#Tomoe: under No circumstances
mmikmmik2 · 5 months
It’s underrated that even before any supervillainy happened, Gabe and/or Emilie were going around loaning other rich people the ability to create children that could be forced to obey. (Implied by Félix’s play to have been an exchange of favors, for personal gain.) Casually helping bring a child into a world where they can be abused and manipulated for their entire life with almost no hope of escape and then not worrying about it because it’s not their problem. It’s fine, surely.
And then later if I’m understanding correctly, Gabriel put an akuma in the same object as Kagami’s amok, therefore almost tricking Ladybug into permanently killing her, and it was just an accident because he truly has that little interest in Kagami? And this was after he said all that shit to Félix that one time? I think he should have been dangled like a piñata so any interested sentikids could take turns hitting him with a bat
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revolutionary-thoy · 10 months
So, for your Into the Reverse AU, have you considered making essentially nameless ocs who use the other miraculous or having some of the adult characters use the other miraculous. I just think it would be interesting to see, and it would make some sense for The Supreme to have agents that aren't, you know, all teenagers. It could also show the hierarchy of The Supreme's organization better and show that Marinette, Adrien, Kagami, Luka, Felix, and Chloe aren't super high up in it, which is why they're essentially used as fodder. Since Tomoe, Audrey, Andre, and maybe Felix's parents are a part of the inner circle, they could also have miraculous to show their ranking, power, and how they could be in charge of certain branches or operations in The Supreme's organization.
Yeah, almost all of the miraculouses are owned by adults, and I'm considering giving some of them to the parents but I'm not sure yet. I know Tomoe will definitely have one. A lot of the "nameless background miraculous users" would be people using the miraculouses from other boxes, but I would want all of the miraculouses from the main box to be used by established characters. Two of the miraculous are in an interesting situation tho
Like I alluded to in Alix's post (https://www.tumblr.com/revolutionary-thoy/732523573334458368/re-verse-nathaniel-marc-and-alix-the-three-of?source=share), her dad tried to steal the rabbit miraculous and went missing shortly after. He hid the rabbit miraculous somewhere and neither the Supreme, nor the Resistence know where it is. He left clues for Alix to find it
The peacock is a whole mess. I'm going to make a post in the future detailing my reasoning for this, but it's not damaged in this AU and Emilie died under different circumstances. I'm currently unsure who's hands it should be in. Because if the Supreme had it, nothing is stopping him from snapping Adrien out of existence, but if Gabriel had it, there's no reason for him to not use it. It might actually still be with Felix's parents? I'm still debating on what I should do with that
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Marinette's memories after the wish
A detail from the end of "Re-creation" that just isnt letting me go is that Marinette still calls Monarque, well, MONARQUE towards Su-Han and Alya:
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Even though she has very clearly told them where she was as we can gather by her pointing out the double wedding ring (meaning Su-Han and Alya could also know that Adrien is a Sentihuman which... *sigh*...) and having searched the basement:
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Meaning she was open with them about the fight having taken place in the Agreste mansion and that Gabriel was involved and yet Marinette is weirdly still calling Gabriel Monarque here.
That is such a loaded detail. It could legit be a whole game-changer about Marinette "keeping" Gabriel's secret because it could straight up mean that Gabriel's wish changed both Adrien's AND Marinette's memories of him.
For all Marinette's words directly imply here she lost here memory of having figured out that Gabriel is Monarque and she thinks of them as two seperate men again. The most likely explaination here would be that Marinette may remember Monarque having crumbled into dust before he could win through Chat Noir's cataclysm from "Destruction"
But still remembers Gabriel Agreste having made the wish in desperation since, honestly, the given circumstances were PERFECT for that.
All the wish had to do is put in to Marinette's head that Gabriel and Tomoe were direct victims of Monarque as for a long time and they had to work with him, or agreed to, to keep their loved ones and lives safe. Gabriel in this case would have been the main victim which the finale pretty much perfectly set up for everyone to believe:
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All Marinette has to think is that whatever happened to Emilie Agreste was Monarque's fault and he was pressuring Gabriel into helping him by threatening to do the same with Adrien, which was likely then instead done to Nathalie when she found out about it.
But Adrien would have still remained leverage nr. 1 against Gabriel as his son and same goes for Kagami for Tomoe:
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This would be the perfect cover story for why Gabriel and Tomoe created the Alliance rings since parents will do alot to keep their children save and it can even be twisted into "explaining" the way Adrien and Kagami were treated by their parents if it happened under Hawkmoth's direct wrath and threat.
Gabriel himself is not only the only adult member of the Resistance he is also said to have been the person who then filled in Chat Noir's place when Ladybug was partnerless against Monarque when the final battle went down in his home where Emilie was kept to maybe be able to save her life?
This you can genuinely twist into Gabriel then not having been able to live with so much regret for what his involvement has caused that he sacrificed himself by making a wish, which Marinette now would still be remembering like this:
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The chain of effect for how suddenly everyone who seperated themselves from Gabriel by now would think of him and Tomoe (Andre for example in "Collusion") would go on and on and ON washing Gabriel's and Tomoe's hands clean while Tomoe continues, who I have no doubt would have kept her memories all together.
I also would say that Lila and Nathalie still have their memories but I also gotta be honest, thats a whole can of worms I have to properly think through. My main point here is Marinette still calling Monarque "Monarque" despite what went down and what she told Su-Han and Alya and the possible implications of that concidering how well the rest of the finale sets up the cover story of Gabriel and Tomoe having been used by Hawkmoth all along by using Adrien and Kagami as leverage against them.
It just works too well and it would fit with how Adrien suddenly had a ALARMING perspective change regarding his father after the wish, which, NO, isnt god damn normal as trauma response jfc.
This would mean that Adrien and Marinette would go through season 6 in the new reality possibly figuring out bit by bit that their memories arent right to get an easier exporation phase for the new reality, and then season 7 has them know again what we left of in the old one.
Or Marinette is straight up lying to everyone now, even to Su-Han and Alya. Who knows at this point? But I truly hope that's not something they will put on Marinette's character even if at this point I wouldnt exactly call it out of character either.
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irisgoesgardening · 3 months
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"Kaito, Haruto and the Doctor are the only family I have left," —Hunter V
Part II of my Magical Numbers Hunter AU. In this version, Christopher is left unaware that Dr. Faker caused his father’s disappearance and Tron is unable to contact him. He was Dr. Faker’s personal experiment on cultivating despair levels in order to create the most powerful Hunter. Due to these circumstances, Christopher and Kaito are kept under strict surveillance. The V in his name stands for "vaccum," as he was viewed as a vaccum for despair by Dr. Faker. He is the mentor to all the younger Hunters.
His wish is to get his family back and he draws his power from Number 9. Thus, his weapons are all laser-based firearms. He’s secretly ripped, bro.
He is inspired by Tomoe Mami and Sailor V.
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dazzlinggleams · 14 days
hi! do you have a mun/about page by chance?
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☆ —— A few simple rules to consider before interacting with mun or muse. These are loose guidelines that I will abide by, and I ask that you, too, do the same. I will reciprocate in kind.
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• Don't feel obligated to keep up with my post lengths. I can get carried away, and in the moment I will ramble on. Reply with what you feel comfortable with. This will not affect our thread. It's all about having fun! With that said, I will always try to match both length and the vibe, so please feel free to interact with Tomoyo!
• If a few days go by and I haven't replied to a thread, feel free to send a gentle reminder. Sometimes I lose track of things, or simply forget. Don't feel shy about asking!
• On that same note, feel free to send asks! I'm always up for plotting, and would love for Tomo to interact with different types of characters.
• Open to interacting with muses from different fandoms, as long as they've reimagined for Pokemon. On occasion, I might venture off and create an AU version of Tomoyo (Magical Girl, Digimon, etc).
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shiningwonderland · 2 months
Natsuki Shinomiya (Repeat)
Translator: Raz (Twitter: agnadance)
Proofreader: Nadie (Twitter: nmoniag)
Editor: Snail (Twitter: herbert_snail)
QA: Rei (Twitter: wolfe_raine)
November - That Man is Pericoloso
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Disclaimer: This chapter contains sexual harassment. Please read at your own discretion.
Ever since that day, Natsuki-kun hasn't returned and he has remained as Satsuki-kun...
Everyone from the A Class and three students from the S Class have gathered in Ittoki-kun's room and have begun to discuss what to do here on forward.
Syo Kurusu: Please, Tokiya, let me stay here until Natsuki comes back.
Tokiya Ichinose: I don't mind, but...
Ichinose-san glances at Ittoki-kun.
Otoya Ittoki: I don't mind. One more person is no big deal!
Syo Kurusu: Really?! I'm relieved, he scares me.
Tomochika Shibuya: But why here? Why not just ask Masa-yan?
Syo Kurusu: Well, it’s just... Their room is too fancy for me. I can't relax there...
Tomochika Shibuya: You've been acting like a great prince but in the end you're just a commoner.
Syo Kurusu: Shut up, leave me alone!
