#Tiger Maize
peptechbio · 1 year
Maize (Zea mays), often referred to as the "Queen of the Cereals," holds a significant position as one of the world's most crucial food, forage, and industrial crops. It boasts the highest yield per hectare among all cereal crops, making it a vital global commodity. Maize serves primarily as a source of human nutrition, with its grains ground into flour for bread production. Additionally, it plays a pivotal role in animal agriculture, serving as essential poultry and cattle feed. To thrive in a field, maize crops necessitate specific conditions for nutrition and protection. Maize, a tropical plant, thrives in warm and humid climates, adapting to diverse conditions across tropical and temperate regions worldwide.
To delve deeper into the journey of Maize cultivation: From Seed to Harvest Success, we invite you to explore our latest blog post by clicking on the link below:
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thecupidwitch · 12 days
Sun Magick
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What Is A Sun Magick?
The Sun (also called Sol) is the one and only star in our solar system. Throughout the time almost every culture has worshiped the Sun as either a God or Goddess. Ancient Shamans used the power of the sun to heal the mind. The Sun is associated with life, health and healing. The light of guidance and illumination is an important magickal symbol. Solar energy helps you center in your own power, like the center of the solar system. Planet Earth orbits around the Sun. Other bodies that orbit the Sun include other planets, asteroids, meteoroids, comets and dust. Generally, the primary stellar body around which an object orbits is called its "sun", and stars in a multiple star system are referred to as the "suns" of bodies in that system.
Associated deities: Aditi, Ah Kinchil, Ama-Terasu, Apollo, Aten, Brighid, Dhatara, Frey, Helios/Sol, Itzamna, Lucifer, Mithra, Mystere, Nitten, Paiva, Ra, Savitar, Apollo
Colors: Orange, amber, gold, yellow, red
Animals: Lion, Sparrowhawk, Griffin, Hawk, Bees
Incense: Cinnamon, clove, pine, citrus, Benzoin, Pine, Frankincense, Labdanum, Olibanum
Crystals: Sunstone, Goldstone, Ruby, Carnelian, Amazonite, Citrine, Tiger's Eye, Golden Topaz, Fire Agate
Sun Associations: Success, Empowerment, Ambition, Enlightenment, Goals, Generosity, Spirituality, Male energy, Health, Vitality, The Gods, Joy, Freedom, Leadership, Matters of the heart, Creativity, Friendship, Growth, Personal fulfillment, Self confidence, Wealth, Individuality, Pride, Energy, Power
Plants and Herbs: Sunflower, calendula, marigold, daylily, orange, citron, saffron, pine, mistletoe, rosemary, buttercup, heliotrope, bay laurel, daisy, walnut, acorn, maize, wheat, hops, cloves, cinnamon
Sun Phases
when the sun wakes up and peers over the horizon. This phase is all about new beginnings, changes, health, employment, renewal, resurrection and finding the right direction.
The Morning
the sun is growing in strength, so it brings the magical power for growth, positive energy, resolutions, courage, harmony, happiness, strength, activity, building projects and plans, prosperity and expansion of ideas.
High Noon
When the sun reaches its peak in the sky at midday – work magic for health, physical energy, wisdom and knowledge. It is also a good time to pop your tools or crystals out that need charging. (Note: some crystals can fade in strong sunlight so check first before putting them out).
This is a time to work in your communication, clarity, travel, exploration and professional matters
As the sun takes itself off down below the horizon, work magic for removing depression, stress and confusion, letting go, releasing or finding out the truth of a situation.
Sun Water
Sun water is very similar to moon water. But rather than being charged by the moon, it’s charged by the sun. Sun water can be especially useful for helping boost the energy of a spell, to help an intention grow, and to cleanse.
Get a glass bottle
Fill it with any type of water.
Leave the bottle with water out in the sunlight or shade (indirect sunlight) during any time of day and for your preferred amount of time.
Tip Jar
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teratocrat · 5 months
When I first came to Ajax, when I stepped out of the red-and-yellow shuttle to plant my feet in the planet's sand, what I noticed before anything else was how pale the buildings are. On Mars, even in the warmest and most equatorial provinces, human habitation is universally black (or its best approximation), built from fulcrete and basalt and painted wood, to absorb the warmth of the sun against the bitter cold. On Ajax, far closer to its sun than Mars or even Earth, and with its 39-hour days, they must build for the opposite, towers of white or reflective silver with burrowed basements and sub-basements and sub-sub-basements underneath. The Ajactes live in cities the color of bone. The second thing I noticed, the thing that probably any other person would notice first, was the surfeit of salt in the air. I noticed this because it stung my eyes, like the threat of tears. As it happens, Ajax's oceans are significantly more saline than Earth's or Emieni's, and even its topsoil is a kind of hardpan composed of sand and dust cemented in a salt matrix. For the first several centuries of its habitiforming, it hosted an extremely carefully managed tight ecosystem of halophilic algae, bacteria and lichen painstakingly shipped from Earth and Mars, fed upon by a few species of brine shrimp. Gradually, the Hesperides introduced more species as the previous ones found their foothold: turtleweed and saltbush and cordgrasses, periwinkles and blue crabs and flamingos, suites of genetically-modified mangroves whose knees whistled in the morning and evening hours, bananas and maize and halotolerant rice. Most recently (within the last two hundred and fifty years) the Ajax Planetary Authority had grown increasingly bold and experimental: a breed of sheep brought out of cryogenic vaults on Old Earth to eat the masses of seaweed that washed ashore around the Southernmost Continent, whitetail deer both to manage the turtleweed scrubland that was covering the northern half of the Great Continent and to provide a stable meat source more robust than flamingos and periwinkles, a kind of gopher tortoise/diamondback terrapin hybrid that had proved encouragingly robust in the prairies of Mars, and even tigers to laze about in the shade of the forests that bordered saltmeadows full of bounding deer. All the Ajactes I spoke to seemed both personally invested in and extraordinarily proud of these tigers, showing me images and videos on their utility wedges, and several of the state television channels would cut away to live feeds of the animals sleeping or bathing their cubs or stalking prey.
