#Tiger Woods party
raksh-writes · 1 year
Me, unable to play, because its been 30+ degrees Celcius for over a week now and my room is absolutely awfully hot even without my PC sweating:
Maybe I should multiclass my Ranger with a Druid 🤔🤔
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this is just an instance of it being annoying and dumb how the personal lives of celebrities are “news” but the outsized clamor (moral outrage?) over celebrities cheating on their partners / having affairs is especially weird to me
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funkle420 · 2 years
i want no i NEED to be living in a cabin in a friendly community where i still get to have my own space but i get to also live with other cool ppl who are also neurodivergent and artists but my walls are thick so i can fart in peace and talk to myself and we'll all make food and art together and we'll have a big ass garden and at least 2 pets and several chickens
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pactw · 1 year
i do think a huge part of what makes slimeriana on the qsmp so charming is that both of them manage to give off extreme "one of us got pregnant way too young after a one night stand but instead of terminating it we chose to get married, and now we are the parents of a kindergartener despite still being basically kids ourselves" vibes. like, the easter vod, for example:
barely a minute into slime arriving they start arguing about who's taking care of the kid more. slime was late because he was doing an easter egg hunt. mariana keeps dragging her to parties with his friends; he thinks it's fun even though she's, like, five and should be watching spongebob not watching her tíos do lines. her birthday present was a lighter. literally all she eats is toast. her parents tried to make her pick between them "like the dog from Air Bud."
she wrote the word "sad" and slime 'n mariana dropped the making-her-choose thing instantly, as though they hadn't even realised what a terrible thing that is to do to your daughter. they left her alone on the front lawn and went upstairs to have sexo on a futon on the bare-ass wood floor because mariana doesn't even have a fucking bedframe. mariana has a tiger skin rug and a secret room hidden behind a painting, but no fucking bed or roof. meanwhile slime is still squatting rent-free at the abandoned apartments where a bomb went off.
like, these are the parents who show up at the PTA meeting in ill-fitting suits, clearly hungover, and with exactly none of the paperwork they need. but the other parents aren't even angry at them, they're just so deeply, deeply worried about them (and moreover, flippa). slimeriana are two ~20y/o dirt-poor emotional wrecks with next to zero adult life experience and a mountain of mutually unresolved issues. god. they loved each other in their own ways, they tried their clumsy best, but it would have taken a miracle for flippa to make it out alive.
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astrolovecosmos · 8 months
The Planets & Random or Obscure Associations
Creativity, vitality, head of state, the father, games, yellow and orange clothing, articles of value, jewelry, gold, brass, power, diamonds, citrine, topaz, jasper, amber, rhodochrosite, mistletoe, almonds, citrus, succulents, sunflowers, fevers, heart, back, spine, grapes, walnuts, rice, chamomile, frankincense, juniper, saffron, marigold, rosemary, rue, palaces, towers, luxury.
Eternal, cycles, silver, aluminum, pearls, moonstone, opal, selenite, chest, glands, lymphatic system, nervous system, emotions, mother, ancestors, nurture, rebirth, tides, baths, ocean, brew, boat, sap, willow trees, succulents, pale color plants, white flowers, cucumber, cabbage, lettuce, melons, shellfish, pumpkins, lakes, fountains, ports, fishponds, pools, springs, sewers, dairies, toys, reflection, blankets, objects of comfort.
Communication, journal, pen/pencil, any writing tools, wings, phosphorous, mercury, agate, tiger's eye, brain, nervous system, eyes, respiration, thyroid, speech, hearing, intellect, vehicles, money, bills, paper, books, pictures, parties or social gatherings, scientific instruments, butterflies, messages, mail, hazel, mulberry, myrtle, seeds, aniseed, dill, fennel, lavender, liquorice, marjoram, parsley, valerian, hazelnuts, beans, mushrooms, pomegranates, carrots, celery, libraries, schools, markets, fairs, public spaces, tennis or badminton court, studies, banks, bowling greens, offices, blue, white, or light colored flowers.
Love, relating, lust, high-quality fabrics, copper, bronze, sodium, malachite, tourmaline, emerald, rose quartz, kunzite, sapphire, pastels, throat, kidneys, lumber region, art, music, aesthetics, social life, fashion, jewelry, wine, pleasure, alder tree, fruit trees, paint, ash tree, birch, pomegranates, early flowering, daisy, mint, marshmallow, meadowsweet, mugwort, plantain, tansy, roses, thyme, vervain, yarrow, potatoes, strawberries, wheat, sugar, nectarines, ballrooms, bedrooms, dining room, gardens, fountains, wardrobes, theaters, looking and feeling good.
Lust, conquest, desire, flaming sword, red things, fights, iron, brass, bloodstone, carnelian, cinnabar, pyrite, magnetite, ruby, garnet, hematite, muscles, reproductive organs, blood, kidneys, immunity, heat, action, arms, pepper, sharp instruments, cutlery, attacks, scissors, weapons, physical intimacy, bites, stings, scalds, burns, accidents, hawthorn, pine, thorns, cactus, aloes, anemone, arnica, belladonna, garlic, ginger, hops, mustard seed, nettles, wormwood, chives, onions, leeks, radish, rhubarb, tobacco, labs, furnaces, distilleries, bakehouses, ovens, smiths, butchers, fields, anger, passion, self-focus.
Expansion, optimism, religion, religious sites, tin, seduction, turquoise, chrysocolla, topaz, citrine, jasper, liver, pancreas, pituitary gland, sciatic nerve, excess, abundance, prophecy, philosophy, knowledge, universities, foreign travel, luggage, honey, oil, silk, fruit, distinct clothing, merchandise, horses, domestic birds, gambling, indulgence, entertainment, oak, dandelion, sage, endive, chervil, asparagus, figs, churches, temples, palaces, altars, courts, mansions, woods, orchards, winery, cornucopia, connecting with the soul.
Limits, boundaries, father time, lord of death, shadows, lead, iron, steel, calcium, asbestos, sulphur, diamond, onyx, calcite, skeleton, spleen, skin, teeth, nails, joints, structure, crystallization, old age, blockage, anything dark, wool, heavy materials, agriculture, wheelbarrows, spades, farm houses and buildings, cold, laws, aspen, blackthorn, buckthorn, cypress, elm, toxic plants, hemlock, henbane, belladonna, hellebore, barley, beetroot, safflower, parsnips, spinach, deserts, woods, valleys, caves, church yards, ruins, coalpits, sinks, wells, mud, institutions.
Eccentrics, mavericks, invention, genius, revolution, change, trends, disruptive science or tech, uranium, magnesium, lapis lazuli, sapphire, aquamarine, azurite, chalcedony, electricity, neon lights, plaid, nervous and circulatory system, pineal gland, chaos, violence, upheaval, astrology, steam engines, coal, machinery, coins, baths, fishponds, dangerous places, computers, magnets, quantum physics, research, welfare, humanity, hypnotherapy, railways, banks, gas, psychiatric hospitals, offices, hospitals, dispensaries, fortified places, chemicals, mingled/mingling, spirit and matter.
Illusions, veils, diffuse, deception, water, oceans, mysticism, enlightenment, artistic pursuit and understanding, zinc, potassium, amethyst, fluorite, jade, sugilite, coral, aquamarine, pineal gland, lymphatic and nervous system, spine, mental processes, addiction, psychoses, disease, photography, music, substances, gas, religion, poetry, mimicry, chameleon, anesthetic, telepathy, empathy, dancing, psychic gifts, places near water, hospitals, places of healing, jeweler, painters, brewers, musicians, visionary.
Power, influence, darkness, new life, what's hidden underneath, seeds, volcanoes, deep earth or ocean, bury, explosions, eruptions, abduction, plutonium, smoky quartz, obsidian, jet, pearl, deep reds, reproductive organs, the unconscious, nuclear, transformation, death, birth, rebirth, underworld, riches, earthquakes, big business, murder, detection, detective, invisibility, sneak, enforced change, hidden places, underground, drains, sewers, radioactive places, the occult, black magic, sacrifice, renew.
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honey-minded-hivemind · 3 months
The Legend of the Haunted Mansion... Creed Reader AU:
(Warning: Mentions of abuse, death, possible suicide, mentions of someone going insane, and death of past Reader... you have been warned...)
• The old mansion, belonging to an old, secretive family, strays far past the modern road, and trails deep into the woods, towards the older waterways and near the mud... It's been there for ages, possibly two hundred years... The halls are covered in cobwebs, the rooms filled with dust, the air deathly still and cold, cold as death... Some say they can still hear the echoing cries of its residents, their haunting wails, their ghastly screams... Especially of the family who owned the estate...
• They were the Creed-Howlett family, one odd for their time. The mansion already had a secretive past, how it was built and why, and what happened to the parents of the brothers who inherited it. The family was run by two brothers, one by the name of Victor Creed, tall and sharp and blonde, a sabretooth tiger in the flesh, and one by the name of Logan Howlett, short and pointy and dark, as tough as a wolverine. These two were ferocious by nature, natural-born hunters and adventurers, and brothers by unknown family ties... They ran the estate, decorating it with their trophies and strange treasures, throwing lavish parties for their friends and their own amusement...
• The brothers would soon have heirs, though no one is sure how they were born, or to whom. All anyone knew was that the two brothers welcomed two children into their home, each expected to inherit their thirty for blood and vengeance... One was a brown-haired girl, poised and cunning and intelligent, sharp as a whip and just as dangerous with one in hand. Her name was Laura Howlett, taken in by Logan, and raised to be his successor... Then there was Reader Creed, a child that was kind and soft-hearted, one who was loud and caring of other living beings. This would drive a wedge between them and their family, as Reader Creed was quite different from the expectations of their family, or of society in general...
• Where their father and uncle were deadly, smart, and masterminding the downfall of their rivals and any perceived enemies, and where their cousin was perceived to be the more charming, socially acceptable heir, Reader Creed was ahead of their time. While others would frown on being so openly emotionally, that was what they were. They were blunt, honest, sincere, which their family, nor their friends, were, nor the society they were in. Reader Creed happened to be more interested in art than the hunt, sculpting odd creatures and painting scenes in soft colors, even making small toys from stuffing and scrapped cloth, rather than stuffing hunted animals or hunting large creatures. Even in social settings they stood out, not wearing clothes that were deemed appropriate, but rather wearing what they wished, no matter how it looked or how others felt.
• This tended to anger their family and the family's friends, annoying them and causing harsh emotions to well up. For some, it might have been enough to set up an unfortunate accident, which would lead to the wounding of the young heir. Records show that something, almost like a wild animal, had clawed them, harming their vision and scarring their face and neck. The following weeks, it was said they stayed locked away in their room, quiet as a whisper, slowly losing touch with reality.
• After the youngest Creed was well enough to walk around, it was noted how they were harder to find, often staying out of sight of others and avoiding rooms if they knew they were occupied. Some could hear them crying, when they thought they were alone. Others thought they heard whispers, words of pain and sadness, whispered in the dead of night. It wasn't long before Reader Creed would disappear...
• It was during a cold night in the snows of Winter that they went missing. A party had been thrown to celebrate a successful find by the two Creed-Howlett brothers, attended by their friends and allies and well-wishers. Some, such as the business partners Xavier and Lehnsherr, as well as old friends of the like as Ms. Darkholme and Mr. McCoy, even some young wards and students and heirs of the people were there, curious and excited... The last anyone saw of Reader Creed at the party was on their own, face fresh with their scars, and their eyes crestfallen, bright with tears... As the party was in full swing, they disappeared...
