#Tobias Kehrer
mozart2006 · 1 year
Impressioni da Bayreuth 2023 - Parsifal
Foto ©Enrico Nawrath Il motivo principale della mia visita di quest’ anno ai Bayreuther Festspiele era il desiderio di assistere alla nuova produzione del Parsifal, Continue reading Untitled
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tommy5967 · 2 years
Großes Interesse am Gemarkungsrundgang
Hebstahl. Traditionell findet immer im Spätjahr der Gemarkungsrundgang im Sensbachtal statt. Selbst in Corona-Zeiten versuchte man den Termin beizubehalten. Der Ortsbeirat hatte dieses Mal eine ansprechende Wanderroute über knapp acht Kilometer rund um den Stadtteil Hebstahl herausgesucht. Ortsvorsteher Tobias Kuhlmann freute sich, neben dem Bürgermeister der Stadt Oberzent, Christian Kehrer,…
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verdiprati · 7 years
Mostly Mezzo Mondays: Ann Hallenberg in recital; Mozart and Bruckner with notable casts
Mostly Mezzo Mondays: a recurring (though not weekly) feature where, on Monday nights, I blog a list of the upcoming broadcasts that have caught my eye on World Concert Hall. My interests: baroque vocal music, art song recitals, and a list of favorite singers.
Ann Hallenberg and Mats Widlund’s recital at the Teatro de la Zarzuela is scheduled for live broadcast on Tuesday. Their program includes works by Johannes Brahms, Clara Schumann, Nikolai Medtner, Gunnar de Frumerie and Gustav Mahler. Tuesday, October 10 on Radio Clásica.
This one’s for Val: the live Met audio broadcast of Mozart’s The Magic Flute can be heard on Tuesday with a cast including Kathryn Lewek (Queen of the Night), Golda Schultz (Pamina), Charles Castronovo (Tamino), Markus Werba (Papageno), and Tobias Kehrer (Sarastro). Tuesday, October 10 on the Met Opera website.
I’m not that into Bruckner but any program involving Sandrine Piau will at least catch my eye. She sings in Bruckner’s Mass No. 3 in F Minor along with Catherine Wyn-Rogers, Toby Spence, Thomas Oliemans, the Balthasar Neumann Choir, and the Basel Symphony Orchestra. Thursday, October 12 on SRF 2 Kultur. 
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persinsala · 7 years
Die Entführung aus dem Serail
Die Entführung aus dem Serail
L’incontro tra Giorgio Strehler e Mozart diede vita, nel 1972, ad una memorabile versione scaligera del Die Entführung aus dem Serail. A vent’anni dalla scomparsa del regista ritroviamo questo capolavoro impreziosito dalle scenografie di Luciano Damiani
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demoura · 6 years
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AS VALQUIRIAS DE RICHARD WAGNER , STREAMING EM DIRECTO DA ÓPERA ESTATAL DE VIENA A 12 DE JANEIRO DE 2019 : não surgiram aberrações na regie de Sven-Eric Bechtolf homem de teatro que optou por revitalização fiel ( werketreue ) na senda de Joaquim Herz .Uma marca foram os cavalos sintéticos em tamanho natural e o lobo metafórico Cenários esquálidos mas elegantes tal como os figurinos de autoria do casal Glittenberg. Alex Kober actualmente director musical da Opera do Reno, (dirigiu Tanhauser em Bayreuth em 2013 e 2014 ) comandou com mestria a soberba Orquestra da Ópera de Viena ; controlo de volumes, cordas articuladas com minúcia ,e apropriada modelação dos metais . No elenco destaque para Irene Theorin . Desde a sua estreia no famoso Anel de Copenhaga de Kasper Holten a soprano sueca tornou-se uma Brunhilde de referência . Além dos atributos vocais tem vindo a acumular subtilezas no desempenho dramático e exemplifica aquilo que Meyerhold pretendia .quando a harmonia dos cantores com a” mise em scene” e a partitura se tornam uma invenção artística .Tambem menção especial para o Wotan de Tomasz Konieczny. Apesar de ainda não ter autoridade dramática definitiva , a sensibilidade do fraseado e o colorido vocal mostraram um cantor do mais alto calibre. "Der freier als ich der Gott" foi profundamente comovente. Martina Serafin como Sieglinde e Christopher Ventris como Siegmund atraíram. Serafin foi extraordinária com voz brilhante e forte . Ventris cantou com imenso lirismo - vacilando apenas no final do acto , quando faltou potencia para o "Siegmund heiss 'ich ". A Fricka de Sophie Kock , o Hunding Tobias Kehrer estiveram um patamar abaixo . Foi uma tarde de júbilo !
