#Time is but a paper moon
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inkylynx · 7 months ago
I recently discovered fanfic and I'm making it the problem of everyone around me.
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lurking-loaf · 28 days ago
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Make this holiday special with Freddy & Friends Valentine's Day cards featuring the Daycare Attendant. Grab them today before they're gone!
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xxcrumbxx · 18 days ago
Hello hello soo um im still workin on it ,ive been kinda burnt out from it an ik thers no real preshure and im wayyy past valintinse day but heres a wip of those silly lil valintines cards
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Also today is my birth day im 22 now so .. Thats a thing. Anyway im planing on making like 3 alternet vershions of eclips 1 with the cannon tipical 2 arm pre decomishion desighn 1 with the 4 armed fannon /cannon design and 1 with the 4 armed ballone world desighn. Probly ganna take a bit but what ever it will be valintine in fuckin may who cares lol
#fnaf fanart#fnaf daycare attendant#fnaf moon#fnaf sun#moondrop#fnaf eclipse#I shoulda went to bed sooner i acctuly have plans today ill be fine witj an houer of sleep hopefully i dont ruin my own party by being a#Insomneac#fuck im just waistin time i need to sleep but i could also stay up and just party rockers in the house to night my way threw#Im prett good at it but also my brain hit anouther developmental phase and o know ill probly sleep for 15 houers or more affter i finaly#Crash an i sapose to drink with my friend an have a lil party with them tonight#Fuck this is the most eventfull b day ive ever had hopefully i dont cry like i do every year idk why but i always cray on my birth day and#Cristmas#Lol why ru still reading this are you curious#Well hello there you silly fool im suprised anyone would make it down here like tbh i dont even think someone would even check the tags let#Alone read this far tbh im so confadent i think ill dox my self for fun#Are you redy im ganna do it#Get out a pen an paper okay#So here we go#I live in#Hahhahah bro why are u still fuckin here#I cant even spell oh shit fuck im a wizzerd now yah see that i turnd in to a spell casting wizzerd and youre just sitting there probly on#The toilet or a train or summin reading the tags on this nouthing burger of a post#Well any way its gettin late or early man idk its like 3:37 am and im tiyping this out#I gess were in the same bord borderline puthetic bote ?? Ship what ever fuck off i alredy said im a damb wizzerd in this hoe ?? That right#I said some fuckin who how whoe ? Like dude. Wtf anyyway fr fr i got milk thats been sitting on my night stand for maby an houer idk#I cant feel time anymore affter ... THE HORRORS#Anyway agin im acctuly ganna leave now have fun stay safe and uh thanks i gess for sticking arround have a lovely day and umm yah#So uh real quick why did u stay so long fr fr was it bc i was edging u with the whole doxing my self thing bc that was a joke tho i do get#The urge to so.e times .. Fuck im doin it agin
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that-fox-thing · 9 months ago
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Eclipse said something about fanart of them as tsa agent blah blah blah we’re here
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egophiliac · 2 months ago
hey so I know you said art for personal use is okay but i was curious as to if you would be okay with me printing out your art 😭 i need things on my walls in my dorm and ive been obsessed with your unique magic series since you posted them lol. totally ok if not!
oh yeah, that's absolutely fine, thank you! ❤️❤️❤️ and if you're after the UM posters specifically, I put up higher-res versions of them here so they should print pretty nicely! :>
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neonlazycat · 11 months ago
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LDR moon by @spadillelicious
Guys.....I caved in
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faunandfloraas · 6 months ago
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fav skz // Canteen! Canteen! Canteen!
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omg-itsmoon · 3 months ago
Due to the sadness I feel from seeing Melanie suffer under Folly's presence, I drew this random little comic, knowing that it'll absolutely never happen
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Ehhhh, it's the thought that counts
Just to lighten the mood
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spacedace · 3 days ago
another bit from the "Constantine adopts Elle au" idea I posted a snippet of yesterday:
The days immediately after the…loss of Elle’s brothers weren’t the hardest. It would, they’d all learn soon enough, only get worse as their friend’s mental state continued to deteroriate. At the time though, it had certainly felt like it couldn’t have gotten any worse.
