#Till mains I hope I did your guy justice
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geospiral · 4 months ago
Taking a look at Mizi and Ivan as symbolic of Till’s desire for escapism vs. having to acknowledge the cruel reality he lives in:
When people think about Ivan and the idea that Till “never looked at him,” many people take this claim either in the literal sense or in the sense that Till was not appreciative of Ivan’s presence when he was still alive, both of which can be disproven with canon material. However, I want to take this idea and apply it in another way, of Ivan being the reality that Till does not want to acknowledge or face.
One of the most defining aspects of Ivan’s character is his rejection of idealism, to the point that you could honestly say that he leans towards nihilism. This is in great contrast to Mizi pre-Round 1, who was sheltered as a child and throughout most of her young adulthood, right up until the actual Alien Stage competition itself. The disconnect between these two and their worldviews can most readily be seen when comparing their intimacy levels with each other, with Ivan having a hard time relating to Mizi due to her innocence, whereas Mizi, although very fond of Ivan, seemingly only knows the version of him that he specifically curated and hid behind for the sake of survival.
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(Text: "Intimacy: 75%. A cool friend with a prince-like smile! The object of every child's admiration! Whenever I don't know something, he's always kind and teaches me.")
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(Text: "Intimacy: 30%. I like Mizi because she has a purity that is free of lies. As you get older, its natural to become pessimistic about your situation. But sometimes... its so bright it's difficult.")
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(Text screeshot taken from a previous post)
Till was most definitely a witness to the different faces Ivan wore, being one of only two people that Ivan let his mask down around. But Till knew Ivan even before he started actively masking, before their first fight even, when he saw Ivan small and beaten from his holding cell.
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Ivan is like Till’s shadow, ever present. Shown to us to almost always try to be by Till’s side even in his worst moments, especially in his worst moments. And while the two of them are friends, and I’m sure Till is glad that he doesn’t have to go through his ordeals completely alone, what comes with Ivan is an aching reminder of Till’s cruel reality. With Ivan there to care for Till in the aftermath of his mistreatments, there is now a witness that also carries the knowledge of what happened to him, and that can be both comforting and horrifying. These are no longer contained occurrences between Till and his abusers that Till can try and use escapism (Mizi) to ignore. Ivan knows and will always be by Till’s side, and so will the reality of Till’s circumstances.
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This isn’t to say that Ivan’s presence is a detriment to Till but far from it! Reality cannot be fully ignored; you must come to acknowledge what is or has happened to you and then go forward with that to try and see what can be done about it.
Which leads us to the meteor show incident.
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Till taking Ivan’s hand and leaving what he knows behind is NOT him ignoring reality but is him trying to escape from the constant abuse he suffers. Till should never have to “accept” the torture he is put through, and neither should anyone else who is in an abusive situation. The meteor shower escape attempt is simply a chance for something to be done about Till's circumstances—to leave and hopefully be able to live a life more independent and free away from the creatures and system that torments him, similar to Hyuna’s own escape.
It must be reiterated that in this moment, however, Till is leaving everything he knows behind, his entire life up until this point, and that scares him...
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Till letting go of Ivan’s hand isn’t as simple as “Till running back to his crush." It's Till not wanting to leave behind the most prominent source that he’s used to cope with basically everything in his life.
And obviously Till cares for Mizi as a person, but he also sees her as much more than that. She is his light in the dark; she is his hope—innocent and yet to be scarred by the world.
Till going back is NOT a failure on his part or something that he can be blamed for. It's sad, but also incredibly human and understandable. A lot of people would have probably gone back, choosing familiarity over the unknown. I probably would have gone back.
Talking about Round 6 now, it makes perfect sense how devastated Till is over Mizi’s disappearance. It's important to face reality, yes, but it's also important to have something to emotionally rely upon to get you through your darkest moments. Outside of Mizi, Till doesn’t really have anything that he uses to comfort himself; sure, he writes and draws, but he’s made those things about Mizi with her being his muse.
Till’s obsession with Mizi isn’t healthy, but it's also all he believes he has. Ivan is still there, of course, but he’s not like Mizi. Till could never view him in the same light as he does Mizi, but at least he’s still here. Him being the only one left, a reminder of all he's lost, sure, but he's still here.
Then he pulls his stunt, and he’s gone.
And Till, who had decided to give up in the absence of Mizi, is forced to really look.
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I don't have much to say about Round 7 because I'm not entirely sure how to feel about it yet, but I want to point out that Till didn't know that Mizi was trying to save him. When he was singing and fighting for his life on that stage, he was doing it for himself. He wanted to live! Despite everything he wanted to live, and the importance of that and that he was doing this for himself cannot be undersold.
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chatadile2 · 2 years ago
Hi! Would you be willing to share anything more about your sidestep? 👀 no pressure, of course, but I’d love to hear more about them!
Hihi, yee don't mind don't mind, thank you for the ask and the interest in her!
One thing before I do tho, that this might change later on mattering from how the next 2 books will be when they come out (not like I'm gonna really remember my choices, so probably will replay and deviate from how I did originally in most things), but overall it shouldn't really, just wanna let my Sidestep actually have a happy life after what happened and be able to heal <:D
Also this is going to be long from what I have written so far, way more than I expected, but hope it's alr :D
(It probably has spoilers in there, but tried to not say too much to make sure anyone reading won't be getting the full picture, till they get there. Also edited it, so it has a cut, cause realised that it might take up more space in searches than I want it to)
-Her name is Tiaxy Draconic (based on my sona since I like to have her in any kind of interactive book story to see what can happen with her and to enjoy the story a bit more personally), a gal with white skin, longer braided blond hair and green eyes, who is a seasoned tech-savy tactician, that becomes very conflicted by the events retribution towards her own self, her villain persona, puppet, life and emotions overall making things more complicated than ever,
-Big sweet toothed telepath, favourite sweet specifically is cheescake!
-Her villain name is Tiamat, based on the goddess and looks somewhat like what they designed for her in the game Smite (Overall my sona herself is connected in a way to the goddess in her own lore outside of the books, so seemed most fitting to make it her villain self's armor), but made to fit the story a bit better, other than with the armor having an expressive face on the helmet, which can show her emotions well enough when she wants it to that can be controlled with cams inside the head aimed at her face and with through the ui. The armor itself wouldn't be exactly like the book describes, being apart, but together, like the power armor in fallout (much more to my liking for what I'm imagining an armor of hers is). It's in the terrifying category with speed, jet boost and telepathy enhancing, helping to keep the "no hit record" alive and well enough that she only got hit majorly once, she isn't planning to get hit majorly anymore even if the armor can take it,
-Main motivation as a villain is justice and truth on the other side and she is an anarchist in the 1st playthrough, mattering from which I like, might switch to another (not really into the politics, but doesn't mean I didn't like punting a guy in one of the later missions tho),
-Her base is an abandoned office building (or whatever it was, can't remember the exact name atm), she refurbished it enough to live there, making sure her armor is close enough by for easy access, old apartment wasn't bad though, she lived well enough, manipulating rich peeps to give her their money, funding her life easily, puppet stayed above the apartment after she moved though,
-As a villain, she isn't trying to kill anyone, atleast any civilians (anyone else will get punted if they are in the way), knows they aren't the problem and tries to show the truth to them and to overall everyone, trying to plant doupt where it needs to be present, even if it's naive at that time, her goals are overall heroic rather than villanious,
-She might pretend a lot, masking as she had always done in fear of being seen and recognised, she is trying/starting to be more positive and genuine towards the end, not by much, but it's way bigger difference then in rebirth with her being very antisocial, it might bite her later though, like before, but hopefully can get out of trouble in the next books,
-Says she doesn't want to keep her friends, yet does, doesn't wanna interact with them, yet does and runs into them by accident a lot, doesn't want to love anyone, yet again does and says things she says she didn't actually want and why did she even do so, for example, she agreed to get together with Herald when she didn't exactly plan to, surpising even her own self and ofc making Herald very happy (he is too much of a positive influence on her, both physical and mental, and she couldn't say no, even tho she thinks she wanted to, she didn't, she can't deny it >:]),
-She overall knows something is wrong with her, broken (literally, yknow yknow when), and instead of keeping the destructive habits, tries to get herself together proper and tries to heal, as well as her own self allows and is able of course, and even tries to accept herself somewhat even if it's very hard, she agreed to see the therapist too by Ortega's wishes and recommendation in rebirth and didn't push them away too much in retri, didn't reveal too much either, but wasn't overall hostile, so didn't really regret it that much compared to when she agreed to it and said it helped some,
-Nightmares are still plenty regardless of change (which I hope will change later and she actually can get sleep, cause my god she needs it, every sidestep needs to have a good night sleep),
-As mentioned, she is starting to accept herself, so she is starting to use her puppet a bit less after 2 years and deciding to start going by herself more to wherever she needs to be or mainly in armor rather most of the time though,
-Speaking of the puppet, his name is Jake a white skinned, green eyed, black and green wild haired guy, who got together with Ortega in rebirth and are eternally flirting in retri, which is still the case by the end,
-Puppet met Ortega while boxing, getting some emotions out, they train whenever they can,
-As herself, she became Herald's coach, which was the extent she wanted the connection be, but things took a turn for possibly better than expected,
-Became even more friendly friends by retri with Steel, Ortega, Herald (ofc, who wouldn't) and Mortum through her puppet (broke my heart through the first playthrough tho of retri when Tia gave him the gun as herself and decided it's as good as of a time to tell him something very important [I never regretted anything more in my life, physical and mental damage irl that I didn't think was possible ;-;], hoping tho that it won't bite me later and actually be agood thing),
-Since she unintentionally (def intentionally, even if she doesn't realise) got closer with most of the rangers (other than Argent, they are netrual since rebirth), they all noticed something up with her and always ask "are you okay?", which she at the 4th time was like "why is everyone keep asking me this???", which was honestly pretty funny, getting asked so many times if she is, ofc she isn't, but she won't gonna say it just yet (she did admit it a bit though, with Ortega in rebirth, he did recommend the therapist for a reason),
-Spoon is still the best thing that happened interms of animal interactions, she enjoyed her time with Steel there a ton,
-Would absolutelly be a cat person, if she didn't know better, wouldn't mind a dog either (she needs a therapy dog by the end, I swear, hoping and praying here [even if that doesn't happen, rat king might be better for that purpose for Sidestep specifically]),
-Other than the rangers and a select few, she isn't fond of people regardless of how much change she goes through, that won't change, antisocial all the wayyy babbbyyyy other than friends ofc,
-Compared to rebirth, she calmed down a lot more from the high of her villain self's deput, still that doesn't mean she isn't excited to go and be the villain whenever the time comes, that's still exciting regardless, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have her doubts about wether or not it is truly the right path she decided upon after everything,
-Likes rainy days and water overall. Likes to just watch rainfall from her room, esp likes it when it pours. It's somehow pretty terapeutic just watching and listening to the rain fall. Whenever she is able, she does go to the beach to listen to the waves,
-Likes to wear an almost fully black coat, which is just a very dark shade of blue, likes the fact it is long and almost reach the ground, under it a light blue shirt, with long dark purple pants and formal-ish shoes that are made to make sure she can walk on wet and otherwise problematic surfaces without any trouble, and she wears white gloves.
And I think that's it atm, can't remember more from the top of my head and I think this is plenty for now anyways, I wrote down a lot more than I expected to have! Hopefully this can give a bit more inside into my darling Sidestep, since I'm an artist, I might even draw them depending on if I can stick with what I'm drawing and not just put it on the shelf for later, yknow yknow gjjfj.
Again, thank you for the interest in my gal! If you have anymore questions about her that are more specific and not answered here, just lmk! I don't mind talking about it and aswering, I rather enjoy doing so :]
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yuseirra · 4 months ago
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@insertname099 ahh thank you for your great insight 'v')/ You make me think even more about my own works sometimes!
For this...The idea was subconsciously there. I really enjoy thinking about how characters would feel and think about each other, in this one, I had Hikaru lay out the things he'd have thought if he found out the way Ai had thought about herself. This is a monologue he's having. But it's not something he can actually get an answer for. Note how he refers to Ai and the things they had between them in the past tense, except in the last panel where he refers to how he's still feeling and what he's doing in the present tense! So yes, he's talking to Ai who's in the past while he's in the present. That's how Ai couldn't get anything across except her expressions, they have a barrier of time and space between them in reality. You're REALLY sharp, I love it!
There's another reason I didn't have Ai refute or respond to him in this one. She'd have gone "No!" toward what he said on the first page, right? There's no way she felt he was dirty. (God, I really wish the artists did justice to his character. The way he described how Ai left him is norm Ai in 154 was so sad. I felt really sorry upon reading that.) but I want CANON to give a clearer answer about this one and all the rest of the things I let him say that follow. Remember how I said I am very strict about following canon yesterday? Even if I portray Ai to go "No! I love you" etc and come up with an answer that she'd tell him for this case, canon didn't give a clear resolution on what to make of her current approach- how her feelings towards him would be now yet so what I make at this point in time would only be my self-satisfaction. That's why I left it at that. It's the real Ai that should make some sort of commentary on these thoughts, how would she take the current him and all (I'm trying my best to make out, and I do draw based on my convictions but we actually don't know how it would be exactly until her soul appears or something. I hope she still loves him dearly and has some pity..; seeing how her son turned out to be though? UGHHH what if she's really angry and upset and wants him to rot in hell forever HUH?? HUH?? OH I'd HATE seeing that.)
Still, it'd be hard to notice, but the hand in the last panel is Ai's, not Hikaru's. I put that in picturing she'd want to reach out and console him (and that part IS following canon, not just my wishful thinking! She wanted to help him if he became lost) I really am serious about trying to be accurate/keeping to canon in my own way!
So this was my reasoning behind having formed this particular comic strip this way :)
I may also be able to draw really wholesome stuff with them having fulfilling convos and her being supportive...For this particular one, I made it intentionally indirect, for things haven't been completely resolved, and what's happened to Aqua's making me feel so complicated. My firm idea would be that they shouldn't make Hikaru, the guy an idol loved enough to wish to keep their children, the greatest evil in the comic that the main protagonist should risk all to take down and throw his own life to murder. I don't get that reasoning and it leaves me to wonder what the author would wish to express through it if things really are concluded that way. But I'll wait around till they show us, there isn't a lot left anyway~...
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I feel whatever happened, happened because he really couldn't afford to lose her... it's sad how Ai didn't value herself so much, she was everything to him and that's probably how he went so far if he did
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fluffyprettykitty · 3 years ago
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Pairing: neighbor! Joaquin Torres x female reader
Word Count: 1714 words
Outline: Your second date with Joaquin goes a little bit different from what you were both expecting.
Warnings: Fluff with smut!, heavy nipple play, hand job, spit as lube, lingerie fetishization, body worship, grammar mistakes, if I missed anything or tagged something wrong please let me know!
Author’s Note: first time writing anything for Joaquin and so far the longest thing I've written, and this is also my submission for the @late-to-the-party-81 and @yarnforbrains all-new challenge, I used these two prompts (I think we found a new kink…, do you like my new...) and I hope I did this story and this character some justice, not beta 'ed, all mistakes are my own!
P.S: dividers by @firefly-graphics​
🌟 Please reblog and comment, all feedback is appreciated and warmly encouraged and allows me to learn what to work on 🌟
Main Masterlist ・❥・Joaquin Torres Masterlist
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In the quiet of your room listening to some uplifting music while you were dressed up for your second date with the cute guy from across the street. New neighbor Joaquin Torres. He had moved to your neighborhood a couple of weeks back and immediately you caught each other’s eyes. Although dating a neighbor is always awkward at first, you kept your distance.
However, after a night out at the local cinema with your best friend, you happened to run into him as you were getting your snacks from the bar. Nachos with extra cheese just as he liked it, he noted, with a bright smile greatly illuminated by his white t-shirt. As soon as your friend saw you two talking, she faked a sudden illness and left you all alone. Gotta love smart friends.
That night out together transcended pure magic and was like the start of something new. He drove you back home and held your hand till you reached your house and with a soft kiss goodbye, he promised a much better date next time. Even better?
And so that was you today, picking through dresses and tossing around clothes wondering what's his favorite color? What is your best feature to accentuate? You remember him telling you that his favorite color is yellow as you pick your lingerie first. Cotton feels with a pretty overlay lace pattern. Hasn’t been long since you bought them but you haven't worn them more than once.
Over it, you chose to wear a semi-maxi dark green floral dress, a new purchase, and your favorite pair of beige faux leather sandals. 'Perfect' you thought as you looked at yourself in the mirror and then proceeded to fix your hair.
Picking up your bag, you proceed to leave your room with a final text to him, letting him know that you are ready. Only to get greeted by him a minute later standing at your front door with a bouquet of roses in his hands. What a gentleman. You place your bag on the table and you open the door for him.
Greeting him with your best-worn smile, accepting the flowers and asking him to come inside to search for a vase to place them in. As you moved around the living room, bouquet in your arms, you twirled around in your dress and give him a cute pose.
"Do you like my new dress?"
"Is very pretty, you look even prettier in it, you’re beautiful, Y/N."
Joaquin smiled nodding his head, sitting close by to the door. Finding the vase and carefully placing the flowers inside, you shoot him another bright smile. However, you noticed his eyes wandering to the slightly exposed strap of your dress. You felt his gaze fixating on it as you run your fingers through the strap to hide it back.
Yellow. Your bra was yellow. His favorite color. Just like you had planned. Naughty ideas begin to form in your head and you decide to let the strap fall down again over your shoulder.
You notice how his breath hitches, probably thinking about your bra and wondering what else you might be wearing. Letting out a deep chuckle as you notice the first droplets of sweat forming in his forehead. He's unable to speak for a few moments and you're only giggling, shaking your head.
Your plan is very much working, what you didn’t know is how much he actually liked yellow. That's when you finally notice it as he brings his hands to cover his crotch. He's getting hard at just the sight of you. A shock overwhelms him and he profusely apologizes and tries to leave.
"I'm sorry, I'm really, I’m sorry, your strap, the yellow, Dios, is driving me insane, I'm sorry, I should leave, this is not okay"
"No, please stay, Joaquin, is okay, I'm flattered, honestly you don't have to leave. You can…"
A wave of confidence washes over you as you take a step closer to him.
"Would you like to see all of it?"
His face is only a mix of shock and want as he nods his head and parts his lips.
"Please, I, I would love to but I don't want to make you uncomfortable."
With a smirk you slowly take both of your dress straps down, exposing all of your bra and your breasts. You take a look at him as you shift in your movement jiggling them for him. All things are better in motion.
“Holy shit, you’re gorgeous, y/n!”
He says in a hitched breath and you can tell he’s getting harder by the way his face looks concentrated and scrunched together.
“Go ahead, baby, touch yourself for me.”
Your commanding tone and your confidence lead him to palm himself at your sight. Pressing his lips together at his touch, a sense of pride overcomes you. He lets out a very small moan and is enough to make you clench your thighs together.
"Could I please, y/n, could I please touch them?"
His voice is close to a plea as he takes in your beautiful sight. Joaquin is licking his lips together just at the thought of touching them. Oh, you were about to make him a very happy man.
You motion with your two fingers for him to come closer. So he does not let a moment go to waste. Immediately grabbing both of your breasts feeling the weight of them in his hands, his breath hitching again and you look at him with a grin.
"Anything you want, baby boy, you can ask for."
"This color looks divine on you, cariño "
He barely manages to say as your next phrase makes his heart beat faster.
"All yours, baby, all for you, you can have them."
With a puppy look on his face, he leaned forward to kiss all over them tenderly but needily, alternating between softly squeezing them and kissing them. His kisses and his incredibly needy nature increase your desire.
Until he stops for a brief moment and looks up at you asking for permission with his beautiful brown eyes tugging at your bra with a pleading face. With a nod you allow him to push your bra down and so he does, taking a moment to marvel at the sight of them complimenting you.