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Di, 22. Jun 2021 | 18 Uhr
Deutsche Oper Berlin
WAGNER Das Rheingold
Wotan | Noel Bouley
Donner | Thomas Lehman
Froh | Patrick Cook
Loge | Thomas Blondelle
Alberich | Markus Brück
Mime | Ya-Chung Huang
Fasolt | Andrew Harris
Fafner | Tobias Kehrer
Fricka | Annika Schlicht
Freia | Jacquelyn Stucker
Erda | Judit Kutasi
Woglinde | Valeriia Savinskaia
Wellgunde | Irene Roberts
Flosshilde | Karis Tucker
Orchester der Deutschen Oper Berlin
Donald Runnicles | Musikalische Leitung
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fototreffberlin · 5 years
Our new format FOTOTREFF #ABROAD in cooperation with Goethe-Institut Budapest and Mai Manó Ház with a new and exciting programme took place on Friday, 31st of May at 7pm at Mai Manó Ház in Budapest TALK Identity as/vs intimacy. Róna Kopeczky was in conversation with Peter Puklus (1980) and Tobias Zielony (1973). While the Hungarian artist Peter Puklus deals with personal, intimate subjects – friendship, family, motherhood and fatherhood – and transcends them by conferring a symbolic and universal validity to them, German photographer Tobias Zielony operates in the opposite direction. He confronts the identity of youth and subcultures around the globe in an attempt to reveal their structure, their rites, their staged positions, occasionally grasping personal narratives. The talk focused on the way these respective approaches differ but also on the points where they intersect. The talk was held in English TOBIAS ZIELONY Born in 1973 in Wuppertal, Germany, Tobias Zielony studied Documentary Photography at the University of Wales, Newport, before he continued with artistic photography at the Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig under Timm Rautert in 2001. Tobias Zielony is known for his photographic depiction of juvenile minorities in suburban areas –a subject he already set out with during his studies in Newport.  Themes and social realities his research touches upon include structural change, migration and drug abuse, as well as sexwork as shown in “Big Sexyland” (2006-2008) and “Jenny, Jenny” (2013). For “Manitoba” (2009-2011) Tobias Zielony spent time with adolescents of indigenous origins living in Winnipeg and the province of Manitoba, Canada. In 2015 the artist participated at a group show for the German Pavilion at the 56th Venice Biennale with his work “The Citizen” (2015). He had group shows at Bozar Center for Fine Arts, Brussels (2015) and the 2nd Montevideo Biennial (2014) and solo shows at the Philadelphia Museum of Art (2011) and Berlinische Galerie (2013). He participated in the International Studio and Curatorial Program, New York, and was awarded the Karl-Ströher-Preis in 2011. PETER PUKLUS Peter Puklus is an artist currently living and working in Budapest, Hungary. He studied photography at the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, Budapest (MOME) and new media design at the École National Supérieur de Création Industriel (ENSCI) in Paris. Currently he is enrolled in the Doctoral School of MOME where he will support his thesis in 2020. In 2012 Puklus published two photo-books: "One and a half meter" with Kehrer Verlag, Heidelberg and "Hand book to the Stars" with Stokovec, Banská Stiavnica. In 2016 Puklus published his third photobook "The Epic Love Story of a Warrior" in cooperation with Self Publish, Be Happy, London. This title got shortlisted at the Aperture/Paris Photo Photobook Award 2016. Recent solo exhibitions of Puklus include "Life is Techno" at Trafó Gallery, Budapest, "New Works" at Conrads Gallery, Düsseldorf, "Unsafe to Dance" in C/O Berlin, Berlin, "One and a half meter" in Robert Morat Gallery, Berlin and "The Epic Love Story of a Warrior" at Capa Center, Budapest and Raster Gallery, Hungary. The most recent and still on-going project of Puklus entitled "The Hero Mother – How to build a house" received Grand Prix Images Vevey 2017–2018. RÓNA KOPECZKY Róna Kopeczky (1983) is a curator and art historian. She worked as a curator for international art in Ludwig Museum Budapest between 2006 and 2015, where she mostly focussed on the site-and situation specific practices of young and mid-career artists from the Central Eastern European region. In February 2015, she joined acb Gallery in Budapest as artistic director. She participated in the organization of the first OFF-Biennále Budapest from the beginning of 2015 and was member of the curatorial team for the second edition of OFF-Biennále Budapest hold in Fall 2017. She is the co-founder of Easttopics, a platform dedicated to the promotion of the Eastern European contemporary art scene. She holds a PhD in Art History from Sorbonne University. → https://kow-berlin.com/artists/tobias-zielony http://peterpuklus.com https://kunstaspekte.art/person/rona-kopeczky SHOW & TELL Furthermore, two series from our last Open Call were presented during the SHOW & TELL. We enjoyed the presentations by Kata Geibl and Katalina Szaráz.
