#Time to get a passport ig
brokenpiecesshine · 2 years
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Fall Out Boy on Instagram, 27/01/2023.
bringing the stardust to @summersonic_official in Japan this august ✨✨✨
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thursdayg1rl · 1 year
killing myself in front of the houses of parliament to change their life tragectories forever. and then maybe they will consider trying to make life easier for people in abusive situations
#why is everything so hard to DO#just registered to vote idk if i did it right#bc i searched up my name in her emails bc my school said we need to stay on top of all of it this year#and saw one asking me to register to vote and it said reply by the 19th but obviously she didnt tell me so i might just not get to vote idk#and didnt want to sign up for a postal vote bc of course they have to post the application to you and then she would be like why are you#trying to vote who do you think you are youre not allowed to be a person outside of what i allow etc etc#so ig when the time comes itll have to be in person#and you need id for that#and of course i dont have a driving licence bc im not allowed to learn how to drive so WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO#at least i can access my passport but there could be people whose parents/spouses hide their documents..#like dp you see what i mean . everythning is a trap#also im getting so much anxiety about not knowing how to drive#bc she'll never let me learn under her roof so wtf am i supposed to do like genuinely#ill just have to go about life not knowing this basic skill#at least my brother knows how to from pakistan so he can just do the tests#i dont even KNOW#theres just so many things like that which make my skin crawl#like the fact that my bank account is linked to her phone and this address so thats a level of control she has over me like for years#and this is my address for everything official basically#and i have no idea how id even start changing it when i do leave#think the only option left is to kms maybe then ill be free
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i hate when i get completely derailed from studying by massive panic about something completely irrelevant
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m1ckeyb3rry · 6 months
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Series Synopsis: You wake up in a strange room with no memories, broken glass at your bedside, and a prince named Zuko as your only chance at figuring out who you really are.
Chapter Synopsis: You and Lee spend some time in Ba Sing Se, where you meet a familiar girl. Afterwards, you tell Lee the story of Quynh and how she came to be.
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: Zuko x Reader
Chapter Word Count: 7.2k
Content Warnings: complicated relationships (strangers to friends to lovers to enemies to strangers to lovers to enemies to lovers), amnesia, alternate universe, lots of secrets and lying and mystery
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A/N: PLEASE DO NOT SLANDER ME FOR THE FATHER GLOWWORM REPRESENTATION I HAVE NOT READ THE KYOSHI NOVELS ‼️ idek what he’s up to in canon but his powers fit the situation so he got to feature in the fic…pretty sure he’s way more heinous in the atla-verse but oh well!!! glass princess father glowworm is just chill like that ig 😰
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“Lee,” you said from where you sat on the kitchen counter, watching him scrub dishes. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, and he wore his signature scowl on his face, though every time you spoke, it abated in favor of something resembling a smile.
“Y/N,” he said. “Are we introducing one another or something?”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” you said. “Now that we are friends, I want to ask you a question.”
“We’re not friends,” he said, as was customary, taking a rag and using it to dry the mug he had just washed. “But go ahead.”
In the days since you had happened upon the refugee gate, you had not seen the Blue Spirit at all. Every night, you waited for him, and every night you returned to the palace disappointed. Eventually, you understood what he was saying by not arriving, and so you turned to the only other source of companionship you had been offered: Lee and Mushi from the tea shop.
Mushi had been delighted, but Lee had been more than a little annoyed at the prospect of having to spend everyday with you. This time, though, you did not relent. You followed him around the tea shop as he worked, chattering to him incessantly, and finally he grew resigned enough to your presence that he stopped complaining about it and began speaking with you somewhat normally.
For the most part, the two of you talked about books and tea and other, safer subjects. You were still trying to understand what you had seen the other day, and you had no idea what Lee’s opinions were on the matter, so until now, you had not even considered broaching any of the more sensitive topics.
“How did you end up in Ba Sing Se? I don’t mean why you came. I mean, how did you get in here?” you said.
The question was still unclear, but Lee did not ask for further explanation. He finished drying the mug and put it with the rest before taking a plate and running it under the water.
“We took a ferry,” he said. “We had to buy tickets and show our passports, of course, but it went relatively seamlessly otherwise. By the way, if you’re just going to sit there, you might as well be useful and sweep or something.”
“What about the entrance fee?” you said, sliding off the counter and taking the broom he handed you, leaning on the handle and batting your eyelashes at him without even trying to sweep. This earned you a scoff as he once again shifted from washing to drying, though his trademark red flush crept up his neck at the same time, which meant he wasn’t really upset.
“It wasn’t a thing when we came,” he said. “Or, at least, it wasn’t that high. I’m pretty sure that it was included in the price of our tickets. They were so expensive that it would only make sense. Possibly not, though. Last I checked, they just raise the prices because they can nowadays.”
“I can’t understand it,” you said. “Why is there such a desperate need for people to come here? Surely you must know. Can you tell me?”
Belatedly, you realized this might give away your identity in some way, because who else would have such little sense for what was happening in the world but the princess who had been locked away for so long? But if Lee was suspicious, he did not show it, only exhaling heavily and shaking his head.
“There’s quite a lot, and none of it is safe to discuss here,” he said. “Sorry, but I don’t want something happening to my uncle or I.”
“It’s okay,” you said. “I don’t blame you. If I had known it was like that, I wouldn’t have asked.”
He shrugged his broad shoulders. “It’s a strange place we live in.”
“That’s for certain!” you said, pointing the broom at him for emphasis. “Do you know the situation at that one gate?”
“The second southeast gate? Yeah, it’s in a bad shape, but almost all of them are like that,” he said. “It’s common knowledge, but that doesn’t mean anyone’s about to do anything about it.”
All of them were like that. That meant that every day, the entire perimeter of Ba Sing Se was flooded by people trying to get in, people like the ones the you and Blue Spirit had seen. It was human suffering on a scale you could not comprehend, and the broom clattered to the ground as you attempted to envision it. How many hundreds of them were there? What were they seeking refuge from? What reality was worse than the one they were running towards?
“Every gate,” you said. “But Ba Sing Se has so many…”
“Some of them are wealthier entrances,” Lee said, using a towel to wipe his hands off and unrolling his sleeves. Picking up the broom, he began to sweep. “It’s not that bad at those ones. Apparently, things at the second southeast gate are improving now, too.”
“Are they?” you said. It was only a modicum of reassurance, but even the knowledge that one less person might be hurt was enough to cheer you. “Why is that?”
“Apparently, some rich woman came with someone dressed as the Blue Spirit and donated half of her life savings so that no one had to pay the entrance fee there,” he said. “Things haven’t devolved into sheer chaos only because what she did is still a relatively unknown thing, so it’s mostly only had positive consequences so far.”
“Half of her life savings?” you said, thinking back to the amount you had given, which had really been nothing but pocket change. “Um, wow. That was — very generous of her to do. She must be a charitable person.”
“Must be,” Lee said flatly. “And I guess there really is a Blue Spirit in Ba Sing Se. Sorry for doubting it. Even though he’s obviously not the same person as the one from the play, namely because that Blue Spirit would’ve done something instead of just standing around when there’s people in need.”
“He was doing what he could!” you said. Lee raised his eyebrows at you, and this time, it was your turn to cough to disguise your emotions. “That is to say, I’m sure there was more going on than either of us are aware of.”
“Right,” he said. You glared at him.
“Really! The Blue Spirit is a good person!” you said, feeling honor-bound to defend him. Even if you hadn’t seen him in so long, he was still the man who had saved you. You still harbored some feelings you could not quite name for him. “Maybe it only looked like he wasn’t doing anything, but he was. I know he was.”
“Whatever you say. Super-fan,” he said, muttering the last under his breath.
“You’re the one who likes the play so much,” you reminded him. “If anyone’s a super-fan, it’s you.”
Lee was saved from responding by Mushi’s entrance. His uncle was the kind of person that was impossible to be angry around, and he had an uncanny knack for knowing exactly when you and his nephew were arguing. His presence quelled you both, and it was probably the only reason the two of you had not, in the earlier days, read one another to filth.
“Good, you got all of those cups washed!” Mushi said. “I was worried you’d be too distracted, but I’m glad to see that that didn’t happen.”
“What would I be distracted by?” Lee said, putting the broom away. You had picked up very quickly on the fact that Lee had no interest in helping out around the Pao Family Tea House, and that tea was not really something that excited him, but it was the only way that he and his uncle could make money, so he did what he could, albeit without a smile on his face or any passion to his motions.
“If I had a lovely lady to talk with all day, I’d hardly get anything done!” Mushi said.
“Uncle!” Lee hissed.
“It’s okay, Mushi. You can think of me as more of a taskmaster than anything; I make sure Lee gets everything done in a timely fashion,” you said when it became evident that Lee was far too embarrassed to say anything more.
“And she doesn’t even offer to help while she’s at it,” Lee added. “So, ha.”
“It feels like you were trying to get the last word in there, but I don’t think you were successful in that endeavor,” you said. “Just so you know.”
“Shut up,” he said.
“Lee, please be kind to your friend,” Mushi said.
“Yeah, Lee,” you crowed. “Be nice to your friend!”
“Y/N,” Lee said, pointing a threatening finger at you, though it was hard to genuinely be afraid of him when he was so relatively harmless in everything he did. “You’re not even my friend, so you don’t get to pull that card!”
“I’m the only person you talk to, besides your uncle, so doesn’t that make us friends automatically?” you said.
“No, it just means I don’t have any friends at all!” he said haughtily, leaning the broom against the wall and dusting his hands off against his apron.
“Once again, I don’t think that that’s quite the closing statement you were aiming for,” you said. “It has more of an embarrassing effect to it than a victorious one.”
“Now, now, both of you should stop quarreling,” Mushi said. “Lee, your shift is almost over. How about you and Y/N take some time to explore the city together? It’ll only improve your spirits!”
“Believe it or not, I’d actually rather work,” Lee said, though he did untie his apron and hang it up.
“Just be back in time for your evening shift!” Mushi said.
“I’ll make sure he is,” you promised, following after Lee as he all but raced out of the tea shop, waving at Mushi, who waved cheerfully back. “Hey, Lee, wait up!”
Luckily, Lee did slow down a bit, allowing you to catch up with him, the two of you walking side by side down the street in the afternoon sun. It was a different context than you were usually in; he had been forced to take the evening shift more often than not nowadays, so he was normally still working by the time you left for the fountain. Today was the first time you had come early enough to be there for his break, and without the tea shop in the background to smooth your interactions over, there was an awkwardness that filled the air.
Who were you and he outside of the Pao Family Tea House? Who was Lee when he was not working as a server? Who were you when you were not protected by the secrecy of being just another patron of the shop?
“It’s you!” a soft, feminine voice said. Suddenly, you were being accosted by a pair of arms thrown around your shoulders, holding you in the sincerest embrace you had felt in many years.
“Me?” you said, wriggling free from the hug to peer at the girl. She beamed up at you, holding onto your hands, and though you couldn’t quite place it, you knew that you did recognize her from somewhere.
“Yes, you,” she said. “Everyone’s been saying you’re a spirit, since you don’t match the description of anyone living in the Upper Ring, but I’vealways believed in you. I’ve always known that you were a real person.”
Your eyes widened as you realized where you knew her from: she was the girl who had been helping the man with the burnt leg at the second southeast gate. She must’ve seen you when you had given the captain the money, and somehow, despite the days that had elapsed since then, she had recognized you.
You glanced at Lee, but he did not seem surprised nor intrigued by the conversation. He was diligently reading a street sign, which really could not have been all too fascinating, but he was an odd boy with odd habits, and it afforded you some semblance of privacy to converse with the girl, so you did not say anything to him about it.
“You’re the reason my father is still alive, lady,” the girl said, squeezing your hands tightly. “We thought we might have to cut his — cut his leg off or something, but because of you, we were able to get to a doctor in time.”
“That kind of doctor must be expensive,” you said. She nodded.
“Oh, yes, he was one of the Upper Ring ones,” she said. “But he saved my father’s leg, so what does it matter? I’ll figure it out.”
“You will?” you said. “What about your mother? Or your elder siblings, if you have any?”
The girl glanced around nervously before beckoning you closer. You offered her your ear, wondering what kind of terrible secrecy she was sworn to that she had to be so careful.
“I know we’re not supposed to talk about it, so please don’t repeat this to anyone, but the truth is that my mother and my little brother were killed by Firebenders. They set our house on fire while they were taking over our village. It’s how my father got his leg burnt,” she said, her small voice choked. “He went back in to save them, but he couldn’t. The only reason I’m alright is that our cat had run away and I had gone to find her.”