• No one was aware they had left until it was time to have everyone gathered... When a few noticed the young heir missing, a few guests offered to search for them, believing they weren't far. The look for them wasn't fruitful, no one being able to find the missing child in the main rooms. The search widened, as their family became involved... Yet when they checked their relative's favorite places to hide away, there was no one there. Now everyone knew they were missing. Some questioned if they'd been kidnapped. Others thought they passed out after leaving the party. And others thought they went outside...
• When they went to the gardens to check, they found footprints in the fresh snow. This lead the searchers deeper into the grounds, where the trail eventually died, covered by the snow that kept falling. There were no boot prints. Nor any missing coats or thicker gowns or jackets. Reader Creed had left barefooted, in the dark of a wintery night, without any protection from the elements. Their family and their guests fell into a panic, hoping they would find the young heir before it was too late-!
• But they did not...
• Reader Creed would eventually be found a few days later, frozen to death in the mausoleum, snow caught in their hair and fingers raw from scratching at the door, which had closed on them that fateful night, sealing them in a premature grave... Once they were found, their family fell apart...
• Laura Howlett would shut herself away, refusing to see anyone unless they were her father or uncle. The few who managed to speak with her reported she had become depressed, bitter, angry, keeping to herself and only seeing her closest friends. In later years, she would die from a fever, haunted even to death by what she thought were the cries of her cousin...
• Logan Howlett would fall into his work, burying himself into hunting and selling furs and bones of the creatures he'd find. It was said he started to indulge in drugged tea, hoping to escape his own guilt, yet instead only seeing his missing relative. Many nights he would spend pacing the halls, grieving and screaming in anger and loss... After his daughter passed, he would soon follow, having been poisoned by a viper, that no one knew where it came from...
• And Victor Creed, eldest brother and patriarch of the family, fell into enraged, fitful insanity. It was gradual, starting with denial, then acceptance of the death of his child... But his thoughts seemed to spiral, the longer it was without Reader Creed, and only fell deeper, harder, with the passing of Laura, then Logan... After he had outlived his entire family, it was said he would stalk the halls, hunting for phantoms that didn't exist, performing rituals thought to bring back the dead, grieving for the loss of his family...
• Tragedy befell the family's friends and allies as well, many meeting tragic ends or having haunting fates. While some would live to be old, most died rather young, insane or wounded... The mansion, still standing, is thought to be haunted, though no one walks its halls anymore... Rumor has it there's a new groundskeeper being hired, to take care of the old graveyard and garden, hopefully to bring some former glory back to the estate's decaying self...
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Oh, this fun October!
Self-Aware! BSD Characters x GN! Reader
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Description: BSD's Cast First Halloween in real world! Full of cute moments. You are sure, that you will enjoy this Halloween as much as them.
Happy Halloween, everyone!
Warning: OOC. English is my second language.
You walked inside the kitchen, looking unamused. The room was cowered in pumpkin pulp.
In the middle of the room sat the reason for the whole mess.
Akutagawa was clutching the pumpkin remains in his hands. Rasenmon was hovering above him, its maw was covered in orange pulp.
You left him for one minute. And now, only two pumpkins from seven were left.
You rub your forehead.
"What did I tell you?"
Akutagawa looked a tiny bit guilty. Just a little. Somewhere deep inside him, Ryunosuke regret not listening to you. Probably.
"Don't use my ability for pumpkin carving."
"And what did you do?"
"Used it. It's faster that way."
Akutagawa looked at the mess he created.
"Just let me get hold of it."
Rasenmon strike forward remaining pumpkins.
At the end, Oda and kids will do the carving. As for Ryunosuke's pumpkins... Well, backed pumpkin is delicious.
Ryunosuke wasn't good with pumpkin carving.
But, he is good at cutting food. At least, cutting pumpkin.
You were carrying red maple leaves in your hand. Red, orange and yellow leaves were crunching under your feet.
Shibusawa, dressed in kimono, was looking near you. He was twirling a single maple leaf in his hands.
"Sorry, if it's not that interesting." spoke you, looking at Shibusawa. He smiled at you.
"Don't worry, [Y/N]. It is interesting." Shibusawa looked up. "This autumn full of imperfections... And it makes it so perfect. So interesting."
Shibusawa looked at you again.
"I heard, that there is a kiosk, where you can buy pumpkin latte. Let's buy some."
He walked further down the road.
You hummed and walked after Shibusawa.
Tea party
You breathe in the tea aroma. Golden, warm liquid looked magnificent.
You taste it.
"Mm! Apple Cinnamon tea. You outdid yourself, Ivan!"
Ivan smiled, drinking some of his own tea.
"I am glad, that you liked it, [Y/N]."
For a few minutes, you two enjoy the warm drink with some bubliks¹.
Warm tea was perfect for October. Especially, if you are drinking it with a friend.
Candy apples
"Ranpo, for the future reference, never try to make candy apples again." sigh you, trying to tear off the caramel-coated apple from Ranpo's forehead.
Detective just waved his hand and took a bite from the apple you already removed.
"Come on, [Y/N], it's not like it was completely my fault! You opened the door when I had the plate with caramel apples in hands. You startled me and made me drop apples on me."
You licked some caramel off your fingers and tear another caramel apple from Ranpo's cheek.
"Yes... But you were the one, who added so much caramel, that apples are practically became coated in thick sphere. And you are the one, who start carrying apples before caramel hardened."
Ranpo only tool another bite.
The moonlight was bright tonight.
Under the moonlight, fully transformed Atsushi was running. Magnificent white tiger was fast.
And you were riding on his back.
It was a spontaneous decision, but, after learning, that Atsushi manage to fully control his tiger form, you proclaimed, that you want to ride on his back.
That's why you two were here.
Atsushi stopped running and start slowly walking.
You gently scratch behind his ears.
White tiger huffs.
Fog was heavy. So heavy, you could barely see your fingertips. Thankfully, Herman Melville was with you.
Old man was skillful in navigating through the fog. With small compass in his hand and will your phone's flashlight, you two manage to navigate through the woods near your house.
The road were destroyed because of the rain, so you two need to walk through the woods.
Soon you will be home.
The screams of terror were coming from the "House of Horrors".
A few minutes later, Nikolai walked outside the attraction, whistling a cheerful tune.
Soon, people and actors start running away from the attraction.
He was holding your left hand. In your right hand, you were holding cotton candy.
Nikolai grinned.
"It was fun, Birdy, isn't it?"
You took a bite from your cotton candy. At first, Nikolai didn't like the "House of Horrors". So, he decided to join actors into scaring people. In his own way.
"Yea. Especially, when you pretend to be sewn in half by a fake saw... You didn't..."
Nikolai immediately stopped you.
"Ketchup and red paint, don't worry, [Y/N]. So... To the next attraction?"
You nodded and Nikolai start leading you to the next ride.
Black cat
You turned your back on one second and Fukuzawa was already done. How you could lose him? Where did he go?
You start searching for him through the nearest shops.
You found him in the pet shop.
Local animal shelter decide to show some of their animals, dressed in Halloween themed costumes, in hopes, that they will be adopted.
Fukuzawa, man, who was almost two meters tall, was cradling a small black kitten, that was dressed as a bat.
"Good little bat..."
It was so strange to see Fukuzawa, whose expression remains stern, tickling kitten's chin.
But... Should you really take the kitten?
On your way back, kitten was held against Fukuzawa's chest.
It was in your house...
It was terrible...
It was awful...
The spider crawl at your direction. You jumped on the nearest person and hold to them for dear life.
Dazai himself looked uncomfortable.
"I don't want to touch it!"
Spider crawl closer.
Dazai, with you on his back, jumped on the nearest person.
Few jumps later
"And how do you expect me to do it?" asked Chuuya, who, somehow, still was standing, despite the fact, that you, Dazai, Kirako, Higuichi, Pushkin and Q hung on him like grapes on a branch.
Tetchou was the one, who killed the spider, while Tachihara and Teruko tried to make all of you let go of Chuuya.
"When I was little, I start feeding some rats from the alley, that I passed on my way to school. Soon, they start bringing me little gifts. Rocks, twigs, old paper. But, one day, they brought me money. So, I gave them better food. Rats quickly learned, that if they want good food, they need to bring me money... So, Fyodor, do you think, I could train a new rat pack to bring me something good? I have a sandwich" asked you, leaning towards Fyodor.
He pinched your nose.
"Stop it. Cake is for tomorrow's party. I won't steal you a piece of it. Even if you give me a sandwich."
You stuck out your tongue.
"You are no fun."
Fyodor chuckled and patted your head.
"Let's go, Al Capone from National Geographic Channel, let's play checkers."
Today, everyone woke up because of loud noises and sounds of something being thrown around in the library.
A quick check up reveals, that it was probably Bram. No one see Count Stoker since yesterday.
Or you were being robbed.
You (because, if it is Bram, you could calm him down) and Fukuchi (because if it is a robbery, he will calm thieves down), enter the library.
For the next ten minutes everything was quiet.
Then you opened the door. You looked slightly angry.
"Okay. Confess immediately. Who in the world gave Bram "The Twilight Saga" and called it a good book about vampires?"
The party was a blast.
Pumpkin lanterns were lit.
Everyone was wearing costumes.
Kenji, Q, Elise, Kyouka, Katsumi, Kousuke, Sakura, Shinji and Yu just returned from trick or treating and were showing, what they got.
Food was delicious. Drinks were refreshing.
You heard Kaji's voice.
"Hey, everyone, the camera is ready! Gather around!"
You were stuck in the middle of the photo, surrounded by all of your friends. You were holding Karl in your arms, Ayatsuji's cats were sitting near your legs and Fukuzawa's new kitten was sitting on Fukuzawa's head. Kaji continued.
"Okay. On three. One, two, three..."
All of you, together, exclaimed.
And another group photo was taken.
¹Bublik (also booblik or bublyk; Russian: бублик, tr. búblik, plural: bubliki; Ukrainian: бублик, romanized: búblyk) is a traditional Eastern European bread roll. Like a bagel, it is a ring of yeast-leavened wheat dough, that has been boiled in water for a short time before baking.
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starryaugust · 8 days
100 au!Jason Todd - Backstory
Jason was orphaned at a young age, his dad died when he was just a baby and his mother died a few years later. He can barely remember her.
Like Dick, he was raised in the orphanage.
He fought to survive, for every bit of food. No matter how little it was.
When Dick arrived, he was suspicious. Why would someone want to help without gaining anything from it?
It took some time, but eventually he started to trust Dick. And in the end, he started seeing him as a brother. And he started to come back to who he was before the orphanage, before learning the hardships of life, before the corruption.
When Dick was arrested, Jason decided to replace him. But security was more careful, he was caught and put in the sky box quickly.
When the guards came to get him, he fought. He punched a guard and they had to tranquilize him, when he woke up the 100 were already on their way to the ground. And Dick was next to him.
Jason was the first person to step on the ground for 100 years,
or at least that's what they thought.
Unlike in the series, in this au no one from the 100 doesn't go straight to mount weather. They decide to assemble a camp before and scavenge and hunt for food.
A few days after they landed, Jason was exploring the woods and was taken by the grounders. They almost killed him, only to heal him.
The 100 threw a search party, and a few days later they found Jason as a trap for a tiger. He was dying.
