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Also Available Now: No Resistance (EP)
An exclusive, physical disc-only EP of tracks taken from the forthcoming 3kStatic album Telestial is now available at the 3kStatic Online Store. Featuring contemporary interpretations of the Cabaret Voltaire originals “No Resistance”, “Talking Time” and “Plasticity 6”, the EP is available as a jacket case disc, and features collaborations with and performances by Monique Ortiz, Pete “Joyless”…

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#3kStatic#Cabaret Voltaire#Electric Pink Love#Electro House#HYPNO Soundystem#IDM#Joyless Jones#Leftfield#Lofi#Monique Ortiz#No Resistance#Organic House#Pete Jones#Plasticity 6#Richard H Kirk#Stephen Mallinder#Talking Time#Terrapin#Tommy Wilson#Tommy Wilson Design
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Right Enough for Me
CW: no outbreak, murder, domestic violence, descriptions of violence (Joel’s the good guy, I promise)
This fic is based off the song Wait in the Truck by HARDY and Lainey Wilson
Joel Miller liked to believe that he was a good man, that he tried his damndest to do the right thing, but as he sat in his truck parked by the bank of the Colorado looking down at the still-warm pistol in his trembling hands he’d wondered if he’d done wrong. In the eyes of the law he had, sure, but morally, truly, was it wrong?
He sighs as he climbs out of his truck and walks into the river until it lapped just below the tops of his work boots. It was eight a.m. on a Tuesday. There were no sunbathers, nobody playing in the water, nobody to see him wind his arm back and hurl the gun into the river. Hopefully the lifeblood of Texas would take his sins far east and spill them into the Gulf.
As Joel made his way to his jobsite he couldn’t seem to keep his mind from running. Part of him wanted to clam up and try to forget what he’d done, but another part wanted to clear his conscience. If he went to a confessional they weren’t allowed to go to the cops, but the penance they’d give wouldn’t absolve him. He could probably confide in Tommy, he was sure to understand, but what if he didn’t? Instead he just sighs and wipes the nervous sweat from his brow and goes to decide today's agenda. Despite it all, despite the horrible, horrible events of the morning, he was still the first one to work with ten fresh boxes of Carpenter’s nails and the crisp receipt to go with them. Maybe things would be okay.
One Month Earlier
A knock at the door raises Joel from the breakfast table, wordlessly ruffling Sarah’s hair as he passes on his way to the door. He swings the door wide and lets a dopey smile spread across his face when he sees you with your usual beer can sized rollers still in your hair. He takes notice of the split in your perfectly lined lips.
You weren’t prideful, but he knew you’d be humiliated if he mentioned it. He’d been there before, after all.
“Mornin’ Darlin’,” he greets, waving for you to come in. “We’ve still got plenty if you’re hungry,” he offers, gesturing to the dining room table where Sarah was strategically drizzling syrup onto a sausage link.
“Nah, I’m alright. Already ate with JP. I’ll take some coffee if you’ve got it though”
“Alright then.”
You give him a smile and join Sarah at the table while Joel fixes your coffee just how you liked it, sliding it in front of you before disappearing upstairs.
“Y/n,” Sarah questions, looking up from her plate.
“Yeah kiddo?”
“How’d you meet my dad again?”
“I grew up down the street, but we met ‘cause of you.”
“Yeah. You was real little when I started watching you, ‘bout three I think. Your dad needed someone to watch you and I’ve been your babysitter ever since.”
“How old were you?”
She grins in response. “Seven years. That’s a long time. Why don’t you marry my dad, he really likes you, plus you’re basically my mom already.”
You cover your mouth in a feeble attempt to not spew coffee all over the naive girl in front of you.
“Honey, you know I can’t. I’m married to JP. He’s a good man.”
Her eyes narrow. “If he’s so great how come I’ve never met ‘em”
“He don’t like rugrats. You done eating?”
“Oh I see how it is, and yes. Can I go watch TV?”
“Go brush your teeth and then we’ll talk.”
You can’t help but smile as Sarah slides out of her seat and runs upstairs. It was almost seven and you knew she didn’t want to miss the newest episode of Inuyasha. You get up and scrape what's left of her plate into the trash and put it into the dishwasher, smiling to yourself when you hear Joel jogging down the steps in his heavy boots.
“Alright Darlin’, I’m outta here,” he calls, punctuated by the jingling of his keys as he pulls them from their designated hook. “You got her?”
“Always do Joel,” you respond, giving him a lazy grin as you head into the bathroom to finish your hair.
Sarah knocks on the door and you let her in, telling her she can watch TV as long as it isn’t too loud and she already has her backpack together. She thanks you and scampers off, leaving the door open behind her, which was probably for the better since your hairspray was starting to choke you.
After you get Sarah off to school you head to work for another exciting day of taking phone calls and sharpening pencils, then using said pencils to record notes of said phone calls and then do it all over again the next time the phone rang.
Dale had come in again, bug-eyed and skittish as usual, trying his damndest to chat you up despite your obvious disinterest, pressing about how things were with you and JP, if he’d want to have beers with him after work sometime, how your tomatoes were, and on and on. Finally you’d gotten him to get to what he was there for, which was getting his truck's registration update put on file, and you’d promptly shooed him out after everything was squared away.
You’d finally gotten off and picked Sarah up from school, cracking open one of Joel’s High Lifes and propping your bare feet up on the coffee table to watch General Hospital while Sarah worked on her homework. Time crawled on and Sarah finished up and went outside to play on her tire swing before coming in and laying on the floor beside you with her copy of Are you there God? It’s me, Margaret, that you had gotten her last month. You figured you'd stop and get her Starring: Sally J Freedman as Herself next. It was always your favorite.
Around five fifteen you had called JP and let him know that you were going to be late getting home since there was no sign of Joel and he still hadn’t called. He’d gotten upset, so you just told him you loved him real sweetly and hung up and started dinner for Sarah.
Finally Joel got home around six and thanked you for staying late.
When you’d gotten home JP was furious, backing you into a corner and shouting into your face, calling you every name under the sun for God knows how long before he got bored and went back to the couch, demanding dinner and a beer.
JP had been a decent man for so long, you dated throughout highschool, parted ways, reconnected and got married at twenty-four. Things had been falling apart the last couple months and it had you looking for an out, hell you had the divorce papers shoved in your trunk under the spare tire, you were just too scared to tell him what you wanted, scared he wouldn’t let you leave, on the sunny side of a black bag at least. He got in your face like that for some reason or another at least three nights a week, and he'd busted your lip the night before over dinner being late. You knew it was too late to fix whatever you two used to have.
Things cooled off after that for about a week, then he came home drunker than a skunk and when you’d gone to get the mail the next morning you’d noticed a giant dent in his back bumper and that the front of his truck was barely an inch from the side of the trailer. You’d quietly made breakfast and went and woke JP when it was ready. He’d staggered his way into the kitchen and flopped into one of the chairs at the table.
“JP did you back into something last night?”
“What does it matter, woman?”
“You ain’t supposed to drive like that, you could’a hurt somebody, you could’a gotten hurt.”