Masato Hijirikawa: Putting Kurusu's issues aside, the real problem is Shinomiya...
Ren Jinguji: His dark side has completely taken over, right?
Shinomiya-san's alternate personality… is completely different.
If the honest, pure and kind Shinomiya-san is the white side, then Satsuki-kun is the dark side... It's not an overexaggeration to say that he's malicious.
Masato Hijirikawa: Before, he was just someone who was a burst of furious energy...
Ren Jinguji: Well, it seems that he's not causing havoc, but it’s safe to say his current attitude is worse than how he acted up until now. So? What's the name of that dark side?
Haruka Nanami: He calls himself Satsuki-kun.
Syo Kurusu: I… hate Satsuki.
Haruka Nanami: …? Syo-kun, you know Satsuki-kun?
Syo Kurusu: … I met him once a long time ago.
Tomochika Shibuya: Wait, Syo-chan! Tell me more!
Syo Kurusu: It was less a meeting and more like a chance encounter. When we were kids, we were sharing the same dressing room for our violin recital.
Syo Kurusu: He was taking a nap and he wouldn't wake up even when it was almost his turn, so I tried to wake him up.
Syo Kurusu: He suddenly glared at me and said, "You'll never beat me." 
Syo Kurusu: I got pissed, but Natsuki just fell back to sleep. By the time he woke up, he was completely normal.
Syo Kurusu: I think the personality that came out at that time was "Satsuki". 
Syo Kurusu: … At that time, Natsuki was being praised left and right for being a genius violinist, leaving me frustrated.
Syo Kurusu: I used to proclaim, "I'll surpass you one day!" all the time.
Syo Kurusu: But seriously, he went too low saying I could never beat him. I was still just a kid so it really stung.
Tomochika Shibuya: So? Have you ever beaten him at something?
Syo Kurusu: What’s it to you!
Tomochika Shibuya: Meaning you never did, I see!
Syo Kurusu: Argh!
Haruka Nanami: T-Tomo-chan...
Otoya Ittoki: The main problem right now is how to make Natsuki come back.
Select the Phrase!
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あのわたしが・・・Um, I'll… (+10 Love, +0 Music)
Syo Kurusu: What can you do?
Haruka Nanami: I mean… this is all my fault. I really should do something about this...
Tomochika Shibuya: … Haruka. You...
Syo Kurusu: Hey, are you an idiot?
Haruka Nanami: … Agh!
Syo Kurusu: We're all discussing this because you can't solve this by yourself!
Haruka Nanami: … I'm sorry.
Syo Kurusu: Ahh! Don't apologize so much, it's depressing! It's okay, leave it to us.
Tomochika Shibuya: So Syo-chan, do you have any good ideas?
Syo Kurusu: Nope! That's Tokiya's responsibility!
Tokiya Ichinose: My word... You act like you know everything, yet that’s the best advice you have to give…? You exasperate me...
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やっぱりあやまってきます。I'll apologize to him. (+20 Love, +0 Music)
Syo Kurusu: Ahh, hold it!
I try to leave the room but Syo pulls me back.
Syo Kurusu: Are you going to Natsuki's room?
I nod.
Syo Kurusu: Don't do that under any circumstances, got it?
Haruka Nanami: Why?
Syo Kurusu: He's a beast right now. If you just nonchalantly walk in there, he'll attack you!
Tomochika Shibuya: Syo-cha~n! You're being awfully firm! Did something happen to you~?
Syo Kurusu: Guh... N-no, not at all!
Tomochika Shibuya: Be a good boy and spill the beans!
Syo Kurusu: …
Tomochika Shibuya: I won't know unless you tell me! … How about we have Syo-chan go into Natsuki's room and see what happens? We'll find out then!
Syo Kurusu: ARE YOU HEARTLESS? I'll burst into tears!
Tomochika Shibuya: Hey now, go ahead and tell us!
Syo Kurusu: Urgh... I was really firm with him at first. I told him, "Hurry up and go back to being Natsuki," but then...
Syo Kurusu: He said, "You're just a yappy dog," and then, "If you want attention, I'll give it to you."
Haruka Nanami: T-that's...
Syo-kun's face is draining of color. He must've had such a fright!
Syo Kurusu: He put his hand on my chin and then… bit my ear... AAAH, I'm getting chills just thinking about it!
Tomochika Shibuya: I see. Then you panicked and ran away...
Tomochika Shibuya: If that's the case, then it would be dangerous to let her go in.
Otoya Ittoki: We really need to get Natsuki back as soon as possible.
Tokiya Ichinose: I agree...
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拳で・・・With fists… (+0 Love, +0 Music)
Masato Hijirikawa: Fists? What should we do with them?
Haruka Nanami: Umm... Tomo-chan told me that if you throw punches for at least three minutes, friendship will blossom...
Haruka Nanami: I figure that becoming friends with Satsuki-kun first would be best...
Ren Jinguji: Ahaha, Lady, you say some interesting things.
Tomochika Shibuya: Uh, well, I did say that, but I was joking! I don't think that would fly in this day and age.
Syo Kurusu: Shibuya... Pay attention to who you're talking to.
Tomochika Shibuya: I mean, I was sure that she understood that I was joking. This girl really is something, to be honest.
Tomochika Shibuya: She's competing with Natsuki at who's the biggest airhead.
Otoya Ittoki: Anyway, we have to think of how to get Natsuki back. What do you think, Tokiya?
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Tokiya Ichinose: Well, it seems that retrieving the glasses is the first priority. Syo, I'm sorry to say this, but can you go back to Shinomiya's room and fetch his broken glasses?
Syo Kurusu: Whaaat?! No way I'm doing that!
Tokiya Ichinose: Whether you like it or not, that’s your room, too. You’re the one who is in the most trouble for leaving Shinomiya-san to his devices.
Otoya Ittoki: I’ll go with you, too! We can do this! We’ve never lost when we’ve played soccer together!
Syo Kurusu: … Okay, fine. I’ll go. ALL RIGHT, JUST DO IT, ME!
Tomochika Shibuya: I wonder what’s going to happen?
Tomo-chan looks like she’s amused by all this.
Tokiya Ichinose: I know I’m the one who sent them on this mission, but will those two really be okay?
Tomochika Shibuya: Who knows? It’ll probably be okay.
An hour passes.
Otoya Ittoki: …
Syo Kurusu: …
Haruka Nanami: U-um...
Syo Kurusu: Ah, yeah... Here’s the glasses... Haa, I thought I was gonna die...
Haruka Nanami: Umm... What happened…?
Otoya Ittoki: Sorry, but please don't ask.
What happened over there…?
They look exhausted and their clothes are a little tattered.
Tomochika Shibuya: Could it be that he really…? 
Tokiya Ichinose: Shibuya-san, let's not pursue this matter any further.
Tokiya Ichinose: Anyway, that man is dangerous. We need to avoid interacting with him as much as possible until his glasses are repaired.
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We repaired the glasses after a few days, but even when we managed to put them on Natsuki-kun's face, he did not go back to normal.
I'm so worried about Natsuki-kun... What should I do?
Satsuki Shinomiya: Hey.
Haruka Nanami: S-Satsuki… kun?!
As I stand puzzling over the situation, I hear Satsuki-kun call out to me from behind.
I let out a squeak of surprise.
His glare is cutting into me like a sharpened knife.
It's so different from Natsuki-kun's usual soft smile. His cold gaze seems to reject everything before it.
Satsuki Shinomiya: We're not going to practice?
Haruka Nanami: Huh? Ah… umm...
I'm surprised that he's asking me this out of the blue.
Select the Phrase!
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よくは・・・ないです。That won't… be good. (+10 Love, +10 Music)
Haruka Nanami: If we don't practice, we won't get better and we'll fall behind.
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練習したいです。I want to practice. (+20 Love, +10 Music)
Haruka Nanami: I don't want to stay like this.
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あ、あの・・・U-umm… (+0 Love, +0 Music)
Haruka Nanami: I've wanted to practice with you this entire time, but I was worried whether or not I can even ask you...
Satsuki Shinomiya: Are you dissatisfied with me?
Haruka Nanami: N-no, that's not it...
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Haruka Nanami: … Satsuki-kun... Do you want to practice with me?
I summon the courage to ask him. I've been so scared that he would reject me that I've held back this entire time.
He might actually practice with me after all.
Satsuki Shinomiya: Yeah, fine by me.
Haruka Nanami: Really?
Satsuki Shinomiya: Mm-hmm.
That's great...
Satsuki Shinomiya: But I'm different from him. Who knows what will happen if we're alone together.
His lips curve into a sly smile, his eyes cold as ice.
His piercing gaze immobilizes me.
I'm… unsettled.
Syo-kun warned me about this, too.
He'll attack you when you're alone with him.
But… Satsuki-kun went out of his way to ask me about practice.
I was happy about that.
Haruka Nanami: … But, I really want to practice together… so Natsuki-kun can eventually come back...
Satsuki Shinomiya: I see... Then there's no need to hold back.
Satsuki-kun cradles his hand on my neck and traces his fingers across my skin.
