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oooh hold on
Tigerdawn is the biggest and buffiest cat of the Clans when she was alive
what if that trait gets passed down to at least one of Fennelmoth’s babies? Just a huge beefcake with the thinnest possible mother
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WAIT WHAT IF WILDKIT IS A DECENDANT (indirectly, like a great nephew) OF ONE OF HER VICTIMS?
Tigerdawn and Ivypetal would tell tales of how brave and heroic Mouseshell was, because in their minds they owe her for being so bad/neglecting her and this is a way to make up for it.
So Wildkit was used to stories of her, which is why he believed that she could be trusted above everyone else
still stuck on what he did though
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Ivypetal and Tigerdawn: unable to sleep, unable to escape that constant feeling of blood on their paws, unable to escape the ever constant idea that it’s all their fault Mouse did what she did, they’re sorry, they’re so sorry, they should have treated her better, should have been better, they didn’t need to kill her, did they? Surely they could have stopped her without killing her but now it’s too late and she’s in the Place of No Stars and she’s alone and suffering and probably scared—
Mouseshells in the Darkforest during all of their spirals: *snaps open a cola and leans against a beach chair*
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Do You Still Love Us? (short story)
The tunnel entrance was black as a starless night, gaping and lifeless and dreadful, a stark contrast to everything around it–the twittering of birds in the distance, the soft lush grass that flowed softly against the warm breeze, the colourful flowers that sprouted all-year long among the fields.
Tigerdawn couldn’t stop staring at it, imagining how much worse it must be on the other side. The fur lifted along her spine. If she felt this scared just from staring at the entryway, what must it be like where Mouseshell was? How much worse must her little sister’s fear be? Her father’s?
She wished she could have convinced him not to go, but she knew there was no stopping him from making sure that Mouseshell was safe. A large part of her missed him, but there was another part that was glad Mouseshell wouldn’t be alone. With Applesting, they were terrified for his safety and missed him every day, but they knew that he loved them, were able to tell him how much they loved him before he left. But Mouseshell…their last moments together had been so vicious.
So much time had passed since she had died, even longer since Mouseshell. Yet there were times when the pain was as fresh as if it had only happened yesterday. They had discovered a lot of things in their time in the Stars. The fact that cats could still have kits after death in the Dark Forest, that cats in StarClan could send blessings to keep those kits well-protected.
Tigerdawn didn’t know if her sister had had kits. She didn’t even know if she was still…but she sent blessings anyways, just to be safe. Though the family never really talked about it, she was sure that they did the same.
It was okay for cats in StarClan to visit the Dark Forest, now. To have kits of their own, or to just see their lost loved ones…
Tigerdawn lifted a paw, poised to step forward, but she couldn’t move beyond that first motion and remained still, frozen.
“What are you thinking? Get away from there!” 
Tigerdawn whipped her head around to face her other sister, Ivypetal, who was hurrying across the meadow towards her. 
Tigerdawn lowered her paw. “I…I just…”
“You were going to go through!” Ivypetal’s tone was furious, but there was a deep terror that flashed in her eyes. “Why would you want to go in there? In that place?”
Tigerdawn shrank into herself, despite her large size. “I only thought–”
“That you would what? Visit her? Ask her how she is? She tried to kill you! Or have you forgotten that?”
“Well, you killed her!” Tigerdawn snapped, and immediately regretted it. Ivypetal’s expression darkened, and her face contorted in grief for a moment before she forced it away. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.”
“You’re right,” Ivypetal sighed. “I did kill her. To protect you,” she added with a growl. “So maybe you should say ‘thank you’!”
Tigerdawn ducked her head. Her eyes flicked back to the tunnel entrance, lingering. “I don’t know what I was thinking. I just…I thought…I don’t know. I don’t know why I still care so much after it all.”
Ivypetal’s gaze softened. She pushed through the remaining distance between them and pressed herself against Tigerdawn’s chest. “Because she’s our sister, and we loved–love her. Even if…Even if she doesn’t love us back.” She lifted her head and met Tigerdawn’s eyes. “You just…” Her voice quivered. “You just wanted to see if she loves you again. But...Please don't do that again. I don't want to lose my only sister I have left to that awful place."
Tigerdawn gasped, the lump in her throat so strong it nearly suffocated her. She dug her claws into the ground, trying to keep steady as she swayed and tried to breathe. 
Slowly and gently, yet firmly, Ivypetal stirred Tigerdawn away, and they staggered, using each other as support, until the tunnel could no longer be seen and they both collapsed onto the floor, still holding each other close until finally Tigerdawn could breathe again and she blinked a few times, trying to focus. Ivypetal looked to be in just as much distress. But she, too, blinked the tears away and gave her sister a weak smile. Her ears flicked at the sound of a squirrel chittering nearby. “Wanna hunt?” 
