#Tim already knows how to rob a jewelry store let’s be real here
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the-bat-bros · 4 months ago
Bruce wdym you don’t want your girlfriend bonding with your kids how else is she supposed to integrate into the family?
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From the latest update of Wayne Family Adventures on Webtoons
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cornfields-and-bad-dreams · 4 years ago
@failsnail requested Fiona meeting the crazy assholes a bit ago and I finally finished it.
summary: Fiona is new to Los Santos and has a run in with some drunk assholes.
work count :2000
Rating: PG 13
Fiona was new to Los Santos, only been in the city for two days but already she was learning what kinda place it was.  She'd come home from picking up some take out to find her apartment door wide open, inside was a mess, all her things thrown about and scattered on the floor.  Luckily she didn't have anything of real value, some jewelry was missing as was her laptop, but that thing was so old the robbers had done her a service taking it.  Still, Fiona felt extremely vexed to have something like this happen so quickly after moving in.  Putting everything back where it belonged she finally got around to eating.
"I hope the rest of the week will be better."
It wasn't.
The rest of the week was just as infuriating as how it'd began.  Fiona had to pay out of pocket to get her apartment door fixed, the job she'd moved for fell through, her clucker of a car got stolen, and to round off the week she just happened to be at the bank when some half-wits wearing pantyhose over their heads decided to rob it.  Well, try to rob it would be a better description, the idiots obviously didn't know what they were doing and got arrested pretty quickly.  Still, though, the whole experience left Fiona very agitated.
It was Saturday night and Fiona had decided to go for a walk, she needed fresh air and the cool autumn breeze felt perfect.  The tension she'd been carrying all week was almost completely gone when once again, Fiona found herself in the middle of trouble.  Three men had just come out of a bar up ahead of her, the trio was loud and obviously intoxicated.  Fiona tried her best to ignore the men as they stumbled down the sidewalk leaning on and shoving each other around, but as all four of them came to meet, the shortest of the men got pushed into Fiona.  Fiona fell to the pavement and the three men kept going as if nothing happened, in hindsight, they probably didn't realize what they'd done, but at the moment Fiona felt livid that they'd just ignored her.  Getting to her feet she hurried to meet them once again.
"Hey." Fiona grabbed the guy in the middle and spun him around the face her "Are you really just going to walk off without apologizing?"
The man sneered as his two friends watched in confusion.
"What's your problem lady?" He swayed back and forth, unsteady on his feet.
"My problem?  My problem is you.  You and your buddy there," she pointed at the shorter man "just knocked me down."
"What are you going on about?"  The shorter man spoke.
"Yeah, what's this fuss all about?" the third man spoke in an English accent.
"I don't know who you think you are talking to us like that, but you better back off, or else you're going to get yourself in trouble."
"Yeah, tell her Michael." The British one cheered.
"You're messing with Mogar, the Golden Boy, and Rimmy Tim now.  So you better beware." Michael continued.
Fiona took a step closer getting right in Michael's face.
"I don't know who you are, but you do not get to shove me down and walk away as if nothing happened."
"Get out of my face." Micheal gave Fiona a shove.
It was at this moment that Fiona's temper reached its limit.  Taking a swing she clocked Michael right in the face.  The shorter man moved to respond but Fiona quickly stopped him with a swift kick to the crotch.  The British one made an odd noise that got Fiona's attention, turning to him he stepped back.  Fiona narrowed her eyes at him.
"You better not pull anything or I'm gonna break that big nose of yours."
The man nodded vigorously and moved to help his friends.
"Now let that be a lesson to you all not to be fucking rude."
Fiona turned and left.  Leaving the men to recompose themselves.  As Fiona walked away the realization of what had just happened settled in.  Fiona shook a bit, looking back behind her to see if she was being followed, luckily she wasn't.  Fiona finally made it back to her apartment, dead bolting the door she collapsed onto the couch.  Steadying her breath she flipped on the TV, it came to life on the news channel, she was about to change the channel when a picture popped up that made her freeze.
