,” Tony whispers, hastily wiping the dampness from his eyes. “I love you, Peter.”
Taglist: @aj-that-person @tonystark-deserves-better @nathaly-ab @skeeter-110 @peter-and-tony-vlogs @teammightypen @joyful-soul-collector @loveliestdisappointment @depuella @scwene-qween @honeythepooh @pixiethefirecat7 @spider-man-lover @jami161 @bringitonvoldie @queen-of-sarcasm-25 @roxy3457 @memilon @iron-loyalty @gralaca @bitchingpretty @pillowspace @thatminecraftgal @clockworkteacup @hatakehikari @wtfischeese @keep-a-bucket-full-of-stars @skydiving-without-a-parachute @yansi1923 @slytherin-hamilton-life-12  @dead-inside-pt2 @name-me-regret @zanderljones @spidy8664 @hold-our-destiny @tinystark-blog @bittersweetbeneath
If anyone wants to be added/ removed please let me know! (also, i think i missed a few people, and a few usernames have been changed, pop me a quick message so i can add you again!) 
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et-lesailes · 5 years ago
iron crush
pairing: tony stark x reader
word count: 1952
summary: you’re a college student as well as roommates/best friends with peter parker, but you’ve developed a bit of a crush on his world famous, superhero mentor tony stark.
themes: age gap, smut
taglist: @evanstush​​​, @tanyam93​​​, @bval-1​​​, @wonderwinchester​​​, @patzammit​​​, @rohaintahquil​​​, @deidrashouseofpain​​​, @sammyslonglostshoe​​​, @jadedhillon​​​, @bohemian-barbie​​, @whysparker​​​, @sebastian-i-stan​​​, @sebabestianstan101​​​, @lille-kattunge​​​, @teller258316​​​, @peach-acid​​​, @allsortsofinterests​​​, @xoxabs88xox​​​, @heyiamthatbitch​​​, @cptn-sgrogers​​​, @heyyouwiththeassbutt​​​, @bangtan-serendipity​​​, @troublermalik​​​, @beardburnsupersoldiers​​​, @bookish-shristi​​​, @kind-sober-fullydressed​​​,  @gingerninjaprincess16​​​, @straightforwardly​​,  @denisemarieangelina​​​,  @frencchfries​​​, @xlanawriter​​​, @littlemoistcarrot​​​, @pottxrwolff​​​, @arianatheangelworld​​​​, @southerngracela​​​, @nsfwsebbie​​​, @rororo06​​​, @savemesteeb​​​​, @raveviolet​​​​, @hurricanerinwrites​​​​, @captainamerica-is-bae​​​​, @shaddixlife​​​​, @tessa-bl​​​​, @marvelouspottering​​​​, @pppsssyyyccchhhiiiccc​​​​, @thegetawaywriter​​​​, @dwights-new-plague​​​​, @rynabarnesrogers​​​​, @fckdeusername​​​​,  @doloreschanal​​​​, @ssworldofsw​​​​, @la-cey​​​, @buckybarnesplumwhore​​​, @hevans-angel​​, @chuckbass-love​​, @stardust-galaxies​​, @smyfmj​​
notes: in this story, peter and reader are 18! I know the opening scene is literally from civil war where peter is a minor in high school but shhh just pretend :))) also sorry if you’re tagged and don’t care for tony, i haven’t really been separating my permanent taglist and my cevans only taglist because it’s a lot of work gjfjdjg so just ignore if you don’t want to read, no worries! also as always, graphic creds go to @thewritingdoll​ !
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You first met him that fateful day he was waiting for Peter in his apartment itself, casually chatting with Aunt May while pretending to enjoy her walnut date loaves. Being Peter’s childhood friend, you’ve known of his Spider-Man secret ever since he became the masked hero, and it hadn’t been difficult for you to figure out that Tony was there for Avengers related reasons. You remember the piercing eye contact you made, the way his brown eyes lingered over you in surprise and approval; you had felt flattered beyond belief that you were even noticed in such a way when you were in the same room as Peter’s abnormally attractive aunt. 
Fast forward a few months later, and you, Peter, and your other friend Ned now have an apartment of your own. The three of you have always been inseparable; you see them as brothers and you can trust them to have your back, just like you and Ned have Peter’s whenever he’s called to save the neighborhood (and, lately, many areas outside of it).
You’re on your belly on your bed in a tank and shorts, taking notes while skimming through your psychology textbook when you hear a knock on the door. You roll your eyes- Ned always forgets his keys, which is why you tend to leave the door unlocked whenever it’s just you at home. It’s difficult to worry much about crime when you literally live with a world famous superhero. “It’s open!” you call, eyes still scanning the words on the pages before you. The door opens and you hear footsteps, louder and louder until they’ve come to your doorway. “Have you just, permanently lost your keys or something?” you ask in amusement, not even bothering to look up at your roommate.
“Didn’t get any to begin with, actually. Got a copy for me? Would be pretty helpful considering the kid never answers his goddamn phone.”
Your head immediately snaps up, your eyes widening slightly as you stare at the grown man at the entrance of your bedroom who is very clearly not Ned. “Tony!” you exclaim in surprise, moving to sit up on your knees as you gaze up at him somewhat embarrassed- and suddenly feeling much more naked. You’re comfortable with limited clothing around Peter and Ned, you’ve known them practically your whole life- but Tony is someone you’ve seen all over television, only met once… and have the slightest crush on. You’ve always loved a man with confidence, and while Tony has too much of it, you can’t help but find it appealing. You clear your throat, trying not to blush from his amused expression. “Uh, yeah, Peter’s not home right now… do you want me to text him? Maybe he’ll reply to me?”
“What? Reply to his cute best friend he drools over on a daily basis- over replying to me? No way.” Tony smirks slightly, his voice dripping with sarcasm, and you find yourself blushing deeper- though you arch an eyebrow, more than happy to confront what he’s just said. “Cute?” you repeat, and he shrugs nonchalantly, leaning against the doorframe as he takes your appearance in. “Yeah. Cute. What, haven’t heard it before? Because I highly doubt that.” 
“Not from a man twice my age, no,” you tease, suddenly feeling a little more confidence as you sit up a little straighter, remaining on your knees, “and Peter does not drool over me. Trust me, our relationship is not like that. We’ve known each other for too long.” Tony keeps his eyes on you for a few moments before suddenly nodding towards your textbook. “Whatchya working on?” You blink, glancing towards your notes. “Psychology. It’s my major.”
“So how do you read me?” he asks, and you assume he’s being some type of smart ass- after all, whenever you tell someone your major is psychology they immediately bring out the “so you can read my mind” joke- but when you look up at his expression, he actually seems genuinely curious. “Lonely.” You reply candidly, eyebrow lifting slightly. “Bored, always running out of things to do so you focus way too much on work.”
“Uh, yeah, that’s because I save the world for a living. Kind of has to be on my mind 24/7, doesn’t it?”
“Yikes, getting a little defensive, hm, Tony?” you tease with a smirk, knowing he can handle it. “That’s never a good sign in counseling…”
“Oh, are you my counselor now?” he scoffs, but the corner of his lip is tugged slightly upward, clearly able to banter just as much as you. “Alright. I’ll bite.” He comes into your room and sits down at the edge of your bed right next to you, looking at you expectantly. “Tell me, O Mighty Therapist, what should I do to alleviate my pain?” he questions dramatically, and you laugh, reaching out to nudge him. “Maybe stop being a pain in the ass to other people? Let them in for once?”
He listens thoughtfully and you're expecting a snarky comment, but instead, he replies bluntly in a low murmur with a raised brow, “What if I want a certain someone to let me in?” It takes you a few moments to realize the innuendo, your blush immediately returning once you do. “Tony…”
He leans in, his eyes focused on yours. “I won’t tell anyone…” You stare up at his features, your breath slightly heavier. You feel a bit of guilt but the desperate want is overpowering it- come on, he’s Tony Stark, and he’s here in your bedroom asking you to fuck. Maybe it’s not for the best reasons, but you decide you don’t care. You grab his face and pull him down, kissing him fiercely in response.
Everything happens so fast. His lips move against yours in intense synchrony, his hands grabbing your waist to tackle you down onto your back on the bed before he reaches out to shove your textbook and notebook off the mattress entirely. You gasp but continue to kiss him, your legs naturally moving to wrap around his waist to keep his body pressed close against yours, already feeling turned on from the friction between you. Judging by the bulge currently pressing against your inner thigh, it’s safe to say he feels the same. 
Neither of you even realize how absorbed in this kiss you are- you’re moving, practically rolling all over the place, until you roll off the bed itself. A squeal escapes your lips as both of you go tumbling onto the ground- thankfully carpeted- and you laugh breathlessly as you stare up at him, still underneath him. “Oops,” you whisper, but he just smirks and leans down to kiss you again, muttering huskily against your lips, “That’s alright, sweet cheeks, I can fuck you just as good on the floor too.” Your smile fades slightly, but only because of how aroused you’ve become just from hearing him. You’ve only ever slept with one guy before, and he was nowhere near as experienced or bold as Tony. You definitely needed this. 
He notices your expression and smirks, staring down at you as he moves one hand down to rub his fingers against your shorts. “What’s up, Y/N? You like that idea? Me fucking you into the floor of your bedroom, with your door wide open?” Your lips open into a needy moan, though you completely forgot about the door situation. Fuck. You glance to it nervously, but he only applies more pressure to your clothed entrance, his eyes twinkling mischievously. “You’re adorable, sweetheart. Think of it as a little adrenaline rush, hm? You have to take some risks sometimes, right?” He slips his fingers into your shorts and panties, rubbing your clit directly as he breathes out, “That’s my therapeutic advice to you…”
“A-ah…! Tony!” you moan lewdly, arching your back and staring up at him with wide eyes. “Please… I need more…”
He gladly obliges, his smirk growing wider as he eyes you hungrily. His fingers pump you skillfully, sliding in and out of your entrance and stretching you out, his thumb simultaneously teasing your clit. You’re a breathless mess of whimpers and whines, your head rolling back and your eyes shutting from the pleasure. The boy you were with before definitely didn’t know how to use his fingers. Tony, on the other hand, moves at the perfect, steady pace, actually listening to you to understand what you like and what’s working. The way he slightly crooks his fingers and expertly maneuvers them in subtle but hard hitting gestures inside your tight entrance is slowly making you uncoil- when he feels you tighten around his digits, he grins triumphantly. “Go ahead,” he commands breathlessly, “cum all over my fingers so I can taste you already…” 
You obey with a gasp, coating his fingers with your release- he withdraws them and places them in his mouth, looking at you with a hungry little smirk. “Delicious,” he growls, his devious eyes filled with lust. 
“Take off your clothes,” you breathe out suddenly, and he blinks before chuckling, pulling back slightly and obediently starting to unbutton his shirt. “For the record, I’m the one in charge here, but I also wanted to strip anyways,” he tells you playfully and you laugh, taking your own tank off feeling thankful you didn’t wear a bra that day. That would have been way too much work- you need him now. He stares down at you amazed, biting on his lip. “Damn. Your body is something else.” You widen your eyes upon seeing his cock when he removes his pants, clucking your tongue as you mumble, “I could say the same about you…”
He smirks and presses his throbbing erection against your sensitive entrance, his breaths heavy from anticipation. “I’ve been thinking about this for a while, doll. Think I’m already addicted to you.” 
He thrusts into you roughly at that moment, letting out a groan of pleasure as he pins you down against the floor. You cry out in happiness as you arch your back towards him, rocking your hips upwards against his and holding onto his back tightly. You don’t even care that you’re on a rug right now- comfort is the least of your concerns when he’s stretching you out so nicely, his brown eyes filled with hunger as he stares down at you in arousal. “You look so pretty underneath me, Y/N,” he murmurs huskily, grunting with eyebrows furrowed in concentration, his dick entering deeper and deeper inside you with each thrust. “And you feel… mm… better than words can even describe…”
“Tony…! Oh, God, Tony- mm…!” You’re at a loss for words; the sensation is overwhelming, pushing you over the edge, filling every crevice of your mind with euphoria and delight. Your body’s beginning to quiver, your walls tightening around his cock- he smirks weakly in satisfaction, knowing you’re close. “Fuck. I’m gonna cum deep inside you, beautiful, I want you to cum for me… God… damn…” 
Just as promised, he releases inside you, the feeling adding to your pleasure- you gasp in delight as you cum, your head rolling back and your eyes wide as you stare up at the ceiling. He lays on top of you for a bit before slowly lifting himself off, looking down at you with his signature smirk. 
Before he can say anything, though, a voice belonging to a certain web-slinging eighteen-year-old boy standing at the doorway with a wide open mouth screams:
“What the fuck?!”
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sjjdkdkwo · 4 years ago
For the prompt list! Ironstrange and 24, where Sephen's physical appearance alters (up to you in what way and how though I was thinking something monstery). He's kinda insecure about it, trying to figure out how he's going to reveal his appearance to Tony.
