#Tolkien reading day
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glorf1ndel · 2 days ago
Okay, Tolkien fandom. It’s time. Fellowship assemble. March 25th is the day Frodo and Sam (and Gollum) destroyed the One Ring! Sorry, Sauron, but it just wasn’t working out. Happy Destruction of the Ring Day! 💍 🔥 🦅 ✌️ It’s also Tolkien Reading Day, so be sure to leaf through your favorite Tolkien book today. 📚
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sotwk · 1 day ago
Happy Tolkien Reading Day!
March 25, 2025
I'm just gonna cut to the chase and send random (hopefully fun) Tolkien-related Asks to some fellow Tolkien-loving Mutuals.
If you engage with this post within the next 24 hours, you are most certainly getting an Ask (mutual or not).
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solmarillion · 1 day ago
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❝The joy of that feast was long remembered in later days of sorrow; and it was called Mereth Aderthad, the Feast of Reuniting.❞ Maglor performs for the crowd at Mereth Aderthad, representing the House of Fëanor.
In honor of @feanorianweek, here's a new cosplay photo of Maglor for Day 2! With this shot, I wanted to depict a scene of him performing and being in his element, a brighter moment in Maglor's life.
Today is also Tolkien Reading Day! The theme this year is "Fellowship and Community," and I feel this quote perfectly captures the theme. Not much is said about the feast, but it's nice to see all the elves put aside their differences for a while.
Photo: @camcammeii, taken at Dragon Con 2024. Banner made by @nothing2c.
Character design by me, costume made by @knights-of-beleriand. Please support them, they were recently kicked out of their home and need help.
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mgcoco · 2 days ago
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Happy Tolkien Reading Day! Drew some of the lovely women of Lord of the Rings for this year’s theme, Fellowship and Community 📚🧝‍♀️✨
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khorazir · 1 day ago
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“Charles, you are distracting me. If you want me to read on, you must stop this.”
“Do you really want me to stop?”
“Well ...”
“Knew it. Do keep reading, though. I love when you do the voices. Especially Gollum.”
“I shan’t do Gollum with you doing ... that.”
“Oh, very well. You really are impossible ... my preciousss.”
Happy Tolkien Reading Day, and happy 11 months of Dead Boy Detectives. This is also my first (of three) Fandom Trumps Hate 2025 pieces. It’s for Angie who asked for some domestic Payneland.
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thescrapwitch · 2 days ago
Tolkien Reading Day 2025
Happy Tolkien Reading Day! Since the theme for this year is Fellowship and Community, I thought I would recommend a few fics that I feel reflect it:
Tend to the Flame by @maglor-my-beloved
The Fëanorians, returned at last, move to Formenos and turn the ruined fortress into a city of crafts and creation, a place of second chances and a home for those who do not know where they belong. Their family grows over the centuries, and Míriel's last work is in time completed. (Or, what if all my blorbos were friends and lived in a cool city together and bonded over an arts&crafts project)
Department of Song and Craft Safety, Review, and Approval by @icryyoumercy
there is a plan to prevent the re-embodied Fëanorians from once again engaging in questionable behaviour or craft. strangely, it doesn't work
White Water Flowing by @starspray
In Valinor and homesick for Imladris, Celebrían decides to build a new one.
The Last Spring by @clothonono
"Perhaps they've had another baby," said Lalwen. "How many are they up to now, five?" "They cannot possibly have had another baby," said Findis. "Can they?" "Perhaps he's coming to visit," said Finarfin. His siblings all glared at him.
to speak, to scream and laugh with the echo by @clockworkcrabofea
In which Maedhros once told Maglor that Angband’s government was very might-to-right so, upon waking up in the past after haunting the shores through the Fourth Age, he decides that he could probably beat up a balrog or two and marches his ass across the Ice to bitch slap Sauron. Sauron finds himself unexpectedly okay with this.
Songbird by @tanoraqui
It was not with heavy heart that Paladin Took approached the Bird's Nest. But his ribs might've been weighty and his liver positively annoyed, and not just from the many fine ales and finer wines he'd consumed throughout his life. It was that damn Lotho again, Lotho Sacksville-Baggins from up Hobbiton way with his air and his Big Men—well, two could play at that game! And if anyone was going to be calling themselves "Chief" in this day and age, it would be the right and proper Thain of the Shire! His blood up, he knocked rather hard on the oversized door. "Maggie! Are you in there? Open up!"