"Earlier today three Fake AH Crew members went on an impromptu race through the city, sources say it was Michael "Mogar" Jones, the Golden Boy, and Rimmy Tim, or as they've been dubbed, The Lads."
It was the men, the guys she'd just encounter.  Fiona's heart raced, being new to the city she didn't know much about the FAHC but from what she'd heard, they were the top criminals around.  Fear paralyzed her as the thought of retaliation crossed her mind.  What if they found her?  What could they possibly do?  Thoughts raced through her head.  That night Fiona didn't get any sleep
It was a week later and Fiona was still nervous but kept reassuring herself that nothing was gonna happen, the three were probably too drunk to remember what had happened, and even if they did surely they had more important things to deal with than some random civilian.  Right?
Fiona was on her way to work, she'd been able to get a job at a convenience store down the block from her, and was almost there when a car came to a screeching halt in front of her.  The car then backed up to be beside.
"Excuse me?" The window rolled down revealing the Golden Boy.
Fiona's heart nearly stopped, she quickly realized that Michael and Rimmy Tim were also in the car.  The thought of running entered her mind but seeing as she was on foot and they were in a car, she figured it wasn't a fair chance.
"Sorry to bother you love, but we wanted to talk to you."  The man spoke softly and sounded nervous.
"W-what?"  Was all Fiona was able to get out.
The back door of the car popped open and Rimmy Tim looked up at her awkwardly.
"We were hoping we could talk with you, maybe drive around a little?  If that's okay with you?"
Fiona's mind said no but her body said yes, nodding, she hesitantly got in the backseat with Rimmy Tim, shutting the door behind her.  The car pulled out and they were quickly passing her job.
"So," started Michael "We wanted to say sorry for last week."
"Yeah, we were piss-drunk and didn't know what we were doing.  We're all very sorry for the way things happened." Spoke the man in the passenger's seat.
"Is that all?" Fiona asked, realizing her tone was a bit accusatory she quickly covered her mouth.
The men laughed and shook their heads.
"No, actually our boss wanted to meet you.  Said he had to meet the girl who beat some sense into us."  Rimmy Tim replied.
"Your boss?  He's the King Pin, right?"
"Yeah, you're not from around here are you?" asked Michael, a hint of a laugh to his voice.
"No, I just moved here two weeks ago."
"Well, that explains why you weren't afraid of us huh?  You didn't know who we were."  Rimmy Tim was the one to laugh this time.
Fiona chuckled lightly too, the men were much different from their first impression.  The car was silent a moment before the Golden Boy spoke.
"I'm Gavin by the way, that's Jeremy, and this is Michael."
"It's nice to meet you."
"You don't gotta lie you know, you're not gonna hurt our feelings." Michael laughed.
Fiona started to calm down, her once tense body slowly relaxing.  The four spoke some more before eventually pulling into the parking garage of a large building.  Gavin opened the back door for Fiona after they got parked and the three men lead her to an elevator.  Getting in Jeremy hit the button for the top floor.  Soon the elevator doors opened to a beautiful penthouse suite, stepping out Fiona looked around, it was all so amazing.  She'd never been anywhere so lavish.
"You can have a seat on the couch if you'd like, I'm gonna go get Geoff,"  Gavin said.
Fiona took a seat as Gavin disappeared down a hallway.  Jeremy offered Fiona a drink which she politely declined, even if the men were being friendly now, she didn't want to risk it.  From down the hall where Gavin had disappeared a loud voice could be heard yelling.
"You actually got the girl?"  Fiona could only assume it was the King Pin, Geoff was what Gavin called him?
The sound of several frantic footsteps drew closer and closer until Geoff and a woman appeared from the hall.
"You have got to be kidding me." the woman sighed.
Fiona felt nervous again, the guys had said their boss wanted to meet her, but this didn't seem to line up at all.
"Please tell me you didn't kidnap her."  Geoff looked back and forth between the three lads.
"No way, she totally came of her own free will." Jeremy insisted.
The woman made her way over to Fiona and sat down gently beside her.