Tigerdawn smiled back. “Maybe we could just stay here for a little bit longer.”
Ivypetal pressed her nose against Tigerdawn’s cheek. “Alright.”
It wasn’t long before the soft breeze and even breathing–and previous stress–caused Tigerdawn to doze off. She snored gently, little breaths that stirred that grass against her muzzle. Watching her, Ivypetal couldn’t resist a glance over her shoulder, to where they had come from. To the tunnel she could no longer see, to the place beyond it, where her sister and father were.
Does she still love us? She couldn’t help but wonder.
--Since it's been a while since I've said it, to be clear a StarClan cat cannot have a kit with another StarClan cat in the Dark Forest, they only can if the other parent is a resident or Dark Kit.
--Ivy didn't mean to kill Mouseshell and still feels bad about it to this day. But it had to be done.
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random-blog-cuz-why-not · 6 years ago
I’m Tigerdawn
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i know most of you are like “shut the fuck up and draw cats instead of being sorry for not doing that” but like…. heres this instead of the content you followed me for
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What if Mouseshell tried to manipulate Ivypetal’s kits (or grandkits/great-grand kits) for funsies.
She gets close and the one she was messing with almost kills their sister, but when looking at her face, couldn’t do it and lowers her claws—opposite to how Mouse kept viciously going even when Tigerdawn looked at her horrified and confused
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Dark Forest Resident: Wildkit
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Aliases / Nicknames: Mildkit, Cry-kit, Motherless
Gender: tom
Sexuality: homosexual
Family: Pollenpatch (mother), Hailsmoke (adoptive mother), unnamed father, Thriftkit, Rubblesong, Twighare (adoptive brothers)
Dark Family: Applesting (adoptive father), Mouseshell (adoptive sister)
Other Relations: N/A
Clan: ShadowClan
Rank: kit
Characteristics: easily frightened, selective mute, incredibly shy around strange cats, incredibly outgoing when around trusted cats
Murder Motive: wanting his bullies to leave him alone
Number of Victims: 1
Number of Murders: 1 (unintentionally)
Murder Method: pushing off of tree (blunt force trauma)
Known Victims: Thriftkit
Victim Profile: his adoptive brother, his bully
Cause of Death: side stabbed (pecked) by bird
Cautionary Tale: ??
He never got to know his mother. She had gotten sick during pregnancy, and the premature labor was too much for her. She was only alive for a few days, but Wildkit was sure he could remember her soft fur curled around him...surely he must remember his mother. He had to.
But Hailsmoke insisted it was impossible. She wasn't one for heads in the clouds, and Wildkit couldn't help but wish she wasn't his adoptive mother.
He knew that she didn't like him. She didn't dislike him, but it was clear that Hailsmoke wasn't happy about their arrangement either. But she was the only nursing queen in the Clan, so she--and her three older sons--were Wildkit's family now.
Wildkit just wished that they liked him.
Thriftkit, Twigkit, and Rubblekit thought that a smaller brother was perfect--as a scratching post.
Wildkit tried to put up with it at first when they promised a prize if he let them practise their pounces on him, but soon enough he got tired of it, and he got tired of Hailsmoke's disinterest in stopping them.
But it turned out that the trio didn't care whether or not Wildkit allowed them to beat him, they would do it anyway.
Wildkit found solace in the elders' den, perhaps the only place in the camp he felt truly safe, as it was the only place he could be sure there would be someone to put a stop to his brothers' antics.
He had first run into the den while hiding from Thriftkit's sharp teeth, and seeing his distress, old Tigerdawn have offered to tell him a story to distract him.
Wildkit accepted, and was told a tale of a great cat, one who protected the weak and vulnerable, especially little kits.
Wildkit was entralled.
He visited the elders' den more and more, wishing he could hear stories of Mouseshell every second.
He thought of her often, wondering if her spirit was watching over him. He would imagine her swooping in to save him when his brothers were being mean, maybe taking him away from the Clan, taking him in as her own so he didn't have to be around Hailsmoke, Thriftkit, Twigkit, or Rubblekit anymore.
He could have a mother who loved him.
But that was a fantasy.
He had to be like Mouseshell....he had to be strong and stand up for himself.
It only made Thriftkit angrier.
Wildkit ran. He didn't care if he was leaving camp, he just wanted to get away. Why didn't they like him? Why were they so mean?
They were on his tail. Where to go?
