tiistirtipii · 2 years
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Suppolo students really be treating Ayan like he has this on his forehead
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distant-screaming · 1 year
🌻 - my favorite fact I learned by doing research for a fic recently is that 'riding or sitting on a sea turtle in the United States is a 3rd degree felony'.
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sollucets · 1 year
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"Hi I’m Ray and you’re watching Disney Channel! *uses a different kind of wand to draw the logo*" -- @tiistirtipii
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neuroticbookworm · 1 year
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Alright, I'm gonna make my case for the Bad Buddy Rooftop Kiss. This is probably gonna be the most personal I've ever been on this hellsite.
Let's get this out of the way. I loved Kinnporsche. I honestly did (even though it might not look like it since this is the second time I'm passionately campaigning against the show). I loved it so much that I made my very busy best friend, @tonysteve25 who is planning their wedding, make up the time to talk to me so I can rant for two hours about the show (no need to judge me, I know y'all are equally crazy)
I'm gonna strip the plot to the basics and then build my argument, so if I end up reiterating a lot of themes that are already discussed, apologies in advance
Bad Buddy is, at its core, a Romeo and Juliet retelling. Set in a fairly conservative Asian country, and produced by a media industry whose brand of storytelling often involves an AU-esque setting where homophobia does not exist. We are shown time and again that Pat and Pran's friends and family do not have a problem with them being in a same-sex relationship.
So the conflict comes from the history their families have with each other. As a South Asian cinephile, I've watched this trope play out so many times with heterosexual couples that I'm sure it has unwittingly become a part of my brain chemistry. Oftentimes, the reasons why the families are feuding are so over the top that every shred of relatability gets thrown out the window.
In Bad Buddy's case, the reason is kept simple, albeit childish in the beginning. A business rivalry between the two families, and as a result, the boys are also pitted against each other. This simplicity gives way to a lot of levity in the beginning, but as the story progresses, the real strength of this narrative starts seeping through. This show is relatable. Almost too relatable.
The constant pressure to outperform the other in every way, be it academics, sports, or romance; the expectation on Pat to follow his dad's footsteps and match his achievements, even in a dumb singing competition; the guilt that permeates every moment of joy they feel in their relationship, because they are always aware that they are actively disappointing their parents; the quiet, painful realization in the later episodes that they will never be accepted into each other's families, no matter how hard they try; the revelation that the root of the conflict came from a scholarship stolen from a woman, to satisfy the expectations of a patriarch.
Every statement above is the reality of so many Asians living their lives right now. I personally know couples who have been cut off from their families for over 20 years because they don't approve of their love/marriage. I have peers who blindly follow the career path charted for them by their parents because it is easier than resisting and doing something they actually like. A lot of us are left feeling unmoored and struggling to define our self worth in the real world, after we leave academia, because that is all we are ever taught: your grades indicate how worthy you are.
Now, I know not a single word above argues why the kiss is the best, but I'm getting there. Stay with me now. Many people more talented than me have argued the specifics of the kiss, the reasons why it grabbed us by our throats the first time we saw it, and why we are still on that rooftop with them. The reasons submitted in the poll describe it so eloquently, beat by beat (edit: I found out that it was witten by @tiistirtipii, here). @respectthepetty begs us not to disappoint Pat again here, @lurkingshan dives deep into the character analysis and why the kiss is the perfect culmination of narration, pacing, and the characters' journey here, @waitmyturtles explores the importance of foreplay, the 'how did we get here' before the kiss, here.
What I want to draw attention to are two things. One: how this kiss was executed in such a way that all of their deeper struggles are woven into the microexpressions, so when you rewatch the show, all of the added context makes it so much more heartbreaking.
Let's be clear here, Pat and Pran did not get a happily ever after. They did not break all of the chains that were weighing them down. Pat went on to follow his father into the business (who also followed his father into it). They have to keep their relationship a secret, with no end in sight. Even in the end, the audience is shown only a hidden, reluctant acceptance from the parents, not an open love.
Pat and Pran's relationship will always be bittersweet. And the kiss shows it. The fact that the kiss was the very last shot to be filmed is no coincidence. The actors know how it ends, they have already performed it. They also know that the characters in this moment know it too. They have lived all their lives playing their families' games, they know that if they take this leap of faith, then they are willingly giving up so many little moments in life, even something so mundane as entering each other's house through the front door. And we can see it, see all of it clearly in Pran's face. Pran, who plans every detail of his life. Pran, who is also in love with his rival for who knows how long. And then we see it in Pat's face too, if only after a moment, because that's the way he is. Pat, who has looked at Pran all his life as a rival, a bandmate, a secret friend. Pat, who is the only one who can completely understand Pran, his anger and grief and devastation, because they only have each other in this wretched game. We see his face fall, and we see confusion cloud his happiness.
