#Tomorrow and today are the same thing /j
zzompi-nerddxd · 7 months
i deadass forgot why I'm up
It's 4 am (for me)
idk why im not sleeping
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⬆️ i either found that on here or on Pinterest and I forgot which one it was
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foone · 1 year
Your best guess is that you've been in this time loop for something north of 15 years. You've lived that day, April 9th, 1997, something like 6000 times. You think... The second most ironic thing about being in this time loop* is that you have ADHD, and time blindness has always been something you've suffered with.
The time loop hasn't helped. You'll really get into a book, and don't look up from it until it's yesterday. Or, earlier today? Or tomorrow, it's all the same day. You wake up in your bed at 8:27, having slept through your alarm, no matter what happens. You've had plenty of time to do all the classic time loop things: told everyone (they forget the next day), kissed everyone (a surprising number of people turn out to be up for itl), tried to run (you made it all the way to Memphis one day, but it didn't make any difference), tried to make everything perfect and right (harder than you'd think, and there's nothing obvious that needs fixing), and gotten yourself exploded and shot and run over. You even made it into orbit once, NASA still swearing at you on the radio the whole way up. You've robbed all the local banks, kidnapped the mayor, and stolen half the stuff in the town, just to see what people have. Why not? It's hard to have a sense of morality when there are no repercussions to any actions, at least none that last more than 24 hours.
You convinced a scientist to shoot neutrinos at you once, thanks to something you'd read in a book on time. Didn't seem to make any difference, though you could swear the next day felt different, in some hard to define way.
You've gotten into a rhythm of starting each day and just walking out your front door, to visit a different place in the city, and knock on their door. If they're home, you ask questions, then use the answers next time to get further. If not, you let yourself in and see what their house looks like from the inside.
Even their shocking crimes no longer can shock you. Mr. Stevens is a burgler, Jenny J. is halfway through murdering her husband, Alex over on 5th street has a basement full of photos they shouldn't have, and more neighbors than you'd think are cooking meth or growing cannabis in their little backyard sheds or closets.
You can go to the police, you can confront them, you can explose them, or you can get a weapon and go all vigilante on them... It doesn't matter in the long run (and for you, the long run is very short indeed). They'll be fine the next morning, back at it again like nothing happened.
You wake up that same Wednesday morning, put on some clothes, and walk out the door. You got into a gimmick of crossing the road with your eyes closed: you know where the cars are, and if you keep the same pace, they definitely won't hit you. Besides, if you do, you wake up back in your bed. Big woop.
But you don't make it to the road this time. You trip, falling on the hard concrete of the sidewalk. What the hell? Your arms ache from catching yourself, and you have to suppress the time-looper instinct of "I hurt. Restart the loop!",at least until you figure out what happened.
You look back and there's a sneaker sitting on the sidewalk. A perfectly normal shoe, just a little skuffed up. A bit down the sidewalk, there's another, the other foot presumably.
You have a moment of equal parts panic and elation. You're out of the loop? You're out of the loop! This might be Thursday.
You gather yourself from the sidewalk and run back up the path to your door. You open the newspaper... April 9th. This is still the same day. You look back at the road, seeing the patterns of crossing cars you've seen thousands of times before. You listen, and your neighborhood sounds right. You can hear Timothy down the road yelling about baseball, so it's not 9:14 yet.
This isn't a new day. This is the day. This is your day. So why is something different? What, a partial time loop? And almost time loop? Most things are the same, but not all? It makes no sense.
You hear yelling down the road. You jog towards it, as an out of place sound just doesn't happen in your day. Around the corner there's a police officer shouting at a woman who is rapidly disrobing and flinging her discarded clothes at the officer, who is shouting at her and his radio. So far, she seems to be winning, but she's about out of linen ammunition.
You realize you don't recognize her. She's not one of the people you know, and you know everyone. She's someone new, the very anthesis of what a time loop is about. That, combined with recognizing that charicatistic disdain for consequences makes you gasp. My God... She's another time looper. She's done this day before, and it's just repeated, and now she's doing everything to see what happens. You're not alone in this crowded city anymore! You run towards her, eager to introduce yourself.
* Themost ironic thing about being in this time loop is that every copy of Groundhog Day at your local Blockbuster is checked out.
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pinkyqil · 4 months
Flirt // Jenni hermoso x r
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Jenni was a flirt least to say she could flit with anyone as long has it as lips head and a body anything else wouldn't matter to her. So that why you felt really confused with your "relationship". with her cause she always gave you mixed signals that rarely made any sense to you.
One day she's all over you complimenting you, making you blush and all as it the usual Jenni package. next thing you know someone else is getting the same treatment that she gives or how she likes to call it "her delicate taste".
That made absolutely no sense to you but one thing you knew was that you were done. with anything that had to do with Jennifer hermoso you didn't want a part of it unless it was something serious. But it didn't look like it things where going to change with her so you thought.
You started pulling away from jenni it went from you two always partnering up to you straight up ignoring her and picking someone else as your partner.
To dismissing her and canceling plans that she made cause you knew it would be some different by tomorrow.
Slowly a hole formed in your friendship you both couldn't even spare each other a glance or a simple greeting.
The only time you would actually say a few words would be around game days where you needed to communicate with jenni but that wasn't something you both could do outside of work.
It honestly broke your heart to be pulling away from her like this. You missed her smile silly jokes that she would make trying to lighting up the room.how she would be there whenever you needed something or that you weren't feeling well she was always by your side like your order half.
Least to say jenni also felt the same way her heart felt incomplete like the other pieces to it was missing. but she knew one thing and it was to make it up too you for whatever she did cause her heart couldn't take you acting like she didn't exist.
The last few days you noticed Jenni putting in some efforts but you would always denie her and.
still continue shutting her out she tried everything from leaving notes and your favorites chocolate in your cubby opening the door for you. helping you carry heavy equipment without calling out for help but you wouldn't come forward.
It wasn't that you heated what jenni was doing you loved it all but your heart wasn't ready for what would happen if you guys where to talk it out.
Would things go back to the same way with how she was treating you or would you two become something. Was what you wondered.
Jenni's act had been going on forever but still she didn't get any improvement from you side always the cold shoulder and nothing more for her.
Today she jenni had planned to conner you when everybody as left as she knew you loved taking your time.
Your day went on with how it usual was Jenni still left you some notes and perfume in your cubby for when you arrived but you hadn't seen her anyway around the training grounds which was quite weird as she hung out with her group of people. But needless it was none of your busses.
You were tye last one to shower as everyone else had left or that what you think.you quickly dressed up and started existing the building until you felt a strange but familiar hands grab you by the waist.
It was none other than jenni she looked broken and hurt. All you could do was stare at her.
"What do you want hermoso". you asked her as you tried pulling your hands away.
" I just want to talk to you it would only take a few minutes". She said
"Well get talking cause I didn't have enough time to spend with you in my way".
She took a deep breath before speaking.
"I know that lately have been giving you on and off signals and just acting out as if you aren't important to me which is false so I just wanted' to tell you that I love you so much more than a friend we've both been through anything".
anyone can imagine and I just can't keep living like this knowing that j hurt you instead of protecting you so I just wan to apologize for that". She said as she took time to catch her breath.
"oh jenni you don't understand how long I waited for you to tell me how you feel cause I' also share the same feelings as you, I love you more than anything else that you can imagine"
and it hurt me a lot seeing how you would always treat me I love you jenni hermoso". You told her not expecting all that to come out of your mouth.
"So will I be able to treat you out to a date". She asked
"Yes you can have honestly seen the way that you've improved and I love it". you told her before tip-toeing and leaving a peck on her lips.
"You deserve it". You said
"I guess I do". She replied back
"So I'll see you saturday for dinner". She asked
"Definitely". You told as you walked away holding the notes that she had been living for you onto your chest.
Maybe luck was on your side after all and jenni wasn't just a flit after all.
A/n: hope y'all enjoy this read and if you see any mistakes no you don't cause I just finished writing this at 12:18 so mistakes shall be fixed later. anyway feedbacks, request and comments or if you want to chat with me inboxes are always opened and everything else is appreciated and don't forget to take care of yourself 💗
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tibby-art · 9 months
I’m adoring the Hitman AU. Scar and Cub share a braincell and Grian just looks like she wants to go home and sleep.
I’m curious as to what powers ConVex has. Or what their motives are with Grian. (ConVex trying to corrupt her.)
I've been picturing Cub and Scar's vex powers as being able to transform into a vex form (pale blueish skin, white hair/eyes, wings, fangs, claws, the whole nine yards). The forms allow them to move at lightning speed and fly, making them perfect as silent killers in their roles as hitmen. They're super sneaky and fast.
I think the vex work with pacts as well - if you make a pact with a vex, they're unable to go against said pact. That's how they ended up working for the government as hitmen. I imagine that in their past they were very powerful and corrupt criminals at Concorp (standard protocol for convex in an au i'd say). One day the government catches up to them, and they're given a choice: Go to top-security prison for one bajillion years because you're a dangerous vex criminal OR make a pact with the government and work under them, using your powers for good. So, Cub and Scar are technically here by choice, but their choices were limited. They're bound by a fae contract that they must perform their given duties as hitmen - they bend the rules and find loopholes whenever possible, though. Vex are tricky like that. They'll get ordered to take out a dangerous crime boss, but because you didn't technically specify that you wanted that done today, they took the day off to go golfing. They'll get to it tomorrow :J (The government learns the hard way that when you order Cub and Scar to kill someone you must specify to them not to eat the person because that has happened and that will happen again and everything is terrible)
Grian is in a similar situation, but he was given less of a choice. While Cub and Scar made their own pacts with the vex to gain their powers, Grian's watcher powers are something she did not ask for at all. The Watchers are much more mysterious than the Vex, not a lot is known about them and they're considered almost a myth until Grian shows up. This makes her more dangerous and unpredictable, in the government's eyes. Grian isn't allowed to just walk away and go back to being a normal member of society - nobody knows what he's capable of (not even Grian knows) so the government needs to keep a close eye on her. When she's paired up with Cub and Scar for missions, the vex are ordered to keep an eye on Grian, and step in if things get too dangerous. Cub and Scar think this is BS and they almost pity Grian, deep down, since he's essentially in the same spot they're in but worse. When their pact says to keep Grian from getting too dangerous, they interpret it as, "Well, if we help her figure out her powers, she's more in control and that will make everything safer :J"
I don't think Convex is trying to corrupt her - I think the government is the one being manipulative here. Convex sees it. I think they genuinely want to help her grow and discover new abilities and how to use them. They're Convex, though, so they might not be the best role models lol. I think what they're trying to do is help her get more confidence and more control over her powers. Cub is a scientist who is very good at figuring out how Grian's abilities work, what he can and can't do, the limits of said abilities, etc. and Scar has the most creative and insane ideas on how to utilize watcher powers that it sometimes leads to discovering something brand new. I can picture him being like, ":J Hey have you ever tried using your watcher powers to spy on a specific location from like, fifty miles away" and Grian is like "Scar that's ridiculous that's not how it works" and then she tries it and is amazed when that actually does work. Scar's like ":J yeah I made that up I didnt think it would work Can you spy on Disneyland now"
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samandcolbyownme · 1 month
girl i’m dying choking and suffocating for johnnie fluff i need it (no pressure ily)
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Warnings: nothing but fluff, swearing, some kissing
Word Count: 482 | unedited
You slowly push the door open to Johnnie’s bedroom.
He’s still in bed, sound asleep.
You close the door quietly and turn around slowly. You kick off your shoes and tip toe over to the bed.
You slowly get up on it, stopping each time Johnnie stirs around, holding your breath as you wait for him to settle back into the bed.
You sit down, slowly moving to lay next to him before reaching over and brushing his hair from his face, “Hey.” You whisper quietly, “Johnnie.”
“Mm.” He groans, turning his head.
You smile, continues to tickle his cheek, “J.”
“Jake.” He groans, batting your hand away, “Go away.”
“It’s not Jake.”
Johnnie freezes for a second before snapping up in the bed, “What the hell?” He tackles you with a hug, his lips pecking kisses along your face, “What are you doing here?”
“Got back a few days early.” You laugh, wrapping your arms around his neck, “wanted to surprise you.”
“Oh my god.” He groans, “I’ve missed you.”
He squeezes you tighter, leaning back to look at your face. You smile, “I’ve missed you, too.”
He smiles and kisses your lips, “You’re not going anywhere today.” He lays back down, pulling you over to him.
You smile, taking a deep breath and sighing, “I didn’t plan on it.”