To Live in the Undying Lands by @tathrin
A smattering of snippets set throughout the (im)mortal lives of the remaining members of the Fellowship on the other side of the Sundering Sea.
Anastasis by @chthonion
"Forgive me,” Frodo says in his accented Quenya, the syllables strange in his ears. “I—I have an old wound. It troubles me still, sometimes." "It is I who must ask your forgiveness," says the stranger. "I believe I may be the one who put it there." In Aman, Frodo and Celebrimbor and Finrod forge a friendship, talk about trauma, and deal with the fact that Sauron's ghost is haunting Celebrimbor.
Old bonds remade by @deadqueernoldor
“When the flower blooms, the bees come uninvited” Or Maglor is in banishment as decreed by the Valar, but it seems he is the only one who remembers that ‘banishment from elven society’ means that he is supposed to be alone
I forced myself to stick to nine recommendations (to match our favourite Fellowship) but PLEASE add more fics to this list! There are so many amazing Tolkien fics so make sure to reblog this with your own favourites.
Have a lovely day!
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threegoblinart · 1 day ago
Tolkien Reading Day
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I have some art for that.
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figbythistle · 20 hours ago
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Happy Tolkien Reading Day! Here's an older sketch I did of Nienna:) I tried to use tear-drop shapes in her design because of her association with grief and compassion, but I also tried to convey a sense of quiet strength in her expression, because she's also associated with courage. She's one of my favourite of the Valar.
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athrabeth-me-ah-also-me · 2 days ago
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My illustration for Tolkien Reading Day 2025 - one of the trees of my childhood, a sweet cherry growing in the garden of my family home, with which I have many pleasant memories.
I made this one initially for a competition on one local tolkienian fanpage (The results will be posted tonight), but I think it still fits my blog here. Happy TRD, everyone! Aurë Entuluva!
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metamorphesque · 15 hours ago
Happy Tolkien Reading Day!
A Tolkien Ask for You:
Would you rather serve as an esquire of Rohan (akin to Merry) or a guard of the Citadel (akin to Pippin)?
It ought to be a difficult decision to make; however, as soon as I read the question, I instantly knew I would choose Rohan. Of course, I hold great love, respect, and affection for all the lands of Middle-Earth, but the Rohirrim have always been particularly special to me — for reasons both profound and superficial.
Of course, there’s the land itself. I much prefer the seas of grass of Rohanese plains and hills, to the marble and iron of Gondor. As someone who has long dreamed of mastering equestrian skills, the idea of learning and riding alongside the great horse-lords is simply irresistible.
However, the most significant reason behind my choice lies in something deeper and closer to "home". When I first learned about the shield-maidens of Rohan, I was immediately reminded of my own history. The Armenian people (my people) have a long legacy of valiant women who fought alongside their fathers, brothers, and husbands in defense of their homeland.
One name that instantly came to mind was Aytsemnik, a warrior of the Bagratid Armenian Kingdom, with Ani — the "City of 1001 Churches" — as its capital.
Aytsemnik, daughter of a blacksmith, trained from a young age with the weapons forged by her father. With much time and practice, she became a master archer and warrior, teaching her skills to other young women as well. Then disaster struck. A massive tatar horde invaded Armenia, burning villages, slaughtering innocents, and enslaving the strong. Ani became their ultimate target.
For a year, the city resisted, but as enemy reinforcements arrived, the battle turned grim. Aytsemnik and her brigade of warrior-maidens took up arms, fighting alongside the others. Aytsemnik pulled arrows from her own body to fire back at the enemy. Even the tatars hesitated at such a sight, and when they moved to capture her alive, she leapt from the fortress walls — denying them their victory. Our history is rich with such acts of courage, displayed equally by women and men.
This is why I would choose Rohan. The shield-maidens of the Mark remind me of the warrior-maidens of my own land. To ride with them, to live and fight beside them, would be both an honor and a homecoming.
And, on a much less serious note, a certain Rohir makes me breathe a little differently — so that would certainly influence my decision!