This kiss is the perfect summation of their relationship, shown at the very beginning of it. They can have desire, but be riddled with guilt. They can have happiness, but only in secrecy.
Two: how this kiss did more for Asian queer representation than we can ever comprehend.
I was not present in the Tumblr trenches with y'all when the show originally aired, but I've read many, many posts about how it broke the internet. Western media often fucks up queer characters because they don't write fully fleshed out characters who happen to also be queer. They place enormous emphasis on the character's queerness, and end up writing a stereotypical cardboard cutout in the shape of a queer person. Complex queer representation is hard to come by, add Asian into the mix and the pool gets laughably small.
In the episodes leading up to the kiss, we see the characters get fleshed out, their struggles explored, but they are also deeply rooted in the middle class Asianness of it all. I know it is ironic to say that other shows from Thailand are less Asian than this one, but the struggles of a queer mafia boss/rich businessman/heir to the corporate throne protagonists can sometimes be a tad out of touch for the general populace, and we can only feel so much nostalgia for our school days before we are tired of the saccharine sugar high.
When I saw this kiss for the first time, my eyes teared up, not because these gay characters are having a hard time, but because I could feel their pain, irrespective of my sexuality. I knew deep in my bones how a kiss can simultaneously feel like freedom and a lifelong trap. And I'm sure so many others felt it too. The kiss went viral because it was a perfect representation of so many struggles of Asians and the diaspora (and beyond), and it happened to be queer.
I don't know how the results will tally up when the clock runs out, but I hope we can chalk up a honest-to-goodness happy ending for them, if only in a silly Tumblr poll.
cc @bl-bracket, here ya go, a very long and rambling campaign propaganda
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firstkanaphans · 1 year
Only Friends Bingo
Finally got around to making this just in time for the premiere! Thank you to @tiistirtipii for the template. You can view their original post here.
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quodekash · 9 months
thank you to @lamonnaie @lost-my-sanity1 and @distant-screaming for the tags!! (Check out their posts here, here, and here)
To play: - Decorate the tree in the post you were tagged in (and you can leave a little message in there for the OP, that will be opened on Christmas Day); 🎄 - Create your own tree, post it and tag others; 🎄 - Tell us how you'll be spending the holidays (or don't tell us, also fine 😉); - Link to the post(s) that tagged you so that others can decorate their trees too! 😍
my tree:
(I couldn’t resist making it rainbow)
happy holidays guys!!! The holiday break here is a LOT longer than a lot of other places because it’s summer rn, so I’ve already been spending the last week kinda just chilling (the air con has been a life-saver, we’re in a heat wave right now) and watching YouTube and various BLs, and on Christmas Day my siblings and I are heading to my grandparents’ house to hang out with our cousins which will be fun! Our cousins live at the top of the country, so we don’t get to see them very often :)
(fun fact: I joined the bl fandom about this time last year! I first watched bad buddy in June, but I didn’t join the fandom spaces until msp, which was an entire year ago and that’s crazy to think about but I’m so glad I’m here, I like you guys ^D^)
tagging pretty much all my mutuals because I think this is cute so hold onto your pants guys this is gonna take a while (apologies to those who have already been tagged in this):
@ashedddaisy @lb-desserts @sparklyeyedhimbo @birkemakesart @fangirlmedstudentblog @soundwin @mommyzhilla @gennianydots @tiistirtipii @alan-apologist @celestial-sapphicss @thegayneurodivergentagenda @loveable-sea-lemon @firstyok @leofiat-bunny @nihilisticcondensedmilk @callipigio @rroextra @desi-yearning @dejundary @absolutebl @the-one-who-died-at-the-end @non-binarypal7 @justsaucynotdelightful @randomjreader @janeveda
@ssszlami @judebilation @thubriishempoiah @n0t-yrav3rageh0m0 @scorittanius @taketwoinink @chilikit @noodle-the-queen @pillbug-in-a-jar @bananafishdepression @wren-kitchens
holy shit that’s a lot of people I’m so sorry if I’ve missed anyone
i love you guys, happy holidays and happy new year!!!