"Are you alright?  They didn't pull anything did they?"
"No, I'm fine." She looked over to Gavin and Michael who were next to Geoff "It was a bit, startling to suddenly see them again, and it was odd to be invited for a drive."
The woman glared at the lads before turning back to Fiona.
"I'm so sorry for them, they're moron."
Geoff came and leaned against the sofa.
"When the lads told us about what had happened I commented that I wanted to meet you, but I didn't expect them to actually track you down."
"We didn't track her down." Michael defended "We just happened to see her and thought it would be good to apologize and see if she'd be willing to come over."
"If you don't want me here I can leave."
Geoff shook his head rubbing at his temple.
"No, you're already here it's fine.  I'm Geoff by the way, I don't know if the guys said who I was, this is Jack."  He gestured towards the woman. "Since you are here, I would like to say you did a pretty good job handling these three.  They can be quite a handful when they're drunk."
"It was no trouble."
The group sat around and talked late into the night, food was ordered, movies were watched, games were played.  Fiona could hardly believe it but these hardened criminals seemed more like a family than anything else.  It was weird being a part of it with them, but at the same time, it felt right.  Gavin had passed out on the couch, Jeremy was in the bathroom, Michael and Jack had returned to their rooms for the night, leaving Fiona and Geoff to clean up.
"You know, tonight was really fun,"  Geoff spoke.
"It was.  Can't believe it was real, to be honest, but it was definitely fun."
"This doesn't have to be a one-time thing."  Geoff looked over at her.
"What do you mean?"
"Why don't you join us?  You'd fit right in and we'd love to have you."
"I don't know, it's a wonderful offer, but I don't know if this is the life for me."
Geoff chuckled.
"Think it over.  You can stay the night, by the way, hate to send you home this late."
"Thanks, and I will think it over.  This has been the best day I've had since moving here."
"Glad we could be a part of it."
Geoff showed Fiona to a spare bedroom and retired to his room for the night.  Crawling into bed Fiona smiled.
"Maybe I don't need to think it over that much."
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becausewerebatfam · 7 years ago
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Timothy Drake x Reader as Harley
The Joker died leaving his son Lucifer, Lucy for short, and his Harley to keep his legacy going. Tim thinks you deserve better.
Warning: Abusive relationship, suggestive.
“This way,” Lucy lead you through the dark alleys of Gotham. He was familiar with them unlike you, yet there you were staring at a brick wall with Batman quickly catching up.
“It’s a dead end Lucy-”
“Thanks Honey Bun for the update.” His words were sarcastic but still held a playful tone. “Be a doll and climb up to that balcony for me.” He lowered his stance down and prepared his hands like a pedestal for you to use as a stepping stone.
Looking up at said balcony you saw an unascended fire escape ladder knowing he wanted you to drop that down for him. With a nod of your head, you placed your right foot on his hands. He launched you up as you simultaneously jumped and grabbed onto the balcony railing. You swung up into a handstand then pushed off perfectly landing in an empty space of the balcony free of the tenant's clutter.
“Bravo,” Lucy clapped and hollered as you took a bow. 
“Stop right there Joker” Batman appeared from the shadows with a scowl. This was the second break out at Arkham Asylum this month. The first being when you broke the Joker out and now you two returned for the Scarecrow. 
"I’m afraid I’m due somewhere else but I leave you in good company. Oh, Angel Cakes...”
You used your body weight to pull down the ladder and swung off landing in front of Batman. “Nice to mee you Mr. Batman. I’ve heard so much about you.”
Batman instantly recognized your voice as not being Harley’s. He now knew he hadn’t chased down the right Joker. “Lucifer,” he narrowed his eyes. Father and son didn’t just look alike but they even shared the same voice. It was impossible to identify them, even for Batman.
“That’s right,” Lucy laughed.
“Batman!” Tim joined his side after having dealt with the other patients that tried escaping during the riot.
Batman grabbed your arm and pushed you into Tim. “Deal with her, I’ll go after him.” 