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By framing inanimate scientific tools as the protagonists in her work, Kata Geibl highlights how we rely on lifeless objects to reveal secrets about human nature. Sisyphus is a photographic project that commentates on our incessant obsession with science – a discourse that regularly opens up new questions rather than conclusive answers – a hydra with multiplying heads that cannot ever be fully defeated or conquered. (From the essay by Cat Lachowskyj). The series premiered at Unseen Amsterdam in 2018.

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Are we there yet? / Visions of Home Since 2014 Katalina Szaráz moved to a new place every year. She had been living in Budapest, Antwerp, Stuttgart, Paris, and during the last six months she was travelling in Southeast Asia and Australia. In the last two years it already became an issue to define where she belonged. Katalina Szaráz had really faced these thoughts and feelings on the road, when night trains, ship cabins and hotel rooms became her non-permanent “homes”. Through her series she reflects on these feelings by documenting her “visions of home”.
Images of the event: Imre Kiss and Anna Charlotte Schmid
► Podcast of the Talk:
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Supported by: Goethe-Institut Budapest Mai Manó Ház Intertechnika Kft. Buch- und Offsetdruckerei H.Heenemann GmbH & Co. KG
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informer82 · 5 years
Titel: Rona Kopeczky in conversation with Peter Puklus and Tobias Zielony at Mai Mano Haz, Budapest on the 31.05.2019 Text: Our new format FOTOTREFF #ABROAD in cooperation with Goethe-Institut Budapest and Mai Manó Ház with a new and exciting programme took place on Friday, 31st of May at 7pm at Mai Manó Ház in Budapest TALK Identity as/vs intimacy. Róna Kopeczky was in conversation with Peter Puklus (1980) and Tobias Zielony (1973). While the Hungarian artist Peter Puklus deals with personal, intimate subjects – friendship, family, motherhood and fatherhood – and transcends them by conferring a symbolic and universal validity to them, German photographer Tobias Zielony operates in the opposite direction. He confronts the identity of youth and subcultures around the globe in an attempt to reveal their structure, their rites, their staged positions, occasionally grasping personal narratives. The talk focused on the way these respective approaches differ but also on the points where they intersect. The talk was held in English TOBIAS ZIELONY Born in 1973 in Wuppertal, Germany, Tobias Zielony studied Documentary Photography at the University of Wales, Newport, before he continued with artistic photography at the Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig under Timm Rautert in 2001. Tobias Zielony is known for his photographic depiction of juvenile minorities in suburban areas –a subject he already set out with during his studies in Newport. Themes and social realities his research touches upon include structural change, migration and drug abuse, as well as sexwork as shown in “Big Sexyland” (2006-2008) and “Jenny, Jenny” (2013). For “Manitoba” (2009-2011) Tobias Zielony spent time with adolescents of indigenous origins living in Winnipeg and the province of Manitoba, Canada. In 2015 the artist participated at a group show for the German Pavilion at the 56th Venice Biennale with his work “The Citizen” (2015). He had group shows at Bozar Center for Fine Arts, Brussels (2015) and the 2nd Montevideo Biennial (2014) and solo shows at the Philadelphia Museum of Art (2011) and Berlinische Galerie (2013). He participated in the International Studio and Curatorial Program, New York, and was awarded the Karl-Ströher-Preis in 2011. PETER PUKLUS Peter Puklus is an artist currently living and working in Budapest, Hungary. He studied photography at the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, Budapest (MOME) and new media design at the École National Supérieur de Création Industriel (ENSCI) in Paris. Currently he is enrolled in the Doctoral School of MOME where he will support his thesis in 2020. In 2012 Puklus published two photo-books: “One and a half meter” with Kehrer Verlag, Heidelberg and “Hand book to the Stars” with Stokovec, Banská Stiavnica. In 2016 Puklus published his third photobook “The Epic Love Story of a Warrior” in cooperation with Self Publish, Be Happy, London. This title got shortlisted at the Aperture/Paris Photo Photobook Award 2016. Recent solo exhibitions of Puklus include “Life is Techno” at Trafó Gallery, Budapest, “New