Anyway, excuse this unnecessarily long answer. What a wonderful idea you've come up with and what an interesting question! Thank you 🌻
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lady-of-ithilien · 1 day ago
Happy Tolkien Reading Day!
A Tolkien Ask for You: 
Canon describes Faramir as both a scholar and a warrior, but do you have any headcanons about more specific interests and hobbies he has?
Yay thank you so much for the ask! What a fun question to muse on!
One headcanon I've had for a while is that Faramir is very into learning about the history of warfare. He likes pouring over old documents that he can scrounge up from the archives and reading detailed accounts of old battles, down to the level of specific maneuvers, numbers of troops, and supply logistics. This comes from a couple of places: first of all, it's a way to reconcile what is expected of him (being a warrior and a leader of men) with his innate scholarly, academic nature. I also very strongly headcanon him as a bit of a pedant and an optimizer, and so I imagine him being a bit judgy about some of the choices outlined in the aforementioned documents, when he can think of a more optimal strategy. Continuing with this theme of Faramir trying to interweave his life with scholarly pursuits where he can, I imagine him being a bit of a naturalist, albeit to practical ends. I think he takes the time to learn as much as he can about the flora and fauna of Ithilien, becoming an expert in identifying plants and trees. This again serves a dual role: knowing medicinal and forageable plants would certainly enable to take better care of himself and his men in the wilderness, but I think in his heart of hearts, he also just loves collecting knowledge for knowledge's sake, and spending time among green and growing things.
Finally, a less well-formed headcanon is that I imagine Faramir wanting to be a bit more of a "man of the people" than his father or brother. By this I mean that I imagine him being fascinated by mundane tasks like baking bread, basic carpentry, weapon repair/blacksmithing, etc. Even though his high status affords him the privilege to have someone else take care of these things for him, I think he feels a bit uncomfortable with that privilege. I think he would relish any opportunities he gets to learn how to do things for himself and gain practical knowledge. He would pride himself on joining his men equally in taking care of those sorts of chores. I also imagine these interests dovetailing nicely with his proclivity towards pedantry: I think he's a perfectionist and loves to do things *right*, including the mundane.
Alright, I could ramble on but I think I'll cut myself off here. Thank you again for the ask and the opportunity to yap about one of my favorite characters <3 Happy Tolkien Reading Day!!!
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glorf1ndel · 1 day ago
I have a dilemma, y’all. I’m making a Sam and Frodo playlist in honor of Tolkien Reading Day / Destruction of the Ring Day! 💚 Which photo should I use as the cover? 🤔
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tehcherrya · 1 day ago
March 25th - The Destruction of the One Ring and the Downfall of Sauron
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"Throw it in the fire! What are you waiting for?"
I think about Frodo and the "Fallen Angel" look a whole awful lot... it's as though he were holding the entire world on the end of a chain...
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khorazir · 3 days ago
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Lineart of my first FTH artwork (of three). Hope to finish the watercolour version and a little ficlet to accompany it in time for Tolkien Reading Day on Tuesday.
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uwmspeccoll · 1 year ago
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Milestone Monday
March 25th is Tolkien Reading Day, a day to honor the literary prowess of J.R.R. Tolkien (1892-1973) author of acclaimed high fantasy novels The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. Tolkien has shared that the seeds of inspiration for his novels came from his childhood fascination and experimentation with constructed language and a 1911 Summer holiday hiking through Switzerland. Roughly fourteen years after his Swiss adventure, Tolkien would write The Hobbit and the first two volumes of Lord of the Rings while teaching in Oxford.  
Stepping slightly away from Tolkien’s novels, today we’re digging into our broadside collection and sharing Bilbo’s Last Song (At Grey Havens), a poem about leaving Middle-Earth. It first appeared, as seen here, as a poster published in 1974 by George Allen & Unwin Ltd., the original English publisher of his famous novels, with illustrations by Pauline Baynes (1922-2008), who illustrated many of Tolkien's publications. Chronologically, the poem takes place at the end of the last volume of Lord of the Rings, however it was never included in the series. 
Read other Milestone Monday posts here! 
– Jenna, Special Collections Graduate Intern 
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echo-bleu · 1 year ago
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I never have anything prepared for the events but I've been doing these little studies lately so today seemed like the perfect day for this one.
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