#ToA Morgana
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ToA Wizards textposts I've had for like nine months but never bothered to post until now :) part 1 | part 2 | part 3
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foursidecity · 5 months
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☆•It is Written In Our Fate, and The Fault is When Our Stars Collide•☆
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foursthemagicknumber · 2 months
Jim: whatcha thinking about
Douxie: The time Morgana told me ‘i was gonna grow up and end up enjoying the presence of other men’
Jim: … and?
Douxie: She was right
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eurazba · 9 months
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I've talked to my shadow before... She isn't very nice
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A serious conversation between a son and a mother
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saturnniidae · 11 months
Some changeling & troll!Jim headcannons
Morgana had been considering making changelings for years, it wasn't a sudden idea; it was something she'd been planning for a long time
She even discussed it with Merlin at one point (under the guise of wanting to better 'unite' humans and trolls), and he proposed the idea of humans turning into trolls instead of vice-versa.
This is where the concept for the half-troll potion came from. What Jim became was essentially a modified version of a failed recipe for changelings that Merlin kept around in case it ever became useful.
Jim wasn't the first half-troll, he was just the first successful one. There was a chance it could've gone horribly wrong (as it has in past attempts) but Merlin took the risk anyway since he saw it working in his vision.
The reason Morgana's version always ended with better results was due to dark magic and Merlin's outright refusal to go there.
Because they were on a time crunch, Merlin substituted some of the rarer ingredients common in transfiguration potions with material from a preexisting changeling.
All they know about the bone used in the potion was that it came from a changeling. They never learned who, or what kind of troll they were, And subsequently have no clue as to what species of troll Jim was partially turned into. And Merlin didn't ever feel like helping them figure it out even though he probably could've with relative ease.
If they had more time for him to work on the potion, and if Merlin actually measured his ingredients instead of throwing them all in a blender, Jim probably would've come out less wonky (an even amount of fingers, among other things).
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albentelisa · 8 months
Hi there! Are there any headcannons about Douxie and Morgana before she switched sides? Or even Arthur amd Douxie?
Oh, Douxie and Morgana is something I wish we had more of.
Initially, Morgana was annoyed by the fact that Merlin got another student - not because she had something against Douxie or felt insecure that her master was looking for someone to substitute for her, but because she believed that Merlin absolutely sucked as a master and didn't want him to control another unfortunate soul. Because of that, initially, Douxie thought that Morgana hated him and tried to throw him out of the castle.
Eventually, those two had a proper talk, and Douxie realized that he was wrong and Morgana actually liked him.
It greatly hurt Douxie that Merlin and Morgana fought all the time as he couldn't pick the side there.
Morgana actually liked Douxie's music and encouraged him a lot.
She also occasionally tried to convince him to switch masters but without being too forceful. Besides, Morgana is also the one who advised Douxie to try things Merlin disapproved of (much to the latter annoyance).
Morgana switching sides actually hurt young Douxie a lot. Still, he had enough time to process all of that before encountering her again during his time travel.
When Morgana processed Claire, she didn't realize that the waiter was Douxie as she thought it was someone with a similar appearance (as she wasn't sure that Douxie had survived for that long).
As for Douxie and Arthur, I believe that Arthur only tolerated Douxie because he was Merlin's apprentice, and well, I don't think that Arthur ever considered Douxie dangerous.
Douxie on the other hand, didn't have a good opinion of Arthur, and he absolutely loathed the system Arthur built because that one forced him into hiding.
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yellowmagicalgirl · 7 months
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Ah, yes, Claire's three parents (two biological, one theoretically adoptive) and their parenting styles
And before anyone complains or questions my reasoning: Ophelia is in girlboss not because she's more of a girlboss than Morgana is, but because for all of Ophelia's parenting faults, she never has made Claire hallucinate (or think she's hallucinating for that matter). The closest she has done is question if Barbara and/or the kids are on drugs re: trolls.
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arcadian-socks · 11 months
Merlin: ...Do you think I'm too confident?
Morgana: Nope.
Merlin: Don't lie.
Morgana: You're my boss.
Merlin: Alright then. Anything you say in the next 30 seconds is free, starting right now.
Morgana: I think you're cocky, arrogant, bossy, and pushy. You also have a god complex. You never think about anybody but your damn self.
Merlin: But-
Morgana: I still have 22 more seconds. I'm not done.
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just-screenshots · 2 months
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screenshot from episode 2 of wizards, tales of arcadia
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ToA Wizards textposts part 2 which just so happened to be ready for Wizards' 4th anniversary <3
ft. Arthur bashing and Douxie not having a good time :D
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
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i-am-gun-robot · 7 months
Chapter 13 of ABRTL is up, at long last! Thanks to everyone for your patience :)
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coolestzed · 2 years
Toby: Hey Merlin, you practically raised King Arthur, Morgana, and Douxie right?
Merlin: You could accurately say that, yes.
Toby: Weeeell, who’s your favorite?
Claire: Really Toby?
Toby: Come on, I’m curious! He’s gotta have a favorite.
Claire: Parents aren’t supposed to have favorites-
Merlin, without hesitation: Hisirdoux.
Jim: Woah, no hesitation.
Toby: Why Douxie?
Merlin: He never turned on me and walked the path of darkness for one.
Claire: Yeah, that’s fair.
Morgana: Fuck you too Old Man. 🖕
Douxie: 😎🤟
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eurazba · 2 years
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Redrew and digitized an old Clairegana piece of mine from 2018
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I assume that all magical creatures end up in the same place after death
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It would be the best reunion after death
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montaryoo · 1 year
Drew Morgana xD
I love her old personality
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