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bowstaffbois-writing · 5 years ago
Kleptomaniac - Tim Drake x Reader
Note: I’m not quite sure if I like how I’ve characterized Tim in this, I just know I hate the whiny “Timmy boi baby” version of him in fanon. This takes place during the “Red Robin” solo comic, as a sort-of behind the scenes thing after Battle for the Cowl and what not. Constructive criticism always welcome!
Tag list: @zatannagurl @sohotthateveryonedied @fangirlnova​
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The clock stuck 11 PM, and you started getting dressed. Black baggy pants with deep pockets, a black long-sleeved fleece turtleneck (cold prevention is a real thing), black gloves, and your signature black fabric sick mask, looped behind your ears. You took note of yourself in the mirror, and smirked. You laced up your boots, tied back your hair, put on a black baseball cap, then headed out the door of your apartment. You walked up the stairs, then exited the door to the roof. You ran.
You jumped from building to building, watching the ground disappear and return every two seconds. The neon lights accentuated all the right corners of the alleys, dimly lighting the streets of Gotham enough to see, but poorly enough that a sense of secrecy filled the cold air that nipped at your skin. This was all you needed. Well, that and you needed to get to Wayne Manor. You had a bet with yourself that you weren’t keen on losing. You were a noted local thief that no one had managed to catch, and you were thrilled about it. There’s nothing closer to euphoria than the art of stealing. Tonight’s target was a simple, the boxers of a certain Tim Drake-Wayne. 
Why boxers? Fabulous question. You knew it was kind of crazy but a) he probably had tons, he’s a different breed of rich, and b) you got this giddy feeling every time you thought about the idea of stealing something so, well, scandalous. People don’t steal underwear, they steal things of value, like diamonds or money. If they steal underwear it’s usually because they’re a freak, but you were only after clean ones. There’s no value in clean boxers, especially when there’s no way to prove to the owner. All the euphoria you need without half the consequences. What’s to lose? It’s not like he’s going to miss them, he’s rich. He can just buy some more.
You jumped from the top of an apartment complex into a nearby tree and hopped from tree to tree until you reached the forest behind Wayne Manor. You dropped to the ground and ran until you reached the edge of the forest, then climbed a tree with branches near the wall of the Manor. You smiled, go time. You jumped behind the branch you were standing on, grabbed it, and used it to swing onto the ledge attached to the Manor. You dodged the security cameras as you ran across the ledge, and soon enough you were outside the window to a bedroom. You cracked the window and slipped inside.
The room was littered. That’s really the only way to describe it. Coffee cups, mugs, crumpled up papers, pens, pencils, manilla file folders with lazily paperclipped scraps of paper inside. The room itself wasn’t as big as you thought it’d be; a full-size bed, desk, bookshelf, door left ajar to an also wrecked bathroom, and to the right of it, another door. The only thing that really implied richness was the high ceiling, dimly lit in the moonlight. You took a moment to look at the mysterious door, could it be a closet? You crept towards the door and began to turn the knob when you heard the floorboards outside of the room moan. You swung the door open, threw yourself inside, and shut yourself inside in one swift motion. You heard the door to the bedroom creak open, followed by a harsh murmur.
“He’s alive Dick! I don’t care what you say! There’s proof out there and when I find it, you’re going to find yourself choking on your foot!”
An exasperated sigh.
“Tim, I’m worried about you. If you’re grieving-”
Tim’s voice rose to a yell, and it startled you.
Your heart jumped into your throat when Tim slammed the door shut. You pressed your ear to the door and listened as Tim threw his clothes on the ground. You paid careful attention to how his footsteps got softer as he made his way to his bathroom. You allowed your breathing to relax a little when you heard water hitting the ground; he had turned on the shower. You shut your eyes and felt your heartrate ease. Wait, who’s dead? It couldn’t be THE Bruce Wayne, could it? It had been in the local news that he hadn’t been active in the public for a while, but you would never have guessed this! You pulled your knees close to your chest and took a moment to process that information. What else were these people hiding?
Wait, he’s in the shower! Of course! He’s not going to be able to see you slip out! Besides, you were already in the closet, right? Back to the mission at hand. You took a moment to stand up, and then fumbled for a light switch. Found it! You flicked it upwards. The only thing that turned on was a lamp in the far corner, giving the room an eerie vibe. You found yourself staring at two rows of grey file cabinets on each wall, in a small rectangular room. Most of the drawers on the cabinets were open, with files sticking out in all kinds of odd directions. You looked at the ground and noticed that Tim had thrown some of them on the ground. You had to stop for a second, it took a conscious effort not to gasp. Who was this guy? After taking it all in, you noticed a wooden dresser that had been stained a deep chestnut at the far end of the room. Despite your curiosity of the file cabinets, there were more pressing matters. You crept across the room, careful not to disturb the papers scattered across the floor. You reached the dresser and opened the top drawer.
Eureka! You grabbed the first pair, noted the batman symbols arranged in a geometric pattern (ha), and shoved them deep into the pocket of your pants. You hop-scotched around the files again, flicked the light switch off and put your ear to the door. The water was still running, you were in the clear. You turned the knob, backed around the door, and exhaled a sigh of relief. You’d made it! You turned around to leave out the window, and found yourself making direct eye contact with Red Robin.
