#Tony Pinto
nanowrimo · 11 months
30 Covers, 30 Days 2023: Day 6
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Oh look, Day 6 has laid out the clues for an exciting cover! As in, it's a mystery novel! Today, we have Ego Death by YWP writer Madeline Perry. This novel cover was designed by the amazing returning artist, Tony Pinto!
(For those of you who don’t know, 30C30D stands for 30 Covers, 30 Days in which 17 Wrimos and 5 YWP Participants get the chance to win a professionally designed cover! The rest of the days are being filled by community features. We’ll be posting a cover a day throughout November, so make sure to check them out!)
Ego Death
A private detective is contacted by the police about a murder scene that they all feel that she'll be interested in; one where the body looks just like her own. However, what they all neglect to mention and what she realizes upon arriving on the scene is that it doesn't just look like her; it IS her.
The questions mount. How? Why? When? Where? Who did this?
The answers to all of that and more are far more supernatural and morbid than all concerned ever come to expect…
About the Author
The author chooses to keep their identity a secret for the time being!
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About the Designer
Tony Pinto (he/him) is an artist, photographer, art director, and educator in Orange County, California. As an advertising art director, he has worked with clients including Disney, GMC Trucks, Edison, Permanente Medicine, and Caesars Palace. In recent years, he has concentrated on helping artists, museums, and galleries to produce books and marketing materials. As an artist and photographer, he’s had solo shows at California State University Los Angeles; Coastline College Art Gallery, Newport Beach, California; Shoebox Projects, Los Angeles; and Art Institute of California, Orange County.
His art practice has long been focused on portraiture and how identity is represented, starting with the his Artifacts series in the 1990s and continuing on through today. tonypinto.net Instagram: @tonypintophoto Instagram:@tonypintoart
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tyrannus55 · 4 months
"Why Dinosaurs?" A tribute that goes way far beyond any tribute.
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jonquilyst · 3 months
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Day 0 - Introduction
🎵 Dear Mom and Dad, I’m doin’ fine. You guys are on my mind… 🎵
Welcome to the premiere of THE 2ND SEASON of Total Drama Sims: the hottest, freshest reality TV show on simblr. I'm your host jonquilyst, though if you tuned in to the show last season, you'll already know who I am!
14 more teenagers have gathered to put their wits, guts, and strength to the test to seek out the ✨ grand prize. ✨ Like last season, they will compete in crazy challenges, deal with less-than-perfect living arrangements, and face the judgement of each other!
🎵 You asked me what I wanted to be, and I think the answer is plain to see… 🎵
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🎵 I wanna live close to the sun. Pack your bags 'cause I’ve already won… 🎵
Allow me to give you the grand tour of the no-longer-abandoned film lot we claimed for this season! Instead of cabins, contestants will be staying in these cramped trailers, just like actors on set! There's one for each team with 7 beds each and complimentary bathrooms.
Our mess hall is a bit less rustic than the one we had at the summer camp, but it's got that same ol' charm with 2 dining tables and a small living area for everyone's convenience!
Now, on to the fun part: replacing the shoddy outhouse, our contestants' destination for providing their juicy confessionals will be a makeup trailer right behind the trailers! Get used to it: it'll appear every single day with a different contestant providing their thoughts.
And finally, the auditorium! This will be the site of our ever-so-exciting elimination ceremonies. In front of it is the walk-of-shame, where losers will say goodbye to Total Drama Sims to catch the lame-o-sine at the very end!
🎵 Everything to prove nothing’s in my way. I’ll get there one day! 🎵
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Now, allow me to formally introduce you to our 14 new contestants!
(from left to right; top to bottom)
(also fun fact: the poses are all different this time, so everyone's portrait is truly unique to them!)