“Last I checked this was a free country.”
“Last I checked, it's illegal to drive drunk.”
“Its only two miles back from Wyld’s”
“You almost drove through the damn house, JP.”
He’d risen sharply from his chair and come around the table, following you as you’d backed away from him. “C’mere, don’t act all scared now,” he growled, catching you by the arm and spinning you to face him and landing a heavy slap across your cheek. His breath still reeked of booze, and the look in his eyes told you that he was still extremely drunk, and that was probably what was keeping him from winding back on you. He was almost never drunk when he’d hit you.
“Teach you to fucking get smart with me again, bitch.”
It had only gotten worse from there, angry red marks became black eyes and hand-shaped bruises around your elbow that you’d so masterfully covered with more makeup than a Rodeo Queen, blotting your eyes when they’d water, and wearing those big sunglasses of yours as much as possible.
Joel had invited you and JP to a cookout at his place later that week and you’d both gone. JP played nice with the Millers and their friends until Tommy jokingly referred to you as ‘Sara’s new mama’ and then he’d dragged you inside, growling accusations under his breath at you while you tried your damndest to tell him that Tommy was just poking fun because you’re always looking after her. You open your mouth to tell him he didn’t mean nothing by it, but before you can speak he’s grabbed you by a fistfull of Texas-sized curls and you don’t have time to put your hands out before your face collides with the cold tile of the kitchen counter.
JP turns you loose and you stagger back a couple of steps, resting against the fridge to steady yourself as your vision swims, tinnitus setting in louder than it's ever been, and you’re vaguely aware of the warm ooze crawling down your top lip.
Finally your vision steadies some and you see that JP is gone. You wipe your nose on the back of your hand and feel around for fractures while you look around slowly, trying to remember where you are when you see Joel standing at the foot of the stairs
“How long’s he been doin’ that to you,” Joel questions, taking your clean hand and leading you into the bathroom, easing you to sit on the lid of the toilet and closing the door.
“It keeps bleeding,” you murmur, complying when Joel puts a wad of toilet paper in your hand and brings it to your nose, gently urging you to look down.
“You need to go to the hospital,” he informs you, steadying your chin and inspecting your eyes.
“I’m okay.”
“He slammed your face into the counter.”
“You seen that?”
“I heard it. You still bleeding?”
“I’m gonna go get you some ice, just try to stay awake.”
He returns with a rag full of ice and gently presses it to your forehead in a couple places before focusing on your nose.
“I love you Joel,” you slur, finally giving into your heavy eyelids.
“No. No, hey. Look at me.” He taps at your cheek, sighing with relief when your eyes weakly flutter open again.
“Jesus fuckin’ Christ. I’m calling nine-one-one,” he mutters, reaching into his pocket for his cell phone.
Your hand flies out and grasps his wrist as harshly as you can manage, making your head throb. “No, mhmh, can’t. He’ll kill me if he knows anyone knows.”
“Then we’ll just tell everyone you slipped and hit your face on this sink here, how’s that?”
“I…don’t know.”
“Listen I can keep him away from you, but you’re goin’ to the hospital and that’s that.”
You don’t remember much of what happened after that, but JP never found out that Joel knew, and Joel was pissed when you’d left the hospital and had him take you back to that trailer instead of letting him take you down to your parents in San Antonio like he wanted to.
“Honey, please let me take you to your mama.”
“He didn’t even bother to come get you.”
“I gotta be strategic about this. He’s crazy. He’s got boys in Galveston that make it snow all over the state with guns you can’t buy.”
“Fuck, Jesus, fuck. Girl, what have you gotten yourself into?”
“I don’t want to think about it right now.”
“I’ll think about it for you.”
Current Day
JP hadn’t put his hands on you in the week you’d been out of the hospital, which was likely because the bill you’d been sent home with was more than hefty. Life was so close to back to normal, sending him off to work and looking after Sarah, who believed the sink story that Joel had made up for you.
You’d finally said it that day, what you’d been feeling all those years but too scared to say, words that could have saved you all this trouble if you’d just said them sooner, sitting there in his bathroom thinking every word out of your mouth would be your last, you’d told him. You hoped he felt the same, but maybe he just thought it was delirium.
You’d decided to go home for lunch today since you’d forgotten to pack one and your deli meat was about to expire. When you pull into your driveway you’re surprised to see JP’s truck sitting there in the driveway. A dread bubbles up in your belly, but you steel yourself and climb the stairs to your door.
It’s unlocked. Weird.
You go inside and go straight to the fridge, pulling the meat, cheese and mayonnaise out, spinning around and closing it with your hip. As you look up your hands jerk, leaving everything you were holding to the mercy of gravity as you let out a scream. Your right hand reaches out, finding the wall to steady yourself, tapping around, seeking the phone before finding it and pulling it from the hook and calling the cops.
You explain the situation to the operator as best you can, periodically looking over your shoulder to make sure that you’re not just seeing things, but every time you look, JP’s still laying in the bedroom floor, his eyes wide and glassed over, staring directly at you, blood seeping into the creme colored carpet and flowing with the bow of the floor onto the dark linoleum of the hallway.
Finally the cops show up and start their investigation while one officer pulls you outside for questioning. After the investigators have all they need from the body, the coroner shows up and carts JP off.
They told you you couldn’t be there while they continued so you went back to work. You told your boss why you were late getting back and he told you to take the rest of the day, but you couldn’t go home, so you went to Joel’s.
You spend the rest of the time before you have to go get Sarah thinking about a lot of things. Finally your mind settles and you realize that no matter what, he can’t hurt you again and that’s good enough for you.
When Joel gets home you already have dinner made and Sarah’s finishing up setting the table. You can tell by the look of him that there’s some weight on his shoulders, but you can’t place why. You’d surely know before the end of the day. Joel was never one to keep things from you.
He thanks you and asks if you’re staying. You nod and take a seat, gesturing for him and Sarah to fix their plates first. After your own plate is settled, you reach out your hands.
“I think we should pray.”
Joel gives you a funny look but still takes your hand and bows his head. You can feel him knock his foot into Sarah’s and she takes your hand too.
You pray silently and signal your finish with an audible “Amen,” which the Miller’s echo.
“What’s got you feelin’ Grace again, Darlin’,” Joel questions, raising another forkful of meatloaf to his mouth as he speaks.
“Mysterious favors, I reckon.”
He shrugs and tries to give you a smile despite his concerned expression.
“Fair enough.”
After dinner is put away and Sarah’s been tucked in by the both of you, it’s just you and Joel downstairs, sitting at the dining room table in awkward silence, looking up at each other when you can’t stand the silence anymore.
“Joel,” you question, meeting his eyes with your own. They’re darker than usual and the lines around his eyes seem much deeper than they did the day before.
“Yes, Darlin’?”
“JP’s dead. I went home for lunch and…found him.”
“I’m sorry that you saw that. That’s God-awful.”