One of his tentacles twitched in indignation and Stephen fought to urge to shudder as it moved of its own accord. Of all the current changes, he supposed the new germination of tentaculum had been the least offensive amongst them. But something about the way they slithered and squelched loudly against each other like a pile of larvae nearly always made Stephen gag in repugnance. One of the mouths on his stomach heaved anyway. Stephen prayed that it couldn’t be heard in the suffocating silence, but if the look of disconcertment on the other mans face was anything go by, it had. He’d never thanked the Vishanti as strongly as then for having taken the time to learn glamour spells.
 Tony-no, not Tony, Stark. He was Stark again; because this was the future where Stark abhorred him after all was said and done. The one where he hadn’t forgiven Stephen for being left in a storm of ash and bereavement back on Titan. But it was the one where he was still alive, and to Stephen that was enough. And now Stark stood in front of him and Stephen was grateful that his mind didn’t process him as the mess of seared flesh and open wounds and rot, it often did when his memories blurred together in a mosaic of failed alternate futures. Small blessings. Still, it wasn’t enough to settle the accumulation of uncertainty and dejection at the sight of him.
 Finally Stark spoke.
 “Strange.” He said, bobbing his head a little in greeting as he shifted his feet. A paper bag appeared from somewhere behind his back and he presented it in front Stephen like a prize. “Brought you a cheeseburger. Wasn’t sure if you ate this kind of stuff or not but hey, I won’t tell anyone if you don’t.”
 “What?” Stephen said, all three hundred and five eyes blinking simultaneously. (He’d counted.)
 Stark flung the bag at him without warning and Stephen caught it with one of his tentacles. Under the guise of the spell though he caught it with one shaky hand.
 “Anyways, I was in the neighborhood and I thought I’d stop by and say hi. Maybe go over some stuff from the last mission.” Somewhere between the words Stark had wandered off and now stood in front of the relics, face scrunched up in thought. “Brought over some of the paper work you forgot to fill out from last time-“
 “I didn’t forget.” Stephen cut him off, agitation bleeding through his tone. “I’m not avenger remember?”
 Stark said nothing at that, instead turning to study Stephen with a face of impassiveness. But Stephen new better, could see the thoughts of perturbation, circumspect and general unease that were always swarming from behind his eyes and burrowing deep into the crevices of his mind. Stephen hated that he’d only added to them during their short time knowing each other.
 “No, your not.” Tony said. More serious now. “But you were there, that means you can’t just leave whenever you want.”
 The last words were sharp and dangerous, and they threatened to strike at any moment should Stephen misstep. Stark wasn’t referring to avengers business then and Stephen didn’t need a time stone to draw that conclusion. He remembered the aftermath well enough. All of Starks friends and allies had been crowding him then, checking to see if he was all right, and enveloping him in reassurances and gratitude. Stephen had never felt so foreign before then, so out of place, and unwarranted and wrong. Like an ugly smudge over the beautiful picture of love and relief and warmth that they’d all made. So he had left, Wong following close behind once he’d dismissed the other sorcerers. He told himself he’d misheard the shout of his name just before he portalled away and tried to ignore the thought that it had sounded suspiciously like Stark, it didn’t matter anymore. They’d won; so all Stephen could do was return to his duties, living off borrowed time and the deep unwavering sense of bliss that the universe was safe for one more day.
 “I wasn’t aware I had to seek out permission before going about my own life, Stark.” He said, trying to shadow his adoration for the other man under false aversion.
 This wasn’t that kind of future.  
 “Yeah well, maybe not. But you could at least let someone know before you do.” Stark said, inching forward slowly, almost predatory like. “Instead of leaving the rest of us to wonder what the hell happened, why you just left without a goddamned word! Did you ever stop to think that someone was looking for you then!? We didn’t even know where you lived for fucks sake-we thought…I thought…”
 Stark was breathing heavily then, every gulp of air shuddering through him and causing his body to tremble uncontrollably. Stephen watched him gasp out before he swallowed and closed his eyes and counted under his breath. Stephen reached out for him before remembering that the spell could only affect the way people saw him, not felt him.
 “I looked for you.” Stark said, something fragile in his voice and Stephen’s chest ached then as guilt swirled deep within his stomach. “But you were gone. And no one could tell me where you were and I thought you were dead…��
 “Stark I’m-“
 “Tony. You called me Tony before.” He whispered.
 Stephen willed himself to swallow the accretion of emotions that had stemmed from fourteen million six hundred and five futures then. No matter how much he longed to reach out and touch, to breath in Tony until his lungs drowned in the essence of his very being. Because Stephen was a monster, and for a moment he didn’t know in what way he meant that.
 “Tony” Stephen sighed. “I’m sorry.”
 Tony barked out a harsh laugh then, cutting Stephen in places he hadn’t thought possible.
 “Fuck you, Stephen. Fuck I-“ Stephen watched him straighten back out, little tremors running along his edges like he was a an image glitching before his eyes and Stephen worried he’d been a hallucination after all. “Please. I just want to talk.”
 Tony nodded and moved forward to grab his shoulder before Stephen could stop him, and the act startled Stephen enough that his concentration on the spell faltered for a moment. Stephen let out a sharp breath when his form was revealed to Tony in the sickening image of a mass of limbs and eyes and mouths. Showed him the boils that had been growing along Stephen’s sides that popped out pointed sharp little legs when they burst, and the mass of sharp teeth that now overtook most of Stephen’s face. He watched Tony do the only logically thing anyone would do in that moment. Scream.
 “Holy fuck!” Before he knew it the familiar glow of a repulsor was shining over his face, and Stephen fought back the onslaught of memories that flittered through his mind of all the time’s Tony had blasted his head into a splatter of blood and brain matter. “Stephen what the fuck was that!?”
 Stephen held up his hands in surrender and breathed through the panic that had surfaced. His tendrils quivered in trepidation and his extra mouths moaned and groaned through his worriment. “Please, put that way.”
 “Yeah, fuck no.” Tony said, and his eyes narrowed in suspicion. “Not until you explain what the hell that was, Shoggoth. I swear to God if you’re not Stephen Strange, if you so much as hurt one hair on his head, I’ll blast you to the next dimension over.”
 You already did once. Stephen can’t help but think.
 “I can assure you, I am myself and no one else.” Stephen scoffed, a little offended that Tony thought he’d let himself be overpowered in such a way. “This is merely the result of negligence on my part during a trip off world. Please. Don’t be afraid.”
 It had been. He shouldn’t have touched that dog really, but it was a dog and Stephen adored dogs. It definitely hadn’t been his fault no matter what anyone said. Wong could reprimand him all he wanted, he hadn’t seen how adorable it’d been. Tony only furrowed his brows further.
 “Little hard to do that when the crawling eye is staring back at me.” He said. “It’s really you?”
 “If it wasn’t I can assure you, Wong would’ve dealt with me by now.” Stephen rolled his eyes.
 Tony reluctantly lowered his hand, repulsor disappearing. The look of uncertainty had softened a bit but still sat firm on Tony’s face. He tilted his head a bit in question and finally Stephen gave up and decided to release the spell. He tried not to let the look of terror that flashed briefly over Tony get to him. But it still hurt when the other man subconsciously stepped back in fear. He stopped just a few steps behind, before he lets his eyes roam over Stephen’s gruesome form. Stephen saw him linger on his tentacles and tried not to feel self-conscious when Stark pursed his lips at the head growing from the side of his neck.
 “Is this why you’ve been avoiding me?” Stark asked after a moment, something soft and almost pitiful in his voice. “Shit. Stephen, how long have you been like this? Have you been hiding this since…?”
 “No, it happened after Titan.” Stephen clarified. “Quite recently actually.”
 “Right.” Tony said, and something odd settled on his face. “Does it…is it hurting you?”
 Stephen frowned. Of all the things he’d expected Stark to ask, this hadn’t been one of them. Still he couldn’t deny the small thrill that ran through him when Tony got closer, and he had to force the tendrils still so they didn’t reach for him.
 “Not anymore, no.” Tony frowned at that. “It’s fine. Wong is looking for solution as we speak. The issue will be resolved soon.”
 “So what? Your just suppose to answer the call of Cthulhu till then?” Tony asked.
 “Very clever.” Stephen rolled his eyes again. “There’s nothing else that can be done. Besides it’s not like it hinders my magic in any way so you don’t have to worry.”
 “Yeah that’s great and all but are you, you know?” Tony waved his hand. “Okay?”
 Suddenly it was too much. Stephen couldn’t stand to look at Tony anymore, not when he was regarding him with concern and some semblance of fondness. Like he cared for Stephen, like he mattered. So he pushed him back.
 “You don’t have to pretend you care about this you know?” Stephen said softly.
 “It’s fine. You came here to ask questions about Titan and the stone. I’ll answer them.” Stephen said, “I know you dislike me, you don’t have to care about me and my personal matters, really-”
 Stephen startled when a loud groan from Tony rang through the air and interrupted him.
 “For someone so smart you can really be stupid sometimes.”
 Stephen didn’t get the chance to retort because suddenly Tony’s hand had reached up to cup his face. The eyes on his cheeks snapped shut under Tony’s touch and Stephen could feel the other man’s fingers twitch in response before settling back down. And then Tony’s mouth was over his, firm and warm, edging on gentle possessives, like he was fearful Stephen would disappear otherwise. And Stephen couldn’t help the feeling of elation that ran through him, desire and excitement coursing through his veins, and love, so much love that he’d kept so carefully hidden that it threatened to burst through him and obliterate him under detonation of pleasure and jubilation. But then he couldn’t help the soft gasp that slipped through him when Tony’s tongue slipped out to prod his mouth open and before he knew it Tony had pulled back with a look of astonishment. He paused for a minute before speaking.
 “How many tongues do you have?” he asked, voice cracking a little in what could either be unresolved glee or horror.
 “Jesus, that shouldn’t be as hot as it is.” Tony mumbled lowering his gaze and laughing softly to himself. “Fuck, Stephen what the hell are you doing to me.”
 “To be fair, I wasn’t aware I had done anything to begin with.” Stephen breathed out.
 Tony chuckled then, and one of Stephen’s tendrils reached up to stroke his face. Tony flinched before relaxing and let his gaze roam over the red appendage. Then to Stephen’s abject horror he ran his tongue over it before taking it into his mouth and sucking on it softly. Stephen shuddered, a breathy moan making its way out of him as something carnal stirred within him. He bit his lip, knowing well that his face was flushed and his eyes were blown wide with arousal and need. Finally Tony slipped out the tendril from his mouth to study Stephen pensively. Stephen whined under his fervent gaze and tried to look away but Tony’s hands were firm and unyielding, so he closed his eyes instead.
 “Stephen, look at me.” Tony commanded gently.
 Stephen opened his eyes, face scrunched up as he regarded Tony.
 “There you are.” Tony said before smiling and Stephen’s breath hitched as he took it in. For the first time since arriving Tony’s face was relaxed and comfortable and Stephen had no idea what to do now that the warmth of it was directed at him. “I found you, after all.”
 They would talk more after, about lot things. Would discuss Stephen’s current ghastly appearance further, and Tony would insist that it didn’t bother him (it really didn’t). And they’d talk about Stephen’s decisions on titan, about what he saw and why he had left. Maybe not all in one sitting, but they would. Because they had all the time in the world, Stephen had made sure of it. But for now, they would enjoy each other here, along with Stephen’s many faces and eyes and whatever. And Stephen would let himself enjoy it for just a second.
 Because Stephen wasn’t a monster after all.
 “Yes, you did.”
 And Tony knew that too.
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chasing-classics · 5 years ago
Lean Into What Remains- Natasha Romanoff x Reader
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Pairing: Natasha Romanoff/ Black Widow x Fem!Reader
 Warning: mentions of sterilization
 Summary: You and Nat have been together through thick and thin, nothing could ever tear you apart. An incident following the fight with Ultron leaves you both rattled and wondering whether the future you both dreamed of is still salvageable.
A/N: Inspired by my firm belief that Natasha Romanoff deserved the absolute world.
 ‘’Miss Stark I’m sorry to say-‘’ you held up your hand, cutting off the head doctor, biting down on your bottom lip to keep it from quivering.
 ‘’It’s Mrs. Romanoff, please. And if you’re about to say what I think you are, please,’’ unshed tears blurred your vision. You didn’t look up at the doctor as you sat on the cool hospital bed, the sheets were cold to the touch and crinkled under you. With sympathetic eyes the doctor sighed and lowered his clipboard so that you were able to see his findings.
 ‘’I’m so sorry, Y/N. The sheer force from the blast should have killed you, but given your armor, the impact was mostly absorbed except for-‘’
 ‘’Except for my uterus,’’ you finished, finally raising your head to look up at him. You didn’t dare look at Nat, who was on your left and holding your hand to offer any comfort you needed.
 The doctor nodded, ‘’the blast caused your armor to be weakened. Had it only been one hit the damage would have been minimal, but since the second blast resulted in a large piece of glass piercing your abdomen… your armor was unable to cushion the blow.’’