She was barely more than a child, and yet she had had the responsibilities of a woman thrust upon her. How could a little girl be expected to take upon the sole burden of providing for herself, for paying back the doctor that her father had needed? It wasn’t fair. None of it was fair, but if not her, then who else could even do it? By that definition, she was alone now.
You thought that maybe you and she were not entirely dissimilar. In the end, you, too, were alone. Even if you could not relate to anything else, you had that much in common with her.
“Here,” you said, taking her hand, pressing a handful of coins into it. “I’m not sure if this will be enough, but it will be better than nothing. At least, it should tide you over until your father is feeling better and he, too, can find work.”
Her eyes shone, and she dipped into a bow. Cursing under your breath, you caught her by the shoulders, looking around to make sure that nobody had seen. The last thing you needed was to be caught and dragged back to the palace by the Dai Li or some other such authority.
“Lady, I only came to thank you, but you’ve done me such a favor that I don’t know how I can ever repay you for it,” she said. You smiled at her.
“You needn’t repay me. In truth, I should’ve been doing these things long ago; it’s only thanks to, ah, extenuating circumstances that I haven’t been. I hope you stay well, dear girl, and that your father may recover swiftly. I’m sorry that you have had to suffer so greatly already,” you said, ruffling her hair.
“I hope I get to see you again, lady,” she said before gasping. “Not because you’ve given me money every time! It’s because you’re really kind. I want to thank you properly one day.”
“If it is our destiny, then I’m sure we will meet once more,” you said. “And you needn’t thank me. It is only my duty.”
“Destiny?” she said. “But how can I ensure that that destiny comes about?”
“Hm,” you said, tapping your chin in thought. “When you are older, please work very hard. Work so hard that even the royal family cannot ignore your efforts, and then go to the palace and ask for Quynh. Even if I am not allowed to meet you, I will find a way. If you can do that, then I will do my part so that our fates can collide another time.”
“Quynh!” she said, sucking in a breath. “Oh, I didn’t know…! I’ve treated you so flippantly!”
“It’s not a problem,” you said. “Now run along. And — and I know it won’t do anything, but I’m very sorry about what happened to your family. I wish there was something I could’ve done to stop it.”
“It wasn’t your fault,” she said. “It was — you know. Them. You’re the one who’s helped me. I’m really grateful to you, so don’t apologize.”
“Maybe that’s how it is,” you said. “Anyways, welcome to Ba Sing Se. The city is improved by your presence.”
“Thank you!” she said, bowing again before you could stop her and then scampering away. You watched her go until she disappeared into the crowd, and then you turned to Lee, who was still steadfastly reading the same sign.
“There must be something fascinating written on that sign, for you to be so intently reading it,” you said, jabbing his arm with your pointer finger as you read over the sign yourself. “Mm, very interesting indeed. Left to the Firelight Fountain. Right to the Pao Family Tea House. Straight to the First Southeast Gate. That’s the kind of content you just can’t pull yourself away from.”
“I was trying to be respectful and not listen in on your conversation!” Lee said.
“Oh, thanks,” you said. “That was surprisingly good of you to do.”
“What was it about, anyways?” he said. “Why’d she recognize you?”
“It doesn’t matter,” you said. He pursed his lips before turning away, continuing to walk down the street, towards the Firelight Fountain where you spent your evenings waiting for the Blue Spirit.
“Who is Quynh?” he said after a second. You frowned at him.
“How do you not know who Quynh is? She’s the patron spirit of the Earth Kingdom!” you said. “Or at least of Ba Sing Se.”
“Sorry I never had much time to study theology of all things while I was out…there!” he said, vaguely gesturing around.
“Out there,” you said. “Where, like the Fire Nation or something? I thought knowledge of her must be common throughout the Earth Kingdom.”
“No!” he said quickly. “Just — we traveled a lot, you know, and mostly in rural areas, so we, um, never heard the stories.”
You supposed it made sense. What guarantee was there that the legend of Quynh had reached every single corner of the Earth Kingdom? It made sense that someone like Lee, who must’ve spent his formative years in some place closer to the border than Ba Sing Se, wasn’t quite educated on the tale of the great mother bear.
“What business did you have traveling, anyways?” you said.
“It was for, er, work,” he said. “We were in, uh, a circus! Yeah, a circus.”
“A circus,” you said. “I’m sure you attracted all sorts of patrons with your charming and outgoing personality.”
“I wasn’t a performer! My uncle was. I just maintained his equipment,” he said.
“That’s a little more believable,” you said. “What did he do in the circus?”
“He was,” Lee began, his eyebrows low over his eyes in thought, “an acrobat! Mhm. He was an acrobat.”
“It’s not as believable anymore,” you informed him. You couldn’t imagine Mushi doing flips and cartwheels anymore than you could imagine Lee juggling. When he had said that his uncle had been a performer, you had been expecting him to be the ringmaster, perhaps, or even an animal trainer, but not an acrobat.
“Why? Uncle Mushi is plenty flexible!” he said. You made a face.
“I shall take your word for it,” you said. “But I’m sure he’s pleased to be retired by now.”
“Very pleased,” Lee said. “In fact, he’s so pleased to have put that part of his life behind him that he becomes really upset when people bring it up again. So I’d recommend you don’t.”
Upsetting Mushi was the last thing you wanted to do, given how well he always treated you when you visited the Pao Family Tea House, so you nodded at Lee and mimed sealing your lips together.
“I won’t mention it,” you said.
“Thank you,” he said. “But back to the original topic. Who is Quynh?”
“Ah, right,” you said. “Although she’s known as the guardian spirit of Ba Sing Se, and of the Earth Kingdom in general, it’s a little more complex than that. You see, she’s not meant to guard the entire kingdom; her loyalty is to the royal family and them alone.”
“Then how’d it get confused?” he said.
“Once upon a time, when she was the most active, the interests of the royal family and the interests of the kingdom were not so separate,” you said. “Maybe it’s not the case in the recent era, but no one’s even seen Quynh in so long that by now, her name has been solidified in history as the great mother of the Earth Kingdom.”
“Is that all there is to the story?” he said as you reached the Firelight Fountain. Of course, in the daytime, there were no lanterns lit, but in lieu of the eponymous firelight, there was a family of turtleducks floating in the placid waters.
Digging in his pockets, Lee produced a bunch of grapes. Breaking off a few, he dropped them in your palm before taking a couple of his own and tossing them into the fountain for the turtleducks to peck at. You followed his example, secretly pleased that he had known that bread was bad for the turtleducks’ stomachs and had been appropriately prepared with a better alternative.
“No, naturally it’s a long tale,” you said. “Do you really want to hear it?”
“Sure,” he said. “It beats working the afternoon shift.”
“I suppose that’s fair,” you said. “Alright, then. It’s an old story, for Quynh is an old beast, but it’s widely considered to be timeless, so I hope that you do not find it to be at all dated, despite its age.”
Contrary to popular belief, Quynh was not born a spirit. In fact, she was a mortal animal, a bear — a true one, of the same form as King Kuei’s Bosco. Even she was a child once, a mere cub, small enough that a person could heft her in their arms.
In that time, bears were considered to be a great threat to the world. They were thought of as vicious, cruel creatures, with swords for teeth and knives for claws. Larger than any man could ever hope to be, they were frequently hunted, both for sport and for safety, and so it came to be that by the time Quynh was all of two moons old, her and her mother were the only known bears left in the world.
Her mother, who was scarred and gray at the muzzle, knew that it was only a matter of time before she and Quynh, too, followed in the paths of their brethren. She was a canny bear, and so she took Quynh to a river and sank her teeth into the scruff of her daughter’s neck, dipping her into mud to disguise her scent and then dragging the whining cub into a cave that promised to have what she needed.
It was some time before she reached it, but eventually, she made it to the center of the cave, where its inhabitant resided. It was one of the massive, blind badgermoles, though something set this one apart from the others: she was in mourning, hunched over the frail body of her young, which had drawn only a few breaths before passing. 
Quynh’s mother nudged the badgermole before dropping Quynh at her feet. The badgermole, deprived of her sense of smell because of the mud slathered over Quynh’s body, accepted her as her own — or perhaps she did not want to question the stroke of good fortune, that she had just lost her child and then so soon had been given another to care for, even one as tiny as Quynh.
Her mother nuzzled her one last time before leaving the cave. It is unclear what happened to her after that; until recently, it was agreed that she must have been killed like the others, but since the discovery of Bosco, her fate was no longer quite as certain. Perhaps she and a few others managed to survive for all of that time, leading to the birth of the king’s companion…or perhaps Bosco was unrelated to Quynh and the descendant of another strain entirely.
The badgermoles raised Quynh as if she were one of them. She learnt to Earthbend from them, though it was not in the same way; she was not blind, and so did not have the same reliance on the element, and because of her comparatively smaller stature, she never gained the strength needed to command the earth in the way of her family. Still, she did what she could, and though she remembered her mother fondly, she thought of her only on the coldest of nights. The badgermoles were the ones who reared her, and though she could never forget that she was not one of them, that she was a bear, she was never ostracized for it. They loved her, the badgermoles, and as she had spent much of her life with them, she loved them back.
It was when she was four years of age that someone else came to the cave of the badgermoles, though this visitor was neither bear nor badgermole. He was a boy, one with a kind smile and soft hands. His name was Shan, and according to him, he had come to learn from the badgermoles. Earthbending was their art, and if he ever wanted to master it in a meaningful way, then he would have to become their disciple.
Quynh did not trust Shan for many moons after his arrival. She remembered what his kind had done to her own, and though the badgermoles harbored no such misgivings, she would always snarl at him when he visited, gnashing her teeth until he backed away with his hands in the air.
Stubbornness, though, was a family trait. Just like the rest of his line, Shan was not willing to give up. He knew not why Quynh despised him, only that she did, and it was something he could not live with. Every day he tried, and every day, in small increments, she forgave him. The sins of his forefathers were not his own, after all, yet he still endeavored to make up for them. He would bring food for Quynh, tell her stories about the sun and promise to take her there one day — after all, she was a bear, not a badgermole, and bears were not meant to live in the darkness.
That was why, when Shan could no longer learn anything from the badgermoles, he did not leave immediately. Instead, he hesitantly reached out and placed his hand in between Quynh’s eyes, splaying his fingers over her broad forehead and asking her a question: will you come with me?
She hesitated for only a moment, but when she glanced back, the badgermoles had already left, for they, too, knew the truth of her being. They had raised her, and they had loved her, and it was because of those years of affection that they were doing her this last favor and letting her go, letting her rejoin the world that she was born to live in.
It was only once they both stood in the sun that Shan revealed something new to her: the continent which they lived on was in a state of perpetual war. It was composed of many small provinces which were constantly battling one another for as many reasons as there were creatures under the sun. For food. For land. For resources. For perceived insults. For women. For riches. It went on and on, and it was to one such war that Shan had lost his parents. 
This was why he needed Quynh’s help. He wanted to unite the provinces, to turn them into one kingdom, so that the wars might cease for some time, but he could not do it alone. He needed her strength, alongside the strength he had received from the badgermoles. She thought that she might feel angry, but in truth, there was a kind of joy she felt at being needed. So she, in her own way, agreed to his request. She agreed to help him turn the disjointed provinces into one united Earth Kingdom — just as long as she could stay by his side when doing so.
Quynh had come to love Shan. It was like that. Sometimes it was as if she had been born to meet him, to be his companion; if she were a human, then she might’ve called him her greatest friend, but since she was not, since she was but an animal, the only word she had for it was brother. Shan was her brother, though much more delicate than she and without nearly as much fur, so she guarded him with all the ferocity of an elder sibling.
Their combined mastery of Earthbending was too much for the warlords and their paltry armies. It was not long before their dream was realized and they had a proper kingdom. The warlords hailed Shan as their ruler and crowned him the Earth King, but then they ran into a new problem: what was a king without a palace?
Thus began their most ambitious undertaking, even more ambitious than the unification of the Earth Kingdom. They were to build a city, one that an ordinary man could not even conceptualize, one that even the greatest army could not take. It would be named Ba Sing Se: the impenetrable capital of the greatest kingdom the world had ever seen.
Scores upon scores of men were enrolled in academies to learn Earthbending, so that the city could be built in a timely fashion. Things went excellently for a time, and Quynh thought that she might finally be happy. She had her beloved Shan at her side, and now that the wars were over, she could spend most of her days sleeping, allowing the sun to warm her dark fur as she dozed in the gardens behind Shan’s childhood home. 
But things were not meant to be like that. A kingdom in its infancy would always strain against its new rulers; that was the way of things, a way which Quynh had not yet learnt. It was because of this that, during one of his tours of the site where the palace would soon be constructed, an assassin tried to kill Shan.