He looked up and began to climb. It was thanks to his sharp kitten-claws and the tree's old, ragged wood that he managed to make it up the trunk and to a high branch.
But while that was enough to make Rubblekit and Twigkit stop, Thriftkit refused to be bested. He pulled himself up until he stood on the same branch, towering over Wildkit and threatening to shove him off of it.
"Leave me alone!" Wildkit closed his eyes and pushed hard. He heard a yowl and opened them in time to see Thriftkit slip.
His brother was still holding on, but it was obvious he wouldn’t be able to for much longer. He looked at Wildkit and pleaded for his help…
Wildkit shouldn’t have done it. But he was so scared and tired of being bullied and too young to fully grasp the consequences of his actions. He shoved at Thriftkit again, and his brother fell.
The thump was sickening.
The cries and screeches were deafening.
Rubblekit snapped that he was a murderer, and should be exiled.
Twigkit cried, shakily asking “why?”
They ran to camp—
They were going to tell on him.
He had to leave.
He scrabbled against the tree. It was among a large cluster, with his small body he could just make it to another tree that was close by enough to touch branches, then another….
In his haste, he got too close to a newly hatched nest, and instinctively the mother bird pecked.
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Additional Information: 
—He finds Mouseshell in the Dark Forest. She doesn’t wish to be his mom, so her father takes him in instead and he becomes his adoptive sister (and they are both way better to him that his previous adopted family).
—Here’s the explanation for why he is super shy around others but instantly called Mouseshell “mom” the moment they met!
—If the first shove wasn’t enough to damn him, the second shove + running from responsibility was.
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How did AppleSting die and/or react to Mouses death? - @wills-woodland-warriors
He was shot through the heart by a young and inexperienced hunter who thought he was a rabbit (I imagine it was a father-kid duo for the parallel and the kid was hoping to impress their dad with a catch). That method of death was chosen because the character I took some inspiration from wears a flower-pin, and I wanted to show it somehow.
He was DEVASTATED. He was hoping that her sisters could bring her back safe and that somehow they could fix everything. Then they returned to camp bloodied and scarred, with paws dirty from burying her and eyes that could hardly meet his, and he knew.
But he didn’t blame them the slightest bit. Though he was closest with Mouse because she was a daddy’s girl, he loved all of his kits with everything in him, so he made sure that they didn’t think he blames them. He made sure they knew that it wasn’t their fault, and that they were good sisters.
Mouse’s crimes were a secret the three decided to keep to themselves. In their eyes, they already failed Mouse so badly. The least they could do is let her keep her good name—and not have the rest of their family suffer with the truth, at least, not until they join StarClan.
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I want to include Mouseshell’s family more in her story so I’m thinking what if her cousin Doebur joins the Dark Forest so that she can have kits?
She did have a male mate but maybe they had trouble conceiving or didn’t try for a kit before one of them ended up dying. But two StarClan cats can’t have kits even in the Dark Forest and who would be willing to be a donor for two StarClan cats?
Also Tigerdawn (maybe Ivypetal?) would for sure use the opportunity to see Mouseshell
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Mouseshell’s family (living)
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Noticing now that I didn’t include ��Mouseshell’s sister” under Ivypetal’s name. Aw well.
Ivy and Tiger get their purple pads from their maternal grandmother, Amberstar, while Mouseshell gets her brown eyes from Applesting’s father
Fun fact: Tigerdawn has a heart-shaped mark on her chest like her papa! Ivy sorta has one on her tail-tip if you squint (though it also looks like the same shape as the mark on her momma’s leg)
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What is your favorite thing about Mouseshell?
probably how unapologetically bitchy and evil she can be
I think that most of my characters are either assholes from the get-go or victims of bad circumstances, but Mouseshell was not that.
Yeah, she definitely had issues with her family and Clan that has been affecting her since her birth and no way that wouldn’t be a big factor, but that family also truly loved her, as we saw in her profile. And they tried to make amends for the way they acted when they were younger. It was MOUSESHELL who refused any chance of reconciling. Which, sure, her choice, but she also loves to see the cats that she knows love her in pain.
She had to stop herself from grinning when she overheard her eldest sister beg StarClan not to take her away.
Why? Because she couldn’t focus on the now and the feelings being revealed and confessions made. She could only think about how she felt in the many moons prior, all the moons Ivypetal acted like she didn’t care, all the times Ivypetal treated her like a burden.
She has went through a lot of emotional hurt, which is why that’s the type of pain she likes to inflict the most.