At the end, with the help of Bernard and Steph, he survived. But he wasn't the same, the hopeful ball of sunshine he used to be was gone, for good this time. He returned to the shield he put back in the orphanage, but it was rotted deeper this time.
So when the 100 tried to decide what to do about the grounders, he said peace wasn't an option.
He wanted revenge, he wanted a war, and he got one.
After everything happened, he thought he was finally safe.
But then mount weather took the 100.
He didn't trust Lex Luther, he thought the peace he was offering was a facade, nothing was that simple in the world they were living in.
So he investigated, and when he found the grounders, he wanted to come back to Dick to warn him. But he was caught by Luther's guards.
He ended up managing to escape with the help of a grounder, an archer.
Roy Harper.
Roy helped Jason realize that peace with grounders could be an option.
So Jason found the survivors of the arc, while Roy went to Polis. Together they worked for a truce. And they succeeded.
Jason still didn't fully trust the grounders, but he was ready to do whatever it takes to save his brother and friends.
Together with Tim, Bruce, Roy and the grounders Heda he managed to come up with a plan to save the 100 and the grounders trapped in mount weather.
This plan obviously went to shit.
And Jason and Tim needed to make a choice, their people or the people of mount weather.
They choose their people.
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beelmons · 2 years
Golf lessons pt. 2
Pt2 of this blurb! Pairing: dbf!hotch x Fem!Reader Rating: NSFW, 18+ Word count: 2,757 CW: unprotected sex, kinda public sex, overstimulation, vaginal penetration. Tagging the two moots that inspired part 2 <3 @ssahotchnerr @ssamorganhotchner
As it turns out, being able to hit the ball was not enough golf expertise for the ever-so-perfectionist Aaron Hotchner. Regardless of both of your urges to do something entirely different, Aaron’s commitment to making you the next Tiger Woods forced you to stay in the golf club until almost midnight, and by that time everything was either closed or too lousy for him to ever consider taking you. At the end, he dropped you back home so you could pack for the retreat.
The thought of not seeing him again for an entire weekend was saddening, specially when it meant being shoved inside a room with your dad and his snobby friends, but the picture of him smiling at you, the proud, sly smile he would wear when you told him just how many holes in ones you scored, and how your pars were the best, and about your putts (you didn’t understand golf, like, at all) was the token you held onto to keep going.
The retreat was okay, you came up sixth out of the total twenty teams, so at least your dad was not a sulky mess, and he would go around showcasing your golf skills and how you “took after him”, even if it was also his first time seeing you play. To wrap up the event, there was an additional party with a “Sunday golf” theme, which meant everyone would go dressed in fancy sports clothes. Looking through your wardrobe, you were lost in your own mind trying to figure out what to wear when your phone chimed.
Mr. Aaron Hotchner: Apparently, today’s Sunday Golf party is open to friends and family as well. Your father has decided to invite me. Will you be attending?
Your eyes skimmed through the notification and a bright smile appeared on your face. Great, you got to see him sooner than you expected.
You: Yes, I’ll be there!
Mr. Aaron Hotchner: Great. Can’t wait to hear all about the golf competition.
You hugged the device to your chest in excitement, and the decision of what to wear suddenly seemed like a life and death situation, or so you felt until a very risky idea popped into your head.
The party looked like everything else you had seen during the weekend: bland and uninteresting. Across the venue you spotted your dad, who had gone ahead without you, sucking up to his boss and some other higher-ups. Your sight then landed on a handsome gentleman standing by the appetizers table, a couple of men his age chatting him up. He was wearing a white polo and khaki dress pants with a pair of brown shoes. He looked stunning as per usual. As if sensing your eyes on him, Hotch’s sight travelled to you; you watched him mutter an ‘excuse me’ to his acquaintances and he hurried in your direction.
“Hey!” he shouted lightly when he got closer, his arms quickly surrounding your waist to pull you into a happy hug, which you gladly returned “I have been hearing great things about you all day.” he pulled back from you to be able to look at your face.
“Well, apparently I did very good for a first timer” you answered him with a smile.
“I can tell. Your dad has done nothing but brag about it the whole night.”
“He has?” you asked with genuine surprise “So, golf, huh? Who would have thought that’s what it took for him to finally be proud of me.” you said in a self-deprecating tone.
“Don’t be so hard on him, he can be tough to deal with, but you are the apple of his eye” he tried to reassure you, but the huff of your cheeks let him know the comment was not exactly well received “Well, for that matter, I’m incredibly proud of you. You truly learned fast.” he continued in attempt to lessen the tension.
His strategy worked, because shortly you were back to a smiling mess. “I had a great teacher” you said with your eyes locked onto his “which reminds me, I still have to repay the favor. If I remember correctly, you asked for two, very simple things, didn’t you, Aaron?” you batted your eyelashes innocently as you spoke. Your hands travelled down to play with the hem of your skirt, raising it slightly to reveal some of the skin on your thighs. He couldn’t help but stare for a second, solely focused on how good your legs looked.
The moment your words dawned on him, his entire demeanor switched. His fingers gripped your wrist firmly, and with a rather rough tug he pulled you to the closest wall, forcing your back to be pressed against it, his body shielding your front from curious eyes. “Have you lost your mind?” he asked with a low voice “It’s bad enough that half these men have taken at least one look at your legs, do you know what would happen if someone noticed you’re not wearing underwear?” you could detect a hint of possessiveness in his tone, a frown plastered on his face, and so you found the opportunity to finally get what you wanted: him. Your fingers tugged at the sides of his shirt, his body still covering you from the stares of the rest of the guests.
“Then take me somewhere only you can see.” you almost whispered. He turned his head to try and spot your dad among the crowd, he seemed to be engrossed in whatever conversation he was having. He took a second look at you, and you watched as his eyes travelled quickly to your bottom piece of clothing.
He slipped his hand behind your back to guide you away from the main area of the venue and towards the bathrooms, constantly walking behind you to make sure no one else would try and pry at your rear. As you walked through the halls, you watched him snatch an ‘out of order’ sign from a random surface. Once you reached the entrance of the men’s bathroom, he gave you an order to wait for a second, he opened the door and tilted his head to look inside, once he made sure all the stalls were clear he gently pushed you in by the shoulders and hung the sign on the outside of the door.
“The men’s bathroom?” you cocked an eyebrow in his direction, a playful smile on your face.
“If your dad notices you’re gone, the first place he’ll look is your room. I don’t have one of my own because I’m an foreign guest, and men are three times less likely to ask staff for clarification about services not being provided than women.” he clarified as he locked the door; once he made sure it wouldn’t open he took a couple of steps closer to land his hands on your hips “but of course, if it makes you uncomfortable, we can always do this some other time.”
“Hell no, you’re not escaping this twice.” your tone was resolute and almost desperate, without wasting anymore time your arms threw themselves around his neck and you pulled him closer to land a kiss to his lips.
The gentleness which with he usually treated you was absolutely absent from the kiss, his mouth moved roughly against yours with his body pressing forward to close the gap between the two of you. Without so much as a warning, his hands slid from your hips to your thighs instead, he caressed his way up, lifting the skirt in the process, until he landed on your buttocks, the tightness of the squeeze he gave to them was for sure going to leave a mark, and the sensation and slight pain caused you to wince; the newly opened mouth was an invitation for his tongue to take control, you could feel it explore yours hungrily, heavy pants accompanying his movements.
“Hop.” he commanded against your lips, without a second thought you complied, and soon you were sitting on top of the lavatory counter. The coldness of the marble against your bare skin caused you to moan, and Aaron broke the kiss to shoot you a playful smile “Seems like you didn’t think this through.”
His comment allowed a blush to spread on your face. He had nailed it, you didn’t think anything through, actually, you were just so excited to see him, to be with him again, that you wanted to do something that would make him happy. “I thought this is what you wanted” you admitted with a shy tone.
“It’s you I want.” his eyes took a second to stare tenderly into yours before his lips attached to the base of your neck. Your hands tangled on his hair and your body arched forward, trying desperately to feel more of him. His own fingers snuck in between your pressed bodies to caress your slick, his middle finger prodded at the entrance, and you let out an unholy moan. His mouth attached onto yours once again with the full intention of shutting you up, two fingers slipping inside your hole. His pace was slow, painfully so, pulling in and out as if he was trying to figure out where to press best.
“Aaron.” you whispered into his mouth “No teasing, please, I need you.” you begged. He let out a chuckle, a little embarrassed of being found out, and nodded. He took a second to undo the zipper of his pants, seems like you weren’t the only one without underwear, and shortly after his member was freed.
Your legs instinctively pulled him closer at the sight. “Seems like someone’s eager.” he whispered, however he was just as desperate as you were, his right arm snaked around your body, pulling you to an angle that allowed his tip to hover at your entrance. Slowly, he began to thrust forward, giving you some time to adjust to his size. You buried your face in his neck and muttered a quiet ‘fuck’ against it. His hips began to move steadily, you could feel him fill you up, they were deep and passionate, his groans were ringing in your ear “you feel so good” he muttered against it.  
You were trying to keep your pants quiet, not wanting to cause a scene and have your dad find out you were fucking his best friend in the hotel bathroom, but he felt so good, so deep, that you couldn’t help but to let out a cry. Aaron pulled back and out of you, which caused you to whimper in protest, without a word, he forced you off the marble counter and turned you around, his hand pushing your head forward to have you bent over it instead “if you can’t keep quiet on your own, I will have to do it for you.” he raised the fabric covering your ass to expose the skin and gently guided his dick back to your entrance, his thrust, however, was way rougher compared to before. You almost let out another moan, but his hand was quick to cover your mouth tightly and it ended up muffled “seems like this will do” he whispered with a mocking tone.
His hips began to snap against yours again, faster and rougher, he was much more in control in this position. His lips focused on nibbling around the shell of your ear, trying his best for his moans to also be muffled. You could feel his balls hitting against the lower part of your pussy, your hands desperately looking for a place to grip, your throat emitting sounds trying to keep yourself sane. He felt you began to clench around him, and so he decided to slide his free hand down to rub around your sensitive clit. You could feel his rhythm become more erratic by the second, with you clenching furiously around him trying to hold back your orgasm and prolong the delicious encounter. Seeking for his release, he used one of his legs to push in between yours and slide your feet on the ground to spread them further open.
The mere gesture caused another muffled moan and you threw your head back. You were able to see yourself on the lavatory mirror, the whimpering mess you had become, and the focused, pleased expression that he had on his face. His fingers quickened the pace “Don’t push yourself for me, sweetheart, show me how good I’m making you feel.” he ordered against your ear; he leaned forward and landed a sweet kiss to your cheek, his hips never giving yours a second of rest. You snapped yours in return and when one of the thrusts was particularly deep, you let your climax take over you.
He clutched the area of your mouth tighter, making his best to push back most of the long moan that you let out. His hips began to lower his speed and his hand moved away from your face. “You still haven’t come.” you whispered trying to do your best to keep yourself propped onto your elbows.
“I’m close.” he answered as he straightened his back. He watched how his member entered and exited you, and the mere sight was making him even more excited “Can you behave for a little?” he mentioned referring to your sounds. You turned around to give him an eager nod and he responded with a smile. “Or perhaps you should let your voice out, so everyone out there can know how good I can treat you.”