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fairyhaos · 1 year
seventeen and being in a corn maze
how well i think svt will be able to navigate through a corn maze
notes: tbh i think i'm wonwoo. 'maize maze' is actually hilarious okay.
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makes it a competition to see who can come out of the maze the fastest. intentionally booked it during the day, bc there was no way he was going to risk going in the evening and scaring himself to death while surrounded by stalks of corn. zooms through the maze like he's the flash or something, only encounters one member (hansol, who looks extremely lost) before he manages to escape in just under 2 hours. makes sure to greet every member that comes out after him to tell them that he won
goes in, like, 5 times. he keeps pretending to go in before just walking back out again, and poor junhui has to be the one to eventually walk all the way back to the maze entrance, grab jeonghan's hand, and physically drag him through the first few turns of the maze, bc seungcheol insisted that everyone had to take part in this competition. is terrible at escaping mazes, tells junhui they should just give up. starts singing really obnoxiously about how they're all gonna die here and how this really was a bad idea and he should have just stayed at home. even so, he n junhui end up being the 4th and 5th people to leave the maze, only bc junhui was so excited to escape (and everyone else was so terrible) 
probably one of the most chill about the maze. was saddled with seokmin bc the younger man was way too scared to enter the maze by himself. is the one that tells all of them as they're entering the maze that if they just stick together they could make it out of the maze super quickly and all at once… no one listens to him. holds seokmin's hand the entire time; reassures him every few minutes that they will manage to escape the maze eventually n they won't be stuck here forever. strolls super casually through the maze like they're taking a walk in the countryside, which they basically are. that is, until his hay fever starts to be activated (by corn, of all things) and so he has to start hurrying along to get out of the sneeze maze
was almost going to beat seungcheol before jeonghan sent them all a photo of him still standing at the entrance. was told to go back to the beginning and retrieve their second eldest member bc apparently escaping a corn maze was an activity in which participation was mandatory. nevertheless, he is Unfazed!! practically skips through the maze, despite jeonghan being the personification of doom and gloom behind him, pats his hyung on the back n tells him not to worry n that they'll get out soon :D
competitive for all of half an hour before his vision starts blurring and all he can see are giant green walls. gets lost, tells himself that he'll be great at living the rest of his life as a Nature Man in the maze. sits in the dead end for a good hour or so. somehow manages to make friends with five sparrows in the maze. is considering whether he should begin his tiger transformation in the middle of the corn maze when he's found by one of the workers who apparently was watching him talk to the sparrows for an hour straight. ends up being escorted out of the maze by them
has to go really slowly bc mingyu refuses to let go of his shirt. could have definitely beaten seungcheol if he wanted to, bc he's a nerd and actually studied how to escape corn mazes during the drive there. keeps saying "maize maze" over and over again to himself. doesn't get lost, but does run into many dead ends bc mingyu keeps tugging him into a path that he thinks is safer. almost walks straight into the hedge at one point. demands that mingyu let him climb onto his back, is almost able to see over the top of the maze with their combined height. manages to drag mingyu out of the maze eventually
walks really leisurely. he knows he's not going to win the competition that seungcheol set up, so he takes his time. he might not enjoy socialising and going out of his studio, but being in a blissfully quiet maze (punctuated occasionally by the members' screams) helps relax him and clear his mind. runs into dead ends half of the time, but that's okay bc it only prolongs his walks. composes the hook of five different songs in his head as he's staring up at the blue sky. gets told off by seungcheol at the end for not having any sort of competitive spirit at all. had a good time, but probably wouldn't go again bc the soles of his feet hurt and his cheeks were a little bit irritated from being brushed against the leaves of corn constantly
is somehow super speedy at finishing the maze. ditches mingyu with wonwoo as soon as he sees the elder, then has disappeared round the corner before wonwoo can even start voicing a complaint. is grinning the entire time, practically skipping through the maze. almost runs over a mother with her daughter, stops for a few minutes to say hello and has a really sweet exchange with the girl who won't stop telling him how handsome he looks. gets really shy and blushes afterwards, spends a whole five minutes collecting himself before he's back on track towards his goal again. is the 3rd to leave the maze
coward. tries to hold onto minghao the entire time, is then dumped onto wonwoo. subsequently spends the entire maze gripping onto wonwoo's shirt tightly so that he can't saddle him with another member like that traitor minghao did. shakes so badly the whole time, even though it's daylight and actually kind of hot in the maze. insists that he has The Best intuition and keeps on leading him and wonwoo down dead ends. screams every time the leaves brush against his arm. practically crawls out of the exit of the maze, still clinging to wonwoo's shirt, and vows to never ever go into one of those things again
isn't really scared like mingyu, but is very much worried that he'll get lost and never ever be able to come out. holds joshua's hand the entire time. wanted to backhug the guy and practically hang off him the entire time, but shua said no bc it would be difficult to walk. has an almost panic attack four times. is worriedly rambling to himself about how they'll survive if they get stuck during nightfall when it's cold. thankfully managed to somehow have a packet of tissues in his pocket, constantly gives them to his hyung whose nose is suddenly running like crazy
super competitive, is sure that he'll be the one to leave the maze the fastest. was originally in a three with the other maknaes, before hansol mysteriously disappeared into thin air. chan pushed him into the hedge at one point, and when he emerged, sputtering leaves and outrage, he'd found the youngest had bolted and left him alone. stormed through the maze, simmering with anger the entire time. every dead end he encountered made him angrier, and he probably ended up encountering all the dead ends possible. was one of the last to exit the maze, and was so exhausted that he let himself rest for a few hours during the drive back before promptly recharging in the restaurant and tackling chan to the floor. they ended up getting kicked out of the restaurant. 