Quynh was the first to sense his arrival, but he was too fast for her to do anything. She could only roar out a warning to her brother as she ran towards him, her ears flat against her head, her swords for teeth and knives for claws extended, even though it was futile. She would not reach him in time. The man rushing at her Shan would stab the dagger into his back, and she could do nothing about it but push herself faster, faster, in the hopes that she could make it, in the hopes that maybe, just maybe, she could at least take the dagger in his stead.
It was not the dagger which killed her. It was her own brother’s student who cried out in alarm and sent a stalagmite shooting up from the ground and into her heart. It was that old fear which all men possessed, the insidious one which said that bears were vicious, cruel creatures, which spelled out her end, as it had spelled out the end of every other bear before her.
Shan had heeded Quynh’s warning and made quick work of the assassin, who was nothing in the face of a master Earthbender such as himself, so he had not understood at first why his faithful companion had stopped roaring. It was only when he turned and saw her bleeding and heard his pupil rambling on about how she had almost killed him that he understood what had happened.
He cast the boy aside, banished him from the Earth Kingdom and told him to never return, and then he fell to his knees in front of Quynh’s lifeless body. For, as she had loved him, he had loved her, too. The skittish bear who had detested him thoroughly…in the process of winning her over, an indescribable fondness had blossomed in him. Quynh was the only reason he had a kingdom. Quynh was the only reason he had anything. Why, then, was Quynh gone? How was he supposed to rule without her at his side? His Quynh. His bear. His greatest friend.
For three days and three nights, he prayed. He prayed to every spirit he could think of: Tui, La, Agni, the Mother of Faces, and even the more unsavory ones, such as Koh the Face-Stealer. He prayed only for one thing: Quynh’s return. He would give up everything, he repeated, as long as she came back to him. That was his promise. That was his vow.
Only one spirit heard him. He was a being who claimed to be a father, though he held such a disdain for everything that it was uncertain whose father he was meant to be, exactly. Shan would never have dared to converse with such a spirit unless he was truly desperate, but he was truly desperate, and it was for this reason that he opened himself to conversation with one of the most malevolent beings in both the spiritual and physical planes: Father Glowworm.
Father Glowworm was the conniving sort, but he was, in his own way, fair. It was not pity that drove his actions, of course, but a hunger, a lust. He told Shan that he could not bring Quynh back, that it was against the laws of the universe to breathe life unto death, but that there was something else he could do — for a price.
Shan agreed. It didn’t matter the price. He had lost his entire family already; he could not lose Quynh, too. Father Glowworm warned him that he would not like it, but Shan swore that there was nothing more important to him than Quynh.
But the price itself was Quynh, Father Glowworm said. He would subsume her body. Shan would have to watch him tear her apart and eat her, and if he could manage that, if he could manage to watch as Father Glowworm ate the body of his greatest friend, then Father Glowworm would give her spirit some of his powers, the ones which allowed him to tunnel between the physical and spiritual worlds. 
There was still another catch. According to Father Glowworm, what he was about to do was the highest form of offense. By offering Quynh’s body to Father Glowworm, Shan was desecrating it thoroughly, and by agreeing to watch, he was essentially forsaking her, declaring that she meant nothing, was nothing to him but rot and garbage. Her spirit would not know the meaning of the ritual, only that it was being done, and so, even if he went through with it, there was a high likelihood that she would not manifest ever again. She would never dare show herself to the man who had allowed her to be devoured by such an evil being, who had stood by and taken in the gory scene without so much as flinching.
She would have to love him so much that she returned in spite of that, Father Glowworm said. Those were the conditions. That was the only way it could be.
Even though it was wrong, even though she would most likely hate him for the rest of time, even though he knew he was ruining everything for the mere chance that he might see her again, Shan agreed to it. Because there was that chance. Because if Quynh loved him as much as he loved her, then she would come back. Because if it had been the opposite way, he would’ve come back. For Quynh, no matter what she did to him, he would’ve come back.
Father Glowworm did nothing to spare Shan’s feelings. His eye remained focused on the man as he did exactly as he had promised, gorging himself on Quynh’s body piece by bloody piece, until there was nothing left of her but a pile of gleaming bones. Those bones, too, were not safe, as he absorbed them, humming as the power and life which had once been Quynh’s filled him instead.
The entire time, Shan stared straight ahead, his gaze never wavering from Father Glowworm’s singular eye. And finally, when the spirit was finished, he began to laugh.
Foolish man, he told him. Everything you have done has been for naught. Do you think that any creature is loyal enough to return after you allowed its body to be destroyed like that? I thank you for the meal, but this is where we must part.
Shan clenched his fists and kept staring into that eye, asking him only one thing. Did you give Quynh the powers you promised? Is she a spirit now?
Of course, Father Glowworm said. Consider it a gratuity for how delicious she was.
Though it seemed hopeless, Shan did not fret the way Father Glowworm was urging him to. As soon as he had the confirmation that Quynh really was a spirit, he allowed himself to relax, nodding at the pulsating mass that was Father Glowworm’s body.
Father Glowworm was naturally confused. In this kind of situation, Shan should’ve been screaming, should’ve been cursing him for the unfair deal — the deal which was by design uneven. He had made it so many times, and it had never mattered. The end result was always the same. The dead ones never came back. They wandered the spirit world in a haze of confusion and anger, hating a person whose only crime had been loving them too much — not that they knew that, of course. Watching their grief and ingesting their mourning was how he amused himself in his eternal existence, but Shan provided no such amusement. It was only a moment later, as the ground began to shake and an enormous form made of shadows emerged from a doorway in the air, that Father Glowworm understood why.
Quynh loved Shan. And so, Quynh came back.
“That’s the tale of her origin, anyways,” you said.
“I didn’t know that Father Glowworm made deals with people,” Lee said. “In all my studies — limited studies, of course, given that I was doing, uh, circus-y things most of the time — he was just a bloodthirsty killer.”
“Even spirits get bored,” you said. “He was also that, but from time to time, he would do this type of thing for no other reason than because he could. Because he wanted to. Are you following?”
“I think so,” Lee said. “Is this a true story?”
“If you believe in Quynh, it is,” you said. You had heard the tale from Quynh herself, so of course you knew that it was real, but it remained that not everyone was aware that Quynh was more than a legendary concept. And surely you could not give away that you had met Quynh personally — many times in fact — so the non-answer was the best way you could hint to Lee just how verifiable the so-called myth was.
“I see,” he said. “It’s really fantastical.”
“Perhaps,” you said.
“But maybe not entirely so,” he said. “Is it known what powers Father Glowworm gave her?”
“It is,” you said. “Though if you didn’t believe that story, you’ll scoff at what they are. They’re very power-of-love based.”
“Sappy,” he said.
“Most assuredly,” you said.
“Just tell me. You’ve gotten me interested now,” he said.
“The palace is built around Quynh’s Den,” you said. “It’s where Quynh resides, so that she may look after the royal family — the descendants of Shan, who she considers to be like her own children — and it’s a place outside of time or space, in a way. It’s said that her den is made in the same place that her body died and her spirit was reborn. In fact, all of Ba Sing Se was built around that central location, with her Den serving as a support to the entire city.
“Because of this, and because of Father Glowworm’s tunneling powers which he gifted to her, she’s also known as the Keeper of Doors. It’s said that every door in Ba Sing Se is a place sacred to Quynh, and that’s why you’ll sometimes see people praying while standing in doorways. From Quynh’s Den, she can open doors to anywhere in the city, though she has trouble with extreme precision or accuracy. Some say that her doors lead you to where you need to go, not where you want to.”
“I don’t see what’s romantic about that,” Lee said. “It’s typical spirit world stuff.”
“Let me finish!” you said, accidentally throwing a grape too hard into the water. It hit the surface with a splash, dousing the nearby turtleduck, who honked at you in irritation. You mouthed an apology at it.
“Look what you’ve done,” Lee observed. “You’ve gone and made the turtleducks upset. Great going, Y/N.”
“Hush!” you said. “Anyways, the romantic part is the best part of the story, I’d say, but it’s the least accepted. You see, Quynh obviously loved Shan.”
“Obviously,” Lee said.
“She loved him so much that it manifested in her powers, too. There’s only one door that she never closes and which always has the same destination, no matter where it’s opened from: Quynh’s Door, which leads to the inside of the palace itself,” you said.
“Isn’t that dangerous?” Lee said.
“It would be,” you said. “Think of how many invasions would be successful if the aggressors could find Quynh’s Door! But it’s not one of her normal doors, which can be seen by anybody. Sometimes, it can’t be seen by anyone at all. It’s a door that only appears to those who Quynh deems worthy.”
“And how is one deemed worthy?” Lee said, clearly enthralled as he leaned in towards you slightly, all pretenses of feeding the turtleducks abandoned. You grinned at him.
“It’s the same way Quynh came back as a spirit,” you said. “You have to be loved by Shan, or, in modernity, someone of his line.”
“You don’t say…” Lee trailed off.
“Do you see what I mean? It’s almost out of the realm of probability that it’s the case, that she really loved Shan that much, but it’s the truth,” you said. “The only way that a person can find Quynh’s Door and enter the palace without restriction is if they are loved by someone in the royal family.”
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taglist (comment/send an ask/dm to be added): @rinisfruity14 @c4ttheart @blacky-rose @shizko @marsbars09 @happyplaidpersonfestival @catborglar @camilleverreault @nerdybouquetofkittens-blog @lovialy @heart4hees @stefnarda
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jerzwriter · 4 months
A Time to Heal
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Trystan x Carolina
One thing is for certain. When @/artbyainna (IG) comes to bat, she only hits home runs. I have run out of superlatives to describe how incredible her art is a long, long time ago... but she did it again! I simply love this!
Book: Crimes of Passion (Post Series) Pairing: Trystan Thorne x F!MC (Carolina Rose) Rating: Mature / 18+ / NSFW Words: 1,500 Summary: After a rough day on the job, Carolina & Trystan return to her apartment, where Trystan wants nothing more than to take care of her. But in the end, they realize they do their best healing together. A/N: @lexicook74-blog asked for a Trystan x Carolina hurt/comfort fic a long, long time ago. I can take a long time to get to them, but I'm determined to do all asks sent to me :) I hope you like it! Submitting to @choicesjunechallenge2024. It doesn't fit any of the prompts completely, but we can see indecision before he surrenders.
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The two flights of stairs that led to Carolina’s apartment were something she and Trystan typically navigated with ease. If she took double steps, she'd be upstairs in a matter of seconds. Sometimes, Trystan would yell, “Race you!” when he already had a three-step lead, and they’d both end up panting before her door in an instant. But today wasn’t a typical day.
Trystan trudged along, inches behind his limping partner, who let out a soft whimper with every other step she took. Ensuring she got upstairs was his only concern, so he did his best to conceal his own pain. With just four steps to go, he thought he was in the clear when a muscle spasm seized his back and thwarted his plans.
“Ow! Ow, ow, ow... ouch!” He cried out in pain.
“Trystan,”  Carolina exclaimed. “What’s wrong? I knew you were hurt, too!”
“It’s nothing,” he replied, trying to wave it off, but his clenched teeth said otherwise. “If the Drakovian press knew I was whining about something so superficial, the people would demand my passport be rescinded at once.”
Carolina shook her head and leaned against the door as she fished around the bottom of her purse to find her keys.
“Does everything have to tie back to some strange Drakovian lore?”
“Usually,” he smirked, placing a kiss on her cheek.
A feeling of tranquility washed over them as they stepped inside. Carolina’s apartment. It was small and far from fancy, but the warm, cozy space always gave them a sense of peace. At minimum, they were pretty sure the floor under their feet would support them. Something they hadn’t had the luxury of earlier today.
“Come,” he said, guiding her to the couch. “Let’s get you seated.”
“Me?” she protested. “But you’re hurt, too!”
“Your hip is badly bruised and you’ve been limping! I still say you should have seen a doctor! You’re hurt. I merely have a boo-boo.”
“A boo-boo?” Carolina chuckled as he sat beside her. “Can I kiss it and make it all better?”
The smirk on his lips and the fire coming alive in his eyes made his thoughts clear, but ensuring his girlfriend was all right was his priority this evening.
“If you’re a good girl and let me take care of you, maybe I’ll let you tend to my boo-boos later.”
He rose from the couch to get Carolina an ice pack, but she reached for his hand and stopped him in his tracks.
“No, stay with me.”
“Lina,” he sighed. “Let me take care of you! You fell through a floor in an abandoned building today!”