 You let out a shaky breath, not even bothering to wipe away the tears at this point. You felt Nat’s grip on your hand weaken for a second. ‘’So what are you saying, doc? I can’t have kids?’’ you could barely get the question out at this point. The doctor’s sad gaze confirmed yours and Natasha’s biggest fear; the incident left you sterile. The doctor offered his condolences once more before allowing you two to process the information. You rubbed a hand over your face and tried to even your breathing. Your eyes finally fell on your wife of nearly two years, her expression absolutely gutted you. Nat didn’t cry, she was the tough one in your relationship. The closest you ever came to seeing her cry was the night you got married, only your brother Tony and Clint being present as witnesses. She was gorgeous and you knew at that exact moment that life couldn’t get any better than this.
 That’s what you thought, at least. Not even a few months into your newlywed bliss, did the two of you talk about having a baby through a donor. While Natasha couldn’t have children due to the horrors she encountered in the Red Room, it was still possible to use her egg and for you to carry your baby via a donor. You were both excited at the possibility of bringing your love into the world, you vividly remember the night you agreed that you both would begin the process in the upcoming week. You made love to each other through the night and you often thought about that night. You two had experienced true hardships, life had been unkind to the both of you in different ways. You deserved each other’s love and to have each other in your lives, and Nat deserved to know what it feels like to hold her child and know what motherhood was like.
 ‘’Nat, I-I,’’ she hushed you instantly, bring your head to her chest as the sobs racked through your broken body. You knew she was crying too, the faint sniffles acting like little daggers through your heart.
 ‘’You can’t blame yourself honey,’’ she whispered as she stroked your hair.
 ‘’I was supposed to be able to do this for us, I wanted to give you the world. You deserve the world,’’ you sobbed, fisting the crinkly hospital sheets as if you could will this all away.
 She gently pulled away and bent down so that the two of you were eye level. Her sad green eyes pierced through your core as she offered you a sad smile.
 ‘’You. You are my world.’’
 Time went on. It went on slowly and painstakingly, but it went on nonetheless. You and Natasha had moved into a quieter house just outside of New York, both of you still continued to seek therapy. She never rushed you or pushed you to open up to her or to heal, she was your silent supporter and you loved her all the more for it. It was you who had mentioned adoption, to which she offered a smile and kissed your forehead. ‘’I think that’s a great idea babe,’’ she said as she offered that million-dollar smile that was reserved for only you. You kissed her, the kiss initially sweet and full of hope for the future quickly gave in to passion and lust. You never admitted it, but you were afraid the first time you made love after the accident. The once ugly gash on your lower abdomen was a constant reminder of what you lost, the angry wound mocking you every time you changed your bandages. Now it was an angry, but subdued, pink and silver scar. You wept with adoration when Nat kissed down your body, paying extra attention to the scar, as her lips trailed downward.
 Adoption was difficult, even with your brother constantly offering to locate and set appointments with the best adoption agencies around the world. You knew he did it out of guilt, that the guilt of creating Ultron was eating away at him.
‘’You can’t keep blaming yourself, Tony,’’ you sighed as the two of you overlooked the rest of the team as well as Clint’s family and Agent Hill with Fury, Pepper and Nat in a deep conversation. It was a rare moment for you all, to be at a barbeque as if you were all just a bunch of normal individuals and as if this was a typical Saturday get-together. Your brother’s brows furrowed in frustration as he leaned against the railing of the porch. Nat had suggested getting the team together before all of your schedules became too hectic, but in reality you knew she needed the distraction from all of the letters from numerous adoption agencies that cited the two of you as providing a ‘’potentially unstable, unsafe environment’’ for children. It had taken a toll on the two of you and you weren’t sure how much more you could bear.
 ‘’If I had just listened to Cap, if I had just left it all alone. . .’’ he trailed off, the way his adam’s apple twitched didn’t sneak past your observant gaze.
 You didn’t say anything as you put your hand on top of his, offering a small squeeze as you looked up at your only sibling.
 ‘’When mom and dad died, you were all I had Tony. If it hadn’t been for you who knows what would’ve happened to me. If it hadn’t been for you I never would have met Nat or joined the Avengers. We just need to lean into the good that still remains, you know?’’
 After a moment of silence he nodded his head, offering a small smile as he enveloped you in a warm embrace, kissing the top of your head.
Later that day you were in the kitchen helping Nat clean up. You didn’t even realize you were crying until Nat’s soft hands gently held the sides of your face.
 ‘’Baby,’’ she whispered, thumbing away the tears that streamed down your face.
 ‘’How much more can we take, Nat? I know, I know we’re different from other people. We’re stronger, built to take on the pain. But does that mean we always have to deal with this?’’ you waved your hand at another rejection letter from another agency. Natasha kept her composure as you let out a sigh of utter exhaustion.
 ‘’It was never supposed to be this way,’’ you whimpered as she held you tight. Her soft kisses against your temple and neck succeeded in calming you down.
 ‘’Lean into what remains.’’
 One year. One year was how long it took for the two of you to accept the possibility that children may not be in your shared future. Even with Tony and Pepper’s help, adoption proved to be difficult even for super heroes. Your pain waxed and waned, but you were able to carry on with your life without breaking down every time you heard a baby cry or saw children playing at the park you and Nat often jogged at. It wasn’t always easy, sometimes it ate away at you like something ugly. Sometimes Nat would break down and you had to be her anchor, other times you two argued about who forgot to take out the trash as a way to vent your frustrations. Other times it was through heated love making. You fought for your marriage, and now it finally seemed like the two of you were on solid ground.
 Until one day, it happened.
 T’Challa and Shuri had called the two of you with urgent news. In Wakanda, halfway across the world, were two orphans whose parents had tragically died in the incident in Sokovia. You two were on the first jet available.
 ‘’Given the extent of the tragedy, it took us a long time to identify all the victims and locate their families. Unfortunately, we were barely able to identify C’ora and Aron’s parents and locate the children. They’re very young and we’ve been keeping them here for the past few weeks to keep an eye on their health,’’ Shuri explained, the four of you walking through the corridors of the palace.
Nat and you shared a look, your shared guilt regarding the Sokovia incident was nothing new. You held onto her hand a little tighter.
‘’How are they?’’ you couldn’t help but ask.
‘’Not to worry Y/N. They have been through a horrible tragedy, but they were infants at the time their parents left for humanitarian work. It is unlikely the remember much, but all they have ever known is Wakanda so it will take time to ensure they adjust to the transition,’’ Shuri offered an encouraging smile.
 ‘’Transition?’’ Nat asked, your heartbeats began beating faster to the point you could feel the blood pulsing in your ears.
 ‘’You have been meaning to adopt children, yes? I see no better fit for these two children than the two of you,’’ T’Challa grinned, opening the doors of the throne room. You and your wife stood there in utter shock as the two most beautiful children were playing with Okoye and the other Dora Milaje. Twins. A boy and a girl. C’ora and Aron. They were small, couldn’t be older than two, if even that.
 ‘’Go on,’’ T’Challa smiled, the children already making there way to you and Nat. Aron had reached Nat first and your heart swelled as his chubby arms reached up for her. You only looked away to gently pick C’ora up, her warm eyes analyzing you as she giggled and touched your nose. Nothing was better than the sound of a child laughing, you quickly found. Nat’s eyes met yours and you both beamed, tears falling onto the pristine palace floors. Her forehead pressed against yours’ and she kissed you, the twins cooing and laughing with excitement. You didn’t even notice that everyone had quietly emptied out of the throne room as you leaned into your little family.
 That was the memory you kept close to your heart. A memory you often found yourself randomly smiling about, even today as Nat and you hung pink and blue streamers from your backyard.
 ‘’Alright where are my niece and nephew?’’ Tony’s booming voice caused you to break from your daydreams.
 ‘’Uncle!’’ two voices rang out, your children running as fast as their little legs could allow them as they tackled your brother in a hug.
 ‘’Shocker, always last to arrive,’’ Nat teased, but her smile was warm and sincere as she greeted your children’s godfather.
‘’Enough, it’s time for the cake,’’ you grinned.
 And as the two of you stood by your two children, the only people who you could love as much as you loved each other, you thought back to where you began. Just a girl in a suit of armor who fell for the Black Widow. Mrs. Y/N Romanoff-Stark. A scared, broken woman who believed her future was unfairly taken away. The loving wife. The determined mother of two beautiful children. The twins blew out their birthday candles on their own cakes, grinning when all of the Avengers and family friends clapped and applauded. You soaked up as much of this as you could, holding onto Natasha’s hand as you did. You closed your eyes when the sun hit your face, leaning into the warmth of your family.
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captainjimothycarter · 4 years ago
I would love to see a modern AU of Peggy's first Christmas away from home/the 40s! Something where she's feeling homesick and steve finds a way to throw her a 40s styled holiday
SO this is almost 5k again.
*insert your favorite reasons as to why Peggy is alive and young in the 21st century*
Peggy wouldn’t say it, even if Steve had asked, but something was wrong. She stared out the windows to their apartment in Stark Tower, she stared longingly at old photos of a lifetime ago that graced their walls. Once or twice he’s caught her muttering in her sleep about traditions. 
And Steve knew what was wrong.
It was the same thing that was wrong with him, to a sense. She was homesick for a lifetime that never came to exist. A lifetime that was yesterday, last week, last month, last year to them, but to the not-so fossils (as Natasha fondly called them) around them, the 1940s was just a lifetime ago. They never knew the feeling of homesickness that you couldn’t cure by being welcomed home or with a drink or photos.
This was a sickness that wore down on you and in Steve’s case (he couldn’t and wouldn’t speak for Peggy), it came with a crushing guilt. Hot and bobbling in the back of his throat, that weighed on his soul and made it increasingly difficult to function some days when he wasn’t busy with a mission.
And Christmas time? That magical year? It just made it all the worst. 
Not that Christmas wasn’t enjoyable in the 21st century, because it was. It was adorable with the twinkling lights, the heavy amounts of snow (even if the pair had an aversion to the cold), the kids running about with Iron Man-themed Christmas outfits, or even Captain America. But with Christmas came crashing memories that were hard to escape.
The worst were the parties. The mingling they almost were forced to attend because they were Avengers and had to keep up a brave face with the public and attend galas.
The last one was the hardest if you asked Steve.
“Is there a difference from then to now?” A voice at Steve’s elbow asked. 
He paused in his conversation with Natasha and Bruce, seeing the way Bruce’s face pinched as he turned to look at a short reporter at his elbow. The guy wore wired glasses and had his phone in hand, already turned on to record Steve’s statement.
The blonde sighed heavily and looked around the room for Tony, seeing him caught up in the corner with a few of his own reporters. And unlike Steve, Tony enjoyed the spotlight. 
For a split second, Steve wasn’t standing in the 21st century anymore. He was wearing a wool, heavy uniform, clenching a harshly wrapped present as he watched a few reporters talk to Howard Stark and Peggy Carter. He lingered on the edge, just out of the sight of the reporters. Any person with some amount of sense might’ve run away given the chance, considering how bad Captain America was at interviews, but this was one of the last few chances he’d get to give Peggy her present.
It was nothing much, but she’d complained about the rose water she used was about out and she didn’t know how she’d get anymore. He was just so lucky he’d found a shop the other day.
Blinking harshly, Steve found himself back in modern-day, with Natasha holding onto his elbow and Bruce in front of him. He blinked slowly and tried to give Bruce a sheepish smile. “I’m fine. I just...what?”
The reporter was still behind Bruce, giving an annoyed look that he was interrupted in his questioning because how dare Steve Rogers has a flashback when he’s asking a question.
Bruce didn’t look too convinced, leaning over Steve’s slumped form to whisper something into Natasha’s ear. He could hear, his ears were roaring. She immediately disappeared, leaving Bruce to sit him down.
“I’m afraid…” Bruce began, turning to look at the reporter. “Captain Rogers isn’t available for an impromptu interview. If you’d like to schedule one, please see Miss Pepper.”
“No, no Bruce, it’s fine.” The last Steve wanted to do was somehow start a discourse amongst the media. Not that the Avengers would always be in their favor, of course, but he didn’t want to risk it. “Let him talk. What was your question again?”
The man huffed and refused to sit. He still held his phone tightly in his hand. “The difference. What was the difference between there and now?”
“I don’t...understand.” Steve’s mouth opened and closed, his tongue sticking out to lick at his dry lips. “The difference of what?”
“Your life before, to now! What is it like?”
He wanted to groan and cover his eyes, feeling the start of a headache that shouldn’t even be able to exist to come to life. “Look…”
His mouth opened to explain just where the reporter could shove the question but thankfully he didn’t have to.
His wife stepped in.
Peggy dressed in a bright red, cocktail dress. It hung to her knees, white lace just barely seen underneath. She wore a white, fluffy shawl pinned in place by a star broach that looked just about as old as the fossils were. Her hair was pinned back in perfect curls, hazel eyes were boring into the reporter. 