He runs a hand over your head, “I had a whole day planned for when you got back, but we can wait until tomorrow. I just wanna..” he kisses your head, “Stay here with you.”
You nod, “I like that idea.”
You were tired from traveling so you both ended up falling asleep for another few hours.
Once you woke up, you ordered in lunch and just spent hours intertwined with each other.
You filled Johnnie in on every single detail of your trip, even if he’s already heard it over the phone, he wanted to hear you say it again.
He loves the sound of your voice.
He loved everything about you.
“And then what happened?” He asks, and you laugh, “You already know what happened.”
He shrugs, “So. You can tell me the same story over and over again and I will listen because your voice is my favorite thing in the world.”
You smile, “Johnnie.”
He smiles, “I’m serious. Hearing you over the phone and hearing you in person are two totally different things and I really prefer the in person voice.”
You laugh, reaching up to cup his cheek, “Me too, J. Me too.” You pull him in and kiss him, “You’re coming with me next time.”
He nods, “Yeah, I kicked my own ass for not coming with you this time.”
You shrug, “Yeah, but I love coming home to you.”
Short and sweet 🖤 thanks for reading. I love you all so much! Catch you in the next one!
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
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mmelionsblog · 10 months
long. day. [Mike Schmidt x Fem!Reader]
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You screamed. You screamed your head OFF in the bathroom of your work. You just got done with a 12 hour shift and by the end of the day, there were so many people, so many Karen’s complaining about the food that’s gone wrong or would call you—
the night shift manager, telling you how horrible your employees were and that you needed to fire them. You argued back and forth with this one girl for ten minutes, saying your employer did nothing wrong and did what the girl asked to do. Get her order correct and serve. Your employer did as told, and the only simple thing that went wrong was that the kid forgot the damn freaking sauce. SAUCE.
You groaned, turning on the faucet to cold to splash your face. After a few seconds, your phone dinged on the marble counter. Mike had texted you and you immediately smiled at the screen in front.
Hey baby I’m coming over to pick you up
You placed your phone in your back pocket, a smile plastered on your face as you walk out and into the dining crowded area. Your eyes widen as you see your coworkers and managers struggle.
This was a rush dinner that never usually happens, so you slid carefully behind your coworkers to hide you from the people but the one said girl who gave you so much trouble had spot you, and she was talking to another manager yet again. This time, probably about you though. Your manager friend just shooed you away, giving you an apologetic smile.
Walking your way to the back, your phone buzzed in your pocket.
Baby, I’m here
You smiled, waving goodbye to your boss as you head your way up to the front. Mike was leaning on one of the walls. You were about to make your way up to him when all of a sudden, the same girl from earlier came by. “Excuse me,” she sassed. Your eyebrows tcked with annoyance, your face twitched.
“I’m sorry, but if you’re here to complain more to me I cannot help you. I’m off of work hours.” You gave her an annoyed smile look. “Uh, not for me you are.” She said. Your eyebrows raised. “Ma’am. I’ve worked for twelve hours today. Please do not push your limit.” You spoke like you had an angry tone, but in reality you were tired and just wanted to go home.
She scoffed, “excuse me? I’ll have you know I—” Mike had cut her off. “She’s. Off. Work. Hours,” you had to hold him back from going any closer to her, cause knowing karens in the business of hours, she’d probably report him and report you to your boss (which your glad your boss wouldn’t believe her anyways).
“Are you working here? No so, stop cutting me off. Your little slu—“ your eyes widened as a coworker, a minor, came over, all you did next was cover her mouth. “If you finish that sentence, I’ll have you banned from this store. Don’t you ever talk dirty here, there are kids underage. We’re here to keep them in a safe happy environment and what you’re doing is the opposite.” Her eyes widened at your movements, she pushed you off and scoffed, walking out the door and to her car.
Your boss was watching from the counter, giving you a thumbs up and a smile. “I’m so sorry about what you almost had to hear J.” You gave him a sympathetic smile. He shrugged, “sorry you have to deal with that b-word.” You chuckled at his response, “well have a nice rest of your shift. I’ll see you tomorrow,” you waved goodbye to your boss and coworkers, Mike doing the same and slowly walking behind you. He knew you were still a bit pissed off with the lady that almost insulted you in front of your coworkers.
As you opened and closed the door to Mikes car, you dropped your shoulders and the look of happiness off of your face. You looked absolutely exhausted. “I’m so sorry you had to deal with her baby,” his hands reached your thigh but all you wanted was no one to touch you at the moment right now. So you grabbed his hand, and placed it on his own thigh. “Long. Day. Let’s just drive home, okay?” You spoke with such softness, your face worn out with the look you gave him.
It was a quiet yet comfortable silence drive back to the house, the two of you walked side by side as Mike held your jacket for you. He opened the door, you thanked him and walked inside. Abby was drawing on the floor with the T.V turned on, one of her favorite cartoons playing. “You’re home!” She rushed over to you but was stopped by Mike, he explained in a soft whisper as she watched you walk past her and into the shared bedroom. She nodded and nodded at the directions Mike gave her, ran off into her room and closed the door.
Mike took off his shoes, walking over to the bedroom you were in. He saw you leaning on the bathroom counter with a defeated sigh. “I love my job, but god sometimes people like her make me want to quit.” You mumble, rubbing your shoulder as you tried to crack your neck. “All I know is you did an amazing job baby,” Mike came from behind you, his arms slowly but hesitantly wrapped around your waist. His head fit perfect as he placed it in between your neck and shoulder. “You did great out there,” he whispered, kissing your cheek and giving you more and more praise.
You smiled lightly as you looked at him through the mirror. “Can you help me take a shower? I’m just too tired to do anything right now.” He nodded. The two of you got undressed, you waited just a bit till the shower got warm then hopped in and Mike followed after you.
He did what was told, he washed your body, your face, and hair. “You were so amazing. You held the front up. All because of you.” Mike praised you once more, giving you a nice soft kiss to the lips. You smiled into it as you closed your eyes, “I love you.” He smiled back, kissing your cheek.
“I love you too.”
Guys idk how to feel abt this but I’ve been so exhausted hence the one week break I took, sorry for not posting! But I hope yall like this one. If not, yall can always rq whatever you want to read!
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ohitsjustgen · 11 months
Miles Morales (1610) x Reader
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This is my longest story yet. Ideas just randomly come to me at 2 AM😭
Love songs by Kaash Paige was blaring in your ears while you were doing your chemistry worksheet humming along to the lyrics. Although you couldn't shake the feeling that someone was staring at you? Eyes piercing through your skin.
You look to your right and see an unfamiliar dark skinned boy. As your eyes meet he quickly looks away looking back at his empty worksheet. You find it kinda weird that he would just be staring with no real cause. Was something on your face? Were you humming too loud? You look around to see everyone talking with their peers or working alone on their own worksheet. You look back over to where the boy is seated. He seems to be talking to his peer sitting next to him. You brush it off and proceed to work on your worksheet.
The bell suddenly alarms saying that it's time to transition to the next period. You scoot your chair back and pick up your backpack, placing your supplies inside. "Miles and Peter, can you please make your way over to my desk?" Announcing Mr. Taylor, our chemistry teacher.
You sling the backpack over your shoulder as you place your phone into your pocket and walk out of the room but not before saying "Bye Mr. T" as you always do. He calls out behind you "Bye Y/N, see ya tomorrow."
Not thinking too much about the situation that just happened, you walk to your locker to meet up with your friends Joseph and Jade
You see that they have already arrived at your locker. "Hey you guys" you say letting a smirk plaster onto your face.  "Heyyy Y/N" Jade says widening her arms for a hug. You cringe at the thoughts of hugs. "Girl, you know I don't do those." you say getting stiff. "Oh right my bad". Jade, who prefers to be called J, holds out her hand to do your "secret" handshake. Turning to Joseph you ball your fist and give him a fist bump.
You've known Joseph and J for about a year. While reading "The Hunger Games" in the library Jade came up to you with a big goofy smile blabbering about how the author is her favorite yada yada. Joseph came and apologized for her actions. After that first encounter, I knew we would've been the best of friends.
"Have you seen the new guy?" Asks Jade.
"What new guy?" You ask putting your bookbag into the locker and grab your computer, composition notebook and a mechanical pencil.
"I believe his name is Kyle?" questions Jade.
"His name is miles dumbass" Corrects Joseph
You think for a moment. "Actually I have a miles in my class"
"Was he cute?" Whispers Jade
"I dunno I didn't stay to see which one was miles" you shurg. You close your locker after getting all of your belongings.
"Ight I'll see you guys after class" says Joseph as he puts his hands in his pockets and walks off. We wave goodbye and begin to walk the opposite direction.
"So when are you going to start dating again y/n??"
While rolling your eyes, you see the same boy who was staring at you, in the hallway laughing with the guy he was sitting next to in chemistry.
"Hello??? Earth to y/n?" Jade says waving her hand in front of your face. You snap out of your trance and look at Jade. She looks at you and looks back at the boy you were just staring at.
"OoOoOoOo are you in love?"
"No" You'd state blankly walking through the halls to get to your Geometry class.
Once you and Jade make it to class you sit next to each other and pull out your composition notebooks and mechanical pencils.
"UGHHH I hope Mr. Smith isn't here today."
"Same girl, same" you say knowing you forgot to complete the homework he assigned last night.
And to your surprise Mr. Smith didn't arrive but a Substitute teacher did.
By the looks of it he was a tall yet lankey fair skinned male, with dreads, and peircings.
"Ello class, m' her' in replacemen' fo' Mr. Smith I reckon? Honestly I dunno one thing about Geometry so ya can do whatever"
The honestly was much appreciated. Much appreciated because Mr. Smith is the same way yet he assigns work that he can't even explain. It's frustrating to try to do the work yourself.
The dark-skinned boy from before walks into the class extremely late. He's panting maybe because he was running? He looks at our sub in shock. The curly haired boy mumbles under his breath something along the lines of "What are you doing here?!" The teacher, who we don't know the name of  yet, tells him he has it under control.
"Right I forgo' to mention, The names Hobie, otherwise known as Spider Punk"
The class laughs as he says the last part in a matter-of-a-fact tone.
"What are you? A rip off version of Spiderman?" Yells a female classmate
The rest of the class snickers at her remark. Hobie chuckles as well finding it amusing that we didn't believe him. The fair skinned boy who was running late takes a seat behind you and puts his head down groaning. You hear this and decide to confront him to make sure he's ok.
You turn around to face him.
"Rough first day?" You say leaning your head onto your knuckles.
He lifts up his head to face you.
"You have no idea"
"Names Y/N" you say with a friendly smile.
A smirk forms across the boys face "Miles"
"Oh yea and sorry about staring at you earlier..creepy I know but it was harmless I swear" he says putting his hands up defensively.
"It's alright I didn't think nun of it anyway" you say chuckling
J leans and whispers something into your ear
"I'll leave you two love birds alone"
You playfully hit the fair skinned girl as she gets up from her seat and sits next to her other peer she knew in this class.
LOVE. FEAT. ZACARI. by Kendrick Lamar and Zacari began to play.
Surprisingly your Beats headphones were loud enough that the boy heard it himself.
"Oh you like Kendrick Lamar too?" Asks the boy
"Oh uhm yea. He's a good artist. Who do you listen to?" You ask wanting to know more about him.
"More along the lines of Kendrick Lamar, Frank Ocean, Russ, YK Osiris, Vedo. Those types of artists." He says while counting the artists on his fingers.
"I only know 2 of those artists" you say chuckling
"Dang, you're really missing out" he says pulling out his phone to show the songs he recommends
You guys exchange playlists and point out the songs you know and don't. Suddenly the bell rings alarming you that it's time for lunch.
"Need someone to sit next to?" You ask getting up from your chair
"Yea that would be nice" Miles says doing the same
While grabbing an apple and putting it into your tray you turn to miles to ask more questions.
"Batman or Superman?"
"Batman, I like to keep my identity secret AND I'm a night owl"
You nod in response
"Catwoman or Wonder woman"
"Catwoman, nothing specific I just like her costume" you say shrugging
You usher the boy to your usual spot in the cafeteria.  While placing your tray down you point to your friends to give introductions.
"Jade this is Miles, Miles Jade, Joseph Miles, Miles Joseph"
They exchange glances and waves as the two of you sit down.
A/N: If I get at least 40ish likes on this story I'll do a part 2
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strwberri-milk · 9 months
Heyo! It's me again. And guess what? Today is my birthday!