“You look like a Goddess, Y/N. Real Aphrodite coming to life.”
With his delicate fingers, he begins to circle both of your breasts with large strokes, reaching for the areola and easing into a gentle breast massage. After a few moments, he gives them a little squeeze.
Then he goes on to trace your areola without touching your nipples, the sensation leading you to shut your eyes and your breathing pattern to change.
Joaquin moves his fingers to your nipples which are now very erect and hard, rubbing them slowly, increasing speed and pressure as you are reacting to his touch. You were very hot and bothered, your one hand going to wrap behind his neck for support.
That’s when he pinches your nipples, a rush of sensation flowing through you. He goes soft at first but then he pinches your nipples harder making you moan out his name in pleasure. Oh, you were very foregone now.
Switching his movements again he alternates between pulling your nipples and twisting them with his fingers, a very eager expression on his face as you react positively to all of his micro touches. You’re arching your back as you try to press yourself against the bookcase.
His next move is to take his fingers away and start breathing over them, blowing hot air on your now very sensitive nipples. Your mind goes crazy with all of the stimulation.
With a swift move, he takes a nipple between his lips and hungrily licks it in circles with the tip of his tongue. Shutting his eyes as he moans at the taste. Your own panties are now long drenching in your wetness. Your breasts were always the most sensitive part of your body. How on earth did he know? A very lucky coincidence to share.
Doesn't take him long to start sucking on the nipple, utterly desperate at the feel of your breast squeezing the other with the palm on his hand. Then, your hands are going to unbuckle his pants and palm his clothed cock, making him let go of your nipple for a second.
You reach for his cock, pushing his underwear down which only makes him suck harder on your nipple. Joaquin, then he flicks your nipple with the tip of his tongue moving on to cover it with the flat of his tongue.
You spit on your hand, the pure sound of it making him moan again once he realizes what you are doing. You spread it all over his cock and start pumping him slowly up and down. His pure fixation on your breast, his tongue working his magic on all of your sensitive nerves, is making your insides tighten and you’re finding it hard to sit still.
Going back to sucking on your nipple and squeezing the other breast, Joaquin is grinding his hips and cock to your hand, sounds of pleasure escaping both your mouths. Thankfully the windows are closed.
Your orgasm sneaks up on you and you feel explosions everywhere, the sensation spreading throughout your body as the pleasure has been building slowly and gradually. Your climax is powerful and is coming in waves as you are trying hard to grab on to him when you feel your whole body falling apart on him.
Your loud cry of his name, and the way your body trembles are enough for him to cum all over your hand shooting ropes of cum on you and your new dress. His orgasm was muffled by the way he nibbled on your nipple as he felt the wave of pleasure washing him over.
That's how you both finish in your living room, right behind the main door, his cock in your hands, the nipple overstimulation making you finish, which was never something you expected you could do. Oh, he was way too good with his tongue. Looks like he is a man to keep around.
"Guess what, cariño. ”
His voice was soft echoing through the room, after a few moments when you both caught your breaths.
“ I think we found a new kink for the both of us."
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angelkurenai · 4 years ago
Wish upon - Bucky Barnes x Reader
Title: Wish upon
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: None
Summary: You were close when Wanda’s grief took over and she inevitably started controling an entire town, including you. Being her closest friend, though, instead of simply playing along, you were given a normal life of your own, with a daughter and husband whom you knew very well but never thought you had feelings for. Months later as you try to figure out your emotions for Bucky, the man seems to be trying to find every reason to stay close to you. Including asking you to join him when he’s ready to follow Sam in his adventures.
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“Is that... Is that what I think it is?” you blinked several times, head tilted as you took in the object your husband was, full of pride you could clearly tell, holding and showing off to you.
“You bet it is. Polished, glittered or bedazzled, I can never tell the difference it's equally sparkly anyway, but above all ready to deliver justice. It's finally finished. Right on time at that.” he set the small pink and sparkly shield on the kitchen counter, right next to the baby bottle you'd just filled, because he knew just as well as you did that it was honestly the only way you'd keep looking at the toy and hoped that you'd like it. Which you did, sure, but not in the way Bucky hoped. “Well, what do you say about it?”
“I say that it would certainly deliver justice, no doubt by dazzling the bad guys first and foremost. Besides-” you tore your eyes away from the toy to narrow them at your husband “Just on time for what?”
“Halloween, of course.” he shrugged casually as he slowly made to reach for a piece of the potatoes you'd cooked to have on the side for dinner, but you noticed him and slapped his hand away, earning a not-so-innocent smile in return “I mean... What else is there else to talk about, of significance, in a small town like Westview besides holidays and who the new otherworldly couples in town are. The second having little to no point when one's wife can read minds, amongst so many other things, and said one is a metal-armed 106-year-old.” he sighed, raising his metal arm which he usually kept covered when outside “Honestly, I don't know who're gonna get called out on it first. Wanda and Vision or us.”
“We're handling it great. Besides, oh well a 15 year old gap is so overrated anyway. I tell you, 106 is the new 30, don't you worry a second, dear. You don't look a day over that.” you smiled sweetly, leaning in to peck his lips as he grinned.
“Ah yes, coming from the woman who last time we fought you told me that it's time to stop mourning over my buddy Rexi the dinosaur cause they're all gone now.” he said with a raised eyebrow and you shrugged.
“I don't see what you mean, I was still right.” you brushed him off, checking once more the temperature of the milk “Besides, getting off track here? You still haven't explained to me how that lovely and sparkly shield is of any use to us in Halloween?”
“Well, not us, obviously.” he turned to, according to everyone including him, his little princess “Jean of course!” he picked one of her hands and let her tiny fingers wrap around one of his as she let a giggle when he kissed her belly “It's all you've been talking about with Wanda these days. Her boys have their suits already in mind, it wouldn't be right for Jean to not have hers. It's her first Halloween anyway, even if she can't do any proper trick or treat yet.”
“I'm well aware of that, seeing as I've been planning all of ours suits. And no-” you raised a finger when you saw him raise an interested eyebrow “No, I'm not wearing the skirt version of it. Besides, what we're talking about here is Jean and I still fail to see how a shield will be any part of our little Phoenix's suit.”
“Well, because it's Halloween and she's- Well, she's part of this and she'll- The shield is part of the suit, honey. Obviously. I don't see what confuses you so much as to-”
“And I don't see what confuses you so much that you'd make a shield for her, beautiful as it might be, even though it has no place in all of it. Especially after I made it quiet clear on what costume will be.” you pointed out, baby bottle back on the counter as you crossed your arms over your chest “Honestly, I would rather her have a sparkly version of Sam's redwing before incorporating the shield in her phoenix look.”
He let silence fill the room, save for your daughter's adorable baby noises, before he finally spoke in all seriousness “No, no you wouldn't. You hate that thing too... It was the main reason that made me ask the question, like when you realize you've met your soulmate.”
“I-” only half a pause before you nodded “Yeah, you're right. I hate it... although I can't really remember how it looks like sometimes to be honest. Huh weird.” you let out a breathless laugh, frowning nonetheless.
“Oh how I'd wish for that sort of blessing.” he huffed “Including its owner.”
“Hush you love him!” you hit his shoulder “And, well, that's still all besides the point. Because Jean is not going to have a redwing or shield to her phoenix look in any sort of way. Maybe next Halloween if you wanna choose the costume, fine by me. But this year I am following through with my plans and not changing my mind.”
“Plans of what? Her being a phoenix bird? I get it, it's all magical and what not but-”
“Not just any phoenix bird, geez weez, do you not even listen when I speak, Mr Barnes?” you shook your head with a roll of your eyes.
“Well, sometimes it gets impossibly hard when you look as stunning as today, Mrs Barnes. Sadly all words fade away and as I am captured by your beauty all I can seem to hear is kiss me. How can I not comply?” he said so innocently and with such an adorable smile you couldn't help your fond one in return.
Seeing such adoration and love written all over your face had your heart on overdrive again, as if it was the first time you realized you were in love with him again. It was incredible how you could barely remember that moment whenever you thought about it, however you didn't care. You couldn't find yourself to care when looking at him had your chest fill with warmth, a pleasant buzz all over your body and no weight dragging you down. He made things more simple, having his love and having him by his side made life have meaning and your future full of hope. It hadn't been easy, that much in a way you could remember, but you knew it was worth it because he was worth it. You wanted to give him all your love, wishing that it could live up to the one in his eyes for you in return, so that he could understand what you did from the first moment you met him: he deserved it.
And even if- you couldn't explain why you thought so, but even if there were ever people that would willingly leave him behind, even if you'd never understand that, you were ready to show to him that you could and would be with him till the end of the line. This love you had in you for him had sealed the deal long before you even knew about it.
If anything, you were more than willing to live in this small town, heavens in these four walls of your house, so long as you had him by your side and were able to give him all the love you didn't know you had for him.
You shook your head lightly and gave him “Sweet talking me will get you nowhere, darling. Or rather-” you paused, smirking at him “It might get you in one place. The bedroom.” you grinned when you saw his eyebrows raise in interest “To get Jean's suit. Cause I remember I have some adjustments to make.”
“Bet you do.” he huffed like a little child “Cause she'll be a bird and not a superhero who-”
“Not just a phoenix bird, Buck. The phoenix, that's different.” you pointed out, making him frown.
“How is that different? And what... is the phoenix?”
“Well, it's-” you started but paused abruptly, frowning at your own thoughts “It's actually-” you blinked several time and let out a nervous laugh “Funny thing, I... can't remember. Wow that's... it happens all the more often lately.”
“Can't be important then, right?” he brushed it off casually even though you kept frowning in deep thought which for some reason didn't lead anywhere “Certainly no more than Jean's suit that it... And how we could incorporate a shiel-”
“No.” you cut him off before he could get to complete his sentence “Not gonna happen. I've already got everything planned, you're not going to ruin my plans.”
“Is this how it's gonna go every Halloween now? Us fighting over what Jean's costume will be until she's old enough to choose herself?”
“Oh dear, of course not. It's not fighting when you don't stand a chance against me in the first place.” you shrugged innocently and he tried to look stern by narrowing his eyes at you but you smiled and pecked his lips before speaking “I mean, you could never say no to these pretty eyes, could you?” you batted your eyes at him and he very fast, much faster than last time, sighed in defeat and nodded his head “Besides, you don't have to worry. Next Halloween we'll make her a costume that incorporates the shield too, happy?”
“Always.” he breathed out with such ease that it took a few seconds for you to not openly stare at just how much relaxed he looked, how he truly meant it and how shockingly different he looked while admitting it compared to only a few months ago... months, you weren't sure of the time anymore but truth was that you didn't care, because if there was one thing you could remember was that he had not always been like this and to have him truly happy made everything worth it.
“However-” he cleared his throat, as if noticing how you'd zoned out “That doesn't really solve the problem. Having to compromise, you know. Why should any of us have to? However, if we were to have more than one option...” he trailed off, leaning in closer without any regard for your personal space, not that he needed to, as you narrowed your eyes suspiciously at him “Say... if we were to have more than one options then things wouldn't be this hard, right? Just... to make it easier on ourselves?”
“Make it easier... how exactly?”
His hands found your hips, earning a small giggle from you as he pecked your neck once, twice and three times before he kissed your cheek and the temple, whispering in the end “Let's make more.” it earned a squeal from your as your eyes widened but he grinned even more widely “Come on, think about it. A little boy or maybe another baby girl, Jean would make a great sister. And we wouldn't have to argue about the Halloween costumes. Besides... would be a fun process either way.”
“You have to be kidding me.” you gave him a serious expression but his hopeful smile- no, scratch that. His smile that was bordering that of an idiot, if not lovesick one (but you were on the same boat on that), didn't fade in the least bit “Oh you have to- Alright, Mr Barnes, how about you learn how to feed your daughter without making a mess first and then you can come and talk to me about a second or third one hm? Cause, good as you might be at changing diapers, it ain't just that.”
“She just makes a mess because she enjoys to laugh at my expense, just like you and Sam.” he pointed out and you fought back a smile “And- Hold up a second... did you just say third? You think you're gonna let me ask for a third one too?”
Your eyes widened when you realized that he was really considering the prospect before your lips parted, you being ready to retort-
Only for no words to be uttered after that from your lips. The only sound being a deep intake of air as you were startled awake. Soon followed by a groan as you took in your surroundings and realized you were sadly still in your room. Sadly? Really? You didn't know if that was the case but even if it was, you didn't want to think even more about it. You buried your face in your pillow, not ready to face the day yet because... who were you even kidding? You wanted to go back to it. If not that fake reality, if not the playhouse that Wanda had built out of her grief and had dragged you into it as well - and maybe you hated yourself for how part of you did want that - then at least your dream would be nice.
It's been months and yet it feels as if it's been just yesterday that you were all released from her control. How could you not feel that way after all? When you were awake, the fake reality you'd thought your life was constantly on your mind, and when you were asleep even if you were not thinking of it, you were dreaming about it. It was constantly on your mind. And as if the experience itself, mind-control and all, hadn't left you with a few mental scares to add to your already existing ones to take care of, then the realization of the truth that lay within your own heart, was more than enough to keep the events replaying on your mind day and night.
To put matters simply: when you had followed your best friend, Wanda, after seeing her so distraught, leaving SWORD, you had never thought you'd find yourself playing house with a fake copy of one and only James Bucky Barnes thanks to said best friend. But while there was a chance for that, you never thought there was a chance that you'd realize you had feelings for the man all along.
Your life had been different there. Maybe because you were always close with the other Avenger, who knew. While there were times where you'd experience Wanda's grief, her nightmares from time to time came to haunt you at night just like it did with the rest of the town, your life was mostly... good. No, forget that, your life was nearly perfect. You had everything you wished for and things you didn't even know you had wished for. Maybe deep down you had always wanted it, a normal life, peace and calm, a kid whether it was yours or not... Bucky. You had probably always wanted him but didn't know it yourself, no doubt you were too busy crushing over Steve.
If only your current self could see your past self, or at least self of barely a year ago, you'd have smacked some sense into your stupid self who thought Steve Rogers was the only man you could ever have eyes for. While you had come to be very close with the Captain and ended up doing almost everything together, everyone thought there was much more to the two of you, that it hadn't even occurred to you to think that Steve wasn't really the one you wanted. Maybe you had convinced yourself so, in a way that now that he was no longer there you were more shaken by the fact that you were not shaken by how he had decided to live his life with Peggy in the past than his absence itself.
You had not felt any sort of betrayal, nor that you were suddenly all alone, certainly not as if anything was missing from your life. Granted, you had plenty to think about most of the time, day and night, but that didn't change things. You wished Steve had had a happy ending and you would on the occasion miss him the way you'd miss... a brother. You were always calm, no worries or fears, content with the fact that you knew he had been happy even if it was away from you because, in a way, you wanted it to be that way, it was natural. However, the mere thought of someone else leaving, someone that you thought far too often about, made your heart leap to your throat and your stomach tie in knots. The mere thought that Bucky could leave the way Steve had done made your throat close in a painful way and your eyes burn with tears, making you realize just who mattered the most.
If, again, Wanda plucking the truth about your feelings for the man to give you a life with him wasn't proof enough.
Your phone buzzing made you jump once more, eyes landing on the device on the nightstand. Reaching for it you were not surprised to see the messages that were pilled in your inbox. All from the same specific someone. A specific someone you had found yourself speaking with all the more often lately. Each time successfully managing to make you smile in one way or another, without fail.
Good morning. :)
Did I use that one correctly? I keep forgetting them, no matter how many times you show me.
And show him you had, just like that there was an option for him to choose from different ones instead of having to type them, but that was still work in progress. So even if Bucky learning emojis was a memory that you'd cherish forever, it wasn't the only important one at the moment.
On second thought, it's a bit too early.
You're probably still asleep. Nevermind. Sorry for bothering you.
And then more, shortly afterwards.
I only wanted to know if you're alright, that's all.
Anyway, hope I didn't wake you up.
He, much like everyone else, thought it was hard on you to deal with Steve being gone so he did his best to keep in touch and being as selfish as you were, you didn't bring yourself to tell him the truth that you cared more to know about how he was and wanted the contact for that. Maybe he was also worried about you after Wanda's mind-control too. But if Sam's words were anything to go by, then it was all an excuse for Bucky to stay close with you. You didn't let your hopes get up for that reason though. You could gladly take whatever you got without wondering.
Again it was followed not much later by another message.
I've actually got something to talk to you about. Something happened, though you could already know if you saw the news. Can I come over to talk with you? I need your opinion on the matter.
And shortly afterwards came.
I've already got your favorite breakfast. To make up for, probably, waking you up. :)
The next one had taken longer, he had probably been waiting for an answer all that time. You couldn't help but feel bad about it. That and the fact that the reason behind you not replying earlier was because of how immensed you were in your fantasy life with him that you had not told him a thing about.
(Y/n)... are you sure you're alright? It's getting late even for you.
Truth was you had more trouble waking up after having a dream of that time. But you couldn't tell him that. And then there was the latest one.
Alright, I'm coming over. I really hope you're not dead in there. I'm not going to let you hear the end of it if you are. Oh dear, I sound like Sam right now. Forget I ever said that. Both of it.
Before you even had the time to think about what he could mean, because no you had really not seen the news yet, let alone type back a reply, the door to your bedroom burst open. It earned a squeal from you as you looked with wide eyes at Bucky standing on the doorway. You weren't even surprised how you hadn't heard him, not when he already had keys to your apartment and could easily sneak up on you. Not that him surprising you was what you cared about at the moment. It was, and you could only admit it to yourself, more important how you looked at the moment – and having just woken up you weren't sure just how attractive you looked – than anything else. Especially when Bucky looked better than ever with that new haircut that you were sure he'd gotten on purpose, just to test how much your heart could take.
“I thought doors existed back in your days, Barnes. Maybe knocking was an option too.”
You saw him let out a sigh of relief, shoulders relaxing “What would have been the point if you were dead? You wouldn't have replied anyway.”
“Bold of you to assume I would miss on another chance to lecture you about the proper use of emojis, Mr Barnes. Even death could not stop me.” you broke into a grin and he chuckled.
“What, did I really mess it up?” he asked with a small, far too adorable for your own good, frown.
“Oh no you got it just right.” you said softly, adoring the proud look on his face before you added “However, I've told you, you don't have to type them anymore. There is an option on your keyboard with that kind of stuff for you to-”
“Eh alright, alright I get it. I suck at it. I'm not even gonna try using them anymore.”
“Wha- No!” you whined softly “No, Buck, I didn't mean that. Come on, you're good. You just... have a lot to learn still.” you shrugged “That's all. We didn't do great at first either. Nobody really got emojis a first, but you'll get the hang of it.”
“But you still think I am a grandpa when it comes to technology. And my age doesn't help on that case either.” he shrugged, as if he meant it casually as a joke but you could see a small hint of self-consciousness there as well.
“Nonsense.” you said softly, finally throwing the blankets off you “You're far from a grandpa, Buck. In fact, I strongly believe that 106 is the new 30, and you don't look a day over that.” the words were out of your lips before you could even think about it and when you realized what you'd said, your smile flattered a bit. You were glad his back was turned to on that second that he didn't notice. You cleared your throat, sobering up “Besides, new things are not everyone's cup of tea anyway.”
“Uh yeah...” you notice the relaxed, and almost happy, look fade away from his face as his eyebrows pulled back into a frown. He looked down for a second, leaning against the doorframe with his hands in his pockets “Things do change. Sometimes faster than we can adapt to the new world around us.”
“Alright, unless you're channeling Charles Darwin right now, which I don't think you are, care to explain to me what's wrong? Because... I am guessing something is, judging by your expression.” you got up and approached “Is this... about the shield? I- I don't know if Sam giving it up is that much of a good choice however... he must have his reasons, right?”