was originally in a group of three with seungkwan and chan, managed to somehow lose both of them and end up wandering through the maze by himself. tries to yell for them, hears nothing back. his phone is dead too, so he gives up and lets himself walk round in circles in the maze. encounters one (1) other person and that's seungcheol, who barely glances at him before zooming off again. has to be escorted out of the maze by a worker like hoshi, but it takes him way longer to be found bc he keeps on moving around so it looks like he knows where he's going. even though he really, really doesn't.
second to exit the maze. originally had a plan for all three of the maknaes to stick together and leave as quickly as possible, but then everything kinda fell apart when hansol disappeared so he decided to make seungkwan disappear too by pushing him into the corn and running away. did the whole 'keep your hand on the right wall' thing, was amazed to find out it worked when he left the maze to find only seungcheol standing there. begged the eldest to buy him ice cream while they waited for the others to come out. ended up falling asleep on a nearby bench with the half-eaten ice cream, was almost forgotten at the maze by seungcheol when they were leaving
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reactions tags: @jeonginssa @magicaltonaru @weird-bookworm @minhui896 @turningcarat @zarara @bunnyiix @slytherinshua @haowrld @belladaises @iheartyujin @summery-bat @newgirlygirl @moonlitskiiies @ejspencer14 @mirxzii @wonranghaeee @saythename-chess @yonabutnotyuna @youthoughtiwasfeelingyou @crackedpumpkin @wqnwoos @sunshinekyeom-sang @ocyeanicc @zozojella @thesmellofcoffeeandrain @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @kawennote09 @a-wandering-stay @icyminghao @nananacomeonnnn @valenhui @sweet-like-caramel @hansolaria @gam3bo1z @marisblogg @evasaysstuff @odxrilove @kyeomyun @chansburgah @pepperonijem @jeonride @kellesvt
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fatehbaz · 2 years
Saskatoon, Juneberry, Shadbush, Shadblow, Sugarplum, Sarvis, Serviceberry -- these are among the many names for Amelanchier. Ethnobotanists know that the more names a plant has, the greater its cultural importance. The tree is beloved for its fruits, for medicinal use, and for the early froth of flowers that whiten woodland edges at the first hint of spring. Serviceberry is known as a calendar plant, so faithful is it to seasonal weather patterns. Its bloom is a sign that the ground has thawed and that the shad are running upstream -- or at least it was back in the day when rivers were clear and free enough to support their spawning. The derivation of the name “Service” from its relative Sorbus (also in the Rose Family) notwithstanding, the plant does provide myriad goods and services. Not only to humans but to many other citizens. It is a preferred browse of Deer and Moose, a vital source of early pollen for newly emerging insects, and host to a suite of butterfly larvae -- like Tiger Swallowtails, Viceroys, Admirals, and Hairstreaks -- and berry-feasting birds who rely on those calories in breeding season.
In Potawatomi, it is called Bozakmin, which is a superlative: the best of the berries. [...]
For me, the most important part of the word Bozakmin is “min,” the root for “berry.” It appears in our Potawatomi words for Blueberry, Strawberry, Raspberry, even Apple, Maize, and Wild Rice. The revelation in that word is a treasure for me, because it is also the root word for “gift.” [...] When we speak of these not as things or products or commodities, but as gifts, the whole relationship changes. [...] I accept the gift from the bush and then spread that gift with a dish of berries to my neighbor, who makes a pie to share with his friend, who feels so wealthy in food and friendship that he volunteers at the food pantry. You know how it goes.
To name the world as gift is to feel one’s membership in the web of reciprocity.  [...] How we think ripples out to how we behave. If we view these berries, or that coal or forest, as an object, as property, it can be exploited as a commodity in a market economy. We know the consequences of that.