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dribs-and-drabbles · 10 months
The Thai Communal Wardrobe item #62
The Eclipse ep 8:
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The Warp Effect ep 6:
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Love in Translation ep 8:
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Only Friends ep 9:
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for @tiistirtipii from @quodekash 💙
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paintedmasks · 3 months
I was tagged by @karebear923
Rules: Without naming them, post 10 GIFs of your favorite TV shows, then tag 10 people.
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I'm tagging: @doublel27 @iguessitsjustme @divorcedmalewife @kwonzoshi @zimmbzon
@visualtaehyun @semantics-error @wangxianinventedromance @tiistirtipii & @hotasfahrenheit
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telomeke-bbs · 1 year
bad buddy fandom getting-to-know-you-meme!
Got tagged by @tiistirtipii at this post here and @inventedfangirling at this post here. Thanks for tagging me! 🥰 (And sorry I've taken so long to respond. 🤦‍♂️)
name and whatever you want to share about yourself
You can call me Tel. I love writing, languages, linguistics, and learning about different cuisines and cultures. I live right in the middle of Southeast Asia.
when did you watch bad buddy/join the fandom?
I started watching Bad Buddy almost from the start, after a friend told me Ohm had a new series out. I went into it pretty blind, not knowing anything at all about its history or genesis. I'd liked Ohm's work in He's Coming to Me and was open to more from him, not thinking the series would be anything more than your run-of-the-mill BL. And was I ever wrong! I think BBS sort of grew slowly on me for the first few episodes, but it really took hold after Nanon's single tear at the end of Ep.4. And I lost it after The Kiss at the end of Ep.5, of course. The no-holds barred obsession really set in after I realized this wasn't any ordinary BL; it works on so many levels and the intelligence with which it was crafted is formidable.
Favourite ship/s
PatPran does it for me.
Favourite character/s
Love them all, but introvert Pran with his protective walls, defensive rituals and surreptitious signposting of his emotional state with doodles and symbols really struck a chord. Pre-Ep.10 Pran was like an extreme version of younger me, I sometimes think.
Favourite episode/s
Episode 11 – I love everything about the beach, and the two of them alone by the sea was like my idea of paradise. But I nodded sagely along when BBS gently pointed out that their beachside idyll was just a temporary respite and that paradise doesn't exist on Earth.
Favourite scene/s
Oof. So many. My all-time favorite is the opening scene of Episode 5 (see this link here for why) because it was layered so deep with meaning and messaging, beneath the happy surface theatrics. I sometimes think of BBS as one giant and intricate puzzle, and if you find and fit together the right puzzle pieces it reveals so much more to you. The amazing thing is that it kept doing this over and over again. Like how many themes and allegories can this one series have? But if you want to disregard all of that and just enjoy it as a well-crafted BL with stellar acting, you can too. And that is also part of its magic.
Some other scenes that still give me the chills:
Deeply-pining Pran looking on at an oblivious Pat sleeping peacefully in Ep.4 [4/4]; I've been there and I know exactly how his heart must have been rent in two at that moment.
The Kiss in Ep.5 of course.
Pat finding out in Ep.10 that Ming wasn't the unimpeachable hero that he thought he was.
Pran missing Dissaya in Ep.11 (this is because I still miss my late mom with all my heart; the grief is going to be a forever guest there I fear – you just learn to pack it away in a box and put it away in a quiet room in your heart, but it breaks free every now and then, just to stare at me silently with its unknowable face).
When Our Song plays in Ep.11 (especially when Uncle Tong does his voiceover and the soaring guitar solo kicks in, and then we see Pat and Pran back in front of their houses, bracing themselves to face their families again).
Ah that award-winning scene on the balconies in Ep.12, when Pat and Pran indulge in a joyful, all-smiles tin-can conversation for old times' sake, play-acting at being strangers, and then dastardly Director Aof toys with our hearts once again and has the music crescendo as he morphs them back into their kiddie selves dressed in the same clothes to show us that the bond between the two scamps had always been there, forged since childhood, and that they were never really enemies throughout it all. And amidst the nostalgia we're suddenly engulfed in a wave of bittersweet emotions imagining all the what-ifs and if-onlys and what-might-have-beens had those poor little tykes not been forced into that meaningless rivalry by their warring parents. But as the camera pans away we hear their young voices piping in the night, still innocent and so full of hope, reminding us that when those two little boys grew up they still managed to find a way to triumph over all the pitiless hurt imposed on them. And how privileged we were to have been able to share in the story of their journey.
