#Tobias van Schneider
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Tobias van Schneider
#Tobias van Schneider#HOVS#designer#design#studio#home#portfolio#NASA#mymind#Semplice#typography#type#typeface#font#Maison Neue#Engravers Gothic BT#Tobias#2024#Week 24#website#web design#inspire#inspiration#happywebdesign
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Hi loass is 100%real and works right? And it's not schizophrenic and psychosis right? Like I am not hallucinating right?
Bebe there is literal scientific evidence on why manifestation works. This isn’t some kind of joke. I can assure you this is 10000% real.
Here’s some links that you can help you understand:
Some people I recommend looking into is Dr. Joe Dispenza, Neville Goddard and Florence Scovel.
#desired reality#law of the universe#affirmations#manifestation#manifesting#law of assumption#self concept
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Week 2
This Is How You Connect Theory and Practice
What is the theory behind my everyday activities? For todays lesson, we talked about identity. To me, Identity is the unique combination of attributes, experiences, and values that define an individual's sense of self and distinguish them from others. Our identity defines who we are as people. Without identity we would simply be lost.
Our personal identity defines who we are as designers as well. For me personally, I really love experimenting with multiple visual elements. I love "messy" works and that can be reflected in the works that i do.
These are some of the works I've done for studio. I really love loud and noisy design. I think my work really speaks volume about who I am as a designer.
From my perspective, identity is essential for designers, but it's not just about following a brand’s image or visual trends. It’s about gaining a deep understanding of the brand’s core values, stories, and purpose to create designs that are truly authentic. The challenge lies in avoiding oversimplification or misrepresentation for the sake of aesthetics. As designers, we must critically engage with the identity we are representing to ensure that the design truly reflects its essence, without diluting its meaning.
Consistency across design elements is critical, but it shouldn’t restrict flexibility. While a consistent visual language reinforces a brand’s identity, it’s also important to allow space for evolution. A brand must be able to adapt and grow with changing market dynamics and cultural shifts. If we focus too much on rigid consistency, we risk creating designs that feel outdated or stagnant. The key is finding a balance between maintaining coherence and allowing innovation, ensuring the design remains relevant and resonates with audiences over time.
(~285 words)
Blakeley, Sasha. “Personal Identity | Definition, Philosophy & Theories - Lesson.” Study.com, https://study.com/academy/lesson/what-is-personal-identity-definition-philosophy-development.html. Accessed 10 September 2024.
van Schneider, Tobias, and Pranjal Kaila. “Establishing your identity as a designer.” Tobias van Schneider, 15 October 2020, https://vanschneider.com/blog/young-designers/establishing-your-voice-as-a-designer/. Accessed 10 September 2024.
Balkhi, Syed, and Julian Oppelt. “What Is a Visual Identity and Why Does It Play a Crucial Role in Branding?” The Branding Journal, 19 September 2023, https://www.thebrandingjournal.com/2023/05/visual-identity/. Accessed 10 September 2024.
Ying, Si. “Identity in Art & Design. It's never been clear to me. Half my… | by Si Ying | Bootcamp.” Bootcamp, 15 March 2023, https://bootcamp.uxdesign.cc/identity-in-art-design-a09f7413fa2e. Accessed 10 September 2024.