“Well, yes, but- this is not just about that.” he sighed, finally looking up to meet your eyes “Something happened and I've been thinking about it, I wanted your opinion on it. You know it matters to me.”
“...And? There is more to that, come on. Tell me.” you knew him too well and you hadn't even realized when that happened too “You know you can... Always.”
“I do.” he paused for a moment, holding your gaze before he let a soft sigh “It's just, I am going to go find Sam and... I want you to come with me. If you're up for it, I would like you to be there with me... maybe?”
“You know... I should punch you just for doubting whether I'd follow you or not. But just because it won't lead anywhere for me-” you smirked at him “Buy me dinner too and consider yourself excused and me up for any challenge. Strongest Avenger at your disposal, Mr Barnes.” you patted his shoulder, enjoying the deep chuckle that came from him. Even if his next words made the air get caught in your throat.
“It's a date then.”
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capevans3000 · 4 years ago
The reader is the fiancé of chris evans, and its the Day of the wedding and the reader is nervous, and the ceremony is cute , they have written there own vows, and the reader announce that she is pregant , and chris like you joking right, the reader so like i found out 2 weeks ago, and i waited till today to tell you, with a lott of fluff thanks and if its ready you tag me right
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Hi @maximeevansblog, my friend. Sorry for the long wait for this one. I had a really fun time writing this! Thank you for the request, it’s really such a sweet idea. <3 I hope this does your request justice, and that you’ll love it!
A/N: You may find the vows really familiar, that’s because it’s mostly made up of different Disney quotes, haha! I’d imagine Chris’ wedding would be Disney themed, or least Disney inspired? He’s such a huge Disney fan after all! While reading this, you may want to listen to this, which was kind of the song I was picturing the reader walking down the aisle to. Also the ring that Chris gave to Y/N looks something like this.
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Comments and feedback are really appreciated! Pictures are not mine, but all mistakes in this are mine. Stay safe everyone!
All that months of preparation had finally led you and Chris to this day. You sat alone in one of the dressing rooms of the Concord Youth Theatre, reminiscing the journey you and Chris took, just to arrive on this very day. It was clear right from the beginning of your relationship that you were both meant to end up together forever. But that didn’t mean it was easy. You learned the hard way, what it meant to date someone as famous as Chris. The media weren’t always the kindest with their words and their judgements, and you admitted that you had fallen into dark moments more times than you were proud of reading articles about your relationship with him. Still, Chris had never let the media be in any way of your relationship. He remained a constant rock, a strong foothold and a protector of you. Words weren’t necessarily needed at all for him to show you his love for you. He did it all through his actions, his time, his patience. No matter how much you loved Chris, he always seemed to love you a whole lot more.
You smiled as you thought back to the day he proposed. Chris had brought you and Dodger on a camping trip, one that you have had many times before. You just had no idea that the camping trip was when you’d become his fiancé. There were no frills, no theatrics. There were just the two of you and Dodger, in the rain, under the mellow moonlight when he popped the question. The rain was soft, but plentiful, on the day he asked you to be his wife. You could still remember the smell, the feeling of the rain pelting on your skin when you answered his proposal with a kiss. That was all that mattered.
You looked up and saw yourself through the mirrors. You were tearing happy tears, as your hand naturally moved up to your tummy to rub it gently. You could feel your heart pounding so loudly it was almost audible in the quiet room. You had requested to be alone for a moment so you could prepare yourself to announce the important news to Chris.
You dabbed your tears away with a napkin, straightened your dress, and exited the room. You passed a few of your close friends outside the dressing room and smiled at them. You further excused yourself to make your way to Chris’ dressing room. Taking a deep breath, you knocked on his door.
“Hey, what’s up, sis-in-law!” Scott greeted cheerfully as he opened the door with a wide grin on his face. You smiled cheekily as he gave you a quick peck on your cheeks. “My brother is so lucky, look at you!” Scott took a step back to look at you.
“Thanks, Scott.” You laughed. “Can I have a moment with Chris?”
Scott nodded and winked at you when he closed the door behind him, leaving just you and Chris in the room. You looked up and your gaze met with Chris’. He was wearing a maroon tuxedo with a bow tie, and your heart almost gave out at the sight. You may be becoming his wife in a few hours’ time, but you’d never stop fangirling over him.
Chris looked at you, his gaze soft and tender. He right hand was clutching on his chest, and you could tell he was trying to form words with his mouth, but nothing came out. You stepped forward to him and placed a hand on his face before tip-toeing to plant a kiss on his lips. “Hey.” You called out.
Chris kissed you back. It was the first time he had seen you in your wedding dress, and you could see from the look on his face that he loved it. “Y/N… You look… amazing.” He finally found his voice. You could hear a catch in his voice as he fought back his tears.
“You look really handsome, too.” You smiled, trying to stop your tears from falling as well.
You stood there with Chris, holding hands, unspeaking, just revelling in that very moment. It was a while before Chris finally spoke again. “Scott’s right, I’m a really guy to have you as my wife.” His voice was firmer now. You buried your face in Chris’ chest and smiled. “I love you, Chris.” You spoke against his chest, almost as if you were speaking right into his heart. You felt Chris’ chest moved and through vibrations from his voice, you heard him telling you that he loved you too.
“I’m really glad we’re having our wedding here.” You whispered, your head still resting on his chest. It was the most natural decision. When you were planning your wedding with Chris, you both had the same thought in mind to hold it at Concord Youth Theatre. This theatre held a very special place in Chris’ heart, and it was also the place where you met him. It was only natural to begin the rest of your life with Chris here.
“Mm, me too.” Chris replied, his hand tenderly rubbing your back.
You had no idea how long the two of you had stood there in each other’s embrace when you finally took a deep breath and gently pushed yourself away from Chris so you could see his face.
“Chris…” Your voice choking slightly. Chris looked at you, a hint of curiosity flashed across his face.
“I can’t believe we’re going to be married in just under an hour’s time. I’m so grateful for you, and I am so grateful you’re going to be walking this life journey with me.” You continued. “I am not perfect, but I promise I’ll use the rest of my life to love you as your wife… and... as the mother of your baby.” You were tearing again as you said those last words to him.
Chris looked at you, his face changing from curious to disbelief. You were almost whispering at the end of your sentence. Although Chris had heard you, he was afraid he had understood you wrongly. “Are you…” Chris held up your face with his hands to look at him, his eyes watery.
“Mm.” You cried as you raised your hands and took both of Chris’ hands to guide them over your belly. “That’s our baby in there.”
“Y/N…” Chris was crying too. He pulled you into his chest and embraced you tightly. You laughed, an cried at the same time, throwing your arms around Chris to return the embrace. "I wanted to tell you this before we head out there." You said, as Chris' chest heaved with a happy sob. He looked at you once again, and kissed you deeply, yet so tenderly. "I love you so much, Y/N."
You only had a little bit of time left to clean up your make up before the actual ceremony. It was easy to forget the concept of time when you were with Chris. Had Scott not come knocking on the door earlier, both of you would have continued to stay in that embrace.
Your girlfriends had rushed in to help you arrange your dress and to ensure you were ready. You had composed yourself by the time they saw you, so they had no idea you were just crying. Your father had come to your dressing room to bring you to the main theatre hall so he could walk you down the aisle. Behind the closed doors of the theatre, you heard the live instrumental music and choir singing of The Little Mermaid’s Happy Ending. The doors swung open, signalling for you to march in with your father. You looked at your father with tears in your eyes. He held out his arm for you to hold it, and gave your hand a little squeeze. Your father walked you down the theatre aisle towards Chris, who was standing at the end. The theatre was beautifully done up on this day with Disney inspired theme – where both of you were avid Disney fans.
You marched past all your close friends and families, throwing them smiles along the way, until you finally reached Chris, who had extended his arm to hold yours. Your father lightly gave you a peck on the cheeks and handed you to Chris. The both of you stood in front of the Minister, facing each other and holding gaze. Your heart was pounding as hard, if not even harder than the day Chris proposed to you. You were about to be his lawfully wedded wife.
The Minister called for Chris to read his vow.
“Y/N…” Chris choked back his tears. “You mean more to me than anything in this whole world. You are my greatest adventure and my dream wouldn’t be complete without you in it. I promise to love you forever, and always be with you. I promise to be the best husband I can be, and I promise to always take care of you. I want to promise you that I will love you and every single future children we’re going to have… starting from this one right here.” Chris vowed, and did a little point at your tummy at the end. As he said this, you heard an echo of gasps across the whole theatre floor. You laughed and smiled at Chris, tears forming in your eyes.
There was no time for your friends and families to fully react to the news as the Minister called for you to read your vows. “Chris, thank you for showing me that love is putting someone else’s needs before yours. Thank you for always putting me first in everything, for loving me so wholeheartedly for who I am. When I look at you, I can feel it. When I look at you, I’m home. I promise to be the best wife I can be, and I promise to always take care of you. And I promise to love you, as much as I’ll love our children.” Your tears were falling freely from your eyes now, just as Chris’ was.
You didn’t look at anyone else, but around you, you could hear your parents and Chris’ parents crying. Nobody else was talking, but the sounds of sniffing were all over the theatre, and you were sure there weren’t any dry eyes at that very moment.
The Minister’s voice gently broke through the sounds of crying, as he announced for the two of you to exchange rings. Just as he announced this, Dodger came running down the aisle with a ring pillow tied around his collar. He came forward to the both of you and sat down with his tail wagging excitedly. Chris bent down to pat Dodger on his head and removed one of the rings from his collar. Chris took your hand in his and slid the ring through your finger. The ring, inspired by the Little Mermaid, was specially designed by Chris himself, which held a seashell and a green gem in it.
It was then your turn. Dodger had stood up so you didn’t had to bend down too far to get Chris’ ring. You had also designed Chris’ ring for him. It was the same colour theme as The Little Mermaid, a movie both you and him loved. You took the ring and slid it through Chris’ finger.
With that, the Minister announced you and Chris as man and wife. The both of you were in tears, as with everyone else in the theatre, when Chris brought your face close and sealed the deal with a kiss.
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ohagialpaca · 4 years ago
Fling Posse: "Catch Us If You Can" DRAMA TRACK | Fan Translation: Part 1
I remember someone asking for this a long time ago, I finally had some time to do it; this is my first time translating something really long so please let me know if I messed up ;w; and enjoy!
drama track
Fake Ramuda Clone: Hm~ Hmmhm~m Hm~
Lady 1 : Ramuda-chan! Let's see each other again!
Fake Ramuda Clone: Let's meet again another time!
Lady 2: Ahh...but I also wanna hang out with you~
Fake Ramuda Clone: Lady, I also wanna as well, but I have some su~per hard work left~
Lady 3: Ramuda-kun! I had so much fun today with you!
Fake Ramuda Clone: Me too! Hope we can spend another date together ehe~!
Ladies: *fangirls*
Fake Ramuda Clone: Ahahahahaha! See you all later!
Gentaro: Good thing we hid our Ramuda somewhere else before all of this...
Dice: Chuohku seems to already have planned ahead before us, huh.
Gentaro: Given that, if we get caught trying to save our Ramuda, we'll be in for the consequences.
Dice: Of course. It's absolutely disgusting of how that Ramuda is just walking around like nothing has happened...
Gentaro: I agree, yet aside from the both of us, everyone is Shibuya believes that the real Ramuda.
Dice: Let's head back to where Ramuda is, we can talk about what's going on to him.
Gentaro: Alright, but I think it's better for us to part ways, we'll attract too much attention if we're together.
Dice: 'kay, see you later then.
Ichijiku: Excuse me for the interruption, Otome-sama.
Otome: So...how did things fare in Shibuya's division, with replacing the old Ramuda Amemura with a new one go?
Ichijiku: We have reports that the job of placing a new Ramuda Amemura in Shibuya Division has went well. Yet the old Ramuda Amemura has been missing and hasn’t been found.
Otome: Hm...very well. Then send out the special forces to Shibuya is case anything will get in our way. Honobono will lead the forces.
Ichijiku: I see then...
Otome: I understand why you are concern about Honobono going, but I believe it’s necessary to send her in this situation because of her skill.
Ichijiku: ...Very well then, we will do all we can to eliminate any opponent that stands in our way.
Otome: Thank you.
Ichijiku: In case if we find them, what shall we do about Gentaro Yumeno.......and Dice Arisugawa?
Otome: ...
Ichijiku: Otome-sama...?
Otome: We will have them both arrested and sent to the Special Maximum Security Prison.
Ichijiku: Ah...very well.
Gentaro: Ramuda, it's me.
Ramuda: Ahem~! Please say the password in order to open the door!
Gentaro: Ramuda...this isn't the right time to fool around.
Dice: Eh? We aren't you going in yet?
Gentaro: See for yourself.
Dice: Hmm...It me! Let me in.
Ramuda: Ahem~! Please say the password in order to open the door!
Dice: Password? Umm...we are the BEST, AMAZING, BOUNDED- TIGHT POSSE!
Gentaro: Ugh..how are you not embarrassed by saying that so straightforwardly-
Dice: Oh! It worked!
Ramuda: Dice~su! I love you so~o much!
Dice: Tch. Get offa' me!!!
Ramuda: Hehee! But you just said we're the best, amazing, bounded-tight pose ever, right?
Gentaro: Ramuda...you don't have to act all kitty-cutesy around us.
Ramuda: Eh? But during a time like this you need to act all light and fluffy to cheer everyone up!
Gentaro: I guess you're right.
Dice: So, what are we gonna do now? We're more than likely gonna get caught.
Gentaro: Yes, but they have already have replace Ramuda’s presence with a fake one in Shibuya.
Ramuda: So the “other me” has already been sent down...
Gentaro: It appears so. Chuohku is already a step ahead of us, Dice; how much candy do we have left?
Dice: Looking at the amount, I think we're fine for now.
Gentaro: As we are doing fine for right now, once the candies are gone, that will be it. We can't be too happy about our situation.
Dice: Yep, but they'll probably are going to come here and get rid of Ramuda.
Ramuda: You are right. After all, my existence is one of the many secrets those ladies know about. I don't think they'll will let me go on my own.
Ramuda: That means that Chuohku will definitely send 'Kotosarhai'.
Gentaro: Kotosarhai?
Ramuda: They're a powerful special force unit within Chuohku's department of justice, lead by a powerful woman named Honobono Keitouin.
Dice: Do you think that Honobono lady will come after us?
Ramuda: Looking at all the elements here, she'll probably show up soon.
Dice: ...
Ramuda: I think the best resort if we do encounter her is to run away and leave everything behind.
Dice: Run, huh...hahaha! In gambling, people say that taking on stronger opponent is the best way to gamble!
Ramuda: Don't fool around we me!
Gentaro: As a writer myself, I cannot help but be curious more and more about someone you fear.
Ramuda: That isn't the point. Honobono is not the person to just act up too!
Dice: Calm down Ramuda. If anyone tries to hurt or endanger you, Gentaro and I will protect you 'till the end. Right Gentaro?
Gentaro: Indeed, we will not let anyone get in the way of our goal.
Ramuda: But your guy's opinion isn't being back up with any real knowledge or facts about the opponent themselves!!
Dice: Hahaha! I'm a gambler, I'm all about instinct, not facts.
Gentaro: Actually I disagree with that statement. As a writer, knowledge is power, but the determination to make something happen is what overlooks knowledge. If I'm determined to save Ramuda, I can make it happen.
Dice: If that will save Ramuda, then I'll repeat it as much as I can!! Ramuda will survive!! Ramuda will survive!! Ramuda will survive!! Hah...hah..Gentaro...how was that?
Gentaro: Hm...no quite there yet, but if you say it another 1000 times, it will work.
Dice: A-a 1000 times??? Alright then...but since it's for Ramuda I'LL DEFINITELY DO IT!!! RAMUDA WILL SURVIVE!! RAMUDA WILL SURVIVE!! RAMUDA WILL SURVIVE!! RAMUDA WILL SURVIVE!-!
Gentaro: ahaha..
Ramuda: I'm doing it right, right?
Dice and Gentaro: You did it perfectly Ramuda.
Ramuda: Ehehee!
Dice: Okay then! We're going to make those words a reality!
Gentaro: Ramuda, both of us will go now. Please stay put.
Ramuda: Mhm!
Gentaro: Dice, do you have a plan after all this sweet-talking to Ramuda?
Dice: Not really, but I can't let the main "aspect" let me down. What about you?
Gentaro: "Aspect" huh....I do and don't have a plan.
Dice: What's that suppose to mean?
Gentaro: I will do the best I can to protect him. Dice, please be careful.
Dice: Yeah, you too.
59 notes · View notes
midnightseonghwa · 4 years ago
𝐀𝐡! 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 | 𝐬.𝐦𝐠
✕ 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Shy!Mingi x Obtuse!Reader 
✕ 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: Fluff, highschool au, secret admirer au
✕ 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 4.5k+
✕ 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Reader is the most clueless being on earth but other than that nothing really. 
✕ 𝐄𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐬: Unedited
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✕ 𝐀/𝐍: This was requested by @catboymingi​​ ~ Thank you so much for requesting and for all the love you give my writing 🥺🥰 My heart fluttered while I was reading your request because I found it so cute~~~ I hope you like it! I had intended to make this like 2k words but got so carried away...and now it’s 4k+...I really hope I did your request justice because I did get a bit sidetracked and carried away but I tried my best...I really did....Do let me know what you think!💖
✕ 𝐀𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜: here
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"What...what...what are you doing?" A baffled Wooyoung asked as he strode into Mingi's mother's kitchen. The previously immaculate granite countertops were now coated with flour and sugar, making an absolute mess of the pristine kitchen.
Mingi huffed and wiped his brow while pushing his round glasses upwards.
"What does it look like I'm doing?" He bit back and focused on his task at his hand as his friend just sat on one of the chairs in front of him.
"You never bake...why are you baking?"
Mingi put his whisk down and stared straight into his friend's eyes.
"He found out that (Y/n) likes lemon cupcakes," Yeosang mused as he strolled into the kitchen, a cheeky smile on his face.
Wooyoung snorted before turning to his friend.
"Is that true? Has someone developed a crush? When are you going to confess?"
Question after question was dropped onto Mingi as he gazed up at both the boys, eyes darting back and forth to find a way to avoid answering questions from his invasive friends.
"Never?" He asked and turned to grab the muffin tray before pouring the clumpy batter into it.
"What? What do you mean you're never going to confess? Yunho asked and Mingi just bit his lip before shaking his head.
"Guys, there's no way a person like (Y/n) is going to like me. And besides...this isn't the first time they'll be getting something from me."
Yeosang scrunched his nose before looking at his friend in distaste.
"How long exactly have you had a crush on (Y/n)?"
"About a year..." Mingi trailed off and Wooyoung gasped dramatically before punching the taller male in the arm.
"And I didn't know about this?" He asked, absolutely flabbergasted at the lack of information.
"Why do you have to know about my one-sided love life?" Mingi asked and pushed his glasses up his nose again.
"Because I'm your friend and I can help you confess," Wooyoung stated with an eye roll as if it was the most obvious and logical answer in his head.
"No no, they don't need to know anything. I'm not going to confess," Mingi said as he bent down, peeking at his lumpy muffins with a small smile on his face.
He was content with admiring you from afar. There was no reason for him to get close to you and as long as he got to see you smile from a safe distance, all was rainbows and unicorns with his life.
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The next day, Mingi walked to school early with a little skip in his step. His white uniform shirt was buttoned till the top and his glasses weren't dropping down his nose like usual. He just knew that it was going to be a good day.
The school grounds were empty as he walked through the gates. The green of the sports field lush as the football players were yet to ruin it with their shoes.
Bright sun rays bathed Mingi in their warmth as he hiked his bag further up his shoulder, mindful of the precious cargo that was lying in the side pocket.