One thing you would change about the show if you could
I've thought so much about this show, it's not just one thing. And don't get me wrong; I'm not tearing it down or hurling brickbats at this series I love so much. It just irks the Perfectionist Pran side of me that something so beautiful, deep, intelligent and heartfelt also has its little flaws here and there.
I think they could have done a better job helping us understand how and why PatPran's competitive dynamic launched them so suddenly into the madcap bet in Ep.7. The cinematography was inconsistent in a lot of parts. The English subtitling (especially of Ep.5) could have clarified some things, but instead made them more confusing. And Pat getting shot may have been necessary on an intellectual level, to nod at some trope, theme or other literary preoccupation perhaps. But the narrative didn't really need that moment of conflict and I felt BBS tipped over into unnecessary melodrama at that point.
what are your some of your favorite fanworks made by other people?
I adore the analysis, meta and backgrounding of BBS that you can find on Tumblr. So many intelligent, creative people looking at this show, but those that spring to mind:
@airenyah @bengiyo @chickenstrangers @dribs-and-drabbles @dudeyuri @grapejuicegay @inventedfangirling @kenmakaashi @lovelyghostv @lurkingshan @lurkingteapot @miscellar @neuroticbookworm @pandasmagorica @ranchthoughts @recentadultburnout @waitmyturtles
Fan art also by @hereforlou and @kit-teung. 😍
I've probably forgotten so many others, please forgive me if I have; if I've liked and reblogged your work it means that you've touched me with your intelligence and output and I'm automatically a fan.
What are your favourite fanworks you've made?
I mostly post observations and findings from research about the show, so they're not works of fiction or visual art, just essays really. They're all special to me in different ways, but I lean most to the one that talks about the etymology of Pat and Pran's chue lens, what they mean semantically and what they mean for the series (write-up linked here):
My post about the Ep.1 scene in front of Khun Noppharnach's Pharmacy (linked here) was another one where the pieces of the BBS logic puzzle fell into place in a way that satisfied my gameplaying side:
I'm also chuffed about my location posts (linked here; have identified almost all of them, such is the power of the Internet), finding out that the jeep in khanom jeep dumplings also means to court (linked here), and tracking down Baseball Mom (linked here).
A song that makes you think of BBS (not in the show)
My obsessive mind can't let go of this song (I've written about it several times now) but Never (ไม่เคย) by 25Hours devastatingly captures the quiet grief over losing that special someone in your life (and tells us what Pat must have been going through post-separation from Pran in high school). Pat mentions it at Ep.5 [3I4] 0.35 but it isn't played in the show. I've got it on repeat now, and am well on my way to memorizing the lyrics.
Onward tagging:
@airenyah @bengiyo @chickenstrangers @dribs-and-drabbles @dudeyuri @grapejuicegay @hereforlou @inventedfangirling @kenmakaashi @kit-teung @lovelyghostv @lurkingshan @lurkingteapot @miscellar @neuroticbookworm @pandasmagorica @ranchthoughts @recentadultburnout @waitmyturtles
No pressure to play if you don't want to, or have already done it. But do tag and let the rest of the BBS fandom know if you have responses for us to read! 😍
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keepontalking · 1 year
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My prediction card.
Original idea by @tiistirtipii Go there for a blank card.
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tiistirtipii · 1 year
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And most importantly:
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Akk + Autism
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distant-screaming · 1 year
Top 5 songs from msp (covers included) 😇
Covers included?? I feel like asking me to pick only 5 is so so mean </3 anyways
(I'm excluding Prom Night Live songs because the list would be entirely too small for that)
1. Just Being Friendly (Tilly Birds have me in an absolute chokehold, and Tilly Birds in msp?? HELLO)
2. Saliva (I adore this song it's so fun, and it's also the song that finally convinced my sister to watch msp so!)
3. Listen (it's so LOVELY and it makes me so emotional I feel like a wobbly piece of laminated paper when I listen to it)
4. Smile Please (The™ song of msp c'mon!! It's so silly and cute and has dancing? I love it)
5. Come Closer (Ford's voice is utterly magical, and the entire song is the perfect mix between high energy and soothing)
Runner up: every other song of msp. not a SINGLE bad one
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sollucets · 1 year
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akk + constructing intricate rituals which allow him to touch the skin of other men for @tiistirtipii
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firstkanaphans · 1 year
Raysand being the slow burn couple who don't kiss until ep10 would be hilarious in this messy show😂
Haha oh no! I would literally die. Luckily, I don’t think they’ll make us wait quite that long, but I do think there’s a reason First and Khaotung are always the ones who give deeper answers than “it’s hot” when asked about the plot. While the other four mains are waist-deep in messy relationship drama, I think SandRay are going to be waist-deep in messy real life drama.