You opened your mouth to answer, and in that instant his hands gripped your hips once again to snap your hips into his. You bit down on your bottom lip, hard, to avoid letting your wince come out. His thrusts went back to the original pace, and you could feel yourself just bouncing against the counter, your hands gripping the marble for dear life. His hands squeezed your ass tightly, pulling them back and forth to meet his rhythm. His member began to throb inside you, and you could feel him getting closer. “Inside.” you let out as you turned back to look at him “I want you to fill me up, Aaron” you whispered in between quiet moans.
Your expression was so erotic he couldn’t help himself. His hands gripped tighter on your already reddened rear, and they held your hips in position for his cock to slide all the way in, letting you feel the sensation of being filled up with his cum. You whimpered loudly and allowed him, slightly weak at the overstimulation he had accidentally caused.
He leaned forward to grab one of the paper towels before sliding out of you, his hand pressing it against your entrance to prevent his seed from dripping out on the floor. “We should clean you up.” he mentioned, suddenly very aware of what, and where, he had done.
“I can take care of it.” you said with a gentle smile that made his heart skip a beat.
“After we go out, please go back to your room and put something underneath.” he said almost like an order.
“Yes, sir.” you answered with a purposedly innocent smile.
He nodded approvingly and turned in the direction of the door, he was planning on  waiting outside to make sure no one would be there when you came out, that could cause suspicion, but before he actually exited he turned back around and gripped your face, in a blink, his lips were back on yours with such passion you would have thought round two was about to come. You responded with a gentle caress of his cheek and an opening of your mouth for his tongue to slip in once again. After a couple of seconds, he let go, and without another word he sneaked outside the bathroom. You were left dumbfounded and smitten in front of the stalls, giggling to yourself at what just had happened.
Aaron waited patiently, making sure no one would come around and try to get into the bathroom in spite of the ‘out of order’ sign that still hung from the door. After a few minutes, you came out of the room and he offered a gentle smile to welcome you back.
“Well, seems like I paid off my debt” you said jokingly. His arm folded and was offered in your direction, which you took gladly, for him to escort you back to the main hall.
“In that case, next time I can teach you some racquetball.”
413 notes · View notes
hawkins-losers · 9 months
* = smut/18+ content
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10 Things I hate about you
Eddie fucked up, so you write him a poem telling him that you hate him - except that you don’t hate him…not in the slightest
A new look
Eddie cut his hair. You don’t know how to feel
As long as I’m here, no one can hurt you | Henderson!Reader
Things are not going well for Eddie. After a static-y call on Dustin’s walkie, you find him at Skull Rock
Between two shelves
You and Eddie have a little make out session between two classes
Blind date with the freak
You get set up on a blind date with Eddie ‘the freak’ Munson as a joke from your friends. The joke’s on them because you end up having a really great time
Caught dancing with the devil * | Hopper!Reader
You get the tremendous idea of sneaking Eddie in your room while your dad is home. Things escalate under the belt  - naturally - and Hopper gets suspicious
Darling, don’t you ever grow up | Dad!Eddie
Eddie becomes a dad. Spoilers: he’s the best dad
Drunken serenades
Drunk Eddie decides to serenade you with a song - his plan doesn’t go as planned
Dungeon Master I’m pulling your strings * | Henderson!Reader
You show interest in D&D and Hawkins’ Dungeon Master offers to teach you in the privacy of his trailer. At some point during the lessons, D&D is forgotten
Handcuffs *
They weren’t all wrong about the whole freak thing. Eddie Munson was a freak, just not the kind they thought
I've still got you all over me | Rockstar!Eddie x Henderson!Reader
When Eddie and the band rose to fame, your relationship was brought to an end. Four years later, Dustin plots behind your back and invite his former Dungeon Master to his birthday party without telling you
The girl from the magazine
You find one of Eddie’s erotica magazines and start comparing yourself to the woman in the comics
Grease stains and coveralls | Mechanic!Eddie
During a hot day, you pay Eddie a visit at the auto shop and the sight of him in his coveralls is hotter than the July weather
Lonely, aching hearts | Hargrove!Reader
The aftermath of losing a twin brother, a temporary nightmare fix and a neighbor with a heart of gold 
  part 1 part 2
Morning kisses
Eddie doesn’t get what he wants this morning
My equal
The Dungeon Master wants you to sit on the throne with him
My hero
Following his attack by the demo-bats, Eddie is left with a new insecurity
The one that got away
You find the perfect guy, but you miss the imperfect relationship you and Eddie had
Private guitar lesson *
You can’t pick up how to play guitar, so Eddie tries a new way to teach you
Talk nerdy to me
It’s Halloween, everyone’s entitled to one good scare..and some fun
Tiger stripes
After your first time with Eddie, you open up about your body image insecurities
Thunderstorms *
You and Eddie are long date friends. One rainy evening in his trailer causes you to ruin the friendship
Wake me up  when the battle ends
You and the Hawkins gang prepare for the grand battle to defeat Vecna, which includes getting separated from Eddie. Or, you and Eddie say your last goodbyes
Wake up
You and Dustin gets Eddie out of the Upside Down. He is now in a coma
What died didn’t stay dead | Henderson!Reader
When someone dies in the Upside Down, they don’t always stay dead
Would I make a great cheerleader
You and Eddie meet in the school’s woods
You’re my best view 
part 1 
You play Eddie’s guitar - he’s in love
part 2 
You fulfill your promise and take polaroids for your boyfriend
I’m naked
Late call on the walkie
Eddie discovers he’s in love
Stargazing in the back of Eddie’s van
Pregnancy scare | Hopper!Reader
Getting caught by the rain
Head scratches
Uncle Wayne
Running to Skull Rock
Bathroom sex during a concert
Eddie makes the long drive to California | Byers!Reader
Snowfight (strange-mas)
Before heading to battle | Henderson!Reader
Riding Eddie on his throne
Eddie gets horny on stage because of you’re wearing stockings - then ruins said stocking | Warning: smut, thigh fucking, semi-public sex
You ride Eddie in his throne after Hellfire | Warning: Smut, p + v action, riding, semi-public sex(?), almost caught
98 notes · View notes
Note: part 3 of the Fighter fic! what can I say? I just can't help myself.
[part 1] [part 2]
Warnings: mention of selfharm (not suicidal!) brief smut (18+!), hints to panic attack, brain injury, but there is also fluff!!!!
pairing: Modern!Sihtric x you (f)
Summary: Sihtric needed a lot of time to recover,
Word count: 5,7k
taglist: @clairacassidy  @finanmoghra  @uunotheangel  @hb8301 @bathedinheat  @neonhairspray  @anaeve  @bubblyabs  @travelingmypassion  @sylas-the-grim  @heimtathurs @bubbles-for-all-of-us  @andakth @chompchompluke  @willowbrookesblog
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'There is a distance between us. And I… I can't… I don't know how to fix it.'
A smile appeared on your face and your cheeks flushed, which still happened naturally whenever you saw Sihtric. 
His shirtless, muscular, scarred back was turned to you as he was staring outside, leaning one arm against the large window that overlooked his massive garden. You've been finding him at that same spot often lately, ever since the horrible fight at the party a few weeks ago. You'd catch him gazing into the distance, not really being aware of his surroundings, just like today. 
Sihtric never had much time to just do nothing and look at his backyard before, but now that he was not allowed to do any form of training because of his concussion, he found himself sitting or standing in front of the window for hours on end every day. He noticed there's all kinds of animals living in the woods, which he had claimed as his land when he bought the place. Together you've been seeing rabbits, a few badgers and a lot of squirrels. And Sihtric had completely lost his mind one morning when he saw two foxes strolling around. 
He had woken you up by shouting through the whole house as he came running to you, 'Babe! Babe! There's foxes! I have foxes on my land! Does that mean they are mine? Have you seen them, sweetie? Baby? Babe! Have you seen the foxes? Come! You have to wake up! Here,' he had taken out his phone and showed you the blurriest photo you had ever seen, 'look! There!' Sihtric pointed at a green blurry photo, which was the lawn you understood later. Apparently, in his surprise and shock upon seeing the foxes, he had grabbed his phone to snap a picture, but he also wanted you to see them for yourself, so he already started running to you while he captured the shot. But regardless, he was still proud of the horrible photo, that could've been anything, and at the time you thought he was simply the cutest thing in the world for just that.
You took off your shoes and coat and walked up to Sihtric, circling your arms around his bare waist, to which he left out a soft hum.
'Hey, tiger,' you murmured and kissed his back.
'Hey, baby', Sihtric spoke softly and glanced back over his shoulder to meet your eyes.
'How was your appointment? What did the doctor say?'
Sihtric looked back up, gazing at the lawn which was surrounded by a couple acres of woods. 
'It was fine, doctor says the recovery is going as expected.'
'That's so good to hear. And do you feel that too?'
'How are the symptoms?' you moved around him and leaned back against the window, letting him tower over you as he looked down into your eyes. 
Your fiancé was stunning, as always, but lately his eyes were always tired and it often seemed as if his focus wasn't really there. You knew it was because of his concussion, which had been very severe, so you were happy to hear he seemed to recover as he should.
'Not too bad,' Sihtric smiled and kissed your forehead, then he looked up again and stared outside.
'You sure, babe? No memory problems or extreme dizziness? Balance issues?' you looked up at him, trying to see something in his eyes that would tell you he was being truthful.
'Babe?' you tried again when he didn't seem to hear you.
'Hm? Y-yeah, honey, I don't mind,' he murmured, nodding slowly with his eyes fixated on the backyard, 'I haven't seen those foxes in a few days, almost as if they were never there. Have you seen them, baby?'
'I have, my love,' you reassured him and kissed his cheek.
His eyes were empty, and you had never seen the foxes.
Because there never were any foxes in his backyard.
Sihtric had been home for weeks now. He had his regular cleaning lady and people who took care of the garden, so you never had to worry about that. But one thing you both enjoyed doing yourself was cooking, which you did together each night if his schedule allowed it.
Naturally, the past few weeks Sihtric hadn't been up for it. He also wasn't even allowed to move around much, because his balance was off and he'd suddenly become very dizzy. He did like to keep you company when you made dinner and would sit near you at the kitchen island. But more than once you had seen him, without warning, tipping over with the barstool while still being seated on it, as his vision became blurry and everything started to spin. It would knock him down to the ground with whatever he was holding onto or sitting on at that time. Which made him very frustrated.
But Sihtric was also frustrated because he desperately wanted to make love with you. He knows how to please you and knows exactly what you like, he wanted nothing more than to give you pleasure, because you had been taking care of him lately, which hadn't been easy. But even intimacy had been more or less impossible, which frustrated you too of course. Sex had been off the table since that party. You had given him a blowjob several times, which would normally finish him off within minutes, but he just couldn't finish ever since his brain trauma. He couldn't focus on you, no matter how well you treated him, which frustrated him even more and, even if you knew it had nothing to do with you, it made you close off a little because it felt like you couldn't please him.
However, his condition seemed to improve slightly a few days ago, when he started to be more active again. And because he felt bad you had been doing so much for him, while he couldn't do anything to thank you, he said he'd make dinner tonight while you were to take a shower.
As his house was stupidly large, you couldn't hear what was going on downstairs in the kitchen as you took a shower upstairs. So when you came back, you were shocked to see the mess in the kitchen. Sihtric was down on the floor, cleaning up a pool of tomato sauce that had splattered all over the black marble tiles, the huge pot it had been in was right next to him. It looked like a crime scene and would have scared the hell out of you if it weren't for the fact you knew he was making pasta with tomato sauce.