There were a couple of students when he entered the main building. Both your classes were all the way on the third floor but Mingi still had a solid fifteen minutes for school to start and he knew you wouldn't be there as your bus was always late.
"Hey, San," he greeted his friend who was sitting by your desk, flipping through some pages of his textbook.
"Hey, what do you have this time?" The lanky male asked as Mingi pulled out a small packet wrapped with a bow and a sunflower.
"Where did you manage to find sunflowers?" San asked, reaching out to touch the sunflower before being swatted away by Mingi who had an annoyed pout on his face.
"Don't touch it," he hissed and carefully placed the things on the corner of your desk before placing his signature car-shaped sticky note message for you.
'You never fail to brighten my day', he scribbled before pasting it down onto the wooden surface and turning to San.
"You didn't see me," he said and watched with a smile as the boy pretended to zip his lips and throw away the key.
Satisfied, he walked back to his own class before plonking into his assigned seat and catching up on some work.
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"How did (Y/n) react to the cupcake and flower?" Mingi asked with way too much enthusiasm, his eyes twinkling with a child-like innocence that could put the stars to shame.
"Oh, you would've been over the moon with their reaction, buddy," San said as he imitated your surprised expression.
"Really? Ah, I wish I was in the same class as you-" Mingi's words died down in a choke as he watched you approach both the boys with his sunflower and cat-shaped sticky note in your hands.
His sunflower.
The sunflower he had given you.
And the note! His cat-shaped sticky note!
The poor boy felt like he was going to faint as he let out a little choking noise which had San turn to him in concern before both the boys turned to face you again.
Like always, your white uniform shirt was ironed to a crisp, the navy blue of your lower uniform also creaseless, not a thread out of its place.
"Hey, (Y/n)," San chirped as he eyed Mingi, who had know become a hedgehog, curling into himself as he felt heat risk to his cheeks all the way from his neck. His glasses threatened to slip off his face as he pushed them up before rocking on the balls of his feet nervously.
He had always been a shy boy, ever since childhood. Even the few friends he had now had been with them since kindergarten which was one of the reasons they were the sole few who knew the real Mingi and not the shy one.
"Hey, San and Mingi," you chirped back, giving Mingi a soft smile that made him fidget his fingers and ears turn a fire-engine red.
"I-" Mingi let out before his eyes widened and he rushed off, heart palpitating at the thought of you liking his gifts.
Turning into another corridor, he bumped into Wooyoung who gave him a cheeky dimpled smile before pulling him into the library.
"I saw everything," Wooyoung said as he placed his hands on Mingi's shoulders, squealing slightly before the librarian gave him a glare that had him sheepishly apologising.
"Did you see them, Wooyoung! They liked my cupcakes and they were holding my note and the flower I had given. God, I feel a little faint and I don't think I can-" Mingi ranted, pressing a hand to his chest to calm his racing heart as he leaned against one of the oakwood bookshelves.
"Calm down, lover boy," Wooyoung said as he folded his arms over his chest, offering his friend a bottle of water before sighing at the sound of the ringing bell.
"Let's get back to class," he said and nodded, both of them heading out of the library.
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"Is Mingi alright?" You asked San, who was looking just as shocked as you were.
"I...I think he's been eating too many lemon cupcakes," he answered vaguely and you narrowed your eyes before shrugging it off, missing the twitch of San's lip.
People around you had always mentioned how obtuse you were, horrible at picking up on the obvious things around you and reading in between the lines. And while San loved you in the most platonic way possible, he was so darn frustrated at your lack of understanding.
"Speaking of which," you said, twirling the flower in your hand.
"The one left on my desk today morning was so good," you said and San just rubbed his forehead.
"I bet it was," San trailed off before looking at you again.
"You know who makes the best lemon cupcakes?" The boy asked eagerly and you stepped back a little, taken aback by his sudden energy.
"Who? And why are you suddenly so focused on lemon cupcakes?" You asked and San could only sigh before answering you.
"Mingi makes the best lemon cupcakes."
You nodded meekly before smiling at the mention of the boy. To San and the rest of his friends, it wasn't a secret that you liked Mingi. In fact, it was the next most obvious thing after Mingi's crush on you.
But even with all the signs flashing bright neon in your face, you never seemed to catch on.
"Ask him to make some," you said and San just pursed his lips in a thin line.
"Why should I? You do it...you're the one who likes him-"
"Choi San! Don't say that so loudly," you whispered, clapping your hand over his mouth.
A teacher passing by gave you both a strange look that had you withdrawing from each other and straightening out your uniforms.
"Have you ever thought that maybe Mingi feels the same?" San asked through gritted teeth.
And there it was, the biggest hint that could have ever exploded in your face but of course...you being you, just didn't catch on it.
"How would you know?" You retorted and San just shook his head.
"Maybe because Mingi talks to me about it?" He bit back.
And there it was again. At this point, it was more of an indirect confession but of course, your brain didn't catch onto it.
"Yes, I know Mingi talks to you a lot, thanks for rubbing it in," you said and huffed, returning to class.
San groaned and rubbed his face with his hands.
"Goddamnit, (Y/n)!" He mumbled under his breath before following you.
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Mingi's eyes bulged out his head when he heard San recount his conversation with you.
"I mean I basically spelt it out for (Y/n) and that obtuse human just doesn't get it for the life of me!" He groaned again and Mingi felt his heart pick up speed again.
"Why!" Mingi cried out, feeling so exposed and outed.
"What do you mean 'why'? You literally begged me to drop hints," San cried back and Wooyoung nodded, eating out of the little ice cream cup he had got his hands on.
"I never asked you to drop any kind of hints!?"
Yeosang walked up to the group, handing San a sandwich and Mingi a rice Krispy bar before sitting on the stone steps next to his friends.
"Yeosang, you tell them. I never asked them to drop hints," Mingi whined, munching aggressively on the cereal bar.
"Sorry, buddy. You're on your own here but think about, it's probably best for you," he said and Mingi just whined, burying his head in his hands.
"Oh, look. Here comes, (Y/n) again," Wooyoung mused and burst out into a full blows cackle as he watched Mingi shriek and run away, cheeks and ears flaming red.
"Why does Mingi always run away whenever I come around?" You asked, sitting down next to Yeosang who offered you a Rice Krispy bar.
"Maybe it's because he likes you," Wooyoung coughed out, earning a laugh from you.
"I wish," you replied and turned to Yeosang, engaging in nonsense conversation with him.
Wooyoung looked at San with a dumb look on his face which the other boy returned. Another indirect confession and you didn't catch onto it.
Both the boys just sighed and shook their heads, horribly disappointed in both their friends.
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Mingi climbed the steps two at a time as he made his way to the third floor. Grabbing his pile of cat sticky notes from his bag, he snuck into your empty classroom, sitting at your desk and just enjoying it for a while before getting to work.
He bent over the wooden surface and started scribbling away before the bell rang, signifying the end of lunch.
Peeking out the small window of the classroom, he made sure no one was coming before fleeing the loving crime scene, weapons in hand and a piece of pretty cat-shaped evidence left behind.
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‘Dear (Y/n), sometimes, I wonder if you feel anything after reading my notes. Do you feel happy, creeped out or even curious? Because I know that I think about you every morning and to me, every thought is like a firework that causes my heart to burst with love. I want to fill my world, my universe and my life with you but I'm just not courageous enough... One day, I hope my relationship with you becomes something that can't be hidden but until then... Love, a shy boy'
"Oh damn," you mumbled, reading over the words that had been left on your desk.
"What's got you so shocked," San asked as he entered the classroom taking a seat in your chair.
"I...wow," was all that left your mouth before San took the piece of paper out of your hands.
"Yeah, wow," San said sarcastically and rolled his eyes at the hearts that had been drawn on the paper.
"I wish this person would just leave their name," you whispered before tucking the paper into a small box that was full of cat-shaped notes and their accompanying gifts.
"This person doesn't have the guts," San said nonchalantly, which caused you to laugh.
"You talk like you know this person," you said and shook your head causing the male to scowl.
"Maybe I do know this person," he said and you laughed again, thinking it was just his childish attitude coming into play.
"Yes, and I know the Queen of England," you stuck your tongue at him and San just scowled back at you.
"No, (Y/n), I know this person and so do you. In fact, you know this person very well," San said, his voice dropping in tone to signify just how serious he was.
"No, I don't think I do," you chuckled nervously, San's serious expression freaking you out a bit.
"God, (Y/n). Just think about it...a shy boy. If I'm saying that you know this person, who's a shy person you know?"
You opened your mouth to answer before stopping to think about it a little. None of your and San's common friends came to mind except...Mingi...
But no, someone as cute as him wouldn't ever like someone like you.
"Ugh, just leave it," San gave up and turned to the teacher who had now started teaching.
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"Dear (Y/n), sometimes I wonder if you feel anything after reading my notes," San mocked, in a high pitched voice that caused Wooyoung to laugh and Mingi's face to turn beet red.
"I want to fill my universe with you," Wooyung added with animated hand gestures causing the boys to laugh even more.
"Guys, stop," Mingi whined and covered his hot face, careful not to smudge his glasses.
"Okay okay," San said, bursting into laughter again before wiping some fake tears out of his eyes.
"But hey, at least (Y/n) liked the note. I could see them practically swooning," San added and Wooyoung nodded with a smile on his face.
"You basically confessed in that note..." Yeosang pointed out and Mingi just shook his head.
"No...I...I just told them what a great person they are and how much I think about them," Mingi admitted bashfully, his ears turning bright pink.
He whined out in embarrassment, hiding his face behind face again as Yeosang decided to take his turn at teasing the taller boy.
"I hope my relationship with you becomes something that can't be hidden," the boy mocked and Mingi just wanted the ground to split and swallow him whole.
God, someone help him.
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The colourful sketch pens rolled off Mingi's desk as he worked hard at decorating the cover of the mixtape he had made.
He had to admit that it was old fashioned but something told him that you would like it.
"Hey, you're mom let me in- oh God, what're you making for (Y/n) now," Yeosang groaned, as he flopped onto Mingi's bed with an eye roll.
"A mixtape," the boy replied quietly, tongue sticking out as he scribbled over the paper.
"And how is (Y/n) going to listen to it? Nobody has a tape player nowadays," the other boy said and Mingi just shrugged.
"They don't have to listen to it. Sometimes, even the thought behind it matters sometimes," Mingi smiled as he placed the tape in a small box filled with origami hearts.
"Let me guess, the hearts also have something?"
Mingi nodded with an excited look in his eyes
"They have the things I love about (Y/n). One quality for one heart. See!" He said, holding up one heart that was now unfolded.
'I like the way you're so kind’
"Oh wow, I bet they'll just have a heart attack," Yeosang replied lazily and Mingi just dreamed off into space with a smile.
"I hope so...sucks that I can't just confess," he admitted and sighed, tying the box with a black ribbon before tucking it into his school bag.
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Mingi had to admit that the worst part about giving you gifts was that he had to space them out.
There was no way he could give you gifts every day (although he would definitely like to). He couldn't seem too eager. Notes; however, were a daily thing.
He watched you go over his words as he pretended to casually walk through the corridor and peek into your class. San caught his eyes with an unamused look before motioning for him to stop.
"Really? 'I saw a puppy today and they reminded me of you because I wanted to squish them and never let them go'?" San felt absolutely baffled after he saw you laugh at the note before hugging it close to your chest with a pout.
"Yeah, it's the truth," Mingi said and shrugged his shoulders, sticking his hands into his pockets.
"Alright then..." San trailed off, knowing that it was a one-sided conversation that was never going to go anywhere.
"I'll see you during lunch then," San said and nodded at Mingi who did the same walking down the corridor.
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"Look, isn't this person the cutest," you gushed, handing the note you received to Yeosang and Wooyoung who just nodded with bored looks on their faces.
"You know who saw a puppy on their way to school today?" Yeosang asked and smirked at Wooyoung who seemed to catch onto what his friend was implying.
"Oh, I know! Mingi did!" Wooyoung exclaimed, fake drama dripping from his voice.
"Good for him?" You asked and eyed both the boys weirdly before they just huffed and deflated at your cluelessness.
"Yes, how good for him," San mused from next to you and rolled his eyes.
"Hey, guys and-" Mingi squeaked as his eyes went wide and he just took another turn instead of approaching your group.
You watched him run down the corridor and were about to follow him when something dropped out of his pocket.
Picking it up, you returned to the trio of boys who were now looking at you with wide eyes.
"I think Mingi likes somebody," you said, turning the pile of cat-shaped sticky notes over and reading the words that were scribbled right on the top.
"For the music in my life?" You mumbled and San smiled cheekily before looking at the other boys.
"Oh shit," Yeosang exhaled and gazed at the note over your shoulder.
"Mingi has the same sticky notes as my secret admirer," you said and handed it to Wooyoung.
"Return this to him?" You asked and Wooyoung just nodded, staring straight into your eyes.
"How do you feel?" He asked and you tilted your head in confusion.
"What do you mean?"
"He means," Yeosang explained and leaned closer to you, "How do you feel after finding out that Mingi has the same sticky notes as your secret admirer?"
You shrugged and looked down the corridor.
"Good for him? I hope he can confess to the person he likes soon," you concluded with a smile despite feeling a little hurt at the thought of Mingi liking someone else.
"For the love of Mingi, (Y/n)," San yelled, causing you to flinch before he got up and walked away, tugging at the hem of his uniform's shirt in frustration.
"Did I say something wrong?" You asked both the boys who just sat there in silence before shaking their head at you.
"He's just an idiot, it's fine," Wooyoung said before following San, leaving you and Yeosang with confused expressions.
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San groaned in frustration as he tossed the cat-shaped sticky notes to Mingi.
"That's the fifth time you've groaned in the last minute," Mingi pointed out, as he sat at his computer, nibbling at some cookies his mother had baked.  
"You and (Y/n), I swear," San exhaled and just buried himself under Mingi's blankets before giving out an annoyed whine.
"How long am I going to have to tip toe around them? I mean not that it's going to matter because they just can't seem to catch on for the life of them."
Mingi laughed but inhaled sharply when he picked up the pile of sticky notes that San had tossed onto the bed.
"Wait, these are mine. Why do you have them?" He asked and San let out another groan, flipping the blankets over his head.
"You dropped them when you so expertly ran away from (Y/n)," San said, his voice muffled from under the blankets.
"So you're saying they read this message?" He asked and rubbed at his chest, feeling a little queasy.
"Yes, obviously. But (Y/n) being (Y/n) just couldn't figure it out," he said and Mingi just turned around, searching for the little gift he had packed.
Looks like he would have to go to school even earlier tomorrow.
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The school building was absolutely empty when Mingi stepped inside, bag hiked up his shoulders, straps in hand as he made his way to the third floor. His footsteps echoed in the empty building as he stalked down the corridor to your class.
Sitting in your chair, he smiled at the janitor was still tidying up the classroom before taking out the little box that he had prepared for you.
"Ah, young love," the janitor smiled and Mingi just blushed before doing his routine and heading out of your class.
He could only hope and pray that you like his gift. He put extra effort into it this time.
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You winced as the bell rung, signalling the beginning of the first period when you walked into class and saw the little crowd around your desk with San who was trying his best to shoo them away.
"What's going on?" You asked and one of the girls turned to you with a sweet smile on her face.
"Your secret admirer's gone all out this time," she said and you pushed your way to your desk to see the box sitting, wrapped in black ribbon.
"Come on, open it! We want to see," the same girl cried and you smiled a little before unwrapping it, causing a flurry of origami hearts to flow out.
The girls crowded around you squealed in adoration before their squeals increased upon seeing the mixtape.
'For the music in my life', one of the girls read and pressed a hand to her forehead dramatically.
"So romantic," San said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.
"It really is," you said, a little starry-eyed as you tucked all the hearts back into the box, fingers running over the words that were on the note.
"For the music in my life," you repeated and mulled over the words before suddenly shooting up, causing you to hit your head on San's chin who was standing right above you.
"Ow, shit, are you okay?" He asked, rubbing his chin before looking at you with wide eyes.
"Yeah, sorry I just need to go somewhere," you said and clutched the cat-shaped sticky note in your hand before looking at San and then rushing out.
"Oh finally," he huffed and plonked himself in your desk, waiting for the teacher to start her lesson.
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You ran down the corridor aimlessly, not quite sure where you were going to find the boy you were looking for.
"Wooyoung!" You shouted from across the corridor, shocking the boy who jumped and turned to you with a cheeky dimpled smile.
"(Y/n)," he replied in a sing-song voice, eyes sparkling with mischief.
"Where is Mingi?" You asked, a little breathless from running around like a headless chicken. Wooyoung just smiled as he silently pointed in the direction of the library, causing you to exhale in triumph.
"Thanks," you said and ran to the library, bursting through the door before straightening out when the librarian gave you a glare.
"Sorry, miss," you squeaked out and walked through the infinite shelves of books before you caught sight of the tallboy through one of the openings in the shelves.
"Mingi," you whispered yelled, and the boy jumped before turning around, only to panic and run away.
"Oh lord," you huffed out and ran after him, catching him by the wrist and pulling him into one of the secluded corners of the library.
"Why do you keep running away from, shy boy," you said and watched Mingi fiddle with his fingers, face turning a cherry red as he stuttered out pathetic excuses.
"I-...ugh...I-...just..." he stuttered before you pulled him closer, enough for him to lean down to your level.
"I like you too," you whispered, and the boy let out a little squeak before looking at you with twinkling wide eyes.
"You do," he let out, voice pitchy and full of doubt.
"Yes, you shy baby, now kiss me," you demanded, pulling him closer to you and pressing your lips to his.
While most people would compare their kisses to fireworks, yours was just plain awkward. None of you were quite sure how to move your lips without Mingi freaking out at being in such close proximity to you.
"I'm sorry," he muttered out, causing you to laugh and shake your head.
"We have time to figure it out, don't we?" You said and smiled up at the boy.
Who, for the first time smiled back at you, finally finding the small courage in him to hold eye contact.
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After a year," San sighed, and Wooyoung patted him on the back, laughing a little.
"I'm not sure if I like them better together or apart," Yeosang said as he distastefully watched you and Mingi share a sandwich, leaning close to each other.
"Get a room already," San yelled, causing you and Mingi to laugh, leaning in to steal shy butterfly kisses.
"Maybe we will," you bit back, dragging a tomato Mingi up and away with his wrist.
"Teenagers," the lanky boy sighed and leaned back on his elbows, the stone steps cold under his elbows.
"We're also teenagers-"
"Shut up, Wooyoung."
The boy zipped his mouth as he watched you and his best friend under a tree, hands clasped on both sides as you spoke in hushed whispers, flustering the poor boy.
"At least they're together now," Yeosang said, looking away as he watched you press a kiss to Mingi's lips.
"Yeah...at least they're together now."
142 notes · View notes
mental-dilemma · 4 years ago
A Quick Meeting Part 4?
Damian’s an exchange student in Paris taking it easy until an Akuma attacks and he gets to meet ladybug. -----------------------------------------
Ok before everyone starts pancking: I am Emu-Lumberjack I just decided to create a Sideblog for all my writing so that way those who follow me exclusively for that don’t have to deal with the chaos that is my main blog
also I’m sorry it’s taken so long to post this but just between school and work and school and just general exhaustion it’s been hard for me to write.
and as always all credit to the Au goes to @ozmav 
pt. 2
pt. 3
“I don’t suppose I could bribe you to drop the matter.” Damian said sitting down in Tim’s office. He and Ladybug were situated next to each other while Tim was on the other side of the desk.
“Nope.” He turned to Ladybug, “I didn’t get a chance to introduce myself, making sure Damian didn’t disappear and all that. Anyway I’m Tim Drake, Co-Ceo of Wayne enterprises and Damians older brother.”  
Ladybug turned to Damian and quietly said, “So does everyone in your family constantly talk like they’re trying to impress a victorian lord?” Damian snorted. Tim, unable to hear what she just said, looked to the two agape.