- - - -
You jumped, and you felt your eyes pop out of your head. Holy fuck!! You’re screwed!! You inhaled sharply, almost as if to scream, and Red Robin put a finger to his lips. “Shh, shh! Come with me!” He grabbed your hand and pulled you into the very room you just left. You wanted to talk but couldn’t seem to make words leave your mouth. Red Robin smirked. “So, you’re [Y/N], local thief. I know you think you’re smart for breaking into my case files, but I do have a way out of this for you.” He thinks you’re here for the files! And is giving you a loophole? You’ve never felt so lucky. You exhale and smile. “Anything.” He smiled. “Perfect.”
(tune in next time to see Red Robin and [Y/N] break into the Iceberg Lounge itself! Same bat-time, same bat-channel.)
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bowstaffbois-writing · 7 years ago
Note: All of these are female readers, unless otherwise stated.
* = Written when I was in middle school. They’re not my best but maybe they’ll entertain you? I don't know. Read at your own risk, prepare for cringe. 
I know some of the link don’t work, I promise I’m working on it lol. Stand by :)
Tag List: @zatannagurl
Jason Todd x Reader
*The X-Acto Knife (Self-Harm TW)
Tim Drake x Reader
*Thief for Hire (Substance Abuse TW)
 Kleptomanic (Swearing TW, Gender Neutral Reader)
Damian Wayne x Reader 
*Jokes on You (Gender Neutral Reader)
*She’s My Girlfriend
*Favorite Musical
Tim Drake
*Magic the Gathering (How to Play)
*Little Gifts
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bowstaffbois-writing · 7 years ago
Little Gifts - TimSteph
Tag List: @zatannagurl
So anyways Tim is a mushy little shit
But in the subtlest ways
Like he’d never do something as over the top as filling your entire car with roses (I saw that in an Instagram video and honestly what the FUCK)
Tim would give you one red rose and a heartfelt letter about how much he loves you, and something small he knows you’d enjoy (book/keychain/chocolate etc)
He’d be nervous to give it to you but your smile is worth it to him
So you can imagine how much Steph loves it when he does cute things like that
She smiles and jumps up and down and screams into his chest
and Tim is SO happy
His smile is priceless
But then Steph freaks out because she has to find him a good gift
She usually gets him a good book she thinks he’ll like when he catches a break
Or a good movie she thinks he’ll appreciate
Like he LOVED Ready Player One (book)
And they watched Love, Simon together
Plus they loved the book too
The Outsiders is another personal fav
Tim’s favorite book from Steph is the Phantom of the Opera
He loves the mystery element and also is fascinated by the actual case (because he actually existed, google it)
He didn’t like the movie so much though
But he secretly loves the musical
Musicals are another thing he and Steph love
Dear Evan Hansen is their all time fav
Be More Chill and Carrie are also personal favs of theirs
Because tbh they’re both really into Stephen King
And don’t even get them started on Stranger Things
Tim won’t admit it but he hardcore stans Eleven
Also Mileven gives them life
They try to get together once a week to catch up with each other and watch movies/play Magic
Their nerd battles are a thing to be FEARED
Between Tim’s memorization and Steph’s drive nothing can stop them
Dick tried to stop them from debating once and he ended up pinned to a wall upside down with batarangs
The others have since learned
The only person who can stop them is Alfred
Even then it usually requires some cookie bribery
But overall they love each other and their nerdiness so much
Platonic or not they can’t really not be around each other for too long
We saw what happened when they got too far away from each other...
Thanks for reading!!
- Kate 💚
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bowstaffbois-writing · 7 years ago
How to play Magic the Gathering!
A basic guide so you guys can actually enjoy my headcanon list. Enjoy!
When you play Magic, you build a deck of at least 60 cards that lets you make a  strategy you use to take down your opponent’s “army,” or deck. Each player starts with 20 life points, and you attack them with creatures and strategy to get them to 0. This game can get vicious because people put a lot of work into their decks, and hurt feelings can happen if people choose to be poor sports. I know that from experience. 
When you play Magic, the main mantra you should repeat to yourself is UNTAP UPKEEP DRAW. 
Untap: You tap a card to show that you’re using it. To tap it means that you turn it sideways. At the beginning of your turn, you untap so you can start over, and play new cards with your mana or attack again with your creatures. 
Upkeep: You don’t always have an upkeep step in Magic. Upkeep happens when you play a card that says “At the beginning of your turn” or “At the beginning of your upkeep.“ It means that at the beginning of every turn, you do a certain thing, such as gain life, or draw a card. 
Draw: You draw a card every turn to keep things going. 
After that, you can choose to attack with creatures. After you either attack or choose not to, you end your turn. 
There are different types of cards you can use in battle
Mana: Used to summon cards onto the battlefield. Different colors are necessary for different cards. Some cards require a certain amount of a color, some require two different colors or even all five. Most of the time, you need two or three of a certain color, and X amount of any color mana. There are also creatures where you determine how powerful they are by how much mana you summon them with. 
Creatures: Used to attack or defend other creatures. Very important to get them on the field as quickly as possible. There are tons of different types of creatures, from demons to dinosaurs and merfolk to magicians and humans to dragons and everything in between. 
Planeswalker: A special kind of creature that has 3 different abilities. You can choose to use one each turn. You can do it’s life gain ability to add to it’s life, and then sacrifice it to completely screw over your opponent. Each planeswalker has a different way of doing that. You can only have one in your deck. 