Text by: Robin Wall Kimmerer. “The Serviceberry: An Economy of Abundance.” Emergence Magazine. 26 October 2022.
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sxyphen · 9 months
Gen 2 morphologies and outfits babyyyy
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Zoey: outfit (Female Fae; cherry Clown, avocado Butterfly, and pink Firebreather)
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Mike: outfit (Male Pearlcatcher; teal Bar, tarnish Fissure, and ice Capsule)
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Svetlana: outfit (Female Pearlcatcher; stonewash Clown, tarnish Bee, and ice Lace)
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Vito: outfit (Male Skydancer; ginger Falcon, phthalo Marbled, and metals Firebreather)
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Manitoba: outfit (Male Pearlcatcher; denim Tiger, hickory Saturn, and bronze Okapi)
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Mal: outfit (Male Ridgeback; abyss Boa, umber Current, and teal Underbelly)
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Dakota: outfit (Female Skydancer; peach Poison, marigold Striation, and watermelon Opal)
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B: outfit (Male Obelisk; slate Boulder, sand Malachite, and brown Capsule)
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Brick: outfit (Male Wildclaw; murk Clown, ivory Malachite, and obsidian Thylacine)
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Dawn: outfit (Female Nocturne; cream Giraffe, thicket Malachite, and sanddollar Firefly)
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Jo: outfit (Female Wildclaw; charcoal Falcon, navy Fissure, and amber Runes)
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Lightning: outfit (Male Guardian; sapphire Jupiter, ginger Noxtide, and lemon Veined)
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Sam: outfit (Male Snapper; buttercup Python, amber Marbled, and turquoise Circuit)
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Scott: outfit (Male Ridgeback; ivory Bar, white Current, and sunshine Crackle)
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Staci: outfit (Female Bogsneak; pink Clown, plum Jester, and cherry Spines)
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Cameron: outfit, dragon (Male Coatl; chocolate Tiger, carmine Patchwork, and maize Underbelly)
here are the ancient breed ones: Anne Maria (Female Auraboa; bronze Rattlesnake, umber Woven, and magenta Porcupine) Dakotazoid (Female Gaoler; saffron Wasp, radioactive Rosette, and fuchisa Carnivore)
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kiragecko · 2 years
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It's Memeception in Maya Glyph form!
Young Man
Take the breadsticks
and run
I said
young man
Man door hand hook car
Yeah, I like old memes.
This follows up The Tiger Poem, and The Demon Stoplight Poem. Original is by @plaid-n-converse in 2016.
Literal translation:
you-take-it the-tamale¹ sir-youth (and) run-you
sir-youth said-I
the-man door hand
sir-youth said-I²
the-folded.over-dart³ canoe⁴ (blow)gun⁵
ʔa-ch'am-Ø ʔu-waj ʔu-ch'ok a‧n-eet
ʔaj-ch'ok che‧ʔ-een
ʔu-wi‧nik pa‧sil k'ab
ʔaj-ch'ok che‧ʔ-een
ʔu-pak-jul ju‧kuub pu'w
Character Transliteration (ALL CAPS are characters that stand for full words, lower case are syllabic):
ʔa-ch'a-CH'AM-ma ʔu-wa-WAJ ʔAJ-ch'o[ko] ʔa-ne-ta
ʔAJ-ch'o-ko che-ʔe-na
ʔu-WINIK-ki pa-si-li K'AB
ʔAJ-ch'o[ko] che-ʔe-na
ʔu-pa-ka-ju-lu ju-ku-bi pu-wa
¹ 'waj' is the term for any food made with maize dough. I've seen it translated as 'tamale' by linguists, but the term seems to refer to a general category similarly to 'bread'
² To allow the translation to match YMCA meter, I added an extra 'I said, "Young man"' (only 2 of the last 6 words are a single syllable in Classical Maya)
³ 'jul' is a dart/spear/any other piercing tool (but not a needle). I felt a 'folded over/bent downwards piercing tool' fit 'hook' okay
⁴ 'jukuub' is 'canoe', and the closest analog for 'car' I could find
⁵ 'pu'w' is the term for 'blowgun', and has extended it's meaning to 'shotgun' in quite a few modern Maya languages
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
Tiger Peony headcanons revised;
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Tiger Peony, like her mother, was named after a flower.
Ironically, Peonies are her favorite flowers.
She's one of the few kids whose name is close to their parents' name that actually likes their name. 
She thinks it sounds cool and the fact she likes the flower also helps.
Her dad is Lampwick from Pinocchio.
Lampwick's mom married Geppetto, making Pinocchio his brother.
Which makes Pinocchio her uncle.
Pinocchio married Alice, which makes Ally and Pin, Tiger Peony's cousins.
Cacao is her favorite drink (in Neverland) and Maize is her favorite food (in Neverland).
Shining Pearl–the leader of another tribe on the isle– is a good friend of her mothers’ and is like an aunt to her.
She is also close to her uncle, Hard-to-Hit.
Her favorite food in Auradon, however, is Tofu.
And her favorite sweets are Corn cakes, peanuts, rice cakes, trail mix, and Jolly ranchers.
She is a vegetarian for the most part (even if some in her tribe do not agree with it).