'Sihtric?' when he looked up at you he was greeted by your big eyes, 'what happened here?'
'The fucking pot… I- I picked it up to move it to the table but it fucking slipped out of my hands.' 
He threw the cleaning rag with force onto the floor, groaned, and sat back against the kitchen island. 'So much for making you dinner,' he sighed and buried his face in his hands.
'That's okay, babe,' you crouched down next to him, 'we'll order a pizza.'
'Fine,' he sighed, 'just not from that place you ordered last time.'
You thought about the poor kid Sihtric had nearly challenged to a fight, so you agreed. You told him to pick a place and make an order while you cleaned up the spilled food, not knowing that Sihtric had never picked up the pot. He had simply been taken by extreme dizziness, brought off balance and stumbled backwards as he had tried to hold onto whatever was closest, which happened to be the pot full of hot sauce. But Sihtric wouldn't tell you. He didn't want you to know how bad his condition really was, or that the doctor had been seriously concerned about his lack of improvement.
And when you went to throw the dirty towels in the laundry upstairs, Sihtric smacked the back of his head repeatedly against the kitchen island he sat back at. Just to feel something, and to punish himself for getting a concussion that messed his life up in the first place. Which was also something he did everytime after you had pecked his lips and left him to stare out of the window. He'd quietly listen, making sure you had left, and would then use the window as his form of punishment, being smart enough about it to not get any bruises on his head that his hair couldn't hide.
The fight was only two weeks away now, and Sihtric had been bulking up to match the weight class for the upcoming fight. It had been months since the tomato sauce incident, and numerous things had happened afterwards, which Sihtric had been able to hide from you. He was also back to regular training in the evening, and you noticed it improved his overall mood. Intimacy had still been nonexistent, but you figured that was also partly because of his crazy training schedule. You had been worried when he went back to the gym at first, but knowing Uhtred and Finan kept an eye on him eased you.
Except that Uhtred and Finan were not aware that Sihtric was training again, because they knew the doctor's advice, and Sihtric had given them some time off because of that. The doctor had said that any form of training was simply a hazard, even now, as his condition was not improving the way it should have, and any form of intense physical activity could trigger his symptoms.
'So is the fight still on? Have you been cleared?'
'Yeah, everything's good,' Sihtric lied as he held you in his arms. His eyes fixated on the tv in the bedroom as he sat back against the headboard. You were texting with some friends while he was watching yet another episode of some medieval kingdom show he got hooked on a few weeks ago.
'Will you be there with me? At the fight?'
'Of course I will,' you smiled at him. 
Sihtric paused the tv after a moment and said he wanted you in his lap, to which you gladly obeyed.
'Only a kiss?' you smiled.
'You want to try a little more?'
'I'd like that. You?'
'Of course, baby. You know how horny I've been,' Sihtric chuckled lightly, 'I just… worry, you know, it may not go as smoothly. It's been a little while and… you know.'
'We'll just try and see how it goes? If you don't feel well at some point, you just have to say it. It's okay.'
'Are you sure? I mean, I don't want to disappoint you again,' Sihtric mumbled.
'You have never disappointed me.'
And it didn't take long before things, finally, got hot and heavy again. And Sihtric felt just as good as you remembered when you were riding him. He looked relieved and satisfied while he watched you as he was still sitting back against the headboard, his hands on your hips, his eyes looking you up and down.
'Is this good for you?' you asked in between heavy breaths, your hands on his shoulders.
'Yeah, baby, keep it going like that,' he rasped, 'gods, I've missed this, I've missed your body so much,' he rested his head back with a smile.
'Fuck, I've missed you too, Sihtric,' you moaned, 'and your body is so muscular, ah, fuck.'
'You like my body now?' he grunted with a smile.
'I've always like your body, babe, but it's even more delicious now,' you giggled as your hands trailed over his insanely toned chest, 'you're so big now. So hot and strong,' you moaned, 'I need you to flip me over with those arms, babe, please.'
Sihtric hummed and was quick to flip you on your back, underneath him, making you both to chuckle when he flexed his biceps a little for you. And you moved your hands slowly up from his warm wrists, over his veiny biceps to his broad shoulders. Enjoying his body being extra muscular right now.
'You better fuck me good this whole week,' you breathed heavy as your nails ran up and down his back, 'because I can't have you next week before your fight.'
'Fuck, I know, I know. Ah, baby,' he hissed when he felt your hands move up into his hair, touching the slight bruises he had from smacking his own head constantly when something went wrong. His pace suddenly became sloppy and his breathing became panicked before he abruptly pulled out.
'Sihtric?' alarmed at his sudden movements, 'baby? Are you okay?'
Sihtric froze, half on top of you, puffing hard and fast as a look of panic and confusion set on his face.
'Sihtric? Sihtric, say something!'
He struggled to speak and closed his eyes, groaning as if in pain. You immediately sat up and took his face in your hands, 'Sihtric!'
'I- don't… I don't feel well, baby,' he wheezed with strangled breaths, 'I'm… I'm sorry.'
'No, no,' you hushed him and forced him to lay down on his back, 'it's okay, my love, just… just take it easy, okay? Everything's alright. Do you want some water? Should I get you some water?'
'M-maybe,' his voice trembled along with his body.
'Okay, just lay down, don't move, honey. I'll be right back.' You made haste downstairs to the kitchen to grab a cooled bottle of water. 
In the meantime, Sihtric covered his face with his hands, dragging his fingers over his skin as he broke down in tears, of both anger and sadness. And, like he had been doing since the party, he couldn't stop inflicting harm upon himself, starting with one hard punch against his own head. Then another. And one more because he wasn't hurting yet, which led to more and constant smashing of his fists against the sides of his own head, while breathing hard and growling with rage, through his tears, at each punch. And that's how you found him when you had made your way back to the bedroom. 
Sihtric, one of the best fighters in the world, was a crying and trembling mess in your arms as you had held him all through the night. And he still wouldn't admit a single thing about the state of his condition.
The next day Sihtric could barely look at you. He felt ashamed for what had happened, and he felt awful for not being honest with you. But he was so close to his last fight now, so close to being done with that life and leaving it all behind, only to spend the rest of his life with you. Which was all he wanted. He also felt like he couldn't possibly come clean to you anymore now, after he had been lying about his health for nearly half a year. He was terrified you would leave him once you'd find out.
You knew he felt embarrassed about last night, after you had held him in your arms all night until he fell asleep. And when you woke up, he had already left the bed. You found him downstairs, staring out the window again. You once again snuck your arms around his shirtless waist and placed a kiss between his scarred shoulder blades.
'My love,' you whispered as you moved around him, trying to meet his eyes. Sihtric put his arms around you but he simply couldn't look down into your eyes. He looked tired. His face was pale with dark circles around his eyes. His gaze was completely empty while his dark, messy hair fell in his face as he looked down, away from you.
'Do you still want to be with me?' he asked quietly.
'What do you mean?' you frowned, placing your hands on his broad shoulders as you looked up at him. Sihtric sighed softly before he spoke.
'These past months,' he said, looking up, as if his next words would come to him from the ceiling, 'they have been shit, have they not? There is a distance between us. And I… I can't… I don't know how to fix it.'
'There is only a distance between us because you simply need time to heal up. Because clearly you are not healed yet. And I do not understand how on earth you have been cleared to fight in a few days. And I… I am terrified, Sihtric,' your voice started to tremble as your eyes teared up. You took his face in your hands and he finally met your eyes. 'I am so scared, baby. Of what will happen to you in that cage. What will happen if you take one punch to the face. And that is the only reason why there is a distance, if that's even the right word. You just can't do things the way you always used to or want to. It takes time to recover. And I know you worry about the intimacy problem. But babe, I am not going anywhere. Things will be fine again, you just have a lot going on. Don't worry about it. Don't worry about us,' you said and nuzzled his nose softly, 'we will always be fine. We will always be together, no matter what.'
'No matter what?' Sihtric asked, contemplating to just spill the truth now.
'No matter what. I promise.' You pushed his hair out of his face and got up on your tiptoes to kiss his forehead, 'I love you.'
'I love you too.'
You were so close to telling him that you knew about his plan. About how this fight would be his last. But you had been keeping that a secret for almost half a year now, you thought he would lose his trust in you by being able to keep something hidden from him for so long. So you decided not to tell him.
Later that day Sihtric was determined to still go to his gym and train. You asked him if he was sure it was a good idea, but he insisted. You kissed him goodbye and he went on his way. The gym he trained at was his own, so he never had to tell anyone if he was going there or not. Therefore Uhtred and Finan still had no idea that he was working out on his own for months already. No sparring partner, no coach, no one around if he would hit the floor when he got dizzy again. Which had happened on numerous occasions and happened again that night. He managed to get back up on his feet and took a shower, after which he collapsed, smacking his head against the floor and passed out.
You became anxious when Sihtric wasn't home by 10. He always made sure to be home before 10 so he'd have a few hours with you before going to sleep. You called and texted him but he didn't pick up nor replied. Not wanting to stress right away, you gave him another half hour. But then you got a text.
Sihtric: baby please don't freak out okay. I passed out in the gym. hit my head and I'm bleeding a little but it's just a cut eyebrow, nothing more, but it's a bruise. I will be home soon, I promise, I just feel a little dizzy
You immediately called him and, naturally, did freak out. You told him to not drive home, Uhtred or Finan should bring him home. But Sihtric lied and said they had already left and didn't want to bother them this late. He also wanted to drive home himself because he didn't want to leave his car behind at the parking lot. 
'Who cares about that stupid car!'
'Baby, it's a Bugatti Veyron! Cost me nearly 2 million!'
'You can easily afford a new one if someone steals it! I can't get a new you if you crash with that thing. I'm picking you up! With my peasant car!'
He knew better than to argue with that. 
When you found him, he looked even worse than he had done that same morning. It was true that he, somehow, got lucky and only had a cut eyebrow, which had already stopped bleeding by now. 
'Baby, please? please, take the Bugatti back,' he begged as you walked out of the gym to your car.
'No! I can't drive that thing, are you insane?'
'I'll be next to you, I can guide you. Babe, please,' Sihtric got down on his knees, 'baby, I beg you. Do not leave her here.'
'And what if someone steals my car here at night?'
'Surely no one is going to steal that thing.'
'Oh, okay. No need to worry then. My old Volkswagen is not good enough to get stolen, according to Sihtric Kjartansson, the world champion,' you mocked him.
'Do not taunt me right now!'
'Fuck!' you groaned, 'I'll fucking crash that thing!'
'You won't, I promise,' he got up from his knees and cupped your cheeks, 'I promise, baby, I'll tell you what to do. Please, honey?'
You already saw your life flashing by, but you agreed, just to make him happy.
'Thank you! Thank you, babe!' Sihtric pecked your lips quickly and searched his pockets for the keys. 
You got in the car, well, nearly fell in the car because it was so low, you wondered if you could ever get out of it again. Sihtric gave you a quick instruction as you started the sports car.
'Okay, easy,' Sihtric said, 'do not hit the gas like you-'
You put your feet on the gas, automatically hitting it like you usually do in your own car, while Sihtric tried to say something about hitting the gas.
'Baby, no!' Sihtric shouted as you almost hit the street while abruptly going 100. 