Sorcery: Used to screw over your opponents by making your creatures more powerful, or theirs less powerful. Can also summon certain cards (such as a planeswalker) from your deck.
Enchantments: Permanents spells that last the whole game unless your opponent has a card that says “Destroy target enchantment” or something like that. Usually help you gain life, draw more cards, or make your creatures more powerful. 
Artifacts: Sometimes they get you mana, sometimes they add to your attack/defense, sometimes they’re an artifact creature. The only thing that really seperates them is that they don’t need a specific color/type of mana to summon them, like most other cards. 
Cards also have different rarities that determine how expensive they are. You have common, uncommon, rare, and mystic (mythic? I can’t remember). 
There are five colors, each representing a different type of strategy
Black: This one is mainly about death. Pretty big creatures, but not like green. You sacrifice some of your creatures or life to essentially murder your opponents. Very brutal.
Blue: The ultimate strategy color, and my personal favorite. Screw your opponents over with lots of sorcery and then take them out by attacking with creatures.
Green: Huge creatures, but require a lot of mana. But once you have the mana out there, you have creatures that can attack for as much as 10 damage. 
Red: There really isn’t much strategy to red, it’s more about big creatures and using sorcery to get a really good attack in. 
White: Lots of life gain, and a ton of little creatures that take you out a couple life points at a time. Essentially the opposite of black. 
Colors can be combined in a deck, so you can have a mono deck (one color), or a five color deck (all colors) or anything in between. You basically choose a strategy you want to use and build your deck around it. 
A creature’s attack/defense is the numbers at the bottom of the card. If it says 5/5, they can attack for 5 damage. If they want to defend, they can only survive if the opposing creature attacks for 4. Any more than that and you’d have to sacrifice it, or you could take 5 damage to your total health, which is only 20, so you have to be careful.
Creatures don’t have to have matching attack/defense, they could be a 1/7 or a 7/4 or anything in between. 
 The easiest way to figure this out is by using an X diagram in your head. You are attacking a creature’s defense, and if they block, they are attacking yours. 
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In this case, the 5/5 wins. Always keep in mind that a creature can kill you if they block with a better card, or you could both kill each other’s card. Don’t just attack for the sake of attacking, remember that you’re essentially playing war. Strategy is always key.
Creature’s Abilities
In the paragraph on the card, creatures can have special abilities that can affect how you play them.
Hexproof: Immune to sorcery.
Trample: If you attack, and your opponent blocks with a creature that has less defense than the attack, you still do the remaining damage from the attack. (Example: I attack for 10 damage with trample. You block with a creature that has 5 defense. I still do 5 damage to your life points. You weep silently while I laugh at your misery.)
Haste: Summoning sickness doesn’t apply to this creature. Summoning sickness is the idea that when you summon a creature, you can’t play it that turn. 
Flying: A creature that can only be blocked a another creature with flying or Reach.
Reach: This creature can “reach” up to stop flying creatures, without actually being able to fly. 
Defender: This creature can’t attack. 
Different playing styles
What I just explained to you is called Standard Magic. It’s the most basic kind. Here are some others:
Commander: 100 card deck, built around 1 legendary creature you choose to have as your main attacker, your commander. You can summon it at any time, but the rest of your cards you have to draw on your own. This can go on FOREVER and be very competitive. 
Popper: You build a deck with common cards only. It's nice because then rich people can’t just win with a super rare card that screws everyone over. 
Two-Headed Giant: Two player vs Two Players. You have 40 health on each team. SUPER fun to play with friends. 
Draft: Each person brings 3 booster packs ($5 packs of 15 new cards each). Each person opens 1 pack at the same time, picks 1 card they want from the pack, and passes it to the next person in the circle. You keep doing that until you run out of cards, and then you open the next pack, until you’ve opened all 3, and you have a 45 card deck. You get mana, and then you play. You keep your new deck at the end of the game. I played this with my cousin, it was SUPER fun. The stressful part is picking what kind of deck you want it to be, and dealing with other people taking the cards you wanted. 
That’s basically it
Thanks for reading all of this! Here’s the link back to my headcanon list.
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bowstaffbois-writing · 7 years ago
Tim Drake is a total Magic the Gathering nerd!!!
I got into this game recently and it’s SOOOO fun. The more I thought about it the more I realized that Tim would love quite literally everything about this game. If you don’t know how to play, I made a guide, here. Enjoy!
Tag List: @zatannagurl​
Let’s get something straight RIGHT NOW
This game is about ultimate strategy
He loves deck building
So much
He has built tons of decks, everything from mono to sunburst (all 5 colors)
He “borrowed” Bruce’s credit card and bought $100 worth of booster packs for him and the Titans to play draft.
It was one of their favorite nights for everyone
Even Kon had the time of his life
He, Cassie, Kon, and Steph play Two-Headed Giant all the time. 
They have game night every Sunday night
Oh yeah he also LOVES the art. 
Seriously, he has the Mind Rot card as his background:
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He likes to keep the quote as a reminder to de-stress sometimes. 
Steph makes jokes about it while the Batfam is very confused
Bruce: ???
Tim eventually got the Batfam into it.
Dick sticks with white/blue
Jason is red/green, or just black. He’s very into destruction.
Damian likes green/blue, or black/red
Duke sticks with mono white
Bruce is black, LIKE THE NIGHT. (But also blue)
Cass likes black/white
Barbara is mono blue, maybe blue/black
Kate is just black.