Works” at Conrads Gallery, Düsseldorf, “Unsafe to Dance” in C/O Berlin, Berlin, “One and a half meter” in Robert Morat Gallery, Berlin and “The Epic Love Story of a Warrior” at Capa Center, Budapest and Raster Gallery, Hungary. The most recent and still on-going project of Puklus entitled “The Hero Mother – How to build a house” received Grand Prix Images Vevey 2017–2018. RÓNA KOPECZKY Róna Kopeczky (1983) is a curator and art historian. She worked as a curator for international art in Ludwig Museum Budapest between 2006 and 2015, where she mostly focussed on the site-and situation specific practices of young and mid-career artists from the Central Eastern European region. In February 2015, she joined acb Gallery in Budapest as artistic director. She participated in the organization of the first OFF-Biennále Budapest from the beginning of 2015 and was member of the curatorial team for the second edition of OFF-Biennále Budapest hold in Fall 2017. She is the co-founder of Easttopics, a platform dedicated to the promotion of the Eastern European contemporary art scene. She holds a PhD in Art History from Sorbonne University. → http://bit.ly/2XEakAf http://peterpuklus.com http://bit.ly/2wJldFk, Hochgeladen von: Fototreff Berlin, http://bit.ly/2WHjPCF
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presse1fcm · 5 years
Holt der FCM einen Werder-Spieler?
Von Manuel Holscher › Drittligist 1. FC Magdeburg ist an einer Verpflichtung von Rechtsverteidiger Joshua Bitter interessiert. Magdeburg l Als sich Stefan Krämer am Dienstag das Trainingsgelände und das Stadion des 1. FC Magdeburg anschaute, ging es im Gespräch mit Sportchef Maik Franz natürlich auch um den Neuaufbau der Mannschaft. Zehn bis zwölf neue Spieler wird der FCM nach dem Abstieg in die 3. Liga verpflichten. Einer von ihnen könnte Josh- ua Bitter sein: Wie die Volksstimme erfuhr, beschäftigt sich der Club mit einer Verpflichtung des Rechtsverteidigers, der bei Werder Bremen II noch einen Vertrag bis Sommer 2020 hat. Bitter war am vergangenen Wochenende sogar in Magdeburg, schaute sich die Partie gegen den 1. FC Köln an. Der 22-Jährige absolvierte in der vergangenen Regionalligasaison 21 Partien für Werder II, in denen er zwei Tore schoss und drei Vorlagen gab. „Zu diesem Spieler kann ich nichts sagen“, gibt sich Maik Franz noch zurückhaltend, lächelt bei dieser Aussage allerdings.
Jung und dynamisch
Bitter passt ins Anforderungsprofil des FCM: Er ist jung, dynamisch und könnte auch Innenverteidiger spielen. Solche Spieler sucht Franz: „Wir wollen in der kommenden Saison Gegenpressing und schnell nach vorne spielen“, skizziert er. Was auch für Bitter spricht: Er bringt eine gute fußballerische Ausbildung beim FC Schalke 04 mit. Dort wurde er 2015 deutscher A-Jugend-Meister – spielte zusammen mit Thilo Kehrer, der mittlerweile einen Marktwert von 35 Millionen Euro hat und bei Paris St. Germain unter Vertrag steht. Bitter sammelte sogar schon internationale Erfahrung, lief für Schalke regelmäßig in der Uefa Youth League auf. Außerdem absolvierte er jeweils zwei Länderspiele für die U-19- und U-20-Nationalmannschaft. Problematisch könnte nur die Vertragssituation sein, schließlich müsste der FCM vermutlich eine Ablösesumme an Werder zahlen. Hier könnten sich allerdings die guten Verbindungen von FCM-Scout Bernd Pfeifer zu Werder Bremen auszahlen. Pfeifer war schließlich jahrelang an der Weser beschäftigt, arbeitete mit dem damaligen Trainer Thomas Schaaf eng zusammen. Sollte sich der Club für Bitter entscheiden, würde sich wohl eine Lösung finden. Außerdem kennen sich die Verantwortlichen aus Magdeburg und Bremen aufgrund der früheren Wechsel von Tobias Schwede (2016) und Björn Rother (2017) von Werder II zum FCM. „Wir werden in den kommenden Tagen wahrscheinlich die ersten Transfers bekanntgeben“, kündigt Franz an. Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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retegenova · 6 years
Prossimi Spettacoli del Teatro Verdi di Genova Sestri Ponente
  8 gennaio 2019 – ore 16.00
dal Teatro alla Scala Milano
durata: 2 ore e 40 minuti
Musica:  Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Libretto: Christoph Friedrich Bretzner
Direttore Orchestra: Zubin Mehta
Cast: Lenneke Ruiten, Sabine Devieilhe, Mauro Peter, Maximilian Schmitt, Tobias Kehrer, Cornelius Obonya, Marco Merlini
  Ingresso € 7.00
  Domenica 13 Gennaio 2019 – ore 16.00
Compagnia Ramaiolo (IM)
Quando il gatto non c’è
di Mortimer e Cooke
  Scritta dagli autori inglesi Johnnie Mortimer e Brian Cooke. È una divertente commedia ambientata nella Londra degli anni ‘70.