Elle had always been, for as long as Lian had known the other girl, been a bright, energetic person. Even when being drug from bed in those ungodly hours that so easily could be labeled as late night and early morning equally to go fight some asshole who couldn’t wait for decent crime-spree hours. Elle had never been so cruel to the rest of them as to be chipper during those awful exhausted - and exhausting - incidents, but she’d always been upbeat. Rousing them into feeling more alive with a carefully currated playlist blasting over the comms and promises of delicious, greasy breakfasts at their favorite twenty-four hour diner that she always delivered on.
She was always vibrant, always excited for whatever came at her next, always dancing ahead of them all in search of a new hobby, a new special interest, a new once-in-a-lifetime experience. Her eternally burning hope that the horizon would have something better, something brighter not a foolish security blanket to hide behind but a weapon she weilded against the world. A spine of steal, a heart of a stellar nursery, a hand equally capable of being stretched out in friendship or clenched into a fist ready to deliver the nastiest left hook that side of Metropolis.
Elle Constantine was a lot of things - a good number of them questionable - but in every single one of them, she was full of life.
So seeing her so completely empty…
The Justice League had gotten roped in on their mission before they even realized the scope of it all. Grand-Bat looming and scowling and digging his grubby fingers into things, the rest of the League not much better as they wormed their way in on the case. For all the good it had done, when they’d been too late actually on the scene to be of any actual use. Only able to show up hours after their initial call for backup when the shit show was finally over and the world saved.
She and the team were all still reeling by the time the got there. Elle still crumpled on the ground, coverd in soot and blood in a writhing heap of pain no one else could even begin to understand. The still air rent by her ragged, broken voice wailing and keening like a banshee from the stories of old.
Screaming until she coughed up blood. Hands dripping red and green ripping at the dirt, at her clothes, at her hair, her skin. Shreiking in mindless, all consuming greif as they tried to calm her down, the only words anyone could make out the broken shapes of her brothers’ name.
Jon had to pin her arms to her side in the end, face pained as he tried hard not to hurt her while keeping her thrashing frame in place. Connor crouched before her cradling her tattered hands in his as he tried desperately to get her to follow his breathing, his own voice thick with barely contained tears. Damian, soft hearted beneath all his bluster and bristling, dropped to his knees beside her in the blood soaked ground and simply wrapped his arms around her in a hug.
There had been nothing Lian wanted more than to be with them in that moment. To join her team in trying to help their friend through the initial horror and agony of having a part of herself so cruelly ripped out and crushed before her very eyes. She wanted to wipe at the endless tears falling down Elle’s face and hold her hands and wrap her in a hug and weep with her over what had happend.
Wanted to get them all out of there, get them back to the Tower, get them all washed up and bundled in a protected, quiet corner where they could all cling to each other in the dark in a mess of blankets and pillows like the children they were. Wanted to shield Elle from the watching eyes of the Justice League members, the clean up crew, the gawking civilians and hungry press. To protect her while she was so horribly vulnerable, her friend ripped open and bleeding out in front of the world like a sideshow and not a girl who had just lost the only people in the world that had known and loved her since the very beggining of her fucked up life.
But Lian was the leader of the Titans. She was the one they trusted to make the hard calls. To look after them. To be their champion against not just their enemies but their allies too when it was called for.
So that’s what she did.
She stood with her feet planted firm on the slick, broken ground. Spine straight, shoulders back, head high and gaze full of hellfire. A sentry between her confused, greiving friends and the good intentioned but ultimately distructive attempts of the Justice League members before her to help.
Lian’s arm was broken in at least two places, hanging limply at her side from a dislocated shoulder. Her weapons buried in the flesh of one monster or other that they had faced that night. Her poison tipped nails split and torn, fingernails missing entirely on three fingers of her left hand. Her mask was cracked and broken somewhere in the debris, leaving her only with a domino that had nearly been clawed off with the rest of her face. Blood going cool and tacky where it had poured down her ragged cheeks, settling in the hollows and lines around her mouth. Pinking her teeth whenever she spoke and the gruesome evidence of the brutal fight found its way to curl insideious in her mouth, down her throat, into the cold pit in her chest.