“If you cannot read a situation, Mr. Hynes, then I’m afraid you’re a shit reporter,” Peggy huffed, rolling her eyes. She stepped closer to Steve, laying a hand on his shoulder and giving him a comforting squeeze. “You’re just about as bad as the reporters before you. If you wish to know about how we are struggling to adapt or the difference in times through our eyes, then there are plenty of other blogs, reports, and even Mr. Parker’s little videos that can explain the situation better than us repeating ourselves. Which I tire to do. My husband is just far too polite to tell you to leave so I’ll do it for him. Leave.”
She took a step closer and rather it was the look on her face or the anger that she held in her voice, the reporter bolted. Steve sighed heavily and slacked into Peggy’s side. He smiled at her, reaching to take her hand. She easily fell into him. “Thank you.”
“I’m sorry I wasn’t here…” Peggy sighed, shooting Natasha and Bruce a thankful look. “I was...lost in thought, but I am told so were you. I think it’s time to retire for the night.”
There were no if, and, or buts as she took Steve’s hand and lead him out of the gala. They both breathed a sigh of relief and he kissed her softly in the little hall. It was brightly decorated with strands of silver garland and lights. Christmas music poured from the room.
“I think…” he began but stopped. She tilted her head to look up at him. “I think we...should talk.”
Peggy’s head nodded sharply, lips pursed together. 
“So,” Steve sighed once they were both out of their gala clothes and into something more comfortable. They sat on the couch, a warm tea in Peggy’s hand and a beer in Steve’s. Not that he could drink. “Do you want to talk about what’s been bothering you?”
Her mouth opened, tinted pink now that the makeup was washed off. Her curls sat around her rather than pinned into place. Despite the relaxful atmosphere, she looked tenser than before. He’s seen her look more relaxed fighting the Alien of the Week than with him.
“Peggy.” He turned to face her, taking her hands gently into his own. “Talk to me and d-don’t say nothing, because it’s not nothing. You’ve been out of it and so have I, but you…”
He shrugged, not sure how to finish the sentence without just blurting out everything he was feeling. This was about Peggy, not him. 
“I just…” She started, then stopped and sighed. Her shoulders slumped and she fell into his side. Her face pressed into his side. “I miss home.”
Steve’s face buried into her hair, breathing in the soft scent of lavender that seemed to linger in her hair. His arm tightened around her until she was buried into his chest. He didn’t want to let go, Peggy was home to him.
“I know,” he breathed, feeling his eyes burn with tears he’s fought off for so long. “I know, I know, my darling. I know.”
Her small hiccup turned into a soft sob and her shoulders shook. That broke his heart even more. It should be a crime for Peggy to sob, to have anything to cry over. It made him want to tear the world apart and stitch it back together, but what could be done to fix the problem? How could he fix a problem that he didn’t create?
“I do too,” he eventually whispered, not looking up when she made a sound. “I miss home too but what more can we do than miss it, hm? There’s no time travel. We’re here, but at least we’re together.”
Peggy’s face was tinted red as she pulled back, sniffling into Steve’s hand that cupped her face. “I know you’re right and I-I feel foolish about sobbing over this, but I can’t help but miss it. Our friends, our family, everything. The silly traditions war brought about us. You must think…”
“I think nothing of the sort,” Steve breathed, sitting up so Peggy was back against the couch. “Pegs, I love you. I miss it too but you…you got to live it. I did not. I had the sanctuary of being frozen and I don’t know what’s worst. Being alive and living all the decades or waking up in a new century. And...running through two walls…”
“Three walls, two teams of Agents, a glass window despite a perfectly working door was beside you, and into Time Square. It took me over fifteen minutes to track you down.” 
Her pink lips quivered at the memory of meeting her beloved again. She should’ve been there when he woke up but duty calls when you’re a director and Steve’s timing as usual went against all she had planned.
“Yes, anyway…” The tips of his ears started to turn pink. “Either way, it’s okay to miss what we once had, Pegs. It’s okay, you don’t have to be upset about crying over that. We can’t help it. We can just...bring it here with us.”
Taking the fuzzy blanket, a gift from Tony, she wrapped it around her frame and smiled softly into Steve’s side when he wrapped her into another hug. “Do you remember our first Christmas together...shortly after you rescued Bucky?”
“You mean the Christmas I got both of us into the river? I swore you would’ve been so mad at me…”
“I should’ve been but your immediate need to take care of me despite you were starting to freeze yourself and your constant apology warned it off.”
“Well, it’s not my fault that we’re both terrible at kissing.”
“It is your fault because you tripped!”
“I tripped because I’m an oaf in giant shoes.” He snorted into her hair, feeling Peggy rolling her eyes at him. 
“Yes, well, it seems to become a tradition after that… The next Christmas, you fell into the flooded ditch. Sergeant Barnes had to scrub you clean. No one else would get near you. The next one after that we were on a mission with the...the Howling Commandos and the roof flooded-”
“That wasn’t my fault. Jim chose the farm to take sanctuary in. We didn’t know it was going to storm!”
“And yet, all the water came down onto just you.”
He shrugged his shoulders. “And the last Christmas…” Steve felt his throat tighten. “I was going to ask you to marry me but…”
But Bucky had died, then the Howling Commandos were called on a mission, and he was forced to leave his gift of chocolate cake in Peggy’s tent. 
Then he died…
Peggy’s arm tightened around him and she pressed a long kiss to his jawline. He could feel her heart beating against his. 
“We’re together now, you’re right. I’m grateful for that, please never think that I am not. I just miss it sometimes. The popcorn strings on the trees, the simpler music that isn’t so...so barbiarcly loud.”
“Handmade ornaments, my ma and I used to make them. She’d hand-sewn a tree skirt. Getting Christmas Trees from the orchid. We’d make a fort and wait for Santa. I always fell asleep. We couldn’t afford much - ma and I, but she’d handmake me presents every year. Teddybears, clothes, even one year she worked overnight just to make me a pirates costume.”
“Oh, darling that’s so precious.”
Peggy’s eyes were misty as she imagined younger and skinnier Steve running around in a little pirate costume, wearing it out until he was far too big for it. 
“My brother and I used to turn off all the lights and light candles in the house. An even number so we didn’t have to fight. I’d wear a halo made of candles, fake candles, and a white dress. We’d sit by the fire and read stories. We’d string up the Christmas Tree. We’d have dessert first Christmas Day.”
Steve smiled into Peggy’s hairline again, tilting her head up so he could press a long kiss to her lips. “There’s nothing saying we can’t bring that here.”
Pepper and Natasha showed up on their doorstep bright and early the next morning, much to Peggy’s dismay. Be as she may, the greatest agent and director of Shield, Peggy Carter was not a morning person. Not even with Steve. It took half a pot of coffee before she’d even speak sometimes. Not that the pair cared, they just whisked Peggy away, without explaining as much as an answer as to where they were going.
I hate you. PC
Uh-huh. SR
You did this. PC
And what exactly did I do? SR
You had Pepper and Natasha kidnap me. PC
Kidnap isn’t the word I’d use. You willingly went. SR And no, I didn’t. We have some rare downtime, Pegs, hang out with our friends. SR
You’re up to something, Rogers and I want to know what it is. PC
Whatever it is, Mrs. Rogers, you will just have to wait and see. SR
I hate you. PC
I love you too. SR
Steve sighed as he set the phone down and rubbed at the back of his neck. He felt Sam brush by him with a box of items, followed behind an amused looking Bucky and Clint.
“Don’t,” Steve breathed at Bucky. “Don’t you say it.”
“I’m not saying nothing,” Bucky mused. “Just that Pegs is gonna kill you for this.”
“I would kill you for this,” Clint declared, picking up a dusty, plaid, looking ribbon before Steve snatched it from him. “Hey!”
“Careful with this stuff, okay? I know, I know what it looks like but Pegs is just...homesick.” His eyes fell to Bucky, who to a point could understand. His face slacked and he turned over the ribbon in his hand. “I’m just trying to be…”
“A good, devoted husband that’s sickening in love,” Sam commented, making Steve roll his eyes. “We get it, man. We do. It’s okay. Just tell us how to help. Tony is already looking for the music. We got a projection set up for the outside.”
“And Pepper, as of ten minutes ago, has secured the perfect dress for Pegs,” Bucky mused, turning his phone to show it to Steve. “Alright, Stevie, where to?”
“Natalia, what is all this?” 
The name purred from Peggy’s mouth as the limo (of all things, of course, a Stark would give a limo ride back to the Tower) came to a stop and Happy eagerly open the door. She was met with the sight of Avengers Tower lit up in lights. 
Christmas lights lined the exterior of the building, lighting up every other floor and frame and while yes, the bright white lights and the flood lamps were beautiful, what caught her attention the most was the red carpet, the trees lining the walkway to the normally heavily guarded entrance. The exterior looked…
“The Stork Club,” Peggy gasped, covering her mouth with a shaken hand. A date that would never come to be, somewhere she had foolishly waited for her date. Howard had walked her home after a brief dance with her and Dugan. 
Bittersweet memories.
The air felt colder around her as Happy’s hand curled around hers and she was eased out of the car, feeling her legs to be made of ice. A figure was walking towards her, the lights surrounding him almost made him look like a walking shadow. She’d know that build anywhere.
Steve stood in front of her, wearing a beautiful, cashmere suit. The dark blue in the jacket lit up his eyes and the soft blue of the tie brought out the green flecks in them. Compared to him, she felt underdressed almost. Her dress was the shade of red she’d once worn in a bar in the middle of a war. It flowed around her ankles, a soft trail left behind her as she was spun around in his arms. Her hair was pinned up perfectly, Pepper had carefully studied hair tutorials, as did Natasha with the makeup. 
It seems Steve got a little sense of fashion from Sam and Tony. Lord knows Bucky and Clint had none.
“St-Steve,” she breathed, nearly falling into his chest from shock alone. “What is this? What’s going on?”
“A night to remember,” he purred in answer, bending down to press a soft kiss to her lips. “Would you care to join me, my love?”
Her arm looped around his without hesitation, shooting one last look at Natasha and Pepper, both women looking pleased as she was lead inside.
It was the music that caught her off guard. Shortly after Thanksgiving, the tower started to be filled with obnoxious Christmas music. Too loud for her taste. Now it was filled with soft jazz, the music and trombone sounds made her heartache more than Peggy could describe. 
Inside the lobby, everything was gone. Gone were the desks, chairs, plants, and even the large Christmas tree. It had been replaced with a much smaller receptionist desk, a red curtain blocking their entrance. She could hear the sounds of a fountain nearby. A small Christmas tree awaited in the corner and behind the desk sat an amused looking Clint.
“Name?” He asked as if he hasn’t saved Steve’s life or hers a hundred times over. 
“Mr. Rogers,” Steve replied, squeezing Peggy’s hand. “And Mrs. Rogers. I know we’re a bit early for our reservation…”
“For once,” Peggy snorted, making Clint snort into his hand.
“Better late than never,” Clint replied, waving them through the self-opening curtains. “Your diner reservation is just in the elevator.”
Behind the desk, Peggy saw the large fountain. It was made of marble, carved into angels blowing trumpets, so the trumpets spit the water onto the fountain. A Christmas tree decorated elegantly sat behind it, a few presents wrapped in burlap or even newspaper, old newspaper at that, sat tucked underneath it. She barely had time to admire it before she was whisked away and towards the elevator.
This is the only thing that remained the same, smooth panels with no cranks or loud noises. She can understand why, both she and Steve were sensitive to loud noises. 
Her mouth opened, taking a step back to admire Steve’s look and the smile on his face. “I-”
His head shook and she felt her shoulders slack. “You don’t have to say anything.”
Thankfully (she’s still unsure if so), the doors answered for her and opened up to what would’ve been their common dining room. Instead, it still held the floor to ceiling windows that welcomed them to a night sky. Not the normal skyscrapers, New York skyline, but instead one that looked...well, 70 plus years ago. The floor had been replaced with a hardwood that made her heels click and clack as they were lead deeper inside the room. The spot where their living room had been with comfortable couches and tv-sat a dance hall with couples she’s seen around the Tower weaving back and forth, in each other’s arms. They were dressed similarly and even a band played a few feet away from them.
Instead of being caught up on that, Steve whisked her towards the communal kitchen, a few tables sat out and one with the name Rogers on a placard sat for them. He held the chair out for her, Peggy still a bit stunned as she sat down. He had barely just sat down before Sam walked over in his little, dapper suit, a tray in hand.
“You look dashing, Sam,” Peggy purred, feeling her cheeks flush. “Did you cook?”
“Do you trust anyone else to cook? I wasn’t about to let Stark hire some foolish chef. Besides, I owe ya’ll a favor.” He pulled the top of the tray off and smiled at the delightful look Peggy had. “As requested, dessert for dinner. My mama’s homemade Chocolate Cake, Cheesecake, Carrot Cake, Chocolate Mousse, and well...the list goes on and on. Steve did say you loved chocolate. Oh, yes, and sticky toffee pudding. That is if a certain James didn’t eat it.”
