#Tommy adkins
Tommy, about doing work for Jack: It's rotten work. Especially to me. Especially if it's you. I'll fucking do it but Christ alive
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jtfieldsiii · 17 days
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Sketch book pages dedicated to figuring out what I was doing with the other two art pieces I was working on. Featuring lots of creatures.
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jampiethrow · 7 months
I need more Ginny, Tommy, and Jack
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tommyflanagangifs · 8 months
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Tommy Flanagan as Brock Donnelly in Max Cloud (2020)
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fadingdaggerr · 10 months
would that i
pairing: melissa schemmenti x gn!reader
summary: melissa knew what love should look like, and learned what it shouldn’t be. learning what it actually is takes time | 3.4k
translations: nonna/nonno (grandma/grandpa), t’amu (i love you) | reminder that sicilian is slightly different from italian in dialect
warnings: allusions to cheating (minimal), allusions to unhealthy relationships (minimal), making up my own melissa lore bc i’m so normal about her, kissing/making out
note: a little bit of this was an homage to my grandparents, the people that showed me what love should be. thank u and love u
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When Melissa was in sixth grade, her teacher assigned a two-page essay on what they thought of when they pictured love. The moment Mrs. Erikson said this, Melissa knew she was going to write about her Nonna and Nonno.
Every morning, Nonna made breakfast and coffee, she packed Nonno’s lunch, and always left a note that said T’amu in her flowy cursive. Every evening, Nonno brought in the laundry off the line and folded it while Nonna made dinner. Even when they fought, there was never a loss of their kiss good morning, goodbye, and good night. Only on anniversaries was Nonno allowed in the kitchen, and they’d dance while sauce simmered on the stovetop. Love between them seemed easy and gentle. Melissa spent every Saturday night and Sunday morning across the street at their house, and every time she found something to add to her list of what love looked like and how it should be.
Melissa thought she had found love with Tommy Adkins in eighth grade. She’d even bought a new dress to wear to autumn formal, pink and ruffled and perfect. By the time she was ready to leave, her face almost hurt from the amount of times she redid her makeup so that Tommy would call her beautiful instead of bangin’ for once. That night she watched him dance with Jennifer Milano with a half-baked excuse of him “not wanting to kiss a chick with braces.” Melissa cried for two hours while Nonna told her she was better off, a bowl of pastina pushed her way. She forgot about him by the time Monday rolled around.
High school boyfriends came and went, but in college Melissa fell in love for the first time. A true, deep love with a firefighter-in-training that knew her neighbor. Everytime Joe visited Brian, he stopped across the hall to see Melissa, leaned against the doorway with an easy smile. He was charming, respectful, and funny, everything she had been looking for. Two months after she graduated, he dropped to one knee and she jumped into his arms. They moved from their apartment to a home in south Philly. Melissa worked during the day, and Joe started night shifts at the fire station for the extra pay.
Night shifts began to extend, and Melissa never saw him. He’d eat the plate she’d prepared in the fridge and leave the dirty dish on the counter. Dirt and ash from his boots tracked across her rugs and carpets, scuff marks in her living room. What almost killed her was the dirty cast iron skillet left in the sink. When she brought anything up, he’d deflect and leave. Every now and then, he came home with flowers “just because.” But then flowers began to follow every extra long night, and she could smell the floral perfume that didn’t belong to her and didn’t match the flowers. It took her months to say anything, and all she was met with was eyes that couldn’t look at hers.
Melissa began to think that what her grandparents had could never be hers. A loving life was in the cards, and Joe had only solidified this. She stayed at Barbara’s that night.
A few years later, her perspective was changed when a new fourth grade teacher joined the staff mid-term. Never in her years had she allowed someone in so easily, allowed them to be her friend and not just a coworker. Somehow, in two years, Melissa realized she’d never felt so cared for and loved by anyone.
“Is there a chance I could pour a cup of coffee before you start bursting my ear drums?” Melissa says when Jacob and Janine start babbling behind her about something she didn’t care about at 7:30 on a Friday morning. Ever since she turned onto the street the school is on, a headache had been growing steadily. Staying up late to finish grading was the worst idea she’s had all month. The two teachers cringe slightly, lowering their volume. When the door opened again for you and Barbara to enter chatting with each other, volume lowering at the sight of Melissa sat at the table with fingers pressed to her temples. She hears a bag drop on the table quietly, opening one eye to see you trying to be as quiet as possible as you dig around.
When you finally stop, you pull out a bottle of ibuprofen and pass it to her. She waves it off, muttering a don’t need it. When you don’t reply, she peers up to see you still holding the bottle out with an expectant look on your face. You shake the bottle, “don’t suffer just to look tough.”