Luke likes blue/black
Terry is red/black 
And Tim
He plays splinters
like the devious piece of shit he is
Splinters are overpowered shapeshifter creatures and are far too powerful in the hands of a sleep-deprived teen
Seriously how did anyone allow this
Steph said she won’t play him unless he doesn’t play splinters
“Tim I like to have a good game, not just total annihilation”
Tim also totally bought a Black Lotus card for the hell of it. 
Black Lotus is the most rare card in Magic 
It costs about $3,200
He bought it and keeps it in a special coffee spill-proof case
Tim is also that one player that has sooooo many sorcery cards
Like if he has a ton of mana you better watch out
He’ll tap everything
Bring out new creatures and boost the other ones and essentially murder you
You have been warned
He’s a legend at the local card store
Like he even made the local paper
He even won an international championship once
He was kind bored
So he entered
And has since been banned from the country
You know how it goes
Ultimately, he just found a healthy outlet for him and his friends to have a little fun in their very busy lives
It's one of the few things he actually looks forward to
The Batfam stopped worrying about him so much because if he got kinda depressed they’d go play him
It’d help him get back on track
Steph even lets him play his splinter deck if he’s not doing so good
They love him so they put up with his kind of ridiculous obsession
Hi! Thanks for reading. Fun fact, I’m going to keep the Mind Rot card in my locker as a reminder to chill sometimes. Magic brought me together with a lot of people on my swim team and I just knew that Tim would feel the same way about it that I do.
- Kate 
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bowstaffbois-writing · 7 years ago
OMG TRUE. Plus I headcanon Jason as Latino so that’s perfect. But for Gilbert and Sullivan, I can just picture Dick and Alfred sitting on the couch to watch Pirates of Penzance together. Dick likes the adventure and girls, Alfred likes the interesting plot and music. Thanks so much for the support!
Batfamily Musical Headcanons
Hey! I’m a total Broadway nerd, so it made sense to combine two of my favorite things in the entire world. Please enjoy!
Bruce: His parents raised him on the classics, especially Rodgers and Hammerstein. His personal favorites are South Pacific and The King and I. The strong female leads remind him of the powerful women in his life. Also Annie because adopting orphans is his thing.
Alfred: LIVES for the classics. Makes old references left and right. Has a certain love for My Fair Lady and The Music Man.
Selina: Cats! She can’t help but imagine each of her own cats in their own tribe. She also loves Hello Dolly! because Barbra Streisand is a goddess.
Dick: THIS BOY LOVES HIS GENE KELLY. Seriously, he lives for him. Singing in the Rain is his go-to feel good movie. He’s still not over Debbie Reynold’s death. Also, he’d never admit it, but he has a thing for The Rocky Horror Show. Also Avenue Q because Sesame Street and sex.
Barbara: She really like Mamma Mia! It’s all her old ABBA favorites, with a fresh twist and intriguing plot.
Jason: Sweeney Todd! Seriously, badass music, murder, and food. Oh yeah, and the main villain is a rapist who ends up getting his throat cut open, so seriously, what’s not to like? Also, Little Shop of Horrors (murder and romance, because we all know he’s a hopeless romantic at heart).
Tim: Dear Evan Hansen! Tim can totally relate to Evan with their anxiety, and the music is amazing. Perfect for an uneventful, late night patrol. He also enjoys Man of La Mancha, and the idea of achieving the impossible dream.
Stephanie: Steph lives for Hairspray. A plus-size girl kicking the patriarchy’s ass? Um, YES!?!?!??!! She’s also fascinated by Gypsy.
Damian: The Phantom of the Opera! Damian read the book when he was a lot younger, and has been fascinated by it ever since. When he found the music, he enjoyed it a lot because of the fresh take on the old “cultured” operas he was used to. He totally doesn’t have proof that Erik existed.
Cassandra: Cass likes anything that her family likes, because she wants to understand them better. However, she really like the Sound of Music because of the family dynamics, and the bright colors.
Harper: Heathers is EPIC, in her personal opinion. She loves the classic movie, and LIVES for the new music. Seriously, SO COOL! She also really likes Spring Awakening, because of the interesting plot. Plus, the music’s really calming after a bad day.
Duke: His parents raised him on the classics as well, but he vividly remembers seeing The Wiz with them for his birthday. The representation and culture blew him away, and it’s remained a favorite for him ever since.
Terry: Be More Chill. He can relate to the whole “high school hell” and has seen the effects of futuristic drugs, so he knows that they’re bad (duh).
Helena: She really likes Jesus Christ Superstar. The passion set to 70s music is her thing, I guess.
Kate: Wicked! Seriously, Elphaba and Glinda are SO gay, even if Elphaba ends up with Fieyero. It still makes her mad. But on a better note, she can totally belt Defying Gravity perfectly. I guess barking orders strengthens your vocal chords? She also likes Chicago and Cabaret.
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bowstaffbois-writing · 7 years ago
Thief for Hire - Tim Drake x Female!Reader
Hey everyone! This is super angsty, but it’s decent, I guess. Constructive critisim welcome <3
Also, substance abuse trigger warning. Nothing too crazy but be aware.
You jumped from one building to the other.
You kept running.
The wind hit your face and you smiled.
Nothing could stop you now.
Not the police.
Not Batman.
And definitely not some Robin, or ex-Robin for that matter.
You stopped when you reached your apartment, and slipped inside through the window you purposely left open. You grinned when you reached your bedroom. Sleep, finally! You dropped your bag of loot and crashed into bed.