“He was fond of it years ago,” Peggy chuckled, helping Sam take the plates off to spread across their table. “Really, Sam, none of you had to go through this trouble for me.”
“Of course we did, Pegs. You deserve it. Now, for dinner, there’s pecan-crusted, honey salmon or duck with roasted potatoes and greens.”
“The duck, for both of us,” Peggy answered, sharing a look with Steve. “The last time Steve had salmon, he choked on it, so he avoids fish.”
“It’s not my fault Pinky didn’t clean it right,” Steve grumbled, shooting Sam a thankful look. “Again, thanks, Sam.”
Picking up a fork, he held a forkload of Sam’s chocolate cake to Peggy’s lips. His eyes were on those lips as she took the heavenly bite and sighed with relief at the taste exploding on her tongue. 
“Steve, what is this?” 
She pulled back to look at his face, unaware that a bottle of wine and glasses had been set between them. 
Steve’s shoulders shrugged, busying himself with pouring them a glass of wine. “You said you missed...back then. I missed our date. I wanted to make it right. I...I know what you said, that by being alive I’ve more than made it up but still…”
Peggy had to blink hard to clear the mist from her eyes, reaching out to caress his hand and bring it to her lips to kiss the knuckles softly. “And you went through all this trouble for me?”
“You’re worth it.”
Lord, she was going to sob by the night was over, wasn’t she? Steve was determined to make her cry.
Their meal was wonderful, as always when Sam cooked. Even the duck that he had brought out with a too-happy of Bucky’s help. It was excellently cooked and moist and the flavors, Peggy could’ve kissed Sam for how good it was and she was sure Steve was in an agreement.
Bucky came back around to help clean the table off, returning once more to take Peggy’s hand. She gave him a skeptical look as she was taken off of her seat and lead onto the little, dance hall. Instantly the band started to play something sweet and slow. Something she shouldn’t be dancing with James.
“What are you doing, James?” Peggy asked, her head laid on his shoulder as he held her one hand, the other wrapped around her frame. They swayed gently from side to side. “Tryin’ to make Sam jealous?”
“That man doesn’t get jealous,” Bucky snorted, rolling her eyes. “No, dollface, Steve always felt bad how you avoided dancing because of him, so…” He shrugged and for God’s sake, he was blushing.
James Buchanan Barnes was blushing.
“So you decided to fulfill that for me. Thank you.”
She was spun around the second her lips touched his cheek and right into Sam’s arms. She laughed as he dipped her before swaying with them. Bucky had disappeared up the elevator and she could’ve sworn he said Steve’s floor. 
“Sam, I wanted to thank you again…”
“Nothing to it, Pegs. You deserve this little night out and I think we all had our own fun planning it, especially Steve. You should’ve seen him, getting all Captain-like, giving out orders. I think Bucky was close to knocking him out, he was stressing us all out. The guy just wants this to be perfect.”
“It is. Even without all this...every last detail, it’s perfect.”
“I’m glad you think so.” The voice purred behind her. A hand was held out in her vision and Peggy took it, being lead right back onto the middle of the dance floor.
Steve dipped her lower than Sam and kissed her. A soft, loving kiss that made every inch of her nerves scream to life. She sighed into his lips as she was tilted back up and swung back to her feet. A giggle escaped her as they swayed.
They’ve danced more than a few times since Steve being found but this was different. This was a man trying to play to make up for lost time and she loved him for it. She loved him even if he didn’t try this. 
“So, what do you think, Mrs. Rogers?”
The way he purred her surname still made her toes tingle, a shiver running down her spine. 
“I think you’re an absolute madman for dragging our teammates into this. I think you’re an idiot for crashing the plane, but…” She pulled her head back from his chest to look into his eyes and smiled, feeling the tears start to burn her eyes. “I know that I love you and this is amazing Steve, so...so lovely, so beautiful. I-”
She started to tear up again and Steve held her tightly, kissing her cheek. “I know,” he breathed. “Let’s not make tonight about lost time and just enjoy this because I know the guys are going to make me pay hell for this later.”
“You deserve it, don’t you?”
“I...might’ve gotten ahead of myself, but it’s worth it for you.”
“Steve, what in the world are you doing?”
Peggy’s laugh was addicting, it caused a rush to flood his system. Steve couldn’t help his own snorting chuckling as he kept his hands securely over Peggy’s eyes and marched them slowly into their shared living space. 
“Keeping a surprise from you. Bucky, Bruce, and Thor helped finish this last minute.”
Removing his hands, Peggy finally got to see what was behind curtain number three.
A fort sat in the middle of the living room. Huge blankets drooped over chairs and the couch cushions. Inside was large blankets and pillows. It was surrounded by fairy lights, the same fairy lights decorated around their apartment. Garland and tinsel decorated the walls. A large Christmas tree sat in the corner, adorned with even more garland, homemade ornaments, and popcorn strands. A projector displayed from the ceiling, a movie already waiting to play. 
“Steven…” Peggy couldn’t help the soft sob that escaped her lips, her hand covering her mouth. This looked like her childhood dream, just more modern. He’d taken the time to take things out of her life and to bring it to life.
“I know it’s not much, especially compared to before but…”
He was silenced with a heavy kiss on his lips. It made him want to faint into her arms. 
“You stop that. It’s everything I could’ve hoped for and more. You even have the fireplace up and look, JARVIS has prepared us books to be read to us. Hot cocoa.” Even outside, despite the weather, it projected a blanket of snow in some English cottage. 
Steve’s face was a bright shade of red. He made a shrugging motion and rubbing a hand over his neck. “Tis nothing...Why don’t you go change into something comfortable and we can relax after that night of dancing?” Steve never thought he’d be thankful for two bathrooms, normally they shared one, and shared one shower together but he wanted to give Peggy time to calm down. He emerged later with wet hair, sweatpants, and a t-shirt thrown on. He wasn’t surprised to find Peggy already waiting for him in the fort, curled up around hot cocoa. She passed him a mug and crawled into his waiting arms.
“Thank you, Steven,” she yawned into his shoulder. “For giving me one last night of our past. Thank you for understanding everything.”
“I told you,” he breathed, setting his mug aside and kissing her hair. “You’re not alone in this. I’m glad I could give you a night to remember.”
Steve chuckled at the sound of a sleepy Peggy, laying them back amongst the covers. JARVIS switched the lights off without asking, the only light in the room was the fireplace. He yawned and kept his arms around Peggy, rubbing up and down her backside.
“JARVIS, can you play the first book?” He asked, keeping his voice low. 
“Of course, Mr. Rogers. Now playing The Night Before Christmas. T’was the night before Christmas…”
30 notes · View notes
quiet-onset · 5 years ago
Leave a Message
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: mainly fluff, the tiniest dash of angst, written in 30 min a few weeks ago so not really edited lol
A/N: The wi-fi at my job SUCKS, I’ve been trying to upload this for half an hour!!! Anyways, here’s the first fic, I hope you enjoy!! The second one will be posted as soon as I finish the last scene (given the wi-fi decides to cooperate)
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“Hey, it’s Y/N! Can’t make it to the phone right now, so just leave a message and I’ll get back to you as so— No, bad boy, not on the carpet!”
“Hey, uh, it’s Steve. We met at the bookstore the other day. I just wanted to give you a call and um… see if you were interested in dinner, maybe? With me? Obviously, Steve, who else? I’m not great at these things, but I’d really like to spend time with you. Just, uh, give me a call when you can. Bye.”
“It’s Steve, leave a message and I’ll call you back when I can.”
“Hey. It’s Y/N. I was just calling to tell you that I had a great time last night. I know you’re stressing because we saw a bad movie, but that just means we have tons of things to make fun of. But, really, I’d love to go out with you again, Steve. I had fun. Yeah, so uh, I’ll hopefully talk to you later. Bye.”
“Hey, it’s Y/N! Can’t make it to the phone right now, so just leave a message and I’ll get back to you as so— No, bad boy, Duke! Not on the carpet!”
“So, I know I’m late, but I swear I have a good reason. Try Tony Stark and prototype testing in the same sentence. Practically destroyed his workshop. But, I am ten minutes out, so I hope you’re using this time to practice your bowling skills ‘cause I am not taking it easy on you just ‘cause it’s our second date. Alright, see you in a few.”
“It’s Steve, leave a message and I’ll call you back when I can.”
“Guess I just missed you. I am down the block from what I assume is our new lunch spot. By the way, I brought Duke with me, so we should probably eat outside. Ever since our run-in at the park, I can tell he’s been dying to see you again. Oh, I was also thinking that maybe you could come with me to that book signing next week. Let me know. Oh, I see you. I’m hanging up now, call me later.”
“Hey, it’s Y/N! Can’t make it to the phone right now, so just leave a message and I’ll get back to you as so— No, bad boy, Duke! Not on the carpet!”
“You have got to change your voicemail, sweetheart. I don’t think the world needs to know about Duke’s accident on your carpet. Anyways, Tony is having this event, a gala or something. We’ve been, ya know, going steady for a few months now, so I wanted to know if you’d go with me. Be my date. I have no doubt you’d be breaking necks in there. I’d take care of anything you need, if you’re okay with that. Think about it, let me know. I’ll see you Tuesday for our lunch date. Change your voicemail.”
“It’s Steve, leave a message and I’ll call you back when I can.”
“A few things. First of all, that’s the first time you ever called me sweetheart, and I wasn’t even there? That’s just rude of you. Second, Duke happens to love my voicemail. It is cute and quirky. I thought you liked that about me. Third, going steady? You’re adorable. Fourth, of course I’ll go to the gala with you, you dork. But I’m renting a dress, not buying. Gown prices are ridiculous. We should coordinate though! Have matching outfits and stuff, it’d be cute! Come over to my place and we can talk colors. Next time I see you, you better call me sweetheart. Talk soon, bye.”
“Hey, it’s Y/N! Can’t make it to the phone right now, so just leave a message and I’ll get back to you as so— No, bad boy, Duke! Not on the carpet!”
“I’d just like to reiterate from last night that your voicemail is cute and quirky, and I do like that about you. I just think Duke might be a little embarrassed when he finds out that everyone knows he shat on your carpet. But hey, it’s your voicemail, sweetheart. Oh, by the way, I just put in for time off at SHIELD so we can take that trip up to the cabin I was telling you about. It was supposed to be a surprise, but Sam told me he let it slip. I’ll kill him later. It’s you and me, alone for a week, sweetheart. Get packing, I’ll pick you up at eight tomorrow.”
“It’s Steve, leave a message and I’ll call you back when I can.”
“Don’t roll your eyes, but it’s seven-thirty, and I’m not ready. I can’t find my hiking boots to save my life, and Duke is refusing to move off the couch. Maybe you can get him to move, he somehow likes you better than the woman who raised him from infancy! I’m trying to guilt him off the couch. It’s not working. Oh, there they are! Now my feet won’t fall off when you decide it's a great day for a thirty mile hike. And of course, you’re early. I see you in the driveway, so I’m gonna stop talking to your voicemail now. Bye.”
“Let it be known that Steven Grant Rogers thought I was embarrassing my dog with my last voicemail, so this is my new voicemail where I, instead, embarrass Steven Grant Rogers. Leave a message!”
“I guess I asked for that. So, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I’m going out of town. SHIELD needs me and Sam on some reconnaissance mission, and we leave tomorrow. It’s only supposed to be two weeks, but I promise when I get back, it’s you, me, and a movie marathon, deal? Gotta go. Kiss Duke for me.”
“It’s Steve, leave a message and I’ll call you back when I can.”
“Two weeks? You’re leaving me alone for two whole weeks? Whatever will I do without my big, strong teddy bear by my side? I’m kidding, but I’m gonna miss you, babe. I feel like we’ve seen each at least once a week since we started dating. Maybe we’re due for some time apart. I’m definitely taking you up on that movie marathon though. And maybe some other activities, too. Ya know, doing the do. Bumping uglies. Laying the ol’ pipe. I’m going to stop now before you break up with me. Duke says hi, we can’t wait to see you!”
“Let it be known that Steven Grant Rogers thought I was embarrassing my dog with my last voicemail, so this is my new voicemail where I, instead, embarrass Steven Grant Rogers. Leave a message!”
“Sweetheart, do me a favor and never say any of those things ever again, okay? Look, Sam and I got back early, but our cover was blown, so I’m a little bruised up. As long as you’re okay with seeing me like that, I can still drop by. If you want. But I totally get if you don’t want me to. You’ve never seen… Well, you’ve seen Steve. Not Captain America. So just let me know, and I’ll, uh, plan accordingly. Talk later, bye.”
“It’s Steve, leave a message and I’ll call you back when I can.”
“Steve, stop being so stubborn and come back. I know what it looked like, alright? Me stepping back after you told me that I’d never seen that part of you. I get how sketchy that was, and I’m sorry. I just didn’t want to hurt you anymore than you already were. You were right. I don’t know how to deal with bruises and cuts and blood. But I can learn. I will learn for you. I love both parts of you, Steve. Just come back, okay?”
