#Toast Ghost
ghostermctoaster · 2 days
okay…gonna resend my joy about tsats2. So a lot of people making really good points that this could very well be a cash grab, especially because solangelo is such a loved ship. However. I disagree that the book is going to be all bad. For one, not all character arcs are closed (like some people are saying) Will, guys. WILL. Will had NOT been given justice. Nico might finally be finding peace and acceptance and love, but Will? What do we really even know about him other than the bits and pieces we were gifted with? I, for one, would LOVE to see Will struggle and battle and finally reveal all the shit he’s been carrying around, wouldn’t you? Again, I do see why people are calling this out as a cash grab, and I totally see the reasoning, but y’all. This is Uncle Rick. THE Uncle Rick. The man who braved the waters of writing accurate queer rep, disability rep, mental disorders rep, and so much other stuff. I sincerely doubt he’s doing this for money. I might be an optimist, but I’m really excited, y’all. Very. Very. VERY. Excited.
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night-wilf · 2 years
Writing prompt 16:
‘I-am-toast’ decides to fly instead of crawl around the floor after joining the ghost zone. (Don’t ask about my sanity)
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deep-spacediver577 · 7 months
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chaosduckytoast12 · 8 months
Incorrect Quotes from my Oc's I've never mentioned
Taina: I didn't choose to be a toaster, there are way cooler household appliances! I could have been a portable fondue pot! Milli: Who even uses those anymore? Like I understand your from the 70s and you died in the 70s but can you just shut up and make some toast! Taina : I'm not just here to make TOAST! I can also wash your dishes!! Jesse/Sam: Yer supposed to be the Toast Ghost not the "Complains about her after life" ghost! Harper: If you guys don't shut up about toast I'm going to smack you with my crutches! or my wings! This was supposed to be a meeting to save all the Imaginary Friends, I just want to go back to hanging out with 2 year olds! 2 year olds know about what's happening in the world! You guys probably don't even know that Bluey is Blue!!!!! Milli: I know that Bluey is Blue!!! Harper : HOW DARE YOU Context Milli is a teenager who can see ghosts and Imaginary Friends Harper is a harpy imaginary friend who doesn't trust adults or other teens (also uses crutches as a mobility aid) Jesse is the ghost of a news boy who died in a tragic accident, everyone thinks he's an imaginary friend Taina is a ghost from the 70s that can only possess household appliances
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toastysandhamwich · 2 months
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Dewther :3
Bonus: ghouls bullying Aether
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ghostboidanny · 1 year
Danny's first morning in the Wayne manor after adoption
Alfred: So, Master Danny, what would you like to eat for breakfast? We have toast.
Danny: *war flashbacks*
Danny, going full eldritch abomination: I̴f̷ ̶I̵'̷m̷ ̴f̴o̵r̵c̷e̸d̵ ̷t̴o̵ ̷e̸a̴t̷ ̵t̶o̸a̸s̴t̸ ̴O̵n̷e̷ ̵m̵o̸r̸e̵ ̶t̷i̵m̴e̴ ̷I̸'̸m̴ ̴g̷o̴i̵n̸g̵ ̵t̶o̵ ̶u̸s̷e̶ ̵m̶y̷ ̸p̴o̷s̶i̴t̴i̴o̷n̴ ̸a̴s̶ ̴G̶h̸o̸s̶t̸ ̴K̸i̷n̴g̵ ̷t̴o̸ ̷w̵a̷g̴e̷ ̶w̸a̷r̶ ̷o̷n̵ ̸E̷a̴r̴t̴h̴ ̸a̴n̸d̶ ̶d̵e̶s̶t̴r̷o̷y̴ ̴e̷v̶e̶r̴y̷ ̷t̵o̸a̷s̴t̸e̷r̷ ̷i̴n̷ ̴e̴x̵i̷s̵t̷e̶n̴c̷e̴ ̸
Batfam: ...
Alfred: ... We also have cereal
Danny, back to normal: Ohhh, you got any fruit loops?
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sweetoothgirl · 2 years
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Peanut Butter And Honey Ghost Toast
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teatoastghostszine · 3 months
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The zine is finally here!
Read and download it through Google Drive, Archive of Our Own, or Internet Archive.
Both the full zine and the text-only file include image descriptions of all art.
Thank you to the hardworking team behind the zine, our contributors!
This zine is free but after reading, please consider donating to UNWRA, other forms of Palestinian aid, or another reputable charity such as the ones supported by Project For Awesome.
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Linktree - Instagram - Twitter - Wix
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natjennie · 9 months
I love that no matter how many fucking times alison gestures to exactly where the ghosts are mike will still look up in the air for them. the fact that he makes an attempt to interact directly with them instead of just always looking to alison is so charming. but also adhd king.
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gaygrinningghosts · 21 days
Hey, phandom,
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sofasixela · 2 months
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Is this fandom still alive
been wanting to draw this for like 10 years and I finally did it🎉
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ghostermctoaster · 6 days
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I GOT INSPO FROM @chloesimaginationthings :D
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corvidaeconundrum · 8 months
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Imagine spending all your time rewriting characters and lore from a 10 year old nonsense GMod roleplay, couldn’t be me(loud incorrect buzzer)
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f4rfields · 6 months
(does this to you)
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call-me-zee · 6 months
Johnny Toast truly is the character of all time. He's a ghost hunter. He's rich. He's british. He is Jewish. His grandmother is the queen of England. He's a drug addict and dealer. He has been a werewolf, zombie, and vampire. His time as a werewolf caused him to hate furries. He is friends with The Rake. If you see him dance you'll die. He had a wife but she died after witnessing him dancing. He has an evil twin. And his totally platonic best friend is some little freak who is plagued by the horrors.
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toastysandhamwich · 2 months
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Rain blep is so important to me <3
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