“At least I have a reason.” Damian responded, this time loudly enough for his elder brother to hear. “Anyway Tim is in CEO mode right now, which is pretty rare. Usually he’s a bumbling zombie dependent on coffee to function. In fact I remember one time when Dick took the last cup he----”
“I’d suggest stopping right there or I’ll tell her about the batcow incident.” Tim interrupted.
 “Did you just say batcow? Because I understand each of those words separately.” Ladybug said, and even though her mask still concealed half her face Damian could tell she was really confused.
“Don’t ask. Just don’t.” Damian said quietly.
“Anyway. I never caught your name and considering the fact that your in a mask I assume you’re a hero. Which is surprising because none of us knew Paris had heroes.” Tim cut the two of them off before more could be said.
“Yes that’s becoming a common theme I’m finding,” Marinette began. “My name is Ladybug in the mask. I have a partner, Chat Noir, but he’s currently indisposed, something about paint in his hair.” Damian stifled a laugh as Marinette continued, “We have been operating out of Paris for the last few years, early on we tried contacting the Justice league but Green Lantern told us not to prank call him.”
“Oh did he now.” Tim said, leaning his head forward.
“Yes he did. Thankfully my power allows me to reverse all damage done during a fight. Including any lives lost or monuments destroyed.”
“That sounds like a very useful power. I'm sure that the heroes of Gotham would love to work with you.” There was a twinkle in his eye that Damian knew meant Tim was concocting some scheme. He was about to jump in, but Marinette got there first.
“Yes I’m sure you would but the issue is we currently have our hands full here although from what Damian told me you guys sound much more fun to work with. At least the villains have better costumes.”
Tim noting her wording turned to Damian, “Did you tell her the family secret? You know what Alfred will do if he finds out.”
Damian smirked “I’m not an idiot Drake this was all her. She could rival you for deductive reasoning.” Marinette just sat there looking innocent.
“Well that explains why the two of you were sneaking around together, Ladybug should I assume Damian knows your identity as well?”
“Well this is going to be a nightmare. But this just means  I can formally invite you to Gotham at least. Ha just leave it to the Ice Prince to leak the identity on his first civilian trip abroad.” Tim leaned his head back, closing his eyes.
“Actually it was you guys who tipped me off.”
Tim suddenly opened his eyes and looked her straight in the eyes. “Come again.”
“Well it was the fact that no one had spied Robin around Batman while Damian was in France. Then the fact that you were patrolling rather than him tipped me off that Robin might be on a vacation..” Tim just face palmed.
“Of course that would happen, how did we not see it coming.” He muttered to himself. “Wait, that begs another question: how did you two meet.”
Damian blushed and before Ladybug could respond he said “not important, there was an akuma. Now do you need anything else.”
“Actually yeah. Ladybug you mentioned the video you sent to Green Lantern, well Batman found it and wanted us to investigate. He didn’t know Green Lantern had seen it or otherwise he’d be on his way back to Ooa healing from a scolding from Alfred. Dick and Jason wanted to come but Bruce needed someone he could send discreetly and who better than the Co-CEO of Wayne industries who could just be checking up on the Paris branch.” Ladybug was impressed by the scheming having Dick Greyson or Jason Todd come in would stir up villain or media activity but Tim the third son wouldn’t.
“Well if you want we can meet up with my partner later and you can formulate a list of questions. Plus it seems you and Damian have some catching up to do.”
“There was a reason I came to Paris Ladybug. Being forced to talk to Tim was not one of them.” Damian made to leave only for a yoyo to catch his leg. Ladybug smirked at him. “Maybe a five minute chat couldn’t hurt anyone. Family reunion and all that.”
“Great then as long as everyones in agreement I can set up a time with chat later this evening for all of us to talk things through and get a strategy in place.”
“Are you sure about this having the league involved is going to cause a lot of chaos and even more dangerous villains could target Paris.”
“Tim I have dealt with so much crap the last couple of years that at this point I will take Darkseid over Lila…… Oh crap. We forgot about Lila.” Marinette looked at Damian who was coming to the same realization she was. He called out Lila in the bakery, and outed himself as a Wayne.
“Do I want to know?” Tim said rubbing his temples. He did not miss highschool.
“Lets just say school tomorrow’s going to be interesting, and I think we’re going to have to put the meeting on hold till after it. Ladybug and I are going to need to deal with school tomorrow, and caffeine isn’t gonna cut it.” Damian said.
“Then again if we aren’t lucid tomorrow might not be so bad….” Marinette began
“Do not even finish that, you even more than me need sleep. Between fashion, school and heroing you function off an hour.”
“You.. have a point. I’ll brief Chat on the situation on my way home. In the meantime I’ll leave you too to the brotherly bonding I’m sure you need.” she pulled her yoyo from her pocket, “See you tomorrow Damian, and whatever plan you hatch up make sure nit doesn’t include killing anyone.”
“Goodnight Ma--- Ladybug. And no promises.” The boy caught himself before revealing Ladybug's identity. She gave him the look of ‘don’t fuck up my secret identity bird boy’ before jumping out the window to run from rooftop to rooftop.
“So. how long have you had a crush on her.” Tim pulled Damians attention, and Damian was sudden;y very glad he had said nothing about not killing his brother.
“Do you think they’ll actually help this time?” Chat’s voice rang over the phone, Marinette had stopped behind one of the chimneys to talk to him in private.
“I don’t know, at least now they are actually considering it rather than just brushing us off as children.” Marinette was tired but they needed to have this chat now, there wouldn’t be any chance to in class tomorrow.
“Yeah, just don’t get your hopes up. They left us to fend for ourselves for 3 years and are only doing this now because of Damian if you didn’t know him then none of this would’ve happened.  
“Ok but why does that matter that it’s Damian? They could’ve been doing it because of Jon too.”
“Oh please, you're more dense than our class sometimes. Jon would’ve noted it then forgotten to tell someone, but Damian told Batman right away. Why do you think he did that?”
“Chat I am too tired for this.” Marinette could feel Adrien facepalming through the phone.
“Oh I am not spelling this out for you, this time you get to figure it out yourself.”
“Fine. but next time you need help on your calc homework don’t come running to me.” Marinette hung up on him and made her way home. The parisian streets were nice and quiet for her, no akuma meant maybe another hour of sleep.
Once she was out of the suit she let Tikki rest and got right to work on the new piece she was making for Jagged, he wanted to somehow have the score of his newest piece sewn onto the pants for his next concert, and she had to brainstorm.
Twenty minutes went by.
Then an hour.
Then two.
Finally she put up her pencil and put on her pajamas, as she was falling asleep Adriens words kept replaying in her head, and the meaning slammed into her like a truck. Pulling out her phone she sent one message.
Oh fuck off
tag list: @clumsy-owl-4178 @pawsitivelymiraculous @yuulxd @smolplantmum @inarachi02 @notmycupoftea26 @laurcad123 @unknownvsworld @jeminiikrystal @megawhitleycalderonpaganus
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eleventhdoctorsangel · 4 years ago
The hunter and the dauntless leader
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Summary: Y/N and jack find themselves alone in the divergent world. Now both having to by time till Sam, dean, and cas find them. But they had to choose a faction. That faction was dauntless.
Cass walked out of the room so that he could go get a book. It only took a few minutes before Cass could back he opened the book and put it on the table. “Anubis. Guardian of the dead. The ancient Egyptians believed that when you die Anubis would weight your heart on his scale against justice’s feather.” Cass said. “Yeah the weighing of the heart ceremony right but that wasn’t Anubis. That was Osiris. We met him.” Sam said. “Major dick.” Dean said. “Yeah I hate him. He tried to force me to marry him.” I said. “He did what?” Eric asked. “Yeah he tried to make a deal with us where if we kept our end of the deal than he would help us but if we didn’t then I would have to marry him. But when we did he wasn’t too happy.” I said. “Osiris is Anubis’s father and heaven passed over him when they enlisted his son.” Cass said. “Anubis works for Heaven?” Lily asked. “He doesn’t work for heaven. He works with heaven. When god left sorry long story we needed a new judge and Anubis was the obvious choice.” Cass said. “So heaven hired a temp to make the soul train kept running on time?” Dean asked. “Right. Great. So we summon him.” Sam said. “You can do that? You can summon a god?” Lily asked. “Done it before.” Dean said.
Eric and I went down to get the items that we needed to summon Anubis. “So why didn’t you mention that before?” Eric asked. “Would you have honestly believed me? I mean it’s not every day you hear hey you know the Egyptian god Anubis. Well me and my brothers made a deal with his father Osiris and if we didn’t keep our end of the deal I would have to marry him.” I said. “I believe everything else didn’t I.” Eric said as he put an arm around my waist. “Did you really or did you just tell me that to make me feel better. I mean we haven’t gone a case yet to prove that I wasn’t lying.” I said. “Four killed you and our baby but when Cass brought you back I knew you were telling me the truth.” Eric said. “But he wasn’t able you bring the baby back.” I said. “I know. I know.” Eric said as he kissed my head. “We should hurry and get back before they come and look for us.” I said. “Yeah I don’t want them to be thinking we are trying to have another kid.” Eric said which made me laugh a little. “Yeah Dean could probably just sense when a guy takes off my shirt.” I said. “You wanna test that theory out?” “Eric asked. “As fun as that sounds we need to get back.” I said. “I guess your right but give me a kiss before we go back.” Eric said. I laugh as I shook my head. “Fine.” I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck standing on my toes and kissed him. Eric put his arms around my waist as he lifted me from the ground. My legs wrapped themselves around his waist. Eric had one arms under my butt as the other slowly started to go under my shirt. “Hey. Hey. That’s enough you.” Dean said as he walked into the room. I pulled away from Eric as I started to giggle. “I told you.” I said. “That you did.” Eric said as he kissed my nose and put me back down. “Did you two find everything before you decided to try and get one in?’ Dean asked. “Yes we did.” I said as I started to grab what we needed. “Well come one then we can’t waste any time.” Dean said. “We know dean.” I said. Dean walked out of the room went Eric and I following close behind him.
We got back into the main room of the bunker where Sam and Dean already had moved the tables so they wouldn’t get in the way. I went over to one the tables and sat down the supplies. I felt an arm wrap around me. “It’s going to work.” Eric said as he kissed the side of my head. “I know. I’m just worried is all.” I said. “I know. But like you told me you have brought people back before.” Eric said. “It just feels different with Jack. We just never brought a Nephilim before.” I said. “I know. If anyone can do it. It is you guys.” Eric said. I smiled as I turn to look at him. I wrapped my arms around his neck. “I love you. You know that. I love you so much.” I said. “I love you too. I don’t know how exactly you and Jack ended up where you two did. But I’m so grateful that you did. You have been the best thing to have ever happened to me. I don’t know what my life would have been like if you didn’t come into it.” Eric said. “If we didn’t meet than four would have killed you. I know that for a fact.” I said. “That’s true. You saved me. I will do anything to keep you safe. Hell I’ll even fight god. You don’t know or meet god right?” Eric said. “Well.” I said. “Unbelievable.” Eric said.  
As Dean was painting the symbol on the ground and Sam was reading the spelling when Lily walked up to him and handed him a book. “The instruction manual.” Lily said. “Thanks. Alright we’re almost set. Just got to get one more thing. Eric do you mind helping me out. Y/n can you go grab some candles?” Sam said. “Sure.” Eric said. “Got it Sammy.” I said walking out of the room to go grab a few candles. I wasn’t sure how many Sam wanted me to grab so I grabbed six and some matches. Once I grabbed them and made my way back. “Okay so I wasn’t sure how made you wanted me to grab so I brought six.” I said. “That perfect kiddo.” Dean said as he took them from me. “Here.” I said as I handed him the matches. I looked to see that Sam and Eric had brought Jack body in here. I could feel the tears start to well up in my eyes as I went over to Eric nuzzling my face into his chest. Eric kissed my head as he wrapped his arms around me. “Where’s Cass?” I asked. “Some trouble in heaven. We’ll pray to him when we need him.” Sam said. I nodded.
Dean started to light the candles and placed them on the pints of the star as Sam started to say the spell. “Ya ‘anubays, yda ‘uwzuris. Astamae ‘iilaa suti. Ya ‘anubis, ‘ant min yazan alqulbu. Astamae ‘iilaa suti. Ya ‘anubis dalil almawtaa. Aleawalim bayn alealmin maftuhatan, wa’amrak ‘an tuqadim nafsak fi eini.” Sam said. As he was saying the spell Dean gave a knife to Lily would walked into the middle of the symbol cutting her hand and got blood on the eye that was in the middle. After she did she looked to both Sam and Dean. “Give it a second.” Sam said. Then was a rusting sound then there was Anubis.
“Mm. The Winchester siblings. I must say your files have come across my desk many times. Not so much for the youngest Winchester sibling. But it seems that you avoided death yet again but the same could not be the same for your daughter.” Anubis said. My mouth dropped in shock. I felt Eric’s grip on me tighten. Sam and Dean also looked at me in shock. “It was a girl?” I asked. Anubis looked at me in confusion. “Did you not know?” Anubis asked. I shook my head as I wiped the tears away. “We never met? I mean we’ve died.” Sam said. “Yeah. A lot.” Dean said. “I’m more of a back of the house kind of guy. Death and her subordinates get all the face time. I get stuck with the paperwork.” Anubis said. “Psuhin pencils damning souls. Tough work.” Dean said. Anubis started to laugh. “Just as snappy as advertised. What do you want?” Anubis asked. “It’s me. I need to know where I’m going when I die.” Lily said. “Hmm. That’s unorthodox. Against protocol. But I suppose we’re already here.” Anubis said. He opened his briefcase and pulled out an abacus. The beads on the top half were white while the ones on the bottom were black. “An abacus?” Sam asked. “You were expecting a scale and a feather? May I?” Anubis said as he held out his hand to Lily. He grabbed onto Lily’s hand and placed it above the abacus then closed his eyes. We watched as the beads went back and forth turning from white and black. In the end more beads were black than white. Anubis opened his eyes and gave a sad look to Lily. “I’m sorry.” Anubis said. “No.” Lily said as Anubis put the abacus back into his briefcase. “Change it.” Sam said. “I can’t.” Anubis said. “Well looks like you’re not goin anywhere.” Dean said. “Yeah. The lore was pretty clear Anubis can be bound in a ring or foinikelaio.” Sam said. “Aka palm oil. Just so happens we had some laying around.” Dean said. “This is a miscalculation.” Anubis said smugly. “Fine. Change it. Let her into Heaven.” Sam said. “I’m an accountant. I don’t have that kind of power.” Anubis said. “Yeah right. Like you or God has never made an exception?” Sam asked. “That’s right. Because god doesn’t decide. I don’t decide. You do each of you your individual choices all tallied up at the precise moment of your death.” Anubis said. We all glared at him. “Keep me here. Try and kill me. It is not going to change Lily Sunder’s fate. But it might change yours.” Anubis said. Sam let out a sigh as he broke the seal on the symbol. “Smart boy.” Anubis said. Just like that he was gone. 
Eric and I started to pick up the candles from the ground as Sam went to talk to Lily as she was getting her things. “Lily i- I know you’re upset but you can still do the spell.” Sam said. “That wasn’t the deal. I’ve got to go.” Lily said as she started to walk away. “We have nothing to offer you noth- nothing to say but. He’s our kid!” Sam said. This made Lily stop in her tracks. “I’m sorry.” Lily said. “You know what I think? Burning all that soul? You’re not even human anymore not really.” Dean said as pushed himself up from the table he was leaning against and walked over to where Sam and Lily were. “Dean.” Sam said. “Otherwise how could you ever, ever let anyone go through what you went through? The pain of losing a kid? Don’t do this to us.” Dean said. “Fine.” Lily said.
Eric and I lit the candles as Sam and dean got everything else ready. “I’m ready.” Lily said as she picked up the book she had given Sam earlier. “Cass I hope you can hear me. We’ve got Jack. His shell it’s ready to go. Here’s hoping that you’re staring at him right now. So if you are then un do you thing okay? Amen.” Dean said. “Oh-doh oh oh-zuhm-ah, oh-ee, ah-oh-ee-vee…” Lily said as she started to say the spell. I grabbed on to Eric’s hand. “Oh oh. Oh-doh…” Lily said. Please work please. Please. Jack let out a gasp as he shot up from the table. Jack was breathing heavily and started to cough. “Jack. Hey.” Sam said. “Hey hey hey.” Dean said. “Read this. Jack read this.” Sam said handing Jack the paper with the rest of the spell on it. “Oh koh-nuh-ga-ma-fuh-luh-guh ah-oh-ee-vee-ah-ee..ee-duh-luh-vah..oh-ee-vee-ah-ee,ee-duh-luh-vah-juh-ah-um-kah-dah.” Jack said couching but finished the spell and we watched as his eyes glowed. Jack looked at us confused. “Was that my soul?” Jack asked. “How do you feel?” Dean asked. “Good. I feel good.” Jack said laughing a little. Dean was quick to pull him into a hug. “It’s good to have you back.” Sam said. “Lily thank you.” Dean said as he started to walk away. “Yeah. Lily” Sam said but stopped when he looked over to Lily who was sitting down in a chair not moving. “Lily?” Dean asked. That’s when I knew she was gone. “Thank you Lily.” I said quietly to myself. “Y/n why don’t you take Jack and Eric to the kitchen and get some grub into him.” Dean said. “You got it. Come on now I gotta feed all of my boys.” I said. “You have to stop calling us that we are not your boys.” Dean said making me stop in my tracks and playfully glare at him. “Yeah we are.” Eric said. “Yeah I know.” Dean grumbled. I smirked as I turned around. “So burgers?” I asked as I walked out of the room. “Yes please.” Jack said as he and Eric followed me.
I hummed to myself as I made the burgers and veggie burgers for Sam. Jack went to his room real quick to get a little more comfortable. Eric was in the kitchen helping me cook. “You okay?” I asked. “I guess I’m just not use to all of this yet. But I guess it will take a bit to get used to it.” Eric said. I nodded. “Yeah I guess going from a dauntless leader to a hunter won’t be easy.But it gets easier once you get the hang out it. Can you get the beer out of the fridge and tell me if I need to send the boys to get some more.” I said. “You got it boss.” Eric said as he kissed me. Eric walked over to the fridge and opened it. “There’s four bottles. Do you want me to go tell Sam and Dean?” Eric said. “Please.” I said. Eric nodded as he walked out of the room to go find Sam and Dean. I walked over to get the bacon and started to cook it. “Do you need help Y/n?” Jack asked as he walked into the Kitchen. “Can you get the plates and put them on the table?” I asked. Jack nodded and went to grab the plates taking them over to the table. I went and grabbed the buns and sat them on the metal island. I could hear Jack’s footsteps as he walked closer to me. “Is everything okay Jack?” I asked. “I think I should tell Eric.” Jack said. “Jack.” I said. “No Y/n I need to tell him.” Jack said. “I think he understands.” I said. “But he doesn’t know Y/n and I don’t want to keep it from him.” Jack said. “You two don’t have to get it from me I know.” Eric said as he walked back into the kitchen. “Eric I am truly sorry.” Jack said. “Jack it’s okay. I understand. I always knew that you felt something towards her even if Y/n didn’t see it.” Eric said. “So you’re not upset?” I asked. “No. Sam and Dean said that they will be back in ten minutes.” Eric said. Jack let out a sigh of relief. “The burgers should be done by then.” I said.