(highlighting that because I realized it while writing and thought oh holy shit)
But then you look at her other sister, Tigerdawn, who actually treated her quite well when they were together. The problem was that Tiger was busy a lot of the time and so they weren’t together a lot of the time. If Tigerdawn wasn’t helping someone with something, she felt like a burden, but Mouseshell didn’t know that and just thought that her sister was avoiding her.
Even when Mouseshell was trying to murder her, Tigerdawn wouldn’t fight back because she didn’t want to hurt her + because she was so baffled it was even happening.
But Mouseshell didn’t care! She spent enough time caring about everyone but herself and it got her nothing but trouble, so fuck it! Even when her sister was desperately trying to get her to stop and clearly didn’t want to fight back, Mouseshell tried to tear and claw at her anyway.
And unlike other characters I have (such as Gorseheart or Jackdawfoot), she will never have a I Realized I Was Bad moment where she regrets her ways and wants to be better. She knew from the start that she was in the wrong, she just stopped caring, and that was so freeing for her that it was almost addictive.
She continues to not care in the Dark Forest, and she will continue to laugh at her family’s suffering, even when they’re elders and telling heroic stories about her to kits (or before when they refused to tell anyone what she did). She thinks it’s hilarious.
(but to be clear, when lots of moons have passed, she probably won’t think about them nearly as much. She’ll be busy with her afterlife and new family. But when she does think of them, she doesn’t feel an ounce of regret)
The only ones in her living family that she doesn’t despise is her father, obviously, and maybe her cousins (possibly aunt too).
She doesn’t hate her mother and uncle, she’s more “I don’t give a shit” about them.
One more thing (I know I’m ranting here but):
she doesn’t justify it either!
There are characters who will try to say “well I was hurt” or “they had it coming”
With Mouseshell, she’s fully aware that the punishments she gave out did NOT meet the crime at all. Murder is too far.
She doesn’t defend herself. She doesn’t regret it either. She knows it’s fucked up, she knows that she’s fucked up, and man does she LOVE being that way (especially after so long of fruitless attempts to be good and perfect).
If someone ever said, “You killed cats for attention? That’s just evil”
she would simply laugh and say “I know, right?”
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how did Mouseshell die?
Ivypetal tore a chunk of her flesh out!
Neither Ivy nor Tigerdawn WANTED to hurt Mouseshell, but Mouseshell was set on hurting them lethally, so trying to stop her with hits they were holding back on wasn’t working. It was when Mouseshell lunged for Tigerdawn’s throat that Ivypetal had the “I NEED TO STOP THIS NOW” thought and bit into her deep, and yanked her back—only instead of yanking her back, she tore off a big piece, and Mouseshell bled to death.
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since I’ve talked a tad more about Ivypetal, here’s a fun fact about Tigerdawn:
she’s super strong and muscular, the strongest, buffiest, and tallest of her Clan—possibly all the Clans.
She’s also super sensitive (as was noted when she would cry when Mouse was sick). And she cries often because her emotions get to her a lot. She hates hunting because those poor animals…
After Mouse’s death, it was rare to not see her face marked by tears for at least a moon.
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Or he’s not related but recognizes her from the elder’s stories cause at that point they’re old
what if Wildkit is actually the grand/great grand nephew of Mouseshell and the reason he trusts her is because he recognizes her name from the amazing stories her sisters passed on
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I don’t picture Mouseshell as a parent (at least not yet), but I do want to give her a dynamic with a kit
so I was thinking that a kit becomes attached to her and she’s like “no nuh uh I’m not adopting you. Dad help me”
and Applesting is SUPER happy to raise this kit and Mouse becomes their adoptive big sister instead. At first she’s not too happy about it because she doesn’t like her own sisters (actively hates Ivypetal, more so just feels meh about Tigerdawn)
but then Applesting is like “please don’t be so mean to them. Don’t you remember how upset you got when Ivypetal would say mean things to you? Don’t you want to be the sister you wanted her to be?”
and she kinda goes “you’re right I should be an AMAZING older sister to…spite her”
and anyways I imagine their dynamic is like:
Mouse: “no I’m not letting you call me mom, it’s weird”
kit: :(
Mouse: “but I am teaching you all the swear words so get your notebook ready”
Kit: :)
Mouseshell: “____kit has never done anything wrong ever in their entire life.”
Mouseshell: “okay they did many things wrong but it looked funny so I’m letting it slide.”
if you’re wondering, yes of course she develops actual love for the kit and doesn’t just continue caring for them out of spite. She becomes his protective big sis….who is also the worst influence in his life
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Hazelwing is the mother/Apple’s mate and Ivy and Tiger are their other daughters
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Yay new characters means new opportunities for incorrect quotes!
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