Can I request Kaeya seeing his lover cry the night before their birthday? I cried my eyes out last night, and now I'm curious how he'd react if he saw his lover doing the same.
oh my god why are there so many sad bday people im not special anymore /j
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Kaeya doesn't expect to see you sobbing the night before your birthday. He knew that he had a lot of things planned for you and he was incredibly excited to celebrate you in the coming day. You sitting there and sobbing was not something that he was expecting to see.
When he comes into the room you try to bottle up your tears and pretend that nothing's wrong. He doesn't want to pry too hard but after knowing that you've just been crying he can't help but confront you with it lovingly, trying to ask what happened and get to the bottom of it.
Regardless of the reason, he's there to hold you and comfort you with a soft hand and steady voice. The warmth of his body seeping into yours makes you forget for a second whatever it was that upset you so, Kaeya mumbling something reassuring into your ear you can't really hear as fatigue starts to settle in. He's saying all the right things, helping you feel better as your eyes drift closed.
As your breathing slows and he finds that he's managed to settle you down to sleep he sighs and continues to run his hand up and down your back. He already was going to make sure you had a great day tomorrow but now he's even more determined, wanting to help clear your mind of all the negative things you were feeling.
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softspeirs · 7 months
These Heartbeats Clear (3): Rosie Rosenthal x OC
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A/N: I just can’t stop myself from imagining what it was like after the first mission for the Riveters when they get back from the flak house. So here we are. Our friend Grace Fleming is back. This technically takes place after this fic, but you can read them separately from each other. These Heartbeats Clear Masterlist
three - don't break my heart (no promises).
He’s standing outside the officer’s hut, wondering what he’s supposed to do now. He doesn’t want to go inside.
Today’s mission went well, but it doesn’t change the mood that’s hovered over him since his forced break the week before.
He had hesitated at the hatch, that morning. His fingers drumming out a rhythm on the plane, he had shut his eyes, and had to force himself inside.
Hand on his hips, he shakes his head, frustrated with his inability to control his emotions and do his job.
That’s where she finds him.
“Captain Rosenthal?” Her voice cuts through the white noise in his head, jolts him back to the present. He shuts his eyes for a half second, making sure that when he faces her again, his smile is present and accounted for.
He is happy to see her; he doesn’t have to pretend, not really.
“Lieutenant Fleming. Heading home?”
The women’s huts aren’t anywhere near here. He knows that. Knows it means she’s gone out of her way to seek him out, and while that would normally make him grin and arch a playful eyebrow at her until she blushes in that way he’s learning he really enjoys, he can’t find it in him this evening.
She tilts her head. “No. Can’t sleep.”
“The matron’s gonna have your head.”
Can she hear it, he wonders? The way he’s fighting with his own voice not to crack, the way he’s desperately trying to have a casual conversation despite the fact that he knows why she’s here?
She rolls her eyes, takes a step closer to him. “She’s all bark, no bite. Besides, she wouldn't mind that I'm checking on you. Not after--" She stops herself.
It lands between them like an anvil, the elephant in the room they’re both trying to pretend isn’t there.
“You don’t have to check on me.” He says after a few minutes.
“I know. Still wanted to.”
His breath catches in his throat at the sincerity in her voice. Whatever this is between the two of them, he’s both terrified to let her in and fighting the urge to close the distance between them every second they spend together.
It’s just — the last two weeks have been absolute hell, and what kind of ending is he writing for her by letting this thing between them happen? If he gives in to their easy conversation, her gentle smiles and kind eyes… what sort of fate does that leave her with? Another day watching a plane not come back? How could he do that to her?
And that's assuming he's not imagining all the little moments that have stacked up since he got to Thorpe Abbotts - the softly exchanged words, the smiles and the reassurances, the way he can't take his eyes off her when she's in the same room.
“I can hear the gears turning up there.” She says softly. “Are you... are you okay, Rosie?"
He nods. "I'll be fine. It was just tough, getting back in the saddle today. But I'm fine."
“And I really, really don’t want to talk about it. Please, Grace. I can’t… I have to just go to sleep, put today out of my mind, and try to figure out how the hell I’m going to do this again tomorrow.” Her name escapes him without his permission.
Her eyes widen slightly, but then the look on her face changes. It seems to say two can play this game. “Robert.” She says firmly, eyes narrowing. Something in his chest tightens at the sound of his name in her mouth. “If you keep everything inside, you’re going to break down eventually.”
He knows she’s right, but there’s a part of him itching for a fight. “You don’t understand what it’s like up there, Lieutenant.”
She flinches a little at his tone. He feels guilty for a split second, but he can’t stop himself.
“I never thought twice about doing my job until I got sent away, and I know everyone thinks it was for our own good, but that's not the way I like to do things. I don't like things being left unfinished."
Her gaze is pensive, thoughtful. "It makes sense that you're angry."
“You’re damned right I’m angry. I’m not supposed to be one of the only pilots here. We aren’t supposed to be the only original crews left. But I don't want to sit around and talk about it. If I talk about it, I won’t be able to get back in the plane the next time, and there isn’t anyone left, Grace.” He’s heaving great, shaky breaths by the time he’s finished. He can’t look at her.
“Do you feel better now?” Her voice is surprisingly calm. He expects her to get angry with him right back, or to get upset. He expects her to walk away from him, like he knows she should.
He doesn’t expect her hand, a light touch on his arm. “You’re right, Captain.” She says. “I don’t know what it’s like up there. I don’t know what you’re feeling now and I’ll never be able to fully understand. But those were my friends too, and you're not the only one trying to put before out of your mind.”
He looks up, sees a unique type of hurt in her eyes. Remembers the cackle of Bucky Egan’s laughter at a dry comment she makes to him while he sits on the edge of the table in the pub, letting her worry over a still-too-red cut above his eye.
Remembers her crouching down to ruffle Meatball’s fur, rolling her eyes at DeMarco as he brags about what a good copilot the dog is.
“And I know you have to bury some of it so you can get back in the plane,” she continues, taking a step even closer. “But just promise me that when you do need to talk, you’ll talk to someone. Even if it isn’t me. Because if you don’t, if it gets to you… you might make a mistake up there.”
He opens his mouth automatically to contradict her, but she reaches out to straighten the knot of his scarf before he can speak, continuing, “And if one day that plane doesn’t come back… well, that would well and truly break my heart, Rosie.”
His heart begins to beat again at the combination of her words, her proximity, and the feeling of her hands, her hands that save lives and are so sure and confident, lingering there on his chest.
He’s sure she can feel the rapid pounding of his heart beneath his flight suit.
“I won’t break your heart, Grace.” He says. His voice is like gravel.
He doesn’t promise. She doesn’t ask him to. They both know it’s impossible.
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meraki-yao · 10 months
Transcription and Translation of Taylor's Little Red Book Livestream (9th December 2023, to the best of my ability)
Q: Question A: Answer
Side Banters:
H: Host T: Taylor Anything in brackets: me or additional elaboration
Q: Asking him to share his experience of city walking in Shanghai earlier today
A: They went to Yu Garden which Taylor said was incredible, and he tried 糖葫蘆 Tanghulu, a traditional Chinese sweet which is candied Chinese Hawthorn
Q: How was the past few days for him and where did he go
A: He's been in China for four nights now (He came by himself btw) First night he stayed at the J Hotel which is the third tallest building in the world and the tallest hotel in the world. After that, he went to 濮院 (the venue for the GQ event) for two nights and it was incredible
Q: How's his jetlag?
A: It's hitting right now 😂 He's been drinking a lot of tea and getting better
Q: What led him to choose to become an actor instead of a competitive swimmer
A: That was an easy choice, he swan for 10 years and then decided he didn't want to swim in college, and then decided he didn't want to be a doctor (his brother's a doctor) and maybe disappointed his parents (H: No way!) It was a hard decision but he decided to move to LA and pursue acting (H: and you made it!)
Q: How is he enjoying being an actor?
A: It's tough, ups and downs. It's kind of like swimming, it's an individual activity, but you also get to collaborate with the community, which is fun.
Q: What are his favourite three movies and why?
A: The Matrix, Fight Club and Interstellar, he likes movie with a twist
Q: What type of music does he like
A: Deep House, Tropical House, Reggaeton
And then the host taught him a couple of Chinese phrases
Q: What sparked his interest in fashion
A: His dad bought him a subscription to GQ when he was younger which started his interest in fashion, and then he started watching fashion-related movies (like Brad Pitt in Allied) which further cultivated that interest. Maybe in the future, he'll try out characters like that
Q: Did he meet any friends in the GQ event?
A: He met Li Xian who he met in Italy earlier, otherwise met a lot of new people.
Q: Why is he passionate about being eco-friendly when it comes to fashion?
A: It was inspired initially by his mom. They lived in the countryside with horses, cows, and fields away from the city, and he has seven siblings (he's the sixth oldest/ third youngest) so there are a lot of hand-me-downs and not a lot of new things, so the family kept on using the same things. He gained a deeper awareness of the issue in recent years.
Q: Talk a bit about fashion sustainability
A: A lot of fast fashion material and clothes are thrown out really soon and disposed of really quickly (despite still being in good shape) but a lot of clothing material, especially synthetic fabric can't be recycled, so it's just like throwing out plastic. Actually, a lot of clothes can keep being reused and styled. He's had the inner shirt he's currently wearing for four years.
Q: Any future plans?
A: He has a film project early next year and there are other things he's excited about but can't talk about yet
Q: Is he going to Shanghai Disneyland?
A: He wants to but he doesn't have time
H: You don't even need to go to Disney you look like a Disney character already! (Damn right!!!)
Q: What food have you had in China so far?
A: Don't get him started on the subject of food 😂 He's had a Shanghainese Lunch today and a Cantonese (YAY) lunch yesterday, and he's looking for some spicy food for tomorrow. Also, he had a really crazy allergic reaction and his lips got giant (???). He needs to be careful with food.
T: I see talk about RWRB, what do you want to know? I'll give some secret intel
RWRB questions speedrun:
Q: sequel?
A: ... He doesn't know. He says he thinks Casey has to write another book for that.
Q: Deleted scenes?
A: They're deleted for a reason (DUDE)
A: He says he has some on his phone and he would show us but he doesn't have his phone right now, he might post it later (PLEASE DO)
H: He's leaving after three days
T: (reading off comments) Come visit Hong Kong next time? Yeah! (me, who lives in Hong Kong: AHHHHHHHHHH)
Q: Do you know any Chinese nicknames of yours?
A: 忒樂. (tei le, or "Tay"-le) meaning too happy (I made a list of the boys' Chinese nicknames here)
Annddd... That's it! The live was pretty short, like 20 minutes? He ended it by picking up the phone and showing the audience the Shanghai city view himself (I was too busy typing to get a screenshot)
All transcription or interpretation mistakes are mine
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bedbellyandbeyond · 11 months
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Check In On Your Friends
(Story Post)
“Hej mine kære venner! Jeg kommer med gaver!”
Theo was lounging in bed when he heard the elf raucously burst into his apartment. He was tired, hungry, irritated, and now bigger than he could’ve imagined. The last thing he needed was noise, but he was a bit surprised to hear Korsy was back from his trip.
“What?” Theo groaned, turning over to try and sit up. His stomach stuck out like a torpedo now and sat between his legs, webbed with stretch marks and red from minor rashes.
Henderson let the elf into the room and Korsy beamed, carrying a shopping bag with him. “I said ‘Hello, my dear friends! I come bearing gifts!’”
“Ah…” Theo yawned and waved Henderson over. “Do I have any snacks left?”
Henderson was already prepared and brought him a plate of crackers and fruit. “I just got some groceries today.”
Theo received the plate delightedly while Henderson sat down beside him. “Merci… Ugh, what would I do without you…”
“Shit, dude. Can you even get up with that much baby?” Korsy commented, unable to fathom his friend’s shape.
“Not really…” Theo shrugged. “I’m officially on bed rest.”
“No kidding.” Korsy put his hands on his hips in bewilderment. “Shouldn’t you be on, like, hospital bed rest?”
Theo sighed. “That’s what the doctor’s office said, but now both my usual doctors are away for whatever reason, and there’s just this one doctor there now, who I’ve heard is a whack job, so I would rather stay home. Non, merci.”
“Ah, Dr Gardi’s not bad. But I see your point.” Korsy lifted his bag. “Anyway, souvenirs for you.”
“No way it’s been two months…” Theo said, checking his side table alarm clock for the date.
“No, we had to come back a little early, but I’m leaving again tomorrow morning,” Korsy said as he started rummaging through his bag. “Anyway, I can’t give you all the details, but I did go ‘home’ and I ‘borrowed’ a few things. Catch.”