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Erlös aus dem Adventskalender-Verkauf:
Von Hospizdienst bis Frauenhaus: Handwerksbäckerei Büsch unterstützt 15 soziale Projekte Kamp-Lintfort. Über eine enorme Resonanz auf die diesjährige Charity-Adventkalender-Aktion freut sich das Team der Handwerksbäckerei Büsch. Ganze 31.062 Exemplare des Kalenders wurden in den Fachgeschäften in ganz Nordrhein-Westfalen verkauft. Das bedeutet nicht nur 31.062 Kunden, die sich über Rabatte und besondere Aktionen hinter den 24 Türchen freuen konnten, sondern auch 31.062 Euro, die für einen guten Zweck zusammengekommen sind. Die Kalender wurden zum Preis von je einem Euro verkauft. Der Erlös kommt nun zu hundert Prozent Menschen zugute, die Hilfe gut gebrauchen können. Welche Projekte unterstützt werden, das durften Kunden mitbestimmen. Auf der Büsch-webseite konnten sie vorschlagen, welche in Not geratenen Personen oder sozialen Einrichtungen eine Spende aus dem Adventskalender-Verkauf erhalten sollten. Aus allen Einsendungen wurden nun 15 Empfänger aus ganz Nordrhein-Westfalen ausgewählt. Schnelle und unkomplizierte Hilfe 3.000 Euro fließen an das Projekt „Lebenswert“ in Duisburg. Mit Rat und Tat unterstützt Pater Tobias, Gründer des Projekts und Seelsorger, mit seinen zwei Sozialberaterinnen gemeinsam schnell und unkompliziert Menschen in allen Lebenslagen - unabhängig von Religion, Nationalität, sozialer Stellung und Alter in Duisburg. Von dem Spendengeld sollen Sportrollstühle angeschafft werden. Nach Hilden an das Projekt „Mutwald“ gehen 2.000 Euro. Bei der Initiative der Hermann-van-Veen-Stiftung pflanzen von Krebs genesene Kinder einen Mutbaum. Ebenfalls ein Projekt der Hermann-van-Veen-Stiftung ist die Anschaffung eines Spezialrollstuhls für den Basketballer Jarne Schneider aus Krefeld. Dieses Vorhaben unterstützt die Handwerksbäckerei Büsch mit 6.000 Euro. Für schwerkranke Kinder Jeweils 1.000 Euro gehen an die Ambulanten Kinder- und Jugendhospizdienste „Löwenzahn“ in Dortmund und „Kleine Raupe“ in Iserlohn sowie das Düsseldorfer Kinder- und Jugendhospiz „Regenbogenland“. Die Deutsche Duchenne-Stiftung in Bochum ist eine Initiative von Eltern, deren Kinder an Duchenne-Muskeldystrophie (DMD) leiden. Die Stiftung erhält 2.000 Euro. Ebenso wie der Verein „Zebrakids“ aus Duisburg, der es sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat, sozial benachteiligten und kranken Kindern den Besuch der Heimspiele des MSV Duisburg zu ermöglichen. Die Kinder-Trauergruppen „Verletzte Kinderseelen“ aus Recklinghausen werden ebenso mit 2.000 Euro unterstützt wie das Duisburger Frauenhaus. Engagement für Obdachlose Je 2.500 Euro erhalten die „Freunde der Kölner Straßen und ihrer Bewohner“ für ihre Initiative eines Kältebusses für Obdachlose, die Suppenküche Hagen, die seit 1990 bedürftigen Menschen täglich eine warme Mahlzeit bietet, sowie die „Suppentanten“ aus Mönchengladbach, die sich um Obdachlose kümmern. Die Kita Rurpiraten aus Jülich wird mit 562 Euro für eine Ergänzung der Außenanlage unterstützt. 1.000 Euro gehen die Krefelder „Skating Cats“-Inliner-Kunstlaufgruppe. Bei einem Brand wurden die kompletten Kulissen der Gruppe vernichtet. „Wir sind stolz und dankbar, so vielen unterschiedlichen Projekten mit den Einnahmen aus unserem Adventskalender-Verkauf helfen zu können“, sagt Büsch-Geschäftsführer Norbert Büsch. „Wir danken unseren Kunden für die großartige Unterstützung und sind sicher, dass die Spenden dort ankommen, wo sie gebraucht werden.“ Bis Silvester Coupons einlösen Die Adventskalender-Aktion der Handwerksbäckerei Büsch läuft noch bis Ende des Jahres. Bis Silvester können Kunden ihre Coupons einlösen. Insgesamt lassen sich 20 Euro einsparen. Alle Empfänger wurden vor dem Heiligen Abend informiert, die Spenden werden im Laufe des Januars übergeben. Bildunterschrift: 15 Vereine und soziale Projekte werden aus den Erlösen des Büsch-Charity-Adventskalenders mit 31.062 Euro nun unterstützt werden. Read the full article
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from Tobias van Schneider
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© Tobias Van Schneider ~ Unsplash
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Inspired by Harry by nikka-phillips featuring a titanium ring
#polyvore#Chanel#Stephan Schneider#Vans#Dolce&Gabbana#Tom Ford#Tobias Wistisen#Workhorse#men's fashion#menswear#clothing
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Tobias van Schneider - Ghost Hand Gestures typeface by adrian wrobel
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#my mind#extension#app#brand new mind#gradient#colors#Tobias van Schneider#typography#font#Louize#Maison Neue#Nunito#Avenir#2021#Week 18#website#webdesign#inspire#inspiration#happywebdesign
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Photo: Tobias van Schneider
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Advent tizenkilencedik söre
Schloss Weisse
Búzasör. Határozottan más íze van, mint az általam sűrűn fogyasztott Paulaner és Franziskaner (a két jó barát, mint a magyar és lengyel). Nem olyan élesztős talán.