“Melissa Ann, take the damn pills,” Barbara orders from her seat, spooning some sugar into her coffee.
“I don’t need ‘em,” she mumbles out again.
You push your hand forward more, “please. If not for yourself, for your students. You’re irritable when you have a headache.” Barbara chuckles and sends a knowing look to Melissa. Janine and Jacob, on the other hand, turn and look at you, fully expecting the red head to make some harsh reply or threat back to you. All she does is puff out a laugh and grab the bottle from your hands. She decided not to remark on the weird looks she was getting from the peanut gallery.
When getting the kids ready for recess, she sees you peering around the corner to the doorway. She holds a finger to ask you to wait, and gets a double thumbs up in return. After zipping many jackets and helping with gloves, she watches the little eagles run outside in the chilly autumn air. As she walks back into her classroom, she sees you sitting in her chair waiting patiently for her. “You know, I don’t let anyone sit in my seat,” she jokes as approaches.
“Good thing I’m not just anyone, now am I?” you joke, standing to meet her.
She fights her smile as she answers quietly, “no, you’re not.” She takes a second to breathe when she sees a grin cross your lips at her comment, “we still on for dinner at mine tonight?”
“Wouldn’t miss it,” the grin on your face growing, the giddy feeling in Melissa’s chest with it. You loop your arm with hers and walk towards the lounge.
When Melissa opens the front door, you expect a greeting, but instead you get a groan as she stomps back to the kitchen. Dropping your bag and shrugging off your coat, you walk into the kitchen, placing the box of pastries on the table. Melissa returns to angrily rummaging through the refrigerator, desperately trying to find something. It wasn’t until two hands pulled her back by the shoulders, turning her around. She relaxes into your touch, closing her eyes.
“I’m out of basil,” she says through a sigh.
“Want me to go to the store?” you ask, wanting to remove any stress from her.
“No,” Melissa answers as she opens her eyes, “you just got here, that wouldn’t be fair.”
You laugh, “we could go together. Or we can just be lazy, order a pizza, and not get off the couch.”
“Second one,” she sighs out, pulling away to clean up the dishes she took out. While she’s distracted, you take the time to call in the order, pay, and tip over the phone so that Melissa won’t even have the chance to say herself.
“If there’s pineapple on there, I’m kicking you out,” she yells from the kitchen after she hears you hang up.
“No, veggie. And yes, I asked for no mushrooms. One of these days though, I’ll convert you to being a pineapple woman,” you joke tilting your head back to see her standing behind you, “plus, you wouldn’t dare kick out the person who brought you zeppole.”
She gets closer, leaning over with her hands holding the backrest on either side of your head, “is there chocolate sauce?” The excitement was evident in her tone, bringing butterflies to your stomach. You can’t form words with her standing over you and smiling like that, so you just nod.
Later into the night, the TV played Weeds while you sat in comfortable silence, only breaking it when you both repeated the same joke out loud every now and then. Your legs were thrown over her lap, her fingers playing with the folding fabric of your jeans as she watched the screen. Her subconscious drew her attention toward you, eyes tracing over smile lines and the glowing reflection in your eyes from the TV. She watches you lean forward to grab a zeppole, ready to offer it to her. It’s only then that you catch her stare.
“You okay?” you ask, turning and scooting closer to give her your full attention.
She gives a quick squeeze to your leg, “yeah, hon. I’m better than okay.” She feels even better when you lean into her, placing your head on her shoulder. She drops her head to yours, a deep breath leaving her as she finally relaxes fully for the first time all day.
Some time between then and now, things had changed, Melissa wasn’t exactly sure when. At some point the Friday dinners turned into Saturday plans, then Sunday since the farmer’s market was open, no other reason. Breakfast on those days translated to bringing coffee to each other at work, ignoring the questioning gazes of other staff members as she passed you your coffee, despite having never asked how you took it. What had started with you sleeping on the couch when the night grew later, migrated to the spare bedroom.
On a Sunday night, it changed again. You watched the tail end of an Eagles’ game while sitting in her bed after helping grade book reports. As always, your head rested on her shoulder with her own resting on yours. Anytime something that wasn’t a point being scored happened, she explained it to you, though she knew not a thing she said would help make sense of it. It didn’t matter to you, all you wanted was to hear her voice and have her attention.
“Your bed is comfy,” you mutter when the commercials begin before the last quarter.
A smile crosses her lips, “treated myself to a good mattress when I kicked bozo out. Glad you approve.”
“You deserve nice things,” you say as you settle into her more, and through a yawn add, “the best things.”
That night, you’d both fallen asleep slumped against the headboard, leaning into each other for comfort.