Sihtric immediately pulled the handbrake and held you back with his other arm to avoid you getting a whiplash. It all happened within 3 seconds, and all while you shrieked. You looked at each other with big eyes after the abrupt halt and you both started to laugh nervously.
'Don't… Don't do that again, babe,' Sihtric voice was trembling, 'this car goes from zero to hundred in two seconds. Fuck, baby,' he grabbed his chest, seeing if his heartbeat was still there, and he exhaled slowly.
'I-I'm sorry,' you trembled.
'I know, I know. Just… take it easy, okay? This car works a little differently than yours.'
You nodded, clearly startled as your face was deprived of colour.
'Oh, baby,' Sihtric sighed, feeling bad he made you drive his car, but there was no way he would leave 'his other baby' behind at that parking lot, 'come here, give me a kiss.'
He reassured you again, and you said you'd be more careful. Sihtric said he trusted you, but kept his hand resting on the car's handbrake the whole drive back.
Once back home, you told him to go to bed and get some rest. When he was asleep you emailed his doctor, telling him you want Sihtric to be checked on in the morning because of what had happened, and you said he was in no state to fight in a day.
Early next morning, you woke up because your phone rang. Sihtric's doctor, Aldhelm, had read your email and he wanted to come over immediately. You got dressed and not much later you welcomed Aldhelm and made him some coffee. And while Sihtric was still asleep, you were told that he had never been cleared to fight and was not even allowed to train, as his recovery was concerningly slow. You wept when you heard it and suddenly his behaviour the past months made sense. You told Aldhelm about everything that had happened and he said these were all symptoms that come with such a traumatic brain injury, but he didn't quite understand why Sihtric's recovery went so slow.
After a few hours you heard Sihtric come down the stairs. You excused yourself and ran to the hallway, wanting to warn Sihtric so hopefully he would not get angry when he'd see Aldhelm.
You walked up to him and wrapped your arms around him. He looked a little better than last night as there was more colour in his face again. You thought he still looked so handsome. His long hair pulled back into a bun and once again shirtless, as usual, because he knows you love to see him like that around the house. He was wearing black Venum sweatpants and black socks, but no flip flops. He thinks he lost them in the garden somewhere a few days ago and claims a fox probably got a hold of them. Truth was Sihtric had kicked them under the bed by accident and just didn't remember. And those foxes? They had been a hallucination, caused by his concussion and repeatedly harming himself.
'Hey, handsome,' you smiled weakly, hoping to not raise concern yet.
'Hey yourself,' Sihtric smiled back and pecked your lips, 'you're up early, bunny.'
'Yeah,' you said as Sihtric tried to walk past you, but you blocked his way, 'no, babe, wait.'
Sihtric frowned, 'is everything okay?'
'Yeah, but… please don't get mad.'
'What?' Sihtric chuckled lightly, 'mad about what?'
'Promise me you won't get mad, honey?'
'Is… is there something with my car?'
'What? No!' you slapped his chest, 'Sihtric, I… I'm sorry…'
'Y-you're scaring me, baby,' he said softly, 'what is going on?'
'You've been scaring me a lot too lately,' you whispered, 'I had no other choice. I… I know about everything, Sihtric. And know that I'm not mad. I'm just concerned.'
'I… I don't understand.'
You took his hand and pulled him into the living room, where he saw Aldhelm. 
And then he understood it all.
Uhtred, Finan, and everyone else of his team had been called to meet up that same morning. The house was packed, and you finally understood why on earth he needed a living room this big. Aldhelm, you and Sihtric explained everything to everyone. His team was shocked but they couldn't deny they understood his motives, yet Finan still called him a stupid runt and Uhtred said he was a dumb as he looked, but they still loved him. And so did you. And luckily, Sihtric still loved you all the same when you told him you had known about his retirement plan all along.
It had been a long and rough day, and tomorrow was the day of the fight.
'No more secrets, baby,' Sihtric whispered as he held you in his arms the night before, 'I promise.'
'No more secrets, I promise too,' you kissed his lips and asked if he had taken his medication. 
Yeah, his goddamn medication. Turns out that the fool that is your fiancé was supposed to be on medication for several months already, which would help with his sudden dizziness, headaches and the trembling. All this time he had been flushing them down the drain, because they made him feel sleepy, but kept getting restocks so it wouldn't cause alarm.
'I took them, I swear, my love,' he spoke the truth.
'Are you ready?' you asked Sihtric as you both stared at the octagon.
'Yeah,' Sihtric smiled and squeezed your hand, 'walk with me?'
'Of course. But you have to step into the cage on your own.'
'I know.'
You walked with him. Uhtred, Finan and Aldhelm followed closely behind. The arena was silent. Dead silent. The octagon was lit up with a bright spotlight, and inside, Sigtryggr was already pacing around the canvas as he stared at Sihtric. Sigtryggr had recovered rather well from the incident at the party, except for his nose. Sihtric had broken it so badly, it would never be fully straight again. But you didn't feel bad for him. The UFC officials looked at your fiancé as he closed in on the cage.
'You got this, babe,' you said as you held Sihtric's hands.
'Stay close?' Sihtric asked, cupping your cheeks, 'will you stay close, baby?'
'I will, I'll be right here.'
He kissed you gently and then turned to Uhtred, Aldhelm and Finan, who encouraged him. Sihtric gave you another kiss before he got on the stairs and made his way into the octagon. You watched how the fence door was closed behind him. 
Two beasts. Locked in a cage.
'I didn't think you'd show,' Sigtryggr said while Sihtric walked up to him.
'I am here, am I not?' Sihtric held his hands up and Sigtryggr did the same. A threatening energy lingered in the air as both men stared at each other for a long moment, you all held your breath.
And then they embraced.
'I'm sorry, man,' Sigtryggr said, 'I had too much to drink that night.'
'I'm sorry too,' Sihtric said, 'although I do not regret breaking your nose for the way you spoke about my girl.'
'I can accept that,' he laughed and then looked at you, 'I'm sorry, lady. For everything. I had no idea how bad it was until I got the call this morning.'
You smiled and gave him a quick nod. You appreciated the gesture but could not forgive him yet.
'Are you ready for this?' Sigtryggr asked. Sihtric nodded and walked over to a table that was set in the middle of the octagon. They sat down and read a bunch of paperwork in silence. Sigtryggr was quick to sign whatever he had just read, and you anxiously awaited what the deal was they offered them.
'If you sign this,' the UFC official said to Sihtric, 'you agree to pull out of the fight, which was set for tonight, due to health reasons beyond your control. Do you understand and agree?'
'Yes,' Sihtric said and put his signature down.
'Thank you,' the official said and gave the paper to his assistant, 'if you sign this form, you will agree to follow your doctor's orders strictly, to make your recovery as smooth and fast as possible. And also, since the incident happened at one of our events, you will receive the money you were supposed to earn with this fight within the next few weeks. A compensation for your troubles. Do you understand and agree?'
'Yes,' Sihtric said again and signed the paper.
'And this form,' the official showed Sihtric the last piece of paperwork, 'is your new deal. One fight with a maximum of five rounds, five minutes each, one year from today. And as this fight is highly anticipated, your fight money is upped to fifteen million, win or lose. Sigtryggr has been offered the same and already agreed. It is up to you now. You can refuse, leave with six million and retire after today, like we heard you planned on doing. Or you can sign this, leave with six million, have a whole year to prepare for the fight and earn fifteen million that night. Do you understand and agree?'
Sihtric looked at the paper in front of him and clenched his jaw. Then he turned to look back at you.
'Baby?' It was all he said, but you knew he was asking your permission to take the deal.
'Tell me yes or no, do you know the truth about the foxes in the backyard?' you asked. Everyone frowned lightly and some people murmured, but Sihtric smiled at you.
You smirked slightly and Sihtric knew you had given your answer. Sihtric puckered his lips to you and blew a kiss, before turning back to sign the contract. Everyone in the octagon shook hands and Sihtric was quick to make his way back over to you. And as if he had won the fight, he picked you up again, kissed you and walked out of the empty arena with you in his arms.
'But what about your contract termination?' you suddenly remembered.
'That was a deal with a boxing company,' Sihtric said, 'and that contract will be terminated at midnight. I am not going back to boxing.'
'But… you still fight next year?' you frowned.
'Yes,' Sihtric smiled, 'because I signed a contract with UFC for this fight, a completely different company, my love.'
'So you have a year to get fixed up? Is that enough?'
'More than enough. With the medication and proper rest I should be good as normal within a month or two.'
'So will you finally be home for a few weeks and do nothing at all? Like you should have done in the first place?'
'I will, I promise,' Sihtric chuckled as he put you back on your feet when he reached his car, 'you'll get a little taste of what your life will be like with me after next year.' He winked and kissed your cheek.
'You mean I get to see domestic Sihtric?' you taunted, to which he rolled his eyes with a smile.
'Domestic… yes, my love,' he knew it was best to just agree and opened the car door for you.
'And what about husband Sihtric?' you asked as you got in the over expensive sports car again. Sihtric shrugged with a grin and closed your door. You watched him walk over to the driver side and kept staring at him as he sat down behind the wheel.
'What about him?' he asked and cupped your cheeks.
'When will I see him?' you chuckled and felt yourself blush.
'I was thinking within the next few weeks maybe?'
'You want to plan a whole wedding in only a few weeks? Your concussion is worse than I thought.'
'No,' Sihtric chuckled lightly and pecked your lips, 'I don't want a big wedding. Unless you do, baby. But I… I just want you. With me. Just us,' he looked into your eyes with his own mismatched pair and smiled softly, 'what if we just elope? And throw a small party sometime when I'm fully healed? Would you want that? Would you be okay with that?'
'But where would we go?'
'I don't know,' Sihtric shrugged, 'where would you want us to get married, bunny?'
'Well,' you chuckled and rolled your eyes, 'I always dreamt of getting married in Hawaii, but you know…'
'What do I know?' he smiled and bit down on his lip.
'It's insane,' you laughed, 'so expensive. Maybe for our honeymoon eventually?'
'Yeah, okay. I understand,' Sihtric clicked his tongue and started the car, revving the engine just to spook Finan as he walked past the car, which caused the Irish man to flip you both off when he saw you laughing.
Sihtric took you home where you celebrated his new deal. With pizza, not from that place, and some alcohol free cider while watching Toy Story. Sihtric cuddled you until you fell asleep in his arms in the middle of Toy Story 2, and then carried you to bed and tucked you in.
After that he booked a one way flight to Hawaii for the two of you, and he remembered he had to search for that ugly Hawaiian blouse he had that you hate so much, so he could wash it in time before your flight, which was in two days.
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seaskate · 2 months
I know that it's been theorized who from the ada is going to the PM because of the deal and everyone has been drawing parallels and ideas on who it could be, but one thing that I dont see may people looking at is behavior.
Personally I think that it will be Dazai that will go, he's the logical choice and would act as the best bridge between the ada and the pm, especially since Kunikida was named to become the next president and Dazai is his partner, so if Dazai were to go back and become boss at some point then that relationship is already there and is better than Mori's and Fukuzawa's from the start.
There has been a lot of points made about Dazai not being with the Agency when they are all gathered together (like that one manga panel or the party after the Guild or Kyouka's party) and how he appears more with or parallels Mori more in the intro than before (all of which is true) but we dont talk enough about how his behavior had been changing since episode one.