Her mother, Tiger Lily, is only the coach of Neverland  because she's one of the few adults of Neverland who can do it. (The Darlings don't live in Neverland. Most of the mermaids are too childish. The fairies are too busy doing their jobs and teaching the kids of neverland. Her father is still running their tribe and will continue to do so until he dies as is the usual for their tribe. And any pirates who could do it were stolen from Neverland. And children aren't allowed to be coaches, so that left her. One of the few people who wanted/allowed herself to grow up). 
She is an activist (for equal rights, women's rights, children and animal's rights, the environment, etc).
She's the same age as Ben. Who she met a lot when she was younger because they are both future rulers (though she shares that responsibility with Peter and the queen mermaid and the fairy rulers).
She is one of the leaders of the Neverland club (this one is inspired by one of @dragoneyes618 's fics).
She was very supportive of Ben's proclamation.
She grew up hearing stories of Jake and his crew as well as the princess pirate and their three young mermaid friends who she never got to meet because of a certain kingdom who didn't care about consent of other kingdoms. She resents Auardon greatly for this.
She's very competitive and a big fan of tourney despite the fact she doesn't play.
Tiger Peony is dating Sherwood's star archery player, Robert Coran Hood of Locksley. Also known as Bobby Hood.
She met Bobby when Sherwood and Neverland's teams were playing one another. He was commenting on the game— angry about how one of the lost boys got away with a cheap shot towards one of his friends.
Which led to the two of them arguing after the game.
Bobby ended transferring soon after that to Auradon.
It took awhile for the two of them to get together and for them to stop getting into arguments every time they met. 
She can play the lute, the flute, the drum, and the pan flute.
Tiger Peony is also great at swimming and canoeing as well as dancing, singing, climbing, and giving speeches.
She is a Tom boy and an artist. Though she's not the best at it.
She is close friends with the Darling Children—Jane, William, and Daniel (Wendy's kids), Jeremiah, Wilma, and Diana (John and Luna's kids), Moria, Jonathan, Wallace,  Dalton (Michael's kids), Warpaint and Millie (Slightly's daughter—he was adopted by Wendy's aunt, Millicent in one of the movies).
As well as Tinkerbell's triplets—Terry, Tina, and Terra, and her youngest son, Tinzen.
She is not a fan of Slightly’s son, Warpaint, or the twins’ sons, Chains and Shelly, however.
Though she is friends with the remaining lost children—Rufio, Thud Butt, Ace, Don't Ask, No Nap, Pockets, Latchboy, Too Small, the other twins (Sooner and Later), Twins (singular boy), Chubs, Cynthia, Meera, Stringbean, Maya, Nibs, Tootles, and Baby.
She visits the fallen lost children’ graves often–like Fox–and thinks that she would have gotten along with most of them like a niece would with their aunts and uncles if they were still alive.
She's close to her cousin, Hototo.
She is also friends with  Armus and Sienna much to Peter’s dismay.
She’s even friends with the grandchildren of Maimie Mannering (an old friend of Peter’s).
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Anybody here want to buy my dragons? My "To Sell" tab can be found in this link [here]. They're all already in the Auction House with prices, so you can just buy them at their respective profiles for the listed price (either 10 or 5 gems). I don't accept haggling. All of these dragons are Arcane, so all eyes will be Arcane.
Putting the dragon details under a cut.
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Female Aberration - Uncommon Eyes
Obsidian Ground (Aberration)
Emerald Weaver (Aberration)
Green Jewels (Aberration) 10 gems
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Female Imperial - Rare Eyes
Cyan Crystal
Cerulean Shimmer
Cobalt Smoke 10 gems
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Male Bogsneak - Rare Eyes
Lead Falcon
Radioactive Seraph
Vermilion Firefly 10 gems
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Male Nocturne - Uncommon Eyes
Watermelon Piebald
Spruce Hex
Ruby Filigree 10 gems
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Male Mirror - Rare Eyes
Charcoal Laced
Silver Edged
Watermelon Lace 10 gems
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Female Mirror - Goat Eyes
Sunshine Tiger
Cyan Freckle
Cantaloupe Crackle 10 gems
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Male Aether - Common Eyes
Brick Candy (Aether)
Midnight Eye Spots (Aether)
Copper Monarch (Aether) 10 gems
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Female Veilspun - Common Eyes
Charcoal Bright (Veilspun)
Stonewash Vivid (Veilspun)
Ice Branches (Veilspun) 10 gems
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Male Aberration - Uncommon Eyes
Smoke Slime (Aberration)
White Sludge (Aberration)
Mulberry Glowtail (Aberration) 5 gems
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Female Gaoler - Unusual Eyes
Algae Mosaic (Gaoler)
Mint Breakup (Gaoler)
Gold Thundercrack (Gaoler) 10 gems
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Female Gaoler - Goat Eyes
Spring Mosaic (Gaoler)
Pear Hex (Gaoler)
Gold Runes (Gaoler) 10 gems
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Male Veilspun - Uncommon Eyes
Maize Fade (Veilspun)
Metals Web (Veilspun)
Hunter Flecks (Veilspun) 5 gems
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Male Veilspun - Common Eyes
Maize Tapir (Veilspun)
Marigold Web (Veilspun)
Gloom Flecks (Veilspun) 10 gems
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ctlightner · 11 months
8-9 Year Old Wildclaws for Sale!