ASHLEE SCHAEFER (she/her) by @shmoodlet - A rap artist who always wants to be the center of attention
BRODY SHERMAN (he/him) by @aniraklova - A football captain who loves to party and cause mischief
COFFEE BEAN (she/her) by @riverofjazzsims - A gloomy and introverted polyglot who was entered into the competition by her twin sister so she can have more typical teenager experiences
DREW PINTO (she/they) by @witheringscreations - A talented track athlete who wants to make friendships outside of those she trains with
ENZO ESPINOZA (he/him) by @seyvia - A handsome model who wants to prove to his brothers that he's the most exceptional sibling
FLO HARPER (she/her) by @akitasimblr - A nosy "rebel" (she only dresses the part) who secretly loves to bake
HANS SOMME (he/him) by @ethicaltreatmentofcowplants - A physically gifted, socially inept snob who doesn't think TDS will be that hard
LIANA MORRIS (she/her) by @bloomingkyras - An introverted computer whiz who chose to compete in TDS so she wouldn't have to go to her grandparents' house
NEAL WARD (he/him) by @nakasumi-sims - Son of famous actor Judith Ward. Judith signed him up for TDS2 so he could be occupied while she's filming overseas
PAULINA CALLAWAY (she/her) by @cowplant-ate-my-sim - A cheerful girl who signed up for TDS so she could have a free vacation
TAKASHI ABBOTTSFORD (he/him) by @stargazer-sims - A friendly and talkative boy who thinks he'd be good at TDS due to growing up in a large chaotic family
TONI STROUD (she/her) by @simsinfinitylt - A creative and imaginative thespian who is determined to make a name for herself
TRISTAN BACHMAN (he/him) by @micrathene-w - A snarky academic genius who accidentally arrived at TDS when he was meant to go to his academic decathlon meet
WILLABELLE LOWES (she/her) by @invisiblequeen - An overachiever who is confident she'll win TDS
Wait... What About Teams?
Yea... about that: teams will be sorted a little differently this season! Instead of randomized teams right away, they are being formed after the first socialization day, when everyone has time to form relationships! Shortly before the first challenge, two people will be selected at random to be the "captains" of the teams. From there, they will select their teammates schoolyard-style (alternating between boys and girls) based on their relationships with the other contestants!
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cinesludge · 1 year
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Movie #42 of 2023: Amy
Pete Doherty: “If you were in a signed band you were a cunt... because  the best looking and the best dressed and the coolest people were the ones born to lose.” 
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bat-the-misfit · 2 years
sem falar que do jeito que o Toni é não duvido nada que ele achava o DC um nerdão derrotado e falava coisas racistas sobre ele mano como eles viraram amigos?????? nem a psicologia saberia explicar
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herpsandbirds · 3 months
if ur still doing, can i have some birds/herps from mexico… 🦔
Birds and Herps of Mexico:
Sure thing, lets see what I can find for you...
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Pink-headed Warbler (Cardellina versicolor), family Parulidae, order Passeriformes, found in far southern Mexico and Guatemala
photograph by Francesca Albini
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Giant Mexican Musk Turtles (Staurotypus triporcatus), family Kinosternidae, found in Mexico and northern Central America
photograph by Parker Gibbons
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Yucatan Jays (Cyanocorax yucatanicus), juveniles, family Corvidae, order Passeriformes, endemic to the Yucatán Peninsula of Mexico
photograph by Tony Hisgett 
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Mexican Cantil (Agkistrodon bilineatus), juvenile, family Viperidae, found in Mexico and Central America
photograph by Dick Bartlett
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Northern Jacana (Jacana spinosa), father with chick, family Jacanidae, Mexico
In this photo, the yellow bone spur on the wing is visible. They use these to defend their chicks and themselves.
photograph by Juan Miguel Artigas Azas
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Bell’s False Brook Salamander aka Tlaconete Pinto Salamander (Isthmura bellii), family Plethodontidae, endemic to Mexico
photograph by JMRC Photo
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Brown-hooded Parrot (Pyrilia haematotis), family Psittacidae, found in Mexico, Central America, and Colombia
photograph by @ercan_uc
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Mexican Beaded Lizard (Heloderma horridum), family Helodermatidae, Mexico
photograph by @vibes.and.snakes
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seyvia · 3 months
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gameplay/concept/banner by @jonquilyst
character drawings by me, @seyvia
Find all these amazing characters below! Cheer on your favorites as they take on @jonquilyst challenges in! TOTAL, DRAMA, SIMS!🎭
(LINK) to the first post incase you missed it!