You sighed, “Well boy wonder...what happens now?” 
Tim looked at you with bewilderment, “You’re not Harley.”
“I’m not?” you gave an exaggerated gasp followed by laughter. “Then why am I wearing such ridiculous makeup?” The question was rhetorical of course. “Maybe it’s because you all scared the crazy out of her when you decided to kill Mr. J forcing my Lucy to pick up where he left off and making me dress up in these ridiculously uncomfortable small shorts!” You covered your mouth with your hands quickly regretting the outburst. You didn’t know what was wrong with you. Lately, you were experiencing some serious mood swings.
It had only been six months but already you could see your Lucy changing. He started off your sweet caring boyfriend. Now he was starting to act just like his father, he even started treating you just like his father had treated his mother. You would have left if it weren’t for Harley who asked you not to give up on him.
“The Joker’s dead?” This was news to him. To everyone’s knowledge, Joker was still running around terrorizing Gotham.
Your eyes widened realizing how angry Lucy would be when he found out you told one of the bat’s wards. “No, I just-” in a panic, you dropped a smoke bomb and escaped. This was your first time ever getting caught and the first time you met Robin but not your last. 
“There’s been an escape at Arkham.”
Tim is quick to react when he hears this. “Who escaped?”
“Lucifer” Barbara informed him without thinking. Only moments later did she recall Bruce’s warning. “Tim I need you to-” Barbara was interrupted by the static silence that came from Tim’s com. “Tim!”
It was too late, Tim was gone. He looked all over Gotham for you that night but came up empty. He stayed out until the sun began to rise and he still didn’t find you. 
When he returned to the cave Batman was waiting for him. “Tim-”
“I know what you’re going to say.” He wasn’t one to do rebellious things or go against Bruce’s commands unless he had a good reason. 
Bruce always trusted his judgment except when it came to you. “Harley isn’t worth your time Tim. She can’t be helped.”
“You don’t know Y/N like I do!” Over the years he had run into you countless times. Every encounter had brought him a little closer to understanding you. The real you was a bubbly, sassy girl and a skilled acrobat. In a lot of ways, you reminded him of Grayson. The difference is that when you left the circus it was to be with someone who changed your life for the worse. 
“I know what you’re thinking Tim but she loves him.” Bruce had tried helping Harley get away from Joker but it proved impossible. She was too enamored by him. It was unfortunate that Tim had fallen for you because it could only go badly. “Harley would have left him if she loved you.”
Tim’s hands clenched into fists feeling utterly defeated by his words. “I have to help her...she can still be saved.”
Bruce sighed inwardly, Tim was starting to lose his rationality. “Get some sleep Tim.” It was obvious he had been burning the midnight oil.
He only stopped looking for you a few days to get Bruce off his back. Then he started looking for you whenever he had free time. No one had spotted you or the Joker in weeks. Until now when his goons were caught robbing a jewelry store on their own. 
Dick kept a close eye on Tim knowing his desperation to find you. “Tim let’s go, the police will take it from here.” They had tied them all up and recovered everything they had intended to steal. 
It should have been case closed but Tim wasn’t done. He began questioning the goons, “Why did you come alone?” They weren’t the brightest bunch.
They looked to each other before the newest of the bunch responded hoping to get some leniency. "Miss Harley ran away yesterday and the boss ordered us to get some gifts so she’ll come back.”
“Shut up you stupid idiot!” one of the others shouted. “The boss will feed you to the hyenas if he finds out about this.”
You got a running start and jumped to reach the high bar. With both hands firmly gripping the bar you swung your legs up and over until your hips were directly on it. You smiled seeing the moon brighter than ever before. Maybe it was because you were free but it seriously looked brighter and instantly increased your mood.
After readjusting the position of your hands you spun forward a few times before letting go, doing a backflip, and landing perfectly a few feet forward with your hands in the air. “And the audience goes wild!” you cheered for yourself remembering the good old days at the circus.