You woke up and found a boy sitting on your couch. He was tall, with black hair and a serious look on his face. At first, you were shocked, but you quickly found your voice.
“Um, who the hell are you and why are you in my apartment?”
“Well, you robbed the local jewelry store, so how ‘bout you tell me about that first?”
“You wish.”
“Fine. I’ll just call the GCPD and tell them all about a certain 22 year-old college dropout who robs places for hire, and was busted while doing so.”
You stopped. You couldn’t get caught. Jail was your number one fear.
“What do you want?”
“I need you to rob someplace for me.”
You cocked your eyebrow.
“Do I look like I’m kidding?”
He didn’t. Maybe it was the mask, or the while red and black color scheme.
Either way, he looked like he meant business.
“Fine. It’ll cost you though.”
“I’m glad you’ll do it, but I’m afraid I can’t pay you.”
“Then sorry sir, I can’t. I have to make a living too. No cash, no deal.”
He smirked.
“I thought you might say that. Look, either you do this job for me, or I’ll report you. I have lots of evidence against you, and I know you don’t have enough money to get a lawyer, let alone one that’s good enough to get you out of this. So, job or jail. Your choice.”
You thought it over for a second. If he wanted you, a petty thief for hire, instead of a professional mercenary, there must be a good reason. You smiled. You had your loophole.
“Only if you destroy all evidence against me, while I watch.”
He fidgeted, but then gave in.
“Fine. But only if you perform as promised. No last-minute switching sides.”
“Sounds good to me.”
You shook hands with the boy. He couldn’t be older than 20, but he acted far more mature. This wouldn’t be so bad.
“So, here’s what I need you to do…..
No. No. No. NO NO NO NO NO. This was absurd. You couldn’t do this. This “Red Robin” guy wanted you to break into your ex’s place and STEAL a flash-drive containing important information on their drug smuggling system. And your mom still talks about how great he was… If only she really knew. Did “Red Robin” really think that you could break into there? You were a petty thief, not some superhero. Well…. it’s not like you have much of a choice at this point, so here we go…
You were running.
But this time it just didn’t feel right.
Normally when you commit a crime, it’s just you. You, the adrenaline rush, the wind and the smirk that always forms on your lips… No bossy teenage boy (with a hell of a lot of sarcasm) sassing at you through an earpiece he insisted you wear. You sighed and rolled your eyes. You just couldn’t wait until you could go home and sleep…
“Y/N, LOOK OUT!!!” the boy screamed in your ear. You looked up in time to see your ex-boyfriend standing on top of the air conditioning unit. He jumped down into the moonlight. He looked TERRIBLE. His once crystal-clear blue eyes looked like they were popping out of his skull, and were clouded over and blood-shot. He had lost a ton of weight, and was shuddering violently. The grin on their face scared you. “God dammit, the drugs you can get your hands on today…” you thought.
“Well HELLO Y/N! Good to see you… You look well. Care for some happy juice? Fresh shipment from the Joker! Not enough to make you go totally loopy, but it has a great high…” He started cackling. You felt the tears begin to prick your eyes. How could he do this to himself? He used to be so…beautiful.
He came up and grabbed your chin. You turned your head and let the tears fall. He smirked. “Awww… you can’t be sad. Have a laugh! I can how you a great time…” You glared. “Alex, we talked about this. We’re over. I refuse to be involved with a freaking DRUGGIE.”
His smile turned to a frown. His hand went flying across your cheek. You gasped for air and fell to the ground. He smirked and turned to walk away, then you heard a hard THWACK! and heard Alex fall to the floor. You looked up, and saw Red Robin holding a metal bo staff.
You ran to Alex to see if he was okay. You put two fingers near a blue vein on his neck. No pulse.
No No No No NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tears started falling and you felt yourself being picked up, and carried home by a certain ex-boy wonder.
1 Month Later
Alex had already been playing fate with extreme substance abuse, but the blow to the head (courtesy of Tim) had been the final straw. It would have knocked out a normal person, but the drugs had made Alex really weak, so he wasn’t strong enough to survive. It was a wonder he had been alive that long as it was (And oh yeah, Red Robin’s real name is Tim).
You and Tim had started hanging out more after what happened, because he felt bad that he had put you through that. He knew that you and Alex had been close, but he never realized the extent of your relationship, not to mention the fact that he was an abusive asshole. You decided to let him try being your boyfriend (after some begging on his part), and so far he had yet to disappoint.
You smiled. “Hey.”
“Remember that deal we made the night that, um…”
You smiled. “It’s ok Tim, I’m over him. I have you now.”
He blushed. “Well, anyways, remember the part about burning the evidence?”
“Want to help me?”
You smiled. “Heck yeah!”
You ran down into the family room of Wayne Manor (oh yeah, he told you about that too.), and saw a stack of papers and flash-drives on the coffee table, in front of a roaring fire.
“Would you like to do the honors?”
You smiled at him, and grabbed everything and threw it into the fire. It went up in flames, while you and Tim watched, holding hands.
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bowstaffbois-writing · 7 years ago
Jokes on You (Damian Wayne x GenderNeutral!Reader)
Major angst, and minor swearing. Not my best work, but I figured it was worth posting. Constructive criticism always welcome <3
There was a new boy at school.