Melissa woke up to a rhythmic thumping under her ear and a hand in her hair gently playing with amber waves. The small smile that came to her lips would have been foreign to her if she wasn’t so comfortable, the content feeling in her chest would be almost alarming. When her eyes cracked open, she recognized her bedroom and sheets. She groaned into the cold morning air, and the hand moved from twirling the ends of her hair to scratching her scalp, making her tuck into the warmth beneath her even more.
“Good morning,” you rasp out, having only been awake a little longer, the only response being another groan. She finally rolls off of you, much to your dismay, and sits up on her elbows, looking at you with sleepy, squinted eyes.
“It’s Monday,” she grumbles.
You chuckle, grabbing her glasses off the nightstand for her, “fine, just morning then.”
Something about this morning felt different to Melissa. You’d never spent the night on a school night, let alone sleep in her bed, but that wasn’t what shook her. It wasn’t you making her coffee, sipping it to make sure it tasted right before handing it to her. It also wasn’t that you turned off her alarm and woke her up yourself without making her ears bleed. She thought it could be that you’d opened the door for her on the way out, or how you offered to drive her to and from work to make up for staying late, but not that either.
Maybe it was how she didn’t want to get out of bed, or how her coffee tasted better than any time she’d made it herself. Or how she hadn’t slept that peacefully in twenty years. It could have been how much she enjoyed being driven to work, and having full control of the songs you listened to on the way there, or the fact that she sped ahead to open a door for you this time. She doesn't have time to dwell on it once she gets to her classroom, a knock on the doorframe comes the second to place her purse on the desk.
“I thought you weren’t in today, I didn’t see your car in the parking lot,” Barbara says as she walks in.
Without looking up from her bag as she pulls out folders, Melissa answers, “I got a ride in.”
“Did you now?” Barbara asks with an amused tone. “And would that someone happen to be the fourth grade teacher that practically lives with you?”
“We don’t live together,” Melissa says incredulously, “we just fell asleep, so we drove in together. It’s not a big deal, it’s not like we’re actually together.”
Barbara can’t hide her laugh, “you fell asleep? Both of you? And where was that?” Melissa only mumbles back, so Barbara presses, “where did you both sleep, Melissa?”
“My bed,” Melissa finally says a little louder, but not much. She wants to send her head through a wall knowing that Barb just figured her out.
“Oh, girl. You are in deep,” Barbara says with a smirk. After she leaves the room, the spiral in Melissa’s head goes faster.
Said spiral carries her through lunch, and only stops when you sit across from her and stare at her for a moment. Her face contorts in a what? look before you reach across the table and brush your fingers through her hair. When you pull back, there’s a purple string from the third graders’ projects between your fingers. Barbara kicks her from under the table, and she kicks back with equal force. They both see you look at them weird, before brushing it off and going back to getting your lunch out. Barbara cocks her head to you, staring at the red head, silently telling her to do something. The look the kindergarten teacher gets back replies not now.
When the end of the day rolls around, Melissa is anxious for your eventual arrival in her doorway, keys swinging around your pointer finger. All she could think about since you parted ways this morning was your hands in her hair and your heartbeat under her ear. She hadn’t felt so content and so at peace in so long, the feeling was so new that it almost scared her. Melissa had to remind herself that this was about you, not anyone else. You’d never hurt, belittled, or offended Melissa, you’d never made it your mission to anger or disregard her, nor had you ever tried putting yourself before her. She knew that feeling this way about you shouldn’t scare her, but it did.
The sound of keys and footsteps in the hallways alerted her to your approaching presence, making Melissa quickly rise to her feet and grab her things, realizing she’d been spaced out since the last student left. As she predicted, you stood there spinning your keys, smile growing when she turned toward you. It drops slightly when you see her smile not reach her eyes. “Ready?” you ask.
“Sure, yeah,” she clears her throat, “let’s go.”
You can tell her mind is running into overdrive as you pull onto her street. When you park in the driveway, you unbuckle to turn in your seat and face her.
“Penny for your thoughts?”
She turns to you with a scrunched face, “what are you, 90?”
You shrug and point to her sleeves, “you’re thinking. You play with the thumb holes when you think.” She’d curse you for noticing if it didn’t make her heart clench. “You don’t have to tell me,” you add, “but I’ll listen, if you want.”
She looks at you for a moment, surrendering with a, “wanna come in?” You only answer by taking your keys out of the transmission, hopping out, and opening the door for her.
The discussion gets put on hold while Melissa heats up leftovers from the night before. She carries both bowls out to the living room where you’re turning on the TV back on for background noise. As Melissa sits down, she faces toward you and you mirror her pose. “Sorry I was acting weird,” she mumbles before taking a bite.