“Ehh,” she shrugged. “It’s all in a day’s work. I’ve been through much worse. Besides, you fell through that same floor!”
“I just pulled a muscle,” he said, arching his back. “It’s nothing.”
“Well, mine is really nothing, too. We were quite lucky.”
“Of course we were,” he grinned, placing a buss on her lips. “You’re my good luck charm, after all.”
“Please,” she laughed. “Your life has been filled with one nightmare after another since we met. I’m hardly your good luck charm.”
“Ah, but I survived every one of those challenges, some of them largely because of you, so I’m sorry, Detective Rose. You’re my good luck charm. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to make you chicken soup.”
“Chicken soup?” She queried. “That’s for colds and the flu, not two idiots falling through a ceiling.”
“Yes, but in times of trouble... we go with what we know. So, chicken soup it is.”
An hour later, they sat at the kitchen table, still sore, but full bellies delivered some relief.
“See, I told you,” Trystan mumbled as he bit into a crusty piece of bread. “Chicken soup heals all.”
“I guess,” Carolina smiled but quickly winced as her aches reminded her they were far from gone.
“Are you OK?”
“Just sore. I’m thinking of taking two Advil and then getting into a hot bath.”
“Don’t say another word!” He took their plates and began clearing the table. “I’ll go run the water for you.”
“Trystan, I can run my own bath!”
“Nope! This is not a battle you will win.”
“Fine,” she laughed. “I’ve learned to choose my battles with you. But make sure you add the new bubble bath we bought. This is a great time to start using it”
Moments later, Trystan helped Carolina to the bathroom; her face lit up when she saw what he had done. The scent of the lavender bubble bath wafted through the air, as dozens of little candles glistened around her old clawfoot tub, washing the room in a mystical glow.
“Trystan,” she smiled. “What did you do!”
“I can’t expect you to convalesce in an unsuitable environment.”
“You spoil me,” she sighed.
“And you better get used to it.”
Trystan helped her out of her clothes, becoming more transfixed with each new item that fell to the floor. Carolina was stunning, and he always found her irresistible; but the combination of candlelight and moonlight pouring in the window reflecting on her skin, their shadows accentuating every delicate curve on her body, it left him breathless.
But that’s not what tonight was about, and when he felt his body begin to stir, he deliberately turned away. Relieved when she slipped into the warm water. With her exquisite figure concealed under a plethora of bubbles, his primal urges began to dissipate.
“Ahhhh,” she breathed, as her tension drifted away. “This is just perfect.”
Trystan placed a small table with strawberry-infused water within her reach, then kneeled beside the tub, gently bopping her nose with a bubble-strewn finger.
 “You’re perfect.”
But Carolina's mood visibly shifted when he stood up and asked if she needed anything before he left.
“Leaving? Why are you leaving?” She tapped the water gently with an open hand. “There is plenty of room in here; I was hoping you’d join me.”
“But I want you to relax; you took quite a fall today.”
“Trystan,” she said with an arched brow. “You took the same fall! Now, get in here with me. That’s an order.”
“Well, if it’s an order...” he smirked.
Quickly removing his clothes, he slid into the tub across from his love, letting out a deep sigh the moment his body was submerged. With his arms stretched over the tub's sides and his legs rubbing against Carolina’s silky skin he wondered why this hadn't been his plan all along.
“This is divine,” he swooned.
“I told you! No way was I going to let you miss out on this.”
“And for that, I thank you!”
They closed their eyes, reclining in the soothing waters for a long while; but when Trystan opened his eyes again, he found Carolina’s sultry brown eyes peering at him, a playful grin on her face. 
“Yessss?” He droned.
“Do you have any idea how sexy you are in this lighting?”
“In this lighting?" He said, feigning insult. "I thought I looked sexy in all lighting!"
Carolina barked out a laugh. “That goes without saying, of course! But in this lighting... you’re especially desirable.”
Carolina was stunned; perhaps the candlelight was impeding her vision, but she swore she saw Trystan Thorne blush.
“You’re one to talk,” he whispered. “You’re simply ravishing.”
The lapping water made delicate sounds as Carolina pushed herself up and moved closer to Trystan. This allowed him a quick peek at her luscious curves before he felt them pressed firmly against his chest.
“Then, why aren’t you ravishing me," she purred in his ear.
Trystan thought he might melt into the water. “Lina,” he moaned. “What are you doing to me?”
Her pride morphed into a smile as she dragged her hand up his thigh, then slowly, excruciatingly slowly, skimmed her fingers along his hardened length.
“I haven’t done anything yet,” she teased. “But that’s about to change.”
He let out a muffled growl when her arms wrapped around him, stoking her desire even more.
“Lina, you’re hurt," he said, offering one last out.
“I’m fine!"
“I want you to feel better!”
She pushed back with seductive eyes, just begging to be taken.
“If you want me to feel better... I can offer some suggestions on how you can do that.”
His erection pulsated against her thigh, and she silently lauded herself for her restraint at that moment.
“Are you sure?” he whispered as her hands sunk under the water grasping him at his base, pleasuring him with slow, deliberate strokes until he quivered beneath her.
“100% sure,” she hissed, parting his lips with her tongue, entangling it with his for a long, sensual kiss.
The grin on his face couldn’t have been wider when they parted. “If you keep doing this, I'll see to it that we fall through ceilings together every day."
Carolina straddled him, placing him at her center before holding him tight. Unbridled shrieks of pleasure filled the air as she slowly sank down on him. He reached up and cupped her breasts just as he filled her completely. She closed her eyes, remaining still for just a moment to savor the feeling, and then, with a wicked grin she began to grind shamelessly against him.
If either had a worry about the water that splashed onto the floor, they certainly didn't show it as they brought each other to the precipice of pleasure again, and again until they unraveled in each other's arms.
“I don’t know what doctor recommended this treatment plan,” Trystan said trying to catch his breath. “But I really need to thank them.”
"What, this is how I fix boo-boos?" Carolina smiled.
"Then, I need to thank you."
Shortly after, the couple curled up in bed... completely in need of painkillers to soothe their aching muscles. But the blissful smiles on their faces as they drifted off to sleep made it very, very clear... sore muscles be damned, it had all been worth it.
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dinsdjrn · 1 year
things that haven't happened yet | javier pena
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javier pena x bottle girl!f!reader
summary: they kept everything professional, but some things change. [w.c 2.8k]
warnings: 18+, smut and angst, reader is an informant in danger, oral (f recieving), fingering, dirty talk, unprotected p in v, ambiguous ending ig (?) as always if i missed something lmk!
a/n: anyone else have the i can see you brain rot rn... bc i have 17 requests i could have written but this came out of me instead... please be gentle with it im... strugglin to post.
main masterlist
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It was the early hours of the morning as you walked briskly through the streets after your shift. You kept your head down and all that you could hear was the soft rise and fall of your breathing. You weren’t walking fast enough to warrant heavy breathing, but you did carry information that made your chest rise and fall as if you had sprinted to the familiar apartment.
You rasped on the door three times, no answer. You knocked again, harder this time. 
It swung open and revealed a very tired Javier Peña.
“What the fu- what are you doing here?” 
“I’m sorry I didn’t call, but this can’t wait,” Your eyes shifted over your shoulder. 
He studied your face for a moment before bringing you in.
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“And you’re sure the information is good?” He raised an eyebrow at you.
“As good as my life, Javier.” You let out a shaky breath. 
“Shit,” He spoke to himself. 
“I was the only one in there with Diego and Felix. They don’t trust any of the other girls,” You chuckled at the irony of everything. “They think they’re all sleeping with you.” 
“And you?” He said. 
“Nobody sees me as more than the bottle girl who won’t put out. I’m the only one that knows, and I know it’s information you can use. It’ll put a target on my back, so it would be a really great time for that visa you promised me.” 
He turned rubbing his hand across his chin and made his way to the phone against the wall. You shifted uncomfortably, knowing that if the DEA didn’t protect you this information could cost you your life. You were the only girl in the private booth, there was no other fly on the wall.
Javier was quiet about his conversation, he would turn back and look at you periodically. You were hopeful, but you weren’t stupid, if they couldn’t get you out you’d have to flee. An out with the US DEA is much more likely to result in life than fleeing through the Colombian jungle. 
“Okay, gracias,” Javier hung the phone up and walked to a drawer in the kitchen. 
He handed you a passport and envelope. You flipped open and saw your face but not your name.
“How long have you had this?” You asked, taken aback. 
“Not long, but we knew you would need it sooner rather than later.” He said. 
“Okay,” you said. “I guess it’s time to disappear.”
“We can book you on a flight tomorrow night, it gives you time to say goodbye to any family.”
“It’s just me, don’t have anyone to say goodbye to,” You laughed awkwardly, 
“I’m sorry,” he said, reaching toward you. 
“I’m a fly on the wall, Agent Peña. It’s easier not to have anyone, better to go unnoticed,” 
“You haven’t gone unnoticed,” He said, stepping closer to you. The air became thick and heavy with tension. 
“I should go, I don’t mix business with pleasure,” You said, placing the envelope of cash and your new passport in your bag. 
“As far as I’m concerned, we no longer have business with one another,” he smirked. 
You bit your lip, pondering the accusation. He was right, and it wasn’t like Javier Peña was a hard sell. He was gorgeous and he knew it. 
“I should pack, if I’m to make this flight,” You said, stepping toward him this time your hand coming to rest gently on his chest.
He gently tucked a piece of your hair behind your ear. The intensity of his gaze made you desperate to shy away, but he had a pull to him that made it impossible. 
“There’s a lot of things you should do,” he emphasized, “But stay, please. Just for tonight,” He spoke softly. 
His hand drifted down your neck to your collarbone where he brushed the strap of your black tank top off your shoulder. 
“Javier, I’m nobody. I-,” you paused, “I’m going to disappear.” 
“You’ve always been somebody to me, hermosa,” he kissed your shoulder where your tank top had previously rested. 
“Since the moment I met you, I knew you were more than what you gave yourself,” He spoke. 
Before you had time to respond he gently nipped at your neck eliciting a soft gasp from you. 
“Tell me stop,” He spoke seriously as he continued to leave a trail of kisses down your neck and shoulder. 
“Javier,” you hesitated, sounding more like a question than a warning. 
“If you don’t want to do this, you need to tell me to stop,” he looked at your face again trying to decipher any hint of fear or regret. 
His large hand held your jaw gently and his thumb slowly rubbed your cheek. He was comforting and reassuring. It almost felt wrong for the stone cold DEA agent, Javier Peña, to be looking at you with soft eyes and affectionate touches. 
You leaned up toward him, your lips were so close to his you could feel his breath against yours. 
“Don’t. Don’t stop,”  
And that was all he needed before his lips encapsulated yours in an all encompassing kiss. It was a kiss that spoke all the words Javi couldn’t. Passion, lust, and remorse for the situation he put you in. 
Your mouths moved against one another as if you had been starved of kisses your whole lives. Javier gently bit your bottom lip causing a soft moan to escape you. 
Your soft moan ignited something within him. He pulled away from the kiss, his hands gripping tightly at your waist and he forcefully turned your back to him. He pushed you toward the wall and you placed your hands against it. 
His hands pulled your hips into his own, grinding himself against your ass. 
“Ah, fuck,” He groaned, “Baby you are so fucking hot,” 
“Javi,” you sighed.
His hands had begun to work your tank top away from your skirt they explored under the thin material and up your back unclasping your bra. He crouched slightly gripping your hips again and kissed your back. His hands dragged your shirt up your sides once again, stopping just below your breast. You swear you heard him inhale sharply, you arched your back slightly knowing you would grind against the strained package in his jeans. 
He growled at the sensation pulling your shirt and bra over your head and throwing across the room.
He flipped you around again, pressing your back to the wall, and pushing himself against you. You wrapped your arms around the back of his neck and legs around his hips. He used one hand to grip your thigh tightly holding you up. This caused your skirt to ride up your thighs and your panties to be directly against Javi’s jeans. You could feel his cock painfully hard pushing against the material and there was too much fabric between you. 
Before you had a chance to say anything Javier’s lips found yours again, this time more lustful, passionate and messy than before. Your tongue danced with his as you brought your hands to his chest to make quick work of his button up. He let go of your leg and you gently brought your feet to the floor as you pushed the cotton t-shirt off his shoulders.
You took a second to drink him in as you began to work on his belt. He was lean and tan, and looked like the devil himself with his hair tossed and chest rising and falling heavily. 
As you unbuttoned his jeans, he brought his hands to your breasts massaging your nipples into hard peaks. 