Select the Phrase!
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お手柔らかにお願いします。Please go easy on me. (+5 Love, +0 Music)
Satsuki Shinomiya: Heh. I'm not sure about that, haha...
He snickers, running his fingers through my hair.
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・・・ … (+10 Love, +0 Music)
Satsuki Shinomiya: You're being docile.
Haruka Nanami: I can manage if we get some practice done…
I don't know what's in store for me, but I don't want to be defeated. I won't give up Natsuki-kun.
Satsuki Shinomiya: Manage, huh? I can't hold back, you know.
He roughly pulls me in with his strong arms.
Satsuki Shinomiya: You have a thin waist... I wonder how far you can go…?
Satsuki Shinomiya: Well, whatever. If you break, then that's that...
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・・・それはちょっと・・・ … That's a little… (+0 Love, +0 Music)
Satsuki Shinomiya: Then should we stop?
Haruka Nanami: No, I want to practice...
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Ah... He's so good...
He can hold a long note and his sense of rhythm is perfect.
His feelings of affection and hurt fly straight to my soul.
What expressiveness...
Could it be that Satsuki-kun has been practicing by himself?
Satsuki Shinomiya: This isn't good enough.
Haruka Nanami: Huh?
Satsuki Shinomiya: There's not enough punch in his song.
Haruka Nanami: Umm...
Satsuki Shinomiya: The chorus is not catchy enough, and overall, the song is too plain.
Exasperated, Satsuki-kun mumbles to himself and throws the music sheet onto the desk.
Haruka Nanami: I'm sorry.
Satsuki Shinomiya: This is the best you can do? I feel bad for Natsuki.
Select the Phrase!
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か、改善点があるならっ。If there's anything I can improve on! (+0 Love, +15 Music)
Haruka Nanami: I'll fix it! I don't think this is perfect, either.
Satsuki Shinomiya: Then do your best.
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一緒に作ってきたものだから。 We created this together. (+20 Love, +5 Music)
Haruka Nanami: I don't think Natsuki-kun would agree with you...
Haruka Nanami: I know there are a lot of flaws, but… we'll keep making this together.
Haruka Nanami: This is a work in progress...
Satsuki Shinomiya: I see...
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あなたに言われたくありません。I don't want to hear that from you. (+5 Love, +0 Music)
Satsuki Shinomiya: Then who’s gonna tell you? Natsuki? He won't come back.
Haruka Nanami: …
Satsuki Shinomiya: I won't let him see you.
Haruka Nanami: Why…?
Satsuki Shinomiya: You betrayed him. You hurt him...
Haruka Nanami: No, I...
I know that I pushed him away… but I didn't mean to hurt him.
Satsuki Shinomiya: Don't deny it.
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Satsuki Shinomiya: Hey... Do you want to know why he won't come out?
What…? Yes, I want to know!
Haruka Nanami: … Please tell me.
Satsuki Shinomiya: I will, but... I won't tell you for free.
Haruka Nanami: Ah…!
He grabs my shoulders and with great force pushes me onto the floor.
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Satsuki Shinomiya: I'll let you know how painful it is to be hurt… I won't hold back…
I'm scared, but...
I decided to face him without running away.
Satsuki Shinomiya: Why don't you resist? Do you not understand what I'm going to do to you?
Haruka Nanami: … You're also Natsuki-kun… so I know you won't do anything dangerous...
Satsuki Shinomiya: … Do you like him that much?
Haruka Nanami: Yes, I do...
Satsuki Shinomiya: Then why did you push him away?
Haruka Nanami: That's because...
Satsuki Shinomiya: You didn’t consider how sensitive he is and what would happen if you were to ever reject him?
Satsuki Shinomiya: It's your fault that he won't come out.
Haruka Nanami: …
Satsuki Shinomiya: What do you understand about Natsuki? No one understands his loneliness.
Satsuki-kun reaches towards my uniform.
It’s the same hand that loosened my clothing when I passed out from anemia during the entrance ceremony.
He slowly pulls at my uniform's ribbon. 
When I think about his soft smile, I become sad and my chest tightens.
I feel tears welling up in my eyes.
But I musn't cry. I grit my teeth and hold in the tears.
Satsuki Shinomiya: … You're a fool...
Satsuki-kun gives me a pained look.
Haruka Nanami: …?
Why? Can it be that he's…?
Ringo Tsukimiya: HEY! What are you doing in this sacred recording room!
Ringo Tsukimiya: Don't think you can get away doing this just because this room is soundproof!
Ringo Tsukimiya: I was worried that you kids didn't return the key after your scheduled time was up, so I came to check and see this…! My word, kids these days!
Tsukimiya-sensei has barged into the recording room.
Satsuki Shinomiya: No, teacher. She fainted from anemia, so I was just taking care of her.
Ringo Tsukimiya: Is that true, Haru-chan?
Select the Phrase!
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えーと・・・ Umm… (+5 Love, +0 Music)
… If this becomes a big problem, then Natsuki-kun would also be in trouble... I should just say yes.
Haruka Nanami: Yes... I got a little dizzy...
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・・・はい。 … Yes. (+10 Love, +0 Music)
Haruka Nanami: … What Shinomiya-san said was… true...
Satsuki-kun smiles with satisfaction.
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そ、それは・・・ T-that's… (+0 Love, +0 Music)
My words falter and Satsuki-kun shoots a glare at me.
Haruka Nanami: … Um… it's just like Shinomiya-san said. I got a little dizzy.
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Ringo Tsukimiya: If that's what you say, I'll believe you... If you feel ill, then you should go back and rest as soon as possible.
Ringo Tsukimiya: I'll bring your key back to the staff room. Hurry back to the dorms, okay?
Haruka Nanami: … Okay, thank you.
Thanks to Tsukimiya-sensei, I got out unscathed.
But… even if he didn't come in…
Would Satsuki-kun have stopped anyway?
Maybe I'm just overthinking it, but I don't think Satsuki-kun is a bad person.
Mini Game
Ringo Tsukimiya: All right! We're doing a written test! Theory is just about as important as practice, so you better build a strong foundation!
Ringo Tsukimiya: Studying doesn't require practice. As long as you review enough times, there shouldn't be any problem.
Ringo Tsukimiya: The test's format is the same as before, but it’s gotten a little more difficult, hehe!
Ringo Tsukimiya: Choose what you think is correct from the choices. Now, begin!
S Rank
I've gotten a perfect score so I go to report to Satsuki-kun...
Satsuki Shinomiya: Don't look at me like that…! Damn it, I won't be swayed by you! I… would never...
Haruka Nanami: Satsuki… kun...
Oh, he must hate me after all...
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Chapter End
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He owes her everything?
Near the end of “Perfection”, we discover that Tomoe was not at all happy to learn that Gabriel sent a megakuma into Kagami’s ring (more on this later). To clarify, back in “Riposte”, Gabriel had already akumatized Kagami by sending an akuma into her ring, however, looking back on that episode now, her being akumatized was not as big of an issue because Kagami was not wearing the same ring we saw in later seasons, implying that Kagami switches rings whenever she changes into her fencing clothes. 
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Now, of all the things that Tomoe says to Gabriel, Tomoe makes it very clear that Gabriel must abide by what they agreed on no matter what, because he owes her everything. 
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Although we do not yet know the details of the contract Gabriel has with Tomoe, from what we do know, Tomoe and Gabriel have a far more complicated past than what was initially believed to be nothing more than a business alliance. Unlike most others in the show, the two of them have held a certain level of understanding for one another over the years, which would make Tomoe more than willing to offer Gabriel the technology he needed to reconfigure the miraculous and aid him in his plans as Monarch. But according to what we have learned in “Ikari Gozen”, Tomoe is very conflicted about the subject of friends as she believes friends can only prove disappointing later, meaning that whatever past Tomoe had with Gabriel was something which had dwindled her respect for him because of the choices he made. However, Tomoe’s word to Gabriel near the end of “Perfection”, hint that Gabriel holds a great debt to Tomoe, not in terms of money, but rather something which she alone had the power to solve or even sacrifice for his sake.
Looking back on the show, Tomoe had always been involved in helping Gabriel regardless of not being seen beside him. Any obscure form of technology that is seen aiding Gabriel, would always be linked to Tomoe as her companies logo is spotted on said technology: Nathalie’s support legs in “Kuro Neko”, the laser and tech that Gabriel used to reconfigure the miraculous in “Multiplication”, their computers in ”Optigami”, Gabriel's car which has a built in hologram projector to trick the public into thinking he was going on a business trip alone to attend the Tokyo fashion week back in “Party Crasher” etc etc. Many of these pieces had presented Tomoe’s company logo to inform the viewers that Tomoe had aided Gabriel time and time again. However, in order for Gabriel to have owed everything to Tomoe, Tomoe would of course have had to have been directly involved with the one aspect of Gabriel’s life which drove him desperate enough to do anything, even resort to a life of villainy, Emelie.