I've actually got several kinds of dragons for sale, but I definitely want someone to take the 'claws bc I don't want to exalt them. Lair #89183
Auldcastle (#13136212) - Price: 200g
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Stonewash/Goldenrod/Lavender Iridescent/Shimmer/Gembond DOB: 5/14/2015 Shadow
Telida (#12872536) - Price: 200g
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Sky/Magenta/Rose Iridescent/Shimmer/Smoke DOB: 5/4/2015 Shadow
Iendul (#7160120) - 7-DIGIT ID! - Price: 500g
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Sky/Rose/Sand Iridescent/Shimmer/Circuit DOB: 10/21/2014 Lightning
Those are the headliners, but I have some newer dergs for sale if you're interested:
All are Unnamed/Wind Flight.
XXY Skydancer (#89942672) - Price: 10g
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Maize/Mauve Tiger/Seraph/Smoke DOB: 10/20/2023 Eyes: Common
Cute Pumpkin Skydancer (#90084796) - Price: 10g
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Sunset/Green/Blackberry Ripple/Current/Gembond DOB: 10/26/2023 Eyes: Uncommon Notes: Tert looks handsome in Ghost and Points as well!
Spoopy Baby from One of My Fav Pairs (#90283496) - Price: 10g
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Coal/Midnight/Sanddollar Ribbon/Hypnotic/Firebreather DOB: 11/3/2023 Eyes: Faceted
Contrast-y Baby From One of My Fav Pairs (#90283497) - Price: 10kt
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Eldritch/Coal/Carrot Ribbon/Freckle/Scales DOB: 11/3/2023 Eyes: Common
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Good morning!
I know what you're saying...
"Why should I eat breakfast?"
Your mother probably told you breakfast was the most important meal of the day. And she was right.
Merely surviving the night is no guarantee of living through the rest of the day, is it now?
Eat... eat now because let's face it, you may be run over by the president of the US who is no longer accountable for crimes.
Or you may be eaten by a lion.
Or even some painful combination of the two.
This may be your last chance.
I know what you're thinking..."what should I eat?"
You could just eat toast, of course.
But are you really going to waste your last meal on partially cremated bread?
You may as well have died in your sleep. Surely the fact that your unconscious body kept you alive while your attention was elsewhere means that it deserves sustenance of a higher order. Show some ambition.
According to experts, there are only three choices for breakfast and your decision says more about you than your diary, your police record and the witty daily thought you leave on Facebook combined!
1. A Continental Breakfast
To most of the world the continental breakfast follows the Gallic model of a demitasse of strong coffee and a lightly buttered croissant.
Ok for some I suppose, but a croissant is an admission of guilt for those who have inadvertently consumed several bellyfuls of cheap-ass red wine the previous evening and cannot stomach anything heavier. Your mother was in labor for eight hours and you eat this? You must truly enjoy the misery of your own daily existential dread as you drive sheep through town where you are given a ticket for making an unlawful ewe turn.
2. Cereal
Why would you wish to eat cereal?
Cereal is an abomination, the very thought of which makes the Virgin Mary weep in heaven.
How in good conscience can you connive in the desecration of God's good grains? Why would you choose to take perfectly good maize, which might otherwise be popped in a microwave and simply squeeze the vitamins out between two rollers before drying it and sealing it in a cardboard box? All this because a cartoon tiger poured syrup on it and claimed it would be "GRRRR-eat".
This doesn't make this food, let alone breakfast.
Adding ground-up foundry waste to the mix and claiming it's rich in minerals doesn't make it any better.
But not all cereal is maize-based, you say, some contains rice. Correct.
However, The Gods did not provide this perfectly packaged gift that it should be heated until all nutrition exploded from it.
Rice Krispies and those abominable pixies who advertise it are the creation of Satan and should be shunned by all those who hold their eternal soul dear. Every "Snap!", each "Crackle!" or "Pop!" pulls another straw from the crib of baby Jesus!
How dare you!
And oats???
Leave oats to the donkeys! Say no muesli!!
Abandon shredded wheat so it may once more be the roofing material of choice for rustic Cotswold cottages.
You were created in God's holy image and you must honor him by consuming a breakfast fit for a deity.
There is only one choice.
3. The Full English Breakfast.
That's right.
The only choice is the Full English Breakfast!
Yes, I know not everyone is British.
Never fear, you can still enjoy three thousand calories of divine breakfast! Simply drop the "English" and insert the name of your own paltry nationality.
Sure, outsiders may scoff at a "Full Malawian" but the satisfaction of stumbling around with a stomach full of partly digested animals will overcome any embarrassment.
But just what constitutes a Full {insert your nationality here} Breakfast?
The single most important ingredient for any breakfast purporting to be The Full English is Bacon. The bacon must be streaky so that those wavy strips of pig-muscle are set-off perfectly by the parallel accompaniment of pure lard.
Of course, we don't just want to enjoy the backs and bellies of our porcine buddies. We want to enjoy all that they have to offer. In one meaty little package a sausage can offer up as well!