Ne è protagonista una coppia di mezz’età che da 25 anni trascina una monotona e mediocre vita matrimoniale: lui pigro e taccagno, lei ambiziosa e pungente.
La stanca routine viene smossa dall’arrivo della ricca sorella di lei che chiede ospitalità a seguito di un presunto tradimento del marito.
Da questo fatto si sviluppano una serie di divertenti situazioni che culmineranno con la decisione delle due sorelle di concedersi un viaggio a Parigi, lasciando i loro uomini soli per qualche giorno.
Naturalmente quando il gatto non c’è… i “topi ballano”.
Sfortunatamente però le cose non vanno per il verso sperato dai due cognati… bugie, imbrogli e una serie di goffi escamotage, porteranno in modo rocambolesco e paradossale ad un finale a sorpresa.
Leggerezza e divertimento sono i principali ingredienti di questa commedia, caratteristiche che i Ramaioli hanno piacevolmente sperimentato con grandi risate durante tutte le fasi della preparazione e che si augurano di trasmettere intatte al pubblico.
Battute divertenti, situazioni comiche, personaggi curiosi e soprattutto il ritmo incalzante sono i presupposti per trascorrere una gradevole serata “scacciapensieri”.
  Ingresso € 12.00
      Cooperativa Battelieri del Porto di Genova
Il Secolo XIX
Stefano Brizzante
Impianti Elettrici
Informatica Servizi
Il Secolo XIX
MusicforPeace Che Festival
MusicforPeace Programma 29 maggio
Programma eventi Genova Celebra Colombo
Genova Celebra Colombo
Teatro Verdi Genova Gennaio 2 Prossimi Spettacoli del Teatro Verdi di Genova Sestri Ponente   8 gennaio 2019 – ore 16.00 IL RATTO DEL SERRAGLIO…
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loosealcina · 7 years
Come Christmas it'll be a full twenty years without Giorgio Strehler. La Scala chose to celebrate him through his own art; that is to say, through his legendary Salzburg Festival/Teatro della Pergola (Florence)/Teatro alla Scala Die Entführung aus dem Serail. (A disclaimer is needed first. There's a big topic I'll pass on. Is it even good—let alone actually possible—to bring back a production long after its director died? That's a bulky question there. It concerns the philosophical nature of theatre, its purposes, its idiosyncratic rules… Maybe one day). There's no doubt it was a spectacular night. Rich, complex. With a peculiar feature: it made you think of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Giorgio Strehler. Doesn't that sound peculiar? I believe it was. It wasn't like, hey, I'm deeply moved by these characters/events/ideas, my heart is filled with powerful emotions, hence the author(s) must be great. It was more of, hey, I sense that this music and this show are superbly crafted. I sense that masters are at work here. Hence I wonder, what are they trying to tell us? (I'll save that answer for later). The orchestra conducted by Zubin Mehta—slow, gentle, enriched with mesmerizing woodwinds—was the epitome of serenity. It was as though they were strolling unhurriedly through some magnificent garden. They really highlighted the inherent elegance of Mozart; and that was crucial, because that very elegance served as the core of the staging.