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 For the past five seasons, it was a normal occurrence to see Emelie laying in her pod, but no one really knew how Gabriel managed to obtain such a pod in the first place and place it in a hidden space under the mansion without anyone noticing, in fact, no one really thought about who was capable of creating such technology when it was first introduced, but the pod that Emelie had been seen in time and time again, was far from any normal piece of technology as it required a tremendous amount of energy to maintain it. 
Back in “Party Crasher”, Max explains that the Agreste mansion had an insane amount of power, enough to where it could even compete with a nuclear power station. Adrien only ever assumed it was just his fathers attempts to have the best there is to supply their mansion with power, but had Tomoe known about Gabriel’s attempts to pursue the miraculous to bring back his wife, then she alone might have been directly involved in supplying Gabriel the technology necessary to not only support Emelie’s body, but additionally provide the technology needed to supply a big enough power source to maintain it as well. However, considering the circumstances which revolved around Emelie’s symptoms, providing such an advanced form of technology to deal with those symptoms would by no means be an easy thing to give, after all, Emelie( and Nathalie’s) condition were not the result of any natural means, it was magical. 
Back in “Evolution”, it is revealed that neither Gabriel or Emelie knew about the true dangers of the broken miraculous as a younger Gabriel was seen easily handing a clearly broken peacock miraculous to Emelie in the past, meaning that after Emelie began to suffer the effects, Gabriel being the man he was, likely did everything he could to have her treated, only for them to realize that no one could cure her. No amount of ordinary human medical knowledge would be capable of treating someone who suffered the magical effects of a miraculous.
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(In “Party Crasher, Gabriel panics as he watched Emelie’s pod display its remaining power. Gabriel's fear of the pod potentially shutting off implies that the pod is the only thing he has to maintain Emelie, had it run out of power, Emelie would have likely died)
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Naturally, Gabriel would not have had the means, let alone the knowledge to create the technology that is currently aiding him, Nathalie and Emelie, he is a fashion designer not a technological genius. The burden to come up with everything he needed, while simultaneously keeping it hidden from the public eye, would have  been entrusted to the one person in Gabriel’s life whom he knew could accomplish such an impossible task, Tomoe. Aside from numerous technology that Tomoe’s company is already known for, Tomoe might have spent years diving into creating technology which could simultaneously interact and deal with magic, which is why she was able to help Gabriel create a series of rings within a matter of weeks which could allow him to digitally transfer the powers of the miraculous to his victims once they were akumatized.
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 However, despite whatever technology Gabriel obtained to sustain Emelie, in “Stormy weather 2″, Nathalie explains that she has continued to watch Emelie fall deeper into her endless sleep as Gabriel continues in his desperate efforts to obtain the miraculous necessary to bring her back, revealing that despite the pods technological advances, Emelie is still inching closer to fully succumbing to her condition. Gabriel is running out of time, but he would have lost Emelie long ago had he not been provided a means to slow down the effects of the broken miraculous.
Based on what we know from “Felix” and “Transmission”, it has now been nearly two years(maybe a year and a half ) since Emelie disappeared from the public eye. Due to the extreme state of her condition, Tomoe’s technology may be what is capable of not only maintaining Emelie’s body, but it might also be what is slowing down the effects of the peacock miraculous. Had Gabriel become deeply indebted to Tomoe for halting his wife’s doom and buying him more time to obtain the miraculous in a last ditch effort to bring her back, then of course Gabriel would owe everything to Tomoe, because as of now, Tomoe is possibly the only person who is capable of keeping Emelie alive, and all she asks in return for aiding him, is that he devotes himself to accomplishing her dream(whatever that may be) in exchange for her helping accomplish his. But again, lets just wait and see what the show has to say. 
(no comments on other released episodes as I am trying to watch things in order thank you)
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generalluxun · 6 months
Sorry again for all the asks, but this is a musing on Miracle Queen, or more, how Miracle Queen came to be, cos like...
Gabriel & Nathalie had tried to recruit Chloe before, both as a general Akuma & un that same episode during a fight.
Then their entire plan that followed relied on, well frankly a lot of events happening in their favor in order to get the Bee Miraculous at minimum. But also on having her parents under their control, isolating and ambushing her & pressing on her every issue. Not helped by her feeling replaced by Kagami who shared her problem of being known but still got chosen.
Two main things stand out here.
1: What the fuck, I really feel people need to keep in mind how much these circumstances would fuck with anyone least of all an already not in a great place kid. But then we also need to consider that these two adults know her, have watcher her grow up, that adds so many layers of fucked-up ness to the situation which I feel would be interesting to explore.
2: Why were they so insistent on getting Chloe? Kagami was also known and while we can argue Tomoe being involved with Hawk Moth was a retcon or later development... I mean as of now it seems odd they made no effort. Is it cos she knew Emilie, or just cos she was convenient?
It's because the writers wanted Chloe to be the bad one. Plot follows whim.
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kankuroplease · 2 months
I want to believe that Tomoe can not say no to Arisa under any circumstance. He is so mean to Riki (never forget the hamster face), I need him to be head over heels about Arisa and kicking everyone to the moon if they even look at that lil baby in the worng way 😩
He’s definitely protective of her growing up, but the one that would be absolutely wrapped around her little finger would be Nagisa when she’s little.
Tomoe can and will tell her no about a lot of things, but he will defend her with his life.
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egg-biscuit · 2 months
✒ writing masterlist
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⋅ ⋅ ✏ latest
✉ the process of learning you (ch. 23): office adventures
summary: you venture out of Doppio's apartment, determined to bring him lunch at work, but can you find your way...? words: 5.2k
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⋅ ⋅ ✏ collections
✉ the process of learning you
doppio x hybrid!reader warnings: 18+ mdni, slow burn, fluff, smut, owner/pet dynamic, noncon/dubcon, drug use & abuse, yandere, rough sex, degradation/dumbification, sex trafficking words: 20.3k+
✉ a recipe for peaches
tomoe x reader warnings: 18+ mdni, domestic fluff, smut, yandere, foodplay, sex toys, dirty talk, semi-public sex, cockwarming, emotional manipulation words: 10.7k
✉ invisible handcuffs
dolce x reader warnings: fluff, angst, slow burn, miscommunication, sexual assault mention, hurt/comfort, major character death words: 13.9k
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⋅ ⋅ ✏ one-shots
✉ candy-making 101
poco pio & babysitter!reader warnings: platonic relationship, fluff, shenanigans, minor injury, wound dressing words: 3.9k
✉ only one treat
doom x dom!reader warnings: 18+ mdni, smut, face sitting, owner/pet dynamic, oral sex, creampie, aftercare, dacryphilia words: 7.1k
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© all work and content belongs to egg-biscuit 2024. under no circumstances should said work be modified or reposted on any platform. using said work for ai generation, nfts, or any similar activities is strictly prohibited.
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miraculousalamode · 1 year
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cake decorators, we need your help! our bakers (writers) have been working hard in the kitchen preparing something delicious, but now we need your help to make it look as good as it tastes!
throughout the week, we will be posting snippets and summaries from our bakers with a fic ID attached to them in order to keep the writer anonymous. please write down the fic IDs of the fics that you would be willing to work with, as well as the fic IDs of the fics you would absolutely not under any circumstance want to collaborate with.
at the end of all of these posts, we will post the artist applications for you to submit your answers!
Pairing: Marinette/kagami,
Rating: E
Summary: When a dragon needs a maiden, a mouse might just be perfect for the role, but what happens when the mouse becomes the dragon's treasure along the way?
"Come in"
Kagami looked straight ahead at the door in an unfaltering gaze, waiting for the servants to open the door to her mother's treasure room.
As the doors opened, a faint light of gold and rainbow reflections flew out of the room, leaving a pathway of light for Kagami to walk through.
She bowed deeply, "You called me, mother?"
Tomoe Tsurugi sat at her chair surrounded by her hoard like a queen would on her throne, with an unimpressed expression hiding through her spectacles.
"I have received a letter from the Guild, everything appears to be in order for your visit to France"
Kagami stood up from her bow, looking at her mother with an unmoving expression. 
"You will be leaving tomorrow through the teleporter, do not be late"
"I won't let you down mother"
An electrifying breeze tousled Kagami's hair,  
"See to it that you don't"
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iciatheguardess · 8 months
hehe elsie rant time
Bravado, Heroism, and When a Character Changes Tone.
The idea of a character having multiple voices or “masks of personality” for different situations is something I love to play around with. You can find some form of it in almost every character I create, usually as a response to responsibilities thrown upon them against their will.
The easiest example is Kitsune, who is the reason I did this rant at all. I know you, Star mod, don’t really know Kitsune, but it still felt fun to talk about. Also Lily mod will probably read this and actually know what all this means lol
When we first met Kitsune, she was a character named Tea Anon. Tea Anon was an excitable, knowledgeable character who acted mature to the point where most people assumed she was an adult. She’s 16, but has had the responsibility of being a magical girl placed on her since about the age of 12. Due to this, Kitsune tends to act the part of an old 1950’s action hero, or a more quippy version of a classic magical girl. She shows up, cheats her way through an uno game, saves everyone from a witch, says some cool lines, and gets home in time for dinner. She’s a guardian-heroine who lines up more with someone like Indiana Jones or Mami Tomoe than a fairy tale hero. She’s cunning and quick-witted and always out-gambits her way to victory. She’s…well, a fox at her finest. That is reflected in her card’s name: “THE PERFECT HEROINE”. She always, always gets the happy ending.