Cass got back at the same time that Sam and Dean did. Cass told us that the angles in heaven knew roughly where Michael was. By that time I had already started to plate the burgers and the boys had put them on the table for me. We finally sat down at the table on one side was Sam, Dean and I. The other side was Jack, Cass and Eric. Jack was the first one to start eating everyone else kinda just watched him. He just gave us his confused puppy look. “Is uh something wrong?” Jack asked. “No. No not at all.” Sam said. “Just damn glad to have you back.” Dean said. “Yeah.” Sam said. “And we know where Michael is. Not quite sure how you pulled that one off.” Dean said. Cass and Jack shared a look like they knew something we didn’t. I hated to feeling that it gave me. “Well we uh we still don’t know where dark Kaia is or the spear.” Cass said. “yeah but we will. We’ll figure it out. We’ll find her. I mean we found her before.” Sam said. “That’s right. And then Michael. And that son of bitch is gonna pay.” Dean said. The he lifted up his bottle of beer. “Come on.” Dean said. We all followed Dean’s lead and we had a toast.
Taglist: @jaiboomer11 @darkqueennox​ @letsthedogpackandthecats @sassyslytherinshai @anaszpan​
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hitsuackerman · 5 years ago
Unpredictable (Overhaul x Reader) pt.19
a/n: so... uhh... nothing much happens here but the last part is worth it :’) i guess? hope ya’ll like this nonetheless! 
warnings: this cannot be read solo
Links: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10, part 11, part 12, part 13, part 14, part 15, part 16, part 17, part 18, part 20
Masterlist to my other fics: here :)
Overhaul’s waiting list: @jjk-biased @infinite-universe-love @dirtypride @blackymomo03 @azzie @purple-rabanito​ @meximorrita @awesomeee19​​ @celestial-kanzakii​ @laure-lo​ @team-wang-puppy​ @aydience-world​ @choros-main-hoe​ @colorseeingchick​  @but-kairis-not-that-smart (i cant seem to tag again :( hope this lands in your timelines!)
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Two days since that fated encounter with Chronostasis, you were now left with a vacant rest day. And where better place to spend it than with Dr. Hanayaka. Setting an appointment with him, as he liked to call it, you were tasked to help with the blood pressure for each patient he had. Luckily, his schedule wasn’t that straining.
“So you mean to say, his henchman met with you in secret?” Gei asked and raised an eyebrow. With his stethoscope resting on his shoulder and white coat on, it was sometimes hard to believe that this flamboyant man was a well respected doctor. “And handed you trash man’s sim card?”
“Yeah. I’ve already checked the contents of the sim and there’s not a lot to go on.” Aside from your messages, the contents of his inbox were that of an average man’s. Expecting some tea about his trade or even important numbers of other villains, you had to think whether or not Chrono deleted some or not.
“And what about that plan of yours, hmm?” Gei fixed his eyelashes before staring back at you. “What if it backfires and Chrono takes the blame?”
“He won’t. My instructions were clear and I set a time frame as well. Just something to please the heroes for setting me up.”
“You movin over to the dark side, baby girl?”
“Just balancing things out.” You shrugged. “Levi made it clear that they shouldn’t interfere with my relationship with Overhaul. Even though I’m on justice’s side, I still want to tip the scales a bit due to personal reasons.”
“Wouldn’t your badge and title be removed if they found out? And why in Todrick’s name are you so chill with this topic?! Are you certain you don’t have a bug on you?” Your friend eyed you down so quickly. Worried that policemen might end up barging inside his office.
“Don’t worry. I’m wearing new clothes so there’s no way they can. Besides, I’m being as cautious as ever. Seriousness aside, I do have some information you might want to feast on.” You smirked at the mental image of a maskless Chrono.
“Spill…” Gei shifted in his seat and leaned in closer. The look on your face only meant one thing.
“Okay, so Overhaul’s right hand man was the one who met me right? Well~ He took off his mask and I will have to admit the man looked hella fine~”
“Describe! Describe!”
“For starters, he has bluish-gray eyes. Though he looks like he wants to kill a person right there and then, he probably could since his jaw was rather prominent. His voice without the mask is different too.” You watched as Gei listened with such focus. “But, if I were to be honest, describing him doesn’t do him good. He looks really handsome.”
“Why is it always the villains who look good?” Gei commented with a pout. “Hawks aside, because that man is something else, but they just hit different you know?”
“That’s true. Shame they have to wear those masks, though.”
“On the contrary, I think it’s good that they do. Otherwise they’d have to endure the wrath of fan girls.”
“Right. Also feels good when they trust you enough to show what’s behind the mask.” Nodding at your own statement, the memory of having lunch with Overhaul came back. With no given warning, he took off his mask and casually drank water. Realizing that he had done it on purpose, a tiny smile formed on your mouth.
“If you miss him that bad, just call him.”
“He changed numbers and I’m not that desperate to ask Chrono for it. Nao said in due time he’ll contact me but the chances of that are negative.”
“Honey, it’s the modern era. Women aren’t as shy as they were before. If you want something, go and get it. If it is a guy’s new number, then go ahead. It’s not just men who make the first move. And besides, I think Overhoe would be surprised if you just suddenly ring his doorbell.”
“You do realize, I do not have the same confidence as you.”
“Fake it till you make it, boo.” He snapped his fingers in a z-formation.
“You’ve been watching Soopernatural again, haven’t you?”
“Okay, first off, Jenred Padackles is a god and I would worship his feet. Second, that show has references to everything and you can’t deny that.”
“Yeah, you’re right.” Standing up from the sofa, you stretched your limbs. “Anyway, I gotta scram.”
“Where you headin’ off to missy?”
“I have to meet up with Nao regarding the Fukuo Kai case.”
“But it’s your day off. Get a life and do something else other than work, (n/n).” Gei threw a pen to your direction but you dodged it effortlessly. “Don’t make me tell your father.”
“It’s only for a few minutes. It’s in preparation for tomorrow.” Not bothering to wait, you exited the room and sofly closed the doors to his office. Time spent with Gei was always an eye opener. However, it still wasn’t enough for you to stoop so low and ring his doorbell.
Making your way out of the hospital, you took a quick stop to the vending machines and chose a cold cafe au lait. Perfect for the hot and humid weather Japan had to offer. Feeling the cold liquid running down your throat was amazing and within seconds, you downed the whole drink. Tossing the empty bottle to the recycle bin, a gust of wind caused you to lose balance.
“Oh no.”
“Oh yes.”
“I have a meeting to attend to Hawks.” Hawks took his visors off and ruffled his wings. Offering to buy him a drink, he chose a tetra pack of  apple juice. Walking to the vacant bench, you followed him and decided that perhaps his visit would be worth it. “So what did the bird hear today?”
“Twice and Toga Himiko.”
“League of-” Then it hit you. “I see. Since when?”
“Yesterday. One of my informants saw them entering the base and left late at night. They didn’t look too happy about it, though.” Lowering his headphones, he ruffled his hair and stared at the clear blue skies. “Do what you will with this information. Just thought I’d let you know.”
“How and why do you even bother?”
“I work for the HPSC dove. If I don’t want them getting in my head, I gotta kick their crotches first.”
“That’s not the best analogy.”
“Still works though.” He winked and put on his headphones and visors back. Standing up, he offered a hand and you accepted it. Tailing you, Hawks was now opening the door for your car. “And one more thing, another of my birdies caught the scent of the quirk erasing bullets nearing its completion stages. Probably 80% now.”
“That’s fast.” You had to admit.
“Heard he’s been pissed. Be careful baby bird.” Hawks closed your door and saluted before flying off.
80%? That was enough information to speed up the Shie Hassaikai raid. Reaching out for your bag, you took the burner phone you recently purchased and reread each message the both of you exchanged. With two League of Villains now part of the yakuza, the possibility of casualties was much higher now.
Within minutes, you were now on the road. Fingers tightly wrapping the steering wheel. Your thumb bouncing with growing guilt at choosing to hide what Hawks had just said. Of course this wasn’t to ensure his victory, it was to even the field, right? It was the pettiness taking over you and Nighteye going against his words. It had to be.
Turning towards the precinct, you saw your designated parking area. The basement parking was a bit crowded today.
Heading towards the meeting room Tsukauchi had prepared for the small info sharing, you greeted fellow coworkers and kept conversation till you disappeared around the corner. Not too long after, you were now fiddling with your fingers. Basking in the silence till the doors opened revealing your partner and Shinezu. Both men took their seats and commenced the meeting.
“So, Shinezu will be tagging along.” He nodded at your coworker who seemed to be trembling at the thought. “It’ll do you good, Shinez. Trust me.”
“I-I know, Tsukau-kun.” He adjusted his tie, loosening it a bit. “I just think I’m not cut out for this mission you know? I do better behind the scenes.”
“While I believe that’s true, the 4th division works best when you’re around.”
“That’s true.” You agreed. Shinezu may not be the most social cookie out there but his brain was close to Namase. He also had the knack of coming up with solutions when things went wrong. All he needed was to amp his social skills. “We all know the 4th division leader is weak for you.”
“Not t-true.”
“All too true. You’ll be fine, Shinez. Have I ever lied to you?”
When the raven-haired man finally nodded his head, Tsukauchi cleared his throat and relayed the plans for tomorrow. It was the standard undercover data gathering in your books.
“So, to recap, the 4th division will be handling the snooping and we’ll remain on guard should all else fail?” You repeated the information given. Tsukauchi scratched his chin and nodded. Confirming that you had fully understood his message. “All this should happen within 5 hours. Got it. That’s quite cramped but manageable.”
“5 hours was the only allotted time I could fit in.” He scratched his nape and looked away. “You were right when I had to take it slow with my cases.”
“I’m not one to comment~” Waving the conversation aside, you stood up and the others followed.
With the short meeting now over, Tsukauchi and you were now seated in the break room. Cups of coffee present as you exchanged more information about your days and current mission. For a brief moment, despite him not being a part of the Shie Hassaikai Raid, you wanted to pour every single information you had just gained from Hawks. The lingering guilt was much more present now.
“You’re spacing out.” He snapped his fingers in front of you. “You alright?”
“Aside from the growing problem of trashman, I’m fine. Just a lot on my mind.” Taking a sip from your coffee, the usual taste of bitterness was strong today. “Nothing to worry about~”
“You should go home, (n/n). I already took up a portion of your time. Any more and I might drown from embarrassment.”
“That’s gross. Even coming from you.” Kicking him from under the table, the two of you laughed before chugging the remaining drops of coffee. “I will take that offer though. Need me some beauty sleep before shit happens again. See ya!”
Hours had passed and you were now stuffing your face with chips. He was right when he said you had purchased too much but you weren’t complaining. The movie playing now was one of your favorites, Prisoner. Gake Jyllenhall was divine in this movie. It was always the twist of the movie that kept you watching it over and over again.
“I wonder if we had watched this… would the wall pinning  happen?” You thought out loud. Shaking your thoughts away from him, you stopped the movie and stored the chips.
Now that you were settled in bed, Overhaul’s jacket rested on top of you. By now, his scent had disappeared and was now replaced by yours. Grabbing your phone, you opened the messaging app and clicked on a certain conversation. Rereading his messages was not the best idea but at least you would be able to relive whatever memories you had created.
Glancing at your desk calendar, in just two months time, you would meet him again. Would things still be the same? Or would things go back to the way they were? Tucking your phone under the unused pillow, you willed yourself to sleep and surprisingly succeeded.
Waking up not so refreshed happened again. But, nothing out of the ordinary. Not being a morning person, you dragged your body away from the bed and began the necessary clothes. Deciding to just buy breakfast, it took you less than an hour to lock your doors and head over to the parking lot.
Making your way up the steps, you met up with Shinezu.
“You look like shit, Shinez.” You teased him. “Take a chill pill.”
“I already did. But it’s still not working. This would be the first case in a while where I’ll interact with others.” Leading the way, the both of you were now walking through the empty hallways. The sounds of your footsteps muffled by the cheap carpeted floors. “How do you guys even manage to survive situations like these?”
“By taking it one step at a time~” Not the best advice for someone who’s socially challenged but it is what it is.
Opening the doors for you, the both of you entered the room and took your designated seats. A bunch of people from the 4th division were now present. Tsukauchi had not yet arrived but it was still early so it was excusable. Exchanging a few small talk, you caught up with what the 4th division was up to till the doors finally opened.
“Good morning everyone.” Tsukauchi greeted. Feet glued to his spot. His eyesight focused on you. “Before we head out, we have a special guest joining us.”
“Holy shit.” Shinezu uttered under his breath.
- - - - -
a/n: shits bout to go down again! I would like to take this time to thank each one of you who take the time to read this! Unpredictable was supposedly a 10 chapter story but we bout to reach 20 now! i cant really respond to your comments as much but i read all of ‘em and they always make my day :’) my schedule has just been very hectic these days huhu and yeas that ends my rant~ see ya’ll next week! :* and yes, the waiting list is still open :)
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ears-like-eyes · 4 years ago
Because you guys seemed to take interest in my job. Here's a run down of my day yesterday. I generally don't have my phone with me when I'm out in the field, over the years on the crew, we've had quite a few phone fatalities. So it's just common practice to leave the phone in the truck now, haha. (I've broke one, my boss has broke 4, and one other coworker has broken their's.) So don't expect many pictures. Just some here or there.
Most of my day was spent on foot replacing the winter kill on an erosion control project we planted last year. This little river is the culprit of eating everything around it. She's not a fast or mighty river, but a slow old soul who will nibble at the banks till they collapse. We've had an exceptional dry year so far, so it's pretty shallow right now. We have multiple tree lines on either side of the river, unfortunately the west side of the river didn't fair winter well and roughly 200 odd saplings had to be replaced on that side. (This planting had a mix of cottonwood and lilac to stabilize the bank.)
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Also confused at WHY there was a random boxelder in the cottonwood row? Like nursery people? You messed up a little bit on one of our bundles of stock. Haha. Oh well, he was still alive, minus a little winter burn. I left him in the row. Random odd guy out, but he's good. Spacing is simalar to cottonwood, so he'll be fine where he is.
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On the east side of the river, the land owner keeps some of his cows. Can you tell the wind never stops blowing in North Dakota? This is actually a natural phenomenon you see everywhere here, if I'm not mistaken the actual "scientific term" is called creep and slump, no joke. Pretty scientific sounding, huh? Phone poles, trees, fences, older buildings, ect will always be leaning because of the constant wind. Which yesterday, we were working in 20mph winds with 30mph gusts. (Our prevalent winds are from the north and from the west. This fence was affected by the west prevalent wind. The winds are a major key in how we plan plantings.)
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Also, back from the west side of the river. The find of the day was a broken arrowhead! (Also collected a busted up coyote skull. But didn't take a picture of that.)
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Just from a different planting we did later in the day, this was a government funded windbreak. Again, just replacing winter kill. The row we were working on was of oak, which it did surprisingly well considering oak are difficult to establish. They require specific care before they can even go into the ground. (You need to "sweat" your oaks before being planted.) I didn't take a picture of the row we were working on, but of the hills in the background. The camera didn't do them justice, but they're one of my favorite parts about living where I do. The hills are home to vast natural Bur Oak and Aspen forests.
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Here, I went and stole some pictures off of one of our tourism pages. Here's a better picture of the hills. (Not mine, but from a public website.) So yeah, I get to see this on my daily drive, haha. So whoever tells you North Dakota is flat, and has no trees obviously hasn't been off the main highways.
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Anyway. Hope you guys enjoy my rambling.
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yuukannahito98 · 5 years ago
The end of my journey...
Okay, after a journey that I had traveled for 6 years, I arrived at a state where I would end everything. Even though I was so ready, so ready if I had to write the ending of this story as MaouxChiho, I never thought it would ended so much worst like this.
Not only disappointed with vol 21, I even like being slapped. It's not about whether I've read the whole novel or not, but even I don't want to know the full volume like this. and for me, who always believes in the stories made by Wagahara, believing that he will be the person who will make the main character live happily, I felt so betrayed. Wagahara is the person who always makes Emi a character who has serious inner heart problems than the others, but it turns out that he will also be a person who only uses those as bait.
Not because of maouemi. No. Not because of that. It was because when even I found out that Emi, one of the main characters, one of our favorites, ends up like this. Like an item that has only been used. No proper ending, no proper happiness, no proper confession, and still doing everything even if that must to sacrifice her own feelings to the one she love.
Wagahara was great. Really great. can make other people fall in love with the character, but willing to destroy the character in the end. Which makes the reader can do nothing but accept.
When I reread all of my posts on this tumblr, I didn't know what to do, so I laughed. Large, enormous. It's not us who make it up, even if we didn't thinking anything, all of that affectionate words from that damn demon, Wagahara's words, that were uttered by him when he described Emi's feelings, turned out to be all just anglers.
Not only that, the plot in vol 20, which can be said to be very beautiful, as if all of it was just a fishing rod, a commercial tool. And then after faith in 2 years waiting the series, suddenly wagahara gives a very different version of every character except Emi and Alas-ramus, at the end of the story. I even feel sick. what's with this ending ?!
Maou and Chiho, really, I am so happy for you both. You guys deserve each other..
I didn't even think he could turn Maou into someone we really hates in volume 21. As for Chiho, I am so done with her. There's something wrong with her. there is no way some highschool girl who dreamed her love will be a man with harem while she still at a first place from that harem. And not only that, suggesting your friend, Emi, to be the one of that harem of the man she loves. Yeah, some kind of sick selfish pleasure.
Not only that, at the end, the person who was going to Maou to go outside (apparently it was not a date, but it was also very confusing till Lunacain surrendered) it turned out to be another random woman, a person we don't even know who, but that person was often in history call of Maou. Can't you believe it? After all the feelings and developments that had occurred between Emi and Maou, Maou finally chose one person who he would easily forget and didn't even know about her plans to leave at all and just was about to go focused on other random women. No wonder Kaori (Chiho's friends) upset. Can't you believe? I'm so done. ah, but ... anyway, Chiho said she didn't mind sharing, right? Did you see how perfect this couple would be?
Oh my, what kind of bullshit is that? What kind of love is that? As an ex-shipper of maouemi, as a person who has followed, and analyzed their relationship in 6 years, to know the ending with Maou having this kind of shit relationship with .... I don't even know with who anymore, it's really a big slaps.
How wonderful Wagahara could be...
You know, Even Emi, can't express her feelings directly to Maou. Instead Chiho was the one who had to say that to Maou ... what was that. I'm okay if from the beginning of their relationship there was no progress at all, but even Suzuno got rejection and recognition, what happened to Emi?
And then Wagahara still have the gut to give us that kiss, no what's the point of it? If wagahara plans to get Maou and Chiho together, why do you bothered to write Emi only to make her feels hurt in the end? Do you hate Emi all this time? Is this your true feelings? Are all the feelings you wrote about Emi's character just a trap? No. Is that how you really feel? Do you really think that seeing Emi destroyed is very interesting? to the extent that you leave Emi and Alas-ramus, while other characters have their own good ending. Even the relationship between Chiho's friends, who I don't even know their name, get a happy ending (wait, there's something between them? who is that again?) maybe their scene is only 1 sheet or several lines anyway.
I can't believe I walked in and played on other people's traps for 6 years. I can't believe I didn't see this happening, the fact that there was a chance that Wagahara would end up giving Emi and Alas-ramus a bad end. Even worse than the end of the harem. no, much worse.
Hataraku-Maousama is the first series that has made me like this. Create analysis, content, publish it, write fanfic which has now been read by thousands of people, getting dozens of reviews. Makes me save up and ready to buy all the books. But it ended up with me being completely let down, didn't I.
No. I don't care about ship at all. but because I found out how unfortunate this main character will end. Why don't you make Emi and Alas-ramus live on Ente Isla happily? No. You can't do it, because you're also confused about Maou and Alas-ramus and Emi relationship that you've built for more than 8 years. Even Chiho also said that right? that we can't see other random man together with Emi, and there is also Alas-ramus. but, by force, you choose this kind of shit ending. Emi wasn't even mentioned at the end of the story. What the hell? Now we will know that Emi will be a young mother who is alone until the end of her life. I am wasting so much feelings just to get this. I am so done.