He had brought his mouth to your nipple gently swirling it around his tongue before dragging his teeth across it. You whimpered at the sensation, head falling back against the wall and hips bucking toward him. He made sure to give the same attention and care to the other nipple before slowly kissing down your belly. 
“Fuck Javi, on your knees,” you instructed breathlessly. 
He sank onto his knees, his hands gripping the backs of your thighs pushing your skirt up to reveal your soaking panties. 
“Fuck baby, so ready for me,” he inhaled before kissing the small article of clothing. 
His fingers hooked on either side of the lace waistband pulling them down your legs. Once they reached your ankles you kicked them off anxiously awaiting Javi’s mouth to find your pussy. 
He kissed up your thighs and slowly licked the space where the inside of your thigh met your hip. you raised one leg over his shoulder, spreading yourself for him. He used his tongue to lick between your folds up until he found your clit. 
Your knees were weak and he held you against the wall. Working his tongue over your sensitive bundle of nerves. You felt the pressure building in your lower abdomen and you knew you wouldn’t last long. 
Strings of moans, curses, and Javier’s name fell from your lips as you began to come undone. 
“Fuck, shi-,” you cursed as Javi’s fingers began toying with your opening. 
“So fucking wet for me baby,” He praised.
“You want my hands too, princesa?” He put his lips against you again gently sucking your clit. 
“I’m no princess, Javier,” you said as you ran your hands through his hair. 
“Hmm, you didn’t answer the question,” he pulled away from you momentarily, rubbing his hands up and down your thighs. 
“Fuck me with your fingers, Javi. And quit being such a teasing asshole,” You tugged his hair back toward you. 
“You have no idea how big an asshole I can be, princessa,” he teased, immediately pushing two fingers inside you before you could respond. 
You gasped at the sensation, he shrugged your leg off his shoulder and stood up, still pumping his fingers inside you curling them exactly where you needed to be sent into a fit of whimpers and moans. His thumb found your clit circling with just enough pressure to push you to the edge. His mouth found your neck nipping and sucking at your most sensitive spot just behind your ear. 
“Javi, babe, so close,” You panted. 
“Don’t be shy, come on my fingers. Tell me how good you feel, hermosa,” Javi spoke roughly in your ear. 
“Fuck, so fucking good Javier,” you mewled and with that your first orgasm came crashing over you. Whimpers and moans spilled from you as the waves of pleasure coursed through you. 
Javier brought his fingers to his mouth and sucked on them before bringing his thumb to your lips. 
“You are so fucking special, I wish we had done this sooner,” He sighed. 
“You should never mix business with pleasure, Agent Pena,” You spoke softly. 
“Yes, we are keeping it very fucking professional,” He spoke before kissing you again. He gripped your thigh just below your ass and you kissed him back feverishly. 
Your hands moved just below the waist band of Javi’s jeans again, this time pushing them down over his ass. He broke the kiss to push them down the rest of the way and remove them. Leaving you both in nearly nothing. 
He pulled you toward the couch guiding you between kisses. He sat down on the leather couch and you drank him in all over again. The way his legs lazily spread apart making him even broader. His arms reached for you. 
“You can have a seat if you’d like,” He said gently tugging your waist toward him. 
You pulled back slightly, “I will, but first we need to make sure you’re comfortable,” 
He hummed in response. You kneeled before him, kissing his thighs and nipping at them slightly. 
Your hands tugged at the waistband of his briefs and he lifted his hips slightly so that they would be more easily removed. His cock sprung free onto his stomach, the tip reddened and leaking precum. You knew he must’ve been painful strained in his jeans. 
You stood in front of him and hiked your skirt above your waist as you brought your thighs to either side of his hips. You slowly began to grind onto his cock nothing in the way to feel how hard he was against you. His hips bucked to meet yours. 
“Let me fuck you, I want see you bounce on my cock,” He said clearly unable to contain himself. 
“Please,” you begged. 
You slowly raised yourself again, positioning him at your entrance. You slowly brought your hips down to meet his, you both groaned at the sensation. He was big and full and began slowly rocking his hips against yours. 
His hands found their way around your back. One on your lower back to steady you, the other gripping your shoulder. you slowly began to rise and fall against him, riding him back and forth. 
“Jesus, fuck- so fucking tight,” He groaned. 
“So fucking perfect for me, princessa,” he continued. 
His hips began to thrust to meet yours as moans and the slapping of skin filled the room. You both were blissed out on the feeling of his cock ramming into your pussy, it was addicting the sounds coming from him. 
With every thrust his hips dragged across your clit, bringing you even closer to your orgasm. His mouth found your breast once again gently nipping and sucking on the sensitive skin surrounding your nipple as you bounced. 
His thrusts became more erratic as you went and you knew that neither of you were going to last much longer. 
“Javier, fuck, so close. So so good baby,” You whimpered.
“Waited so fucking long for you,” He mumbled. “Needed to see you, know you.” 
You brought your lips to his neck, changing the angle slightly. Javi was ramming into you now, both of you quickly coming undone. 
Your orgasm washed over you first as you groaned and cried Javier’s name. 
“Oh fuck gonna-“ He said pulling out of you, gripping his cock. Quickly coming on your skirt and his own hand.
His hip bucked a few more times and his face twisted and he let out a few moans. 
You collapsed onto his chest and he began gently stroking your back. You were both hot and sticky but your post orgasmic bliss took over. Neither of you made any rush to move or speak for nearly ten minutes. Your mind raced with the possibility of tomorrow 
“Thank you, Javier. Just for everything,” you whispered, tears welling in your eyes at the finality of everything. 
“Hm. Your thank you is starting to sound an awful lot like goodbye,” 
“Javi,” You whispered an edge to your tone. You pushed yourself off him. 
“I think we should clean up,” you sighed and made your way down the hall to the bathroom. 
Javier followed suit, neither of you said anything as you rinsed your legs and skirt off. You sighed frustrated as your skirt was now damp and you would have to wear it home. 
“I have something you can wear home,” he said while he washed his hands. 
“Uh Javi- it’s okay,” your words fell over one another. 
“You could also just stay here,” He said, reaching for you. 
“You and I both know that’s not going to happen,” You took his hand in yours and gave him a soft kiss on his cheek. 
“We could protect you here. I won’t let them touch you, I just fuck-“ he ran a hand through his hair.
You didn’t know much about Javier but you knew he could be soft with those he cared about and he was always soft with you. You knew he could be an asshole, but he had losses not many could understand. 
“You and I both know that’s not possible,” You kissed his hand. 
“I’m going to spend the rest of my life looking over my shoulder. You’ll be here bringing Colombia back to peace, and I will be another notch in your playbook,” You let go of his hand and made your way back to the living room. 
You grabbed your discarded bra and tank top slipping them back on. Javier joined you in the living room a few moments later, now clad in sweatpants and holding a pair out for you. 
“Thanks,” You smiled at him, slipping your skirt off and the soft sweats on. 
“Hey, uh- before you go,” Javi shifted slightly, clearly uncomfortable. 
You looked up at him. 
“Just, when you get somewhere safe. Find a way to let me know, ok?” He said holding out a small note card with an address scribbled on it. 
You smiled at him sighing.
“Goodbye Javi,” You kissed his cheek and brushed past him to the door. 
It hurt knowing you were leaving your home. And as the warm air of the Colombian night hit you for what may be the last time, you realized, you finally had someone to say goodbye to.
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tags: @skysmiller @beskarandblasters @harriedandharassed @cupofjoel @darkroastjoel @tightjeansjavi @morning-star-joy @sinsofsummers @cavillscurls @thetriumphantpanda & will be tagging main taglist just wanna get this posted!!
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ashsostrange · 9 months
yk what i find funny? 🤭 walk with me! (xxoxobree pt. 2)
if you don’t like drama then scroll along! 💋
let’s do this one last time 😒 yawn frl. bc apparently bree writes smut now!
this specific blogger, @/impeanutsstuff is named bree. she lives in the bahamas. she’s a sagittarius, favorite color red. coincidence? i think not…
let’s observe!:
i came across this account this morning thanks to one of my friends.
@/brees-dreams was liking up bree’s posts whenever we were initially arguing last month, right? right.
this post is from years ago. notice how she says @/brees-dreams is her other acc. i noticed and reblogged, cz i’m 100% sure that account and this one are two of bree’s alt. i reblogged it implying what i was thinking.
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i knew @/brees-dreams was her alt so i had her blocked before this, i just never spoke about it publicly. i unblocked this certain alt to see smthn. all of a sudden, she followed me and liked my post?? 😭 why would you like a post where i’m bashing you?! i guess she didn’t notice that she had dropped her @ in her “get to know me” post.
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me being me, i pointed it out.
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when she realized, she unfollowed me and later blocked me. 🤷‍♀️ why would you block me if you truly didn’t know what was going on?? i came w receipts all around bc i’m not playing w nb 🫶🫶
she later unblocked me but i blocked her again cz i have all i need now!
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the post is right here, feel free to go thru the thread and you’ll see this what i’m saying is true.
miss nut then claims then claims that she “doesn’t know me and bree’s beef.” if you scroll back up to the top of this post to my initial reblog, you’ll see how i mentioned that she was liking up bree’s posts. it seems like she constantly misses the vital points i’m making!
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look at this bs 😭 but she “doesn’t know our beef” right?? then she acts like she doesn't know bree's handle, which is why she refers to her as "that other creator" in order to sell her lie. this is one of the multiple posts she liked tho... like why do we not try and cover up our tracks atp?? 🤦‍♀️ she’ll never learn bro
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idk what’s going on with bros age bc she said she was 16 in 2016 on her peanut acc then she posted her passport on xxoxobree which shows she’s 17 or smthn ion know… we ain’t getting into allat cz irdc!! 😭 she lied about her age, and a bunch of other shit either way, and it caught up to her. i stood ten toes down and now we know the undeniable truth sooo.
also, these are bree’s alts that i know of: @/brees-dream @/averagegirlie @/imleahleah @/impeanutsstuff
so that's that. what more is there to say really? lol. you do clownery, the clownery comes back to bite! and it’s right in your face. now y'all see we were never bsing. i hv nothing more to prove, this is who she is.
i’d really like to see miss munch try and debunk this one! 🫶
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foxes-that-run · 10 months
Keep Driving
I love him so much. My 1 step plan to make anyone love him is watching him perform.
He said of Keep Driving when he first played it at the NY ONO show:
And before the next song, I wanna say thank you to my good friend and collaborator Mitchell Rowland! Say hi daddy! (laughs) I wrote this next song with Mitch and he supports me in every way possible, he literally makes me sound so much better, thank you for being on stage with me and thank you Sarah!
The screen s when he performed it on love on tour were lover/fine line pink & blue.
Keep Driving is a stream of consciousness, snapshot moments of a life, interspersed with asking his love if they should continue, noting they have overcome hard times. The tempo is important, it becomes more disjointed and chaotic when he is distracted and it calms and returns to a happy pace when he communicates with his love, checking in how they are. The question is almost rhetorical, he wants to continue and is reminding himself to not lose the connection with his muse.
Harry and Taylor have sung about communication and being tongue tied a lot, so Keep Driving is important growth. To me, it sounds like the way Harry posts to social media, seemingly random things that hold meaning to him. It could almost be 'should I keep scrolling?' as that also speaks to interaction without communication.
The title is a Haylor theme, @womanexile has a post of the times they refer to driving here, which is many of their pivotal songs.
Black and white film camera Yellow sunglasses Ashtray, swimming pool Hot wax, jump off the roof
The B&W film camera makes me think of polaroids and Taylor's OOTW line "You took a polaroid of us and discovered the rest of the world was in B&W and we were in screaming colour." A line Harry referenced in his IG feed for 2 years from when that song came out, they were seen at the same place on the dates of most colour photos.
Taylor wore yellow sunglasses and a men's shirt in the 22 MV shoot. The 22 MV also has a with a pool and acting up.
Harry refers to hot wax in Hunger "Candles burnt down to the floor / Wearing less than you wore before"
A small concern with how the engine sounds We held darkness in withheld clouds I would ask, "Should we just keep driving?"
Harry can hear their is a concern with the relationships engine, he notes they have overcome troubles before and rather than running he talks to his partner. Huge progress on communication.
This chorus plays an important role in the tempo and meaning of the song, stopping and talking to each other to ask 'should we keep driving' calms the tempo down, when he and his beloved stop talking and get distracted by the other things it gets chaotic. The message is to communicate. He can see a trouble in the relationship, but they overcome difficult times before, by communicating things calm and it continues.
I Know Places: "Something happens when everybody finds out, see the vultures circling dark clouds" also the Me! MV has their phantom/ghost as a cloud. The Late Night Talking MV also has dark storm clouds at 2:37.