Iiiiin actuality, Kitsune is a mess who is constantly using her “out-gambit” abilities to outrun her problems and grief. She’s lost everything: Her siblings, her boyfriend, and her old teammates. All either brutally or under mysterious circumstances. She couldn’t save any of them, and her near-infinite confidence in her own abilities is pretty much entirely feigned.
This is shown somewhat in how she speaks: Tea anon/Kitsune constantly references tropes, makes self-aware jokes, and generally plays with the boundaries she’s put into. She has a somewhat advanced vocabulary and speaks to adults like they’re her equal. Most magical girls tend to do this, actually, because of their warped view of age/experience. Your age/respectability is more determined by your years of witch fighting and power level than your true age. That’s why someone like Yachiyo treats Mami, a 16 year old, as older/the same age as her, even though Yachiyo’s a legal adult. Kitsune does the same, treating herself as the same age as Hammer or Origami, although she treats Origami/Octavia as older once she knows she’s her sister.
This all is why it’s impactful when, after she’s forced to admit that she can’t save everyone, after she’s confronted with her own near-death, after she’s properly had the time to process the fact that she’s been through heck and back, her voice and tone completely changes. Her voice becomes scared and shaky, all of her confidence drained from it. Her vocabulary reverts to a child much younger than her, about the same age as the 12 year old that first made the contract and watched the snowball effect start. Because she was forced to grow up too fast, and not at all. Her mask falls apart at the seams, and hasn’t really gotten itself back together since.
But that’s only one example! YOU THOUGHT I WAS DONE?!
AOKI IS ALSO A GOOD EXAMPLE OF THIS CONCEPT! But I’m almost to character limit, soooo NEXT ASK.
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rikyos · 1 year
@raikuro sent : the shores of an unknown beach , washed up from the ocean. maybe they’ll kiss. / scene prompts (currently accepting)
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whatever   kazuha   had   been   imagining   when   tomo   put   forward   a   quick   stop   at   HIS   OLD   PLACE ,   it   hadn’t   included   clearing   out   the   vagrants   currently   occupying   it   first.   or    .  .  .    no ,   nothing   about   the   tiny   wreckage   he   now   allows   himself   to   be   guided   into      (   a   most   courteous   and   respectful   guest   under   any   circumstances   )     had   been   quite   what   he   had   in   mind.   there’s   no   flicker   of   judgment   in   his   expression ,   though ,   nodding   and   smiling   as   the   tide   washes   in   to   soak   their   feet   and   tomo   cranes   forward   to   avoid   hitting   his   head   against   collapsing   wood   of   the   ceiling.      “     I   CAN   IMAGINE   YOU   MAKING   THIS   WORK ,     ”     and   he   means   it   as   a   compliment.   even   as   he   searches   for   something   nicer   to   say   about   it      —      “     i   like   it ,   tomo.   it’s    .   .  .   cosy.   and     —     you   had   your   own   private   beach ,   too.      ”     his   partner   is   certainly   resourceful ,   that   was   for   sure ,   though   kazuha   does   feel   inclined   to   question   the   length   of   time   he   really   lived   this   way.   
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he   would   take   one   of   their   makeshift   camps   over   this   any   day      .  .  .      but   that   is   not   to   disregard   how   tomo   is   SHARING   SOMETHING   OF   HIS ,     and   it   makes   his   head   light   with   sentiment.   this   is   something   he   had   owned   and   held   onto :     that   he   had   defended   and   grown   in      —     it   was   a   glimpse   into   what   his   life   had   been   like   before   two   paths   crossed ,   perhaps   one   more   authentic   than   anything   he’d   spoken   aloud   before.   his   ENDEARMENT   AND   GRATITUDE   for   that   are   so   much   to   sift   through ,   so   childishly   giddy   that   he   has   to   mask   his   disappointment   that   there’s   little   left   behind   of   that   life   now.   kazuha    is   running   out   of   compliments   and   yet   that   expectant   gaze   is   still   fixed   on   him      —      it’s   getting   awkward.   he   doesn’t  mind.     “     i’m   happy   you   trust   me ,     ”     and   he   pulls   tomo   down   towards   him   before   he   can   think   anything   strange  of   that ,   kisses   his   forehead.   his   cheek ,   twice ,   the   faint   scar   on   the   bridge   of   his   nose.   when   he   reaches   lips   there’s   a   witless   smile   upon   his   own   and   HE   KEEPS   HIM   THERE   for   a   moment :     still   lit   up   when   he   breaks   away   for   a   look   at   him     —     and   another   surveillance   of   the   area   coming   up   relatively   empty.   except   for     .  .  .    
“     is   that   a   hammock?     ”     amusement   is   betrayed   in   the   sharp   question ,   straying   from   his   side   TO   FURTHER   INSPECT   an   old   sail   strung   up   rather   perilously   indeed.      “      this   was   where   you   slept?   all   that   time?     ”      
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pizzazz-party · 1 year
Other ships and agendas aside, I want better for Tomoe than the guy who can’t seem to decide what he wants until it’s no longer feasible.
I don’t know, maybe I’m just not far enough along in the comic, and I have been seeing panels out of context. But I feel like Usagi doesn’t really want to change his path, not for anyone. (There is only one place he has ever expressed interest in settling down at, and it’s the one place he cannot stay.) And that’s okay, because he’s doing okay out there. And I don’t think the alternative will actually make him happy. Not for long. And not at this point in his life.
Tomoe is more than Usagi’s equal, considering that she’s one of the highest ranking Geishu samurai. But even her reputation as a warrior feels the need to mention her looks. She’s still a woman living in the edo period, and so still there’s this particular layer of vulnerability to her autonomy that a man in her position would not have. I am not a Japanese historian buff, but if she were male Noriyuki probably would have at least discussed it with her first before actively negotiating her marriage arrangements with another family.
I’m getting off topic. I think? That Usagi sees her as an equal. But I don’t think he understands the difficult kind of position she occupies, and the delicate balance she has to maintain in order to keep it. (Why would he?)
Usagi’s friends have all stayed more or less the same. Kitsune steals, Gennosuke bounty-hunts, Chizu ninjas around (actually her circumstances changed the most), Tomoe serves Noriyuki. And Usagi wanders. On some level, I think these are like facts of life to him. They’re comfortable in the way an old shoe molds to your heel.
I prefer Tomoe and Usagi as friends. (Personally, I just don’t believe in their “chemistry.”) And I think Usagi does too, simply because he makes zero effort to change this. Because he doesn’t want to change this. He doesn’t actually want to settle down and become a Geishu retainer. He doesn’t want to give up his wanderings. He wants to continue on as they always have, and since the tea ceremony I guess he’s been living under the impression that this status quo is what they both want.
If she didn’t end up getting married off, he was never going to say anything.
Usagi’s a good guy, and a greater friend. But I want better for Tomoe. She deserves better.
(Wherewhen spoilers below.)
The girl got fucking widowed, and did he step up? Once her mourning-appropriate period was over? Marry her like he heavily implied he would, if given the chance? Evidence from twenty years in the future implies, no.
Tomoe fucking deserves better.
Edit: i’ve been informed that there are multiple timelines involved in the widowing situation. so possibly i’m being too harsh on usagi. i have not read Senso yet.
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geminmyeyes · 1 year
Chapter 4 - Beyond Light and Shadow (Tumblr Backup)
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First Chapter (Includes Tags, Warnings, etc)
Next Chapter ->
Alas, it was the day of the week Chiharu loathed the most. Sure, he obeyed every single word his queen asked of him, no matter what, without question or hesitation.
But, he didn't have to enjoy hauling massive hunks of raw meat, visceral and smelling of nothing but decay and rot.
He approached what looked to be a cell, the partially rusted iron bars covered in bite-like indents all over. From a first glance, it looked to be just a few trees, but the boy knew what lurked underneath.
Any living thing, be it a beast, an animal, or youkai, should never ever, under any circumstance, have that many mouths lined with razor sharp teeth.
Even if Chiharu was aware of such a beast, he was tempted by the emerald knife-like object lodged in one of the trees on the beast's back. Branches intertwining around it, trying to make sure nobody or nothing can get to it.
Whatever this creature was, it knew the power of the Youseiken grafted to it's back very well.
He had a bad feeling about what may unfold next. From what he heard about the Sacred King's Armory Kenbumajin from Goku Hyakki-hime's emotionless words and Karna's groans, they were not good news.
And if those pests where to get a hold of them, it wouldn't be long before all of them would be in place, and any plan to reclaim the throne of the Youkai world would be futile.