Ah yes, piggy delights that we would otherwise have to chew through trotters, tails, ears, lips and snouts for.
Who has time to eat all that?
Bacon aside, breakfast provides no finer delights than this cylindrical minced-gristle offering but, as an additional bonus, it comes wrapped in delicious hog-intestines!
Ok, I know what your saying.
You've already enjoyed 90% of the pig, what about that last 10%?
Time for Black Pudding!
Pig blood mixed with yet more lard and blended with oats!
it makes a gory porridge which releases those all-important complex carbohydrates throughout the morning.
All this and it comes wrapped in yet more hog-intestine!
Margarine is a French invention. Enough said.
The musical fruit,
beans gives you trouser-trumpeting abilities so make sure to eat plenty before a job interview or anything social.
What could anyone do to make the mighty spud mightier still? Simple, just grate it and deep fry it!
Then there's the grilled tomato.
A grilled tomato will provide the eye-popping moment of surprise when it releases super-heated seeds onto your tongue.
(Just don't tell anyone it's fruit).
Mushrooms...what can one say about mushrooms?
It's a food-stuff related to Athlete's Foot and Ringworm.
Fried for extra clarity of purpose.
Mushrooms may well be slimy, tasteless and unpleasant but they remind us of our own fecundity and spur us on to great oafishness!
Don't forget the eggs....have lots of them.
But what type of eggs should you eat?
It is possible to poach eggs.
But it is also possible to gouge out ones own eyes with a stick.
Poached eggs are simply fried eggs without the benefit of lard.
DO NOT EAT POACHED EGGS – you've come so far already, why spoil it now?
It is permissible to eat scrambled eggs.
But only until you are seven years old.
When you were a child you ate childish things,
but now you are no longer a child.
Eat them runny and fried in loots of lard!
The yolk should slowly spread across your plate,
allowing you to wipe it clean with your fried bread.
There is no alternative.
Have a great morning !!!!!
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acoldsovereign · 3 months
Be honest Vamp!Maize, favorite blood type?? 🔫
// *For asks targeted to different verses. //
*(Vampire Edition)
sender: @theannoyedskittle // status--always open!
She ran a hand through unique curls that jutted out in different directions; some pointed towards her face, others away from it (and her head in general). It was black, the exact shade of ink, if not darker. In this disguise, she looked like a human; pointy ears were rounded, double fangs were flat, boring white teeth, and her height was cut in half (in terms of inches). She was 6'5" instead of 6'10".
6'7", if she wore any footwear.
She passed fairly well if nobody looked at her for too long or weren't astute enough to notice unnerving details like the shade of her eyes. Ominously luminous, the acid green coloration contrasted against dark brown skin. Sometimes, the pupils became slitted--especially when she dwelled on the topic of hunger. "What an interesting question." There was a hint of an accent, but with no clear point of origin. Her voice held subtle notes of amusement.
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She tapped her chin and said, "I do not think I have one." An echo would follow the end of her sentences. "I enjoy my sustenance from humans and vampires alike.
"Originally, it was just foolish humans who dared come into my territory.
"On the Frontier, where I hail from, the Earth's been ravaged by monsters such as I, humans who have been mutated by the environment and my kind, and other assorted creatures made from magic and science--also from my kind.
"I only began drinking and devouring my kind when they showed their intolerance of me. Where I come from, we are called the Noblility. There is a hierarchy. Pureblood, born-vampires are considered the true and supreme authority above all. Those who are turned are not given true respect. They are often made to be servants to these royal and so-called noble bloodlines." Her eyes darkened. The pupils went back to 'normal'. "They have thralls--human slaves. They use them in all manners one can think of. Yes, even in that way.
"They are mostly arrogant and stagnant; convinced of their superiority, they waged war with other beings, aliens, other Gods, and humans. Or, so I've heard. The war of attrition has been lost, and Lady Fortune hasn't favored them in many centuries since."
The woman raised her head and sighed an exasperated sigh. It was a long winded explanation; but she was able to explain the most important parts of vampire history in a couple of sentences. The vampires fell into a state of ennui; humans caught up and started eradicating them en masse. Many fled underground, leaving behind super-science tools powerful enough to create black holes, new universes or to destroy them altogether. Others fled to the stars. Some decided to stay behind and fight. The classism of the Noblility was why they didn't take in new fledglings. The woman wasn't too sure of how old she was; memories melded together with something else--someone else's influence.
As if that information was classified.
"--Their stupidity," she concluded, with a dark chuckle. She waved a hand dismissively, as if this was all funny and lighthearted like a joke between friends. ". . .is why I prey on them. They're too idiotic to live. So I relieve them of their life force. I've learned from the experience that blood is blood. Regardless of where it comes from. Of course, human blood is nutritious and easier to digest. But oh, isn't the blood more delicious when taboo? The blood of the ancients are akin to centuries old wine. Refined by age. They're picky so the quality of their blood is exquisite. As is their flesh."
She gave a shrug. "It matters not to me whether my prey consents or not. Do you ask the tiger not to eat you if you are in it's den? Or do you pick a God and pray it's over quickly?"