He was the son of a billionaire. The ever-famous Bruce Wayne. Gotham Academy’s hot gossip for the YEAR was all kinds of talk about him. You almost felt bad for him, having to deal with all that attention. Then again, it was hard to feel bad for the person who had treated you like such SHIT.
He had no friends. He simply lived through each day as if he was just tolerating it, as if it were some sort of test of patience. He just went through the motions, but not in the usual way. He was a straight-A student, but he was no teacher’s pet. He got in trouble in almost every class for “sassing the teacher.” Not that you cared. He had hurt you. You would never care about him again.
“HEY! Would you watch where you’re going?” you yelled at him. He had knocked into you and sent your books crashing to the floor. He looked sorry. But you didn’t care. You glared and bent down to pick up your books. You saw out of the corner of your eye that he kept walking. Typical. You still can’t believe you had been stupid enough to fall for him.
Last summer you were Robin. Well, an unofficial one. You swung from buildings with your grappling hook, took down the occasional mugger, saved a few citizens, and righted a few wrongs. Then the Big-Bad-Batman and Robin caught you. Robin was the one who had convinced Bruce to let you stay. He said you seemed trustworthy. Maybe that’s why you trusted him.
You had some of the best times of your life while hanging out with everyone at the manor with everyone. But mostly Damian. He showed you a life you didn’t know you would end up enjoying SO DAMN MUCH.
Around August you caught him. The girl that had mercilessly tortured you that school year was currently making out with what had been your boyfriend. You didn’t live at Wayne Manor, but you had a home. You ran to it and sobbed yourself to sleep.
Damian had left you three voicemails. You deleted them. You had bigger things to worry about, such as what you were going to do about your mother, who was currently passed out on the couch with a wine bottle in her left hand. Your father was nowhere to be found. You called 911 after she wouldn’t wake up when you dumped a bucket of cold water on her. The ambulance arrived. She was in an alcohol-induced coma. GREAT. Again, not that you cared. She was never very nice to you anyway.
Enough of the flashbacks. Back in the present, you were walking to school and saw Damian getting out of his limo. He just barely made eye contact before refocusing on his phone. You kept walking, with a gut feeling that today was going to suck. It was bad enough that you had seen Damian, it was also Valentine’s Day. Gotham Academy has this stupid tradition where you can pay to have roses delivered to someone. You never got any. You never cared.
You arrived at your desk and the first things you see is a bouquet of red roses with a card attached. Inside, it said “I beg for your forgiveness. You’re all I’ve thought about ever since it happened, and it kills me that you never speak to me anymore. If you are willing to forgive me, please meet me on the roof of Wayne Manor at 8:00 PM.” You snorted and started laughing. He SERIOUSLY thought it would be that easy to win you back? He wished. He had lost you, and he had to deal with the consequences.
After school, you changed into your Robin costume and started swinging through the street. You wanted out of it all. School, Damian, your parents, EVERYTHING. You landed on top of a Wayne Enterprises building and saw the Joker and his henchmen robbing Gotham City Bank. Cliché much Joker? You watched while his henchmen continued to load up the truck with all kinds of money and expensive looking jewels. Again, cliché much Joker? Whatever. Time to put a stop to this.
You swung down from the roof and kicked the Joker square in the face. He paused for a moment, felt the blood dripping down from his nose. Then, he started laughing. The grotesque grin on his face grew bigger and more twisted than ever. He pulled out a pistol from his pocket, and before you even knew what was happening, he had shot you in the stomach.
You woke up in a hospital bed with Damian sitting next to you. He looked like he was near tears. You could feel the bandage that had been wrapped around your abdomen, but you didn’t care. Everything was numb. You opened your mouth to say something, but you couldn’t think of anything to say. Oh wait, yes you could.
“What happened?”
Damian wiped his eyes and put on his usual serious expression. “It’s quite simple. The Joker shot you. I saw you and took you to the hospital. There was no severe damage. You should be perfectly fine.” He scowled at the floor. You sighed, and leaned back into the pillows. GREAT.
Damian stood up abruptly. “Y/N, I need to tell you something. That girl that was kissing me that summer was kissing ME, not the other way around. I shoved her off immediately, but it was too late, you were gone. You refused to see me, so I tried to abide by your wishes and stayed away from you. It killed me, but I did. I decided to send you a note on Valentine’s Day. I waited for you, but then Father called me inside for patrol. I was out on patrol when I found you. That’s when I took you here. Y/N, you mean the world to me. I’m begging you, PLEASE forgive me.” He looked at you waiting for an answer.
You rolled your eyes. “Damian, you hurt me. BAD. I was just shot. Could we maybe sort this out after I’m at least back on my feet?”
He took a breath. “Of course.” He sat back down in the chair and stared out the window. You watched as tears began to fill his eyes. He turned away from you. You had never seen him so upset over anything. He looked like he hadn’t slept in a week, but not because of a mission. His shoulder began to shake.
He quickly wiped his eyes and put on a serious face.
“Come here.”
He walked over and leaned over the side of the bed. You grabbed his chin and gently kissed him. “You have one more chance. One more screw up and it’s over. Ok?” He smiled.
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bowstaffbois-writing · 7 years ago
The X-Acto Knife (Jason Todd x Female!Reader)
Note: Y/N = Your Name
Please like, comment, reblog, and enjoy! Constructive criticism is always welcome, as long as you’re not being an asshole :)
Work had sucked.