“Nine O’Clock, set. Now, combine our strengths, Tomoe!” Chiharu called, cyan light switching his place with a rather agile looking young woman with lightning blue hair and armor that gave her defenses but didn't weigh her down too much. A simple, no bells and whistles katana was all she needed to bat away any fierce foes.
It started off as normal, kicking the sack of food, primarily meats both cooked and raw, down from the ceiling (Chiharu was ill advised from trying to get close to the beast, it would have absolutely tried to reduce him to a quick snack as well). As whatever dwells under there took notice, it was time to execute the second part of the plan.
Swiftly and without much of a sound, Tomoe descended down, landing perfectly on the tree that had that specific deep green glimmer Chiharu was so interested in.
Quietly and gently the feminine Genma began to piece away at the branches that contained the Youseiken, her precision like no other.
Alas, even the most skilled of artisans make mistakes, as one branch cracked a bit too loudly. The ground began to shake, the beast noticing someone was trying to take the Youseiken it guarded.
Knowing she had made a bet that didn’t pay in her favor, Tomoe booked it with a large hop, but not before getting a better look at the monster that dwelled in their basement.
All Chiharu could think was that Goku Hyakki-hime had very, very good reasons for advising him not to go after such a youseiken.
But dammit, he was going to get it. No matter what it took, no matter how long it took, he would have two Kenbumajin to conquer against those fools.
The cost of getting a quick look caused the horrific creature to get a nip at the Genma’s right calf. Sure Tomoe managed to escape just fine, albeit with a bit of cursing, but Chiharu was soon back in her place.
On one hand, he was at a safe distance away from that beast and could just go back to his quarters. There had to be an easier way of doing this, one that was more modern and less old fashioned.
On the other hand, the bite marks had transferred to his own leg, and the deep gashes caused blood to spill out. Thank goodness he wore black pants, socks, and combat boots, but he didn’t admit it hurt like hell.
Chiharu stopped for a moment to try to stop the bleeding, taking off his scarf to use as a temporary bandage. Some of the blood got on his hand, the boy sighing with relief.
The stains of smeared bright crimson on his hand was all he needed to know that he was still human after all.
Thank the gods.
Given the urgency of needing to meet with the remaining Kenbumajin, the requirement to attend classes like The Youkai Detective Agency didn't pull off a pretty major violation of breaking and entering was an inconvenience at best. But it was required all the same, even if the plan Natsume and Touma agreed upon was as soon as lunch break hit, to play hooky and hope the meeting took less than half an hour to complete.
Though as morning rolled around to start classes as usual, Natusme noticed someone talking with Mr. Kazama of home economics.
He looked quite a bit similar to that Saito kid that sat next to her, but preferred to wear a black hoodie and swapped out the purple hair extensions for bags under his eyes and a medical eyepatch he seems to have customized a bit, possibly for the sake of looking cool. It was a common thing for first years in high school to do that sort of thing, after all, second only to middle schoolers.
The kid paused for a moment, taking note of the girl's presence, or seemed to have foreseen her arrival.
"Oh, you must be that Natsume Amano girl Saito keeps blabbering about, one of the only girls in the school who hasn't fallen head over heels for him," The boy spoke up. "My name is Akira Mitsue."
"So that makes you Saito's brother yeah? What grade are you in, I don't think I've seen you before," Natsume answered.
"I'm his younger brother, twin brother that is," Akira answered, trying to smile gently but coming off as just a little bit awkward. "So we're in the same grade, I just go to the Nogami Technical High School part way across town."
Natsume recognized the name of that school as her face molded with surprise.
"Oh hey, a friend of mine goes there!" Natsume lit up, making Akira quite curious.
"I'm curious, who is it?" Akira asked. "I have a feeling it might be a boy. A boyfriend, perhaps?"
"N-NO!?" Natsume stammered, a bit taken aback by the question. "Touma is his name, and he's just a friend that happens to be a boy!"
"Is there a reason in particular you're here? Shouldn't you be in class right now?" Mr. Kazama interjected, raising an eyebrow in a manner only someone with experience in the wrestling world would.
"I was excused from class momentarily to pick up any assignments for Saito today, as he's sick today," Akira answered politely, the teacher looking quite shocked.
"Geez, kid's out sick? Do you know what it is, I can probably whip something up for him," Mr. Kazama answered, Akira shaking his head.
"No it isn't some sort of cold or flu but more of...fright? It's rather complicated," Akira sighed, a grave look gracing his face.
"I'm certain he'll get better," Natsume reassured, any questions of why or how being cut short by a bell signaling that everyone had less than five minutes to get seated and ready for the morning ahead.
But whatever inflicted Saito, it was definitely a youkai.
As the bell for lunch rang, there was not a moment to waste into sneaking out to meet with some particularly important youkai.
In fact, Natsume was on the school's roof for a mere moment before she noticed a flash of vermilion feathers overhead, waving for the majestic bird to make a landing so she could get on.
"Come on, we got a meeting to speedrun!" Akinori shouted, Suzaku managing to have room for not only his summoner, but Touma and Natsume as well, the latter jumping right on with only a slight bit of stumbling.
The flight to the Youkai world and arriving back to the Treasure Sword Palace was uneventful, but it was still unbelievably urgent. Even with the whole diving underwater sort of thing.
In fact the anticipation of familiar guests made the palace feel a lot more welcoming. For starters there weren't any death defying trials standing in their way, the two identical youkai that ominously opened the trials were standing to greet the group, alongside a much older youkai woman dressed in white. Her face was warm and inviting, even with a bit of age, yet those red eyes were a warning to not try to provoke her wrath.
How the teens knew things were much different was when one of the twins spoke.
“Hello,” one of them piped up, his voice way less deep and had no intimidation to it, sounding much more like it belonged to a shy kid.
“Greetings,” The other twin answered, the older woman lowering down to their level, her red serpentine eyes furrowing.
“Now, now Shui and Hui, is that how you should greet one of papa’s fellow knights?” The older woman corrected the two, the twins scrambling into a courteous bow.
“Right this way, Lord Suzaku,” The first one, Shui, spoke.
“You too, honored summoners of the magic mirrors,” The second one, Hui, finished.
“I apologize for the lack of formalities, Lord Suzaku and the watchers you’ve entrusted your powers to,” The white clad youkai apologized, leading the way alongside her presumed sons. “We knew you were coming so we dropped the whole deathly trials and intimidation act.”
“I don’t think I’ve met you before, madame,” Natsume asked, the older woman looking a bit shocked.
“Oh goodness that’s right, you children have never met me before. Well, technically you already have, but not like this. My name is Bai Suzhen,” She introduced herself politely. “Technically we’ve met before, but I think it’s easier to explain through showing than merely telling. Follow me right this way.”
Through a few hallways and up some stairs in the tranquil tower, they all arrived to a central room, where most of the Kenbumajin that they had met awaited them.
Seiryuu, Asura, and Genbu were all present, the latter not having the white snake he was always summoned with by his side. Though within a blink of an eye, the older woman who had been guiding them disappeared, and the snake had returned to his side. The small serpent seemed to give a slight giggle as well.
"There you are Suzaku," Genbu greeted, stern but calm. "As well as the summoners. Does anyone know where Byakko is?"
"I do not, Lord Genbu," Suzaku answered, the other Kenbumajin shaking their heads.
"Right, I think we can start addressing what can be done with Seiryuu first, and the deal with the bow you children found after. I'll try to be brief," Genbu began, the humanoid dragon putting the grayed Fudou Raimenken Youseiken on the meeting table.
"I don't know why or how, I tapped into it's power, even though I am but a common youkai," Seiryuu spoke up first.
"Personally I might have a theory," Genbu began, looking to be in deep thought. "Before I ever had a youseiken, I heard about four beast generals from China who served the golden dragon emperor Huanglong and the winged platinum empress Fenghuang. Named Bai Hu, Xuan Wu, Zhue Que and Qing Long, one thing was true; no matter what, the four generals would always be together to fight for good no matter what peril awaited."
"My working theory is that Soranaki found the weapons of The Four Beast Generals, giving them power to mimic that of the Sacred King's Armory. But for one reason or another, was unable to find a lizard, koi, or some other animal or youkai with enough yoki energy, so opted to give it to one of his underlings," Genbu explained. "I should know, I was given my Youseiken by who I thought was Huanglong himself."
Asura was quiet for a moment, sighing a bit. "And before you ask, yes, I was a foolish underling of Soranaki, the first one he recruited in fact. Something about wrath, vengeance, it drew me in, perhaps something along the lines of pity. Then he gave my sword to some powerful but constantly drunk oni from Mt. Ibuki. Memory's a big foggy on the details on that one."
"So possibly something similar to the whole deal with Shuka, but with like, you guys," Akinori thought on the wise Kenbumajin's words, Genbu nodding his head.
"It seems we would have to find Huanglong, or another youkai that oversees one becoming a king," Genbu admitted, Natsume piping in.
"I remember Enma told us of I think one of his ancestors, a guy every Enma has to face in order to claim the true power of a king," Natsume added in, Asura's face widening as well.