You shake your head, “you’re only allowed to apologize when you’ve done something wrong. Thinking isn’t doing something wrong.” When she doesn’t speak again, you offer up something else, “Ava almost had a heart attack over you this morning.”
She looks at you confused, “were we wearing the same shade of green again?”
“No. She thought you didn’t come to work this morning cause your car wasn’t there, was going off about how she was going to have to sub because there’s still a shortage in the area,” you laugh, “I had to tell her I drove you in, which also ended me in a twenty minute interrogation during my prep period.”
“What sort of interrogation?” she asked, already nervous.
You look down the bowl in your lap as you speak, poking the food around, “the kind where she asks for a detailed account of my whole weekend. Weird amounts of detail too, mealtimes, where I slept, where we went, what shows we watched.”
“What’d you tell her?” Melissa can feel fear creeping into her bones.
“That we went to the farmer’s market, watched sitcoms, and I slept in the guest room,” you answer truthfully, “and what did you say to Barbara?” Her head snaps to you, you lean your head to the side, “she stopped by to ask me about my weekend, she seemed a little too excited to see me if you hadn’t spoken to her first.”
Melissa moves to place her bowl on the coffee table before looking back to you, “she asked why we drove in together. I said we fell asleep, and she asked where we fell asleep. Might’ve told her you slept in my bed.”
“It’s impossible to lie to her,” you say as you copy her move. You’re silent for a moment, then finally ask, “what were you thinking about?”
She takes in a deep breath and exhales to calm her nerves, “this morning. This whole weekend, but mostly this morning.” She glances up, and sees your face had dropped, worry setting in, and she’s quick to revise her statement, “in a good way. This morning, this weekend, they meant a lot to me.”
At her words, your lips stretch into a smile, “it meant a lot to me, too.” She can see you internally question saying the next part, “and you. you mean a lot to me, a crazy amount.”
It’s her turn to smile like an idiot now, a pretty blush covering her cheeks, “you mean a crazy amount to me, too. Being around you it’s... It’s easy. I like being with you.”
“I do, too. Sometimes, when I’m here I almost forget I live somewhere else. The second I step inside and I’m with you, I don’t know, leaving just feels wrong,” you say honestly, eyes flickering over her face as you speak, scanning for a rejection you won’t find.
“Waking up to you was nice,” Melissa mumbles, “you’re a pretty good pillow, if I do say so myself.”
Your airy laugh makes her heart race, it goes even faster when you lean in to reply, “I wouldn’t mind waking up that way again... and again, and again.”
She matches you lean in, smiling, “yeah?” Your noses are almost touching, she can feel your breath just barely touching her face. Her eyes flick to yours and see you looking back, faint lines forming as your lips turned upward as her gaze.
“Being with you makes sense,” you say quietly into the space between you, eyes flicking to her lips then back up.
Her hand moves up to your cheek, warm hands and cool rings holding with gentle affection. Olive eyes look into yours for permission, but your answer is closing the space between you. Her other hand flies to hold your neck, your hands holding her wrists. They slide from her arms to her waist, pulling her closer and crawling beneath her shirt to rest on her skin. She takes the chance to straddle your lap as her tongue slides over your bottom lip, asking for the instantly granted entry. Her lips were soft, savoring the feeling of yours against hers, committing it to memory.
Your arms tighten around her, holding her as if she’s this precious thing, and it makes her only give more into you. Her lips slow, and you can almost feel the love she’s trying to convey in her action. But your lungs can only survive so long, and she pulls her lips away, resting her forehead against yours.
“Stay?” she whispers through her breaths as she recovers.
“Wasn’t planning on leaving,” you mumble back, dazed from her kiss. You duck foreward, hugging her as she still sits in your lap. Her arms circle your shoulders, hearing you mumble into her neck, “I love you.”
She presses a kiss to your head, “I love you.”
Melissa’s heart beat against your ear, calm and steady. The smell of her perfume and honey shampoo flooded your senses, making you nudge into her further. You tilted your head, lips pressing softly to the skin of her neck, moving upwards back to her lips, pressing a long, sound kiss there. You pull away to look at her, smoothing back copper strands.
“Is it too early to go lay in bed for the rest of the night?” you ask quietly.
She huffs a laugh, “I was gonna suggest the same thing.”
By the fifth episode of Weeds, Melissa noticed your breathing even out. She peered down at you where you lay curled into her side with your head on her chest, arm slung over her middle, lips slightly parted. She presses a kiss to your head as she shuts the TV off, and lays there to just bask in you being with her. She’d never felt so adored, so cared for, so at ease. This is was it was supposed to be.
feedback appreciated as always <3
title from would that i by hozier (i’m sure everyone knew that. we’re all gay here)
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cosmicpines · 1 year
For the audio drama asks : no.5 trope you like in audio dramas/or trope specific to audio dramas
thanks for asking!!