Something you’ve never felt bubbles up inside you, heavy, sore and unknown, not fear, not anger, but something dangerously toeing the line between them and something positive. There was nothing God-awful about finding someone who had died naturally, sad maybe, but not horrible. God-awful was ruined carpet and a gray splatter across the side of the dresser. Joel knew what you had seen.
It was always Joel, no matter what problem you had, he would take care of it.
You drop your voice to a whisper, scared that someone will hear, despite being in his home, terrified that he’d lose it all over you. “Did you do it?”
He drops his gaze from yours. “Did I do the right thing?”
“It’d been me if you didn’t.”
“That’s right enough for me.”
Tears well up in your eyes as they finally meet his gaze again. “I’ll protect you too.”
His eyes fall shut and he sighs, dropping his shoulders.
“No matter what I know you got Sarah.”
“I won’t have to. What’d you do with it? Was it yours?”
“It’s on its way to the Gulf, and no, dug it up on a site last year. Never did know why I kept it. Reckon I’m glad I did though.”
You take his rough hand in yours and squeeze, giving him a soft smile as you get up from the table. He follows without hesitation.
“Joel, I gotta get going.”
“You ain’t scared of me, are you,” he questions, his expression pained, his eyes silently pleading with you.
“I’d never be scared of you, no matter what you do. That day in the bathroom, that wasn’t the concussion talking. I meant what I said.”
Joel’s breath catches and his hand tightens around yours, lifting your arm even with your shoulder. Your fingers stiffen instinctively, and then relax as he presses a kiss to the inside of your wrist and then lets go.
You start making your way to the door and like always, he follows, opening the door for you and leaning on it. His face lacks its usual crooked smile, it’s somber as you step out onto the porch and turn to face him.
“Thank you, Joel.”
“Yes, Joel?”
“Will you pray for me?”
“I’d do anything you asked me to.”
“Be safe gettin’ home, okay?”
“Always do” you call, making your way down the walkway to your car, noticing how Joel watches from the door as you duck in, only closing the door when you start backing out of the driveway.
#joel miller x reader#the last of us#tlou#tlou hbo#tlou game#fanfic#angst#hurt/comfort#tw violence#tw alcohol#christianity mention#no outbreak!joel miller
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okay more on jackson’s senior center based off this post:
- it started as just miss shirley and her best friend darla wanting to live together and asking maria if she could maybe find a house for them to settle in together instead of living apart
- before this, mama shirley and darla would have to walk five houses each way to see each other for afternoon tea, which just won’t do. mama shirley is 92 and darla is 90 now, and both of them are too old to be have to walking that much everyday, mama shirley tells maria. she quickly and vehemently agrees
- maria has the idea of fixing a house up for jackson’s senior citizens to live in if they’d like to. it takes a lot of unnecessary convincing to get the council to dedicate one of jackson’s best houses to a maximum of five people, but maria gets it done. they pick one of the few houses that are placed in the farther back part of jackson, near the farm and the daycare center, so that it can be far-reaching from the entrance of jackson
- the first people to movie in are shirley and darla, who share a room on the second floor (thanks to tommy replacing the stairs in the house with a reliable ramp with a wall-attached handlebar)
- gary moves in not long after he breaks his left hip while herding the goats. he likes that the house is designed to be wheel-chair access and far away from most people in town. he also likes it because he can be close to darla, who he has feelings for, but nobody knows about that except for tommy and joel
- mr. wilson moves in on maria’s insistence that he’ll get hurt if he continues to live alone and try to do everything himself. his name is harold, but he insists that anyone younger than him calls him mr. wilson on account of maintaining a respectful distance. he’s a grumpy, gruff old asshole that reminds joel more of bill than bill himself, but he’s also known to do anything and everything maria tells him with only a small amount of grumbling. somehow, she convinces him to move in after he accidentally sets his kitchen on fire trying to make himself a pocketknife (which?????? maria still doesn’t have an answer for????? why harold was trying to do that????)
- last but not least is sandra dee, jackson’s oldest and most enigmatic member. nobody really knows where she came from or what her story is: she’s the only one of jackson’s seniors that managed to get to town on her own, arriving to town at 94 about a year after its founding with nothing but a backpack and three handguns. she clamed to be sandra, but they’re not entirely sure if sandra dee is her real name. she hums songs from musicals all the time and has expressed that grease was always her favorite. at least once a month she requests to go hunting with patrol and gets mad when maria tells her no
- senior center tea: shirley and darla have longstanding beef with sandra dee because she always cheats at cards during game night, shirley knows about gary being sweet on darla but is lowkey jealous about it because SHE is sweet on darla, and everyone thinks mr. wilson has a thing for maria but he actually told her in confidence last month that he is actually sweet on gary. mama shirley and mr. wilson can’t STAND each other
- tommy calls the seniors the jackson five. all of them call him thomas. he and joel bring them all basic living supplies at least once a week, but are known to be around there pretty often
tsym for anyone having interest in this pls feel free to add anything u want!!
tagging :))) @clickergossip @nerdieforpedro @mrsmando @callmekittenandyourmajesty @steeb-stn (ty for the idea of putting it next to the daycare!) @thatoneobsessedlinguist-writes
#maria finding out from gary that hes sweet on darla knowing shirley is sweet on darla and harold is sweet on gary: oh FUCK#idk where this is coming from but theyre all so vivid in my mind like#theyd have the best breakfastes over there at the jackson five home#dinas older sister talia works as their main caretaker#shes the only person is jackson all five of them agree is a good egg#she loves them but they drive her nuts#NO gary you cannot bring the stray cats in to sleep in bed with you. because theyre dirty!!!! im not arguing with you about this again!!!!#no mr. wilson miss maria is not coming by today. i don’t know exactly why the council is busy. no i cannot take a letter over there#darla. shirley. are you guys high????? did you steal my weed tea again????????#what do you MEAN you made your own????#its just a whole sitcom#talia and the gang#the tipsy bison#the jackson five#the name makes tagging so convenient#jackson seniors#jackson senior center#maria miller#tommy miller#joel miller
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Why Her?
s02e06: Keep Your Enemies Closer. Introspection of why Oliver slept with Isabel brought upon by Felicity asking why he did it.
On AO3.
Ships: pre-slash Olicity
Warnings: implied/referenced dubcon
“Why her? I mean, besides the obvious leggy model reason,” she asks, the hurt clear in her voice. She can’t understand why he’d sleep with her, this woman who has been mean and rude to not just her, but to Oliver as well.
Oliver gets it. He does. Isabel Rochev is not a nice woman, not even pleasant either. She always has an angle she’s working, a way to use you and discard you after. She doesn’t care, she has a ladder to climb.
Despite what it looks like, Oliver isn’t being an idiot about it. He knows that Felicity thinks it is mostly because of the leggy model reason, but it isn’t. However, he doesn’t know how to explain to her why he did it. Not without revealing pieces of himself that he’d rather keep to himself.
He can’t tell her that Isabel accused him of sleeping with Felicity, of only giving her that promotion because she slept with him. As if Felicity has nothing else to offer, no talents that earned her a promotion. As if she isn’t right there by his side every single night protecting him.