"Think I might have heard of him myself, Samrat Chakravarti was the title he was known by. Which roughly means something like The Emperor of The Entire Planet Earth." Asura testified as well, trying to remember more. "Though, I don't remember much about him specifically. Most of my foggy head can remember much, but I remember him being a big freakin' deal."
Touma presented the bow that was heisted from the other night. It wasn't exactly stolen per se, more of borrowing without an exact date of return in mind. "The other thing we wanted to talk about is this--"
Interrupting the boy was the arrival of the white tiger Kenbumajin, using his spear to try to keep...a normal looking human away? Though that face and glasses, it was all too familiar.
"S-Shirogane!? How'd you end up here?!" Natsume asked, Byakko looking a bit tense.
"Oh you know this guy? I was just chilling as a cute kitty in the human world when he came across me and started yapping about something called the Silver Lightning Fire-starter Bow and asked me to bring him to the meeting," Byakko quipped, Shirogane remaining calm, seeming to have tamed the beast.
"I had witnessed you three get the Silver Lightning Fire-starter Bow, or as the curators called it, Gandiva," Shirogane began, closing his eyes for a moment as he adjusted his glasses. "I was the sole security guard that night, you are some brave Watchers for going toe to toe with someone like Karna."
"...How does a human like you possess knowledge of the Sacred King's Armory?" Suzaku asked, Shirogane keeping a cool demeanor.
"It's simple, you learn from lived experience," he spoke, grabbing the bow before anyone could think to demand an explanation from him.
Gripping the bow in his hand, Shirogane changed, or perhaps revealing his true colors. His skin tone was the same beautiful umber it was, and his silver eyes now had cyan rings in the iris. The glasses were traded out in favor of pointed ears and delicate silver earrings. His once somewhat blue dark grey hair morphed into a saturated storm cloud of navy, aqua hued highlights like bolts of lightning darting across the sky, most of it tied in a braid.
Adorned in jewelry made from the silver lining in the clouds, and fashion befitting of a king complete with blues and regal violets, it could only mean one thing.
"You must be..." Touma began, looking towards the group of youkai and humans alike.
"One of the Sacred Kings, founders of the Enma clan, upholder of courage," The sacred king introduced himself, his voice calm but having a potent sense of dignity and power, one that commanded respect. "Arjuna."
For a moment, the room was silent, in awe at the mighty Kenbumajin before them. One of the very kings that founded and upheld youkai society as they knew it.
The other Kenbumajin bowed, even Byakko looked like he was a frightened deer in headlights upon realizing the human he was trying to keep away was exactly.
Natsume was probably the most stunned. That name was incredibly familiar, she remembered reading about him when trying to figure out who Chiharu’s Kenbumajin was! A legendary archer, who after contemplating morality about fighting, had the very universe bless him with divine knowledge and assurance that he would be a great king if he fought.
He adjusted his gaze to look directly at Touma, his piercing gaze that brought fear to the battlefield, but a sense of wonder and awe outside of combative situations.
“You, I believe your courage has been proved worthy of possessing my strength,” Arjuna spoke up, manifesting a small, knife-like key that glowed like it captured an entire bolt of lightning within. “But heed my words before you accept my power.”
“Unlike the Kenbumajin in this room and the renegade of the sun I have to regrettably call a brother, a single person cannot hold all of our Youseikens,” Arjuna explained further. “Even a heart as kind as your own, it would very quickly slip into a destructive power trip that would spell the end for human and youkai kind alike.”
The group of teens took a moment to let those words sink in. Touma was the only one of them that could even summon the power of the Kenbumajin, at least as far as any of them knew.
The Aminas Watch had no such slot on it despite it’s power to summon Genjuu, and Natsume got a pretty annoying error sound when she attempted it once with the Elder Watch and the Fudou Raimenken. Ayame didn’t even have a watch, unless she was given one by someone in France.
But, there was that time Fukurou used his own blood to summon a twisted and cruel version of Fudou-Muyoou.
Perhaps, the title of “king” isn’t something only one person can wield.
Even if there wasn’t a will or a way, they would all fight like hell against whatever threats the Hundred Demons Army threw at them.
Touma reached out to Arjuna with an extended hand.
“I accept your power, not just as a means to an end, but also hopefully, as a friend as well.”
Rather moved by that offer, Arjuna gave a calming, gentle smile as the boy took his Youseiken.
A new youseiken had been claimed, a step in the right direction to solving the ongoing mystery of this army of demons.
The rest of the afternoon went by without much thought, even the whole scrambling back to school and hoping nobody noticed the giant vermilion plumed bird was without much hassle. Almost a contrast to what they all had experienced within a short period of time, from gazing at the majesty of one of the Sacred King’s Armory Kenbumajin spoken of only in legends, to having to look at math problems.
Once classes had ended, any thoughts of free time had to be put on hold due to an at everyone ping in the Youkai Detective Group chat informing everyone of something rather important.
A new post has been added to the sightings board.
Please check it out at usuranura.neocities.org, if you dare that is.
Apparently, the admin of the site gave Whisper a strange link that implemented a small program that would inform everyone at once the moment a new sightings post was made. The admin, whoever they were, took it upon themselves to filter out a lot of bogus posts, seeming to have a strange eye for the ones that had youkai behind them.
How strange.
Thankfully, the request asked them to not meet them until much later that night, so there was a bit of time.
But Natsume had a sneaking suspicion on who the requester might be.
Elsewhere, across the globe, the later afternoon sun was shining through a line of windows across various classrooms in an academy’s facilities. Leading the way through the halls was a familiar young girl with dirty blonde ponytails and sky blue eyes, her roommate not all that far behind.
“Are you sure this is a good idea, Ayame?” Dorothea asked a bit hesitantly, the other girl checking to see if anyone was nearby before diving into one of the offices. An office that belonged to one “Katrina G. Dan - -Advanced Story Writing”, which had been left unlocked.
The younger girl gave a determined but reassuring look. “I want to believe it’s a good idea, the look on your face and what she did to your manuscript, it makes me want to do something!”
Indeed, when classes had ended for the day, Ayame was chipper as usual but her roommate was much less cheerful than she was. Dorothea’s face was painted with nothing but pain and gloom when she entered their shared dorm.
And when prompted to explain what was wrong, oh how there was a strange pull in her heart.
Dorothea was on a more writing and literature focused curriculum, wanting to become a children’s author some day.
She had spent a lot of time researching and bringing together a story that blended the old with the new, classic literature and modern fashion, wrapped in a timeless narrative about loving one another and showing compassion.
Ayame had seen her work day and night on the manuscript, excitedly showing her parts of it and went to classes in a great mood earlier this morning. It was her big day to present it to her teacher, Ms. Dan, and pass it with flying colors.
What Dorothea described was nothing like that.
She remembered her yelling in a way that would have surely gotten any teacher expired, calling Dorothea insane and out of her mind. How stories about love and happiness, overcoming your guilt and suffering, it would never fly! Never be a hit! Never sell even one copy! How the world hated that lovey dovey-crap and how it deserved to be fed to the wolves. To focus on suffering and how the world is awful and hostile instead, because that’s what the world truly was like.
In the ranting the academic teacher tore the manuscript apart from the staples that bonded such a story together.
Dorothea wanted to counter back, but felt intimidated. Something about Ms. Dan’s aura was ominous and cruel. But man, she wanted to give that teacher a piece of her mind.
“I’m sure it’s a good idea, if she’s there then you can tell her off, and I’ll be your backup in case something goes wrong,” Ayame reassured, keeping a sweet look despite how much she really, really wanted to fight her roommate’s literature teacher. The only thing that held back her wrath was her rather polite and ladylike upbringing, no wonder people thought she was some kind of princess.
Peering into the classroom, the late afternoon sun made one thing clear, there was not a soul in sight.
Slowly the two girls approached, making sure nobody was behind them.
“Alright, grab your manuscript from the trash bin and let’s make a run for it,” Ayame whispered, the older girl stepping in and going right for the bin. Just like she suspected, her manuscript she wrote herself was in there. Plus several others in there.
“Gosh, Ms. Dan is awfully cruel,” Dorothea spoke quietly to herself, looking over some of the other fragments. She could see the passion put into each and every word, and yet could only imagine what Ms. Dan said in response to these sorts of works.
Keeping guard at the door was Ayame, who kept great balance while checking both sides of the hall.
However, as she was getting back into position to see how Dorothea was doing, something she hadn’t seen slipped. Distinctly the girl could pick up the sound of some sort of key unlocking, and something forming in the afternoon shadows.
“Dorothea...we might want to run,” Ayame whispered, before the other girl could ask, the entrance was blocked off by a twisted shadow of a youkai. It was hard to tell in the light, but it seemed to be some kind of bird, and one with a penchant for screeching a bit.
“W-What is that thing!?” Dorothea gasped, trying to stay quiet, but clearly able to see the beast. Either she had a keen eye for youkai, or this creature decided to make itself visible to all.
Only hesitating for a moment, Ayame got quickly to firing off some magic to keep the youkai immobilized. Even if it was just for a mere moment, the two girls had to think fast. 