“Let it be known that Steven Grant Rogers thought I was embarrassing my dog with my last voicemail, so this is my new voicemail where I, instead, embarrass Steven Grant Rogers. Leave a message!”
“Hmm. Talk about a confession. You don’t have to apologize, I was just scared. I try to keep my lives so separate — you from Cap, my relationship from SHIELD. But, you’re right, I shouldn’t think like that. I’m Steve Rogers and Captain America, and I shouldn’t hide either of them from you. I’m on my way back now, okay. And I bought ice cream as a peace offering. Better say you love me when you see me next, or I’ll beat you to it. See you soon.”
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we-are-rewriting-the-mcu · 4 years ago
First things first: This movie is perfect. From the opening line to the end credit scenes, I absolutely adore every part and there's nothing I would change. That being said, there is something that I think would have benefitted the MCU as a whole had it been included in the movie. That something is the addition of Tony Stark.
TWS is, first and foremost, a Captain America movie. The story is Steve's and making it feel like an Avengers movie would be a mistake, as proven by Civil War. However, this movie did a really good job of including other big characters (Natasha) without taking the spotlight off of Steve. It stands to reason that the same could be done with a few Tony Stark cameos.
So, why Tony? The most obvious answer is that he's already mentioned in the movie. When Fury shows the helicarriers to Steve, he mentions the new repulsor engines and it's revealed that Tony helped them with the helicarriers. While we're never told to what capacity Tony worked with SHIELD on the helicarriers, the concept of him doing so is fantastic just for the later implications. In an MCU where Tony is heavily involved with the creation of the helicarriers, his guilt over something he created being corrupted by Hydra right under his nose would feed directly into AOU.
Secondly, the Avengers are supposed to be friends, or at least getting there. Interactions between these characters outside of group films are necessary to show that growth believably. When Steve learned that Tony helped with Project Insight, why not call him and ask about it? The project is something that Steve heavily disagrees with and having him confront his friend about their involvement would make sense both for the story and for his character.
Additionally, there's no way Tony didn't see Steve getting 'arrested' on the fucking news, and there's no way he wouldn't be kinda concerned about that. Picture this: Steve gets arrested on national television which Tony sees, Tony tries to make a few calls, Hill answers her phone and Tony is like hey what the fuck is going on, conversation ends with him telling her that he built in a safety (the chips) in the helicarriers and Hill telling Tony that Fury is alive/where to meet. When they're talking about what to do, he could offer to help in a very Tony way and Steve could tell him to clear civilians on the ground, leaving the ending fight sequence unchanged and providing a very in character moment of Steve being concerned for civilian safety. Additionally, this moment could feed into AOU as well. Remember the iron legion? What better inspiration for an army of robots programmed to clear civilians than Tony being forced to sit out a fight, which ends with Steve almost dying, because he's clearing civilians?
Finally, the biggest reason that Tony should have at least been in a WS credit scene is that Steve choosing not to tell Tony that he knows what happened to his parents is one of the most out of character moments in the entirety of the MCU. It makes sense that he didn't tell him immediately seeing as he and Nat were on the run and everyone was trying to kill them. However, having a scene at the end or post credits where Steve talks to Tony would make so much sense. Even if it's just implied, it's something that needs to happen in order to keep Steve in character.
All in all, the movie as a whole would remain unchanged. Having Steve call Tony after learning about Project Insight would be small and from Steve's perspective, likely inserted between his conversation with Fury and his conversation with Peggy. Tony wouldn't show up again until the end when they're trying to stop the helicarriers, and once again his presence would be brief and wouldn't take the focus off of Steve or his fight with Bucky. And as far as the scene with Steve and Tony talking goes, I for one would love as many end credit scenes as possible.
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 4 years ago
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Reader x Dad!Tony Stark
Reader x Avengers
Warnings: idk, sad?? Then fluff
Alright well this probably sucks, but here goes: it’s Y/N’s sweet 16 and almost no one remembers, that’s about it as far as the plot goes.
F/B = favorite band, F/F = favorite fandom, F/C = favorite color, Y/B/D = your birth date
Y/N was on cloud 9. She hadn’t known it was possible to feel this great so early in the morning, but it was. It was her birthday, her second favorite day of the year, (Christmas came first) and she couldn’t be more excited.
She had already received several presents this morning, courtesy of Peter, who had delivered presents from several of her friends in his neighborhood while he was patrolling.
Thus far she had received the most adorable stuffed bear she had ever seen from Ned, (and of course the bear was dressed in a little Star Wars t-shirt, because, Ned) MJ had gotten her a book she’d been wanting, and texted her to remind her she was even closer to dying (MJ had a weird view on birthdays), and Peter himself had gotten her a collection of t-shirts: one from F/B, one from F/F, and—Peter has found this one rather amusing—a Spider-Man t-shirt. He made her promise to flaunt it in front of her father, too, saying maybe if she did that he’d get jealous and buy her an Iron Man t-shirt, so it was a win-win all around.
Y/N couldn’t wait to find out what her father had planned for her. Being the daughter of Tony Stark meant that birthdays would be filled with way too many presents and the biggest party of the year. Part of her—ok, most of her—wished that her birthdays could be a bit more simple, but she loved watching how happy her father was when he got to spoil her, and she loved that every year on her birthday he made sure to spend the entire day with her, no matter what.
Y/N quickly got dressed in one of her favorite outfits, jean shorts and a F/F t-shirt (her other favorite was a F/C dress, but she didn’t feel like getting too dressed up today, she wanted to be comfortable), and practically skipped over to the elevator. She knew the first event on the birthday schedule would be pancakes, compliments of her father, which was very special. Tony Stark never, ever cooked, except that one day a year when he rolled up his sleeves and made birthday breakfast pancakes. They were always oddly shaped, with weird lumps in them, but Y/N loved the tradition anyway.
Y/N was confused when she arrived in the kitchen and saw it completely vacant. Wasn’t her dad awake yet? He always got up a little earlier on her birthday to make sure they had plenty of time together, so where was he?
Barely had the thought crossed her mind when she heard her father’s voice in the living room
“...are you sure? Alright, I’ll call you back later then.”
Y/N rushed to the living room just as Tony Stark got off the phone.
“Hey babygirl,” he greeted and kissed her forehead “you’re up early. What are your plans for today.”
Y/N felt her heart drop like a stone. He...he didn’t remember?
She struggled to keep her voice steady as she replied.
“Not-not much, you?” Maybe he was just messing with her, just joking as usual. He wouldn’t forget.
“I have a meeting in Paris with some execs at Stark Industries, really boring stuff but Pep says I have to go. I’ll be back tomorrow night though.”
Y/N fought hard against the tears that had begun to gather behind her eyes. He really had forgotten, and he would be gone all day.
She probably should remind him, that would fix everything, he’d drop absolutely everything and apologize a million times and the day would go back to normal. But she couldn’t bring herself to do it.
She didn’t know why, but she felt too embarrassed to bring the subject up. She hated being the center of attention, and she hated making her father feel bad, and reminding him that he had forgotten his daughter’s sixteenth birthday would make both of those things happen. Besides, she didn’t want him to drop all of his important business just for her. It was just a stupid day.
Before she could stop it, a tear slipped down her cheek and dripped off her chin. Her father hadn’t seen it, however, because he had turned and stepped into the elevator. He had his important meeting to get to after all.
With one last smile and wave, Tony Stark disappeared.
A few more tears slid down Y/N’s face, but she quickly wiped them away when she heard approaching footsteps.
“Morning kiddo,” Bruce greeted with a grin. “Where’s your dad?”
“He—um...he went out,” she muttered. “He’ll be back tomorrow.”
“Alright,” Bruce nodded and walked into the kitchen, and Y/N felt her heart sink even further. Bruce had forgotten too.
She didn’t want to mope, not on her birthday, but she was also pretty bad at cheering herself up. She’d just need some help.
She saw her first opportunity when Steve walked sleepily into the living room. Steve was both the best cuddler and the best tickler on the team, the perfect way to cheer her up. But if she wanted to be tickled she’d have to annoy him a bit, that always got him to tickle her.
“Hey Stevie,” she greeted with a grin, stepping up onto the couch and using it as a stepping stool to jump onto his back. He grunted at the impact, and turned his head to glare at her.
“Y/N, go annoy someone else, I’m not in the mood,” he snapped, and she pushed back the hurt at learning that yet another teammate had forgotten her birthday.
“Ignore Captain Mcgrumpypants, he got back from a mission at four a.m,” Clint announced as he walked into the room. Had no one remembered her birthday?
“Stevie I’m bored,” Y/N whined, jumping off his back and poking him in the chest.
He moved away from her, scowling. “Then go find someone else to bug.”
“But you’re the most fun to bug!” She insisted, poking him again.
He shoved her hand away. “Y/N, I swear, touch me one more time and I-“
Y/N grinned, mistaking his grumpy tone for the usual joking threat. She was so close to getting tickled. She poked him yet again, hard in the center of his chest.
Steve shoved her back harshly, and it was then she realized that he hadn’t been kidding around, he really was angry with her.
“Y/N, I mean it! Grow the heck up and leave me ALONE!” He was standing in front of her now, using his height as an advantage to tower over her. She had never felt quite this small before.
“Steve I just-“
“I’ve had ENOUGH of your childish antics, you’re too old to be running around and acting like a two-year old, now stop it!”
Y/N couldn’t hold back the whimper that bubbled up in her throat as tears streamed down her face.
Upon seeing her reaction, the anger almost immediately faded from Steve’s eyes, but it was too late.
“Y/N-“ he began, but she had already disappeared up the stairs.
“Oh nice going Steve,” Clint scoffed.
Y/N threw herself down on her bed and began to cry into her pillow, hugging it tightly. She hadn’t meant to upset Steve, she just wanted to have a little fun.
She didn’t understand. Why didn’t anyone remember her birthday? Why had Steve gotten so mad at her? What had she done wrong to make today go so horribly?
One thing was for sure. This was the worst birthday ever.
“JARVIS, what time is it?” Tony Stark asked as he went over his notes for the upcoming meeting.
“It is 3:27, Saturday, Y/B/D, sir,” the AI responded.
Tony froze. Had he heard that right?
“You...you said it was Y/B/D?”
“Yes, Mr. Stark.”
Tony moaned. It was Y/N’s birthday! How had he not known?!
“Clint spilled coffee all over your calendar three weeks ago, that’s how,” Tony muttered to himself. He hadn’t looked at the date in forever, and he’d forgotten to set a reminder on his phone.
Tony groaned. That was such a lame excuse. He shouldn’t always need a reminder or a calendar to remember his kid’s birthday. He should’ve kept track!
“JARVIS, cancel my meeting and turn this bird around,” he demanded, doing calculations in his head. He had left at 9 a.m, meaning he should get home a little before 10. He would still be there for a little bit of his little girl’s birthday.
“JARVIS, call all of Y/N’s friends and-“
“Mr. Stark, I believe Y/N would be much happier if she was just able to spend time with you,” his AI responded.
Tony stopped. Maybe JARVIS was onto something.
“Hey, where’s the birthday girl?” Everyone in the living room froze when they heard Bucky’s question.
“The what?” Steve asked, but he already knew.
“Oh don’t tell me you guys forgot,” Bucky groaned. “It’s Y/N’s birthday! So where is she?”
All eyes slowly turned to Steve, and the guilt already torturing him doubled. Why has he been such a jerk to her?
“Upstairs in her room,” Steve muttered.
“Alright, I’ll go get-“
“No,” Steve interrupted. “I have to get her.”
Y/N had finally stopped the flood of tears when she heard a gentle knock on the door.
“Y/N?” Steve. Of course.
“Go away!” Her voice came out quiet and muffled because of the pillow still pressed against her face.
“I’m coming in,” he announced, and Y/N was surprised when the door opened. She lifted her head from the pillow.
“JARVIS!” She whined. “You were supposed to keep him out!”
“I’m sorry miss, but it seemed like it would be better if you listened to what Captain Rogers has to say.”
“Traitor,” she mumbled, dropping her head back onto her pillow.
“Hey,” Steve said gently, sitting down next to Y/N. She ignored him.
He sighed. He wasn’t that good with awkward silence.
Slowly, he began to sing happy birthday.
“Stop it,” she interrupted, her voice thick. He sighed
“Y/N I’m sorry.”
“Who told you it was my birthday?”
“Bucky. I’m sorry I forgot.”
Y/N sniffled. “It’s fine. You’re not the only one.”
Steve froze, realizing he hadn’t seen Tony all day. “Your dad too?”
“Yeah,” Steve could tell she had started to cry again. He pulled her gently away from her pillow and into his lap, and she cried softly against his chest.
“I’m sorry I annoyed you,” she whispered.
“Don’t apologize. I should never have yelled at you.”
“It’s ok.”
“Captain Rogers, you’re wanted downstairs,” JARVIS announced.
“I’ll be right back,” Steve promised, kissing her forehead.
Steve was surprised when he reached the bottom of the stairs and was greeted by none other than Tony Stark.