Dazai in episode one was only serious for maybe a small handful of seconds of screentime during the tiger debacle in the warehouse, when no one else was around to see. We can easily assume that home acting like a class clown happened more often than not from the way that he acts in the series. However, ever since the introduction of Atsushi and the Port Mafai in the series, Dazai has been slowly acting more serious than before.
In the first season alone, He sets it up so that the Azure Poet is killed and doesnt show any emotion when Kunikida tells at him for it. He bugs Higuchi and listens in on her and then basically goads Akutagawa into declaring war. Small instances, but close together.
When the Guild came there were more. There was the Q incident at the train where he all but threatened to kill the child and then slapped Atsushi out of a panic attack (which pain is actually one of the easier ways to remove someone from a panic attack, which is why people often dig in their nails or snap bands at their wrist when they feel one coming, but that's another argument to be had) which was effective but anyone else in the ada would have attempted another method. There was the Moby Dick and how he acted with Akutagawa there. And the meeting between the Ada and the pm where Dazai talked about war strategy. He blew up Lovecraft and allowd Chuuya to kill countless Guild hired guns when they ambushed him during that same instance.
None of those actions were things that someone at the ada likely would have done before the current arc. But now Dazai is continually acting in such away more often. Acting less like a detective and more like a mafioso.
He's relying on the mafia more often too.
Dazai had gone two years without any mafia contact while at the Agency, but now he's going to art museums with Hirostu and met with Akutagawa in the woods. That's not counting Chuuya and how they have worked together three times now in as many months, if you count Dead Apple, this current time in which Mori even helped with the fake vampire teeth. Not only that, but Dazai still calls Chuuya his partner. Not former partner, current.
Dazai dances on a fine line between good and evil, even as he believes in neither, but if it means that he could save those that he’s come to care for then he doesn’t hesitate to cross it (murder isn’t exactly condoned at the Agency, yet that’s exactly what he did to Fyodor - I know that he came back, but still - and has set up for Chuuya to do to those that had stood in their way since reuniting. Like the prison guards). Mori - who still has the executive seat waiting for Dazai to reclaim it, and had told Oda four years ago that Dazai would likely be boss in a few years time - knows this.
Yosano thought that this deal was a ploy for Mori to get her back, but she wasn’t the only child that he lost to the Agency. If we adds this to the paraless in the opening that exist and the fact that Dazai had been acting more and more like the Demon Prodigy with each season, Chuuya, and his place as an executive, it wouldn’t be surprising if he was the one chosen.
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gracegrove · 1 year
Steve and Billy walking home drunk from a party when they cut through the park.
They start messing around on the playground and eventually end up trying to use the swings. Steve tries to sit down and leans out too far and falls on his ass laughing in a heap. Billy's dying.
"You're shit faced Harrington! Ain't gonna happen!" Billy whoops in between giggles.
Steve stumbles to his feet, "I can do it! Not like you can!" Billy snorts, grabbing the chains and taking a seat. "Wanna fuckin bet?"
He gets about two full swings in before the dizziness catches up with him, and he has to drag his heels to a sudden stop before the world spins completely off it's axis and flips his stomach beyond it's return.
Steve snickers. "Shuddup." Billy pouts kicking the wood chips. "Hey...." Steve elbows him, "I dare you to try that swing." Billy follows Steve's pointed finger to the toddler swing, with the leg holes.
Billy glowers back at Steve, "you're twisted." Steve smirks, giving Billy an unsettling shove on the swing. "Wassa matter? Fraid that fat ass won't fit???" Steve makes to walk away. Uncaring. Hips swaying and feet unsteady. Billy's nose wrinkled in but a seconds contemplation before he pushed out of his seat and grabbed the new perch.
"Wash n' learn P' boy." Billy slurred, slapping a fat palm against the boy's chest. He grabbed the toddler seat, hoisting in a leg through the seat. It was a tight squeeze, but he wasn't going to let Steve have this tonight. Oh no. This was gonna be his prize tonight even if it was the dumbest thing on his shelf of accomplishments. Hopping on one foot, he grabbed the chain, lifting and shimmying. Yes shimmying his other leg into the tiny bucket seat. Halfway in and it was beyond snug. Pinchingly tight. He might get bruises from this.
Leaning on the swing set pole, Steve watched, "how's it going tiger?" "Fuck you!" Billy snapped with a grunt as he shifted his hips side to side. He was close. So close. With one more good wiggle and then -! Whump! He was in. Fully seated. Steve threw his head back howling, grabbing his sides in stitches. Billy knew he'd get far on determination but didn't actually think this would happen. He was frozen like possum caught in baited trap. The mental processing was on a delay.
"Christ Billy, you should see yourself!" Steve cried, wiping his eyes. Billy shot him a look of sheer hatred, "son of a bitch." He gave the seat a hearty tug, straining and pushing. Groaning and whining pitifully as it clung to him. "The fuck am I supposed to do now Harrington!?!" Billy's voice cracked in desperation.
Steve was doubled over on himself, wheezing.
Just then, red and blue lights lit up the dark park.
"The hell are you two knuckle draggers doin!?" Hopper asked, flashlight pointed from his Chevy Blazer.
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bucketspammer4life · 1 year
☆ how the boxers were as children ☆
Hey besties, sorry for dissapearing i was busy decaying, enjoy my cringe ass writing
Glass Joe
- Really sleepy & an edgelord, he was the kid that had hair covering the side of his face in middle school
- his parents always said that he wouldnt really be able to take up boxing due to him being a natural coward, jokes on them Joe isnt scared to get hurt (physically)
- loved reading old writing, especially gothic literature, he has a soft spot for dark writing
- wrote cringy edgy poems about every crush he had, his parents sometimes pull them out to torment him
- tried to start his own band, failed miserably
- still attached to his edgelord phase very much
- if he was a teen during the 2000-2010's he def would have a edgy wolf oc and a Deviantart account
Von Kaiser
- sickly victorian child + little german boy hybrid
- his parents always spoke with permission so he also started copying them, leading to him always interrupting people by saying "can i ask something?"
- had that one little german boy outfit, along with the huge ass lollipop and dumb hat, anytime someone pulls out his childhood pictures he prays they dont whip out those photos or he will get bullied recklessly
- NEVER EVER cursed until the wonderful age of 15 when he yelled out the word "fuck" after dropping a wrench on his foot, his dad wasnt even upset he was more concerned because holy fuck his child dropped a wrench on their foot
- got sick really often, he was out here being asked to be taken out into the garden one last time before you all posers
Disco Kid
- that one kid who had a really cool dad that let him do anything as long as he didnt blow up the house
- Really creative, writing up stories with pictures, his grammar wasnt really the best (along with his writing) so his parents had to read "the addventours off the brince" and hold in their laugh
- He was the kid who performed an entire ass dance choreography to get your parents to accept the sleepover invite
- got introduced to Disco music by his dad, got obsessed with it instantly and started dancing everywhere
King Hippo
- ate glue
- never spoke with anyone, Just beat up anyone picking on him and no one messed with him ever since
- people just gave him paper to eat, fresh with colored pencils
- liked to play make believe with his plushies
Piston Hondo
- He let you copy off his homework, i think that tells you enough
- everyone only recognized him for being a smart ass, not being creative and that really upset him
- played chess a whole lot, joined tournaments and won some medals
- academic burnout hit him like a train
- for a while, art and writing was his only escape from stress & pressure, he journaled about his feelings and drew his soul out, due to this he struggled to express his feelings without words
Bear Hugger
- chased everyone around with a spider then ate it, he was so evil for what
- never actually went to school, his parents lived out in the woods and homeschooled him since no one likes walking 2-3 hours straight just to suffer in a seat
- He always had a interest in animals, him and mrs bear go are childhood friends, mrs bear met him when she was a cub, due to this he got spared by mrs bears mom and suddenly had a 2nd mom, once his family realized that their son got adopted by a bear, they kindly let the bears in and treated it like it was normal
- loved fishing with mrs bear, he taught her how to use a rod and she taught him how to catch fish with his bare hands
Great Tiger
- so called "self sufficient" When he was just used to being alone and kinda accepted the fact he'll never have proper friends
- created the most batshit insane scenarios with his clones that would make the average hollywood movie maker shed tears, these gems include: divorce, murder, crime, assault and tea parties
- talked to himself a whole lot to the point where his parents took him to a therapist
- never really made friends, Just made himself his own friend
Don Flamenco
- oh no.
- his dad basically hated him, insulted him a whole lot, made fun of him, literally just made him insecure, when he got the opportunity to escape his dad by boxing, he took it without hesitation and got out of there
- was never really home, he was always out with friends to avoid his dad back at the house
- emotional stability? Who needs that when you can ignore your problems?
- people pleaser no matter what he says
Aran Ryan
- greasy ass bitch
- his parents didnt teach him shit, you think tigers parents didnt care about him? They'll look like helicopter parents next to them when they see what aran has going on
- had bad hygiene, only learned to shower and take care of himself in the 5th grade, thanks to that and his name, my boy got bullied and developed his behavior to defend himself from people
- Always ran from school & home, he had a hide out from away from home and a bit close to school to escape whenever he had the chance, he always dissapeared for a few weeks (sometimes months) and nobody really went looking for him, either from knowing he'll return sometime or they just dont care enough
Soda Popinski
- lonely, him and tiger are the difference between feeling lonely vs being alone, he doesnt handle loneliness well
- grew up with his grandpa & his stories, always loved listening to them and copied him whenever he wanted to tell a story
- never had a proper social life due to having to take care of his grandpa + him getting concerned about soda whenever he was out for too long
- spent most of his time crying from loneliness, away from him
Bald Bull
- precious!!! Was really shy and had a rounder face that everyone in his family pinched like crazy
- extremely sensitive & emotional (he still is hes just bottling it up shh)
- stuttered a lot, think about that one "have you ever had a dream you could you can't you would you you could be anything" kid
- was really short and just shot up one day
- scaredy cat, could be scared from anything, including: bugs, darkness, thunder, needles, sharp stuff, blood, death and alcohol (he also still gets scared easily but shh shut up)
- Always snored in his sleep, inherited it from his dad
Super Macho Man
- obsessed with sharks, dinosaurs, trucks and cars, basically got obsessed with anything he found cool
- his parents spoiled the living fuck out of him, no dime left unspent on him, no quarter spared
- Always lied about having something at the playground, sure Macho i trust the fact that you have "every dinosaurs teeth" 100% never doubted you for a second
- his parents love language was money so it got passed down to him, they were just throwing money at him and fucking off
Mr Sandman
- oldest child in his family, has 4 siblings and loves them all very much, had to help his mom & dad take care of them since they were a handful
- started boxing early so he was never in school that often unless it was 99% neccessary
- slept a lot thanks to him being tired constantly from rushing around
- knows how to do hair & make up from his younger sister
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notmozzi · 1 year
hii legoskii i was wondering if we could see more of evil kiriko smut .. 😞😞😞
Villain!Kiriko x Reader (NSFW)
A/N: sorry for the wait! been busy, but hope this will suffice :)
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It was a calm, cool night- just half an hour past midnight. You’d been attending the yearly Fox Festival in Kanezaka with a group of friends, primarily to see the fireworks. And on your way home, you’d decided to stop for a drink at a bar. A simple, single glass. Something light. Why not?
However, in return, you ended up finding great interest in the dance floor, and in no time you were partying along with others around your age, letting yourself unwind. The night had still been young, after all. And you’d always liked to dance. Plus, being surrounded by complete strangers made it better!