In the panicking scuffle, Dorothea backed herself into a wall, not noticing a circular mirror partially obscured by a potted plant. She didn’t notice that her foot brushed against the mirror, causing it to glow. The older girl gasped.
“Ayame!” Dorothea screamed, the younger girl running over to notice the other was falling right through the mirror. What in the world…
When trying to reach out for the other girl, Ayame found it impossible to try to drag Dorothea out, in fact, she found herself falling in through the mirror as well.
The last thing that yokai heard was their screams, hesitating for a moment before pursuing after them.
The night air was cold, but had a crispness to it that kept it surprisingly inviting. The ever so slight warmth of a lamp kept the dead of night from becoming too unbearable. A sole figure waited in the night, checking his phone at the time.
He had seen the comment responding to his inquiry saying that they would be there on the dot. The posted time was about a minute away, and there hadn’t been a sign of anyone or a single rustle of anything.
However, to his shock, a trio appeared, eliciting only one response.
“M-Miss Amano? Mr. Tsukinami?” Akira questioned in surprise, the two mentioned nodding.
“Mhmm,” Touma piped up, Natsume giving a more enthusiastic “Yeah!” as well.
“It’s a long story, we could be here for at least an hour and twenty explaining how we all met,” Akinori answered.
Akira was silent for a moment, before getting up. “Right, follow me, I can show you where my brother and I encountered that beast.”
Typically in the day, cemeteries like this were peaceful, a place to find calm and rest among the eternally resting. But at night, something just felt all the more eerie, unsettling.
Chilling spring winds, devoid of any warm sunlight, didn’t exactly make things feel all the more welcoming. How the trees swayed, seeming to not be of note at first.
That was until for a split moment, there was a glaring pair of red eyes. They disappeared within a moment’s notice. It was probably a hallucination.
Perhaps the massive gust of freezing wind was the wind picking up. That’s at least what one would desperately hope for.
But no, that was not the case.
A foreboding shadow was a bat-like creature with sharp, white fangs in an eternally scowling mouth. Long, bony limbs stretched out of it’s hunched body, large claws at the end of them. Massive, leathery wings sprung out of it’s devilish form, it’s yellow eyes piercing through it’s mostly shadowy body.
It didn’t even have a word for them, just incomprehensible screaming. That was, until one of it’s screams made it’s name loud and clear, garbled and distorted but belting with anger.
“I AM GEKIDOMAN!” The shrill, loud voice of the demon, Gekidoman as it has dubbed itself, making sure any evildoers tried to run.
But the teens stood their ground, Akira recognizing the horrid beast easily.
“T-This is it…This is the demon that gave my brother a horrible fright,” Akira’s voice warbled as he informed everyone of the bestial youkai. “I think defeating it, it will stop plaguing it’s victims with horrible nightmares!”
Natsume gave a reassuring look to Akira, a warm smile as always, no matter the horrors before her.
“Summoning, Shadow! Come out my friend, Jibanyan!” With a familiar call, out from the shadows sprung out the mighty feline.
Wings of crimson leather and vermilion fur clashed together right out of the gate. The bat going for a bit of a chopping attack, Jibanyan countering with a punch that was flavored with an audible crunching sound.
Gekidoman was not happy by this, slashing the feline across the face.
"Tsk, what's your problem, punk?" Jibanyan asked, getting a kick in the chest for his troubles, falling to the ground.
"I don't have a problem! I'm just protecting this place, that's all!" Gekidoman answered. "I can't have any nasty humans like you disrupting the peace here! So I give them nightmares with a look on my face so they know not to come here ever again!"
"You wanna keep the peace here but are kinda causing a racket," Jibanyan tsked, throwing another punch, only to find his neck in the grip of Gekidoman and rammed into a nearby tree. Such an impact wasn’t enough to make him disappear, but it was enough to knock him right back into his weaker Lightside form.
"Well well, if you think you're such a powerful guardian, let me introduce you to one I’m pals with!” Akinori let Gekidoman he wasn’t going to put up with him much longer. The Youkai Watch Animas flashed in the faint light of the moon, a Genjuu disc glittering even brighter.
“Descend, Genjuu! Suzaku!”
With those words called, a stunning bird youkai was summoned forth, managing to still have quite a bit of room to spread his wings despite the nearby trees in the cemetery.
A stunning flurry of crimson feathers soared right towards the flying bat, the two dancing in the moonlight as they fought against one another. Suzaku had a sense of grace in his movements, whereas Gekidoman was focused on trying to tear the avian limb by limb. If he could, he’d rip that damn bird’s wing off and stab him with it.
Gekidoman got a good start by getting a harsh slash in, streaks of deep crimson staining the bird’s precious plumage.
“How dare you…!” Suzaku hissed, breaking away from Gekidoman before he could lay another finger upon his feathered form. 
Sharp talons kicked the bat away with a powerful impact, the feathered youkai seething all the while. A mighty gust from a flap of his wings sent Gekidoman towards the ground, no matter how hard he tried to fly back towards the bird.
To make sure the opposing youkai stayed in the ground, Jibanyan managed to find his footing once more to jump up in the air and deliver a drop punch into Gekidoman’s chest. Even if he was in his smaller, cuter feline state, it still made quite the impact on the ground when the ferocious youkai finally admitted defeat.
Shadows dispersed from the fierce beast, leaving in it’s place a small, harmless bat youkai. Poor thing looked like it was a mere crybaby in comparison, his ears lowered to hide most of his crying face.
“I’m Nagekimori, it’s…uhmmm…nice to meet you,” The bat youkai, Nagekimori, said in a quiet hushed tone. “I’m just a humble youkai that lived in this graveyard. I wanted to keep it safe from people who would try to disrupt those who slumber here.” 
The little bat squeaked. “But I was too weak and powerless, constantly grieving for those who felt numb to the loss of loved ones! Not to mention how rude some children can be these days in peaceful places like this! So being told I could fight back, I couldn’t help but take up the offer some woman with black hair that tipped into flames gave me.”
Everyone nodded along, listening to the youkai’s woes intently. Soft expressions on their faces as they empathized
“Something in my arc was altered, my Shadowside form was very powerful, but I lost all control of my emotions. In fact, it felt like I had none,” Nagekimori explained further, looking rather mournful. “I was given one instruction, keep an eye out for a rather flamboyant looking fella, and curse him to all hell. I acted on instinct, cursing someone I’m sure was harmless in the process.”
“I see now,” Akira concluded, his eyes opening after them being closed during a long pause. “That was my brother you cursed, he tends to be on the extra side of things.”
“Don’t worry, I think the curse should be gone now, I’m so sorry for all the trouble,” “I just get so scared easily, and I had no sense of control when I was in that Shadowside form. Plus he didn’t have a boa or blue hair like that lady asked me to keep an eye out for. Oh I’m just a failure all around!”
“Hey now, don’t be so hard on yourself,” Natsume reassured, trying to wipe the small bat’s tears. “You just wanted to protect the souls resting here, you didn’t know that you would go beserk like that.”
The bat’s face was given just the tiniest, miniscule amount of hope. “Please, take my arc! Just don’t ask me to do anything that isn’t protecting, okay? Even if my Shadowside form is strong!”
With the arc in hand, it all seemed to be a picturesque way to wrap up the night.
That was until a familiar figure was standing at the entrance to the cemetery, his face contorted to be fuming with anger.
“Tsukinami, we have a score to settle,” Chiharu beckoned. “I know the power that you wield now, there’s no use in trying to hide it.”
“Shinamura…how did you get here?” Touma questioned, before getting an answer pretty quickly with a shift in Chiharu’s face.
A mere blink and Chiharu’s eyes were glowing gold, painted with familiar gold, sun-like markings as his expression became much more fierce. That Kenbumajin was going to possess his wielder to make his point loud and clear.
“I know damn well the Kenbumajin you have, and I have one thing to say to him if he can hear me!”The much more boisterous voice of Karna came out of Chiharu’s mouth, being far more blunt with the matter of what he wanted. 
“Stop being such a damn baby and fight me already, you little freakin’ smartass!” 
He wanted to fight, and as the sun of the sun god, it was his divine right to make sure he was the only one that got to shine.
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hxneylavendxr · 1 year
grabs you. what do you mean masuki himeno
the day they announced the collab i spent most of my time zoned tf out fantasizing about bandori chainsaw man roles
masuki as himeno came to mind because she can be mature, tough, and cool in how she presents herself but she actually cares so so so much and can get impulsive about it
hagumi is beam. very obvious after seeing them each hold 1 (one) conversation
kanon or lock seemed perfect for reze's innocent appearance but rokka could literally never have an edge to her, kanon definitely could under reze's circumstances but then i realized i was being stupid because chisato is riiiight there and it is not hypothetical she would she would
and at this point tomoe makes the perfect quanxi
chu2 and rei as akane and samurai sword feels like it can be perfect too...
MOCA HIROFUMIIIII[anvil falls on my head]
aalso rinko is princi
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