“How is she?” Tony asked.
“Sad. But she’ll get over it, especially if you get up there,” Steve assured.
“Great,” Tony started up the stairs, but Steve stopped him.
“Please, no huge parties. I don’t think she would want that right now.”
Tony merely grinned. “Don’t worry, I’ve got it all worked out. Go to the living room and you’ll see,” and with that Tony disappeared up the stairs.
“JARVIS, please don’t let anyone else in,” Y/N muttered. She didn’t feel much like being happy anymore. The only thing that could make her feel better was-
“Babygirl open the door.”
Y/N froze. No way. He was back?!
“JARVIS let him in!”
“But miss you-“
Instead of a response, the door clicked and Tony entered.
“Hey kiddo,” he said quietly.
“Dad,” she didn’t even care anymore that he forgot her birthday, she was just glad to see him.
“Commere babygirl,” Tony hugged her tightly, and she smiled. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s ok. Everyone else forgot too.”
“But I shouldn’t have. C’mon, let’s go downstairs,” Tony stood, pulling Y/N along.
“Dad, there’s not a big party down there is there?”
Tony laughed softly. “Just come down.”
Y/N grinned when she reached the bottom of the stairs.
“You like it?” Tony asked.
“Are you kidding? This is great!” Y/N ran over to the huge table in the back of the living room, filled with about a dozen different kinds of ice cream and way too much candy. She turned and saw a pile of presents in the corner, and next to it a stack of dvds.
“Tonight we’re gonna open presents, eat ice cream, and binge watch every Star Wars movie,” Tony promised with a grin.
“Every one?” Steve whispered, and Nat elbowed him.
Y/N hugged Tony. “Thank you!”
He grinned. “You’re welcome baby girl.”
“But there’s one thing we have to do first,” she announced, wandering over to the couch.
“And what’s that?” Bucky questioned.
Y/N grinned and snatched up a pillow, swinging it hard at Bucky’s face, “pillow fight!”
Best. Birthday. Ever.
The End
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parkersjiggle · 4 years ago
Peter comes back from a patrol in queens and a little beaten up from some badguys. Tony takes care of his injuries and a first kiss because he love him. RQ (request)
Thanks for the prompt, love! Hope you enjoy it 😊
TW: underage kisses(?)
Peter leaned against the brick wall, breathing heavily. He grabbed the handle of the knife that was buried in his side, hands already turning red with blood. “This fucking hurts, man.” He wheezed to himself.
“I’m sure it did, Peter. Would you like me to inform, Mr. Stark? You’re in need of medical attention.” Karen’s voice sounded calm, warm and almost motherly if that was even possible for an AI.
“Uh, no, that’s fine, Karen. All good. I just need to get this thing out and then my healing will fix this in a jiffy.” He groaned in pain when he pulled at the knife, blood oozing out quickly. He glanced down and felt a wave of dizziness rush over him, slowing his senses.
“Peter, I’m afraid that was a rhetorical question giving you the illusion of choice. Per protocol, I’m required to inform Mr. Stark. Calling Mr. Stark now.” She told him matter of factly.
“Kaaaareeen why you gotta betray me like this, girl?” Peter whined and rolled his eyes.
“Hey kid, what’s up? What’s this about betrayal, huh?” Tony popped up on his screen with a raised eyebrow, but he kept a gentle smile on his face. “H-hey, Mr. Stark,” the boy gave a pained smile, “promise you won’t be mad?”
Tony tensed “That’s not really a great way to start this conversation, is it?” He immediately pulled up Peter’s vitals. Knowing Tony was probably already getting himself familiar with the situation, Peter decided to just be honest, “Might’ve gotten stabbed just a little bit.”
The billionaire jumped to his feet, awake and alert. “STABBED? Are you kidding me? Why didn’t you tell me straight away! Damn it, kid, your blood pressure’s getting dangerously low!”
“Yeah.” Peter closed his eyes, rattled expression on his face. “Hurts, Mr. Stark.”
Tony instantly softened “I’m sure it does, Spider-baby. I’m almost there okay. Can you be good and stay with me?” The concern in his voice was obvious.
“Mhm, ‘m’kay. I’ll be good.” If Tony wasn’t currently in a frenzy and breaking every traffic law there is, he might’ve been very turned on.
Tony arrived in record time and ran to Peter, as fast as his legs could carry him. “Pete, you awake?” Peter nodded his head, but didn’t reply verbally. “I’m right here, kid. I’m gonna fix you up, okay? Don’t worry about a thing. You’re okay now, you’re safe with me.” There were tears in his eyes.
The teen worried his bottom lip between his teeth and slowly opened his eyes. Peter felt himself get picked up bridal style, probably being lifted to Tony’s car. He enjoyed the feeling of Tony’s warmth, arms wrapped around him. It made him feel secure.
“Am I dreaming, Mr. Stark?” Tony chuckled “No, Pete. Do you dream about me often then?” He replied in an attempt to joke, offering humor in serious situations.
“All the time, Mr. Stark. Every night. I dream about your eyes, your lips, your strong arms and hands.” Tony gulped and tightened his grip. “Fuck.” Silently cursing and thanking the blood loss that allowed Peter to confess his darkest secrets.
Tony gently lowered Peter in his car. “Fuck. Didn’t mean to get blood all over your seats, Mr. Stark.”
“Didn’t mean-“ Tony sighed in exasperation, “Forget the blood, kid. I’m way more worried about you right now. I’ll put Happy on cleaning duty or something. He’ll love that.”
Peter chuckled and then winced in pain. “Mr. S-Stark, I-I don’t feel so g-good.” His eyesight blurred. “Kid? Kiddo? Peter!?” Everything became fuzzy. Feeling his body drain away slowly until finally all went black.
He woke up in the Medbay, feeling ten times better than before. He slowly opened his eyes and saw worried whiskey brown eyes staring back at him. Sadly, his consciousness was quickly accompanied by shame and guilt at his slip up, his vulnerability. He wanted to apologize for making Mr. Stark uncomfortable, feeling like an absolute idiot for spilling his secrets, but he didn’t get the chance. Before he could open his mouth, Mr. Stark wrapped him in a soul-crushing hug.
“Fuck, baby. I was so scared when you blacked out. I thought I lost you. I thought you were dying. Do you know what I would do if you died? I love you, Peter.” The older man choked out.
Peter froze. “Baby? You love me?” There was very quickly a blush spreading on his cheeks, as embarrassed as he was, he couldn’t help but break out into a big grin at the petname.
Instead of replying Tony closes the distance between them. Peter looks up at the older man as if he is starving, the flush adoring his delicate pale cheeks becoming more prominent. “Fuck... you look so pretty like this, baby.” Tony whispers and Peter moans at the praise. Tony raises a single eyebrow, silently asking for permission to continue. The teen frantically nods his consent. Their lips finally meet in a biting and desperate kiss. “About time, don’t you think?”
He lays down next to Peter, planting soft kisses on the top of his head while playing with his hair. “You should get some more rest. Your healing factor took care of most of the healing, but you still need to take it easy.”
Peter pouted, preferring to do other things in the moment, but complies none the less. “Sing for me, Tony?” Tony smiled at the use of his first name.
“Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream. Make him the cutest that I’ve ever seen. Give him two lips like roses and clover. Then tell him that his lonesome nights are over.”
Slowly Peter drifts off, feeling happier and more at peace than ever before, but not before whispering “I love you too, Tony.”
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freckledmountain · 5 years ago
But I can try for your heart
By @freckledmountain for @kirbywritesstuff
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences 
Relationships:  Peter Parker & Tony Stark
Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, May Parker (Spider-Man)
“Tony becomes Peter´s guardian.
It doesn´t go as badly as Tony thought it would.”
Anthony Edward Stark´s life had looked at words like normal, nice, easy and said “how about no”.
For as long as he could remember, there´d always been something. Terrorists, kidnappers, giant worm alien things, gods, life seemed to throw in anything and everything in it, and he was left reeling every time. Domestic life? Heck if he knew her.
…and then existence did a 180 again, and gave him the one thing he´d thought he´d never have.
Someone to take care of.
He´d liked the kid, right from the start, but getting attached to him was definitely not an option for him at first. Tony swore Peter literally had cartoony stars in his eyes whenever he looked at him, as if Tony deserved even a tenth of that adoration.
He didn´t want to be there when the kid realized how much of a failure his idol really was, didn´t want to imagine the inevitable moment that brightness would leave his eyes forever.
But it just showed how he didn´t really know who Peter Parker was back then, or rather, how darn stubborn he could be. A few months later and he was running around rescuing the kid from every possible mishap, desperately trying to keep him safe, ready to do just about anything to make him smile.
He grew on him, scaled the 30 foot long walls around his heart with his endearingly dumb t-shirt puns, his incandescent enthusiasm for technology, his 3 am rants about how fluffy some cat he´d seen was, his willingness to go out there and do his damn best to help anyone who needed it. Because when life threw dirt at Peter he stared back and smiled, and grew kinder for it.
Maybe Tony´s universe wasn´t just some practical joke, waiting to see what would trip him up next. He was terrified of breaking Peter, but after a brief period of trying to drive him away he realized the kid would just keep coming back, worming his way gently but firmly into Tony´s life without even meaning to.
And honestly?  After dozens of frantic calls to Cho as he held an unconscious Peter in his arms, lazy saturday mornings spent laughing his head off as the kid tried to flip pancakes as high as he could (he ended up getting a little too enthusiastic but no one noticed the half cooked pancake stuck to the ceiling for three days anyway so-), he realized all his doubts could go screw themselves, because no matter how badly Tony messed up, that light in Peter´s eyes hadn´t left once.
Peter was just bright, and sweet, and kind and yeah, maybe Iron Man had a soft spot now, but he wouldn´t change it for the world.
Peter was worth every night spent worrying about him, every Star Wars marathon, every “borrowed” hoodie that never quite made it back to his closet, because the kid was good, and every time he smiled he made Tony want to make the world into something good too.
Life was way more nerve-wracking when you cared for a smaller human, but he couldn´t help but think maybe it wasn´t all that bad either. Peter would always be worth it.
 And then on a day like any other May Parker´s heart failed her, and without a single warning, both of them were hurled straight into the impossible.
 Grief was…
It made everything around you fade into spots of either red hot pain or complete numbness, and whichever one it was, you couldn´t escape it some days. He would know.
Peter dealt with it a hell of a lot better than Tony himself had done when he was 21, but he could still see himself there, mad and lost and so achingly confused, filled with screaming questions no one could possibly give answers to.
Peter cried. He went out as Spiderman, returning later and later, screaming at Tony when he tried to get him to stay. He didn´t know what to do anymore, didn´t know how to get to him.
May´d loved her nephew above all things. If there was one thing Tony was absolutely certain of in this new swirling world of legal papers and sobs masked with yelling and mixed feelings, it was that from now on, he´d have to do the same.
He´d been sitting in that plastic chair for four hours, barely moving, when someone came barreling in.
He stood up quickly, knowing immediately who it was, trying to make enough sense of the half-finished speech at the tip of his tongue to say it out loud. “May.I´m-“
That shut him up.
Firm footsteps resonated on the tiled floor as she came up closer to him. He expected her to scream at him like she´d done all those months before when she´d found out about Spiderman, only now he´d gladly accept any other feeling that wasn´t the crippling guilt currently eating his insides. He´d fucked up, and Peter´d paid the price for it. He deserved every fragment of the storm coming his way.
Instead, May Parker stared at him for a long second, and the next she had her arms around him in a fierce hug.
“Thank you.”
Any coherent thought trying to find its way into his mind promptly disappeared after those two words. May spoke gently, but her stance was firm as she held him.
“You got to him in time. You saved him, and as soon as he gets better we´re going to go in and he´s going to see us and I´ll tell him off and it´s all going to be fine. Okay?”
“I didn´t-“
“You saved him. You did. I saw you running inside that building to get him, on the news. I know together you´ve got a guilt complex the size of Canada but Peter is going to be fine and what he needs right now is people who love him to be close, so we can save the misplaced sorry´s for when my nephew´s out of surgery, yeah?”
She pulled back slightly, and he could see his own fear mirrored in her eyes, but there was trust there too. And love. Love gentle enough to be all-encompassing. And for once, his guilt wasn´t enough to overpower how much he cared for the kid.
He loved Peter too.  
“How-how ‘do you even do this? How do you deal with wanting to protect him from everything, how do you just not- implode or something-?” He was a mess, but May just smiled through misty eyes and hugged him again.
“You learn. Welcome to parenthood with a teenager, where half of you wants to see him succeed and go further than you thought possible and then the other half thinks keeping him cooped up at home with fifty blankets and a gallon of ice cream is the best idea since ever”
Tony managed a short laugh at that. “But something tells me you´ll get the hang of it, Tony. Something tells me you´re going to love him no matter what, and that´s already the most important part done”
Those words came back to him whenever he felt he was doing more harm than good by deciding to adopt Peter.