note: I drew them based off of their intro posts as they were posted, so if your thinking "why is my little bean wearing that?" it's because that's how you showed them.🤷‍♀️These are purely my impressions of your sims in TD style, it's completely fine if you feel like your sim would look different. ...I do hope you like them tho♡~(๑•́ ₃ •̀๑)
ASHLEE SCHAEFER (she/her) by @shmoodlet - A rap artist who always wants to be the center of attention
BRODY SHERMAN (he/him) by @aniraklova - A football captain who loves to party and cause mischief
COFFEE BEAN (she/her) by @riverofjazzsims - A gloomy and introverted polyglot who was entered into the competition by her twin sister so she can have more typical teenager experiences
LIANA MORRIS (she/her) by @bloomingkyras - An introverted computer whiz who chose to compete in TDS so she wouldn't have to go to her grandparents' house
DREW PINTO (she/they) by @witheringscreations - A talented track athlete who wants to make friendships outside of those she trains with
ENZO ESPINOZA (he/him) by @seyvia - A handsome model who wants to prove to his brothers that he's the most exceptional sibling
FLO HARPER (she/her) by @akitasimblr - A nosy "rebel" (she only dresses the part) who secretly loves to bake
PAULINA CALLAWAY (she/her) by @cowplant-ate-my-sim - A cheerful girl who signed up for TDS so she could have a free vacation
HANS SOMME (he/him) by @ethicaltreatmentofcowplants - A physically gifted, socially inept snob who doesn't think TDS will be that hard
NEAL WARD (he/him) by @nakasumi-sims - Son of famous actor Judith Ward. Judith signed him up for TDS2 so he could be occupied while she's filming overseas
TAKASHI ABBOTTSFORD (he/him) by @stargazer-sims - A friendly and talkative boy who thinks he'd be good at TDS due to growing up in a large chaotic family
TONI STROUD (she/her) by @simsinfinitylt - A creative and imaginative thespian who is determined to make a name for herself
TRISTAN BACHMAN (he/him) by @micrathene-w - A snarky academic genius who accidentally arrived at TDS when he was meant to go to his academic decathlon meet
WILLABELLE LOWES (she/her) by @invisiblequeen - An overachiever who is confident she'll win TDS
🎵 I WANNA BE, I WANNA BE, I WANNA BE FAMOUS! 🎵☆*: .o(≧▽≦)o。.:*☆
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bus-stop-stop-stop · 9 months
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Esta portada ⬆️ pertenece a nada más y nada menos que al tourbook/souvenir actual de The Hollies. Alguien notó en esta portada que es totalmente mi estilo 🤣. (Anexo imagen) La verdad no me había dado cuenta, pero si alguien del crew miró alguna vez uno de estos "edits" así, perdido por la red, Google Pinterest o lo que sea, entonces vaya que ahora sí me siento como una total influencer 😂.
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Mientras trato de "resolver". (ya se me pegó esa palabrita) si yo estuve o no detrás de esa idea... Por qué no retomar el tema respecto a mi aventura Londinense que como les había contado, surgió de una noticia lamentable y me empujó hacia lugares a los que jamas creí poder llegar 😂.
Ya he contado que Bobby Elliott es un tipazo. En sí, el viaje transatlántico valió la pena cada segundo. Tuve la fortuna de mirar muy de cerca y a detalle a The Hollies en concierto, London Palladium, el pasado 9 de Noviembre. Que ¿Qué tan cerca? Uff en primerísima fila.
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Y justo de esto vengo a hablarles. La imagen de arriba está sacada de un video aficionado que enfoca al público justo cuando la banda pide que se una a luces de celulares mientras tocan "The Air That I Breathe". Ahí en este cuadro me he encontrado yo (y ese garabato rojo es un intento de flecha) y al parecer no obtendré ninguna otra imagen de mi persona entre el público 🤣 pero... qué tal con aquello lo que la gente cuenta (?) 🤔 Han escuchado alguna vez qué pasa cuando te toca "la suerte" de estar enfrente de Mr. Tony Hicks (?) 🤔
En medio de la euforia que me brotó desde lo más profundo de mi alma (es que así soy) recordé que tenía dos asientos justo enfrente de él (wink) y pude haberme quedado sola, PERO como yo soy buenísima onda (y a la vez introvertida), he invitado a Delfien a que ocupe el otro asiento o de lo contrario, cualquier random people lo hubiera ocupado y sí... lo afirmo, la verdad soy introvertida xd. En eso estábamos cuando de repente Tony, que con su sola presencia ilumina todo de repente (en realidad así es, no me lo contaron) salió al escenario y yo en verdad inicié una lucha interna por no gritar ni hacer nada que me ponga en evidencia (xd) aaa porque a pesar de todo, una se documenta muy bien verdad(?) porque yo no conozco a Tony y él no me conoce y así, yo soy de esas mismas personas que se saca de onda un poco con sus fans "intensos". Entonces con ese conocimiento que llevé como si fuera una regla de oro, opté por estar de lo más tranquila y relajada durante todo el tiempo. MIENTRAS que mi ahora nueva compañera de asiento (quien ya ha conocido a Tony desde mucho antes) fue la encargada de externar a la fangirl que todas llevamos dentro. SÍ y entonces pareciera que yo estaba de lo más seria y con mi cara de pocos amigos(?) a saber🤔 en realidad no me ví xd pero a juzgar por cómo mi "pareja" reaccionaba cuando volteaba a la más mínima señal de euforia, supongo que sí xd.