Henderson jumped a little when a metal object was tossed to him. He caught it and realised it was a gold bracelet of some kind. “What’s this?”
“Sun elf bangle. Drow probably stole it. So, eh. Yours now.”
Henderson was shocked at first as the moment he slipped the bangle on, it adjusted to the size of his wrist. Worried it might be stuck, he pulled at it, but lit up seeing it resize again and slip off easily. “…Whoa. That’s incredible. Theo, look! It fits me so well!”
“It does,” Theo complimented. “It suits you.”
Henderson beamed. “Thanks, Korsy.”
“Don’t mention it. My uncle’s wife doesn’t need it anyway.” Korsy pulled something else from his bag, but this time handed it nicely to Theo. “For you.”
Korsy had handed him a little figure of an elven soldier carved in walnut with silver details. It carried a bow and looked noble. “That’s sweet, Korsy! Wow,” Theo said, admiring the figure. “Thanks.”
“Also, here.” Korsy handed them each something bundled in paper. “My aunt made these traditional elven buns.”
Theo put the figure down quickly so he could take the buns. “Oh, I can smell it already! I love fresh bread.”
“So, she’s you ‘aunt’ now?” Henderson questioned. “After calling her your uncle’s wife…”
“Different women, same uncle.” Korsy shrugged. “Divorce is weird… Karla’s still my aunt though, even if not by marriage.”
“So, why’d you have to come home early?” Theo asked before biting into his bun.
“That’s classified…” Korsy leaned against the bedroom door and sighed. “You guys should really consider some APID jobs. It’d be so much easier to talk to you about this kind of stuff if you have clearance.”
“Working on it,” Henderson said, and Theo nodded but he couldn’t speak through mouthfuls of bread. “Since you’re back briefly, have you checked in on your little…situationship?”
“It’s not a situationship. We’re just friends,” Korsy said. “And no, I don’t think I should bother him right now. I don’t have a lot of time anyway.”
“You made time for us,” Theo pointed out. “I thought you cared about this guy.”
“I don’t! I mean, I do, like friends,” Korsy tried to answer. “It’s just too complicated. He knows I’m away for two months, so he won’t be missing anything.”
Theo and Henderson both exchanged looks and frowned.
“You have feelings for him,” Henderson said.
Theo nodded along. “You like him.”
Korsy shook his head quickly. “Don’t make this something it’s not. I don’t like him like that. And I know he doesn’t see me that way.”
“Mmhm.” Henderson gave his gift bun to Theo and got up. “Korsy, are you looking for a romantic relationship?”
“No, I don’t do relationships,” Korsy said confidently.
“Why not? Are you aromantic?” Henderson asked.
“Ooh!” Theo got excited. “I’ve never known anyone aromantic before.”
“Guys, I’m not aromantic!” Korsy said. “I just don’t have time for that right now. My job is too important, and it doesn’t have room for settling down and having kids.”
“Aw, you want kids?” Theo cooed.
“That’s not what I’m saying!”
“You’re the one who brought it up,” Henderson pointed out.
“Wait, is this the same guy you had a pregnancy scare with?” Theo asked. “Oh, so that whole thing has you worried about your future and fatherhood and stuff. Je comprends.”
“You don’t comprends shit,” Korsy said.
Theo furrowed his brow and motioned to his heavily pregnant belly. “Je comprends.”
Henderson chuckled and wrapped his arms around Theo’s torso to rub his belly. He continued with Korsy’s dilemma. “Anyway, you say your job doesn’t have room for that, but I feel like you’re giving it too much credit. Does APID not provide time regular time off?”
Korsy sighed. “It does, but—”
“Does it not provide vacation time?” Henderson continued.
“Yes. Obviously.”
“Do you use your vacation time?”
“Um…” Korsy shrugged. “Here and there.”
Theo jumped in. “Does APID provide paternity leave and partner benefits?”
“Yes. It’s the government,” Korsy said. He motioned to them. “We have the same benefits. But I’m away all the time for months, and I am often putting myself in harms way. I don’t need to subject a partner to that.”
“You know there are people who are comfortable with that, right?” Henderson reminded. “You know, military spouses and such.”
“That’s their choice, but it’s not what I would want for a partner,” Korsy said. “I’m not ready to put that on someone.”
“But it sounds like you do want that at some point,” Theo said. “If not now.”
“It’s not something I can want, okay?” Korsy was starting to get worked up. “Can we move on from this? Please, I just wanted to drop off gifts and hang out a little bit.”
Theo sighed. “Okay. Do you want to play some games or something? I just got Baldur’s Gate 3.”
Korsy frowned. “The D&D video game?”
“Yeah. You wanna make a character or something?”
Korsy rolled his eyes. “And be what, a drow elf rogue?”
Henderson shrugged. “You don’t have to be.”
Korsy opened his arms. “You know how I feel about D&D.”
“Ah, right, sorry…” Theo tilted his head. “So… You wanna play Tears of the Kingdom or Mortal Kombat or someth—”
Korsy crossed his arms. “No, let’s play Baldur’s Gate I guess.”
Theo grinned. “Really? You won't be offended?”
Korsy shrugged and found himself a seat on the edge of the bed. “Well, I have to try it out to see how bad the representation is, don't I? And, is that a PS5? I haven't tried one yet.”
“Oh, you definitely have to try it,” Henderson encouraged.
“Yeah, here.” Theo tapped his side table. “My controllers are in the drawer.”
Korsy retrieved a controller. “Alright, nice. So, are drow good or bad?”
“Eh, it depends.”
“Hm. Alright, so how do I make a drow rogue?”
“We said you don't have to be a drow rogue...”
“I want to.”
“D’accord, d’accord…”
[Disclaimer: This author does not know Danish. If you do and this is bad, lemme know! I'd love to fix it. I do know French, but if somehow that's fucked too, lemme know.]
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fandomworld9728 · 4 months
The Life of the Morningstars - Chapter 18:
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Oh, how lucky Alastor was! Lucifer had grabbed his hand before Charlie could, not wanting to undermine her decision but did not want her to shoulder this burden. With that, the deal was sealed. The King of Hell owing him a favor! However, one question was constantly on Alastor's mind. Why didn't the King just demand the answer?
Alastor would get his answer later. Right now, he wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth. They had more important matters to see to.
"Any luck, dad?"
"Not yet. I'm still trying but I'm this close to just ripping up the treaty." 
The people drinking and enjoying their last few hours before the battle stopped and looked over at the king. He knew what they were going to ask. It was the same as everyone else. Why did he allow the Exterminations in the first place?
"Okay, look. I've gotten a lot of shit for this in the past so listen up. Lilith was trying to create an uprising against Heaven. I didn't want that. Heaven used to be my home... my family was there. Along with all those innocent souls. That's the only reason they wanted some form of treaty and I only agreed to the Exterminations because I had to protect Charlie. I was backed into a corner. But... now she's all grown up and has all of you. I think it's time for this treaty to end."
"Yes! Way to go dad! Don't let them use anything or anyone against you."
"Yeah, short king. Stick it to the man!"
"I knew that night out with us would do ya some good."
Popping up in the middle of the group, Sir Pentious raised his glass to lead a toast. "Here's to being alive today and not dying tomorrow."
Taking the drink offered to him, Lucifer joined in the fun with a small smile. He loved his new, little family. This moment was so... perfect. He should have come here the first time Charlie had asked him to. Maybe then things would have gone differently, and he wouldn't be at risk of losing more people he cared about.
Watching the group from a small balcony with Niffty, Alastor couldn't keep the soft, fond smile off his face. "The celebratory night before a courageous last stand. It's been a surprising thrill to witness these wayward souls find connection. Almost makes one sentimental, eh, Niffty?"
"I really like them, Alastor. They let me put on roach puppet shows without booing."
"Ah, an enjoyable collective to be around. I admit, one could get accustomed." Especially to a certain father daughter pair. Did he use his knowledge to his advantage against them? Yes. But that's what he did with everyone. They could hardly hold it against him. Even if he wasn't fond of alpha fathers, watching Lucifer over the past few days had unfortunately started changing Alastor's view on the small man.
What really set that change in motion had been the way the fallen angel had protected Angel Dust and Niffty. Not only that, but the way he allowed her to climb him and treated her with care even with how uneasy he had been around her at first. It had the radio demon rethinking all of their encounters since they first met. What an odd little man that had captured Alastor's interest.
Feeling something in his hair, Alastor looked up to see a crown of twigs and dead roaches on his head. Courtesy of the small cyclops woman now on his shoulder. "I dub thee, King Roach."  
"Oh, to understand your twisted little mind."
Watching the two laugh, Lucifer couldn't help the fond smile on his face. Sure, Alastor was a creepy, manipulative asshole, but he wasn't the worst person he had ever met. Though, he could be biased. No. He definitely was biased. Lucifer wasn't going to think too much or too hard on it. He could come back to those thoughts on a different day.
Right now, the king had to help his snake friend with his love life. Pushing the sinner forward, he gave the guy an encouraging smile and thumbs up. Poor Pentious needed this win. 
"Uh... Miss. Bomb? Cherri?"
"I want to you tell you that I... I love..."
That's it! You got this! Just one more word and you got your confession out there!
"I'd love to wish you good luck in the battle ahead!"
Dammit Pentious! You almost had it! No. He could still save this attempt. Plus, Lucifer and Angel would still wingman for him after he left.
"You are- h-have always been a worthy opponent. With the most brilliant explosive contraptions I've ever seen."
"Uh... thanks?" Look at that smile! He had her! 
"Anyway, I guess please don't die tomorrow! Okay, bye!"
Fuck! He ran away! So close... Sighing, Lucifer stood on either side of the punk girl with Angel.
"You know, you could totally tap that."
"Stop being gross."
"Cause, y'know, i hear he's got two dicks."
"I know he has two dicks." Lucifer's face fell as soon as that comment left his mouth. Flushing gold, he didn't look at the two sinners. He was never going to hear the end of this. "Before you say anything! It was just two friends helping each other out!"
Alastor wasn't too thrilled about what he overheard. Lucifer? With that idiotic, pathic snake? Another thing he couldn't wrap his mind around. However, that wasn't what was important at the moment. Stopping the king on his way back to his room, he was going to get some answers. "Majesty."
"Oh. Hey Alastor. What's up?"
"...Huh... I figured you'd be more upset about being tricked into a deal."
A few beats of silence passed between them before the King of Hell had dissolved in a fit of laughter. "Y-You think- ha! You think that you tricked me into a deal? Oh, that's just fucking priceless."
His smile turned tight and painful on his face. "Care to explain what you mean by that?"
"You may have backed Charlie into a corner, but I knew your game from the very beginning."
"Then why didn't you just demand the answer from me?"
"Would you have given me the information if I did?" Alastor's silence was all the fallen angel needed. "Probably not without a fight and we didn't have time for that. Not to mention, it's Charlie's call on the matter. There's also the fact that even after that manipulation stunt you pulled, she still trusts you and cares about you. But I didn't properly teach her about this stuff with how things ended up. So, the least I could do was take the deal in her place."
Lucifer... was a good dad. And Alastor was a fool to ever think otherwise.
"Oh, and I figured out why you don't like me. You thought I was some sort of shitty alpha father, right?"
"That is correct. Why?"
The amused look on the king's face surprised the sinner, but not as much as what came out of his mouth next. "I'm an omega."
"...You're a what now?"
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constellationguy · 5 months
That Radio Show
Summary: In the absence of the radio demon listeners of hell find a new broadcast to enjoy
I know I haven’t updated in a while but I was really racking my brain for a good chapter four. Please let me know of any errors and if you enjoy it!
Chapter three
Chapter Four: A Princess Meets The King
“Ylsuoires erom esnesnon koot ew fi ffo retteb eb dirow eht t'ndluoW?”
As the song ended the sound of ocean waves was replaced by the sound of piano overlayed by static.
“Good afternoon by dear listeners,” you said with your usual electric static-y voice.
“It 12:00 pm here in Pentagram city, and thus it is peak listening hours for my lovely little station so I must make an announcement. I apologize, but your dear radio host will be taking the day off tomorrow.” You said keeping your voice level, since a confident tone tended to translate on the radio better because of the static.
“I know, I know, little old me doesn’t take days off often, but not to worry! I have the music lined up for tomorrow, all be it with a few adds here and there to replace some regular segments of chatter.”
“I am planning to take only one day of, but should things go ascue I will take an additional day off. So I hope to see you back on Wednesday, Thursday at the latest.”