But then, you saw her. She wasn’t dancing, she was watching from a distance. Leaning against the bar with a small glass of bourbon in one hand. Dressed in all black, with her button-up being unbuttoned enough to expose her collarbone and everything above it. You’d barely made out a thin, silver chain around her neck, glistening under the distant lights of the dance floor. She had also been smoking what you’d assumed was a cigarette, but later learned was just a thin cigar. How classy.
You’d noticed her after taking a break to catch your breath, having planned to return to the fun for a few more songs after the following one ended. But…you’d gotten a little tipsy. And seeing this attractive young woman eyeing you like a tiger in the woods made your confidence spike a couple notches.
It hadn’t taken you long to get shy around her, though. She’d held herself up very well, and her voice was extremely weakening, god. Not to mention how tall she was, how she looked at you, and how confident, coy and witty she was. Everything about her practically screamed powerful.
A conversation had quickly sparked, flirtations thrown in the mix, and the woman eventually revealed to you that she owned the place. She’d invited you to the back to show you proof, among other things, and as you’d grown more comfortable around her, she’d grown more…intimate. Nothing to make you uncomfortable, of course. Just subtle touches that gradually got bolder.
Then, standing before one another in silence, Kiriko eventually sensed that you two wanted the same thing. She set her cigar down onto a nearby ashtray, yet as you two neared a kiss, the woman briskly pulled away, quietly informing you who she was. An utter of her full name, and nothing more.
And this had instantly alerted you. Kiriko Kamori was easily Kanezaka’s most notorious vigilante. A thief, a manipulator, and most of all- a killer.
Millions of questions ran rampant. One of which being; how in the hell did Kiriko own an entire bar? And why? Simple. She went by another name. Kiriko Yamagami. Well. Yamagami, for short.
“I don’t really tell people my first name.” Kiriko huffed, a vague cloud of smoke ghosting from her nostrils as she put the cigar back to her lips. “I mean, no reason for them to know, right? It’d only be a risk.” A smirk made its way onto her face as she took another drag. “More so for them.”
As for the “why,” Kiriko simply enjoyed having an excuse to unwind. Owning a bar wasn’t necessarily difficult for her. She could also use the steady income, even if she was already a thief.
Learning all of this had, of course, stunned you. This woman wasn’t just well-known, but she was feared. You’d never seen her before this, obviously, but the news had made her capabilities pretty obvious. She was strong, unafraid to kill, quick, and absolutely out for blood.
And yet, by the time you two were alone in a closed-off, secluded room, sexual tensions were too high to ignore. You felt your heart tugging for you to just pounce, and looking into that woman’s dangerously attractive eyes, you simply couldn’t find a bone within you that even wanted to run. All you wanted was her. Maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe it was your raging attraction to women. Either way, you didn’t care.
And Kiriko sensed this, too. It only took about three minutes of small talk before things grew intimate again; and this time, Kiriko didn’t hold back. Having finished her cigar, she simply tossed it to the floor and let it air out, approaching you with a predatory glint in her eyes. You felt helpless in the most addicting way possible as she brought a hand to your chest, pressing you firmly against the nearest wall as her lips crashed against yours.
And that’s how you ended up here. Grinding against her while she watched.
The room was dimly lit by the warm, orange hue of the surrounding LEDs. A mini-bar sat in one corner of the room, but most space was taken up by a large, maroon-colored couch. The fancy furniture surrounded a glass roundtable in the center of the room, and atop said table stood two unfinished glasses of bourbon, along with an ashtray. This was a lounge dedicated to only a few people- a lounge dedicated to sheer, absolute privacy and comfort. And that level of privacy was something you definitely needed.
Straddling Kiriko’s lap with your knees pressed against the couch, a drawn out, high-pitched whine fell past your lips as you needily ground your hips down against hers. Smiling up at you with a coquettish hum, the vigilante brought her hand up to your clothed sex, gingerly pressing three digits against your clit and eliciting another whine from you.
Delightful shivers ran down your spine, and sparks of pleasure exploded within you from the point of contact. Eager for more, you pressed back into her, attempting to create more friction. And with nothing more than a chuckle, Kiriko simply watched you work your way to climax against her, her eyes dark with lustrous thrill.
“Yeah,” her voice was low, her tone laced with hunger, almost as if she were holding herself back from what else she wanted to do to you. “That’s my girl.”
Every word she spoke fueled a fire of need within you. Feeling her hands at your hips, her hips beneath yours, and most of all, her eyes dead-set on you- it was exhilarating. You were getting wetter and wetter every time you made eye contact with her, everytime you felt her.
Kiriko began gingerly rubbing circles over your clit with a thumb, feeling wetness through your clothes as you continued to ride her. It was almost embarrassing, how willing you were to cum for this woman even if it meant fully clothed. But that look in her eye was beyond alluring. And she had this dangerous edge to her voice; it was intimidating yet turned you on to an embarrassing extent.
Suddenly, Kiriko put slightly more pressure against your clit, causing your hips to jolt and a sharp moan to elicit from you. Your breathing became ragged as you struggled to keep your movements consistent. Still rutting, your mouth was slightly ajar as weak, desperate sounds fell from you.
“You like that?” Kiriko purred, watching closely as your face scrunched up in that cute way it always does when you’re close. Taking a shuddering breath, you couldn’t find the ability to respond to her coherently; you instead continued to grind, your hands clinging desperately onto each of Kiriko’s shoulders as your movements grew feverish.
“Bad girl. I think you do.”
Kiriko sat back against the cushions, her hands now guiding your hips and encouraging you to speed up, which you enthusiastically did. As you began further pressing her into the cushions, she couldn’t help tilting her head back, letting out a low groan at the sensation. She absolutely loved it- having such a needy girl like you sitting in her lap and using her to get off. Hearing your sweet little sounds as she touched you; seeing you submit.
With a growl, Kiriko suddenly bucked up into you, making you gasp.
“F-fuck…” you panted, burying your face into the crook of her neck, “…m’gonna….sshhhittt-“
Kiriko didn’t respond right away, gripping your hips tighter as she continued guiding the movement of your hips. Your heavy breathing and sounds of pleasure began to fill the air. Yours specifically, but Kiriko was beginning to let herself loose as well. You were both grateful that the music outside was as loud as it was.
“You’re so- mm- so needy…” Kiriko groaned softly, a coy laugh audible in her tone. You could see her cheeks go crimson as she began to pleasure herself as well- bucking up into you. The sight made you gush. “You’re cute like this,” she opened her eyes for a moment and looked up to watch you, chuckling a bit when you looked back with those wide, hazy eyes, “you know that?”
The praise, and she knew it, made you weak. You felt like you were truly hers, and not just in a possessive way. The way she touched you tenderly and took her time with you got you all sorts of hot and bothered. And so you whimpered into her neck, too shy to respond with words, but hoping the wet kiss you pressed against her throat would suffice.
And it definitely had. You immediately heard her sigh pleasantly at the touch, and curiously, you did it again, this time adding a graze of your tongue.
“…Mmm…keep doing that.” Kiriko murmured, her eyes closing once more. One of her hands reached up to rest on the back of your neck, gently pushing your face closer, “Do that again, sweetheart.”
The petname made heat shoot straight to your clit, but the command itself brought a small smirk to your lips. She likes that, huh?
Dutifully, you began to leave vague hickies anywhere you could along the side of Kiriko’s neck. Your teeth skimmed over the soft flesh just under her jaw, but closer to her shoulders you were sure to leave darker marks. The pleased sigh and occasional, low moan that escaped the vigilante with each bite sent shivers up your spine. She went from holding onto your neck to gently tugging your hair, whispering small praises like “just like that” or “you’re so good at this, Y/N” into your ear. Eager to continue pleasing her, you continued travelling down to her collarbone, bringing a slightly hesitant hand up to unbutton the rest of her shirt.
She let you, smirking all the while. As you began to reveal more and more skin, Kiriko helped you out by sitting up straight for just a moment. You let out a frustrated noise as you were forced to stop your movements, sitting up as well to see what she was up to.
The sight of Kiriko taking off her button-up was definitely going to be fantasy fodder for a long time after tonight. She slowly unbuttoned the remainder of her shirt and slipped the garment off, tossing it into a random corner of the lounge. This revealed her lean shoulders and arms, a simple black bra, and a toned, toned, stomach. By no means was Kiriko buff, but she was definitely fit.
Kiriko quickly noticed your staring, bringing her hands back to your hips.
“Like what you see?”
Despite the deep blush blossoming on your face, you were shameless. Breathlessly, you murmured back, “Yeah, I do.” You paused to keep admiring her body, lewdly wondering how it would feel to have her towering over you.
“Take off your shirt for me.” A sudden command. You looked back up to find her staring right at you, hunger lacing her expression. You honestly struggled to respond right away. But there was nothing to be said, based on the look on her face. She wasn’t asking.
You did as she requested, crossing your arms over your head and pulling your top off. You tossed it in the same direction Kiriko had tossed hers, and when you looked back at her, you knew what she wanted next, her smirk making it painfully obvious. You took off your bra quickly, undoing the clasp with ease and letting it fall onto Kiriko’s lap. Kiriko watched it fall, deciding to throw it elsewhere herself this time, before taking in every inch of your now-half-naked form. Very, very slowly.
“So pretty,” she murmured affectionately, her hands caressing your sides, “such a pretty girl.”
You shivered, your head falling forward little ways as a shaky sigh fell from you. Eagerly, you let your eyes slowly fall closed, your body tingling with each little touch Kiriko made upon your sensitive body.
You knew, based on the hungry look in her eyes and the gentleness of her touch, that Kiriko was going to take very good care of you.
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More Broadway Songs that Remind me of Movies/Books/TV Shows
inspired by specific characters, scenes, vibes, or something in between
The Secret History
“Totally F*cked”— Spring Awakening
“Memory”— Cats
“Cell Block Tango”— Chicago
“Nature Boy”— Moulin Rouge
Too Late to Turn Back”— Bonnie and Clyde
“Someone Else’s Skin”— Catch Me if you Can
“Contact”— RENT
The Owl House
“Alyssa Greene”— The Prom
“Electricity”— Billy Elliot
“Human Stuff”— The Little Mermaid
“So Much Better”— Legally Blonde
“I Say No”— Heathers
“Giants in the Sky”— Into the Woods
“Raise You Up/Just Be”— Kinky Boots
“Naughty”— Matilda
“Good kid”— the Lightning Thief
“Unruly Heart”— the Prom
“Changing my Major”— Fun Home
“Does Anybody Have a Map?”— Dear Evan Hansen
“Before the Breakdown”— We Are the Tigers
“I See Stars”— Mean Girls
“Green Green Dress”— Tick, Tick… Boom
Good Omens
“The Games I Play”— Falsettos
“When your Feet Don’t Touch the Ground”— Finding Neverland
“Don’t Break the Rules”— Catch me if You Can
“Being Alive”— Company
“Telephone Wire”— Fun Home
“Til him”— the Producers
“Therapy”— Tick, Tick… Boom
“Goodbye Until Tomorrow/ I Could Never Rescue You”— the Last Five Years
If We Were Villans
“Mattie’s Lament”— We Are The Tigers
“Backstage Romance”— Moulin Rouge
“I never miss my mark”— A Killer Party
“Costume party”— Come From Away
“God I hate Shakespeare”— Something Rotten!
“Your fault”— Into the Woods
75 notes · View notes