(Itt is kitérek hát arra, amit már Tobias, echt sváb kollégámtól is kérdeztem, de ő se tudta a választ : miért "Weisse"? Mert a Schloss az semleges nemű, a Bier szintén, akkor a fehér miért nőnemű itt? Merthogy más környékbeli búzasöröknél is Weisse van ám. (Maisel's Weisse, Schneider Weisse, meg a ravensburgi Seeweisse) Talán ez egy régies alak?)
Mindenesetre ennek sincs semmi baja!
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How to move to New York - The ebook http://ift.tt/2orfFfI
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8. Hurry Slowly | 4am confessions
As I write this, it is 4am on a Saturday morning and whilst I should be asleep, my mind is fluttering with energy. In my inability to sleep, I listened to an Indiehackers podcast with Tobias van Schneider. From its honest, in-depth conversation that really made me question my creative motivations and learn the lessons about being a designer who ends up getting interested in too many things.
In this experience, I realised that there is something really powerful about the stillness of the night. When everyone else is asleep, it is almost like you have the excuse to play and not have to think about all the incoming expectations of you once the day begins. It is like the insights from this podcast was allowed to slowly sink into my being and process without feeling guilty that it was time being unproductive.
I honestly realise that doing this type of thing on a regular basis is not healthy, but it also reveals insight into how in the daytime, we are simply fighting competing expectations for your time. When I get caught up in doing the business as usual, being creative becomes push to the side and it is why it led to a stagnation in building this blog. Given that in the previous blog, I was speaking on grit and keep showing up, there is immediate value to myself in being consistent. It’s because our attention gets pulled in so many different directions, focusing on being consistent and dedicated to your work is really tricky.
I understand that competing interests for your time is the defined norm in our advanced society. There is the rush of dopamine that you get from instant gratification, whether that is from social media like your Twitter feed or Youtube video or ticking that last task on your checklist. None the less, here early in the morning, there is something valuable on not having distractions in your face such that specific ideas and conversations from a podcast get to resonate within me more effectively because I am not as conscious about being unproductive and wasting time.
A podcast that I have been listening to lately that reflects upon this problem is Jocelyn Glei’s “Hurry Slowly”. In this series, Glei is interviewing designers, creatives and other individuals about the challenges of being in this world with competing for attention. In listening to a couple of these episodes what I find interesting is that in our technology-saturated world and the exponential speed to which results are being demanded by clients that the key methods to hurrying slowly by the guests involve decisions with analog technology. It would range from choosing not to share your personal calendar to reclaim and protect your time from Basecamp’s Jason Fried, to spending quality time in nature to improve your mental wellbeing and productivity.
What I have enjoyed most these podcast so far was listening to Austin Kleon describe his work process, particularly how he uses the analogy technology and using his hands before using the computer. Essentially, he writes and sketches ideas on his notebook and then transfers to the digital for efficiency and visibility. For him, this initial analogy approach provides focus from the distractions by the world but also allow the maker to play and sit with ideas, which is often difficult given the demand for fast results.
Often creative solutions don’t always come as you would expect nor immediately, but by jotting down ideas and thoughts, they can be formed upon reflection. It makes me think about the slow part of Daniel Kahneman’s Thinking Fast and Slow, in that the more challenging and critical thinking is often slow and needs time to solve well. This can be hard when certain stakeholders demand delivery speed without understanding how some problems and solutions may need the time to develop. How might we build the optimal environments that allow us to work productively, but offer the opportunity for gradual progression over the course of a product or a person’s life?
It is probably why I ought to switch off and try to go back to sleep.
Until next week, catch you later
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Tobias Van Schneider, Designer, New York, April 2013. Rolleiflex/Trix/Portra
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