“Of course I will still be here the rest of today so please call in, listen, and enjoy. And I will be making this announcement a couple more times today and posting on That Radio Show’s hellstagram page about my unfortunate absence. Well listeners, that’s it from me for now, our next song is another lovely request from Ms Velvet, coming up next is “Breezeblocks” by alt-J. Stay tuned!” With that the static ceased and the song started.
Leaving your house was always a lengthy endeavor, you curse your skittish cautions nature as a doe. You stood beside your door, staring at yourself through the mirror while applying the last for your lipstick.
You wore a flowy white dress that allowed for full range of motion and milky pink dancing shoes, they were comfortable and are easy to run in should shit go down, with a bag in the same pink color.
Mentally you went through a check list.
Bag? Check.
Make up? Check.
Mirror? Check.
Wallet? Check.
Money? Check.
Pepper spray? Check.
And last but most important, your cane.
Your cane was the extremely modern microphone and microphone stand you used while broadcasting, it was heavy duty and was a good battering weapon should the need come, and it conducted electricity very well so it amplifies and complements your electric power splendidly.
With one last deep breath and check of your watch you left your home to catch a cab.
Stepping out of the cab you were at the bottom of the hill, at the top, the Hazbin Hotel. Walking up the hill did little to calm your curiosity and anxieties. Now standing at the door, you brought out your mirror, making sure no makeup had smeared and your white hair was perfectly placed. Your red lipstick was the same as your well manicured nails and complemented your complexion, your teeth that were the same color as your milky pink shoes were sharp and perfectly straight. With one more deep breath to mask your nerves you closed your mirror with enough forced to break it, put it way and gave the front door a hearty nock. After a couple seconds of waiting you started to get fidgety, you brought your microphone closer to you, crossing your arms and looked at your nails, waiting for the door to open.
Hearing the door open made your face open in a sharp sinister smile. Before you could see who was at the door it was shut wish a slam. Needless to say you were surprised a bit offended, your ears twitched in annoyance, this spurred confidence in you. You knocked again.
This time you were tapping your foot and making eye contact with the door. Once the door opened again you stared back at the person opening it from behind the chain lock before they gave it another slam.
The normally even static that surrounded your presence raised and started to pop and tickle on your skin. You knocked agin.
“Dear I have little patience for your antics, and I have dry cleaning to pick up before 4:00 so I’d like this go faster than how it’s currently going,” you huffed, static and electricity threatening to attack the door.
The door opened again, slower, and more cautiously.
“Lovely,” you said with a sigh.
“Now I, would prefer a face to face conversation but if talking through a door is what is needed to talk to someone, so be it.”
Not giving you much room to breathe, the peach eyed person spoke up.
“What do you want,” the snippy person beyond the door barked out.
“Well dear, I have come to speak with Miss. Morningstar. I have come with business and expect to speak to someone about it.” You said gaining control over the static once again, twirling your cane.
“Oh, Vaggie! Is someone at the door?” Though muffled you could pick up someone talking from the other side of the door. This made your sharp smile return.
“No one important,” said the person turning around to meet the other person.
“No one important! Oh dear, does my presence strike a nerve?” You said teasingly but harsh. The person behind the door snapped their head towards you and their eye clearly showed anger.
“Let me see! Let me see!” Said the seemingly same cheery voice from earlier but now closer and more clearly. The door shut momentarily before opening wider with the absence of the chain lock. You made brief eye contact with the blond woman opening the door, then it again suddenly closed. This ticked you off.
“If I have come at an inopportune time, I can come back tomorrow but I wish not to waste any more of my time,” you said with static and electricity again surrounding you threateningly. Just as you were about to turn around and leave the door opened again, slower, timidity. The blond girl in front of you was bracing herself on the door, and the person who opened the door earlier was right behind her.
“Again, I am looking to speak with Miss. Morningstar. I have matters of business I need to speak to her about.” You said trying to keep your tone even and less annoyed.
“Oh! That’s me hi,” the blond woman said giving you a little wave.
“Lovely. I have come to inquire about your hotel here, you see your letter may have been charming but it left lots to the imagination. I wish to know more about you are planning to do with this hotel of yours.” You said finally retrieving a cooler demeanor.
“Oh! That I can do. But please explain to me really quickly, uh what letter,” Miss Morningstar said cautiously.
“Oh dear! Where are my manners, my mother would be rolling in her grave to know I haven’t introduced myself at the start of a conversation. I am the host of That Radio Show, you sent me a letter not to long ago-“
“OH YOUR THE PRINCESS OF RADIO,” the blond said excitedly cutting you off. You cringed a bit at the name.
“I do suppose some people call be that but that’s not my name, in fact I have no relation to hell’s king of radio, the radio demon. Hells I haven’t even been able to catch a broadcast. We shouldn’t even be compared. My name is Y/n, dear princess.”
“No need for all that formal stuff, just call me Charlie,” she said waving you off.
“Sure, now I would like to discuss related to our businesses. You see I would love to support you, hell I’d pay you to keep you as a sponsor, however I need to know more about your business. Tell me how exactly do you plan on redeeming sinners?” You said sharp grin returning to your face.
“We can discuss this inside, this might take a minute,” Charlie said cautiously.
“Very well then,” you said while walking past the girls and taking in the scenery.
The lobby was dark, red, and enveloping, with the exception of the bar, which was an erre green color and decorated intricately in bones.
“Now this is not what I was expecting, though I’m not sure what I expected exactly,” you said with a chuckle.
As you sat on the couch the girls sat across from you.
“So, tell me all about this place,” you said with a newly summoned pen and notepad in your hands.
“The whole goal is to rehabilitate sinners, to mold them into good people to be sent to heaven.” Charlie said with here bright smile.
“I’ve gotten that much, but how do you plan to do it? And what are the things that set that mold? What is a heaven bound sinner supposed to act like?” You hoped asking comprehensive questions would get you to learn about the meat and bones of this place.
“Well, we plan to teach our residents about heavenly values and try and implement it into everyday life. We have various bonding and self improvement activities throughout the day here.” Charlie seemed to light up at your questions and answered in a rushed voice. You jotted down as much as you could as she spoke but you weren’t too worried because your microphone was recording the conversation.
“I see, tell me, what activities do you do here, and how do they play a part in the development of your residents?” You said, duly noting that she didn’t answer your last question and she didn’t expand on “heavenly values”.
“Well…,” Charlie immediately sounded deflated.
“We hope that through our activities and daily effort the residents will start to change their path, and start their way on the path of riotousness,” you noticed she sounded unsure, way less confident than before.
“I am guessing there is not much more to this idea than that is there?” You said tossing your pen and notepad into the air letting them disappear midair.
“Uhm, well. We do already have a resident, a few staff members, and an overlord sponsor,” Charlie said meekly.
“Well I suppose there is not much to be expected when just starting out,” you said with a sigh.
“Well, I’ll just get to it. I wish to sponsor you, I don’t mean to have any steak to the money make here or drive your cause exactly, but I wish to support you. Letting guests stay here for free won’t generate money, and without money you can’t build on this place, you’ll be stuck with the shell that it is,” you said making eye contact with Charlie.
“Well, I’m not sure what you mean by that exactly,” Charlie said confused.
“In exchange for a room here I will pay you rent, utilities, anything you wish to charge for and I will continue to advertise your little hotel in my broadcasts. You see this hotel is closer to my office than my current home and truly, if redemption is possible down here of all places I wish to support that cause. I might just be getting sentimental, but I am sure every demon down here has family up there that they miss, that they hope everyday they won’t forget and if this place gives even a glimpse of hope they can see them again I want to give this place every chance it can get.” You said more serious than you thought.
“Wow really?! That means soooo much to me, thank you.” Charlie said excitedly, practically jumping in her chair.
“Before we have anything set in stone I would like to know of the residents here. Tell me about the staff and patrons of you could,” you said, smile becoming tought on your face.
“Okay! Obviously we have me, the owner. To my left is my girl friend Vaggie, she helps run and execute activities.,” she paused for a moment to scan her surroundings before pointing to the bar.
“Resting on the bar is Husker, our bar tender. We have a maid but she is probably running around catching bugs somewhere, she is short and is quick so look out for her. And last but not least is our sponsor Alastor, he-“ Charlie was cut off by a new voice suddenly speaking from behind you.
“Oh? You’re talking about me Charlie, only good things I hope.” The voice you heard was overlayed with static, just like yours, that didn’t seem good.
“Of course Alastor! We just got to you, I was just explaining the residents of the hotel to our, hopefully, new guest!” You could tell she was a little off put but still cheery. The person speaking behind you soon manifested beside Charlie, looking you straight in the eyes.
“This is Alastor, the radio demon, he is the host of the hotel,” said Charlie, in her usual upbeat way. Hearing that your face dropped and your ears stuck to your skull. All you could do was cover your mouth and mutter under your breath, “oohh, I fucked up.” You tried to gather your composure quickly.
“Huh, well. It’s a pleasure to meet all of you, now I wouldn’t be to sure about be being an official guest as of yet but I appreciate your enthusiasm dear,” you said trying to sound collected and to hide the usual static in your voice with your smile straining significantly.
“Alastor, this is THE princess of radio, she works as the host for That Radio Show! It’s the one playing all the time, it’s running right now. Isn’t that great!” Charlie said, obviously not noticing the tension in the room as it fell silent minus the gentle music coming from the radio on the bar.
“Charlie, Charlie, Charlie! I’ve told you how I don’t exactly favor that name, and- you shouldn’t speak such high praise- my little broadcasts don’t even hold a candle to the radio demon’s, everyone with half a brain knows it,” you said talking a mile a minute.
Alastor looked at you inquisitively, his ever lasting smile darkening as he walked towards you.
“Well, it’s good to know the younger generation is still interested in good old radio. It’s good to finally put a face to the voice of the supposed princes,” Alastor said condescendingly while towering over you.
“You are a doe aren’t you? All the does I’ve seen down here have been so skittish they could barely leave their homes, good to see one is out in the world with such an important job,” he said with a hearty chuckle that you could tell was hiding something.
Alastor’s static was much stronger than yours, you could feel it tickle your skin from feet away, but him being this close to you was terrifying and you the static scratching and popping on your skin made it feel to real to move.
“I’ve never met another doe, let alone another deer, so I couldn’t confirm your sentiment,” you said trying to build your guard back up, your ears flinging to their normal position on your head.
“Well, you’re a curious thing, aren’t you? You will tell me your name won’t you? I’m starting to believe you’ll run away should I take my eyes off you! HA HA,” Alastor laughed in a way that made his words less serious but no where near a joke.
“It’s Y/n, I’m terribly grateful to finally meet my predecessor, I’m sure all of hell will be happy (or terrified) to hear of your return,” you said with a smile you tried to keep as relaxed as possible while holding out your hand for Alastor to shake.
Alastor stopped his theatrics for a moment staring down at you, you could tell the cogs in his head were turning and his response was on the tip of his tongue by the way the static surrounding him started to soften momentarily before it returned to normal and he took your hand.
“Alastor, quite a pleasure to meet you, quite a pleasure. It’s good to finally have some hearty competition again, I’ll be sure to catch one of your broadcasts when your are actually on the clock,” he said staring at you creepily, he held the handshake for what seemed to be forever.
“The pleasure is all mine, I’m sure of it, and there’s so need to do such a thing, I bet my little show wouldn’t be of interest to you,” you said earnestly as Alastor gave one last tight squeeze of your hand before letting go.
“Oh how humble of you dear, radio must have changed during my seven year sabbatical, you’d be the best place to start to learn about modern radio broadcasting and I’m sure there is much to know,” Alastor said with his condescending and sarcastic voice, the static was starting to get overwhelming and just as you were feeling to urge to run away Charlie spoke up again.
“Now that you’ve met everyone Y/n, what do you think? What are your thoughts about becoming a resident?” Charlie’s voice helped break the tension a bit but returning to the conversation before hand had felt like she took the air from your lungs.
“Well, this place is lovely and I am sure I want to support this place. I can give you a call tomorrow to set an amount I will pay you to keep your sponsor. And as for becoming a resident, I’m not so sure about that. I have no desire to step on anyone’s toes here and I will be working for most of the day, everyday, so I wouldn’t be able to be as close to everyone in the hotel as you aim to be so I’m truly not sure,” you said cautiously while standing up timidly and grabbing you microphone tightly.
“Oh well, no worries then. Let me just give you my business card so you can give me a call later, I’ll be right back with that,” Charlie said brightly as she walked out of your sight and Vaggie was soon to follow.