All you wanted to do was go home and see Jason. He was your boyfriend of 2 months (and counting).  It always kind of scared you how much he cared for you, but then again, it went both ways. You didn’t know you’d survive without him being there for you.
You walking back to your apartment (which you shared with Jason), when you saw them. THEM.
“Hey bitchface, where’s your ugly-ass boyfriend!!”
They were the people that had been driving you to the brink of insanity, and trust me, you’d seen insanity, Gotham was full of it. They were the reason that whenever Jason wasn’t home because he was out on some late-night hunt, you found yourself driving a knife into your calf. On some days it was so bad you had a limp. Jason had never found out. He was almost never home after dusk.
“What’s with the hair? Did your boyfriend do it? I wouldn’t be surprised…”
They laughed some more. You felt the anger surge in your heart. It hurt worse when they made fun of Jason, more than it did when they taunted you. Jason was your safe zone, your home. It hurt.
They kept laughing as you kept walking, with tears in your eyes and a heavy heart.
You trudged home and finally arrived at the apartment that you and Jason shared. He had insisted it was rented under your name, for reasons he never had shared with you. Right now, you didn’t care. You dropped your purse and walked to the bathroom, dug your X-Acto knife out from its hiding spot (in an empty tampon box, aka the last place Jason would look). It still had traces of blood from previous, um…. Incidents. You pulled off the cap, pulled up the left pant leg on your jeans, and sunk it into your skin.
After this many times, you no longer felt pain. Only relief, and a deep emotional longing for a better life. You looked down at your leg, and felt the blood between your fingers. You sighed. Jason could never know.
You decided the cut had satisfied you (for now), and you would make some dinner for Jason. Since he worked day and night, he was never here for long, but he always made it back in time for dinner, no matter how badly he was hurt. Being a cop had its downsides, or at least that’s what he always told you. It hurt you to see him like that, but you had a rent to pay.
You put the X-Acto knife back, and limped into the kitchen, and proceeded to shove some mac and cheese into the microwave.
“Y/N! I’m home!” Jason busted through the door with a bunch of grocery bags and gave you a kiss on the cheek.
“Thanks Jaybird. Do me a favor and put those away, ok?”
“Of course,” he replied with a smile. You rolled your eyes and smiled. He was a huge helpless romantic sometimes. You went back to the kitchen to finish prepping dinner.
“Y/N? Can you come here for a second?” His voice came from the bathroom.
You walked over to see what he needed. He was leaning against the sink with the X-Acto knife in his hand, with traces of fresh blood on it. “Where did this come from?”
“Y/N, I asked where this came from.”
You paused before responding. “I don’t know.”
“Y/N we both know you’re a terrible liar.”
It was true. That’s how he had managed to pull you out of an abusive relationship with your EX-boyfriend. He saw right through you.
“It doesn’t matter, now please give it back.”
“Not until you tell me where this blood came from.”
“I was… um… cutting some meat for dinner.”
‘’Y/N, we both know that you have never prepared any meat for dinner before, not that I’m complaining about leftover mac and cheese. And, let’s suppose that you did make meat for dinner. You would have used a kitchen knife, not an X-Acto knife.”
“Well what were you doing in the bathroom?”
“I bought some pads and stuff for you, I was trying to be a nice boyfriend.”
Good God, you could never stay mad at him for long. You smiled at him.
He smiled back. “You’re welcome. Now please tell me where the hell this knife came from.”
He never raised his voice. He knew it hurt you too much. You stared at your shoes. Wait, SHIT! There was blood seeping through your jeans!
Jason noticed your leg immediately after you looked at it. He scooped you up bridal style, walked into the living room, and laid you down on the couch. He rolled back your left pant leg and looked at the huge cut, along with all the scars near it. His eyes widened, he almost looked like he was going to cry. You stared at the floor next to you.
Jason gently grabbed your chin and kissed you.
“Y/N, what happened?” He looked more worried than you had ever seen him.
You started to sob. You told him about those girls who made your life a living hell. How they had taunted you mercilessly about your hair, weight, clothes, and even Jason. Jason listened to it all, and hugged you when you were done. He told you how beautiful you were, and how much he loved you. He told you that it hurt him too much to see you do this to yourself. You rubbed the J-shaped scar on his cheek. “I promise, I won’t keep any more secrets from you.” He had no idea how much it hurt you too.
6 MONTHS LATER You and Jason ended up paying the lead bitch a visit. She not only now has a deadly fear of the Red Hood and his new partner Dreamer, she and all her friends have never bothered you again. With encouragement from Jason, you had started seeing a therapist for your anxiety, which had helped a lot. You and Jason were happier than you had ever been, especially since you had found you were pregnant. Life was looking good, and you never touched the X-Acto knife again.
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bowstaffbois-writing · 7 years ago
She’s My Girlfriend (DamiMaps)
Note: They're around 15-16 when this happens. Please enjoy, comment and reblog! Any feedback, good or bad, is appreciated <3
"SHE'S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!!!" Damian screamed at Jason.
"Right, so I’m supposed to believe the fact that I just saw you kiss her on the cheek and you’re NOT her boyfriend?"
Damian's glare deepened. "I would never date someone like her. She's the most annoying human I've ever met, and that includes YOU. I was forced to spend a day with her at Gotham Academy and it was one of the worst of my life. I would never date her, even for MONEY."
Jason just smirked and walked away. Damian's glare deepened to the point that his face was all eyebrows. It took everything in him not to go and kick him in the balls.