Maple syrup, coffee Pancakes for two Hash brown, egg yolk I will always love you
This verse is telling of a private times together, with common breakfast items. Harry has also referred to breakfast in the unreleased Hunger "We would stay in my house for days / Spilling breakfast on pillowcases"
Passports in footwells Kiss her and don't tells Wine glass, puff pass, tea with cyborgs Riot America, science and edibles Life hacks going viral in the bathroom
Harry missed his flight before the NYE kiss because he left his passport in his mum's car.
Kiss her and don’t tells is self explanatory, but speaks to the long period of time Harry was dating Taylor and constantly asked about her in interviews. The point he made audiences laughing because he’d say “I think the thing is with songwriting…”
Cyborgs are in the Ready for it Music Video. In the BTS Taylor also (1:25) calls them this. The BTS videos are messing with H, complete with edging the way she speaks and how sassily she says her and Joe's birth years will be together.
Cocaine, side boob Choke her with a sea view Toothache, bad move Just act normal Moka pot Monday, it's all good Hey, you Should we just keep driving?
So much attention is on the cocaine line here and in daylight. He did have some tiny pupils in late 1D days. To Howard Stern he said "Who ultimately do you want to be at the end of the day?' You don't want to be the guy who died. You don't want to be the guy who's like whacked out on drugs. You want to be the guy who's 70 and playing for three hours because he can, and he wants to, and everyone's loving it, and he's having fun." Gosh I want that for him.
Harry referenced the Seaview in the Adore you video. Taylor and Harry have both referenced sea views, with the Cannes IG posts, the sl*t lyric video and promotion for cruel summer.
There's no sideboob shortage around Mr Styles. OW had some when this song was coming out, but HH was mostly written before before they met. I think this is Taylor at the 2013 People's Choice awards. It was 2 weeks after the boat break up, rumors if there was shading or a hickey, different Red era style. She also had sideboob at the 2013 VMSs when they may have gotten back together.
Taylor chipped a tooth on stage and just acted normal. This happened August 2013 while they dated.
Finally Harry has sung about Coffee three times, always about communication, which is the message of the song: Falling "And the coffee's out / At the Beachwood Café", Music for a Sushi Restaurant "Late night, game time / Coffee on the stove, yeah" and here.
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projectforawesome · 2 years
Project for Awesome 2023 Perk Fulfillment
Welcome to the 2023 Perk Fulfillment post!
This post will continuously be updated as perks are fulfilled, so you can keep track of whether or not you should have received yours. You can bookmark this page and refer back to it to check on the status of your perks.
Digital perks will be emailed as they come in throughout the year, so please make sure [email protected] is marked as a safe sender on your email.
Even if you bought a digital download bundle perk individually (i.e. you didn’t buy the whole bundle) you should still receive it at the date listed. If it’s not listed, it hasn’t been sent out yet! 
Please keep in mind that there are still supply chain issues and shipping disruptions that are impacting shipping times.  Note that you will receive an email from DFTBA when your physical perk ships.
If you have any questions you can email us at [email protected]
Please note: If a perk is not on this list, it has not been sent out yet. Thank you!
Digital Download Bundle Perks
Bonus Perks - 3/1/23
Pneumatology of Hogwarts Pneumatology podcast - 3/1/23
Orchestral version of Tessa Violet's "Yes Mom" - 3/1/23
Nerdfighter Knit Socks Patterns - 3/1/23
Digital Nerdfighter Art Bundle - 3/13/23
2 Chapters of A Thing John's Working On ("The Trauma Plot") - 3/15/23
E.T. Movie Commentary w/Joe & Craig - 5/25/23
Hank's TikTok Drafts - 6/2/23
Dadcast - 6/9/23
John's TikTok Drafts - 6/14/23
The Clowncast - 6/15/23
Dear Katherine and Sarah - 7/5/23
Nerdfighter Knitted Book Cover Pattern - 7/17/23
John & Rosianna podcast - 8/23/23
"16 Weeks to Glory" song and lyric sheet by the Gregory Brothers - 9/1/23
Like Letters podcast - 9/19/23
Exclusive Dear Hank & John - 12/11/23
SciShow Tangents Butt Fact Zine (Digital) - 1/16/24
Exclusive Digital Perks
Crabulo.us (monthly subscription) - first email sent 2/27/23
Digital Media Workshop with Danielle Bainbridge - 3/25/23
Mentalist Private Zoom Show - 3/10/23
IG follow from Vitus Spehar - 3/27/23
TikTok follow from Vitus Spehar - 3/27/23
Dear Hank and John Personal Message - 3/21/23
Trivia Night with Hank #1 - 4/6/23
Personalized Video from Grace Helbig & Mamrie Hart - 4/12/23
Club Crochet Memberships - 4/18/23
Get Animated into Crash Course - 4/16/23 - 1/16/24
Zoom AMA with Vitus Spehar - 4/24/23
Suggest a topic for Under The Desk news - 4/24/23 (episodes will be rolling out through July)
Name in the P4A Recap Video - 4/25/23
Zoom call with Aaron Caroll - 5/9/23
Trivia with John & Stan #1 - 5/24/23
Animated Into Crash Course - 3/21/23
P4A Recap Video - 4/25/23
Trivia with John & Stan #2 - 6/5/23
Personalized Soundscape from Flula Borg - 6/9/23
Trivia with John & Stan #3 - 6/13/23
Personalized D&D Character Sheets (first half) - 7/5/23
Personalized Book Recommendations with John - July 10-21, 2023
Hank's TikTok Thanks - 10/10/23
John's TikTok Thanks - 10/16/23
Trivia Night with Hank #2 - 11/2/23
Personalized D&D Character Sheets (second half) - 11/14/23
Crabulo.us - 1/25/24
Physical Perks
P4A 2023 Calendars - sent 3/17/23
Eons 2023 Calendar - sent 3/16/23
Journey to the Microcosmos 2023 calendar - sent 3/16/23
SciShow 2023 Calendar - sent 3/16/23
SciShow Space 2023 Calendar - sent 3/16/23
Awesome Socks Club Bundle (s/m & m/l) - sent 4/4/23
Mystery P4A Perks - sent 4/5/23
Signed Drawfee Poster - sent 4/10/23
Penny Passports - sent 4/10/23
Taylor Behnke's Bat Art - sent 4/10/23
Hanklerfish Temporary Tattoos - sent 4/11/23
Color Canvas Board Hanklerfish - sent 4/11/23
Black Paper Hanklerfish - sent 4/12/23
Hank's Confetti - sent 4/12/23
Katherine's Little Art - sent 4/12/23
Character We Mail to You (Destin's Stream) - sent 4/27/23
Hank Green Books (foreign editions) - sent 5/2/23
A Book from John's Library - sent 5/2/23
P4A Quilt - sent 5/2/23
GMM Floor is Lava Tumbler - sent 5/2/23
GMM Nightlight - sent 5/2/23
GMM Poetry Magnets - sent 5/2/23
GMM Mythical Backpack - sent 5/2/23
GMM We're Still Good Game - sent 5/2/23
Club Crochet Beginner's Dinosaur Kit - sent 5/2/23
Bad Astronomer Bundle -sent 5/2/23
Tyler Thrasher pinned insects - sent 5/2/23
Vintage NASA Sticker - sent 5/2/23
Vintage NASA pin - sent 5/2/23
Vintage NASA Postcard - sent 5/2/23
Sydney Green's Acrylic Artwork - sent 5/2/23
Club Crochet Tiny T-Rex - sent 5/2/23
Club Crochet Hankceratops - sent 5/2/23
Club Crochet Set of 2 Meeps - sent 5/2/23
Club Crochet Red Goblin - sent 5/2/23
Club Crochet Green Goblin - sent 5/2/23
2023 T-shirt - sent 5/5/23
Picture Books from John's Library (w/bookplate) - sent 5/5/23
Orin's Country Population Poster - sent 5/9/23
Mini Hanklerfish - sent 5/16/23
2023 P4A Iron-on patch - sent 5/18/23
Dino going to the moon - sent 5/24/23
Dino going to Mars - sent 5/24/23
Character or Dino going to the moon - sent 5/24/23
Dino going to JWST - sent 5/24/23
2023 Enamel Pin - sent 5/25/23
John's Agloe, NY Maps - sent 5/26/23
Tyler Thrasher Glowing Bouquet - sent 5/26/23
P4A 2023 Blanket - sent 5/26/2023
2023 Commemorative Coin - sent 5/31/2023
202 P4A Logo Beanie - sent 6/1/2023
Sarah's "Doubles" Prints - sent 6/7/2023
Sydney Green's Watercolor Art - sent 6/19/2023
Hanklerfish Framed Art - sent 6/27/2023
Lemon Man - sent 7/10/2023
Signed John Green Foreign Edition Book - sent 8/10/2023
Alice's Cat Drawings - sent 8/10/2023
P4A Keychain - sent 08/31/2023
DFTBA Wall Hanging - sent 08/31/2023
We're Hummus Because We're Hummus Coaster - sent 09/21/2023
2023 Pressed Pennies - sent 9/27/2023
Signed Random John Green Book - sent 10/23/2023
Eons Painted Wooden Dinos - sent 10/23/2023
Eons Sculptures - sent 10/23/2023
Bananagrams from John's collection - sent 10/23/2023
Annotated The Anthropocene Reviewed in German - sent 10/30/2023
Eons Signed Scale Bar - sent 10/30/2023
Inky the Possum Paintings - sent 11/17/2023
John's Vision Board - sent 12/28/2023
Original Butt Facts Zine - sent 1/04/2024
P4A Logo Sticker Set - sent 1/30/2024
Self Care Bunny Prints - sent 1/30/2024
Drawfee Print- Lemon Lips - sent 1/30/2024
Drawfee Print- T-Rax - sent 1/30/2024
Drawfee Print- Crabulous - sent 1/30/2024
Little Monster Postcards - sent 2/8/2024
Animal Wonders Paper Plate Painting - sent 2/8/2024
2023 Quarter Zip - sent 2/21/2024
Self Care Bunny Stickers - sent 2/28/2024
2023 Sticky Notes - sent 3/15/2024
SciShow Tangents Butt Fact Zine (physical) - sent 3/20/2024
Please note: If a perk is not on this list, it has not been sent out yet. Thank you!
138 notes · View notes
sand-lily · 4 months
(like just now now)
they still didn't tell me when my training date is, where my hotel is, when i can check in to the hotel, or APPARENTLY how long I'll be staying
(my contract says 1 year, but the CoE says 3years,, so idk what to put on the application , if they dont answer by Friday I'll just put 3years, then i wont get in trouble if i do renew the contract but it wont be an issue if i only stay 1 year)
im NOT buying another hotel if i can help it, SO i do wanna know when i can check into the training hotel so i can buy my plane ticket for that day and put that as the arrival date on the application, according to maps and reddit the shinkansen is only a few hours to the city i need to be in from the airport, so im taking that instead of doing a layover in japan,,
so i need to know WHEN i can check in so i can do the math to know WHAT flight to take, and since im technically losing a day across time zones, thats going to be hard for me since normal time math is ALREADY hard for me
i already have the passport photos, i already have the envelopes, i already made the shipping labels (just gotta print them), i already signed the disclaimer (gotta print), I already filled out the application minus those 2 things im not sure about (and gotta print),,
so my plan is to go to the library and print all the stuff at once, and sign it at the library, then go from there to the post office to drop it off, and then from there back home (shit has to be planned when you don't have a car and public transit only comes once every 2hrs)
the CoE is valid for 3 months from tonight, so im HOPING they want me there the last week of june or mid july so i can pack up my apartment, call my bank, get an esim card for my phone company (this is the only phone number I had my WHOLE LIFE and I don't wanna lose it so i MIGHT pay for international data to keep it), take care of my pets, break my lease unfortunately, get a transit card (apparently you can buy them online BEFORE going to Japan and have it shipped to you),
and quit my new job i JUST started last week unfortunately,, ive only done training so i dont even think i can put it on my resume, HOWEVER, i did pass CPR + baby CPR so i can put that on my resume if they have the certificate on file (idk if they filed it yet)...but if i have another month, I'll be able to have childcare IN A SCHOOL experience (asst teaching)
ig i WONT be able to save up to pay off my credit card, or get my hair braided, and i WONT be able to afford business class like i wanted,, i just hope i get a window seat, i WILL NOT sit in the middle if i can avoid it, i also dont want an isle seat just in case i sit next to somebody who doesn't speak English and they feel nervous about asking me to move so they can use the toilet... i really dont wanna talk to ppl like that
i also also need to look for headphones with a type c connector, because i heard those exist,, my Bluetooth headphones dont work very well on airplanes and i MISS wired headphones severely (i WILL NOT take them out of the box until im at the airport tho, i WILL NOT risk losing them before the flight, as i tend to do)
i also also also need to go through my music library and delete the songs i always skip and add in the new ones ive been playing on repeat via YouTube, im NOT paying for plane wifi , i also x3 need to figure out how to download Libby books like PDFs since i cant use libby outside of America and i want to keep reading books on the flight
ig im un-makeovering my apt tomorrow, time to put doors back on hinges and remove contact paper and fill in nail holes and everything,, it took me like 3days to do everything up and i did it with a butter knife instead of a screwdriver, so it should take less time to undo it with my new electric screwdriver ,, i think my sister is going to try and steal my bedframe, shes already laid dibs on the couch
they BETTER NOT charge me ANY fees considering i paid a TRIPLE deposit to move in here without a cosigner and thats the whole point of a deposit
anyways i got a lot to do tomorrow, so i gotta go to bed at a REASONABLE HOUR, NOT 2AM
and if anybody wants to help me pay off my $1400 credit card bill (ive been using it to pay rent and buy groceries since nobody wants to hire me, unemployment is only enough to pay the minimum + my phone bill so i dont get late fees)
here are my PayPal and cashapp,, im not good at art AT ALL, but if yall want commissions for something so that i can earn the money (i can only do traditional art), I'll do that too,, or i can proofread something? creative writing is actually my forte believe it or not
cashapp: https://cash.app/$firellily
(the pfp is a pic of my cat)
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itsdappleagain · 2 years
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okay enough youtuber intro. gross
ITS TIME FOR THE FISHY DOUBLOON CAPER!! Not my favorite, admittedly, but some great moments in there for sure (see: carmen gets put in a fairly desperate situation for the first time in the series as carmen. nice.)