Almost everything in it was impossibly simple (just imagine a generous amount of farce, coming from either the Stone Age or the nearest kindergarten). And yet a constant, unblemished correspondence between music and action did the trick. Not easy mimicking of the rhythm or something: it was a much more intimate bond. And the end product of that bond was as elegant as they come. In regard to the cast of actors/singers, my favorite performers were Tobias Kehrer (the wicked Osmin, who came off as a bizarre hybrid of buffoonery and, well, Sarastro) and Sabine Devieilhe (Blonde). I found both Lenneke Ruiten and Mauro Peter (Konstanze and Belmonte) a little flat and impersonal; add to that a conventional, unexciting take on the spoken role of the Pasha (delivered by Cornelius Obonya) and the main part of the storyline—which is, in fact, a rather mysterious love triangle—suddenly loses a lot of its appeal. Now, I assume I owe you an answer. So what was this Entführung as a whole about? I'd classify it as a didactic play. Again, there were masters at work, and those masters wanted to teach the audience something. In fact, a number of things. What commedia dell'arte looks like, and how it functions. Plus little specific truths, such as: the poor and humble will often try and imitate the rich and high-born. Or: love is complicated. But the most important lesson was heralded by that shockingly wise final forgiveness. (Will the world listen? Couldn't say, still that's what I'm rooting for).
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demoura · 6 years
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AS VALQUIRIAS DE RICHARD WAGNER , STREAMING EM DIRECTO DA ÓPERA ESTATAL DE VIENA A 12 DE JANEIRO DE 2019 : não surgiram aberrações na regie de Sven-Eric Bechtolf homem de teatro que optou por revitalização fiel ( werketreue ) na senda de Joaquim Herz .Uma marca foram os cavalos sintéticos em tamanho natural e o lobo metafórico Cenários esquálidos mas elegantes tal como os figurinos de autoria do casal Glittenberg. Alex Kober actualmente director musical da Opera do Reno, (dirigiu Tanhauser em Bayreuth em 2013 e 2014 ) comandou com mestria a soberba Orquestra da Ópera de Viena ; controlo de volumes, cordas articuladas com minúcia ,e apropriada modelação dos metais . No elenco destaque para Irene Theorin . Desde a sua estreia no famoso Anel de Copenhaga de Kasper Holten a soprano sueca tornou-se uma Brunhilde de referência . Além dos atributos vocais tem vindo a acumular subtilezas no desempenho dramático e exemplifica aquilo que Meyerhold pretendia .quando a harmonia dos cantores com a” mise em scene” e a partitura se tornam uma invenção artística .Tambem menção especial para o Wotan de Tomasz Konieczny. Apesar de ainda não ter autoridade dramática definitiva , a sensibilidade do fraseado e o colorido vocal mostraram um cantor do mais alto calibre. "Der freier als ich der Gott" foi profundamente comovente. Martina Serafin como Sieglinde e Christopher Ventris como Siegmund atraíram. Serafin foi extraordinária com voz brilhante e forte . Ventris cantou com imenso lirismo - vacilando apenas no final do acto , quando faltou potencia para o "Siegmund heiss 'ich ". A Fricka de Sophie Kock , o Hunding Tobias Kehrer estiveram um patamar abaixo . Foi uma tarde de júbilo !
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imbd.comadressegelbe seiten de https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medizinische_DatenbankMedizinisches Wissen ist heute in etwa 1000 Fachdatenbanken abgelegt. Dabei unterscheidet ... PubMed – eine englischsprachige textbasierte Meta-Datenbank mit medizinischen Artikeln; OnlineMendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) – eine ...Publication services- Publikationssystem der Universität Tübingenhttps://publikationen.uni-tuebingen.de/University Repository. Welcome to the online Publication System of the University of Tübingen. ... TOBIAS-lib - Publikationen und Dissertationen
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retegenova · 6 years
Prossimi Spettacoli del Teatro Verdi di Genova Sestri Ponente
  8 gennaio 2019 – ore 16.00
dal Teatro alla Scala Milano
durata: 2 ore e 40 minuti
Musica:  Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Libretto: Christoph Friedrich Bretzner
Direttore Orchestra: Zubin Mehta
Cast: Lenneke Ruiten, Sabine Devieilhe, Mauro Peter, Maximilian Schmitt, Tobias Kehrer, Cornelius Obonya, Marco Merlini
  Ingresso € 7.00
  Domenica 6 Gennaio 2019 – ore 16.00
Associazione Spettacolo e Cultura e Associazione Culturale Gilberto e Rina Govi 
Concerto di Capodanno    
Diretto dal Maestro GB Bergamo
  Un concerto di Capodanno all’insegna della tradizione classica e lirica ma con lo sguardo al presente. Verdi; Puccini e Mascagni si legheranno in un filo ideale con uno dei più grandi compositori italiani contemporanei: Ennio Morricone. Le sue colonne sonore sono ormai entrate di diritto nell’Olimpo della Musica: il coro lirico Quadrivium, insieme ai solisti e all’Ensemble Le Muse ci farà fantasticare con film epici e opere senza tempo. Anche il Rondò Veneziano  del genovese Gian Piero Reverberi  sarà protagonista della giornata, esempio lampante di come la tradizione del Barocco veneziano si sposi perfettamente alle sonorità del pop/rock italiano, rendendo il Rpndò un prodotto unico e particolarmente gradito.