Delfien me ha dado un tip (que jamás olvidaré) "canta todas las canciones que puedas" ay, yo para eso me pinto sola, es más a eso vine 🤣 okno pero comenzamos a entonar las canciones de The Hollies y pronto... Peter Howarth se dió cuenta de que estábamos cantando ahí xd. Mientras yo intento no quedar como una boba mirando a Tony, me hago la que estoy viendo a todos lados para que no sospeche nada 😂 y vino el momento de corear "Just One Look"... En donde, por ser una canción que juega mucho con las armonías, Peter, Ian y Tony ocupan un micrófono a la vez, en la línea que dice "I thought I was dreaming" Y a la segunda vuelta pasa algo bien extraño al que yo llamo un "blooper" (?) (está documentado) xd Tony está concentrado haciendo la armonía y de pronto llega Peter a su lado. Peterrr (!) de donde salisteeeeee(!?) y digo yo, no he visto nada. y entonces Tony se ríe y voltea a ver a su público random y (voy a insertar esto aquí "a la mariposa 🦋 de mi estómago le encorazona esto") su mirada aterrizó en la mía por fracciones de segundo 🤣 hasta que Ian nos interrumpe jjssdjsas REAL. NO TENGO PRUEBAS, PERO TAMPOCO DUDAS.
Y entonces siento angustia 😂🤣 y emoción y 🤣😂 un montón de cosas hasta que la vecina del otro lado del asiento (quiero decir la longeva fan, probablemente ella ha estado ahí desde los primeros años) voltea a verme y yo la descubro, que está ahí sigilosa, pero bien atenta, pues yo no tengo la culpa 🤣😂 sabe (?).
Y aquello ya no era divertido, se había convertido en un reto, en una batalla 🤣😂 y hará hasta lo imposible por llamar la atención 😂🤣 y encima con unas copas de más 😜.
Que entonces estoy ya bien con el corazón de fuera y la emoción y la euforia y como dicen en mi pueblo: yo no me rajo señores 🤣 aquí es donde me doy cuenta de que hay "ciertas personas" que Mr. Hicks quiere evitar a toda costa. Y QUE A DECIR VERDAD A ESAS ALTURAS YA SOSPECHABA QUE MUY PROBABLEMENTE NO PUEDA CUMPLIR MI MUY PERSONAL PROEZA DE QUE FIRME MI COPIA DE EVOLUTION, A CAUSA DE CIERTAS PERSONAS ¿VERDAD? (no lo logré 😞 por si estaban con el pendiente). 💔
Y yo estaba ahí en mi lugar, aparentemente sin hacer nada pero pensando en un montón de cosas a 1000xhora y mientras ellos interpretaban "The Baby" pasó esto:
PORQUE PASA QUE EN MI MENTE SE SUPONE QUE ESTOY SIEMPRE PENSANDO EN ALGUNA TONTERÍA COMO POR EJEMPLO QUE ESTOY DESHOJANDO UNA MARGARITA 🌼 PARA ENCONTRAR RESPUESTAS A MIS INTERROGANTES PERO TAMBIÉN ESTOY TRATANDO DE LEER LA MENTE DE TONY 🤣 Y DE PRONTO ÉL VOLTEA Y SONRÍE porque probablemente yo haya hecho lo que juré y per juré que no iba a hacer que es estar contemplándolo como una reverenda boba por un buen rato y de repente todo se detuvo, el concierto, el tiempo, todo se quedó congelado. Al instante solo volteé a ver a Delfien con una cara de complicidad eso a la vez para tratar de regresar a la realidad, y es cuando la doña del otro lado empieza a preguntarme cosas como "¿Cómo es que te sabes todas las canciones? " y yo así de pues escuchándolas oiga 🤷🏻‍♀️. Y me entero (era de por si muy evidente) de que ella es una fan longeva de quien sabe cuantos años ya, pero que a sus años ya no se sabe las canciones 🤔 o al menos eso me dió a entender.
Y el maléfico marte Geminiano de Lanicienta aparece, se quema y quiere ir corriendo tras de él y Delfien le dice solo hay una cosa que podamos hacer (porque la experta ha hablado!). Y la Lanicienta acepta porque, porque cree que no ha tenido suficiente, porque siente que ha estado perdiendo demasiado el tiempo por todo ese último tiempo y el concierto está por terminar y porque tiene su copia de "Evolution" bien agarrada entre las manos y aferrada a ella, dispuesta a traerla de regreso del viaje firmada como siempre lo ha querido y soñado y el tiempo se acaba y el sueño también y luego corremos hacia la salida, como si fuéramos a perder un tren, el autobús... EL AVIÓN DE REGRESOOO ✈️ o que sé yo, tan así que hasta el host de la entrada no sabe por qué nos retiramos si el concierto aún no ha terminado 🤣🤔. "Son muy jóvenes, no ha de haberles gustado esta música" de seguro pensó 🤣 cuando en realidad, estábamos tratando de atraparlo como sea 🤣😂.