Trope you like in audio dramas/or trope specific to audio dramas: For tropes I like, I'm a huge fan of anything with "person gets A Little Too Interested in the supernatural Thing happening to them and ends up transformed into something supernatural" or So like, Jon from Magnus Archives (I quite literally rewound and relistened to the little "Elias... am I still human?" exchange like five times the first time I heard it), Leon Stamadis from Greater Boston (already im breaking the definition of the trope but look its the Vibe), Anna Limon from Mabel (I have complicated emotions about Mabel but good lord i devoured the first season), anyone fold-afflicted in Midst (especially super into what happens to REDACTED. tragically that episode is no longer up but if anyone wants to talk about the unreleased midst episodes message me immediately i love midst). Old Gods of Appalachia doesn't quite have this but it has tons of stories very adjacent that fit. (very fond of the Paradise story with Jack and Tommy Adkins "ah dammit im fond of this one". I just generally love Jack lmao)
I was thinking of something specific to audio dramas and the only thing I can think of is Zach Velenti having a cameo??
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practisingyi · 1 year
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Loneliness October 1, 2022
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stream on Mixcloud
Bay City Rollers - Saturday Night Pat Powdrill & The Powerdrills - They Are the Lonely
DJ speaks over The Debonairs - Lonely is the Summer
Joe Dassin - Comme la lune (Four Kinds of Lonely) Generacion Suicida - Dulce Soledad Katherine Henderson with Clarence Williams and His Orchestra - Lonesome Lovesick Blues Alien Nosejob - Phone Alone
DJ speaks over Ornette Coleman - Lonely Woman
Lime Crush - I Don't Wanna Die Alone Beck - I Get Lonesome Bill Withers - Lonely Town, Lonely Street Cosmic Overdose - Isolatorer The Pretty Things - Loneliest Person The Chefs - Commander Lonely
DJ speaks over Desmond Simmons - Alone on Penguin Island
Dick "Two Ton" Baker and His Music Makers - I'm a Lonely Little Petunia in an Onion Patch Lotte Lenya - Lonely House Space - Begin Again Husker Du - Don't Want to Know If You Are Lonely
DJ speaks over Malaria! - Einsam
Camille Yarbrough - Ain't It A Lonely Feeling Tres and Kitsy - If You Are Lonely TTL - Bored and Lonely Range Rats - Lonely Melvin Davis - Find a Quiet Place (And Be Lonely) The Carter Family - Happy Or Lonesome Guinea Pig - Lonely Sun Is Dead Mr. Wrong - Isolation Du Plenty
DJ speaks over The Ventures - Lonely Bull
Jonathan Richman & The Modern Lovers - Lonely Financial Zone Los Saicos - Lonely Star (Estrella solitaria) Merle Haggard - Why Should I Be Lonely? No Entry Band - Cold and Lonely Life Gino Soccio - So Lonely Joe Brown And His Bruvvers - Lonely Circus
DJ speaks over Graf Haufen - Allein
Leonard Cohen - A Bunch of Lonesome Heros The Motels - Only the Lonely Catastrophe Bizarre - Oh Lonesome Me Sham 69 - What About the Lonely?