Oltre al coro lirico Quadrivium, gli interpreti saranno, per la parte classica Gianni Mongiardino e Mimma Briganti; per la parte moderna la vocalist Angelica Depaoli. Al piano il M° Andrea Albertini e la direzione del M°  G.B . Bergamo. Un concerto vario e frizzante per un inizio d’anno all’insegna della buona Musica.
  Ingresso € 20.00
      Cooperativa Battelieri del Porto di Genova
Il Secolo XIX
Stefano Brizzante
Impianti Elettrici
Informatica Servizi
Il Secolo XIX
MusicforPeace Che Festival
MusicforPeace Programma 29 maggio
Programma eventi Genova Celebra Colombo
Genova Celebra Colombo
Teatro Verdi Genova Gennaio 1 Prossimi Spettacoli del Teatro Verdi di Genova Sestri Ponente   8 gennaio 2019 – ore 16.00 IL RATTO DEL SERRAGLIO…
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retegenova · 6 years
Prossimi Spettacoli del Teatro Verdi di Genova Sestri Ponente
  8 gennaio 2019 – ore 16.00
dal Teatro alla Scala Milano
durata: 2 ore e 40 minuti
Musica:  Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Libretto: Christoph Friedrich Bretzner
Direttore Orchestra: Zubin Mehta
Cast: Lenneke Ruiten, Sabine Devieilhe, Mauro Peter, Maximilian Schmitt, Tobias Kehrer, Cornelius Obonya, Marco Merlini
  Ingresso € 7.00
  Domenica 6 Gennaio 2019 – ore 16.00
Associazione Spettacolo e Cultura e Associazione Culturale Gilberto e Rina Govi 
Concerto di Capodanno    
Diretto dal Maestro GB Bergamo
  Un concerto di Capodanno all’insegna della tradizione classica e lirica ma con lo sguardo al presente. Verdi; Puccini e Mascagni si legheranno in un filo ideale con uno dei più grandi compositori italiani contemporanei: Ennio Morricone. Le sue colonne sonore sono ormai entrate di diritto nell’Olimpo della Musica: il coro lirico Quadrivium, insieme ai solisti e all’Ensemble Le Muse ci farà fantasticare con film epici e opere senza tempo. Anche il Rondò Veneziano  del genovese Gian Piero Reverberi  sarà protagonista della giornata, esempio lampante di come la tradizione del Barocco veneziano si sposi perfettamente alle sonorità del pop/rock italiano, rendendo il Rpndò un prodotto unico e particolarmente gradito.
Oltre al coro lirico Quadrivium, gli interpreti saranno, per la parte classica Gianni Mongiardino e Mimma Briganti; per la parte moderna la vocalist Angelica Depaoli. Al piano il M° Andrea Albertini e la direzione del M°  G.B . Bergamo. Un concerto vario e frizzante per un inizio d’anno all’insegna della buona Musica.
  Ingresso € 20.00
      Cooperativa Battelieri del Porto di Genova
Il Secolo XIX
Stefano Brizzante
Impianti Elettrici
Informatica Servizi
Il Secolo XIX
MusicforPeace Che Festival
MusicforPeace Programma 29 maggio
Programma eventi Genova Celebra Colombo
Genova Celebra Colombo
Teatro Verdi Genova Dicembre 4 Prossimi Spettacoli del Teatro Verdi di Genova Sestri Ponente   8 gennaio 2019 – ore 16.00 IL RATTO DEL SERRAGLIO…
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