A la salida fue cuando comenzamos a deliberar si el vendría o no. A lo que yo, inteligentemente supuse "no lo hará" NO MIENTRAS ELLAS ESTÉN AQUÍ 😂🤣 (la verdad es que no las puedo culpar 😕) pero la esperanza valió más y aunque no lo logramos, recordé que tenía el libro de Bobby Elliott en la bolsa del mandado y corrí y corrí hacia él y fue tan grande mi euforia que lo abrumó por lo que le dije y al preguntarle por Tony, bueno verán Tony se fué Y NI ADIÓS DIJO(?) ... Bueno esa historia ya la han contado infinidad de veces, NO (?).
Y ya. he de decir que me he quedado con cosas intangibles de ese viaje y que van a durar mucho tiempo al menos mientras mi memoria me lo permita.
EN TANTO. y como yo no conozco a Tony y él no me conoce a mí.... He decidido no tirar hate como lo hace todo el mundo y regalarle el beneficio de la duda. 🤔 porque en mi caso, es bastante probable que esto sólo suceda una vez en la vida 🤔 porque tal vez sólo tenga ese momento para mí por siempre... 💐💕 pero nunca jamás otra vez...
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(¿)Qué esa no es una canción(?) 🤔. SÍ(!) 🤣😂. Y acto seguido recorrí Londres con esa canción sonando de fondo, mientras anocheció, mientras amaneció, cuando corría a esconderme al metro por la lluvia, mientras alimentaba a las palomas, el momento en que abordaba el avión... después de todo, sólo me convencí de que mi corazón de patchwork le pertenece 🥴💕💐 Felicidades 🥴🙏🏻💐 hoy voy a romper una piñata en su honor. Eso último es improbable, no por la posada, sino porque no tengo ninguna programada 😞.
pero que tal ahora yo sé que están esperando a que yo deje el drama de lado y haga esto:
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Y así conmemora una vez más como hace cerca de 10 años, un cumpleaños más de Tony Hicks, sólo que esta vez fué un poco diferente, verdad(?) 🤣 pero se tenía que decir y se dijo:
TOONYY TEEE AMOO 🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️
~Desde lo más intangible de mi ser(!) 🥴😍
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warrenwoodhouse · 3 months
What Fonts are used for the Grand Theft Auto franchise Logos and Menu Texts? (Gaming) (Grand Theft Auto) (Fonts Blog) (What Fonts)
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Logos ©Rockstar Games
Article by @warrenwoodhouse #warrenwoodhouse
The fonts that are used for the various logos and menu texts throughout the Grand Theft Auto franchise are:
The font that is used for the logo of GTA is called font name by developer
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The font that is used for the logos of GTA London 1969 and GTA London 1961 is called font name by developer
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The font that is used for the logo of GTA 2 is called font name by developer
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The font that is used for the menu texts in GTA, GTA London 1969, GTA London 1961 and GTA 2 is called font name by developer
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The font that is used for the Grand Theft Auto III logo and the menu text is called Pricedown by Typodermic Fonts ( @nagoyish )
The font that is used for the Vice City logo and menu text is called Rage Regular by URW Type Foundry
The font that is used for the San Andreas logo and menu text is called Old English by developer
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The font that is used for the Liberty City Stories logo is called Varsity by developer and the font that is used for menu text is called Pricedown by Typodermic Fonts ( @nagoyish )
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The font that is used for the Vice City Stories logo and menu text is called Rage Regular by URW Type Foundry
The font that is used for the IV logo is called a_CampusGrav by Arsenal Company
The font that is used for the menu text on GTA IV is called Neue Helvetica Paneuropean 85 Heavy by Linotype
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The font that is used for The Lost and Damned logo is called TLAD by Rockstar Games
No link available
The font that is used for The Ballad of Gay Tony logo is called Neue Helvetica Paneuropean 85 Heavy by Linotype
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The fonts that are used for the GTA V logo are called:
The font that is used for the V lettering is called font name by developer
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The font that is used for the FIVE lettering is called Dollar Bill by developer
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kushblazer666 · 5 months
So as I was walking out the door for work last night, I put on my soup Beans. When I walked in the house this morning. Oh man. The smell was heavenly
Southern crockpot pintos
2.5 cups pintos washed and sorted
5 cups chicken broth
1 cup water
1 heaping teaspoon minced garlic
1 bay leaf
1 medium onion diced up
1 teaspoon black pepper
1 teaspoon Tony's chachrleres more spice seasoning
1 nice smoked ham hockey
Low and slow
If you enjoy country cooking and recipes join our group if you haven't already! Old Country Cooking and Recipes
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nanowrimo · 2 years
30 Covers, 30 Days 2022: Day 28
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Where, oh where, did the rabbits go? Adventure novel The Bunny Farm by Erin K. Germain has a “hare” raising problem to explore! This cover was designed by returning designer, Tony Pinto.