We got this tweet from the writer yesterday:
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(Side note: @tiistirtipii is that you!? You’re famous!)
That combined with Ray’s drunkenly voiced self-worth issues makes me think that the central conflict between Sand is Ray is going to be Ray thinking he’s not good enough for Sand…and Sand thinking Ray’s not good enough for him either.
@thatgirl4815 hypothesized that Sand’s bad experience with drunk drivers might stem from his relationship with his father and I like that idea. Maybe his father was driving drunk and got into a crash that killed Sand’s mother or one of his siblings?
Regardless, I think Ray’s drinking is going to be a big problem between them and I’m looking forward to seeing how it’s addressed. If we end this series with Ray sober, I will kiss the writers on the lips because that’s not a topic that’s discussed nearly enough in media—especially in shows geared towards young people.
But I’ve gotten way off track. When do I think Sand and Ray will start kissing? Well, it looks like we’re getting all of this next week based on the wardrobe and locations from the teaser.
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But I talked here about how I don’t think they sleep together then. Do they kiss? Maybe. Ray’s certainly flirting it up in the preview. My best guess is that we’ll probably get a kiss next episode and sex sometime before episode 5 because I believe that’s when the Twitter sleuths have determined that the dressing room/tattoo incident takes place based on the clapboards posted by staff.
All of this to say that I think SandRay are probably going to have the most plot-heavy story, but I also think they’re going to have sex. Because it’s P’Jojo and I need it 😂
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quodekash · 1 year
9 People You Want To Get To Know Better (Tag Game) 
Tagged by: @the-one-who-died-at-the-end (thank you so much for tagging me!!)
Last Song: forbidden friendship from the how to train your dragon soundtrack (objectively the best movie and the best soundtrack ever created (JOHN POWELL MY LORD AND SAVIOUR AMEN) and you cannot debate me on this because I WILL cry) 
Currently Watching: not really anything, I finished not me a little less than a week ago and now I’m procrastinating finishing our skyy 2 (I don’t want to say goodbye to patpran, they mean too much to me ;-;) but I think I’ll finally get to it this weekend (wish me luck) 
Currently Reading: ah shoot um. I need to finish rereading Trials of Apollo, I need to finish the song of Achilles, I need to finish reading the sun and the star, I need to finish rereading Henry hamlet’s heart, [insert a million other books I still haven’t finished reading/rereading]
Current Obsession: at the moment shakespeare has been a pretty big hyperfixation, but also for the past 7 months I’ve been obsessing over Thai bls and somehow this hyperfixation hasn’t ended yet and I fear that this is my life now 
(i typed all of this out literally five days ago and completely forgot to actually post it so it’s slightly outdated but I can’t be bothered fixing it, so… yeah. Anyway.)
tagging: @user-soundwin @leofiat-bunny @firstyok @alan-apologist @tiistirtipii @fangirlmedstudentblog @chilikit @taketwoinink @scorittanius and anyone else who wants to do it!! I love learning new things about new people no matter who they are so pls, if the urge overcomes you and you weren’t tagged, act on it!! I beg of you
(to everyone I tagged, if you’d rather not be tagged in the future, please let me know, thank you!!)
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boozles · 13 days
Ten Characters Challenge
➺ 𝒓𝓾𝓵𝓮𝓼: list your ten favorite characters from ten separate fandoms, then tag ten people!
i was tagged by my beloved @batterycityghoul <3 sorry it's taken me so long to do this! it's the first chance i've had to get on my laptop!
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i. Ayan, The Eclipse
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ii. Karan, Cherry Magic
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iii. Prompto Argentum, Final Fantasy XV
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iv. Spongebob Squarepants, Spongebob Squarepants
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v. Foxy, Five Nights at Freddy's
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vi. Pete, Dark Blue Kiss
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vii. Ray, Only Friends
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viii. Cher, A Boss and A Babe
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iv. Ai Di, Kiseki: Dear to Me
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x. Sera, Dragon Age: Inquisition
tagging: @first-kanaphan @firstkanaphans @quiettalker14 @tiistirtipii @alan-apologist @dramalets @wasteland-maybe @pharawee @sunsongsa @forcebookish (no obligation! and if anyone else wants to take part, feel free to say i tagged you!)
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