The bittersweet thought brought tears to your eyes. “Thank you, thank you,” you bowed pretending to thank the audience when suddenly you heard real applause. You wiped your tears away before turning to see Tim and turning on the Harley act. “Well if it isn’t my favorite boy wonder.”
There was a tremble in your voice that alerted him. “What are you doing out here Harley?” As he got closer he could see your smudged makeup.
“Can’t a girl just have a little fun every once in a while?”
“Of course,” Tim’s brow furrowed at the sight of the purplish spot that was peeking out from under the makeup on your left cheek. “What’s this?” 
You slapped his hand away remembering the hit you had taken from Lucy when he heard you had been spotted outside the hideout while he was locked up in Arkham. Lucy wanted your world to revolve around him. If he wasn’t around you were to stay put and wait for him. “It’s nothing” you giggled trying to play it off. “I should go before he starts sending henchmen to look for me.”
Tim blocked you from leaving and gently wiped the rest of your makeup from your cheek. His worries increased when the rest of the purple bruise was revealed. “This wasn’t here last time I saw you.” 
A gentle hand upon your cheek was a pleasant change from the harsh hold Lucy kept on you. Even when he was kissing you, he held your chin harshly to keep you in place until he was satisfied. Tim, on the other hand, was always treating you like a porcelain doll. Perhaps that’s what you were because the smile finally dropped. Just being in his presence broke you out of character. “Last time you saw me Lucifer was locked up.” With the Harley persona gone you allowed yourself to lean into his hand.
At the sight of a tear, Tim got the feeling you were starting to break for good. Whatever hold Lucifer had on you was weakening letting the real you appear before him more often than not. “Y/N...” he called you by your name, waiting since your last encounter to use it again. When your eyes opened he inched closer,  “...can I kiss you?” His lips hovered over yours for a moment as he waited for your permission. 
You closed the gap between the two of you and gave him more than a simple kiss. Your arms wrapped around his neck while your legs wrapped around his hips. 
His hands ran up and down your back feeling you up. This was a long time coming. Not once had you two kissed but the intention was always there building until now. He could hardly stop himself.
After pulling away from his intoxicating lips there was a feeling of regret. “I think I really am crazy.” Just like you feared, you got that same warm feeling in your chest you once got with Lucy. 
When you tried leaving Tim pulled you back. “You’re not crazy,” he assured you.
But you were because right there in that playground you pushed him down onto the grass and straddled his hips. It was late, no one was around but you were still out in the open. The only thing keeping people from watching was the greenery. Trees, bushes, shrubs- nature was helping you out but it wasn’t enough to keep Lucifer’s guys from spotting that kiss.
"Cupcake...here I was worried sick about you." 
You groaned as your eyes fluttered open. Trying to get a grip of the situation was hard when your head was spinning. Lucy beckoned you over in a sing-song voice masking his true intentions. When you didn’t come to him he forcefully dragged you along by the arm.
The size of your eyes almost doubled at the sight of a bloody Tim slumped forward in a chair. He appeared to be tied by the wrists and ankles but you could hardly make it out in the poorly lit warehouse. His hair was matted in a mixture of blood and grime. You were sure Lucy had kicked him around good before putting him on display for you.
All you could remember was being with Tim the other night. You were a bit dizzy which told you a concussion could possibly be to blame. You didn’t have the slightest idea of how you got there.
"It's your favorite Robin." He chuckled maniacally loving your reaction. "What's wrong sweetie pie?" He wrapped his arm around your shoulders bringing you in closer and placing a kiss on top of your head. When your horrified expression didn't waiver he realized this was far more than he had imagined. "Why so serious sugar bear?" he whispered the question into your ear in a very menacing tone that made your skin crawl. He wanted you to fear him as much as he feared losing you to his enemy.
"What did you do to him Lucifer- ah!" you yelped in pain when he harshly grabbed your chin. Turning your face towards his so your eyes wouldn't wander back to Tim.
"Honey don't be so formal, I'm your sweet lovable Lucy. The only man who can ever make you smile."
"Let go of me!" you tried pulling free but the more you fought the louder his laughter grew.