The Bunny Farm
Dave Shriver is a writer with a deadline and bad case of writer's block. He hopes the cottage he's rented on Olympus Farms will help him finish his book. Things are going well, until the rabbits disappear.
About the Author
Erin is a 15 year veteran of NaNo. Growing up the oldest, and only girl, in a family of three, she lost herself in books. Favorites were read and re-read until they fell apart, copies replaced, and the whole thing repeated. Since the time she realized that books don't spontaneously appear, but someone sits down to write the stories, she has been fascinated with the process. If anything, her attempts have only made her appreciate what the storytellers of her childhood and teen years accomplished.
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About the Designer
Tony Pinto (he/him) is an artist, photographer, art director, and educator in Orange County, California. As an advertising art director, he has worked with clients including Disney, GMC Trucks, Edison, Permanente Medicine, and Caesars Palace. In recent years, he has concentrated on helping artists, museums, and galleries to produce books and marketing materials. As an artist and photographer, he’s had solo shows at California State University Los Angeles; Coastline College Art Gallery, Newport Beach, California; Shoebox Projects, Los Angeles; and Art Institute of California, Orange County. His art practice has long been focused on portraiture and how identity is represented, starting with the his Artifacts series in the 1990s and continuing on through today. tonypinto.net Instagram: @tonypintophoto Instagram:@tonypintoart
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jules-has-notes · 5 months
2017 VoicePlay summer roundup — home and away and back again
As the weather grew warmer, VoicePlay's workload heated up for a bit before a combination of planned vacation time and an act of nature gave them a much needed break.
Lights, camera, action
The boys kicked off the summer by bringing Rachel Potter back to town for not just one, but two new videos. One was a feel-good Disney medley, and the other was some deliciously angsty pop.
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While Rachel flew home, and the other guys dispersed to do their own things, Layne met up with Tony and a slew of their theme park pals for PattyCake's next project.
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Home time
For most of July, they seem to have hunkered down to finish some projects that were in progress, get started on new ones, and spend some quality time with friends and family. Layne even shared his recording studio (and a few doggie snuggles) with their old buddy Jeremy James from Vox Audio for a project.
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Entertainers have to work on odd schedules sometimes.
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Rocky Mountain high
When August rolled around, the guys gathered up J.None and headed out west. They spent a week in Park City, Utah, and took a little side trip over to Salt Lake City to see their new friend John Pinto in The Book of Mormon tour.
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Splish splash
The boys had about a week at home before heading north for the Great Waters Music Festival in New Hampshire, where they were met with even more water than just Lake Winnipesaukee.
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During the week spanning the end of August and the beginning of September, the PattyCake gang finally started filming their long awaited "Grande Mermaid" video, both at an outdoor location and in their studio.
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Then Layne and Cyndi headed off to Cancun for their friends' seaside wedding. Many other folks from the Orlando performance community were in attendance and in the wedding party, including the bride, Michelle Knight, who PattyCake fans will recognize as their fabulous Evil Queen.
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Rock you like a hurricane
Once they got back home, they joined the rest of the gang in preparing for an oncoming storm as Hurricane Irma loomed closer to making landfall.
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By the time Irma reached the Orlando area, it had subsided to tropical storm status, but it still caused widespread flooding and power outages, downed trees, and damaged homes, as well as spawning several tornadoes.
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The VoicePlay guys and their loved ones were relatively lucky. Their biggest obstacle was Layne and Tony temporarily losing access to the beach location where PattyCake Productions had been filming "The Grande Mermaid".
Back to work
Once things had settled a bit, the boys snagged J.None once more and gathered to record their next "Aca Top 10" video, a countdown of Disney hero songs.
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Toward the end of the month, VoicePlay headed north to SUNY Geneseo for a concert as part of the school's Homecoming weekend. They didn't share any photos of themselves while they were there, but they did make time to partake of some local cuisine.
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When they got home again, Layne and Tony gathered a group of friends (including Michelle, fresh from her honeymoon) to portray a gaggle of live-action Disney baddies for PattyCake's second annual Halloween video.
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jonquilyst · 3 months
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Day 2 - Team Sorting
Rise and shine, everyone! Today's the day you will all be sorted into teams. And after that, it will be time for the very first challenge!