OKAY HERE WE GO notes under the cut because they're LONG
how cool would the intro have been if carmen's passport had gained a new stamp every episode for the place she went!!!
oh i totally forgot the acme b plot in this episode thats pretty good
s1 chase: not one single red thread to pull s2 chase, buying french michaels out of red string: is that a challenge
it was stuffed in her black sack
i love the mints. they had to set them up so bad so julia could follow them
fuck you chase. maybe if you ate less mints you could be nicer
julia he doesnt deserve you
they sneak "where in the world" into every line they can
have i mentioned the way cs draws water because its all so prettyyy
OH, WET pls
no, player we have to wait two more seasons for argentina ok
"not without any real clues" girl idk where you think clues come from but your birthplace could be a fantastic place to start looking
the equator joke was funny
bananafish? as in the anime? (doesn't know what im talking about at all)
quito!! fun fact: the first highest capital is Bolivia's, La Paz!
omg they foreshadowed the fucking tuna it nearly smacked carmen..
"surface crew is on high alert!" (pan to zack, barfing)
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i love that zack's weakness is the ocean. he grew up in boston. literally being in the home of the fish makes him barf
i love how ivy is not helping at all she's so funny
zack barfs way too many times in this show sorry. they crossed the line when someone shoved her fingers in his barf and squelched em around. no. no thanks. stop making him barf
i have to think this episode was one of the earlier ones abby trott recorded for because she is so violently boston at every turn its hilarious
where the fuck is carmen's air tank. that thing on her back is her water jetpack. where is she breathing from. her tubing is connected to something that is. not big enough to supply her with oxygen for that long
woww the framing of that shot where carmen swims towards the ship...she sounds like she supposed to be very excited about it which i love for her
every single time im like surely she cant fit through that hole and then she does. the reason this is possible is because despite having hips CARMEN HAS NO ASS
i also like the little lookaround she does like idk
GOD the ship is so pretty i love how everyone immediately destroys everything inside of it
carmen "im swimming through the past" sandiego, destroying everything in the fucking ship that she touches
why the fuck is there just a crowbar down there
the fact that carmen is not terrified upon hearing, deep underwater, a roaring, grumbling noise coming from nowhere is a testament to how stup
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see el topo has o2 tanks what the fuck is up with carmen breathing underwater. she has to always be streamlined ig
no way can they fucking hear each other no way nuh uh
i like how player waits until a very nice time to ask carmen what the fuck just burst out of the floor. little break in the action <3
hi. the way carmen says el topo. thank you (applause)
love how player doesnt warn zack and ivy. theyll be fine he said
obsessed with how le chevre's legs bend like the dancing stick bug meme
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sorry side note ivy is so cute
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le chevre is. yeah
the way carmen moves in the water is sooo satisying shes like a wikki stix she just bends
also love how carmen just bounces off of el topo
i also also love how her flippers just gently wave in the breeze
they just fling each other its so fucking funny. she steps on him. he flings her. she full body crashes into him
like how they just keep an arm around each other for a bit. chilling. buddies
do you think it hurts el topo how much venom is in carmen's voice when she sees him now?
the fish. wow that really did just happen
she just kicks his ass what did he do to her
ALSO this is one of very few fights where carmen is very actively in hand-to-hand!! she usually tries to avoid it i think...more evasive maneuvers/defense but shes BARELLING into el topo shes just doing everything she fucking can to fling him far distances
bubble transitions <3 its like bubble guppies fr
eternally beyond grateful that they dropped ivys weird. woke feminist how do you do fellow women thing ok sorry the fisherwoman thing was. out of place. le chevre is right there and youre worried about fisherwoman
le chevre, the frenchest fucker alive: you dont sound like youre from around here
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the absolute terror on ivy's face is sending me. someone else (jackie?? was that you??) pointed out that she reacts like this because they met le chevre in boston harbor but he happens to not recognize them.....super cool i love that s1 and 2 were written together
not a single braincell in le chevres head
she was really about to try to wrestle and do the heimlech maneuver on an 97 pound fish girl no
she sounds so black sheep when she says "come on seriously" 🥺
NO im calling bullshit no way was carmen able to snatch that pipe in the two seconds el topo bodychecked her carmens got fucking superpowers she does not have pickpocketing abilities she has superpowers
we love the attempted murder <3 thats. so dangerous to do but carmen just is like teehee oxygen is gone!!! hope u dont drown or panic or get decompression illness teehee
the most gigantic tracker in the history of mankind
i like how carmen holds that gun whjhehgshsa if she werent underwater she'd be blowing the smoke off it
they didnt even try to come up with a convincing alias they just went with another california city wheeze
wait how is player connected to that walkie talkie. im pretty sure correct me if im wrong but i think that walkie talkies in ecuador dont connect to ones in ontario
theyre such siblings
gay saves the day once more
AGAIN WITH SHOVING THEM IN THE WATER or wait is this the first time?? TREND SETTING?? i feel like they did it once before this but ig not???
lets motor is the same thing as lets jet
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yes carmen speaking other languages i am of the opinion that she should have spoken so many all the time
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she cute
i love how loud carmen is talking "SO ITS AN ECUADORIAN DOUBLOON" also hi dr marquez
I AM LITERALLY SUCH A CHILD THIS SHOULD NOT BE FUNNY TO ME "dick?" "dick." (innocent deer-like blinking) gay-bisexual solidarity
marquez: yeah im leading an excavation tea- carmen: i robbed that fucking boat
the deer in headlights look they give is so funny not one braincell avaliable
the way her accusing them drives them all into terrified scrambling
i also like how marquez just accepts the fact that they robbed the boat because they say theyre coin hobbyists (i mean. she doesnt. she follows them. but still)
i love dr marquez shes so cool. i like her voice also
you know carmen's about to do some craaazy shit when an archaeologist starts talking about history and they zoom in on her eyes going all different directions
zack and ivy being so insensitive is so fucking funny. kids do you know who your boss is
the sibling-like manner in which ivy shoves zack in the face to get out of the boat faster than he does is the funniest thing in the world
GASP! vile has a darker, sexier, even more obnoxious tracker!
lots a shit beeping in this establishment today
chase is such a dumbshit i love him as soon as zari reaches into her jacket he disintegrates. and then he saves it. such grace and talent
chase is just constantly ???????????????????????????
CHIEF! hi chief
what were the handcuffs even for
chase gets kidnapped and hes just like can i go back to work please
damn le chevre just pulled that slick wet thing out hot damn it was still dripping....what? the tracker. the tracker was wet. what did you think i was talking about?
"if carmen sandiego is after this doubloon" YOU GUYS WERE AFTER THE DOUBLOON WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT
no. maelstrom never call yourself papa again
el topo just hanging over his shoulder <3
el topo is so cute
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tfw your boyfriend is kissing ur boss's ass
mael just sitting there listening to them like 👁️👁️
mael is not even evil hes just stupid and petty hes so funny
leonardo di caprio stars in the mole of wall street
who in vile was contaminating cheese OH MY GOD WONDER RAT???
i like how chief is just flat out like. yeahh we dont actually. know if they exist or not but we think so we really do
the scrambled brains joke was so funny chief has actually a lot of personality. i would like her if she were real yknow
the way chief snaps back to being formal when chase clears his throat its ok girl hes not important or competent
HAHA there are a lot of tiny callbacks to where in the world sprinkled throughout here that i never really noticed. gee carmen being the leader of vile sure is far fetched. that would never happen
this video is sponsored by crimeNET technology
acme's introduction is actually pretty cool. a third party that could either help or hurt carmen but seem to want her captured either way
love that background dad who shoves a fish into his kid's face
zack's joints cracked more than jo's wtf
the way she goes "fish maharh-" and then passes out gets me every time its so comedic. she doesnt like. step out of the car and in the background, as zack and ivy are chatting, slowly look ill and then pass out, crashing to the floor. zack and ivy run over, terrified. NO she walks out and goes FISH MAHAHRaha.... and then puts her hand on her forehead and faints like a victorian woman and then moans on the floor for thirty seconds
she totally got a concussion from that right
hi the way her voice reverberates just slightly in the empty garage. good sound design
omg carmen CAN sweat look jackie
ALSO look at my comic about this because just do
the whiplash of seeing coach brunt and then immediately hearing her speak in a gentle ecuadorian accent
the way raf enunciates words should be studied
chief forcibly transferring him is so funny. no. you have no free will you will be acme right now
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mmm she calls out for them immediately <333 they are family. also thee panic at waking up somewhere unfamiliar and alone....what if she thought vile had her again. does she call for them when she wakes up from nightmares. i need to know
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carmens bag ROCKET LAUNCHED those tools across the room DAMN
see i feel like that throwing star had to be 3d it looked 3d?? also why does carmen have throwing stars. also dr marquez is literally the most trusting person on the planet
zack: dont be embarrassed! its ok :) carmen: literally couldnt be more emotionless. literally could not care less about the attention zack is trying to give her. did you find the fucking coin
carmen waiting until they had already wheeled it through the doors to mention it was being wheeled away for comedic effect is such a mood
zack reacting like ivy even though he was literally watching with carmen as the fish got wheeled away
carmen: le chevre. ivy, voice blasting through the halls: AGAIN??
yeah he would id you but he literally tried to skewer these two on a fishhook three hours ago
her face when she says bid to win is so cute
who gave zack the paddle.
150,000 DOLLARS!
ivys look of terror when he says that is so funny
this poor fish market got scammed out of a whole 200 buck fish i hope carmen gave them some money
whats with the flaps in the floor
she WHIPS that poor eel. flytrap could never
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we love carmen pulling out the gun knowing full well the speech wont work
that poor fucking tunafish man
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le chevre gets cornobbled
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something something el topo on his way to slap some goat cheek something
love how top and bottom dont question why carmen has suddenly given up
i also love el topo taking no credit for slapping him with a fish hes luck uhhh yeah bro its the altitude
the lil whoosh as carmen catches the coin
shes like ohhh my god he went into the electrical closet. ohhh fuck
wait a minute if the tube fell out first...how is there still a trail leading from that point. they didnt fall out of the tube so did he just have loose mints in his pocket. or
chief: we are so secretive julia argent: mints
julia is so starved for compliments that she immediately smiles when the random blue projection who kidnapped chase in a dark closet tells her she's sharp
marquez: someday the world will know your name carmen sandiego marquez, a year later, watching tv: UM I DIDNT MEAN BY STEALING THE CROWN JEWELS HELLO
carmen's 👁️👄👁️ when marquez mentions that shes argentinian is so funny one time as a kid i was talking in my sleep and my mom mentioned the dream that i had been having when i woke up and it scared the shit out of me it was that exact expression
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damn... damn these spot the difference games are getting hard
carmen e4: we went our separate ways carmen e9: HOOLY SHIT SHES TRYING TO FUCKING KILL ME
like the boat looks 3d too methinks
next episode: team red is permanently blinded as zack drives directly into the sun
okay!! pretty solid episode. one of the classics. not my favorite though it feels a bit like they needed a caper to go with the acme plot and they just threw darts at a map
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minkuparks · 10 months
a heartbreaking story honestly too pitiful
this party crew have been putting on dj parties at the Latvian centre, where the Latvian community go to celebrate important dates like midsummer and Latvia declaration day etc., its a good space for it , kinda looks like any cultural centre in Latvia. the community is mostly elderly war refugees but my family go every time. and i was feeling unsure about the parties being thrown there, but they're cool djs and good events so i messaged them if i can get a free ticket if i show them my Latvian passport lol...