Oliver wanted to protect her from those rumors the second he heard of them, because protecting Felicity has become one of his priorities in a scarily little amount of time.
But he doesn’t think she’d appreciate hearing that sleeping with Isabel would be a way to confirm that he didn’t go on this trip to sleep with Felicity. That it isn’t like that. That Felicity has earned her place there on professional merit.
He has been using his body to protect friends, to protect himself, long before Yao Fei and Slade Wilson taught him how to fight.
When he and Tommy drunkenly kissed at a party and gay rumors starting floating around that might get Tommy into hot water (not to mention Oliver himself), he was on the cover of a gossip rag three days later, plenty of models on his arms. He made sure one of them sold the story afterwards too, performed the hell out of that orgy.
How when old lady Duchard started getting handsy at one of the balls with Max Fuller who was clearly uncomfortable, Oliver turned her into a conquest. It’s not that bad if it’s his own design and she clearly didn’t care who she lured back as long as they were under twenty, but enough of an adult for her to not end up in court.
And when Thea started getting sexualized at the ripe old age of twelve, he punched paparazzi in the face. High publicity and Laurel not finding out about his cheating, because he actually loved her and didn’t want to do that to her. Not yet at least, not then.
Felicity can’t know these things about him. Can’t know that he slept with Isabel to protect her, because using his body is the only way he knows how. He knows what he looks like, he knows he can be charming, it’s just another asset and he’s happy to use it to keep his friends safe.
She’ll probably be upset if she knows. She’ll make him never do that again. But she doesn’t get that he doesn’t mind doing it. For him sex is just like a good work out, or a nice conversation. It’s just an action, nothing special. He enjoys sex the same way he enjoys good food. Not a necessity, but nice to have.
Sleeping with Isabel had never been his plan, but with the information he had, it was the best move to keep Isabel away from Felicity and the situation under control. Oliver likes it when he has a situation under control.
So, he goes with bits from the truth, since he’s always been bad at lying to her, showing her the pieces she expects to prevent her from searching for the pieces he wants to stay hidden. “It just kind of happened. It didn’t mean anything.”
Felicity looks upset by that. He never meant to upset her, he did it to make Isabel stop thinking about her like that. To keep her happy. Of course he failed at that.
“Hey,” he finds himself saying in a soft tone, unable to let it go. More honest than he has ever been with her or himself, he says: “With the life that I lead, I just think that it’s better to not be with someone that I could really care about.”
She looks at him for a moment, then nods, more to herself, before spinning her chair, getting up, circling him.
He stands there for a moment, taking a deep breath as he closes his eyes. The regret washes over him, but he doesn’t call out. Doesn’t set the record straight.
It wasn’t a lie when he said that not being with her was better. He can’t risk having that and messing it up. Despite who he is trying to become, he still carries so much darkness, while she is brightness personified. He doesn’t want to risk holding her when his hands are best at breaking.
Sleeping with Isabel was better. She is hardened to the world and he doesn’t care if he holds her too tight and leaves a few bruises on her hips. Sleeping with Isabel is just an action, sleeping with Felicity will be so much more, and he doesn’t think he can handle that. He is only good at using his body, he isn’t good at the everything else. And Felicity deserves everything else.
So, he lets go off all that regret and tries not to flinch when Felicity says: “Well, I think you deserve better than her.”
Because maybe he does, maybe he doesn’t. Whatever it is, it was the best tactical move at the moment and just because he might deserve better than Isabel, doesn’t mean he’s worthy of someone like Felicity.
All he can do is watch her walk away and wonder: why her? Why did he have to meet someone as incredible as her? And why can’t he hold onto her the way he wants to? Why does he keep messing up when all he wants to do is keep her safe? Why is she the amazing IT specialist that has gotten caught up in all of this? Why not anyone else?
Why her?
#rr writing#arrow#arrow 2012#arrow cw#cw arrow#green arrow#arrowverse#arrowverse fanfiction#arrow fanfic#oliver queen#felicity smoak#olicity#isabel rochev#oliver queen x felicity smoak#tw: dubcon#arrow season 2
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┊ ᝰ﹕About me
You can call me Vênus, i have 19y and im from leo sign, im future fashion designer how loves write. Music is my passion and im obssesed with pinterst so you can check my playlists and profiles .
┊ ᝰ﹕Some Points
♤ All orders placed will be in writing however it may take some time for postage so please be patient.
♧ My first language is not English so there may be some grammatical errors, if you find any please comment and let me know where it is so I can fix it
♤ I write one shots, fanfics and headcanons.
♧ Content for +18 and nsfw will have an indication in the initial description, if you are underage please ignore and move on, otherwise it will be the responsibility of the reader to consume this type of content.
♤ I do not write Content with Racism, Homophobia, Zoophilia or Incest, please do not ask.
♧ In the future the links and contents will be separated in a Masterlist
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↳ Eddie Munson
↳ Steve Harrington
↳Robin Buckley
· . ·· ✦ TVD Universe
↳ Klaus Mikaelson
↳ Elijah Mikaelson
· . ·· ✦ Devils Night Series
↳ Kai Mori
↳ Will Grayson III
↳ Damon Torrence
↳ Nikova Banks
↳ Alex Palmer
.˚。 💋 .˚。 💌
#OneShot#Imagine#Fanfic#Qsmp#Quackity#FoolishGamers#Cellbit#Caosduo#Guapoduo#Bagheera Jones#TazerCraft#Dsmp#Mcu#Marvel#Loki#Bucky Barnes#X Reader#Natasha Romanoff#Wanda#Peter Parker#into the spider verse#miguel o'hara#kate bishop#formula 1#F1#Charles leclerc#charles leclerc imagine#lando norris#ferrari#carlos sainz
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Christopher Gable and Twiggy in The Boy Friend (Ken Russell, 1971)
Cast: Twiggy, Christopher Gable, Max Adrian, Bryan Pringle, Murray Melvin, Moyra Fraser, Georgina Hale, Sally Bryant, Vladek Sheybal, Tommy Tune, Brian Murphy, Graham Armitage, Antonia Ellis, Caryl Little, Glenda Jackson. Screenplay: Ken Russell, based on a musical play by Sandy Wilson. Cinematography: David Watkin. Production design: Tony Walton. Costume design: Shirley Russell. Music: Peter Maxwell Davies; songs: Sandy Wilson, Nacio Herb Brown, Arthur Freed.