But before we get into all that, you all need a shower. You stink.
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It was a rather peaceful morning here at the film lot. That is until Hans caught himself on fire... Hey! TDS isn't TDS without someone catching themselves on fire!
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Now that everyone's all clean, it's time to gather everybody outside to commence the team sorting! I know you're hungry, Enzo, but you also needed a shower and life here isn't always gonna be sunshine and daisies, pretty boy!
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My random wheel of names has spoken! The captains of our teams (aka the ones that will be picking the members, no special treatment here!) are Hans for Team 1 and Toni for Team 2! They will now select their teammates schoolyard-style (alternating between boys and girls) based on their relationships with the rest of the cast!
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The first 3 members selected by Hans for Team 1 are Coffee, Tristan, and Ashlee! Each of them have a relatively positive relationship with Hans (despite Coffee not particularly liking him back)
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The first 3 members that Toni picks out for Team 2 are Enzo, Liana, and Neal.
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The last 3 members that Hans selects for Team 1 are Takashi, Drew, and Flo!
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And finally, rounding out Team 2 are Willabelle, Brody, and Paulina!
Team 1 shall be christened as... THE ILLUSTRIOUS STAR-SHINES!
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And Team 2 shall be known as... THE RENOWNED BIG-NAMES!
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Now, we're truly ready to kick off this season!
@shmoodlet @aniraklova @riverofjazzsims @witheringscreations @seyvia
@akitasimblr @ethicaltreatmentofcowplants @bloomingkyras @nakasumi-sims @cowplant-ate-my-sim
@stargazer-sims @simsinfinitylt @micrathene-w @invisiblequeen
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banduckoot · 1 year
Hell, why not share my Pinstripe Potoroo playlist as well? These are just a collection of songs I think our favorite mobster mutant would like. Most of these are songs by crooners... I'm a sucker for them.
Pinstripe Potoroo's Playlist
Mr. Pinstripe Suit - Big Bad Voodoo Daddy Shake Your Lovemaker - Cherry Poppin' Daddies Fly Me To The Moon (In Other Words) - Frank Sinata, Count Basie Mambo Italiano - Dean Martin That's Amore - Dean Martin Mack the Knife - Bobby Darin The Godfather Waltz - Nina Rota (The Godfather OST) Love Theme From "The Godfather" - Nino Rota (The Godfather OST) Something's Gotta Give - Sammy Davis Jr. Come Fly With Me - Frank Sinatra Volare (Nel Blu Di Pinto Di Blu) - Dean Martin Minnie the Moocher (Theme Song) - Cab Calloway Rags to Riches - Tony Bennett Theme From New York, New York - Frank Sinatra I've Got The World On A String - Frank Sinatra A Reluctant Hero / Betsy / End Credits - Taxi Driver OST Ain't That A Kick In The Head - Dean Martin Finiculi, Finicula - Italian Mandolin Torna A Surriento In the Mood - Glenn Miller Buona Sera - Louis Prima & Keely Smith, Sam Butera and The Witnesses The Lady is a Tramp - Tony Bennett, Lady Gaga
You can find all of these songs on Spotify!
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betofontes-blog · 1 year
Que fique registrado...
Segue a lista dos que vivem no 'Pais das Maravilhas' !!!!