Damian whipped around and saw Maps standing in the doorway of his bedroom. There were tears in her eyes, and she looked hurt. Damian just stood there. For a moment he was speechless.
"I thought you were in the room!"
"I could hear your shouting through the door." She paused and took a deep breath. "Do you really think I'm annoying?"
"No! No, of course not! I was just trying to make Todd go away!"
She stared at her shoes for a while, and Damian saw a few tears fall from her eyes.
"I'm going home."
"No! Maps please! I'm sorry! I was only trying to make Todd go away! Please don't be mad!"
"You already said that. It's not a very good excuse. If you can't have anyone know we're together, what's the point in having a girlfriend?"
Damian stood there speechless.
"I'm walking home. Goodbye Damian."
When Maps got back, she ran to her room, collapsed on the bed, and cried herself to sleep.
"Woah. What happened?" Olive asked the next morning. Maps' eyes were puffy and had huge bags, her hair was a mess, and her clothes were wrinkled. "I'll tell you later at lunch."
After Literature and History (both of which Maps slept through), Maps arrived at the lunch table. Colton, Olive, Kyle and Pomaline were already there. Kyle's eyes popped when he saw the disheveled state Maps was in.
"MAPS! What happened to you?" Kyle exclaimed. Maps took a deep, shaky breath, and started sobbing. "DamianpretendedIwasn'thisgirlfriendbecausehisbrothermadefunofhimandhesaidhesaidabunchofhorriblethingsaboutmeanditreallyhurtmyfeelingsandIjustwanttogoHOOOOMMMEEE!!!" she sobbed. Olive looked at for a moment with wide eyes, then wrapped her arm around her and let her cry into her shoulder. Pomeline rolled her eyes then stared at a nearby window, and Colton and Kyle stared. They all ate lunch in silence while Maps continued to wail into Olive's shoulder.
Damian was another story altogether. He was in one of the foulest moods he'd ever been in. He screamed at Dick, kicked Jason in the balls, and punched Tim in the face, all just for looking at him. Bruce almost met a similar fate, had it not been for Alfred threatening to use Jerry as dinner.
When he wasn't in his room brooding, or snapping at his brothers, he was in the training room. He went through two punching bags before Stephanie came in and made him talk.
"DAMIAN! What the hell are you doing!! Dick looks sad, which is a nearly impossible mood for him to be in, Jason's lying on the couch groaning, and Tim has a huge shiner on his cheek. WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO!!!" she screeched.
She scoffed. "It became my business when you took out your petty anger on my family. Now spill!"
Damian knew he wasn't getting out of this. She was more stubborn as he was.
"Jason.... made me angry..... and made me some things..... I.... regret.... in front of a person I care very much about. That person will no longer return my calls or texts and I have no way of contacting..... them."
Stephanie gave him a slight smile. "Girl troubles huh? Jason told me about your "not girlfriend" and how you lashed out at him. I punched him for you, you're welcome."
Damian's expression remained the same. "Are you going to stand there talking or are you going to help me."
She softened her expression. "Of course."
Maps' phone buzzed against her thigh. She pulled it out of her pocket and checked for a new message.
From Damian. Figures. She was too busy with homework and other stuff so she forgot to block his number. She had decided that it was going to take more than a text message to win her back. Still, curiosity got the better of her, so she grabbed her coat and headed for the cemetery.
When she arrived that first thing she saw was Damian leaning against the statue of the blind angel, which looked really similar to one she saw on a TV show a while ago. Whatever. She wanted to know what he had to say.
"Hello Maps. Thank you for meeting me here. There's something I want to show you. Follow me this way please."
Maps followed him deeper and deeper into the cemetery, down winding paths and through thick, tall trees. The path slowly faded away until he was leading her through bushes and bramble, which he pushed out of the way for her. After about ten minutes of tramping through the forest. Damian led her into a clearing where he had set up a picnic. Red and white checkered blanket, brown wicker basket, and some sandwiches were all in their place. "Wow," Maps thought, "I definitely wasn't expecting this."
They sat down and Maps started nibbling on a ham and cheese sandwich.
"Maps, I'm really sorry about what I said. I take pride in the fact that I have you as my girlfriend. I never meant to hurt your feelings. I owe you a huge apology. Will you.... um.... please... forgive me?"
Maps looked down at her shoes for a minute. "Damian, you really hurt my feelings. I don't want to be your girlfriend in secret. I know I said this before, but there isn't much of a point in having a girlfriend if you have to go on some stupid secret agent mission just to see me. I'm not saying you have to announce it to the world, but it hurts me more than you know when you have to lie about me like that." She looked like she was near tears.
Damian started at his own shoes for a moment before he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and gently kissed her cheek.
"I'm sorry. I promise you that I will never lie about you and me to anyone, ever again."
Maps looked up at him, and kissed him on the lips. "Damian Wayne, I like you a lot, but you need to shape up. I'll give you one more chance, but you can't keep hurting me like that. One more incident like that, and I'll need to move on."
"I promise you that I will never EVER hurt you like that again." He replies.
He then kissed her forehead, got up and offered her his hand. "Now, I think Todd may have heard wrong about us. Do you want to come fix that?"
Maps smiled. "I would love to. Then we can rub in his face that he doesn't have a girlfriend!"
Damian laughed as he put his arm over her shoulder, and they walked through the trees back to Wayne Manor.
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