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verdorosafari · 5 months
Food, Time to Travel, and Packing Tips for the Best Uganda Safari Tours
With national parks spanning from head to toe, Uganda is a small country with a lot to offer. Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is home to rare mountain gorillas, chimps playing in the shadows of the Rwenzori mountain range, lions prowling the savannah of Queen Elizabeth National Park, elephants and hippos bathing in the Nile River below Murchison Falls, and much more. Are you eager to visit Uganda for a gorilla trekking and safari?  Here is a guide suggesting the Uganda food, time to visit Uganda, and your packing list if you want to have the Best Uganda safari tours.  This will allow you to visit the country without any hassle and have a wonderful experience.
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How's the food in Uganda?
Ugandan cuisine, served with ugali, thick, doughy maize flour, or matoke, is usually made up of meat-based stews or sauce dishes. Matoke is a cooked and mashed green banana. Along with vegetables and meat, Stews may include crushed nuts and beans for texture, as well as sweet potatoes, yams, and cassava as side dishes. Especially tilapia and tiger fish, Ugandans eat a lot of fish because of the country's plentiful rivers. With a huge variety of fruits available, Uganda is commonly regarded as Africa's fruit bowl. The fruit also includes well-known jackfruit.
Among inhabitants, a deep-fried flatbread topped with sugar or cinnamon called Mandazi, is a popular treat. A glass of pombe is the best to go with your dinner. It is a fermented beer made from banana or millet.
When should I go to Uganda?
The humid rainy seasons and muddy terrain can reduce your chances of seeing gorillas and make it difficult although gorilla trekking is a year-round sport in Uganda. Travelling during the dry months of January through February and June through September is suggested to have the Best Uganda safari tours. This will let you have a smoother journey. Plan your trip near the end of the dry season for the finest game viewing on your Wildlife Uganda safari. This is when around the national parks' water sources, the wildlife congregates.
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Uganda packing list: What Should You Bring to Uganda?
Pack culturally aligned and comfortable clothing as well as rain gear for Best Uganda safari tours. Here are some other items you should carry with you if you visit Uganda:
Wearing clothing that is too tight is not suggested. Long sleeves are more suited for casual clothes. 1–2 bottoms, one long-sleeved shirt, one fleece, one sweatshirt, one jumper, or one lightweight jacket, 2 to 4 pairs of socks, and 2-3 pairs of suitable walking shoes are fine. You need to have a water bottle and sunscreen in your bag. You must carry your electronic gadgets’ charging cables, a spare battery, and camera. You can also carry a high-quality pair of hiking boots if you prefer traveling and hiking. 
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oliviasprimesteak · 6 months
In the Latin American Mixed Seafood Ceviche, prepared by Olivia's Chefs, a delectable amalgamation of vegetables and seafood is presented. This creation is curated with scallops, tiger prawns, yellow tail, tomatoes, cucumbers, red onions, and red radishes. Incorporating vitamin-rich vegetables and nutrient-dense fresh seafood with a mild sour flavor from lemon juice and a mild spicy flavor from jalapeno chiles. Each dish is presented chilled, accompanied by fried tortillas that are crisp and emanate the aroma of maize.
An exquisite symphony of flavors awaits you at Olivia's Prime Steakhouse.
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Thưởng thức sự hòa quyện tuyệt vời giữa hải sản và rau củ trong món Mixed Seafood Ceviche đậm chất Latin America khi các đầu bếp của Olivia's kết hợp sò điệp, tôm sú, cá cam cùng cà chua, dưa chuột, hành tím và củ cải đỏ. Hải sản tươi ngon giàu dưỡng chất hòa cùng rau củ giàu  vitamin trong vị chua nhẹ từ nước chanh, vị cay nhẹ từ ớt jalapeno. Tất cả đều được phục vụ mát lạnh dùng kèm bánh tortilla chiên giòn ngạt ngào mùi bắp. 
Một bản giao hưởng đa hương vị chờ bạn khám phá tại Olivia's Prime Steakhouse!
𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐀'𝐒 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐊𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐊 & 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐄 - 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐊𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐄 𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐍𝐆 ☎️ 090 816 33 52 ✉️ [email protected] ⏳ Opening time: 11:00 - 23:00 everyday 📍 Intersection between Tran Phu & Phan Dinh Phung, Indochina Mall
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30kilo delivery free deals from £30
Great Deals 30kilo delivery free deals from £30 5 new mixes now live this week 30kilo of the finest particle delivered to your door from £30 Choose from- •Maize •Hemp and maize •Co2 garlic •Hemp maple tares •Trio of maize •Darkside •Hemp Maize tigers Plus more – Comes in 5kg bags cooked fresh ready to freeze -Delivery times 4/7 working days for delivery Affordable Highest quality Freshly…
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richardhandelcarp · 1 year
30kilo delivery free deals from £30
Great Deals 30kilo delivery free deals from £30 5 new mixes now live this week 30kilo of the finest particle delivered to your door from £30 Choose from- •Maize •Hemp and maize •Co2 garlic •Hemp maple tares •Trio of maize •Darkside •Hemp Maize tigers Plus more – Comes in 5kg bags cooked fresh ready to freeze -Delivery times 4/7 working days for delivery Affordable Highest quality Freshly…
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