01) Anderson Torres - ex-ministro da justiça
02) Daniel Silveira - ex-deputado federal
03) Bismark - humorista, canal Hipócritas
04) Ivan Papo Reto - influencer
05) Serere - cacique
06) Gabriel Mont. - ex-vereador há + 5 meses
07) Mauro Cid - auxiliar de Bolsonaro
08) Max Guilherme - auxiliar de Bolsonaro
09) Sérgio Cordeiro - aux. de Bolsonaro
10) João Carlos - aux. de Bolsonaro
11) Ailton Gonçalves - aux. de Bolsonaro
12) Luís Marcos - aux. de Bolsonaro
13) Allan Frutuozo - jornalista
14) Divesos patriotas - 08/01/23
15) Wellington Macedo - jornalista
16) Allan dos Santos - jornalista, site 3° Livre
17) Adriano Castro - Ex-BBB
18) Pablo Marçal
19) Deltan Dallagnol
20) Jair Bolsonaro
21) Monark
DESMONETIZADO no Instagram e Facebook:
70) @Doprimido2
71) @MonicaMachado38
72) @PadraoAlexandre
73) @Damadeferroofic
74) @TexugoWick
76) @viniciuscfp
77) @viniciuscfpires
79) @eumesmavivi_
80) @ruirapina3
81) @rafaelbboa
82) @apropria_bia
83) @oiiuiz
84) @emb_resistencia
85) @thaispsic
86) @clauwild1
87) @dimacgarcia
88) @Fa1ryNight,
89) @Conservadora191
90) @FlviaLeo16
91) @mendesluizpaulo
92) @freu_rodrigues
93) @ViLiMiGu_Tex
94) @iaragb
95) @glovesnews
96) @alepavanellim
97) @BrazilFight
01) André do Rap
02) José Dirceu
03) Sergio Cabral
04) Lula
05) Flordelis
06) Chico Rodrigues
07) Renato Duque
08) Delúbio Soares
09) João Santana
10) Paulo Roberto Costa
11) André Vargas
12) Léo Pinheiro
13) Pedro Corrêa
14) Geddel
15) Jacob Barata Filho
16) Chaaya Moghrabi
17) Anthony Garotinho
18) Daurio Speranzini JR
19) Flávio Godinho
20) Eike Batista
21) Lélis Teixeira
22) Octacilio de Monteiro
23) Claudio de Freitas
24) Marcelo Traça
25) Eneas Bueno
26) Dayse Neves
27) Rogério Onofre
28) David Augusto
29) Miguel Iskin
30) Gustavo Estellita
31) Marco Antônio de Luca
32) Sérgio Côrtes
33) Orlando Diniz
34) Milton Lyra
35) Ricardo Rodrigues
36) Marcelo Sereno
37) Carlos Pereira
38) Adeilson Telles
39) Marcelo Martins
40) Arthur Pinheiro Machado
41) Marcos Lips
42) Carlos Martins
43) Sandro Lahmann
44) Cesar Monteiro
45) Sergio da Silva
46) Hudson Braga
47) Paulo Sergio Vaz
48) Athos Albernaz
49) Rony Hamoui
50) Oswaldo Prado Sanches
51) Antonio Albernaz
52) Roberta Prata
53) Marcelo Rzezinski
54) Daurio Júnior
55) Renan Calheiros
56) Aécio Neves
57) José Serra
58) Michel Temer
59) Alckmin
60) Guido Mantega
61) Rodrigo Maia
62) Gleisi Hoffmann
63) Eunício
64) Padilha
64) Moreira Franco
65) Jaques Wagner
O clamor popular vai obrigar a se escolher magistrados de carreira e verdadeiros juízes imparciais. Vamos divulgar. Se cada um enviar para as pessoas, só assim tomarão conhecimento dessa vergonha!
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lady-of-the-spirit · 11 months
who the fandom ships them with, why the fandom loves them, why the fandom hates them, what the cast relationship would be like, and if the show/movie has ended, are they happy with their character’s ending and the ending at large for Hestia for the oc ask game?
who the fandom ships them with
Obviously first and foremost Thor! they're up there with Tony/Pepper in terms of "canon relationship accepted and loved by fandom".
second would be Loki because they have a very close relationship. I can see people reading it as more than just a sibling relationship.
why the fandom loves them
Hestia is a sweetheart! with a little mischievous streak. and trauma and sad scenes. she's a triple threat.
I think the fandom would love her for a lot of reasons. she's very kind and loving but she has an edge to her that makes her powerful. She starts out not really believing in herself or her powers but she grows more confident over the course of her story.
why the fandom hates them
Uh, discourse over her being an ace woman of colour, in a relationship with the hot white guy Thor?
Besides that, probably her inactivity? She has a lot of power but she doesn't fight (often) even when she could be useful in a fight. It's for reasons related to her trauma, but people would probably be pissed over her not being "useful" enough.
what the cast relationship would be like
Ngl I don't pay attention to the casts or anything for these movies so I have no idea
if the show/movie has ended, are they happy with their character’s ending and the ending at large
There are so many types of endings I've imagined ngl.
So if we go strictly movie canon, aka what I've labelled as the Bad Timeline, then the storyline ends with Thor and Hesia post Endgame in New Asgard, being alive and happy together as the universe is saved. Traumatized as fuck but a happy ending. Freida Pinto (Hestia's FC) would be so happy with this to me. (Cut off after Endgame, Thor 4 doesn't exist to me.)
If we go my ideal timeline, all of the bad shit stops after Ragnarok, or almost, there's the usual issues of settling on earth and making new Asgard and Trauma and all of that but still. Overall happy ending.
Another timeline has her straight up kill Thanos and his soldiers which would be excellent.
So any of these would be satisfying to her actress I'm sure.
(There's the matter of the villain au variant in the Loki series but I'd have to keep watching the show to give that an ending and I've decided I don't want to.)
If they were canon OC asks
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