When she met her grandfather’s grim, obscured face it was with her mother’s strength and her father’s stubbornness and her Pops’ willingness to shoot any motherfucker who dared to try.
Clark’s gaze was on the hunched crowd behind her, tight lines on his face as he stared at his son making it all to clear that he wanted to move past her and insert himself into the situation. To use his everything will be okay voice to command them like confused civilians or lost ducklings in need of a minder. He wanted to play the part he always played in times of disaster: shining beacon, untarnished champion. The last thing her team wanted, the last thing that Elle needed on top of everything else.
Lian’s good hand flexed by the pistol strapped to her thigh in a small warning. The Man of Steel knew well enough that there was glowing green waiting for him in the clip. Her gramps’ obsessive paranoia, her Pops’ good advice about big blue boyscouts who couldn’t keep their noses out of of other people’s business.
They stood in tense silence for long moments, the stillness only broken by Elle’s broken voice rising up in a keening wail for those she lost.
A stand-off that Lian knew that she’d win, one way or another.
Her gramps’ shoulders lowered, so minutely as to be inperceptible to anyone not in their family.
“Wonder Woman will be here shortly.” He said in his low rumbling voice. Beside him Clark finally drifted to the ground, a concession from both of them. “Justice League Dark went radio silent seven hours ago. Last transmission from Zantanna indicated they were dealing with an interdimensional issue and would be unreachable for at least three days.”
Elle’s dad - her family - were unreachable. John Constantine didn’t know that he’d lost his three sons in the span of a handful of minutes, that his daughter was being crushed beneath the weight of greif and trauma to the point of madness. Wouldn’t know for days what tragedy had struck his family, had destroyed the strange but happy life he and his adopted children had carved out for themselves.
John Constantine. Zantanna Zatara. Detective Bobo. Boston Brand. Asa the Nightmare Nurse. Elle’s family, out of reach while she writhed and wailed in agony. The only people who might come close to understand just how deep, how awful, the pain of her brothers’ loss truly was.
Diana was something, was someone, but the Amazon’s time being split between JL Light and Dark meant that she wasn’t a touchstone to Elle in the way the rest of the core members of the magical team were. Elle commented once that Diana was more like a fun aunt she barely saw growing up. Someone she was always excited to see and hang out with, someone she wanted to make proud, but not someone she felt especially close to in comparison to the rest of her family.
Lian did not give in to the pained urge to close her eyes and swear.
She was keenly aware that all it would take was a single crack, as narrow and insignificant as a strand of hair. The smallest hint that the crushing weight of everything that had happened - that was still happening - was effecting her and they’d be back at the attempts to push past her and take over. A desire to help, the restless urge to jump in and save the day, to ease the pain of those so clearly suffering, blinding them to how much worse they would make things in the process.
The intentions were good, but the ultimate results blistering and painful and too often overlooked as the next disaster pulled thier attentions away. Stubborn insistence that their experience overruled her and her team’s instincts. The hands of the older heroes always reaching, unaware that they were too sharp as they dug into the soft flesh of the Titans’ fresh wounds. Picking apart their flaws and failures in the name of bettering them, never stopping to consider the wounds they pressed hard against as part of their lecturing might still be open and raw. That while the men before her had hands in raising most of them, that did not mean they had perfect comprehension to who the Titans were or always knew what the members of her team really needed.
“Have Wonder Woman go to the Tower.” Lian said, knowing that her grandfather heard Selina’s cadence in her voice. A habit, a gamble. Catwoman had been her mentor for a time, had helped her sharpen her claws and her instincts and that budding part of her that would make her a leader one day. Sometimes it pushed Bruce into listening to her, sometimes it just led to him pushing back.
He’d find that latter option unwise at the moment, though.
Her beloved Grand-Bat or no, she knew where his armor was weakest. Knew how to make the single shot she’d manage to get off on him count. Knew just how far she’d go to make sure that Elle and the rest of her friends were sheilded from any and all harm when they were so vulnerable.
She was their champion, their sentry, their knight.