At the end, this is my last post for Hataraku-Maousama...
Plus, you may also notice that there are some posts on this tumblr that I deleted. I can't guys. this is will be my last post about this series, even there's still anon who asking about Hatamaou, but no. To make it clear, this is the last thing I will post for Hataraku-Maousama.
But you know what? I'm going to make another fanfic. I'll make it up. And no. I won't make a fanfic where Emi and Maou end up together. No, I'm going to make a fanfic (with multiple chapters of course) about Alas-ramus and Emi, where they will live happily and perfectly, with other men, instead of Maou, who only could watches them from afar.
And for the first time I'm not doing this for Wagahara and this series, no. I do this so that at least, people who share the same feelings with me will feel a little justice. Thank you for ending this story Wagahara, now we will take Emi and Alas-ramus away. Since you didn't even mention her till the end of stories, then I guess you can't complain on this one.
Wagahara, you can deal with all those 145 haters on twitter, even if you said to rewrite your volume, no I wouldn't be that easy to believe you anymore.
So, beside about my fanfic, I'm not going to write anything more about Hataraku-Maousama again. I will only focus on the next story that I will follow, namely Dr Stone and Spy x family.
Even if I find a better story in the future, Emi Yusa will still be my only and only one favorite heroin...
So guys, for Emi, I'm going to start this fanfic. A fanfic where the lives of Emi and Alas-ramus improve after the appearance of another man in their lives, to the point of making Maou jealous but helpless to approach them again. because why not? Maou could easily forget about Chiho and go out with another woman in vol 21, being jealous of Emi and Alas-ramus is not a difficult thing.
So, in September, I will start making this fanfic.
The Hero and Her Child: Together Reaching Their Happiness
So, I'll say it from now on, in that fanfic, Maou won't end up with Emi, he will just be a character who might be as in Emi's position in vol 21? Or so much worst. And of course the character who will become MC in this fanfic are the character that appear on LN as well.
With the title:
The Hero and Her Child: Together Reaching Their Happiness
Coinciding when vol 21 ended, Emi's daily life with her daughter, Alas-ramus, became a little different after Alas-ramus entered her elementary school years. She, who saw the loneliness in her mother's eyes, tried to fill the emptiness in her mother's heart. One day, Alas-ramus's meeting with someone from the past changed their daily lives. But who would have thinking, the person who Alas-ramus thought would not interfere, instead became a great opponent she had to deal with! This is a story about the relationship of a mother and child!
And even though I'm still not sure about it....
A fanfic which I took from Hataraku-Maousama Highschool manga series; I will try to continue update that, since there is nothing wrong with the ending, and it is not a work by Wagahara either, so maybe I will continue it!
So for those who expecting maouemi, that's the last thing I can do. And I am not even sure, I'll updated that fanfic series where Maou and Emi in the Hataraku-Maousama highschool manga.
Because in that story, Maou is still a completely a nice person right?
I'm sorry, friends, I love Alas-ramus and Emi too much, I don't want them to end up like this in the main series. But I am so done with Maou, I don't want to let him (hataraku maou version of vol 21) even to touch them. So I am sorry but I will not change my opinion about this, I hope you understand.
And also, thank you for your supporting me in this story, and sorry if I've led people to a false hope.
Thank you again for you guys who always be with me and the other Emi's fans! And please wait for the next content about Spy x family as well as Dr. Stone!
For this, I will say I am no longer fans of maouemi pairing in Hataraku-Maousama LN anymore. And I am not Hataraku-Maousama LN series fans anymore. Because of that, let's continue a new pages together as Emi's fans and Spy x Family, as well as Dr. Stone fans!
Bye, Minna! I will see you in the next time!
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*Illustration from Mangaka of Hataraku-Maousama and no. I won't continue reading that manga as long as that Wagahara still meddling it plots
Edit: I am sorry guys. As what I said before, this is will be the last post for Hataraku-Maousama. Because of that, for everyone who sending me a questions, I won't answer any of them. Hope you guys understand. Thank you very much. 🙋
Edit again: Okay guys, I know it's very disappointed about Wagahara bait us and even still use this pairing as commercial reason. But please, if you want to give your opinion, don't use any harsh or rude comments such as death threats or something like that. or worst, even sent it to another illustrator from their new series. I read a review on bookwalker Japanese, even when they're unpleasant with the ending as well but they still use an appropriate words. there's a law for it and if Wagahara take it seriously, you will get a law for it. You must believe me I am understand your feelings, but please don't go too far. If you want to give your opinion, that's your choices I can't tell you what you must to do because I know you have a rights to so so, but please just at least use an appropriate words if you want to send it personally at Wagahara. Thank you and I hope we can get over and forget about it as soon as possible. 😧
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thumb3l1n4 · 4 years ago
Thoughts on chapter #293 (AKA a very long post)
I made a post when chapter #292 came out and one person replied with "I love how everyone thinks that villain stans automatically agree with and condone the villains' actions". I don't think myself to be a villain stan, although I do love Horikoshi's villains, since they're all amazingly interesting characters. There are villains that I feel very compassionate to: Shigaraki, Dabi, Twice, Spinner and Toga. And I could instantly relate to Stain's philosophy, while being totally turned off by his actions. I don't think villain stans condone the violent actions of their favorite characters, I'm sorry if my previous post made people believe I do. But from the most recent releases I gathered that there is maybe a small fraction of villain stans that aren't really seeing the intricacies of the full picture. I don't mean this in a bad way: this is definitely the villains' time to shine and I know we were all waiting for the big Dabi-Endeavor showdown since theories were thrown around, so it's normal to be hyper-focused in what our favorite character is doing or what's happening with them. It's easy to forget that there are times and places where it's safe to show our compassion. I'm not gonna lie, I'm kinda annoyed that some villain stans seem to want the heroes to show compassion to Dabi right now, while they're in the middle of a battle that would decide the sorts of their society. Thanks to Dabi's speech, the civilian's faith in their "picture-perfect" system is crumbling (well, I hope so, because their society sucks on so many levels) and Best Jeanist, who was bashed for absolutely no reason all over Twitter last week, before the official translation was out, knew that that was Dabi's intention all along. Tōya could have told his own story right after Stain's video came out, if he so wanted. He chose to join the League, instead, because as we know now, he might have thought that he would have a better chance to kill Shōto, that way. I can't blame Tōya AT ALL for wanting and needing to see Endeavor, finally, rightfully, punished. However, Dabi throwing the compassion card around in the middle of a life-and-death situation (a situation where his main end-goal is to hurt people), is just peak manipulation...
... Which is awesome for a villain!
It's less awesome if you're standing on the Heroes' side and you're hearing about all the years of abuse that a colleague of yours put his family through, for the first time. I want to note that not a single Hero, till now, has said that they do not believe Dabi (not that I recall, at least). I saw one comment on Tumblr saying they didn't like that Best Jeanist used the word "dirty laundry", the chapter before, but I don't think the Hero said it in disrespect. I think it had more to do with Dabi's intentions behind revealing his truth, than Best Jeanist not believing him, or worse, dismissing him as a victim. Dabi's truth was called "dirty laundry" because Tōya didn't use it to seek justice, for himself and his family, but rather to get revenge on everyone, to create chaos and to excuse his own criminal actions. It's a truth tainted by hatred, not in the sense that fans of the manga and the Heroes should just forget about it: his past and pain are very, very real and Dabi and the rest of the villains need help. But the Heroes cannot take the time to feel sorry for their enemies, right at this moment, because if they do, that's the end. That's kinda what happened between Toga and Uraraka: she needs to stop Toga because while hurting people might come natural to the villain, that's not a healthy way to live. Toga didn't ask to be the way she is, and as a Hero, it should be Uraraka's job to give her the chance to get the treatment she didn't get as a child, that would teach Toga how to deal with her natural urges in a way that is not harmful to anyone. Mind you, Toga didn't seem to like the idea of conforming herself to anyone else's expectations, so she might not want the therapy. Uraraka would still need to give her all to stop the villain, no matter how sorry she actually feels inside for her.
If the villains win, the Heroes will not be able to rectify their society. Only after this fight ends and villains are taken into custody, it would be safe for the Heroes to show their honest reactions to Dabi's revelation. Only then we can hope to see them caring for the villains' health and their truths and possibly demand that Endeavor turns himself in (I actually want him to do so on his own, without external input). The Heroes aren't being heartless, if that's what some villain stans are thinking. They simply do no have the luxury to let Dabi's words manipulate them into feeling bad for him during a fight, because innocent people's lives are at stake here and just because Tōya had a horrible childhood, it doesn't mean that he's gonna care and let those innocent people be. Dabi wants to see the WHOLE world burn.
Onto Deku, now, the second character in two weeks accused by some, of being an abuse apologist.
He's the first character EVER to confront Endeavor on his treatment of Shōto, after seeing how his own classmate was spiralling and hurting himself, because Shōto didn't want to use HIS OWN Quirk to prevent himself from quite literally freeze to death, all because of Endeavor's abuse.
Deku has always wanted to follow All Might's steps and like All Might, he wishes to be able to save everyone in need. Toshinori, however, already told him that that's not realistic and Deku accepted the fact that he can only save the people in need that he's able to reach and as we saw with Shōto, Kota and Eri, he's ready to lay out his own life and break every single bone in his body to do so. He's so determined to save people, even against the worst of odds, that he can twist fate. I think it's exactly this determination of his that made him speak out this time, not only for Shōto, but for Endeavor, too. Do I like that Deku cares? Yes, I'm glad that people like Deku exist, people that genuinely care and wish and pray for criminals to regret what they've done so they can have a chance to right their wrongs and become a better person. Do I think Deku would stop Endeavor from turning himself in or defend Endeavor in front of the other Heroes so they don't take him away and bring him to justice? I might be wrong, Horikoshi can still make a fool out of me, but I don't think so. Deku knows the years of abuse are there and they will never go away. Deku is also the guy who told off Natsuo for trying to make Shōto feel resentful towards their father, when Shōto was somewhat past that and only wanted to heal. Deku recognized that the siblings have all different ways to deal with trauma and told Natsuo that his feelings are valid, but he can't push them onto Shōto, because Shōto's feelings on the matter are just as valid, even if they don't align with those of his big brother.
Just like villain stans can feel compassion towards Dabi because of his past, while being repulsed by his criminal actions in the present, Deku can feel repulsed by Endeavor's abuse of his own family and still see that a part of him (no matter how little it is) wishes to be a better human being. Deku didn't say that Endeavor should be automatically forgiven for his past actions, no one can deny that the abuse still has serious repercussions for every Todoroki involved (yes. EVERY). But the thing with Deku is that once he's seen this tiny, barely-even-there, light in you, he will fight to save you. I don't think that the people calling Deku an abuse apologist are giving his intuition or insight enough credit.
Dabi's not Endeavor: this means that Deku hasn't seen anything in this fight that might hint to Tōya wanting to be saved. Again, the same thing happened between Toga and Uraraka. And sadly, even Twice and Hawks (Hawks miscalculated sooo bad there). It's unfortunate that phrases like "you can only save someone if they want to be saved" and "you cannot help someone who refuses to be helped" still apply to this world, but that's the ugly truth and I'm sure that to someone like Deku that's a very hard and bitter pill to swallow. Endeavor said he wants to right his wrongs: in my opinion, he's still got a lot of work to do, since he should have really started it all off by being honest to everyone about his actions and let justice do its course. During this battle I'm forced to recognize (like Deku does) that Endeavor might actually be able to reedem himself, after actually atoning for his crimes. I cannot say the same for Dabi, because he doesn't want to atone for the bad things he has done. I didn't see Deku's speech as him excusing Endeavor's abuse to his victim or conceding the point to Tōya, that Heroes don't care about villains. I saw it as Deku telling Dabi to stop using his own abuse as an excuse to hurt other victims (Shōto, Natsuo, Fuyumi and Rei) because as harsh as it sounds, Tōya can't demand compassion for his own pain while being uncapable of showing compassion to his own little brother. Maybe Tōya doesn't actually know everything that Shōto has suffered through, maybe he thinks that his little brother got lucky with his Quirk and didn't have it as bad as he did. That's not his place to say. Dabi is making a contest out of their family's pain, trying to declare which Todoroki got it worse (clearly believing that it's him and that that allows him to do whatever he wants to, now), so I reiterate: he can't ask for compassion in the middle of the battle and the Heroes are actually doing the right thing, not letting themselves being manipulated like that and basically forfeiting the fight.
AFTER this arc ends, I truly hope to see the Heroes showing their compassion for the villains. I hope they would get rid of that obnoxious Hero Ranking and that the society would stop festering the idea that only certain Quirks and their users are strong and valuable and deserving of a voice. I hope they could change their world so that people like Tenko, Tōya, Jin, Himiko and Shuichi are able to ask for help AND BE HELPED before it is too late.
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writerforfun · 4 years ago
Underwing Challenge Day 6 + Day 7
6. What does your portfolio look like? Talk about as many other WIPs as you’d like here.
I have to be honest here, I never understood portfolio. I mean u understand what it is and its purpose but I never understood how to make it for myself.
But either way I guess I do have certain things I worked on.
Starting of with Collection.
1. Collection: Story 1: Mirror Defect: (DONE) (Sorry no cover)
Not all is as it seems.
Not all can be explained and even when the truth is out not everything will make sense.
"I just lost my brother, I can't lose her."
What can you do when you lose trust in those around you? When grief holds you too close?
When lies are hidden all around you?
When nothing is real?
Can you trust your own eyes? When all goes wrong who can you trust?
"Experitment 1034, you are next"
Is anything real? Are you real?
**Warning: character death, graphic description of the deceased character.**
The story was originally done to scare my uncle. I was going to send him this other story, which R.L. Stine wibe to it but sadly I lost it.
So here we are. Now this story features Mark, who despite all that has occurred, is trying to fix his broken family, even if it means destrying himself but is this family real?
You can check it out here
2. So, A Deal?: (DONE)
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Met with death she has no choice but to let death consume her.
"No, I can't leave like this! Not like this."
There is no other way, or is there? But is she ready?
"What do you want? Does your soul not fill with rage, anger and despair? Pushing you to the core of vengeance? Don't you feel like a ghost? Dreading you will disappear? You know you are nothing but a ghost, and eventually, you will have to fade."
"I have seen the face of affliction brought by my reality, I'm tortured by the future of things that cannot be, haunted by visions of yesterday."
Her sin is great, but her desire greater. Will she survive the burn?
This was something I did for my school wrok once. Although it is quite different than the original work. I'm quite happy with the last chapter. I honestly just posted it out as a test to see if others would like it.
It took quite an effort and I enjoyed doing the last bit of it. I really want to make a sequal to it, get it going, but not really sure if this is going to go well.
You can check it out here.
3. Solar Elements: (DONE)
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Avatar: The last Airbender inspired.
A lot can happen during a lifetime, faultless rotating to flaws, heroes into villains, a lifetime of destruction smiling in your wakes.
A lot can be lost in a lifetime.
"Wolf is going overboard,"
"We do not have time to wait."
"Surrender now and we shall show you all mercy."
"No, we will never yield to you"
"Then so be it."
"You are not prohibited to address better yet conduct such disgrace." "We are still alive!"
"Love you, Son"
A lot can happen during a lifetime, faultless rotating to flaws, heroes into villains, a lifetime of destruction smiling in your wakes.
"And so she has finally awoken."
I had done this for a story contest once, sadly I was unable to win. But I have to behonest, if I had I would have been so annoyed, it was awful, so awful. I won't talk much on it, as I still don't like this too much.
This feature elemtnal magic and time twist you can say, where a character, reborn must choose to either repeat history or change it completely.
4. Pirates tale: (WIPs)
Had this in for a while, been working on it but didn't have a plot till now.
The ship has no name, no crew, nothing. But if you see it, it's already too late.
Legend says they're ghost, some say they are cursed, others....... others don't live to tell the tale.
It was inspired by a prompt I saw once. Hoping to make these pirates cured to be vampires, hidden from all and only visible at night. They are insearch of their first crew captain, the one who must break the cures. Problem is, Captian dies 30 years ago.
Guess, his hidden daughter must be placed instead.
This is dumb, so dumb, but hey, I'll work on it.
5. The Basement: (WIPs)
Another school work.
This one feartures students sneaking into their school's basement. Each with their own story on why the basement is forbbiden.
If only they had listened and not followed through, then maybe they would not have encountered, the hidden dark past of the school.
This has a gay couple, lol I actaully send it to my teacher but I don't think she noticed :(. It needs alot of work though, so this may take a while.
6. To find the Truth: (WIPs)
This one seems to be liked a lot by you guys. Many seem intrigued.
In the dystopian future, when the world government collapsed, when humans fell and the virus took hold, out rose a series of mutants. Their genes mutated by the virus released when a power plant went nuclear.
These mutants, blessed with powers beyond their control, have taken leadership. Smart, strong, powerful and undefeatable. They hold power over the weak like you and me. But I won't let them stop me. I won't let them come in the way.
They are sloppy, weak and useless. The world is filled with criminals, danger and people in need. This world needs justice, it needs help and they won't help, so I will.
"They'll take you away. They take people like them away"
"I won't let them"
I worked up a lot on this in the past few day and have actually most of the plot down. Well the main chracter's backstory at least, even how the virus started and why these mutants have taken over.
I just need to start it out and get it going. I have done that and I was thinking of adding bits and pieces on how the world is after every sub-story, like telling the tale as the story progress.
Was also hoping to give this story, a big reveal as to who these mutants are and how they came to be, why they take other's like them and how they find other's like them.
7. To Sacrifice or To Live? (WIPs)
Still working up on the name here, but the story goes like this.
Two wedding decades a part, each holding nothing but tale forgotten.
An evil entity hanting them both. A power over both familes, readdy to demolish them whole this time.
Will the scarifice work?
Ok, before you turn away, here me out here.
Two weddings, one in the 1900s and the other in 2000s. Both familes trapped in a curse long active, each must work to find a way to break the curse. One failed, made it worse, will the new bride make it? Or will she suffer worse?
8. Collection: Haunting Memories (WIPs)
Jenny doesn't know how she did it but she did. She didn't mean to. She really didn't. But Nina is dead now and it's her fault. She did it.
It's her fault.
Then why do they blame Jake? Jake is sweet, kind and caring. Sure he was the one with the blade, covered in blood and coming to kill Jenny next but it wasn't Jake. Because she saw.
Saw him kill her. Push the blade through Nina, watching as the girl fell. Her blood turning the ground crimson. She saw as the life left Nina's eyes. As the killer slumped to the ground, the control over him wearing off.
Jenny knows because she killed Nina. Then why does no one believe her? And why do her memories differ from Jake's?
“I am telling you what happened.”
“All you are doing is wasting our time.”
“Then be patient, this is all I have. Please just hear me out.”
“We are busy people here. We don’t have time for stupid tales, girl”
“This is not a stupid tale. If you could just listen.”
“We are listening. Listening to you for the past 10 minutes, all you have done so far is tell us useless things. We have things to do.”
“Everything I mention is important. One thing missed and you won’t understand. Please. I need your help.”
“You have 10-”
“Fine 15 minutes.”
This I hope to work and get done by at least in the next month. It need a lot of work and must be quite slow yet fast paced. I need to make the plot a bit more than just what I have written.
8. Trick? No, I'll take the Treat (WIPs)
Halloween themed. Done quite long ago.
What will you do when your Halloween turns into a nightmare?
I have nothing much on it at the moment, but will update this soon.
7. What kind of partnership are you looking for in this event? Friendship? Somebody to bounce ideas off of? Something else? What sorts of people are you hoping to meet and adopt?
Honeslty, I did a lot of research in the past few days and boy do I ned a lot of work done.
For starters, I need someone who can actually tell me how my work is going, just how kuch of an effort I have out in and how it seems to others.