Tim awoke from his unconscious state with the sound of your struggle. "Y/N..." he called you by name not realizing the effect it had on Lucy.
"Robin!" Without even thinking you ran to him. A loud gasp echoed through the large warehouse when you were close enough to see he was seated on a chair with wires that lead back to the entrance where Lucy was standing.
Lucy laughed, "Now you see the extent of my surprise Sugar Plum? I got it just for you. Remember how you kept asking for a shocky chair?"
You were ashamed of allowing your role as Harley to get you this far. To see the person you loved being hurt to such an extent because of it- Tears ran freely down your cheeks. Frantically searching for a way to release him, “I’m sorry, so sorry.”
“Y/N go,” the pain he felt didn’t matter. He just wanted you to be safely away from the psychopath. “Run and don’t look back.”
“I can’t leave you here!” You pulled at the restraints on his wrists with all your strength but they didn’t budge. Lucy had replaced the basic leather strap and metal buckle with chains and locks that he probably disposed the key of. 
Lucy’s expression darkened considerably even for him. “Honey Bun I’m starting to lose my patience. Get back here right NOW!”
Going against his wishes you embraced Tim.
“Fine... both of you can die.” There was no smile on your face like he expected. His Harley had been taken from him.
As Lucy gripped the lever you looked into Tim’s eyes and confessed. “I love you Tim.” For the last time, you pressed your lips against his feeling the surge of electricity run through both your bodies.
pic credit; shima920 真嶋しま℠
A/N: Thoughts? I apologize for spelling or grammar errors. I will check it later.
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bowstaffbois-writing · 7 years ago
Thief for Hire - Tim Drake x Female!Reader
Hey everyone! This is super angsty, but it’s decent, I guess. Constructive critisim welcome <3
Also, substance abuse trigger warning. Nothing too crazy but be aware.
You jumped from one building to the other.
You kept running.
The wind hit your face and you smiled.
Nothing could stop you now.
Not the police.
Not Batman.
And definitely not some Robin, or ex-Robin for that matter.
You stopped when you reached your apartment, and slipped inside through the window you purposely left open. You grinned when you reached your bedroom. Sleep, finally! You dropped your bag of loot and crashed into bed.
You woke up and found a boy sitting on your couch. He was tall, with black hair and a serious look on his face. At first, you were shocked, but you quickly found your voice.
“Um, who the hell are you and why are you in my apartment?”
“Well, you robbed the local jewelry store, so how ‘bout you tell me about that first?”
“You wish.”
“Fine. I’ll just call the GCPD and tell them all about a certain 22 year-old college dropout who robs places for hire, and was busted while doing so.”
You stopped. You couldn’t get caught. Jail was your number one fear.
“What do you want?”
“I need you to rob someplace for me.”
You cocked your eyebrow.
“Do I look like I’m kidding?”
He didn’t. Maybe it was the mask, or the while red and black color scheme.
Either way, he looked like he meant business.
“Fine. It’ll cost you though.”
“I’m glad you’ll do it, but I’m afraid I can’t pay you.”
“Then sorry sir, I can’t. I have to make a living too. No cash, no deal.”
He smirked.
“I thought you might say that. Look, either you do this job for me, or I’ll report you. I have lots of evidence against you, and I know you don’t have enough money to get a lawyer, let alone one that’s good enough to get you out of this. So, job or jail. Your choice.”
You thought it over for a second. If he wanted you, a petty thief for hire, instead of a professional mercenary, there must be a good reason. You smiled. You had your loophole.
“Only if you destroy all evidence against me, while I watch.”
He fidgeted, but then gave in.
“Fine. But only if you perform as promised. No last-minute switching sides.”
“Sounds good to me.”
You shook hands with the boy. He couldn’t be older than 20, but he acted far more mature. This wouldn’t be so bad.
“So, here’s what I need you to do…..