DJ speaks over Vitamin String Quartet - Cactus
Wipers - The Lonely One Mižerija - Izolacija Lil Louis - Club Lonely Donald Adkins - Lonely Side Walks The Accüsed - Lonely Place Woody Guthrie - Lonesome Day
DJ speaks over Vassar Clements - Lonesome Fiddle Blues
The Louvin Brothers - Weary Lonesome Blues The O'Jays - Lonely Drifter The Lemon Pipers - Lonely Atmosphere Reality - Lonely Shadow Bad Livers - High, Lonesome, Dead and Gone
DJ speaks over Anthony Pasquarosa - On Solitude
Pete Ham - A Lonely Day Wanda Jackson - I'm the Queen of My Lonely Little World Bertha "Chippie" Hill - Lonesome All Alone And Blue Zyfilis - Isolera Tommy Fogerty and the Blue Velvets - Have You Ever Been Lonely Johnny Cash - Port of Lonely Hearts
DJ speaks over The Ventures - The Lonely Sea
Joy Division - Isolation
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
After years of helping their hubbies climb the ladder of success, three mid-life Manhattanites have been dumped for a newer, curvier model. But the trio is determined to turn their pain into gain. They come up with a cleverly devious plan to hit their exes where it really hurts – in the wallet! Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Elise Elliot Atchison: Goldie Hawn Brenda Morelli Cushman: Bette Midler Annie MacDuggan Paradis: Diane Keaton Gunilla Garson Goldberg: Maggie Smith Shelly Stewart: Sarah Jessica Parker Morton Cushman: Dan Hedaya Cynthia Swann Griffin: Stockard Channing Bill Atchison: Victor Garber Aaron Paradis: Stephen Collins Phoebe LaVelle: Elizabeth Berkley Dr. Leslie Rosen: Marcia Gay Harden Duarto Feliz: Bronson Pinchot Chris Paradis: Jennifer Dundas Catherine MacDuggan: Eileen Heckart Uncle Carmine Morelli: Philip Bosco Dr. Morris Packman: Rob Reiner Gill Griffin: James Naughton Jason Cushman: Ari Greenberg Ivana Trump: Ivana Trump Kathie Lee Gifford: Kathie Lee Gifford Gloria Steinem: Gloria Steinem Elise’s Fan: Lea DeLaria Jilted Lover: Debra Monk Woman in Bed: Kate Burton Brett Artounian: Timothy Olyphant Federal Marshall: J.K. Simmons Young Brenda: Michele Brilliant Young Elise: Dina Spybey-Waters Young Annie: Adria Tennor Young Cynthia: Juliehera DeStefano Miss Sullivan: J. Smith-Cameron Eric Loest: Mark Nelson Gil’s New Wife: Heather Locklear Security Guard: Richard Council Film Crew: Producer: Scott Rudin Set Decoration: Leslie E. Rollins Second Unit Director: Jack Gill Director of Photography: Donald E. Thorin Editor: John Bloom Associate Editor: Antonia Van Drimmelen Casting: Ilene Starger Costume Design: Theoni V. Aldredge Music Supervisor: Marc Shaiman Production Design: Peter S. Larkin Associate Producer: Craig Perry Production Manager: Ezra Swerdlow Makeup Artist: Angela Levin Director: Hugh Wilson Screenplay: Robert Harling Hairstylist: Alan D’Angerio Assistant Art Director: Ed Check Art Direction: Charley Beal Choreographer: Patricia Birch Executive Producer: Adam Schroeder Camera Operator: Rob Hahn Casting Assistant: Kim Miscia Post Production Supervisor: Tod Scott Brody Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Lee Dichter Production Coordinator: Ray Angelic Sound Editor: Richard P. Cirincione Hairstylist: Frances Mathias Storyboard Artist: Brick Mason Construction Coordinator: Ron Petagna Makeup Artist: Bernadette Mazur Sound Editor: Laura Civiello Boom Operator: John Fundus Sound Mixer: Peter F. Kurland Location Manager: Joseph E. Iberti Assistant Art Director: Paul D. Kelly Negative Cutter: Noëlle Penraat Costume Supervisor: Hartsell Taylor Music Editor: Nic Ratner Special Effects Coordinator: Matt Vogel Costume Supervisor: Michael Adkins Still Photographer: Andrew D. Schwartz ADR Editor: Kenton Jakub Sound Editor: Eytan Mirsky Supervising Sound Editor: Maurice Schell Chief Lighting Technician: Jerry DeBlau Hairstylist: Werner Sherer Makeup Artist: E. Thomas Case Hairstylist: Robert Ramos Foley Editor: Bruce Kitzmeyer First Assistant Director: Michael E. Steele Script Supervisor: Shari L. Carpenter Music Editor: Nicholas Meyers Unit Publicist: Eric Myers Music Programmer: Nick Vidar Second Assistant Director: Julie A. Bloom Art Department Coordinator: Julia G. Hickman Transportation Captain: Steven R. Hammond Stunt Double: Joni Avery Transportation Co-Captain: Tom Heilig Color Timer: Tom Salvatore Cableman: Tommy Louie Co-Producer: Thomas A. Imperato Novel: Olivia Goldsmith Associate Producer: Heather Neely Associate Producer: Noah Ackerman Property Master: Octavio Molina Storyboard Artist: Lorenzo Contessa Makeup Artist: Marilyn Carbone Assistant Costume Designer: Wallace G. Lane Jr. Assistant Sound Editor: Jay Kessel Foley Editor: Stuart Stanley Movie Reviews:
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packedwithpackards · 9 months
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Genealogy chart within Tommy Adkins' letter to Bob Mills. Originally shared on this blog in Nov. 2022.
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Tommy: What are you doing?
Jack: Offering moral support.
Tommy: You have morals?
Jack: No, but I support those who do.