I need harsh, quite harsh feed back so I know what I am doing wrong, what I should improve with and what interests the reader about the book.
I also say wish to meet and know other writers here. Would love to meet them and get to know them.
3 notes · View notes
attackpunk · 5 years ago
Mayhem and Matrimony, Chapter One
Rating: Explicit, but not until future chapters, Pairings: Batman/Joker, Warnings: none
I will be posting more of this if people are interested, so leave a comment and a reblog why dontcha?
It was never sunny in Gotham. In fact, it was hardly ever daytime. Nights always seemed unusually long, and when the morning did deign to arrive, it always came with an entourage of clouds. This was the way that all Gothamites preferred to live. If they wanted sunlight, they would have lived in Metropolis (and Metropolis was just too… metropolitan for any respectable Gothamite).
 Unfortunately, the Joker was not a respectable Gothamite. He was not a respectable anything, and he quite liked it that way. The Joker loved sunlight. He loved warm breezes and balmy afternoons. If it weren’t for a few choice superheroes, he would have moved to Metropolis long ago. Yet he stayed. His philosophy was that Gotham had character. Everything in Metropolis was pre-packaged and plastic wrapped, much like their god-like Boy Scout, but Gotham had life. And of course, Gotham had his beloved Bat.
Joker prided himself on being a psychopath, even a sociopath- yet when it came to the Bat, his heart melted. Nay, it soared. If only Batsy felt the same way. Actually, scratch that, if only Batsy realized that he felt the same way. Then everything would be tickety-boo.Joker surveyed his surroundings and smiled. Everything was going perfectly. A stunt like this was not only expensive, stylish, and daring, it was also a declaration. He wanted to see how much he could push his Bat, and if he got a happily ever after in the process? Well, then it would be a win-win!
 Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Harley skating towards him with a clipboard.
“Everything’s ready, boss,” she trilled happily, chewing her bubblegum. She held the clipboard out to him,“Just need you to sign these terms and conditions and we’ll be on our way.”“Perfect, dollface, just perfect!” Joker said, clapping his hands together. He felt like a schoolgirl getting ready for prom night. Only with more murderous intent. Or maybe not. It all rested on Batsy.
 He made his way over to the car he was going to be riding into the GCPD. It was one of his trademarks, a purple Lamborghini with green accents. It was garish, grotesque, and altogether way too expensive to have any kind of quality or class. He loved it. Getting in, he wondered just how this would all play out. Fuck, was he nervous?
No. Obviously not. The Joker, the scourge of Gotham, did not get nervous over a boy. Not even one that he was madly in love with. One that he would do almost anything for. But what if… 
No! He was not going to think about things going wrong. Batsy would see reason. He had to. Or Gotham’s streets would run red with blood.
Bruce Wayne was a little bitch. At least, that’s what Batman thought. Nevermind the fact that he was Bruce Wayne; that was a technicality. No, in his civilian persona he chose to be a little bitch. It diverted suspicion away from what he spent most of his waking nights doing. And yet, he felt… empty. Like something was missing. Maybe he spent too much time as Bruce Wayne. Or maybe it was the opposite. Anyways, he was headed to the GCPD to be a public disturbance. Of course, he would be a calculated public disturbance. The real reason for his trip to the GCPD was to gather intel. Gordon had come to him about a potential mole in the precinct, and had asked him to discreetly monitor the officers. Batman was not discreet. Neither was Bruce Wayne, but at least no one knew that Bruce Wayne could sucker punch them into oblivion.
So that was the reason why Alfred was driving them into the grey, grey city in a black, black car, dodging traffic and politely cursing the absolute atrocities that were committed by the drivers of Gotham on the daily. 
Of course, it was just their luck that when they arrived it was absolute chaos. Bruce was not a betting man, but he was willing to bet the entirety of Wayne Enterprises that the Joker was behind it. It would make sense. The Joker was a psychopath, with no moral compass to speak of. Or, Bruce thought, perhaps he had too much of a moral compass. 
Gotham cops, and even cops in general, were not the most compassionate of creatures. Maybe this was the Joker’s twisted sense of justice. But it was not his job to psychoanalyze his arch-nemesis. Although, it wasn’t like the shrinks at Arkham were doing a good job of it. 
Bruce shook himself. Gotham needed him; what was he doing thinking about the Joker’s motivations? That sort of thinking was reserved for the Batcave, and if Bruce were being completely honest with himself, his bed. Now was not the time. 
“Alfred,” he said, voice slipping so naturally into that gravelly growl, “Is there a Batsuit anywhere close to here?”
Alfred glanced at him in the rearview mirror.
“Sir, do you even have to ask? I would have thought you had every location of every Batsuit memorized.”
“I’m a Bat, Alfred, not a computer,” Bruce replied dryly.
“I have one in the trunk, sir. Should I drive towards the nearest safehouse? Or mayhaps an alley?”
“Alley will be fine. Our main priority is protecting the people.”
Then, somehow, impossibly, things got even weirder. Well, perhaps not so weird for Gotham, but definitely weird by literally anybody else’s standards. The Joker was on a pedestal, rising above the chaos below like an angel. An angel in a wedding dress wielding a flamethrower. 
Miles away, Superman heard a chorus of “what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck” from Gotham. That was a rare occurrence; nobody in Gotham was disturbed by anything. Until now. Clark paused. Should he go investigate? No, Batman probably had things under control. Besides, he thought, punching a robot, he had his own problems.
Back in Gotham, the Joker was having a roaring time at the GCPD. Everybody was confused and hysterical, which was just the way he liked it. He signaled to Harley, who turned on the speakers attached to the trucks his henchmen had ridden in.
“Good morning, Gotham!” he yelled, his voice amplified by the lapel mic on his breast, “Are y’all having a lovely time?”
“No!” the people of Gotham yelled back, on fire and spiteful.
“Well, alright then. Would you like all of this mayhem to stop?”
“Yes?” yelled the people of Gotham, on fire and suspicious.
“Well then I only ask for one thing, dear Gothamites. I want…” Joker paused. Make them wait for it…
“Batman’s hand in marriage!”
The Batman in question was halfway through putting on the Batsuit when he heard the shocking declaration. Now, Batman of course did not freeze in shock. The only time Batman was frozen was when Mr. Freeze scored a lucky hit. What he was currently doing was… analyzing the situation. While not moving. With his mind completely blank. It certainly did not take Alfred getting out of the car and slapping him across the face to get him to move again. It was five minutes before Batman burst onto the scene of the decimated GCPD, and everything was still on fire. Fucking typical. Only now the Joker was using his flamethrower (was it bedazzled?) to burn down the entire precinct. And the firefighters were trying to get through a blockade of stolen, armored trucks. 
“Fuck,” Bruce whispered under his breath. Then he said it a little louder for good measure. Joker was speaking again, having caught sight of him.
“Batsy, my darling, did you hear my proposal? You marry me, and I’ll stop terrorizing Gotham!”
“Over my dead body. You’re insane!” Batman shouted back, though he was barely audible above the sounds of general mayhem. 
“Maybe so, but this is an offer that’s too good to pass up, don’tcha think?”
Bruce stopped and thought about it. Personal sacrifice had never meant anything to him. He had given up any semblance of a normal life the moment he put on the cowl. And marriage to the Joker came with an end to his reign of terror. Who knew when an offer like this would come again? And, who knew what the Joker’s retaliation would be if he refused? Oh, fuck. Was he really doing this?
He was. He found himself scaling the demolished precinct, trying to get up to the Joker’s level. Or, metaphorically, stooping down to it. Either way, soon he found himself standing on the Joker’s pedestal, gazing upon him in all his wedding dress and flamethrower glory. Fuck, he was beautiful. 
Wait, did he really just think that? Well, said a tiny, sarcastic part of his brain, he is your future husband. Oh, fuck.
“I accept your proposal,” Batman growled at him, looking both angry and nervous at the same time. Damn, that was a look. Wait, did Batsy just say yes? Joker gaped in shock. He hadn’t actually expected this to work. Batsy looked nervous, and Joker would bet his entire criminal empire that he did too. God, they really were a pair of idiots, weren’t they? 
“Hey, boss!” Harley shouted up to them. 
“Oh, thank God,” he and Batsy said. In unison. 
“Wow, we’re practically an old married couple already, Batsy!” Joker joked as they watched Harley get closer to them, dragging a harried justice of the peace behind her. 
“Don’t push it,” Batman warned, a tic forming in his jaw. 
“Alright, my love,” Joker purred. Oh, this could be rather fun. He’d be able to mess with his Bat as much as he wanted once they were married. Which would be very soon. Oh wow. He and Batsy would be married. As in, till death do us part. 
Or maybe not. The Justice of the peace had apparently broken free of Harley's grasp, and was now taking to the hills along with the rest of the populace. Smart guy, Joker thought. Or not, since Harley appeared to be in pursuit.
"So, we're getting… married right now? You're not going to try and court me first?" Batsy said, and was it the Joker's imagination or did he look put out? Well, that simply would not do. He only wanted the best for his Bat.
"Why, Batsy, what do you call all of our midnight trysts?" he replied, hoping to assuage his beloved.
"You consider trying to kill each other foreplay?" And oh, wow, was that a bit of sardonic humor in Batsy's voice?
"Why, yes I do! Would you rather I took you out to dinner? I, ah, don't quite think that would be received all too well, Bruce Wayne in a fancy restaurant with the Joker. People might talk."
Bruce gaped.
"How the hell do you know who I am? And why the hell did you say that so loud! Isn't your mic still running? Oh my fucking God, what is wrong with- wait, no, that's a stupid question," Bruce was well aware that he was rambling, but it was definitely justified because his insane arch-nemesis knew his secret identity! 
"Relax, baby, I already disabled the mic. And it wasn't that hard to figure out your 'secret identity.' Bruce Wayne is the only person in Gotham with enough money to fund this kind of endeavor and a tragic enough backstory to warrant it. I'm insane, not an idiot," Joker said.
Bruce relaxed, if only slightly. This could actually work to his advantage, if he played his cards right (pun intended). Joker had never come after him in his civilian persona. Maybe that was a sign of trust between them? Bruce mentally shook himself. How could he ever trust the Joker?
You’re trusting him enough to marry him, that sadistic voice inside him whispered. 
“Oh, motherfucker,” Bruce groaned, feeling a headache coming on. 
“What’s wrong, dearest?” Joker asked, looking for all the world like a concerned bride-to-be, and wasn’t that a scary thought?
“What the fuck do you think is wrong, Joker, I’m marrying an insane clown with a penchant for extravagant murder sprees,” he snapped. This situation was getting too ridiculous even for Gotham, they were thirty feet in the air and the Joker was wearing a wedding dress. He was allowed to be a little angry. Angry at what, he didn’t know. Angry at the world, the Joker, himself; it was all the same thing. 
He found himself staring at the Joker, almost accusingly. Though Bruce was loath to admit it, Joker did look stunning. 
 “Batsy, not to alarm you, but we have a wedding to...perform? Do? Is that the right word? Either way we’re getting hitched. Come on, you can look at me during the honeymoon, God, this corset is tight.”
Joker lowered the platform they had been standing on, which really was too small for two grown men, and began to walk towards his Lamborghini, Bruce awkwardly following him. 
"Where are we going?" Bruce found himself asking against his better judgement. 
"To where the ceremony is being held. Did you really think I'd marry you in the ruins of a police station? Not really my, ah, style, wouldn't you say?"
Bruce had to admit he was right. Joker's style was much more… gauche. It was something to be appreciated. Almost. 
They approached the car, Joker sliding easily into the driver's seat. Bruce walked around to the passenger side, feeling vulnerable.
Christ, he was getting married. To his arch-nemesis. That was knowledge that would probably never sink in fully. How was this his life? He was in a car, a Lamborghini no less, with the Joker driving them to their wedding. Their fucking wedding. Bruce was panicked. No, no; not panicked. Batman did not get panicked. He was a calm, collected figure of justice, and he should damn well act like it. That didn't stop his stomach from twisting into knots. God, he really was like a bride on her wedding day. 
Would Joker expect them to consummate their marriage? Ice flooded his veins. Bruce may be into men and women, but he had never once had relations with another man. He had fantasized, of course, imagined strong hands on his hips and a thick cock in his ass, but he had never acted upon the desires that left him tangled in his sheets, panting. But now… he was getting married. And the Joker was a man. Who was most likely in love with him, however much sense that made. Maybe now…
No. He would not submit to the scourge of Gotham for something as base as desire. He never had, and never would. But would he if it were for the good of Gotham? What if this was the only way to save his city? Joker had promised to stop his villainous ways if Bruce accepted his proposal, and he had. Wouldn't such a union between them, however complicated, ultimately do only good? And perhaps, if he played his cards right, he would never have to sleep with the Joker. 
The bastard part of his brain told him that this was bullshit. He happily ignored that part of his brain and stared at the Joker. The white of his wedding dress was almost paler than his skin, and the purple accents were entirely typical, yet also somehow… alluring. The dress was sleeveless, and Bruce spent five minutes trying to figure out what laws of physics allowed it to stay in place. Eventually he realized that Joker was wearing a corset that had to be crushing his ribs. Bruce wanted, for just a moment, to take it off of him. To loosen the vice that had to be uncomfortable, had to be unpleasant. To ease, to soothe. That thought, that want, scared him more than anything else that had happened today.
Things were going perfectly. Almost too perfectly. Surely it couldn't be this easy? Joker wasn't paranoid, but surely Batman had something up his gauntleted sleeve. He always did. Batman may have been one of the smartest people on the planet, but he was also about as observant as a brick wall. There was absolutely no way in hell that Batsy had realized his feelings that fast. 
Oh god, this was a sacrifice play, wasn't it? Instead of actually confronting his feelings, he was rationalizing what he was doing. Well. That certainly would not do. 
They had arrived at the venue, chosen specifically for its sentimentality. It was the Gotham Bank, specifically the rooftop. He glanced at the Bat, trying to gauge his reaction. He had become rather good at reading his expressions, even concealed as he was under the cowl. 
Batman, no, Bruce, was speechless. For a moment, anyways.
“This-this was where we first met,” he said, softly, almost reverent. Joker felt something in his chest give way and shatter. Bruce liked it. He had done well. He smiled, a soft thing, so unlike his usual, mania-induced grin. He looked at Bruce, who was looking at him. This was the man he loved. This was the man he was going to give up villainy for. This was the man he was going to marry. He had never been so sure of anything. Goddamnit, he was in love with Bruce Wayne, the Bat of Gotham, and he was going to shout it from the rooftops. Literally. He offered his arm to his Bat.
"Shall we?"
Batman hesitated, only for a fraction of a second, but then he took Joker's arm, and up they went.
Everything was going absolutely perfectly. They were scaling the Gotham Bank, with him in Batsy’s arms. Thank god he didn’t mention the staircase that led up to the roof. Or, thank god that Batsy knew about the staircase and didn’t want to use it anyways. Either way, everything was working out absolutely fantastically. He rather liked being pressed close to Bruce, arms around that strong, bulky frame, so unlike his wiry one, and Harley’s voluptuous curves. Batman was solid. It was nice. 
When they finally reached the roof, he found his surprise for Batsy waiting for them. All of their friends were there. His bridesmaids- Harley, her wife Ivy, and Selina- were stunning in their violet dresses. He had taken the liberty of, ah, not exactly kidnapping, but rather… violently persuading the various Batboys to act as the groomsmen. They looked murderous, which was not ideal, but he could work with it. At least he didn't have to gag them. And really, they could get out of their handcuffs easily. He had seen them all do it before; they were perfectly capable of escape. And yet they weren’t. He wondered why.
In the seats lining the aisle were Gotham’s finest criminals, all dressed in their Sunday best. Scarecrow’s burlap looked especially nice, and did the Penguin have a new suit tailored for the occasion? Even Bruce’s loyal butler, Alfred, was there, looking altogether quite calm for a senior citizen surrounded by dangerous supervillains. 
“Batman!” Grayson called out, almost leaving from his spot as the best man. It was cute how he was still trying to hide his mentor's identity.
"Nightwing," Batman growled out, looking uncomfortable,
"What are you doing here?"
"I was going to ask the same about you," the Boy Wonder replied with a smirk that almost belied his unease.
“I’m doing what’s best for Gotham,” Bruce said, and what Joker wouldn’t give to see under that alluring cowl to see the expressions flit across his face. 
“Doing what’s best for Gotham my ass,” Jason Todd, the infamous Red Hood said from where he was standing, “You two have been flirting with each other since day one. Y’all just need to bone.”
Batman spluttered for a moment, then said,
“Bone!? Bone!? How dare you- wait a minute, didn’t he kill you?” Bruce said, incredulous.
“Yeah, but I got better,” Todd said, looking much more nonchalant than he usually did. But, then again, this isn’t supposed to be an angsty story, is it? 
Everyone decided to just go with it. Good.
“I, ah, hate to interrupt this lovely father-son moment here, but we do have a wedding to do, right darling?” Joker said. He was growing just the tiniest bit impatient. He wanted to be married, dammit! 
Batsy, to his credit, had the manners to look abashed. Wow, he had now seen more expressions on Bruce’s face today than he had in all their time together thus far. Joker extended his arm to his love.
“Shall we?”
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fucking motherfucking fuck
Alarm bells were ringing in Bruce’s head. This wedding was happening right the fuck now! Jesus fucking hell. Holy shit. He must look like a total idiot right now, but he was allowed to be a bit concerned! Joker was waiting for him, arm outstretched. Bruce grabbed it, his brain on autopilot. Or, not on autopilot, the pilot was there, but said pilot was almost certainly having a panic attack and quite possibly going into cardiac arrest. 
They were walking down the aisle.
They were at the altar.
The justice of the peace was there now, a bit more bruised than he had been the last time Bruce had seen him.
Everything was muted; he was swimming through noise and panic with the peace of a drowned man. All he could hear was a dull roar, that is until Dick slapped him on the shoulder. Suddenly, everything slipped back into focus.
“...Into this - these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together - let them speak now or forever hold their peace,” the justice said, his voice wavering only slightly. Damian looked to object, but was held back by Tim. Bruce was somehow grateful.
“And now, would you speak your vows?” the justice said, glancing nervously around.
“I shall,” Joker said, looking suddenly solemn.
“Batsy, from the moment I met you, on this very rooftop, I knew you were the one. No one but you had ever been able to bring out the best in me the way you have. Whether we were fighting or flirting, I always felt complete. And now I want to be complete with you, officially.” 
That was- unexpected. Bruce honestly hadn’t thought the Joker was capable of feeling things, at least not things like- no, he refused to say it. Everyone was staring at him, why was that? 
Oh. He had to speak his vows. What the hell was he going to do now? He had no idea what to say. He was Batman, he didn’t need words; a well placed glare was usually enough to portray his meaning no matter who he was speaking to. He cleared his throat. 
“Joker,” he began, “I- I don’t really know what to say. This entire situation is completely ridiculous, but I mean what situation with you isn’t? I guess it’s just a part of your charm.” Oh fuck, did he really just call the Joker charming? He glanced over at his children and, yep, they had definitely caught that. Even Damian looked smug. Okay Bruce, deep breaths. You just have to get through this then this whole nightmare will be over. Well, said that little voice in his head, damn that voice, it really will have only just begun. 
“Joker, while I admit the circumstances of this are not exactly typical, I really don’t think any kind of wedding with either of us could be. I almost hate to admit it, but you bring out the best in me, and I can only hope that in the future I can bring out the best in you,” he finished. That should be enough, right? He looked at Joker, and almost froze. The Joker was smiling, but not his normal, maniacal smile. It was soft, and hopeful, and it made something in Bruce’s chest crack open. Oh, fuck. 
The justice of the peace, still looking terrified out of his wits, seemed to gather himself enough to say,
“You- you may now kiss the groom.”
Bruce didn’t even have time to panic.
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