Nothing succeeds like excess. That seems to have been Ken Russell's motto, well displayed in The Boy Friend. As I watched it, I thought the first parody of Busby Berkeley's kaleidoscopic production numbers for Warner Bros. musicals was brilliant. The second was entertaining. The third was ... well, maybe the law of diminishing returns had set in. The original stage musical was a campy sendup of the kind of musical comedies that P.G. Wodehouse, Guy Bolton, and Jerome Kern used to create for the Princess Theatre and later in the 1920s: tuneful light romances with silly plots. But for the movie, Russell superadds a campy sendup of the backstage movie musicals of the 1930s, borrowing plot and even dialogue from 42nd Street (Lloyd Bacon, 1933), hence the Berkeley parodies. I first saw The Boy Friend around the time of its first release, and enjoyed it. But watching it again now, I found myself looking at the clock after the first hour and a half passed. The version I had seen in the theater was the one MGM had cut by 25 minutes; the restored version runs an exhausting two hours and 17 minutes. That said, there is much to enjoy about Russell's movie, especially the vividly colored production design by Tony Walton and costumes by Shirley Russell (the director's wife). The presence of the great Tommy Tune in the cast is also a plus. The Sandy Wilson songs are pleasantly hummable, and the interpolation of two songs by Nacio Herb Brown and Arthur Freed that were featured in Singin' in the Rain (Stanley Donen and Gene Kelly, 1952) is nice. But a little camp goes a long way, and piling camp on camp can be tiresome, especially if the camp is done the way Russell does it: with a smirk rather than a wink.
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Witness will be released on 4K Ultra HD and Blu-ray on October 24 via Arrow Video. Tommy Pocket designed the new cover art fort the 1985 neo-noir crime thriller; the original poster is on the reverse side.
Peter Weir (The Truman Show, Dead Poets Society) directs from a script by Earl W. Wallace and William Kelley. Harrison Ford stars with Kelly McGillis, Lukas Haas, Jan Rubeš, Danny Glover, Josef Sommer, Alexander Godunov, Patti LuPone, and Viggo Mortensen.
The limited edition set comes with a 60-page booklet illustrated by Pocket with new writing by Dennis Capicik, Martyn Conterio, John Harrison and Amanda Reyes; a double-sided poster; and six double-sided postcards.
Witness is presented in 4K with Dolby Vision (HDR10 compatible) and original lossless 2.0 stereo audio and 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio options. Special features are listed below.

Special features:
Audio commentary by film historian Jarret Gahan (new)
Interview with cinematographer John Seale (new)
Visual essay on the film's performances by film journalist Staci Layne Wilson (new)
Between Two Worlds - 2005 making-of documentary with actors Harrison Ford, Kelly McGillis, Lukas Haas, Patti LuPone and Viggo Mortensen, director Peter Weir, cinematographer John Seale, and producer Edward S. Feldman
1985 interview with Harrison Ford by critic Bobbie Wygant
1999 Interview with director Peter Weir
2 vintage EPK featurettes
Deleted scene from the TV version
Theatrical trailer
Image gallery
Also included:
60-page perfect bound booklet illustrated by Tommy Pocket with new writing by Dennis Capicik, Martyn Conterio, John Harrison, and Amanda Reyes
Fold-out double-sided poster
6 double-sided postcards
When a young Amish boy inadvertently witnesses a brutal murder while en route to Philadelphia with his recently widowed mother, Rachel (Kelly McGillis), Detective John Book (Harrison Ford) is assigned to the case. With the perpetrators desperate to silence the sole witness, Book and his two wards are forced to hide out in the heart of the Amish community. As passions between Book and Rachel ignite, the killers close in, culminating in a dramatic, life-and-death clash of cultures that will change the lives of those involved forever.
Pre-order Witness.
#witness#harrison ford#peter weir#kelly mcgillis#lukas haas#danny glover#arrow video#dvd#gift#80s movies#1980s movies#neo noir#patti lupone#viggo mortensen#tommy pocket
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Birthdays 8.27
Beer Birthdays
Fred Bowman (1944)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Barbara Bach; actor (1947)
C.S. Forester; English writer (1899)
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel; German philosopher (1770)
Tarzan of the Apes; fictional character (1912)
Jeanette Winterson; English writer (1959)
Famous Birthdays
Patrick J. Adams; Canadian actor (1981)
Andreas Alföldi; Hungarian archaeologist and historian (1895)
Fernest Arceneaux; singer and accordion player (1940)
G.W. Bailey; actor (1944)
Gordon Bashford; English engineer, Range Rover co-creator (1916)
Tim Bogert; singer and bass player (1944)
Carl Bosch; German chemist (1874)
"Downtown" Julie Brown; V.J. (1959)
Sarah Chalke; actor (1976)
Alice Coltrane; pianist and composer (1937)
Jeff Cook; singer-songwriter and guitarist (1949)
Audrey C. Delsanti; French astronomer and biologist (1976)
Daryl "The Captain" Dragon; pop singer, songwriter (1942)
Theodore Dreiser; writer (1871)
Charles Fleischer; comedian and actor (1950)
Tom Ford; fashion designer (1961)
Chuck Girard; singer-songwriter and pianist (1943)
Samuel Goldwyn; film producer (1882)
Jeff Grubb; game designer and author (1957)
Johann Georg Hamann; German philosopher (1730)
Lyndon Baines Johnson; 36th U.S. President (1908)
Tony Kanal; British-American bass player and songwriter (1970)
Tom Lanoye; Belgian author, poet, and playwright (1958)
Ira Levin; writer (1929)
Alex Lifeson; Canadian singer-songwriter and guitarist (1953)
Norah Lofts; English author (1904)
Glen Matlock; English singer-songwriter and bass player (1956)
Katharine McCormick; biologist (1875)
John Mehler; drummer (1948)
Kenji Miyazawa; Japanese author and poet (1896)
Ann Murray; Irish soprano (1949)
Giuseppe Peano; Italian mathematician and philosopher (1858)
Kim Petras; German singer-songwriter (1992)
Jimmy Pop; singer-songwriter and guitarist (1972)
Norman Foster Ramsey Jr.; physicist (1915)
Man Ray; photographer, artist (1890)
Martha Ray; actor (1916)
Harry Reems; porn actor (1947)
Paul "Pee-Wee Herman" Reubens; actor, comedian (1952)
Robert Richardson; cinematographer (1955)
Tommy Sands; pop singer (1937)
Diana Scarwid; actress (1955)
Sonny Sharrock; guitarist (1940)
Reece Shearsmith; English actor, comedian and writer (1969)
Léon Theremin, Russian physicist, engineer, Theremin inventor (1896)
Kay Walsh; English actress and dancer (1911)
Tuesday Weld; actor (1943)
Chandra Wilson; actress (1969)
Lester Young; saxophonist and clarinet player (1909)
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2024 Independent Games Festival Finalists
Best Student Game
goodbye.monster (Monster Team)
Once Upon a Jester (Bonte Avond / Crunching Koalas)
Pile Up! (Remoob / Catoptric Games, IndieArk)
Planetka (TeTerka)
RAM: Random Access Mayhem (Xylem Studios Inc.)