Batman, of all people, knew the lengths a knight was willing to go in the name of the oaths they took.
She watched him shift back. A silent, unseen signal between him and Clark having Superman step back too. Lian wasn’t sure if her grandfather had found the wall she presented him too strong to conted with, or if Elle’s heart wrenching screams of greif and agony made him decide against testing the wall at all. Whatever it was, Lian would take the small victory where she could. It was the only real one she might be able to claim that day.
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bowserphobia · 3 months ago
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Princess Peach… please escape from this place as quickly as possible.
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frizzyanya · 6 days ago
I heard something titled "SilverMoon" and I was like oh that's like that famous line from a poem... Something like "And time is but a silver moon"
Only that's not a line from a poem. I mixed up the title of an Untamed fanfic but it was so pretty that my brain saved it where it keeps poetry, not where it keeps fanfic 💀
It's "And time is but a paper moon"
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firestorm09890 · 1 year ago
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Netzach is an obvious foil to Yesod but then they really gave us a different, even more direct foil to Yesod
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kiruamon · 5 months ago
Paper Heart AU - Cat Shark Plush 2
Me: *going through my older drafts* ... Oooh, yeah, I did made a second part for the plush interaction. Pretty much around the same time as the first part even.
Also me: But how do I explain Moon and Sun being temporary tiny and having seperate bodies without talking about the story progression of the au? Not that I am actively working on it at the time ... hmmm, well, maybe I just won't explain, but still share these sketches instead of letting them gather dust for even longer.
So just have some tiny Moon and Sun having fun with Moon's plush.
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This second part was made, because I loved the idea of their small versions interacting with the plush.
Also, also! Since I waited so long to share the sketches I have gotten my hands on these two in the time inbetween! So have a reenact of the scene with the plushs as a bonus!:D
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xau-u · 1 year ago
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quotablefanfiction · 3 days ago
Wei Wuxian would never wonder what he did to deserve bad things happening to him. He knows. He knows what he did and how often. He knows that he invented entirely new categories of it to do. However. This still seems a little unfair.
Wei Wuxian is aware of his karma (chp. 6)
And Time Is But a Paper Moon by sami (AO3) Mo Dao Zu Shi/The Untamed – Mature – Lan Zhan/Wei Wuxian, Wen Qing/Jiang Cheng, Wen Qing/Jiang Cheng/Lan Xichen #Alternate Universe #Time Travel #Fix-It #Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies #Canon Typical Violence #Healing #PTSD #Hurt/Comfort #Depression #Asexual Characters #Wei Wuxian/self-destructive tendencies #Non-Sexual Intimacy #Mentions of Rape (minor character)
“Zewu-Jun. You once told me about a house surrounded by gentians, where you visited once a month, and how Lan Zhan still waited there, even when the door no longer opened.”
Xichen feels light-headed. He feels shocked, and angry. He has never told anyone such a thing, but Lan Zhan is giving Xichen a look of utter betrayal.
“You told him?” Lan Zhan whispers. “When?”
Wei Wuxian takes Lan Zhan's hand. “About twenty years from now.”
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livingfurnace · 5 months ago
siiiigh i've been severely mentally ill about fotdb and mercenary and der frei recently i might as well share a few of the stupid interactions i've imagined
in my autistic demented headcanons, mercenary's french and funeral's chinese (and frei's german duh) so if they run out of insults to yell at each other in english (korean??) they just resort to their first language. sometimes this ends in a spiderman meme like scenario where nobody understands what they're saying and neither do they
constant jabs and jokes about funeral arm soup especially when he's being moody. he has 5 arms he can sacrifice one
merc and funeral haven't been around for as long as frei's old ass has been, so if they get too invested in talking about something too recent/technology based they have to explain it to frei separately. i think ol' german guy would kind of feel bad but it's so obvious to the other two they just think it's funny
i'd bet real money that frei could use his musket as a melee weapon if he tried so now he has a knife taped to the end and has to endure merc randomly trying to attack him
"sit your anemic ass back down before you pass out on the floor" funeral using his chinese instincts to watch out for the other two
i should release my headcanons for each of 'em too but i made up so much shit that would need a separate post
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