“Well dear, I’m sure Charlie will be absolutely thrilled of you joined and I’d personally be interested in knowing more about my little junior,” Alastor said with another chuckle, you couldn’t exactly place his tone though.
Soon enough not quickly enough, Charlie ran back to you and gave you her business card.
“Thank you for stopping by Y/n, I hope to hear from you soon,” she said brightly as she gave you a light hug and sent you on your way. As you left and went to pick up your previously mentioned dry cleaning all you could think was…
How the hell did life come to this.
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Unbreakable (Joe Elliott x Reader) request by @defleppardfan1
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A/N: Here you go bestie! I hope you like it <333 Also shout out to anyone who can recognize the my other fic I'm referencing here!
September 2nd, 1986
I was so stressed. I had gone to work from nine to five for two weeks in a row and those mornings and evenings before and after work have not felt like much of a break. It hurt that I had to fill in for almost everyone who was supposedly “out sick”, it felt like they were trying to use me ‘cause they knew that I would fill in. I rarely ever saw my boyfriend, Joe either. I never know what he is doing or even how he is doing. 
Today was the one day he could come by and pick me up. I walked out of work to see him sitting in the car. He always looked so good when he wasn’t necessarily paying attention to what was around him. Well, he always looked good. He had this long dirty blond hair, it was always tucked behind his ears. His eyes were a bluish-green and he had a smile of reassurance. If you knew Joe at all, you’d know that whenever he was driving the car, he would be blasting rock n’ roll. 
I never minded that, it was lovely. It made him happy and that makes me happy. We are opposites though, I’ve got an interest in finance and dance, I always have and Joe, well, I think it’s pretty obvious. One thing I always believed about the two of us is that we are soulmates. You know, like a best friend, but better. I’ve known him since kindergarten and we got along immediately. He was the one person I could go to and tell all of my secrets. He never shared them, he helped me with my issues. He was always the sweetest, kindest soul you would meet. 
I knocked on the window of the car and he turned his head, grinned, then opened the car. I opened the door and sat in the passenger seat. He turned down the music and looked at me. 
“You alright?” He asked.
“Yes,” my voice was monotone.
“Y/N,” Oh yeah, he knows me well.
“Fine, I’m not well,” Honestly, there was really no point in keeping up the lie. 
“What’s up?”
“I’m tired,” I played with my fingers on my lap and then I looked back up at him, “I’m tired of having to fill in for everyone who supposedly calls in ‘sick’, I’m tired of working so long,” Joe’s hand slipped into my lap to grab one of my hands. 
“Then stop working, don’t go into work tomorrow, let me take care of you.” 
“I- Joe, I can’t, I don’t want to get fired.” 
“Why would you want to work somewhere where they don’t treat you right?” Joe did have a point, but it took me so long to be able to get this job that leaving wouldn’t be great. 
I didn’t respond, I stared at my lap for a while and then Joe lifted my face. He wasn’t smiling like he usually does, instead his emotions matched mine. We looked into each other’s eyes and tears began to fill in my eyes. Joe allowed me to lay against his chest. His hand rubbed my shoulder while his other hand started the car. 
“Where are we going?” I hiccuped.
“It’s a surprise,” Joe responded while keeping his eyes on the road. I loved and hated surprises at the same time. I lifted myself from his chest and looked at the road. 
“J-Joe.. You know how I feel about surprises.” All he responded with was a shrug and I groaned. The roads were long and the trip just didn’t seem to end, eventually I just stopped paying attention until we stopped. 
I looked up to see a large lake, a lake that I recognized but didn’t quite know the name of. Joe exited the car and came to my side to open the door, “ma’lady,” I couldn’t help, but let out a light giggle as I grabbed his hand. He led me to the small beach surrounding the lake and we both sat down next to each other. 
“Ya know, y/n, you’re really special to me and I want the best for you.” I laid my head on Joe’s shoulder and for a moment, I wondered what I did to deserve a wonderful guy like Joe. 
“Thank you, Joe. That means so much to me.” 
“No need to thank me, princess.” He smiled and kissed my forehead. We stayed like this until the sun set above the lake, it was gorgeous and it was just what I needed. Being here with Joe was just what I needed. 
“Do you want to go back home? Or we can go out to dinner.” Joe suggested after a while. 
“Could we go home? I’d like to cuddle some more.” We both stood up and walked back to the car. 
While driving, Joe was asking me all sorts of cute questions, “babe, if you had the opportunity to go back in time to see us on the tours you haven’t seen. Which one would it be?”
“Oh, that’s a good question,” I paused to think for a second, “Not a tour, just when you first started and I kind of wish I was there for that.” 
“Oh, you would have loved it,” He smiled, “I remember this one time specifically where we had one show in London and oh, wait you were there. It was when Sav’s cable wasn’t cooperating with him and it took the crew about fifteen minutes to find another.” 
“Oh yeah! I remember that!! That was an amazing show!” Joe smiled and turned on the radio again, Space Oddity by David Bowie was playing. Joe loved Bowie, so of course he was singing along. 
The drive home was a good half hour long, but I did not mind it. I was with Joe and that’s what mattered. When we got home, Joe turned the light on and went to the kitchen.
“Wait! Joe! Come lay with me on the couch, we can order some food later,” Joe came over and wrapped his arms around my hips.
“But I was gonna make you corned beef hash.” I put my own arms around his large body and leaned against him. 
“That’s really sweet of you, but I’m not that hungry.”
“Alright, you wanna go to the bed then?” 
“Yeah,” I followed Joe into our shared bedroom and then we both changed into some comfortable clothes. I changed into one of Joe’s t-shirts and Joe took off his clothes, but remained in his boxers. I climbed into bed after Joe and moved so that I was resting my head on his chest. 
I always loved listening to his heart beat, it calmed me down so easily. It was like magic. Joe started talking about some stories from our past. He wasn’t telling me to remind me of them, he would tell me random stories because he knew that I loved listening to his voice. It was one of those things about him that was always so comforting. Everything about him was comforting. 
“Are you feeling better, love?” He asked as he rubbed my shoulder.
“Yes, thank you, baby.” Right after that, I closed my eyes and immediately fell asleep on Joe’s chest.
“Good night, beautiful.”
Tag list:
@defleppardfan1 @elliotts-personal-property @jimmysdragonsuit13 @terrortwinsfav @stevesorgasmicriffs @steveinscarlet @stardust-bitch
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slippinmickeys · 5 months
Happy Birthday to one of my favorite writers!! I hope it was a good one. If you’re still doing drabbles my one word prompt to you is “funfetti” because that is synonymous with birthday imo 🥳
Thank you so much!
Between them, William sleeps fitfully, his scrawny colt-like leg poking out of the covers and twitching into Scully’s ankle. He is almost as tall as she is. Mulder had moved a nightlight into the bedroom when the boy had come in at 2 am, complaining of a sore throat. In the weak light, Scully can see a sheen of fever-sweat over his brow. It’s almost time for Ibuprofen.
He’d shown no tell-tale signs of impending illness earlier in the day, was full of the boundless energy of 9, and had spent the morning holed up with Mulder in the garage tinkering with the old lawnmower. He’d asked for a triple-decker PB&J for lunch and then begged Scully to help him make funfetti cupcakes even though he still had grease under his fingernails. He’d somehow convinced Mulder to let him eat four. If anything she’d have guessed an upset stomach, but here they are with what is likely strep.
From William’s other side Mulder sighs in his sleep, shifting on the narrow bit of mattress not taken over by his son. A moment later, Scully hears the same gentle sigh from William. Then it’s a sniff, then a cough, and then a feeble “Mom?”
“Shh, it’s okay.” She reaches out to feel his forehead, then the soft, taut skin of his back. The fever is still there, but low grade. “It’s time for Ibuprofen,” she says softly, unable to keep herself from sliding her hand up his back to finger the ducktail of hair at the base of his skull.
“Okay,” the boy says. He’s old enough to take pills but still prefers the cherry stuff.
“I’ll get it,” Mulder rumbles, and slides out of bed, coming back a minute later holding the little cup. He clicks on his bedside light then throws a tee shirt over the top of it when Will squints uncomfortably at the brightness.
In the hazy, muted light, the boy sits up and throws back the medicine.
“I have Little League tomorrow.”
Scully glances at the clock. 5:45. He has Little League today.
“I’ll call your coach,” she says, already cataloging the other things she needs to do: schedule an appointment with the pediatrician, call the school, see if Barr can take her 9:00 am autopsy.
“But we’re playing the Blue Jays,” the boy whines. “They need my bat.” His last word is cut off by a short burst of coughing.
“It’s still spring ball, bud,” Mulder says gently. “You guys aren’t going to miss the playoffs if you miss one game.”
“They'll lose without me,” he says sullenly.
The boy is probably right, but arguing the statistical probability of a win or loss of the Farr’s Corner U-10 Tigers without William Mulder’s bat is not something she’s willing to get into before 6:00 am.
“You need to try to get some more sleep,” she says.
The boy settles back into the pillows unhappily.
Mulder turns off the light and pulls on the tee shirt that was covering it and Scully thinks about the bulb-warmed fabric sliding over his skin.
He comes around to her side of the bed and squeezes her elbow with a smile and then shuffles down the dusty hallway toward the kitchen.
Beside her, William turns over and sighs into her arm, his body going gradually limp with sleep. The clock beside her flicks another minute higher, then another.
She smells the warm tang of coffee and the boy beside her shifts and the sky turns the barest pink and the Earth spins, spins, spins.
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lilyrachelcassidy · 2 years
Hi! How are you?
How about tommy shelby being in a marriage with a younger reader , who he often cheats with lizzie , the reader starts living life with parties , friends , shopping and affairs of her own , tommy falls for her but she always rejects his affections .
I never saw something like tjat and i tought it would be interesting
Thank you!
[Additional] summary: Five stages in which Y/N tried to make amends in her relationship with Tommy but failed miserably.
Word Count: 5.7k
Warnings: coarse language, cheating, mentions of alcohol and drugs, some graphics, ANGST (with happy ending my babes) 
I. rancor
When he opened the front door to their house, midnight walloping on the wall clock, Y/N could immediately tell where Tommy had been. He soon walked into their bedroom, the place that had carried so many memories along with it, good memories actually, those of the time before their relationship had begun to deteriorate. Tommy would stain them now when he would dare to come back to her after the hours' bash, reeking of cigars and courtesans.
The one courtesan she had in particular on the mind - bloody Lizzy.
The envious, little bitch would do anything to demolish the beautiful bond Tommy and her shared, barging and creating a wall of interspace with the last cell of her bloody existence between the two of them. Y/N knew, at the same time, she wasn't barking up the wrong tree and her assumptions about Lizzy were indeed correct; her nostrils could detect a cheap, rancid scent of Lizzy's perfume from miles. And when Tommy would come up late at night, the same scent was invasively clinging to his body, the smell almost smothering for Y/N.
"Are you asleep?" asked Tommy, innocently, as if he had just returned from something that lacked culpability that he was actually dealing with. Taking off his garments, leaving only briefs on, he crawled over to her side of the bed. His breath was huffing down her neck, softly and gratifyingly, but the only thing Y/N could think about was that the mere hours before, it was at somebody else’s neck.
Or other parts of the body Y/N wouldn’t like to think about.
“No, not yet,” she replied, deceptively faking a sweet tone. “Where have you been for such a long time?”
His body tensed marginally, something most people wouldn’t have noticed but a flinch that had become indicative for Y/N within three years. Maybe Tommy could be an excellent master of counterfeiting emotions but his body signs would divulge the truth, guilt stiffening his movements in the slightest.
“Have been off to work with Arthur. Had to deal with Solomons’ people.” He was forging himself under a duvet with her now, one of his arms coiling around her waist.
Y/N’s heart sank; maybe a naive part of her still believed that he wouldn’t lie. “Oh, okay.”
“What have you been up to today?”
And then she told him about the hard way she had tried to busy herself in the vast, barren mansion: she had written some bits for the new novel she had been working on for a couple of months; she had responded to some of his relatives from the extended family who had asked for urgent contact; she had quaffed enormous amounts of coffee while watching the enchanting landscape spreading before their house. She decided to omit the parts when she had felt so lonely, no friends nor family members caring enough to pay a visit, her only companion being Mary - their maid - who owned a rather stiff lip.
In utter earnest, she wished to run away some days, bolting like a stallion in the center of overwhelming grassland and never looking back.