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
Watch "Scott Adkins (Boyka) MMA cage Fight #ufc #cage #shorts #mma #sports" on YouTube
It's Max showing Tommy f he's having to come back and it's true to a degree but Tommy f has stuff below that's equal to above
Thor Freya
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newcountryradio · 2 years
New Country   #1159 (718) van 9 januari 2023  (wk 2) tussen 19.00 -22.00 op Smelne fm
Herhaling 16 januari 2023
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Album van de week:   Zachariah Malachi -Local Bar Opry Star  
           Artiest                        Title                                            
1.    John Berry –  Standing On The Edge Of Goodbye  
2.    Brett Young – Like I Loved You  #1 5 years ago
3.    Lainey Wilson - Middle Finger
4.    Bailey Zimmerman – Get To Getting’ Go
5.    Doug Stone – A Jukebox With A Country Song     .
6.    John Schneider – Country Girls
7.    Ricky Skaggs – Country Boy
8.    Tom T Hall – country Is  .
9.    Zachariah Malachi -Local Bar Opry Star  *album vd week*
10. Zachariah Malachi – That Ol’ Honky Tonk*album vd week
11. Jelly Roll – Son Of A Sinner
12. Jimmy Allen – Down Home  -  #1
13. Jamie O’Neal – When I Think About Angels
14. Blake Shelton – Austin  2001
15. Alan Jackson –  I Don’t Even Know Your Name    
2e uur
16. Tommy Prine – Ships In The Harbor--favoriet    
17. Buddy Jewell – Help Pour Out The Rain   (buddy jewell 2003)
18. Buddy Jewell - Sweet Southern Comfort
19. The Bankesters – Rise Up  Sofi
20. Brooks & Dunn – Play Something  Country
21. Trace Adkins – Ladies Love  Country Boys
22. Jason Aldean – She’s  Country
23.  Billy Currington – That’s How Country Boys Roll
24. Easton Corb in – A Little More Country Than That
25. Morgan Wallen – Sand In My Boots  #1album
26. Zachariah Malachi -Bedroom 201  *Album vd week
27. Alex Williams – Old Before My Time     (vorige keer)
28. Toby Keith – I’m Just Talkin’ About Tonight
29. Cyndi Thomson – What I Really meant To Say
30. Brooks & Dunn – Only In America
31. Dailey & Vincent – Hillbilly Highway   *Trucksong
32. John Berry – Think About  It All The Time
33.    Sturgill Simpson - Water In The Well *    juweeltje
34. Charles Kelly – As Far As You Could .
35. Zach Bryan and Friends – God Speed .*live
36. Zachariah Malachi – Where Do You Go  *album vd week
37. Griet Wiersma /Hendrik Waringa – Wings Of A Dove
38. John & Nienke – A Good Day  
39. Volkstone – Fool’s Gold
40. Florida Georgia Line – Cruise       (3in1 )
41. Florida Georgia Line – Up Down  w/ morgan wallen
42. Florida Georgia Line -Stay .
43. Willie Nelson w/ Dolly Parton -  From Here To The Moon And Back  
44. Steve Wariner – Holes In the Floor Of Heaven
45. Freddy Weller – Games People Play
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avictimofthejazz · 2 years
Gina/Murphy Playlist
opening credits: You Can Do Magic--America  meeting for the first time: Tequila Little Time--Jon Pardi  hey, i kinda like you: Girls with Guns--Tommy Shaw i’m going to kiss you now: Think I’m in Love--Eddie Money  falling in love: The Next Time I Fall in Love--Peter Cetera & Amy Grant  your place or mine: Waiting for a Girl Like You--Foreigner naked in bed: Love Me Like There’s No Tomorrow--Trace Adkins  first fight: I Guess That’s Why They Call It The Blues--Elton John I Want You Back: Against All Odds--Phil Collins  will you marry me: The Battle Hymn of Love--Kathy Mattea  we’re getting older: Nothing’s Gonna Change My Love for You--George Benson  end credits: Through the Years--Kenny Rogers 
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nichegreys · 2 years
Shine song buddy
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When the latter decided he did not want to tour, Petty suggested that Holly hire Sonny Curtis as a replacement. The original two guitarists were Holly and rhythm guitarist Niki Sullivan. Unlike most in that era, he wrote, recorded and produced his own material - and he was among the first musicians inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1986. He is regarded as the artist who defined the traditional band lineup for rock ‘n’ roll: two guitars, bass and drums. He didn’t want to go, but he had to make some money.”