And they put me on the door with a friend!! I felt so excited and was planning to go in the evening in case my shift got cancelled. But from 12 pm-4pm there was a record fair and music and sandwiches so i decided i will just go to that and go to work later. i was feeling super anxious because its really far away, i don't drive. and i didn't know if anyone i know will be there. i hesitated to call an uber for ages and when i finally got one on the way, i saw on a story that someone who i am kinda not friends anymore is there... like someone i dislike...... and removed from ig and everything. so my anxiety increased by 23451% but i thought it'll be ok, ill just be friendly because there isn't really anything we fought over.... and i thought maybe because i am wearing my Latvia cap i will make some conversation about it and make new friends...
i get there and there aren't very many people there, and i see her talking to someone i know, so if there was any chance of talking to a friend i would have to talk to her too. i went to look through the records but it was only like house music. the space was very open and wide, it was in the stage room and the record fair was on the audience floor. i went to the toilet. AND THEN I LEFT t_t just left after like 5 min, there was a bus in 5 min or an hour. i felt sad that someone i dislike is in my Latvia safe haven and that i couldn't feel comfortable there.
i got home after like an hour and a half and felt stupid and tired. to top it all off i got a message in the work chat that if anyone wants they can have the night off so i could have gone in the evening instead when there would have been more people and dim lighting and less anxiety ahhahahahah. get out of there!!!!!
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webslingingslasher · 10 months
j - it's me 💨!! i have some slight updates for you!! i have to fill you in but im crushy and giggly so this might not streamline well.
do you remember the boy i have a crush on that we were thinking liked me back?
i had my big scary exam. it was in an exam hall of 700 people. and GUESS WHAT. out of all 700 people, WE WERE SAT RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER. like what are the chances. j i swear that was the man upstairs (amen) looking out for me, because everytime i got nervous during the exam, i'd just look at him and feel calm.
like what the hell.
our seats were assigned. i met up with him very briefly before the exam, literally just by the closest station and we walked to the exam hall together because i get lost easily and hes a weird walking satnav who thinks he's so mature bc he never gets lost. like ever. anyways! we were talking a bit, basically just bullying each other bc we have pre-school rizz where we flirt by bullying each other, except he's kinda stopped flirting with me which is sad. well i guess it's a good thing because he's yet to break up with the gf but he isn't hiding that he likes me. you needed to bring ID to the exam and I brought my passport instead of my licence. he said "you don't drive?" and then corrected himself before i could and he was like "well when you live in *town name* you don't have to drive ig" (bc i live in a part of ldn where nooooo one drives/ubers bc it takes 3x longer than getting the tube). but like???? he remembered where i lived and i don't even remember TELLING him. it was a quickkkkk tiny side comment in one of the convos we had weeks ago and i didnt even think he heard me. i was tipsy on our post-class drinks and murmuring and it didnt seem like anyone was listening but he was!!!
j i want him so much :( when is he gna break up with her. idk if u remember the details but he would carry an inhaler for me bc he knows i have asthma and ties my laces for me etc so i think he genuinely does like me and isn't just sleazy & looking for some random girl.
but even if he does break up w her for me, it's still kinda a red flag bc if he does it to her, he could do it to me. even tho he might genuinely like me? idk. he's stopped flirting but still asked me loads of questions and clearly cares so idk. i just blabbled a lot sorry omg <3<3<3 love to u my fav tumblr friend ever
also his hands are so cute and he wears glasses and he's kinda nerdy but somehow his girl is a bad bitch. idk how he pulled her except i do bc hes so pretty :') anyways.
his hands are soooo pretty j like his fingers are so long and his nails are soooooo clean. i like clean nails. v pretty. i think you'd approve. i sound demented. i think im falling in love. ok bye
💨 xx
no stop!!!!! i was thinking about this the other day and i was like 'where is she!!!' love the update, hate that he still has a gf. you need to be like 'have you heard this song by ariana grande? no? it's called break up with your girlfriend, i'm bored. it's so good, it's been stuck in my head for weeks.' ((obv im kidding)) but i mean... it's time we pull a miss ariana and steal the man!!!
he likes you and you like him. just be like 'why haven't you broken up w ur gf yet???' 😁😁😁😁
'hey, hey, you, you, i don't like your girlfriend! no way, no way, think you need a new one!' i could do this all day baby.
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thistransient · 2 years
- In addition to complaining about it, occasionally I do attempt to improve my lot in life: beyond the new bicycling endeavour, I have also finally extricated myself from my Chinese tutoring (under the guise of it being temporary, but really I think the relationship has run its course), and continued going to the “rope jam” evening I tried out last month. It was very rewarding the second time, persistence pays off! However, it came to light that the host also organises a monthly artist networking night, which at first I felt unqualified for when I looked at the sign-up form (I’m not a professional by any means), but was encouraged to go regardless. Sure. Okay. But one is recommended to hand out business cards? Dress smart casual? Have some sort of established social media? I only made an IG account a few months ago, with the sole purpose of looking at plastic surgeon results (I do NOT need another app to scroll endlessly on). I have nothing resembling a brand name, I do have a lot of imposter feelings because I never went to art school (backstory: my mother is a professional artist so I grew up around it, and was on the verge of applying for an art program for uni, but ended up getting a scholarship from a different place for foreign languages and settled for that instead). I am gonna do this though, and see what comes of it. I’ve had the vague intent for years and years to round up all my projects and make some kind of proper portfolio, maybe I’ll be motivated to follow through at long last?
-  I’ve decided I am really truly done with taking language class just to stay in the country. I am going to leave and come back on a visa-free entry, and optimally find a job within 90 days, but if it takes longer than that, so be it. The destination is...*drumroll*...
Seoul. No I did not see that coming either. With Japan being ruled out on account of flight prices, and my Chinese visa being invalidated, I decided it was down to Bangkok or Manila (and possibly Palawan, as a friend from my Australia days is there visiting family). However, Bangkok simply did not spark joy, and all of the cheapest flights from Manila were red-eye (I refuse to do the sleep deprivation hangovers anymore). At some point it dawned on me that separate budget airlines to and from Incheon could be an option. My adventure/ordeal in Korea is the whole reason for the founding of this blog, and it’s been ten years since I left (without cancelling my phone plan, hopefully that doesn’t cause issues but I have a new passport now anyways). I feel it’s only fitting to return for some closure (emotionally, not of the phone plan), and experience everything anew as my current self (vs. severely depressed while working for a tyrannical hagwon boss). I was a little miffed to discover the government has implemented an “Electronic Travel Authorisation” that one must apply for to enter- it’s not a visa, and yet there’s a fee, but it’s good for two years? Whatever.
I was going to lament my dilemma of whether to keep my current guesthouse booking or try to find something cheaper on Airbnb, but in writing about it I’ve convinced myself it’s better to stick with the guesthouse- I’m not keen by any means on staying in hostel dorms at this point in my life, but I’d still like some measure of socialising, and it’s in a nice location near Gyeongbokgung Palace. I just want to wander around slowly taking blatantly touristy photos of things, and eat some good food!
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myyoungroyalsblog · 2 years
Liveblog of Gåsmamman season 6 (so spoilers, obviously)
Episode 1
Everyone needs to hug a cow every once in a while😔
Wow is that prison??
Omfg the kid in the car afahsghsgshs
Uhhh how can you just "check" the dark web?? Is it easy or what? Lmao
Fuck, the kids and the kids kids FUCK
Omg not the kid (I don't think she would ever harm the kid but uhhh trauma?? Jfc)
Fuck and now Linus
Jfc shit
Holy fuck
Oh god he's gonna find out now😭
"Am I dead?" OMG😭😭😭😭😭
Awwww the hug!!!!!!!
Also is he wearing a wedding ring??
Episode 2
Poor baby😭 "I wanna see mama" ahhhhhhh
Are they gonna put her in prison so that she kills Sonja?
Lol I thought that was Fabian for a sec
What the hell? A fire?
Woah wtf is that even legal??? Jesus christ
Oh fucking new that guard was iffy
Of course they take the wrong person🙄
Who is this bitch?
Oh god she ain't gonna get to the apartment is she?
What the fuck hahahaha she escaped??
Yeah no people don't remember what the fuck you wrote on your CV lmao
Oh shit Emil might lose his job
None of those kids better get hurt or die istg
Episode 3
Sonja you can't complain about an ankle monitor are you kidding me???
Omg Linus leaning on his mum my heart😭
Omg the snow is so beautiful!!!!!
Holy shit he was married (did that happen in s5 and I forgot? Lol)
But what if HE is the leak??? Ahhhhh
Hockey? Lmao
Oh that fucker GET HIM GUSTAV
Shit shit shit are they gonna follow him??
God poor girl
Vera shut the fuck up
Ohh the piano music is very nice
Oh fuck yeah Gustav is smart😌
Sooooo many secret🙄
Linus heard..... Is he gonna run away again?
Ohh family drama
Fucking knew he was gonna leave
Ohh Lukas helped him (I think?)
But like where the fuck is he gonna go? Can he even drive??
Oop Richard dead
Episode 4
Jfc another chase🙄
Fucking hellllll they know where they are
Preeeetty sure that wasn't Linus who took the photos Zac
I am scared for Linus here ahhhhhh
Oh shit it was, for the passports?
Fucking Dante
Ahhh fuck yeah that was awesome lmao
Okay that was like a tranquilizer or smt right?
Episode 5
Of course the vest lol I forgot about that
I mean I understand Zac, Fredrik is in danger and the bad guys won't hesitate to hurt a child, but I also understand Nina wanting to help her mum
I hate it when my gut is right, that kid seemed in on all this shit (maybe he framed Richard???)
They made themselves a snack wtf afsjsgsh
Did Zac take Linus??
Vera asked for Linus??
Zac you fucking idiot you think they aren't going to hurt him???? Seriously??? FUCK
What the fuck are they making?
Ohhhh Zac I hate you so much right now
And Fredrik????? Without a dad??? And Nina won't know FUCK
Episode 6
Oh wow she old
So I guess she does go to jail in the end?
Oh fuck yeah Gustav you smart son of a bitch
Fuck you Vera for hurting a fucking kid FUCK
I mean if you're gonna raid a place and save a kid better be discreet and not blare your fucking sirens at top volume what the fuck
Why did Dante talk and not shoot Vera? Hello????
Vera told Linus about Zac right?
Yeah Linus knows Zac's dead
Is Winston Barry's son? Idk
Oh shit they are listening
Jesus fucking christ
But as well Linus needs to say that Zac fucking kidnapped him, like that's why Sonja did what she did
Oh shit Linus called Gustav
Holy shit a bomb????
But they got them ig after YEARS
Awww the graveyard😟
Holy shit hell of a tattoo wow
Ohh Nina found someone
Okay so this is in the future
Did Linus get married??
That is so fucking weird no adahsfshsgs
But awww cute bride!!!!
Now go shave that beard afshsgshdh
How many times has Nina changed her hair hahahahahha love the new look!!
Oh you are shitting me
The minute she is out...... WHAT THE FUCK
That was some twilight shit right there
I mean I think she's right
Oh wow
Okay then
Yeah that might have been the best thing for her kids
But like what the hell
Well....... What a ride adahsgdhdgdh glad it didn't end with Linus's beard cause that thing is gonna haunt me in my nightmares afshshdjdh but maybe now the family can live "normally" idk
So many emotions right now I can't even think afajsgsjshd
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somuchyoudontknow · 1 year
So she has no work here and when you travel in and out of the US constantly, the way she has been changing her IG location, your passport/VISA gets flagged by immigration. This is information they do not tell you but you are put on a list.
She can't just say her "boyfriend" is American and get several passes. Neither can she say it's for work since this PR is technically a work arrangement but under NDAs.
Which is why, to me her constantly changing her location to the US is suspicious.
What about tourists some anons are implying that she might be getting into the States using a tourist Visa and which can be renewed multiple times? Does it get someone flagged too?
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