“I was thinking,” Y/N took up again. “Maybe we could go to dinner tomorrow? A new restaurant has been recently opened - ‘L'Arpège’, it’s called. It’s French and I thought-”
“I can’t,” Tommy interrupted, his voice cold but guilty at the same time. “I have a meeting tomorrow... with some clients.”
“Oh...” Another surge of disappointment pierced through her. “May I come with you then?”
“You know, I’d love you to come. It’s just that...” He started fidgeting with words - an attempt to think up an excuse, Y/N realized quickly. “It’s a late-night meeting, Y/N, I just... wouldn’t want to drag you into that. There will be a lot of men, dangerous men. I just think it would be better if... you stayed out of it.”
‘So Lizzy could join you?’ Y/N thought to herself.
She really couldn’t determine what was boiling in her. Anger? Disappointment? She had been far over that emotional state of actually caring for his fabrications after the first time she had caught him cheating, sitting in the pub, his arms tangled around the woman she had learned to abhor.
From that time she had felt numb, indifferent to what he would say. So why, why would those little pangs of pain still sting her so badly, stripping her from the last remnants of dignity?
“I understand,” she said, her voice uncontrollably lower.
“I’m glad you do. So how about I arrange a horse ride for you tomorrow? I’m sure Curly would-”
“I’m okay, Tom. I’ll manage,” Y/N said quickly, butting in, somehow aggressively. But she didn’t pay too much mind to her outburst, really, as unconscious tears started brimming in her eyes. She couldn’t fall apart; not now, not before him. “Goodnight.”
After a few hours, Y/N was still awake. Sulky tears already settled, their wet traces desiccating on her skin.
Irrepressibly, she wondered what it would be like to free herself from that agony.
Perhaps, there was the only way to find out.
II. replay (three month earlier)
Y/N was walking down the dim-lit, dungy alley making her way over to The Garrison pub, where Tommy was carrying some business meeting with Arthur and Polly.
She wished to make a surprise for Tommy with her arrival, mollifying his work time with her come-up. After all, he had been working so hard those recent days, returning to their home at bizarrely late hours, his face smudged with weariness and lethargy. Y/N pitied him, really, and had hoped to help him with swarms of paperwork; but he would never accept her offer, always explaining that he wouldn’t want to interlace her with his job.
And she understood.
His attitude towards her had changed too; he wouldn’t be that kind, considerate man she used to remember back in the days. Instead, he was pensive and aloof, and no longer would he try to make those little romantic gestures he used to in the beginnings of their relationship. Y/N didn’t blame him, however; she could tell that he was overworked and perhaps occupied with the assemblage of duties he had on his mind.
Nevertheless, that didn’t discourage her from trying to ease his time. She had a whole plan set in her head - promptly, she would get him out of the meeting, excusing his withdrawal with some urgent family case. Then, they would go over to the bank of the river - the place of their first meeting - and would sit at one of the close-by benches, the pale lantern light irradiating while they relished watching the river water glistening in the moonlight. They could munch on a couple of cookies, Tommy’s favorites, which Y/N had prepared especially for him...
Almost nearing the pub, Y/N sighed at the thought. She could already see the luminous lighting of the place, silhouettes casting shadows, contrasting against the dark streets of the gloomy area. The light sound of chatter and drunken jabber could be heard from that distance, livening the rest of the deadly neighborhood that was probably asleep.
Y/N was humming a song under her breath as she approached. A small smile was welcoming her face, the enthusiasm bustling within her. The cookies were pleasantly rattling in her purse as she stopped in her tracks, face to face with the pub window, and she looked in, attempting to spot Tommy in the middle of the teeming crowd.
She scanned the insides of the room: so many familiar faces she used to come upon so many times. They were all laughing and chanting, beer pints happily cradled in their hands, apparently enjoying their heedless time. Y/N’s gaze traveled further, slowly and carefully, over to a distant corner - Arthur was sitting there, laughing at something John had murmured into his ear, the contents of his pint dangerously rocking from one side to another; next to him were also Polly, guffawing, Finn, Ada, and...
Oh, what the fu-
Y/N’s heart spun at an unexpectedly fast pace and dropped into her stomach. Not sure whether she was seeing properly, Y/N pinched herself on the arm, checking if what was displaying just before her eyes was real - but indeed, Tommy was rested on one of the very seats of the mushy sofa. One of his arms was tightly wrapped around Lizzy, from what she knew his secretary, tugging her over to his side, their bodies menacingly close to one another.
For just a moment, Y/N thought - no, hoped - that perhaps she was hallucinating, her tiredness hazing the reality from her. Maybe she was overthinking that. Maybe it was just a friendly hug, Tommy’s drunken stupor rendering him more neglectful of holding his usual, cold composure towards the others.
But she was wrong, she realized, when Tommy leaned towards Lizzy, his grip tightening on her arm, eyes sparkling and warm. And he kissed her, passionately, not the way he would use to do that with Y/N now. His lips zealously landed on Lizzy’s, the hungry desire detectable in the action. Visibly, he was enjoying himself, and so was Lizzy whose hands were roving all over his body, eventually stopping at his head and playing with some random strands of his silky hair.
Y/N's heart was going a million miles an hour, and she suddenly felt it difficult to swallow. Her mouth went dry, and there was a lump of a fist size in her throat. Bitter tears quickly started accumulating in her eyes, and she swore she couldn’t breathe for a moment. All she wanted was to curl into a little ball on the swampy floor and lie there forever.
Instead, she just stared into the window, not taking in whatever she had just witnessed in front of her. The tears were streaming down her face, her eyes becoming puffy within seconds.
So he was cheating. For how long? And why?
Was it because of her? Had she done something wrong?
All of the thoughts gushed into her head like a flowing waterfall, and Y/N hated herself for having that much negativity garnered in her.
Clasping the hand on her mouth and preventing a nasty gasp from escaping from it, she turned away rapidly and ran away from the place. She was taking long strides, wishing to be back at home and able to writhe under a warm blanket, crying until the emotions were sucked out of her. Little was she aware of where she was heading as the tears fogged her vision, the flux of despair washing over her.
He had stopped caring.
He was indifferent towards hurting her, and so naively did she believe in his lies, vindicating him from his get-together with Lizzy.
She had trusted him. And now, she hated herself for being far too gullible.
III. rust
“You sure you wanna do this?” asked Isaiah, his fingers toying with the hem of Y/N’s skirt. His eyes were fully dilated in lust, and he was probably just asking as a matter of precaution, inspecting whether Y/N was actually serious about her quest and whether the revolt against his boss was worth it.
She nodded fervently. “Yes, I am.”
It was all about to begin - tit for tat Tommy had triggered her to do. Within months that had lacked intimacy and communication, Y/N had learned to become impassive. If he didn’t need her, nor did she need him.
“And Tommy won’t find out, yeah?” he asked.
She nodded, breathing deeply. “Certainly.”
At that, he tilted slightly and planted kisses all over her neck, his minty breath tickling the hair on her skin. “As you wish,” he whispered into her ear, his tone shoving a couple of steamy images in her head.
Y/N wasn’t sure if that was what she actually wanted. A part of her, the more moral one, told her warningly that whatever she was intending to do was not good and unfair towards her husband to whom she had sworn unconditional commitment. The other side, however, justified her motives; if he could act promiscuously, why couldn’t she? She really couldn’t decide how to feel.
In the meantime, Isaiah was just casting off his shirt and carefully unbuttoning Y/N’s blouse. He was in the midway of taking care of their clothes, clearly unbothered with keeping up loyalty to his boss. His lips, more chapped than Tommy’s, were all over her skin, igniting a great passion in every place he kissed. The soft moans were slipping from her lips while she laid underneath him, the pressure of his weight making her pleasantly warm.
When Y/N encountered Isaiah for the first time was during one of the Peaky Blinders’ gatherings that Tommy had called up in their house. Of course, one of the participants of it had been Lizzy too, though she had restrained from throwing herself at Tommy in Y/N’s presence.
But Y/N had noticed their sneaky glances from across the room and the fueling smirks on their lips. That was all confirmation Y/N had had to receive.
At that moment, she hadn’t been thinking clearly, plainly acting on her impulses - after the meeting, she had secretly grabbed Isaiah by the robes and hauled him to the guest room where they had made out until the air was sucked out of them. She hadn’t felt guilt nor shame, only a sweet taste of vengeance coursing through her body.
Today was their fourth get-together. Yet it was somehow different than the previous times - they had never crossed the level of carnality other than kissing and touching.
Blame was margining with her reasonable thinking and acutely reminding her that she could be so over that jealousy; she didn’t need to do that to herself in order to punish Tommy. At least for her, she did punish him in her mind.
‘But he cheated too,’ Y/N told herself. ‘So it’s an eye for an eye, basically.’
Isaiah’s mouth was on her belly now, a growl rumbling in his chest, and he was placing kisses all the way from her breasts to her abdomen, the intense want pooling in her lower parts. Y/N found herself reaching down to wrap her fingers in his black hair, gripping roughly and arching her back. The tension within her was unbearable.
His eyes flickered up to meet Y/N’s gaze once more, briefly, asking for the ultimate permission to take her tongs off. The breath was heaving in both of them, their chests falling and raising to the intermittent heartbeats.
“Do it. Please.”
IV. ravage
“Hello, love,” said Tommy, cheerfully, entering the threshold of the office where Y/N was currently working on her novel. A moss woolen sweater was enfolding her arms, gray sweatpants pulled on and strapped around her waist; the homy outfit she would wear only around the house and still manage to look absolutely glamorous. Her hair was twisted in a loose bun, the glasses sitting on the bridge of her nose with a seamless dose of sophistication.
She gave him a half-smile when he approached her, pecking her cheek, but didn’t tear her gaze away from the typewriter where a virtually written page was scurrying to the last dot. Her fingers were briskly flying from one button onto the next one, and when she was finished, she purred in gratification and riveted to her husband.
“Yes.” She stretched her arms above her head, smiling, whereas Tommy leaned on the verge of the desk. “A good day too?”
He nodded in response, a faint smile gracing his lips. “So I was thinking, maybe we should go to that restaurant you were talking about earlier,” he said, without preamble, his tone disclosing a certain assertion, not a hint of invitation Y/N wished for.
He wasn’t asking her out; he was informing her of his plans with her.
A lava slide of anger and resentment swept away her rationality. How the fuck could he kick her around like that, ill-treating her for a couple of weeks, and then deciding on what she should do after Lizzy had probably met up with her other client, consequently cock-blocking him? There was that particular self-assurance with which Tommy had told her, or ‘offered’ her, a dinner that had tossed her patience aside; she wasn’t his possession after all. And she wanted to make a fair point out of that. 
Something in her expression apparently crumpled because Tommy was ogling her with interested eyes, a wary eyebrow raised in query. “What do you think of that?”
“Oh, so now you’re asking,” said Y/N in a huff.
He frowned. “What are you on about?”
Unsuccessfully thwarting herself from a word vomit, she stood up so that her face could level up with Tommy’s, her eyes raging. His, on the other hand, were confused and in no apparent cognition of the upcoming tantrum. “In the last weeks, you did nothing to acknowledge our relationship. To acknowledge me. All I did was try to go out with you, or do something together, whatever you wanted. But instead, you dismissed all of that. And I don't understand why it’s so bloody difficult for you to include me in your life.” She took a pause, eyes filming over with hands flinging all over the place. “And now you are inviting me - no - telling me, that you decided to finally find some spare time for me. Oh, how generous of you.”
“You know the company is giving me a hard time. I go the extra mile to make things work, and that’s your effing gratitude?” he said angrily, and now with a hint of indignation tainting in voice.
“Oh please, give me a break,” she snapped, even more furious and glaring. As never, or at least never in front of her, Tommy’s face was incandescent, and his jaw popping from all the heavy clenching. “I saw you with Lizzy back in the days, snogging back in the pub. Were you working then too?”
He blinked, thunderstruck, his mouth opening as if he wanted to say something but lacked words for that. The steely glare was locked on Y/N, perhaps transfixed with how he should respond to the crude truth he had no idea his wife had found out about. Ultimately, he pressed his lips together and took a step forward. “Perhaps if you weren’t so incongruous and childish, maybe I wouldn't need Lizzy for anything. And not behaving like a fuckin’ nun, Y/N.”
Ouch. It stung her.
Awfully, as though he had slapped her with full force.
Or maybe that would have hurt less.