It was a whole different level of delicate now, and his attempts at being a normal parent didn´t always end well, but Peter´s fierce hugs reminded him a little of someone else´s, and he held on to the hope everything could work itself out as long as they kept trying.
 Time runs strangely.
It can never quite mend the pain completely, but given it´s gentle enough, time can help.
The weird thing though, is how you can’t pinpoint the exact moment feeling okay doesn’t seem foreign to you anymore.
Maybe it starts when he takes the kid to school again and finds the note he packed in his lunch hung in Peter’s room a few days later.
Maybe it’s when he wakes up and realizes Peter slept through the night without a nightmare for the first time in weeks.
Or when he makes a particularly bad pun as he’s helping him with calculus homework and the kid laughs so much the tears running down his face don´t make him feel terrible for once.
…it could possibly be when Peter’s so sleep deprived one night he whispers a gentle “I love you” before drifting off, effectively making Tony blub like a baby once he´s sure the kid´s asleep.
And yes, there’re still bad days with screaming, and there’re still moments where he feels like the least capable human on earth for this job, but he just won’t give up, on either of them.
He vowed to try, didn´t he?  
It´s been 8 months since he took Peter in, and things he´d have never imagined doing are quickly becoming commonplace now. Packing lunches, helping with English essays, occasionally dragging his butt halfway across the city to save his kid from yet another weirdo in a tacky suit, not to toot his own horn, but he thinks he´s definitely getting the hang of it all now.
So it should all be chill when he finds out he´s going to attend the parent-teacher conference at Midtown in a few months, but oh look at that, he’s panicking.
As much as he tried sheltering Peter from it at first, word that Tony Stark had been seen with a teenager soon got round, and within a day every reporter in New York seemed just about ready to trade an arm and a leg for some more dirt on Ironman.
Pepper´d dealt with the brunt of it, so it wasn´t as if the world didn´t know about Peter by now, but the thought of waltzing directly into the school when every pair of eyes would be fixed on both of them didn´t exactly make him want to skip in joy, see.
Then again, Peter was the smartest freaking kid in the whole school, and the thought of teasing him lightly in front of his teachers was…yeah, okay, he was pretty sure he could work something out.  
It was a beautiful Friday morning, they only had a few more teachers to go, and Tony was so glad he´d rescheduled three work meetings earlier this week to be here, because it was freaking glorious.
Peter was blushing bright red from all the compliments his teacher´s had told him all day. They were only allowed about 10 minutes to talk with each one, lots of kids and all that, but everyone had something positive to say about him.
Most teachers did a pretty good job of not letting a vein pop out of their forehead when they shook hands with Tony, but others seemed to have mini freak outs until they focused on Peter and regained their composure. He wasn´t at all surprised when they showed him Peter´s perfect grades, but God, he was proud.
He knew all the credit in raising Peter to be the wonder he was belonged to May and Ben, but he darn almost melted when Peter beamed at him as Mr. Del showed him a perfect test score in advanced chemistry for an exam he´d helped Peter study for a few months prior. Maybe he actually wasn´t screwing up at this parenting thing.
He knew the teachers were anxious when he asked questions (hey, he had no idea what a parent-teacher conference was like 3 months ago, he did his research), but they softened slightly whenever they turned to look at Peter.
He got it; the kid was pretty hard not to love.
Mr. Del was sitting across from them now, the man visibly nervous at being in front of Tony Stark, but smiling genuinely all the same as he talked about Peter´s work in class.
“There´ve been a few late assignments here and there, but nothing major in terms of academic development. I feel sleeping earlier could be a good idea though” Peter smiled sheepishly, probably remembering all the times Ned´ had to poke him awake in class after patrol got a little too long. Tony made a mental note to check up on it.
“His essay on analytical chemistry in an applicable field was particularly impressive” Mr. Harrington took out a thick cream folder, flipping through it until he came across Peter´s, “I showed it to some of my colleagues and it´s got some real potential. If you give some more thought to it, Peter, this could really make a difference.”
Peter´s ears were positively beetroot by now and he stuttered out a thank you, smiling. Tony felt about three seconds away from exploding with pride, but he just grinned at Peter, knocking their shoulders together gently. This, this right here was nice.
Peter´d worked hard for this, spending uncountable nights staying up late finishing projects or homework, studying for hours before an exam, still muttering formulas sleepily as Tony carried him up to bed.  
He might be Tony Stark´s adopted son (months of it and the word still made his heart go full on Speedy Gonzales when he thought about it, but in a nice way, in the best way), but he had no doubt in his mind Peter´s grades had definitely been earned by him fairly.
And later, when they´re having a celebratory pizza night/movie marathon, when he´s surrounded by a blanket fort and a kid that definitely does not have the right to make him feel as mushy as he does, he thinks back to when something like this seemed impossible, and smiles.
Life´s unexpected, alright.
Somehow, he thinks he loves it this way anyway.
(many virtual hugs to all of you!)
It´s also on my ao3
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ton-e · 5 years ago
OKAY but I kind of love the thought of Stark and Potts being old acquaintances in college?? Just a small idea I've thought about but-
They meet in Harvard. She remembers, but he doesn't seem to. It's not a good time for either of them, so Potts doesn't blame him entirely.
LOOK I'm just gonna say it
It's very obvious Potts has a thing with work. Where she let's her job work her over instead of the other way around. She's a self-made woman, she's on her own, and she's deathly terrified of disappointing her parents even if they let her know that's all she ever did.
Her father doesn't believe in her, of course. He doesn't hit her, he's never hit her, but he never had to. His words hurt more. He gives her a condescending smile that feels sharper than her mother's backhand.
Her mother, who did hit her. Her mother's weak like that.
" I give you one week."
Her mother married in riches. When Potts tells her she wants to go to university, she gets a laugh in the face and cigarette smoke in her eyes. "Why be a CEO when you can just marry one, dummy?"
Then, the money come. And she's suddenly worthy of the scraps of attention they dangled in her face for so long. It hurts, and it's terrible, because she knows without the money from college they wouldn't even spit on her if she was on fire.
She's not the boy they wanted, after all.
The circumstance of their meeting is less than savory, and it makes bile prickle at her tongue when she remembers.
Potts is pressured by her mother to attend some college party that she doesn't find enticing, because getting blackout wasted and high may be fun for some, but it's not her scene. Really, she'd rather break her leg than go on that scene. But her mother's friend happens to have a spoiled brat of a daughter whose mother will implode if her precious baby girl is not worshipped and guarded by EVERYONE
"Spent time with the girl, Virginia. Maybe you'll learn a thing from her. " She looks at the girl, Sunset's her name, ironically, who helps some washed-up quarterback roofie a freshman and thinks, "I'd rather fucking die. " The "ship of their friendship" sinks with her report to the police and dean. Potts sneers 'Good riddance.'
She finds the guy they were trying to roofie is Stark. Tony Stark. The heir of the Stark conglomerate, the Titan's son, the poster child for everything wrong with college but hopeful for the youth. She helps him to the dorms because Stark's sweet, more sensitive than people realize, and its heartbreaking that her kindness is such a marvelous but foreign concept for him.
He's a kid, it's the detail that truly pierces her heart to acknowledge, a kid theusted in a territory where he's defenseless, with no one to guard or protect him. He's less than 19, a bit younger than her, but he falls heavy on Pott's much smaller body, shaking with effort as she carries him to his door room.
"I miss my mamma, " something warm simmers in her chest at hearing that. Perhaps something so endearing shouldn't be said with that deep, rich voice, warm and molten and a tad bit scratchy, yet Potts can't help but find it adorable. "And my dad. Voglio andare a casa. "
"I'm sure Mr. Stark misses you too." Potts, in truth, thinks Howard Stark is more of an asshole than the anatomical term, but she keeps that in. But it seemed like the more compassionate, - more appropriate, really, thing to say.
Stark either snorts, scoffs, or makes a combination of the two noises. "Was talkin' 'bout Nick."
She doesn't know who that is, but she'd like to meet him one day. Stark's soft, muddled ramblings following them to the dorm rooms, make him sound like a good man, and she needs more of those in her life.
For a moment, her body freezes, when Stark atops and croaches down to her level, thinking he's aiming for her lips. Stark leans in to kiss her on the cheek and thanks her for not hurting him.
Potts wants to fight the world.
Later that week, a rumor that she slept with Tony Stark breaks in the university and the girls give her HELL. Suddenly, her clothes go burning, her food goes missing, her homework and assignments are victims of "Accidents". Nothing is to be done because the girls cry almost immediately in presence of authority and Pott's the bad guy at the end. (Pepper always strikes me as the person who got bullied in High School strangely???)
She's locked out of the dorm room one night, when it's cold as all hell, she's hungry, and she has her big breakout economic paper to work on. Her key doesn't work because it's a junk copy they replaced without her knowledge. The giggles bleeding through the door fill her with red blinding and she stomps off in the science lab to sleep.
She calls her father about it and gets an exhausted sigh. " Virginia. Don't call me for little girl problems. " Then hangs up without hesitancy, not a drop of concern, and Potts hates herself for it when tears roll on her cheeks because as her mother puts it, "Big Girls don't cry. We only cry when we break our necks, or if someone's dying." She's pretty close on the latter, so she thinks it's fair.
Stark finds her like that, shivering and sobbing on a dirty lab floor and hugs her like shes his lifeline. He apologizes like a mantra, promises that it'll be okay, and Potts nods, but her mind says ' I don't believe you.'
He brings Potts to his dorm, and decides to solve the problem no one else would.
Rhodes, Stark's friend from MIT, who does not care he's from an entire different college than them, instantly loves her and is furious on her behalf. He reminds Potts of the knight in shining armor breaking free from the fantasy books she would read as a child when no one else would, which makes him flush at the praise, and elbows Stark in the ribcage when he gushes about him.
She mistook Happy for a security guard at first, which makes both Rhodes and Stark howl, but the senior just laughs and doesn't let her go to sleep without eating. Stark helps her on her project with only mild shouting at Rhodes when he warns that they'll go into a coffee addiction at this point.
It's nice. They're nice. Their kindness keeps her going even if she knows it's more guilt.
The thing is, it's not just guilt.
They start to hang around her more, start to keep her company, invite her over to their dormroom which quickly becomes her favorite spot to be. They make her so happy she doesn't notice her parents haven't called her once, and, in her glee, she realizes she doesn't care.
Friendship is like honey. It tends to attract some flies.
Potts is pushed into the wall and she grinds her teeth together so she wouldn't wince because she isn't gonna give them the satisfaction. Push came to shove and she wants to shove back, - if she knew that fighting back meant all her progress would be gone because college is okay with harassment but not necessary violence.
The sorority girls call her everything under the sun and she fights back with words until she gives up once she realizes that it only entertains them and adds fuel to fire.
When she looks up finally, she sees the familiar shade of red of a MIT hoodie and Rhodes nonchalantly standing in front of her. Happy's not too many feet away, eyebrow arched comically high, hand prompted on his hip, and holding a camera in the other.
"Hit her again," Rhodes challanges them, stony faced, fearless and bold and DARING. He doesn't sound angry, that's the scariest part. He sounds gravely calm. "Call her what you did a minute ago. Have at it. I dare you. Bitch."
Her bullies break into something weak, something teary-eyed and fearful, pathetic and small. Rhodes says "that's what I thought " and helps her away.
All of the girls lose their scholarships the next day and Stark won't say anything, but he can't stop smiling.
Their roads meet crossed ends at the end of her graduation, - He goes back to MIT after Howard, the only reason Stark attends what the "smartest man in America" considers a low level school, cracks and gives him funding again.
They're her boys, - she remembers them as such, and they still stay that way, be it because they're phantoms in the snapshots of her life or standing just a few pinches of distant from her.
Years flow like a river in the course of time, she realizes, not at all slow, because they're not touched by aging. Happy may have less hair, but his smile is as blinding as ever and his snarky comments stay playful on the tip of his tongue. "He may be the smartest man in the world, but let me tell you, he's got the shittiest memory. Public bathroom level."
It takes exactly a week before Rhodes recognizes her. His surprise doesn't show, but his happiness does, and that's all that Potts needs. She smiles wider than normal when they banter like they used, regaining the footing of two teenagers with bright futures and too much sarcasm for safety.
"Dum-E! Come meet your mama. I can't wait to tell you how much he's gushed about you for the past decade. It's so embarrassing, I can't wait-"
She loves Maria the minute they meet. She's the mother Potts never had, the parent she should have gotten, because everyone deserves a Maria Stark in their life and she'll put that in stone. "Thank you for caring about my boy, '' she smiles gently at Potts as she wraps a blanket around her shoulders in a late all-nighter at SI, where she's droppy, and all she wants to do is dream. "You're a strong one. It can be rotten work."
Potts hums. "Not for me."
It's a random day, when the coin drops for Stark. He just freezes after Potts drops some documents on his desk with a small smile and a "Do you still play D&D on Saturday's?"
Long minutes pass as Potts walks off. She hears a "WAIT A FUCKING SECOND" sneaking through the half-closed door of Stark's office and she can't help but cackle.
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