ĭespite his comparatively short career, Holly influenced the music industry. Jennings told Rolling Stone magazine in 1973, “The only reason Buddy went on that tour was because he was broke. As Allison and Mauldin were unavailable, Holly hired drummer Carl Bunch, guitarist Allsup and bass player Jennings as his backing band. With Holly having received no royalty payments from producer Petty, Holly joined the Winter Dance Party because he needed a paycheck. Allison and Mauldin, joined by Sonny Curtis, were working as the Crickets at Norman Petty’s recording studio in Clovis, N.M. 15, 1958 - settled in New York City, Holly was using his own name. While Holly and his newlywed wife, Maria Elena - married on Aug. Holly had temporarily separated from the original Crickets: best friend Jerry “J.I.” Allison on drums, and standup bassist Joe B. 3, 1959, became known as “the day the music died.” It wasn’t until Don McLean released “American Pie” in 1972 that Feb. Holly’s drummer, Carl Bunch, was left behind in Wisconsin, hospitalized for frostbite experienced on the freezing bus. Tommy Allsup lost a coin flip with Valens for the remaining seat. Waylon Jennings gave his seat to the Big Bopper, who had the flu. Holly’s two remaining band members did not board the plane. The destination for the plane, a Beechcraft Bonanza, was Fargo, N.D., the nearest airport to Moorhead. Unable to arrive at Clear Lake’s Surf Ballroom until 6 p.m., Holly decided to charter a plane for his band rather than ride the same bus 500 more miles the next day for a concert in Moorhead, Minn. 2, 1959, 350 miles away, in Clear Lake, Iowa. It was a school bus and we slept on the luggage racks, and it (the bus) kept breaking down.”Īmong those traveling on the bus: Holly and his three-piece tour band, and also Valens, The Big Bopper and Dion & The Belmonts. With temperatures consistently dipping below zero, the heating system in the bus did not work.ĭion DiMucci, leader of Dion & The Belmonts, was quoted in /stories: “It was a rough winter, and we didn’t have those beautiful luxury touring buses. Riding in the bus between concert sites was considered torture. Shows were very well supported, but travel conditions were miserable. The 1959 tour was called the Winter Dance Party. Witcher, recently promoted to assistant city manager, had been managing director of the Buddy Holly Center and other cultural facilities.īober added she felt a need to take over the Saturday tour of Holly landmarks after the 2011 death of Holly historian Bill Griggs. 3 fell on a Super Bowl Sunday, there was a sum total of 10 people at the Buddy Holly Center, and five of them were staff.” On July 1 Columbia issued his self-titled debut album with superstar Clint Black in the producer's chair.“Brooke (Witcher) told me the last time that Feb. By May 5 the "Help Pour Out the Rain (Lacey's Song)" single was delivered to radio and on May 17 he was performing at the Grand Old Opry. On May 3 of that year, Jewell became the winner on country's answer to American Idol, Nashville Star. In 1998 he appeared on Bill Engvall's "I'm a Cowboy" single and in 2002 he sang backup on Ray Price's album Time. By 1995 he started a job as a demo singer and recorded over 4,000 songs by writers who hoped to have their material cut by Nashville's greatest (some of the songs ended up being recorded by George Strait, Trace Adkins, and others). Four years of touring with the unsigned band was enough and Jewell moved to Dallas, TX, to star in a gunfight show at the Six Flags theme park.Įntering a singing contest sponsored by the group Alabama landed him an opening slot for the band and enough inspiration to move to country music's capitol, Nashville, in 1993. By age 21 he decided he wanted to be a singer and headed to Camden, AR, to join the band White Oak. Years later he bought a guitar for ten dollars from a schoolmate and purchased some instructional books with the money he earned bagging groceries. A native of Arkansas, Jewell's earliest musical memories are staring into his parents' radio looking for the "little people" that he thought were living inside. Country singer Buddy Jewell's meteoric rise caused him to be tagged an "overnight sensation," but looking back at his ten years in Nashville obscurity, Jewell considers himself a modern-day Rip Van Winkle.
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brokehorrorfan · 4 years
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Max Cloud will be released on VOD on December 18 and on Blu-ray and DVD on January 19 via Well Go USA. The 2020 sci-fi action comedy was produced under the title The Intergalactic Adventures of Max Cloud.
Martin Owen (Let's Be Evil, Killers Anonymous) directs from a script he co-wrote with Sally Collett. Scott Adkins stars with Tommy Flanagan, Lashana Lynch, Elliot James Langridge, Sally Collett, Franz Drameh, and John Hannah.
No special features are included. Check out the trailer and below.
When teen gamer Sarah finds an “Easter egg” and accidentally opens a portal into her favorite side-scroller, she becomes trapped in a notorious intergalactic prison, home to the galaxy’s most dangerous villains. To escape, she must finish the game with a little help from her not-so-savvy friend on the outside...or remain a 16-bit character forever.
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