TRY AGAIN(the Rejects / USC Games/the Rejects)
Honorable Mentions: A Day With Mochi (San Felicete Studio / Rubika Supinfogame), Barkane: The Folds of Calamity (Chase O'Brien & VGDev), Birds Aren't Real: The Game (USC Games), Cyberside Picnic (Michael Luo / Cathode Radiator), Entangled (Fibula Studio), Lime Juice (Benbees), Re:Fresh (Merge Conflict Studio)
Excellence in Audio
A Highland Song (Inkle)
COCOON (Geometric Interactive / Annapurna Interactive)
Nour: Play With Your Food (Terrifying Jellyfish / PANIC)
Rhythm Doctor (7th Beat Games / 7th Beat Games, indienova)
Tchia (Awaceb / Kepler Interactive)
Venba (Visai Games)
Honorable Mentions: Anthology of the Killer (Thecatamites, Tommy Tone, A. Degen / Thecatamites), El Paso, Elsewhere (Strange Scaffold), Let's! Revolution! (Antfood, BUCK / Hawthorn Games, BUCK), Planet of Lana (Wishfully / Thunderful Publishing), Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical (Summerfall Studios / Humble Games)
Excellence in Design
Chants of Sennaar (Rundisc / Focus Entertainment)
Cobalt Core (Rocket Rat Games / Brace Yourself Games)
COCOON (Geometric Interactive / Annapurna Interactive)
Cryptmaster (Paul Hart, Lee Williams, Akupara Games / Akupara Games)
Final Profit: A Shop RPG (Brent Arnold)
Isles of Sea and Sky (Cicada Games, Jason Newman, Craig Collver / Cicada Games, Jason Newman, Gamera Game)
Honorable Mentions: 20 Small Mazes (FLEB), Peaks of Yore (Anders Grube Jensen / TraipseWare), Price of Flight (WATERBOX), Timberborn (Mechanistry)
Excellence in Narrative
1000xRESIST (Sunset Visitor / Fellow Traveller)
A Highland Song (Inkle)
Mediterranea Inferno (Lorenzo Redaelli/EYEGUYS / Santa Ragione)
The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood (Deconstructeam / Devolver Digital)
The Wreck (The Pixel Hunt)
Venba (Visai Games)
Honorable Mentions: Goodbye Volcano High (KO_OP), Saltsea Chronicles (Die Gute Fabrik / Die Gute Fabrik), Slay the Princess (Black Tabby Games), Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical (Summerfall Studios / Humble Games) The Archivist and the Revolution (Autumn Chen)
Excellence in Visual Arts
Anthology of the Killer (Thecatamites, Tommy Tone, A. Degen / Thecatamites)
Clash: Artifacts of Chaos (ACE Team / Nacon)
Darkest Dungeon II (Red Hook Studios)
Little Goody Two Shoes (AstralShift / Square Enix Collective)
Phonopolis (Amanita Design)
Venba (Visai Games)
Honorable Mentions: 30 Birds (RAM RAM Games/Business Goose / ARTE France), Chants of Sennaar (Rundisc / Focus Entertainment), Goodbye Volcano High (KO_OP), NIDUS (Caleb Wood), SLUDGE LIFE 2 (Terri Vellmann, DOSEONE / Devolver Digital)
Nuovo Award
1000xRESIST (Sunset Visitor / Fellow Traveller)
Anthology of the Killer (Thecatamites, Tommy Tone, A. Degen / Thecatamites)
Cryptmaster (Paul Hart, Lee Williams, Akupara Games / Akupara Games)
Kevin (1997-2077) (Kevin Du)
Mediterranea Inferno (Lorenzo Redaelli/EYEGUYS / Santa Ragione)
NIDUS (Caleb Wood)
The Forest Cathedral (Wakefield Interactive, Brian Wilson / Whitethorn Games)
Honorable Mentions: BlueSuburbia (alienmelon), goodbye.monster (Monster Team), In Stars and Time (insertdisc5 / Armor Games Inc.), Nour: Play With Your Food (Terrifying Jellyfish / PANIC), The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood (Deconstructeam / Devolver Digital)
Seumas McNally Grand Prize
1000xRESIST (Sunset Visitor / Fellow Traveller)
A Highland Song (Inkle)
Anthology of the Killer (Thecatamites, Tommy Tone, A. Degen / Thecatamites)
COCOON (Geometric Interactive / Annapurna Interactive)
Mediterranea Inferno (Lorenzo Redaelli/EYEGUYS / Santa Ragione)
Venba (Visai Games)
Honorable Mentions: Chants of Sennaar (Rundisc / Focus Entertainment), Final Profit: A Shop RPG (Brent Arnold), Goodbye Volcano High (KO_OP), In Stars and Time (insertdisc5 / Armor Games Inc.), Rhythm Doctor (7th Beat Games / 7th Beat Games, indienova), Tchia (Awaceb / Kepler Interactive), The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood (Deconstructeam / Devolver Digital)
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: NWT Scoop-Neck Pleated Linerless Tennis Dress - White - 2.
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After years of helping their hubbies climb the ladder of success, three mid-life Manhattanites have been dumped for a newer, curvier model. But the trio is determined to turn their pain into gain. They come up with a cleverly devious plan to hit their exes where it really hurts – in the wallet! Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Elise Elliot Atchison: Goldie Hawn Brenda Morelli Cushman: Bette Midler Annie MacDuggan Paradis: Diane Keaton Gunilla Garson Goldberg: Maggie Smith Shelly Stewart: Sarah Jessica Parker Morton Cushman: Dan Hedaya Cynthia Swann Griffin: Stockard Channing Bill Atchison: Victor Garber Aaron Paradis: Stephen Collins Phoebe LaVelle: Elizabeth Berkley Dr. Leslie Rosen: Marcia Gay Harden Duarto Feliz: Bronson Pinchot Chris Paradis: Jennifer Dundas Catherine MacDuggan: Eileen Heckart Uncle Carmine Morelli: Philip Bosco Dr. Morris Packman: Rob Reiner Gill Griffin: James Naughton Jason Cushman: Ari Greenberg Ivana Trump: Ivana Trump Kathie Lee Gifford: Kathie Lee Gifford Gloria Steinem: Gloria Steinem Elise’s Fan: Lea DeLaria Jilted Lover: Debra Monk Woman in Bed: Kate Burton Brett Artounian: Timothy Olyphant Federal Marshall: J.K. Simmons Young Brenda: Michele Brilliant Young Elise: Dina Spybey-Waters Young Annie: Adria Tennor Young Cynthia: Juliehera DeStefano Miss Sullivan: J. Smith-Cameron Eric Loest: Mark Nelson Gil’s New Wife: Heather Locklear Security Guard: Richard Council Film Crew: Producer: Scott Rudin Set Decoration: Leslie E. Rollins Second Unit Director: Jack Gill Director of Photography: Donald E. Thorin Editor: John Bloom Associate Editor: Antonia Van Drimmelen Casting: Ilene Starger Costume Design: Theoni V. Aldredge Music Supervisor: Marc Shaiman Production Design: Peter S. Larkin Associate Producer: Craig Perry Production Manager: Ezra Swerdlow Makeup Artist: Angela Levin Director: Hugh Wilson Screenplay: Robert Harling Hairstylist: Alan D’Angerio Assistant Art Director: Ed Check Art Direction: Charley Beal Choreographer: Patricia Birch Executive Producer: Adam Schroeder Camera Operator: Rob Hahn Casting Assistant: Kim Miscia Post Production Supervisor: Tod Scott Brody Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Lee Dichter Production Coordinator: Ray Angelic Sound Editor: Richard P. Cirincione Hairstylist: Frances Mathias Storyboard Artist: Brick Mason Construction Coordinator: Ron Petagna Makeup Artist: Bernadette Mazur Sound