Y/N took a step back, tears of rage and frustration trickling down her face. So there he was: pinning the responsibility of his infidelity on her, absolute dearth of shame for calling his wife out and, in lieu, defending his slip with the woman who had been mounting him for no other reason but money. She felt a dull ache in her chest, and her body stiffened. Evidently aware that he had crossed the line, his eyes changed back, the distinctive traces of regret in them. His arm lifted and, for a moment, attempted to take a hold of her hand as a form of placation. But she pushed him away, the spleen raising in her chest. “I’m going back to my parents’.”
“Y/N,” he began, strained, trying to get a hold of her but in vain. She just shook her head and retreated, doing her best to prevent herself from spilling any tears for him.
“Don’t fucking try to contact me. I’m gonna leave and... and-”
“Y/N.” His tone was pleading now, and so were his eyes. He tried to reach for her again but met with another compulsion of rebuff. “I’m so so-”
“Shut it!”
Without bothering to give him a second glance and afraid that he would see how much the conversation had shaken her, she turned on her heel and dashed out of the room. Not completely conscious of what she was doing, she headed to the wardrobe to fetch some of her belongings.
Tommy didn’t chase her, and mindfully so. She wasn’t able to face him right now after what he had told her; so, he had thought Lizzy better. In shade of the relationship, she hadn’t known that she had been razing.
Her shoulder stiffed at the thoughts in her mind, horror and moroseness coursing through her body.
If he really had enough of her, she won’t be a burden for him anymore. She will happily retreat.
V. recovery: a new start 
It had been two months since Y/N had last heard from Tommy. Yes, against her plea not to, he had tried to contact her. And yes, he had arrived at her parents’ doorstep a dozen times. But her family was supportive of her and the resolutions she had made, accordingly dismissing Tommy from their house.
The fact was that Y/N reckoned living with her parents as a tad shaky and inconvenient - after all, she had to obey the prevailing rules they had in their household (which some Y/N had thought ridiculous for plentiful reasons). Their watchful and condescending remarks weren’t a charm either. At the same time, however, she felt like she finally unchained herself from the venomous aura of the Mansion she had inhabited a while ago; and it hadn’t felt like home to her anymore.
And so she enjoyed her old childhood room she had left behind years ago, chalk-white walls still reminding her of the times she had drawn at them with the crayons, to enlighten the area.
Y/N was laying face-down on the satin, pukey-pink sheets, a rumbling in her stomach reminding her that she hadn’t had any breakfast yet (although, it was already afternoon). Nose pressed to the pillow, she mentally braced herself for today’s plans - proffered by her father, they had to drop in at the Mansion to fix the rest of the clothing she had abandoned.
Obviously, it wasn’t a very pleasant thought to say at least; but if she wanted to move forward, perhaps start a new chapter of her life she close the preceding one. And she wanted to do both so badly.
The doors cracked while flinging wide open and Y/N’s mom walked into the room.
“Why aren’t you out of bed yet? Are you alright?”
“Yes, ma, don’t worry about that,” she said while staking out a sitting position. She covertly glanced over at her mom who was standing in the door frame, her attire absolutely irreproachable with a corsage, her face genuinely worried.
“Crying again, were you, Cherie?” Had she? Y/N hadn’t noticed before until now when her hand touched the tear-stained face. “We can talk about that if-“
“Ma, no, please. I’ve been over that,” she said, her lip subconsciously letting out a small tremble. “I…just don’t want to talk… about him.”
Mom’s eyes were sympathetic and her mouth was moving, but Y/N had muffled all the sounds coming from the peripherals with her torrent of thoughts. She had been through that so many times; Mom, usually at the end of the day, would attempt to approach the topic in many ways. Y/N would always deny it, however, deciding that it was still far too hurtful to discuss him.
As the three o’clock was rounding, Y/N was already sitting in the rear of the car with her father behind the wheel. They had barely exchanged any word throughout the entire journey as Y/N tried to deal with her volley of emotions - anxiousness, itching dejection, a jot of bitterness? She couldn’t decide, really. But she was keenly aware of a fist-size lump forming in her throat and a sharp ache expanding in her chest.
Before Y/N could notice, a stream of tears was freely rushing down her cheeks. She secretly tried to wipe them off but she knew that her father had caught sight of her emotional outburst in the rear-view mirror. Yet he made no comment to which Y/N was extremely thankful.
“Here we’re sweetheart,” said Father after another half an hour had slipped. Y/N shortly glanced out of the window - indeed, the stony, colossal walls of the mansion were spreading before their sight. Y/N had to quell an instantaneous urge to run away as she slowly, carefully reached for the handle and reluctantly stepped out of the car.
“I’ll be here, yeah? In case you need me.”The Father’s voice distinctly echoed in her ears but Y/N only heard that like through a haze. She merely sent him a grateful smile in response and silently received his form of succor.
‘It’ll all be gone in a few minutes,’ Y/N thought to herself, trudging towards the entrance of the Mansion. So many times had she passed that threshold, so many times had she walked that way. Was it all going to become nothing but a remote memory now?
Soon, she was heavily knocking on the door and was faced with her former maid’s smile who, with a hand gesture, was welcoming her and spurring her to come inside. After a moment of waver, Y/N finally gave in.
Strangely, she had expected the maid to show her a way to the bedroom because she didn’t belong there, not anymore; she was just trespassing like a mere guest did. But when the maid remained at the door, staring at her with a curious eye, Y/N understood the allusion - she was meant to go by herself.
And so she did.
Those stately oil paintings were still strewing the white walls and as Y/N plodded and plodded on through the high-celling halls. Her heels were almost stridently clicking on the floor, contrasting with the prevailing silence and her heavy breathing. Y/N did her best to focus on something else, anything else that could render her less nervous for the upcoming; she decided on counting.  
One, two, three. One, two three...
In the next instant, she was standing in front of the mahogany door of the bedroom. It wasn’t going to be easy, she knew as much. Even if indifferent throughout their relationship, Thomas Shelby was a man of honor after all, and Y/N, certain in her conviction, was sure that he was waiting just behind that very door.
She waited a few more jiffs, bracing herself mentally, before finally swinging the door ajar and instantly beholding him, settled on the edge of the bed, and staring blankly at the brim of the glass he was tightly clutching in his hand. As soon as he heard her, however, his head snapped in her direction and Y/N quickly noticed the bloodshot whites of his eyes mixed with the steeliness of his orbs.
Per usual, top-notch elegance was radiating from him, his fossil-gray suit in an intact state and hair precisely sleeked to the back of his head. He had changed, however; he had become gaunt, so gaunt actually that Y/N could practically make out an outline of his ribs through a thin layer of his white shirt; the bags under his eyes, dark and cavernous, were giving the definite reminder of how much of a good night sleep he had missed out on; the wrinkles on his forehead marginally deepened, giving him an older appearance of what Y/N actually knew to be a true one...
It wasn’t the same Tommy Y/N had memorized the last time. Now he looked positively ghastly and it required a great composure of Y/N from quelling a gasp.
“Y/N,” said Tommy in a hoarse voice. Hadn’t she been a short distance from him, she wouldn’t have heard him at all. He scrambled to his feet at once, never tearing his gaze away from her figure as if in the trance. “Could we talk?”
Y/N wavered. Perhaps if he didn’t look as desperate and if she wasn’t so worried (yes! worried!) by his utterly unhealthy appearance, she probably would have rebuffed. But in lieu, she merely nodded and trotted to the chair opposite the bed.
Sensing a thick air between the two of them, Tommy got up and poured himself an ample slug of whiskey, and after a moment’s consideration, he also asked Y/N to which she declined. He took a few gulps before finally looking at Y/N again.
“I’ve missed you,” he croaked finally, which Y/N knew cost him a great deal since it was particularly hard for Tommy to speak of his emotions. The fingers of his free hand were fidgeting slightly on his knee as Y/N glanced up at him, streaked with utter astonishment. She wanted, so badly, to tell herself that his words didn’t matter anymore, nothing anymore did but it would have been a fat lie. She knew for that fact because it was suddenly extremely hard for her to swallow.
“Er-” She started looking around the room, busing herself with something, deliberately not gazing in his direction. “I’ve come to pick up the rest of my things, Tommy. If you want to atone for anything, I think it’s a little too late now.”
Even Y/N surprised herself that she had managed such a cold, collected tone; in fact, it was the opposite of what she was right now - jittery and emotional.
“Please, don’t” She chimed in before Tommy could say anything again. “I don’t want to explain anything. You... you hurt me, Tommy.” It was difficult for her to carry that out loud but when she ultimately did, she felt a thunderbolt of plunging emotions on her chest; and then, the tears began accumulating uncontrollably in her eyes. Quickly, she turned her face to the side, trying to conceal her waterworks, though unnecessarily so.
An uncomfortable grunt issued from Tommy’s throat and he took the next quaff from the glass, waiting for her to get a hold of herself. He had always been massively fazed when girls cried in his presence, even give it his wife of three years. Never had he understood why anyone would display their lack of self-possession in such an ostentatious way.
“Sorry,” said Y/N finally, wiping the residue of her tears with a hand. She sniffed a little, her eyes puffy, and Tommy offered her a silky handkerchief which she gladly accepted.
“That's alright,” said Tommy, giving her a final look of what he hoped was sympathy. “But please, let me just say one thing. Before, you know...”
‘-decide to leave you,” Y/N ended the sentence in her head. The mere prospect of abandoning him now, even though she had deliberated that for long days in her parents' room, was suddenly very suffocating.
With a final sniff, still keeping her gaze downcast, she nodded. After all, even though he had mauled her massively, as much as she could do in a final commemoration of their relationship.
“I’ve never intended on making you feel inferior, Y/N,” admitted Tommy, a flint of guilt flickering in his eyes, his fingers starting to draw nervous patterns on his knee again. As for someone who had always kept themself still, he seemed exceptionally vulnerable right now. “Lizzy - that was a mistake. She was a fuckin’ mistake. I... I...” His voice relatively faltered, and Y/N thought for a second that he might start crying. Thomas Shelby crying - the world was fucking weird. “All I want to say is that I’m sorry. God, if I could have turned back time, it all would have... been different. I don’t want you to fuckin’ leave, Y/N. Those past few months made that excruciatingly lucid to me.”
It was one of those moments in Y/N’s life when she didn’t know what she ought to say or even ought to feel. There was seething anger and hiccuping sadness simmering in the pit of her stomach, her head pounding loudly from all the aggregation of conflicting emotions; but there was a certain self-satisfaction raising within her - it was what she had wanted from the very beginning, making him entreat her for forgiveness, implore to stay.
“Tommy,” Y/N said heavily, her entire body tingling. “You know, I can’t do that.”
And then she looked at him again, his eyes conveying a magnetic force. They were staring at each other for some time, the desperation between the two aloft. It was all as if they were strangers to each other anew.
“Please, let me... make amends for that.”
“And I don’t mean that you have to move in with me instantly, tough as much as I’d like that. But... have dinner with me. Tomorrow night. No strings attached, just a casual dinner. In the restaurant that you wanted to visit - ‘L'Arpège’.”
“You... you remembered? After all that time?” Y/N took a dramatic pause there, her brows knitted together and almost pressing into one line. That sudden fact clouted her with a startling force.
“I haven’t been entirely ignorant towards you, Y/N. Some part of me... always looked out for you, you know. Though a better part of me was still a jerk,” he snickered and, not quite able to suppress it, so did his interlocutor. Until just now, she hadn’t been aware of how much she had missed that smile. “So what do you say?”
She noticed how his eyes swiveled with tendrils of hopefulness, how his fingers nervously anticipated her contemplated answer. Rationality, which she was utterly bereft of at that very moment, would have told her to say no; give a wide berth from that shit show. But a piece of her yet girlish tempt to discover that new Tommy who was opening himself in front of her eyes, something he had never done before, would be forcing its way to make things work.
At least, try to put them back in their rough maquette.
Y/N sighed, before bestowing him with a coy smile. “I guess, I can find some time.”
Through fucking thick and thin.
A/N: my dear sweet sweet anon. hi! i’m fine, thank you. foremost, let me just express my utter self-deprecation, seeing as you have sent that request a long time ago and i’m posting it just now. the work load has plunged on me since the beginning of September and I literally dropped my face off the earth for a couple of weeks. but i hope you understand. 
the fic wasn’t entirely as i planned that out because a) it was supposed to be shorter, b) because I'm still lacking some twists that would have made the work even longer. so I reluctantly abstained. 
ofc, I always love hearing and talking to y’all, so chat with me, request, ask me the most embarrassing questions in the comment section. whatever. and may i remind you - spooktober?! are we going to do something about that!? (a small hint: yes, we are going to either hold a little event or be graced - somehow - with another chapter of my WIPs). Lovvvvveveeee y’all xoxo
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