No. No. No. NO NO NO NO NO. This was absurd. You couldn’t do this. This “Red Robin” guy wanted you to break into your ex’s place and STEAL a flash-drive containing important information on their drug smuggling system. And your mom still talks about how great he was… If only she really knew. Did “Red Robin” really think that you could break into there? You were a petty thief, not some superhero. Well…. it’s not like you have much of a choice at this point, so here we go…
You were running.
But this time it just didn’t feel right.
Normally when you commit a crime, it’s just you. You, the adrenaline rush, the wind and the smirk that always forms on your lips… No bossy teenage boy (with a hell of a lot of sarcasm) sassing at you through an earpiece he insisted you wear. You sighed and rolled your eyes. You just couldn’t wait until you could go home and sleep…
“Y/N, LOOK OUT!!!” the boy screamed in your ear. You looked up in time to see your ex-boyfriend standing on top of the air conditioning unit. He jumped down into the moonlight. He looked TERRIBLE. His once crystal-clear blue eyes looked like they were popping out of his skull, and were clouded over and blood-shot. He had lost a ton of weight, and was shuddering violently. The grin on their face scared you. “God dammit, the drugs you can get your hands on today…” you thought.
“Well HELLO Y/N! Good to see you… You look well. Care for some happy juice? Fresh shipment from the Joker! Not enough to make you go totally loopy, but it has a great high…” He started cackling. You felt the tears begin to prick your eyes. How could he do this to himself? He used to be so…beautiful.
He came up and grabbed your chin. You turned your head and let the tears fall. He smirked. “Awww… you can’t be sad. Have a laugh! I can how you a great time…” You glared. “Alex, we talked about this. We’re over. I refuse to be involved with a freaking DRUGGIE.”
His smile turned to a frown. His hand went flying across your cheek. You gasped for air and fell to the ground. He smirked and turned to walk away, then you heard a hard THWACK! and heard Alex fall to the floor. You looked up, and saw Red Robin holding a metal bo staff.
You ran to Alex to see if he was okay. You put two fingers near a blue vein on his neck. No pulse.
No No No No NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tears started falling and you felt yourself being picked up, and carried home by a certain ex-boy wonder.
1 Month Later
Alex had already been playing fate with extreme substance abuse, but the blow to the head (courtesy of Tim) had been the final straw. It would have knocked out a normal person, but the drugs had made Alex really weak, so he wasn’t strong enough to survive. It was a wonder he had been alive that long as it was (And oh yeah, Red Robin’s real name is Tim).
You and Tim had started hanging out more after what happened, because he felt bad that he had put you through that. He knew that you and Alex had been close, but he never realized the extent of your relationship, not to mention the fact that he was an abusive asshole. You decided to let him try being your boyfriend (after some begging on his part), and so far he had yet to disappoint.
You smiled. “Hey.”
“Remember that deal we made the night that, um…”
You smiled. “It’s ok Tim, I’m over him. I have you now.”
He blushed. “Well, anyways, remember the part about burning the evidence?”
“Want to help me?”
You smiled. “Heck yeah!”
You ran down into the family room of Wayne Manor (oh yeah, he told you about that too.), and saw a stack of papers and flash-drives on the coffee table, in front of a roaring fire.
“Would you like to do the honors?”
You smiled at him, and grabbed everything and threw it into the fire. It went up in flames, while you and Tim watched, holding hands.
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somestorythoughts · 4 months ago
#what do you mean this is proper bonding activities#Tim already knows how to rob a jewelry store let’s be real here#Selina was just hinting that she knows that already#Tim I have the highest body count Drake 100% could rob a jewelry store if he wanted to#Tim I have the immune system of a sickly Victorian child Drake#Bruce is so whipped it’s adorable#he loves this woman so much#they’re basically a married couple your honor#give her partial parental rights over those kids#Bruce is WEAK for this woman#and Selina knows that too#they all know that#reminds me of the chapter where dick and Jason are talking about how gross it is when they see Bruce and Selina kiss ESPECIALLY as Batman#and catwoman
Bruce wdym you don’t want your girlfriend bonding with your kids how else is she supposed to integrate into the family?
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From the latest update of Wayne Family Adventures on Webtoons
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