Editor: Laura Civiello Boom Operator: John Fundus Sound Mixer: Peter F. Kurland Location Manager: Joseph E. Iberti Assistant Art Director: Paul D. Kelly Negative Cutter: Noëlle Penraat Costume Supervisor: Hartsell Taylor Music Editor: Nic Ratner Special Effects Coordinator: Matt Vogel Costume Supervisor: Michael Adkins Still Photographer: Andrew D. Schwartz ADR Editor: Kenton Jakub Sound Editor: Eytan Mirsky Supervising Sound Editor: Maurice Schell Chief Lighting Technician: Jerry DeBlau Hairstylist: Werner Sherer Makeup Artist: E. Thomas Case Hairstylist: Robert Ramos Foley Editor: Bruce Kitzmeyer First Assistant Director: Michael E. Steele Script Supervisor: Shari L. Carpenter Music Editor: Nicholas Meyers Unit Publicist: Eric Myers Music Programmer: Nick Vidar Second Assistant Director: Julie A. Bloom Art Department Coordinator: Julia G. Hickman Transportation Captain: Steven R. Hammond Stunt Double: Joni Avery Transportation Co-Captain: Tom Heilig Color Timer: Tom Salvatore Cableman: Tommy Louie Co-Producer: Thomas A. Imperato Novel: Olivia Goldsmith Associate Producer: Heather Neely Associate Producer: Noah Ackerman Property Master: Octavio Molina Storyboard Artist: Lorenzo Contessa Makeup Artist: Marilyn Carbone Assistant Costume Designer: Wallace G. Lane Jr. Assistant Sound Editor: Jay Kessel Foley Editor: Stuart Stanley Movie Reviews:
#based on novel or book#Divorce#divorced woman#lgbt interest#reunited friends#Revenge#Top Rated Movies
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A non-comprehensive list of 9-1-1 season 8 speculation and the stuff I wanna see. In which I ramble:
Captain Gerrard. I want him to he an ass. I want him to try his hardest to break the 118 down. And I want him to fail. I wanna see a parallel of his time as captain before, but this time the 118 is a united front. I need them to still be a family even when Bobby isn't there.
More Han-Wilson blended family scenes. Karen and Hen babysitting Jee and Denny big-brothering Jee and Mara. More uncle Chim.
More Karen in general, i love her so much.
But I want them to plant the seeds......
Buck and Tommy are thriving, they're so happy and domestic and grossly in love. Tommy shows up to bring Buck lunch or clothes or something he left at Tommy's apartment. They smooch.
Meanwhile, Eddie is working on himself and maybe coming to the realization that what he wants in a romantic partner is everything that Buck already provides. Maybe he's starting to discover these feelings. But if Buddie is really the slow burn end game here, I need it to be deliciously, painfully sloooow.
More Tommy & Eddie friendship. Tommy is Buck's boyfriend now but he was Eddie's friend first and I don't want him reduced to a love interest. He needs to be integrated into the 118 and having him show his support and be there for Eddie in this difficult time is the perfect way.
Rebuilding the Grant-Nash house. May and Harry going through the wreckage of their childhood home. Bobby spending his time off having one-sided phone calls with Michael about the best way to rebuild the new house and realizing that it doesn't have to be a replica of the home they had before; it can be different and still be good.
Athena taking time off to spend with Bobby in his recovery and help design the house. She needs to slow down and maybe she contemplates retirements (again.)
Season ends with a BBQ at the newly rebuild Grant-Nash home.
Wide shot of the Wilsons and the Hans together. Denny is helping Jee get a cupcake and Mara is laughing. Everyone is happy.
Athena and Bobby have both decided to go back to work after realizing the retirement lifestyle doesn't suit them. Gerrard has fled the state because he can't stand how familial the 118 has become. He is never seen again.
There's a shot of Buck and Tommy. Buck has icing on his cheek and Tommy is smiling. He leans in to clean it off with a kiss.
Pan out to Eddie, watching them. There is obvious longing in his expression.
Something terrible happens, foreshadowing the Event to come in season 9.
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The Great Gatsby. Theater Review.

"The Great Gatsby" at the Broadway Theatre is a grandiose musical replete with fantastic sets and glittering costumes. Steadfast to both the book by F. Scott Fitzgerald and the movie, the songs complement its plot in this two hour and fifteen minute whirlwind of a show.This Broadway version had its book by Kait Kerrigan, music by Jason Howland and lyrics by Nathan Tysen
The show kicks into high gear whenever Jay Gatsby (Jeremy Jordan) is on stage. Jordan is both a phenomenal singer and actor; his "Past Is Catching Up to Me" brought the show to a halt, in fact, most of his songs had the audience in awe. His effort is one of the best, if not the best I have seen all season.
Directed by Marc Bruni and choreographed by Dominique Kelley, "Gatsby" never has a lull in it, the pace is wonderful and Paul Tate Depoo lll sets and projection design are incompatible to anything this season. From the fireworks on the sound to the palatial homes and the automobiles, Depoo brings us back to a by-gone era, an era of wealth,opulence and privilege.The lighting too by Cory Pattak adds to the the shows spender.
Little is known about Jay Gatsby, he went to war, he studied at Oxford, but little else is known about him other than he dated Daisy Buchanan (Eva Noblezada when he was stateside ready to be shipped off to war. Her cousin, Nick Carraway is reluctant to reunite them but has second thoughts after meeting her husband, Tom (John Zdrojeski). Unlike the book, it is intimated that Gatsby is a bootlegger and his extravagant parties, his home and Rolls Royce are ill gotten. The musical also shows the criminal element that both he and a gas station owner, George Wilson are involved with. The plot never really develops this very well, however.
The cast are all effective, but a few stand out... Samantha Pauly as Jordan Baker and John Zdrojeski as Tom Buchanan as well as Jeremy Jordon are staples throughout the show. Continually turning in dynamic acting, all three command the stage. The long awaited "The Great Gatsby" never disappoints and is a must see!
"Gatsby" was reminiscent of the old time shows that used to grace "The Great White Way" The sets, costumes by Linda Cho and the projections were so deft and imaginative. It almost seemed that each set topped the next and so did the costumes. Even though "The Great Gatsby" had mixed reviews, I could not disagree more. The music was very good, it never over powered the plot, rather it complemented it.
Next up is "Hells Kitchen" and "The Heart of Rock and Roll". After that with be a few off Broadway shows and some out of state. Both the fall season and the spring season has been a memorable one indeed! It will be very interesting to see who wins the Tony's this season. I guess that the judges will have their hands full.
www.nimbusmagazine.org, www.solarwind.org, No Bull With Raging Robert, www.broadwayworld.com, Tony Awards, Broadway, "Hamilton", "Wicked", "The Lion King", "Harry Potter", "Hells Kitchen", "A Sign of The Times", "Back To The Future", "The Great Gatsby", "The Heart of Rock & Roll", "Doubt", "The Notebook", "Water for Elephants", "Lempicka", "Uncle Vanya", NY Times, NY Post, CNN, Fox, Wall Street Journal, "Days of Wine and Roses, "Tommy", "Outsiders", Dramatists Guild, Mann About Town Magazine, Metropolitan Magazine, "Hamlet", William Shakespeare, off off Broadway, "Brooklyn Laundry" at The City Center, The Park Avenue Armory. My Life Publications, "Spring Awakening", Pirates of Penzance", "Twelfth Night", Webador, Wix, Vocal Media.
#no Bull With Raging Robert.
Words: 602
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Mullen "Drive The Impossible" from Emile Rafael on Vimeo.
For Mullen: VP Marketing: Jason Putnam Marketing Specialist: Cody Mahaffey
Agency: The ID Agency @theidagency VP Client Services: Josh Bulrice Creative Executive Producer: Alison Howlett @birdiefrombrooklyn
Directed by: Emile Rafael @helloemile Production Company: Arts and Sciences @artsandsciences_ Executive Producers: Mal Ward @malward, Marc Marrie, Christa Skotland @christacarrie Head of Production: Milena Milicevic @uniqueism9 Directors Rep West Coast: Depot of Sales Jonathan Logan, Dexter Dexter Randazzo
Produced by: Patric Harris @Patharris71
Written by: Atila Martins @atilamartinsl Emile Rafael @helloemile Cinematography: Gus Bendinelli @gbendinelli First Assistant Director: Ryan Lippert @lippy90265 - DGA Second Assistant Director: Sarah Craveiro @craveiro_sarah - DGA Production Supervisor: Chris Valdez @c.h.r.i.s.v.a.l.d.e.z Assistant Production Supervisor: Raymond Steege
Edit by: Patric Ryan @patricryan7 Assistant Editor: Hannah Yerbury @hannahyerbury Edit House: Marshall Street Editors @mse.tv Voice Over: Johnny Neal
VFX by: UPP @upp_advertising Senior VFX Supervisor: Mario Dubec @maxtorag Producer: Kristýna Řádková @tyna.radkova Grade: Ondrej Stibingr @ondrej.stibingr
Music Composition: @finnmcnicholas Music Company: @feltmusic Music Supervisors: Max Beattie, Jonny Joel Beck @jonnyjoelbeck, Steve Spiro @steve_spiro_
Sound by: Rascal Post @rascal.post/ Sound Design: Neil Johnson @neilkjohnson, Izaak Buffin @izaak.buffin Producer: Maddy Lebel @maddylebel
First AC: Ryan Sax @ryansax Second AC: Joe Ashi @joe_ashi DIT: Pete Aguirre @_pete_aguirre Pilot - Inspire: Tony Thompson PILOT - FPV: Tommy Tibajia @ummagawd Drone Cam OP: Zack Haskell @zackhaskell Drone 1st AC: Ben Stefanides @_benstef VTR: Calvin Evans @calvinleeevans Ukrainian Arm: Car Driver: Chris Barrett @cl_barrett Head Tech: Ross Wilson Crane Tech: Jason Tubbs Electric: CLT: Nick Durr @dicknurr ACLT: Justin Roxbrough @justin.roxbrough Key Grip: Jon Coyne @witgrip Grip: Luke Poole @lukeatmenow
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Fashion runways have a long way to go before they can be considered fully diverse, but there has been a movement in at least one area of representation this season. We've seen fashionable women of different ages at show after show - not just one or two tokenized ladies in their 70s, but also models in their forties and fifties. To be sure, some of these ladies were returning legends. Pat Cleveland (68) ended the show at Hellessy with her famous sashay, while Elie Tahari chose Christie Brinkley (65) to walk with her daughter, Sailor Cook. Patti Hansen (62) appeared at Michael Kors, and Christy Turlington (50) made her first appearance on the catwalk in more than two decades at Marc Jacobs.
Designers paying homage to fashion history contributed to some of the age variety. However, supermodels were far from the only people above the age of 18. 11 Honoré started off Fashion Week with a size-inclusive presentation that culminated in a dramatic finale starring 46-year-old Laverne Cox. Rachel Comey, who frequently uses nonprofessional models in her presentations, enlisted the help of a group of her friends, which included painters, authors, and other creative people. Tonne Goodman (67), a former Vogue editor who generally seats front row at fashion shows, made an appearance at CDLM. Deveaux, created by street-style photographer Tommy Tonne, featured a mostly elderly ensemble dressed in stylish clothes that they could easily wear at home. As the concerts have travelled to Europe, the tendency has maintained. Stella Tennant (48), a '90s favourite, walked the Burberry runway in a sleek camel outfit, while fellow model Guinevere Van Seenus (41) made a runway return at Erdem. Simone Rocha assembled a cast that featured Chloe Sevigny (44), Helmut Newton muse Marie Sophie Wilson (54), and '90s model Kirsten Owen (48). (This isn't the first time Rocha has cast a diverse group of people.)
Diana Tsui. (2019). Finally, Some Age Diversity on the Runway. [Online]. the cut. Last Updated: 22 February 2019. Available at: https://www.thecut.com/2019/02/older-models-of-all-ages-were-on-the-runway-at-fashion-week.html [Accessed 22 September 2023].
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ENTROPY from Films.Dance on Vimeo.
The traces we leave behind.
Filmed in London, UK
Director: Joshua Stocker Featuring: Chien-Ming Chang, Rachel P. Fallon, Evelyn Hart, Natalia Gabrielczyk Choreographer: Ochai Ogaba Co-choreographer: Lauren Bridle Producer: Tano Noblia Dance Producer: Rachel P. Fallon Production: NineReasons Cinematographer: Hamish Anderson Steadicam: Tommy McMahon 1st AC: Sinan Yilmaz 2nd AC: Aevzat Altinisik 1st AD: Pedro Rilho Gaffer: Owain Morgan Camera Technician: Matthew Clavey Editors: Gary Coogan, Joshua Stocker Colourist: Tim Smith Set Designer: Zuzanna Skurtys Art Assists: Ruth Parker, Billy River Tourle Stylist: Lara Elizabeth Aerial Rigging: Aaron Marshall Rain: Snowboy Systems Runner & BTS: Dom Compton Runners: Tilly GW, Flurina Music: Bendik Giske Bendik Giske is published by Smalltown Supersound / Sony / ATV Music Publishing (Scandinavia) KB With support from FLIR. No8
PRODUCED BY: Jacob Jonas The Company Executive Producer/Creative Director: Jacob Jonas Producers: Jill Wilson, Emma Rosenzweig-Bock Associate Producers: Joy Isabella Brown, Francisco Cruz, Steve Hackman, Emily Kikta, Rubberlegz, Anibal Sandoval, Mike Tyus, Peter Walker Fashion Director: Christian Stroble
CO-PRESENTED BY: BAM, The Harris, The Soraya, Stanford Live, Stanford Global Studies
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